Was Just Fishing When Something Crazy Happened! **Cops Came**

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have you ever watched a horror movie and said I sure hope that never happened to me well on this adventure I was in for a treat but hours later there he is there's a fish come here oh come here that's a fighter dude come here oh get up here get up here there we go check out that beautiful fish guys that is an Oscar got him on super light tackle pretty little fish those guys are so aggressive so I got up this morning at 3 A.M it's 4 a.m we've been on the road for an hour already I was like you know what I'm gonna head to the Everglades and just do a little one day trip down here and that is exactly where I'm at right now this place is so awesome because you never know it you may get eaten by a gator he's coming ran over by a car wrangled by a python you never know what's gonna happen but I absolutely love it I highly recommend you coming in down here and doing this at least once we're gonna drive this whole highway see how many species we can catch I've got a little ultra light white curly tail that I got from our tackle store and I've already got the first fish out of the way so that's hey that's a that's a bonus right there I've made about five casts oh there's another bite there must be a bunch of them in here there's fish oh what is that that looks like a what is it hey that's another species y'all check it out this is actually a Mayan cichlid it's the first one I've caught this year and it's an interesting catch because we had a huge freeze they said that a lot of these invasive species like that died off so I have caught a Mayan and an Oscar today there's a fish what is this and that is just a regular brim right there that is just a bluegill and so that is another species as well thank you there's a fish come here oh god dude look at this guys look at the size of this bluegill right here holy cow now that is a stud bluegill that is so cool it's every single cast this place is so wild what's up little buddy how you doing place is so wild and I love just walking through these areas with an ultralight just seeing what I can what I can catch there's just so many different species oh my gosh there's so many fish down there right oh my goodness oh come here lmb lmb pretty little lmb right here got him on the trout magnet that trout magnet is a deadly deadly bait there's a lot of Exotics like tilapia and Stuff swimming around and I need to uh in a minute I'm gonna try to catch those for bait it was at this moment that I knew I had screwed up and hung my cast net on a rock walking out in the water in the Everglades to retrieve my cast net is not my idea of a party let me just tell you and this right here folks is the Walk of Shame I'm just gonna keep what I catch and use it for bait to try to catch like a oh there's something looking at it what is that what is that oh that's a big tilapia I don't necessarily want him and I don't think he'll eat anything either oh something just ate it the heck there's a fish there he is come here that is a warmouth we are wearing the the species out so far I've been here about 15 minutes oh and there's a gator right there in front of me look at that guy I'm gonna use this warmouth for Snook bait oh got him dude he hammered it another big warmouth I say big he's not that big but they're crushing this little pink trout magnet right here I love that lure pretty warmouth just out in the middle of nowhere this place is so wild not another car in sight middle of the Everglades love it oh that Gator turned around that time he was like hey I see you have done a oh he's coming over here uh-uh hey dude I'm just trying to fish bro hey hey I'm just look at him he's coming right at me y'all I'm just trying to fish it is you're messing my bite up you messing my bite up God I might have to move now he messed me all up there's a lot of fish out there a lot of them oh there's fish got them [Laughter] uh we owed a hot warmouth bite these are going to be Primo snook baits we'll be good to go oh something tried to eat it got him that one may be a little big I'm getting plenty though we're gonna release this guy we are on we are smoking the warmouth Gaga whatever when I was a kid we used to catch these we in the rivers we call them Gaga pretty cool got them big the warmouth bite is fire look at these little guys they are everywhere and that is so cool beautiful fish look at that guy right there pretty little fish hello oh got him dude they it is wild man every cast man every cast that's bait size there look at this guy coming after my warmouth I just he just saw me catch a warmouth he rose up and this is a giant gator I mean a bigging look at this guy he is not scared he's coming in here hot that is spooky man hey buddy you just ruined my fish my fishing spot too all right I was on a hot warmouth bite and you just ruined me all right look at this guy good gracious okay I was coming up here to try to fish all right yeah oh got him got him that's another species here this is a sunfish of some sort so we are we're catching the species today so far I'm wanting it to get just a hair darker for me to go and do some uh snook fishing I want it I want to do that later in the afternoon yeah there are fish everywhere this is amazing dude absolutely amazing come here so cool warmouth y'all don't realize how many fish that I'm looking at here it is absolutely insane it is insane but it's funny not many of them are Exotics usually you get the exotic species but most of these are oh my gosh I just didn't even real all right I'm sitting here talking y'all I'm sitting here talking look at these gators one two three four five six seven eight nine Gators good gracious I'm here the warmouth bite is on son I would not want to fall over board right here good gracious like I'm sitting here looking at probably a hundred fish down here right now I'm gonna drop the GoPro another video this is crazy y'all comment below and let me know what type of sunfish is this I'm not 100 sure but uh I want it to get just a hair later before I go snook fishing let's go hit some bridges see if we can catch a snook or Tarpon or something like that I know talking to some locals and they said that the freeze hurt the Snook really badly the chances of us getting on them might not be that good all right y'all we chucking a little Sunfish under this bridge right here see if we can catch something big guys it is the next morning and I did not catch any snook yesterday afternoon I pulled right up here to the snook spot to try to catch one this morning and I just had the worst thing imaginable happen to me I got a rental car and those are my keys right there and I just shut the truck thinking that it was unlocked and it automatically locked itself with the keys in there and I'm literally in the middle of the Everglades and it's I gotta flag somebody down and got my phone's in there and everything this is so bad no car keys no phone very little cell service no food no water and I'm in the middle of the most remote place in the entire state of Florida I just need a telephone dog I can't get anyone to stop I need my phone is locked in the car I need to use a phone and this is just so brutal after a couple hours of very little success I finally got a couple people to stop and they were nice enough to help me out and let me use their phone although this ended up turning into a bigger disaster than I could have ever imagined it's 5 17 1984 Grant teacher some guy was nice enough to stop so now I'm calling to see if we can get this taken care of now I've got to wait my car is on the side of the road and they they said that they might have somebody coming within an hour I called my rental car company guy was nice enough to to stop and give me his phone I'm just gonna sit here and hope for the bus man I I can't do anything else I don't know what else to do so we're going on six hours I've gotten to use the phone twice now I've had two different cars stop both times I was told by the rental car company that they were sending someone out here so at this point I was getting a little concerned the rental car company had told me twice now that someone was coming but no one ever came and it was getting later into the afternoon I still had no food I had no water I was dehydrated I felt terrible and I had a real concern that I might be staying the night in the Everglades I'm very close to Breaking the window I found some rocks that may be hard enough to break the glass I don't know but that is that if I don't if somebody doesn't show up soon I'm not spending the night out here so to break the window I just spoke on the phone again because I got someone else to stop and they said that the rental company made a mistake and they weren't actually sending anybody out here but now they are and so that's where I'm at luckily this um person was nice enough to bring me some water a minute ago what's super strange is so my car and truck [Applause] when you unlock the doors and leave the keys inside it won't allow the car or truck to lock this one I did that here and this shut the entire car down after what felt like an eternity of sitting in the hot sun on the side of the road I was finally able to flag down a guy that worked for a tow truck company this was the moment that I had been waiting for he was such a nice person willing to help whoever you are thank you so much you literally saved the day why aren't you getting my truck I'm okay I appreciate it yeah I've always wondered how they did this thing's happening the keys inside and I think you may have to actually get hit the unlock portion I think it's not letting you it's in some protective mode like all right so let's try to pull it back to your right go in there go a little bit to your left a little bit to your left little up right in there now pull it back to your right hard hard oh now see if it opens holy cow that has been a long time coming all right good holy cow yeah seven hours later okay I appreciate y'all coming out thank you the cops just shut finally seven hours later everybody's showing up to help and that folks was the end of what could have been something really really bad it was getting late in the evening and I did not want to spend the night in the Everglades with no water no food no phone thanks so much to the gentleman that stopped to help he was compensated well thank you so much what an adventure
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 940,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ERvR1lhZuCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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