I Slept In Kyrgyzstan's Worst Hotel 🇰🇬

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when i make a film in a country i always try  and show you guys something of the history   or the culture or the geography of the place i'm  in however last time i was here in kyrgyzstan   all i managed to film was a guy taking a  dump in a derelict building well i'm back   to try and make a better film this time so um  i've hired a car we're gonna go and get it now   and we're gonna begin an adventure across  what was once soviet kyrgyzstan join me   well this is the car that i've hired to take us  on our adventure and let me tell you a little   bit about that adventure about two days drive from  here from the capital over a huge mountain range   is the town of miley sioux used to be a closed  town in soviet times because it's where they made   or where they mined uranium so um let's go and see  what an old soviet closed town was about in this   car let's hope it makes it over the mountains we  shall see the adventure begins now i'm so excited we've not left the capital on the road to miley  zoo and the roads have already deteriorated the   soviet roads of kyrgyzstan of bishkek check him  out flipping eck wow if they're this bad in the   capital what they're going to be like in old mali  su i have no idea but we shall find out together let's do this ah man dead end dead end i'm lost in bishkek we've been on the road about   literally two minutes and i'm already  flipping lost how do i get to the main highway right then what a lovely chap this kyrgyz  chap was he told us turn left three traffic   lights turn right across the railway line  turn left at the power station let's do it that's it we've made it onto the  highway to the first night stop   which is called kalininskoyer which was  named after the revolutionary mikhail kalinin we're in a kyrgyzstani traffic jam  crikey look at the state of the roads wow we're not even in the mountains yeah  what are they gonna be like up there god knows come along sweetheart there you go well i've pulled off the road just have a random  look up a side street and have a break from the   traffic jams on the main highway wow look  at it it's a little bit it's a little bit   broken and dilapidated on the side streets  old broken fence posts look what i see here it says soviet street sabjetskaya  and whatever that is in kyrgyz   soviet street i presume let's go and see  what's happening on old soviet street not much by the looks of it looks  like the soviets have gone home well this little village has certainly seen  better days you can see here's the old football   pitch and here is what was once the wall that  surrounded it which is all now being torn down   the metal spikes and stuff that was inside of  it would have been taken away for scrap metal   and here we have some kind of old well a  nice building that has also just been left   we're gonna have a look inside see what it's like  see if we can find anything inside wow what is it wow what a beautiful old  building just left destroyed now maybe before it was a i don't know a a school or a  hospital or something out here in the countryside   who knows unfortunately he's just been stripped  of everything not much here now nothing left everything's been taken away at  the end of the empire the russian population   that lived in kyrgyzstan that had come here as  engineers and educated workforce they returned   back to russia to their home countries ukraine  belarus and so many buildings schools and things   that were built for their children the  children of the imported soviet population   these buildings kind of fell into disrepair  afterwards the villages were depopulated often   and so yeah you have a lot of shells  of things that you don't need anymore   i don't know exactly what this building was  there's no clues lying around unfortunately   but um yeah it's certainly  seen better days than now well that was that oh there's a bloody cowboy it's all happening on soviet street crikey what an awesome street who wouldn't  want to listen who wouldn't want to live on   soviet street you've got an abandoned whatever and  you've got a dude just riding around on his horse striking look over there don't if you can see if  you can make it out in a hazy distance   but the end of soviet street are the alatoo  mountain range check them out see them   that's the huge mountain range that tomorrow we're  going to try and cross in that so wish me luck   but anyway for now we're just going to admire  them from a distance look at those mountains   they separate the two halves of the country the  north and the south up here bishkek down south   the side of afghanistan turkmenistan tajikistan  wow look at it beautiful can you even see them   i don't know if you can even pick them up  i might be rambling oh and there's a taxi bash uh and here look i just found  further down on soviet street   are the apartments that the workers who came  from across the empire to work here before   from russia and places would have lived and now  because the russians have mostly gone home they   just derelict look here's a flat for sale it  says would you like to buy this derrick flat i doubt you would let's have a look at it let  me give you a tour of the flat that's for sale   just in case you're interested  in moving here to soviet street   this is what you can have how'd you like it  oh there's a dead bloody is that dead cat   ah bloody hell is that good luck or bad luck to  see a dead cat i don't know but anyway yeah this   could all be yours for um probably a few pounds  and not much more than that even the cats for free is foreign so this lady was explaining that the russians  have all gone basically as i was saying before   and gone back and now these are what's left   just some semi-derelict some of them like  you can see some of them are still lived in   but the ground floor is empty but upstairs  some people live here like gulmura we just met wow life in rural kyrgyzstan so this chap up here this builder in this building oh pleased to meet you nice to meet  you good lad let's see with them that's   this guy up here was saying i said how much it's  by a flat and he said three thousand dollars   so if you want to move to this little well if  you want to move to soviet street we know now   how much it's gonna cost this could be yours  for three thousand dollars should we all   just buy apartments here and just come and  holiday [ __ ] be awesome 2.25 million of us let's continue the journey the journey to miley sue there's lenin still standing after all his years  and here behind it is this old soviet building   the club committing i wonder if we can have a look  inside an old soviet club see what it looks like so when they first came to the village her  great-grandfather this was just swamp balota   as she was saying just swamp there was nothing  here and so he started when they were exiled   here and dumped here in the middle of the swamp  her great-grandfather and the others that came   with him who made the journey from the ukraine  basically they built this town they called it baltavka after the city of  poltava in um in eastern ukraine so this here is the stage where in soviet  times and even today they have their shows and   they perform their performances ukrainian dances  ukrainian folk dances music and up here the people   are going to watch it and up there i suppose the  big wigs of the party would have watched before   and so yeah you can just imagine the soviets  who had all been exiled here she's a talker wow there's a ukrainian ensemble that we have  to come back and listen to one day in a little   village in kyrgyzstan this lady won't stop talking  she's amazing but let's have a look here next door   look at this the old club and  up here we can still see lenin's   head in the up there i don't know if you guys  can see it can you see lennon's head and then   the word something or other and then communism  you can just see up there can you make it out it's a bit rusted and stuff but this is where  he would have outside discos she's still talking come what a wonderful woman bye bye little clubhouse in the ukrainian village come along babushka off you come there oh little ukrainian babushka  in the middle of kyrgyzstan   there you go off you go little sweetie just doing my thing for the babashkas of  kyrgyzstan kind of guy um you know that already we've reached our destination for the day  we're going to stay here in the town of tonight   we can't make it across the high passes at  night time it would be too dodgy so um yeah   let's look for a hotel hopefully something  soviet and um with a soviet sink and um yeah   bed down for the night here in provincial  kyrgyzstan let's find the hotel is our first stop on the night the town of  kalininska and this is the hotel that i   just found let's go and check it out see what  it's like see if it will accept a lonely tourist an entrance oh my god oh god wow soviet hotel look at the old soviet reception   and the soviet woman working  here and a soviet sign is this the most soviet holiday  so far we've ever done together wow what do you reckon then well i mean   for two pound fifty it ain't bad not bad  for two pound fifty got a heater got a towel   got a couple of beds i think i'll just be using  one an old soviet like shade and the bathroom   wow anyway that's it let's go get some a tweet  um yeah before bedtime rightly what a place before we go out i think we have a little  expiration of the rest of this landing   this room this hotel wow oh nice it's actually a  derelict hotel am i living in a derelict building   what the [ __ ] is this just like what what is this hotel   houses you know i think i must have spent so long  in the former soviet union that this hotel as   awful as it is is just i'm kind of okay with it i  mean it's an absolute dump it hasn't changed since   well the soviet union but um i kind of like it wow  and there seems to be other people staying here well that was the hotel let's go and grab  some food just around the corner the lady the   manager here said there's some kind of kiosk that  serves food which is really delicious she said so   let's see if she's right or not crikey what a  place what a place here we go our little eatery better than your species wow well my food has arrived it's some  kind of kyrgyzstani dish check it out   potatoes oh there we go potatoes and meat  or a big chunk of meat and a bone in there   i don't know what it's called let's find out we're going to try some kyrgyzstan cooked by  a russian woman in a village in kyrgyzstan this is a what i presume is a lump of lamb meat  in kyrgyzstan uh a majority a majority of the um   muslim country they don't eat pork so  um yeah let's try some kyrgyzstani lamb it's okay it's okay it's not a bad soup  actually i mean i've never had it before   um it tastes very salty it's got  some potatoes and some protein   and um i think i'm gonna have to like  it because it's probably what i'm gonna   be eating for the next three days on  this journey throughout the mountains i doubt i'm gonna be finding  something stuck in my teeth   i doubt i'm gonna be finding many um  mcdonald's in the villages of kyrgyzstan   not that i mcdonald's anyway but um yeah so  i better get used to this is what i'm saying well that's my meal finished i mean what do  we do now i either go back to my hotel room   or um we're gonna have a little look around the  center of town i can't imagine what it's like   considering the hotels like that um  yeah it's gonna have a little expiration the abandoned soviet cafe here in the  center of kalinin square wow what a place   what a place everything here seems to be abandoned  in fact not just the cafe there's also an old war   memorial to the great patriotic war as the soviet  citizens called the the second world war to you   and me the eternal flame there the eternal flame  that represents the memory of the well the many   kyrgyz in fact who died on the in the second  world war kyrgyz soldiers fought the battles   of stalingrad kiev minsk and all the way to berlin  but now wow look at the country that they died for   it's a little bit well it's a little bit run down  isn't it lovely people but the actual place itself   is a little bit run down you you wonder how the  people managed to stay so positive because i'm   a tourist passing through tomorrow i'll be gone  to somewhere else and eventually i'll go back to   the leafy streets of prague but um how do people  feel who live here or their lives surrounded by   this what does it do to your well what the  russians would call your nutranimir your   inner world i don't know how do you stay positive  well that's a big question i suppose but anyway   what do we do now not much  going on in old kalininski   i suppose just go back to the hotel and while away  the hours until the morning crikey wish me luck well i'm back at the hotel   but they told me there's no light in the corridor  of well of my corridor up here my room 19 bloody yep please be lying i mean if there's no  light here i'm shafted will there be light oh   oh god i mean just when you thought the hotel  just when you thought the hotel couldn't get   any worse that would have been a nightmare  right then let's plug in the old heater well that's it from day one on the road to miley  zoo from my freezing cold hotel room here in the   provinces what have we learned today i think  what's been interesting for me is to realize   just what an influence and what an impact and the  part that the ukrainian exiles and russian exiles   have played on this region i had no idea that  there were whole villages of ukrainians um but   turns out there are so um yeah that's  the end of the video the end of day one i'm just gonna huddle up to that  radiator i think all night all right guys   until the next video when we shall be crossing  the mountain range in a honda until then bye-bye
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 3,463,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan, USSR, Bishkek, travel, adventure, bald and bankrupt, hotel
Id: XZ7-sGmNrDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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