Ryan Reynolds on Deadpool spin-off "Deadpool 3: Absolutely Peter" | CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE

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[Music] what you say are the oddest publicity moments you've enjoyed over the past few years for if this movie in the last one like I mean for me Celine Dion was kind of the pinnacle of that that was it that was a moment where we just sort of thought this is insane the hell did we get Celine Dion to do our music video for Deadpool it was just crazy please tell me a story of how that happened did you call her up did he bump to her party well we had a song that we wanted to do kind of like a Bond theme song to Deadpool to and you know surface slightly satirize that but also make it emotional and make it like a song you would enjoy listening to on the radio or any or anywhere else what's left to say each person working anymore everyone hmm I was like could be get Celine Dion or something and they just sort of looked at me like what but you know are we looking for like I thought that millennial hit you know and I was like I think Millennials like Celine Dion and also she's just a legend so I wrote her a letter I just wrote her a letter and that we already had the song so I sent a letter instead of the song she obviously read that letter she's very literate and listened to the song she's good hearing and said yes and then we asked her she'd be in into a music video maybe and Sheena Ken said yes and then we ended up with just the most beautiful song ever I just love the song so much and then they really fun music video this is Deadpool - not Titanic alright you're like an 11 we need to get you down to a five five and a half tops just phone it in listen this thing only goes to 11 so beat it spider-man there are jokes in the first film when I first watched it I went that was Ryan saying that in the script to amuse himself you know that feeling of that's a joke for us but also that's a reference to Ricardo montalban's old Chrysler casual rich Corinthian leather yeah I request nothing beyond the thickly cushioned luxury of seats available even in soft Corinthian leather well that is niche yeah would you say that is one of the neatest things that's probably pretty niche this of their six and stuff and Deadpool - that really is just rat Paul and I - just laugh five times up you dumb [ __ ] well that's just lazy writing I like that stuff though but I also like that there's you know you could sit in the theater in a screening in like you know the audience I've done this on Deadpool - where you sit in a screening and you watch the audience is just going not for a joke that I think it's like that's okay it sorry I'm late I was rounding up all the gluten in the world and launching in space where it can't not hurt us ever again and then they'll be like this one really needs joke but they'll be like two people on either side of the theater that will just crack up laughing because they're absolutely on track with it but nobody else will kind of understand it you're just a clown dressed up as a sex toy so darks the DC Universe so I kind of like that there's jokes in there for everybody you guys looking for the golden child sometimes even for me nineteen eighties people who watch the show regularly will know that I'm obsessed with blooper reels oh yeah the Deadpool one one is a cute it's pretty good yeah it's pretty good my favorite moment is when you say my stuntman is gonna yeah yeah surely yeah those are alts but what's funny is like they put our on our blooper reel they put alts and an alter different thing to me a guy you look like a house fire was in another house fire wait you look like a trash can full of [ __ ] was placed on your shoulders and then you're in a train fire like a joke in the movie I'll write like ten more just for fun just a you know because the cameras on it's digital it's not like we're wasting film let's just deal firearm off and see what you look like Shrek took a [ __ ] on your neck you look like the inside of other people's [ __ ] so there's a lot alts in our blooper reel but I do love I love I'm always been a big fan of bloopers I love like it's my favorite thing in home entertainment packages all those hours of entertainment and in preparation I just want you coughing up yeah exactly I want you mess up your lines what you expect what the next you screwing pig and then laughing about it especially I look the other off you're gonna leave me all alone here with Henry Winkler you're to leave me all alone here with Henry Winkler you understand now Jason like what she looks nothing like Henry Winkler I think I just wanted to say the name Henry Winkler yeah some name yeah alright you know we've talked briefly about the marketing which is just you don't need me to tell you how great those of the posters now says from the studio that kill Wolverine yes tell me that was you well that was a true story I mean they killed Warren by the way I'm sort of upset about that still because I have my one of my great goals is to do a Deadpool Logan movie I'm really really busy doing some stuff and before that yeah yeah don't give him too much attention I like to think that because of your animosity that Hugh Jackman's suggested it in Logan just to screw with you I think so I think this Hugh Jackman is responsible for 80% of my misery yeah Deadpool 2 is a work of genius it is epic it is you've stuck to the traditional sequel title of first name - were there ever any discussions of a Deadpool yeah like I : the devil escape from unicorn mountain Deadpool electric Boogaloo yeah Deadpool suburban commando - we had a ton of them like honestly a hundred of them and I think it was just so kind of amusing to read them all mm-hmm that we just sort of forgot to actually put one of them on the thing I remember I kept getting emails from one of the studio executives saying have you settled on a name for the movie Deadpool - sounds good that sets that sounds great yeah your mind would be the thing that was closest to getting through the gate I know electric Boogaloo had its moment which would have been really fun I think that's the only one that really like got through to anybody I'm gonna ask a few quickfire questions do you do your own crayon work in the movie occasionally sometimes sometimes done when can we expect a Peter spin-off movie last but not least Peter any powered want to tell us about you know I don't have one um I just saw the ad I would love to see if here's been off movie ASAP I love Peter that's probably one of my favorite characters from the help you're in - cool - I left a tip yeah exactly or or we call it absolutely Peter Deadpool three absolutely Peter how many conversations were had about bulk pools jihad pool now we're getting crazy in terms of like branching out you want to keep it sort of small and personal but dog will be big fun characters incorporates I think he could appear and absolutely picture yeah absolutely animal lover x-men origins Wolverine will be ten years old next year how will you be celebrating honestly debt x-men origins Wolverines was one of the best things that ever happen to deadpool so i'll be celebrating hard but what mementos have you kept over the two films i kept the blue crocks oh so comfy also known as the big rubber masturbating boots mainly at the suit is the biggest one I kept a suit when I ask people that question they say a piece of clothing that's identifiable with a character I wonder when do you wear it and then I think Halloween that would be a good time to wear it early Deadpool in kids that's a match made in heaven there's your spin-off movie right there yet with the young x-men yeah and this is an age old question but what advice would you give if you could give your younger self any advice oh all this yeah I would tell them to just take a deep breath don't me okay it's breathing one day you will be detective Pikachu is it well yeah and everything is gonna be okay yes exactly that's dream big kid you're gonna make it so it's been an absolute pleasure congratulations on thank you thank you so much I feel like we've all had quite enough [Music] thanks for watching for more check out my BBC iplayer show movies with Alec plump and don't forget to listen to me on Greg James's show on BBC Radio one every Thursday at about quarter past six where you can hear the very latest movie reviews from yours truly
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 3,964,918
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Keywords: deadpool, ryan reynolds, wolverine, hugh jackman, celine dion, radio 1, radio one, ali plumb, becoming, movies that made me, x-men origins: wolverine, x-men, x-men origins, marvel, marvel comics, wade wilson, dogpool, peter, x-force, domino, cable, josh brolin, rob delaney, catastrophe, deadpool 3, deadpool 2, Movies With Ali Plumb, Movies, Radio 1, Radio 1 Movies, 1Xtra, 1Xtra Movies, Ali Plumb, BBC, Radio One, Screen Time, Ali Plumb Interview, Movies That Made Me, Becoming
Id: gvl5oucpxqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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