"She did 68 accents!" Free Guy's Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer on singing, Marmite and Taika Waititi

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[Music] everybody down on the ground everybody accept you by the way brief round of applause for being one of the very very few blockbusters out this year that is based on an original intellectual property this is what i'm saying ally thank you so much put these on okay fine oh my god what are these trick glasses or something we're so excited to be i think we're like one of the only one of the few big movies to come out this year or at least in the last hundred years as i understand it um that isn't not based on uh ip of any kind whatsoever yeah i mean it is based on wait for it video games and just so i know where we're at ryan jody in your homes right now how many video games are there zero yeah there's words with friends does that count as a video game i don't is no easy way to say this this world it's a video game you're not real i did like those references two words with friends uh you know when jody's firing a bazooka i was like yeah that's definitely a reference right a lot of words with friends easter eggs in there so ryan what can you tell me about first meeting jodie falling in love with her knowing she was brilliant talk to me about how you first met this is um love story coming out party i met jody through pixels and light at first she didn't know i was meeting her because i was watching her and killing eve uh and she was of course spectacular that's like not uh not news to anybody who are you huge question why are you doing this to me i have absolutely no idea [Music] we sent her the script she agreed to come over and like play around with the words with us for a little while and and it was basically i mean i'm not even kidding though like her the first word out of her mouth when she started to speak these lines i remember looking at sean and being like we found a molotov girl we found our molotov girl um so it was really exciting i mean when you find somebody like this who you get to play in a sandbox with every day that's an immense privilege so i was really excited thank you very much is that a glock in your pocket no what it's two clocks which of her many accents was she using you scared no did you think i was dead no because jody knows this i've told her before yeah i sometimes doubt you're from britain i want to see your apartment it's spooky what you can do you can't you can't fake being a liverpudlian it's really hard she's from regina saskatchewan i mean this is not this is here right this is my scoop this'll be on front pages jody how did the script the pitch live up to expectations when you saw the final product compared to what you were first told about was there just a smidge more i don't know motorcycle riding or bazooka firing than you expected i've never worked with green screen before like in a sense of like i've maybe worked with one wall that was green screen but like when you walk into like a big green box and then it's like so this is going to be this and this is going to be that that was definitely a linen experience so to then actually watch the movie when it was complete [Music] and just see the extent to which this world has been created i was like oh this is your house nobody likes working in the big green box well i also have like a newfound respect because you know there are a lot of actors who generally work a lot in that environment and i was like wow that's and that actually wasn't even that much like compared to like marvel movies and stuff we were out on the streets a ton for this but yeah we were right yeah but i mean it's a big you know huge movie with scope and scale and you know all of those things as much as you try to sort of focus on the intimacy of this these narratives and these storylines their backdrop is quite large now in this film you get to and i mean this with love carry out what would be my wildest dream of just doing all these cliches like jody you get to do walking away in slow motion maybe four or five times oh yeah like there's there's a ton of that but that's a lot of pressure ali do you know how much pressure that is that's slow motion walking oh my god it's not a pressure i dive for cover when the toaster oven dings in real life so like that to me is yeah that that's a real skill my character doesn't do too much of bad badass stuff that actually hurt my hand but you get to do quite a bit yeah but you're gonna badass though quite naturally whereas i have to like really exactly exactly it took a while it took a little while it's the first time i've ever driven a car before i really wish you'd mentioned that talk to me a bit about what other big hollywood cliches you'd like to do because i'd love to get in a cab and say follow that car i'd love to in anger flip a table what else would be on your menu i know mine you go first i want to just in one movie just one time say don't you die on me god damn it just one time that's amazing yeah i think i would just go what mine would be is like a musical just to be able to just burst into song and say how it is that i'm feeling and no one but an eyelid you know deadpool 3 is a musical right spoiler alert did you know that jody sings in the middle of the movie did you know that it's such a sweet sweet thing people say dollar talent yeah she's she also sings fantasy right toward the like end of the movie it comes in this like this this voice of an angel ethereal voice comes in that's that's jody yeah singing it was the canadian accent that threw me i know that's why don't have a good day have a great day that's a new one could you talk to me a bit about the unusual acting challenges of a film like this one we've talked about the green screen of course but what is it like for example ryan having to act breaking someone's arm with your knee sorry and also not really meaning it oh right the gag reflex that followed immediately is very natural for me i'm not big on on compound fractures spiral fractures fractures of any kind really any bone breaking either is not me but i didn't i don't think i really buckled under the weight of these challenges because i have this person next to me who did no less than 68 accents in the movie while firing a bazooka and uh you know driving cars and motorcycles and whatnot yeah yeah yeah okay well enjoy your lifetime supply of virginity off you go you also have to do punched in the face acting which is just my favorite did they teach you that at theater school i mean when you have to go do they do stage fighting no i also didn't i didn't go to theater school yeah learning on the job learning from this guy i have very bad coordination so like the whole the stunt element for me actually i really enjoyed like throwing myself into it and seeing how hard the stunt team worked like it's the closest i've ever been to that department and i was like wow with without this the movie just doesn't work yeah but is it isn't theater school in the uk just the womb yeah yeah generally yeah people come out singing and dancing sort of born with a natural ability to tap it's a sort of job it's very true yeah there's a there's a theater curtain that just opens yeah in the hospital right and then there's the baby alley that's not a curtain um okay yeah yeah i think i maybe needed to google some things okay yeah maybe not google image but google [Applause] yo my free city bros antoine here so ryan did you agree to do this movie or want to do it because you got to work with taikawatiti and didn't have to be in the same room with him because after green lantern you're like never again well we knew that's bad luck a spaceship yeah it's real it's real okay so yeah yeah taika it's one of the things i've always loved about one aspect of showbiz is that like it is a bit of a community sometimes and i love this idea that you can call someone up and be like hey like you want to do this uh thing it's like here's the scripts and you give them tons of caveats like feel free to say no zero pressure i recognize how difficult schedules can be but it was fun to do that this loser is ruining the game man i don't care if he's arnold freaking schwarzenber terminator there's lots of cameos in the movie there's probably a lot of cameos that you didn't notice but i love that stuff i've got to ask you what is it like having scenes stolen from under you by streamers like jacksepticeye i mean that must be like well i'm a professional right but they're all talking about him yeah thank god he's a decent chap as well he's a very good good human being so i'll take it that's fine yeah i'll take it as well i think that was a really cool part of the the movie as well you know that they we could really make that connection with the real world that was really cool and i know this is a little bit inside baseball if not very but the first ever trailer had the joke from the studio that brought you beauty and the beast aladdin and the lion king twice who came up with that joke and tell me they got the day off i'm guessing it's you yeah it's my me and my marketing company but that was that was a that was a hard sell though take a week off got ryan reynolds really all over we're really not into it though disney is not into a ton of uh laughing at themselves but but uh they they eventually got there and and allowed us to do it but i it was it took a couple of calls to be honest uh it took a couple of uh calls to say please please please i promise this is not gonna look terrible on you it's only gonna look good so yeah yeah jody you're obviously not in the uk right now what are you missing from back home what are the are you struggling to find marmites in la or new york oh i don't eat more my ally wow no he did when i yet i think marmite's a very southern yeah taste instead of [Music] [Music] that's bigger than my head yeah yeah this is amazing i only drink out of vessels that are affected by the tide that's this is yeah it's it's low tide in there right now yeah i guess a good gravity a good york city maybe that's what it is yeah of course canadian tea is where it's really at thank you so much ryan and jody i want you to know that i will never ever get fantasy by mariah carey out of my head ever right nor should you no nor should you why would you want that out of your head you immediately have some individual thoughts would be ideal because they're not there anymore thank you so much guys thank you thank you bye nice to see you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and tv podcast screen time on bbc sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbc iplayer by searching movies with ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 5,330,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan reynolds, jodie comer, free guy, killing eve, deadpool, deadpool 3, disney, 20th century studios, movies with ali plumb, radio one, bbc, ali plumb, radio 1, iplayer, movies that made me, story so far, ryan reynolds interview, jodie comer interview, ali plumb interview
Id: OpONm7UrQXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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