"Thanos has a point!" Bradley Cooper on Rocket Racoon and The Avengers

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[Music] hello Bradley and welcome to movies and Amy thank you thank you for having me so what I've done now to begin with is kind of squished together wedding crashes and the hangover into a little section okay and I'm going to give you a massive compliment to begin with I think you deliver the best the best seal impersonation in the history of cinema I think no one can rival you Wow has never been done before though that's the question I'm a source alone alone there so it's a compliment but there's no competition that might be the case but I'll take it you should take it and I think you've also probably got the monkey crab-walk thing as well oh it from under football yeah yeah yeah a third thing any monkey crab-walk yeah it was a hybrid I'm thinking a monkey and a crab I never thought of that that's what makes it so special yeah do you have a story at all with Mike Tyson when he I'm gonna we all thought he really hit Zac yeah and actually Zac's beard had his because his beard was so thick and very like a brillo pad so you know when you touch it it's like it keeps the indent and his whole beard was moved over to the side when he stood up it was terrified and the wind the wind from I mean he still had it you know when they say like I think head says he's still got it he's still got it it was terrifying that was Mike Tyson yeah no [ __ ] that was Mike Tyson just sayin he's still got it he just comes up to us and then he just hit Zac and it was it was yeah we were terrified he had a bad realigning punch yes he did that is a true story I love that yeah dude don't freak out but you need to look down but I thought you might say the bit where Ed Helms has his own breasts oh god that was hilarious it took hours and hours for that to put on for that to put on so he would want and he loved it and so he would walk around the set without a shirt on for like hours where we were setting it up [Laughter] sit down come on sit down with someone in and said no score I'll help turn the juju around I don't believe in juju go come on mr. Excel [ __ ] you want to be positive be positive sit down let's jump over to silver linings playbook when do you think is there a specific moment where you went I think I'm friends with Robert De Niro you know crazily enough I can't believe what my answer is gonna be it was before that movie it was on limitless we had done a movie called live and lists together and that's where we became friends this has been a learning experience in my life I hope it has I hope you don't think you've gotten enough from me on to the next so by the time I did that the truth is he really gave me the courage to play that character cuz David O'Russell took a huge chance with me and I was shooting this movie placed me on the pines and I no time to prep I had like a week in between movies and and I remember Bob called me and he's like Jack you're gonna do it you're gonna do it I was like my Bob I don't know and he's like yeah you do it you're from Philly you're gonna do it I was like okay all right and in that film how much of the dance do you still remember I Jenna have to be here and I would only know if Jen was here and we could do am I not gonna do you know at all I know some of it I think if fell in love with a girl came on now okay I think I could probably get my legs over your head I don't know if I'd catch you I haven't been working out long you can try it made a work out these lights are gonna fall say that that that filmin and that fight there Jennifer Lawrence then later comes in on do you kind of have to pinch yourself yes and then I remember it very well because he I didn't know he was gonna rip his shirt off you know he takes his jersey officer we walk in there he was so angry and it was one of those moments where the whole crew was terrified I mean he was so real and he was so disappointed in me and I also remembered there was a lot of people in that scene so we had to shoot a lot of times and I remember all my covers I'd asked and I said you know Bob can you just like um really lame to me like personal personal and he's like okay okay and then so we roll and he's like I don't know you're a shitty actor and I just start laughing so hard that was insulting because I was a rape that's not an actor wait a sec it elicited like the opposite I started laughing so hard no that's what he really wanted to say to me he's been dying this thing let's jump to something entirely different which is guardians of galaxy and the Avengers and I asked this question a lot of people who play these extremely cartoonish literally characters how the heck did that happen you know and I've asked them because people have come up to me and said that's not really your voice and I always say like no no that's it and then I think like did they do something to it until I mean II don't know talk good like me and you so his vocabulary is limited to i' and am' and groove exclusively in that org but no I even asked the Russo brothers a literally the last time I just went in there a couple weeks ago for the next Avengers and I said hey did you guys did you guys do anything like no no so on the record that is my voice you not taking our pod today so well are you making your voice deeper that was really fun because we we I had to try to find it and I had this idea at first I was just literally just doing build the butcher from gangs in New York that was a friend can look me in the eye that's not an admirable characteristic and that didn't really work like we saw the sort of an animatronic thing as I was doing it and and then it became like a hybrid of daniel plainview drink your milkshake and Gilbert Godfrey that's where we wound up that that's how I would describe Rockets inspiration amazing now I love the footage of you recording your lines because you do exactly what I do which is you go the imaginary gun oh yeah again with our moments going oh I'm doing this anti I'm actually in that that what you saw was when I finally got he's the most embarrassing was trying to figure out like cuz I was like wait a second he's small so at first is like should I be on the floor and I'm I am I always looking up but I can't really do the voice if I'm looking up all the time so there was a lot of like very awkward crew member moments where they're just sort of like what is this guy doing I was like we just put the mic here and I'm let me try to do this you know and it was like no no no dude just just stand up and do the thing so you talk and this might picks it up that's all we need that's right take it easy take it easy Brando can we get Klaus can I just I just think any Klaus I certainly got the best image of Marlon Brando being in an Avengers movie and I really want that to happen we've kind of got it with Josh Brolin right I don't know that was Brando like for somebody he's playing one eight foot tall purple man it was a bit too good yeah it was amazing that that's why that movie works yeah Thanos is what a character the fact that he made you kind of go like he's got a point right killing off the universe okay Titan was like most 20 mouths enough to go around and when we faced extinction I offered a solution I mean he's got a point genocide and part of me is like I'm glad he's sitting there on his chair with the Sun coming down I mean I hate that everybody have the world's dead but I'm cut there's a part of me that's he succeeded I don't know what that says about me did you fully realize what you were getting into because obviously you got into gasps he came out what in whatever the phase they call it second phase or whatever it is it was an established successful franchise and then you joined and it just had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years I ain't about to be brought down by a tree in a talking raccoon a tree and a raccoon like is this gonna work yeah what's your right cool what's a raccoon it's what you are stupid ain't no thing like me sent me the you know the H they shot the movie then I come in so so they shoot the whole film and then I come in and then and then they re-edit it based on that and it's actually it's like cheating because I get to improvise off off of and they don't get to respond so rocket-like gets the last word you I remember there was this thing with Benicio the Torres character beyond Rock is just laying into him we're all very fascinated whitey but we'd like to get paid and everything like this is horrible like he couldn't even respond deal with her music is essentially playable in any object 12 notes from the octave repeats it's the same story over and over only artists can offer the guru even now I was compared force I was born being so emotionally wrecking by watching American sniper when you took on this film you are making a remake of a remake of an original rise a well-worn story but you made it so much your own with a film like this I'm gonna ask the question you shouldn't ask as a professional interviewer what attracted you wait for it I've got to say it to the project I'm so glad you thought that someone's finally asked me that I've been preparing this I still haven't figured out the right answer it's so bare with me I've always wanted to direct movies since I was a kid and I bet the great pleasure of working with David or Russell on Clint Eastwood and Todd Phillips and JJ Abrams and who really allow me to be a part of their process especially David there's no way I would have been able to direct a movie if I hadn't done those movies with him there were a lot of things I wanted to I knew that I wanted to examine like trauma as a child family a love story and I want to be with music so that's how it happened it was almost having something I wanted to say and investigate and then oh wow that's already a property that Warner Brothers owns let me let me write it talent comes everywhere but having something to say and a way to say it so people listen to it that's a whole other bag because to me at least those two characters don't resemble the other characters in the in the movies really for me at all now I know this is a big question but why Lady gaga there's no movie without her the minute she decided to embark on this journey then then the benefit is that I co-wrote it so we I was able to write it for specifically this actor than me this is really done now yeah character that that would hopefully bring out the best in the actor playing she is extremely good your chemistry is incredible she's credited as Lady Gaga but you can't call her onset anything but Stephanie right I would call her Ali you'd call her Ali yeah a lot ya know some extraordinary songs in this film were there moments where you found yourself either you were singing them or they were been sung by Ali that you thought this is amazing yeah oh yeah are you tired boy I mean we didn't settle until we felt that way about almost every song yeah and with the songs are we gonna say everybody to keep that album anytime soon god I hope not yeah I think and if it does find me say stop it we're told is fixed I'm gonna pay my fare now it's enough [Music] [Applause] know anything killing me that was the most inauthentic mmm no matter how I make a reaction yeah it's gonna seem supposed it well but look this way as we're talking
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 2,540,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradley cooper, lady gaga, a star is born, radio 1, radio one, ali plumb, movies that made me, the avengers, avengers, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, guardians of the galaxy, rocket, raccoon, thanos, wedding crashers, the hangover, jennifer lawrence, silver linings playbook, robert de niro, rocket raccoon, avengers 4, endgame, gotg, Movies With Ali Plumb, Movies, Radio 1 Movies, 1Xtra, 1Xtra Movies, Ali Plumb, BBC, Screen Time, Ali Plumb Interview, Movies That Made Me, Becoming
Id: xNDHoaQMpss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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