DEADPOOL Breakdown: Easter Eggs You Missed & Deleted Scenes

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Hey guys, I'm erik bosse, and I've been rewatching one of my favorite superhero movies of 2016 Deadpool and here at new Rockstars we've been talking about our favorite antihero movies all this month Kyle Just made a video about suicide squad that you should definitely check out But me I love deadpool and based on how much you guys [are] still tweeting us about this movie So do you [and] yeah? I know, it's been [a] while since it came out and by now a lot of you have probably caught all the obvious references But I realized that there's actually a lot more to this movie than people really covered when you compare the final cut to the early drafts of the Script listen to the Commentaries look at the deleted scenes and watch this movie [over] and over as endlessly as I have Some really cool miscible details start to Emerge So I'm gonna break all of those down skipping over some of the obvious stuff that you've probably already caught we're gonna see exactly How many layers deadpool has so let's get started, so the movie's opening title sequence is just fantastic It's full of little [winks] like the actors names being replaced with the stereotypical roles that they play And in the coffee cup with Rob elle that's for Rob Liefeld the co-creator of the deadpool comics of course the Ryan Reynolds green lantern Photo yada yada yada, but I want to talk about the visual design [of] the scene So [the] writers said that this sequence of characters Frozen and mid action as the camera swoops around them that is an homage to Adam burns Award-winning carousel ad for [Philips] check out it has some of the same awesome visuals and notice how the first shot We see of deadpool. It's his crotch like the first impression We get a deadpool is him Teabag in the audience that is a bold promise for the irreverent humor that this movie's Gonna Have I gotta say I have never been so thrilled to be a teabag before all right moving on now check out this shot of Deadpool in his suit riding a taxi. That's a funny visual. That grounds a superhero immediately It's kind of like that scene at the beginning [of] Spider-Man 2 and Peter has to ride a crappy moped and take the elevator It's really fun to [Force] superheroes to take Mundane forms of transportation And of course deadpool and spiderman actually have a ton of connections in the Marvel [comics] So it's really cool to [see] the movie use these references to bring them together in fact an early draft of the script Deadpool's mask was supposed to be a store-bought Spider-man. Mask turned inside out that's interesting because in the early days development of deadpool He was conceived as [the] darker amoral flipside the jokey hero that spiderman was to the marvel universe and real quick I just want to point this out because I think this is a really fascinating Detail Dopinder the taxi driver was named after a kid Ryan Reynolds went to school with who got struck [by] lightning and yeah? That's super tragic, but come on getting struck by lightning [and] getting a deadpool character named after you That's a much cooler legacy than being the kid who threw up on himself also You may have noticed Deadpool's obsession with Christmas in this movie And I'm after someone on my naughty list [that's] because the original script had a very different storyline that involved Francis going to prison and get him released on Christmas day That's the day deadpool counts down to to get his revenge [I'll] talk more later about [how] and why that was changed moving on to this introduction of Francis Aka? Ajax now the final cut of the movie established him as the arms dealer and head of weapon x labs even though Originally he was supposed to be more of a supporting villain But there's another reason why this scene was changed check out this deleted scene that the final version replaced This is Francis getting released from Prison and not just any prison That's the raft [now] the raft is a prison for superhumans from the Marvel [comics] But remember the MCU ended up showing the raft in Captain America's Civil war and since deadpool is Technically part of a movie universe that's separate from the MCU marvel Probably instructed them to hold off showing this ultimate version of a marvel property we actually go into this in other videos why certain things and characters from Comics can't appear together in the movies like why the Fantastic four couldn't be in the civil war the movies even [though] they're in it in the comics It's because fox owns them and they prefer to put them in really bad movies, okay Let's move on to this overpass freeway sequence Which is a recreation of that test footage that Ryan Reynolds leaked to help get the movie made director Tim Miller said that they didn't just reuse the same footage both scenes were made separately from a source script and then the final cut since they had more money now could get closer to what the writers wanted so for example check out how hollaback girl with me Was updated to Salt-N-Pepa's shoot. I wanna shoot baby, shoot Came out in the year 1993. Which is the same year deadpool solo series debuted making it more of a contemporary reference Then we see more of this great action sequence And I just want to point out that this one freeway scene provides the entire narrative Backbone of this movie the first 40 minutes stays right here with flashbacks that cutaways breaking it up now there's a few reasons for that for one this movie had a budget of only [58] million dollars that is pocket change compared to the 250 million that civil war and Batman Vs. Superman guy there were also only a lot of [the] shooting schedule of 48 days that's about a month shorter than most big action movies get to shoot so Keeping this one set as the location for most of the movie makes budgetary sense but it also gives the movie an Interesting pace and story structure unlike any we've [seen] in a superhero movie before so what do you think about origin stories like iron? Man Captain America Batman begins Spider-Man writer man again probably Spider-Man a third time they all rely on similar story beats that occur in the same order sympathetic hero Undergoes transformation makes a bold entrance and spinni newspapers sweep the nation [well] a deadpool is not chronological It starts in the action in this great freeway sequence like the test footage promised it would be and then it lets his origin Gradually unfold Via flashbacks [so] we don't spend half the movie waiting for wade Wilson to finally become Deadpool the movie Balances out the fun deadpool action that we want to see with the grounded wade Wilson character beets that we need in order to care About the story [now] I should say that suicide squad actually tried to use the same device to retroactively [lee] Endow their anti heroes with humanity But I don't think it worked out quite as well And I'll get to why later anyway before I move on yes there were a ton of easter eggs here all the street signs Referencing names like Peter parker and baby in the [chaser] and all the visual effects artists to work on the movie and then of course A quick clip [of] the Adam West Batman the music on the radio this man But one of my favorite jokes is actually cut [from] the movie so check out when deadpool burns this guy's poor head with the cigarette lighter Originally the Joke was Gonna be loved your work [and] daredevil referencing Bullseye who has a similar scar on his forehead the writer has decided to cut it because they thought it was a little too inside baseball for general audiences [but] not too inside for us moving on to this cutaway seen at the x-Men mansion originally this scene wasn't in the movie But Tim Miller went and shot it and then added it to the final cut because test audiences weren't familiar enough with Colossus and Negasonic teenage warhead to know that they're part of the good guys I'll talk [more] about colossus later But negasonic originally wasn't in the script either the writers added her to be a younger foil to colossus and deadpool They actually got a list of approved obscure heroes for Marvel And they just love the name Negasonic teenage warhead So much that they decided [to] use [her] in the movie and had to get special permission to change her powers Though Deadpool's 12 shot Countdown is one of my favorite parts of this movie It's just so great another than that final [frances] shot of the movie It's the only time that Deadpool uses a gun as his primary weapon the writers of the movie said that they [liked] deadpool as a hero who uses Katanas and his fists So if there is a shootout they wanted to make it count literally count limiting deadpool to a precise number of Bullets now There's some amazing shot composition here that I got to point out first check out this shot at the bullet hole through Deadpool's arm this is the same angle from a scene in Shaun of the dead And it's such a great way to show that putting holes in this person does not kill them also notice how deadpool's Katanas Swarm an x through the thugs body so deadpool is so Resistant to joining the x-Men he actually makes fun of the whole idea of the x-men over and over again through the movie the day I decide to become a crime-fighting Swizz Ler who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners at the Neverland mansion [on] that day? I'll send your shiny happy ass a friend request [yet] still he keeps being surrounded by this subliminal imagery That's like calling him to join the x-Men and be a hero more than an antihero now before I get to the pizza delivery scene Check out this one edit that gets us there we jump cut from a close-up of deadpool zas to this Bedazzled Jean ass of this other guy and the writer stroke this was [their] [ask] to ask transition Which is a super deep cut to the movie requiem for a dream I also like that this movie is making fun of the weird obsession with butts that past superhero movies have had he has those tights in that tight little [hmm]. Love you, what the big deal is [uh] moving on okay? So obviously this pizza scene is taken directly out [of] the comics issue number 10 from the 2008 deadpool run a lot of you spotted The famous Maggie's pizza box referencing Marvel Head Kevin feige also the bea arthur shirt that wade is wearing But this next scene in the skate park that I want to point out notice how wade Refuses to beat up the other girl's stepdad [just] because she doesn't like him and then later he tells weasel to give the girl back Her money, so this flashback isn't just depicting wade as a wisecracking Merc with [the] mouth It's also making him out [to] be a good guy with a heart so let's quickly point out a few things about this sister Margaret's [bar] robbed light though makes a quick cameo I felt hey wait Then wait and weasel reference a line from x-Men origins [all] I ever wanted was to travel [far-off] exotic places meet New and exciting people and then kill them I was traveling to exotic places [needing] new and exciting people Killing them yeah, I've seen your instagram Which is one of the many nods to the awful? Depiction of deadpool that the studio made Ryan reynolds do and if you want to know the names of everyone in the [deaf] pool on The blackboard you can pause [and] read them now Shockingly all these people are still alive But there was one running gag in the original script that was cut because the person did amy Winehouse [now] several cutaways throughout the film were supposed to show winehouse very close to death But miraculously avoiding it until finally in the final shot of the movie she [was] supposed to get run over by a london double-Decker bus Yeah, that probably would have come off [is] a little too dark a few years after she died of alcohol poisoning [now] Let's move on to Vanessa [the] way the character Vanessa was adapted from the comics and even from the early draft of the script is a big part of what makes this movie So good of course in the comics Vanessa is just a prostitute that wade hooks up with who later becomes the shape-shifting Superhero copycat now the studio and the creative team hasn't acknowledged. Yes Or no on whether the movie version of Vanessa will become copycat in the sequels But this version of Vanessa is definitely a more fleshed out character John more wise this movie is mainly a love story other superhero movies have had love stories as subplots But deadpool puts it front and center and Vanessa is the character that drives all of that this flirty One-upping moment [between] wade and Vanessa is just great [writing] [my] childhood Rougher than yours Daddy left before I was born Daddy left before I was conceived ever had a cigarette put out on your skin [where] else do you put one out? It's actually the part of the script that they used to audition actresses to play the role of Vanessa Tim Miller said that he saw Olivia munn read for the part and she was the front-Runner Until she backed out to play [pSylocke] [in] x-Men apocalypse hopefully at least the pay was better And I want to point out that this whole premise is actually a reference to the classic Monty python sketch called the four Yorkshiremen Take a look house. Look well when I say house It was just a hole in [the] ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us We were evicted from our all in the ground We had to go and live in a lake now check out this transition to way, [too] Vanessa in Arcade at first the shot is horizontal like they're having sex But no the next shot reveals that they're just on a sweet date That's an inside joke to the fact that originally the script was gonna jump from the bar to them screwing but the writers wanted to seem to show wade and Vanessa developing as a couple rather than just the Purely transactional relationship that they had in the comics moving on [to] this Amazingly raunchy calendar [girl] montage which the writers and the director said was the hardest sequence to pull off they really wanted it to be about the jokes Happy Led it's not about the poorni visuals and the writers said that this is probably the first superhero movie to show someone getting pegged No, and I tried to fact-check that but there's a lot of things I can't unsee now They actually end up having to cut this entire sequence from the film for Chinese Audiences because Chinese censor board's kept giving them notes, and they're like you know what this isn't Gonna make sense We just have to take it out and one of the ideas that they ended up not [using] Was to have easter sex with [wait] in the yellow chicken costumes [a] chocolate egg on [Venessa] stomach which would be [hilarious] But yeah, probably [a] little too extreme also just in case you didn't catch this during the lent abstinence beat check out What book [wait] is reading? It's Mario Lopez's memoir That's a reference to the April fool's joke that deadpool did with Mario Lopez revealing that the movie would be r-rated But again this story needs us to care about [wade] and Vanessa's relationship, so notice How quickly it progresses they celebrate the holidays together wade proposes? And then they literally go through sickness and health together and notice how that [ring] [pop] proposal It seemed really Endearing and touching right that's because one of the writers took that move directly from his brother who proposed to his girlfriend the same way So you can see the writers are pulling out all the stops to give this love story so much heart now when wade gets his cancer diagnosis the original Script went a slightly different direction than the final cut does but I'll get to that later [ok] moving back to the freeway check out this shot when deadpool pulls the katanas back out of the thug the camera pans down on him as he holds the Body up, Tim Miller said that he used the same shot as before when the camera [panned] up And he just reversed it and post now the fight between deadpool and Francis was originally going to be way more Elaborate an early draft of the script like there was going to be a high-speed chase scene like from speed or the Matrix reloaded with the two of them Smashing through the rooms of a house that's being transported on the back of a truck it was Gonna end with Francis using a child As a human shield and the deadpool just like calling this bluff by doing the same and yes This would have been awesome to see but I get it limited budget and honestly just seeing deadpool beat the crap out of Francis is Satisfying in its own way now notice how deadpool lifts his mask to reveal his face to Francis How about now obviously that line is reference to the 2004 comic where deadpool says he looks like Ryan Reynolds Crossed with a shar-Pei reynolds has actually revealed that he's been involved with bringing deadpool to the movies since 2004 he's also said that the humor of deadpool has subconsciously inspired all of his acting since then starting with blade Trinity You know I look back And I think wow [that] was I was kind of in a weird way playing wade Wilson [in] that movie and I didn't know it someone else did though they have that's who sent me the comic book guy new said your deadpool and I Read him and I fell in love with it That was in 2004 when that panel came out of the deadpool comic that said asking whatever what he looks like And he said I'm [across] between Ryan Reynolds and [asher] hey, I was sort of kismet I thought so if you've loved Ryan Reynolds career for the past decade we kind of have deadpool to thank since each [of] Ryan Reynolds Characters were channeling him in some way now the junk cut out of the scene is my favorite edit of the movie it goes from Deadpool sideways in Midair after getting thrown by colossus to the action figure of the shitty x-Men origins deadpool But [I] saw the movie this got the biggest laugh and the theater also got the biggest Hiya second laughing so the timing in the clever parallelism And all these edits is a big reason why? Flashbacks work and Deadpool so much better than a movie like suicide squad so with deadpool a lot of thought clearly went to this cut and the memory was triggered by the Characters emotional state in the present day this went sideways in the most colossal way So deadpool was just about to finally get the satisfaction He wanted revenge against Francis, but it was snatched away from [him] So it makes sense that we see a parallel moment in wade's past so close to finally having a happy future with Vanessa But cancer cruelly took it away from him I think suicide squad tried to do that, but too often the flashbacks Just came in at random times And I don't even know if the actor was thinking about the memory when the audience saw it It's like the editor Just kind of threw it in after the fact now if you like suicide squad and you think I'm being too hard on it you Really should check out Kyle's video where he brings up a lot of solid points [defending] the movie And it's weird Joker [dialogues] You are my guests to this Handsome [hong] Kong ha and I know deadpool and suicide squad are very different movies with very different goals But it kind of makes sense to compare them just because they're both stories about anti-heroes showing an edgier but also more humorous side to their movie universes and if you love the [not-So-good] guys of the Superhero world just really anything at all about the superhero world you really really should check out loot crate you Create is a monthly subscription box service that delivers a crate full of awesome stuff Right to you [for] less than $20 a month Just go to great Dot-Com rock stars each month as a theme and this month's theme is you guessed it antihero? It's supposed to have a lot of awesome deadpool stuff [too], so let's take a look All in months box you have to sign up by the 19th of every month at 9 p.m. Pacific if you use our code rockstars you get 10% on October's Box's theme is speed it's got a bunch of stuff from like the flash and arrow [all] kinds of great stuff in it and if you sign up for Loot crate right now you'll be eligible for a special giveaway for new [Rockstars] this box that I just opened all you have to do is sign up at Loot crate comm slash Rockstars and tweet us your favorite easter egg and deadpool seriously guys. I am a huge fan of loot crate They do such great stuff for Youtubers like us. So you really really should sign up okay? So let's get back to deadpool We're back in this scene in wade's apartment, and there's all kinds of little references if you're paying attention Specifically for me. I liked the broadway references in the scene with wade's hearse with Bernadette peters on it She's a Broadway star and that actually comes back later in the movie [I] also like the Subtle Joke of wade wearing a rent shirt So just like wade a lot of the characters in the musical rent are slowly dying of a terminal illness everyone has a Okay, so moving on to this scene in the bar and check out these pamphlets for alternate cancer treatments Sure, they're all fDa approved places like China and Mexico Chechnya is that where you go to get cancer? So in an early draft of the script we actually saw wade travel around the world trying to treat himself [by] covering himself with snake guts in India Breathing herbal smoke in China and experimental surgery in Mexico and actually a deleted scene Shows that last one next [ciient] did with wade killing a corrupt guadalajara surgeon for tricking cancer patients This is actually where wade was originally going to Abandon, Vanessa? wade An all explain why that was changed in a second real quick though I want to talk about this creepy weapon x recruiter guy So the movie compares him to agent Smith from the Matrix movies But check out that phone number on his car five five five [low] one nine nine now. If you've seen the movie American Beauty Kevin Spacey's character has the same number, and it's interesting. How both characters are accused of being a little creepy Spacey's character Fantasize about sleeping with an underage girl and their recruiter for just having a general pedophile vibe I guess [look] can I help you besides? luring children into a panel van [so] let's [look] at this sad scene the apartment with wade deciding to Leave Vanessa [Tim] Miller chose to Make this the heartfelt turning point instead of the deleted scene with the doctor in Guadalajara. [now]. Why did he do that? It's me as Miller didn't wanted to seem like wade was running away from a crime and then turning to weapon x instead wade's doing It for Vanessa in this sincere moment in the apartment illustrates that so much better, okay? So moving on back to the freeway with colossus and negasonic joining The mix this scene has so much meta commentary on superhero movies, and there's really nothing subtle about it Let's pro/con this superhero thing pro lucrative film deals both origin stories and larger ensemble team movies [today] I decided to become a crime-fighting Swizz Ler who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners at the Neverland mansion of some creepy old bald heaven's gate looking mother? Lets us go talk to the professor McAvoy or Stewart these diamonds Using there's even an extended deleted scene where deadpool goes on a longer rant about getting suckered into playing green lantern yeah Dollar Money sure nothing will be a superhero [we] don't have a script yet, but we promise it's Gonna be awesome But what he doesn't say is that the release date is totally unthinkable and the super suit is m [break] up Saturday morning Cartoon. [yeah], we all know that No now if you look closely that deleted footage you saw a pre cGI version of colossus So I just want to point out that it took five Actors to bring colossus to life one a body double for motion capture in the studio - Andre trickett Oh the guy, we actually saw in the footage He was the guy who did the physical movement on set he's six nine, and he wore 8-inch Stilts and a headpiece to appear taller than three they used a model for colossus his facial Structure the crew actually wanted to use the NFL player Rob gronkowski for this But it ended up not coming together then for greg glass all the actor who created the facial expressions for colossus And then finally five step on Kappa check might be saying that wrong He's the actor who did the russian accent voiceover no other character that can be such as good as contrast [to] Deadpool's character now originally they were gonna have Daniel cudmore reprised apart from X2 and the last stand But he backed out when they told him [that] they were gonna have to dub over his not tough enough voice I can help you help him Now there are obviously references to all kinds of things in the scene from robocop Dead or alive you're coming with me that are alive you are coming with me to the Canadian National Anthem O Canada but I want to talk about how Violent Deadpool's fight with colossus is so seeing deadpool tear each part of his body off is the most Viscerally Disturbing thing I have ever seen in a superhero movie And I'm including with doctor doom just popped everyone's heads and fantastic four and the reason deadpool does this is not to be Intense or gritty they do it basically just to send a middle finger to the whole Superhero movie formula You don't have to be disney fide and family-friendly these are people with ridiculous superpowers doing major damage to their bodies So why do we have to shy [away] from it? Let's just go way over the top now? I talked about Monty Python bits earlier and Deadpool destroying his limbs one by one is just like that bit Holy Grail your stupid bastard. You've got the arms left. [yes]. I have look just a flesh wound Which the original script actually called out and it's super gross, but I love it when deadpool says are you there God? It's me margaret. He's referencing a story about a girl getting her first period As blood sprays on colossus his face Look awesome [but] then we get another clever jump cut from this overhead shot of deadpool laying in the garbage to a parallel shot of wade Rolling into another garbage situation I also want to point out the broken eggs in the garbage truck It's a fun visual foreshadowing of Francis's line of the next scene. You've got the home Lincoln omelet break some eggs bit [my] moving on to this weapon x Lab Ryan Reynolds said that this Location is actually a former munitions factory that makes it a [perfect] setting for weapon x which is a factory that makes Human shaped munitions Just like this mutant with spikes sticking out of her back which many of you pointed out is probably marrow from the x-Men comics now The character of angel dust is actually a replacement and a combination of three henchmen that were in the original script Sluggo kane, and wire of course that would have been more expensive especially with kane's bionic shape-shifting arms But really the writers just wanted to simplify the antagonist of this story So for that same reason they made Francis slash Ajax the main villain even though in the comics. He's a subordinate to [Dr.]. Killebrew He's the one who gets deadpool his powers in the comics and real quick I want to point out this moment when wade gets as possible names for [Ajax's] real name. What is it really Kevin? Bruce Scott mitch now assuming that everything in this movie is an easter egg because I'm an insane person [I] think those could be marvel references to Kevin Feige Bruce Banner Scott summers and Shield agent Mitch Carson who I know Is a bit of a deep cut but hey, you know I I found a mitch So it's got to be connected right and while I'm talking about connections to Marvel characters check out. How the serum that Francis injects wade with has drops of blood in it now if you watch the post-credits scenes of x-men apocalypse there were those guys from The Essex corporation that's Mr.. Sinister. His company by the way picking up a vial containing. Wolverine's blood now I wonder if the drops of blood here belonged to Wolverine and this is suggesting that Wolverines Regeneration powers are what gave deadpool is regeneration powers now Wolverine and Deadpool belong to the same cinematic universe, [so] those guys couldn't have being connected in the future now I love the song choice here of the Chordettes, Mr.. Sandman the lyrics are all about waking up to the perfect man [named] the cute And that parallels what weight is going through? He's going under hoping to wake up as the perfect man [cancer] free for his loved one so moving on to this scene with Cunningham and if you read the comics you recognize this guy as worm. He's actually a much bigger character in the comics he's the one who comes up with a name deadpool they get from the death pool hand weighed form in the lab now in the Comics wade and worm have a very strong connection during their time in the lab so much so that Ajax tortures worm just to get back and wait and then wade puts worm out of his misery by snapping his neck and of course the Movie doesn't get into any of that backstory, but we do get this mini cold Look between wade and worm as lab burns down, and I think that's why [also] these might have been pretty obvious But I just love the throwaway lines that made fun of the other Version of deadpool where fox decided to be a good idea [to] [sew] the mouth shut of a character Whose Nickname is Merc with a mouth [well] show your pretty mouth shut oh I wouldn't do that. If I were you sorry Francis My lips are sealed also notice that when wade transforms into his mutant state. He says it's a horror movie [ah] this is a reference to Frankenstein which was considered [one] [of] the first major novels in the horror genre and obviously the parallels with wade becoming a freak of nature Who has to walk the Earth alone hating his scientist creator? This is all very Frankenstein now the Writers said that they aim to break down the runtime of the movie so that one third of the movie is spent with pretty boy wade before his Experiments one third showing the hideous wade after his experience and then another third showing wade behind the mask as deadpool It's impressive that this movie is so precise about the stages of wade's evolution into Deadpool now before I talked about how in earlier drafts Francis went to prison that's how the fight in the fire was supposed to end with wade spending the five years of Francis's prison sentence becoming deadpool and building up his skills however Simon kinberg who is the big-time producer behind all the x-Men movies he suggested that? Francis win this fight and escape that would make this loss for wade feel Even more like a rock bottom moment and make the revenge Arc even more satisfying So that's why when we see wade crawl out of the burnt rubble It's a literal Phoenix rising from the ashes moment now the only thing I want to point out about this sad scene on the rainy streets is it was originally supposed to lead to a Much funnier section of the story with wade [realising] his power and trying to kill himself over and over just like that Suicide Montage and groundhog day also check out this shot of wade walking into the street It was cut early a deleted scene shows us. How it was supposed to end? Now obviously this stuff is hilarious But the writers had the patience to know that for this movie to work not Everything in it can be sold out for a joke so [you've] probably caught all the marvel references and this scene with wade and weasel coming up with alternate Superhero names wade the wisecracker [or] scare Devil Captain Deadpool No, just just dissed it Well, yeah But there's a quick missable line in here that seems like a really specific Reference to the movie Grosse Pointe blank like I'm Gonna put a bullet hole before head of the brain I'll talk sugar Morrow Force him to fix this then put a bullet in his skull and The [Brain] hole [now] one of the things I love about deadpool Is that the humor isn't just meta in a random way it uses Inside references from within the fan culture that the character has inspired So the best example of this is the use of the deadpool wrap by team head kick on YouTube those guys wrote the rap in 2013 for the Deadpool video game and Tim Miller liked it so much he had them write a new version for the film [Dead] That is awesome. So a few things I want to point out during this amazing montage the set designers filled the background of weight Department with pictures of penises You can actually see four hits is wearing a crown [of] dicks on his wall in the later scene You can see a rooster aka a cock [I] love the set designers working all that in I also know some deadpool at one point says He's using the feminine form of Francis's name in Spanish and this section played out differently in other versions of the movie so for example In the final cut this is the first time we meet blind out But in an early draft of the script she appeared in the very first scene the movie in a cutaway with her finding the bag Of guns that deadpool accidentally left at home also there's a deleted scene that gave a [Christmas-themed] to this whole montage with deadpool counting down the days to Francis's release with an advent calendar [now] this section ends with deadpool Killing the recruiter and check this out nice to see you jared I'll take footlong Fully loaded [now]. This is another pedophile joke referencing former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle Who's now a convicted pedophile? And this is even [more] interesting when you consider the timing of this deadpool wraps shooting in May 2015 But the fogle story didn't break until later that summer that means they went back to record this line in post-production Basically if you thought the humor and deadpool felt especially sharp or fresh It's because Ryan reynolds [-] the writers went that extra mile to punch up all the jokes So this fast boarding Gag was a great meta moment Especially when it stopped on deadpool jerking off with the stuffed unicorn [whoops] you weren't meant to see that What's great about this is just like that opening teabagging moment this whole movie feels like deadpool is just screwing with us Like he recorded the story over his personal sex tape and the fact that this Rebellious Deadpool spirit comes through the editing [and] the structure of the movie itself is what makes it such a fun experience So when deadpool takes us into his apartment with blind [ow] Check out this rag [that] he wraps his stump in and like how it's already read meaning that it may have blood from past fights And past limbs everines I also appreciated how blind [owl] is listening to hit the road Jack by Ray Charles Ray Charles of course is a blind singer okay? So let's move on [branch] is his plan to cut up deadpool so much that there's Nothing left of him to heal brings up an interesting debate fans have had about deadpool since the comics came out how powerful exactly is his regeneration wood cutting him up even kill him the comics aren't totally clear on it sometimes he can reattach a severed limb sometimes he [just] Grows a new limb. He's even grown a new head I think before but I don't think the comics ever want us to think too deeply about the logic of this power I don't think the movie does either So let's skip ahead to this scene in the bar with angel does seen the polaroid of way to Vanessa Insane I've seen this girl now this moment doesn't really elaborate But that's interesting right [like] how would ancient desks know Vanessa of course Vanessa is a sex worker who works in a strip club So maybe angel dust is in the ladies But my theory is that angel just knows Vanessa from the weapon x [lab] and Vanessa is going to be revealed as having her copycat powers in a deadpool sequel so moving on to this scene in the strip club where we get the Gratuitous Cameo promised to us in the opening credits give it up her chat Eddie And he may have caught this but weasels line go get her tiger is the same final line of Spider-Man 2 okay? [I'm] [thinking] Depo actually says the same line later in the movie, okay? So obviously another huge [laughs] in the movie is this moment when deadpool shows up to the x-Men? Mansion and says this line. It's a big house. It's funny that I only ever see two of you it's almost like the studio couldn't afford another x-man [of] [course] I don't know how fair that joke is [like] I don't really want to see wolverine and cyclops and storm in this movie what I love about it. Is that it's true He does knock on the door of the x-men mansion and no one else is there to answer the door except one of the teenage? students at the school now a lot of people pointed out that the [Scrapyard] vessel where the Big Climax takes place looks a lot like a shield Helicarrier like more the ones from the avengers or Captain America winter soldier and creators of this movie confirmed that that was the inspiration but they couldn't call it out directly because like the raft [those] helicarriers are property of the MCU and deadpool belongs to a Different studio and a different cinematic universe moving on it check out this shot with deadpool colossus and Negasonic Walking in slow motion to DMx's [x] Gonna give it to you next [oh] Fuck way for you to get it on your own [Ex]. No [delivered] to you This is another one of those [Ex] motifs that I talked about earlier Which makes sense because this team-up moment is the closest deadpool has gotten to being a true member of the x-Men [I] also really like how the lyrics stainless steel syncs up with this shot of colossus Staying still now in the old script this whole showdown was supposed to take place in [a] tall High-rise with the team taking out each of the three sub bosses [Sluggo] kane and wire on a different floor on their way up to Francis kind of like the movies the raid or attack the block But when the writers simplified the villains into angel dust and Francis a stages instead in this Scrapyard and actually I feel like that could be a reference to the awesome gritty fight scene from Superman 3 now we're in the third Act here So I'm gonna skip over a lot of the obvious stuff and just kind of point out the things that I found really interesting So negasonic is the first x-men character on film to actually wear the colors that are? consistent with the comics in the animated show now that's actually been a long battle between fans of the comics and Director Bryan singer who prefers to dress up the x-Men in these black leather? Jumpsuits for whatever reason wiesel actually call that out earlier in the movie you want any clothes that are not monochromatic? But Tim Miller insisted on the blue and yellow colors and hey, what do you know it doesn't look so bad So hopefully those more colorful costumes that we saw the end of x-Men apocalypse are here to stay I also like how deadpool makes this promise [to] Francis. What's my name? I'm a spell it out for you And the deadpool just tears apart everyone even stopping a [teabag] this one guy Echoing the moment at the beginning of the movie and then he literally uses their body parts to spell out Francis I love that if you look closely you can see [that] He's pulled down the pants of one of the guys to moon Francis. So great. There's also a quick Cameo by Hydra Bob Bob Wait, so in the comics Hydra Bob is kind of a recurring sidekick figure to deadpool and they call him Bob here because Hydra is Say together an MCU property I also like this quick reference to the dark night here. Where francis says choice of words very poor choice of words Now at the end of this fight notice the timing of colossus four or five moments speech four or five moments I'm sorry four or five moments. That's all it takes [now] There's a reason this works so well Tim Miller wanted the audience to get a little ahead of the punchline so notice how the camera cuts away from Colossus to deadpool and Francis exchanging this look so right here We know colossus is not Gonna finish a speech And I love this take a look at colossus vomit it's got this silver metallic texture to Miller reason that when colossus Changes into his metallic form the contents of his stomach change in a metal - so we all love this hugh Jackman face at the end of the movie and not to over explain the joke too much But it's structured perfectly deadpool kind of warns Vanessa that he's gonna be ugly is a hideous monster [the] guy out of this mask He ain't the same one that you remember, but then what does Vanessa see when she takes off the mask the people magazine cover for sexiest Man alive and then when deadpool says to colossus tailed beast [-] stop yeah my lauding that joke was originally supposed to lead to a cutaway with Nicholas hoult as the beast taking a dump on Deadpool's front lawn, and then running away But unfortunately they couldn't schedule time for hold to come in and shoot it now raking down the post-credits scene. Yes It's an awesome throwback to one of the first ever post-credit scenes Ferris Bueller's day off with deadpool Teasing cable coming in the sequel [this] sequel We're gonna have cable so cable is a badass superhero from the x-Men and deadpool comics He has this like bionic arm, and his storyline travels through [time] in so many complicated ways victus Backstory is super complex he's technically the son of Scott summers and a version of Jean Grey it's Super insane, I don't know how much of it is Gonna make it in the movie But the cable and deadpool team-up series in the comics is amazing. They're kind of the perfect buddy-Cop Duo in the Marvel comics We don't know who's gonna be playing cable yet some people are pulling for Ron Perlman or Stephen lang or maybe Jeffrey dean Morgan? Robert Life field actually mocked up this photo of Jon. Hamm [is] cable [hidden]. Yeah I think I could [get] down with don draper [as] cable. Okay. That is everything I [got] and again I know there are a ton of little references and easter eggs in this movie that I didn't point out but at this point I feel like you guys probably saw a lot of those so if you like this video Please hit like and subscribe To new Rockstars and then share this video with your friends you can also support us by becoming a patron on Patreon to all of our current Patrons Thank you so much You [guys] are so great, and we actually have some really cool benefits that are coming up for just our patrons coming up soon So keep an eye out for those and thank you again for continuing to support us So if you want more updates on [our] videos you can follow us at new Rock stars on [Twitter] And you can follow me on Twitter at [Ea] [Vos] and tweet at me any
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 3,800,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadpool, deadpool movie, deadpool movie easter eggs, deadpool deleted scenes, deadpool post credits, deadpool explained, deadpool 2, deadpool sequel, who is deadpool, what is deadpool, deadpool jokes, deadpool best scene, deadpool easter eggs, ryan reynolds, xmen, tj miller, deadpool ending, deadpool trailer, deadpool 2 trailer, deadpool secret
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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