Becoming... The Avengers: From Captain America to Captain Marvel - The Ultimate Endgame Primer

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[Music] it's the most successful film series in history bigger than Harry Potter bigger than James Bond even bigger than Star Wars over the past 10 years and over 21 movies the Marvel Cinematic Universe has earned over 10 billion dollars worldwide and with the 22nd film the all-important Avengers endgame on the horizon what better time to look back at our interviews with the actors that have embodied Earth's Mightiest Heroes from Chris Evans Captain America to brie Larson's Captain Marvel and everyone in between including Rocket Raccoon this is becoming the Avengers [Music] [Music] so let's kick things off with Captain America what with him being the first of enternal played by the handsome the charming the wonderful Chris Evans a man so polite he refuses to let me be self-effacing a swine language come on swings all right I'm often told by my friends that I look like the pre serum version of you that's a bummer with a bit that's not true though don't don't don't take that knock them out when they say this guy's still alive did that feel pre serum that's gonna be my line I like it what do you think is behind caps enduring appeal because he's been around for a long time yeah you know I think he has a kind of um austerity and a kind of binary approach to the world that I think is something we all kind of aspire to in the sense that it's he knows what's right he knows what's wrong and that's it and he believes it the avengers reforms to make the world a safer place i feel we've done them it's a very clean approach and i think he has this kind of intrinsic leadership quality that you people are gravitate towards it kind of breeds allegiance also he looks great in anything red white and blue he looks great what is it like acting wearing a chinstrap because the other guys don't have that no yeah it's a bummer please don't make me do this it's not just a chinstrap it's that whole thing the whole cow you know that that's that's the that's the hardest thing you know you heads where you release most your body heat and you put that thing on it does not breathe and just say that it's not like some cotton materialists I don't know what it is leather plastic I don't know it's it's sweaty and it's it's tricky you know what's about to happen do you really want to punch your way out of this one and it it you can't see your eyebrows and I tell you what you really need your eyebrows cuz you could be making this face he's my friend and you put the cat and you just look like you're doing this you just look so neutral you have to like kind of get angry with the actual shape of your eyeballs how you do this order it's really challenging to express in that thing hey wanna have a rousing discussion about truth honor let's jump from America and heads to Asgard and talk to Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston to gods amongst men who play everyone's favorite squabbling siblings Thor and Loki and yeah just so happened to be Norse deities but you know they're not that against them planning was I supposed to know I can't see anything a lot of wish then why'd you dress like one hang on before Anna we get on the Bifrost and head to Asgard I do just want to point something out speaking of sibling rivalry we very nearly live in a world where another Hemsworth was swinging the armor here all that Chris explained moved over from Australia to LA and had a couple of jobs and then my first audition I blew it then my little brother got a call back and he got another one then he got down the last like four or five people and then he didn't get it and then I get another shot and someone said we're giving up and we're just gonna choose you what did he do in that first audition didn't work I don't know I thought I did alright I think I just said I fumbled on my lines and didn't really have a decision on what this character was and I hadn't read the comics and didn't they know kept referring to his sword nice hammer that sort of thing and Ken Brown was in the audition that wildly intimidated by him when you did know the role was yours how did you celebrate think I was in Vancouver shooting a movie and my parents actually were there with me and my mum read one of the types artists ended so she said you're welcome however after dinner I'd have to be as itself it'd be awesome if they said no not that Hemsworth we want your mom who's behind the camera that voice get her in there how would you describe Thor's fighting style well pretty Viking askin Ruffin dirty you know heavy and you've got to do all of that stuff whilst in thaws outfit yeah how often do you accidentally fumble over your cape or break your hand a lot yeah we've had a few hammers snap in half I've tripped on the kite people have stood on the Cape and pulled me backwards I've had it flip over and land on my face and been wrapped up and the thing with the most unpractical things in the world I suggest if you're gonna be a superhero do away with that silly item as somebody very sensible once said no cops surprise your character hit a spot with people that may be useful coming but it just like no it it really grows only doesn't mean I've been to all sorts of corners of the world and everyone knows who Loki is that's that's been an eye-opener I'm sort of founded pocket of the planet that he has uninhabited and somebody will pop up and say hey mister Loki like hello and then of course there's puny God which must have followed you around yeah yeah I am a god you dull creature and I will not be bullied by I've watched that much I watched the whole of Avengers again while we were making thor ragnarok because there was so many echoes of hulk smashing I'm just a huge fan of sport I thought the construction of Loki bang Hulk smash is just so well done and I remember the experience of making it which made me feel like an insane person it was just because there was no Mark Ruffalo is just me jumping into trenches in the set asking Joss Whedon is this really gonna work yes it is jump into the jump into the trench Tom okay Josh was just directing you saying could you let her a groan of resigned pain I mean yes Loki lets out her a squeal of resignation and despair yeah it's just I was it then it was the end of a long day of trench jumping now of course two people have played Bruce Banner in the MCU first up there's Ed Norton who I don't remember either man then there's the loveliest angry man in the business Mark Ruffalo his secret he's always very nice now if you're wondering why we haven't seen a standalone Hulk movie starring the brothel oh well the answer is complicated look smash the hopes mandala movie it's probably just not gonna happen but by this point do you even want one no are you kidding me I get to have the best time so Marvel brought me in and said if you had a standalone Hulk movie what would it be and I said it'd be this and this this and then this happened and it ended like that and they said how about we take that and we stretch that over the next three movies as your characters and whole character arc and I said that's great and that's what we've been doing so I will get a standalone Hulk movie and we will work around Universal and we'll do it in three movies instead of one movie so take that Universal know what are you gonna do you could have had a piece of this but now we have a standing in yeah that might be a really good time for you to get angry that's my secret captain I like the idea that you get a recut movie I'm always angry just chopping out everyone else's and you could just cut all of it if you get to see oh expand along on we know it's just amazing deal knows this whole time under your nose they'll probably try to sue is nut when it comes to fighting beings he is very powerful and useful yeah ban is powerful and useful to busy though and what was it like seeing yourself for the first time Hulka fight it was pretty cool man I have to admit I hadn't seen the movie and I was sitting there with my daughter who was six at the time she was on the other end of the aisle with my wife and she saw him return to the hall she ran all the way down the aisle jump in my arms like no popping no don't hurt the nice lady whoa no don't turn to the green man please and I was like wow that's pretty powerful and I had to convince her for weeks after that that I didn't actually turn it to the whole there are only two things that can calm down the Hulk first there's Marmite not really the second is Black Widow who back flipped her way into our hearts in the form of Scarlett Johansson in 2010 for Ironman - rule number one never take your eye off your pop since then she's become a firm fan favorite and I'm hearing rumors we very well may see a black widow standalone movie sooner rather than later okay what have been your favorite black widow moments so far um all the time I get to spend with your character which is basically zero [Music] we have any scenes together fought each other for a bit yeah that was that was not that fun there was two I know there was too much aggression there [Music] I never maybe was losing their minds on that tarmac not gonna stop you know I can't we met a few years ago at the airport in Germany got really big is just an old message and man I know you know I know you know that's me can you buzz me in must be fun promoting this movie right yeah it was sort of it's getting me a lot of like I would say anxiety panic I have trauma from it sometimes the best we can do you don't need to work through these issues after the movie they are it it's impossible is that how tricky is it for you oh this is I mean you have no idea how hard my life is this is a nightmare I'm with you guys it's awful yeah but there's only that's why I get that yeah of course this is gonna work Steve I know it is cuz I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't let's turn to Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye the but of all the archery jokes he first cropped up in Thor and he's turned up here and there he sat at infinity war he's currently AWOL hmm he did offer up his house as an air B&B to the Avengers in age of Ultron which means that I'm guessing the Hulk had to pay a massive cleaning surcharge but otherwise yeah he's the Avenger that is very good at weapons that were most popular about a millennium ago great how does it feel to be admittedly fake hitting some of your closest work colleagues like it was there a surreal moment when you're like pretending to hit ScarJo oh well we've we fartin in in the first Avengers when I was you know go dang right she she knocked me out proper and then yeah we go at it again in this way and yeah that's fine we're still friends right yeah awesome yes I'm sure he's gonna be okay returning uni this guy really brings the team together everything else I'm always at a distance anyway yeah and I remember you I never yes I'll try my good man I've done the whole mind control thing not a fan otherwise me too I'm the same like everything to me is like something that's just in my head that I'm hoping shows up later built my whole a job in every sequence you just pretend and then they'll fix it in post that's right yeah I hope ya think Jeremy that you're actually amazing with arrows and bows people ask if I am yeah I walk around with one the streets of Hollywood with an arrow yeah I get arrested so from one agent of shield to the head of shield from Hawkeye to Nick Fury the man that brought the Avengers together as played by the legendary samuel l.jackson the Ultimate Comics yeah had Nick Fury kind of in your image well Mark Miller and then you kind of took on the role was how did that will happen well I spent a lot of time in the comic book store anyway so I see the see the comic book I don't kind of like I don't remember giving anybody permission to use my image comic book so I called my agent and she's like well no we haven't had that conversation no go well it's Marvel so call somebody so she called and they go and fluff she's talking I'm looking through the comic and I see where it says if they a movie about who would you want to play you and Nick here gives us every little Jackson okay that's interesting so she calls them and Marvel says well we do plan on making these movies and we hope you know we can make a deal with Sam and he'll you know do this okay awesome let's see what happens who the hell are you Nick Fury director of shield I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger in issue so consequently I'm the first guy to end up with like a nine picture Marvel deal soldiers trust each other that's what makes it an army not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns last time I trusted someone I lost an hour in the Winter Soldier you finally get a proper action sequence you're in that car and you tear up that road [Music] how much of that with you how much fun was it to do the action stuff had to be very very specific the things that I get to say in the car are count of me as Nick Fury you know making sure that I get everything right and how it all happens and you know I mean Nick Fury doesn't really panic you know he's kind of watches his stuff happen he knows how sturdy car he is how sturdy car isn't so it's all a matter of combining those things the the calm the calculation of Nick Fury along with the people on the outside and not understanding who it is they're messing with you know yeah I don't have any super powers but I'm Nick Fury yeah exactly don't you forget it Yeah right about you Wilson could use a man with your abilities I'm more of a soldier than a spy all right then another member of the team that doesn't technically have superpowers is Anthony Mackey's the Falcon a character that in the comics could speak to birds but in the film sensibly has a set of metal wings that let him fly also he looks really ripped when you become the Falcon I know there's one thing that is not so much fun when you become a superhero and that's having to work out a lot yeah yeah what is your go-to regime when you need to get into shape and become the Falcon I try to do a thousand push-ups a day are you are you pulling my leg even serious every day 1000 yeah how many of you done so far today yep oh well I'm now shooting so none with Chris Evans you got out for a good reason do Captain America needs my help there's no better reason to get back in he's there in the room with you but I guess you can't really kind of you don't wanna match him like he's he's got to be like Captain America right right like he's gotta be ultra but no I um I have to be I feel I have to be in better shape than Chris because I have to do what he does but I'm not a superhuman I see what you're saying see what you're saying don't look at me I do what he does just slower because of this superhero effect I've gone to comic-con and comic-con in San Diego is like nowhere else on earth right right what is your your ultimate memory of going to comic conventions fad Iron Man Wow you never you met him everywhere you go there's like a fad Iron Man I'm like that's the fattest six-pack I've ever seen and he's chugging a Michelob Ultra like just non-stop there's nothing like seeing Iron Man belly up to the bar with a Guinness talking about how much he loves your movies there's nothing like it the Winter Soldier gave us pants team Mackey's Falcon but Avengers age of Ultron gave us two brand-new amazing Marvel characters in the form of elizabeth Olsen Scarlet Witch and everyone's favorite purple pal unless you're really into Thanos Paul Bettany's vision they really didn't take everything from me so when you were first Kostas javis yes service you up was that ever any semblance of an idea that you might go on to play vision nope zero plan zero plan why does your vision sound like Jarvis we reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new so when did they say hang on not just voicing it we want you to I can tell you exactly and it's a rather good story and it just happens to be the truth which is you read um I had just had a meeting with a producer who will remain nameless who told me that my career was over and he said you're done you've done in this town and I I was like you know what and so they had this big shouting match home and then I walked outside my legs went way go my legs went I was like God maybe I'm done in the business and I sat down on Sunset Boulevard on the sidewalk and my phone rang and it was just Whedon and he said do you want to be the vision in the Avengers and I mean yes I do that's true story that's exactly what happened that's one of the best phone calls I can imagine ever happening that l only know my weary aleni did it right then yeah it was a great phone call to go know are these movies the ones where you get the weirdest directors notes insofar as you don't know what you're fighting against or what you're talking against and you're moving your hands around that people say actually we like what you do in moving your hands but could you do it differently it is always funny to watch a movie for the first time one of these films because I truly I'm always shocked by like oh damn I didn't know they're gonna make my eyes red in that moment that helped my performance thank you guys and I don't really know what I'm fighting and I don't really know what my powers are doing that I really make believe in my head I know exactly what's going on so when it changes it's really fun for me to watch it's not like Laura Dern in that lost Star Wars movie where when she's shooting a blaster she actually said pew pew pew I went awesome oh that's an issue that I have sometimes I'm like oh I make sounds well I'm gonna show like just in order to like get the energy we'll do that later and so then okay so then I have to remember to make my mouth still good hmm it was definitely something that was really alluring I think oh my yeah and you're like I'm on my knees and I'm firing this thing out of my hand I know which scene you're talking about you just came up to me and said uh you good with that and I was like just I don't know and I'm on my knees shooting a beam out of my head I don't know I can you tell me did it look cool I how did it feel it felt pretty stupid it feels pretty stupid now it's time for the guardians of the galaxy led by Peter quill aka star-lord played by who is it Chris Pratt Zoe Saldana as Gamora this feels like the hammer like Thor's hammer dave bautista as drugs the destroyer vin diesel almost unbelievably as the vocabulary limited talking walking tree grouped there's a hawk of a polymer group not forgetting its newest member complement EF as the emotionally engaged mantis now I'll kill you if you tell anyone but let's start with Bradley Cooper who plays Rocket Raccoon except he's not really a raccoon he just looks like one can we get claws can I just I just think any class the guardians are weird [Music] did you fully realize what you were getting into because obviously you gardens of galaxies came out what in whatever the phase they call it the second phase or whatever it is it was an established successful franchise and then you joined and it just had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking wreck a tree and a raccoon like is this gonna work yeah it was really a challenge as somebody that grew up as a thesbian the idea of playing a character this restricted was the challenge I was very excited about em well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that what is wrong with giving tree my father who's a theater director used to say there are no small roles only small actors you know though talkin good like me and you so his vocabulary is limited to i' and am' and group exclusively in that order you must have come this is a risk i didn't think it was a risk because the script was so good and I really believe in Chris Pratt and James Gunn but I really thought Chris Pratt I had seen them he played me the opening when Chris Pratt is dancing it's the credits and I was like this is magic once I knew what James's vision was like I knew this was an opportunity for me to do something that that maybe really only I could do which is essentially just breathe my own spirit into a character and you know in that way I can't imagine a better job or teeming part of it what is the best movie memento you've ever kept in your correct star-lords jacket you caught that oh yeah there's one thing I hate it's a man with that integrity Peter quill people call me star-lord you have the bearing of a man of honor Green is not a sexy color red is pink is green is chest it's always been a villain tone Martians are green and I was very concerned about Gamora being the main female in the movie not looking appealing and I thought guys we have to really find the right shade we have to find the right tight costume like just pad these up I know who you are Peters well and I am NOT some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your your pelvic sorcery could you show me your best dracs love could you explain to me the trick behind the Drax laughs the trick is um I'm not very big on projection and the trick is James saying do it louder control-freak I would have found it so difficult in that scene where your character reveals the emotions of Peter quill yeah yeah when Drax laughs I'm in hysterics like I can't handle it no that is not when he goes ha ha ha yeah but you know it was really hard for him because it he had to do that for one day one whole day okay so you know he had to too long to laugh his lungs out can you say that and just uh so for him you know he had to drink a lot of like ginger tea after and some like honey to soften the voice in the vocal cord and me too had to laugh a lot with him you know at the end of a circus music I like that these are misfits and they are absolute renegades it's very cool it's and I don't even feel like it's just the Marvel Universe I feel like it's a very special and unique part of that universe they're misfits in there but they're survivors you know all everyone is on the team that's what that's what draws them together they figure out how to do something right because they just cannot get themselves to turn a blind eye to the fact that if they collect the money of some sort the universe will perish so I think that they do have a backbone and then in the end and I like that because it keeps it interesting anyway I love rocky racoon and I love his resourcefulness I think he's just a survivor man bunch of jackasses standing in a circle now I love the footage of you recording your lines because you do exactly what I did which is you'd go the imaginary gun oh yeah where the moments coming oh I'm doing this aren't I I'm actually the most embarrassing was trying to figure out like because I was like wait a second he's small so at first is like should I be on the floor and I'm I am I always looking up but I can't really do the voice if I'm looking up all the time so there was a lot of like very awkward crew member moments where they're just sort of like what is this guy doing how's like we just put the mic here and um let me try to do this you know and it was like no no no dude just just stand up and do the thing so you talk and this might picks it up that's all we need that's right take it easy take it easy Brando I don't like playing favorites but my absolute favorites are ant-man and the wasp you can't see the wasps she's just very very very small neither Paul Rudd or Evangeline Lilly have aged since 1995 but amazingly that isn't one of their superpowers they're both so friendly and funny and awesome I just I don't even need to pick them up do I [Music] what was it like wearing the suit for the first time very exciting because you know when when my wife told me that she was pregnant I was imagining like oh my god I'm gonna have a kid and I also have a kid I have a kid and then all of a sudden the kid was born and I remember seeing the child for the first time and I thought this is no longer an abstract thing there it is there's the person there's his arm that's it look at that there's his his head and when I got the role of ant-man I knew as I got to start the training I got to start working out I got to start doing a parkour trickin to do always and one of the last things as I went through several fittings and that was getting the suit and when I put on the suit I thought this is no longer an abstract idea oh my God look at that that's the ant-man suit this is a very long-winded way of saying it felt like having a child if only you know I was finishing up promotion on The Hobbit I got a call from my manager saying Marvel are interested in meeting you for this new franchise they want to start cold and Men Skye I need you to be p8 man Paul Rudd is gonna star in it and I was like okay hold the phone what did you just say it's a superhero movie Paul Rudd's gonna be the superhero yes Paul Rudd's gonna be super safe I'm almost in just give me a minute and so I took the weekend and I watched some Marvel movies which is something I've never done before so I didn't realize that they were reinventing the superhero film trope and that they were actually doing the most amazing superhero movies I've ever seen I then was as keen as anybody would be and everybody should be to actually become an Avenger I want to be in that game when you I'm proud of thinking correct words face come at Paul Rudd watch first and take him down tell me that was you it's probably my stunt double because she did it so much better than I did it but I did do that stunt and then I did trap Paul in my crotch for the close-up shot of his reaction to that and there was an awkward shared moment while he was waiting patiently in my crotch for our director to call action which for some reason would often take unusually long that day well maybe it was just that every second was an interminable hour when Paul's face was in my crotch I'm not sure if I'm just slowed down yeah it was like meditation release you taught me that kick remember yeah great for those were the days whatever happened to us not the time Scott it's an action figure I don't collect action figures but that's the first time I've gone I want it I don't have this action for you what I have I now I assumed in you know it's good I know I do it like I saw him it did make me laugh did they say yep that's the shot that's alien that's yeah it's too good to replicate yeah now do you think it looks like me a bit it's better that it looks like me a bit yes it's if it looked a lot like me then it's then it's really strange but things are always better when they're just a little bit off right it looks like pool ruts cousin yeah that's right salts all run [Music] speaking of small people Tom Holland spider-man is one of the shortest five at eighth and youngest twenty-two years old northern raccoon shaped life-forms in the Avengers as well as being your local friendly neighborhood spider-man our Tom Holland is also a walking talking mean just ask him how to pronounce the word why song did I get that right I'm not sure I am a walking mean I am my fans love it and it's fun you know the funniest one is I was on a diet when we did heart the sea right and we were only allowed to eat 500 calories a day which is awful I stole a croissant from the catering thing that the crew ate I ate it and then threw up immediately because I just wasn't used to the sugar because I've been on this diet for so long but I said quest on I don't know how how would you say a croissant I would say for the song how would you say quest on a quest on right and my fans were like Tom Holland can't say croissant he says quacks and quests on grass on quests on grass on quests on grass on quests on grass on and every fan I me they take a video but hey man can you say quacks in like waxen it's quite sweet though I quite like it but yeah of all the ones that setting off the quacks and klaxon the quacks and Clarkson I like that you got an art kid are you from please Brooklyn do you have fun surprising people that you're British don't really think about it there was a few people on Avengers where I was that hi there how you doing no like where are you from right in London but I just my dialect coach Rick Lipton is the man stop guys get screen number wow you're the Avengers what are you guys doing here Hulk just finally meet you guys might be more handsome in person I mean Avengers is on another level I'm Peter by the way dr. strange Oh your made-up names um I'm spider-man then some of the stuff that they get you to imagine imagine this and you're like do you have a picture that you could show me and they like no it's a seeker you like uh okay great imagine a gigantic tentacle monster covered it yeah you're fighting this person well what does he look like well we can't tell you because if we tell you you'll know who it is yeah but what does he sound like well we can't tell you that because that would give away who he is I'm right yeah but I'm trying to act with a tennis ball and I don't know what the person looks like let me get this straight you're fighting and you don't know who your villain is yeah there is one moment in Avengers where I don't know who that person is that's amazing and I'm fighting him and there's nothing more embarrassing than pretending to fight a monster in front of 200 people in spandex you know literally like dodging stuff and trying to web him they're all like yeah that's great are more energy more energy jump jump they're always asking me to jump and yeah it's funny cos Roberts like dude by movie three you're gonna have your standard we'll be doing that I like no no no no kid Avenger [Music] the lead character of the ninth biggest film of all time black panther 1.3 billion dollars at the worldwide box office just saying is played by one mr. Chadwick Boseman a man who is very grateful he doesn't have to wear the traditional Pollock book black panther now when you put on the costume for the very first time how did that feel to inhabit the role in that way the suit it gives you a sense of a night it gives you a sense of at the same time a samurai it feels like a ninja there's some stealth quality to it they're different like designs within it they still feel like it is very African and from a continent your suit vibranium it feels like it's armored the Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations the mantle passed from warrior to warrior all of that sort of starts to run through your mind your imagination your kid essentially we playing super you're doing with you what you always did when you were playing in the backyard or at your friend's house who are you and so I think you just have to sort of go into that childlike place and just do what you did when you were five years old you know that's that's what this is must be so grateful that you don't have to wear the traditional cape well the cape would be very complicated it turns a to deal with it would be hard to deal with that and then and move around Black Panther likes hanging off the back of cars like a cat and we've got a cake going on yeah he would be different that there now do you have a particular bit of fan meme or a poster that has stood out to you that you love yeah it was a drawing that a Kia gave me a comic-con he wasn't wearing a spider-man outfit with he but he but he drew black panther on a car and I said you're my favorite superhero and I and I was like okay well next year you have to come with Black Panther there you can't you can't come and spread everything but but he's drawing I keep it I keep it in my office from capes to cloaks let's talk about Benedict Cumberbatch playing dr. strange who wears arguably the most famous cloak in all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and there are quite a few this one is so famous people actually dress up as it I'd like to give you an internet update of what the world is tell me because I sure as hell don't know this is the most amazing cosplay I've ever seen I mean if you get a play or so you really want to be the front end it's like there's no end of humiliation to being a cloak that's just me really do that leave a cemetery and back again and it's this the way that they're not quite in sync right he looks a little bit like me it's a very good job I'll agree that it's great the cloaks trying to take over he's like memorizer enough enough I don't bring my light brilliant there's a little picture meme and it says that in just two years dr. strange done these amazing things in just two years he's barred from the Dormammu he's trapped Loki for 30 minutes had the best battle in the MCU impersonated a Hindu god save Tony Stark's life and watched Avengers fall already by imagining it in his mind that's very good plus he has the best cloak in the whole gang I don't disagree I'm the cat that got the critter I'm very lucky really you want me to okay I'll be the keeper of Secrets and I know what's gonna happen and fabulous you want me to do that in this film but we distill this scene and that's it yeah I'm just being a bit breeding it up okay I'll have the what they call the sources battle fight in the ensemble films are you were expecting to take a very minor key back foot not character front and center kind of rollin it's about Tony Stark about Iron Man he's definitely central to it as he should be but I was amazed how much I got asked to do in the end game yeah the newest and arguably most powerful member of the Avengers is Captain Marvel herself played by brie Larson what does it mean to you to play Captain Marvel as in this is a momentous thing well quite and what does it mean to you what does it mean to me well for me personally it made me take a giant step outside of my comfort zone that I didn't know was so important for me to take it was really personally life-changing for me to embody somebody who's so comfortable and confident with themselves what is this announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job said the space soldier was wearing a rubber suit and the strength aspect like getting to do the fight training in particular and do martial arts and now I feel like that's a huge part of my life it's closing you down how it makes you vulnerable that guy's like forever changed me and then I'm also on a toothbrush that's the ultimate life dream I know what are you nadir do you do with that where do you file that in your head do you file it under toothbrush do you finally under surreal but under don't want to think about that worry about it even if there's a small chance that we can undo this I mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try if we do this how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before because before you didn't have me hey new girl everybody in this room is about that superhero life and if you don't mind my asking where the hell have you been all this time there are a lot of other planets in the universe and unfortunately they didn't have you guys I'm imagining you know you get the role you're announced as Captain Marvel was advice given to you from the other Avengers or other actors in the more cinematic universe where they saying not too passionate I guess but were they saying well this is what you need to be aware of hmm no I mean it's funny I get I said a lot when I'm doing press people are like who gave you advice I'm like we're not really like an advice industry we don't like sit around and be like let me tell you something about this usually I like we're playing boggle we are not talking about like times in the industry and now we can help each other two years ago was a different time yeah I really like that I did get to talk with some of them we did like a Marvel 10-year anniversary photo and I like tried to go around it be like hey I'm new like what do you put in yours movie just embarrassing if you made your way into the Avengers what's up quick yet have you hit those heights there's an Avengers what's that group Oh Lindsey we got an Aquanaut yeah and as I'm doing set okay I like this one well there you have it almost all of the Avengers and I do know what you're thinking haven't we missed someone genius billionaire playboy philanthropist interesting facial hair talks to himself a lot huge heads up display sure the character that kick-started the whole shebang back in 2008 with the original iron man Anthony Edward stock also known as Tony to you and me and of course his fellow Stark Chris from the Scott Mills show who spoke to Robert Downey jr. back in 2013 before my time for Iron Man 3 so I'll leave you with their conversation and before I press play on this I do just want to flag up that some Chris Starks interview style this may be a little different to mine Robert Downey jr. hello hey I'm you have to excuse my nerves I've only ever done this once before you're doing great and really already okay but yeah last time I did it I just got very nervous and and yeah I asked I asked the lady I was interviewing out for Nando's there's a little bit of a shambles but anyway I mean I saw Iron Man 3 I really enjoyed it oh good I'm sure you get asked like a million times but when you're in the soup are you are you naked in the suit really depends depends on the temperature outdoors yeah snow around where are we upstate why I heard your British accent with Sherlock Holmes yeah why should I so chronologically or alphabetically if I'm honest that I actually thought you were British until until I was and so I saw I'm at three and I did it by the way so today and then you have to put yourself in the mindset you have no idea what you're dealing with Shakespeare in the Park doth mother know you weareth her drapes because I was gonna ask you how do you do such a good American accent but I know this is really stupid but I couldn't be happier I'm sorry just to finish and when I interviewed Mila Kunis before yes and I kicked myself thought I didn't have and she asked if I had a Watford sure to give her because my football team's Watford Football Club okay and I and weirdly like we share the same last name so I yeah if you take you survived I mean why I'm a nice little club and by the way if you ever want to come to what forgetting you you're more than welcome and and assigning me the number one means the world to me are you number one latter on you thanks to as a pleasure to meet you please don't forget me if my luck changes I said how I thank you so much do worst Watford thank you so much for watching don't forget you can watch more of these interviews here on YouTube whenever you like you could watch this one or this one and maybe when you're done with that you can watch this one then this one then this one but you can do whatever you want have a great rest of your day you look lovely
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 2,715,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, avengers 4, endgame, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, mcu, chris evans, robert downey jr, chris hemsworth, scarlett johansson, brie larson, tom holland, benedict cumberbatch, jeremy renner, mark ruffalo, samuel l jackson, elizabeth olson, ali plumb, bradley cooper, chris pratt, zoe saldana, dave bautista, pom klementieff, paul rudd, evangeline lily, chadwick boseman, iron man, tom hiddleston, spider-man, Movies With Ali Plumb, Radio 1, Ali Plumb, BBC, Radio One
Id: 18icYQE0QWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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