i built a category 10 hurricane out of commercial airplanes

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alright so we're checking out the only place that can fire airplanes out of a giant machine gun at a field goal that's been carved out of a mountain it's Russia as represented a transport fever to heaven hell and Russia were made last time but the game was not broken enough and thus we must remedy this transport fever to is a game of ridiculous extremes and thus we must try something very stupid today since all the airports are going out of business we must save them and we will do this by creating a giant organ gun out of airports that fires non-stop airplanes and I'm pretty sure I could make a field goal out of a mountain in this game because why not I have a feeling because we did it with cruise ships that we can probably get enough planes in the air to completely destroy the game itself so the planes are gonna be going to three places obviously heaven in hell but I decide to add an extra touristy location that anyone getting shot out of a machine gun would enjoy we're gonna do Japan for maximum inefficiency their planes are only gonna be flying for like 10 minutes in the air now Fort Lauderdale is already here it's fine Fort Lauderdale and hell can be best friends you know what why not we're bringing back new Japan odda for those of you who don't know New Japan is a conglomeration of all of the best things in this world Canada New Jersey and Japan it's a place where hyper caffeinated people are feeding each other with baseball bats in a very respectful manner actually hold on I like the way the game called this the last time what was it upper hell we only serve layers like one through three here and then it was lower heaven it's the part of heaven where the property values are low enough that you could actually buy something when it named it this like all I could think of was a bunch of angels with low credit scores or something ridiculousness starts with put one Airport I want this as close to the beach as humanly possible we need to shove as many of these in here as we can mmm 87 emissions from the Boeing 757 we're gonna be emitting all kinds of alright let's just test this and make sure it actually works go my child I should say only child at the moment right before you get a thousand brothers and sisters oh yeah that's hot seems legit I like how no matter what is being used in this game it's always the same soulless clones that are flying it perfect alright now that we know that we can cause my game unending agony and so it begins it's gonna be like the slum of airports I'm cramming these things in together so close airport number one we'll be filing Grasmick charges on airport number two all right Road you're in my way go over here this crap actually you know what his Naples really doing anything there we go sorry up for hell you're not getting connected to anything anymore really you don't need to be do a little global warming right here I hate it when the ocean gets in my way I'm gonna start with just ten you know from each Airport this is when you know your monarch is a friggin psychopath God do this for both sides of course part of the pain and the ass of this will be timing everything right because we need it so that they're all taking off like slightly spaced apart now I have to make all the different lines let me ask you something you boys like spaghetti now I got to make sure a few of these cross oh yes I call this the figure eight of traumatic anal pain zoomed out from here I just realized something there is a airport that is located in lower upper hell is there one in upper upper heaven that's right you've heard of lower upper hell or there's also upper and lower heaven it didn't want to be left out move everything forward a little bit stop it mmm one pump of time there cost that I think like five billion dollars I don't know why I called that a pump and thrust this deficit right into infinity Oh God glory hold on you got to speed it up to really understand this is just a stupid amount of planes honestly this isn't enough though it's like a really sad machine gun we're gonna have to double this I might have to rip everything out of the middle and everything out of back here and we can put a double stack of airports up that it reminds me of Florida mosquitos this is where you get your actual flight training in it's mostly just an opportunity to try and not hit everyone else around you a lot of people would be like what are the chances of running into another airplane pretty high when all the airplanes are about three feet from one another because they're so stacked inside of the space that they're given there's like no Hatter and everyone's just doing whatever the hell they want look at all the shadows imagine this you're chilling out over here Vero Beach all of a sudden you look in the sky and you see this this is nowhere near enough though I feel like the air is still good enough to breathe we haven't destroyed the oxygen levels enough we need to double the amount of airports I'm just turning Florida into one giant airport I just realized through there is not enough space to put more airports over on Russia that's fine heaven and hell are gonna be sending everyone back there like we don't have enough space take them I'm gonna name this Airport call this one fried chicken just because I love fried chicken this is the only one with a name this is the only Airport whose parents loved him all the rest of you airports are just useless clones yeah what the hell let's go with 20 this time if this doesn't break the atmosphere I'm gonna die slightly inside because setting all this up is a pain in the ass actually after I do this I have to make our field goal people be moving here they'll be like oh yeah a Florida what are the state taxes like and someone else would be like yes the question isn't what are our state taxes like the question is how many jobs can you handle at once I want to rename at least one line as well die hard too no seriously I feel like I want to die okay game make it freakin happen oh yeah oh god I just realized I've won a bunch of tiny planes - what did I do this go my chorus of agony look at the pop-out yeah the next set of jets already rapid-fire Jets what the hell hold on can somebody take a moment to tell me what the hell is this what the hell kind of illegal mating is going on between my two planes oh hey this one's heading for lower New Japan Atta Cod the further i zoom out the worse it gets like a giant orgy going on see we're doing big brain stuff here because while some people just try and make the plane bigger we figured out if you put one plane inside of another plane that's inside of another plane you get three times as much space and then what the hell we'll have a fourth plane sit on the first plane's head what does this look like oh [Music] it's a Congo line of agony this is the Blue Angels of commercial airlines the way we train you if you can't fly you're seven 57 within two centimeters of your partner you're not good enough this isn't the only cluster look in the distance there's still more taking oh my god it's like a tornado of jet planes look at this they're all just circling above Key West yes more come on everyone join this this is really weird but if you look at the giant malformed hurricane of planes from the top down it kind of looks like a pair of mismatched breasts I'm just renaming the planes for what's actually happening in the sky imagine you're going on vacation and they tell you that they're just waiting for your turn to taxi and take off and you're like oh how long will that be and then you see this always make sure to save often this is what we call a Florida hurricane hell yes it's a category gtfo I need to see if I can get that hurricane even more packed hold on oh you know what we haven't built our goal posts yet what you do is you grab this and then you make a square and you kind of move the brush like maybe this size oh yeah that's erect okay that's a good start this is gonna go right over Japan but the other one like right about here yeah guys can you just can you go around the giant pillar thank you look at the giant ring of costs in the background damn it my right one's bigger than my left one damn it the tool I missed I didn't aim up correctly and now there's just a random pillar over here okay there we go sorry Russia now you don't get any sunlight from like 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. all right there we go I find it very interesting that all of the small planes congregate together it's like they have their own clique going on like don't touch those big planes they're dirty all the big planes are satisfied almost crashing into one another every 10 seconds just down here in the city looking up at the sky the weather is partly cloudy with 100% chance of planes I really have no idea why but Russia runs on protein shakes in leg day there are gyms everywhere in this city it's worse than Starbucks there's a gym across the street from the gym which is down the block from the gym which you can after you lose everything at the casino this is actually fantastic because right down the street from all the gyms are all the Chinese food places it's all very healthy down here plus we can heat up the food through global warming thanks to the six billion planes in the air this lady just gasped because she knows that the ambient temperature of Russia is now 400 degrees Celsius your name is in Sydney anymore your name is please help me I'm burning my flesh it's slowly melting this ad for Russia travels has new meaning now because people are like oh how far away is Russian you know it's just three miles down the road they're like how long does it take to get there by plane about 180 years I like how in Russia everyone has fantastic reflexes because no one obeys the crosswalks seriously I don't think I've ever seen a car stop for people look at it it's happening over here too it's every man for themselves all right Blake listen you've got four different chances to hit human beings if you miss this I'll never let you live it down really got at least Caitlin ran over some dudes foot she's picking up the slack Caitlin your new destination is not the industrial building it's small claims court alright everything's still moving really really smoothly we needed ton more planes in the air nothing like making all of your jets pink clone all vehicles yes Oh God that's right don't push everyone you'll all get your turn I'd like to know how many birds die each day in Florida I love how no matter where you go in this map you can always see my mistake in the back I might be able to get so many planes inside of this circle that there's no gaps at all the 757 cyclone is getting pretty thick too Oh water's starting to bug out clone them again okay now this might end up breaking the game we're at 4000 aircrafts now the game is still running it looks like the freaking jet stream over here fifty-seven billion dollars in debt in one pulse so what do you think so far does it seem legit should we double everything again okay game please don't crash on me oh god it's trying to save time right now my graphics cards like no we did 8000 so I have the game in fast-forward and it's not moving this is probably a bad sign Oh hold on we're getting some motion alright it's fine we're only at a negative 130 billion dollars see if I look this way everything moves real smooth if I look this way it gets bad you can see all the planes they're just getting in line like it's some kind of Black Friday sale look at them all pouring in this is the ring of planes that's happening it literally is getting so packed oh I just noticed this pilot has a fantastic mustache it literally is getting so packed they're all almost touching what the hell happened down there why is that one 757 sniffing the other 757 zas I gotta try and get as many into this hurricane as possible and then I'll try and spawn it double again it'll be 16,000 planes oh yeah the hurricane is now more powerful than I had ever previously anticipated it would do Florida proud holy SH we almost just had 85 accidents I think we both know what time it is it's time to double the amount of planes okay maybe maybe if I look away from the screen these birds are like go do it go now comes the fun minigame when I wait for the next eight minutes in real life while this number eventually turns into a 16,000 or the game closes okay the numbers showed up the game isn't working but the number showed up I think we finally did it I'm getting like one frame every 30 seconds look oh it's working it's like this guy is just vomiting up seven if I dare look at the city look at the framerate I have to avert my eyes if I look this way everything's fine ah yes the circle is complete well now that I have finished up this plane based ASMR I think it's time to finish the old girl off clone all the vehicles and the game just crashed how many planes can the Florida airspace support before the entire dimension of reality folds in on itself apparently 32,000 well folks hope you enjoyed this episode of transport fever too till next time stay Fox it might slow
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,287,550
Rating: 4.9502296 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, built a city, management game, government simulator, govenrment sim, political simulator, political sim, political sim games, transport fever, transport fever 2, transport fever 2 gameplay, transport fever 2 game, transport simulation, crazy transport operations, airport simulator, airport sim
Id: AeNJIFPfvjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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