i detonated a nuke the size of earth and this happened

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to hit the earth with a nuke literally the size of the earth it's icbm icbm is one of those games it's supposed to be like real time where you're developing missiles and all that stuff boring right over here you'll notice that there are such bombs as the 10 megaton bomb and in fact there's even a 50 megaton bomb that you can get but do you know what we call those rookie numbers this is a game where you can literally just edit any part of the entire game like including the bombs like everything about the bombs so since there are such things as this boosted fission weapon and since we can make them do things that are theoretically impossible i want to see if we can eventually destroy the entire planet with a nuke the size of the planet there's something else i want to do too after we increase the strength of the nukes to the point where one single nuke can destroy the entire solar system i'm going to give everyone in the entire game all the time and all the weapons that they need and i want to see who will fire the very first planetary solar system black hole creating nuke the best thing about this game is you can watch as the entire planet melts itself like a shad ice cream cone there's also death tolls for everything that happens okay so here's the mega ton bomb i don't really have anything against havana but it's close so we're gonna bomb it just to give you an idea of where the power level of the current bomb sits at actually you know what i got two air bases there's no reason not to bomb things twice here's a regular nuclear bomb santa domingo you got 2.2 million test subjects alrighty now you can see as our bombers over here start moving across the ocean everything's nice new orleans is like gray what the [ __ ] doing when all of a sudden air gray decides to land like this and [Music] bloop see that 101 000 people dead rookie numbers i'm not going to be satisfied until we increase the power level of the warheads enough so that we can wipe out all life on the planet in fact if possible i want to actually erase the planet from the game alright let's see if this other bomb is any better because the other one was pretty damn weak okay if anything i guess maybe the cloud is taller holy jesus half a million people dead now we're getting somewhere still though like i said bookie numbers okay the first the first problem here is you do not get enough points to actually do what we want to do so alrighty let's see here okay cruise missiles yeah available points negative one no how about one with a lot of zeros after it see this that's what i'm talking about um yeah go ahead and give me all that excellent gray how many missile silos would you like all the missile silos uh yeah all these okay now with that at our disposal go over here to missiles guided bomb low power nuclear bomb no no no yes i like how there's a thing here for precision does it really matter when we're gonna blow up half of the entire planet draw size what's being drawn is it the size of the missile whatever let's add some zeros and see what happens i love how there's literally a file that you can mess with in the game called explosion you can change the volume of the explosion kilotons yes damage yes don't want to go too crazy yet range all of it uh full effect range sure draw size times 10 pollution size here's time growing what the hell does this mean this is like the the bomb slowly becoming erect into the sky whatever yeah make it slightly longer eventually what i'm gonna do is change all the weapons so that all hell breaks loose on the planet since i'm from florida can i put all of the tactical nuclear silos there how many can i shove in here yes [Music] can i get like a few more on the coast everyone here gets to enjoy the beach uh yeah all these i get to put some up in canada too fantastic you understand this is not the way the game is meant to be played but none of us really care diplomacy no all right uh first things first where's the big ass bombs at oh no no no yes yeah just make all these in fact focus all of your efforts on it all right well now i just have to uh wait for a few minutes here oh okay now that we have the bomb of stupidity ready we get to see what it does yeah give me the good bomb i don't want to detonate this too close to where i live so uh i love your parents now don't you worry i mean we only increase the power of the bomb like 10 or a hundred or a thousand times it may not be that bad okay i'm sure paris will be just is this the bomb so my god that's the trump the bomb is this look at the size of the damn thing if you turn it this way it looks like the earth is wearing a red pair of sunglasses or it's just like really angry there's like nani oh this is probably the time that it takes to hit holy christ look at the size of the cloud what the hell happened to the planet holy sh shows you all the different cities when they're burned to the ground 2.14 billion people dead in london i don't think london had that many people it had to like spawn extra humans just so they could die we don't start wars but we end them by being cheating bastards kind of curious what uh oh my god this is all the stuff that got destroyed by the bone jesus [Music] [Laughter] did it reach all the way over to the united states i'm pretty sure that uh the death count is like 100 phoenix damn it maybe that's me that's a different phoenix the death toll never ends i'm still scrolling how is anyone researching anything there shouldn't be anyone left alive okay hold on we may need to mess around with like the color coordination of the game a little bit here maybe i'll maybe i'll chill out on the draw size before i go completely ballistic hold on what happen what happens if i bring this down a little bit like how i wanted to go small in the beginning always make sure to save often i'm giving canada all the power this time there's gonna be a missile silo across from every single tim hortons new strike plan allow overkill targets cities i love that you can change the name of your plan since they're all coming from canada it's canada mcgedden enjoy execute canada mcgedden look at how many arrows oh my god let the bombing commands look at how ridiculous this can get now all these bombs are uh pretty weak fairly weak bombs so this this oh my god i was gonna say this shouldn't be that bad poor havana we are a bunch of vicious bastards a city has been bombed yeah i know all right let's see how the populations are doing africa still has 66 percent 61 58. oh there's still plenty of people around here that's right boys keep lighting it up because we got a few seconds before we can release the kraken alrighty well the warhead is prepared just going down to buenos aires alrighty and there goes one of the layers of hell now if you look this bomb is much more normal sized and there's the explosion oh yeah bomb size is way more normal honestly it's a pretty weak bomb i think that we're gonna have to like move things farther than we were before because i want to see this cloud but i want to see it bigger than the entire planet i draw size that much just like how we were able to shoot off like 30 nukes at a time i gotta find out what the name of those files are and then change it so that in the end we can fire all those with the stats of the big nuke i'm slowly starting to move further and further away from north america just to see if i can keep us alive but we keep increasing the damage potential so much that there's probably no way in hell all right istanbul you're the next test subject just gotta find out holy [ __ ] look at the size of the death claw you can't even see the planet it looks like everyone was hit population zero will will will the smoke eventually clear oh oh i think it's i think it's going away there we go everything's fine heads three wait can i change how many extra missiles these things shoot 300 production cost 0.1 oh let me change this one too just in case 400 warheads yeah let's increase the draw size a little bit okay the explosion is nuke 1000 right here it is [Laughter] i don't want to go too crazy here just increase the damage by 10. range yeah sure okay let's try this now i don't need to waste my time with the big bombs anymore since i can just make these forever and just change how good they are i'm about to vomit nukes over the entire planet nukes on tons of meth and steroids execute plan armageddon behold the urine streams of death all right now all these bombs have been enhanced like a lot jesus they cause mushroom clouds just from being fired i need to mess with the draw size of these so they're all like the size of the screen oh this is cool i gave the earth a comb over look i'm just waiting for that very first one to touch down it takes a while here all right they're starting to split now is each explosion stupidly big look at how many and oh my god there's still stuff exploding okay let's see here most of the cities are still okay for the first time ever we're alive over here in you know florida okay the stupid-sized nukes are starting to pop up all over the planet finally okay i felt like we hadn't really gotten stupid enough in quite some time like all the bombs are just kind of you know big but not really big so i decided to increase it a little bit more and on top of that i've got all of the planes with the megaton bombs but they're gonna do a synchronized attack so they're all gonna hit at exactly the same time okay [Music] here we go all right all the bombs are going down and there it is now you get to see some stupidity it actually doesn't look that bad i may have to increase the draw size even a little bit more i mean if you look at the planet it's got like the worst case acne ever how many people died yes i gotta mention too the mushroom clouds go like a thousand miles into the air i just wanna see what diplomacy does hey south america rejected you bastards you're gonna regret that does anyone want to join me rejected come on russia we're part of the red alliance with russia russia you you will be spared hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna share my nuclear assets with russia maybe they can use these nukes to get effect does anyone else want to be part of the blue team i want to see what russia does because i've given them access to all the nukes that we have anything they want to use they can use oh we've got more alliances going on here south america's team teaming up with east asia europe and west asia and pacific and africa pacific wants to join the alliance absolutely we're all going to die anyway because my nukes go halfway across the planet i actually want to know who's gonna drop the first bomb because right now i've got it set so that the bombs will instantaneously kill us all there's like a giant freaking military spat going on over here with the boat it's like a giant slap fight everyone's just calling each other [ __ ] yeah i want to share all my nuclear assets with everyone okay 34 minutes have gone by and no one's actually killed one another yet have there been any deaths at all what are you guys doing i would have melted the planet by now come on whoever gets the first nuke wins i'm not even gonna do anything this time around what does that sound i know the sound of missiles launching when i hear it what the hell is going on over here are you guys parking your damn carriers on top of one another okay no one has built a missile silo yet yeah why not africa come on in all right pacific is starting to learn the boosted fission weapon that's good okay south america has a missile silo since everyone's just screwing around i guess i'll make more of these the first place to actually build a nuke is africa europe has like no technologies available what the hell are you doing over there europe not doing anything the ones with the most technology russia so um europe was lagging behind forever they were the first ones to release the nukes it took forever to finally get this to happen it took three hours i don't know what happened they're the only ones that cared enough to actually blow up the planet i don't know how they did it but the population of south asia is now negative fourteen hundred and thirty three percent i just had to check two for two to see if it would be europe again it's zero every damn time look at the size the mushroom cloud i'm getting cancer through my computer screen i feel like i need more damage there we go mice will make the draw size uh yeah that much all right rain fire josh do it there we go that's what i wanted look at the size the fire goes all the way to the moon we're still dropping bombs too oh god i look at it i think what's amazing me is there's still like not quite 50 percent of the population of the planet left well there's no one left in europe i guess all the bombers are coming back just so they can do this again hoop we don't do anything the normal way here have some more bombers there you go can't run out of mushroom clouds after all all right how's that population doing all right let's see uh yeah europe's gone south america is down to 16 russia's down to 19 clearly we haven't done enough damage yet if people are still you know what i might as well kill myself too yeah arrange all of it uh-huh draw size let's go nuts pollution size all right all the bombers should be full up on bombs execute the plan 35 25 ten i might as well zoom all the way out for this five four three here we go two one [Laughter] the achieve is no mercy oh my god how the hell do you have negative sixty one hundred percent left his score is negative six hundred the world is in ruins game over well everyone hope you enjoyed this episode of icbm till the next time thank you f2 billion stay foxy
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,117,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, grey still plays, simulation games, funny simulator game, god games, world simulation games, world conflict games, ICBM, ICBM game, ICBM gameplay, nuclear explosion, nuclear war, nuclear war game, nuclear war simulator, nuclear war gameplay, if we denotated all nuclear bombs at once, most powerful bomb, most powerful bomb ever exploded, all nuclear bombs detonate together, power and revolution, power and revolution 2020
Id: o_OCW-Jbvtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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