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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can enslave all of humanity with tick-tock causing the downfall of society it's plague ink less free will damn it plague inc is a game where you're supposed to use plagues to destroy all of mankind on the entire planet that's not gonna happen instead of killing everyone this is a custom plague that instead turns all of humanity into servants of tick-tock if you do it right there's literally like a million symptoms on this thing and so we will discover them all and see if we can turn the entire planet into tick-tock loving psychopaths tick-tock has been released i love it it sounds like it's releasing a shark with legs into society like some sort of bloodthirsty animal the tiktok app has now been published and is ready to be used by a person that person is in china although i guess china wouldn't know that because i'm pretty sure they banned this game tick tock has infected its first human this poor person is like ah will to live deteriorating all right hold on we've got to look to see what the different symptoms are you can see these two here are very simplistic this one causing a pathogen that controls the host's brain and makes them become interested in tick-tock and then breaching the blood-brain barrier to cause hype to tick-tock as i understand it the web of sorrow that tick-tock will cause gets really big here i love the different transmission methods pathogen will transmit when a person shows using tick-tock in public it's like that movie the ring you don't want to die alone so you force someone else to watch it go up to one of your friends and you're like hey you want to see a text message i just got they're like oh yeah and then you show them and they're like are you iw bastard so the whole purpose here is we're not supposed to kill anyone at all in fact we need everyone to live tick tock needs to enslave all of humanity after all he can't do it if everyone's dead now humans have entered its natural habitat what is tick tock's natural habitat it's usually just like the living room and starbucks over here we have a live video feed from china you can see everyone is like tiktok what's that as they go about their daily lives so happy so foolish there's only 37 people infected right now so i doubt either of these news articles were prompted by tick tock but they're still amazing budget airlines planned to remove seats for passengers you still get the seat belt you're just strapped into the ground justin bibble trampled by fans but did he die all right let's start the hype train okay doing the interest opened up literally four different paths of insanity we have host uses tick tock once in a while host shares tick-tock videos to social media inability to sleep due to non-stop thinking of tick-tock i think i know which one i'm going with tick-tock paranoia host knows nothing except for tick-tock this is like the one rabbit hole that i can't stop myself from going down oh god it's opening up more chunks astigmatism how host gets blind dude overuse of tick-tock this is like some sort of masturbation old wives tale some mom catches their kid using it and they're like stop using tick-tock you'll go blind i've got to get 15 more points so i can see where this path leads rumors of mysterious illness in china rumors are spreading of a mysterious illness which is leaving through china however doctors find no evidence of ill health it's true though i was on my phone before i'm just on my phone more now i find it interesting that the very next place that tiktok went was afghanistan something i just realized if we cause everyone to go blind from using tick-tock aren't we kind of shooting ourselves in the foot you know what whatever i'll take one for the team whenever you upgrade one of your symptoms and the next option is an eye crying blood um i think we know we've made the right choice what is this severe conjunctivitis host gets pink guy i love it that tik tok is now causing bacterial infections what is this one it's like more the host's vision weakens the eyes become red and start to cry blood i love that tik tok has become so impactful that at this point we are crying blood sounds like a 10 out of 10. i actually think i need to open up some of these other ones before i get into like the real nitty-gritty of my eyes shooting out of my skull like two heat seeking projectiles how's china doing anyway seven thousand tenth okay the infection's moving pretty quick actually woman catches man flu what the hell is the man flu apparently the little girls in the game thought that was pretty funny i can see some like nine-year-old girl burning the hell out of me for saying that she's like no there's nobody left in the world that can make good decisions that's right little tiffany now we're all equally screwed this one seems to legitimately be the most boring so i'm kind of curious if it eventually gets completely out of control post uses tiktok once in a while host uses tick-tock sometimes considering we went from our eyes hurting to crying blood i'm kind of thinking that we're going to go from using tick-tock one time to using it to the exclusion of everything else and disowning our families protesters claim mystery plague is real protesters in china urge government to investigate mystery plague in their community despite doctors not finding any evidence of ill health i feel like this is exactly why every internet provider would be ringing their hands together while doing their best emperor palpatine voice being like good release your bandwidth tick-tock becoming scary all right we're moving down the line host uses tick-tock multiple times a day we've opened up a new line as well man it's expensive ruining lives with tick-tock all right baby give it to me what could this icon over here mean does it mean that we're taking a bubble bath probably not okay host becomes addicted to tick-tock host won't stop moving its mouth non-stop lip sync why do i feel like we're eventually going to lose the ability to speak tik tok is the new sky net it hijacked a plane and it's sending it over to the united states mass panic over 3d printed robotic juicer new robotic juicer banned in 17 countries after a u.n report highlighted its profoundly disturbing behavior this is like the one juicer that's trying to stop the downfall of society it's like no humans i'm trying to help foolish juicer tick tock will crush everything under its heels including inanimate objects i think the thing that's profoundly disturbing is the fact that this juicer probably performed better in school than i did uh yeah let's go with the addiction that turns to 24 7 365 tick-tock use the host uses tick tock without stop not even for a second i saw a previous news article about fecal contamination rising in pools i think i understand why now honestly fecal contamination is probably rising everywhere greenland's over here it's like you know who's not infected us oh really it's like a little heat-seeking tick-tock missile penguin spontaneously combusts in zoo can you get close enough to any area to see the combustion this penguin was the true rebel he was like i'm not gonna be a part of this okay we're doing the 24 7 tick-tocking and it's opened up a couple of extra things 24 7 watch the host watches tick tock videos 24 hours a day seven days a week and the host becomes so addicted to tick tock that tick tock is the only app it uses we're not even halfway through all this riots over mystery plague damn it just whatever you do don't hurt each other i need to have people to enslave investigators prompted by recent riots find that the mystery plague is real and is spreading it has been named tick-tock i can imagine some like amazing presidential speech it would be like the world has an adversary its name is tick tock korea begins to break down due to tick tock tick tock is now the number one homeschooling app in all the world research on bird flu not published i love how everyone's getting their own flu at this point got the man flu the bird flu honestly that juicer probably had the flu i'm gonna go down here to the sharing area i love the response here tik tok becomes the most popular app in the world and korea declares a national emergency afghanistan also banned long hair which given the current pandemic means we're all acute sore eyes symptom has mutated on its own everyone's crying blood without my help okay this is bad the world is starting to try and cure tick tock we can't allow this to happen child tells president that injecting disinfectant is not good did that little child live in australia because now they're paying for this outrage i love that tick tock is now causing vision hemorrhaging forever watch it's just host watches videos without stopping damn it we haven't unlocked any of these down here i have to know where they go host shares many tick tock videos on social media that's not too bad i mean i say it's not too bad meanwhile tiktok is slowly strangling the human brain it's over here it's like tastes like depression and cappuccino it's like a depressed chino i think what's annoying me is that africa still has not been infected by tick-tock go ahead and change that real quick everyone i want to show you a close-up of florida why because apparently it might not be around much longer actually what am i saying hurricanes are just like a stiff breeze over here seriously over here in florida you can have like 130 mile per hour winds outside and your boss will still be like so you're coming in tomorrow right okay the points are starting to flow in here all right share many shares very often which leads to non-stop acting post acts like acting in tick tock without a pause i think i just got bludgeoned by google translate but i'm pretty sure this means that like asses are twerking and stuff you know what global twerking why not ah tick tock now controls the human body over here with this one a lot of alerts going off over here i like that all these different countries are legalizing worms stop in searches some poor bastards are gonna be like what's that in your pocket they're gonna be like it's my worm mankini not funny we'll have to agree to disagree on that zombie spoof increased emergency preparedness which one zombie spoofs are like pigeons they're everywhere you can't even go to the park without a zombie spoof stealing your freaking ham sandwich there's one place left that isn't infected it's iceland look at the mall they're like our way of life is so peaceful how about now all right we're gonna go with a 24-hour watch i'm kind of curious if these two center ones open up because things are already pretty bad considering you know 24 7 use okay gonna evolve permanent severe addiction turkey is now an anarchy due to tick-tock non-stop lip-syncing research finds that teenagers go outside sometimes not for long actually that's not true you know what if there's one thing i do have to say about tick tock it's actually very healthy because you can take your cell phone anywhere with you we've already got six billion people in the world infected god nobody's dead but there's like a tank driving through someone's living room over in russia i don't know though maybe that's maybe that's normal all right we're gonna go to share very often severe conjunctivitis out of every symptom that could have been automatically mutated the forever watch one is the one that did it i love how madagascar is the last country in the entire world that hasn't been infected like at all they're at a zero percent infection rate i'm gonna keep these people alive because let's see if i can unlock the rest of the the abilities madagascar my children stay pure i could destroy them immediately with this but i won't i'll send this to australia one time watch mutated actually if we get lucky they may all just mutate themselves oh hey scientists have introduced synthetic genes into tick-tock i don't really know what this will do it's like giving cancer extra vitamin c or something part of me wants to know now if i can torture people all the way to 2020. two-time watch-mutated will mutate out of control on our own vision hemorrhaging mutated i think we've got almost everything there's like one left two more points left all right it's taken almost until 2020 to unlock the final thing that seems so relevant madagascar you did so well but now it's time look at the effect i guess i can buy this just because i have the points i love that my little worm over here is so angry he's been like doing squats drinking protein shakes and stuff there are no healthy people left in the world tick tock has enslaved humanity this is the end all humans in the world has installed tick tock and it has become the most popular app in the world victory the whole world worships tick tock as their god and master what efforts to cure the plague have ceased and humanity is entering a dark new future as a slave species well on the plus side thinking is hard and clicking on tick tock is easy we did it we managed to enslave the entire planet without killing a single person well you heard it here first the end of the world is at hand apparently madagascar is the last bastion of humanity hey folks hope you enjoyed this episode of play game until the next step stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,298,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, multiple endings, life choices game, life choices, bad life choices game, plague inc, plague inc game, plague inc funny, disease simulation, disease simulation game, quarantine, quarantine game, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok banned, tiktok banned
Id: GW294evBMaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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