minecraft but i made storms 1000x stronger

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-All right, we’re checking out the only game where you can take anything that Mother Nature would use to kill everyone on earth and add more zeros to it. It’s Minecraft. I think I could probably—Ow, I was going to say I could probably parkour on this tornado but maybe not. Did a bunny just die randomly? I love how Reginald is just having a fantastic time during all of this. Oh, random meat. I wonder how that got there. Today’s life-eating chaos is sponsored by Dragon Tamer but since talking about it would be boring, I’m going to destroy a tablet with a high-powered slingshot. More on that later. Obviously, it’s pretty much everyone’s dream to be in the middle of a tornado or a giant tsunami or an earthquake. Well, now basically all those different things are going to happen randomly as we try and beat the game as you can see. Typically, one of these ridiculous things that we’ve supercharged will happen every 60 seconds. However, each time they happen, they will happen one second faster. That means that after 60 minutes, they’re going to happen every single second and there’ll be at maximum power. I have added so many zeros to what they can do that eventually it will probably just break the game. Okay, now things are starting to get out of hand. I get freaking winded around and there’s a damn tornado. Leave me alone. The poor villager over there is getting wrecked, too. Oh my God, I got to find carbs or I’m not going to survive this. Are we done? Please stop. I’m not actually getting anywhere. I’m just getting my cardio in for the day. These two guys are like, "What’s going on with this weather?" Then they turn and look at me and they’re like, "Oh, shit it’s gray." Okay, I got to-- Hold on, I got to-- Damn it, I just want to get caught on a tree or something. Give me one wooden block for God’s sakes. Okay there, I’m actually caught on the tree log. The fact that there’s no carbs around me is a real problem. Anyway, we’re going to try and beat the game while this crap is going on. Oh, come on. I can already tell this is going to be a giant pain in my ass. I couldn’t find the last completely legitimate village I was at so congratulations, everyone. I’m here to ruin your lives. Don’t worry. If we’re lucky, we’ll only get a tornado because apparently blizzards just immediately kill everyone. You guys don’t have any carbs laying around, do you? Reginald, where the hell did I leave my chicken at? I heard him. Reginald, are you inside of the earth again? I don’t know. I’m sure he’ll turn up eventually. Okay, anyway. Can I actually craft something this time without the world going to-- Are you serious? Okay. Yay, come here. Usually, I don’t actually have to kill anything by myself but I need to do this before the freaking Earth splits in half and I fall down to the damn core. Give me your iron. Thank you, nice. Are you kidding me right now? Oh, no. What the hell, already at level fours? I think I can land this. Hold on. Got it. I would like to think that if I stayed inside the house, I would survive but that’s not true. All right, what do you got inside your chest-- Seriously? Grab one of these. If you’re not made of carbs, I don’t want to talk to you. Get the hell out of here. Yes, actually, I do need this. Ah, no, not the winds. Not the win-- Actually, hold on. This is actually perfect. I wanted to get out of the zone anyway, yich. I have an idea. Oh, God. Let me have this, there. This is the tablet that I played Dragon Tamer on. This is the high-powered slingshot I used to take down baby dragons when I’m hungry. These are some of the sweet anniversary event figurines that you can win in the game. Dragon Tamer actually has a thing where you can do stuff in the game and get real-life things which I love. They also have a dragon coloring system where you can give the dragon different colors to make the dragons as unique as you want. They get a day and night cycle, and of course, you can breed dragons together to make your own violent death machines. Machines, the comrade machines that help humans. You can grow your dragon from an egg to an adult and there’s nine elements in the game because four elements are trash. All kinds of different battle modes, Adventure, Alliance Warfare, Arena, Forest of Spirits. There’s only one server which means that the entire planet gets to beat the living hell out of one another to tame the best dragon. All right, let’s take down some tablets. I mean, dragons. Imagine this, all of a sudden, a baby dragon tries to fly away with your tablet. I don’t think so. Dragon Tamer son. Whoo, that’s what I’m talking about. Anyway, if you want to start taming dragons and get your own figurine, check out the link in the description below. Download Dragon Tamers. Give me your loot before something kills us all. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve seen a piece of bread and my freaking crafting tables I’ve had to make? Actually, let’s do this. Congratulations, Iron Golem. I’m going to kill you with a sword made out of iron ingots like being killed by one of your children, feels good doesn’t it? Parental abuse, that’s what happens when your kids don’t get off the damn cell phone. Thank you, I’m not going to lie I wish I could eat the iron, hold on, crap. Hey, pigs I got good news and I got bad news, the good news is there hasn’t been a disaster in a little while, the bad news is I can’t find any bread so I’m a carnivore now. You too. Come here. I have to keep picking up all my stuff every couple seconds because I’m afraid it’ll blow away, this must be what’s like to live in Kansas. Tastes like betrayal. Oh, God. I don’t know how I survived that. I’m not going to ask you questions, you know what? I didn’t like that biome anyway, I probably shouldn’t have turned the wind up this high. Oh my God. I’m moving faster than the actual planet can make itself. I’m in the clouds now, extremely strong winds it said. I got saved by the water. Sorry sheep. If I look up in the sky it’s just random animals everywhere, when does it stop. Let me see if I can kill a pig in midair I need your food. God, I hope this happens when we try and find the end portal, are we done? Are we done? Okay, I think we’re done. Where the hell am I now? I like that there was just a dead cod laying on this mountainside because of the winds. I know I tried to do this before, but I lost my freaking boat when everything went to hell. This is basically going to be like my ace in the hole because now I got to start digging down hopefully if I dig down I don’t have to worry about the entire planet trying to kill me. First things first though, get me to flint. Thank you. Nice. Time to start digging. It worked. Yes. Oh hell. [laughs] I know you’re thinking to yourself, great how could it get much worse, you don’t understand. Okay, I’m pretty well below ground now, I’ve got flint and steel. Reginald for the love of all that is holy, please do not get in my way, I still have the lantern that I stole off of the bodies of the damn that got stuck in the last giant blizzard. Okay, I hear lava that’s good, well it’s good and bad I’m not very lava proof at the moment. I hear water and lava, we’re getting the two major food groups in Minecraft at this point. This is why gamers stay inside all the time. I’m afraid to go outside now since every time, I’ve gone outside I’ve been met with tornadoes, sinkholes, and freaking 4 billion mile an hour winds. I don’t want to hear it. Perfect. Okay and yoink, don’t even think about it. All right, cool we found gold. Reginald you’re supposed to be watching my freaking back. The freaking cave-in, there is nowhere safe. Okay almost at the lava, got it, and what the hell happened here, was this like the freaking death beam, whatever I don’t even want to know. Diamond. Okay, I want all the rest of you, go-- oh yes what is this? Water geyser, are you serious right now? This actually turned out to be really good. Can I get one thing done without this happening? The game’s like, "No." Okay got it, that’s all I wanted. You know it’d be great if the doom geysers and the cave-ins would chill out for a minute. It’s been a while so I think they’re starting to happen probably like every 40 seconds or so now. I’ve had a couple of seconds of mother nature not elbow dropping me and it’s nice. I’m also concerned because I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, let this happen, oh through the love of God, just let it happen. Giddily deep tornadoes can suck my pain. How do you like that mother nature? I never thought I’d be so happy to see a bunch of lava. Never mind tornadoes can happen in another, that’s fantastic. The tornado was so powerful I got kicked out of the server, flying is not enabled on this server. I wasn’t flying technically, I was but it wasn’t my fault. Hello everyone, I bring masochism and the wrath of mother nature. This is a freakish amount of blazes, fire come on guys I’ve lived in Florida most of my life this is nothing. Reginald do not play in the lava, dad’s got work to do. Guess what happens man give me your fucking [?] hurry up before we all sink into the depths of hell Good enough Lava Geyser. Lava Geyser she says, "I came, I saw, I destroyed everyone’s home." Not really sure at this point, how things could possibly get any worse. Okay, piglins. We’ve got a potential for some really bad stuff to happen here. Let’s just make the trade and get on with our lives. I hear a bunch of them are already burning alive. I haven’t even done anything yet. By the time I get to the overworld, this stuff is going to be happening every one second. I have no idea how the hell I’m actually going to be able to get to the end. Hello, piglins, you know what to do. Yes, that’s it, that’s nice. Oh, don’t get too angry, don’t get too angry. Now I start crapping out perils and don’t fall into the lava. I know you guys suck at doing basic tasks, like standing. What did I just say? Hey, yoink, all right, we’re getting there, just keep messing with the gold bars. I see him down there. Hold on, here we go keep them coming. What did I tell you guys, what the hell happened to the other one? What you ate him? I know you guys have a tendency to randomly just fall into the lava. Reginald, be a good chicken and pick up the perils. That’s it, fly them up here. No, there you go. Yes, yes this way. Perfect, good job buddy. Hey, oh righty. I feel good, but I also feel really bad because I know our lives are about to suck the second I stepped through the portal. All right, let’s go see what nonstop death feels like. I got to do this with this few obsidians as possible. Throw one of those on there and we are probably screwed. How the hell of a spawn you gave me. the fact that the entire planet hasn’t caved in on me yet, is a little bit concerning. Great, I can see blue skies. It’s such a blessing in such a curse. Okay, never mind, I just got hit with a Geyser and strong winds, and now an earthquake Jesus. If you’re going to be moving me around, at least get me toward the direction that we have to go into the carb, my God. I just got shot out from a frigging Geyser falling into the earthquake. Oh, this is awful, like the end of days, along blizzard is about to pick in, this is too much. Our only chance to survive is to hope that this kills the Ender Dragon before it kills us when we get to the end. Look at how ridiculous, thank you water geyser. As you could tell, this random crap is happening every single second now. Look at how ridiculous this is. The blizzard is just happening on me. It’s like my own personal rain cloud, following me around. You having a good time there Enderman? Enderman is like, "I hate you so much." Now you know what it’s like, leave me alone. Okay, for the love of all the Tully Oh no. Let me get this before the sinkhole happens. Oh, I did it. I managed to dodge the sinkhole, never mind. Oh my God, [laughter] I’m sorry. Squid. The squid are getting pitched like fastballs. Look at all the earthquakes and the tornado now as well. Yes, the squid are coming with me. Come on, we’re going to the end portal boys. Oh, Hey, I found a village. This is so bad for them. Who here got the earthquake-side property? I fell down this hole, but luckily there we go. I can use these geysers to get out, worked out well. It’s all just level six water geysers, my God, there’s so many. I’ve got to keep moving. There’s no other way to do this. Do I have any food? Oh, I have cooked pork chop. All right. Luckily again, It’s no problem. If I fall in the sinkhole, I just have to get out with the geysers. If I can parkour from geyser to geyser, I can survive all the falls. 1 billion IQ stuff here. A long acid storm is about to begin. Oh my God, all the freak. Are you serious right now? It’s an acid storm, so much keeps happening. Can you just leave me alone? Don’t do it for God’s sake man. I hate you. This Trek has been the worst experience of my entire life, but we’re here. I just need to clean this up. We’re going to get a momentary break right until we get into the end and then things are going to get really bad again. Again, my hope is I can just build a little shelter around me and the Ender Dragon gets killed by flaming death geysers or something. Come on baby. I know it’s here. I think it was here. I hear a thing, yes. There we go. I knew I was close, like hand grenade style close really. Get wrecked. Hi, you suck it bad. I’ve had a bad day. What you got for me. It would be great, if the portal was right around this corner here, that would be perfect. Right around the corner, right here, right here. Why are we still here? Here, hold on. I thought I heard lava but it may have also been the sound of my own tears. Fat loot. Wow. Hey, good enough. Okay, let’s bring the end times to the dragon. [Laughs] Okay, nothing’s happened yet. Why do I feel like the second I get out of my little sanctuary here all hell is going to break loose? I bet it’s just waiting for me to get out. Yes, there it is. Ah, and it has begun. [laughs] Oh God, ow. Got to make a little sanctuary, got to make a little sanctuary. This is working out really well. Now the wind can’t blow me anywhere. [groans] At this point, I just have to hope the Ender Dragon contracts the plague or something and dies that way. Oh, what the holy hell. Where am I? [groans] This is what is left of the actual pedestal, this is it. I’m in a tornado battling the freaking Ender Dragon. She’s taking a ton of damage from the tornado. [laughs] The tornado is going to do it. I don’t know where am I at this point. I haven’t stopped flying in this freaking tornado for a while. [shouts] Ouch, fell into a sinkhole. Damn it, he won. To walk all the way back you son of bitch. Well, I guess I have to walk back in order to win correctly. I guess I’ll just fly there. You know what? I’ll just crash the game. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Minecraft till next time. Stay [?] much love. I’m never doing this again.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,221,879
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Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, graystillplays minecraft, gray still plays minecraft, minecraft, minecraft mods, mods, minecraft challenge, challenge, funny videos, minecraft funny, minecraft disaster, disaster mod, tornado, minecraft tornado, tornado mod, tsunami, minecraft tsunami, tsunami mod, hardest minecraft, upgrade, upgrading, upgraded, minecraft but, storm, minecraft storm, best minecraft mods, minecraft gameplay, minecraft funny moments, storms 1000x stronger, i made
Id: bW4bhi6GkrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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