RTX 4070 Ti - Not so Impressive at 4K Resolution...

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another video in this one my friends we are gonna be testing another RTX 47 TI but today at 4K resolution yesterday we tested the 470 TI at 1440p resolution which is the targeted resolution for this card by Nvidia at least and since it did pretty well and it provided a high refresh rate experience in almost every game I wanted to bring you a 4K gaming test first of all I want to address the pricing issue it's supposed to be 799 dollars and at that price it's already too much as I said yesterday for a 70 TI GPU but yeah I've seen in some comments that the prices of these things are around like a thousand dollars and at those prices just just avoid yeah it's very sad to see this it's like Nvidia forgot about value gpus all together and well the 40 series just aren't good value but anyways enough rambling let's get back to the gigabyte model over here for starters it's very big and very thick that's what you said in the Box you get a 12 pin to dual 8-pin power connector an anti-sag bracket and the graphics card itself of course it has some RGB Lighting on the gigabyte logo as well as around the fans and that's obviously gonna boost your FPS by a lot right now but it definitely looks pretty cool with its metal backplate as well oh yeah and let's not forget this one has dual bios OC and silence and I used it in OC mode which is how it comes out of the box alright that's enough intro let's get to the games now shall We alright like yesterday let's start with Red Dead Redemption 2 looking absolutely gorgeous oh my God this game at 4K is just it's amazing 3840x2160 is the resolution we're using the same settings as yesterday ultra settings basically maxed out aside from msaa and the water physics and motion blur of course and if I'm remembering correctly this is super close it might be just a little bit better than my 3080 TI I played this game a lot with the 3080 TI it was my main GPU during 2021 and uh yeah it is dropping quite a bit from 60 FPS I expected a little bit higher performance coming from this not gonna lie guys all right let's uh kill these guys over here still very playable oh my God roach don't do this to me do not do this to me oh wait a second we gotta take a look at those beautiful God Rays oh oh yes so we need to go to Saint Denis and I think it is this way maybe or I don't like foggy weather in Red Dead Redemption 2 Guys it actually gets you a little bit higher FPS from what I've seen but let's check it out inside of the Forest right here with a ton of vegetation yeah 60s that's pretty decent you know again it's just slightly better than the 3080 TI I was expecting it to perform a bit better I also heard that this GPU there's a little bit worse at 4K than at lower resolution compared to the 39 DTI for example so that might be what we're seeing right now and it seems like it's getting around the same FPS as where we started over here so 50s higher 50s and maybe lower 60s a little bit later yeah I can say I'm impressed about this actually the 1440p results were really good it was always above 60 but the 4K results it could have been a little bit better not gonna lie I'm gonna enable dlss now to see how much of a difference it makes we're gonna utilize it on quality and that should bump up our FPS by quite a bit yes 70s now instead of higher 50s but it is stuttering a little bit I've also seen that at 1440p whenever you enable dlss in this game you get some weird frame time spikes that weren't there previously oh wait a second Bobby's right here I hear him okay there we go shut up Bob goodbye don't play copywriter music on my videos oh boy now we're screwed I guess uh come over here roach roach where the heck is roach dude what are you doing there come on get out get out somebody was stealing him I guess now those one percent lows are that low because of that little stuttering that we're having right now I don't know why that happens I actually saw it previously today and I reinstalled the drivers and everything and it was still there I don't know but to be honest I can't really feel much stutter anyways if I didn't have that frame time enabled I wouldn't be able to call it stuttering honestly well anyways dlss definitely gives you that 60 plus FPS experience Call of Duty Warzone 2 is next at 4K using the extreme settings preset I just changed the depth of field I turned it off and no dlss at the moment oh boy no while I was dropping from the sky it was getting like 80 FPS but now since we are near Water it drops into the 60s damn okay I mean this is one of the most intensive areas in the entire game but I did not expect it to drop that much from like 100 frames per second or even 80 in water areas look at that it's getting lower 60s at times Well it drops if you are shuffled and in the water like I usually say over here it actually drops it to the lower 50s at times okay I see why Nvidia didn't aim this at 4K gaming holy that's that's a surprise actually I wasn't expecting it to be that bad okay anyways it's still playable and if we enable the LSS it's gonna be a great experience here even at 4K oh yes okay there we go I I have to double check guys but I think the 6900 XT from AMD actually did a little bit better in this game at 4K resolution and that's a cheaper GPU these days of course it all also has more vram 16 gigabytes but this game really likes AMD gpus but still I expect this to do a little bit better not gonna lie all right up into the 90s around here which is the least intensive area in my Benchmark run and now getting into foresty areas with a little bit of vegetation oh it massively drops our FPS once again into the 60s the LSS on quality 69 sharpness and now we're getting around 100 frames per second around this area instead of like 60 to 70 which is much better but the game gets a little bit over sharpened so I just remembered you can actually adjust the sharpening I just put it to 69 because well that's the best number right so let's go back to the water area and see the FPS around here now it's getting 90s all right that's much better okay not dropping too much look in that direction for example only into the higher 80s so if you you're playing at 4K dlss is the way to go also I am running a 4k monitor and it it still looks really good a tad over sharpened again but you can actually adjust it so no problems in that regard I I could definitely enjoy the experience like this it's also not stuttery and in this area which is the most intensive one uh it is only dropping into the lower 80s this time around can I make it drop from 80 though I don't think so yeah 81 is probably the minimum there yeah I'm seeing the footage from my 6900 XT test in this game and it actually dropped less than this GPU in the water it only dropped to like 71. oh my God cyberpunk is next at 4K using the rate racing ultra settings without the LSS first and without motion blur as well this is it and over here we are using High crowd density oh okay this this FPS just reminded me why I don't test this game without the LSS and Ray tracing at the same time you know it's a bad idea as you saw quality DLS has then that's much better 40s I mean it's what I was expecting honestly because this is a super intensive title whenever you are using rate racing and well the 4080 I think it didn't get 60 plus all of the time either in this game so uh yeah this is this is totally expected anyways you can still play like this if you don't mind less than 60 FPS but if you're spending a thousand dollars on a GPU which I think that's what it costs right you might actually want those 60 plus FPS of course that's where frame generation comes in but it's still not in this game okay around here the FPS usually drop by quite a lot into the lower 40s at times I didn't really see 30s though so that's a good sign at least it's 40 plus all of the time right that's not terrible you definitely should either disable rate racing or play with frame generation and since FG is not out yet for the general public I will need to update the game to the press release version to show you frame generation results that's very unfortunate but hey hopefully you see the project right can actually implement it soon I'm tired of waiting come on CD project this is much better right around that 69 FPS number which is absolutely perfect that's what we want on average of course how's it go what it just disappears okay all right I won't question it is it inside of my car right now like is there a person inside of it I don't understand okay let's continue here it's still not enough for 60 plus FPS all of the time guys as you can see it's dropping quite close right now goodbye Bob once again but yeah in this roundabout things should start dropping a little bit too a couple of stitters there I wonder oh it is actually running out of vram at this moment guys at 4K with frame generation and the race racing settings of course it runs out of vram at times and it causes stuttering issues so 12 gigabytes are actually not enough at least on this GPU oh yeah I just remembered in the 4080 video and 4090 videos I also saw a bit higher vrammetalization when using frame generation so that's definitely what's happening here we're running out of vram at times and it's causing stuttering wow okay I wasn't expecting that now it's Battlefield 2042 4K using the ultra settings with no dlss at the moment oh this is actually not bad this is Breakthrough by the way 64 player server and it's getting 80s okay it's not the same map as yesterday I think this might actually be a little bit less intensive but I spent a lot of time in the queue for this one actually let's go the objective is ours oh boy oh boy getting shot at this is actually pretty smooth I was expecting it to be worse after seeing like cyberpunk and Red Dead Redemption 2 but no it's 80 FPS it's totally playable like this but it's good to know that there aren't any issues with the vram size you know 12 gigabytes is absolutely fine for this game at 4K resolution it's barely even using like eight gigabytes so even eight gigabyte gpus should be fine at 4K but well you might actually not find a fast enough 8 gigabyte GPU to achieve like 60 plus at this rate as you know super super intensive wait a second we actually got one uh let's go no no no let's go no come on come on we get another one down there and there is one right there okay we got him let's get inside and there's another one here what are you doing camping bastard there's someone here now okay so good it's all good oh boy no okay one down and that's another one right there a quality dlss at 4K again it looks quite good in this game like I told you yesterday it gets rid of that over sharpening look uh of TAA that's forced in this game and it actually gives you more FPS so this is how I would play this game so there's an issue with my motherboard it doesn't like EA Games and this happens sometimes and now we're in Kaleidoscope this would be perfect for yesterday's GPU you know the midnight Kaleidoscope also speaking of this gigabyte model is also doing a really good job it's a little bit slower in clock speed compared to yesterday's GPU but the temperatures are absolutely fine it's also pretty silent like yeah I cannot hear it from here I don't know why I tried the PC is all the way over there you know different map different settings we can't really directly compare the LSS on and off in this one unfortunately but it is performing around 100 frames per second so it's another nice Improvement coming from dlss I really like it and the visuals to me at least they look a little bit better while using the LSS I'm not sure if I mentioned this oh it's raining in Forza guys this is perfect you can see all of the little droplets of water on the car it's it's beautiful this game at 4K of course the resolution is 3840 by 281 60 TAA is being utilized because it's the best anti-aliasing tech in this game and extreme settings same as yesterday so let's start cool boy oh boy this is very slippery right now okay all right let's do this this is still an amazing experience in Forza Horizon 5. it will drop a little bit in the city area because that's way more intensive than here but but I can't deny this is a perfect experience for a game like this all you need is like 60 FPS in my opinion at least and this definitely gets way higher than that so no issues whatsoever in Fords vram is also under control at 90 gigabytes at the moment I actually expected it to be a little bit higher now let's do that jump oh yes there we go also do you like this car it's like a Batmobile or something I know there's like some other car that is actually a Batmobile or at least it looks more like it but this is my Batmobile because I don't have that other car yeah oh it's okay it's all good it's all good kind of okay never mind also the FPS dropped a little bit because of the vegetation back there oh no no no no oh go boy double flip oh yes oh perfect Perfect Landing as well should start dropping now come on all right there we go it drops from 100 FPS slightly oh what is wrong with my voice okay it gets around the same FPS as inside of those bushes back there so it's interesting it doesn't drop by all that much here in the city either worst case scenario is right now and it drops into the 80s oh boy the 4070 TI just got wrecked in fortnite so this game with the Unreal Engine 5.1 supports rate racing in the form of the Lumen epic Reflections here real-time rate racer Reflections so that's why it is so intensive on high-end epic settings oh no will it actually manage to drop from 30 FPS oh my that is so intensive guys actually even the RTX 48 he was getting around like 50 FPS on average with these settings so I'm not impressed at all with what I'm seeing right now yeah this game is just super super demanding whenever you are using rage racing I'm gonna go ahead and use TSR on high and like performance right away just to try to achieve those 60 FPS it's still not enough it looks super pixelated whenever you're moving but at least it is now playable 70 FPS and I'm also using a 42 inch monitor so I can see all of the imperfections maybe with like a 32 inch or a 37 inch monitor it would look all right ish wait where are they buddy oh oh you got him okay nice now as I said probably nobody should play this game like this using these settings it's just it's too much for every GPU basically even like a 40 90 drops FPS uh if you're not using upscaling technology so it's crazy it is just like a tech demo it's good for testing gpus not really good for playing the game them that's like the benefit of 4K is that you can actually spot them from really far away and hit those shots like I couldn't do this if I was playing at 1080p so there is definitely an advantage of playing it at these high resolutions you know there we go come on come on it's just a bot it's running like a bot I think OverWatch to his next at 4K using the Epic settings oh boy oh boy oh boy it starts guys it starts my cluelessness yes I I don't know what I do here in OverWatch yeah just wave your Hammer around that's it come on I'm low HP Medics Medics no Medics okay no no no no no oh oh my oh that's terrible maybe it was because we were playing at 1440p yesterday and actually getting like 240 FPS or something crazy like that but now I'm just dying in diet it must be the FPS right it's not the scale obviously to kill this bat boy let's kill this pet but there we go there we go okay all right so let's retake this objective actually take this objective because we never had it what no oh that's that's enough that's enough we've seen a ton of Mayhem already we're gonna lose anyways Assassin's Creed Valhalla at 4K 100 resolution scale and the ultra high settings I will change the motion blur though okay start counting our FPS this is the built-in Benchmark of this game as I usually run in these videos because now you can actually compare things around like with the 1490 the 4080 that I tested it's exactly the same path over here and uh compared to the 1440p results we got 132 FPS on average yesterday using the same settings and now it seems like it is still pretty dang smooth for a single player title like this one I would be totally fine with 60 plus FPS I mean that's a perfect experience at least to me in a game like Assassin's Creed well it's Apex Legends with our boy Gibraltar well 4K resolution highest settings aside from this one because this requires more than 12 gigs of vram damn okay looking at the entire map we're getting a hundred plus FPS I expected worse but of course as we know already in Apex Legends when the action hits up it's where it will drop the most there we go this is pretty good guys all right so for a 144 Hertz 4k monitor quite nice at least so far look at those frames damn looking at the map from here 150 oh boy okay that was not what I meant to do but all right it's actually quite insane that it's reaching 200 FPS at times oh I remember around that geyser it usually drops by quite a bit so let's throw our ultimate right there actually look at that guys a hundred and twenties there's something with water or moving water at least and Apex Legends like the other map Olympus I think it is also drops FPS like crazy in the waterfall area so that's interesting okay so uh here we go oh no we were dropping into like the 80s and 70s there for a second oh come on that's basically worst case scenario here and it's still pretty tank smooth now it's God of War at 4K using the ultra settings preset oh hello there guy well we're starting with a little bit of a fight this time around there is another one okay more of them two uh go go go fight them with your arrows buddy let's do this some effects on screen and it's not dropping there we go oh middle Mouse button that's nice oh yes I love it Guys these are just brutal I gotta love God of War right some effect 65 there still not a problem and if it does drop you always got the LSS to save the day but I don't think it's needed actually it's it already does a great job without it there we go cutscene time maybe it's gonna drop here at 4K res but I don't think so yeah it's still the same with the last gen gpus it actually dropped a lot in this cutscene right here with all of that depth of field and stuff like that and there we go this is the last fight here of my Benchmark Run come on buddy buddy kill the investors there we go there we go good job they're just stopping there maybe I'm playing this on easier so is there anybody else oh yes there is okay wait a second okay it feels pretty smooth no stuttering though so that's nice to see vram is also well under control stop blocking my things now it never dropped from 6 but that's not to say that it won't ever drop from 60 this isn't a linear title it's impossible to test the entire game here of course so there could be some more intensive areas that will drop the FPS more but still I think it's a really solid experience here in God of War valrant is next at 4K highest settings with four times msaa I'll just change the Nvidia reflex thingy to on instead of on plus boost because that actually limits our GPU utilization let's go let's try to win this one we actually won the 1440p game so uh yeah I'm I'm already feeling uh quite uh warmed up from yesterday yes that's it let's go let's go few kills here no like oh my God no that's that's terrible no anybody fencing some gelato la krushka la Crush very good very good what how'd I do that oh boy oh boy I need some health I need some help thank you thank you so much no no one there's another one somewhere there he is let's go nice oh double headshot no no no stop stealing my kills I should be first place already not that guy come on it's all because they keep stealing my kills definitely well guys in my book it's not my fault that we we didn't win this one the first guy well we we killed him a bunch of times so we actually won this like SpiderMan Miles Morales 4K dlss is turned off at the moment as well as frame generation and we're using the highest settings with rate racing maybe it's a bad idea all right all right race racing is a little bit too much but it's still around 60 FPS at Native 4K so not too bad but the 1440p results were definitely way better okay I don't recommend it okay it drops into the fort even 30s look at that yeah that's that's a bit rough it's starting to stutter a little bit vram is almost maxed out as well okay race racing super intensive guys we need that frame generation wow it is so much better guys instead of getting 50s and 60s we're now basically doubling our FPS with frame generation or maybe maybe the the threes are actually a little bit Blinky yeah sometimes they blink a little bit that's right I I'm actually surprised that they haven't fixed that but you can see it at the distance right that the the trees are blinking a little bit yeah okay I didn't notice it yesterday at 1440p weirdly but here at 4K it's very noticeable not sure if I would play like this that's a big shame because everything else looks really good and pretty sharp and detailed even with frame generation here's what we're gonna do now we're gonna disable the LSS frame generation and dlss all together use some TAA and use the very high settings without Ray tracing this time around alright it's getting around the same FPS as the LSS frame generation with rt enabled but now it's native resolution so if you don't like the LSS this is perfect for you and it also gets way less CPU bound at the same time which is great to achieve 99 utilization most of the time here now we don't have those trees blinking at the distance anymore everything looks sharp and detailed and I mean it's now perfect experience well above 60 FPS all of the time even here in the Central Park area with all of the vegetation and around here is also really intensive because of these smoke effects and the only dropping into the 70s higher 70s now it's Dying Light 2 at 4K dlss quality 69 sharpness the LSS actually looks way better than no dlss in this game because of first TAA and we're using the high quality rate racing settings and it's still above 60 FPS actually right around 69 I don't know why it's not showing 69 right there 68 or 70. come on mate anyways I'm going to start counting the FPS right now this is a different on-screen display because afterburner doesn't work here and yeah let's walk around here for a little bit it's actually dropping already into the 50s now of course if you disable rate racing it's gonna get 60 plus all of the time but I mean you're spending so much on a GPU I really think you want all the bells and whistles in terms of the graphics the graphical quality all right guys you might want to use some balanced dlss instead of dropping the settings I mean it's 4K so it still looks good yeah there are quite a few compromises sometimes with the 47 TI in these games with rate racing especially at 4K but there we go ballast dlss now gets as the 70s instead of like 60s or higher 50s that's quite nice let's go up there once again though and see it where it was dropping the most but what what what happened what happened Aiden are you all right these barrels man no arrows that's very interesting also it didn't drop did it I didn't notice it dropping from six it didn't feel like it at least um let's go go up here oh boy okay turn around go down there see the FPS down there come on come on open the thing oh yeah this is enough to put us above 60 FPS all of the time this is where we started and it dropped to like 55 Now it only drops to 65. it's solid okay it shouldn't really fluctuate too much in this game at the FPS um so I think you're gonna have a great experience even with rt enables as long as you use the LSS on ballast which to be honest looks almost the same Microsoft flight simulator is a super intensive game that you should use frame generation on because otherwise you're going to be CPU bottlenecked and you're gonna get low FPS so 4K quality dlss with FG and ultra settings preset without motion blur now that is absolutely beautiful my friends oh yes there's a Statue of Liberty right there everything looking pretty sharp and detailed even on a 42 inch monitor I mean with frame generation I can't tell there is a little bit of aliasing around the plane but nothing major I would totally choose to play like this with 100 FPS then without it and like 60 and even 50s at times in New York City for example and this is one of those titles where I think Nvidia claims like a three times performance improvement over a 39 TI on the 47 ATI that's just total BS honestly it's just because of frame generation which is not present in the 30 series and yeah there's no way a 47 GTI is actually three times faster with the same settings in the same game as a 390 TI there's just no way okay that's that's just marketing stuff now so far so good I've seen like a couple of minor stuttering issues here which happen inevitably in this game 99 GPU utilization also which is quite nice to see even with the 5800x3d at 1440p it wasn't a 99 because there was a bit of more of a CPU bottleneck in this building right here is usually where we see a ton of artifacting because of frame generation or we saw that with the 1490 but I think they have fixed it already oh boy creeping into building is actually quite nice and finally we reached the most GPU intensive area here Central Park dropping into the 80 he's not a problem though for a simulator type of game like this when even 30 FPS is fine next is f122 at 4K using the LSS on quality frame generation disabled at the moment and we're using the ultra high settings preset which enables Ray tracing now this is the built-in Benchmark of the game which is really accurate and I tried it first at Native resolution and I was seeing like 50 ish FPS here at the start of the match so yeah that's that's not what you want of course so enabling the LSS on quality gives you almost the same good visuals you know without the frame Generation stuff and you get like 90 to 100 frames per second at times or like 80 to 100 most of the time I wouldn't really enable frame generation in this one because you can see a lot of weirdness and artifacting around the player names and even at 4K resolution you know they haven't really fixed that yet I will show it to you in just a little bit but yeah just I I wouldn't use it in in this particular game in some games it looks really good in this one I found it to be a little bit distracting I'm also fast forwarding these runs okay the cars are not this fast but yeah it's it's a perfect experience with 69 FPS one percent lows almost you go from like 80 to 100 frames per second the sharpness of the image is a little bit worse it's not like night and day though and you get those artifacting issues that you can probably see in the names of the players right it's pretty distracting in my opinion also I just restarted the game because I noticed the GPU usage was pretty low there with frame generation I don't know why that is it seems like it's locked to like a hundred frames weird stuff guys it's not worth enabling basically lastly the GTA 4K resolution no msaa this time using the maximum settings here aside from motion blur and depth of field and over on the advanced Graphics these three are turned on okay let's visit The Jackal The Jack no the Jack it's only Jack okay his name is not jackalit let's continue here 100 plus FPS is basically what we should expect with the 470 TI in this game at uh Ultra setting let's call it that okay um it's pretty good you know I I again in GTA 5 I'm always expecting a bit more coming from these new gpus but since the game is old it's just not optimized to run very well on these or take full advantage of these new gpus that's why you see the power utilization going a bit lower than in other games that we tried so far but still it obviously can provide a great experience no staturing which is very nice as well almost there boy okay nice nice car buddy all right let's continue let's continue almost there bushy areas most intensive areas in this game and dropping into the 80s pretty solid guys it's not too different from the 1440p results with four times msaa where's Jack oh I hear him but where the heck are you Jack Jack I'm so confused right now oh there he is he's running away from us ah that bastard what are you doing Jack come on oh boy oh I'm so sorry it's always a sad day when Jack dies but he's not dead okay let's continue here uh Bob come over here all right at least we we got Bob so the balance in the universe is restored and it's finally conclusion time in the 4070 TI at 4K well I don't know what you were expecting but I thought it was gonna be a little bit better than it ended up being sometimes it actually matched my 3080 TI other times it was a little bit faster like 30 90 TI is also a little bit faster than 3080 ti so I guess it matches the 3980 TI sometimes and other times it loses by a little bit at 1440p it actually has a bit more of an advantage over the 390 GI but not at this resolution as I saw in other people's reviews because I don't really have a 30 90 TI to compare it to okay anyways at around a thousand dollars and for a 4K 60fps experience it's a tough sell right and for a 70 TI skew again that's way too much the 3070 TI was into a particularly good deal it was slightly very slightly faster than the 3070 and it cost 100 bucks over at 30 70 at 599 30 70 was 4.99 so yeah this being 200 more expensive it's not good value at MSRP let alone at a thousand dollars that these current prices just avoid the 40 series they're just not good value gpus thank you very much for watching this video don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already catch you guys in the next one love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 142,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu, graphics card, components, old drivers, high end, directx, deals, popular, graphic card, cod, fortnite, power, graphics, horizon, call of duty, demanding, games, testing, benchmarks, review, ryzen 5, ryzen 7, xt, geforce, nvidia, beast, fast, ti, 4070 ti in 2023, rtx, rt, zwormz rtx, performance, benchmark, live gameplay, streaming, 12gb, 4070, rtx 4070 ti, 5800x3d, vcache, 12900k, 13900k, fastest graphics card, powerful, expensive, super, rtx 4090 review, rgb, warzone 2, 4k, gigabyte oc
Id: j5udAzvKQXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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