RTX 3060 12GB in 2023 - 1080p Gaming Beast? (Afox model)

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hello guys Chris beer and welcome back to another Sunday video in this one my friends we're going to be testing the GeForce RTX 3060 12 gigabyte gvu in 2023. finally I hear you say I've been getting a lot of requests to cover the 36 to 12 gigabyte in the channel ever since it released back in 2021 in January so it's a two-year-old GPU already kind of hard to believe that you know but it's still selling brand new and I bet it's in a lot of people's minds this one is the afox model of the card it looks absolutely beautiful with that white cooler on it I really really like it I'm really curious to see if the cooler can actually cool those 170 watts of power without an issue now let's go over some of the 30 60 specs it has 3584 Cuda cores 12 gigabytes of that gddr6 memory I don't know why they put 12 gigabytes on 30 60 still like the 360 TI 3070 and 3070 TI are much stronger gpus and they all have 8 gigabytes and even the 3080 the first model of the 38 has 10 gigabytes of vram it was a weird move by Nvidia for sure it has a 192-bit memory bus Which curiously is the same as the 4070 TI's and a bandwidth of 360 gigabytes per second and of course it supports DirectX 12 ultimate the LSS which is great and rate racing which is there I guess let's find out how it plays the most popular and demanding title shall we first up let's go over the PC specs we got the 3060 installed right here with the latest nvd drivers available to it you can see all of the GPU specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z resizable bar is enabled and over on the left repairing it with a ryzen 7 5800x3d and 32 gigabytes of RAM 3600 megahertz cl14 first up we got the super popular Hogwarts Legacy at 1080p resolution using dlaa and the high settings preset here with no rate racing and it's getting right around 60 frames per second with a lot of stuttering issues but that's completely normal in this game it's that there's even on my 4080 system so there's nothing you can do about it really but hey it's right around 60 FPS at Native resolution with the laa not even using the LSS here that would bump up our FPS by a lot of course and actually compared to TAA the dlss quality looks a little bit better than native resolution in this game just because it is super super blurry yeah this is dropping quite a bit from 60fps but since it's a single player title I would prefer to set things too high because it looks way better than medium and like those visuals are super super great you can deny the game looks really nice on high settings right oh I hear some water oh yes there it is let's go into it sometimes it drops a little bit near water not the case in this particular scenario right here which is nice to see all right so I just teleported to this place now I'm gonna start counting the FPS again just want to take a look at slightly different scenarios here in this one you know I'm also going to go to Hogwarts in just a little bit it seems like outside of that really dense forest area it gets some more FPS like 70 frames per second also you can see a lot of fluctuation in the GPU usage Department sometimes but it's not a CPU bottleneck just how this game behaves with a lot of stuttering issues let's see a little bit of a fight right now there we go huge troll right here Z come on let's do this oh yes 60 something frames per second not even dropping well that was really fast as well what the heck I've been playing this game a lot and finally Hogwarts this is more CPU bound than GPU bound at least in this Central hall right here so of course FPS jump up by quite a bit as you can see around 90 frames per second on average but then if you move out of the castle in this direction into like a patio area it drops a lot into like what we've seen in the forest already 60s 70s tons of stuttering issues in this area it's one of the most stuttery ones actually but yeah it's not even dropping from 60 FPS in this area which is quite impressive next is Call of Duty war zone 2 at 1080p using native resolution and the ultra settings with high textures here is here again my friends I have not seen her in a really long time oh my God oh my God I am seeing so many people dropping in this direction Jesus oh this I'm not gonna last long Alright here we go zarqua hydroelectric this is one of the most intensive areas in this game for reference in the warm-up I was getting around like 90 frames per second and here it is gonna drop from 60 I think especially near the water which is the most intensive thing in this game let's go yep 59 well 59 is actually quite good that means that pretty much everywhere in the map you're gonna get 59 FPS or higher that is pretty decent you know it's providing a really great experience I would say in Call of Duty war zone 2 and this is with ultra settings preset if you are willing to play at like low settings you can even reach a high refresh rate experience I guess with 360 here or at least 100 FPS or 120 on average something like that especially with the LSS let's keep on going though so far so good I am liking what I'm seeing of course those one percent lows are pretty low that's normal here in war zone 2 this game stutters a lot or has a lot of micro stuttering issues unfortunately I've seen that happen with pretty much every GPU that I throw at it or every system that I throw at it so nothing can be done against that but the good thing is if you don't really have the frame time enabled there I wouldn't really be able to tell that the game was stuttering so there's that it feels is all right and it feels very very playable indeed now far away from water scenarios we're getting up into the 90s again as you can see very smooth frame rates indeed and great even on a high refresh rate monitor and here in a forest area or like an area with a bit more vegetation it drops into the 60s but yeah for somebody looking into a 60 plus FPS experience in war zone 2 at 1080p High settings or ultra settings um this is it now I'm gonna check it out with some dlss on quality with 69 sharpness the best sharpness there is this makes the game look a little bit sharper but you know it's not the best implementation of the LSS that I've ever seen in games still some people might actually enjoy the visuals a little bit more like this and it's enough to get this up into like the 90s and 100s at times even near the water as you can see here this is pretty impressive now and now instead of dropping into the 60s in this area it's only dropping into the 90s and high 90s as well that is way better actually now it's Elden ringas we got some ocean blue we're gonna turn that off we're playing a 1080p maximum settings preset without motion blur let's go and this game is kept to 60 frames per second there is a way to uncap it but you know I won't really do that we're gonna guide ourselves to our GPU utilization here to see how much of that 3060 is being utilized right now it's around 80 percent so that means that we still have a good 15 to 20 GPU left uh if you want to unlock the FPS you should get higher frames but you know this is probably the best way to play this game cap to 60 frames per second it's the way the developers intended you to play it and some of the physics might actually break themselves and so on just like in Fallout 4 for example if you do unlock the frame rates though yeah it's also a single player title so no problems with 60 FPS locked all of the time this is slightly more intensive here you can see that GPU usage going up to 95 at times but it is still not dropping even in vegetation areas like this one a hello little flying dragon egg Hill hag Hill how's it going my friend oh my yeah oh I forgot about the screams of my character he's like [Music] this oh actually got him I wasn't expecting that okay uh let's go over the settings first and we're playing it at 4K using the low settings with high textures and I tried it for a little bit at 1080p using 8 times msaa and it was still CPU bound using those settings so uh yeah we really gotta try it at 4K here with the 3060 so we can Max at the GPU out in this game oh boy there we go there we go let's do this this is a buttery smooth experience as expected this is an old title uh but still a very popular one it's the most popular game on Steam at the moment with over 1 million players daily uh and it obviously runs quite well this game was a lot less intensive back in the days when it released it has had a ton of updates of course so it's way more intensive now but of course for something like a GTX card like GTX 1650 or even 1050 it won't have a problem playing this still even in 2023 now those one percent lows are quite low right there because of some stuttering issues that happen here in in the death match servers that's yeah like that for example it's really terrible but it only happens in death matches anyways and it's not like Hardware related uh so it's it's all right it's just how the game runs we're doing well here but I am dying a lot middle of the board that sucks guys okay there we go there we go there's a guy here oh come on almost almost a triple guys let's go nice now it's cyber bug 2077 1080p resolution using the high settings preset but I disabled FSR which comes on by default as well as the motion blur here over on the gameplay tab we're using medium crowd density and alright guys it seems to be a pretty decent experience here with above 60 FPS pretty much at all times maybe we're gonna check out one of the most intensive areas still here in The Benchmark run as usual but I like what I'm seeing it's not dropping even into the 60s too much only to like 69 well now it's starting to drop more um but yeah it seems to be really stable as well look at those one percent lows pretty damn good and goodbye Bob there we go that was a weird crash with weird physics but hey everything is very weird here in cyberbug city oh boy come on one no no no no no don't get stuck don't that what who are you Bob Got The Bodyguard guys what the hell we gotta kill this guy all right where is Bob by the way I don't think we killed him also FPS are not dropping around this roundabout which is really really good honestly I thought this was gonna be a little bit slower in cyberpunk 2077. here we go this street is usually super intensive as well it's looking great so far 67 right there wow all right so it didn't drop from 60fps at any point in The Benchmark run and again we went through a couple of really intensive areas here yet it's still very stable wow Dead Space remake is next this is super super intensive so we're actually utilizing the LSS at 1080p on quality High settings preset and you know what it actually looks a little bit sharper using dlss than without it in this one it's one of those soft games like Hogwarts Legacy seems like all of the new games are very very soft anyways I'm just gonna go out here for a little bit this is a pretty intensive area all right and it's still getting 80 something FPS this is quite good it means that inside of the actual space station where most of the game is taking place in it will be at 60 plus all of the time there and you know what since it is already at 60 plus here we can say that it is a 60 plus FPS experience 100 of the time in that space now this area is what you can expect in most of the game itself you know when you're shooting the aliens and stuff like that around 100 FPS 9 1980 maybe at times but yeah it's it's quite good aside from those horrible stutters also over here I noticed that it drops a lot especially with the 3050 when I tested it here because of the glass I guess but not a problem for a 30 60. now which Apex Legends with our boy Gibraltar right here we're gonna play at 1080p using the highest settings aside from the spot Shadow detail which it actually says where you need more than 12 gigabytes of vram to use on insane and that is indeed very insane wow this is impressive looking at the entire map is usually really intensive in this game and it's getting 120 frames per second I also disabled the anti-aliasing here at 1080p because I like the little bit of a sharper look it gets a bit soft at this resolution when you enable it but yeah you can expect like five less FPS if you do enable the AAA let's start counting the FPS and it seems like he's gonna be a wonderful experience with the 3060 in Apex Legends even with almost maxed out settings guys now looking at the city from here things drop a little bit into the 140s but it is still a high refresh rate experience for sure there's a guy over there I think yep there is a guy yeah you can still like spot people at the distance absolutely it's very very seeable like this and it looks great at the same time or as great as it can look basically so far I haven't seen a single stutter it's extremely buttery smooth guys oh boy okay maybe I should have used the triple take here yeah oh there's another Gibraltar right there hello dear friend how's it going uh let's get out of here now oh nope nope no no no but yeah I just remembered that we haven't talked about the temperatures on this afox GPU they're pretty amazing as you can see 60 degrees Celsius right there now granted it's really really cold in my room it's about like 15 degrees Celsius during the summer it will inevitably go up in temperature but I am very impressed it's doing a much better job than the aforementioned 6600 XT from a fox that I have but again that was due to a manufacturing error on their part okay this grass is slightly more intensive and looking back 120 so this is the perfect spot for us to throw down our ultimate let's do this all right let the explosions come here we go my friends there it is oh yes in the middle of the explosions it drops into the 60s basically and it didn't drop from 60 so this is a perfect experience in Apex Legends for 1080P and now it's one of the most well optimized titles of recent years this is Forza Horizon 5 and we're playing it at 1080p using TAA which is by far the best anti-aliasing method in this game and the extreme settings preset rate racing is set to high here but it only works in Forza Vista if you want rate racing in the game you gotta increase it to ultra or extreme but it's not a good idea with the 3060 okay maybe we should make a video testing only rate racing with the 3060 and only Ray tracing games so we can see what this GPU is capable of and actually we should probably do that for other gpus as well here in the channel right let me know if you're interested in something like that all right let's see it inside of all of this vegetation right here boy okay all right it's not really really dropping too much which is great vram is also not fully utilized here it's at 7.6 gigabytes at the moment and I had some issues with like eight gigabyte cards at 1080p extreme settings already if you play for a long period of time they will start giving you some warning messages saying that you're running out of vram but here with 36 it has 12 gigabytes of it so there is no issues whatsoever even if it goes over 8 gigabytes of course alright this is where it's gonna start dropping a lot guys I think no it's not dropping a lot what so I really thought it would around here this is great guys you can max out the game basically without the rate racing of course and Achieve smooth uh FPS a little bit of a stutter right there by the way this is the most intensive part 65 FPS there on the minimum absolutely amazing guys this is just awesome here in Forza next is Battlefield 2042 and I didn't know but you can actually control your aim with the arrow keys in the keyboard This is interesting but completely useless anyway we're playing it at 1080p using the high settings preset and no FSR or dlss this is native resolution although I actually usually prefer the LSS in this game to the normal resolution you know native but hey we're here today oh no no I thought I had the Bazooka on me why don't I have the Bazooka on me that would have been perfect there um my goodness okay let's see a couple of guys right there oh boy so many actually I'm gonna throw a random grenade now oh it's so smooth by the way once again the 3060 is proving to be a really good 1080p GPU oh that was beautiful if only I had the freaking bazooka I forgot to attach it again you know what I'm gonna do it now I don't know why I stopped counting the FPS all right back to it my team is not doing a good job whatsoever we're losing very very fast okay let's try to defend the uh C1 site here oh boy all right now we can actually take this Chopper out maybe oh that was so close dude come on come on all right wait a second oh nice nice good job guys good job nice one more one more ended it will be down come on bro it's so unfair that you need three freaking rocket shots to take down a chopper I went down over here there's a another one there okay and come on come on come on nice nice triple kill finally doing something guys we need more people here in C1 otherwise we're gonna lose it come on people oh boy so many so many still grenade there all right oh stay alive stay alive stay alive no we lost it already damn it let's go dropping a little bit around here guys 70s as you can see still not a problem in worst case scenarios it only drops into the 70s now it's one of the most beautiful titles Red Dead Redemption 2 at the balanced settings which means like some settings on high Ultra medium mostly like high in Ultra actually which is pretty interesting to see start counting the frames as well you don't even need to utilize dlss in this one actually if you are playing games at 1080p resolution you don't need dlss period on the 3060 I guess no no no no no I'm so sorry roach I didn't mean to do this like in every single game you press F to to enter vehicles and horses in this one it's E and F actually punches him for some reason so sorry I'm so sorry roach so sorry all right you can quit complaining but you don't fit there are you serious anyway [Laughter] it's all Bob's fault we gotta find that bastard and kill him in this video as usual of course but let's talk about the FPS here it is really impressive as I was saying I was expecting it to drop a little bit further from like 70 FPS sometimes it drops into the 60s as you can see and in some super intensive areas it might even drop from 60 frames per second but this I would say it's a perfect experience for a single player title dropping lower into the 60s right now because I guess we're seeing some water on screen water is super intensive in this game all right rosh let's go let's jump this there we go very ignite did we actually kill an animal oh my God we kill the turtle it was horrible I'm so sorry I'm a horrible person today we punched a horse we killed a turtle and we didn't even see Bob he wasn't in his usual place so I could not kill him but at least it's not even dropping from 60 FPS even here with this water and all of this vegetation around is it looks awesome and it plays really well and it has zero status whatsoever so it is really really smooth guys Dying Light 2 is one of the few titles that actually looks better whenever you have dlss enabled and you bump up that sharpness at the same time because it's quite soft that native resolution and we're using the high quality settings here dx11 as well which is very stable in this one what are you serious 100 FPS I was expecting way lower whoa this is this is really good like the 3050 I think I tested it yeah pretty sure I tested it in this game and it performed so poorly at like 1080p low settings although it was on an earlier version of the game though um but this is this is really good and again guys that dlss is at work here at 1080p res um but I prefer the look of the LSS so even if it came without an FPS Improvement I would enable the LSS anyways the game is very soft right now but that's only because of the rain rainy weather looks terrible right here in this game I I don't know why they put these length flares looking things you know druffles of water in your face it just looks really bad in my opinion uh but anyways you gotta live with that I guess it's more realistic maybe if you're using goggles or something this is a buttery smooth experience look at the 1 percent lows 95 FPS one percent lows I'm also very glad to see that they fixed pretty much all of these stuttering issues that this game suffered from because back when it released it had a ton of stuttering and now it is so smooth see these are some developers that care about stuff they even um fixed an issue with Kepler gpus after I made the GTX 670 video in this game where the lighting was all messed up for 600 and 700 series gpus from Nvidia very very good to see and this game performs absolutely amazing on the 3060. let's go oh now it's the tryhards people's game you know valuing so we're playing this one at 1080p using the high settings with four times msaa and this is still GPU bound most of the time at least as you can see 90 plus percent GPU usage basically all of the time sometimes it drops into like the 80 range but it is very very smooth indeed can I open this this is like the I I don't how no okay I'm not sure how well I'm gonna do in this one because people are just really good invalidance very very sweaty look at this I just I don't know what to do it's very irritating to me to play valrant these days because in every single death match that I join people are just sweating bullets you know or I am sweating bullets because they they shoot me so much 500 frames per second is absolutely insane guys it's super buttery smooth all of the time if you have a strong CPU to go with the 3060 you can play this game competitively all day long even on high settings you know you're probably gonna switch to low and get even higher frames per second um but yeah if you want High it is still gonna be insanely good Jesus Christ we're dying so much what what are you camping there oh my goodness dude you gotta be so careful about every single angle in this one I don't like this game too too much it's too hard guys it's that's what she said come on there we go a random headshot the randomest ever next is fortnite Battle Royale at 1080p using DirectX 12 using the high settings 100 resolution scale but I did disable the nanite virtualized geometry which enables the Lumen stuff over here which is actually rate racing and that just wrecks FPS completely so I suggest you to do the same if you're running a 30 60 or pretty much every other GPU out there because it's it's just not worth the performance penalty you know all right we just dropped and we are already seeing a couple of stutters here and there it's completely normal in fortnite or stutter Knight whatever you want to call it I really like to call it stutter Knight I think it's quite fitting you know yeah right now it's not too bad though yeah not gonna lie I could definitely enjoy my time here in this game if I like this type of gameplay you know I don't really like fortnite too much these days but without the building stuff it's actually kind of enjoyable sometimes that Lighting on the high settings also looks really impressive even without the rate racing or the Lumen stuff enabled it's really good looking isn't it and oh we're glowing as well that is absolutely fantastic I like it there's one right there that is definitely a bot the way he's moving look at that yep okay people look at me I want some action come on oh boy there we go little jump right there also in this area with a lot of snow things are way less intensive because we got no vegetation and it can go up to like 200 FPS at times which is kind of crazy let's go I just left oh boy oh boy no no no no no no no no no no no no all right wait wait wait we can do this we can do this oh my God oh my God uh stop with the freaking Hammer dude what the hell wait Twitter come on oh hello there creators how's it going beautiful beer today let's go this is God of War at 1080p using no whip scalers and the high settings preset which is better than the original settings from the PS4 Pro or whatever it is PS4 as well um let's start counting the frames this is pretty damn smooth my friends we're gonna see a really intensive cutscene in this one with tons of depth of field effects which drops the FPS by a lot usually but yeah it shouldn't drop from 60 frames per second and that's exactly what you want in a story driven title like this one uh on ultra settings it might actually drop here and there in more intensive scenarios we're near the cutscene already yeah this is it all right take a look at that frame rate guys 70s oh my God it's not even dropping from 70 frames per second wow that's really impressive okay now is the most intensive part I think 76 this is again it's perfect for this game at 1080p High settings the 3060 you know it's interesting to see that the CPU usage sometimes goes up to 100 percent I'm not sure if you guys are noticing it but I'm catching that in the corner of my high sometimes there are three digits there yeah look at that it's 100 TPU usage there again and now we got a little bit of a fight come on accident there we go uh which won't really drop our FPS by any basically as you can see it's still getting 90 frames per second there are some effects here still but uh well I guess they're not really that intensive right SpiderMan Miles Morales is next at 1080p using TAA so no upscalers and the very high settings preset oh my goodness are you serious a hundred plus FPS is what we can expect with 30 60 here that is actually crazy I wasn't expecting that what the hell bro this looks really good it's very high settings presets it's actually the highest settings preset in this game you can still manually increase a couple of settings and make it look slightly prettier now this right here is where the FPS tend to drop a bit more and it already dropped into like the 80s but not from that also take a look at that vram utilization it's at eight gigabytes right now so some 8 nearby gpus might actually struggle a little bit and start stuttering slightly more because well they just run out of vram after a while gotta mention that I've seen a couple of stutters already but overall it's pretty smooth honestly and very stable as you can see for me to be moving this quickly through the city and loading in things this fast uh the frame time is pretty damn smooth there and flat not bad whatsoever this area right here is also slightly intensive because of the smoke effects dropping into the 80s again all right this is awesome next is GTA 5 a 1080p resolution four times msaa anti-aliasing or Ms anti-aliasing and very high setting slash ultra settings the only thing that's not maxed out is post effects which is on normal instead of ultra because Normal actually doesn't introduce any motion blur and over here everything is turned off these are really really intensive settings but hey the 3060 has no issues with GTA 5 whatsoever to be expected because again it's an old title but yeah you can have a high refresh rate experience in this one while making the game look really really good and very smooth edges as well by the way this implementation of anti-aliasing is awesome msaa it's a shame that they don't include it in newer titles they only do like TAA stuff looks kind of smudgy but no this is very very crispy indeed and I love it obviously there is a problem by the way in some less intensive areas you might see a ton of stuttering issues if you have a really good CPU like this one because when the FPS reached like 180 ish frames per second or even 170 plus it starts stuttering it's just an engine limitation in this game and you should probably lock the frames like 120 or so for the best experience oh all right there we go it's all good it's all good how did Blood get to the back of my car I don't understand anyway so um grassy areas are the most intensive areas in this game and you can see it drop into the 60s guys it might even drop from 60 in those bushes near Bob you know hello Jack how's it going my friend all good ah he's here very nice he also likes the the 3060 for sure so it runs everything very very smoothly indeed now over here these are the bushes that I was telling you about not dropping though so okay it's it's good for 60 plus 100 of the time goodbye Bob and lastly we got Assassin's Creed Valhalla at 1080p 100 resolution scale using the very high settings preset with motion blur disabled here we go start counting our FPS and yes I am running the built-in Benchmark in this one just because it provides a really good representation of what to expect inside of the game itself elf when you're playing it so you can expect around like 80 to 90 frames most of the time with some drops here in the area but it will never drop from 60 frames per second once again the 3060 is very impressive in yet another AAA single player title and it's great to see because this is actually a game that runs better usually on AMD gpus and it is conclusion time my friends the RTX 3060 12 gigabyte model is definitely a great 1080p GPU you can play pretty much everything with it at high settings 1080P 60fps or more by the way this afox model was really impressive those temperatures were absolutely fantastic never reached like 70 degrees Celsius it was actually far from it right the maximum that it reached was around like 65 degrees so I can definitely recommend this a fox model right here and it's also looking beautiful guy I really like the aesthetic clicks on it honestly if the PCB was white that would be like Top Notch but you know it still looks really really good like this now in terms of value I've checked a few stores in the U as well as Newegg in the US and it seems to be selling for around like 360 to 380 Euros slash dollars so um for a 36 to two year old product that was supposed to cost 330 dollars MSRP yeah that's not good value whatsoever like what the heck so if you are willing to buy one of these for those prices I think you should save a little bit more and grab the 3060 TI also if you're willing to go to the AMD side of things there's the RX 6600 XT which is very similar in performance to the 30 60 12 gigabyte yet it does have less vram it also doesn't have dlss support so you lose there but you also save like a hundred bucks compared to this so better value and lastly if you are buying a 30 60 12 gigabyte used I would pay around like 200 to 250 euros for it I think that's a reasonable price to pay for a really great 1080p gaming experience on this card and that's been it thank you very much for watching this video don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already and if you enjoyed the video of course and I'll hopefully catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 226,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, 3000, 4000, top, 8gb, rtx 3060 in 2023, rtx 3060 popular games, recent, popular, cheap, budget, king, best, legend, warzone 2.0, fortnite, 5.1, unreal engine, forza, cyberpunk 2077, 12gb, rtx 3060 12gb, rtx 3060 review
Id: JWhBEj46pp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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