RTX 4090 | This Thing is Mind Blowing! (16 Games Tested)

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another video today my friends we're gonna be testing the g-force RTX 4090 oh yeah damn look at how gigantic the thing is and look at how thick it is as well that's what she said let's go through the specs of this beautiful bazooka shall we so the 4090 is based on the other Lovelace architecture it has 16 384 Cuda cores 24 gigabytes of gddr6x vram 512 10 circles 128 rate racing cars a TDP of 450 Watts yes that is a lot and it can be overclocked to 600 watts of power crazy stuff guys and a price tag to make 99 of the population cry yes my friend sixteen hundred dollars MSRP there are cars worth less than that I actually sold my previous old car for like 400 books but wait there's more this thing supports dlss 3.0 with frame generation technology which based on my testing so far is like magic on steroids if magic can be on steroids it's kind of insane it not only boosts your FPS in GPU bound scenarios like the normal dlss implementations that we're used to it also improves FPS tremendously in CPU bound scenarios speaking of CPU by the way we're using a ryzen 7 5800 X 3D with it today and I'm also using 32 gigabytes of ddr4 clocked at 3200 megahertz cl14 but back to the frame Generation stuff I will be testing a lot of games with it today my friends and it's going to be mind-blowing basically especially the last one okay this is already hard to do off-camera because the thing is so heavy and thick and I can't really see anything but here we go I'm trying here and now oh I lost the screw it works there we go perfect right unfortunately we have all of this spaghetti right here which looks kind of bad just just a little bit you know and that's kind of a shame because this beautiful GPU right here oh is it sagging a little bit but yeah I'm using a 1200 watt power supply by the way Corsair HX 1200. my God what the hell is so heavy all right there we go turning it on you can see the GeForce RTX logo there's also a little light right there yeah that's it for the intro of this video let's get to the game test now shall we and the first game is Call of Duty Warzone we're playing this one at 4K resolution using the maximum settings aside from these right here because I don't like depth of fields and motion blurs the LSS is disabled at the moment and no Ray tracing as well and Willie look at that my friends 200 frames per second close to that at least at 4K native resolution this is absolute madness here let's go to the mines area actually because it's the most intensive one I have played an entire game of Warzone already on the 1490 it was buttery buttery smooth the smoothest thing that I've ever seen at 4K resolution and this is without the LSS you know we haven't even enabled that technology which is which is great and I highly recommend it but we're already seeing a super high refresh rate experience oh there's one all right finally we got one uh I'm seeing a red circle in the map I'm not sure if there is anybody else around here what is what is happening buddy is that intensive by the way let me see let me see your ass let me see your ass okay thank you that's not intensive let's move on uh do you want some armor by the way there's armor right here oh what up I thought metal Mouse button was to Ping things moving out from the mines area we're getting 200 FPS at times crazy stuff dude this is just a Powerhouse of a GPU and also it's rated at 450 watts of power but if you take a look at that power usage it's actually consuming less than my 350 watt 3080 TI and I've seen that in a lot of games some games like OverWatch 2 for example will utilize like 420 plus watts of power but not here in Warzone there's a guy right here guys can we go oh boy let's go let's go nice good job okay people let's move on from here come on come on give me a ride please thank you [Music] there let's go where are your friends buddy oh they're watching me from behind now there's one come on got him good look at that I am even playing Warzone well because I'm a 40 90. this is beautiful and I went to see it with the LSS on quality this looks a little bit sharper might look a little bit better than native resolution at times are we seeing the limits of the 5800x3d here maybe oh there it is come on guys there's another one outside nice double kill there good stuff good stuff [Music] [Laughter] oh bro good job also if you are more of a competitive player and you want the highest FPS possible and you play at low settings I actually played an entire match of this on low settings and got around like 210 FPS on average something like that now let's play some OverWatch too at 4K resolution using the ultra settings all right that is extremely nice 300 plus FPS so far it's amazing guys let's go I just started counting the FPS in this new Benchmark too I'm not using MSI After Burner and rivet tuner because it makes the game stutter slightly for some reason in this PC I haven't seen that in the other PCS that I tried so far but yeah that's the case here unfortunately oh boy okay not even paying too much attention to the FPS here but I'm sure there will be extremely super duper high this gets like 50 to 70 less FPS if you're not playing on ultra settings and you choose the Epic settings instead so expect like 250 Plus or something like that on Epic which is still extremely nice of course there's another chorizo from their team we need to kick take care of it nice good job good job people we're doing well although we're kind of losing oh nice that was a nice spear there goodbye symmetra garage this is great this is awesome come on let's go nice good job okay buckle up your seat belts guys because this is gonna be a bumpy ride because I suck at driving in this game but also because this is gonna blow your minds this is cyberpunk 2077 at 4K resolution using the rate racing Ultra preset dlss is set to Auto which means that it is on performance and I will disable motion blur right here because well it's motion blur nobody likes motion blur right now for reference my 3080 TI got 55 FPS on average and this one gets 150 how crazy is that like I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing when I first started cyberpunk with dlss 3.0 on the 1490. this is absolute Insanity my friends not to mention that it looks extremely good was that I think I saw a truck just falling from the bridge there for bug it's still cyberbug okay but how crazy is this it's pretty damn sharp in detail it's buttery smooth it's a high refresh rate experience in cyberpunk 2077 and it looks amazing even with that frame generation goodbye Bob where is he where did he go oh he's stuck okay he's still alive though we got him okay so this area is pretty CPU intensive usually but the GPU is still almost maxed out that's because of the LSS 3.0 actually delivering way more frames in CPU bound scenarios as well this is an insanely good technology my friends I've never expected the next generation of gpus to be able to play this game with rate racing with any dlss setting at 4K above 100 FPS all of the time yet here we are let's just enable dlss on quality now for those of you that can actually Spot the Difference I can honestly because I'm using a 32 inch monitor here um but it's it still looks extremely nice using performance dlss by the way but yeah if you want to get closer to Native resolution this is it quality dlss at 4K Ultra settings Ray tracing enabled still above 100 FPS average I just I'm lost for words at this point guys is Bob there again by the way oh yes yes all right Bob Goodbye Oh can we see the explosion actually that should be fun come on faster thank you Jesus doesn't even move the FPS you know Forza Horizon 5 is up next 4K resolution Extreme Graphics preset I just changed the daa over here I enabled that and disabled the msaa everything else is set to the preset and look at that buttery buttery smooth experience wow let's start counting our FPS and make our way to the big city area which is a heck of a lot more expensive expensive yeah the expensive is in my brain right now because this GPU is so damn expensive but yeah it's more intensive than this I haven't seen a single stutter yet aside from when I actually started the game I got a couple of stutters but now it is super solid 100 buttery smooth oh boy I didn't lose this trick there but yeah remember that inside of bushy areas like this one on Extreme settings it used to be pretty intensive but I guess nothing is intensive for the 4090 you know it's just awesome look it's so damn sharp and detailed like this let's try not to crash around here we got 17 000 points on this trick there okay they have everything is fine still I believe on ultra settings we could probably see like 200 plus on average because Ultra is way less intensive than extreme in this game but hey if you have a GPU like this why not play at the highest settings and enjoy those videos right even in the city area it drops into like the 120s minimum or 130s looking at the entire city from here is also really intensive and it's still a high refraction rate experience okay not dropping wow getting out of the tunnel it still drops even with the 40 series getting out of tunnels it's still super intensive in Forza Horizon 5. let's visit Jack in GTA 5 shall we we're playing at 8K resolution DirectX 11 using no MSA and the aliasing very high settings these are my custom settings for best visuals to Performance ratio by the way that's really weird I thought we'd see a high refresh rate experience here in GTA 5 but no it's not too different from 3080 TI or 3090 that's pretty much the same thing here in this game uh all right I am a little bit disappointed in this one but we can still see Jack so let's do that and maybe we're in for like a 69 FPS average I don't know it's pretty damn close that would be perfect actually much better than high refresh rate almost there oh there we go 69 I saw 69 on average there for a second Jacqueline right here goodbye Jacqueline didn't want to see you I wanted to see Jack that's probably why we're getting low FPS because Bobby's alive and jack isn't here to see us Rex I will save you buddy don't you worry goodbye Bob performance is a little bit lackluster but I gotta admit I was expecting way better but the one percent lows at 49 there are pretty much the same as the 51 FPS average of the 3080 ti so there is an improvement of course it's just that the game is so old that these gpus aren't really optimized for it I guess and the next game is a plague tail Requiem Requiem Requiem Requiem okay Requiem and this game hasn't released yet but let me tell you guys it is absolutely gorgeous we're playing at 4K quality dlss frame generation is enabled this is the LSS 3.0 and video reflex is also enabled no motion blur and the ultra settings and honestly I don't think I have ever seen such a beautiful game like this one maybe Red Dead Redemption 2 comes close but this is gorgeous guys look at that look at the leaves the pine trees everything is amazing look at the FPS as well I've read that you actually need a 30 70 to achieve 60 FPS at 1080p ultra settings probably without the LSS but that's absolutely Bonkers actually because the 2017 is a very beastly GPU still and this one is just chilling here at 4K Max settings with frame generation okay we're playing the game now and I think we are in a demanding area because there are a lot of vegetation around us trees bushes pretty much everything has a little leaf you know um even the rocks have leaves look at this oh yes um but yes that's obviously very intensive on the GPU in every game that I played so far when you get to a forest area it's usually where the FPS will drop the most so it's good to see that it's still capable of getting right around like 130 plus FPS all of the time that's with these Graphics I will say that's very impressive you know also I haven't really progressed into the game yet because this is a new game actually it hasn't even come out yet and I can't really show you the story here but I feel like this is a pretty good area to Benchmark it in now it's Apex Legends and we're playing this one at 4K resolution using the maximum settings of course oh boy 200 FPS looking at the map from above guys that is very promising for a super high refresh rate experience at 4K native damn that's great okay also I actually tried to overclock this GPU to three gigahertz here in Apex Legends and I only saw 5 FPS difference so if you were wondering about overclocking results it's not really that big of a deal or even reaching the 300 FPS cap in this game what the hell all right wait okay one down reload there's another one there come on come on come on where is he where did he go I can see anything yeah I guess these things are intensive actually somebody told me oh my God we're gonna die we're gonna die if I stay here wait but my teammates are alive both of them oh this is not our teammates I thought it was we're good then there's it plug right there but it's just yeah no that's that's not good it's not very good guys please help please help no come on come on get out get out get out get out of here oh boy we gotta jump your bed here all right Gotta Get Away oh what the hell is happening damn I'm I'm alive I'm still alive 235 on average at the moment that's completely insane oh nice we got him what please please recharge your Shields we're back in the game nice nice all right we gotta be careful for the backstabbers yes there are a couple of squads left don't forget oh there's one there come on come on come on come on let's go there's another one there inside of smoke by the way dropping into the 160s not a problem let's go now explosions 150s there it's really good I think I saw it dropping to the 140s once in the previous game we are the champions oh yes next up is Spider-Man remastered at 4K resolution SMA interior leasing no dlss and we're utilizing the very high settings preset which is the highest settings preset in this game and Ray tracing enabled on very high as well so these are extremely intensive settings especially because we're not utilizing dlss and it's still a high refresh rate experience guys it's actually amazing that this GPU can run rate racing at Native 4K resolution and still achieve like 100 plus FPS on average actually sometimes we will be CPU bound even with the 5800x 3D in this game because it's so damn CPU intensive you know oh this is different right here actually I I did not see this previously oh no I just haven't been to this area of the park yet okay so as you can see see around the park it's more GPU intensive but there aren't really any rate raised Reflections around here because it's all vegetation the water isn't rate raised by the way the reflections on the water that is so you actually do get less FPS near the cars on the ground as you can see it's dropping into the 80s but not a problem guys look at that the reflections look really gorgeous at 4K resolution gotta love the rate racing in this game I think the implementation is actually fantastic here in Spider-Man remastered and well if you have a 40 90 or even like a 3080 TI or something like that I actually recommend you to enable this option of course with the 3080 TI or 3090 and stuff like that you will need to use some dlss to achieve 60 plus all of the time but it is possible and it actually makes the game look much better in my opinion as you can see it's dropping the GPU usage into the 70 range there 69 percent GP utilization for a second there Battlefield 5 at 4K everything's turned off right here because I don't like these effects it's motion blurs and vignette and we're using the ultra settings preset we're also playing with DirectX 11 not 12 because 12 actually stutters a lot in this game for me at least and as you can see this is nothing short of amazing 200 plus FPS on average probably here at 4K resolution ultra settings that's insane it's also insane how bad I am at this game what are you doing here camper just stop camping move move along come on come on oh no wait okay never mind all right you do you you're doing a good job now the graphics of this game still amaze me to this day this is a 2018 title but it's so detailed guys look at all of that detail on the rocks on the grounds textures are amazing vram uses at six gigabytes at 4K Ultra rare and it still looks amazing I mean wow hello there enemy player oh that's a double kill okay I wasn't expecting that all right nice I can't really see oh there's one there okay uh boy oh boy we're being shot at now one thing that you might be wondering is why am I what the heck okay actually killed one of them there um why am I not playing Broken Field 2042 instead of Battlefield 5 it's the newer Battlefield title after all well it sucks oh yeah I don't want to play that one this one is more popular anyways there's the tank there's the tank nice there we go beautiful explosion as well tons of smoke effects not dropping our FPS Red Dead Redemption 2 gorgeous game very demanding one as well and we're playing it at 4K resolution using the ultra settings I set everything to the maximum dlss is set to Quality now I can see some blinking there in that window that's interesting because when when dlss first came to this game I also noticed that same window flickering a little bit there but for the most part it looks insanely gorgeous here at 4K using the LSS so let's start counting our FPS and it is a high refresh rate experience you know in a game like this all you need is 60 FPS so getting 120 on average almost is nothing short of amazing right and this is ultra settings this is super intensive okay roach where the heck are you buddy ah there you go come on come on all right what no this is not what I meant to do are you serious I'm so sorry sir I just are you punching roach are you you kidding me no I punched roaches well God damn it okay all right this is not going very well okay now oh the police are after that roach we need to go we need to get the heck out of here but first we need to go this way and find Bob also I know I'm not sure if you can notice those little frame time spikes that happen every once in a while uh they're not really too distracting but they're there you know that's probably because of the latest version of the game I've seen its stutter as well with other gpus uh maybe it needs a patch or something but yeah overall no problems here Bobby's not here playing the trumpet and copyrighted music so that's fine and dude look at these beautiful gorgeous Graphics it's insane the lighting in this game is Beautiful Everything is a completely amazing you know I also checked it out without oh my no no no so this is f122 at 4K resolution using the LSS 3.0 on quality with frame generation enabled and over here you can see that we're using the maximum settings including rate racing quality on ultra high where are you guys expecting this I I have no idea I have never tested this game actually yeah I'm only testing it here because it has the new frame Generation stuff and the LSS 3.0 but these are super solid results no stutter whatsoever High refresh rate always above 144 FPS all of the time so it's perfect for those High refresh rate 4K panels and honestly I'm looking at this image and if I didn't know that the LSS is enabled with frame generation I would say that this is native resolution guys but anyways these are the results here at the end of it the maximum FPS of almost 200 frames average at 185 200 plus FPS and we aren't even GPU owned this 4K resolution in pubg ultra settings look at that power usage here in pubg 400 plus Watts I see one at the distance there oh yes I can spot them so well here at 4K resolution it's so great all right I just took this Hyundai and I am gonna die with it because it Rhymes no not a good joke okay I'm sorry let's go this way I need a weapon oh there are chickens in this game as well like in CS go should we test CS Go Guys by the way I know it's kind of stupid oh I hear some steps there is oh oh come on come on come on don't you run away from me buddy please take the fight come on ah I don't remember the last time oh my god when Pub G ran so smoothly for me there's one right there uh wait a second maybe we can get this one okay wait nice got him good stuff finally got a kill here foreign oh my gosh this is the worst sniper fight ever guys rather play the game so I'm excused I said oh my God okay never mind guess what game it is it is stutter night because look at that look at that frame time it's terrible they've actually played three games already for the shaders to load and everything but nothing works 4K resolution epic settings quality dlss no rate racing because that makes it stutter even more what why are so many people dropping here I think we're gonna die guys I think we're gonna die guys so we're just gonna grab this and get the hell out of here oh my goodness no no stop it stop it so we could be getting way more FPS of course if the game wasn't a broken piece of crap it's not really a piece of crap you know but it's just why don't they fix it this 4K highest settings with dlss on quality and we're still seeing a CPU bottleneck scenario fortnite developers you need to get your together oh but you got a lot of things here I don't even know what to use oh my gosh no no no this is terrible my my weapons are really bad right now okay uh this is not what I wanted just gonna throw these out I want this yes thank you all right I think we got them what the heck oh oh this is rambling okay okay okay this like Just Cause right here beautiful oh there's there are a couple of them there oh yes oh nice in the face again it's actually solid right now I'm gonna get him with this oh yes come on nope nope oh it's exploding everything is going to help no no no no oh I got one God one eye and I died oh thank you so much look at that look at him taking care of us my friends at 40 90 is nothing if you don't have friends okay and uh I'm here if you need some friends all right because I don't really have many either all right he's down no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no for not from there not from there we gotta hit those headshots you know and that's where 4K comes in handy or not if you suck you suck no Jack are you serious oh my gosh boy why why do you do this to me feels like something is dying now oh must be Delight sorry it's Dying Light two here at the 4K resolution using dlss quality and over on the advanced settings everything is manually set to the highest settings with rate racing as you can see a hundred FPS or so that is incredible actually you know one interesting thing it actually looks better with dlss enabled and the sharpness turned to the maximum than it does at Native resolution in this game because it's super blurry at Native res not really at 4K you know but at 1080P and 1440p you can actually notice a huge difference in visual quality by enabling the LSS oh my gosh no no okay I forgot about the key Vines there let's kill these bastards let's go get the heck out of my way Jesus I am strong as heck now what the hell is happening here I don't remember me being so strong in this game um okay it must be the weapon I don't know or the 1490 of course right let's go this way now is this an enemy as well no uh now he isn't enemy I'm so sorry dude what were you doing here this is suspicious you know he was chilling with a zombie what the hell how am I so strong now I don't get it this is kind of ridiculous I like it actually I like ridiculous things sometimes like the Dying Light jokes come on get the heck out of the way zombies I want this thank you and I want to find the other one where is he come on oh there he is that's the one that I want to kill and I probably won't do it because we're gonna die soon Assassin's Creed valhall is up next at 4K resolution 100 resolution scale and the ultra high settings preset I'm just gonna disable motion blur and depth of field and we're actually running The Benchmark in this game the built-in Benchmark and look at those FPS I actually wasn't expecting it to be this good honestly I don't know why because it's roughly two times the performance of the 3080 TI which got around like 50 to 60 ish FPS on average in this game we're not using any upscaling Technologies either in this one because it doesn't support dlss and FSR 1.0 well it doesn't really look all that impressive honestly but yeah this is crazy good performance in one of the most intensive titles out there so guys this is Microsoft flight simulator at 4K dlss quality frame generation enabled this is key over here okay DirectX 12 ultra settings and also look at that results found 69. this is just blowing my freaking mind guys motion blurries enables wait a second if we got a disable that crap what the actual hell how crazy is this like a month ago literally a month ago I was playing this game with 3080 TI I actually tested it I made a video for a channel you know and I was getting like 40 frames per second 60 at times over in this area in New York because this is really CPU intensive but with DLS s 3.0 and frame generation enabled it basically doubles your FPS and now we're getting a hundred plus in New York this is the most intensive City in the entire game guys what honestly I think this is probably one of the most impressive results that we've seen so far today because uh I thought it would take like another couple of generations of CPUs to achieve these kinds of frames and the LSS 3.0 with frame generation is is doing that on the GPU it's just it's crazy oh my God the temperature on the CPU though 3db cash gets hot as heck now the Central Park area with all of this vegetation used to be pretty GPU intensive and now it's still not maxing out our GPU and still getting a hundred plus FPS all of the time that I don't I have no words this is amazing and it is finally conclusion time I gotta say guys I am super impressed at the RTX 4090s performance both with and without the LSS 3.0 and frame generation of course the frame Generation stuff is just completely insane and of course raw performance wise it's also a lot faster than the previous gen RTX 3090 3080 TI and even over the 39 DTI this thing is huge I mean not only the cooler it is huge in performance and with all of that said do I recommend the GeForce RTX 1490 if you are part of those one percent of people that didn't cry when you saw the price tag on this thing sure go for it it's insanely fast you're gonna like the gaming experience 4K High refresh rate triple play gaming it's just crazy fast basically but you could buy an entire high-end gaming PC for the price of one of these you know so for most people it's just too expensive basically but you know it wasn't really made for most people anyways by the way another little Benchmark for you guys pocketability of the 4090. does it fit can you bring it with you everywhere you go sort of I am impressed that it fits a little bit by the way I could actually fit the 1.5 liter inside of these trousers pockets this thing is just a beast in all the regards basically and that's been it for this video guys hope you enjoyed it thank Birds right really appreciate your support and if you're not a channel member I still really appreciate your support coming here watching the video maybe commenting down below don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already and yeah I'll catch you in the next one very soon love you all bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 648,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu, graphics card, components, old drivers, high end, directx, deals, popular, graphic card, cod, tech, cheap gpu, fortnite, power, graphics, pubg, horizon, warzone, call of duty, demanding, games, testing, benchmarks, review, 5900x, ryzen 5, ryzen 7, xt, geforce, nvidia, beast, fast, ti, 4090 in 2022, 3060, rtx, rt, 4090ti, zwormz rtx, performance, benchmark, live gameplay, streaming, 8gb, 12gb, 4090, rtx 4090, 5800x3d, 3d, vcache, 12900k, 13900k, fastest graphics card, world, powerful, expensive, super, rtx 4090 review
Id: lGwQGpxUnGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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