Does The RTX 4070 Ti Suck?

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oh ladies and gentlemen it is a new year and we have a new graphics card the RTX 1470 TI and it's fair to say that when the reviews went live for this people were not best pleased and there's pretty much two ways of looking at it the way I saw it when I did my build that I filmed before Christmas not knowing the price of this card because Nvidia hadn't actually given it to us they hadn't done their CES press briefing where they told people this was up to three times faster than the 309c which was such a stupid thing to do it's just in one tiny little game and demo so that video was pretty much all focused on performance and actually getting the best build possible with the 470 TI and if you are going to build with a 470 TI I'm still really proud of that video and of the build because I think that does operate decent value for what you can actually get in 2023 but this video is going to be a proper deep dive on the gigabyte 470 TI gaming OC we're going to be having a closer look at the card itself it's performance the way it looks in the chassis and of course showing you those all-important gameplay bench Mark numbers along with thermals Acoustics and maybe even a little bit of cheeky overclocking and despite everything you've heard about the 4070 TI I promise there is actually some good news in this box so join me as we discuss everything 4070 TI after a short word from this video sponsor cool says K100 air is here and it is marvelous this ultra thin mechanical keyboard is perfect for those wanting sure to travel whilst maintaining full gaming prowess packing up to 8 000 Hertz of polling rate Cherry MX ultra low profile switches and gorgeous RGB lighting what more could you ask for get yours today with the link down below okay right let's start with the bad news this was originally the 4080 12 gig and it has been re-badged probably at a cost that may have even been passed on to you because of course all other actual branding needs to be changed including what was on the graphics card how much of that is true I can't say I'm not in the manufacturing of this card but I think it's safe to assume that those things are probably accurate having said that though the price of the card has actually come down since it was originally launched as the RTX 4080 12 gig so maybe it's not too bad let's swap over to good old overhead so you can actually see this thing in its full glory and here it is the ego is actually a very attractive GPU and if you go for a lower spect card so something like a 30 60 it's going to be made mainly of plastic this seems to be a lot more metallic which is nice we have this pass-through design here it is still a fairly big card but it's definitely not the absolute largest one out there this is actually the second 4070 TI that I've seen and both of them have been the more entry level variants and I want to make this very very clear that these are going to be the cards to go for because they're both going to be very quiet they're not going to have any real issues with thermals or Acoustics so there's no point buying any like over the top like strix version like I don't know maybe in the gaming X just anything that's priced way above the RRP in my eyes just isn't going to be worth it because for that sort of money you could get like a 7900 XT or something like that and can someone please tell me how we've got to the stage where how we've got to this stage where it seems acceptable for graphics card company it's not singling any of them out at all to sell gpus for like 200 pounds more than the RRP it makes absolutely no sense I mean I've been talking about this for ages do you remember my 30 60 TI strict review you can find that in the top main corner of your screen and people are actually defending at the time saying oh you can't get hold of any they're all really expensive that card was about 200 pounds more than nvidia's RRP and I I don't really know what can be done about this is there more policing to be done should it be done is it acceptable to sell cards to people when they don't necessarily know that the performance isn't going to be any different really at all it's something that has upset me for quite a long time and as long as you're watching this channel I will always be calling things out like that but rest assured that if you are looking at a 4070 TI something like the eagle should be as close to the RRP as possible but obviously then the shops might sell it for more money and it just seems that everyone's out to get you and it just seems like a pretty sad and sort State of Affairs at the moment but anyway back to the overview we do have a bios switch between overclock and Silent it is actually a fair bit more plasticky on the rest of the card it's just the back plate that seems to be made of metal the rest is plastic but again this doesn't bother me at all it looks good I personally think that's all that matters and then in terms of i o we have one HDMI and three DisplayPort 1.4s so you won't be able to use this with DP 2.1 but it's definitely not the sort of card that's going to make any real difference for that at all anyway the only other thing to mention before we put this in our rig is that we do have a GPU support bracket in the Box as well I don't think it's going to be quite so essential with this but if you want to use it it's nice to have this being a 40 series card we do of course also have this horrible adapter let's say horrible it's not actually quite so bad because it is of course a two-way which is two eights to one twelve or 16 depending on whether you're including the sense pins it's not ideal I would go to cable mod probably or somewhere like that and get an adapter but it's not as bad as the 4080 that has a three-way splitter or the 4090 that has a four let's pick up our 4070 TI and line it up with the slot click into place and you can see that actually it's not a particularly huge graphics card by more modern standards it's still going to need a decent case because it is a little bit of a wide boy but it's not anything particularly crazy in terms of length get it all plugged in and then of course attach it to our card making sure it's pushed all the way in grab our monitor plug Us in and give ourselves some power we will of course also need the PC Centric mouse mat that is now in very limited quantities it is not around forever pre-order is over if you want one I think you can still buy it down below and when they're for sale when they're gone they're gone that is it so if you can buy one link is down below let's start with what should be the best case scenario some cyberpunk 2077 with the pre-release dlss 3.0 it's not really a beta is it Alpha press Branch I'm not sure when the full version of this will actually release maybe it got delayed due to The Witcher or something but here you can see we've got dlss and then frame generation and this is exclusive to the 40 series which is one of the reasons why there should be a fair bit faster than the previous gen but we'll leave this all on automatic and we'll scroll down and ensure that Ray tracing is on and we'll set it to ultra this is of course running at 4K but we'll lower down the resolutions and I think this is a big thing about this current generation it's that 4K gaming is no longer this like big exclusive thing for the really Ultra Rich right I mean a lot of people now own at least a 4K TV and 4K monitors and things are coming down in price and they are becoming a lot more mainstream so having a graphics card that kind of actually ran at 4K even if it is using something like dlss is actually quite important and here you can see we're actually getting an absolutely ginormous frame rate I mean I haven't used this demo in a while I kind of forgot how good it looks we're getting around about 95 FPS at Absolute Max settings I mean to be Fairless psycho so it's not quite Max almost Max settings at 4K dealer says automatic it is very very impressive and this looks so much better than when I played the game originally a couple of years ago which was 1440p with balanced dnss 2.0 and not all of the race racing was turned on that was where the 3080 and I was getting around about 60 to 70 FPS or so with some Ray tracing but not all of it so this is clearly a lot better from a graphics card there and this is the problem right costs the same sort of money obviously the 3080 rlp would I think was slightly lower than this card but then the real world price was actually a lot higher which is why we're in this mess in the first place because it's almost like no one knows how much a graphics card should be worth and everyone is just going with what people are actually willing to spend and while it is very very frustrating the fact of the matter is all the time people buy graphics cards that cost from 800 pounds then that just sends signals to the market to say hey this is acceptable pricing and this is why we're all getting pretty frustrated with it really because okay maybe this was originally meant to be an 80 series product but let's be honest it was always really a 70 series and we're stuck with eight hundred dollars but don't worry we'll be talking about that properly a little bit later in the video for now we're just going to focus on performance around about 90 to 100 FPS cyberpunk is fantastic I think you'd be very happy if you had this in your system don't forget this is 4K dlss let's lower down the settings a little bit more we'll Now set it to 1440p but I will set dlss to quality and actually the game doesn't look quite as good as it did at 4K automatic which I find pretty interesting we're definitely rendering less pixels but as a result we are going to get a higher frame rate now we're getting around about 110 to 120 FPS and it is an absolutely beautiful game I mean that's a bit weird let's not look at that let's look at this bit of the city in terms of latency we're getting around about 55 which I think for sober Punk is fine it's going to be a bit okay when you get into the duty bits but it's not necessarily a problem but if you're very anti dealer says 3.0 for whatever reason we will turn frame generation off so you can see the real performance if you like and the frame rate now drops to around about 80 frames a second but the latency hasn't actually changed too much we've got about five milliseconds better so for me I would just leave frame generation on I think this is a perfect demo for this graphics card and as I say if you have this in your rig I think you'd be very happy I just filmed a bit about thermals and then I realized that the side panel was off and I don't want to get told off today so let's put that back on continuing the next gen portion of this review we will now move on to some portal rcx and again as a reminder this is a game that doesn't like being recorded so I will probably just have to tell you the frame rate I am recording it but it'll probably come out as static but we're getting around about 60 FPS with everything turned on so this is dlss frame gen and normal dlss this is a fully path traced title so it's a weird one because it's properly next gen in terms of the lighting but obviously it's a very ancient game in terms of everything else but we are rendering this at 4K so again 60 FPS it's a nice little it's a bit more than a tech demo but it's not really a reason to buy the graphics card it's just something that can show you the capabilities of it or if you just love poor tool we can play it again and again and again I mean to be fair that doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world but here's the thing right we as Gamers don't play what AMD or Nvidia Intel actually want us to play we play the titles that we want to play and for most people that is going to be something that April Legends and Warzone Battlefield pretty much exclusively multiplayer and then come back to the Triple A's when one in particular comes out that we really want to play so for me the multiplayer is almost the most important thing so let's test that let's also play The Guessing Game what are we going to get in terms of frame rate we start with 1440p and here we go this is the Moment of Truth as we Dash down to the floor and we're getting it seems about 200 FPS is it going to be slightly higher when we hit the floor Maybe around about 200 to 250 FPS but for me for getting absolutely everything else what this used to be called the fact that it has less vram than the old 4080 that's maybe slightly slower in terms of memory speeds than a 3080. taking all of that stuff out the equation there's no denying that I think everyone watching this video would be very very happy playing 1440p Apex Legends at about 250 FPS this is not me defending Nvidia or defending anything it's just observing that if you are in the market for a graphics card and you want one that can be future proof with Ray tracing but you want one that can play something like Apex Legends every single night for hours and hours on end this is clearly a very very capable graphics card and a lot of people have pointed out that in terms of 3090 TI performance is very similar you can get them used maybe for the same sort of price but for me the 3090 is just not the card I would want for actually gaming because while it has loads of vram it uses way more power which is is not only going to cost you more money but in my experience every card I tested just made an absolute racket I hated that card I actually had it in my personal system I took it out replaced it with a 3080 because it was driving me insane whereas this is nice and power efficient and it's literally silent this is why I say please don't buy any like more expensive SKU than an entry level 30 40 70 TI because there's just no point I mean look at the temperatures 50 degrees on the GPU it's just not worth it so taking everything else away including the price this is a very impressive graphics card and I think for most people it's all a performance you're really going to need I mean let's up the stakes let's go to 4K and it has definitely dropped around about maybe 50 FPS less this is a more intense scene so yeah about 160 or so but this is a 144 Hertz 4K monitors so we're still saturating that so again in terms of performance if you want to play something like Apex Legends this is pretty much maxing out what you can get from the game assuming you're not going into like Sky High frame rate monitors I know what I'm saying is going to upset some people that don't think I'm letting anybody off the hook the full picture is coming I promise I just want to look at this purely in terms of performance in the performance section and then when we we do the wrap up we discuss everything I promise like the thing for me that's actually really difficult about making this video is I know there is so much pressure to properly hate on everything that this card is and everything it stands for but I just don't think perhaps useful there are so many videos out there that are just talking about all of the bad points and I'm not saying I only want to focus on the good I'm saying the fact of the matter is people are going to want to buy a graphics card for their computer and if all they're hearing is everyone's saying oh everything you can buy is rubbish don't buy anything wait a couple of years I don't think that's useful putting it into context with everything else and helping people to make an informed buying decision is which is why I say wait to the end of the video I promise it's all coming don't you worry let's move on to some Battlefield 2042 though we'll make sure that dlss is enabled at automatic everything else is set to ultra and we start with 1440p maybe we won't play some Battlefield because it looks like it's crashed I thought this game was better now it is a pre-release driver are you Joe token as soon as we start recording oh of course it is of course it is why do you do this to me bad Battlefield Bad I'll try and capture some footage a little bit later for you shallow we're getting about 140 to 160 FPS this isn't as high as Apex Legends and is probably quite similar to what you get in Warzone but it's still not bad but it's still not bad it's not even the recording it's just going well we've got the information anyway about 130 to 150 in Battlefield you know what I've had enough I'm not doing any more benchmarking I'm not doing any ever I'm going to get my lucky to do it oy Benchmark us hello everybody that's right it's me I am back to give you these numbers and it's a little bit Melancholy because on one hand the performance actually is pretty decent as we've mentioned in the video I mean as Mark has mentioned I'm definitely not the same person it is definitely uh quite enticing really when it comes to the overall performance because what you get is something that can pretty much run any resolution and it can run 1440p especially at very high frame rates but the issue is it's around about 20 frames a second or so more than the 3080 but then it's more expensive than the 3080s so the actual value of this card isn't great and this is just a bit Naf really and this is why you're hearing loads of complaints about this card because not only is the memory bandwidth a little bit less that could actually limit you in 4k it doesn't seem to very much in the numbers that we've tested but in some games it certainly might be an issue for you it's just pretty depressing pretty frustrating really that despite the fact that the performance of this card is very good we're pretty much seeing the same value as all of the other cards and usually what happens is the lower down the stack you go the better value and the more you get for your money but we're just not really seeing it here so while this is definitely a card that I know Marcus would love to have in his system because it pretty much has all of the right performance for the games and resolutions he would play it's not really something that is easy to recommend in isolation because the value is not really there but then the value isn't there on any graphics card and this is the point this is actually a decent enough offering for what we've actually got on the table but everything on the table at the moment just is pretty rubbish and I'm not sure when this is going to improve is it going to take all of the 30 series stock to just disappear and then the prices will come down do we need AMD or even Intel to probably have more competition or are we going to live in this graphics card bubble where everything seems to be more expensive because it can Envy no one really is doing anything about it the only thing that would properly stop this is if people stop buying graphics cards but I think that's not going to happen because people need to buy graphics cards so performance wise this is absolutely fine it's in line the value is actually pretty much the same as the other cards that it's competing with but it's not really fantastic when it comes to Value but it's more artificial which is pretty lame so there you are performance of this is very much in line with the rest of the cards I mean it's to be expected right the value hasn't really improved but it's not as bad as something like the 4080 if you spend a little bit more you can get an AMD card that has slightly more performance but obviously isn't going to be such a ray tracing Powerhouse currently doesn't have a dlss3 competitor but eventually it will I'm also interested to see whether we can actually overclock this card so let's give this a quick go we'll open up afterburner we open up cyberpunk and drop that in windowed mode and we'll turn dlss off for now obviously this isn't real world but but we just want to isolate the performance of this GPU so if we overclock it we can see whether we're actually getting any extra FPS so at the moment completely rendering without any other fancy stuff going on we're getting about 46 47 FPS so we go over to our power limit in our overclocking utility we Max that out and we'll also add 100 megahertz to the core count I'll do about 50 on the memory and we'll see if we get any Improvement probably a couple FPS actually we're now hitting the 50s which is nice to see if you're wondering whether we're CPU bottlenecked by the way we're not this is running a top end 7950x and we're currently on 98 99 GPU utilization so clearly you are able to overclock this a little bit more and get some more juice out of it but obviously outright stability is going to be achieved with long-term testing rather than just sort of playing with it for five minutes or so but we've definitely gone and got an extra probably two to four FPS when we were getting about 40. so yeah about call it seven percent extra performance by doing a bit of overclocking but in terms of real world changes to your game don't expect anything drastic I mean it hasn't actually crashed yet how far can we go can we do 260 3075 megahertz and it's dead yeah thought so 3000 megahertz is probably your ceiling but obviously it's going to depend on the exact card that you get so then the RTX 4070 TI is it as good as my box handling skills it's very interesting and I feel like if you've got a degree in Psychology or like business management or something you can see what Nvidia has essentially managed to do over the last few years which is to sell more and more expensive graphics cards we had the pandemic people were buying them for more money than Nvidia were actually selling them for and then suddenly it seems that we're in the place where a 40 70 TI can realistically be a street price of 800 to 950 pounds which is I want to say unacceptable I really want to say unacceptable but it's not because people are buying them and this is the issue it seems that the whole stack at the moment is geared towards charging the highest possible price the 4090 there is no competitor I don't see that coming down anytime soon 4080 that definitely needs to come down in price it sounds as if people aren't buying them and AMD have a decent offering but then the value of this is basically the same as the AMD cards so if you're gonna be cross at Nvidia also be Crosser AMD because while Nvidia I would argue a probably more responsible for causing it it is just the situation that we're in and everyone seems to be as I say out to get you a little bit in terms of real world buying gaming advice I really like this card I can't really fault it unless you wanted maybe slightly different i o or you need a DisplayPort 2.1 then you go for the AMD offerings but taking this at a performance level I don't think anyone really needs much more than this unless you're playing on a 4K screen and you want all the bells and whistles because clearly this is still very capable it was able to do cyberpunk with all of the ray tracing dlss3 all of this stuff and it's still a lot more power efficient and quieter than something like a 3090 TI which for me I think is more important than having faster more memory people disagree that's fine that's why there are other options you can go for but I think if you're like me and you play mainly multiplayer but sometimes a single player game this is going to be an excellent card for 4K High refresh rate 1440p gaming is very capable so what do you do do you buy one or do you just wait for the next Generation there is no guarantee that this is ever going to end and people will vote with their wallets especially at the moment like have Nvidia and AMD not got the memo that times are tough that people can't even afford to pay their gas and electricity bills let alone spend more money than ever on a gaming graphics card but the reality is the sales numbers and until we see those comes down I can't see the pricing on these things changing which is why purely from a what graphics card should you buy point of view I think the 4070 TI is an enticing option believe it or not you can look at the used Market you can get something lower specs no one's forcing you to buy this but if you need this level of performance the value is very similar to the higher end offerings and ultimately it's more performance than most people need without going into the CPU bottlenecking performance when you're going to need to spend even more money on the rest of the rig I just know people are going to be in the comments like what are you on about why are you saying buy this tell everyone not to people need graphics cards if you have one fine maybe no one will buy it and the price will come down we'll have to wait and see what AMD does maybe there'll be a pricing War the time has finally come for you to shout at the screen let me know all of your comments what do you make of the 470 TI but I think more importantly graphics cards in general in 2023 is is this going to go on forever or are you not going to buy one is everyone not going to buy one and are the prices of these things going to come down I would love to hear your thoughts so please let me know in the comment section below if you've enjoyed this video then smash the like button and get yourself subscribed it'd be great to have you along and of course if you are interested in current pricing on anything in this rig you can find that link down below with my Amazon affiliate links and while you're there why not check out corsair's K100 air Wireless ideal for both work and play the K100 air net you up to 200 hours of battery life slipstream or Bluetooth connectivity and Cherry's ultra low profile key switches with full per key RGB lighting a truly Wireless design and complete media control functions this really is the keyboard of your dreams learn more today with the link down below but thank you so much for watching this video I'll catch you in the next [Music] thank you
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 161,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070 ti review, rtx 4070 ti benchmark, rtx 4070 ti worth it, rtx 4070 ti graphics card, nvidia, nvidia rtx, rtx 4070, graphics card, gpu, gaming pc build, 4070 benchmark, 4070 gamplay, 4070 ti gameplay
Id: 4JyQagyIc9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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