RTGame Archive: MySims Kingdom

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody oh can you hear me okay how's it going folks I get wait a moment it's we music is nostalgic I think I've got like a message on my we dashboard as well you know I got Wi-Fi got 10 hang on before before we go I have a hanging look at this why do I have ten messages what oh this is for all the achievement things we unlocked in wii sports ressort the other day okay right all in a hundred pin game I won't die congratulations okay cool alright so that's what all that's about good to know uh how's it going though folks it's good to see y'all here can you hear me okay we'll check the game's audio and second this that's probably not the best so I kind of audio check we can do I think that is a bit too loud so we'll just wait a moment I sounded good okay how's it going folks yeah so I thought I'd mentioned like if he didn't seem like the post on Twitter what's wrong with you I had you followed like Twitter but I bought every single game in the my Sims franchise following the last my sim stream and instead of deciding to do like a play true of any particular one I thought we just kind of take a slice out of all of them and then see if any of our continuing because there's six games in the franchise and some of them look bad so I don't want to become like the my Sims guy who like plays all these true so I thought we did I take a stream on each and just to see what's going on over the next while like there's six games from the franchise so like even if you think about it that way like it's gonna be like this first week of December by the time we have all these finished if we even do one a week so that's a lot of like my sims oh god so we're gonna be going with my Sims Kingdom today because that's what a lot of people recommend it following the first one so let's just dive on in that's not waste any time let's go RT correct your F in time my time is correct but he's how I could've had that the time in the clock below to stream that's fine or do you mean the we menu because I don't know what a set on that slow the chat please yeah if we could pop it on slow-mo 30 seconds that should be on by default it should be on by default now but oh god what are we looking at with the bellboy is still with us I thought were in medieval times now yeah we're still building stuff so some of the core concepts are here what why is the bellboy from the hotel here we don't as Gino as well these characters shouldn't be here anymore but there's the DJ this I hope this is about medieval time all right guess what they were like in the Dark Ages and prehistoric and space a time period of Ian I thought this is the medieval is a picture of the King on the front let's choose a flag I assume this is real language let's just go in Italian I feel in the mood there we go [Music] okay so let's go new game yeah we just travel and true like all the ages like is it not just one Kingdom it's like literally every time so that's a robot ending system at evil times like some of them look like like some of these people will look like medieval medieval hello it's a DJ kind of got to get up and there's a sheriff and there's just a got pharmacy thank you to the tier two okay well let's just go maybe up maybe I'm just wrong like maybe it's not just medieval let's see oh yeah that looks like different time periods okay once upon a time there was a great Kingdom that covered the entire world Kingdom was made up of many different lands and many different Sims all the Sims and all the lands are ruled by a kind and wise king me king Roland Oh how's it going mr. narrator to help protect the people of my kingdom I ordered my wizard to make a collection of magic scepters I gave these special ones the most loyal on brain Sims in the kingdom and thus was born the order of long delirious okay they're magic scepters in hand the wander Lear's could do amazing things he used the power to protect the kingdom and keep the Sims of the world happy it's hard to believe so much time has passed all of the wander leaders have long since retired or moved away parts of my kingdom are now falling into disrepair the people are not as happy as they once were oh they yeah that seems rather precarious but today is a very special day I king Roland will be naming a new Wanda leer who will it be where they come from what will they look like okay we're essentially Harry Potter order of the stone the UK 2.0 is the fall of the king oh yeah the United Kingdom's just father to disrepair that's it okay let's represent Oh No okay that's my godson customize your head okay so it's the same as before little less instruction they assume you played the first one you got a mustache okay okay let's just see what we can get okay well we'll try and continue the bob family legacy where's the Afro okay it's a newest member of the Bob's we can give him glasses options do we have we have the monocle again okay the monocle see interest in a woman pink hair color give them a great big ginger fro her Ange face paint these are all the same as before okay oh wow have a little undo button that's nice we know he's an undo button next point your Sims body and press a to change outfits okay let's see it see what are you gonna wear oh why there's not a lot of clothes options so that's not all I have okay there's only eight but what I was fair we gonna go for him like I okay he looks fabulous there we go let's go with that pick one of the four of us on the Left change the page of your Sims voice of the slider on the right this is based all the menus stuff we had from the first one but it's now just over pages like a deep and you guys here the game okay do I need to turn it up I think I need to turn up God the making it just [Music] that's really good you can hear him say Ipsy do ya turn it up I think I think it's okay yeah I think it's good okay Sam is the recommended name it's going for that was actually a little too loud now I think they mutilate partly there we go 22 okay uh this will be it's just just groovy Bob like I where are we in like the Bob family like a lineage at this point it's just groovy Bob Sifu sheffy I don't think it's steve buscemi evil buff funky bob pirate Bob wait just hang on there was one of those that stands out impostor Baha oh wow it fits it fits he's just snuck his way into the family and like no one was paying attention no one knows who he is like they think he's an uncle to the family but that you can't quite place them okay we're gonna go with impostor Bob hey congratulations we did it okay so this man is not a member of the Bob family household he's just pretending to be on let's go today in the world castle a champion shall step forward wit ya didn't give me time to read all righty I got a lovely found him [Music] got all the characters and fall in love with here's a pigeon got mail how's it going buddy oh but that wasn't relevant at we already live here but this is just me I'm living in on the farm that's a big mushroom growing in the garden hey Pig herder you don't hurt nose pigs yeah that's a bit rude because when you're done with that hey look at me when I'm talking to that sunshine hey welcome a what I'm talking to you okay so we have to rotate the camera the face are cruel over lowers quit danger now lay my pigs back to the farm right now get a pig to follow you just walk up right next to it okay we're herding pigs be careful if you get too far away from the pigs I'll stop following ya like okay whatever you say crawl over a pig ah-buh-dee hurry up and leave the pigs right here to my feet barren ha pls are able to roll around in the mud I don't know you're used to living in the mud we are impoverished pig farmer conditions that's not good enough for my pigs yeah we have to go look for the pigs all right yeah Jesus like we're not having like I'm a warm like family-friendly introduction in this one it's like we're a peasant like straight and simple oh we're em by default that's nice they find the pigs lead them back to the mud okay I gotta move the camera there and we talk to her oh great laughs you've actually got both of them Jesus oh you're done for tonight now get up early tomorrow now I'm gonna sweep all the mud accrual over the horse okay by that they're going like deep in the dialogue and here hey pal and posture Bob Wow Oh No hey pal I want you to know that you're my pal I'm not your buddy pal hey buddy how's it going but no yeah probably why he's named I think he's gonna make that pun at some point I'm like placing like a tenner down on that right now not your buddy pal oh it's still tripping I am posture bah oh yeah pigs finish your chores for today can we go play now well I like it a peasant's but also like five oh boy yeah I finished my manual labor for today let's go to the playground remember we promised to go meet Lindsay Clin say probably dreaming up another of her one of her adventures for us and you know how she gets when we were late do you make us herd pigs oh wait I almost forgot I have to deliver the invitations from the king it's a pretty big deal pal king Roland is holding the wand earlier trials today and it's an open contest anyone can enter who you anyone buddy oh hi princess butter sir that's an interesting family name to have greetings fellow plebeians how goes life on the farm I think we all know that I'm going to be named the new wand earlier well you are of course silly I'm the princess daddy will just let me win oh okay well you're the best character and I don't know impostor bum here would make for a great wand earlier I think you'll win for sure I mean I've only just learned about this tool minutes ago did you see me herd those pigs yes I'll see you at the castle then toodles just laughing us she's so nice buddy look don't know how that works don't worry imposter Bob of sure you'll win honest I have these invitations you in one job buddy get one job out my face oh wow we just straight-up get like a world of warcraft quests in this one you got oh no pal those invitations tell us everything about the contest we can't get in without them can you run around and find them all like this button to open your journal and view your tasks but your current chance we displayed you can always look here if you're unsure of what to do next okay so find me invitations explore the island find all the room in the world invitations buddy can't enter you into the contest route them why do I need eight that entered the contest early it's just one okay oh so it tracks like quest available except this ready to hand and complete it okay yeah and you have this here that straight up might look like World of Warcraft quest log you ever want to skip to right through your Tasker on simply press the tool button on the loom oh okay okay so we got to find all the invitations so like this game seems like already quite a bit different than the last one those I we're not just straight up a carpenter here where a pig farmer if we have a different trade this time around love to see how it goes from here I mean jump yeah press seeds jump these ledges okay it will remove all this time around there's no essences to grab right now as well he seems five looks great I like to remind folks like these this is like the game series we're now playing because you know things went a bit south with sims 4 and what I kind of hope for with that game this is what we have instead okay that's deliver the quest already you're good pigs and papers pal that's rare yes as is commonly known you really saved me imposter Bob that's why you're my best pal oh and this is Lindsey where were you guys I've been waiting forever they made up today's adventure itinerary and everything going to explore a hidden tomb Jesus that's a bit in the deep end I didn't say we don't know where any hidden tombs are yeah buddy that's what makes them hidden but never mind that I'm scrubbing that mission favor of a new on we're entering in Pastor Bob into the wand earlier contest here I just gave him pasta Baba's invitation and that spoiled princess butter don't worry imposter Bob will show her yeah we're getting all the important details when is the contest oh it's right good thing we got the invitations yikes hurry to the castle impostor Bob oh we gotta go yeah we're gonna be late let's walk inside is king Roland how's it going is it just me or is the game playing at a higher FPS now that's just me that animation just looks a lot smoother welcome my loyal subjects on this great day from your humble ranks a champion shall emerge a FPS like just jump up oh my just business of did okay wow these are all the champions this is everybody he's Noel ski though the King got his daughter a fisherman who looks like he rolled in off the street and he's gonna do mean things if he gets the one I think is just gonna be us and no one important ooh bad I thought we still I have who might still have time for cupcakes maybe just a quick one that was a real quick cupcake now let us begin wait we have a late entry imposter Bob are you here for the trials yes I am playing The Hunger Games something but the pig herder came after all I just assumed you'd give up well now we should be ready to begin as you've all heard this is a very special day do tell me why it's a special day whoever wins is today's draws will receive the Royal scepter and be named the kingdom's new Wanda Lear whoever will it be I have my money's on the Sailor also whoever comes the second was he a really nice toaster oven as a consolation prize oh sweet yeah I like this guy now Ernie's got the right idea the court whizzers the great and wise in Maryland will accompany you to the training grounds Marilyn are you there it's not Merlyn salutations to your friends no fair how come everybody how dramatic entrance got me I just watched you do it yeah Barney was just here I don't know what you're complaining about princess butters mr. hi thank you for the 500 bits there let me get my alert box up so I can actually read your message Oh what hang on okay hang on one moment as three maps just change its layout while I was looking away hey well I was with ya mister hi thanks for 500 bits hey Artie I tried to introduce my friend to you YouTube channel he hasn't watched any videos can you say something like Brady you're dumb wash my videos so I can send it to him for [ __ ] sake Brady just send that and make it as like aggressive as possible as if I'm genuinely upset with him okay what's not leave out our YouTube channels huh why not me huh what's wrong with ya [ __ ] Brady oh that encourages them to watch my content Oh God thanks for the 500 okay each you receive a training scepter once we arrive the training grant I shall administer the tasks princess Barney an imposter Bob are we ready let's go in follow me just say Africa doobie why didn't Barney teleport but that was a joke okay we made it who wants cupcakes and our friends have been teleported into the nether world have a look okay so I assume this is gonna be the tutorial of some kind that's what the trials are gonna be about I'm not sure what we're actually doing in this game compared to the last one they knew we were a carpenter before but Nike this is clearly something different welcome to the Isle of magic do you all want to be Wan delirious that's truly fantastic beware for the life of a wander there can be tough and it's not for the faint-hearted safety reasons you will all be issued special training ones they have limited powers what will work for our purposes okay I'll learn how to ride advice training Wong's Barney was gonna get his again there at the end of the trials the training once we returned to me only the winner will be allowed to carry the real want blood Godzilla thank you for five hundred bits hey I love you YouTube channel this is the first time watching the stream I really enjoy it keep going thanks blood appreciate it very well within the stream I need to take off my jumper just one moment guys actually very warm here at the heat on a while it was very chilly day Ireland yes I've actually interested in like what this kind of game is gonna because I have no experience of this one I like dabbled in the original my sims it doesn't just seem to be construction now an important note no one can operate by a special essence called mana you will need to gather a lot of mana before you could even use even these simple training ones okay they were going just straight to square enix JRPG hey please treasure chests around this island are filled with mana find and open all the chests and come back to see me if anyone wishes to pause because we were attempting these arduous trials now would be a good time okay so press - button to pause use this button the save a game you should save often so wants me to do that the DES game is the best one and I'm hyped you bought us I did I don't have the DES game melody I I bought the entire my Sims franchise but on Wii I'm sorry to disappoint you hey save successful let's see where we're going talk to her and we get started already well we're good to go fantastic now open all the chests and find the mana the return to me ready go okay barney is just like off I go right away now that we got to beat him to this one well he was drawn the grab we got 5 mana under 5 it's Barney just like following me in trying to get this first he's just not quite fast enough go now I'm not gonna question I didn't like impostor Bob found all the minor chests first well done did it how do you want some an energizer minor we may begin to learn how to wield them as you all know Wanda this can use a magical scepter to create and move just about anything Pera does have limits one can only use assembly within special regions like this one only if the Wanda Lear has collected enough mana to power you deceptive you must first draw it by entering construction mode okay so we are still building assessment important object press a to pick it up or say again to place down the object you are holding it was simple marvel at the elegant design and usability of the scepter it is truly fantastic oh they call it the wand because you got the Wii mode in your hand it's a metaphor Mia Horry fixer it's 200 bits they say don't read this thanks Mia a caffeinated Roman thank you for 500 bits this game is more about travel in the world and solving problems it's a good time my sense agents is another great one and some of the characters persist true multiple games you know now I know more about these games than I should well it's good to have an expert on hand thank you very much man no I'm just it's just interesting because yeah from the original game you think there's like the starting point of a franchise you know but like like very much from what I've seen from the other games even look at the box out like there's like racing games you know like this there's no set Jonna is what it is it's not like where it's like Sims 1 Sims 2 my Sims is just a bit of everything I'm like just from what I can tell I need to try it for yourselves my student and mr. Hein Exeter two hundred bits it has been sent okay so I gotta pick up the block pick up that box and place it in the red goal in that platform only the first contestant to finish a simple task with a credit list the race begin yeah beat ya'll I press a here to exit construction mode I was straight from her fantastic imposter Bob you won the second challenge let me know when you're ready to continue let's keep going now for the third challenge it's just a bunch of mascots to do whatever that's goodly yeah it seems that it's just a bit different cause like that's not how most franchises would work maybe like they would be like but it's actually for a video game franchise do we like kind of similar things it's like Mario has that treatment where he's kind of in everything but there's not a lot of characters outside that I thought do with that you know time for the third challenge your next dance is quite simple really as you can see Wow they've fallen off the shelf water- this who knocked my collectable Kingdom bells on the ground don't worry little friends will save you the matter of life and death get him on the Shelf quickly okay my students change of plans you must use your wand to place my stuffed animals back in the shelf I don't need a wand for that I'm just I know we got magic and it's kind of cool but did you know did you can pick that up and make sure they're facing outwards collectible pick kingdom pals have feelings too you know okay so let's enter Oh God okay got the control by quickly to rotate blocks okay so it's basically the same controls I have before now except instead of going on is like a dedicated building but I'm kind of just using it like in the world it's like that see that's interesting then you can paint as well and oh great you can prospect there we are impostor ball all my little friends are back safe and sound did another quest let's move on none of my collectible Kingdom powers are all put away it's time to move on to something a little larger let's learn how to use the power of the wand to create an entire house only a house will not fit here the artist two overgrown you mister it's clear to lots of these dastardly bushes pick them up using a scepter and press beaches elite what do you are holding and go ahead and create some blocks to make a base of coast let me know when you're done good luck okay so we can just delete stuff okay got it I'll look in your catalog for a basic house block and roof that's your catalog at the bottom of the screen oh okay oh this is an associate at mana cost peasant roof they're only building a small home today okay so it's so controls are kinda similar than the first one so I can see kinda why it's related here at least makes sense and put away the wand so that's like walk-around mode that's like building well--don't imposter Bob you did it again you'll need something thank you for subscribing and Carols bro thank you for a hundred bits well done in Pastor Bob do all that house looks a bit austere let's dress it up with windows and such shall we certain items you can build with that satisfying interest you can see in items in trust value when you point it in the catalog when you place one of these items down you add its interest of the areas when you meet the requirements that are your task is complete one of those things soul eyes when you place a block when you pick up a block you will see a blue ghost version of it appear in the world unlike a red goes to block which shows you where block must go a blue ghost of block shows you where block which go feel free to choose the place you think the place that you think are best enjoy your house building students okay we need to destruction this icon represents the structure interest that belongs to share this interest to the house okay so like it wants specific things okay so if I pop down a chimney and I can't actually go all willy-nilly here because I have limited resources how this looks done yep yeah we got tree chimneys uh oh you gave me like a window you didn't give me a door interestingly enough three chimneys is good quest complete that's a nice-looking house impostor Rob oh we got a minor reward for that too house looks wonderful impostor Bob something is missing Isidore no paint this there's no door louse yeah lucky for us the scepter cat ate as well as create simply enter paint mode selector color than a hold a to pink I've fun to be creative impostor Bob Sammy I think of a hundred bits I skipped class and continue throwing money at my monitor I hope you appreciate oh good gosh I thank you very much Sam oh it's a bit worried into the hair and Nachman is it thank you 400 bits first time I can make it to one of your streams just wanted to say hi hi how's it going very welcome painting a lovely home today so choose a category and select the color you want it's so great roof shingles hold on a and wave your block over brush over all the blocks you want to color okay let's just do it up Alex good which is they were just i practicing the controls like it's just the training wand for hell I think that's a lovely little home doing good McGill muffin thanks for five a trip it's pasta Bob wins again and has much better now at new paint don't you think oh yeah alright my students let's move on to the final trial I've learned about contraptions some things in this world can't work by themselves that need to be powered it's switched to the example that I need to spin an axle to work we moved up in the world we an engineer now instead of just like a carpenter our MLP thank you for hundreds I don't know what to say just take my money well thanks man we've all turns cool gusts of wind into a wonderfully useful rotational energy is rotational energy my favorite source of energy that power is causing the skier to turn ears can be used to connect rotational power distant objects that need the gears will not turn on their own be connected to a power source or in a big spinning gear okay so we got a place a bunch of chairs so own departs the small gear put on several the same block press a while holding seed oh that's nice oh it's even gonna tell me that I actually really appreciate that because it wasn't sure before that's hooked up our job done Foster Bob aces the final sense it can't say I'm surprised at this point like what are the other two characters doing all this time cuz like I haven't even attempt us any of the tasks or any man enough Barney kind of made an attempt for the first one but then gave up her oh say thank you for five your bits parity update regarded my two weeks of skipping class I finished my physics midterm yesterday even though I only had three days I got an A which I take to mean that washing your streams instead of studying was actually better for my grades if only I'd known this years ago but don't worry our arrow set you won't make that mistake twice watch my streams just don't study so do fine now I'm delighted for you man it's good to hear thanks for 500 bits and Pastor Bob you have exceeded my expectations the most promising student I've collected the training scepters from everyone so it's time to returns to Castle here the results of the conference I did so good oh and for sure you didn't do anything princess butter but what do you mean you did you haven't even used your wand I did everything Oh Barney's having none of it if that's all then we'll head back to the castle follow me go again mister hi thanks about 200 Brady refused to watch the clip I sent him just like how he refuses to watch your channel [ __ ] wrong with your brainy what I gotta do I'm sorry I shouldn't be so mad at your friend okay here the results your majesty Thank You Marilyn let's see here hmm accordin very hmm very interesting according to this our new Wanda Lear is Bernie oh it's us the princess looks dead inside right now yes additionally Barney won the toaster oven oh good job Barney yes in your face oh that's what he was trying to go he's laughing at me about that Barney how are you what that man is freaking ecstatic he got his toaster oven he's just a tear came in last ah I'm so sorry sweetie how many ponies will it take to make it better well these aren't good enough this time I want a unicorn good to see you made the game Veruca Salt nice to have you back Oh butter those are very rare you know ever I do know a couple of elves who could probably set us up universe that we live with ray you're the best daddy okay see you later Veruca Pastor Bob congratulates that a job well done here it isn't pasta Bob brand-new one for you and you alone two wheels certainly earned it we got the wand did it my friends are really happy for me way to go impostor Bob we knew you could do it indeed impostor Bob now the honor of filling up this new aunt goes to fill up what does that do just what manner or yes buddy you see each wand earlier decides what powers their wand will have think of this new one is a blank sheet of paper a fresh start in time and posture Bob will fill up his whoa this wand with new powers be able to build many different things Marilyn how do we add powers to the wand oh I'm sure you'll find a way some things are best learned by doing gently Lindsey I'd like you to hold on to this magic bag for me okay you've never met her but okay Marilyn what do you want me to do with this I'll tell you about the time is right there's totally drugs in that bag things they just hold onto this magic bag you'll know what to do Oh someone's getting arrested at Preston place for firewood your boots what other country do you want to live in next I'm not really sure Preston me Canada beat beat hats thanks 100 bits as well and Kayleigh thanks 400 bits I never saw the point donate into streamers until I started watching you now I want to give all my money I probably shouldn't know yeah that might not be the best of ideas no but thank you very much 100 place is very kind okay we're not gonna know what's in the magic bag wall so what do we do now we go build stuff it's simple really it cost our Bob go for and help The Sims of capital Island the rest will become clear in time to sprout our ominous okay we get the go building they connect just rummage true his drawers nothing in here Oh does a crayon in here wait so I'm still gonna be collecting essences huh oh I broke his drawer look that was a good move because we got more crayons in this drawer jinx thanks 100 bits I can't believe it wasn't butter no shock our it seems faster to just start the animation and walk away look at that there's actually no reason to let the animation play at all let's do that they come out it was like a certain moment where it's already triggered the item spawn faster way of Remagen yeah we're doing pretty good out of the way buddy family takes about a hundred pits and so much money just donating to you but you know I'm okay with it because you're worth every penny oh that's very sweet sound like thank you very much yeah I'm actually this seems to be like a bit more element of game here so let's just see how things develop from this point on there's no essence from browsing the books it seems oh no you get pencils okay okay let's head outside a real adventure at last who would who dassault let's look for someone who needs our help I don't to be a pig farmer anymore movin up in the world [Music] hey hey I think this has to be the way forward like this looks like it just needs a bridge okay and I think I can get back up here I just jump it if I you could totally jump up but I'm guessing it wants me to build master thank you for five hundred bits ideas for a 1 million subscriber vid I'm still working that out myself I'm gonna be honest with ya I'm really behind I have like another busy week and then after this week like things finally ease up for like a for my schedule it's like I'll be pretty much settled back in Ireland after this one so you know I'm really looking forward to it hopefully that gives me like a bit of time before a lot thank you for the five intrepid stuff and I'm talented human carriage Jesus Christ hell of a name he's 100 bits damn you Artie why do you make such why are you such a good streamer you make me jealous I would never be as a rich killer funny shut up and take my money thank you very much for the hundred man very kind I'm not sure what to really say there I guess gotta believe ma'am you gotta believe Stephen lorrison as well thank you Andrew RT please stop streaming I need to study for my exam for this Thursday but I can't stop watching intro and money at you well don't worry Stephen I'm streaming every day up until Thursday so I'll be streaming long enough that you should hopefully a bit of luck fail every exam no don't worry man thanks for the 300 bits hey impostor Bob I was just heading home to the harbour when I ran into this darn bridge it's all broken up it's not there Barney her mind broken up and you maybe want those two wooden pieces back in place okay so it's we're gonna like approach like build zones this time more than anything and like connect stuff awesome you sure is something impostor Bob look at that mana and Scott Myrna gern for two hundred bits IRT ever since I found your videos I've loved every single one of them my first time even cheering bits and I felt like you're the most deserving thanks for taking time away from my homework oh no no no problem at all scat burn don't Scott man here it's Scott moon apparently thank you very much so IG Davis as well thank you for a thousand bits hey Artie I'm a very broke college student but it's worth each and only cereal for a week if it means I get to support my favorite streamer but you Dave is how much you spend on cereal a week you know I think if you squeeze the bank a bit there you can give me some more money No No thank you very much I looked out for yourself first please it's very kind like thanks for the thousand bits hey no way we're getting up there bye pal let's go tell the king that we face Jesus buddy hell of a defeatist attitude oh yeah we got it we got to build some stairs or something like Lindsey is right here any of any stairs here to put in place I can spawn him I've mine somebody needs stairs hey Marilyn wizard attack Oh [Music] Marilyn what do we do see in say you remember the magical box you're going to use it to give imposter Bob the power to make stairs I am well how is that gonna work Marilyn well I'm glad you asked Pastor Bob we got a special materials called essences from the world of things okay so we still have essences then wood apples are metal the right essences go into the bag you will magically add a new power to imposter Bob's wand how do we know which essences we need look for one of these I took scroll like that one our recipes to unlock a new wand powers in this case the recipe is for stems all yours limb say I leave the rest to you good luck impostor Bob all righty then oh Jesus quite a few bits coming into hang on one moment won't catch up there the scroll says we need 30 wood essence is easy we can get that by chopping those trees Oh No great Lynn say except you know where do we get an axe oh no it's gruntilda yeah where can we find an axe we'll never know hey you wings I thank you for the two hundred bits a or T I just want you to know that things are tough right now and you're really helping please don't terrorize the my sims I love this game for so long I'm sorry to hear that Kate like I hope you can take your mind off things awhile just watching the stream thank you for the 200 bits and I that this game seems a bit more like kind of structured than the first one I'll be honest it seems to me like a fair bit more game actually happened in here so I've got hopes and gabi as well nice 200 bits your sub notification isn't working now the sub notification is still popping up I've seen it a few times I don't think so Keira thanks 400 bits as well G Davis thanks for a hundred bits okay if you insist I'll start buying only offer and cereal I'm forever shoddy thanks for a hundred mr. Holly thanks 100 Brady is dumb and won't answer my answer my text now looks like Brady sorry oh gee rage thanks 400 as well well I joined the stream I was watching one of your tf2 streams and we were amazed and you were amazed a hundred plus people were watching you've gone so far oh Jesus Christ you guys got to give me a moment to catch up Gabby thanks for a hundred then you've missed a couple of subs no they're coming up I read all the subs we catch all the subs at the end Gabby the alert pops up I'm fairly sure Steven thank you for another thousand hey Artie did some budget a figure at Ivy only one PAC package of instant noodles every third day I can give you some more bits also you love also love you to bits pun intended it would seem and why isn't it one pack of noodles every four tanks like come on no thank you for the thousand bits very kind I kill him often it's all dice of 245 forgot to say love you streams thank you very much Jesus Christ and Carol thanks for 200 as well that's the last we're gonna be able to do for now because like this is going a mile a minute IOT love you sir use all my friends watch you I wake up at 7:00 a.m. to watch your streams on Sundays so worried I wish you the best of everything the work minimum wage so here's like a quarter of my paycheck well Carl I thank you very much like look out for yourself first I like that goes that everyone given bits you know I all be okay I put yourself first it's important thank you very much like I do I really do appreciate it Gabby thanks 400 well I'm just gonna keep going to make you read my messages please yell at me that's the last one I'm gonna read for now because like okay this is the last one Jody Gilbert 1500 just wanted to distract you even more that's hot that's that's got to be the last one she's still cutting the tree after all this time Oh sick is this tree like why can't you get true okay what oh you can't have my axe I need that for killing the peasants okay we need l Mira's axe here's what we'll do we'll go back to the castle have the kingdom and that she'd give us the axe good do that but what about this what if you just asked her really nicely that's going to work buddy sure imposter Bob just strike up a conversation with El Mira say nice stuff you know socialize with her I'm sure she'll give you the axe then I mean she might like evict me from my house all right I guess we could try buddy's way first let's socialize at Elmira Gaby Kayleigh and jinx thank you all for the bits I thank you very much guys I'm gonna have to cut back at some of the messages I think just her a little bit cuz there's so many coming in at this point and oh just leave me reading the bits stream but thank you very much I hope you're all enjoying the stream thank you for the kind words let's get the apples oh wow so this talk and socialise what's the difference receive acts this is the interaction you want to have with El Mira it's your target social because there's carrot move try to improve her mood until the target social is available oh we got a flatter her a lot skeptical let's poke her now she's upset demand the axe now she's enraged let's stomp hey we got some sad essence let's just chat he's talking talk about farm tools ok she's interested she's skeptical now let's read a poem she likes poems delight us give her a hug best friends she's super delighted see if the axe [Music] since you put it that way you can have all of my tools forever hope you weren't running like a DIY store or something like Jesus Christ they did an impostor Bob all right buddy I'll admit it your idea worked really well thanks Lynn say they're admitting things I ate that cupcake you were saving from king Roland buddy you can't just do a lot guys are a riot really I'm having a blast here is Barney just like that the chill version of twitch chat along for the ride in the stream Sneyd thank you for 2,000 bits irt sitting in hospital laughing my ass off at your stream and getting weird looks versus oh thank you very much hey I hope that I hope the trip there goes well thank you very much you guys are a riot always being sarcastic no I hope not okay I'm Pastor Bob I'm talk to me once you've harvested 30 wood yes oh my let's give us the scroll that would teach you how to make stairs chop 30 wood essences from trees using Elmira's axe okay so let's just clear that first I all auto flies here now as well which is handy swing your Wii Remote back and forth to chop the tree what do we collect it automatically as you chop try it now if you chop a tree too much it will begin the die to heal the trees like the water interactional that is some strong water Jesus Christ a lot of essence up in the treetops you couldn't hurt to grab a few of them yeah you can point the tree and hold the B button to grab on to shake it yeah I got that already you can also get asked this in the grass grab weeds like these with the B button pull them up with the Wiimote okay thank you God right over here one to counter all the wood a system posture bow okay hey we got an apple from pulling the weed manna and some metal that was a metal weed okay let's just waggled the Wiimote furiously here and get as much wood as we can Oh I kind of went overboard well rip the tree not that again you guys are a riot really I'm having a blast it does sound very sarcastic doesn't it but we need it in like like a Bill Murray like Garfield voice for that you guys are a riot really I'm having a blast me like Barney's voice from now on okay and in the quest in just scroll I didn't need got four stairs unlock power where's my lasagna Sean oh no great this scroll will give you the power to make stairs suck the magic out of the bag you want power stair top stair section wooden bridge okay so we can make a bunch of new stuff okay so we're gonna need to like build this up I think can't place it well what okay I'm doing something wrong here what what what have I done wrong start from the bottom you have it's not even let me like place that like I have stair top like there's a bottom and top block with the where's the bottom I only see stair top Oh ethics I have to accept the quest but oh okay I thought we already had it okay just build the stick right I thought cuz I knew that's why I needed to do but okay I guess we have to have the template but to know that's their topic there we go not a quest I'm doing good I'm a massive adventure fantastic it sure is great having a friend who's a wanderer I was a carpenter in my previous life oh now we gotta solve a gear puzzle okay so we're like putting everything in the practice that we've learned I think it's close which opens the gate isn't power like we need to replace the gears here to make the gate open good luck doing that with the scroll of gear bacon I fell for Maryland's library this butter why do you hate us hated it a secret place early I could find it well sure yeah that does not sound right mister hi cafe rage and salmon thank you all for 100 bits thank you very much does she keep getting to those high places that's a good question buddy she's out of bounds really the issue buddy why don't we just ask her nicely I worked with Elmyra unites the butter are you serious that'll never work trust me impostor Bob just try to socialize a princess butter can I even do that she's up there oh now she's down here okay is it the the Apple Freak is the Apple free thank you for the 500 pits I've got a friend of mine who streams and well she's got partner status and whatnot it's pretty obvious she's burning out hard on the game she built her entire viewership on you any suggestions are tips on diversifying into variety streaming I think you've been relatively successful in that regard like honestly like for me branch now I did get kind of get lucky that I just wasn't I was in a similar situation where I wasn't having fun doing the one thing just playing a lot like only tf2 for the most part and I just want to shake things up like the best advice I can give is if you're on having fun playing the game people won't have fun watching if she's already pirate nerds didn't like happy days I just do whatever the hell you want cuz like that's the first that's the biggest hurdle of doing anything on Twitch but if she does what if she wants like people will come you know that it's like the big advice my child wouldn't explode this summer unless I like branched out and just did what I wanted to I just said screw it you know yeah if you don't enjoy yourself on stream people want to and it's you gotta have fun burrito thanks for 500 as well burn some bits laying around thought you could use them thank you very much oh hey call me Karason as well how's it going I know that guy how's it going okay let's socialize with the princess we need gears tell a joke she like a joke okay we're in there now follow it up with a sick puppet show come on impostor Bob you got this she's delight us go for the juggle she doesn't want the hug she's not interested you need to be like her jester gofer and then a puppet show we're not getting anywhere okay going for the hug okay with that she's super delighted a spur gears job done in an out 10-minute mission see wasn't that fun how come you don't play with me more often so hang around buddy and Lindsay all the time that was freaking nerds okay I don't hire you so much cuz you're just yell abusive all the time butter okay I hit the gear school and a chest near my mushroom garden okay so after that we have to go back to the mushroom it's just there I could have just looked for laughs that's not even well-hidden oh you have a quest for me now as well hurry down to butters mushroom guard and get that scroll we need those gears to get you the gate okay make our way back Apple frequents another 500 thanks for the advice no problem okay it looks like these scroll needs metal yes you'll need to go mine and wash all cuz it's a gear thing yeah okay so we need to head back and see we're gonna learn how to prospect next side that both and jackie-boy thank you for 250 and 200 bits respectively nice thank you very much guys appreciate the kind words nice going impostor bob looks like we'll need to get some metal to complete that scroll why don't you try mining over there it looks like a good spot to me why are they gonna get to go mining instead of like just prospecting my god I got a pic moving up in the world control thing on the Nunchuk to move left and right along the mine wall shake the Wii Remote and lightly to tap up the wall it's just shaking that violently it seems to have done the job hit a button [Music] yo this is exactly how mining works in the real world you know you just take a pic you dig into a wall hey don't bother find an ore America's you know you're just gonna use the ore to make like the screws anyway go straight to the source get the screw rock have some time you know I love motion control this times like this I wish I had my camera already so you could actually just see like what I have to do to just make this work there we go I'm forever shy thank you for 500 pits hey I'm glad you're playing this game one of my childhood favorites which we looking getting a cat into my college dorm room best of luck exciting times okay we'll just get one more for good measure minecraft - looking good basically the same thing yeah hey impostor Bob did you finish the scroll I didn't need solid Gears of metal fast think I bet those gears will be super useful to the bag they go well I mentioned the tree of us they're gonna be together for quite some time in this because she has the bag and buddy's just here as our friend all gear a large gear go yeah we can build here now and we just need small gears did it [Music] request give me reward gate is open your unstoppable imposter Bob my question is like how did we get here in the first place with all these obstacles there was no stairs there was no bridge and the freakin like gate mechanism was completely smashed to pieces like how did we get here egg bought like 200 bits and Jireh thank you 400 as well it looks like it was laid in the weekend by drunk Irishman something harsh here we are at last oh sorry well here we are at lost home sweet home oh you live in a boat cool sure buddy it's great if you want to live alone but it's a nightmare when you want to entertain guests plus there's nowhere for me to plug in my new toaster oven how am I supposed to make pizza bagels that's pretty close to freakin Garfield then it's not quite lasagna but you know all up for those pizza bagels oh no I didn't think about that posture rod I'm having some friends over tonight and I promised them pizza bagels can you help me out if you need an electrician Barney like I don't know if I'm guy for the job oh he has a blueprint for his master Bob with this recipe you one can create an entire house let's try it but we're just gonna build him a new home you need more asses complete this scroll you can go back in mine and chop more any time where can I check my inventory of essences okay there so I need more wood oh there's a chest here Gabi a strange text 4,000 bits I paid you enough money to ask you to please read this tongue twister I wish to wash my wrist watch your tongue twister uh ulster me thanks for two hundred bits love you Ciro from Ireland to just the northern part violence parish keep the dope streams coming thanks very much rod over thanks I heard you as well I'm Sarah bus Lakes 102 okay so we need to eat apples happy essences and amber for that one we need to get some more wood next so we'll make our way back we can find amber if we just pull up this we live in hope there's mine away here pretty good beyond our minds and Gabby thank you for another hundred each [Music] okay we have everything for the house so I don't know where we're supposed to find amber yet well I guess I'll come back into that one a little later we can be nice to him to get the happy essence I imagine only he's having like he's down on his luck or something let's just get all these quick right girl thanks 130 your mic is muted Oh funny joke oh sorry the call you're gonna pull like a sick streamer prank there I will leave and guys if you can't hear me raise your hand if you can't hear me let's put up your hand just need a check you know master ball did you find a scroll yeah we got what you needed for the house unlocked power you can build now we go we got Barney's house paints medium base block a peasant chimney because there's a peasant dormer small peasant window poor Barney liked it he just asked us to make like a lovely home we didn't have to force classism on the porch roof peasant door hasn't roof peasant window publish North Bush he just wanted up somewhere to live but thinking y'all the pieces you need now in foster Bob why don't you go ahead and wand me up a house a Barney I was probably takes a lot of mana to build what have you run out ah did someone say mana oh you gotta subdue a lot like her can't take any more yeah you should know about buddy's condition very insensitive huffy he could actually die faster Bob you can find man almost anyways anyways you explore the kingdom however do you ever need more just turned to Lindsey he what can I do Marley place extra essences in the magic bag and transmute them into mana okay so we can exchange our essences for extra mana okay see you later Marilyn Marilyn sorry I scared you fuzzy or buddy I'm having a good day okay so we need to build up the home Wow oh he actually wants bushes okay but he'll be happy as long as this house meets the requirements here and pop down a door or anything I can't pop down a window or a porch roof I can pop that in the bushes and I have to give them at least a base block so let's put that there okay that's the house order we don't actually have to give him a door because of how the requirements work here these ones are cheaper so we'll give them peasant windows there we go she doesn't actually need a door so there we go like job done Stephen zoobi and I'm forever shy thank you for 100 bits each thank you very much guys caffeinated Roman thanks for 750 as well it's trust me on this place the second door on the outside of a house three stories of a tall above the first perfect afternoon thanks my mother 500 air as well you need at least one door oh I do yeah yeah the door requirement okay damn it back boy thanks 100 bits as well thank you very much mister hi thanks for 200 there as well and land thanks for hundred bits to piece yeah I apologize I'm a message front guys is just a lot coming today life is coming at you fast I mean fast even okay so we need a we needed a door but i realistically put the door up here all righty there the answer is yes and we'll give you some bushes job done now that's a place where I could hang my hat I can't wait to show it to all my friends I mean I might be all you do with the place considered he can it keep in sight Bernie for the manor yep that's a real fine house imposter Bob of course I'm going to tell my friends I'll need to build out the interior though oh no I'm actually gonna need to go inside hey since you offered I just happen to have a list of things right here gotta do more here posture Bob is a magic scroll that gives the wand the power to make furniture wait stone and amber or anywhere we supposed to find this stuff the ground I'm gonna give you guys my old treasure finder use it to dig up all sorts of things if all the treasure we could find don't matter precious gems and bacon hey let me just get this hell of a punch line don't quit your day job of it buddy the age of movies hikes for a hundred and kapha later Owen thanks for 150 as well thank you very much guys hoodie that's ridiculous who digs baked it out of the ground bacon is delicious he didn't answer the question but he anyhow don't know about this guy over here but here's the treasure Friday okay and posture Bob let's dig her out and see what we can find okay so we need 15 stone and six amber the treasure finding mode is the mode all the Wiimote up like a shovel to dig okay wait I just get food well what did I get that was a breastplate of what they get armor um where do I check what essences I have what does I get that I like can't check anywhere resistance okay got a breastplate of resistance here we go yeah inventory this is a piece of armour it seems like a different tab at everything armor pieces I gotta fight stuff we have come but no hey well we got that Elise okay let's go prospect in the wall that is not like designated zones for prospecting you can just do it anywhere [Music] my sims their Dark Souls I mean the same thing anything more oil you'll fight Bob at the edges yes in front Ross Bob to gain permission to enter the family be a cannon character tasks do I have everything yeah I do Oh talk to you finish your scroll I did indeed unlock power what tell Barney we're done this is pretty much the gameplay loop you do you grind you solve puzzles I'm kind and then you build stuff bookshelf coffee table cooking pot Abby picture bottle piece of furniture for every home done flower vase teddy bear booking utensils traditional bed couch counter dresser is we got a lot of furniture now we can get this house looking like a home can you help me decorate the inside okay so that they actually do give out about the door yeah well that's fine I can there we go it's on the ground floor I like that there's no load screens between anything that's actually like really nice to see the FPS definitely improves the moment you go inside I don't know why that is Gabby thank you for letting 400 you like jazz thank you very much okay so I gotta just start building stuff I guess you're using mana I need one of these kind of things so let's get the be picture because like that's vital needs things with balloons so we'll give them a yeah that book sure yep dot that that looks good to me and it needs TV stuff Oh perfect the B picture counts did it the requirement has that looks good she's gonna love it I mean they're gonna love it all my friends are you lying to me Barney how could you follow me outside I have something I'd like to give to you I'm pasta Bob you did a great job I'm real glad you're our Wanda there indeed you four remarkably good that you are now ready see you impostor Bob this island was your final test you approve about your skill and your compassion you're cool you're a clever and determined sim impostor Bob but certainly miss your company while you're away don't understand his impostor Bob going somewhere e you see today wasn't just about naming a new Wanda Lear posture volumn send you out on a great quest hmm the quest for king Roland as you know my kingdom stretches over the entire world that's a lot of area for just one came to cover I wish I could be everywhere at once but well my age is not always so easy you know I'll be cookie thanks for 465 bits of ice is broken I need to wait two days till my new one arrives although I'm sure I'll survive until then by watching your streams well thanks very much golly now hope it's good in your mouth man whatever is thanks for 500 bits as well dad I came home early to watch the stream thanks for the Irish no problem I need someone to go out into the kingdom for me and set things right rebuild the broken parts the world and make the Sims happy again your quest imposter Bob of course I would never ask you to do this alone buddy Lindsey who will accompany imposter Bob on this quest but so how many people live on this startin island as we've seen all of it now this Barney the king the wizard The Princess and the frickin landlord at the start is only five people living here okay well sure like half the populations will even I guess yes your majesty utter you would continue to be my little messenger you got a pal I mean sire here I'll do my price like will or won't Guillermo it'll go help me out shot how do I pronounce that pal bite people laughing Guillermo its Guillermo Guillermo okay e-erm oh okay Guillermo I'm gonna go with that right yeah it can't be key or mochas guilt this is l-like Guillermo is a killer killer more Guillermo el and Spanish is he easy okay we'll erm oh Jesus that is too many people with variants Guillermo okay we're gonna go with Guillermo here mo you're bringing that weird old kitchen hey Guillermo zmei pow pow he's really smart - hey sure - sure what's that gear up uh-huh she is he he I see hey buddy's been on the farm a little too long the helpful hey is that patron talking about me well she's very upset about huh IG is just one thing I don't understand how do you know how do we know when we've completed the quest to help Sims around the kingdom I'll hear stories of your achievements which accomplished you'll earn a little bit more of my favor and award you for your athletes Oh see you givin us points for helping people well I wouldn't call it points exactly meat we're gonna earn points to help with people you said it buddy I'm gonna call them King points King points earn enough I'll be sure to send Guillermo along with a thank-you note and some nice rewards that sounds fair sure and the quest has begun soon as you're ready Bernie please give these three access to the roll ship anything for a new Juan de l'air and posture Bob since you're going all over the kingdom maybe you can help me out with my fish collection any time you sit this is very random - just chuck in last moment but okay and he's how you see a new fish make sure to come talk to me and I'll give you a reward Thanks okay okay Barney by the Cassidy's how you want cupcakes there they go me me beanie I thank you for 100 bits we talked about how your office had a million subscribers you better have a video ready but at this point I honestly don't I need to get something together because I've been so swept off my feet like all this time and like it's literally the end like this weekend it's gonna be the first time I've had a chance to like sit down in like months and I'm gonna be up to date with like everything in my life and like all the videos I need to get up I'll be finished my editing I'll be on top of the streams I'll actually have everything I kind of down so like I'm really far behind honestly I've been working I've been working flat out for like months now I'm gonna take a break out finally a real adventure what are you guys waiting for let's go into the ship come on buddy there hi thanks 400-500 as well now max an hour since I sent Brady the clip of you yelling at him thanks again for - oh no problem okay so you get the choose like the world to go to so we can go to a Renee's Nature Preserve or just cowboy Junction one I mean there's no contest go I'll boil and obviously Levin say what's in cowboy Junction if I had the gasses heads and hounded by a race of strange fish people buddy plow for real but he's being invaded hard that was sarcasm buddy there's probably Cowboys in Kerala don't you oh let's say you know what I'm a fish man it's that right just kidding I tricked you with a sarcasm oh look who it is it's it apparently we're in Italian cowboy land he's back that lady dresses Abbi oh no Brian B thanks for 10 quid by the class for the first time in two weeks today I'm not stuck in bed anymore so I can't watch right Oh gift subs as much anymore but I just want to say thanks for making the past few weeks tell rule for me I really appreciate it that's good that's good to hear Brian thank you for the 10 quid I think tape as well thanks for the $5 I believe it's going to convert it I really enjoy your stream I need to take a shower sorry now you better be sorry how dare you value your personal hygiene over watching my twitch.tv stream like don't worry about it I just do what you need to do yeah it's fine thank you very much for the 5 quid i mr. highlights with our two hundred bits as well zoomy thanks for the 100 cowboy junction oh yeah I want to meet a cow buddy we're gonna have to have a long talk like where were you raised [Music] where should we go first imposter Bob Oh God freeze varmints sheriff Jenny's got y'all in her sights oh wow look out she's crazy le pal howdy vermin hate to pry but y'all wouldn't happen to be bad guys would ya I mean I'm an imposter I own all that counts nope we're nice oh that's too bad Jesus I was hoping there'd be some rampant criminals in the town you know there's liven things up of it I'm sheriff Jenny welcome to cowboy Junction folks y'all caught me on patrol what are you patrolling for bad guys you never know one's gonna pop up they talk a lot more in this one compared to the first game I don't know that's a good thing because there's not a lot of plot goin it might just be me but sure we're so excited what happened the only thing to do around here is take Gino's pizza to her well imposter Bob we have got to do the pizza tour maybe those free samples it's a tour look like you know our buddy feels about free samples imposter Bob and Gino's pizza is world-famous as we establish in the first game that's some Gloria would have missed out on if you hadn't played the original game [Music] Lindsay thank you for 500 bits every time you say Lin say I think someone's talking to its meelo it's like a weird spelling of Lindsay as well that's why I'm saying like Lin say instead of C cuz like that like that's not the e like like that that would be Lindsay but then yeah yours is Lindsay thank you very much - 500 Oh a name thanks 200 well of course RTT i play the sims type game where the characters are now animators swing their arms wildly you knows pizzas world famous alright let's look for chef Gino have fun y'all I gotta get back on Patrol they're chitti away yeehaw okay see you later now if only we knew I would find chef Gino in this new strange land we have been trust into only there were some nearby indication as to where we might find him oh hey Gino greetings I am Gino the world-famous pizza chef jeez you must be here for the tour please follow me to my farm and I'll show you how real pizza is made it's not made on a farm Gino you don't grow a pizza like a potato [Music] it lead the way they eat the way at you okay he looks like he might be an outlaw or something hey we found a pineapple in the weed I first out my tour reveals the mysteries of my delicious buttery pizza crusts you see the secret is to mill the finest flour in this it's not spinning I guess we're gonna do a gear puzzle Oh Gabby it's good you're here whatever could be wrong my poor gourmet flour mill yo you can just jump to the parrot where you fix it you know you we don't need all this small talk building up to the moment where I pop the gears in [Music] Haley thank you for their 100 bits I hear about your wife I don't don't don't worry about it okay looks broke not just broken Gabby it's sabotage all the gears connecting the flour mill to I win will have been stolen what I need is for you to fix it Gabby don't worry pizza guy imposter Bevere knows all about gears he picks up no problem nope no hope you'll need more than gears to fix this here mess no I am ruined this is the end of Gino's pizza easy chef ain't no call for all that caterwauling at all listen impostor Bob wasn't I got a scroll here that I teach how to make the power to me y'all just scamper off and gather what you need for this scroll yah he's got some rocks to hit with this here pickaxe okay I'm noticing a bit of a gameplay loop here all right it's got some new materials oh wait no let's collect the fish and then we use the control stick count a crab oh you guys should see the fish shadows as well it's like Animal Crossing Gabby thank you for a thousand bits I don't see how Lindsay felt please don't shout out Gabby apologies Gabby come on get a bass I mean at least I'm only pulling up with the Wiimote this time for it was like a full-on just game with moving it around like simplified version of it there you go that's all we're gonna get here how are people finding me streaming this cool because I don't know about this one myself I think this is one that was like it'd have to have a bit more invested nostalgia I think it just seems kind of tame to me there's definitely more game to this one I don't know it was my kind of game because we're doing a lot of fetch quests bored or efficient I enjoy let's have fun boy yeah I'll get some musical notes from the musical note tree maybe without a hoe and some pineapples from the pineapple tree I love it three thousand people watching almost yeah it's honestly surprising I don't know how I feel about this one I think maybe in comparison to the base game maybe it's just cause like I I like different things in the game like I like the person cuz he can just build like stuff comic really where is this one it's like it's you know we're doing like quests all the time there's a bit there's definitely it feels more like a game this one but I don't know that's I don't know how to describe it I feel like I'm just doing the same actions over and over again even though that's what I was doing in the first one it's a game era - yeah I know I know these is very chill I'd love we got Pizza time Pizza use the bellows [Music] expect what's this undyne on the cactus you're not sure what this is maybe you'll find out later okay in roast marshmallows oh I shouldn't have said Pizza time oh no it's early we made pizza for you there you go friend Oh [Music] Alec Spencer 300 earlier thanks keep me entertained and being amazed at what you do anyone deserves 1 million subs and see you thanks Alex Gabby thanks for 150 as well one's a nice minecraft story mode stream I'm the worst person minecraft story mode is tomorrow and the day after we're gonna try finish it over the next two days this is what I had in mind for tonight and this one's just gonna be like a bit more chill because gameplay is honestly quite tame I there's not really much like added potential for me to like be ridiculous on so I guess in this one the way I'd subscribe but we got limits now that we have to like kinda conform to this the lady dresses Abby howdy strangers I'm Roxy watch out for the trails that kind of dusty so what's my objective then I have the now you need to mine from metal and then use a treasure detector for Amber a lot of opportunities for chaos yeah it seems it feel I have like resource limits on that so I could only work so much you know secret school requires these essences to unlock okay I only found her secret scroll just like that I won't question it [Music] why is she sweeping the dusty trail trying to make it less dusty desperately well those bees oh my god let's get the pineapples from the tree again oh that broke the metal detector than that hey cow oh that's a cute cow it's dig up here he's making it more dusty yeah she's probably just brushing the dust back on the trail of anything doesn't seem like a good plan oh we got all the stone but that we need there's another bandanna I'm gonna have to collect those or something later I need to find a wall I can mine against there's a signpost there so maybe up here I'm gonna have to build something err lighter he looks very mischievous the board I really wish there's something steal a shoe for a nonhuman that would be cool yeah ok he's a bit weird leave him be you single-handedly made my Sims Kingdom that the number 38 game on twitch well it's time to update my CV because that is something I can be proud of there we go oh no maybe this one just isn't for me I'm not really feeling this one at the moment I think I'm back in The Sims 4 situation we cannot escape it that's not worry so we'll still go with this one for today cuz like we're gonna be trying a different one next week anyway this is one where like I don't really have any memories way to either mice like the original one I always like the ridiculous of just building anything and they're being so happy with it but here it's like it's a bit more specific and Taylor's definitely more of a game hero so that's something you can see why people like this how much longer will you be doing this one for oh I'll do it for today cuz like we're already like two hours in so like I'll go like another hour and we'll just see if it picks up we might we'll probably just keep it looks like a chill stream we might even like kind of move into like Q&A or something talk about other stuff as we kind of casually complete tasks IIIi can see why people like this over the original than why people wanted me to play this one instead cuz like there is much more to do here it feels more like a game compared to the first one just just for myself it's a little more kind of hands-on I'm kind of I kind of like well this one's like a bit more hands-off I see I like kind of being able to mess up stuff instead of axles let's build this Oh God Cathy boy thank you for like the 21 euro easily my favorite streamer / youtuber keep it up arty you beautiful man Jackie thank you very much oh that's very generous of you thank you kindly weekly as well that's 100 bits I know my chair oh and true bro what's poppin I take a hundred more thank you very much weekly I need the axle put the axle I've done this wrong already hang on Victorino seems upset maybe you should ask him what's wrong all I got to talk to him first okay put that away that we if you'd be so kind explains who if you if you'd be so kind explain how to use those new blocks and posture Bob here alone let's talk about axles for a spell wanna use those fancy new access to span this gap here between the gear and the windmill okay yeah so I I've done all right yep that's it already thanks Bob zubi thank you for than 100 thanks for playin for me you're the only Street without all luck sure in my college class oh no Zhu oh no that's a good position to be in very much so there we go an engineer now sighs Bob will be proud and again the tour comes due watch as I demonstrate - magnificent flower moon skills and onto the tomato patch I'm glad someone's happy [Music] you play my sims agents - I I have all the my Sims games I'm gonna play them all we'll work our way true I have some other Wii games I got - and I have like one that like seems like it's going to be like a mistake I don't it for 2 euro in a cex just yesterday when I was looking around cuz apparently I don't want to set the hopes too high for this but apparently they made a CSI like like Nintendo Wii exclusive we like based on the TV show so you know a name - arrow so we're gonna try that at some point my water pump is gone all my sprinklers are still you know lost everything Jesus Christ the precious tomatoes are dried in the Sun how revolting oh no everything is gone and stole as water woman sprinklers barman's they're everywhere got a scroll that each how the bill is stolen parents so we get the scroll yep so we now gotta get the materials for that but do we have the materials already water school no we don't okay so we got all those materials and we deliver it then we build the thing then we get the next task which were you get a scroll for OG and caution a loop right now we didn't get one of the fish before keep going here jinx thanks 100 bits I'm off you positive you see me in the YouTube comments tomorrow bye all the best jinx take care tomorrow or uploading like the frickin next Minecraft one it's gonna be great yeah lot of Minecraft this week because we're doing the two streams of story mode honest try getting like a spooky Halloween build day soon too now this last one's gonna take a while to get I think we don't even have one copy of it water school maybe I have to go to the other pond have a look in a moment I spend hours in this game oh yeah I'm sure for like a lot of folks this is like something they spent a lot of time with I personally don't think this game is for me is that you know what I'm like when I play games I can be a bit destructive but you know if you have fond memories of this let's go Amy the game is solid it's just not for me feel really bad I'm gonna miss your Halloween scream I'll be at Disney World out they go kind of sucks not being able to catch the screen oh don't worry about it too much squeeze like yo D you gonna have fun okay you can catch up later you gotta tell us all about Disney World imagine they have like spooky themed rides I loves to see our G play Stereo Valley multiplayer I tried it with like a 30 person mod before and it was a mistake maybe try it out again with like a smaller group that might be an idea saying some pictures if I can sounds good come on all right yeah gotcha yeah I'm gonna go to the Edelman Wii Sports Resort had more views yeah but that's cause we sports you know like I was being like I was like murdering those Me's in this stream on Sunday like poor Ryan like like that poor me went through so much and it's like people like more people probably heard of like freaking Wii Sports and they have like my Sims you know Ellie fish you play regularly skorts so you can play boxing for us down the road down the road he said he would play my sis agents Lowell can you all stop asking yeah like I already did that's why I haven't been answering again I did say that like I've got I've got every single nice ins game I'm going to play them all we might double up for some of them like I don't know if the party one will be like a full stream I'm taking a glance that one might be bad [Music] yeah I I am gonna play them all like I own them all electric eel where is this fish then I need a piranha there's two in that pond and there was two in the other one there another pond well thank you very much katsumi I'm glad I could help up here over here it's how much of anything I've jump off that waterfall go into that waterfall you play game dev tycoon before yeah four years ago I've played it in a while I once got a special place in my heart though he's like me and Stuart that that one back in the day oh you found some outfits oh and we got like a buttload of mana and samolians I guess I got to go back to like the ocean fishing point I don't know where I'm supposed to get the piranha does anyone else anyone who displayed this do you know where you get that one Brian is where you were before so like the ocean okay let's just make our way back what is in the ocean of the lake mind the wrong place again there some people are now saying it's in the lake Baconator thanks for 100 hey arty I love you stream so watch medical at still I could cheer you thanks very much bacon at it come on you know this farm just caught one there oh wow something you're actually playing along okay what about playing getting over it never seen you get mad before yeah I already play those kind of games though you know like cuz you seen one person play that kind of game like you know how it's gonna go okay that's a game designed to be like an infuriating experience like how like well you wanted to see being angry guys I'm failing oh my god genuine game rage you know I I get frustrated with like games that I don't try to do that I don't think I need to play with that's like specifically designed for it go for the bigger fish where the bigger fish there you go I'm going for him I just disappeared come on I don't seem to get much bigger like that is the biggest one unless I'm missing something they played Eric before might be a ten approached to watch you exploit dinosaurs I've had a look at Eric and I just don't think it's good for me hey piranha oh thank god I'd let you want the smaller fishes so ever said the bigger fish was not correct I took forever the fine Jesus get some sprinklers what do you need - piranha to make sprinklers it seems like an odd one bring clarity pipe a little hype long and short pipes water pump let's go talk to Gina fix my sprinkles fantastic some water pumps yep actually some spinning water pump in the right old and hook the windmill using an axial active a bunch of pipes and sprinklers and deal all these here plants are bright green again okay see you later Gaby that's nice minecraft building stream will we build a Halloweentown I'll announce when that one is like I'm hoping to do one like under soon enough they did get a we've been sponsored by the the network that actually hosted the server before but they've actually given us like a better server because of it cuz we were having like a bunch of lag issues before so actually I kind of reach out to them and just like I'm a struck up a deal and I now we have like the server can support like probably up to like 400 players or something ludicrous like that so whenever we do the next minecraft one it will probably be the biggest like minecraft stream we've ever done that's kind of neat there we go I'm hoping to do one soon enough though we're just wait though and I'll let you guys know when it's happening as I always do it where do I put that in the sprinkler I guess I can only put the sprinkler above the plants okay well let's just salad that ones being watered now I put sprinkles down No what am I doing wrong sprinklers now I can't pop them on Oh flip it there we go okay yep there we go and what we can do is just use these with sprinklers go yeah we got a few of them there I can just let that one lie kind of hover off and I'll just build out from this one now that should be fine and hard to see what way I have it like angled it tricky again okay few more I'll take it a shower impostor Bob you play Mary Odyssey insane mechanics that like a mullet or something I don't really play switch well because I know like you you can get big your account bond and like switch and I was very adamant about that kind of thing I'd rather not chancer [Music] I really need one everyone that was there we go not the most efficient sprinkling system but you know it'll it will do the job you have a sprinkler there and then we just have like a bunch of pipes let the water run down on them there we go yep probably wasting water than we need to but it's fine okay check it out oh come on do you know these Tomatoes look refreshed sauce shall be made of the third ingredient cheese to the dairy firm and let me guess the dairy farm has also collapsed let's just run over here I wonder if this is the dairy farm you're referring to Gino I use like thank you for the five quid hey Artie you're great also let's get this bread in my rice thank you very much I was like Alex thank you 200 still have another two hundred bits dad I've watched so many ads Oh No thank you very much very good do you know you gotta stop talking okay she he's gone Berry Farm is somewhere different does Gino just own this entire like land and it's just the B grow living here to bleep sweep sweep moved to the country Roxy fresh air is good for your oxy dusty in the country and sweep all the dust Roxy got any fresh balls of milk today July FAL is all my world-famous pizza tour but you know if only I did but something's gone wrong yeah I wonder if it's that guy he like laughing maniacally standing the dairy farm what's been causing all the problems on the island there was only like four people who live here apparently and like the other person not here is the sheriff my calves have gotten out of their pen somebody stole my fences of all things gee I wonder who could have done it you too sad fresh milk al I show the new Wanda Lear the wonders of my four bits Regina why do you always do this we had a secret marinara sauce that covered his bed sheets before now we got his forbidden cheese why is it forbidden okay what have you done to prepare that cheese my fireman order we no problem then indeed I'm not ruined after pasta Bob can you help Roxy out yeah we gotta go help the bee lady come on Roxy when we stole the Cowpens my cows are everywhere it's chaos I mean the cow is just sick he's not going anywhere that's Annabelle he said she's fine please take the scroll so you can learn how to build my fence pieces help my poor little cows he was quite happy I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be I need a lot of wood and then I need to go mining Oh we'll do mine first let's get the forbidden cheese over here [Music] there we go you bought all the my Sims games absolute madman yeah well I just don't like the first streaming like how it went like it no fun I had I thought it would be like kind of a good thing to do it they didn't cast a lot as well which is something I should like mention it cost me like 20 quid for all of them and I included like Deal or No Deal we gave like I want a stream I just I'll be like a fun little thing this was something a bit different to the Sims you know we're gonna take a good long break it's been screwing the wall no it's right it's like somebody metal screws in this like solid rock pace makes sense yeah that's all those materials we just need to get wood now where are some trees right here musical notes - Artie why don't you recognize New Zealand you know they know what they've done it's nuts of there are so many screws oh let's just refresh the tree and keep chopping it don't ask me how that works it just works by the pineapples and tree that's what pineapples come from as our music comes from - those musical notes in that middle tree our power to make the fence now use the wand archway rail okay so we just got a slot in I don't really have a house or anything in this one I can actually build and well do I or can I go back to my Shack and it just lets me build that one freely serious there you go all right now you need to rebuild the Cowpens and don't forget the stairs for Clarabelle she loves the view from the top of that cliff oh I need to go up there okay outside those in we go right get the chest the ground cowboy Junction for the esses you need to complete Roxie's domestic stuff scroll okay more samolians stairs a complete what next but the Pens not done oh it needs to be the way it was before oh my god like I said in the nation's earlier after you get a reward you can just delete everything and do what you want to a property you just worked on okay that's not the same though I had the joy of seeing them be like so happy about the finished product there we go we got your cow pen good as new artyom going to Dairy Queen do you want anything I mean pick up something or I swear to god you're tall and the pen yes we do oh yeah that the herd I've heard up the cows but yeah yeah yeah gotcha yeah yeah come on you know broke this one I don't get that cow down then you go they can just walk out and from that pen I hope you know that there is nothing stopping them like why they just walking into a corner you've left the gate like a wide open there isn't even a gate there it's just an archway yeah yeah that one fell down the stairs okay [Music] you go thanks to help me get my cows back home time to Malcolm that was almost a dairy bad situation it was a bit much for a bad person I guess you could say I'm milking the joke finally gonna you gotta give me something for that one that was good you gotta give me something flat I depend on this there I'd like to earn food this is all I have [Music] thanks to the Wilkin Pastor Bob bruh sauce and cheese need a divider to make any old beats of secret ingredient in Gino's pizza is fame okay so that includes tour talk to old Gaby now about something completely non Pizza related yeah well we did it gonna go make pizzas with Fay now on patrol did you go on the beat the tour but so what we follow Jean okay so it's still part of the objective okay I thought we were just done hello there Gabby yeah what can old Gaby do for you and a special order please one lucky horseshoe coming up I'm still allowed no one can know my terrible secret but these these are really panicked about this what what does he continually realize and that's like making them oh no oh no I can't find out where the bodies are buried but I hope no one listening in we just the plants nervously left and right to see it's a forbidden Chi that's how he gets it forbidden cheese is just made from the lucky horseshoes it all makes sense now it's definitely cocaine Oh No whatever Gabi Neto are you wait here chef going up the mountain to mine for a bit do you know is still like freaking out it's okay now hope II can be discreet the bridge is out build me another one okay what we're just solving all their problems today build a new bridge I'm probably gonna run out of mana what wait you need an abridgment ramen why do you need to bridge with Rayleigh ensure that the wooden planks will do like why do you need although that's just decorative flare you can fine if you fall you know still freaking out as well he's really worried excuse me lady let's just get the manor as you know I don't need more wood because I can talk to let's transmit some materials yeah if they choose the essence from your inventory and just convert it there you go lost our pineapples okay well let's just finish this then yeah like you got a cross buddy no really isn't necessary very picky about this oh there we go she built your handrail and make that order for the shaft let's go over here I can't wait to collect all these bandanas that have been litter all over the island as you know that's an upcoming quest music and money bleat the piano scroll okay I have enough money I just need enough music oh well that's all that was over there oh okay half the things he needs well I'm buddy what do you do this to us I don't want to be tortured anymore yeah like how are people like holding up with the game at this point cuz like I've already given my thoughts on it this one is a lot slower in the first world like they're going like heavy on the plot like there's like a huge sequence of events happening here not great Q&A ends this not good for stream yeah feeling bored game is making me hungry it's all dimensions Pizza al kebab echoes housing [ __ ] why are no meteors falling from the sky God wait oh wait oh wait we buy him over to conflict in tension here Janka looks like it's my lucky horseshoe now old timers and he has time to stuff her an evil maniacal laughing why didn't they stop him why didn't they stop he was right apprehend the guy no my love come ruined I'll never make my world-famous pizza again [Music] what are you gonna fight upon say we making a gang oh it's gonna be us isn't this done yeah oh I'll say it's not a kind of soup yeah well set up buddy Gabby hate soup guy he likes the sweet taste of justice the sheriff young woman's you know what just happened it's terrible a horrible vows I read find out I can't but still why do you horse shoe the horse shoe you don't Loras well I'll tell you a please don't let anyone know my secret right we already know this good ingredient like pizzas and fame secret is luck no without is lucky horseshoe we'll never get free sample the stakes are high tonight this is the conflict of our generations okay all right well you know we're gonna do that okay let's save this we're gonna leave this one here I think I haven't saved it in a while as well as I probably should we are going we are gonna do some extra some the bit cheeky and that is we are gone let me go back to the we menu and everything here I'll show it to you we're gonna do something bit different we got about half an hour left in the stream and I feel this game is very much just a half an hour game I don't know if we gotta get much more out of it we're gonna switch it out yes zucchini one more what I have to put this in [Music] you [Music] so you don't see it yet cuz I know how the disc review works no I didn't leave yes it's okay it's okay and let me update this I don't even know if this has a category on twitch oh my god it does hope you guys are ready because we're gonna play the hit classic that is Deal or No Deal the banker is back well we ran out of funds business that's all we could afford let's go let's go here we go tedran Edmonds Tylenol Edmonds time to shine based on the hit TV series it says in the box it television series some reason this is correctly hang on and any to resize this one in a revolute native resolution who needs that am i right licensed by Nintendo a Nintendo stamp equality is on this product produced by [ __ ] Visio I don't know who they are either and a mad monkey studio the legendary developers pioneers of our time but who can forget end of all UK productions as well he's a lot of people were involved in the production of this game mindscape was also offered a piece of the pike here we go boys boys guys here we go late date with desire clip from the TV show [Music] it's like her own shadow for welcome to Deal or No Deal tickets okay yeah you know you kind of killing the mood you just spend a Minnesota no okay great save file you profile into your name oh this is a floatie keyboard oh okay we'll just go with our t-shirt it's not spent long enough welcome to Deal or No Deal this is just video which is a quarter of a million pounds welcome to Deal or No Deal let me introduce you he's just talking to us oh no what I I think there was like an error sound effect okay wait David it's a tutorial for Deal or No Deal on a high note we got to see what this is this deal or no deal is a very simple game like there's not much skill involved in this break the bankers code bankers magic volt what are all these game modes it's solo tutorial this tutorial show you how to play the game as it is in the show you are the player just like in the TV show and Noel Edmonds will lead you to the game and provide you a common-sense support yeah I got I got a resizes again it's just not size correctly the resolution is really weird on this one there we go yeah that that the Blackfyre there hang on we'll have some slight black bars each side that's fine okay next no this is like this literally just oh I thought it's gonna play like a video or something this is just the rules that that's a how many pages is actually explained how do an audio works one two three four five six seven eight nine and 11 oh this videos new I don't know the bankers bonus game yeah that's just let's just play solo classic Bank would go classic to see what this is like it's taken a long time to load who's your character okay oh god that guy looks like he's gonna die any minute they just have an assortment of people okay that guy at the end scares me we're gonna go back to the old man there we go this guy looks like he wandered in from the search well we're just going oh welcome to Deal or No Deal welcome the Deal or No Deal it is a pretty tense it's time to get started okay so we literally just get to pick our box now the there's no other gameplay involved in this one choose your next box 12 something rather creepy about like the characters yes yes we got it guys our strategy is already going well so we eliminate 10 P from the board we want to eliminate all the high values through the random game of chance keep it blue let's keep it blue yeah that's the strategy no I'm gonna pick 5 it's literally the next box oh no oh no we lost with that we can live with that it's only 5000 pounds oh my god I just want to stress that this was a game that was made and sold probably for like 50 quid like back in Louie's heyday can you find a blue though that means like famous catchphrase Oh No although it we didn't find a blue net we didn't want to see its I've ruined everything it's just what we didn't want well let's just keep playing from here sure you keep telling me to keep it blue like no but like you don't actually helping me that much let's just pick the next box got it blue good strategy you know that was my plan I didn't want the 250 like a thousand anyway yeah that's better that's much better no yeah you did you tell him all part of the game plan he see now I got by the Queen clean sweep of that bottom row go over a hundred thousand pounds just you wait keep it low keep it blue yeah so now we're gonna go for number fifteen Oh lost another one who's that didn't want to see Oh No I'm 80 grand in the hole in the hole and if I don't win this game like that's it for me and my family all the bankers Carla my Wiimote is vibrating pick up the phone hello banker Deal or No Deal the other no did we're not going with like it's five thousand seven hundred pounds like this soon no deal let's play on and see if you made the right choice yo you know how I can Detroit become human there to get like mocap of like kind of Brian Decker it's a face and all that they're like truly do justice to the dialogue in that game well they use the same system for this game except they accidentally strap the mocap to a potato instead of Knoll admins can you find a blue can you find a blue if the next but oh no I'm not doing too good guys oh it's terrible no I'm having the pick between my kids at this point you know I only wanted I must go on to college now I'm sorry Timmy you're gonna work in the mine just like your grandpa [ __ ] Helen L playing jeopardy what my family's lives they're a thousand-pound could have gone to help like I could have got a dinner tomorrow night but I got us dinner for a month that's better yeah Harley Noll is a bit of a capitalist here he's okay got rid of thousand pounds oh good that was a rub of Sean anyway yeah let's pick 16 we're gonna clear the row 50 pound we got rid of it we did it let's try to blue round that's got to hurt the banker that's God I heard that banker wait no what are you talking about it wasn't an all blue round we lost fifty thousand pounds that round no I know you're freaking living in like your mansion at this point with your wide very television career and you have like a Ferrari probably have like several of them you lost on the way so many can't keep track of them we lost fifty thousand pounds that round no yeah well my Wiimote is survivor in again can you go can you hear that you guys hear a lot that's vibrating for so long hello hello you can't hear it Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal he's just offering us like an extra thirty quid no deal let's play on and see if you made the right choice so robotic sounding let's play on and see if you made the right choice choose a box to choose a box Xbox please Oh No cause the bad day no I got debts to pay that's catastrophic though I can live without a kidney I'll be okay where are you going next you gotta do that's a [ __ ] hell of a load of question no like where I'm like I don't know yes we never wrote that's what this question we're all trying to work out number four oh no no no I'm going to agony City okay I can live without two kidneys thank you whatever two kidneys I have to sell the other kidney now I'm dog though this is going bad know you've been saying out a lot no but we keep getting red whatever you say that let's pan the camera this way I just want to stress like how the camera pans as you scroll here there's no transition period it just gets stuck in like the blip of the board let's go at this one oh no no we're not keeping it blue that guy gave a thumbs down that's how you know it's bad Hugo just because I didn't come here Ferrari you don't need to rough it hit okay up yeah bankers calling again and here you go he's ringing but we're just gonna stare at hold and silent like why does this take so long to pick up the phone there's nothing happening right now hello banker hello banker deal or note always a fertile Atlas no deal I hope for your sake that that was a wise decision a screw you know I'd like to point out the cursor is like a human hand you see that like I got like a fingernails on this and everything and a creepy Sh we need to avoid the power 5 what's the power 5 at all but what do you mean the power 5 I have no idea what that means what I are they was that one on the power five thumbs down again bad box catastrophic absolutely catastrophic guard it's not looking too good at the moment good we need a blue yeah we need a blue no leave it say not a lot you've been saying that a lot okay there we go we got a blue keep it blue come on why is that if something's down at this point everyone boos game doesn't even know what's good anymore okay that's better okay we got rid of hundred paths choose your next vodka choose your next box I'm feeling 11 I can know like it's a next on the chopping block you know I even go and I completely in sequence this entire time like what do I even start this girl is just staring into space okay let's choose eleven come on that's good that's good it's another it's another blue garden we're gonna win the hundred thousand it's okay and all round that's got to hurt the banker yeah we had all blue round in that time yeah we're doing good we're doing good oh he's calling again here's the Wiimote okay I keep it blue guys remember he's get he's giving us a phone call once again hello banker hello banker Deal or No Deal he's offering less than before No Deal I hope for your sake that that was a wise no you gotta stop like being so condescending here I don't make fun of you here when you come in with your chulip shirt like what are you even wearing right now I can't talk because like I literally don't have a chin but there's there's no need to be so patronizing choose a box token how does this game work so basically basically you eliminate boxes one by one by choosing them at random then you have to box at the end and you pick which one you want to take the cash around inside home with that's it so basically if you just pick a box at the start of the game you might as well just walk away with it because that's essentially what you're doing except it's a 40-minute game show where about you just eliminate boxes I don't get it either but like the stories around this like TV show got rid of the pound you're doing good yes yes we got another one down we need a blue we need a blue I mean no at this point it's kind of hard to not get a blue I'm gonna be honest let's go got a blue all according to plan you're doing good on the ride well done well the applause just cuts off with like his voice line plays as well like how many voice lines does he have I can count like five or so they just recycling at this point well done why are you picking an order because it because it doesn't matter cuz it's all random chance you find a blue no okay so how does television show actually works it's like when people play it it's like it's like so like what's your strategy for playing obtrusive boxes today it's like well my mother was born on the 21st of October and my mother's my grandmother's murdered maiden name was Margaret so I'm gonna eliminate number six like it it doesn't make sense this game there's no strategy if you just walk in and just like answer that question like so what's your strategy of using boxes I'm literally gonna pick them at random you have the same odds as literally everyone else playing the it doesn't matter how you pick them it's just complete random chance you might ultimately scratching like a scratch ticket play this game it's like so why you choosing 22 next sake well when I was 22 years old was very special time in my life I too had a green sweater that's why I instead of actually like prioritizing that box are so meaningful to me I'm instead going to eliminate it because that's a bad thing somehow that's the other thing you choosing the boxes to get rid of so you know like if you choose to cuz it's special to you don't pick to because it's special to you you keep to to the end that's your special number Jews 22 oh no oh that was the second-highest about okay this is looking desperate didn't want to see you now okay so already gone home about one p fifty P 10 pound two hundred and fifty pound or a hundred thousand fell Oh the bankers calling again oh we still have a chance we still have a chance to win the hundred K come on hello hello oh I'm sorry you have the wrong number deal oh he's offering a lot more money he is this is literally higher than ever we ever - only a 20% chance of earning more than this she'll take the deal no deal hope for your sake that was a wise decision we're going to the end know if if blue okay so which of these four boxes do we think the hundred thousand pound might be in or is the hundred thousand pound in our box because that's the court that's the question now which one are we going to save to the end you people are saying six is the hundred K okay so we're gonna keep six so let's go it to a next it got rid of the one P that's good okay yeah number 21 there is frickin ecstatic for us issues she even winked which I don't understand like what did she wink at this like an old guy in there I got 70s let's keep it probably is 21 herself okay so we're keeping six come on Oh God oh look we got the finger gun from the guy on the right got another wink we're doing good yes yes oh Jesus okay there's a bit it does have been a divergence here oh god we actually stand a chance she was in case you didn't know how the game works okay so we're gonna keep six so we're gonna eliminate 14 right we're in live at 8 and 14 so here we go come on we're still in it yes we kept it in ok the bankers : now bankers : oh it's a 50-50 chance we walk away with two fifty or a hundred thousand pounds hello he's gonna make us an offer wait no quit the game unsafe data or resume deal oh no oh gosh oh that's a hell of a deal guys I think that's like the difference between like a few days income and like a year's salary like that's that's pretty major I like to live dangerously though No Deal let's play on and see if you made the right choice that why isn't there a new line to like reflect the tension like he said this so many times wait what great game oh we don't get to swap we just had it great you're supposed to get a chance to swap oh hey he's doing a dance okay for playing Deal or No Deal that's it [Music] people paid 50 euro for this back in the day this game cost 50 euro like when I was a brand new like this is like in game stock full priced release and it came out that's it it's the entire game but it was account statistics bankers respect level what the [ __ ] the bankers magic vault what is this like what does that one mean [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus mister hi thanks to the size of its a RT file up to M Brady he said he would watch the clips after work also thank you for the stress at the ado at the idea of the best a problem mr. hive okay wait no so does one more we can do we can play most you like break the bankers code like what the hell does this mean what is the bankers code because this isn't even part of the TV show you Judah's again hundred thousand bits so what more difficulty what what is this you submit you but what am i doing you so am I supposed to just guess like the combination but it's not even giving me like a visual cue there's literally thousands of combinations yeah use this tutorial yeah let's go I can't go back hey there's no back button like I have to reset the game I couldn't go back and it's like it was deathly silent so there was no music for that Nintendo stamp equality that's how you know it's a good game Oh God oh now we got to sit through all like the why is like five studios that made this game hey Artie the banker is back tutorial break the bankers code this minigame consists of trying to guess the banker secret four-digit code cannot select more than one of the same number in your guests all numbers must be different I listed a writer your guests will indicate how close you had to crack in it red for a wrong number Green for a correct number in the wrong place and green for a correct number in the correct place I couldn't submit at all I didn't even get like any code and B the position of the colors does not refer to the position of the numbers in your guests all caps really aggressive difficulty that was best in the range of numbers you can choose from to create your guess and B you will be unable to select number six and seven in the easy mode or seven in the medium mode even though they still appear on the wheel [Music] they couldn't even code it out for like difficulty seconds very important we were lazy and we couldn't like put in a second wheel it's cost 50 bucks back in the day okay well can I break the bankers code now let's just try it again Oh fifty arrows like white here - this come out trying to see if it's on the back of the box this game came out in 2008 like that's well into Louie's lifespan Wii Sports Resort came out in like 2009 I think Mario Galaxy was out when this game released this is 2008 this came out a year after Team Fortress 2 look at this the number six and seven still appear so admit I got the lights okay so Green is correct and then let's swap these around so it's two and four I said so this one you are for what they've also lost of Cour oh you can't do it if they're Bowl in that okay but now that one's wrong that was right you how was this game ever made and not even trying okay so is there any other okay this banker and there's bankers bonus okay that's right banker that's true got it we got it I go all in and for playing this game cuz you know there's not much game here weakly thanks for 599 bits I made a bet myself if you won I donate 600 bit so I only had 599 aquavalve just give it a that's what I was typing Oh doh thank you very much okay banker mode let's try banker mode picture the dev team standing back and thinking this is what they set out to create like they didn't even try NOLA Edmunds like I had to do like video work forth it's like they recorded a bit from the studio you saw like the intro identical sealed boxes one which is a quarter of a million pounds welcome to Deal or No Deal that's the exact same thing he said before it's time to get started I now have like a banker hand so I could what's the difference I didn't even get to pick a box Lou it just took that old guys box I did I didn't even have options to pick though what's going on I didn't do that we were looking for good we got rid of the pound oh you're the banker can you find a blue weights all right so I just watch him play the game okay you can't but I don't even get to play in this game oh I'm in the banker so I just get to make the phone call that's all right we just watch this guy play let's keep it blue why would anyone want this a lot of they think approach it took to program the AI like make this game mode possible it doesn't do anything I just call them up it just offer them like the full amount choose your neck like can I just say like just take the money cuz that's what the devs did with this game they just took the money [Applause] that's not a problem keep it low keep it blue this guy is killing doing really well he's doing so good right now [Music] Regis rule thanks for $15 to get out of class see I play myself anymore playing one of those games as a kid it was a spy agent game a point-and-click puzzle sort of thing actually really fun as a kid good luck with the game thanks creatures rule I'll be finding that one in the future too I do have it like the phone some more I've been clicking the phone the Wemo is ringing I now get to make the call this is Noel Edmonds was gonna answer it's gonna be me on the other side of the phone hello hello banker what did the audio just become compressed there make your offer I just just offer too high you know get to the side that King why is that even an option flair says is deal okay that money is safe now let's do this early if you made the right deal at the right time wait no we start to play the game true where are you going we still have to watch him pick all the boxes he can't possibly win more well I still have to sit through all this yes oh my god oh just speedrun it I just just kept this I just have another full cash like why are we even - why is that obsession why is no one was in distress he's a psychotic did he just not 5-pound is he a good Samaritan he doesn't want too much money he feels bad if he takes more than the bus fare home like while he was not a bad thing why is the thousand pounds bad you've already won a quarter of a million that's all right that's all right he's thinking the thousand pounds easier than he did the five pounds he just lost oh [ __ ] the phones are gonna wait a why is the phone rang again I've already made him an offer why are we doing this what he's done hello banker hello it's me again why are we doing this again [Applause] why why okay we're too high okay this is offering it's just offering the same about let's just offer at the same they don't even address it why did I even input that they just ignore this well how is this game made like how did people give this to green-light choose a Bob stock like this is so bad this game is even function like who in the right mind will pay money for this it doesn't even make sense they're happy about losing thirty five thousand pounds they took a better than deliver that in the five pounds I got no I'm checking the reviews I'm checking the reviews hang on the banker is back review oh my god IgA IGN gave it a five point five out of ten no you can't make this up IGN gave us a five point five out of ten no that's the American version okay okay no that's the American version I got always there what no legends wait no no this is the same game this is just a freaking UK version of it IGN's review is for the Americanized version of Deal or No Deal and from looking I watched this game looks like it's kind of similar to this five point five out of ten presentation got a seven the game mimics the gameshow exactly for better or worse players can skip through most of the dialogue and cutscenes what are you talking about graphics got a 5 how he looks how he looks good with those ladies look awful the character model is extremely lazy for them in the audience making everyone look the same it's a set it's the same engine to talk about the American review the sound design got7 there's a decent amount of voice work from Howie but he still repeats himself over and over gameplay five point five it becomes quickly apparent of the excitement of Deal or No Deal didn't make the transition to the video game this is like the American version of it is there one for the Wii version the banker is back we we need to find one for the UK version okay I find a different IGN reveal review it's not for this one again but I think this one is much more now let me get me let me get this up my god ad display capture the worst steel imaginable this review got a 1.5 and I think this is the one that's like the different version of this like like look look at this this is the American version of this game pick that look that looks on pair to like what the standards we have our 1.5 like we are literally playing one of the worst games ever made now that's an intent that like this is the Nintendo DS version is its own Nintendo DS it reviewed on intend ODS oh god no yeah this looks like it was made from Nintendo DS look here's the other one I was looking at see hang on go back go back like this is the one I was looking at it's actually I still put knees in that so like it is a little bit different oh my god like yeah let's go let's go back let's go back to the game Nowell admins is waiting for us III really hope that like if if anyone can find a review for this version of Deal or No Deal in particular it's called Deal or No Deal the banker is back it has a picture of no Edmonds this guy on it someone please track down a review for it right we will read it on streem if someone can find it because all these ones are for the American version it is four stars in Amazon hang on let me see oh my god you're right oh this actually has four stars oh my god there's 29 reviews most people give it a five-star raishin on Amazon UK reviews so someone bought this game in June of this year and gave it five stars a great family game if you take turns I guess in the box number to beat the banker also great game on your own their personal shamless five star review fun and games this arrived a bit early and it's a basic game but very addictive and fun to play five stars have played this game very good fun and fast delivery here's someone that would call level 10 to give it a 2 star review this game is pretty boring would only recommend if if you're really bored to piracy in a group you wanted to kill some time for 30 minutes and there it's a two-star review fun for a while but after that it gets bored five star review purchase where her friends said great fun whole five star review he says deal it's great deal it's none of this Hassan customer he gives it a five star review he simply says okay five stars it's okay five says there's just just just what I wanted as exactly what it said on the tin good item my grandson loves playing this arises expected all good don't waste your money once I review I wouldn't buy this game really poor boring and not as good as it could have been if they put a little effect in we bought this as we play too online me and my peridot we'll have fun playing I'm sure that person left the review before they received the game Deal or No Deal review tits so long people wrote some long review says Deal or No Deal review five stars by woody woods after spending three days off sick from work watching and subjected to the watching daytime TV I was desperate to get back to work however Deal or No Deal in the afternoon became quite addictive a young Lance nine and eleven suggests that we'd look online for the game we found it for the Wii and like the TV program this is also addictive quite good when you have lots of friends around as they all want to participate to other reviews err I want to see there's like a genuine review here so like by MJ [ __ ] I'll be honest I didn't play this game for long and I didn't try all the game modes I played two games one normal game and one is the banker the game is boring slow and repetitive your character and the other competitors have two reactions to boxes boxes celebration of despair even on healing list boxes Noel Edmonds chat is also very limited and poor apparently eliminating the apparently limited treat hazard-perry box in my fort term was catastrophic laying on the Xhosa banker was much worse than the normal game though you would literally just have to watch the computer play and click trolled and no less repetitive uninspiring chat they make offers when necessary I don't know what I was expecting but playing as the banker was awful this person bought it in 2008 do they very likely paid like fifty pound or this game there are other features however this game may be bought so quickly so I didn't bother trying them out I doubt I will ever play this game again if you like the TV program I tell you will enjoy this game for long can we see this please I can't display Amazon reviews just because I think my accounts in and I'm like I hope it saves cookies on Amazon you know it gets messy fast I'm just reading them that's why I have to be mindful of I can't believe this thing is like four stars in Amazon let's just keep going we're still stuck in this hell as well all this time we've been talking about the reviews we're not done yet 50p we got rid of it how is that bad how is that bad that is catastrophic okay I really was at 50p he's already dealt won't give anything via catastrophe the phone's ringing again there's the phone I we mode is vibrating this is literally the worst game I've ever played so you want to know what the sad thing is I'm gonna I'm gonna offer him like 1p offer too low like offer him a pound sad thing is this is one of the more expensive Wii games I bought like all of the my Sims games cost about like tree or a four year each this one costs six this game costs six euro and I feel like I am so angry at this this was twice the price of some of the my Sims games I've lost twice the price I paid six euro for that one of the more expensive ones how is it just so bad what's going on great to be with such nice people they really are on your side what just happened weather this is the Halloween game of flame is here this is like the scariest thing we should have saved this a Halloween night this is [ __ ] terrifying what is this game it's catastrophic like why did someone do a tour oh the phones are gonna get me why is it still good the games are over is the first phone call why do we have yeah Kristin ss7 your hand sure sure take it just take it it's still going hey that's a good thing now we eliminated some but doesn't the highest amounts that would have been left standing why were we just looking for that I know the game is oh the games already over like nothing matters at this point but why was that a good thing like why if we were still playing that would be terrible they're absolute why guess what we didn't want to see oh my god this is so bad I apologize to everyone who I came by my stream tonight right they're out there sharing all the high amount so they're eliminated we can live with that we can live with that no yeah we can live with that games already over we can live with that are the phone's ringing again we hardly put it up quickly that time I let the way for the phone to ring out every other time and now he just picks it up yeah those are seventies ground yeah sure just-just-just get me out of here no just get me out of here yeah just liberate us from this help of the British daytime television this was a mistake like this this was such a bad idea the stream this K oh I mean it's gonna make a hell of a highlights like thinking about the experience with this like cuz Jesus crisis is frickin hilarious just how bad it is like oh my god this is like hilarious but for the wrong reasons I can't believe this game is so bad like let me just grab the boss through the other one hang on but the other game I have for an upcoming stream now resume resume I have CSI crime scene investigation deadly intent and yes it the title of this game is CSI then crime scene investigation which is what crime like CSI stands for this game is called crime scene investigation crime scene investigation deadly intent that's the next week am I have the back of the box describes this one as the perfect crimes need the perfect expert in Sin City there are no secrets only hidden answers join the new Vegas CSI team and let the evidence guide you to the truth you get to work alongside the new cast of season 9 o CSI to solve Sin City's most gruesome crimes and let you play or like waggling or Wemo and like it's all motion controls this game was to quit this game was tree times cheaper than this it's si si si si deadly intent in Sin City the new cast oh my god oh no catastrophic its but we didn't want to see eye to eye I got made an offer like way too high hello banker hello banker he says it twice well why did you say it twice I'm gonna offer you a pound this guy would have walked away with 10 he III gave him just like the full amount on his first offer it's over great game I know what's gonna do is dance again a different box model as well look at that but they just swapped the the texture changes when he picks it up you can't even make that up the texts are changed on the box thank you for playing Deal or No Deal but done I want to see who made this game [Music] these people right here but how many people were involved with this [Music] Marketing Manager lead concept and game designer QA Lee QA there's like staff of like a hundred people here across like four different studio houses like how did this happen I would have understood if there's like six guys who made like this is a full stop it was a QA team yeah like it was the 2d artists and treaty artists what what job is the Skinner what is the Skinner to wait sound designers Vizzini wansun what [Music] [Music] 2008 he skins the victims it's there is there anything else here options menu why why is that even enough this game is so little you can just play it as an eerie silence I just want to see you can just play this game with no audio you could just turn it off that's a character like why Oh's we games don't even have options why does this one just let you turn off the music and also why is this even a thing what what's going on well these that we all feel the same way what do you mean no what do you mean we feel the same way one of them me why do you speak to us in riddles open the next box so open the next box we gotta see how like deep this goes we're never gonna play this game after tonight oh please give us another custom animation like please I beg you I beg you just gave me another animation please like wow is there an animation for the 75,000 and then that one's fine someone had to animate that like sequence which is - an eerie silence now Oh God this has been the worst night of my life laughing 10p III just want to see if there's another animation like please just so perfect okay the phones ringing well what happens if I just say yes like what actually happens if I just say yes as you know we just play the rest of the game anyway so it doesn't matter so No Deal just keep going Jesus didn't die for this stop.please it's just lovely what is the power of five still they never explained that what is the power of five meme look what is that mysterious forest destruction in the game mechanics that relates to the power of five what does it mean no you worked on this show for a while you know it's ways the top five is that what he means but the last time he said that it wasn't even one of the top five the power 5 is just the top amounts okay Oh No Deal which is good I just I just want to see if there's another animation because I was like no weirdest thing I've ever seen Spyder I got like it's just amazing how little they tried with this game like these this is like one of like the horror story games you see in steam early access these days where is just an unfinished like broken mess except this is like an actual licensed property like Noel Edmonds is like a huge like on a British television presenter he's done so much over he is he accused the host top gear like yeah he's actually a celebrity was a celebrity back in the day like why is he involved in this stop no I'm gonna open all the box I just want to see if I got another animation just wanna see if I get one more Nowell admins didn't die for this just thought I'd go a little more this goods game could have taken like a week to make probably less and they took a team of people multiple years to do this that's why I don't is that I just came out in 2008 I'm like it's all over like a full-price release when I came out this is why in the heyday when the Nintendo Wii was like huge like there's like four production houses that like put their name to this this game has a Nintendo seal of quality on the back and I stress that as well in Tennessee equality still somehow made it onto this game like what does it say on the back of the books unlock 12 of the bankers magic secrets and earn the bankers respect what does that even mean Trillian multiplayer modes player vs. banker game and evil banker game challenge and single-player modes classic game banker game or bankers bonus game use your skill and dexterity to break the bankers code [Music] experience the trove the award-winning TV show with Deal or No Deal the banker is back and this time he means business there's an instruction manual of this game just opening this up there's a full-on instruction menu what does this even say what does it have to say you'd literally just pick the box Deal or No Deal twenty two identical Sela boxes in one get in one of which is a quarter of a million pounds welcome the dealer No Deal ennui Brandon selection profiles how to navigate the main menu new game solo mode banker gate like someone had to write all this how I get what's the bankers magic bulb during the bankers bonus game you can collect some of the bankers secrets these secrets will add or take away respect points that will influence bankers subsequent offers each time you win a secrets picture in a quick description I would displayed on the screen you want to view all the bankers secrets one go to your accountant to main menu and choose bankers vote wait here's the full list of the different secrets and how to win what [ __ ] okay I want to stress like as I'm reading this I am NOT making this up hang on the unlockable secrets if you win to a total of twenty two hundred and fifty thousand pounds you unlock Viking No viking know if you win a total of 500,000 pounds you win ballerina know to unlock the x-ray goggles open the Tree Swallows boxes in a row they allow you to view the contents of one box of your choice at the beginning of every game when you play the banker's bonus game if you win a total of 150,000 pounds you unlock 9 bonus shirts from nose wardrobe if you have an old flu around you unlock a postcard from the bankers last holiday and ten more points of the bankers respect have you opened the two smallest boxes in the same round you win a photo of the bankers favorites Porsche what the [ __ ] is he sucks the first box of realest be 250,000 pounds you unlock the bill at the bankers favorite restaurant if you open tree of the power 5 in the same round you will lock an honest interview with the banker reveal 1p and 250,000 pounds of wood around you unlock some newspaper scraps it literally just says some newspaper scraps you unlock some newspaper scraps what if you open the 10v box first you will lock a picture of the bankers underwear and 15 more points of the bankers respect you straight up a lot a picture of his under way Wow over the would be Fox first you get a stolen picture of the bankers wife it's straight up or in this case he's just Oh Oh why is this K just have porn if you elect the two highest boxes left in the same route you a lock a picture of the bikers Yosh remember you could only activate one of my king no ballerina no an old shirts per game hey you only unlock water out guys that I'll try and double up you know you got a [ __ ] crisis oh my god oh we have to keep playing until we unlock like the picture of his underwear now ordered like a picture of his wife like there's there's no way like we could read the only person in history to do it is like we have to I don't care if I get flagged on twitch like I we have to do this could be literally the only people to invest as much time in this okay uh no I can't do it I can't do it anymore I I can't do it I can't what containing wreck of a game I taught you can't make that up I'm going to like you know what I'm going to do cuz there's gonna be highlights of this video I'm going to take a picture of the instruction manual just to prove I wasn't making that up cuz you you can't possibly make that up I'm gonna take a picture of the manual to stick in the video that comes from this stream just so people know that like I I'm not making this up and it's gonna be uploaded to YouTube as like literally the worst game I have ever played oh my like what an emotional journey on tonight's stream I can't believe treat like close to 3,000 people like stuck this I wish T alright thanks for the five good war buddy if you play this game or a doubt does there's no amount you could pay me to play that game more no little buddy Larry takes three times as bits pics or it didn't happen oh I'll get a pic like I'm gonna I'm gonna like change my schedule around uploads like this video this week I'm gonna get Deal or No Deal the banker like strikes back it's gonna be like my weekend upload like primetime we have to make a video a lot because like that was such an abomination of the game we need young fees look up look up the unlockable content there's not gonna be like a wiki or strategy guide for this game guys you are no deal the banker is back unlocks I think this game has like a non-existent page on the Nintendo wiki gamefaqs gave this game as the 4 out of 5 I'm trying to see and yet like there's no information available about this game guys there's nothing here [Music] I can't believe we just we broke I can't believe we spent so long playing huh I thought that was gonna be like a half hour thing but that was like over an hour just yeah you just have to see how far the private hole goes I need to get like an action replay now so I can hack this game this I don't want to have to play to like unlock like all those unlockables this is my first trade though i Cable enjoyed when I watch I'm so sorry it was your first stream I really have you have missing link her to eat oh god no I like in summation like this game it's just a no deal for me [Music] okay let's get the class get the sub sunscreen and wrap up your dollies I suppose of its Thank You rating this critically ill girl laugh for a few hours a week thanks hope you feel better soon oh you know you feeling okay at the moment even sorry my mind is like melted [Music] okay oh let's just rest a moment thank you to everyone whose self during this like trainwreck of a game credits are coming in slow but that's okay we can take a bowl but to just chat and recover oh my god little buddy Larry thanks wrote over 500 mister hi thanks for 500 bits you should play nice it's a generic strategy gave debates of horribly inbred monsters oh no I need therapy I just didn't I just didn't think that would be so bad like that's the worst thing I've ever played right be nice to take quit maybe this is a cry for help for the developers random pictures newspaper clippings the trying to send us a message we must help them like I just don't understand like why those are even the unlocks and they tell you how to unlock everything in the instruction booklet look why this game has so little gameplay on offer like why would you even bother wait till I sheriff histories about this that I need a drink after to this say I've been talking for a while I didn't get I was supposed to wrap up a ten I've gone on way too long tonight put a pic on Twitter yeah I'm gonna do that right now I'm gonna let me get that picture hang on I'm gonna put this on Twitter right now give me a moment just line this up with my camera [Music] now making sure I got a good picture dammit there's a bit of a shine hang on this this is incredibly important this is so we can put this game behind us I got to get a bit of a better picture my phone is not cooperating today okay I think I got it lady I saw your 1 million sub celebration else could you imagine okay can't believe this is real thank you I have to put it as actual message people wondering thank you to everyone who joined me or the Deal or No Deal or No Deal trainwreck of a game tonight [Music] oh my god it came out sideways they come out sideways I'm trying to get this shared it game theory to tell you if it's worth the mental stress or not [Music] okay I'm I'm just gonna post the one there's a slight shine on this that obscures it a little well at least it's like position correctly that just went off of my Twitter do you guys know I'm not making it up you can check my Twitter right now and it's a actual photo of the manual [Music] I don't see it lies no it just went up it just went up yep now people retweet it right there yeah it went up it's real no it's real anyone who did not believe me there is my Twitter there's the Twitter status but you can't make that up you just like a picture of the bank was under a a stolen picture of the bankers wife I was reading a joke I was is real I told you this is the actual instruction manual for the cave Oh God thank you everywhere that's of tonight I told you all if literally everyone here can retweet retweet that picture too so people know that would be appreciated as I make this like the most like widespread tweets like I've ever put up on my entire like account please people need to know what happens tonight please shares pretreated Nintendo ask them how they left the soft things of the stream dad gets the raster thanks Quigley Oh God - is that no oh god I hope he doesn't have a Twitter no don't we let know all if he has a Twitter no guys he doesn't like that you don't need to bring up the skeletons in his closet oh my god it's got a tree tree - it's already oh okay well thanks for coming folks I hope you enjoyed the streams tonight was that was that was a fun one yeah I'll put together highlights from that like that didn't actually I came like oh my god that was so funny thank you so much for coming tonight folks I'm gonna get some rest will be back with Minecraft story mode like tomorrow and the day after so you know if you thought you can escape the bad games like I got news hurry we're doing like a double whammy this week minecraft story mode tomorrow take care guys all the best [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 213,706
Rating: 4.7131381 out of 5
Id: B_0PC2XohAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 23sec (14243 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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