RTGame Archive: Katamari Damacy

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okay I think yeah there we go god I think we're actually live Oh ago and folks I'm gonna sound a bit weird cuz I'm on a new mic and I mean I've been freaking yog towers hey can you hear me okay can you hear him smash Holzman is just running for a moment just for like a quick audio check before I do it notifications does this sound kind of okay or do I need to lower the game audio i I can I can lower it a little let's just do that for like just a quick audio check I mean y'all towers at the moment I can hear you okay cool that's good cuz we've just been like trying to get the audio actually set up the last wall but we seem to be there I just need to get the game back now it seems to be like the final step let me just see there we go there we go cool and I've got my twitch alerts I just need to get everything up yeah I'm for those who didn't know I'm in Bristol I mean y'all cameras from the Jingle Jam and because of that I'm like on their computers so it's a bit of it's been a bit ahead or I can just get everything set up because everything is different so let me just resize my window so that like I can see my alerts see chat and all that I'll send out the notifications in just a moment how's it going though folks I hope you've been enjoying the Jingle Jam I've been on it like for most of five hours tonight like I was quite a bit honestly it's been really good fun let me just get shot up there we go okay so chat is up I now have my twitch alerts as well so this is pretty much like my audio setting back home I don't know how the recordings gonna come out for this because I'm recording from ya'll towers I'm gonna have to see if I can get ahold of it we'll find out let me okay alert went up on the discord and let me just do one more for my Twitter and and then we should be good Todd Terry Ivy Daniel how's it going folks like Irish coffee Irish coffees good oh did my freakin Twitchell or play a decent audio though did you guys actually hear that oh no I don't think you guys are hearing that because I think yeah so the only audio output is actually the video capture device which is the switch so I think let me just see if that came up you the coming up I can hear I can hear the audio alerts play you guys may not be able to but I can actually hear them fine so don't worry too much about that because I'll be able to pick up everything in real time when it comes up again just like awkward setup because I'm in Bristow I'm not on my computer so you know I kind of have to just make do what I've got here let me just have the sweet we go [Music] okay that's live my Twitter go oh Jesus Quigley thank you already for a thousand bits yes I can hear all these alerts fine just FYI I it's gonna Sam you on the stream it's just the way that the audio is but I can hear them so don't worry squiggly thank you for seven bits I'll be doing well having fun at Yonge towers kind of a bad place right now because streams keep me going as usual thanks for being here nerd I'm squiggly I hope you're doing okay yeah that god you've been taking your mind off life a bit at least you know just like let's just relax and like destroy the world what that was new good to see you nerd okay and let me just check how many people actually even made it to the stream because I'm kind of curious cuz we're like so horribly late as well okay to still like 1,300 people already here I'm like more people are trickling in Fairplay ideas yeah sorry about like the horrible reliance on ice your Wii Fit streamer dat right that's your new main oh yeah no of course Wii Fit is the only game for me do you think it is you use youtube rewind it sucks but it sucked for a while now marry what is it about you are in for a treet Katamari is a lovely game Oh God oh yeah so like for those who didn't know the news I'm like currently in yog towers I think yeah let me just okay so there is a camera here I'm hoping this doesn't mess up everything let me just see if I can be very cheeky okay no that's that's done something wrong hang on okay yeah so there we go hey how's it going so like look at all this like yeah I'm gonna do this I mean y'all towers it is Oh fancy like my hair is a mess cuz I've been going all day it needs to be washed yeah just so you guys know yeah so I'm actually in your towers at the moment I'm not making it up yeah so I'm there for the Jingle Jam I was on today with quite a bit me and Louis were playing like a really lovely kind of like meta game that I'm really interested in now I was playing chivalry as well but a bunch of lots like what was it was as I may see and I think it was Ben Ben we were all playing earlier today you're on the kitchen come yesterday yeah like that I forget that this camera is literally everywhere like I kind of pop up at random points just talking to folks god a tyrant he actually has a body like he's got a floating voice oh yeah how's it going at yogs it's been really good here we're just just talk about a moment before we get gear all on it well go into the game cuz we all go once we go in you look different to how you sound yeah well that's everyone man someone Oh what does it mean to like look like your voice to different things she's Apple freak thanks for five hundred bits face real when you're in luck softie private rupees as well you did great today congrats thank you very much no I had a lot of fun today like the chivalry I think it's like the favorite thing I've done so far that was so chill and I we just got the joke about make fun of zai it was really good I'm gonna be on hopefully tomorrow like at 11:00 a.m. there's gonna be another thing I saw productions like very lovely fella and we met for literally the first time people haven't asked us to do something for a while he's gonna be doing Mario Party I believe at 11 I think it's the switch one I'm gonna be playing that with him I ran into him the hall there and like we're gonna be on together so that's gonna be happening and it's Zyliss not so sorry zags I for short-handed I can remember it was like Zoila Soares I floss sorry there's so many people here like it's hard to keep track of who's ooh think of tom tom is lovely yeah tom was like kind of held me here looking for like the sound guy just to try and get set up for the stream yeah he's really nice but yeah so that's gonna be happening tomorrow anyway like you know it's our productions will be doing Mario Party I believe berry Harry's joining us too that should be really good I'm looking forward to that and then hopefully hopefully I'm gonna be recording some little tidbits might be going up on the yogscast channel just welcome here so that could be something down the road that might be of interest I dare wear study he's off gallivanting he's on some kind of quest for slowest to tell us what in shadow of Israel return like we were already joking about it earlier though so I don't think it's coming back guys apparently it's one like the office memes to just ask where a shadow of is Rafael is look I don't think I'm gonna be able to get an answer out of them yogscast arty I'm not I'm not part of y'all's cast like so like the reason that like the Jingle Jam stuff kind of happened again we're just gonna we're just gonna talk for a moment into the stream and like some of you may be like really curious like Jesus Johnny I didn't know you were involved with this lot and I had this come about so one of the guys that helps me out with the sponsorship stuff he's from fourth floor creative his name is Dave and he's really lovely I like he was the fellow who kind of got things like the Just Cause sponsorship together he's an Irish man and fourth floor creative is a company that kind of it's like a sister thing to yogscast and they kind of work together they're also the company that does all the merch stuff so like they're managing the t-shirt and that's why we have our own site and they're managing like the distribution of that and it's basically true dave's that like i got in contact with yogscast and like we got talking about it and it was from that and i'm now here just in case anyone is curious as to how that all works like i'm not part of the augs caster and then I thought like I'm still very much my own thing because you know like they're kind of family just like live in these offices and I'm still living in Ireland but it's that's kind of how it came about and that's why I got like I got involved with the Jingle Jam this year and they're really really lovely like I've absolutely enjoy like I'm gonna blast here oh yeah just for those like those folks actually curious about that so that I cuz I'm like partnered with Ford floor because they do merch and like they helped me with sponsor stuff [Music] and like they do a lot of work for y'all guys every rinse is actually a cool little thing I did today I didn't get to make a tweet about this because I already had one eye out for the video and the street and like getting home from the stream I didn't want to spy on people I got to there was like 200 copies of the first print of the Ross pop poster so I [ __ ] signed all of them so if you happen to get like one of the first pre-orders in and you got the poster like you're gonna get like a [ __ ] signed copy because that's actually just here so I did that for some folks just Ford floor things cuz they're just start the game already what side dude we're talking about stuff we're talkin I know we're running late I know some people just desperately want me to go away we're just gonna talk about it for a minute it's gonna be like two more minutes is what we do but yeah so there's like 200 selling posters so like hopefully some of you guys get them I feel like gonna work out how I wanted to sign them to kinda like on the bowl of the poster worked out it like my fancy IRT game signature because I've never done something like that before full tokens dreams why someone just screaming Skyrim as well like no we're not doing Skyrim we're doing Katamari you're gonna be disappointed dude I know just scream at it like weird the [ __ ] is Skyrim I'm not doing sky Oh God I guarantee for the epic videos legs bad what are you gonna join you Alex cast no like I I'm here as like a guest for the Jingle Jam and like they're all very lovely and I'm gonna be doing some record and stuff with them soon but like no i i'm very much gonna be my own thing cuz like their like their own little close-knit family here of all the lads who live in the UK so I'm still living in Ireland ah God why is everyone [ __ ] screaming sky right I understand I broke the chat again sorry about that Katie thanks 400 Pitts you do an amazing Jingle Jam I'm trying to keep up with which is a cat it's nice to see your face you're handsome fella oh thanks Katie sweetie when do you plan on going back home to Ireland I'm gonna be home on Friday so like though so let's just go to like the quick schedule as well just so you guys know what's actually happening so I'm gonna be streaming tonight we're gonna go like at least two hours at once the talking shops just so you know so like when we go in a while extreme tonight tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. GMT I'm gonna be doing Mario Party that's what I sorrow and the lads and then there's not gonna be an evening stream on Wednesday because I'm actually gonna take a bit of a break cuz I've been doing a lot today and I don't want to just overexert myself but Wednesday there's no string I will be back on my channel on Thursday ting and I will be streaming at 7:00 again you may knows I picked up some games here that I want to play I picked up surgeon simulator CPR good apparently you can use motion control controls and surgeon simulator now so I thought be a good time to try it and this is like one I want to do like for a multiplayer session at some point called like fingers looks really cool so I got some new games like we're gonna be basically on the switch this week you but yes that's kind of like the rough schedule I pretty sure I'll be a parent on something on Thursday as well I'm not sure what it is just yet I might be on make an appearance on the stream on Friday as well the schedule is very much flexible here like they have like I mean like it's sat out but people kind of come and go and it's kind of like a casual workplace that's why I would describe it Molly thanks for hundred bits I've like Atterbury since I was a child ready I was a weird war flashbacks with it's added a sex 400 as well cursed autocorrect play the game okay thanks for joining for the talking stream hope you had fun guys let's play the game can't wait to watch you murder innocent people in surgeon simulator yeah it's gonna be good like it's one of those games have been often requested I thought it'd be a good way to do it apparently it's co-op as well I'm just gonna take a hit like a joy con on each hand lower ball two can I not use the grip for this you oh god that's loud here we go oh god I've not played this in a long time this is a very weird game and the music is [ __ ] class I have no idea what's happening is the music okay it seems it seems really loud on my end this is a very Japanese game welcome to the wonderful world of Katamari is someone wants to all here [Music] it's a bit loud okay yeah so I thought it was loud yeah so that people are just saying turn it up is just like the music is pretty hype yeah I think I think the audio is fine it's a bit quiet of anything on my end okay well let's let's try that I need to I need to adjust the audio here then is that better it's not better it's good we want to get the music right before we start with this with the soundtrack in this game feels like amazing so that does that sound okay max volume let's go okay so I don't know how this controls on switch so I'm gonna have to work this out here's the license agreement oh this is monstrous okay Group agree Jesus this is the king hello friends is the king long time no see you talk today would be a good day audio comes in very slowly the katamari the prints read the Terms of Service first roles of second where the first roles the second follows roll roll roll for that purpose alone it's very slow I have to wait for it all to come in I think Sawyer's thank you for a thousand bits I just got back for my last exam semester and seen the stream notification made by a whole day how's it going man rest easy now and enjoy Christmas congrats on the exams red ruby as well like solitaire category Java seats my favorite game ever this is amazing hope you enjoyed the story st as well as hundreds old sports trips with opportunities lately thank you very much I'm kind of crazy so he's gonna like talk to us for a moment like we don't know what he said I can kind of skip it but like you get that like you skip that record scratch so we would like for you to start the rolling bus bus first things first but first things first is the prince like vibration that's a hell of a question mr. king meaning the movin and the shaking no no I hated playing as best I love going on natural that's what you say what you declare and you can turn the vibration on and off with a minus button on the controller all clear yes oh good just see you later okay so I got a so how this game controls a it's very it's kind of like an awkward came to move about you use bolt thumbsticks in unison I believe the only inputs on the controller are just like the joysticks but like it's roll to the left you gotta kind of move at a diagonal the row little right you have to do that roll backwards quick shift kind of move like bowls like that see so it's kind of like tank controls for control in the katamari and it is something you kind of got to get used to not even five is at the K but I've already income we haven't even started playing I guess the thing I I think I can play with the droidcon grip here because I'm using ball control dazzling felis next challenge its charge and roll which parent looking go okay so he's gonna give me okay so carriage and roll is bolt some sticks up like that look is just L okay so you can do with that jump on up so that gives you like a very quick view doesn't take the katamari way is that's something you have to bear in mind charge and roll is like the main thing you need I'm gonna read like the reason I'm going through all this now so I'm relearning the controls for myself because this we game it look it looks a little wonky when it starts going okay should we go oh god so Japanese I think I'm getting a fever already for real I'll shook up all amazed [Music] and now we get the plot and this is all a joy so I'm just gonna sit back and let this roll who is this guy this is the king of the cosmos this is probably the weirdest game we've ever played but it's what I want to do for ages yeah so the King basically got drunk one night and accidentally destroyed the galaxy that's kind of like the background like he got out of hand and just destroyed the stars no it was indeed not a dream we really did it the king of all cosmos has really done a sky full of stars we broke it yes we were naughty completely naughty so so very sorry which is between you and us it felt quite good the eyes opened a little wider when he said that not that we can remember her very clearly but we were in all nature's and breaks we felt the beauty of all things and felt love for all that's how it was did you see we smiled a genuine smile did you see the Stars splinter an imperfect beauty basically all the dialogue for this game is like poetry you know [ __ ] Wordsworth here so many there used to be I was a nuisance now there's nothing but turkeys he just was a dream he but a beautiful one but a lot of love hearts at maracas funniest moment has passed it's over we came to and front found everyone furious even the king of all cosmos was not spared there rash really everybody was much so anyway peewee Prince hurry up and bring back the glorious starry sky our problem your problem yes you owe us your existence we collect on the debt yes and in hand always there yes a very definition of the father-son bond yes I said like the dialogue for this game is like yeah I'm pretty sure they've just like always preserve this true this series it's quite difficult to read there's something like kind of broken about the English that they use in this game and also yes as many people have observed that's have like yeah no I don't I don't need to say what it is Becky out Molly takes 400 bits I really wonder why by pirates that you played is what I was young oh yeah this is one of those games where it's like I'm not sure why it exists but it's really fun all right then get crackin okay sending things to earth here we go life in a hole thanks five hundred bits but I wish I had time to watch tears have fun thank you very much 100 bits okay so what on earth so small you're as small as ever we didn't notice not one Josh over the stars I know that body that physique you really be a hard son Scottish build yourself up while you roll the katamari work out and get bigger yes indeed get swole don't presume to take the escalator up the tro just because you're the prince whose tangent wrist avatar it reads don't worry about time we think we'll come and pick you up in that Katamari is 10 centimeters just remembered many things live here scurrying around a genuine getting dirty anyone like one of these sneaks up behind you an alert comes up in the lower-left try not to bump it you're losing a life don't worry about it too much won the game radnyx relax and roll good luck angels Prince and here we go so this is the main gameplay of Katamari we're trying to roll stuff and basically make your ball as big as possible and a kind of control is like a tank and it's kind of like tricky to play but the idea is you just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and the jewels you start picking up literally the entire planet game goes to some very weird places oh god we're going down here that's that's the quick turn so I need to bear laughing more in the sea so it's already growing in size there's the rice now looks like the prince is having a ball let's get the dami Dodgers kill everything alive so I it's very difficult to steer this thing but you just kinda have to get used to it I will in time it's been a very long while since I played a katamari game just go around here I got a few ants in there too what the mental person lives in this room but you ready got a question how these people are living this is like sweets all over the place let's get his cookie sandwiches like it like why why if he's been left out many questions for him why is he have five bottles of eye drops on the floor and just tongue facts every movie I'm down there yeah we're getting bigger how goes the prints how is herb's oh you made a ten-centimeter Katamari how fabulous we forgotten all about that so you're mostly clear on everything we assume everyone erred is very nice it'll be very helpful they'll let you roll everything up with a smile yes possibly also a wave anyway let's go home for now we vomits a rainbow when you finish the level and picks up your cat America thumbtacks you heard me it's almost forgot completely sit combined when rolling on earth there are a few more things to be careful of down at Rolla Bob just arginine Katamari crashing into larger objects and walls will break things of the katamari and reduce its size we're good first goal but it's not very exciting is a very judgmental next time we want a much bigger thing you collected the most of its snacks he's now gonna release our Katamari and start rebuilding the stairs room for dessert got your own planet really are you seriously you're not just small bit a bit slow - I'm gonna skip through some of the dialogue cuz like we are going to be here quite a while I feel they say at the end of the home planet we're quitting the game if you quit the game at saving your progress and not be saved there's presents the constellations sound that data is safe let me just go in there I'm gonna save it I'm gonna skip this dialogue to the little is that it's it we're gonna be that readin it all night otherwise the stream stopped the stream should be fine [Music] is the stream issues people okay it's gonna find a mind yeah just check and streams good nope okay well we got it saved I think we gotta just go here the view constellations no oh yeah so it's or now four levels so yeah so you go to earth and you picked it would make a star one make the circuit let's go Brad girly thank you hundred bits I never play the original PSP primary maybe I watched my mother play that's the [ __ ] this is the first day I've caught in a while thank you very much three was fine for you two Thanks okay yeah this is what I mean like it's very difficult to just really saying a lot of the time like my gang dang Tang galley po [ __ ] does that mean oh gosh regular Philippines we stopped in the day before yesterday hope you can visit her in the days rollin like that's possible oh yes a rural present for the hard-working drinks that's what we were thinking a plane would capture your present and it went down to earth just fell to earth as we are in somewhere so roll it up while you're at it we left the present guests for us for the folks that you have Martha had man phrases don't do it i just banned the guys who were doing like spamming it relentlessly do that we work I don't want like a bunch of bad phrases every single stream and I'm gonna like wipe that list probably in a stream or so because like there's some stuff that shouldn't be on it talk about that month we'd be on the Jingle Jam karaoke stream unfortunately at the fly home you should be let's see around 20 centimeters DubLi we can believe in you for seven minutes in our time that's that sounds like my parents like facing me too but any longer than that and even the king of all cosmos can't be expected to wait look forward to a nice Katamari many prints let's get going it's another day on earth let's just pick up everything we can hey well doesn't want some matches yep back on it look forward to getting that Lego gotta get you yen coins like we're tiny at the moment we are of course in Japan to the game wasn't Japanese enough already feels like other ones like you go outside Japan this prize for wasn't there there is someone you Lully roll up the entire universe [Music] I just won those games really it looks more difficult to play than them actually is without sorry sorry I'm it may not look like I'm gonna say that the complete other way you may it may look very straightforward you may wonder why I'm missing stuff the tank controls make it like really telling it you can't just like to say I'm gonna go left and have it pick it up look like I'm kind of like constantly straight and for no reason [Music] look at it just something for me I like grindy games don't think I like that one don't play too many FPS hello everyone what is this game this is the wonderful world of Katamari ten centimeters just get it trigger with a size of 37 mandarin pieces so let's just like go on a roll no pun intended there we go so we can go up here now let's just keep on going is the way out is there we can go to pick up the show keyboard oh we can start to get the tape sound can go through here [Music] know what we're doing really good okay let's go over here on over [Music] all the magnets oh we're like skipping quite a bit here which is great laminate a llama is he thank you very much to the five get that stuff it's very kind of you I hope you're enjoying the stream I know it looks like really we're like this game if you're not familiar with this game it looks like a paper pretty like a peeper green meaning can't wait to get those birds you'll claim them before long get all those ports okay we're getting the flavors [Music] time to get the socks to call them up the cherry get the screwdriver get all the cherries and that's the trick but elizabe brooms please tell me this game as an implement roll mode I don't believe it does that's some very long levels there always time actually we would love to have a much bigger nicer can leave you to your own work we're as big as 14 pairs of scissors right now these trees are like come on take all this pick up the small little model homes don't need them anyway oh we got the birds we got the clock I'm not quite at clock status yet I love the Japanese are wrapped it in the background yet the soundtrack is like it's like really wonderful [Music] the best one is probably like the title theme where it's like now we got Santa even here we get the kill perfect Merry Christmas everybody let's just get all the tomatoes there and the magnets I'm gonna like roll back in here for a moment cuz we're bigger than everything so let's just get like the dinner table pick up all a lot in like if one fell swoop we got we knocked off some of the books we are hitting off a lot of stuff but like it's fine we are like assimilating loath to it kind of works out [Music] we'll make our way back through here Christ she's like a Christmas tree here so like it's perfect yeah I'm surprised go up here this is kinds of marmalade up there I go all the way up I don't think I can get the chicken pick up those two feel like you lose weight wear things any company name - I am losing quite a bit like the katamari is getting stuck into the fire the nature of the game like it is very difficult to control like I got a better dependent we got the birds I think this is pretty good [Music] I love this dream is honestly perfect it's basically all you do in this game you just destroying like the planet there we go it's boring to watch this whole time we'll zip back to space yeah oh no the fly's off more often than the original I could be wrong though I think I'm just bumping into a lot of stuff there are three types of controls in the options menu let me look at the options menu and like let's see if we can work out like a happy medium we are moved to tears by the size of this thing this is so incredible happy happy so happy want to turn into star right now we've got a lot of stationery some playtime and some cooking fires critic a motivating release the sky let's go but a unit of a ball perfect score it's 35 centimeters big [Music] things really shower off you in this one it wasn't like that always oh that the business speaking of Jeff needs to know if you can hear them too uh it's like more of the story okay [Music] let's just keep going I keep forgetting that it's like let's go do our thing okay make a Star Trek I boa tarde I don't know what it means but okay have you ever been to Portugal we were there yesterday yo piu can visit her in the right the day's rollin almost forgot oh yes a royal presence okay so there's another one here so we got to get that we had an issue and just sort of keeps it away must be around somewhere so roll up I was Bristow I'm still there I'm screwing Bristow I'm here all week there we go maps programs feelings inspiration flavor fashion this croissants I'm gonna be rolling around town we should be 50 centimeters we believe in you for nine minutes waiting longer than even the king of all columns can be expected to wait oh let's get going there's so much here let's just turn around like this one already looks like it's gonna be better this is so much stuff more stuff that just picked up I want to get the croissants not big enough yet there we go we can't get the fish yet get the flowers Oh looks like downtown Elizabeth is this like an accurate recreation like you have this honey like edges two brushes on the street like a litter of a place give me the takoyaki Lisbon's national dish of course as we forget [Music] keep on going so it's great because we get to destroy like each country one by one you like today we're just in Portugal destroy that dumb videos assignment go and get the milk bottles yeah I think I can get the birds if I'm quick enough get the milk get to pace tubes it's good the fruit okay this looks promising jitters all right good of not fast enough oh my god I can't get that play go back [Music] walk here there we go milk bottle we trust that's your bottle so off this way some things I feel like we should be able to ground I can't believe that one got the kettle I'll get in the toilet paper here we go [Music] grab the arrows I love the soundtrack yeah it's a really good there's like a lot of good change in them and like they're all across different genres too I think it's really good soy sauce bottles native Portugal [Music] get down this way can you pick up the chopping boards oh god I think we're getting therefore find the cat [Music] get in the dustpans portugal looks different I think forward to go seen better days like they just didn't have a lot of junk about the place and so now we can go like true for a victory lap here and just pick up all this doing really good we can get those big bottles can't get the craps much over here to pick up some I go way back hello you can pick up chakra huh yeah it's cut it's pretty strange well you can't even kind of cash if you think you can roll into it then like just give it a go and you might be pleasantly surprised oh here's the toy monkeys there we go what a nice guy to marry kind of bride he kind of shy now I have you come this far we would love to have a much bigger super nice guy to marry way bigger is better apparently believe you to do your work let's go get the monkey back up Duke box yet got to be close to it [Music] surely I can get the chopping boards yes the guesses [Music] and we get the cactuses yeah we can't all that means we can get the sandbox get more of the birds so we're starting to get out of hand which is really good [Music] make our way up here Oh kind of stuck you can't get the cats yet we live in hope bucket is also problem oh we got the cat yeah meow [Music] Joe gets spotlights get more of the birds back like a sandcastle finally got that bucket pick little mouse you're everything in here butterfly collection can I get those audit funds yeah I counted seven manhole cover yes I can't I get the shirt I don't know if there's like another zone we can go there I could get that Pizza on the side of the car and go get the plan pops it's so Thailand back up the ladder I can pick up the speaker's batter everything we can and we maybe run down to stuff like the plant pot seems to be the biggest thing we got another cat go up here here's like a little more stuff that's hat I just joined what's going on this would be one of the more confusing games I can be played to disjoin Iran hey so sorry folks that you flew again when you pick up stuff but it just looks so weird [Music] I really want to get that stepladder and determine that you can 10 carats God [Music] almost got the salikus there we go 90 centimeters link that's pretty good like what was he asking for there there's like 30 or something your pickup game is wack gave his leg of his knees and rainbow he's gonna take us out Alex thank you for the 500 bits of all the day's gets they got to get sick of the day I was waiting to enough our counter thanks for keeping me company think my money hope you feel better soon Alex born syrup as well thank for 500 her thing is going to get to Rowland people just imagine walking down the street herbs over in the katamari hi basically I mean they give their lives for the stars no so like it's okay really if you think about it man jesting beer thanks 100 as well only I want to use guys I have to tell you that you play minecraft story mode Netflix I'm aware join ordinary Japanese life stay off family gets into the taxi [Music] we continues epic tale that is unfolding I'm gonna save now too before we dive back on in this game on PC I don't actually know I bought it for switch he came out for everything okay we have make cancer remains star for constellation guys as well before you lose your minds the gave those forming stars okay let's make the constellation is named Ken everyone is still hungry can't you see that silly speaking of delicious we say crab I'm certainly crab we're gonna collect a bunch of crabs here we go we're making fort night guys no now hang on toss him there oh my god is that crab just walked right into us he didn't even have a chance you we're gonna make the just cancer possible I have to do is roll up as many many crabs as you can find I hope no one's afraid of craps this is gonna be a lot of them here oh I don't like the spiders general things here too but you can still pick all these up and it will help us cuz it'll increase the size of the calamari actually it's quite important we got some more crazy Japanese rocking pretty good you kind of sound a word they're saying but like it just sounds cool let's pick up the crabs sponges hairdryer I think the red ones are starting to run yep so that means we can second tank at the green ones yeah like we're moving up in the world and get that red spider crab yep get the tomatoes they were trying to shut the door and protect themselves there we're just gonna make our way in we can now pick up the green crabs grab all them ruin this man's lunch make it fall or rhyme and take its sushi [Music] just keep assimilating me not all fell down they're perfect we get the plants yeah we can get the funds in the corner thanks for the food yeah see all the shoes that one there [Music] this look Gaelic stay off this buggy it is but it's like it's a really good fun fun game can't go in there anymore [Music] God getting stuck but there's still like five minutes left on the clock people will run away we get bigger the petition up yeah they know they do it you can get people in Katamari too [Music] trying to go up here and get like a booth the horseshoe crab and get them yet hit the Gulf one the plans so just some stray Tomatoes yeah I think I have to go up there somehow and I wait here yes like that [Music] get him page we got the big spider crab [Music] actually considered getting this game and I know it's actually really fun and like the cool thing with this one it's only like 20 quid but they remastered it and like put it in HD but it's actually still really cheap which is honestly quite rare to see don't know if I can grab anything else well the science is still like 98 that we need to get on that that's the amount of primes we have it actually is different this time [Music] how's that I think so get him there we go [Music] the crab riding the dog go oh yeah I'm trying to get up there exactly parsley kinda hard to get the dog okay let's see Jesus if we guys like a boost on these things take us up just waiting for the elevator use jump so jump just gives you like additional perspective we got the dog [Music] that one the other side of the wall you can jump with the katamari how do I do that I died might be missing something I'll go obtain yeah I got them [Music] I think I'm just in this area utter shoulder key jump do if I turn around yeah yeah you can like input the six get that one on the go wasn't invented yet in the first game yeah people maybe like remember another games that's okay I think this one is just a very small level and it's just a set amount of crops that we did good at looks like 300 bits I literally have no clue why I drove I take my small token of appreciation take you very about you Alice this is Katamari we just got a bunch of craps oh Jesus and which of GM thank you for thousand bits look the katamari game since my second stream live if I'd watching the past dreams of loving them all keep the great work our team thank you very much about here enjoyed and strays done the two crab at ETSU the kind of gross anyway under a nine crabs is what we want us crab crab to see a crab meat the crabs are dead guys okay did it [Music] 81% complete apparently oh I feel it I feel the cosmos [Music] little girl is particularly happy it would seem that's just over right you save and ygt pose a different time so we've done that one so now make a circle [Music] buenos dias okay King Cosmo look I know it's been a while since this game released but you gotta be very careful with that phrase the Internet has made I get terrible meme associated with us we got to be mindful there have you ever been to Spain it's our utter homeland okay so yep there's a present here let's go what meme yeah it's terrible people just think it's bad as now okay today we rolling around inside the house make a meter long Katamari we have 10 minutes get going oh it's one of the best songs in the game do like a fan favorite this is very chill get catamite that's it caramel can I get the batteries no I can't are you kidding get a little more caramel sour please Bangor pick up everything as we go those batteries there we can grab a little later we want to come back to them I can't grab any of the mice I'm like slightly off the size I want to be we just gotta keep picking up the golf balls I pick up the Lego no I can't mice are killing me right now here we got Lego we got broccoli we're as big as those 13 batteries and they got a pig amazed we can't get the mice yet let's go back up here we can grab all the lotteries I'm not sure why there's so many on the tear go [Music] and we're doing the people a favor like we're just cleaning up all their like useless stuff it oh it's parsley is well it's not broccoli [Music] back up a little batteries oh god the cake I gotta try be careful and get up there because especially a new pod very difficult to control there we go there's nothing here give us the bird oh my god [Music] go and pick up the superglue oh no we shouldn't be here yet there's not much we can pick up get the stray magnets we'll get on a roll soon we just need to like stars Yuma is always the hardest thing because there's so much that you can't pick up yet like ya gotta find the pieces he need [Music] come on pick up the number counters it was slightly bigger [Music] if we go back inside now we should be able to grab more stuff to give us those magazines there we go is this looking good [Music] and we get all these things we just keep making laps get the oranges there's big as one stands [Music] we're picking these up yeah we can [Music] you exclusive like hymns that released ten years ago it does feel like that sometimes you can see why he's like some people might even think that at this point [Music] I very much have an era of games that like I enjoy [Applause] I can't get in there not doing good this one like we still have like a fair way to go [Music] right any more than this ever birds there's attending just barfing in a bin there oh here's a bunch of stuff okay I should have been here yeah oh my god okay it's where I was going wrong here we go [Music] get fit no this is the zone I should have been anything oh my god is so much here like now we can get some Teddy's consume it he's kind of stuck shouldn't be up here just a washing line where am I even going [Music] can I get above that no I don't think I'm supposed to leave we're in the House today you have to leave the house before long not a burghers get everything honestly just one round I think we could have done better it'd be out of very slow star still might not make it in time we can plant pots give me some bears there we go where's big the radiator do a long way to go but we're getting there starting to make progress [Music] get going [Music] making up for lost time in the eggs this is this one good target it obviously be much more but we're doing it there great news starts now so suitably people he's got a cat and get the buckets gosh make our way through here again [Music] and now we're just accidentally picking up a load of stuff this goes really well for us all those teddy bears the ball represents our genie gave subscribers this year it's all a metaphor kites we got the flower pots we're really struggling out oh god these two benches [Music] got it we met we met the goal I know who didn't believe in us before [Music] [Applause] [Music] the newspapers all hole elapsed and we took their gas meter and I take a person yet I think I just took a person oh my god okay take the little girl yeah I think we just got her no she escaped to take the fence we're really struggling [Music] I think the little girl was taken [Music] why is it so far back hang on that's got to be a glitch okay hang on what's going on here [Music] would that have to be a bug or something yeah apparently we got too big oh it's cuz Endon okay I've never seen that happen before happened in the original - was it maybe just that level okay I've never seen that before okay well we made it big enough we got a lot of video games it always does that when you're big enough okay in the class it's just so you can start seeing what's around you yeah but I couldn't see anything that was the problem okay these guys are just at the airport now guys for coming Batsy turned human beings into a star I've never been so proud keep going where's our next goal make star 5 or make what that is sytrus constellations that we're ghosts are five first and will go back to life you go now we're going to the Netherlands next thickness okay well okay because everything that the Netherlands has sound programs beauty light cosmos and some penis gotta marry should be 1.5 13 minutes we're getting more and more time like getting a bunch of plotters at the quails this one looks like it's gonna be a long level don't want to take too much time though go for like the big objects that we can find we can't go that way [Music] experimental today okay nothing wrong with us that's why I all the names are in Japanese - it's just a Dutch thing the mousetraps can pop your vows the frogs do the thing down I'm doing it get in there it's not taking us as long this time as well which is nice [Applause] [Music] and seem to be making progress like a little bit faster if these on so we can increase the radius there we go it's a lollipop yes I can get those I'll be doing really good if I can pick up a whole bunch and lingo the crabs are starting to run which means I can probably chase the crabs I just rolled over in NES that's fine I like it the teapots guess the dogs we're good just make your way back here this is so strange yeah it's really weird but it's good fun what I want to do for a very long time [Music] little letters way up here a lot of coats do the same NES game was my childhood' I only ever got to play this like inning the game society in college they don't own any sounding consoles have it on switch now thank you give it a go got a ps4 recently but none of the games are available what your wife she's got a weird like what's backwards compatible with ps4 oh there we go let's just pick all that up till 10 minutes left on the clock and like royalty at 35 centimeters like it's only gonna get easier time goes on start picking up the shoes to the Saudi is stupid I see like you haven't played a game history games sorry they just don't like having the option to play ps3 games yeah it seems very weird was actually available backwards compatible front I don't even do a bunch of stuff with a Vita I'm not sure why it's specifically the Vita only 45 centimeters you can make it bigger than that that's what I'm gonna do there's a way through here then let's go oh my god alright there we go oh my god this salaryman [Music] pick up the watermelons I'd say man she's not nice being here these other people now give me the shoeboxes stop kicking me show some respect or I'll kill you believe me I will eventually i'ma say yeah pizza boxes we got this present growing sense of hope oh my god I can't get those that's fine get out of here let's go back a bit so we can stock up there we go and all the blow fishes we need to go back got a lucky cat from the shopping cart and all that I want to go all the way back up here I think because it's like a walk through here I can think up now funky with the camera [Applause] oh there we go leaving Colorado ball Oh pick up the video game okay let's get all of this there we go that's some quick progress now it's so satisfying when you can just go back to an area you previously couldn't access and then you just like decimate it [Music] all this here put a dog you all know what stuck okay so we can get all that fencing later too so let's make our way back down the hill oh no we're too big squeeze there we go there we go played yourself she won't be able to get that old woman in the car just do white can't get the signs yet that's unfortunate [Music] you just get an alarm clock I got the child and I got that boy - that's good moving up in the world taking the people got like some of them I like clearing for their lives other people just don't care and they're just like walk it India I'm just trying to roll up the world now all this [Music] cool quite a few bits there as well I'm gonna catch up on them thank you very much everyone they're gonna leave us to our work Katamari is up the sides it needs to be just start abducting the people if they have name now as well like there's the guy at a red line [Music] he was riding off into the wall I'm pretty sure got another guy there it's all them up give me those boxes hey dude with the hair let's get all the bikes and we starting to get the people on the bike to not the bikes themselves but like more of the people you know they progress is progress start picking up a hand red get all the hems now we just go to the market and love when they have made personal connection as you roll into the guy on the pole in the kiddie car business he just wants to buy a fish well now we shouldn't be turned into like a giant star in the sky I think that's better come on oh my god pick it up there I have a minute left apparently some of the people are escaping - he making our way around [Music] he is gonna start the next world war i mean this is how it begins be honest [Music] I think we've done pretty good here I feel like we could have got it much further but I'll take what we go there's a fisherman a old river sign yeah I think we gonna got big enough to get that guy on the traffic boat where did um thank you for hundred paces how planets are made et doctor who's next - good I just got a Wendy's ID okay electra doodle thanks for how'd your bits I drew jig chivito I'll have to look up a zone twitter or something I've to have a look at that and chat Bert thank you for a hundred bits this is way we were working we're bearable I'll catch the wad later for the full experience have fun all the best chat Bert very much 100 bits in tune I understand it's gonna be literally just rolling stuff up that's how it works it's not much to it and so mostly vegetables pretty good leafy greens look at that making some nicer constellations - oh thanks 100 as well gotta watch a bunch of this so glad thank you very much oh look it's the king maybe he's dying am I just a huge M oh my girls having any trouble at the moment blind adults [Music] this one so we gotta pay attention to what he says here Rica we have it's not grateful this guy is I really lacking in grace does not float like a butterfly or sashay like the king it's just not there at all graceful inherit swans okay you gotta get swamps Jesus thing rounded bits here we go we want some grace back in the sky but we need to get the Swans oh there's just a lot of eggs okay get all the eggs and apparently that makes them so it's like The Swan eggs Pacific well I first don't seem to care too much we'll be able to get them [Music] get all those chickens out we're gonna get them you see if you like it's just like Skyrim you see amount you can just go over to it unbelievable here it's just the same thing but with eggs Jesus Christ we got a lot of eggs at the moment come on shuffle your balance down I'm trapped in this game is amazing it's just like try to focus on getting like food and music it's very varied which is nice [Music] why can I get get up there I can't get up get those eggs there [Music] roll into their life [Music] the last picture together they can really stink too [Music] that they Frank Sinatra oh no I think I you pop when the eggs are gonna get like different spawn spawn [Music] seem to only be swans that like I can really get like I think there's nothing else on the katamari it's just the eggs [Music] the birds are all flapping their wings don't be hatin whenever we pick them up no more eggs are falling [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on long this one seems to only be eggs I don't know if I'm gonna complete this I don't know how many I need [Music] Katamari does not feel that big does it and we don't have a lot of time left hands okay because I think it's just eggs that we have to get these are terrible yolks some of the eggs are swollen yeah seemed after like search through them [Music] god this one I hope the Swans don't buff off I've definitely lost a lot of eggs how they bury it up with ducklings though other adorable fritters for you to capture the it world ends egg God I mean that's what there's worse ways for society to fall yeah mines eggs gonna eat those ducklings like there's like a point over here I can get to its really hard to control oh I started to get something other than eggs apparently you can get parsley [Music] we got a few more they're going extinct and looking at the table the same way again I see why I like the TV has like a live camera of us is rolling jeido Majesty thank you for a thousand bits by you finalists beginning thank you very much get in there Peter's enter chat very graceful and a bit disturbing which we treat noisy things with hey be graceful rainbow back doing good like living in Japan all the katamari rolling around it was pretty pretty dodge not gonna lie it was kind of strange the same people die in real time from rolling balls they only got 72% of eggs but we complete the level [Music] getting there and the little girl feels the cosmos again Cygnus is back just don't question that guys hop on field the team okay gonna be rolling around in the world today we need three meters we have 11 minutes [Music] get going I'm really not sure where to start here get those get those frying pans I Hank at the frying time disaster all disaster already can't get any of the fruit I get the carrots no okay we'll get get the kabobs something well Jesus tell my synchronize 2,000 bits this gave me the fever dream why this is very much is the one I want to scream for ages I think it's a really fun kid destroyed the world in so many ways so you gotta get some variety [Music] there's the baseball ba all the sticks or boots flower pops the kits in a gamer thank you for the nine gifts of sweet rice mine feels like never come down with those thank you very much hopefully generous I need to keep on doing hope you're doing well we'll get the chicken soon for it oh my god there's a whole world over here gotta go get it bombs like so close [Music] whole new world bonds Isis there we go oh we're already a meter baked pretty good start if the people are not accepting of their new overlord here trying to scare us away that's fine [Music] you're welcome listen to time I should go back up there night alone big enough [Music] there we go oh I can get the child okay start with the small ones work your way up oh my god all the trophies that dog pack at the Bay Area [Music] [Music] picking them up cats James hundred bits those in line of iPods and walls those a beautiful passage a total towards a hey it's gonna kill kids see about I am a bit chatter because I've been like literally on stream since 11:00 this morning like I'm coming up too close to 12 hours for just being in the office give you I wonder why like I seem a bit more quiet than usual it's good that my team is quite tired [Music] there we go you'll get plenty of rest tonight oh let's get the animals please take care yourself don't don't worry you guys it's just like the one long day while I'm here am I gonna get plenty of rest there's not a lot there for us to actually get like we have to keep going back in here we're missing like a step somewhere got the kid it hit there you can pick up the guy on his shoulders no I'm in the UK I'm here for that wait to see fences yeah pick up them oh this is making the katamari a little funky yeah the bushes no and get the playground this one started off strong but like we've hit this weird like awkward spot where it does nothing for us to really grab but I don't know what I'm supposed to go from here I got the bench it's like a little camp over here [Applause] we got fire start getting the people got lava signs over here to bowl the animals over we're getting them pack it back out yet apparently the lifeguard know he's safe I get the wrestler there go in here again and we'll pick up the last of them can't get that guy in like the bear thing I get the kiddie car pack at him I got the bunny balloon man why that kid is so secure and like these bushes I just like very unfortunately placed to get him up there [Music] and we got the judo contest pick him up [Music] got a surfer get the hot dog sign man pick up all these swimmers sunbathing couple like I got away they're worried about you gotta confuse we gave at all it's like a really straight for it just looks like a really weird why can't I get that killing upon you there we go very Aryan excitement pick up all that oh thank you all we can finally clear out this place get it get the guy in the ball made up behind [Music] pick them all up bubi to make it up there get the Panda guy thank you oh my god that guy like with somehow surviving all this time [Music] minute left is there any over here no the [Music] yeah okay that's what the wall [Music] that's [Music] thank at the palm trees it looks like every level that like you can get bigger than actually seems to be allowed like like here like it looks like I can get those trees but it actually doesn't seem to be designed for life it just seems to very much me than my size do you propose to get [Music] I guess it's almost up here just feel like you're late for the show that like it can be more than this penultimate George thanks for penultimate George thanks for to beauty base escape because there's weight as well as size so even though you were large your basses out have to pick up that medal behind the Kara thing I guess yeah wiggity you have tasted our 200 artis getting schwifty apparently thank you very much examine on something to God I'm starting to get really tired feeling it might go like a level or two more and then just wrap up go a little short say because I move on the air so long my voice sounds fine it's just I can kind of feel it in like my eyes arrest him dandy-lion there's a tire part that level you missed what sir that's unfortunate Oh dad's going into space apparently [Music] every glass is yes [Music] I wanted to scream tonight more than anything because I know I'm not gonna have a chance to tomorrow you know I'm just doing what I can of it get them in make Pisces make Gemini realice or some major here some major or just star five we've done that one let's go no you the true we were also making a constellation Ursa Major to excite parent leaves all the work to his child looks by deadbeat yes we were finally done and then the last one gets away stupid bear we're sick of it there's girl go roll me up one bear and roll up the present too so we have to get a bear okay yes a bear though assume is gonna be like one right at the start that's gonna shove it in your face and later you have to get that's quite a few bears there bad bears back bad just one that's all we need one bear was the largest bear you can find oh so I got it like not touch a bear okay I get how's it mother's purse yeah so there are berries there but I don't want to touch them yet cuz if I touch a bear the level ends that makes but you want to try and make the thing as big as we possibly can do a 10 minute timer stopped all that move your life oh my umbrellas yeah so I have to be very careful as a small bear as a family doesn't sound too bad [Music] come on oh no oh come on that was a teddy bear anything that would count I didn't think that would count [Music] that's unfortunate I mean yeah I guess it's a bear but I thought it would have to be a live bear I didn't know but look it's okay the little girl still feels the cosmos so I everything worked out Ursa majors back in the sky it's all funny that's it just make stars out we can go back to that one another one we're going to Poland next the dog is in Poland summer job again I'll do it later I I don't the brainpower to do it right now we're gonna run on empty more like Ursa Minor oh snap okay six meters [Music] spelling out banana [Music] pineapples I get a fruity kappa mario [Music] rip the chat i can already tell I don't even need to look at it for this one like it's gonna be bad there's so many bananas we got it we gotta get them all oh my good no yeah for the entirety of this song like chats just gonna be a mess and that's so [Music] oh my god is an entire town over here [Music] Jesus Christ look at all this guy get six meters come on the chickens I'll be fine Colonel Sanders Katamari is now he picks me the lowers representation of pole it says we're going to like a different place in Europe each time it seems too late it's always just Japan [Music] I wouldn't pay it much line we're going to like next place oh my god the same [Music] you think if there's very funky to as the banana [Music] sunflowers [Music] our children I'm doin my best like Tanya Jesus [Music] let's go back and get all the sunflowers okay we got them there's a small family all we're doing really good now back into the town you compare to some of the levels like rocking like a very good time here good hopefully out if you jinx it I feel like we picked up a lot like Jesus Christ look at this yeah so we've already hit a tree mean it's like we're halfway there's a way sure there make our way over we got to get up here as a bunch of people here get all the umbrellas or yeah well I get that just feels like we've done a lot as kids I'm running off into the wilderness I can't catch them [Music] there we go Oh catch that young family [Music] get all the people here still can't get the cards and they're like bopping us around wide of this Oh God almost get the cash elephant up there we get him soon take up the railing you barely see the guy that look below the ball oh yeah like he stays the same size look if I go back down here and didn't pick up some folks might be a good call there's a lot here weekend has arrived nope can't get up with a funky mushroomy up people over here [Music] go back over here again take the gate down [Music] then oh god you rember this previous level where we couldn't get so much of it look at us now tearing on through it get the vending machine [Music] there we go we're its biggest 366 business now still four minutes off [Music] we can finally get cars the policemen are just shooting at us and be aware of our crimes grab everything there we got inside the school [Music] just get all them dr. Lee think let me get the stuff thank you very much the police are shootin at us again that's fine don't mind them we're also gonna have to get that elephant want to get the houses again I don't know if I'll get big enough for them oh they do seem to be boppin though when I roll in some her neck make up the gymnasium here a couple of stragglers I'm pretty low glasses versus some guys up there [Music] [Music] the police do not seem happy they're like really trying to stop us get those trees he's turned the world into a snowball how things will look like in the future you might not like it the ball pockets [Music] oh my god there was a farm up there how do we miss this [Music] good god it's so big [Music] there we go all righty that's this I think we terrorized the town enough her face the royal rainbow hey folks I think we're gonna leave it there look it was bananas look first was fruit second was teenagers the third was container yeah guys we gotta go a bit of a shorter strips today because I'm knackered I need to rest like I'm just heading back to my hotel and going to bed would you guys skip the cuts they have too tired I hope everyone enjoyed the scream though all right thanks for coming folks I can't actually I don't think I can do the credits tonight because I OBS isn't set up a lot just thank you to everyone that subbed thank for all the reefs ups - I thank you very much guys I don't think I can do it cuz I'm in Bristol and it's just not here like it would take a while to even get it completed I'm gonna go get some rest though cuz I am knackered I will talk to you all well I'll see you all for a Mario Party tomorrow I'll be early enough I'm gonna go get an early night dress nice got one that folks hope you enjoyed stream take care guys just see anyone I know going you want you all live go raid cup of noodle Oh like no she's playing that game got rated for that go right Jimmy I'm awesome said hi to Jimmy hey guys hold us [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 9,080
Rating: 4.9768786 out of 5
Keywords: rtgamecrowd, Destroying all life on earth with a rather sticky ball, Katamari Damacy, Twitch, Gaming, Destroying, all, life, on, earth, with, rather, sticky, ball, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: uafICYeY_7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 3sec (7983 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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