RTGame Archive: Planet Coaster

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody and you hear me okay sorry about school in tonight's stream I've been trying to get everything set up we might be having some new PC trouble but hopefully I'll be able to get everything resolved soon I have a couple of issues before it's startin we're game was pretty choppy but I think I've got him sorted how's it going that folks can you hear me okay but he always streams so late because I live in Ireland time this is when I'm wrapped up for the day these are the times that suit me on weekends I started a tree in the afternoon that's not that light and hear me fine cool can you hear the background audio okay oh wait hang on I'm peeking my feet no no yeah [Music] everything changed [Music] oh it does this thing on does this thing on my computer it gradually just creeps up the microphone volume her I don't know why I have it set exactly how I want there we go bump it down a notch should be okay now sorry about that pretty loud though yeah it was slightly too high there's the thing we like it creeps up and I thought I had that turned off there we go it is this is the audio preset I like it's like constantly in the yellow oh dear yeah sorry about the delay the folks are just technical things trying to get everything fixed so we don't you don't have the stream dying Midway and nicely thank for the hundred bits rise thank you for a hundred as well or 100 set an hour before the stream started okay thank you [Music] 11:40 in Cali you should scream later lows as if I don't live in Cali I dunno what to tell you man it's as if I don't live in the place you live oh my god hey arty why arent you streaming at X time guarantee it's not 7 where I live what are you saying it's 7 when you stream god forbid the planet does not result revolve around a single person here the [ __ ] is wrong way aren t the Australians aren't sleep right now [Music] like do my best guys I'm Ally how's it going [Music] Sterns the [ __ ] ghetto you yell at me I'll take like ten minutes longer I'll just slow things down you guys got to learn you can't just yell at me to do the thing cuz I'll do literally everything other than the thing because of stubborn like that I would do literally everything else in my power to not start the game I'll just talk we could have started the game like it [ __ ] 30 seconds ago I was gearing up to change does have but then someone a little [ __ ] had the audacity to yell at me now I'm gonna take my time we could a stratified out guys Jesus don't start the game take forever it's too fast it's too fast now we're gonna be going a well tonight I'm kind of a kind of in a stream mood and I haven't boy this game in so long that I kind of want to sit my seat each into it beat beat low pronounce and th is all of a sudden it's the t sh t there we go plus greater rap man Carol thank you for all for the bits thank you very much guys you look at the screen shot on we love you our Dido that the Cali people let you down sounds like that's a group that's looks like her ass in the stream when you phrase it that way we got them people from California and the goddamn time zones so insensitive hey you big aside like there's an angry mob in California just chasing the stream right now so Dayton Rihanna Tiki fuzzy say th but the freaks are out when I say it but I can say thanks and think that the exaggerated quite a bit because I have to get force the H sound in three I'm not used to it stop sorry just someone's ass on three trees that was three trees after really take my time to get the sound right does that freak people out if I say it correctly oh god RT is air futz he can't hear us what HUS what does that even mean i RT have you ever thought about playing a certain game that just got eaten up by chat went up in the elevator [Music] 30 watch although he cuts oh is that a meme yeah that might be a meme yeah that's a meme they're doing Italian Pisa Valentina is that different to regular tea [Music] Oh God how's it going though folks can you hear the game audio okay the music isn't too loud is it we're playing some [ __ ] planet coaster again because it's been so long since we looked at this and I hope it's coming out clear I've been trying to tweak the sentence okay we're gonna just play sandbox is the best mode in this game you just get the design your own Park what I'd like to do we can do a custom pocket on living at money and building a custom environment that come in okay yeah that comes to no good okay like some of these environments just look beautiful oh it's arrived it's her hang on oh no where'd he go we made this guy so long ago he's shy oh he's hiding behind the scenario editor I haven't seen him in so long [Music] the music is loud there we go has that I completely forgot about this guy good to see you again bud fish lover thanks 100 bits perfect with the audio cool ok make a new Park the ambience will go a tropical and we can swap any of these last time we did this we just swapped them all to look exactly the same and it was like hell on earth dry you just leave these as are but will change like a 1/2 snow just well just to make it funky who's that maybe [Music] then maybe we'll have some like reg deserts and then for this one and have some autumn grass and then anything blue there's the pink alpha EC now I made like a [ __ ] collage Oh God okay this is gonna be a colorful world it's tropical that's why we have snow grassland grass our pockets the desert perfect let's start you loom thank you for five quid thank you to everyone that's southern as well appreciate it guys okay just let me know if there's any performance issues with the stream like this should be okay this this looks okay like even right now just hope everything's working because I know we've had a fair few issues it's so ugly well that's cuz we went for the colors like look at this beautiful snowy cliff on the desert or effect not that bad yeah should be playing at like 60 FPS or it's trying to do 140 Hertz okay it looks good nope I'm just like very conscious of it at the moment I think it's guys like the monitor preview the OBS always gives me it's like it's slightly choppy because I'm not on that monitor whereas if I click on that monitor it comes out higher-quality so I just wanted to make sure it's coming out okay cuz like trying to diagnose the PC basic at the moment cuz it's so many truck problems with it looks crap I mean that's the park itself that's not the game yeah wait do we have in-game music to audio soundtrack cool it's just it's just kind of wine at the moment okay let's get started it's some lovely I did not mean to do that anyway undo undo undo know what why is it making stairs what have I done wrong alright this is literally the first thing oh hi already thank you okay you just gotta gear yourself up for coming into the park that's why we have the grand arch is the first feature I believe and now it's not even yeah we can undo okay get the archway put in place we have the base controls here I should probably keep this up cuz it's been a while since I actually played the game just to give myself a bit of a refresher Hannah thank you for the two hundred bits I've watched over a few months now and suddenly praying for a planet coaster stream I'm so excited thanks dad no problem Hannah thank you very much fish lover thanks for hundred as well my eyes God mmm this hurts to look at what's what's wrong with my I literally just built a patch what's wrong with it why don't you like my pass I'm trying to get stuff set up yeah we have unlimited we've unlimited money but we are going to try and turn a profit I know I've said this is a lot of times when you have an unlimited amount of money but I mean at least 10% more this time okay so let's start I get in the tree sixty power right we'll put this in well we want this to be like the first thing you see when you come inside or pop it down here is you need something like big and exciting okay I'll put the entrance here and put the exit will put the exit just here so they can just pop out make the entrance to a posh I mean we're expecting good attendance on this ride so it's okay if it's a like 200 meter walk there we go we'll use the arch to our advantage we need like some cool attractions you see on the side control + Z yourself well that's a new insult I've ever heard that wasn't actually stings of this fever thanks for a hundred bits totally thanks what I did I thank you very much okay though that's the first ride I'm gonna need to set up some shops that guy thank you for the 15 good he says hey fart face keep making the goods content stuff thank you very much that guy bit rude but I like your attitude okay well every park needs a Bozo the Clown so we'll get this in here there's the toilets we're gonna need you always need like at least one chief beef and you know you need it Nick next to the toilets they don't use real nice oh your bowels are gonna feel it pop there we're gonna fill in this space guys I know the park looks awful right now it's gonna be okay give it some time the line looks horrible it's fine just I think the snow really brings that out okay we need planet atm either take out some money for good old cheap beef you know we'll neat we'll need an information booth I only I can't put that there but I can put it right here okay I put it in here come on no okay this is a kids game this is really actually for kids this game was more so for those foot people who grew up with like rollercoaster tycoon and they're like you give anything is for adults most kids probably have played rollercoaster tycoon they have no idea what it is or growing up with like Minecraft and fortnight these days this was our childhood you play behalf games a pop game okay thank you for the two good Tara Park starting off strong I see that's why we have Bozo the Clown can I read the park it's currently called sandbox Park that's lame that's much more exciting it is Tara Park the first people are already coming in so we're gonna want to get some staff we need a vendor working cheap beef need a mechanic need a janitor and cosmic cow best milk in the universe oh that's a space hopper know that that's his own utters oh my god we need more of these okay there's the mascots for the park like Disneyland you need quite a few Jesus Cragie you gotta get those cows checked it out that can't be healthy just keep you up like they're going backwards how are they gonna get off the stairs and the space hoppers these people are gonna be terrified they're gonna be saying Boeing along that's apparently the thing they do what's toolkit items this is nothing here subscribe to see makers toolkit items in Steam Workshop oh this is like for custom mods is it maybe how do I click go to Steam Workshop yeah yeah so this is just all your mods okay we're not had a button before it's been so long since I played the game that they could have changed like various bits of it link and trashcan thank you for 100 bits each you only three look like kids gave entertainment and add a parking lot for all the Mercedes GLA I don't know if we can add a parking lot unfortunately okay thank you though for the bits we need to start small that's why we're gonna spend forty-four thousand dollars on the impulse Oh Mike no this is a premade one struct it I put this anywhere intersection terrain likes it this is a big roller coaster this this will already not fit literally anywhere oh I need to raise it that's what it is okay hang on so let's just put this literally right here so now you can't see [ __ ] anything in the park because this roller coaster is massive like a frickin spaghetti shoestring here okay we needed ed truths I need an exit okay connected entrance to a posh okay they're gonna have to travel quite a bit to get up here particularly so consider we've already ran on a space okay let's get that on the ground now we just need to connect it back up walk through all the support beams okay we're gonna make it so it is like a convenient central hub right here began all the rights there's passion number two and we we just need an actual posh for them to step off on - oh God well that that looks fine okay connect that back up connect next oh that connects oh it's obstructed there yeah dial it back up if we just make it so that I know we need a different way for this one to go around we'll make it so that you get to see these people they'll look at all the fun that they're having in their ride now like entice them the going another attraction once they finish up here won't it yeah it almost got it back [Music] perfect parks looking pretty good so far but do say so totally thanks to good sure sure thank you for 100 bits as well thank you very much Yankee thank you for five good Eric makes you want to go commit nerf gun Bob Robert Robertson thank you for 100 bits little and great I first watched the Christmas when it was great thank you very much Rockman thanks for 5 under proteins milky mayhem park and sheriff lobster thanks are 100 butcher alley as well thank you it's game okay this is looking good so far they're already making their way in all five guests we have okay so we need to start spending some money on marketing viral videos we're gonna sponsor like a bunch of youtubers to give a sick zany shout out at the start of their video or a theme park that is completely irrelevant to the content of the video itself that sounds perfect and we'll also buy their banners that's all we need we've been limited money and you're spending money if I'm trying to make monthly profit that's the thing not that that takes a lot of work oh I need to open the rides bollocks you're right test that open that right it's cheap beef even open and the toilets are open to the ATM is open thank God okay we now just need to kind of hide some of the framework because this looks [ __ ] terrible so we need to get something up here to make this look nice what have we got I've never just put a large building in front of all blind firing exercises of bits where's the blender you need to have some way of purifying the chiku we'll get a blender before long don't worry blind-fire thank you very much a thousand bits you can disable the framework on the roller coaster how do I do that oh and I got to place the staff building hang on or they all crucify me there's a lovely staff building they can just go chill in the box oh and the ATMs we deep bendy monetize so watch out it was not advertiser friendly you click on the track go to options then there's a button to remove support us demise you can add music to it the joy in us all Oh the coaster name so which one am I looking for to get rid of this first go to the track itself under editing Oh like this Oh God so [Music] okay so I so I can do this but I just got to go through literally every piece of track oh my god is there a fast way to cycle them as this might take a while well guys welcome to the stream or the next 20 minutes we need to remove all supports sure this does not have any kind of consequence with a ride like surely this loop is dangerous now okay it's just floating use the arrows oh okay so what I can do is I can select it all is one part ah that makes it a lot easier thank you [Music] okay that chokes it quite a bit oh that's looking better already though yeah okay so that's just all of the spaghetti string [Music] err [Music] oh it stays afloat nobody knows magic [Music] and we need the tests or two let's just go for a ride the wonders of modern engineering oh Jesus Apple freak thanks for tree under decent Park fits the old was the park beautification thank you lonely game boy thanking for 100 Yankee goat thanks to could would thanks for a hundred bits mr. moon thank you for 500 guarantee my dad just got hit by a Mercedes GLA I tried to tell them to get out of the way but he was wearing air paws trash kinda thanks 400 as well but I don't know about I just be terrified if I was on this the fact there's no support makes it feel like you're actually in space and it's playing like Christmas because it doesn't go about [Music] actually a pretty tame rollercoaster that's just cause we haven't liked out of our whole little twist modified in a moment Rockman thanks a thousand bits here at arrow Park safety isn't a royal concern so easily as an antigravity technology to make our park the safest in the world now results with any customers who are launched into space it's true merry Christmas everyone apparently that's what this ride is for nay thank the Triffids you very much [Music] oh there's like a bit worth takes photos at the very end that's sweet [Music] okay so all the results perfect okay open that I'll call this the safety noodle there we go okay I mean that that does make the park look a lot nicer just by doing that pretty handy we'll just get rid of the supports on all the rides can I make another roller coaster that goes true this roller coaster is that okay that's our next project then I want a roller coaster like closely follows this roller coaster and so like you can't tell which one you're gonna get on Oh totally thanks to another 500 bits okie Joe thanks for 100 notice Terra is no supports on it no one seems to know how the whole sum up that's that in coaster form not a stairway has supports I turned them off to this bit just like defies physics like these stairs are just bearing a lot of like weight they have to keep the entire thing up okay let's make our own custom [Music] when are we gonna like which one it's not the race car I think I like no one's always really good yeah the hydraulic Brent this one's only for experts my favorite coaster okay we'll start this one off here how do i oh I just need a straight bit of track okay well make that as small as we possibly can oh this is the hydraulic launch bit okay so we'll get that up there and I want it yeah let's just go straight up at 90 degrees and we'll twist it 90 degrees - oh that's too much twist what why can't I built build it there what's in the way oh okay the angle is slightly off I keep it I need to see if I can even get up here that's why I just autocomplete from here that's kind of lame you're like can they get up hang on just test it quickly I don't know if I can I may have made it like impossible already oh yeah they're nowhere close edit track we need a lot more of a start okay hydraulic launch and that's all that's all the lunch track we're gonna get because we have to veer up here there we go before we hit the people in the queue Dark Angel thanks for 2 quid Nicky thanks for 100 bits make a rollercoaster exactly the same as this ends new dad replace its name with even safer noodle ruining thanks for 500 pits the second I've ever gotten cs3 and I have one question what are you making the murder coaster it goes to the murder coaster if you try hard enough I'm amazed those people aren't being hit by this test oh they might be now they'll apparently no okay I wanted to whist as much as possible that that's going to hit the other coaster you know let's just make sure this is okay still no it kind of it kind of just eaters off okay so this is this is the first noodle rice and then we have to lower it back down there we go so we'll twist them back round there yeah and that now we give them up for the real hydraulic launch the big boy one target speed is 175 miles per hour I think they're all I kind of like the bravest it like Taurus Ally for making up the first noodle these are the fun begins yep that that makes it up he'll be some guys literally just sitting here okay now we do have two we do have to fix this bit here because this might cause problems all perfect we can just like severe wildly up let's let's do it real fast this is what hang on I'd like to call this section of the track the spine first they're fine that's just the test that's just the test the real people won't die okay and we just need it so I like it twists back in here we're gonna make it so there's a little blip here just to catch a few of them yes let's look that's looking good so far this way the track physically doesn't make sense but I think we're getting there if they're having fun unlike safety new autocomplete autocomplete I I feel like gonna come in kind of fast but okay we'll trust you on this one and here I realized I forgot to set the launch speed here let's just make that like 175 as well no launch delay and just accelerate maximum speed there we go okay that that seems good to me now we just need to eliminate track support oh my god blind fire thank you for the 5,000 bits you're a tear apart we have a brand new weight-loss program called glass in your body with 300 G's through all directions do your nothing but bone dust that sounds incredible blind-fire like wow the pounds will roll right off much like your head and the rest of you track limits exceeded what do you mean oh it's cuz I went off here hang on there we go no I can't remove them because of this apparently this one has to have some supports or it gives out let's place the entrance place the exit we want to make it sure that we fit like a good capacity here in the line I think this is going to be like one of the star attractions go you just want to make sure like enough people have the best day of their lives going to take a while again intestinal track you a minecraft music no this is the original soundtrack for this game perfect for the exit we really don't care yeah add some scenery wait can I pop these off this is a tree why can I even do that hey well pop a few of these in gotta make the park look pretty every time I've done one of these someone complains I like it it's awful it looks terrible now we can do it in a way that really preserves the natural beauty of the landscape so I'll take those trees to the rollercoaster okay look well add some more over here have it so it blends on it'd be a pretty park keep some room there cuz we're probably gonna expand the path that way soon there you go up one more one more there we go so to some leaves like making their way to the track just to scare people okay oh this one I can just open well what it's already we've already done a result on this and I'll just start a test again live tada get the full experience okay all right yeah so it's it's already killing everyone probably doesn't help that the end there's like a g-force of minus 12 when you come to a sudden halt yeah everything's about 20 okay it's not this bad considering like how we usually kill people in the park we'll call this one the tenderizer yeah probably losing $400 a month not terrible it's like a diet blender here now we'll make the blender yet blender is basically gonna be there like you're gonna go up the middle just like slingshot you up and then you spiral all the way down that's gonna be the new blender I want to look like what's the name of the ice cream that's like that twizzler is it might be I want to look like one of those two kind thank you for the 11 quid watch a YouTube video some time now but lately I've gotten pulled into watching your stream as well which is really lovely to do it's gonna be something to look forward to arty oh thank you very much man I'm glad you've been enjoying everything are you welcome to the stream gray storm as well thanks 400 bits welcome to buy a drink at M Street and non-safety noodle and I came back we have the tenderizer things of escalators brass Catholics two hundred bits well thank you very much twister is a twister how does a twizzler twister okay yeah well we'll make a twister for the park we do have to actually make some attractions that make us money because I'm so sick of us never turning a profit whenever we do this let me just add in like the big wheel radius hey now we're talking no that's now we're talking you want to get the real view of the park there we go completely uninterrupted nothing to obscure your view make the entrance make the exit the entrance to a pass we'll just make it so the queue is up here there we go hey that should be good for the cute take a pass blink this on up and now we just need a way for them to actually get up here we gotta start some hope at supports I can turn them off I can turn off the rail yes oh my god we just need to connect the part that won't work hang on there we go okay and let's just loop it back I'll extend out this passion this is why you get no profit these paths don't cost anything fine oh and it's not quite cent that's okay there open for business [Music] we can go on the ride camera go in the ride camera I'll be over the ferris wheel they test it with dummies at the full view please open the ride I'll open it a minute I just I just want us to get a lovely view I go over the edge in a moment [Music] there we go grift enough and get a beautiful view of the valley now the thing it doesn't represent though that you would probably have if you are at this altitude hang on the wind would be coming at you pretty hard oh that's that's that's a bad sound effect hang on let me get a better one this is what they don't represent there we go it would be like this buzz multiplied by ten it will be pretty fierce oh yeah it's terrifying assent we have it's perfect open it up call this the gentle breeze there we go beware of aircraft they fly through the middle it's fine we left the hole for look at this our monthly profit is only minus 250 dollars getting there earn in the park around cut all the kids that are coming we probably need to add some more shops drink shop we don't have a drink shop let's get our mascot represent us that's not gonna line up perfectly straight that's okay you wanna un a vendor and you put a coaster through the middle of the ferris wheel I don't know if you can that would be a very delicate operation I feel and I don't know if I'm the man for that [Music] we're back the reindeers flats out effect for where they felt it here inevitable chest oh that one was horrific thank you for the hundred bits Bram thank you for the 400 rubles actually comes up in rubles that's interesting very much hey hi thank you for the 500 boots watching history by office at work and no one has to know that I'm not really doing work or out of more important things love you arty thanks hey hi I do what oh the reindeer is flat no guys we can't have the reindeers flat again that was like the stuff of nightmares that was horrific I don't think we can just pop that back on like like that doubt you're calling for it but like you don't I don't think you guys remember how disgusting that sound effect is by comparable to taking a rider tricky poo like it's not a nice sound now I'll do something else I'm good I'm gonna make this Park splendor well as soon as we turn profit we just need a little bit more profit and then we're there if I sweet it up if I'll make enough oh sure enough I will look at that stabilizing it's no no someone got robbed I've been robbed when did that happen Oh No hey we need security and I need I need an item for rubbish ash can Ark entrance hotel oh we got to get a hotel than actually hang on if here's the fairytale hotel perfect just feel like you're actually in Disneyland all thought in there link thanks under 100 bits Apple free thanks to 100 coil the coaster around the ferris wheel you're asking way too much I'm just I'm literally just trying to make a profit to start with and anything past that is a fantastic achievement oh look look we're making more than riding tickets that we should spend more on marketing we're gonna go for a big boy advert family our there we go I'll know it out deep in the red okay we're not ready for this one oh I shouldn't have bought that open the tenderizer tenderizer is open oh it's not there we go another person got robbed how they get robbed like all the way on the stairs why is there so many people making the trick these people are like ascends into heaven we need like more stuff down here for them to actually like access like we're gonna need like food over here I think no we're losing so much money and you guys think the tenderizers way too scary on the safety noodle broke oh we have a mechanic for that why are so many people being robbed and why is it all on the stairs safety needle got fixed cool Oh a five grand in the hole I shouldn't I got the TV hi her that didn't even make like a substantial difference okay wait there's more people trying to get on these rides that just means like I need to set up more like get more rides like skip let's get one of these over here place the entrance place the exit is the exit okay just need to link it back up to wherever the part actually starts honestly hard to tell sometimes it will start this one by over my bozo okay open I I need more attractions in the park we're losing so much money we can't accommodate all the people oh my god many more staff buildings very the capacity of that one I edit this build and add more capacity to it oh that really took the game for a moment Oh excessive load as props items for sale we have the chief burgers chief burger excel it is making a small profit I charge for the toilet the dollar now you got to spend a dollar if you want to poop and this place also turning the profit a lifetime profit is still negative but we're getting there five dollars for toilets think I'm not charging enough will anyone pay this is the only toilet that you have to go here you're gonna [ __ ] your pants those are your options no they literally no one wants to use that if I put a burger sign on us he's eating the burger oh look they're getting desperate all right no I any of them actually use in the toilet the last ones income is still zero basically they're walking up to the toilet they look at the price and they they're just gonna hold it in till they get home milkshakes free of charge ten dollars for the toilets now I'm gonna call this the golden poop I can't why can't I charge more than $20 I want 50 grand 50 bucks okay $20 is the max price gonna take the golden poo it's 20 bucks someone's gonna do it like someone's gonna get desperate they're gonna come over here they had too many cheap beefs if five people do that we'll pay for the toilet each month someone will eventually do that live in hope those people are having fun there's not a lot of people going to and to bluntly profit only $400 on the roller coaster that's kind of bad consider that we're losing seven thousand monthly s think multiple rides are great value the gentle breeze and the safety noodle is great value twenty dollars ten dollars I need money III have to do something and no one said anything about this one but there's enough of a queue here so let's just make it $13 up that but that back and support the price hike a parks so good we've raised all the prices considered a luxury to be here no one's used the toilet you guys think the tenderizer is way too scary I think we're gonna have to close it down it's costing us a grand a month and it's cost us $18,000 in the long run what if I make it free Oh guess a thirsty now oh no - cause my cow milkshakes and we'll put the last cosmic cow before you like ascend into the upper atmosphere this is the lot last call or your milkshake like make it count you know that every bit of stuff bender or does my part not truck charge an entrance fee right now that way I'm going wrong oh it's free to come inside no wonder I'm making a loss not making any ticket sales that's not sustainable and olives have you got a child little shits got to pay 12 they just poop everywhere like pull out your trousers when you're waiting the queue start making some profit they can't come in now Jesus that was a hell of a bloom but when do they pay for the tickets they're currently not paying for the tickets but when did I give one guy bought a ticket here I'll I'll make it easier for you so you know you're in the right mood slain Proctor but that's fine for some reason I won't question it alright only one guy paid the ticket how do I make it so they actually pay I don't know I'm so stiff have another ATM yep you're right put this right next to the door bring money there's no excuse hey the [ __ ] ticket you have two rides excellent into the entrance okay I'll make it so they don't exit there oh god that's become like a weird Plaza that might cause some problems I'm gonna have to fix that yeah they're freaking out go up a moment oh no I gotta fix the entrance delete the pot okay you guys just sit tight there you go there's information you can access that there you can get your money I just got a change where this is move the exit oh uh oh listen era thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much I hope you're enjoying the stream very kind trying to fix the park I can make it so this loops round into this one cool hey wear them ticket sales huh oh no honey I need bins what are bins under what are bins under hey we're not losing as much money per Bunch your pot leaving no all fix up I thought I left there oh no they're just stuck in this loop I know I need to get them all out you know I'll save you guys will join up oh no I miss I needed to connect hang on it's so close yeah I don't think that will connect hang I just go you can fix this I can fix this we're on the ground pash connected we just completely you just have to walk through bozo a little why are so many people getting robbed no one's coming in one guy who bought a ticket and no one else cares hey guy I think I have to make it like five still making it six for the kid Matt Matt thank you for 500 bits yeah we connect out there Rokk about these are private rizal that pot sure it looks like a rollercoaster that's the point in the park any guess I've trapped in the park and that what do you mean the trapped they just got to pay the entrance price where do they get stuck I don't I don't even know why these people that complaining these people can leave yeah pretty sure they can they can just walk back out oh no or do some tree grind if people keep telling me I need more security I'm gonna make it very safe there we go I don't know why I can't leave though they can just walk back out yeah like these people are walking back out no one is paying the entrance fee wait one guy bought a ticket oh my god two people have now paid for a ticket in the park I never thought I'd see the day are these people gonna pay yeah they did a five dollar ticket price yes things I is that toilet block one or two expensive Oh is anyone paid for the poo Oh what do you mean one guy paid nine dollars how does I guess he only had half a poo so we just paid for that okay rice he gave it all he had when they took a piss beans life thanks if I could make a pact would everything free with super expensive bathrooms Oh God sounds horrific yeah I'm gonna make a second toilet gonna be a Western Erin house your business and wash your hands why are they still trapped in the park there there is a way out and Arizer okay close the tenderizer I can't afford to keep it open anymore I'm losing too much money a month oh Jesus pissed oh thank you for the ten gift subs very much like 50 bucks were two subs very generous Lucio as well thanks for 500 bits maybe cuz they retain your rights together you could have one exit lead into another eyes entrance thanks to the entertainment thank you very much 5 bits Lucio yeah I should probably do with that design actual theme parks isn't it I didn't think about that Jesus and rock man as well thanks for a thousand just need like 100 more guards and we get a proper police state in the park that is the dream but losing more money after closing the tenderizer I don't understand what am I doing wrong I'll give the staff a nicer building you don't hate me as much then there we go pick one ride free and then the exit leads to what expensive ride which exit leads to another expensive ride and keep it going is how you're supposed to do I always just build like a pretty Park is that why where I'm going wrong oh no we're not making any monthly profit all right I made $50 no all we lost it great $40 no 178 someone pay for the poo oh no no one's patron I think the more friendly there we go someone's gonna pay for that poo eventually have face this toilet we're gonna make it seem cheap in comparison right no not the same price this one on the cost the dollar there we go like I got a good laugh out of that eye I need so where are bins what's have a day under I desperately need some because there's rubbish like everywhere and the janitor is gonna hate his life at this right get some extra janitors Thunder scenery okay we'll just get some park bin to need a lot of bins demo there I don't even know where to find in some of this rubbish they just they just drop it I made a mistake drop their litter wherever this is a long narrow path everywhere it will make like Disneyland we'll just have one like every couple of feet opt them everywhere like in the stream thank you very much Roman monster I can pay to use bins that would be a mistake I feel I want to get rid of your trash toss texture there's a premium service that's how you get people not wanting to use the bins they look it they've just brought their filth everywhere wrong with these people you know what world today think this is okay I just deleted a person to place that pin there's so many Ben's name a reason that's like a hot spot for what it so does bins literally everywhere look how much people maybe people just toss stuff on the ground after getting off the ride like who brought all these snacks with them on the roller coaster rings like a milkshake and a burger I understand your HOF thanks for six six six bits found a ride with bins of name of the UK oh no why more janitors we have a lot of janitors let me see what audio do we have Ark speaker shut up like a siren system I don't have the patience to tooth aha hey let's go anyplace get a lovely line of candles make them excited when they're coming in I won't think it's our birthday okay but it's family hey papa papa did you see they know it's my birthday and you know I hate the father who'd just be like kid it's not how the [ __ ] world works you're the best birthday ever find the lighter fluid shut up Jimmy your top tip oh no we need more boeing's get even more boying cows any guess want benches then they shall have benches we're losing the amount of visitors job cosmic cow milkshakes to is still missing a vendor I own a vendor and in there hello no thanks are too good your packets work apply to Dalton towers that I'm living for hers thank you very much all of it here in the park make sure there's enough bins there are enough bins there are bins like this is a freaking highway with bins just traverse the void I think we need to some more things in the park this is looking pretty empty could I add and had a chair oh plane a small chair oh plane here place an entrance place an exit there we go lion fruit cake thanks for 500 bits break so every exit attraction leads to Dutchess for another attractions they have to go with pay to all the attractions wait can you make it so that if they enter one they have to go through the next to get out and you actually do that so unless they pay for attractions they're like stuck in the park forever yes just make one long pass don't give them choices yes I see that's what I was saying oh okay I thought you meant okay well let's save this Park hang on let's start over Park number two boys oh this is gonna be terrible so we can make it so they have to go through every single ride we'll just go deciduous Tollbooth Park start new oh no God hasn't hit her idea yes oh these people are just immediately walking away so I need like an impressive first ride to get everyone in get a lot like fit a lot of people on it how do I check by like capacity I need like a first ride to get everyone in but quickly cuz I've been doing this wrong what's what's the best ride for this let me just look at like the pre-built once maybe the Trailblazer I can't no we can't start with the blender you gotta ease them in gentle guys okay we're gonna go with tried and test it the impulse welcome to the [ __ ] Park yeah we're gonna need to make like a hell of an entrance and then we'll put the exit there [Music] okay so connect the entrance to the posh okay so like like this has to be a really long patch because this is like the first one we're gonna make it so it's like free to start I can make this longer if needs be to get us started oh I'm very sorry Bert no on lines at that fun okay so there's the entrance areas right one I can't put this here oh that's this is a kid everybody good [Music] okay then Revere this way okay test that get the test underway it's it's a prebuilt one so it should be fine this is going to be like the entrance to the nightmare that is this park and somebody well people might need the toilet right after putting a bozo some people might want food and then some people are gonna want milkshakes tree staples you need in any park together at last Ark management staff bender charity Kanak Jan we're gonna have bins and them colorful tires on right here so there's no excuse for rubbish and we will need an ATM table some facilities ATM and boy one will do put this first slow because they need to get the money before they get to anything else okay so now we just need them queuing for the rollercoaster the good the test is still underway change the speed open [Music] call this the first stage of grief okay this is stage one let's get the people in and they're buying tickets yep we're gonna look I mean we're gonna make it so cheap for the kid to wait now without that word that was a mistake no no don't want to pay the drive was coming guys Oh in [Music] but none of them are going in them oh god we have to finish the entire park design first we have to make the loop before this Park works oh god it's the clown looking at them yeah cuz like currently they can't get out so we have to make it so there's a bit of a there's always a loop for them to actually leave by put this in first your so likewise we were working on the park but we can make some money does that fix that yeah the day day check that they can actually get out I'm probably they're still complaining about the Pro L no they're just walking in there no that's gonna be like the temporary like thing we're gonna delete that patch later okay it's just so we can get some initial people into the park okay we just have to finish literally the rest of the park now yeah that's fine I think it's a stage to the sky ace now I'll do the other leap most of this pot in a moment please exit over here okay there we go that's elite pass there we go oh here page two they don't have to pay to get in well they have to pay to get in to use the roller coaster like a premium fee no jokes on them right thanks for - good NLS thanks 450 bits okay keep going err pay and they just don't want to ride the coaster oh if someone's just like paying to get in and they walk back out they get their ticket that's kind of funny oh I know it's free still oh dollars you know they'll pay $2 okay it's it's a start we're not missing any sales for that okay staff we have stuff you need a staff room it will pop this just pop this in here I guess there we go doing good okay so this is stage one where they have to go on the roller coaster to get in we probably shouldn't have picked such a big roller coaster or like a speedy ride to get them on fast we can build a priority past an information booth let's do that let this up here so you can buy your Fastpass there we go items for sale priority pass 10 quid perfect now we're gonna get a new mascot - are we going for this time the goal barracks the taste that dinosaur is love it some dinosaurs loose in the park terrorize the children you need to place the priority entrance is that something place priority pass entrance okay just make it so that it's like here let's priority pass exit the bases are there is a priority pass that just lets you skip the entire section perfect hair parents will pay for that because I'll just look at like the kilometer they have to walk otherwise with their children and don't you be like you at the are just just [ __ ] pay the 10 quid like just hey the money I don't wanna be there with little Timmy like five more minutes but when I was like four years already and the stress is killing me it's the wrong way no it's not you go in there you come out there why says no exit no it like entry here Oh guys it's not the wrong way that's the right way you go in there you can't go in here you guys not seeing an exit sign I hire Artie I think you're supposed to go past there no entry bit to enter the [ __ ] Sherlock Holmes in the chat tonight big Papa John's good sausage x4 for 40 parity if I only got stable at a pitcher today I watch your streams I know it isn't much but I want to give you something back for the Calais hours of at your table you provide thank you and blend them for the love of God just blessed thank you very very much big papa appreciated we open the coaster it's closed that's just that's just being stupid tonight don't know what's going on you know dude what are you gonna tell me next hang on what are you gonna tell me next we have some backseat gamers in the chat tonight where are we going next what are they gonna point out that is just blatantly untrue or obvious place your bets just making fun of you guys don't worry and a half so this leads into the sai Cola the problem I see with this kind of park is like you're not gonna be able to funnel that many people at a time we'll get that many people like even Q's [Music] there we go Oh people are already queuing up for this one [Music] despite a accident over here just waiting to get in and people are braving it anyone going for the Fastpass want to see like the parents I can't stand being with the kids any longer literally no one is using it they consider it briefly we sold a single fast pass last month income is zero no one wants to buy it everyone just looks at it's like screw it I'm walking I don't want to pay ten dollars oh no crimes are being reported again up up the security he got robbed while he was in the queue like having a new security guard isn't even gonna help lot there's nothing I can do if that's where he's being robbed oh these people are just stuck to we're actually making money oh my god I never thought I'd see the day sir dago's sigh pots faraway foul next week for the hundred bits each very much guys your doctor dog you thank you for another hundred there and what if I pass is lb $10 to hate your kid I don't know why it's not either there it'd be selling yeah we're now gonna take the junior dragon to your next destination in the park exciting magical world put this in here autocomplete what's going on there okay this one's getting real funky with the controls for it you know that's fine okay that's investin extra traction oh no the entrance is on that site as we do this junior drag gonna make it so it's friction wheel lift I guess how this goes straight up 30 degrees is max height basic track earth peace in autocomplete now this little turn is gonna be exciting our test lateral g-force represent us [Music] they're coming down and my fist okay so that might be shatter in their spines so I think we need to easy no no we need to be a little gentle okay all right let's figure this out [Music] okay all know I went underground autocomplete it just fails yes looks safe sent send the test how fast they're gonna come in she he says that that might kill him edit the track [Music] only the easin autocomplete they might live that that wasn't my fault okay the track wasn't finished there they might live this there is a little blip where they do hit like close the sixties but if an astronaut can survive it so can little Timmy know he wants to be an astronaut someday anyway we're just putting them to the test there were the results you mean exceeds the limit Eston oh I got a get overrun it true again where is the problem is it that blip those guests are still trapped just hang on guys I'll make a new attraction soon oh no it's still minus 12 G's at the end okay let's just go for a gentle sky ride we need to lose some speed I shouldn't be turning them on their side trying to come in for a lot it's just a degree incline a trim brace and I just can't help myself like and we'll have a little bit a little blender break it'll slow them down nicely as they going to loot okay they should I don't like that final turn they should hopefully be okay now [Music] okay that's somehow made it worse the blender brakes don't work okay we just need to continue the blender break a little longer no that's that's putting them true too many geez yeah we can't do a blender can't do a blender the blender is just murdering dumb much as it pains me to say it [Music] they're fine [Music] earn this bit of track okay Iza money maybe that's better it's like a gentle loop don't mind the twisty bit at the results it's still hitting 10g somewhere where is it doing that lateral g-force whoop it is 10 G's is it literally just the end that's not corner god I gotta fix this got to come in a real [Music] lower little bit smooth transition autocomplete there's got to be a way to slow him down more use the brakes I use the brakes but didn't make a difference it just kills them faster yes a very unhappy well me too that's that's still gonna murder them Jesus put that up a bit autocomplete okay surely that will slow them down a little [Music] quite a bit of distance there Eston what are the results oh please tell me it's working the brakes were all for the love of God now the brakes are working too well which is it [Music] there we go none as to get the results cod fish - it runs on blood let's see now [Music] yeah it's still hidden 8g somewhere where where is a hidden a geez I needed to finish I'm gonna pause it the way actually if we keep the heatmap I need to diagnose the problem yes I see two potential spots I can't see what okay there's six geez it was these two little bits where it's killing people okay so delete that Delita yeah I feel like that's gonna cause more problems than we had okay let's just smooth and everything that's out of this election range I'm never gonna finish this rollercoaster am I hang on let's just okay so let's delete the problematic bit which is up to here okay so this way the track is working fine we need to make a smooth connection from here to here autocomplete oh it didn't even try I just autocomplete [Music] autocomplete is not working but not even that we haven't even got the idea of it being Tollbooth park [Music] that's so funny like what that's what that's where you die yeah oh why it's so funny to me just like like murder rootless Lee we were left in the truck no what's wrong would be I just I just enjoy like inflicted pain on videogame characters like too much you think they're programmed to feel pain in this game I hope so autocomplete okay let's check the g-force but where is it s I wanna test go Oh oh did I put there we go that's going on and he guests are hungry Oh fix on a moment ok let's see so testin only four bill 5g bid also only for it passed and box vertigo g-force is only ace the first stage of grief has broken down on hope connect entrance an excitement sucks well maybe if they let me spine like snapped her spine sooner he's so lame some people just have to complain about health and safety that's trippy okay second age of grief oh gosh the new thanks 100 bits why do you do this find out please let me know haven't opened the other one yeah yeah I have just broken down and losing this thousands of dollars a month oh you mean this one hey it's open guy you know someone in here who's just stuck and like he's trying to swim escape like a flash mob just assemble here the divulge can cover like a blob it's like a Dark Souls boss [Music] [Music] sorry that was loud I think this this would be at home with Dark Souls [Music] sorry that was that was a really light of that please awful joke ruined but here's the I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't excited come on so hi Dark Souls the weight and flesh we got people on this one now I think no no one's on it why are they just stuck they didn't complain about that ride no one's enter in the park - where where Oh literally all of my guests are here this is every guests in the park oh my god they've all gotten stuck there's like a handful of survivors it's just it's just empty oh yeah they need money hang on yeah I'll fix it well go go withdraw some money before t7 I've a couple with the last effect there is no more I only we we are one we are many Oh No are you far you said your bits crazy storm well I mean we've come pretty close to having the change maybe I'll just try set it up now [Music] does that fix them no I'm gonna try to complete the loop okay this test bring this all the way back have you gotten their triangle then does that fix it the leap pass this is like the only free customer lead I Airpark pray for a child dress nice the gold piece he does not wanna buy pass the park entrance is not accessible from the exit of multiple rides oh no guys I don't think it works I don't think the plan works what is it this road no black pad marks with arrows some people were saying that it's like it's a Fastpass road and it wouldn't work it's not how it works guys that path does not matter the cue is wrong that it doesn't matter guys [Music] the like nearly the type the type of hat does not matter I just yell what everyone else is yelling basically I've mind I don't know what the crowd wants anymore he's built a roller coaster the helpful is the mine train Canyon runner get some chain lift how to come in nice and gentle well it'll blip oh no autocomplete nope nice and gentle easy does this gotta ease her in let's save it here oh boo park didn't work out the way we envisioned gonna go then I go yeah we're gonna go I didn't want this to happen it's the only salvation for these people oh god here it comes oh they're all fine there's just some very mild injuries or you know a train hisses oh no I don't think tobu Parkes works the way we wanted to guys oh god it's still gonna be another train coming in oh there there yeah oh good but what has happened to them Oh this kid is stuck so okay hang our binder stuff but you know like the picture of like the girl with a big smile as a house birds in the background this is that but it's just a trained murder in people [Music] although many guests are hungry I'll build him achieve beef I'm not a monster build autonomous oh god all the gas got the lead there are now only 29 guests left in the park and most of them are suspended on the plane ride there comes the train you won't have a smaller cost extra the fast food works oh wait no people are arriving I think oh my god the park might be operational was killing them off at the Train the right move there's more people showing up oh and immediately walking away three tickets three tickets come in that's forward Oh another first-rate stage of grief broke down oh that's the end for us then hang on we need a new mechanic there's the mechanic dude okay it's been fixed first first stage of grief is reopened from reopen for business as reopened for business you do English good we'll be rights to entertainer is unhappy fire him when I find him that a man won't they go in no one wants to come these guys are the only ones to have made it in it no one else wants to enter the park oh the information oh I know I need to work or quit I didn't give him any one who the chief beef hang on laughs quit that's fine let's get the people back in come on when the kids every boring we place more guests coming to the park it's working he plays them we're getting so many more people we need assistance right status broken-down leases are as bad as the Train he's you know mechanic get in there mechanic yeah you got to be quick there's a train outside now I'll keep placing cows Oh God the man all my vendors keep quitting no no the cows an increase in the number of guests anymore I think we've peaked No at least we have plenty of cows beautiful and that I can't leave this is too many cows stopping it it's perfect but they keep in the park just seal the exit no entrance a canyon runner oh that's this right what is this worker think by the way who just keeps a launchin to take the trains on to the Past like surely they must know surely they have heard the screams at this point they've killed hundreds of people Oh God love him a family actually made it true quickly family because it you got to make the turn you got to make the turn they didn't make it a day oh no this is what our mascots going boy I think we're making money again we've almost recovered all of our losses we just need to close down some of the shops that aren't doing good like this one's not making a profit close it down not making a profit close it how much money is is the Information Office making toilet doesn't make us any money really second chief beef offline ATM cost us 50 bucks goddamn J but losing more money now staff building costs don't need it very boy thanks for hundred bits die pots extra hundred earlier and inside pots JN Apple freak four bits earlier I think I missed thank you very much guys okay I think it's time for the twister at this Center when we do the wooden wild Matt hunt fun for all the family to see how much we can bend the track oh and it needs to be 90 degrees the race car one is always good Oh [Music] I'll go hi Rawlings in there and you one for this yeah we're gonna need like a lot of speed Golic Senate and out Federation make sure it hits 175 miles per hour [Music] 90 degree incline now we got to start tests of it too just so we can work out how high it goes yeah it goes it goes pretty high this would be the peak I'd say the mighty tower [Music] earth stage agree broke down again that's fine no it goes higher I love it this is literally max height okay get that beautiful foundation [Music] okay there we go well it's currently how it works let's just get to see how that launches off yeah I kind of just collapses at the top that's fine 90-degree angle have it so their face and outwards and then we start the blend [Music] one degree Oh No okay that's that's too little hang on [Music] earn so they're on the outside and so feel like they're gonna come flying around their seat we need to extend the lines a bit here [Music] everybody doesn't turn as much it might be work better oh there we go oh no where does it go [Music] yeah lender you got a got a slow down there [Music] [Music] this is the big-boy blend I were to make it actually go into a circle [Music] like now what's going inside the blender oh gosh hourglass it's kind of cute [Music] and this is where we're gonna really tenderize something on you're ready for this turn that back twist it does [Music] there we go all the way down keep going that's the corkscrew autocomplete oh my god Jesus okay yes okay I shouldn't for the hopped in half okay I got let's go again well III on stop tested I've tested I need to get so the cameras here there we go I've dad here we go all this the moon launch the moon missions Oh God you just kind of go gently round gently round then you die oh yeah they're they're not living that the - a hundred and seventeen vertical G he's hardly you're in the air time will the air for two seconds four point two five five six or thousand bits good build a big beautiful blender have the dead riders life insurance pay first oh no I think we get no Diane let's try another blender because I the incline on this one isn't great I feel like we can get it like twisting even more so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have a coaster go over the same one but we'll start it in the sky it's facing the wrong way hang on there we go a hydraulic launch got a real small piece of track but we can fit more in be no launch to let max acceleration jar think sort of 250 how much sorry but loves the streams in YouTube well thank you very much it's very kind like you don't so donate anything thank you very much Rossi sentiment thanks a to quit as well new Minecraft King 27th or boys tree yeah I don't know what that is hi frosty there da go as well at least 100 the reason that humans will be extinct probably okay that's an interest in support okay so there's the runway / - they're facing inside put in words and we need to make it twist as much as possible [Music] if that's right very hard to just get the camera lined up the way I want it here whatever I want to go to angle is maybe 40 keep it that way what we're gonna do is we're just gonna gradually adjust it whenever we can so that it stays at maximum like heightened Lent but it's still inclined down see we're just gonna nudge it up so make for a finer blend [Music] [Music] I've missed making blunders like it's been a long time since we actually played planet coaster a really fun game I know I always just dick about like killing people really fun in those games I thought I played too much of like before on the channel like you don't like I think four streams of it isn't that much honestly thinking about things like cities and minecraft with them nice just revisiting these games do you get a therapist you need one but I'd like my blenders look at the Blendtec guy he gets away with it I do too okay he's gonna snap one day and he's gonna like start imprisoning people and ask if they blend it'll be like saw but Blendtec my god this is gonna go a while yes we got to adjust every single bit of track though we ensure the maximum possible height it's trying to blend them too quick their bones will turn to dust on this [Music] like I need to literally raise it until it's like borderline red everytime moist thanks for a hundred let's go one to ten I'm not gonna read that sir jogo like to a hundred you even blend for hoho keep going this is important Oh God we're still so far to go to but like it's probably gonna be like the maximum g-force oh this last one needs to be a little lower I'm putting up my DAP for the blend it better be worse well I mean we've never done it to this extreme like ever it might be in luck [Music] got a real nice circle pattern going at the moment we could suddenly turn outward no so if I do that it'll affect like the circle which is why I'm not touching it we're gonna keep it so it's just the same all the way down this is what this is what we're doing for like the next while both of the bladder is equal any people probably [ __ ] up two people even more probably yeah like their body won't be over the food just you think about it it's not like a consistent amount of pressure like it varies and there's like these little blips I did this will just kill people although you're really sweetie rotisserie thanks 400 bits [Music] keep going down [Music] keep going down every time I think we've hit like a steady incline there's like a little more room a little more room makes a difference in the long run how to maintain maximum blood birth the position on Verdun it now it'll mess up how you place the track got a good thing going here never done it to this extreme we'll be having a great day thanks Oni I am been working most of it my best to get stuff tackled how high is that rollercoaster pretty honey okay let's just we're not even halfway and look how many like blends like turns there already are like Jesus Christ yeah we're gonna be here awhile guys yeah yeah we're lasting this out like I don't even mind if people have to hop off for the night a lot you want to go now's the time but you're gonna miss the blend we're just gonna keep going I'm determined to see this true now like like when we were invading England and SIV before in remembers that stream that's it now it was saving the test we're saving the test it'd be a lot of buildup but hopefully it's worth it the UK gets out of praxis well by blending themselves to a bloody Pope doesn't sound ideal [Music] which we take bets in the maxi force you can if you want yeah I think the maximum g-force we've ever obtained is like 300 that was using like a blender there was kind of similar to this but like not as fine this is the finest one we've ever done [Music] got red hair no I don't at least 400 it smaller gaps I'm trying to alright tired keep the blend going it's been last longer so it's better value this is gonna cost a lot of money to ride but more effort to this in some exams I hadn't uni as wise will be a food processor it's derivative blender I wasn't gonna save the game I was actually just gonna set this up and then just like end the stream and like shut down my computer and then like roll the computer out my window I didn't run it over in a car on the street in a minute we're almost halfway guys or almost halfway look at the frickin supports on this thing like it is majestic Jesus Christ [Music] keep going [Music] God have mercy the track supports I will keep them on I don't think it makes any difference I like having the supports everywhere oh yeah that's just the beams yeah 1:02 at 11 o'clock at night in Ireland I reckon we'll hit 11 by the time this be a while boys thanks 100 bits here quite a few now your fish likes my hold you if no one dies I'm unsubscribing that's fair people like people are just question as well in the park while this is all happening like the owner of the park is just gone mad with power and I like spends all his days just design in the epic blender of the epic epic like just design in the blender he's not even he's not even he's not drinking every day he just goes up there and construct some more track as the park like slowly closes completely obsessed with his work wife and kids have left him [Music] [Music] little boy thank you for the 10 quid you see what I like looks less like a coaster and more like a rocket lost red names thing that we're launching them into the ground thank you very much for the 10 quid little boy it's the top quality cuz I thought before thanks tigerfish 100 as well well we thank you for just like the any trickle of 100 pitch we will build this blender so help me God one of the entertainer's quit fine he didn't believe in the blender [Music] well I need to like rest my hand or host getting repetitive strain doing the same motion over and over and over about their entire life to the divine you're gonna have to be a church that up around this soon [Music] a sort of letter this is just torture well you know if that's so much what the blender actually does thank you thank you for the hundred bits well they got an IOT stream it's been two hours and I was finally caught Knight artiste game stream he spent two hours drag it up and pressing the build button that his game crash live on the stream what it's really great entertainer yes oh god yes like exactly wait is there any people here like this is the first time watching the stream because I'm so sorry if that's the case like just thinking about that Jesus what was Artie after tonight like he literally did the same thing for four hours oh god there's a lot of people who said it's their first time oh no oh no no no it Oh crisis averted I almost suggested the care of oh we would have had to start over if I got that wrong could you imagine this is nice it's fun this is my second year Lego is my first Oh welcome back Pikachu hope you enjoyed the Lego stream I can't wait to do the next one of those like the Lego set is like under my bed at the moment really looking forward to it like I want an excuse to buy more Lego already looking at it like other sets want to get them all lost control of my life captain trash guy likes 450 are Tia these passengers gonna get taken home possibly rags by the foot thanks 4,000 bits my first time still more entertaining than most streams ah thanks very much frags III hope so cuz like I imagine this is torture for some people here like just gotta keep going like we commit it to this guys were a little bit past halfway we have to keep going we cannot stop like we have to see these people like ground into pulp how your fish next 100 on a 10 pound a group restarts well I think I think some people would actually try to murder me affected that aggravation Josh Kali's for know 200 I'll ever make my first time watching you a stream this is pure to take meant thanks trash God Jesus a lot of bits coming in as I'm doing this killer fog thanks for 666 came to design hoping to watch people be blended but in the end was I will tell things I was blended oh no oh I got that bit wrong in the end the real pledge was the journey along the way it's starting to lag from the amenities I've placed quality content thanks Spectre like I I'm just committed to torture in these poor souls I want them to suffer I will not rest until they they're like absolutely killed nothing to do studio 602 245 a waste of my birthday watching a psychopath test oh Jesus happy freakin birthday see about having a good what gamers are ready for okay like when the developers will work it on this I'm pretty sure that's one point or another they stopped they asked themselves what about the psychopath who want to play her game that's why they programmed things like the crash animations I'm like the people screaming it's like it's like work had to go into that I wasn't there by default wait oh my god I think we got a perfect loop oh my god guys we might actually be saved hang on I don't know how it worked out we just got the perfect loop we're picking up speed finally hit the like the perfect angle oh Jesus a little boy thanks for five quid you just had all the staff ever to quit on the blender help them into early retirement Babel thanks for the size of its please ease the enter key to prevent RSI our size does enter work oh my man thank you very much I'm gonna swap hands that is a lot easier thank you very much for pointing that out I didn't realize you could just hit enter golly thanks for five hundred bits Lima thanks for for 20 bits my photos over said I've broke I'm hungry I'm sleep-deprived enough reason right now here's my hard spent money thank you very much and because we picked up speed because we have gained speed and this is going a lot faster now we're going underground now this is gonna be look a bit funky okay the game is literally gonna grind to a halt doing this [Music] [Music] just back up so it's not as bad well it's lagging pretty hard I can't save her right now guys because I went underground the problem is if I click off the track I will lose it I won't be able to find it I have to keep going that's the scary thing right now I have to keep going just so we're clear this is a supercomputer yes it is 28 ET I rise in 2700 X 32 gigabyte of RAM its chugging a real bad empire I think that's because we're underground because I guys to work at a lot more half to keep going keep going come on blend where no man is blended before we have done went into the ground but not as fine as this we never got the perfect angle Oh God oh my god is getting real bad yeah he's pretty far underground pulled up her to pull up Jesus Christ at Grim Reaper thanks to the 570 but first three or sex - I've needed to ask myself what I'm too old my life also was 40 set suit was too many set suit was even one day you're okay as long as I don't have 41 you're okay and you might die Specter stakes are 100 blind-fire sex with 500 maybe all rest about a pray dear God please out the 28th et I survive this Alan slaw Thank You a ha man yes is last wave it's like someone's getting sued if the computer crashes right now cider game devs or Nvidia so this better not go keep blending keep blending we must go further beyond all that pcs toasty yeah I just behind keep blended you go too far T oh my god oh my god like looking inside the hydrant collider this is the particle accelerator II of Filth we have to go further though I've got some oh I'm actually terrified it's gonna die cuz like this several things are although the computer is cooling the stream we got afraid houston we have a problem we'll hit the bottom soon I can keep going [Applause] don't be how Icarus felt oh my god look how far down here Jay Cohen [Music] and we got the bottom I can't tell okay so we go one step back pull up what do you mean I can't do another one all out we have to try and engineer this soda it comes back up doing this blind we have an angle we have an angle now I can't autocomplete guys autocomplete will destroy everything we need to go out an angle hard to tell where it is okay where I increase the lens I think we're in the clear bend that up lanced okay got stuck there Oh [Music] you know how they've we're in the clear oh my god it's saved it saved we're going home boys but going home autocomplete that looks like oh my god okay say save it again this is a big moment oh my god okay this is gonna be intense oh my god how many people have survived that we have to treat has the people again people have hopped in as we were building this take one last look down the shaft don't laugh that's what it is I can't get a decent camera view oh my god it's just a light at the end of the tunnel yeah here we go this will be our finest blend and a journey let's go Oh God if you're prone to motion sickness now it's okay we wrote oh my god it's too high although please make it no no no we don't get the test results we're gonna back in my we're just stuck here and have this is it like we don't know enough momentum to escape oh my god actually in the Hadron Collider like Jesus Christ it's just gonna keep going okay so we need to undo autocomplete and what we basically need is a new hydraulic track undo well that's scary maybe placing stray unbanked oh it's on its side still oh my god you can see it working its way down okay we need a hydraulic track autocomplete that should hopefully be enough to get us back up because we need those test results where are we on the blender right now okay trying to keep it steady best ICAP obviously this is very difficult because we are approaching 300 G's that wasn't like the track it there we go come on launches back up enough wait dad did I have to speed on this no launch delay faster acceleration target three is 175 you gotta go yet you have to do it until we get one that passes so we have some live results if you don't get any of these stats Christ going in right hundred seventy Hut come on oh you kid yeah we need more hydraulics undo laughs it attract even more hydraulics you you've Drive tires latinum Bank track Oh meanwhile here's where the car is we have to keep going hey I stabilized it it's not as painful to look at there we go [Music] it it's just too high it's too high we have to get those results someone mention something in the main menu about turning off friction Ben's game happiness it was the coast of friction control in the info panel we know the tiger screen wasn't set okay no this should work then no launch delay where's the friction and I how do I reduce can I ever change the friction is that possible where is the friction that the goddamn speed I did hundred seventy five miles per hour you here we are in the sense of the Maine coaster info okay we got will go there in a second we're just gonna see if this makes it whoa did that made it hang on before we checked the results how do we turn off the friction because we have one more domain coaster info you we know it works I'm gonna see if I can do a just the friction maintenance burgers operations yeah so main coaster info where is it which are these tabs overview pest in finances its customized friction oh that would that was in the middle by default [Music] there we go or teed you of eyes.look thus more of you and there is me what are you guys gonna spot it I may not see it right away you can't put it 2-0 unfortunately this should make for a smoother experience okay this is the final test let's begin Oh God we can sit in the back of your heart that's admire the view from back here I see number two how you looking Oh CJ I'm number two I look good seed up a tree yeah I do it too good either oh my god the vertical g-forces hit for sure [Music] where was it testing results 417 geez you that is the highest we've ever gotten us everyone is dead gravity is 417 times the intensity on earth I leave that this is the equivalent of a human stand-in next to Jupiter or probably even more intense than that atoms are collapses literally discovered discover it like Higgs bosons like particles nothing is left we have caused a big bang in the universe under the amount of pressure and life begins in you [Music] oh my gosh Portuguese you order it bad it's over a hundred times the g-force of Jupiter there's only 28 geez oh yeah let's check the [Music] well the lateral g-force ain't actually bad the vertical g-force oh yeah they're they're dead they're absolutely dead yeah thank you there's no way they've survived even at this release segment when they get out they're still under 83 G's of pressure when at what point did they die I'm the ghost oh no they okay no it was a swift - the first turn killed them with 27 GS so like their spines immediately snapped so they don't have to injure the coast here it was a quick - okay yeah so that they didn't suffer they were already test [Music] Jesus Christ and I heard she was at 50 G's the Kurland beat over 7,000 oh my god how many tons is the equivalent to be at 417 G's like that much weight upon you what is the equivalent like weight upon you without much force 205 my head would feel like you weighs over a ton so 800,000 pounds in lathe equivalent we need some metrics what this represents 800 hours and phones you could wait a troller it literally turned into a [ __ ] ship fifty-seven thousand stove how many kilos that tree hundred sixty two thousand eight hundred seventy three kilos an aircraft carrier for recited with sixty six thousand five as you'd wait a lot of aircraft carriers uhh one of the coast you stay put together yeah the coaster shoulda disintegrated there's no way the roller coaster could survive like I was Gus should a slingshot off the track you only Ted touched off the Titanic oh my god 277 Toyota Corollas oh my god like there's so many metrics of the measurements you could pull from this staff who debit started you wicked wit stabbed 46 42 G's 46.2 G's experiment Olie wet on a few seconds before it it stirred his body had weighed over seven thousand seven hundred pounds oh my god the metaphors is enough to accelerate you add or thousands a day he's like speeders for a sec easyread to tell me with that speed you'd be going like four kilometers a second but that can't be right four kilometers a second is that right is that how fast you would travel poor kilometres a second the distance across America no you're only going 200 miles per hour okay it's orbital velocity there are some people who like a better at Maximus or km/s acceleration per second that's the acceleration so the acceleration hang on to the X so it so U is zero the acceleration 4,000 kilometers so I'm just gonna put it's like 4,000 meters how long did it go on for what was the time taken the duration is 81 81 seconds but we got a discount like a good portion of the track because that's not an accurate measurement because this bit is much faster so we'll say that T is equal to 60 seconds is equal to u plus 80 V is equal to 60 by 4000 this is very rough mat which is equal no I've done something wrong I'm get like 240,000 so that's not right at least I said the average fee was 240 miles per hour does it actually yeah it does okay average fees 146 yeah my math is wrong oh yeah cuz my math assumes that it's constantly accelerating from like starting at zero and then yet for another 60 seconds past that point that's why I'm getting 240,000 okay yeah so I'm doing that wrong because obviously if the acceleration doesn't start at that that's what it Peaks - biggest drop is tree leaders basically they made live here in freefall at this level of g-force you would accelerate at four kilometers per second mr. crowd will this be on the test sorry you we're just going to call this the particle her head no the particle blender it's always a blender you that acceleration you could escape the Sun's gravity [Music] I just heard Ally story of flat eCos their story from my book that I was decided to watch a cell work out of school a long time okay I did it like last time I was studying max was like six years ago pretty good of it but it's been a while a and applied rats like obviously I haven't brushed up and it's quite some time it's a lot of force though it's a creative black it's just like the stats from the force at that moment at one moment at the bottom of the coaster where Peaks of 417 G's is just insane Oh should not be humanly possible Hey a fighter generally pulls a 19 G's of force oh my god okay I think that's gonna be it folks thank you so much to everyone who stuck out the stream - like a witness the end that is the wrong oh I'm gonna roll the subs thank you everyone for all the bits hope you all enjoyed planet coaster and so long as we played it but that was so much fun it's a pretty good blender you know I'll give that one at least a seven out of ten Tyra's blenders go always room for improvement hundred bits did you see a guy to build a roll it took a IOT see where all the Costa takes 3,000 in-game years to complete oh Jesus Christ that sound that sounds like a lot cats praise the way thanks to the tier 2 or km/s it would take about a thousand seconds to get from DC to LA it's pretty fast how fast would it take if you could maintain accelerating at that rate and there's assume that you're traveling at speed of 4 kilometers a second well no cause no exact acceleration yeah we're making up acceleration with velocity I think we're all we're all doing it it's okay it's ridiculous though four kilometers per second per second this is all to see what itself survived any of this well well we'll just say that hypothetically we're gonna send a teddy bear down the roller coaster if anyone's a maths teacher here please work the blender into like an applied maths problem just for your students please I beg you put this on the exam there just will calculate pick our speeds oh my god starts as a teddy bear but ends up as a beanie baby oh my god Teddy Farrow he shredded to pieces it doesn't deserve that just suppose it's an invincible teddy bear like it cannot be destroyed it's made of like the it's like denser than the Sun or something like it's going to survive I want to see some whatsoever - oh Jesus look up Kenny Brock's - Hazzard tree Indy car crash on YouTube oh my god that's Jesus Christ that doesn't sound good daily update thanks 100 bits you'll attract the character of the teddy bear to tell you to I'll be invincible of course yeah I assume in the roller coaster can't be destroyed as well I'm taking my physics fighter and it'll say something about this honors I will absolutely her to you that's fair Danny that's fair four km/s acceleration it would take you literally just 20 hours to get the Lightspeed okay get on at NASA this is how you launch your rockets now this is the acceleration you need but you get your astronauts into orbit go to colonize [ __ ] Myers and the blender is the first step you just need some kind of mechanism to not destroy Mars when you collide on impact oh I think my headset died there you go okay thank you everyone for coming I hope you enjoyed the stream something of this will make it to YouTube probably for tomorrow so keep an eye out for it because I I love this one I need to play more planet coaster we need to get some more physics folks on calculate like the intensity were murdering people up one of my favorite streamers is actually streaming tonight I'm gonna leave you in his care it is German night at 5:00 you and something called lifeline I have no idea what it is please go say hey to him my favorite content creator I love everything he does to all go watch him thanks for coming folks I will talk to you all soon you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 277,061
Rating: 4.4185596 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-368127487, rtgamecrowd, Welcome to Terror Park, with rides so good you won't be able to leave, Planet Coaster, Twitch, Gaming, Welcome, to, Terror, Park, with, rides, so, good, you, won't, be, able, leave, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips
Id: jQbwzkJighA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 26sec (14366 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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