RTGame Archive: Grand Theft Auto V

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you you you take out my jumper it's already too warm hey how's it going folks good to see you all can you hear me okay this game's gonna be a bit funky today get the sentence right for it's like already stared in the background like here I'll show you what I'm on currently stop the elevator music this is gonna take like a moment or two just to get right and it's cuz the weird way this game works basically when you start GTA it like it it doesn't start the game it starts like a different launcher to get to the game and that just does so like some weird things on the PC side of things like it was like a hundred percent disk usage unless I skipped that menu basically so it was really bad but I've done so I basically literally just started the initial cutscene for the game that's my first time playing GTA I've never played a GTA game the only rockstar game I have played up until this point is LA noire and we played out in the channel before till I die twice before I played it wants to Stuart - so we're gonna go in blind I know nothing about like the plot of this game or anything like that and I accidentally just delete it twitch on my desktop hang on I think it's back up there we go okay we got it back up okay just give you a moment to hop on in - people are just trickling in how's it going though folks you're all very welcome we'll be adjusting audio on that when we start just to make sure everything's working okay you forgot the changes of batteries beautiful archers play online well I'm not interested in the online one I'm the online rich easier you just buy money it wasn't your money and you got a yacht and have someone blow it up that's all I heard it is they were playing the story mode that's gonna be a better place to start Jesus's treat hasn't people here already my god as going folks you're all very welcome to the stream okay we're gonna have a bit of trial and error then just getting this started I just want to get the sessions perfect before we kick off with the stream itself we're gonna go black screen for a moment I'm now gonna get the game I know I'm gonna close down to more background stuff cuz this one's a little bit intensive okay yep so game is now loaded it's paused I have a controller setup for this hopefully this works to it we gotta like double test at the moment okay can you guys hear this okay if I just do this is that is that way too loud get in here and deal with the guard it loud okay I am alright yep this is what I want to sort just before we get going we're just gonna be a moment I'm gonna bop it all the way down okay let's see if that's any any batter that make any difference come on through that mean that mean no difference did it you want me to pop this guy buy it or please I'll turn on subtitles now - this is something else we're going to get set up sentence Audio aware is subtitles the audio is fine okay just where do I find subtitles what's have is that under I do want to pop on subtitles display subtitles okay there we go let's get this done yep so we got some Tallis playing now - I don't know what the context is whatsoever by the way I assume we're just robbing a guys are gonna mow can be altered in the gamepad sentence at the - no Hey I can't move right now I said the closet get them in there come on what is the problem why they still out here you were meant to lock him down oh you're waiting for him to come back okay I thought my controller was broken come on and you go bring up my phone Oh be careful of copyright him music that's actually a really good point hang on yeah is that Doug there goes the radio okay yep the sign thanks for putting that autoscan for music how do I set that up do I just have to turn off a radio I did I didn't even think about that yeah because if I do anything if anything here makes the YouTube we're just getting this right before we start if the doer for each character I think or it is Michael you can see it there that's lovely there's his ID photo got a lovely balaclava okay well that that's just off but we should be fine rest up okay so let's bring up my phone get a solo Toa call already gotta make a phone call steady let's make our way I don't know how to run yeah oh you can just press X let's go in here let the cash object we're taking on 100 collect this specific cash okay there's enough here for us all to enjoy ends on how you look at it okay we're taking $179,000 that's that's pretty good I saw your face I'll remember you get a thousand things every day how about you make sure to smile great no it's great oh I can Switek characters see cool [Music] [Music] I'm do I switch characters hold the wall holdin use hours to select the character okay I was trying to make the record let me leave this the switch time for grieving later cool get that right we're learning the controls gold ain't run like watching my grandparents use technology look we're getting there okay there's our beans take cover but where doesn't want me to take cover it's like it's was so you do it place cover there we go I'm setting the charges [Music] busting out come on cuz I read again to leave everything else move away never the shooter switch left what's this local resistance it ain't supposed to go down like this it never is come on girl come on guys okay we just got a bust their way gotta get used to using control or ain't we don't do really dumb god blame the pricks who called you out here honestly police don't be an idiot get out of the way or suffer the consequence [ __ ] these guys what nothing let's get out of here if cops I have a tire that we're going for and just shut the doors on this profession Ronnie profession can be many more cops in this town bring up guy there's a Sunni band come on Michael Michael come on you can you seem to be really struggling how many shots as he fired up come on the kid might have failed Michael Michael you seem to be struck they just no you actually can't shoot him they thought about oh damn okay keep I have no idea Oh already dead t died booster you try Primerica I'm gonna die I'm gonna die freezin right dr. Aviva shouldn't have been a cop dumb [ __ ] dumb as you come on we keep going forward get down why go for a run mr. t we bring it to us who stick blame the fruits who called you out here don't be an idiot okay what what that's why I hang out okay let's address chat for a moment the [ __ ] they all mean by metric and I don't know how to do auto aim or anything okay I two minutes into the game oh this guy doesn't know anything about a new game he just started playing the [ __ ] y'all out of her and your measurement to Imperia from Imperial to metric I use metrics I'm keeping an imperial now because people are so upset that's fine and I'm gonna just try aim manually instead of auto aim because people are so upset cuz that's how I work okay I just wanted to know what I wasn't doing see now I you know what I'm into I'm still not gonna do it man so now it's arguably worse we're keepin imperio the entire game I want to never fingers now I'll have heard everything in metric as well display in metrics on screen I've dieted that'll be displaying things on like feet and miles and I'll be like talking about Indonesia bothers even if that setting is there I wanted but like you guys are acting as that here the cops I'm shooting here let's move come on oh you're a lot I'll use love something ruining Garrett's is better oh my god how many puffs that are gonna be let's get to the getaway car can you lower the volume a little yeah like for whatever reason the game volume volume doesn't seem to be lower and even if I lower on desktop so I'm gonna just go to is that is that better because I hope that is better I'm just gonna turn it up on my monitor so I can hear there we go okay yeah dot that's much better I think we can barely hear the game now full I'm going with that that better okay how many people out here just so I know - because I feel like chat is moving a mile a minute I don't know I feel like I've upset a lot of people with the metric thing already how many people are we actually up to just out of interest Jesus is already four thousand okay that's that's insane okay well you're all very welcome to the stream this is my first time playing GTA this is one of those games that's been often requested I finally have a PC definitely ride thank God we had subtitles I wouldn't have been able to discern mr. t is a forest guy in here oh there goes the fourth guy I think they're okay oh we get the drive now okay now game this is a scary controller to give me I'm gonna be honest with you hold LT the breaker versus the vehicle is stopped okay is that me coming out fine for the string can you guys see the quality okay oh my already losing control the vehicle I mean literally just driving down a road alright I got will dodge the roadblock just let me do a three-point turn okay Vedas yes all right come on fix the car all right we can go this way to the chopper no hey stick to the plan watch me stick to the [ __ ] plan come on about looking too good [Music] okay come on team we have a lot of them to take on and we're hiding behind only a wheelie bin for protection come on T oh my god there's so many oh jeez is it no I'm not supposed to win this okay yeah there's no one there's way too many people by that car explode I don't know T's just gonna run off into the wilderness radio elf doesn't stay with copyrighted music you turn off music volume okay thanks cookie mix hundred bits did I get everyone's been given bits to this just trying to get make sure the game is working and get us started uh let me just turn it I'll turn off the music then okay the music's just gone area did not die a hero's death but he was a man dr. Phil's at the wedding come to pay his respects now the wedding hang on oh this is delicious wrong one Michael's dead gta5 ever on the planet has played this about me at this point your son James he's a good kid good kid a good kid why was he up I feel like a [ __ ] no he sits on his ass all day smoking dope and jerking off while he plays that [ __ ] game that's our standard for goodness and the wonder of this country screwed and what about you about me it's not that hey I don't if we all see her house actually cousins like this then I guess I'd already been in prison twice I rob banks I ran [ __ ] smuggle dope maybe you shouldn't be so open about this monk achievements these were at least I took and where did these opportunities get you Michael they got me right [ __ ] here the end of the road with a big house and useless kid and I'm stuck talking to you because no one else gives a [ __ ] oh I'm he's a family man Michael no he's real happy with his living circumstances I think I just did no well I think that's all we have time for at the same time next week I guess please don't report me to the cops by the way mr. parish is working therapist hmm would appreciate it a sense of overriding futility is a vital part of the process embrace it dare you say that oh here's some more copyrighted music just in case you thought you'd avoid the monetization round number two [Music] not so copyright is the right yeah that's at least something [Music] [Applause] set in California [Music] there's a gal over the music to solve any problems I just scream wildly la okay Johnny thank you tank with the - a peridot kiss the corpse oh no thanks jollies no I cannot actually yeah that house right there with yellow stairs souchong my better yet do some sky riding a trees there's a couple of [ __ ] hear about the boosting cars in case somebody didn't realize see what you don't realize that we ain't boosters this [ __ ] is legit business legit oh yeah I forgot huh follow one case tax returns and all yeah right you don't want all pumped up on doing this Nick [ __ ] I'm getting my money in the hood I'm straight bull I'm cool you cool cool what slinging dope and throwing up gang signs yeah guys if this gave us for like say teen Plus come on it's GTA like there's no avoid now okay you know you're getting yourself into it this job down there folks this isn't gonna you chew dis [ __ ] almost got the baby dick yeah and all this pay for with bad crit come daddy which one you want oh we have to choose one of the carats do we want the red or the white one they both look really cool which one we going for we get a car oh he just took the other car okay [Music] let's go gotta follow gotta be careful with the car I can't just crash oh my god she okay oh [ __ ] okay that's an unfortunate we just got to be careful with the cows he wait that's a different guy that was that that's him yeah no that's not him okay right look at the GTI everybody hey you're gonna be seeing a lot of us everyone's going to be very upset they're just gonna keep playing Jesus do you okay by the way crit likes sneaking I'm gonna take the red car this time homie you gotta keep that [ __ ] nice back on us let's beat the toggle focus on Lamar while driving okay I probably probably want this perspective honestly I didn't kill anyone that time so we're off to a good start I have like a full-on conversation I'm just trying to concentrate I'm not like the loser here and messing up the game everything looks fine for the stream last night we're gonna ask this way just want to make sure we're in the clear fine it's fine it's driving true Hollywood Christmas oh he's dead he says look it's okay he's a stunt double okay okay that in fairness that guy like almost killed him that's how it wasn't me it's lemare oh it is this sorry I've still got a learner permission I'm still just learning left here all I can look good okay let's just catch up oh yeah we haven't lost him yet [Music] guys I'm really sorry I the camera started acting up I did still doing okay but you say still stewing okay only four people have died oh I like downtown you have to be a good citizen I doing my best they we passed the cars Oh be cool we got the paperwork whatever you explain that [ __ ] I'll see you at the dealership explain this [ __ ] my ass look it's out look officer I can explain all the blood on the [Music] okay we just have to lose the police now and we're good officer I can explain everything just got it okay let's go off-road a bit they won't follow us here they won't [ __ ] tires having some trouble okay they're definitely not gonna follow us here just to make your way way down here okay go clean getaway they're not gonna suspect a thing you definitely lost them because they'd be dead come on if they were oh now the car's been destroyed after only now doesn't kick it is like just just put them down okay it's not looking great oh Jesus okay I'm already having a lot of fun with this game okay let's try this again okay let's not like kill the guys here and just make a steady getaway okay explain him Wanat level there's like a lamp on my desk that's in the way of that so I can't actually see what it says oh let me move the lamp there we go we'll just lose them through the train yard we'll lose them cuz we seem to be stuck ourselves here I go true that lamppost thank you they can speediest of getaways oh don't hit the cat that's where we draw the line take the car back the other [ __ ] make our way back onto the highway gotta make a quick turn here and I can just keep my head down too while I Drive if that's where we draw the line we're not running over a cat you have no problem like driving over as many people in this city as possible but cats is where we draw the line what okay I think the car is doing fine sorry make our way to the dealership oh no the dealerships over here thanks loop on round service then I mean it's pretty good it could be worse you can buff most of this out the Simon's car dealership Franklin can come here to pick up good as new who you calling the Nick I mean that's not cool man I don't see that [ __ ] right and you better keep it right because this man right here he's an international businessman of multiculturalist that I could not have said better myself but seriously maybe he's not a racist but I don't think that he is man enough for a car like this it's GTA you get a tax rebate I understand money is an issue money isn't an issue this is the best for watch this one you really mean ego get all this for money wasn't look man I gotta go hey Sam you ever encounter with the police we have to the internet will kill you I mean that's fair enough yeah okay I got white wait what am i doing there we go get in your car oh no my car is over here I have to drive that one back okay up in here let's go to Franklin's house this job changed I'm gonna knock the bag groans so we have like Joe ain't got a fat don't for worried about the condition of the other car this one is just fine don't break this I mean I'm gonna do my best not sexy see more like obsessed with sex [ __ ] no mad for the penis that's I was having like a minute difficulty on the turn there but we seemed to be okay here's our hash it is good to be home they vehicles by parking them in the garage [Music] there we go so canal oh come up in your crib we're doing good [ __ ] you I'll see you at work don't hate me because I'm beautiful [ __ ] maybe you got rid of a regular cynical here you chew oh yeah maybe gta-like just the nature of the game we're gonna get a nice clean shirt I double this could be a lot of unsavory wants to come from it well I mean it'll be highlights anyway mourn endings like a lot of the cutscenes stuff never really makes huh but john marston is now available in the online character creator okay commission pass isn't john marston the guy from red dead i still haven't played that either but okay three fly missions from the game selection the blimp has now been unlocked called the blimp contact on your cell phone to arrange for a blimp will it deliver to the nearest available truck call the blimp contacts blimp how can I help you today of course sir I'll get one sent out to the nearest available drop-off point hey appreciate thank you for calling atomic blimp services goodbye why is this even a feature why is that on speed dial like oh I need a blimp it's urgent I need to take those guys in a slow-moving vehicle okay do what do I have like your current mission email text done plain trying tiles not now available if the internet we have snappamatic I never even had one of these flip phones no it's not a flip phone it's supposed to be like an iPhone is there a way to check the map they're good wait wait where is the blimp delivered that's not that like that's the goal right now we can go get a haircut blimp yep set marker but that's our goal yeah it's good I care oh no Simon I you don't understand how important this is I'll call you back okay let's go get our blimp oh I'll call them later excitement is fine I just just run the red light and be any consequences Simon you got to stop calling but didn't pick up the first three times I'm not gonna pick up the force well let's keep hanging up on him I need my blimp all right he's not gonna take no for an answer is he we need to go over here to make our way oh my god I'd like the stress I've been playing this game like ten minutes at this point outside of the initial tutorial no one's gonna stop how do how do I control it keeps Carla perfect that's why to go in first person oh you [Music] why did I believe you is even forever why okay I can't trust you guys that evil hurry oh okay we just just have to be taken to the hospital because you know our spine snapped in two now we're walking again same day yeah okay so [ __ ] get over here so I can give you the new repo list all right I'll be around when I key to change okay Franklin has a contact go to the contest to get the mission can i how do I get my car I can quick save here too I imagine I would want to create a safe yeah because we haven't done the one before you just push the left stick down for first or first person and now that just seems like a zoom in like a little bit for it sneak or something yeah it's like you're going slow do I just take any car like white excuse me you get rocky Thank You Rocky wait wait what no I got I what if I need your vehicle thank you let's check the map okay so you can just say you know scroll down to it and then set the purple road cool let's make our way over oh and this is my car like I don't really care what happens to it that's handy enough there we go just don't don't mind the police sirens everything's okay good to see you so good hold me we've been working together for about a few months now right which is why I am very honored to announce to you why to go first anyway congratulations it wasn't easy picking a winner yeah me no more your nephew Sasha with the twitch look man it's been a real honor homey but I got to move forward in my life it seemed like all I do is that people tell me what to do when I do it I do tell you what my boy you tell me a burden escape it's just we were what today is reaper ever in the back of course that fools have purchased at exorbitant interest rates but tomorrow together I never had a black son but if I did GTA the [ __ ] yeah like I happened I've never I could never fight a Grand Theft Auto game a period has been awarded speedrunners up no I'm just playing for GTA you [ __ ] with me right we rated by someone as well you [ __ ] with dogs like someone man [ __ ] this employer to my [ __ ] homie I'm sitting up here trying to [ __ ] this employee in a month [ __ ] man witness some [ __ ] to be one goddammit I won't and I don't give a [ __ ] what it is you know I'm talking about I take no prisoners I go hard doing this [ __ ] big dog big nuts when names is on the [ __ ] board I want to see my name at the top of that [ __ ] next to it it needs to say winner it may be next month I [ __ ] next month see me what about today no simians nothing just a bike hasn't made the payment at all some kid that Vespucci Beach his name is Esteban Jimenez is he in a gang curiously enough I did not inquire when he bought the bike we got work to do a employee of the month [ __ ] you ain't come on he's a buddy yes Mouse I asked [ __ ] well we waiting for Magellan abbe Nick that's Beauty beach going to the beach I even want this card this is much nicer I'm just getting in the car I never took you to be all hairstylist there we go we got the hang of takes time shouldn't be reading chat while I'm driving 20 G's with a 3G note looks like it hears wildly out of control [Music] that's right home oh sorry I thought that was my turn I've seen a funny dude it's gonna be a shame when we get the book his answer jack and for all this [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about make our way over here I gotta follow [Music] I thought I could just break it down so X the climb I'm using a ps4 controller so it's actually square oh I can play in first-person all right we trying to Riley's fools you want me to break you off some of this [ __ ] or what yeah let's go sir person I think it's like bachelor for everyone this is like the perfect I can see everything you should know a block makes a difference hey hey hold up got to be in one of these [ __ ] search the carriages however look mate this bot a [ __ ] you know [ __ ] bike in here man no [ __ ] [ __ ] hola amigos hola si so you're trying to creep up in here man yeah you saw this [ __ ] oh Jesus that escalated very quickly huh how do I equip the gun why are we shooting these people Oh No [Music] heis I got so many people here - because GTA Jesus it's fairly violent hang on I mean at least we prepared for this by falling out of the blimp if anything now we're in pervious to both buses ass up where oh there he is Oh de terrain brakes the motion blur gasps it's presently uninjured considering the amount of times we got shot like that one is right true is harsh wait why did he catch fire I just spontaneously combusted okay let's make our way back let's get him homie I want to get paid paid ain't worth [ __ ] we need more 25 with an L we mastered those money okay let's check the map let's go over here [ __ ] for kicking this casual gun crime nothing home another day but will they give me but you what'd I do wrong I thought oh I took - way too long to get to the car okay oh yes coz that's him there okay I took my sweet old time just walking over let's go going quick man you love some already we need to shoot him off the bike couples better than enough I haven't lost him yet we just got to get the bike Calvi at the car wash let's just take his bike wait why he just abandoned like car okay well we did it oh there's a lot of destruction I know it's just not where I'm supposed to go you destination I was telling us to go this way it was like a purple oh that was the original purple trail look guys I'm still learning okay I've only got only got a learner purposed oh Jesus I think I could live that bad look it's fine I'm still learning kind of here okay oh gee thanks for all the bits that covered it like so I've missed so many but thank you very much everybody I hope you're enjoying the stream how many people are we up to now just out of curiosity again because like it's already been so many here I can't actually see I have to close down so much stuff to actually play this game 5 point 6 K my God we're all very welcome to the stream yeah Ellen Erin that just takes out my gun that doesn't do anything how's it going had a terrible motorbike can't repo to assets of a dead man [ __ ] sitting chief [ __ ] let's slow motion is it okay for myself tell Simeon we couldn't recover so you can just toggle slow yeah okay so let's let's try you slow-mo that a moment eh my car made it in one piece or a car that looks just like my car okay go back out into the world so I can use slow-mo is there a limit on how long you can use slow doesn't seem to me but you can use it for like quick little turns so if I'm have to hit this guy just look good and toggle it fast enough but I'll have to hit this guy see I can just realign myself at the last minute I'm like clear a path that's pretty neat Jesus oh you can buff that out I think he's dead that's not live blood on the front of the care okay a new text message has been revealed you got a calamari get this your boy LD long did Holland okay he's he's not picking up what's my current objective brief not currently playing a mission but I've like some free time or something I think I know how do I save the game any time or is it just that quick save that the only way I'd like to add that again as well check the map you objective survived quicksave is fine okay it auto saves quite a bit I just want to check that they even in start-up let me just check London page oh so I can just load into story mode okay yeah I actually want that yeah I already care about the landing page because I just makes things more awkward for PC setup atomic blimp services how can I help you hey I need a blimp right now of course sir I'll get one sent out to the nearest available drop-off point cool thanks lady thank you for calling atomic blimp services goodbye oh no how he affords this map go get a black the green icons on the map are missions oh okay right that's good to know and well I'll go get the blimp first and then I'll take that over to the next mission hey we made our turn [Applause] no every car is a bumper car if you try hard just gotta be careful slow motion [Music] at this it's the airport this is a hotel the way to the airport is over here go cheeky little shortcut there it is how do I make my way okay I thought I was gonna die if I go in the water again so I just bailed okay that's getting the blimp and we'll take this to our next destination [Music] yeah how do i quicksave again I just want to make sure I know where that is because I okay now it's not that what was it under it was on the phone ah that's what it was quick safe thank you yeah I'm just gonna set one here just in case we die while on the blimp yes because it's two different menu systems to navigate what's going on okay let's may go away towards like one of the green markers for a quest way to go faster no I'm not falling for that one again I'm not falling for that again you got you you fool me once with her never again I'm making my way over to Simeon get me on a parent parent Li were right on top of them what can i lure altitude I think just holding left trigger does that were so high up there's a plane up there not gonna get low enough to land in time making our way back down we press Y at lower altitude quicker I mean you're not wrong okay we okay I hang on did this is like right in the middle of the motorway I need to get over there okay Livy thanks to the thousand bits as the 25 just say jump if Franklin's having a real bad day yeah we just need another car perfect thirsty yeah go please stop okay thank you now I'm just gonna steal your car [ __ ] this [ __ ] we're doing good let's go back to Simeon and dancing over the cross guys all right and we break any cars like they always have a few just out back that we can just take again or at least they pop into existence when we need them oh it's closed now let's go on the front that's make our way and how's it going oh no it wants me to stand specifically here okay what you don't like me because you think that I am an atom I am his mentor I am so proud there's the pro tip for chapped meaning I tend to not do the thing everyone screams the Vita's I don't even know what that means already late on his payments and I have this bad feeling and it was like ice cream I feel like I'm just glad tells me they do one thing in like I just don't do it how to start never gone don't worry about it try to bring the car back in good condition I was I wasn't listening to what he was saying there as well because I feel like make a point there go to the house oh they have one of the foot inflatable garage people it's cute let's make our way to our next destination oh gee but we work for a car dealership okay they can recuperate the damages sorry oh we got another car oh and I discover that you betray me perhaps I hear you took the bike for yourself my employee of the month listen man miele marbles gonna get that back to you dog oh I'm sure you'll get this car off the daddy's boy and then we talk insurance papers say they have a lot garage so you'll need to gain access from inside the house man is never easy with you is a semi do not talk to me about easy you see all right over sorry it smells some tomato ketchup for my car I just came from McDuff nothing out of the ordinary here until it's like what is the pick what is the pit wouldn't like just so we can rule it out what I'm saying we're not doing not one person's explained me it seems to be a tattoo parlor this is not helpful but literally no one is saying what it is we're never going but never going no one said you missed your chance shot it's never happening I'm just gonna carry on we're not playing fallout trees classic DLC game it's not gonna happen we good I just pop it take out the gardener I mean he's got a leaf blower so he's probably not gonna notice us he just went down I can't just open that and we open this we supposed to just open this all right agent 47 like are we supposed to climb up or can we do that III we just need to go true oh we can go swimming is nice the door is locked I just know that doesn't seem to be the intended way reach the open window climb onto the carand and onto the roof by pressing X oh okay it's around here no Jesus do we be going in like they're just at home void alerting the residents I I should quick save right here like I kind of quick that can take a snapchat though self-portrait they make a face you can set it I can set a border can I get a nice a nice filter I've pressed this and it does like the actions girl except the chest just take a photo precious memories save to gallery okay okay so what's my goal oh he's playing call of duty watch him play wearing a lot damn damn one speaks with an accent blow their head off is the advice good Street five out of five we're just watching another guy play games now you guys are all here to watch me play and I'm watching this guy play what game is he supposed to be playing like not Call of Duty extra crispy this cursing oh yeah what what are you doing in here I think he's a medical problem like more medical problems and the ones he's already been diagnosed with they just don't get you hello gotta make her way downstairs thank you head on in okay I have to open this now yeah hey I'm trying to take this car yeah that was very cleanly done hey Simeon I got to ride man I'm coming back come on you actually bring the repossession to me this time I can have it back out on the street before the day is done there's the perfectly legal car dealership Oh against your skull look around you just keep driving where you're going I come on man this was a repo job unlikely considering my son just got the car and looking at the way you're going about this I guess you're working a credit fry get any of that back to [ __ ] repo I appreciate a kid who follows orders without taking responsibility yeah maybe one day we'll have oboe with the sailors when he got a gun really Adams who gives you the slip a car dealer dog by the name was Simeon you're Terry so this businessman you look legit to you look man it's just between him and your [ __ ] son don't worry sorry I'm supposed to purge the car here Terry we'll work this out specifically on this spa that the place there we go yeah just a place man well drive into right through the [ __ ] window perfect parking job two rounds in the back of your skull and do it myself man you can't be for real I look like a [ __ ] joke to you man [ __ ] my life man [ __ ] I'm true the dealership wouldn't know yeah I still got this gun to your head and you just keep the gun steady [Music] Oh God oh it's the wrong window hang on sorry oh Jesus uh melody thank you for a thousand [ __ ] I'm today on behalf of the people you're sorry for the pit raid it was from minecraft so then why though also happy four months of me bugging you thank you very much melody that was a raid or something was it from someone else I died just so confused I don't want people he mentioned it but thank you for the thousand bits party thanks for ten quid follow my to help simians window thank you very much kid let's go for a gentle stroll into the window oh no you got a full blast are you doing mr. sim it's not exactly how it looks I always jump big for job well done I get out of here kid you [ __ ] we're playing the same now beat up Simeon it's gonna be a bunch of different prompts for commands but I seem to be doing a good enough job just spamming right trigger oh I'm Tyson this thing's gonna need some serious body work for it's worth 5 grand a month stretch oculi increased by engaging combat and playing sports take a wild guess which one you're doing right now it kid might be a [ __ ] idiot but you are fraudulent scumbag piece of [ __ ] don't make me have to come back here Jesus Christ I think you good Larry minecraft server is down apparently we had the white the whitelist changed very recently it shouldn't be down when the mods just want to confirm that if it's still gone the whitelist changed there's like a new means to add yourself to the whitelist now fairly certain it's still alive though oh geez what the six thousand viewers my god it's so many now you just need to be add yourself to the waitlist ammunation cool can I just take this car back - yes okay okay you bought that course never used it my grip and ball control is definitely improved coach is very hard on me okay I madness we're just taking the car back but no one's gonna question we'll make our way over to the end yes I missed the update on the Minecraft servers is that is that fine or is it just tempura we just changed the lightless reason Jesus I got a focus too make our way over I'm going to the end only game I don't know any dance you do you'll have a trouble connecting huh okay but just make sure you try the new whitelist I guess yeah I'll stop texting while driving now because I seem to have killed like four people oh she's not dead though there I'll get a new car there we go now there's no danger to me see if I ran into them now like we can test this right here see we're fine perfect [ __ ] okay just to make our way back home given this lovely villa I felt that crunch sorry I think she's dead Oh sleeping the vet to save your game make you change clothes in the wardrobe okay everything you need is here I'm guarding the house to find various activities to take person okay home sweet home we at all why we've got a gun out back I'm gonna spend the night [Music] wholesome family time what's so close you know by everyday for dinner Michael's just taking his beer and I listen to music you oh hello what do you want and I'll come back for that drink you offered that's all I wasn't really serious about that what you're here whatever sit you're gonna rob me again man I never robbed you that was just a repossession okay you got whatever you want to call it I really don't care yeah actually a beautiful friend came by to see if there's something I can help you with I see you doing well for yourself I'm retired ain't you a big yelling for the pipe slippers it's staying at a [ __ ] sunset you know I've been in this game for a lot of years I got out alive it makes me the right age MC server is down okay well it might just be having some issues guys James will be on it later I'm sure if you want my spot though should be okay you're the [ __ ] up you work might just be because of the influx of new players from the recent video hurt no robbery at a sword it's showing normally and Nate everyone heir to sit by maybe streaming us you become a 3-bit gangster it's [ __ ] go to college you're gonna rip people off get paid for it stay in school kids make more money through calculus when the corpse briefly reanimates itself and terrorizes everyone right what you saw the other day was a guy dealing with pests I guess I never saw myself as just a [ __ ] pissed well today's lesson is all about humility tomorrow we'll try a training montage by training what no I just lost in an 80s movie fantasy yeah I can see you spent a lot of time also Michael I imagine the start sequence between the past and Michael's kind maybe I'm here because I'm just an idiot thinks that imported palm trees are a good substitute for not really knowing what the [ __ ] you're doing on this earth Jesus you a good time you know that I'll tell you what at least I can do is buy you that beer there's a little bar I like overcoming friends let's go all right me I'm following you ok boys my up no we are Michael now just I'm just not gonna pick up I'd come quick these guys are still in your Yas change of plans oh maybe I should have picked up minders car okay gonna wait for Franklin to hop in we go lesson number one don't ever have kids hey man look five keys I don't think no pants it's fine rise over who had both privileges and who don't she's not really like much better huh no she's gotta be a bit more care of college Eisen self-deprecation I know it well make our way over there's somewhere on the Western Highway man ain't you worried about my boat about my boat yeah but you can always buy another boat yeah tell my accountant that maybe you can always get credit for one but have you come Rico it don't thank you alright home ain't your homey I'm someone you want to impress really sorry [Music] probably is a lot safer honestly this drive there because good we're on the road we're just gonna hit the cars at least the people don't cause as much damage with the car you know they have they have time to get out of the way you're boasting a [ __ ] man yeah well we'll catch you and we got to get our boat back Franklin close to the up we gotta play sure once I get us up close come on Franklin oh hang on stay on top of the caramel at Franklin we're gonna get this let's try that again okay come on Franklin take two we got a plane Jeff when you get it you're gonna cross over to the boat begin front of the car just [ __ ] [ __ ] that Franklin you got to sit tight just sit there Franklin just sit there I'm trying Franklin oh you made it hang on Franklin not the engine check [ __ ] engine come on Franklin nicely done get to jump on it Frank oh god like you're like Frank Frank's just in trouble shoot the see uh uh use our well hold on our hold our B to shoot I got him all right you're the guy from the dealership yeah oh he's in the boat still oh god hang on son it's like a frickin episode of lost and gromek with fire more people died hang on I got you son [Music] I got it come on Frank get potty thank you for the 20 quid this will get you some digital driving lessons thank you very much very generous Franklin you're gonna have to jump Franklin you get a husband he's Becca Levens were just no he's okay it's just a thing at least you still got it son give me I'd rather have the votes yeah we got to quickly repair the car we can find the boat it's just the theme okay I'm not going to live that was a really bad judgment call but [ __ ] dad I nearly died and oh you give a [ __ ] about is his [ __ ] bone no not bad Oh scream at each other no wonder I can't get a job it's oh you are having some nice families father partly your fault hey how you guys doing that chap crush you by selling my father some gangbangers I know it sounds dumb when you put it like that all you do daydream Morgan any just wants to be close to his dad your ass and right now with my boat disappeared over the horizon that's all I can see frankly do you do me a fare give this kid a ride home after they fix this thing I want ahead but the road in peace Oh chop chop it's a very faraway mechanic alright enough Frank let's do me a favor call me a taxi will you no problem yeah hey he's Michael and Frank we're coming close Los Santos customs by the airport all right thanks thanks man hey man we might be able to find a boat you know we're gonna find it it's gone man I can ask her over it's gone I'll call the insurance company you cover for fire them what faster yes sir to me piracy claims now a free window it took a while Frank you and I first time [Music] this little [ __ ] stays in his room all day and I don't have any other people to go with no Michael looking at it Michael he's right in the pack we shouldn't be like the smack talk in your son I feel myself a drink Jack you got to do what every parent does can talk about their kids like behind their backs you gonna look after so you sure you good yeah I got this get out and walk around so can just climb over look man I'm gonna get the ride fixed man he dropped it back off at your house along with this dude it's all good though man you gonna get your hair right all right all right listen thanks for today I appreciate it you stop back out to the house we'll talk they're good friends now Jimmy is so screwed up Michael is just so sick of his Jimmy [ __ ] already it's like I don't want to be your taxi driver kid it's just get me out of here I have to get the car repaired we're gonna still need to get you out for wandering it on and Franklin see if you drive as fast as you talk I just repair vehicle wow that was a really straightforward what's happening and I get new car parts dude I just modified the car like as much as I want is Michael's wife's car don't bother okay yeah that's exact it it's repaired car is good as new take your time dog we want to do this right just take your time my dog it's Franklin right yeah right on a crazy [ __ ] god the homie thank you again for all the bits that come in sorry I missed so much yeah sure Jimmy I hope everyone is enjoying the stream Jimmy she's gotta be careful out the damage to Carol this time I see you at the dealership someone steals my whip that pop is all like he's been down there to talk to you guys what'd he do look man if he lost my [ __ ] job and I thought maybe he can help me find a new dude my dad is retired like fully like his only marketable skills are watching TV and I'm sorry he seems okay to me she did he say Joanne you saved my ass the 30 came straight to me oh you're very welcome how's it going we can get [ __ ] done we couldn't do just talking we see look I'm sorry my dad lost to you job it's they're just talking quite a bit so it's hard for me the taco at the moment cuz I'm trying to listen to I think most people would ride it up we just met him doing a story to see where things go no I didn't get a job I've never had a job it feels like hard work life sorry oh my the first cup I think she's okay [Music] I don't buff out earn around here hey it's my other car but I parked outside there we go yo so like since you're both unemployed like we could run together you know yeah I think about it home or we could just like shopping you know play darts or oh he's looking up to Franklin because I'm dude I get real crazy knows that Michael's dog church exactly man my brother from another mother I mean I hope so cuz my mom was kind of a skank back in the day see it peace the new contacts Michael and Jimmy the family is so sad it is yeah broken family Michael Steele this we stole this cars Michael do we know Franklin is Mun Nana has been impounded yo F dog I've added you on life Vader accept my request we can hang me up anytime bro anytime we go and shop it eats his nickname is gisle that is that is very unfortunate to you my business my totally legitimate business you are [ __ ] my boy [ __ ] you're [ __ ] my boy we're gonna make our way back over the Simeon anyway and just see what he says we're trying to go over here somebody sorry please move I am giving you a chance [Applause] hey hey hey I just want to drive I didn't kill them oh good a three-point turn hey Lamar [Music] take away over need more blimps we've already had two blimps guys is not gone well hi dirt I'm gonna be honest yes sorry trying to keep an eye on like the road the map and chat like it's not a good combination hey you got off lucky home you can only picture two of those things and for some reason I decided to exclude the road what's going this isn't the car dealership [Music] but I don't know if we want to get Franklin just go in here got a new car with some marker here is does this just indicate like where our home is once it's in that other car take this car yeah that that's all that's all the marker was it's just for outer character okay how its new garage code you know far we can go then you can't really there we go Oh big as the map okay yeah it's pretty big honestly like oh oh Jesus just go explore a while then yeah but wait for the next phone call I think we're waiting for a call anyway so let's just say that like we're gonna go that says it's the Pacific Ocean up there let's go to pilato forest go on going on an adventure puff that up change the mic oh oh can I still change characters oh I can I know let's go on the adventure first will change back soon I want to get like a feel for the world and I can see how much there is here or am I gonna be like restricted if I try to go too far I not leave LA and a plan to get the whole knife unlock too easily how big is the world is it just like LA or can you go and all the surrounding place to know as you want huge it's pretty big okay he's fine he is too they're actually consequences to hitting people cuz doesn't seem to be like thanks I think I haven't even been police trying to stop me sorry oh there we go okay there's the police speak of the devil I'm just going on an adventure officer Oh God not a good time to crash oh they're talking about me aren't they he'd make another he's buying me it's pretty much just motorway from here going north roller is vibrating a little I go across the pump that's okay yeah to fur oh he's alive play achieve something Lots like I don't know how to enable my first time playing oh you have a star agent corner [Music] he's fine okay so we're kind of getting out of the city now this is why did you turn don't play with Mahad it's not yeah well yeah cuz I kind of want to do the story honestly I don't want to just like add a bunch of mahon still that's at least complete oh yeah this game was like critically-acclaimed like masterpiece according to a lot of folks this is like it's just one of them that like I missed out on it's like I didn't have a ps3 and I didn't have like an Xbox 360 I just have nothing to play on I've got on PC now and I was kind of running off like the new computer I've got Jesus wallow thank you for your thousand bits build a military base and get a jack that thing my first time playing on a fun time use y RB RB left RB we do you input the codes like actual cheat codes where it's button inputs no don't you will die okay I'm I'm knocking I'm not doing that yet then no okay we can save that for like a future stream of this or something because yeah I thought that's gonna get us killed that's like that's how we die we can mess about what all that stuff may be like okay you gotta experience like the face game first before we just like to break it making my way into the woods you go mmm you like brush the wild sky room I know got to find a path up okay I get on the train oh yeah either I get on the train what's the best way to do this you have to jump I need a bit of lift I need a rhyme for something we know it's slowing down run alongside it if oh the Cara's on fire oh okay you can just do that well we made the right call because that just exploded cool yes ago and explored and we hijack the train if we get up to the front I'm gonna find out they're way up they're a way to get in hello mr. conductor oh I saw my gun there we go brain still going where do I go from here the only way back is up and around it never stops apparently holder Express click on death well I mean we're gonna see a lot of LA this way it's not a conventional way I want above the highway and one side a low car and come off and I'm gonna have to eventually I kinda just want to look about it's alla it's LS know la are we not now you go oh Los Santos okay right good to know it's based on La ok hidden like a lovely pretty view probably put away the gun to might freak out Los Santos is based in LA but it's more compact capture mind your head well hasn't any tunnels or endings like we've been fine I Drive in the train is still dead how far have we traveled now okay Wow it just loops all the way around let's try find a way off thank you this is my stuff she's just like effortlessly just grab on there's a car here no wait Lee oh we need to get something to go off the mountain we've got to make two or whatever car we get here hello hi Oh I hope you get [Music] perfect dangers and freaks can we found trout san andreas' like question max but to know this is pretty dangerous time to be driving I'll come on car come on make your way out watch out for Bigfoot's go up this neck tail it's gonna be tricky get a good start there we go it's the highest mountain oh my god no it's not that's the highest mountain where well I like the Bobby hill is it grave here oops there's something there like let's go up the mountain there was a ghost oh cool that's pretty neat you know they have like a little Easter eggs not for you the fun I guess some additional layers of detail and I I'm just trying to reverse I need to go up the other mountain cars okay [Applause] the front tires have stopped working but how many tires do you need I'll just crash this how's it going thank you Oh the map is still displaying the UH turret there we go get rid of that other location okay so we need to get up flat ma'am it's the Mercedes GLA I don't think it is okay to the moon we're at the base of this one let's start going up the bumpy start so uh this is what these games are really about you're way up oh no we're okay oh gosh hang on to moments as well I'm just gonna pause the game I need to flick on a light getting kind of dark here just one moment guys you I just want to get up the mountain just to see if I can do it and if something up that Oh perfect Oh this car looks a little more durable PJ let's go up the mountain the cable car apparently okay where's the cable car oh no there's a really far away yeah well we have to get the boat first house is just left unattended here cable cars on the map oh that's it okay let's go to the cable car make our way over the other one Artie further away are going to like go to the cable car station at the top of the mountain and this the other ones on the crash okay right well look we're just gonna go up the mountain then it's fine I'm sure we can make it right square the jump no we we need our car the road up ahead back over we need the blimp where's the nearer is a blimp station I think it's quite far off we just missed a guy yeah oh thank god there's another minibus top might be better right now we have to be just be a bit more careful cuz we're more vulnerable on this just let's just make our way up is there a way to make the car go faster than just hold my trigger down your helmet we have a high now keep us safe we have slow-mo still press why nice try guys I just stopped asking chat for help at this point will no help be given you've gone come on come on slow and steady like Skyrim horses claim big volume any height like who needs to like the first cable car and we just got to be careful on this land bridge all the way let me stick back to wheelie on a bike it speeds you up really up to you be careful about though I don't know if I want a wheelie as I'm going up a mountain does not seem safe does it pareo character look guys you made it to the first cable car station no problem oh no I can save it I can save kids sacred hooks Oh s welcome over too soon oh no Franklin's having a bad day I just want to get up the mountain I didn't think it would come to this hello atomic blimp services how can I help you today do you got any blimps available right now of course sir I'll get one sent out to the nearest available drop-off point all right sounds B thank you for calling atomic blimp services goodbye can't believe we're doing this again oh it's so guys it's so far away it's not worse is it's it's way too far off and we'll get will stop this truck instead excuse me need your truck is there a helicopter or something I could find nearby it's got to be a better way to get enough this man other than the cable car you can just get a taxi where do do the taxi Oh downtown cat take cab go I need a cab as soon as possible of course Travie should be with you soon appreciate it Thanks will he take me up the moon there's something in there doesn't this is the train station where is the taxi appearing really just appear oh there he is hey how's it going wait wait wait wait wait wait you got the tire douche oh no they're calling the police hey I need another car we got to go they come okay the wetware is that cable car station don't think we're fire off it now stop showing up where is it you oh I have to lose the cops first okay well drive up the mountain again I use it while the police are here okay oh this this car is terrible like this is not equipped for the job sheathe oh we can lose the cops goddamnit Frank list øt helicopter where is the helicopter oh it's okay we lost him cable car we've done it guys you just got to make our way over we're in the clear this drive on over slow-mo thank you again everyone for all the bits not coming in like there's been so many and so consistently I just don't want to break the plate flow of gameplay gameplay gameplay not too much but thank you very much guys like it's very generous today anyone wants to send me a DM or anything like that like I missed a message if you want me to see just send me a DM on Twitter or send me a DM on disk or I can catch that yeah where's the cable car no no no oh okay Franklin calm down you just gotta wait oh don't kill yourself Franklin just gotta wait for the next one I has it go [Music] oh he's stupid we go but he's running okay Gabe okay thank God it's right at the Cable Guy change the view and not see us or just get like a tinted window we go guys let's just take the camera angles where you just can't see it so watch the whole ride yep Oh riveting gameplay right here they took time carefully position each of these cameras cinematography is astounded and we have to appreciate the game in its entirety it's just beautiful they left the cameraman behind just to record that shell they sent this cameraman climbed it yet to climb of a tree just to get a good angle like mountain lions at his ankles with the entire ride on YouTube please I mean this is one of the few moments where like like no one is swearing excessively so it's something that I might be able to upload there we met lines at his ankles no mountain lions not lions mounted on his ankles don't get it mixed up but I served leaf China successfully swear mind your [ __ ] language guys there's [ __ ] kids watching the [ __ ] stream we got to keep a [ __ ] PG hello twitch staff it's good to see you again but reports that this stream is not fly for mature audiences the reason it's not flagged like that is there's a very immature myself oh Jesus hey we're up the mountain you like to the scrap alright have a confession that fanuc like all that has got to solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson's murder I just want to go up the mountain wait wait wait grab the parachute where's the parachute oh this here do we just have a parachute now engage me fall okay well we got to get to the top of the mountain first guy so we're not quite there you further up the trail to go ice-t-- point in the world look there's two people up here oh they brought motorbikes nice he said she's taking a photo of the thing that lets you see better okay fine you want to watch where you're going but where's she running she is just riding all the way down look through the telescope left stick zoom in and out so far nice and we're just just taken our time doubt sa view okay well it looks like it's gonna be a fun track to bike down so we're gonna go rob one of these now and we'll say we're gonna make our way down that way that seems like the best one to go down a quicksave at first just in case number 18 hey we actually have a helmet this time let's go let's go now we just got to get back on the trail is back on the trail we go pretty oh he just crumpled yeah I need to load the last save how do I load the previous one load game there you go okay let's just make our way back up to the top of the mountain again the taxis lit up live maybe later guys okay where are the bikes but what am I supposed to do now I'm I'm just gonna have to jump but we this seems to be the best place to jump does the parachute activate automatically or how do I do this oh don't fall it a fall have the equipment package that's traction by the cable care no I got okay back up we're loading the save again not done just yet game load save backup we go there's a ramp left of the viewing station need to equip the parachute and then you press a button to deploy it okay can you not just equipment and jump off it's a no way to do that [Music] still enough there I don't know why the bikes disappeared like what do I do oh there's like its thing there that's perfect let's make our way over danger that's fine make your way over do I have the parachute already I think how do I equip this just hit a when you jump I you do grab the pirate first you do have it deploys on freefall make sure you could equip it first how do I equip it sentence mathematic in inventory III don't know where it is oh there it's in weapons how do I get to that outer wheel it's there yeah I can see it do I just jump now okay here we go how do I deploy it okay all right I need the time that better hey yeah okay we're getting this right I got reload the game we're getting this right I wanna I wanna do the jump ah God I was five by it again wish the bikes were back take our way over there we go let's go what do Franklin wait hey hey check yeah why is he why did he even do that oh we got a load again you have to run I was running oh Jesus obviously selling her thousand bids I would not recommend trying based you open a real life with this tract crackers thank you very much for the size a bit spot I gotta get this to work why is that some other people saying eat the plant what does that mean who else's ain't changed the batteries again guys were past that it was yesterday and maybe today a bit cuz the video for that's going up later tonight eat the plant look what does it mean eat the plant in your seat but what plant this plant there's like a couple of plants here is it this one there's an old man's crack but we don't want to see that so it's next to the flags where is it this Anita the red flag punt ah there's nothing there it's just a little shrug I'm just gonna jump again yeah well the barriers out of the way Hey he's not dead yet hi this is atomic blimp can I help you can you hook me up with a blimp of course sir I'll get one sent out to the nearest available drop-off point cool thanks lady thank you for calling atomic blimp services goodbye [Laughter] you do we even bother do we just do we just walk out of the clinic the blimp icons on the map but I think that's like really far away still yes of this I I don't know if we go back up guys it's don't hope but go ahead and do it anyway okay I'm gay I'm gonna call the taxi we'll get the blimp and we'll go back up the moon thank you go back to your hole [ __ ] dick aren't you lovely Oh No Oh me I just stand on top where is he even what is he even trying just drove into me gonna get the tax key there he goes No can I get a cab right away stay away y'all I got a driver right around the corner sounds good we just got a call another oh hey that's not nice now oh oh there's the cab hey my man where you going [Music] destinations buddy what hey I didn't even pick Oh oh you got a pick one here is the blimp a destination but where do I go that way point blimp point of interest alright point of interest I was RT still alive today Waypoint new plan we gone someplace else why worry there we go made it I'm gonna have to drop you here man thank you Oh just gotta get inside thought I could climb over that how do I get to the bloom other way okay as we run around Echo Park oh yeah there's the right okay make our way on board it will finally get up the mountain and I have the parachute so now I can hop off to oh you can press it to run faster okay No Oh okay take number tree with the blimp the mountain over there yeah really far away one let's fly over I'm not just pressing why the moment I get into the blimp guy he's like come on God we got to get somewhere first you only got one parachute it's got a slowly make our way across well hope everyone's enjoying the stream is pretty much what we're doing the next wall gonna take a bit to make it over save the game guys I got my phone while there I can there we go gotta keep making our way we just want to do the base jump from the mountain what we'll do here is we'll get above the mountain and we'll use the parachute and there will be like even higher up that's like an even cooler base jump go getting pretty high up oh hi can you go we still seem to be like going up and kind of see against the horizon don't forget to thank the blimp driver but I am the blimp driver I crashed a blimp into a plane if I see it from this guy is that possible at the orchestrate feel like I'm going to space right now yes it is you know I fortunately don't see a plane forgetting this jump and I aim for the summit of the mountain okay just line it up we're gonna take and make a new save let's say any tease my phone but can I take a selfie from up here there is nothing here there we go we're aiming for the summit wait where's the plane oh no it just came into view there's two of them all of a sudden okay okay well too late for that okay there's the summit and we just got to go in a circle on land so close on this I think I pulled my chute a little early that's fine a fair bit of clear space here we can land on okay stay around the hut you can see the summit right there see my god coming in too fast hey this is gonna be messy probably gonna smack into a rock hopefully it has like videogame physics and kind of slows your follow that thank you slow-mo yeah we're coming in we're coming in coming in there we go perfect line is there another parachute I can grab we actually made yes there is cool pick this up right now now we're gonna gear up for the new jump and to try this one last time let's see if we can do this okay hang on okay before we do anything where's the plunge gotta gotta walk around now you're real careful here like why do people keep screaming at the plant there's the flags is it this plant Oh more so is this waste ouch yes like a fireside which if I gotta go there's other flags there is it those flags it is those flags this plant is it that little flower there there's a weird noise here people tell me I should say Dave again I you what what's going on with the autosave you what's going on we're getting like a pre liquor of them bending down to eat the plant okay just just safe there we go hey this is better be damn good oh man you gotta be [ __ ] me you gotta be joking I'm reincarnated as a damn chicken that's a joke ain't laughing I'm Peggy but is of the game [Music] yeah let's go make the jump came of the year - here we go I can't jump like this apparently we're just look we're just making our way over like this is just the end you hear Tremblant all day i'ma hold night [Music] what does whole of native jumpin hold hey I don't think this is working I think we broke it somehow hold I can't jump as the chicken just pecked a bit oh that's it come holding next yeah well yes we're just walking down the mountain now I've enjoyed just end the hallucination here what button was at the end of hallucination there we go back on the moon yeah one final jump then we did it as a chicken I really wished the motorbikes are back that would have been so much fun over there back there we go hey take two on the trail take 200 it second God okay guys we're gonna leave it there I think we're gonna wrap it the stream for today we will probably play this game again though maybe next weekend cuz I had a lot of fun with this and I think you guys enjoyed it too they've happy gasp yeah I think we're gonna wrap up the stream for today and then we're gonna visit this game again a bit down the road yeah I really enjoyed this there's just a lot you can do in this and it's what those games I probably should have got right on the plane I lost earlier keep going no I got a wrap-up for the day I did like [ __ ] I got done this is stream number five this week and like I've done a bunch of videos too I just done a video going out tonight you know I gotta just get some rest because the video going live in two minutes as well yeah next time we'll do some more of this we'll continue the story and we'll keep playing and just do whoever takes her fancy definitely got me interested like there's a lot going on with this game thank you so much everyone for your bits thank you everyone for like all your subscriptions and like the ridiculous amount of people just here because I think that like that is I'm pretty sure the highest turnout we've had for something that isn't like one of Minecraft or City skylines like Jesus eat five thousand five hundred people still here just made it to the end of the stream like I hope you all enjoyed it imagine those a few new faces just because of the mention on YouTube like to those people is the first time by the stream I hope you enjoyed us if you curious with stream schedule and stuff it's below the stream feed and I put notifications on like my Twitter and on the discord group you can find links for all that literally below the stream feed yeah so like a lot of people saying like yeah yeah you're like jug first time yeah you know you love British streamers now hold the phone let's get this clear Irish I love today's three thanks Artie no problem yeah I thought that was really fun like I had a blast playing up it's gonna be fun to edit for YouTube I'll tell you that much because Jesus Christ there's a lot the bots would pick up on this for what we've lived I reckon I'll be able to get something though that people have made youtube videos on GTA it is a thing please never stop taking videos well you're in luck I don't plan on stopping those fears my first dream that I finish watching I'll hope you enjoyed it man you can ad and yeah I'm Irish Canadian dual citizenship best Australian streamer okay people are just confused now I'm not sure what I'll be doing minecraft next [Music] we'll be Tuesday oh good I I tend to just like not think too far ahead like I'll have a list of games I want to play but like I don't like decide I'm gonna do X on this day because like that like something like I might change my mind you know I might be in the mood for a particular game on the night I just play it by day but like you'll always get noticed for what the stream is basically like the one exception that I give a bit of notice for it's the Lego streams because that's like that's like an all-day things like people need to actually know a little bit in advance which by the way just on that note I think next Saturday we're gonna do the next Lego stream because two of the sets have since arrived that I've ordered so we're gonna yeah we're gonna do an all-day stream I think next Saturday I think that's gonna be good what I'm gonna do is just because of the lunches times that went on for before and because I want to do this I give one stream and this gonna be something just to like so the Australians and I get the tune in for once - I'm gonna say that we're gonna start at 12 midday UTC that that might sound scary especially for folks in the Americas it's like that's quite early leggo stream is like a 10 12 hour stream so yeah you'll be able to tune in later in the day but yeah I think I think that's what we're gonna do so 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. UTC next Saturday February 9th that's when we're gonna be doing like a we're gonna be doing on our big-boy side okay it sounds like it's starting like scarily early like don't worry it goes all day like we're not gonna be finish it until like 10 o'clock at night it's like a very long stream its just very chill we just play some music we play with Legos it's very different I'm gonna aim for it for that for everyone coming over from the main channel to Sonic I will marry own sock the Olympic Games just went up there will be popping up a little ping on the discord in a moment oh yeah so Lego is next weekend we're gonna do that then it's like Trey I'm over that over here but that's the thing it goes on for like 10 12 hours like it's gonna be an all-day thing so you'll be able to tune it at some point it's basically how it works yeah so it's basically I'm starting three hours early next Saturday Kehoe is playing portal 2 tonight we're just gonna keep writing key whoa which is pretty great but go say hey to her help over portals and I will see you all on Tuesday thanks for watching folks hope you enjoy GTA have a good rest a weekend I'll talk to y'all later you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 192,788
Rating: 4.7303371 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-374579913, rtgamecrowd, First time playing, going in blind, driving the cars blind, I'm literally blind, Grand Theft Auto V, Twitch, Gaming, First, time, playing, going, in, blind, driving, the, cars, I'm, literally, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream
Id: k8mAS2fDeu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 38sec (11078 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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