RTGame Archive: Take me Home, Country Roads

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I think we got it this time oh I think we got it at the actual game watch how's it going folks and let me do the notices I don't know how many people are here yet my headset [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we got it working how's it going folks hell of a day already out of smash bros direct and then we freaking out fallout dan who hide the title i mean what else was it gonna be happy what else is it gonna be you're too early well the beta started a little early so I thought that stars like myself a little bit sooner than normal hey Sierra how's it going yeah it's actually gonna be followed today we have the game working the beta is currently online for like the next seven hours or something ridiculous like that I think it's nine hours probably won't be gone that long cuz that's throw like a tree in the morning bit of a late stream oh how is it going though folks I hope you can hear me okay I'm just sending out the notices I'm just kind of getting everything together I'm quite excited to play this tonight I've been really looking forward to this since Tuesday of course because it didn't work on Tuesday you're forsaken us how is it going though folks yeah we actually fixed it yeah the game has not uninstalled itself this time so we are actually going to be able to play mods right off the bat do not pop it in submode put it on slow mode though I think that's gonna be important swapping on a slow mo to 30 seconds that should be alright [Music] why don't you splits up and follow her chat it's possible and twitch because then I only look at one chat you know I can only pick one there's no point there we go I'm just gonna give folks a moment to hop on in because I know myself that I am quite early today extreme let me probably weren't expecting me till the top of this hour Congrats on the 1 million thanks Lynn [Music] Oh God hello hello good to see you all here I think the notice is just like taking its time to spread it's good to see you all here someone called me gay in chat one guy just showed up in here guns blazing great like what year is this that even installed anymore [Music] gosh that was it going on let's get the nyan cat I don't think we will cuz like so many people astray on this game tonight Jesus Christ we're going in like a dog pile of people playing this but you know that's okay so I'm looking for Christo I did not install itself this time yeah it didn't I had to reinstall it like since the other day well your tedious things I've ever had to do oh god don't worry if it's any consolation apparent like undertale 2 or whatever it's cold like uninstalled it's like of the files in your computer as well so it's just the new industry standard of anything triple-a an indecent like you know just like deletion your files when you don't ask them to okay we are going to dive on in the West Virginia press any button to start where's the menu there we go okay just a bit slow you scared me okay let's go run-up plane followed some these leaks tonight how's it going Alex thanks for 500 bits let me just get my alerts handy I'm there Bethesda Game Studios presents 76 entry in the Fallout franchise we've skipped a few no fallout 5 [ __ ] how followed six I didn't quite nail before I mean I fall at seven they ran into some problems well let's have any sixth oh they got it in the end 1776 this great nation if our founding fathers could only see us now you only see a smile teacher in Terraria Okinawa Anchorage we have fought and now the Red Menace is at our doorstep democracy itself is under threat okay they say war never changes the guy narration is to change is why today not the same guy 2076 well it's like that it is a far announcer that always does it we gather together to honor the completion of vault 76 oh well good people of America so that if the bombs do come if the end does come our way of life will endure but not everyone will be saved those chosen to enter this fault must be our best and our brightest negative stopped a small glimmer shuttle into the world after the meteors will strike in cities got just walls not just buildings but hearts minds and ultimately America itself so as we stand here today we pray that the world will know peace but if that is not our destiny war must come that all these happy players together no way but can love blossom in West Virginia our future the games out here that's what she's pointing your video got delayed tonight no YouTube messed up tonight there is no video tonight I know what you're talking about that the mistake was made oh wow we go straight into face customization hey is this the same system as before my god oh boy wait no I can I can only just as knows right now hang on [Music] [Applause] a little more difficult yes sculpt scopes that's sculpting his neck right now I don't want him to sculpt his neck ducky thank you for the thousand bits thank you very much there's no option for subtitles well we'll have a look in a moment see if there is yeah we're gonna have to be mass wheel slide sandw is scale okay yeah so we're gonna be able to make some progress here it's just gonna take a while after we familiarize myself with the putty like we definitely have his nose and progress is being made so let's get this the nose bridge upside and rotate it I don't know if rotation like that works most exciting gameplay we gotta make the character like this is the best [ __ ] like you gotta like kind of take your time with this kind of thing we have plenty of time on tonight's stream like we started early and everything at the moment we're just like stretching his face I had where do we want his eyes okay you know how you actually get those memes where it's like it's like someone's face and it's shrunk and everything else looks like way too big I want to see if I can do that I'm gonna see if I can make like a shrunken face but to do that we need to make like every other bit of him like absolutely massive they're like increase those temples so his eyes are gonna be tiny his nose is gonna be tiny at the moment that's a very flat nose wolf it will fix that hey now we may have done too much damage already we're gonna try and fix it [Music] and nostrils let's make them smaller it's Lord Farquaad I don't think it's Lord Farquaad yeah it's just rhyme I got as small as we can you know we need we need to move like his mouth up keep that keep making that smaller eye I need to make his face bigger as well my god I'm not very happy with this so far at the moment he just looks like he has a slightly sunken face it's Chairman's twin brother he's beautiful beautiful we're gonna we're just gonna keep customizing them just expand his face dry drag that out quite a bit make the jaw bigger yeah we just we just collapse his cheeks oh god oh god how do I even do that Oh No okay let's just tuck in his cheeks if we can no you got to go for like the big boy neck get that in there and some lot so far get a more menacing brow just adjust those eyebrows so he is like more medicine oh yeah we'll tuck his eyes in back there hang on oh no this is like one of the guys we made before where like you can't see his eyes okay yep tuck those in I'm ko thank you for the 1,500 bits why what a guy that gassed he's gonna he's gonna be like a stone-cold killer like this one I think like this guy he looks like he just got out of jail and he's gonna kill again what is that sniffling sound I was here that what was that noise he survived the fall I think those people were like already playing outside is what customizing I think that's what this is gunfire we're surprised we can hear like that as we're going does this game of voice try imagine it doesn't some capacity everyone's voice chat is all by default can they hear me I can't can you hear me hello hey who you ok amazing I thought they were push-to-talk or something hi actually actually I actually could oh I'm really sorry about it I'm currently streaming this ok I'm so sorry I've been yelling in your ear all this time I might save of a way to like mute by biking i'm currently live streaming of like twitch so like i'm talking to like what the audience does here like what what's your name mine my name is jay okay very lovely to meet you if you want to say hi is everyone okay well here listen Jay there's another person oh hey how's it going I welcome to the stream you know all this I was trying to chat and mute it for awhile like an idiot but yeah actually I was here to bring you guys for a while now oh no I'm terribly sorry no no it's okay I don't know why it's on by default no you were streaming that's amazing yeah I just trying to get like a good photo of my my guy right do any of you know where the options menu is so like I can adjust like sessions but Escape is just opening oh no yeah yeah okay yeah I got it now okay that cuz I'm just gonna like fix this on my end there we go okay well here I'll make my way out of the vault now guys in the Train me hopeful yes is it just yourself there now Jay yeah he seemed he seemed to disappear like a moment ago yes [Music] you you can only turn it off guys okay hang on you know are you still there I think he's dead okay hang on all right let's go okay let's back up a moment I've turned it off I've turned it off so hopefully no one can hear us that I'm not yelling their ear but we'll find Jay we'll find Jay it's okay there's no push-to-talk there's listen you are like it's Auto or it's area or it's team I'll find Jay I'll find him I just wanted to adjust the audio set so people can like hear the guy was like I I don't know what happened I'm gonna turn up the game I'm gonna I have to get the audio settings right if we're doing this because like this is not something I expect it okay look let's just adjust all that and hopefully that's not too loud okay and let's go we'll find J how many people like here at the moment as well okay there's a lot people are trickling into ok we're gonna we're gonna leave that on auto since people should have anyone there hello hey hey how's it going I was just fiddling with my voice sessions for a moment or two there I'll just grab my pip-boy now and I'll come out and meet you I am streaming on Twitch yes the audio I'm so I'm just trying to adjust the audio sentence at the moment so I can hear folks who actually talked to me on mic apparently the voice slider also toggles like the freakin characters and I don't know what's going on okay oh thanks man thank you very much that's very kind dear oh thank you very much a chat Lois Daniel how's it going okay I'll be honest I didn't anticipate this happening when I set up the stream the game tonight like like we were just so confused I was making the character we could hear someone in the background and it's like like who is that I didn't know you were talking to like I didn't know you streaming all right is that your character there my s'more yeah all right yeah my guys just called what is happening because I was so confused have we both not got clothes on or like I don't have cold I just have my party yet okay yeah okay well we should make our way out of the vault then someone just gave me like fifty quid and they sent you a lover Jake on the stream okay we should make our way out of the vault then I guess and just find out where we are in the world is it this way I haven't played this game yet Oh we'll work it out sure we'll work it out I have my pip-boy do I have any clothes are you sure you don't have clothes that jumps I have clothes I just took them off okay I mean just make yourself comfortable a shift is the sprint after I remind myself with some of the fallout controls haven't played in a while oh I played it's the last time I played for was yesterday okay so you're like yeah you're on point then for this like you you know exactly what you're doing like we'll find our way true here oh there's another guy who's that where did he go did he did he run in here I think he opened up the door the Irish cross oh he doesn't want anything to do with us he's just running away oh hey hey I think he's always chat disabled did I just okay you have to get outside no no no you have to get live of life I guess okay apparently there was free items in the vault that we walked fast people are telling us oh okay I have a party and I'm fine with that yeah I mean I got my jumpsuit so I think like we're well equipped like we just punch we just punch those Mallrats yeah it should be fine honestly like you can do like me a hand-to-hand bills in this game like you know we should be okay reclamation day oh we got the level up let's see oh okay oh oh so we have to assign assigned stats as before it seems to be a bit different now oh yeah okay I'm really confused yeah this is different to compare the fallout for I'm just gonna go for physical stretch because that's gonna help our punching power I'm gonna go with and rinse oh no that's just for radiation okay I'm gonna get the gladiator perk sure my one hand at melee weapons now do 10% damage so what about luck nope that's not it huh hi my mom oh it's okay don't worry I got another guy here in like a bellboy hat how's it going oh can we invite the team okay no we got him hey how's it going hey I'm watching the stream oh okay you're already watching the stream um yeah I should have stood out for - oh I didn't get there like is that like the pre-order DLC or something yeah no it's from the from this transcendental Edition yeah oh I think I know the one you're talking about yeah yeah okay well I mean we have a bit of a gang so that's a good start yeah it's it's a notch A's in the team I don't seem to be enough enormous fade I'm trying to get you in okay you may be the team leader maybe you are so divided oh that could be it oh here's another guy who just popped out as well hello oh my god people they're just like filling up the server yep oh don't do that two more rows yeah one has a weapon would anyone like to join our gang we're fresh out of level four she at your fade away can you can you hear me I don't know a fade away can hear us he heard us for a moment or two before but I just want to know how I get my my vault my Uncle Sam outfit I mean you got your jumpsuit on now is that I go that should be okay but I want to look like that they just remind my invitation oh no I would do the shooting oh yeah we should we should get moving and where are you Jay okay yeah let's go this way friends oh let's go see what these guys are doing down here they have machetes we don't have machetes so tight house again Gotham has leather armor I'm gonna talk to the robot the road okay I got a hole okay we got it we got a meat down the road I'm gonna just play the hollow tape and see if there's an ax office in here so many people here I can't hear the hollow tape because I have to adjust my voice set in stone work I'm gonna see if I can will subtitles I'm trying to trying to invite some folks here to the team why so come with us now I got it Hey welcome aboard the team fade I just record chat and play one of them ask how J is but it's actually J a why I get away he tried yeah he's okay okay I'm here let's get going guys we got to get some like actual equipment so we don't die out here fade away and sx actually has some oh there's a guy dead here anybody I could Ford you we got it we got a weapon movin up fade away ass the golf club oh you can own break other player he invited me to trade I can't take guys clothes that's very good come on his pants ah okay so if you trade like it means trade yeah it means actually trading I can't like okay let me check doesdoes being stingy where is the map is them all the map it's just when you press escape yeah we gotta go [Laughter] this is just gonna be commonplace as we soon Oh God doesn't there's enemies here okay let's go get him with the machete let's just take whatever parts we can find that's a is that Italian people are saying it's Italian Italian I don't know yeah I'm just going gauging what chat is saying as I go along I'm just seeing like yeah well I mean I imagine we'll just naturally find more friends as we go along here oh wait no just hear us talkin I'm actually back this way Jay there's some weapons up here apparently not instruments instruments right future heart and soul hey is this a frock oh you know it's a little banjo there's a mouth harp oh we're gonna get a band going getting the band back together oh we just stopped playing at the moment I picked it up hang on oh we're gonna like be top of the cops but this is the music McMahon West Virginia is weird oh there's a hunting rifle in here that seems like really holy okay oh is it like um it's the lute specific to each player is it I guess yeah if you didn't see it okay I got a hunting rifle with some room I got it okay you gotta go knows I think softer because of the gladiator Park I just going with the cooking station I found at at Oakland completed a challenge apparently woodpile Gadar I just got in cyclist yeah you're gonna need a lot of wood for like cooking mmm I'm just saying when I can actually like make and like do with things Auto juice is apparently the only food available in boiled water all right okay should we make our weight into like the quest objective and just kind of start from there yeah like let's go let's go on our way a lot of people are demanding that Jay replaces me on my own twitch channel oh no I would never be able to Twitter to actually stream oh it's good fun I would recommend it I think so but I think I wouldn't I wouldn't know what I'm talking about what I should talk about what I should do don't worry I'll get you let's just continue making our way I guess oh yeah hey what's your name by the way or do you just want us to call you fade oh my name I'm sorry Isaiah Isaiah that's very lovely to meet you man there's a tabby cat here okay okay talk to you oh wait why is the tabby cat so injured I don't know no I just I need that flesh it's these are hard times cat meets a nice I don't know I want to find a clean no I know we're in a post-apocalyptic wasteland okay in standards yeah I thought so too for my fault for settlement buildings oh god yeah we get the build stuff in this game no way how does this game work for keeping track of progress on the like like is there like an assigned server you hop into each time or yeah this is a question I don't know maybe it's correct a specific I don't know there is different servers then you just kind of adventure about on them okay yeah uh it has to be because there can only be a thing 24 people I keep hearing like distant gunshots and like it scares us I think other players are just killing each other if they're already and they really kill you when you enter the fight with them what's that we can outnumber folks that's a camp oh that's a camp oh there's another guy here is its it's dark it's synchronous here as well hello friends how's it going let's just take everything literally everything from the tools my junk in there without stopping I think we gotta wait to you some of the crafting stations too because already people like them I'm just gonna make a cat steak and he also has this hey I can make a boy it doesn't sound too impressive it's just a Ford make a tight pistol I think I'm okay without a cannon your weapons I mean I can make here can make it I can make a piece of leather armor that's good like a chess piece that looks beautiful get a chess piece and in her yeah we have some equipment okay ah this is how I get it are you gonna make the ball boy stuff patriotic how's it too is the armor stations remake oh I don't have any news oh yeah we need to actually get materials I'm just trying to see like what I can store and what like is even worthwhile store and I have a broom of my person but I don't think I need that a couple of stimpaks okay I'm gonna need to sign stuff to hockey's in that too in case like because if you take out the pit boy in this one like it's not gonna pass time do that oh okay so it's F I need a highlighter cool well I got a friend request there as well I think I'm pathetic was that what I use I guess not oh are you party friend question to you a while back oh okay all right I I need to actually check how that works on ma'am but that's that because I've never used it Oh got a lot of people have showed up hello yeah man Chris stuff yeah they're all just gathering around here you were the chosen survivor from the vault you and all 20 of your friends gathered at the camp you're the only vault survivor okay now I have to smash avenged I have after this head what's the current objective then let me see find the overseer and flatwood still I don't pick something up it's just it's just direction we into the tree by the overseer and flatwoods oh it's just isolated the camp vlog I think how's it going how's it going I'm just okay no I'm looking like fadeaway so I'm just gonna use this Patriot head it's absolutely terrifying when you both have the ball boy I had a quick yeah I just go with the hats without the mask hello dr. sucks okay so I think the holotype is just telling us how to make a home base okay we can use the camp set up a camp he left her counsel how do I place the camp oh I've got the objective now though she's in a town further south okay it's after you play the holiday so do I I can't pick up this camp here then can we see fellas over very tired oh that's okay oh yeah you just I got arrested I stopped you know been a busy day yeah I've gone through a lot of stress you know we have to walk down that hill so Oh take the rest of the day off you've earned it was like pretty big hill and those robots I'm not even gonna I'm not gonna stress about those your mind it's okay you've done good I wonder who put their camp over here Oh weird like this I just scrapped a whole bunch of things hope I didn't mess anything up but okay so we got to go to flatlines and to find the overseer the marker still hasn't updated for me which is honestly a little worrying like what is even going on people are saying yeah like I'm I'm trying to work it out at the moment I think I have to use this bench yeah that's what's telling me to do so I have to craft something allama thank you very much for the bits the strudel hell at work have no audio so here comes the confusing days okay it's gone yeah okay everybody's spamming F and I just oh no I didn't notice he left us he got tired of us like kind of just flapping about here he must have walked off somewhere he left the team as well he didn't like me going to sleep yeah he did not approve I think it was too early in the day okay well I guess I'm off to continue all what Adam does he won me oh we lost Jay already it was the star of the show I think they miss him already yeah we have a different guy following us now how's it going frozen Rose there do you want to join up do you want a job okay good talk nice interaction yeah I'll see you later oh I think you can't hear us because the voice chat set to auto so now that we're in the team we can only hear each other oh it's not how it works I'm pretty sure because like when you guys were on the team I I couldn't hear you anymore oh okay that makes a lot more sense second at the farm hi I wonder if there's a way to set that so you can just talk to everyone oh we should help I think it's just area we don't have vaccine this day oh yeah you do but it's kind of weird you don't slow down time it's more of like an auto way oh okay right still don't know how to act yeah I'm still trying to work this out myself he tore this family apart Oh God rip J okay well you guys over here let's just go and then I kind of say hey these guys fighting or gonna fight another thing on the ground maybe should we leave our team so we can see it when you talk to them I should know because they might be in a team so yeah they won't be able to hear us anyways I think there's an area chat and that's the open hello hey frozen look at me if you can hear me Oh dr. socks can you hear me that mean let me try area chat - and socks socks audio area oh oh hello yeah I can hear you again okay yeah we're girls an area chat now they should be able to hear us - how's it going they seem to be running away in fear I don't we sighs I think I think the helmets a little bit too intimidating they just don't know what to do they panic cause like anything the loot in here like it these guys already like gotten everything I found Jim session notes and some drugs I got some do a well know if III don't know what I want even like looking at all these supplies I mean I just take everything because it's all like scrappy yeah I guess yeah dr. Salk see you don't have pens what do you want to join our gang I think you gather a team is it I can't I can't invite him so I think he's just in another group okay he might be so he might not be able to hear us because of that okay well almost at the marker so we should probably just keep making our way over to be over here a crashed I think yeah this game actually is pretty intensive like I can't even tell them my PC it's chugging a little yeah I don't have that graphics card so I if I can guess I'm running around like I'm gonna 1060 and I'd say I'm like dropping well below 30 but it might because I'm streaming as well so like oh yeah I have that 1062 so okay yeah so it's probably just a five no streaming oh they have a bunch of parts there oh yeah this is oh no that's a cache - ooh going an event fertile soil yeah quest started like what's going on I heard the farm need me to register the volunteer as well Oh J spec is my son pack barked up up get back into the team oh yeah he's there again you must just disconnect it yeah okay weird were these marques I don't know like one like it's tell me ones in this building I don't see it oh [Music] it's over this way bond or corpse oh this is so a self-serve registration desk oh okay now I'm registered and now illegible to vote well they have the Porta diner here as well oh but you can't win it just like before Oh should we hop actually get them yeah I'm gonna try got a try team chat you know okay okay can you hear me yes I'm back hey what happened our roots are turned off so I well you're very well not bad we went ahead to Natalia I read it in the chest okay seems to have missed everybody's so happy to see you oh [ __ ] we missed you say I missed you too I was get out I know stuff is trying to kill us right now I'm just gonna like do a cheeky level up here okay the physical power would string receptionist say mature before appearances sandwich before charisma it allows you to share higher point perks and also affects your awards from group quests and prices okay oh shoot yes the charisma does a lot completely different yeah right now I have one point in Chrismon one point in endurance I'm gonna get a point in agility and to see how this works you get action boys a perk sex it's weird how it's all card-based now and you have to assign one perk basically per special I guess it is yeah yes it's really kind of weird yeah I'm also interested in I don't know do Oh No I may or may not be dead oh no where at what I walked into the land of mr. farmhand we're coming run away don't worry that there's a lot of people here so like you're gonna have some backup in a moment shooting each other with your own thing oh this is scary [Applause] it's like playing like planetside 2 or some never actually played basically FPS I don't know we're seeing everyone here defeating farmhands I'm getting progress in it I think you guys have killed some yeah I killed the last one [Applause] [Music] savior's yeah we see we seem to be okay I'm so confused as to what's actually happening like just kind of game wise like yeah this is a very odd experience where there's are so many people wait you know yes like this isn't an MMO or you know this is a Fallout game yeah alright everyone's currently at this door like is this gonna open in a moment press e to open let's go in I'll be stunned Oh God we all gotta go inside how's it going guys haven't been like oh I feel like I haven't helped in a quest at all this is just like literally a gang that's just killing everything like we leave ISM mob into the end we have three people they are I know like we are three people but there's like eight players here like everyone on the server is in this building right now just like a mob and stuff and like we're running everywhere it's just like there this event called out like I have so many everyone is running to on my screen like I don't know what I'm looking at footsteps well we completed the event apparently we did it yeah hackers down I go for this item reward stimpacks a hunting rifle that's me and some ammo oh so we all we all get different stuff then I think I'm gonna go with the true did you know do you want to get a point at all and I think so that you guys like perk otherwise your replacement perks my pistol is unusable until I love local I'm really confused with the park system in this game beat the chat read the chat what's going on guys I see the chat people are just saying gay for Jay Hey I'm sorry get would turn gay for and that's right and rainouts I mean I that that's understandable you know he's a very attractive man we won't judge thank you my teacher is like no he looks so stupid good it's like yeah he looks stupid and let's make that makes mockery he looks like the wisest man he looks like he is superior to the current mankind well I I'm I think you need a better English teacher like I don't know what to tell you Peter cannot recognize like Ryan Reynolds like on a handsome mug yeah if there she thinks she thinks that Damon from from Vampire Diaries I don't know but man he is impaired no he's called Damon Damon from the from the show Vampire Diaries I don't know the show - I don't know no he is supposed to be more attractive than Ryan Reynolds I mean I I mean you're entitled to your own opinion but it's a wrong opinion let's be real here it's like that's not an opinion that's facts you're just wrong right right is the sexiest man alive you guys want to hear my perk pack funny Oh what is it what does dad hate about Father's Day I don't know having to celebrate it oh it's too where's the question I kind of tell us to go now funny story both the gay 4j thing actually I have biology head biology teacher and he won't want it so I have a very long full name okay I shot it with JJ and my girlfriend shot it with J but because of the long name we shortened it with JJ okay and she wrote and J and you look like G so on the blackboard it looked like there was thinking yes is there a gay hair the check-in at engineering cost especially because I was new to the school and to the class or like my second or third day or you poor thing J got called gay on a second but I kind of got along with some people oh that's good to hear I have this like phantom marker that I'm just trying to see what it's pointing me towards it's like literally like this spot in the field it's given me a marker I don't know why like I don't see anything yeah I don't see anything here either I think it wants me to listen to one of the logs and maybe its just glitched a bit wasn't it doesn't in a gang of folks here how does a dead body it's a responder hey they're trying to hit us you actually hit me there I only we gonna hurt each other that okay I'm not ready time oh god they look like they have like a bit more armor than us like even letter wise I just look like Uncle Sam I mean we gotta you gotta continue like the American propaganda over here yeah we just gotta find the Gulf genius I'm wondering if we just ignore the quest and just go off adventure and I can you just find like higher tier stuff like we'll roll the game like the beta test stop us if we just run off into the wilderness I'm trying a new set that you should just pressure the game to its limit having it completely break the game okay let's look at the map then and let's just pick a destination to go to I'm just gonna see how far we go I just close my eyes okay no I know what four times bigger than okay do you see like the if you look to the east of where we are do you see like a big going with like the dish sticking out of it and there's a growing should we head over there the case of us custom destination set by fate okay how does it look like way out there Stossel okay so let's let's just like go off there and just see what we find because I our characters is gonna be saved in HS no they said its characters will get into the friggin o and I think for for PC it's even the way that you don't have to download the game again when it comes well that would be nice I already had the game like uninstall itself when I tried to play I was I was I was ready to start playing that's that's been my game didn't delete itself but it still made me like redownload twice oh god I don't have any armor just have my good old Uncle Sam propaganda oh [ __ ] no it's okay we should be more than quick yeah it's like the way the way I see like everyone else like apparently on this server is just doing that start in quest and like so they're all gonna be like kind of following each other for like oh yeah we have the rebels the next few hours yeah if we just journey off and just see where we get gonna go out we're gonna find power armor sounds like a plan I'm gonna I'm gonna just like pop off some of the quests tracking everything stop for a moment just so I'm not tracking all these days hi how are you okay okay yeah just Frank trying to even cry something then we get attacked more at frickin Christ okay up down on the ground that Maura jump scared me a little bit right there well I mean you know Halloween yesterday rookie season just doing my job okay let lets let's us journey off to the east I guess and just see what waits for us over there just see where the road chicks this isn't what Todd Howard intended but you know I think that's okay maybe it is what he intended actually in spirit this what this game would just be Skyrim too if that's what he wanted I guess be real oh I forgot to mention but what you guys experienced at the beginning of the game where you just like randomly talking at least they don't have that much equipped that it is like said when we die you just can take this thank know I heard two people talking and I thought it was from like a video playing in the background or something but it was somebody just trying to record the intro for a video yes okay I got Nate that may have been me starting the livestream or was it thought it was somebody else I was in a I was in a different world wait so we on the server and it was like a guy it's like what's up guys like pretty much pretty much gamer from gamer nation here high energy commentary is you're just trying to play through the cave what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel well go back to my 17 / fallout 76 let's play episode 47 I'm gonna run this thing dry no thanks so funny cuz that you're usually legit just trying to play the game when this guy used was going like full youtuber and then he realized other people could hear him he's like oh I really would be confused by that yeah subscribe to my minecraft channel we gotta get over this big hill I think there's a guy called scorched with a crown that's not oh oh he must be like a legendary person level 1 my god it just popped up for a moment and disappear over here something I'm trying to press Q to see if I get locks on to him with us as if we can find an enemy with the crown oh yeah I didn't try to vets yet oh yeah yeah there's a rat rat pub yeah so it doesn't slow down it just locks on though it's more specific a man I guess cute I believe oh yeah see so it doesn't slow down time at all but it just locks on them you pick a parrot yeah it's just Auto way yeah I don't know if that's like basher I guess that only works if like you're trying to get though something it's pretty Oh P for PvP right now oh that's actually true I didn't think about that just get like a sniper and go for the head yeah because if you have like a shotgun and you're like right next to somebody and you activate vets it's like a certian oh there's some goals in here or something oh oh there's the scores yeah okay let's just clear these guys out they win the first round yes in oh yeah just go through the building yeah yeah we're now in the combat I'll go upstairs okay oh very good Oh does he like yeah yeah Euler pipe pistol anyone have some special labeler pipe oh Jesus Christ oh the AI for the enemy seems a bit weird they're like trying to lock on to like one of yous and just walking past me that's just for this I've no I haven't seen that with anybody else like they sort of tried to shoot through the walls at you oh I'm parched apparently I need to drink to avoid negative effects let's oh I think I got summer there too let me just pop it on oh well I've got tree right arms at the moment you would do any of you need a letter right arm because I have so many I mean you could thank you sure I have already have one but I think I'll keep them because I think repair things with the same stuff yeah it's like right arms let's see if I can repair money a hunting rifle oh ouch okay I can give it like no I I don't have parts for anything oh mighty repair there we go I repaired it [Applause] custard and I kind of can recipe I can craft a trunk chess place oh yeah we can just drop stuff for each other okay that's so much easier than happen to like worry about trading it all the time yeah yeah cuz if you drop it it like spawns like a little paper sack okay well I'm gonna drop like I keep the extra arms I have oh boy I'm famished time to eat there we go there's some letter arms in case people want them it's left in a paper bag I broke gunpowder from Raiders died here I don't think there's anything else to lose I think we like to pick the place clean baseball grenade can go upstairs maybe there's something up here great of course with some drugs on them all the way up oh yeah I got to worry about hunger meters tonight it's like Fallout New Vegas like survival and when you eat you also get read so I'm gonna jump over the roof oh oh I got a Verne building stuff all right jump over to a fridge doc gun rounds I found it safe requires skill one your skill is zero you just have to get perception to get like lockpick skill in this is there a specific this is the safety lock picking or like I I don't know I assume that's how they do it in this one which is I'll get a perception card next time I level up I guess and I'll just see if that helps I think we've picked everything clean make on this place and maybe we should hop onto in search of the dome before anyone else gets over there like this character is gonna be so random in case of perks we're just getting like whatever we can and like just make yes what's keep every weapon I can get my hands on because like they have condition I don't want them yeah you want to break them like a gun toy because you kind of pause the game at all like that happens like you're just gonna die in this scenario basically Dark Souls you know those Apollo games yep people legislate every time I got over my twitch chat now people are just screaming gay rainbows when I was away it's so colorful wife Wi-Fi connected to my phone I looked up to your screen to see where you are mm-hmm this chat was just floated with JJ is back JJ don't leave behind say that they were all very worried about it fine corpse Wow oh no I tried to search it oh no oh oh that's level 9 a ruined Modern Art oh that was level yeah how do we defeat that wood and it it disappeared no it's O that meet the cross for me it it died right here and then just like disappeared right after oh no we got robbed that's the level 9 enemy oh ok I'm getting too many Reds I got this yeah we gotta get away from that Center I got I just got snapped I guess it's indicators how's it going everyone is still just helping in a lot of folks are asking what happened to my video tonight that wasn't supposed to go up oh there's like a problem on youtubes end that video will go up tomorrow so don't worry about that plane falling now they're all just handed me about that one it's like a recurrent question at the moment which is what I mention this oh you know anytime you mention a snap it's just snap the team now you know when I started to play love to stop the beta today I didn't think I would meet someone to play with I just thought I would yeah like I think I was planning to just go solo myself just to kind of get a feel for the game so very much just true us into each other like right at the start I was just so taken oh that's what they're like like don't mind them no I think it's funny because I was never in a stream before is that an airplane on that Oh Oh God Oh we'll deal with the airplane in a moment a away we go US government supply requisition this is top secret give us government air drop if we go to a relay tower where is that if we go this direction I'd like this request over here to like get a government supply drop we should probably do that I have that oh I also have that quest yeah I think it will take up the turn on the ground it should give it to you I'm just gonna favorites my weapons well I can get oh wait lines all the way back like where we were originally all right mine's just up the the little hill here keep think I keep pressing tab to check my map I forget those escape now yeah that's gonna get that's gonna take some getting used to yeah literally every other Fallout game yeah make our way to get up these rocks this is a little bit here this looks very this is very treacherous ok no it's really like oh no oh coating the defendants level 5 there's a few of them there is a third one with a gun I'm gonna just gonna tilting I'll take the guy out over here oh okay one down are we good bait here you're looking at this ass a little bit crippled here oh god someone shot me oh shoot oh oh I'm dead who's shooting oh god is what there's one more there's one more up there and alright my head's crippled it where Oh God back up he's standing above us you can kind of see him yeah I see him yeah we need to work our way around before we all die oh wait oh that's not the one that's shooting at us well no who's shooting at us then one here there's multiple oh there's a bunch up there oh god okay we gotta clear the Maclin that's uh let's stock up on supplies okay I'm getting my machete oh god I shouldn't have taken the machete oh they're live come on Oh step X the pixie oh I'm sorry I didn't mention square I don't know no no you're okay man okay it's not yeah Oh some people are okay with that I need to get a better rifle oh there's a level ten all the way about the top we'll get home yet don't worry the level ten with the crowd clear them out and we'll get some loot just means we might need some better guns honestly look these hunting rifles are not great very slow all right the level tends at half go find a recipe for some pepper steak and some drugs sounds delicious the drugs do sound delicious yes could come in handy too oh don't worry about about your ground I know I'm actually German yeah III I thought you were from like the accent yeah oh this guy died in a chair typewriters are pretty good in like the base game I'm a follow for the take ou is still more of them alive oh there's one more oh god hang out taking the shot okay this package of Oh a good name yeah anymore trunk oh I got a per card pack oh I'm gonna actually feel silky I'm gonna I'm gonna take perception and see what you know yeah okay hard pack I got it I don't and I don't really understand something with parrot cards is like you don't have to buy them if you get yes that's what it is and you can just assign them for a new Klein you tried as much 40% chance when you find extra meat when you searching best seam so I'm just gonna get this concentrated fire yeah that's what I got from perk up tech okay so yeah so you can assign stuff oh the weight of all items is reduced by 25% that seems good I think you oughta make it automatically use bayonets use things together yeah this seems to be how I might have had a micro transaction for that cuz like card packs you know okay that's honestly a relief because you just see trading cards you know like there's so many games that go that way yeah actually this is why I never got to play oh and because I'm not interested in football I found my first disc alarm sure guy down here today he has like a really good one yes we love will tend to use it but it has like a bunch of mods on it it does 50 damage for shop oh my god I want to get the level 10 now whoo well this skirmisher yeah he add like a unique hunting rifle oh no I think both me and Fayed got one I might have something different for you am i right it would be right I can't you find anything he was there a moment ago my gone yeah I don't see anything seeing where the relay tower is as well so like my relay tower because we can do all the supply drops like we might as well but my one is just up here I think oh no I can't yeah it still requires skill zero you're a skill to zero can't pick it still yeah because I think you have no oh there's our explains ah one broke oh no peace I need this loop the bloom is intense in this game oh my god oh okay sadist fail of kicking it Oh duct tape it's so fun but safe is open now say it lockpick lockpick did the people there people are picking up and like the lack of NPCs in this game as well there was a robot I think at the start we could talk to but I imagine it's significantly less cuz like they're trying to put emphasis on the players and from preview with you could actually see that there were that there is that there still is children around okay so that still isn't fashion because there wasn't there are more of them okay yeah so there's gotta be something be season you can encounter that it's gonna have harder to find I don't really understand how they had they had to be you know I don't think they could be represented by robots yeah okay I'm just going maybe little here I'm just gonna run up here and see if I can turn on the tower Oh am i over encumbered arty the safe I can't open the safe guys I'm sorry I like the lockpick I already oh oh so can i if you open it then can I that does that mean I can go and open it I think I'll try and journey back in a moment or two Oh any I might my character is getting very thirsty I should have a drink shame say hydrate it I drank my only nuka-cola we got you before poor man oh sorry mr. price mr. pryzbo somebody say axes did he give me anything continue hey hey I'd have nothing new in my inventory you didn't give me anything so it's not worth it it's not worth it for him Oh super hands [Applause] somebody has up somebody has a right move automatic rifle oh god yeah they do I can hear that we got to be oh no it's Terry's yep take cover oh holy [ __ ] this at super meter skirmisher level 10 put a crown how much like the Crown's matter or like the levels just way above you oh there's a bobblehead in here wait what I got a a bobblehead leader lead by example the news game 5% more XP it was just here I just picked it up and you say oh I just got a bobblehead then where where is this always probably do the super moons first I'll find 9a motors he's upstairs oh he's right here like a sniper rifle the bobblehead said I gained more XP for the next hour or something like that's that's kind of neat I just don't actually see it in my inventory like I'm trying okay maybe it's small like a passive perk or something like that now I'm level 5 sucking I can kill people the bobblehead too late that was like leader I believe the name of it just flirt of folks in chat you see anyone asking about that video from tonight just like let them know if that like that was just like YouTube messing up there's no video it's nice let me turn on the relay terminal a hairy unit is dormant okay does the repair unit I have to find in it how do I do that that can eat my stomach this is where it's telling me to go to Grover repair unit dormant you need to load a holotape oh okay what holotape do I need do I have oh yeah oh you're right okay just low that there request emergency airdrop one-time code verified request an emergency airdrop now we have to get the Supply Drop where does that come in Oh get the Supply Drop is a different zone yes yeah we still haven't made it to the dome but you wanna head back that way a bit I guess and try see what this is yeah yeah like we're just we're just trying to get a bit more XP I guess at the moment [Applause] Ju with us yeah yeah with a friend of mine a friend of mine is playing us getting to play the game now and I can't add him or join him because I don't play the game with the launcher it's like my internet is too slow like hasn't downloaded it from for me and put it on the hard drive and I and she gave it back to me that trust you know like Steam you know put your game on half harddrive put it in the library it doesn t six I can't so I can't launch the game with the be festive launcher I have to restart the game from the hot rod okay that's really interesting so I can't add him that means I have to add him or he has to get in the game then I have to add him and then he has to join me why did he join the gang welcome to join the gang have no problem with that before we do this part give me a sec I have to join on disco to talk with them let me see I'm gonna I think I have to earnings radio signal the world radio supply drop should be here I just don't see it Oh [Applause] eggs mine supply [Applause] also fire in the game very different oh look at this it's here mr. Supply Drop we're over here cargobob oh you Joe this is a giant drone Oh act that's a cough I just got a flare gun so I feel kind of cheated 26 damages I got all the good loot that's nice I think I literally just got like a flare gun and I have one Claire that's pretty disappointing okay should we go for want to be talking for a sec I have to explain the situation to him oh yes that's fine I'll just no we can we can go okay we're gonna go should we head back towards the customer destination then go that way okay now let's skirt around imagine again then I'd have to go back up it that's it I need to I need to find my stash soon because I always did a time thing it's not a time thing but I mean it's definitely behind me cuz like we all get to loot the stash apparently only a good thing to kind of go find them yeah this and then you also have this like yep you also have this Universal storage called your stash hmm where it's like you put things in and then you can find other caches around the map kind of like an enderchest in Minecraft okay right that seems really handy for this kind of game you don't want to just set up one base and have all here inventory store it there it's an adventure and I will be a pain don't leave Jay behind OJ's going okay it's going don't worry guys very concerned for Jai's well-being whole time I'm gonna let the light just so I can see as well ideas real-life Charlie Brown on Halloween oh wait there's some other kind of marker here oh that's a that's a wide-area thing like an area event I guess oh it's the it's the radio thing tune in the top of the world radio signal I'm gonna pop it on oh it's flickering in and out it's like a distress signal but I'd only we're close enough yeah top of the world Pleasant Valley I need help yeah I'll pop that on again later I think it would like or something you know oh it's friendly just how I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we got a reward for that we got a bunch of food hey and something to read drink we kill the nanny now or is she okay let you decide if you say it depends on chat like they're out for blood like yeah for this story miss nanny oh no honey but you have a little camp here we got your workshop mode do we want to build a base yeah I don't think we need to do this I set up camp as a joke but then I can't like pick it up look I built the thing yes I think I think I could just like build a little stash and then and then I can put my stuff in there oh I've ran out of resources already oh yeah here this my stash grass the trees possible no you can't hear oh there it is I built the stash so now we can like put our stuff in there oh nice I don't think I really need the store though that's the thing I mean I was I was overcome bird so oh yeah I actually might put away some of the weapons I can't use yeah you just put some general things away so I can sell them one either I'm just paramedic jumpsuit paramedic now moving up in the world congratulations thank you thank you a long time coming I just got the job oh snap your paramedic as well now hey do you have a paramedic suit Sam and the paramedics look all in his waistline the aftermath of Gandhi I don't think that's how it happens guys okay that's good should we keep making our way do we pick up any of this stuff or do we just leave it here I guess you can like scrap it maybe I should put away to the wood just a guess I need it but did you get the paramedic stuff on from we just found my clothes in the ground okay so if you scrap things it gives you half the component cost that's how that works but probably shouldn't have built oh that was kind of a mistake but that's okay yeah we'll keep adventuring on sure I went from a really nice soup to homeless never reflect with the post-apocalypse now my chat is currently like begging me to find the nukes but like I I don't even know where to start for that guy's like I don't think anyone knows that's true actually yeah they might have a little more experience with it but fate has been alive for what a week though yeah get over this mountain pretty steep I don't know if we're gonna be able to like jump up this one ain't no mountain high enough this mowzer might be too high don't actually see your way forward here there's a big pit in the ground oh that deposit can mine mine let here Oh Kenya yeah fine oh we need a pickaxe or something no there I was able to mine it I didn't give me anything this game just does not favor you yeah it's just have to get me if people are just quoting Todd Howard it's like see that mountain you can climb this really is sky room - yeah it's like you can jump get just get any high ground by jumping on the rocks on the sideways it seems to be kind of why I'm here if we go sleep there's gotta be a way out there it's there actually no button to mute yourself like it it doesn't seem to be like from what I can see like the audio sentence you just have a different types of voice chat there's no footage to talk or anything which i think is insane okay yeah sky ever has pushed itself that's how you talk okay I can't go I can't cut up that rock this bit up this bit ends this Michos leads around Oh a little a little oh yeah that would cut out of a bird sacrifices kicking it open open Skyrim 786 basically Oh God I'm alright okay Oh a single-action revolver you know what the outfit I have I wish there were it's weird how I like it manages like the world loot where it's just like on tables and that because if one of us picks it up and it's just gone it's not stored in the Chester and like even with the bauble that it's like I seem to be the only one without that and I stole the thing like I already know what the game is out the full version I will make one character with that I just ran completely off that's Uncle Sam and like as much as diplomatic as I can this player like the national anthem I was over like your mic constantly though people just like kind of hear it coming in the distance like they just run in fear like oh no just constantly played the jaws even just chase people on the server you haven't you haven't seen my face yet I just realized you took off the vaultboy head I think we're getting closer to the dome we're over the mountain now which is good we'll probably like the first away from a grown Jehovah's Witness like to give you the good news the lowest and farthest away everyone is already in coffee pot here you're like the God of the golf club is the most American I mean a baseball bat that's pretty patriotic you know the part I love of the game is that you can role play everything you want oh it's like it seems like a normal game for role play like my god yeah it's like you can play with that just continuously drops people like I want to see if it's possible to get like a complete server of players like everyone is in for it and just set up like a rating drive and just like I know like but destroy everywhere wasteland like as efficiently as possible just have like a gang of 40 instead of being mean server like Game of Thrones like families that's the dog barrel star it sits above it's above the ground I'm stuck in the storm wait guys I see a level 15 to see terrible sock stalker here we should probably help you with that that sounds intense it's very oh he's being just beaten up by a scorched believer Oh God so many Reds yeah yeah we wanna oh we gotta fight him now oh holy [ __ ] well that's a lot of damage there's a lot of damage oh god they're the levels are starting to get a bit higher we desperately need better happens to cut happy cost be comforted you ran off well yeah he's like no one expects you to just run off like that like there's probably everyone else is like in some starting zone at the moment just do Tessa wants us to do just completely break the game like this is the way you should play something like this but you just journey into the world and just see how far you can get like we've almost made us in a dome like it looks like there's got to be something cool up there we just need some like actual weapons I have go upon Tron I just have like my default hunting rifle I've been using it all this time I want to get to level 10 get a better one lever 10 I get a sniper rifle okay this looks really fancy Ohio my guy is hungry and thirsty okay I caught a new quest this you not die here I need some iguana bits chopped off the word is this top of the world seems to be I'm sick from red worms oh my god oh those radscorpions here be careful oh my oh that's a big one okay oh that's a big one Oh oh yeah that's you gotta kind of sometimes you just gotta stand up and be a man I will get it dad I like we just have to be smart around like avoid as much damage as we can there we go Jesus Christ yeah let's go in here there's got to be something here like this is like standing out a sore thumb nothing drugs this is the top of the world ski sword cutter do what a ski sword it's a ski that's been sharpened into a sword requires level 15 I got an overseers log oh that weapon has to be amazing okay we'll wait fair with the overseer appears to have explored the waistline Oh wash like logs everywhere [Music] brings a bit laggy it's probably the game this is like pretty intense as far as games go I need to adjust the quality settings a bit you speak Irish and you think I'm on cached J you want to you want to poke our head in as we wait for fade oh no I think it's back hey hey I think we've lost at the moment Oh J back yeah he's back the observation mayor let's go on Oh what oh that's someone up there oh oh okay so do we got we gotta help them find the signal repeaters schematic follow the overseas journey so which one which quest we followed I have like the puzzles [Applause] in Los yeah it that this is main quest as well oh that's far away yes sir what if we skipped [Applause] very signal straight up again it is at the vault now signal strength is up to like the Northeast it so it was a little area Oh God that's too far at least nope but I think he will just move right on we can meet in the middle what I know vertibirds by the way there's actually quite a few yeah that's yeah pretty loud too it was that on Dirty Bird over the ball yes us but why are these like all flying into each other I mean the birdy the vertibirds have always been pretty was shooting at them who shootin Oh someone else there are key yeah super mutants level 1000 nuka-cola super mutants here Oh Donna these are a lot of boys oh that's a lot of boys what is it about you foreign songs no I cannot equip that sniper rifle I'm stuck with my hunting rifle Pleasant Valley ski resort oh my god there's a lot of there now clear them out you guys might want to use the skin pack yeah oh my legs okay you're gonna go down I'm dead almost yeah you gotta gotta use that stimpak can't I can't use one on you know got it - gotta take slower oh my I just had one stupid little game anymore this is real life dude we got to survive who keeps truckin the her maids actually died I don't you every five I like though you got the level five like him that was not really the time for it okay okay get that one do my tomahawk got him [Applause] oh my god yeah you can actually loop that Omaha the tomahawk crow [Applause] the top marks do allotted oh there's a disease mutant house behind you [Applause] supermanny fighter this is the big n doing okay oh it's two more inside a frag grenade oh god the grenades wait dad you're not looking too good hi efforts but why didn't the boss suddenly start attacking these guys like don't you just don't understand what's going on that was 16 he has a crown so I assume we'll get out of ya what why all the bots are checking us are they attacking us they are - oh yes threats oh no ok well we better get inside in a moment then alright I kill birds there's still yellow for me oh my gosh maybe you accidentally hit one I don't know how you would've thought I got a higher level Golf Club I didn't oh I think I did yeah well let's just get what we can in here my golfing can continue oh anything of nature on a broken tibia birthday it's nothing more there's the guy with the crown because he might have something well vendor bought resin I was a guy with a golf club here but I'm not high enough level to use the more powerful version of it taking all the bullets like oh you're a hostile enemy you're not dead enough okay there's a vendor you brought some tech don't know Thanks doing this yes so yes where is the check trunk chalk hipsters these dumps if you go to oh you go downstairs oh yeah he's there under Bob training is of babies I don't know if we can trade with him at than persons tribunal is it possible for me to invite huh yes I can't invite my friend so that you miss it that all right shows up here when you need oh hey another gas up areas there is hey what if this guy got the sale might be useful look at me me extra folks oh no this ski resort has been great thanks but does not suit looks kind of behind me Duprey hey mountain i'm here's a bunch of stuff while I can here Wow the weapons are what we've taken worthless like Jesus Christ yeah I want to get like tree caps or like so only thing I'm stockpiling sell a bunch I'll tell you what for but I suppose it comes like a funder attached to my soul instead of America there's another uh another gas mask in this room none that I got up I gotta buy the bobby pins this guy has you need those he's got a bunch of plans for sale but like it's also expensive maybe you'll kill someone with one of my weapon can't afford anything else when you do it's not empty take this gas mask it'll be helpful later which cosmos think it's on the ground right there no oldest job yes you know by heart [Applause] paramedic beautiful you should be supposed to get to admire yeah well I'm kind of like jump to her bubble dumbing stuff okay I'm taking the Bears and to give them a good home oh don't don't I look ready for the mountains hey every ski equipment ah but why'd you take off your leather however what it does it just doesn't show through the outfit oh it's a long can you actually hear fade it no I can't at the moment okay I think this supposed to be a desk here but it's disappeared [Applause] another work administration there anything here oh boy reset user passwords dislike two passwords I only can access any [Applause] is there any morganite while in school knowing everything I hope he'll spread and our car to get our phones click on snail house specialty click on - never oh yeah we can't hear ya I think I think you can't fast river to us I mean is welcome to try it III think we're gonna have to we're gonna have to find a way to actually like repair the signal so we can get help there because it seems like there's something amazing at that down all right I just have the objective we should work towards right now I'm gonna get my level up to regional five so I'm about with other players enabled oh yeah he's there I'm gonna get another point I'm gonna get a point in block but let me see if I have some weapons for you wait my actually let's get the farm a fine one oh I need to get out of this menu oh they're just - oh they seem to have like a setup oh I'm troubled I don't have any oh okay wait I am either Oh see there is a way to use a stim pack on someone else ah okay [Applause] probably another weapon you can't use every weapon I find at the moment seems to be I can use that was your Martin you look like butch and so what direction quest is this way yeah okay so we have to go kind of north from here [Applause] and that's like where the next but that's why we've repaired to see signals and hopefully we can get up there and get something for our awards I just definitely want a better gun the paper-pick yeah I'm trying to get for level tone so I can finally use that sniper yeah that yeah I have a sniper - and get down here maybe a shotgun would be nice because I've seen I've seen the shotguns that people have why shouldn't you oh I found I found the silver I'm fuzzy I got a best friend oh there's a bunch of Patrick my people I don't think I want to search them yeah we did that was bad whoa-oh-oh-oh [Applause] just calmly Papa stimpak loot him okay so we need to follow this road up then for the relays oh oh wow stop oh okay I'm completely rid oh he's he's dead dead there's no bringing him back oh god are you gonna respond but what happens now they're all gone sir we need to back up here we need to back up a bit [Applause] I think they've got us surrounded is a clown bit yes no this is this is pretty bad right now oh god what's the fire this from the sky okay but you just respawn here yeah I feel bad for so like the fast travel options oh yeah I'm dead again having much luck there there's a lot of explosions there that's a lot of damage is that I'm using my last impact on you there you go make your life cameras [Applause] maybe why don't you grab automatic rifles we don't have any I am I have one automatic Russian hey you're high enough level to use it huh yes oh really okay I don't think you have to be lower funny I want you to activate the flamethrowers would that be better ah okay I through the heart - there's a punctured optic I see you can add to our our instrument collection I can't give you playing it through all the stuff it's going too hard to make out cuz it's a helicopter nearby I shot one of the vertibirds for the bots and now it's angry at me [Applause] okay I should probably be little Dan guys put that in the troop but that's an amazing discovery [Applause] at mass gunfire sits down to play the tuba I mean it's not every day you find one the tube was more important than survival you never will come out just go and people come and go there's only there's so many tubas left [Applause] parrot okay I just go with more damage on melee weapons I should've Charles yeah you really shouldn't shoot the drones like they're gonna follow your relentlessly I don't oh god that one is angry oh this one's almost dead if you want to finish it well [ __ ] on the cannon country yeah that the bolt on was gone how bad is it when they start shooting at you they long so confused well you have an icon of damage but they don't shoot that bad okay that's something I'm out of stimpaks oh I'm not gonna like oh my god you just jeez as' crazy thing just kids oh my character was never a phase and it nearly killed me did you shoot that thing down oh my guys cripples like I don't know how many body parts or injures on my arm my head are gone and I have no stimpaks I think I died seems to disappear after a few moments your thing is I respond and they're no longer mad at me but I'm nearly arrested stimpack I'm gonna try and I find a silver tie mr. fuzzy cannot oh can you just sleep in a bed just sleeping I don't know okay well that's let's get in the bunk bed sure and just transit yes you're slowly healing up let's just have a quick and HAP I know what and this in these beds there are clean pillows no no not that he was nice she was searching for something I only fans them I'm just gonna just gonna rest my eyes a moment everything okay fade okay you can't sleep off the radiation apparently that's good too Mitchell they resting off bullet wounds that's okay by radiation is where we draw the line AJ after you've done sleeping I'm get your Duncan stuff out here in a paper sack else up here I got 66 caps as well I got I need to get more money I want to even try and engage with the vendor bar yeah I have 122 caps it's like I have heart yeah I like it seems that you can't even sell stuff for many caps like that vendor bot is giving him shy prices yeah especially because everything's so expensive - yeah yeah even her mature I only got one kappa oh i can try unlock the ammo box now there we go activate flamethrowers oh noes out I'm sorry well I may have caught him with the flamethrowers there seems to be okay as a birdhouse he's the silent but it's okay he's partly going to don't discriminate wait mole miner forum level 22 where was time he's over there somewhere ranae's mo okay we should probably get going into the relay yeah we should get that repaired because I really want to get up that dome like this just got to be something there there is an enemy see cauldros apparently like that in itself is something nothing Bali counts get what's in there oh I just alert them someone doing a tea pose there apparently a chats going wild all of a sudden I didn't even catch that oh they're in here hello I'm behind the counter Oh short pump-action shotgun Oh moving up in the world I can actually use this weapon oh happy days happy days a pump-action can unlock the safe with an immense skill there's a snubnose pistol here as well can't use that shotguns apparently okay a simple handgun don't have the skill required benson preserved insta mash dog food take what I can find for food while they're girls I just let you open that door Thanks my last pumpkin pie it's okay I gotta open it just leave that side doesn't that in there I thought it would be people are asking what the name of the gang is I don't think we ever came up with [Applause] maybe maybe check cuz I'm not seeing maybe the gays for J is for J oh and you could cherry it's purified water actual supplies there red poker and catch the call me catch the coffee Oh probably focus how do we how do we just ignore loose Jesus Christ I thought I leveled up though because I got it for free he'll oh and I have a note I don't open perk package business Oh actually got some good ones with that one I'm gonna take another point in agility heavy sledge hammer mod your non automatic pistols no to 10% doesn't seem too good I guess I should maybe just take some of these carrots though because this one isn't you take it no need okay oh there was a terminal for the turret control in this room okay so you just like kind of hop back and forth to ogle um I guess I kind of get still getting a feel for the cards let's watch it I have 1 4 plus 1 lockpick and skill that seems really handy oh you can stack them depending on how many points you have oh but that's how it works so you actually stack our on the place that we were just at about to drop something you can't you can't start back to it with the same okay now that's a bug and I can rank up cards to a higher card if you get duplicates okay so I found a bug there's a sports wanderer that's stuck getting petrified Oh knows what just nuts on coach I can walk straight through them - what up yeah we got we got a glitch oh yeah what's over here about clipboard a terminal hang on this we lost - have you friend by the way hmm a friend seems to have left the party no he restarts the game because this game is leg okay I mean barely yeah I need to like I need to change something on my act the bloom is way too much in this game like Jesus Christ you just step outside like you cannot see you had a lecture blue bike explained people are enjoying the ASMR crisps in the background check what you eating Christmas oh yeah that's actually a thing that many of my friends complain about one we are playing it's not too bad they just call an ASMR so I think you're in the clear to all the people in the last room I'm really sorry the explosions in this game are way more intense I try my best if that helicopter was like any indication but like that that almost killed us all it did kill me it could sure you're right actually I thought I was just kissed you know and it's cute in any other following in the clear I'm just I'm just still going towards where the relay is by the way I think I'm almost out of it now I'm I'm a fair bit north on the map make your way over oh yeah oh my god there's like a nuclear power plant here oh we got we got an investing I thought considering like you can get nukes in this session there is straight-up a power plant we don't have any codes but maybe we can find something that will help us in there there may be leads towards getting the nukes but I can't see a mark I just see fade and I don't know where you are I am I'm quite a bit nervous it should come up I'm going towards the signal repeater schematic on the map think I'm almost there yeah I can see your questions you're the host I'm just making my way over meanwhile I'm sure everyone else in the server is still up and like the buddy-buddy Irish in quests like still just all chasing each other we haven't encountered anyone since we left the pack no because no one dares to break the game like we do real real game area tube to the other gamers okay I've made my way to the visitor centre not sure if I should go in yet because it's probably some kind of enemy here I'm almost there okay no call off your Markus just just okay yeah there's a lot of goals which Wanderers yeah I can see you if a hey I found the turtle show but it turns out it was just a weird shaped rock next we load the hunting rifle I'm gonna start taking potshots at them gonna try line these up what I smell oh no that was an ash guy misses from pursuit not to miss Martin dr. Darwin know what actually very difficult to line up because they're so far away I just knew I just knew chater you mutate it yeah I mutated but I can't yeah it was displayed as positive and negative so I'm a oh wait I'll be careful there Oh God does a bear there's a bear I don't I don't look like oh yeah get me with sickles what's not a posture confidence in your cuisine first exactly but you DJ there's a bear down there that I'm kind of worried about we're gonna have to fight it eventually so he's taking a couple of hot shot spotter okay survived that it's cuz I thought from like 20 meters we just have to like help wheelie around from this point on short pump-action shotgun I'm gonna I'm gonna have to take the shaadi all my car really wants me to do it this one's better quality yeah no he's still down there be careful he's level 16 oh no he's here oh haha oh he's up there oh oh my god no I'm not sure I'm going to run away with you oh my I'm on the run okay he's gonna come up here next so we got to be ready for the bear whoop Jesus Christ signal repeater notes plan deep-pocketed off stressed for treasure map wouldn't stead right my supposed to take all these Sarah wouldn't after Norma I don't mean to alarm you guys with the Bears too large you want to be careful here oh I found some baseball grenades in the trunk too nice I found a ten millimeter pistol oh my god it's like a standard weapon I think I can use this too I have a I have a handgun oh my god what is I'm done with this you see that yeah what's wrong with this guy that's a head that the head isn't yeah with this extended neck 476 is a flawless masterpieces no problems whatsoever it just works Oh so we need schematics for this so we need to get parts Jake come on get cozy and a Pawlowski preservation shelter we have to we have to search for a duplexer and a transponder sorry our team we're not doing you we're not gonna see that that's understandable we'll get a little bit boring good thing I brought one of my board games be okay humbly I'm just looking at the map unit Supply Drop like where it doesn't really highlight these two well on the map like it's very difficult to see I see where the duplexer is I'm trying to see what the transponder is uh I see where yeah the duplexer the transponder is that the at the horizons rest oh you can see where all the players are on the map too yeah rice interest you see where the the freaking does a guy who's followed us gone feral he's level eight and apparently he's up the dome we are being followed we are the farthest I kind of traveled in the world at the moment everyone else is in the starting zone still though the transponder is at the at the airplane where we were when we killed those super mutants yeah I don't I don't see it it's not it's just not Marisa it's it's north west to the put it down oh yeah I see it okay we can just fast travel there and get that then what's grabbed this one we can just fast travel to but the other one yeah the other one we have to travel to but like we might as well do this one first yeah we want to be careful of the level eight who's following us know how it got stronger and he straight off from the pack like literally everyone else is in the starting zone so that's hilarious oh yeah I didn't even realize you could track other people oh my god all the super mutants respond are you kidding me yeah we gotta take the base again okay well this is gonna be an ordeal oh no I'm already almost dead it is not good do I have to I don't have time here I'm just hoping the bottom low and I'm gonna look through my inventory deluded stimpaks just take those this little last of my medicine guys you're never gonna slow me down I gotta be I gotta be so careful here like I really can't afford two tickets almost press f5 there are the reflexes a quick safety oh yeah a quick save this again have you loot respawn - Oh having a regular pistol is so much better fire fire fire okay I'm just a bit nervous oh god damn it the level 10 guys are me yeah I'm gonna have a sit down on the couch oh no a couch doesn't Helia okay I'm gonna see what food I have store HB [ __ ] tell me to Eva a lot a lot of it doesn't it doesn't heal hunger okey one solve that sounds that sounds like I know I think purified water Oh Jay's in trouble come on no okay I think Jays down I think I had a chance to save I didn't do anything oh I was trying to get a guy come back it's okay the important thing is that we just don't all die here we go alright that's all of them actually and he dropped J dropped his clean pit his clean pillow he died oh no how is he gonna sleep restfully at night you lost the pillow that day Oh does the green bandana here look look how edgy our character looks now boiled water served instant mash I think are we in the clear now yeah I think we're safe I'm just trying to I'm just losing a few bits again not am I here again I always you need to find the transponder oh wait no this one more no no that's too much oh my hunting rifle broke help it oh shoot punch Oh No get him back to the door get it back to the door I can take him when I say oh god run outside oh we're okay so I day typing we died but still alive hi that one's still chugging it's fine Oh get the pirate here and I if people find like sleeping bags and that we can just like rest up the full health like I'm gonna have like a little sit down here I died too full have fun a rest on this just gotta rest up Oh God Almighty it's a tough day less for cheating huh no joke that is what people go through on a daily basis know what John Denver was thinking of oh I finally recovered from my rad words hey fridaya the doctor said some good rest here it just messed it up I look my limbs are regenerating I know I got my leg cut off but a good night's sleep it'll grow back limbs work you know I mutated I just reckon rate them myself hopefully this would be amazing now we have like close the tray hours now this is honestly just such a weird experience still I'm sure like you think of it like closes comparison in my head is something like Borderlands yeah but like it's not really that because you know there's a lot of people and like there's other stuff happening it's like a very big open world Borderlands yeah more open world bottle nuts it's just weird like let's not what I describe it like it's definitely a game I know that much oh wait a second enjoying the beta yeah I'm cursed let's go grenades all right yeah I'll head up to the plane I guess I think that's where the pirate is that we're looking for seems to be in the cockpit I had to get my dog upstairs i okay don't worry like we did we're just kind of around the plane it's up here we have to go I think a bobblehead hear music yeah I found two back at that other place with a bunch of berta bots are you okay mom I have one for lock-picking and one for sighs [ __ ] you okay that's my second bobblehead now quite happy with that what level of my people are asking I am level six again there hey where is destination is Gaia heart gone taro you can see the in-game date as well that's kind of cute it's on the pip-boy the 25th of October 21 Oh - OH music philosopher judgment no you just need the duplexer I'm so happy to have this pistol but I know I need to say because it's like a really good weapon I want to get more ammo for it gonna go out with the shotty for now best game 22nd century guys destination then now that we got that part is if we just travel back to the dome it'll take us there I'll try I'm trying to see where like your man who went out to the dome actually went to next because he seems to be gone now yeah I don't either we're still like the furthest out thank everyone else everyone else is just in like the start in town or like there at the vault there is one there's one guy called Michael Collins who's actually gone really far north note I look at it Oh Michael Collins yeah my question is if someone wait if we travel back the total is do you see this giant bat thing fly in the distance south okay now it's gone but there was this giant bad thing from the from the e3 trailer flying by okay [Music] if someone do you know about the bounty system the bounty system no I don't if a player kill hums another player and kills him though the player was not willing to fight there's a bounty on his head Oh bottle caps and this player gets marked red on the card oh okay so he's highlighted on the map a lot of people enjoy yeah the other people so I think they're just dissing you can't when you don't have a bounty on your head you can Oh see everyone but when you get the bounty they just completely disappear and they were all hunt for you because they get money for killing you right sorry to just cut you off Jay we found gone feral the level-8 guy he's here yeah I know so a defender was talking to him so Oh guys how's it going he's badly injured and he's running away in fear yeah I think he thinks we're gonna kill him he just ran away we have to actually go to the direction he's running anyway because that's where the next plane part is so I guess which was spooked move it if you actually need to go that way we can't really clear when you don't willing to fight you have just a little bit yeah oh gosh oh no oh there's another radscorpion his level 14 hang on I need I need the radscorpion to kill me I just broke both my legs I don't know if I have a way out of this maybe the healing self oh yeah maybe maybe you can just I desperately made it on for 10 seconds Oh out bus wants to check out here the help that's cooking egg my chat is demanding that we kill the feral ghoul guy we found but I don't think we should uh no he has he has to be in he has to be willing to fight otherwise we get the bounty on our heads yeah so we don't really want to do that good hit him and see if he is willing to fight back if you fight like we can kill them without getting about it well I'm at like this where a gang though like he's probably never going to be you know it's quite intimidating up against poor folks I like the way that Borderlands have their people be set up to where you both have it's not that bad will be completely punched out of life but you don't really use loose much by die by dying oh just do some materials I think he's going for the part as well because I just checked the map there and think he's where it is but we better we might actually want to race him here so did we get up to do dome first does anything call up there we want to get it no I say we just kill him just look it up have the list like really surfaced but he's at the same yard like I just came to like this is where we need to be for the part yeah he's just got it there he's running back I got the duplexer there's two others here that you guys need to pick up I'm behind him oh he fast travels Oh No ah yeah he fell back to the dome yeah so I think Oh God oh of the Dom you you guys want you guys want to hurry up and make sure you get the power from the Train and then we got to get back we actually have to race this guy she definitely has the Big Gay oh yeah oh [ __ ] I didn't pick up the part oh just that I travel back there you should've go as well if you go quickly no fast travel it wasn't letting me first but isn't it enough when you have it no because like when you go to pick it up there's like tree copies of the item so I think it's for each person doing the quest I don't think Zelda haha he missed a bit I don't know okay well I have the part anyway I'm gonna just rush back and just like hold down the elevator shaft we don't have this guy going up before us we worked hard to get here oh god the radscorpions back again yeah okay I can fast travel I'm gonna hurry up oh shoot he's new he's nearby he hasn't gone in but if we have if we have the part that we all have the part delivered now we should be able to go up if they can start the signal repeater any tinkerers workbench is there a tinkerer better bench there might be one inside yeah well let's go in we have to fight the scorpion again [Applause] okay oh holy [ __ ] all right there mr. godsey's Oh No yeah they give very high damage and they are lever 22 oh no that's not good at all yeah y'all be careful of them okay we gotta find this workmen okay because I'm worried about this other guy yeah getting a bit antsy but I think you can't lose things away from other players they regenerate very fast yeah just just steer away from this part of town is to leave monsters I think we need that tinkerers workbench it's like if it's a weapon workbench yeah I remember I remember finding a ticker is Pinker than Burke thank you is that in the house I'm injured we may not do so well here I think we're all injured I'm very badly disease I'm thirsty let me just thank some water one at the water restores a little bit of HP gonna take it doing okay anymore on the left yes there is I'm thanking you tonight not that nice stream joke oh hey Jesus Christ they've so much house are you sure there's a pension here like this is an ordeal my guns out of ammo so let me just change it up I'm gonna use the canoes your names and I will I will use my baseball grenades the good stuff hey stand back that missed them all if they all came outside oh I'm down they got me oh yes Hey select respawn location up in the world yeah we'll just give it another shot we can do this yet oh no means Elda alive at the moment and I don't know where Zelda is oh my gosh I have 20 seconds to get over to is it going to come on three 200 comes right here oh no now I'm where you were stuck I'll just fight our way out get enough there getting up there oh they don't see me for the baseball good night okay I got some damage in there I have a lot of grenades on me so I'm gonna try use them [Applause] [Applause] throw it in the level 16 guy with the crown almost I'm gonna watch out for all the fire Jesus Christ hard I got him are we in the clear pretty sure oh thank god black-powder pistol oh Jesus Christ I got had a human jaw for some reason I don't even know why he did that somewhere in this area my dearest house we'll have a look around like we need to find a ski resort has the vendor vaults me great face down to the mountain to pray they melted owner do today oh I'm a trusty sword here if someone wants that how much cash junk food I think Oh created a new character from me and my friend oh yeah it's been great playing what yeah like it's been an honor it's been an honor to meet you really yeah although I didn't I didn't even know you before really yeah I'm really glad that I met you what's really interact the time oh yeah it was really fun I liked that great playing with you man I feel free sent me a message on discord or something like you grind it Scott yeah yeah yeah I do yeah if you free to send me a message like if you check like the twitch channel there's like a big old button for it there I'll give you a link to it and like I'll just be all nuts like I'll be like the guy posting all the announcements Oh better no no just feel free to I really feel down thank you very much for coming I like the chat definitely loves you I start you again sometime man you're the best okay maybe we'll need again on follow 76 on this character maybe a thanks to your friends and tell others as well who like carpentry is helping us yeah you enjoy too plus you know we have some friends and once you get some time alone no yeah of course like it's completely understandable like don't worry okay I feel lighter man yeah what's an honor to meet you and I glad that I had to put price up to give it to you was nice to do you have a youtube channel I do yeah it's just under the name RT gamer again okay sounds like a plan I really didn't know you before it's like what's really completely random yeah I imagine ever so much is very confusing for me talking to myself so much well I was really confused for that I thought you were talking to someone but I didn't know nothing why I couldn't hear the other person yeah it was like really confusing that was I hope you have a great time tonight playing some fallout 76 maybe I'll be back later on this character you will never know what you know all the best then everything until 11:00 p.m. maybe we will hear later on this character again take care man all of us yeah yeah - bye bye because Jesse would mean that paid yeah I barely knew him yeah oh there we go yeah he's out of the team oh that was that was so sweet it's like several hearts in chat for him head leaves at the head oh oh wow that's a locked door with laser beams in here whoa I need an ID card for it yeah have you have you found the tinkering table at all played like we do want to find it like as soon as we can I'm worried about other guys gonna find like a different table there's got to be at least like somewhere in like the world like we would pass where there's a tinkerer stable but even if we pass so if I have the vault it's gotta be something don't remember where they are can we craft one I assume not something we'd be able to do and I how do you how do you put down your camera just go into your pip-boy and fizzy okay I can't put it down here apparently this is like a no build zone yeah that's why I'm moving out so I can like place it down okay I mean we can give it a go I get sounds like something we should hopefully be able to go I need to go quite a bit from a bit away all right you got yours down let's see if this is something that we can actually build yeah how do you toggle the oh it's C oh yeah you can build it it's just yeah you have to find the plans to build it oh okay weapons tinkerers workbench oh god that one looks like really complicated as well a big building like Eleanor we should go then cuz like we've definitely been somewhere there's a bench like that we just need to find it so we can make this repeater like it would be handy if like the map like marked a spot for it the other guy seems to have logged off altogether so we don't really need to worry about him as much oh wait do I have plans no III don't have plans to the tinkers I have like all the recipes leave no repeat her notes that's the B recipe recipe kind water pump oh he is the gas price certificate that I want I got a golf tee shirt oh I went a hundred thousand US dollars apparently from that price pot okay would have been nice yeah without the whole oven handy big boy Lonnie as well just actually attend quit earlier I just said Wow thanks five I meant to say just streamside things I just trickle in as ago oh yeah and also vendor bought Reiter just really want to find the tinkerer his workbench I'm trying to think where on the map like they will do one yeah this does that does not one Nick next to the dome I'm pretty sure this is an armored workbench that's some good boil water drugs always a good day I really don't see anything medical supplies vending machine what oh my god that seems to be Pandey if paper at all oh god yeah that's a really expensive I can only afford the pack of cigarettes I don't think I need that ammunition vending machine here - oh does the vendor pop rate about you Steiner Blum again and starts the movement Lyon oh no oh damn they have rocket launchers oh god do you need help hang on I'm coming okay oh my god I walk in thinking the mole - not that shelters taken I'm nearly dead oh I can't I can't reach you oh no you shouldn't have angered them all - oh oh harmless like the frickin Jawas this guy guy I can get the formula pretty sure got a mom not [ __ ] it away oh let her bold on shooting me no license my school NRT you've cleared out the place where Duluth no problem was all my plan oh god I'm so nearly dead guy I need to get my pistol pistol quickly over here coming back no I'm dead I tried I'm on my way I'm almost there I'm 25 seconds to live probably does the tinkers workbench at spawn so maybe we should try fast travel back to the vault how do I save you there's no option for it you should just press eat does work I probably don't have this oh yeah maybe not sort of this all the role that is just by suicide oh that's an upsetting way to go I'm sure you can take that moment hang on I can take the wrong breaker but that for me oh my god broke but you're gonna you can accept a friend advice here I just hit the social menu have a look true that they respawn here I'm respawn tonight he drops his missile Ultra missile launcher oh my god that's amazing okay now I have to drop stuff because of that that missile launcher he's like that was an ordeal fighting the moment if so many pump-action shotguns I need to lose one or two of those that was a section or deal is it did you lose everything from their base already I don't think they did I don't like some ammo and then I ran towards you okay oh I'll just head back then so cutthroat camp Oh God just limbs like flying about here I think maybe we should steer clear here there's actually a is loss of movement Lenny thank you for better 10 quid this is Wow again wow wow oh I found another bobblehead small guns no I'm so happy like they're my favorite we collected all the other games I've always wanted to complete the little set up how on about it like I think like the Bethesda story you can actually buy them very tempted to get one too yeah just like how about on the desk it's like it would be a really good thing that I think I'm gonna see there's still some moment chasing me they should ease up soon I'm gonna see them if I fast travel back to spawn if there is a tinkerers bench there yeah I'll just play it over at the top though just back to the vault fast travel let's see here you drop loot arty oh whoops that's fine alright I'm gonna need to find a bed so I can heal my rap rooms again you don't I don't think you can go back in the vault once you leave us no none of the vault maybe that one place that had the workbenches oh the freaking overseas camp yep I know what you're talking about or maybe somewhere like near that because I I think there's just the weapons in the normal where yeah I'm gonna try to that it's in the city in front of spawned okay that's someone we were in at the start with the harvest Bastia so people are saying did eat a new spawn there's no not there's none here I don't think I think they're talking about this flatwood city I set up a destination there Jack yeah my destination I'm gonna hop over there Lenny thank you again Wow once again rolling yeah he's all he's doing he's giving 25 quid and it's just like wow how I think his real name's Owen Wilson probably ok I'm back in the town ok so where abouts in the town guys gonna have to scout a bit here there's a church that might have it ok you can see the church so I'm gonna walk over to it I hope the top of the world is worth all this had me too we just got to see what's up there towards all this time to be like hey yeah there's like nothing there very just get a firm handshake when you make it up okay there's a volunteer but here is Aiden post is the chemistry station diagnostic terminal yeah if anyone didn't I actually like gonna spot it earlier or something like do feel free to point it out I might save us some time another chemistry station angels better god I I tried to stream this on Tuesday and the game uninstalled itself don't open that bug and so I ended up just like drawn my kind of vault boy and mspaint all that waste didn't get it working again unfortunately but it was like basically a disaster stream yeah just earlier this week been saying oh does a guy here hello story there are workshops across the road from this church either yeah if you find one to like I'll probably like to yeah you just got to keep looking until we come across one is a Supply Drop there it's a rate at machete there's a laser pistol in here oh sweet yeah actually I can use the laser pistol now I know how much ammo they'll pretty need to have kitchen the right of the church people I say okay I'll go back to the church now look supply drops just over there by the smoke you sit back up this way okay [Music] oh I found if you come over to where I am finally found it thanks for pointing that out guys price that took a while to get signal repeater so it's just in here finally gonna see how a hope that's cool after all this I imagine we'll be the first ones there cuz I don't think anyone else has gone to this lent it's fast travel back top of the world there was one at the dome with the quest is you had a marker for that really don't sweat the small stuff don't set the small stuff Oh No I hope I hope that's not true because after all that I'll wait for the show up here because we have to fight the ride scorpion again I've had a sim pack somewhere no my good against this guy I only really have my rifle pistol won't do it any better against okay Lenny thank you again he says why two words honey wow you're saying well okay but off this scorpions like the four-time where is he oh gods that means someone else is in the area then we go up oh we have to go to the place first national isolated radio yeah look at that there's like another place on the map we have to go to now oh my god we're going like right right very close to where the bomb dropped I believe like fire like kind of age of the map this is really yeah freakin another journey just to get this one done I think sure I have it max okay yeah they have to venture that way now we got to see this one truth is like we spent so much time and a half yeah I think after we get up there I might just hop off for the nice before it gets too late in the day whereabouts in the world are you from actually oh okay oh that was level 22 that was level 22 and he's got a very mean glove hope I ran out of explosives it's okay [Applause] oh it's okay you just caught him with a table skip shouldn't there we go oh oh we get a second miss out watch your from / encumbers I don't mean the second missile launcher oh oh I got a I got a new key no clear key did you know partly yeah oh my god I mean that that's pretty good yeah well one step closer to getting nukes what where was it I should probably live on one of the dominantly scrappers oh okay so it's just some like random guys that you find it Oh does the chest here I should probably get this okay well I guess if maybe if we get to launch nukes from the top of the dome kind of cool Oh people are asking where you're from again because like they didn't catch it the first okay right I'm from Ireland myself yeah I'd like to visit Ireland one day just apparently I'm a pretty I'm pretty expensive I know words kind of snazzy my last name is from like Scotland Ireland okay that's really cool oh my god effing Utley recommend this like it's very it's very quiet country it's like lovely and peaceful I'm just looking up the quest again so it's a circle marker on the map I believe is where the quest is we have to go south east okay I'll just start turning this way I guess yeah how long it takes us to get there hopefully we don't learn it anymore yeah I'm getting real sick of them all man distress we're still not like high enough level where we can brick in a quick Oh sniper rifles the game just does not want us to be in the zone so we're like stars and like equipment and we're just making do I live in the UK I was trying to get on my nerves Marilyn is definitely in the UK oh no don't you there stop right there yeah arrest that man it's very precious River here but should be able to hop over it oh we kind of like split up a little I can still see you I mean we should be grinding it doesn't seem that I caused any monsters there things like gutter the Mothman is pretty rare to find the moss ma'am it's kind of yeah like the big ocean I guess we have to go to the really irradiated area we're gonna be on the border of it like we might as well poke our heads in cuz I imagine that's like the endgame content when you're max level like we must be close to even where the nukes are stored on the map just thinking about actually gave me a quest to go to the Ashland ok little black spot on the mouth oh ok right I mean we could try go there I just don't know if we're gonna need more coats they're pretty impressive if we manage to like set off a nuke at like level H and kill everyone like Jesus like these two guys are just like tree hours into the game just destroyed West Virginia just like a launcher I'd like the Volt and like just see how many players we go like they all just spawn on this in a radiator wasteland I'm the lamppost oh I'm the level up this whole time oh I think I have one too tired and you're gonna get oh oh no oh no I'm being attacked why why as soon as I enter my oh that's a lot that is a lot of boys oh god I gotta get out of the level up screen quickly it's like a whole horde just randomly appeared on the mouse take this carry quickly I got I got to get out of here there we go put that card on we're good you okay there okay I'm gonna just venture on to the point cuz like it's just over this hill I think oh no this is just the zone of it right cuz there's a satellite dish oh god there's gonna be some awful monsters in here it's a really big open zone oh I can see one two communes okay the level ten here we're getting stronger we need to install the repeater there is a location on the map that is saying where to install it at least and it's actually not in the main array once you get into the zone just like backtrack out of this because it is actually pointing me somewhere else right now and I don't have to engage with the super mutants yeah wake me up here I think once you get to the zone it shows up it's like another quest yeah so this is where you install it so you should be able to put it there Oh protection on gardening audience OH oh my god we have to divert showers to the repeater what do we do we can't fight that many I mean I'm trying to get back total immigrants get back yeah but that weaned off most of them go there's two [Applause] they're gonna step back a moment there we go drugs Oh God Almighty yeah they drop drugs a little a lot of robots we have to divert power I guess now we're gonna have to go to this entire zone series where the power is ray status I want to know how yeah that'd be so cool how do people are here on this like we can't really tell they did say that she did say the entire region okay that's just fast travel back yeah I only have about fifty myself but like it's just enough yeah let's go say hi to rose then and find out what's going on we freakin unlock the thing though like that's something people really want me to kill her now the chat is like argent egging it on okay let's go make our way and these we have a happy crowd oh yeah they're always up for some bloodshed it's what they're like they've been in this little world too long now I'm gonna eat all the dog food hunger fulfilled let's make our way back in I don't think I be that's still only us over here everyone else is still that starting zone like my god well we just curious the check like where people are on the server they do hop in and out okay I'm waiting for you in the elevator Oh No okay I just closed the door oh oh it's a loaded area oh my god we made it up at there's so many dead people here oh no worrying to say the least there's a jukebox here and not on oh I finally got a ten millimeter pistol oh nice oh my god she's a robot are you kidding me after all that where she's I was she but she's a Raider Madigan's [Music] there's a different question arose [Music] [Music] you're just the worst right now [Music] they'd give us a reward getting to work don't leave roses quest to gain our trust Oh God so she's now like a hub they're just some walk more I think he seems to be a lot more here we can do I got a card pack - he's like she's snapping at us at the moment I don't appreciate this [Music] seeing all the perks that you can actually get out cuz you can preview them all cause she kind of nice oh you know mnemonic rifles now do plus 10% damage that seems the great pickup that one stack cards do not yeah like once you get like past one I can assign a carrot for a point and special so it's actually pretty handy no pack right just like that one oh and if you upgrade a character like a rank two or something that can pick up two slots of you I have one and look that's a rank two all-star it's all starting to make sense evening dog food is now three times as beneficial that's a perk you want listen I think I'm gonna have to drop out at this point because it's getting kind of late here in Ireland but thanks very much for playing so I'm not really familiar with things like a social thing in the bunch of requests here I think it's just in the game is it just in game yeah okay I got you out it already here so that should be fine thanks listen okay well listen I'll talk to you later man all the best have fun playing have a good rest of your day I mean you may be made this like play like hella fun oh god that was good it was a really good fun playing with you I'm glad we finally got into like the relay station I think after a hall pass finally complete yeah it's a fun little adventure yeah okay take care of man all of us all right you too I street they go on there we go Oh how's it going folks [Music] that's [ __ ] fallout 76 that that is not what I expected that to be al the fact that you just instantly I kind of pop in with folks that I didn't think it would be like that I thought we I give me more so you just play with your friends or something you know just team up with strangers or in my house talking cold up you know first impressions of the game because a lot of people are asking I haven't really got to talk to chatter well it's because I didn't expect to be on mic with people tonight like I thought like I'll be able to talk to chat more often and so it's fine but yeah like like first impressions like gameplays a lot like fallout 4 I'm still kind of unsure how all the quests are gonna work out because we haven't seen many NPCs I don't really know what the end goal is but in fairness we did skip the main quest we do just go off and do our own thing like it it seems pretty fun but it almost seems like the kind of game where you're just gonna build a few stories you see it forgot to snap anyone maybe next time yeah I Fairplay so like wolves I'm like JN phage for like sticking with it so long as well like they were really lovely and I again I took full on didn't expect that to happen they what camo next like if Kevin's playing this again right yeah I I'm not probably brought him a message about that we need a je vous couche we do have one emotes love but I I had I had I did have an idea for that emotes mom I did have one so we are we are pretty full of Neola mode front yeah I hope I hope you guys enjoyed the stream though and like just this early look at fall I'm glad we actually got the play it tonight I hope you all enjoyed it really good fun though glide appends some nice folks to play with it could have been so awkward turned out great yeah like that was my fear like when I just realized like oh god people can hear me like even as I was going like I was immediately just quite taken aback it's like III don't know these people you know but like like both of the guys were like super chill like they were lovely the blow hood when you don't fall out 4 you should play 76 well now we're gonna be playing 76 quite a bit one students the more beta is well once it comes out of beta like this is like the early peak we get I think there's a couple more beta tests so we'll get to like play around with a one like once or twice more but like we'll be playing most of it when the game actually launches I want to see if I can work out the optimization settings here too the game did chug a little like I don't think I got much more than 30 FPS there though I'm wondering if I can pop that down public is all an ultra quiet pop ultra high settings seriously so happy with this tree or so glad I caught it but here joy to Katie yeah IIIi really do hope everyone enjoyed it cuz I know that was definitely very different for what I had planned I didn't think I'd be playing with people I was gonna go solo just her you know the first time but that was [ __ ] class like I love what did you get the camera as well good news yeah I got the camera it showed up today bad news have no time to set it up yet so hopefully this weekend we'll be able to get the first George cam I'm gonna I'm gonna roll the subs as well cuz we're at the end of the screen I'm gonna get on that now we can just kinda keep talking a moment or two [Music] well they seemed very slow tonight just pop that up a notch [Music] I mean I'm just gonna run this again I just needed to go a little [Music] yeah okay that should be grant talk for a moment or two or keep it slow on a telephone oh yeah III know it's good I it was just a crawl before it's only bumped it up not just the don't worry we'll still be here a bit I need to pet the good boy hurry please of course don't worry I'll go say her to him Isaiah wasn't legend no yeah he really was well I like both of the lads tonight we're like just great crack to play with because again like you're playing with complete strangers to be very worried like it's just gonna be awkward you know but they were just very chill and I go just lovely to talk to did you see the Smash Bros direct I did first oh my god Rikin rollercoaster we all saw Ken coming cuz like the freaking fake leak which turns out it's fake turns out that one was just fake which is kind of surprising cuz there in the lens they went to devise in that week we all knew Karen was coming and sinner or I believe was rumored piranha plants like [ __ ] no one saw coming if those who missed the smash direct you can now play as the piranha plant in Smash Bros like if you'd literally a potted plant I don't get it either [Music] yes that's that that's in that's a newcomer for smash gonna be insane but like the director was like all right like honestly the expectations were definitely like a bit too high I think like even for myself like I taught myself up it's like I've been hoping for crash for a while it's a character well I think the expectation was very high I think the direct itself wasn't the best one and I think that that's because they spent too much time talking about stuff that really no one kind of carries about you know I do spirits mode when I first heard about it like the I quite like having the trophies and like this is now it's like the trophies just like stop je pense basically III don't really care about customizing my characters are in comic honour like the way of the trying to implement that I don't think many people do like you know is that custom rules were a thing in like smash for no one cared that you can give your characters inventory and gear in that game no one cared like yeah I don't really know that's not a lot of time on that it was nice with the final reveal they've got some kind of story mode even if it's a bit weird and use kind of like a weird version of classic mode where you're just fighting enemies again I'm not really even really sure about that because that mode just looks like a real kind of a classic mode would like an overworld map you know they kind of touched on that in like the treaty I saw version of classic mode and having a rubbish knave of this stream cheer me up it's so for that you get a so thanks to the stream oh I'm glad you enjoyed it jump oh I've got a good helping even a [ __ ] honestly I think Sakurai is aware of the meme at this point uh it just strikes me as weird because here's the best way to describe it you know how in Pokemon games like the mate that core gameplay is always what Pokemon what can you do in the region what new gameplay mechanics are there and then you know how they trow in like the contest mode unlike the shite really no one cares about and they tried to like talk that up as if it's a big deal that's how I how I basically feel about a lot like the spirit stuff because it's just kind of there I'm like I don't necessarily want it I don't necessarily hate it it that's just not what smash is about though for me you know I don't smash it's not a game I play for character customization you know I play smash to play with like as like the Avengers of video games with my friends and to freakin like faff about what amiibo like that's what that game is for me piranha planets why do you made piranha plants gonna be such a fun character like it's as dumb as something was like villager or Wii Fit trainer is I know people are upset because while the we didn't get into characters like that but like it it's honestly great but that's like a really like kind of fun Cartman stick in yeah all the beta progress carries over apparently yeah a couple of you of them saying that guys even on the stream try setup we love your RT m6a thank you for both streams as always no problems started us get well soon yeah we're gonna we're gonna have to do more smashed off in Saturday like cuz Saturday's gonna be the chill Q&A session like we're just gonna be playing luigi's mansion so like four or so hours like four or five hours it's gonna be like a super chill stream like we're gonna have to talk more about smash then because we could go all night here Kirby is like God yeah I saw like a meme on Twitter or it's like everyone is dead except Kurt [Music] Oh God anyway that's gonna be it for tonight thank you so much for coming by who is going okay yeah Kehoe is a continuing red dead from yesterday we posted her the last two days she was playing ride that yesterday though so you know people actually watched on that stream go say hey the kibo again I believe she's finishing up the game or she's already completed the campaign he's playing more of it though so go say hey to her I don't wait Congrats at a billion bikes fires yeah talk to you later guys hope you enjoyed follow up see you at Luigi this weekend all the best
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 15,553
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Id: icbsP7VL5l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 12sec (13512 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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