RTGame Archive: Sea of Thieves w/ Kiwo

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well Twitter mention people should be able to hear us in just a moment activate in my push-to-talk oho oho what's push-to-talk in game actually um mine is set to caps look I okay I'll I'll figure it out it'll be fine hey well that's how's it going we're playing with kilo tonight we're gonna learn to be a pirate okay can you hear me okay can hear q okay testing one two this is a sound recording test when the red mark is indicated I speak into the microphone okay no I got it I don't turn it off a serious stranger stopped talking to me audience across the sea of thieves here on this outpost you can meet with the gold holders the merchants alliance okay it should it should it should be on I miss everything the mysterious stranger had to say to me that's fine I still gotta just do a discord thing and a click I gotta find it but it's like the perfect like my CFDs experience okay the game is very quiet I mean you're ready for a greater challenge come back and there we go I should be louder lads okay I'm in oh there's you you got a lovely beard I don't know if she can hear me I think she's introducing her stream oh it's okay I have yes I need to change my outfit it looks like you've had something explode in your face it's like a social all over here it's my Nico it's Tiffany oh I took out a gun oh oh I've just I'm just working out how to fire it but if I just shoot you in the face of that like are you know are you sure I just want to make sure I find I have a sword - oh you're a pirate what else are you gonna do I need to help the fov if I can I don't know if we can oh no audio graphics video resolution scaling oh no no indeed no sensitivity field of you yeah this field of view there is it's under gameplay at the bottom I just set it back to 90 it should be a bit more pleasant on the eyes for folks oh god guy shoot the NPC's is there anyone if I shoot them were like will I have consequences other players I'm out of bullets oh no do I only get farty yes but then you see it'll be on your ship you're gonna find more things okay alright well that's good thing alright so all the controls are kind of weird like everything is like F open things and then you want it you want to drop all of the barrels you want to steal all of their wares okay this is just absolutely everything I could find absolutely everything okay they don't mind me sir are you just quick exit out of the oh it's excess all things like that yeah ex the back out of it I did not know that can't carry any more pomegranates why I'll have any power Granite's no I don't I have three bananas oh yeah you can only carry like a certain amount of food on you at one time so it's like 510 cannonballs five planks five bits of fruit okay so it's like so you have quantities than that sorry frustrating folks if you come down to the ship you will be able to put them away and that's why I'm gonna loot everything so we don't have to leave is this our ship down here yes oh you take fall damage okay I'm sorry cliff no I it was a few cliffs over here this there's a big note on my screen it says speak to the gold hoarder and the tenth to purchase a voyage alright so we will go over to the gold bar I'm going okay Charlie how's it going I kill you talk to them they're friends I just want to say I'm a pirate I'll make friends loot their gold first and like you to ask questions later true alright here you go box into the [ __ ] Herbert the board hello Herbert gold here get chest by voyages Equestria littering gold is this is this like the first quest I need yes ok I need to get change yeah you can propose a voyage on the captain's table on your [ __ ] ok no where are you I'm getting a cat you getting a cat yeah the card you just talked to this guy Earl Sampson does the cat feel pain oh he's precious he come soon as though I can hear him purring away what where's your cat Co is it in the pet chest you put it in the box I'm gonna put the cat on the ship ok now pop them down over here oh what's his name Sampson I can press and hold after oh wait don't I just wanna see how do I pop the cat down X oh no I don't have anymore where is he hey there is Samson Samson's there oh he's fine he's fine right this way teleports it's okay yeah I'll bring him on the ship with us I god oh no he came with you I think right jump on the ship so I there is as you cannibal things get yourself familiar with the ship okay important fire bombs cannonballs piece balls as if you want peacefully he like attack someone we've hired goons what else we got can raise anchor that's the anchor controls we have the wheel don't forget the sails Oh ammo chest so once you run out of ammo you can just run back there to our purpose there's more barrels propose a voyage I can use the map table I'm just gonna search the barrels over here get a couple more cannonballs and yeah that's okay I'm just familiarize myself with the ship and just seeing what I can do how do I like open the sails and what you'll do is that you need to go down to the the rope pulleys lower the sails you can also like pitch the direction they're facing to catch the wind Oh God okay it's like a proper [ __ ] yeah that's scares the [ __ ] out of me honestly why yes fate oh no they were here but I have this quest and I'm going to propose I'm gonna leave that down on the table all right let me just oh wait do you want me to set it up so it's like a squad stream on Twitch the people come like hot between our views oh yeah sure I'm down good I sent you an invite there I mean work out how to do that it should just come up is like a notification or something on Twitch people so just screaming for me to kill myself look guys what there we go okay you can you can hop between myself and kylo now there we got camera perspectives I can hear sampson Pern somewhere it's so dark cannons for you just in case okay hold those sails down I'll take ten cannonballs no I'll just go get loading them no wait this one's already loaded how do i how do I not fire oh it's okay how do I get off the cat oh you just press F again I'll load this one up again you can load yourself inside the cannons can't you yeah okay hang out the youth cannon unload okay I don't how do I put myself in it go to the okay I'm ready do all I want you to lift you fine okay I might need some help getting home finds interacted the mermaid to return to your ship where's the mermaids is there a side amount of time you can breed underwater um yes okay that's bad I need to get back up the house I'm coming I'm coming we just swim to the surface vote on the voyage to start your adventure and I think I've already started at my own adventure here quite far away the games like very insistent like tooltips at the moment for like t3 the basics I just shot myself out of a cannon after shooting the cat several specialist calm is a [ __ ] I deserve this okay absolute assurance sail around the island oh Jesus beeps thank you very much my boy I like I'm still swimming like a pistol in my other hand it's just like one-handed swimming it's like no questions asked yeah I've made it ashore I'm on my way back okay there were two sharks following me don't kill them yes you can oh sweet coz they plan to come ashore I think I can take him here huh you haven't broke have you broken it no no oh I think I killed two of them it says it does not seem to pick up a shark but it says it's full oh you got too much food on it it's okay the ship is coming I'm gonna be sailing to the side of the island that you should I'm just gonna eat a banana real quick so I can pick up a shark there you go that's you are you here you came back for me wait check this out tonight you gonna hairpin me I thought I would I'm waiting swim oh no it's going too fast come here I'm coming back up thank you for coming back for me see Samson is steering the ship now alright vote for voyage okay you're gonna go back to your voyage and vote for it okay Oh quest for glitter and gold like how long has it been since you do this one desert is like the very first question the game see this yeah this is why we're going so you go go to map table are you got to find that island yeah what was it again the collapse circle I'm looking I see the shores of gold is it does it look like it no chippy in the area nib boy I don't see it well oh wait Oh barnacle clay got it okay right what what direction we gotta go that what Northwest yeah oh gosh II you actually have to navigate the sea it's like a proper [ __ ] I know that seems obvious but I'm still surprised right let's get the anchor oh alright the anchor oh we can do it together take it as fast or a few people do it mm-hmm lower the sails oh my god and off we go you know if you want to do a tight turn we do this drop the anchor let's raise again okay that's just like how you do it like a quick u-turn oh sorry I should be helping okay I'm liking this it's fun is there is there much for me to do right now yes well we just wait for stead of waiting until we get to these [ __ ] and if you hold cute kept a lot of musical instrument what if I hold cue and then go more [Music] [Music] we got some lovely music going no one's staring the ship right now I think we're okay yep we're going in the right direction yeah that's fine so you just need to like you don't need to steer it too much then like once you've got your course charted Samson's lovin [Music] this is nice he's like good Baucom to this so he loves it [Music] that's our island to set ahead almost there sails a bit because we have mad speed right now okay just so we don't crash into it can you break the ship oh yeah you can that's what we need to find school so just we can repair if it breaks okay all right I have one plank on me so I think I can patch like a single hole it needs to be on a way the barnacle cake just like ominous music trying to play we're just like with the banjo and accordion oh there's a storm over there to see the storm clouds yeah it gets real nasty right let's get that we encounter other people like on ok so well I'm just like a big open service beautiful we just hop off the boat okay I'm gonna hold on to that map hey you came back to locate the treasure market okay how do I open the map I got you I will be your map okay all right so where where is it there's like we're looking for the red X I agree I take it visit the few other like points of interest okay I think we're this way you can tell them a good pirate cuz I'm confused with the ax even means treasure gonna be the northern side by a rock okay just take in what loose I can brilliant this looks about right old cue to view your equipment like the shovel and dig oh it's right here Wow oh we got it the castaways chest do we just bring it back to the ship from here return the chest to a gold hoard or on any outpost the basics of thieves okay nice one with the dress okay thank God for that I climb the ladder yeah I can't do i do i just pop it down in the ship now or mm-hm i like to keep it either on the crow's nest or in the captains quarters yeah i was gonna keep it in the quarters just so it doesn't like pop about or anything sounds good now let's go clear those barrels on the island and stock up cuz you never know you never know what's gonna happen out at sea okay so I'm just gonna pop some stuff in there those are just bolt cannonball barrels is there a food barrel and yes there will be one downstairs okay it's a water barrel clothing chests the wood barrel I found there oh it's also organized yeah it's delightful inventory management I'm gonna pull all the grubs in there does the pet chest there's an equipment chest clear out this island then did you get that first spiral yes alright me you have more than enough taken five bananas can I shoot a chicken yes you can that's the chick where'd he go a lost of quick and he survived the shop not gonna mess with him oh he's too strong chicken herds you I mean then we check over here it's just a bunch there's a bunch more food here if you wanna like they have a lot of bananas on this island I think we have like quite enough food as it is okay is there like a particular thing that we'll need more than anything else would and cannibals what are you yeah it's a very like it's super basic like you can go on like long voyages and question that but yeah I'm on my way back to the ship yeah I'll drop the food off we have a jail cell as well we take prisoners oh yeah oh my god if someone joins the crew and they're being a little bit unruly you can just pop them in prison I love that I'm sure I'm just asking because I just want to know how do I put you in the prison I'm gonna vote oh you got a vote do I start that vote it's not out of curiosity thing [Music] ah escape my crew is a button for scuttle ship no boat to lock in the brig you don't have enough crewmates who could vote to lock someone in the brig that's fair Oh hope we find some more crew mates already I'll raise the anchor we go alright now we got to get back where we were I see it just over yonder sails all right I might want to check investigate yeah I mean it looks okay okay this is a bit of water on the front I think but it's fine not too much I just like a natural amount that's like it's coming in from the waves thank God for the sorry I went I was trying to get the banjo what's the megaphone do if I play that increases your voice range wait what's push-to-talk mics cats look hello but I don't know what it is it's important to figure out push-to-talk it's on keyboard and mouse boom quest box item shortcuts radio menus push-to-talk is left alt for me ah hello there it is is that working is this thing on hero can you hear me okay good I'm just making sure you know I want to be clear line of communication on the ship I'm so sorry to everyone on your screen I'm so sorry all right let me push put this one away oh we can go fishing oh yeah I feel like that this might be tricky to do while the ship is moving at this speed I mean I mean I'm terribly fishing but you can cook anything you catch downstairs like connects to the grog barrel okay we also get drunk one of the favorite thing of morning is to get drunk throw up in a bucket and throw it on with someone oh I want to do that do we have alcohol cause about gold you're on my ship where's the alcohol next to the brick which one's the brake the the cage okay sorry I gotta use all the terms tanker required to refill grog you'll have one of those you hold down Q you can think it's an F wait my tankard is full right now we just haven't like an unlimited amount of alcohol yeah this is great you know I don't know where we go I trust you my characters starting to move by himself it's not because I'm drunk and another one oh it's getting kind of trippy ki-woo try playing an instrument oh yeah it's getting kind of trippy I'm gonna make my way back up to the deck I need to refill my drink let me go back out oh yes Darwin oh I can I'm having a lot of trouble oh here oh I all stare from here okay we need to ignore which way is north no am I going not funky well I think it's pretty it's pretty hard right now and then you want to start straightening this ship out straighten the ship out ja I'm straight to that just go a little more love it no I can you get it good there you go sorry I'm I'm vomited all over Sampson right now let me just turn back the other way there we go I think I got it it's that island there yeah yeah okay I got it I'm sorry I bothered it all over here captain that he's fine he's loving it yeah it seems to be okay god the alcohols fair enough I really couldn't see from home I thought was gonna walk off the ship [Music] I'm sound undefined [Music] there we go ancient spire outpost [Music] right let's let's how do I stop it do you up I'll thank God okay turn Oh fine right let's grab the chest we can grab the chest Oh is there is there a traitor here yeah okay I got it oh this is where we were is it mm-hmm okay I thought you were somewhere new sorry good coming back chest of the gold hoarders to sell it can we not open the chests ourselves to see what's in it or no no we just sell the chest some of the chests you can open okay a tea tree gold I can grab a couple quests I think we'll get a little more money okay yeah it's like I wasn't a lot of money and I have 10,000 gold to start what I think you know you can get outfits and stuff oh how do I get outfits so there is a clothing store okay is there a way for me to see my character actually like third person um I don't think in planes that person but if you hold Z you can dance oh here's my character yeah how the finest Pyrus you've ever seen okay Oh in here okay give me your finest outfit oh my god who are you exactly okay uh what's stuck have you got oh he's saying I'll have stuff next week he doesn't have anything for me right now ready wait no sorry yeah yeah he doesn't stuff okay oh my god okay so let's you got a hat the hats are expensive no yeah I can get like a hat and then nothing else Jonah do you want a hat I mean I want I want to dress my character a bit cuz I have nothing to my name right now I'll get a mighty Admiral belt sure there we go yet a majestic beard you customized new character - yeah so basically all the money you make is just spending on cosmetics it's great okay these boots get a lovely dress grand admiral dress woo-ee dog find corsa imperial sovereign nominees like outfits looks like they're really like warned Oh this ship is a shame this [ __ ] yeah Oh is someone coming over to us no it's like a oh [ __ ] it's a shipwreck we can go and go explore it might find something inside sounds good to me okay I'm just gonna dye my hair yeah lovely I'm out of money okay I can't afford that I spent most of my money I hope my character looks not much more palatable now all right so no don't think they do the shipwreck just handle over here is it it's nearby but we got a set I mean we got a sale over there okay on my way back since there a flashlight or like a lantern or something to get equip there is a lantern yes oh okay is it just queuing yeah you own the ship yep oh yeah I'm here don't worry you want to get changed there's a chest downstairs okay kids my new clothes he's the ones I bought are these different ones should be the ones you bought there are some different ones here - I think oh I can wear right underwear if I so want think is that everything I bought at the sea dog hat okay characters not looking much better I'm gonna be honest here how do I dance again Oh God she's uh just doing her best trying to get familiar old keys that one m and L is the light that makes sense do you like my new outfit you know what [Laughter] no comment you look dashing thank you it's like Oh crazy light coming from over there you see that yeah what about me I don't know let's go okay there the sales are down to max yeah they are let's go whenever this is dank do I fall off the prowl like is it possible to hit like a bad way oh no no no but if you fall off the ship we'll keep going okay I'm gonna just step inside before I kill myself let's see really cool so far it's like some of the best looking water I think any game is what you want you know if you're at the high seas finds me like a bit a bit of like guns of Icarus makes it like Wind Waker but here in the ocean god I remember guns of Icarus that was a good time that game was great to do that sometimes if you want to I am down we good let's even got her up like a full crew oh wait there's some stuff here oh oh the anchor oh there's a chest oh do we just swim out and I'm gonna see how you can happen yeah let me move the oh I'm gonna shift the ship yeah Turner Ankara is eternal I can just try jump out to it I can shift the ship around like I'm just turning would I be able to swim back or is the water too rough yes I got it do you need to take this off the harpoon um yeah let me I should be I found a barrel okay feel like the food that it let me yeah yeah we can just leave that there sure I like oh it's barely penetrate at the barrel but it's completely okay we're gonna stock up might be able yeah okay that that peril is to plead it I'm gonna just drop that off you're gonna move the ship closer just a teeny tiny bit okay I really want to get the glowing on okay what if I chance it but I just hop outside like the boat or the shape next to the ladder it'sit's not too bad I'm getting us a write up place okay Oh God the waters are rough no it's fine I can manage it okay I'm gonna go in your stamina do you know nothing there we go I got a crater rare fish no for some reason it is nothing we gotta keep going in is that the glowing thing Oh God the wave yeah there's more food I got a chain shop there's only one banana left in the barrel here I think we'll be okay without it I'm swimming back to the ship with my banana got one here oh it's right at II thought it was fish and we put this in that there's nothing in that barrel okay yeah I've got all the barrels now it's like we should be good one of them yep there's one banana left out there I think we're going to raise the anchor uh I'm [ __ ] yes please all right that's them so one thing my grandma my grandma is good for let's do a mercenary this is a mess everyone kill some pirates vote for voyage crawl it a renowned crew of the last house have a look Devil's Ridge this is chapter 100 it's a long one so we gotta go directly we gotta go south west we probably need to raise the sail hang on Southwest I'll keep an eye on our heading if we go a little a little west again yeah if I can catch the wind sails catch the wind a bit more there we go Oh you can just turn the sail - yeah thanks I don't want to get a pet too just so he sits up there in Sampson has a friend how much did the cat cost like 10 pounds okay I just pay real money for it ah I mean I could get one it's cute so we are headed there we go go south just a little more so we missed this island we want to go around this one so okay Hernan is the world's like randomly generated or no no no its own style okay okay oh this is perfect Street we got it doing good well once you like really get your head around it it's insane yeah I'm excited to kill people Oh gotta dodge yeah I think the sale is still like burning us to the right of it but we need that for wins careful Samson yes this is a home base again all right someone gave 500 bits to us can you fire the cat from the cannon don't even I mean Wes just a little we're not doing it what if it's possible though how do I pick him up oh my god oh there's no option to load the pet in the cannon it's probably for the best like it'll spike Lawson have a you see Anders this is water ownership he saw I didn't I didn't hit him oh it's in like the shape of a shark so that's the island we're heading for I take that's a very precarious spot the set I think they'll be okay just gonna put them there get him to safety with the cat Hey look he walked over there himself right we we got a barrel stop turning in by only school oh it's because the cannon was loaded I might not have been able to fire him so if I fasten I just need to check oh god you can fire the cat okay are you serious I'm not gonna fire it but I'm gonna just put a business oh that's so messed up okay let's unload our pet cat yeah we're not talking a lot about the cow Hilton you're safe Samson some people is sick in the chat tonight what's wrong with you all right I'm gonna try and go to the ship just a wee bit closer I think we can just swim from here sure yeah not too far off you better sail no no no we don't need to sell wheat to stir shimmy an ER around a wee bit huh Samson safe people that people are like properly given out to me - for not firing them really yep I mean boot follows pigs here can we pick up the pigs and if you have a cage okay right so seeking knowledge hidden in skull and bone revealing untold whispers protected by foe rumored to be on Devil's Ridge so we got we got captain milk skull cracker meal the [ __ ] [ __ ] Munter I think the reason that the Empire's because no one can pronounce their names use an outcast from society or to something glow in here oh that seems valuable you have to bring that back to the ship yeah you just drop on the boat nearby like just on the beach okay we'll make a few trips at the end I hope no one else comes to this island and mix it but yeah it's a possibility okay you're never truly safe we'll leave that there hmm shoot the cat she isn't watching guys please they're really mad they're like out for blood tonight I'm so sorry Oh snake snake skin poisoning just be careful with those oh okay well I killed him first so it's all right this is a lot of strange oh here's the enemy I think that's a traitor there's an Anna oh yes Marsha the fierce don't hurt me don't have to be afraid I disagree oh no I think she is gone a bit mad okay Wilde Henry isn't on this so she likes this island just keeps screaming and she's mad okay see you later Martha I'm sure she'll be oh yeah she'll be okay all the snake hit me Oh what do I do um you got fruit you got bananas no I left all my food and back in the boat I have a cannonball I don't know if that's gonna help you if you poisoned but it might just suck on this it'll take your mind office on my chest so you can well there's a coconut in there make sure you grab that just restore my house Howie I'm doing a bit better now hmm haven't seen any enemies yeah no there was a cave there's two of them we're looking for two okay so does our boat there's no one else is here I think it's true here let me get my lantern yeah the pig is leading us forward oh there's another there's a fork there's a fork in the in the way okay ah let's just go on in it should be okay skeletons let's go okay you got magic in this universe it's very creepy in here skeletons coming in oh I found some wood oh here's our captain we got him oh all right can they go outside yeah yeah yeah probably best to try to lure them out no good oh god yeah that's good I went deeper in fine take him where's the captain gun foul bounty school he's dead I got him oh you got him that was one we got more I got his face I need to pump it down for a moment I'm very badly injured there's a snake here too oh I already ate my coconut I just have my cannonball again vice is so many well I get out of here hello like this I'm trying not to die oh no I think I've died you think you've died I everything's gone a bit green offer soul to the ferryman what does that mean oh you might have died it's okay you'll be back at the year Oh God umm you'll be back on the ship did we lose the skull are you sure I'll be back on the ship and maybe I just have in a place called ferry of the Damned Oh pirate purgatory who you examined I'm fine this is I walked into a void okay I'm back on the ship now well I was scared you all doing okay you still lit the tunnel no I'm gonna get this precious gem back on the ship sure I'm sure you can handle whatever is going on oh I'm just gonna put this away you know some inventory management I'm gonna grab some food - do you want anything oh you hungry oh um you know we got some like pomegranates there's some bananas yeah bananas would be good what a few bananas here oh they got guns I'm on my way back oh wait I need to get the animals yeah I'm coming I heard a gunshot he died oh I'm good hey good good no no I got him Heidi's dead uh-huh get out of here I got his skull oh god they're still spawn should we just get off the island okay yeah we got to get everything inside the cave oh no he's got a rifle fire bomb oh my god I had five pawns on me that really dangerous they're really dangerous I think it's fine I don't know what the other skull is go I've got one skull here I like my dad I'm gonna bring this one back to the ship hmm you okay yep with guns Oh No put this back on the ship well we're gonna have a good haul from this one a thing yeah doing well for ourselves eat a banana with the skin it's just how I like them don't judge extra potassium okay it's more banana foul that's the good was the ship oh the ship still there I'm lost oh here's the other fork in the road oh this just leads back it's like good another half of the island behind the waterfall snake you're okay come back in there's more monsters in here go okay I did not do a good job of stocking up on ammo back here okay I'm back at the ship okay I'm now lost in the cave I think was there any more loot that we needed pick up potentially I'll be honest I got lost okay me too that's a lot a little like branching paths just trying to have a quick ol gander I think we got most of it this is all there like carvings and that like some deity or something they're worshipping like paintings on the wall that's okay okay I'm on my way back to the ship then I think okay exotic here I think the most valuable thing was sadly now the cave we gotta go to Steve's haven these haven and crooks Hollow oh we've got two more pirates to slay okay we have to kill a bunch of them yep okay I'm making my way back okay I'm here I'll raise the anchor we go anchor is raised and let's unfurl the sails now we need to move where the sails are uh to catch the wind just to gather speed how do you check what direction the wind is I see there's like wooden lines I guess that's how I currently thank know I know you're setting the length of the sail is gonna be the one behind it oh there we go there we go nice okay I'm just gonna pop some botan for my check is the really bloodthirsty for that cat and it's getting a bit rowdy it's not something I wanted the pup hunts up vote for because I don't know why my chats been like real weird the last while honestly quarantine yeah I think it's good for them you know I'll have the occasional like creepy horny guy come in you've got all the cat killers yeah there's just a mine blood like social dig so social distancing is getting sort of they don't get to talk to anyone else during the day now so like they come in here and they're all pent up oh well what's going on you left my crew I don't leave your group no connections the server has been lost you should be able to join again though oh yeah hopefully it gave me the option they're just rejoining there we go think we're good the game kicked you for being nice to the cat oh yeah I'm back on the ship perfect almost at Eve's Haven it's gonna be dead ahead captain I'm not the captain I feel I feel like you're much more qualified like sir it's my first day on the job I don't know how to work the fryer yet do you want me to show you there is actually there's actually it's there how do I work out makes burgers will you sale let me get some bananas and I'll cook them up are you gonna cook the shop meat but I can also just cooked banana I don't think this is how you cooked well is this gonna make anything potentially no the banana just burnt to a crisp Oh you know what you tried oh oh oh hey who's shooting us oh my god okay this is this is fine we're gonna get out of range okay um can I shoot them back yes you can shoot it back I got those shots not lined up captain I may have missed this is okay this is okay I can I can do this I'm this Oh oh good that's gonna all this get us great yes aren't gonna need the ship set the cats up sets captain there's a week this is fine this is fine okay with steak firmly with say from the counterfeit also quickly take a banana off the stove - I think we're good take some bananas with you do you want me to cook another banana for you um you know what you always do yeah I'll leave this there for frying up now so we are we are hunting we are hunting captain Skaar lots de abreu okay I'm gonna bring some food with me this time - just so yes I get bit by a snake you will ammo you got all your ammo I sure hope so yes I'm ready let's go okay so this actually it's gonna be it's gonna be actual people living there or just more skeletons okay the people are just reserved for players there Lee okay that's fair enough sir he appeared there we go what stuff okay oh they have like a really nice place here let's make the way on up well there's like a Lego set that released recently it's called like Pirates of Barracuda Bay I think but it's like a shipwreck on a desert island and it looks really cool reminds me of this place and like just looking over at that I want this really gonna scour the island these guys huh and a cannonball oh god damn it what Oh get outta here yeah you get out of here let's get back judge I got it you're also on fire other way extinguish myself oh you haven't got any water oh good any water it's okay I can see the ocean I'll [ __ ] it's a bit shallow here okay I'm okay oh [ __ ] I missed I missed I miss I miss I miss God I brought thee me I'm coming back up oh it's okay you can the water is down below just mind your knees the bad news that may have eaten all my bananas wait I got one left where'd you go I followed the the wah them in this little Grove they just keep responding they shouldn't be but you know what I've got yeah we should move you out qaul behind you Oh okay you take a few that side I'll get the ones this side yeah we go a wooden bullet left save it for myself when things get desperate oh there's more of them spawning but that's good that's good we need them to keep coming and then hopefully we'll get the pirate captain there anymore anymore another case all explosives exploits I can shoot him got home that was amazing oh no wait I have a banana I'm very badly injured whew oh and this is the edge of land there's the cat cure there's a lot of it is a lot of bullets oh my god get back here there you go oh they hit hard I don't have any more bananas oh we did it we did it let's go well thank you I was not much help there right on the way back to the ship we should probably pick up everything in every chest yeah we need supplies if you want to run back first and like just drop that one off it sounds good mango in here I'm just gonna eat that I'll start having a look about the island god I can't believe we didn't die there yeah we did good yeah world's not gonna kill us just yet no yeah you where does yes that radish I didn't do anything what's up how's the ship on fire I didn't know we could do that how do we deal with the fire I know how do I fill the bucket and I'm in the water it's still kind of a place I was just trying to cook a tasty meal oh okay I think we're good I think it's under control I wouldn't leave this place I'm gonna make some more food I'll remember I know it's here this time I'm not gonna go into your head nice toasty banana scrumptious I'll pop a pop some shark on there for you k brilliant okay now we go into crooks hallo well we didn't get all the loot Oh something hit me something hit me I was shot so dick shot me that wasn't me as well the skeletons up on the ridge oh we gotta go back and get him is this shark cooked it looks very raw the moment that disconnects again yep oh why is it disconnecting he received occasional emails I'm okay for that let me just join up again yeah you should be able to just bail to join crew as crew does not exist oh uh it do exist yeah I'm signing in again uh you gonna be okay with the ship for him oh yeah I sure hope so [Music] a little ooh is there a way to join you like in game with the menus cuz it doesn't seem to be working from the Xbox widget that's cuz I'm not looking at the right profile hang on the thieves sailing the seas it's not letting me join you Allah Allah friends to join me I hit one to invite friends have you sent me an invite oh I think something went wrong in this section I wonder if wait all there's a skeleton ship on me I can't get in I can't help the crew member gets disconnected as a five-minute timer where no one can join its lair that seems stupid yeah I might lose the ship um I mean it's probably for the best it's the cat's full should be able to drive from the Xbox thing mid game yeah I'm trying that it's not letting me right now I'm gonna open it again console companion my crew like friends it hasn't come up at all like you might stop loading like I click on your profile and it does it struggles to load I got it there but you're joining the game you wanna continue I think I'm in please work I'm in yeah I need you yeah we got a ship on us right now okay I I'm here the help don't worry it come in swinging server server is not uh very accepted my Irish connection where's the ship huh oh there yep okay [ __ ] what can they straight for it oh I'm going aboard there's no game audio for some reason as my game is completely mute Oh No but I'm fighting the ship I'll get him down there's more from spawn and wait they got TNT on the ship if I shoot this yeah they'll help no that's that's that's the barrels oh I'm dead there's music but there's no regular sounds right now it's completely glitched I'm on the ferry of the Damned again I'm gonna I'm gonna restart the game just real quick because like this doesn't seem right hey we did it I helped I'm so sorry oh oh you did help no good jump over to the other ship for a little bit I don't know how much it achieves no but good god everything is breaking right now not like the Xbox client yeah it's not good I have to start the game again I think there whatever easier just get there's a game on xbox or something to feel lost janky compared to PC possible and that makes too much sense okay I'm opening it up again [Music] Oh No you want to rejoin your previous session yes come on [Music] okay hopefully it's working Harry Potter flashbacks oh no we did a stream the other day yeah me and Jessie we're like Harry Potter were just like break constantly like whenever we tried to play together this is like a half the screen was just black screen wait which one which Harry Potter will you play Lego Harry Potter oh yeah okay I'm back I'm on the ship I'm here to help hi I see you if you've had a very successful run yeah it's been pretty good got a lot of treasure maybe we should pop back and let you sell all this yeah yeah that's what I'm thinking that's what I'm thinking yeah because I all more Pirates that kill me kill us ancients fire our clothes okay so we need to do not like the some of the keyboard controls I can't oh my god the map okay fit Chang Oh is the Shipley can do oh I would have helped if I'd known I didn't realize okay okay right where's the closest out posted let's go I marked on the map at the ancients fire one and which I marked it on the map okay dad West let's lower the sail I do you want anything you want you want a meal the hungry friend at the moment you know what you want a pomegranate okay wait good I look dead West's bitties I don't know I don't think you were supposed to cook the pomegranate how do I give you food I'm pretty sure you can come over right click and it presents it to me there you go burnt pomegranate delicious did it heal anything no okay getting leads of achievements that I found that I realized like the Xbox erm like the console companion and you get achievements for playing games and so now everyone is gonna know anyone that's my friend is gonna know that I really enjoy playing solitaire in my free time especially when my internet drops oh there's nothing wrong with that okay it's a respectable game I recently going to spider solitaire okay yeah you got you got a super fixer shaky oh it really hurts my brain but it's a good time yeah I think that's the outpost there with other likes the cannons loaded good I cannot believe we did that I cannot yeah we're still alive I'm like I completely disconnected for a while oh god that's so much loot let's erm battle and bolt the servers and pirates yeah so this should give you all sorts of their chests go to the gold well I think the exotic silks and fish go to the women at the dock like the trader okay if one of us sell something I take it we the coop split between us yeah coming up on your left we've got barrels oh I'll get the harpoon got one let's see glowing I got a piece of Kraken meat Oh delicious let's receive yeah as a message in a bowl oh okay not too choppy right now when we sell several things we all we all get money yeah yes okay that's good I hope we can get a bit broke we head out here like it seems like a lot of loot yeah we want to just sell like the glowing chest first I should key is needed to unlock the ashen chest oh I don't know about that I don't know about that one should we keep a hold I think we might have to I try sell it still but that one looks different Ash and Keaney it to unlock it it's like a safe haven when you're on this island to where people can't know oh okay we got to be careful even here got some more food [Music] perfect good Landon Hill we're right next is up there it's just like 20 feet between us it's fine I think that was skull there okay so the skull will get this should be like a creepy looking tent creepy looking tent okay and there's a woman inside that you can sell the still estate yeah I'll have a look now merchants Alliance reputation increase oh that's that was the gold guy this tent yes I found her he just gotta like make a runs back and forth with the ship I think we saw the gem to the hording guy the gold hotter guy to exotic silks that's gonna be the woman on the dock with the gray hair okay yeah there's a ladder for the dock you got to know all your vengeance yeah woman on the dock with the grey hat other side whoever you want rep with say okay voyages basically I wish I felt like the Sapphire to like the really bright one oh oh wow that was it oh that was worth a fair bit yeah I have this one that's like really glowy yeah get that to the ladies of gems do you want to do like gold holders which is the digging treasure up then you got the bounties which are the skulls and the merchant stuff is oh my god I got a lot that one okay um which one do we want then I mean I don't like the merchant stuff so it might be worth just telling him to her just to level it up cuz this is the the lady here yeah okay I'll give it to her there you go he's incredibly valuable times old sapphire please give us something for the commendation unlocked we still have the ashen chest I'll give her the other sapphire we have two things a bit odd they have to keep making trips to your ship or just sell everything quite physical there are some chests you can find and you can open them up and put things inside of them oh okay so you can just pop everything in it and then tell everyone go it's like we're like unloading groceries from the car right now [ __ ] sake how much Tesco bring this time I need to work out how to open the a sanches family yeah people are saying it's better to wait for the key but how do we get the key yeah how do we get a key oh there was mention of something in a tavern you talk to someone in the tavern aren't the ashen key master who randomly spawns and Islands we're looking for an NPC here from red glowing Skelly is on random island you can buy a quest that gives you a key mm I do want to open up that chest link looks like there's gonna be something cool in it but in chess you go there the only thing to spend gold on really done is cosmetic stuff is it yeah okay can I buy a cat like you it is and it costs real money oh yeah sorry I keep forgetting that you know I gots invest in a cat where do I go for it um I can't remember it may be the pet chest area oh okay I could just buy vanity chests floating chests of the order of the souls which one was that again oh the pretty lady ten ah thank you open the pet chest but he's talked to her in the purchase ancient coins cats meow Bono's you can buy monkeys the wild cat I think is the one that you got the cursed pet collection you can buy pirates you can just get shipped straight up [Music] early consummate I do want a pet hang on I'm gonna just hide my screen for a moment just in case this shows any information mmm Oh shanky boy it okay I mean let me get this real quick we're gonna try it okay let's give it a go [Music] you [Music] I kind of like that everything is purely cosmetic at this game yeah it's kind of nice people ask me for my credit card information as I'm buying this guy's please the Pats are high like you and I feel like they'll enhance our experience so we'll get one we one sec I'm gonna open up the chat again - I don't know if it's gonna go true I think it did well yeah it did that for me oh yeah I like weirdly loops okay so I got I got a thousand coins I'm looking at getting a ferret but I'm trying to see if I can get like an outfit for him I think you got food it yeah my connection no but just just just drawing back in it should be okay good thing we freakin you know handed everything ends yeah my god we're doing okay oh you know are we doing okay no I don't quite okay there we go I got a pack hello little fella and outfits what kind of pet look it's a macaw oh yeah I'll call him ruffles no you said up to the tavern I'm gonna just pop him off it like in on the ship Oh monkey you just like place keep them out and place them on the helm of the ship now I can't there we go he'll keep careful watch as we sail you can actually name the pets through the chest can you rename all caps there we go oh what's up oh there's so many where are you there's no cats there's more cat Oh No did you like check the store yeah okay I wasn't gonna fire your cat but I could fire my parrot and see what happens hey come on ruffles I don't think it's gonna do anything hey he just comes back oh no wait he's badly injured Oh No he's covered in soot the ruffles you just clean yourself up mister I'll get you a bucket of water to wipe the Gunpowder all it's just gunpowder see he's already cleaned himself there we go he's fine okay buddy okay we're doing good probably load back up the cannon with a cannonball - but can I put like the banana and you can't put the banana you okay over there looking at the bowl okay you pick out the perfect pet for you oh god you can buy like ship customization some of these are so expensive yeah like a sail that cost one hundred and forty thousand gold thank you why would you go with that fact like oh who would bother all right I'm gonna I'm gonna [ __ ] out you use only my coins to buy the ashen Chesky okay also I do want me to bring the chests like over to you oh no no no we got a because we will have to go on a voyage to unlock it okay yeah we can we can try that it's not trying to see what else I can actually do on the island well home there Tim what have you got for us loot all of their chests got it there's so many just cosmetic things look you want to recover your lantern you want to recover your pocket watch your shovel you want a broken shovel thanks all right hallways and there's like certain missions here that you can get from the gold hoarders and the Solon's these are all fights that you can do I could become a follower no lowly so the lowly souls of lowly skeletons will be your drinking partners inside this Erie tankard what is that - no I'm just having a look I wish you know how do I use the tanker oh you hold it and drink it no I I got I got a different tankard I think oh my god I got like a skeletal one yeah you get to the equipment chest and then you like to set it okay oh what'd you get oh it's a little monkey very cute what are you gonna call them I haven't decided yet you dogs oh this is just like a different mug and the drinking this is just like this is blue really kool-aid hey what it do I bought a I bought a thing a voyage but it's with the ash and chests my character has gotten drunk real quick you just downed grog oh god oh god I gotta get back to the ship no you know I'm in the water you did this I'm on my way back I think of okay I just let go of the ladder oh no oh shoot we still gonna finish out voyage yeah we do we are going to crux Holly let's set say yeah mikage Direction is falling oh raise the anchor directly behind us well the anchor husband her hey we're gonna drop it again what oh just a turn that's not raising it smooth sleep did like a tree point turn there finish it so good where'd you put your monkey you should be in front of me oh how did I know totally comes back when you're loaded from the Canada you want me the fire might have a camera I won't be looking yeah I did what happens when my eyes on this oh yes I ain't seen nothing go and do it lots of monkey name his name is just monkey come on come on little fella give me Jacobi come on Jacobi oh he's fine don't worry that we should reappear ESI's on the back of the ship think he's okay got our pets yeah I'll pop ruffles down next to him come on ruffles oh no they just plays into each other is there a point where they can sit next to each other I wonder I don't think so oh I can place them there maybe you can say go there we go there friends hey Bolton shot true canons now they can relate to each other's trauma I mean I'd be sad too if I got shot out of a cat yeah make sure everything is locked and loaded those cannons need oh yeah I need to actually load them back up again I kept firing our pets out oh yeah they just refilled there we go empower yourself - I already did that doesn't heavy consequences but you have to we got to take this game seriously guys he can't just mess about yeah very serious find about pirates we're doing good it's so pretty we like this argument it's like the best looking water and yeah it does look really good like the same spot off oh my gosh oh no okay you can come back I just have to check which Island were supposed to be heading to on the map I'll steer the ship boys ominous music playing Oh what is that crooks hour okay let's go let's go let's go let's go okay I mean there's something following us oh my god oh my god our crooks hollows Kirk's Hollow just keep going I'm gonna make an emergency landing here well it's chasing you I don't know but it's big and purple Oh to fight it no lower the anchor Oh we're safe we're safe it's no longer here but we may have lost your monkey when you disconnected he's no longer on the ship before saying it was a Megalodon no I was scared I didn't want to find it it was a Kraken was it or a big shark oh you'll know in the Kraken hood no just get these sails up because we're parks now okay are you able to join back I'm opening Creole object okay Marvin oh it was a rare one that's two I think I was so scared like I just wanna pick the island I panicked guys I'm sorry okay here we're just gonna give like you a moment to get back then we'll just sit tight I'm gonna have to restart the game it's okay hey why me okay it's not okay you gotta try like a tantrum yes I am I wouldn't shoot the shock we'll get we'll go back to where the shark was and we can try shoot him then gonna be all right ah okay our puma and see what happens all a harpoon it next time I'm sure we'll encounter one again before long or at least I hope so you're joining a game see if these fail to set up a crew session great thanks xbox let me see can I invite you should be able to do anything yeah yeah yeah any luck kinda progress was made but now I need to L here we get invites do you want to join I don't know do you they helped us out the procession Oh God where's this all funky on PC I don't know because the game seems really fun it's just the connection trouble at the moment it's kind of killing it the Xbox are ok ok I'm so sad people are saying it's particularly bad on PC is it like we were playing this on the next Xbox a week it'll be like run smoothly I'll try something there I'll get you back in right the game does they invite the party as well I can try that yeah it runs fine and Xbox are a lot of people we're saying that if you start your own ship and then join me it'll work but this is your ship isn't it yes joining a game do you want to continue yes it's not me just being broken it said it said of known broken yeah apparently good just be server load because a lot more people are online playing games these days too maybe yeah so let me stop my ship okay yeah I can actually travel aside though I'm actually really enjoying this like it's just quite chill it is again it gets to a point where you're like oh god help please help the recent update has made server is unstable someone as well okay oh my god Xbox did this they're trying to ruin our fun I only meant to buy their products if I can't even plan oh I can pet my pirate oh you go ruffles it's coming to steam soon busily oh that might fix me most of the issues then like honestly when does the commands name that isn't released I have no idea um could I get another soon yeah I'll send another invite here gonna try you invite the parody let Xbox console companion access your microphone no why is that coming up at this point in time because they're in a poly I've already had that problems and then I just need a regular invite to the game okay I'll see if I can send you a letter on I'm not getting one for the game this time but you are invited to the party at least yeah that's great you making progress hi I'm separate ships this is fine you can just sail over here we grind I thought would be amazing if I could but there's no guaranteeing like being in the same yeah oh there I'm gonna see how ruffles dances well away still waiting on her so you can't invite me to your game no I can't well [ __ ] but ruffles is doing a sick dance right now if that means anything you might have to abandon our voyage Oh [Music] and start from scratch would you meetings all my sweet loot we had like 50 cannonballs you lose everything on the ship if you have to abandon a voyage yeah Oh sucks it does yeah I like the game itself I just wish online was working concepts so cool here it's really great and you lose hours just doing nothing and just kind of lose hours I feel okay wait wait invite the game I can do it one more time see if that works Oh [Music] milk joining pop it uh-oh what happened [Music] bugger well I mean we have to keep our pets and we just lose all our item equipment yeah that's fine that's fine we didn't have like too much loot so it's okay if you want to hand in what you've got hand in what do you mean have you got anything there's no loot you want me to pick up everything I can on the ship like oh no no no did you find everything on the ship like we'll lose that regardless okay it's like you know you just fall pin and do whatever okay we have to start the action chest is here still oh yeah go son sell that to the gold hoarder guy okay sell it let me try figure out how to plot a course I got got a practice everything now I've learned can't even get off the map which is a bad sign okay I can do this I can steer the ship it's just me now you gotta get sell it to the guy in the tavern called Duke okay think it was the back there no I was here right that's it there oh god I hope to make that it the sea monster might come back I believe in you okay lower the sail so are you telling me or yourself myself yeah I need a bit of pep talk right now I you can do it okay I've got the ship moving things are on the right trajectory a little over here I'm gonna have this [ __ ] ready okay this music playing the moment I get to the Seas I don't like that I'm worried seems to be calm them no I'm going I'm going the wrong way I gotta turn left more pass this island it's quite slow today unfortunately sailing inches into the wind no it's kind of against the wind oh it's some loop yeah I got none just gonna continue on our way wait so what's coming up crow's nest fortress it's fine we're on the complete wrong direction I need to go you'd go to the left loop around the island gonna turn and guess that one there it's just trying to cook you something a banana banana you know in Sweden the banana curry pizza do they yeah okay don't say that the Swedes will come out the woodwork that there are there are so many Swedish people on Twitch it is insane they're everywhere on my way back I went round a different Island to get home but that's probably for the best that means we avoid the sea monster just me and ruffles steering the ship now you did it I don't have you added on then and something switched then you I don't think so oh you should come visit my Island I should yeah that'd be fun star sold which stands for purgatory oh my - Attali it was PTSD I let you hang us Oh see you reset you reset your Island unbelievable unbelievable he didn't like his Sutton fruit is that it yeah I just want like a fresh side of villager I really didn't like so I just didn't lead at the island to get rid of him it was it Boone it's just the worst for a while until they go upset I didn't I didn't wanna die even I wanted them gone immediately don't assign how bad he is well are we tossing this chip anyway didn't for restart I'm gonna run into ground but you got the chest I could I'll pick up the chest don't worry make sure you starlet it's actually not a buy a parking job all I didn't lay the anchor though it's just gonna keep going oh [ __ ] I left my pet on it well ruffles is gonna go on the adventure of a lifetime now lads oh hey did you just okay he's doing fine he'll be okay I'm just gonna go sell this who do I go to sell this chest oh it needs havin in the tavern the taverns at the top yeah yeah on my way up everyone's very upset about the loss of fight back so it's fine to eat my cat but your pet doesn't now they have a problem ah yeah apparently very very mixed standards I don't get them sometimes you know he's okay the ship kind of looped around I think I've made it back I could probably still save it like if it makes the second laughs its l ash and Chester Duke is it yeah I gave like a different currency Oh Oh the the ship left the island again we're probably not going to be able to get it all right and you should be able to join my game I will join it momentarily I'm gonna see if I can be cheeky and catch the ship it's coming around well it just needs to turn a little bit more we're so close this is perfect it's gonna hit the bridge oh my ship it's stuck yeah I'm coming ruffles oh it's take I think it's taking a fair bit of damage now I've have to guess how we looking below deck oh that's pretty bad yeah it's just like the start of like the first Pirates of the Caribbean film I kind of want to see it go under its creaking quite badly there she goes hips Copa it's capsizing got to be the worst pirate I've ever heard of but you have heard of me don't worry it's still there it's just a bit waterlogged oh it's coming back up oh no I hit the bottom okay okay yeah I'll uh leave game and I'll join you Oh God that was fun so sorry about your shake I go way back yet I think I just have to join us before or do I hopefully this works [Music] I was joining my dog thieves I don't know why just like a separate party and like join game system it seems really confusing hey we're back almost achievement unlocked I want to be a pirate I did that pretty well when I sunk your ship even unlocked well done you burnt a piece of food okay I'm back in are you are you here mm-hmm doc oh you're a different Island yeah we are Oh a voyage ready for us hello how's it going pretty good pretty good I got a new cat we still we have some starting equipment do we yeah I gathered everything on the island so ok we think if we yeah come vote for the voyage wait no that's it it was no prosper ok we're good now let's see oh you got a new cat I'll place them together ok we're where we hadn't leaves Haven this time are we on a plunder outpost ok the lost gold fort sounds cool can we just like sail off the map or like do something stop yet oh yeah the bullet ends the red it's terrifying oh can we do it hell yeah we can crack and falls back to key I don't know where it is this is a grape at the bottom okay never just sells into that presumably that self yeah just keep going Sam how does booty I'll hear - lets go no pirate dares sale you'll be the first the pioneers they're like can you tell if you've caught the wind best you can is the sail oh it's the lagoon on whispers Laguna whispers that sounds fun let me miles away that storm cloud looks like the Kraken something something's coming something's coming what's coming you hear that oh that's nice our before dawn let's do it let's fight it let's fight how do we fight it play numb the cannons yes sir hang on let me get some cannonballs although the pet says your pets are worries it's okay ruffles I don't see him there is where find us yes oh I almost got it clear I didn't quite get him that ahead dead ahead yeah if it starts charging Oh make sure you reload the yep don't worry every Lola where's it gone it's off to the right now oh it's gone it was here ready go we just say on the knife bit of water again do you think you'll still be there maybe we have to like sail toward some more when he appeared like that get it off oh god he's shy God love them if we have to scuttle the ship we end up with nothing again just a heads up okay should be okay I'd say it gets terrifying apparently that's all you've said if you go off the world yeah okay excited no one's like the age of like The Truman Show I'm gonna collide but like a film set and if Jim Carrey's gonna be free that's why we're doing this that's what I'm gonna call make at Jim Carrey Jim Carrey ruffles and Jim okay okay so far and the edge is approaching oh we get the Northern Lights that's kind of nice okay we're gonna have to something telling that oh there's a Mega Shark okay we can get them this time we can get them the anchor so I didn't turn sodden turn itself una oh god he's got a few eyes where it where is he finest earn in the Canada oh he didn't like that I got his tonight [Music] couldn't get it I can shoot him again okay didn't get on that time hey is that our air what are the ship directions like pork stock which is port which would stab or one's left and once right which other side feel like we need to use the cannons for its coming back okay there's a lot of lee-sia okay I need to eat my bananas real quick I'm very badly injured ruffles it's okay it's just the Megillah bomb we load this cannon where is he okay he's over on our left [Music] Hank get him with that right ahead of us we're gonna get a shot not Oh Bluto I'd never make it in time oh my God he's huge the ladder the ladder can we have the letter I got a nice head of there [Music] your heads gadna gonna need some more cannibals wait did we get it where's he - no he's not he's not Darla nice Oh the pets are very frightened I'll keep closing the cabins he's over on our right I think yep oh that's like that was a good shot there oh nice gone again [Music] cannon it's so stressful on that side snugglin well you do it like a rifle be back on the ship zero I only have my pistol that's good that's good okay Oh God get the water out cannibals no no we're fine just looking at the ship where is he he's dead ahead of us pull some chop rough waters let the harpoon oh we got him is that a new titles been added to your family chest hunter of the crescent queen all right is there any way I'm gonna turn the ship in that direction okay I'll make sure there's no more leaks on the boat we got a bit of water but that doesn't seem to be any leaks I'll just get this out there we go the shape is okay got a lot of Pollock traps in the chat for that show check under the water oh there it is this is Allah oh my god Oh me all right that's a big bit of meat to here I'll just start like taking stuff off it I guess okay Magma's Graham oh you want to just create a silk fair play to you for like getting this you got a skull yes an ashen Marauders chest that seems like a different caliber to the last ashen chest you don't need a key to open that one actually oh my god how much treasure does it have cube it's like nope there's another one treasure chest look how well we've done this one do we can open yummy Megalodon meat I guess we're not gonna sail into the abyss like got too much treasure now yeah we may have lost the old ship but we've done pretty well I was a bit of meat there come on you go I'll put all this in the food chest you know what yo let's treat ourselves cook some Megalodon how long do you leave it on the stove for it to cook I think you have to just watch it there honest to god don't know what cook megalodon looks like like a golden brown I feel like this might take a while to it's a big piece of meat eggs over two minutes to cook Megalodon does this know the Playboy I don't think I can maybe recently you get to play this again as I was watching you remember the in between us yeah years and years ago the so the guy that plays J streams on Twitch helps on his channel and he was playing see a thief who's fishing I was like I'm gonna play that today Oh kinda cool that he's over here doing something different I guess Megalodon still cooking how do we want to open this treasure chest yeah take gold it's got a villainous bounty school that looks quite valuable yeah I think you can cook you should be able to put like oh oh you've been sailing us home have you you should be able to put things inside that ships Oh rice oh that makes it so much easier yeah I pop some items in it so that we can use this as a portable container so we can save it oh no I mean we can like the Megalodon thank you Oh delicious that's the guy we killed okay I'm just gonna have a banana I'll need that much HB right now yeah they didn't warn buddy people are freaking out holy [ __ ] how'd you do that Oh [ __ ] love him this is really good right it's just so like sailing yeah it's just a chill like I get Wind Waker vibes from this and I like that I was like panicking a bit with the amount of stuff on the ship to manage but she seems to be the right amount of stuff oh oh can we what's the meat well sell it I take it everything in the treasure chest like we're gonna sell to that gold guy yeah it's all the bounty woman there oh yes sorry look at the magma Grail that's the goal okay Annie that we have but at least like life so much easier if you cook it and sell it to the co-hosts where to watch if to cook it first do we god I don't trust myself with cooking it cooking sells it from [ __ ] oh no 450 gold apiece apparently if you cook it I might just take a while to do it silly thing can sell it raw might just sell it wrong well I almost jumped off the ship because I didn't really do a dash attack if you hold yourself at a really small trade and pose not the big ones okay you gonna try lining up with the dock Oh close enough it's closed we can just swim the rest of it sure which one with spices again add the trade us it's gonna be from the right on the dock the right on the dock vices soul no that's pretty good Oh Alliance silks is that this silks the same one oh yeah we can just sell the ashen chest it doesn't need okay yeah this one doesn't need a Keith still carriers with the moment the key would have been so I imagine I would have been something very rare outside but we gotta wait until it's not broken I have the treasure chest now - this has like a few items in this fashion chest so the schools have to go to the lady in the tent I'll do that first okay bill in this bounty school I saw the Holy Grail Mara ma'am oh we got a lot from all out do you want to check the barrels on the island yeah I'll just have a quick look thank you Miss Grail sold trying to see if there's any barrels fine there we go I got some more boards take it we just need a lot of boards and that for the ship because like we had so many like patches there and cannibals we need cannibals for days yeah I got four on me at the moment I hope everyone likes inventory management because that seems that's a very important part of this gather supplies it is important do you empty all these ones already yeah yeah yeah oh I found some boards and one though firebombs oh yeah I found a whole bunch in one there we go if there's anything more I'm Lee chess the klöden chest oh wait that pomegranate I thought they were Tomatoes yeah the farmer goats I got a few of them too okay I found like a bunch of stuff in the barrels on the town they're brilliant I'm gonna bring it all back six more cannon balls - and different types of cannon balls oh that great like yeah one of them makes everyone on both the ship drunk oh that's great pop it all in some grape shots to the grapeshot feel like you're getting the mast of the ship is it yes I got a bunch of worms too but the Northwest is our the workers make great base for regulars wallets fascism plaintiff ins so I don't know you use the worms with the fishing rod I'm not sure either oh we got him at least yeah okay so shall we set sail I find any destination yes I don't know yeah do you like a mission net worth - do we have a voyage oh yeah we just kind of ignored that before then we can say go sail into the unknown are we gonna need a new ship at some point cuz this one already has so many boarded up this oh it's fine you just bought it up again okay it just looks right beat up so it's just worries okay yeah I'll raise the anchor I left my power to work I'm gonna try it first worms ruffles come on bud up in here maybe I hate them oh oh he didn't like him yeah he vomited okay oh no it's okay ruffles I think he wants crackers and says rough Nick some bananas in the hole so I have food yeah hope we get another ghost ship just killing like the skeleton crews oh you missed it yeah I didn't see the ghost ship I saw a regular like kind of skeleton ship they were trying to kill us this is with the Sun it's so pretty lots of shadows on that too it just looks nice hitman thank you very much play some music for the verb a we can play we can get through but it's music home for the animals yeah [Music] it's tremendous lat [Music] true musical prodigy [Music] I can hold left mouse and plenty accordions [Music] we gotta hope that curve floor when you get so many more instruments that the recruit folks did it with five people can you do it five I thought max would be like before it was just a random guy we found [Music] there we go so where's our destination car gonna be behind this island okay oh wow yeah we got a while to go yeah yeah so there's a big hole like a wing it okay no II yeah we got two chests on this island well you can see how many there is and then the five oh yeah it's like Maps oh wow and then five on that one oh my god okay that's really cool hitting the crow's nest and shout lion toll I want to see how much it sways from up there this is where you get seasickness yeah haha he just look like that in the [ __ ] I was like you're moving everywhere there's a fire on top of that Islands that's gonna be skeletons Oh golly that's a big bonfire hey who's coming in can't see anything right there yeah there's cannons yeah coming like that fine should be good oh okay I've never making any contact speed ahead no leaks everything's fine some joy the doors lights you know don't worry about it so much doing really good yeah yeah yeah it's just skeletons trying to murder us you know it's not that bad I've had worse Oh what happened they're almost our ship if we had been going any slower um that's a pretty good shot you're gonna have to do better than that lads that's what I thought [Music] the back how's it going man oh we need to find these second island as well the second island yeah let's see I'll show you the picture oh wait wait oh sorry bad island okay look Nihal sandy shallows Tulsi sands scurvy aisle that one doesn't sound good the quarter Enclave honey enough that you can see almost every island yeah shipwreck Bay looks fun Grove that one would it be the right way up unlike the last that you showed me like what that's what one of the others is I I don't know what it could be anywhere Devil's roar sake and brink that seems like a tough area the devil's Forest does the right thing on the map what does that mean it's like an icon yeah it's like a red school that is a ship with a Reaper chest what does that mean that that just is worth money yeah sure you get it I mean we could try could you all right okay yeah it's coming up it's just like that ahead okay that's a Reaper chest so that guys on the move then I take it - is he okay he's going the kind of opposite direction at the moment we have to abandon the island if we want to get them getting this one I find it crazy I was like when you move the map and it still shows up you when you look at it from the farm like it's actually pretty well built for like a multiplayer interface seen by everyone on the server Oh God I mean we could have got we can get the treasure on this Isle and go around to it yeah I'm down what if it's a galleon though galleons have like full warp out it will be fine get on the ship and you know all smoking sword they won't know what hit him no I'm in a land ho always want to say that whispers eight canons actually hope coughs oh all right we can take them we can take them storm is raining to see the climate's movement slowly yeah I'll get ready with the anchor go oh this underwater snakes be careful all right we have one here um like right here hit it we're good we got it Oh oh yeah thank you we go okay now we got it and then the other one is gonna be shake it up wait read journal girl talks about a daring escape notes for my life story once through the devil shroud I waited until the crew had drunk himself silly in celebration I escaped a break by every gallon my jailer but one of my most exciting stories once he came closer he was already done for he snuck onto a rowboat and made it here as I rode away I noticed that the shroud ate a huge hole in art in there [ __ ] I doubt I'll see them again I'm just gonna get this chest back on the ship yeah I mean there should be a good few like this this one has five tick sights doesn't oh this one's too that's ok Oh open the armory oh yeah if you're on the rifle oh yeah you like a sniper is there any difference in damage numbers or I have absolutely no idea ok I like to carry a sword Ernest and I sorted a pistol all right we got loads of change my sword [Music] lady here you go talk to her I'm gonna get all the board's I can from these barrells tattoos oh that's storage crates crates oh if we put if we fill the pretty crate up Oh God so we can just like put stuff in them can we yeah oh that's really good storage great we can just pop anything in yet I have absolutely no idea thank you can I pop like wooden there oh that's really good we're getting like bag space basically can use these so we have to we can make last trip trips but the free crate I want to fill up with fruit and then we can sell that at the merchant for like money okay Oh sounds good to me well we might as well take everything on this island then sounds good that we can find hey I'm Brad how's it going you have any more loot of yours that we can Luke well it's just take oh it's not a journal it's the same guys before was there another dig site here no no no we got everything okay well let's take these boxes back sure got the crate pretty good find it was right there my chats calm down too which is nice to see there last one things to do got it out of their systems here's the Megalodon now the back of the dog we killed something okay so do you want to fit you want to fill some of these then do you and just see fruit great okay then we can sell that right so this has five on it it's and it could be anywhere I'll help fill up the fruit crate then got a filth like Max and pasady doing fools lagoon found it so we need to travel southeast I'm just doing some inventory management don't mind me sailing okay I just find something quite satisfying about organizing it all like this I used to whenever I played you Fallout New Vegas back in the day I would do this mod called like underground hideout that I would always get I was basically like it how smart with like inventory management yeah it was the [ __ ] best thing I love that I wish I could get into the football games I like I okay I mean I was 76 is bad when I said that would be like the good starting point it's like you know what's new and everyone's all if five will happen before long it's that I'd see I want eldest girls elder eldest girls six okay I'm a big fan of oblivion oh I can take Skylar that's okay that's not fair everyone I complete it I completed that eventually have a real bad habit of never finishing the main story in Elder Scrolls games I just do everything else all at four is actually really good on that I played it in VR a little bit I have there's a companion mod which is me with voicings and everything that's pretty cool I was like reading some of the comments cuz it's available for Xbox it has it had like eighty thousand views or something stupid oh my god like the guy that made it thought it'd be funny to have the mole rat breathing sound as her default like noise like I really like the modern stuff it's fun but why does she what's the growling does the reviews are like really confused yeah pretty good but like she need an inhaler wait what's going on and he's like at the end of my full-out run I got in a fistfight with myself and it was really really scary cuz I can hear me shouting and insulting and taunting me while she cuts me to shreds it was a was that oh my god that sounds wild horrifying well if ever play fallout 4 again I'll be sure to install you to play the game seems like the idea was here our next goal oh yeah any place you'll see on me where are we going are we going towards the river ship um I think we're gonna grab the five chests okay yeah and the Reaper guy is miles away too yeah we get the chest sure the mess up childís girls games already so the next one should be good what you oblivion is a masterpiece Olivia it's pretty good maybe them into my wall one because that's kind of weird brought back he was surprised memories I watched myself die it was like when you first encounter a death pole and Mikey whoa who kills it and then someone shakes a car next to her and it just blows up and like I just see a chunk of flesh on the floor with search key that's pretty heroin it's a very unique experience I realized what we're sailing into the storm here are we gonna be okay I don't know what happens when you start going in the storm but it'll be fine Lagoon is almost here see the lightning strikes now right they're having a good old time yeah lovely it's a lovely lovely experience like start learning sea shanties if we do this again sometime Oh God we're gonna request the drunken sailor one just because it's the Irish traditional ones everyone goes for I know a great sea shanty it's called Wonderwall I don't know if you Kurtis [Laughter] [Music] ocean man is the famous song that sailors sing beautiful fools lagoon we're here ruffles is like well it cat is very taken aback by that he's like sitting angle okay buddy we're here it's tiny yeah that's actually really handy then we all have to go fire to go all the Treasury God's and oh I forgot to bring the storage I'll bring the storage great guy is everything okay yeah okay I'm glad then I'll just continue to get the box and I'll be back in a moment okay animals oh that's a shiny look there's a storage chest on the island genius so we can just pop everything in you know I'm trying to be smart about this it's a first for me so I don't know how it's gonna go oh I got you go to captain's chests that's really good I was like 500 at least maybe well I'm probably getting into this now I'm actually really enjoying this this is a proper good fun okay oh I think I got everything in the barrels on the island where are you I'm here we're good here I'll start bringing the chest back to the ship these testicles these ones look like this trailer or something yeah big key chess that one there we have one about God I'll keep burying them are you gonna aim for pirate legend that's not a thing and yeah but that's like gotta get ranked 50 and everything and honestly I don't have time for that like grinding that seems like a nightmare yeah that seems like a lot of work like white why do we gotta put a label on it like you know it's pirates man what why can't we just be like good pirates yeah why do we have to whatever it has to be like a social hierarchy that you have to climb it's ridiculous you know pirates are like that you know I mean legendary that's because of the stories and the tail so tell stories about us but you know who don't need a rank for it yeah you know if you're just saying you just enforcing the establishment upon us but I like wishing for like the legend rank pirates no down down with down with the government that's why were pirates isn't it yeah oh that's a rock I am I am good job it's okay so we're to be a little west side which is this way it's like this waters kind of shallow she's over here somewhere you see all the spots where you've dug already let me take it out Hey just in case the monsters spawn no we're good this time t need a hand there we've done really well yep I put on storage chests and when we hit the C's I'm gonna reorganize the inventory [ __ ] love inventory but just wait until we get like a bigger ship one day well it oh wait tonight wait I might have forgot I might have forgot the chest with all the okay I got em just as long as we get in the hole we got 50 or 50 in the front crate that's brilliant that's so good oh alright um shall we head back to e we might as well it's too much loose here to risk losing it all yeah you know I just spent so long organizing the inventory to like alright golden sands outpost I want all my work to be pronounced Northwest pop all this end hello chest okay yeah oh look at all this we're good good pick up the win oh I should be helping that sail and it going against the wind reapers hideout oh I don't even see the island oh that's it there oh actually I think we can sell things to someone there but it doesn't go towards our ah we probably want to go towards the right things yeah we have so much to sell the wind is very much against us right now my first flight is a couple of weeks ago I was relegated to bucket duty for like half an hour while we fought a skeleton crew it's just the way of things apparently keep going on in there anyway are we heading back to the Wanderers place I just barely went behind it okay yeah we're gonna be going a while then cuz we just don't have much wind damn it that's okay maybe we'll get lucky we might find a skeleton crew or another Megalodon yeah till that let's sail for the next like 50 minutes presumably in this direction that's a little bit just keeping an eye out for sharks while we go as well these music is great now but there's a lot of things trying to murder us [Music] still terrible [Music] it's gotta wait a while sideshow [Music] people keep asking for sea shanties [Music] doing the best I can of my accordion [Music] and sea shanties copyrighted that might be someone's tried probably Warner Brothers it's a one point or another I feel like they've just tried a bunch of look [Music] I loved playing this whenever this came on would stink I used to do a lot Phoebe here in the beta sinking ships and just stand there and play this slowly in the ocean the best song to die too [Music] oh I can see it I can see the lights just up ahead oh we're getting there oh yeah that's a destination you need me the help of the shift I could keep playing the accordion [Music] a Terran this one should be [Music] song for the sea [Music] but something going on there but we're on a mission to sell make money I can I'm wave of them here's a hello I'm not gonna kill these people [Music] the lahpet so just be like more gentle is no it no they're boffin it just freaked out no matter the song like head banging in the club a nice hole yeah we have so much treasure and all of our inventory is organized [Music] in sight I'll be combinators hope the croc another murder I would love to find another shippin historia [Music] one of the mellow street people are saying yes are from the bits of the start we almost died no laughs yeah it's settled someone [Music] I mean when you look past the murder [Music] we in a position where we can catch the wind yeah yeah I don't want to go too fast towards the island okay [Music] you know we're almost there we went really far last time [Music] Golden Sands [Music] dawn of a new day 72 hours remain [Music] let's go around see what the vendors are it's so simple but I just like having the accordion be out of the play music it's actually so soon yeah do you want me to drop the anchor not yeah we're gonna go over to this side the vendors over there okay tell me one okay and let's drop it cuz I feel like we're gonna be cutting the closer Oh [Music] perfect well actually kite up I mean we were kind about the dock you can jump out of the captains quarters to get there love it it works where do we take all these chests and the captain's chest caps just to the gold guy okay so our whole see how much we get say which one was the gold guy again in the 10th ah perfect that did not sell for much I'm gonna sell the free chess oh I should get enough we should get a nice spare money guys I hope that will increase his reputation quite a bit I think that's like the benefit of a crate of fruit there you go yeah captain's dress is surprisingly not that valuable in the end I just would have thought because there you know there are gold and out like start it with a ruby this is more than the castaways chest seafarers chest and that that's all just a treasure guy oh yeah be an MSF apparently go $50,000 that's the gold bucco voyages take everything requires 20,000 gold to buy okay so that's something that you can get that finally that gives you increased reward for chess got it oh really I think the biggest haul we'll have is from that like the Megalodon say that won't that one's the same storage chests we just want to keep you fat and with the treasure chests should I get the emissary flag no if you can afford it as well oh I don't have enough myself okay treat yourself which is an emissary flag well I was going to say that is the cue I hope before she disappeared for water ease I think I'm gonna wrap up in a few minutes I think it might be a good time this is 11 o'clock I didn't plan on going so long tonight originally a way for her to come back though like he was still gonna be streaming too so I'm gonna like actually just raid her after the stream I'll send everyone over I had a lot of fun playing this this is obviously quite surprising it's like I remember hearing about this game when it was first NASA III and it looked a bit disappointing that just didn't look like there was much to do but it's kind of fun when you're with friends just like on the waters like they got the feel of the ocean just down it was just fun stuff that happens we video more streams of this like maybe I could see myself doing more I had a good time the saddest thing was probably like the network issues that's just that's just unforgivable oh hey I I was just I was just talking to like the chat yeah I was also saying to them that I might hop off for the night now if that's okay Oh apparently that flag makes us a target of Reaper emissaries oh oh so we got to be mindful of that I'm sure it's fine you want to get it I have enough money oh no you just hit oh there we go Oh emissary fly grace we did [Music] back on the ship do we have a flag somewhere on the ship now at the representative catcher if you want to pop like a patent man no I thought that's cruel on the table if you down well I gotta get going oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but I hope you have fun streaming sure I'll send everyone on my stream over to you oh thank you no problem oh there's the flag yeah that's really cute yeah I've had a lot of fun playing this every time we're playing it again sometimes you wanna know who's good craic it was it was good time this one I like I like see if these yeah this is very chill like I like this like you just travel in the water and just like playing on the accordion what's quite fun it's cozy yeah that's the way I describe it okay oh okay I'll talk to you later thank you okay sounds good no problem you take care as well catch up soon bye bye oh there we go okay thank you everyone for coming by the stream tonight I hope you all enjoyed it thank you to everyone to give bits tonight to again apologies eyes ever for just not even being able to address them like kilo is streaming too so I just don't want to be talking over and I'm very conscious of that whenever we do a group stream like that this I should be back tomorrow we're gonna be pressing on with Lego Harry Potter we're gonna do the Chamber of Secrets I'll be stream with plum Bella again me and Jessie are gonna go for round two so that's pretty much the plan yeah I gotta I was so chill I got [ __ ] love that I didn't expect it because I remember being like very put off by it when they originally announced the game but it actually it actually is quite fun I could see myself playing more of that reminds me of like guns of Icarus was like a little more to do in the rather than just like battle exclusively you know you can just kind of explore there you go the more fun stuff you can do nice yeah yeah it seemed like there's a lot there like I'm actually gonna fight the Kraken like somewhere that big storm and it seems to be some like a rather sinister items I don't know how to progression works it was just all cosmetic I don't know if you can ever do more damage it's also a Megalodon oh yeah we fought the Megalodon yeah it's eerie silence at the moment Claire just closed the game sure but that's that's okay it's all cosmetics yeah interesting I might have a look at like all the cosmetic stuff that's available I'm like the sidings and some stuff from my own ship I'll need to put one together at some point okay we're gonna write key whoa uh to end the night nice so you can go watch her I think she's streaming so much lighter because like she does super light streams imma weenie I know oh I call up and it gets like 11 o'clock at night yeah thanks for going folks I'll see you all tomorrow with like a Harry Potter take care guys
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 58,009
Rating: 4.9403543 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-606301383, rtgamecrowd, Yer a pirate Harry ft. Kiwo, Sea of Thieves, Twitch, Gaming, Yer, pirate, Harry, ft., Kiwo, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish, die, i want die, poespas, poe, minecraft, pokemon, woolie, callmekevin, forza
Id: qndc8UXJlLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 35sec (11435 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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