When City Planning in Cities Skylines creates a city with only one road

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There is no evacuation alarm. If you hear Country Roads it's already too late.

👍︎︎ 867 👤︎︎ u/Jennifer_flint 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I live in Guatemala and there's a couple of cities that are basically one long road down the middle of a ridge due to geography and poor planning, only one way in and out, and natural disasters or even a truck breaking down means everyone is stuck.

👍︎︎ 184 👤︎︎ u/nixcamic 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

This video could have been an hour long.

👍︎︎ 573 👤︎︎ u/SKNE 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was good. What's wrong with the water lmao

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/Serrated-X 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

This one was better than all the comedy disaster spam ones tbh

👍︎︎ 396 👤︎︎ u/Infinite_Bananas 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hey, this is RTGame here. Just wanted to say thanks for all the kind words in this thread! I was a bit shocked last night when I saw a big spike in views, and I didn't realize the video had been shared here. I apologize in advance for the inevitable destruction of West Virginia at least seven more times

👍︎︎ 169 👤︎︎ u/Magistrex 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

What the fuck was going on with that water?

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/beartheminus 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Admittedly I have no idea who the guy is but holly cow, what's with his subscriber count? Like three months ago he did a 100k video, and now he's at 780k? WTF?

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/niechcacy 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was worth the watch

👍︎︎ 215 👤︎︎ u/Aurarus 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
make a city that only has one road I wouldn't that work so this makes it really weird for space because I don't have to worry about like well okay now I still have to worry about it slightly it's kind of like snake now because I can't retread any land so I have to make sure I'm making the most of the land I've got the only bitter like connection road is just gonna be that there that's so they have a way out so there's no way I can really plan stuff like down like literally down the road I have to just build stuff on as we get it so like right now that they what they want in just they want commercial so the next fit is going to be commercial presumably this eliminates all sources of traffic because everyone's just going in a straight line there's no turning points there shouldn't be any reason for people to stop other than just pull in when they get to their house country roads not for those guys to complain about no water how wide you build your homes out here lies owned it don't answer that so now I'm gonna take out a second loan and what peril that second loan I'm gonna pay back the first loan okay now we can keep this part of the road safe with the police or this part of the road safe so far it's working really well like I don't even see any issues with this right now maybe this is the way you're supposed to play the game italics thanks for the two months paying back loans but low and sign me up for the inevitable here its key I thought there would be much more traffic but if someone's pulling in you just go in one of the other two lanes it it works like an actual motorway if you're turning in to your house go on the right lane otherwise go on the other two and you just keep going and you just clear road ahead of you oh my god we should just be building houses on the motorway I'm a genius I've solved all traffic problems this is possibly the stupid city we've done yeah and this may actually be the most successful by far oh yeah a no wait wait sorry I've forgotten a very important thing we have to name the road you know there's only one name we can give it meteorologists are well under storm warning for coming days this one wasn't me natural disasters are still illegal so it's struck the police station are you kidding me God broke the Lara - you can't let this slide okay where do you live I live on 491 on the street - there's no Road which number is your house it's like 2728 I'm on the left okay I'll see you in four to five hours I just beam at the end of the road you want to leave you have to like stop in a hotel along the road just to even get out this is probably the most efficient city like we've ever designed and it's just because there's no turning points I people just go to where they want it's just a one-stop like Highway if it ever gets backed up like we're so dead what's going on with the freaking water Oh God it's flooding okay this is gonna be a problem okay we need a barrier we got to get a bus line going by the way because like the bus line is literally gonna be the easiest thing imaginable to organize know it so it actually doesn't have anywhere to turn I can't I can't finish the line okay we're just gonna build a monorail system instead why isn't a six-lane monorail okay we don't need public transport you if you don't have a carrier you affect the end of the streets called Harvey Street well the road was so long and gave it a new name there's so many busts Jesus Christ but there's no bus line terho wakens guys you got to get on the other side of the road they have no passengers I don't I don't think they can ferry anyone is there anyone riding all these buses well we have a phantom bus line that's fine all right it's time to take a brave new step so for the next bit of road we're gonna by this time we're gonna go all the way some of them asteroid no natural disasters a band saying no to meteors what is wrong with the water - like why is it constantly doing this it's really trying to flood against us hey I'm glad we built the wall so we're safe here we go lads and I thought we were going all in look at this it's beautiful these guys just making the track just to turn around they just want to get to the other side of the road hey this guy is like weeks ahead of them just to pick up the bins on the other side we must find chat remove pylons which pylons oh these ones good luck with that movement Larry guys let me know how it goes our teachers take it alone in Sioux City trucks just try them it's it's just doing really well I'm gonna pay back my other loan I'm just like I'm just so good at cities on hang on my income stankin all right yeah they all ran out of workers that's fine I didn't want these ones anyway it's probably incredibly dangerous consider how much the water surge in here but we're not the ones working in the plant so it's okay this is the product all my god no wonder they're complaining about there being no water the water freakin disappears every now and then hydropower plant which population of 11 times and that's the next goal we're gonna dam the river oh don't turn on the kettle for a while I just look at this it's it's just beautiful to watch this they just keep building up along the road as it keeps going you have to go all the way around turn drive back this way go out of the city and then like turn on the intersection somehow just to make that trip now you think you could just walk - why are they all waiting for the buses we don't have buses they're just bus stops what are they waiting for isn't that a dog he's also waiting for the bus for this I had to drive home and park his car he's got to go all the way around he has to go to the very end of the road every time that that goes up for the challenge though apparently he doesn't built I was there there we go the next part of the road that I have to go even further if they want to turn around that one's Harvey Street again oh my god every time oh I probably shouldn't put the dump right next to the hospital but it fits oh well you look at the same road from the corner at the very end of the road see a cool restaurant and decide hey I want to eat there call and place reservations for two weeks ahead I'm immediately getting the carrot ahead over there two weeks later you finally get there you then place reservations were a restaurant next to your house for two weeks later you get home in time to change and get to the restaurant this cycle repeats it's like the most efficient city we've designed yet but probably like the most like evil of the law because just the I'm like commute time to get anywhere is like absurd I achieve it abhi try the rope this is what Cormac MacCarthy base is not along like this is this taupe Ian's world he described in the road he didn't mean the apocalypse or anything he just meant like it's a hell of a [ __ ] commute meteorologists have issued a severe tornado warning tornado warning 74k oh my god okay look look get to the bottom of the road quick there's a shelter it can house everyone along the road you just have to make the run oh no it's gonna break the road oh my god the frickin car is inside a chance those guys are dead no it's following the route oh you can't even make this up okay we we we oh my god no we're losing all my god our money no the tornado is actually put plumbing us into financial room I can't repair the road I have no money bankruptcy yeah okay take that posit I gotta be real quick here when upgrading the roads that's the fatal flaw in our city then if a single disaster hits like that's it if that were if anything happens that wrote like we're so screwed because it just cuts the city in half this isn't happiness they're all ecstatic car from these losers don't care about them and like only half the road is like horribly polluted there's a school and you let yourselves on fire guys there's only so much I can do to you team Schmitt our team Harvey team Harvey isn't a thing okay the characters forces its teams mich obviously small city well priorities first we're building the dam there we go so Islands problems we're making a new road now this one's not connected them [Music] this isn't a railroad this is just the dam it's swamped what was the point of this it was too low well how do I make it higher there we go the new dam oh and I'm getting past that one oh my god Oh No Oh No I didn't want this to happen stay [Music] yeah God Thomas even when I try I can't get it right to oh wait we just saved it wait wait wait wait wait hang on you that moment was just completely you can't just - so we learned a valuable lesson today [ __ ] dams I was looking for like the shitty recorder version boy I didn't even do a lot no I don't we're going back in the timeline do I have to keep this like a broken frickin dam or the entire city will flood it's in your DNA see if I can delete the dam voix [Music] how does that make any sense if floodwalls protecting us floodwall is protecting us oh you gotta be kidding me the game wants this but we are fighting against like reality itself right now I'm trying to keep this city alive in an interesting twist probably putting the pylons here in electrocute and everyone isn't helping my case okay maybe this will pass and not cause too much damage we're okay Brenda Claire no country roads today just this one time everybody lives apart from that one guy whose house is currently on fire you know but he lived - Christmas miracle [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 7,240,464
Rating: 4.9312315 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines disaster, RTGame cities skylines, cities skylines west virginia, cities skylines rtgame, cities skylines flood, cities skylines funny, cities skylines funny city, cities skylines one road, one road city, cities skylines country roads, cities skylines one road city
Id: -p5cgG8fB3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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