RTGame Archive: Oxygen Not Included

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody hey how you doing hi I'm a minute or two late getting things set on up in the air me okay and you hear the background audio okay you think I should clean my glasses before I go we're all smudged hey how's it going folks sounds good cool good to hear how y'all doing what we going for about two hours so the reckon should I was wondering we're gonna be streaming a lot this week I'm gonna be live again tomorrow I have something very special lined up for tomorrow a new bit of tech arrived and we're gonna be looking an absolute banger of a game many of you have played today we got something a bit different though we're gonna be playing oxygen not including this I've straightened this before like way back in the day we're gonna revisit it because the game was like kind of come along a bit in early access and it's actually guarantor is the final release this games been early and act early access like say like at least over here now and go in a while it's me buddy it's me buddy play guys did don't starve and just because that association they've actually sponsored today's stream let's just hop into the game there we go Oh Adobe Premiere is open in the background know what that was there we go yeah she spawn spike clay same guys make it don't starve market a ninja and a bunch of other gems so thanks clay if you're interested in checking out this game for yourself if you type exclamation point oxygen you can get a link to the steam store page it's like a space in the colony management game where basically you don't want to die of not having oxygen and a bunch of other horrible stuff it gets frantic really fast but in a good way oh wait the night BOTS break no no I didn't break it didn't break it's just slight slight cooldown yeah night but supposin it go thought you guys already destroyed it okay let's start a new game oh wow yeah they even have a no sweat mode at this I think this is new cosmos is a glorious place so you can lead your colony into adventure with ease yes no fun survival only you could protect your fragile colony from this harsh and unforgiving universe we'll just go we'll go for like a standard game because if we start tweaking this like you're like we're gonna make this real bad for ourselves morale requirements physics maintain extremely high morale reigns to prevent stress it sustain ourselves on nothing at all see revolution hunger yeah let's go standard let's go standard because we'll die too quick if we start messing with that just make it so they die like absolutely moment we start no not through in super high but we did super hard mode with don't start when we play that recently okay we did like the dark world we're gonna we're gonna give this a chance okay so we need the truth tree duplicants to begin with we can shuffle them out if we want to get like a different mix these two have irritable bowel syndrome so let's just see if we can get a third irritable valve just just so you know we have like the one thing to keep an eye out for well bladder not not quite now we'll just go with a knee make sure close enough let's the core made this duplicate I that's highly refined palate and desires and luxurious foods oh no now we lost the irritable about okay we need to have a look at some of the traits and see what we can actually want this person is all positives this person is like a master chef but also a yokel and I performed research that's fine okay so we'll get you on cooking can we get one that's good a kind of good on construction squeamish cannot tend to the sick that seems really bad air consumption rate is minus 25 though yak might be handy we preserve more oxygen so we kind of want that the gastro phobia this duplicate has a deep-seated distrust of culinary arts cannot cook but that's okay because like Jean here is gonna be cooking grease monkey tinker in plus tree it so what's gonna be like the name and scheme for these guys because we do it we can't actually give them all names we have to name the colony to so what what are we going for both of these they're in a gastro phobia I guess if we're in a pinch we probably want someone else okay I feel having two squeamish traits a spot cannot perform combat now we got irritable bowel back okay yeah and high athletic school okay what are we calm we're not caught no now calling the room will tumble guys we're gonna have more colonists can happy one Rumble double you got it you gotta come up with something new the captures recycle stale memes Jim Pickens whose channel do you think does this whose channel you think this is there for an Irishman you kind of through with out of there he'll sue me I will just go go Sally ari I'm berry sure okay we're gonna go for the re colony okay Sally how are you Barry let's go okay alert I've all come with a start and crew of treaty applicants for the situation here is not so we expected resources scarce and her pod is embedded miles beneath the planet's surface tell if my duplicant survive or investigate one wrong yeah so basically you want to not die in space that's kind of like your goal and you can assign a bunch of tasks to kind of help you with that just like to start off here I probably want to just dig out all of this space so we'll get that mind out and we probably want to get into this pocket of oxygen let's go back so we have oxy light that this produces oxygen so we want to keep this around as long as we can we have copper that we need to get and we're gonna need to like organize these things like plumbing and beds as we go along to just get them start it my hello it's up to okay what you kind of a do for this what you kind of do for this game as you assign tasks more than anything and then you assign an order a priority and your colonists will fulfill them best they can so you kind of just like mark the stuff you need and go from there like we'll need some storage bin so I'll just gonna pop down to Lowe's we'll need some tiles eventually but we should be okay for now gonna need we need a water source how long is this this goes down to here it's the best spot for that I'm the best of all for this is like really far II and but I can yeah well just we'll just pop this here for now and then I'm gonna assign some tiles there and then I need them to dig out this space here okay okay so we're a bit slow to get started but like yeah it will quickly progress here we just need to lay like some like groundwork down these things will fall apparently too if we don't put something here let's just put a ladder there and we'll put some block down okay keep my life we're gonna need we need a wash basin and we also need so plain as before the the biggest mistake I ever made - we'll mention this now is I got the plumbing system wrong and I put the outhouse in a real bad spot where basically all their poop leaked into the rest of the colony and it kind of actually killed everyone so they're like the number one thing I need to do is put this in a spot where it's okay and it's not going to actually murder people because every other time I played this game like this is how my colony dies like it's no joke okay so we're gonna put the outhouse there and then for plumbing you know I'm gonna put a washbasin next to it do they wash their hands and I'm gonna put it cannot fill the door yet okay because we need some more I'm just sure we'll just swap all that out we're gonna get the toilet installed first before literally everyone dies because that tends to be the way my colony goes not doing proper plumbing before look I'm doing my best look we have a water source this time which is something I desperately need to get metal or because at the moment it's like we have a nun and that actually is gonna cause us some issue let's just assign all of this in here get in there no they really can't okay hang on well let's just dig further out into that wall and then I'll pop a ladder down and yeah just dig out all that okay they'll get the or they need eventually see Harry's already found his way under the floor so like he's practically there the rest of them just have to keep working away from it what all in the two will need a place to sleep [Music] we can you know we can pop these down here just pop tree cops like just kind of under the floor that should be okay and sure [ __ ] it like because we're going far out this way we might as well just dig out all this space here okay good we'll leave them to it happy we need to assign resources we'll just put all in that and sweeping this for the moment we need to collect all of that soup that's all finger tree costs right below the outhouse well there's gonna be a bit of floor so it's okay the main problem is it's kind of a suspended midair right now okay so let's just make like a bit of floor so that the cops don't fall down because that might be problematic Barry's getting all the resources Sally's helping we have Harry building them we just fast-forward a little bit going fastest speed all right you're okay he's complaining about the cold a little he's fun he's fun just yep gather all that or to keep working away okay this starting to get angry about not having food so I'm gonna need to get on that we still don't have or I can set up a power station soon if I okay we get into if they get into here what I can do is I can set up a wheat hamster wheel and then we can set up the food processing station next to it let's make tube we can swash when passing by from right to left yep so they washed our hands only afterwards that saves a bit of time okay yeah I think we're off to a good start Barry didn't make his bed in time so he's gonna sleep on the floor that's okay there's no monsters in this part of the world's like we seem to be relatively safe so when we get over here that we might have more problems but sure like we just don't have to look that way for now we're okay a bar you can just have a rest Lily meowing cookie craftsmen thanks 200 bits each JK rowling to the seven quid very much as for true the night get by day one we need a sacrifice I don't worry they'll kill themselves before long we should be okay at least we got the toilet bit right so I come happy with that Sally you need to let him finish pooping before you disinfect okay well Sally just ain't messing around I know you're on the toilet right now let me just pop some bleach down on that though okay we gotta clean it it's got to be spotless he's fine the toilet is gonna look lovely and I think I need to deconstruct that storage bin because it's in a bad spot and yeah they're finally gonna get some more I can cancel this ladder yeah I can I can cancel all this over here actually cuz if we're just digging out this space and like this should be fine oh my God look at all actually the or over here yeah we need you to take a tunnel in here there's so much there oh okay there's a monster over there too we just want to look at him JK Rowling thanks mate over 12 good our ecq Lee Harry Potter's twin brother who died went to help practicing witchcraft unlike his brother which is why they ended up punishing him I bring it into a colony controlled by you thank you very much bonsai thanks 200 bits as well need more storage bins as well just we'll just cram these in where we can for now build them everywhere and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna up the priority so you can see everything by default is set to priority 5 that's just to make it easier to manage so I'm not gonna set that the priority 6 and that means yep so they're gonna start running over here now and they're gonna try work on this before they do anything else I'll just leave them to it [Music] mine at this tunnel Lots as much or as we can so we can afford the microprocessor when we're gonna be in trouble yeah and we'll just wire that up okay so I yeah so now that the priority is set to high so like they're gonna focus on this over literally everything else so I'll just let them finish the tunnel it should be okay okay let's just slow it down a minute there I think that they're starting to wheeze cuz I think there's no oxygen in this part of the tunnel so we're actually gonna probably need to pump oxygen in where are my lens overlay oh yeah okay so oh god that's not even a lot of oxygen in this room Eider oh no that's actually kind of problem Matt okay so we need to get more oxygen in here or like we're gonna just have a problem yeah and Barry's gonna start powering the wheel I need I ain't want someone to always be on food so I'm gonna set that like priority nine because if we don't have someone supplying food like we're just going to die before Allah it seemed very focused and concerned about cleaning that toilet constantly okay I just yep just put everything in the bins it all in the same spot it's okay because I can just grab it as I need it so ever this space it should be alright Oh oxygen rises the build it low and it'll be funny well I think I can pipe it I will get ventilation although I need to work one way towards that maybe I just should maybe I should just move that then I'm gonna build the research station there I think I do I want to get oxygen here as fast as I can because like right now where all of our tech is that they can't breed which you know is kind of bad that is slightly problematic pick up all that reason those resources - oh this is harvest ready as well enable auto harvest someone just get on that Sally go get the grubs vacuum them up make a sandwich out of them for tonight they are starving suffocating and running out of water no they're not they're not running out of water they have they have plenty of water here here we can dig that out too so like there's not like as much of a blip I actually don't know if I can I get down into that build a ladder down there get into the pool that don't realize eventually that they need to build the oxygen diffuser so they don't suffocate while working in this tunnel maybe we should set the oxygen the high priority and maybe just maybe I should get a couple of batteries too cuz we get batteries it means if we have any excess power we can just keep it stored because Barry is currently just working away and it's going straight into the microbe mushroom recipes will just make cool make mush bar forever we'll get someone on that soon they're all hungry no carrot ok Harry's very hungry but it needs to poop first alright ok we still have a little bit of food left from the box we can survive just a little longer I'm glad we got the toilet right at least because normally like I make a mess of hot as someone said backseat city here yeah it kind of is a thing if you stream this game like people are gonna be looking at they're gonna see something that I'm not doing and they're gonna be like stressed out of their minds until it's done it's just the nature of stream in this game I make no claim to be good at this game - it's quite fun but I I'm pretty rubbish at it a date I got all their cops made this time so they're not gonna starve Barry might be slightly oxygen deprived as his right pocket salt in them but outside of that like that's that's pretty good let's just get let's get him set up just kill Sally already what did Sally do why do people want Sally dead already look she just got some water just picked some up hurry got some water to see it's like they're not gonna go thirsty okay and for research what are we gonna want to get first officer kerrie you plumbing you probably want to get ventilation ventilation does sound quite important so what I'll do is set someone on the science machine I know wire connected that's all right just plug it up I've done a poor job my mats because we don't have enough power to supply all of these that's okay okay we probably won't be using all trade simultaneously Harry's gonna start making food now which just requires him to literally hold leave her the entire time as Barry just runs on the wheel next to him this seems sustainable Sally meanwhile is just cleaning everything up that's good naval auto harvests for this too so we get more food now we'll get the pack finishing there soon - what I can do as well to get so much more ore is I can just start like digging out all of this like just look at like the amazing amount of rock we can get that line out that entire cavern over time there we go they're making some delicious mush fires Sally clean stuff though I should check their priorities actually hang on okay so I want Harry I want Harry to be on cooking cuz yeah he's he's a good cook Sally seems good at tidy storage and supply we'll put her up all those berries kind of just like a jack of all trade so we'll get Barry just on I think that's operate when he's generating power it'd be okay but just we'll just leave him in the wheel and he's doing fine [Applause] and Sally's just supplying them all with water as they go it's like don't starve and rumors can bank it can be quite unforgiving as time progresses because if you like the smallest mistake in your colony can doom your people this time goes on okay we're gonna I think we actually have like most of the basics we need their problem is just the oxygen we still run out of oxygen I need to get some more down here I need al gay you know guess we can just dig all this up just so we have something to work with they can go in there qualifier thanks to hundred bits trooper gave a nice and cry village it could be a main source of power and food well we have a wheel then it powers the food like Barry and Harriet is on the job they're like providing rations for the colony just need to like pick up everything it's kinda just litter on the ground now I think we're doing pretty good let's check their vitals stress is 0% fullness is pretty good they haven't eaten today but they're in good health no disease consumables are they're gonna love the mush bars that's all they need but right rest of this doesn't matter you just want mush squeeze it true oh and we can we can get another person or [Music] select a person to add to your colony would you also be interested in 500 kilos of dirt I feel like we should be printing a colonist here like guys we can't just print the dirt [Music] we take what do we need someone else [Music] it even has artsy are we really doing this you can't rename the dirt too [Music] yeah give us some dirt uh what do we even do with this though okay someone go pick up the dirt we missed out on a colonists for 500 kilos of dirt like we even have space for a farm we kind of need more people because we're still running out of oxygen we're deep in the red over here okay well okay wait wait priority sent all out to nine like we need this like a bit finish they need to get on it hi Harry is just holding the lever here to make his mush buyers I mean it's like slowly like losing his lungs how come able to breathe soon we're not even picking up the dirt right now okay it's just soil like you're gonna like make a farm or something out of this I imagine we don't we don't need that right now like a cot to put one of those in the origins are fine the plumbing fronts is fine honestly everyone's well watered naira thank you for the 10 gift subs that's very kind thank you very much catching that before the alert even goes through the dirt priority 9 I just don't think it's gonna help Harry is still going just making food I was ok though cuz like that now they need food and they just have a bunch of food on the ground so they're gonna be ok why does whatever Harry needs food he goes like poop first everyone else just goes and eats and poops later we'll keep the hygiene up yeah Oh guys what's wrong what about your cuts what about your cuts although I've been given out about the lack of oxygen okay oh no hang on stop dilly-dallying the egg you need to you need to get on all this oh no no just going the bed now it was so much unfinished stuff here we have to excavate this entire part of the mine as well yeah well we've almost got that new mush fire made at least don't need oxygen when you've got dirt Dyer thank you for another five gifts ups it's very kind thank you very much okay let's just sleep through the night when the vitals like they're still good Sally's morale drops slightly grizzly meal what's wrong with the mush bar oh wait no she pooped she's in good morale again okay yeah though she need it you're just having a bad day he's at the moment like Barry and Harry are just constantly making food this is why we need another colonist we should not have taken that dirt that dirt could be a person right now it's actually contributed to the colony I think so that comes up we have to pick a new person like there's no way about it because like Sally is doing literally all the other work in the colony right now these two are just focused on food you're not even picking them up either we attack capture disinfect ventilation overlay we don't have any plumbing like temperature temperature is fine our is fine Durham overlay it's all in the toilet but that's okay like we have a wash basin there fireman overlay okay this is this is everything growing over here yeah we'll make sure all those plants are like harvested then we actually they actually do have a bit of a fire mayor so why do we need that dirt as well because like we have a bunch of dirt off here we note we only have 300 kilos of doors here one of these blocks is like two tons what's even the point like this this dirt is a fraction of a single block of dirt it doesn't even matter oh my god we could have had a person we could have made a person a bit hung up over I'm aware but like I don't think I can let this go okay I mean I will I need them to build I need them to just start building stuff stop making food we need we need to wire up the oxygen machine or we're all going to die so Harry get off stop making food Harry Arion berry we stopped making food there we go okay well force them to work berries just gonna gear up like make some power let's find this is gonna get a bit of extra charging like we don't have the battery made yet when we do we can transfer it there and I need that means I need all of that a little bit of power to be like nines as well so just so that it's actually finished the wire okay there we go yeah so we can actually store some power now that's really good you guys wanna be quick because we're starting to go in the red in this tunnel and like you really you really need to wire this thing up I'm just saying well we shouldn't have made it so far away fast forward well just speed up time a moment or so keep running the wheel Barry there we go yeah he maxed out the battery he's gonna go help now no he's these research and science okay it would just leave him to it Ares on the job Barry's just gonna study thank God oh my god okay yeah we're alright okay the place is actually ventilator and we just need to get in like a wall of stuff here and we'll need like a bit of floor here so they can get out and get that copper oh thank God for that and that they can get back onto like higher priorities here we're like food and power whenever they're ready I think they're just gonna finish up here for a little bit nymph egg we get this in folks invented soft flies in hopes of attracting more of their kind company put it in the storage container sure yeah and I need to make it so that they can cook again high priority for Harry is to cook and Barry will make you operate and research Sally's gonna be untidy supply storage he's gonna have to fight we'll make her do the art to set up the firearms to set up the ranch and she'll build everything okay get on it Sally Harry and Barry are busy with like the two machines you need to do literally everything else until we get another colonist that isn't just a block of dirt Sally is like the MVP right now he's working so hard her vitals doing and she's doing good morale is starting to drop which is kind of bad well we just flopped out of the machine me too okay so he just gonna build up enough power and then he's gonna drain the power to actually make the food okay I kind of get what's going on Barry seems to like science quite a bit so we'll just put him like high research priority we're gonna get ventilation soon yeah we'll work up ventilation and yeah and then we'll go over there I'm sure you're just working Sally to chat no she's fine we're all gonna go back up here when she finishes pooping again oh actually did in that time okay wasn't as exciting I think I'm just glad we have oxygen again I just filled this cavern as well like we're doing pretty good going on over here is that just oxygen or Oh nuts carbon dioxide oh god how do I like it in here [Music] um how do we filter that bit of air I was wondering because the error looks real funky over here in comparison to like up here we we need vents do we okay uh well I haven't finished researching vents just yet so we're gonna have to wait a little bit anything else I can build that will help us not really at the moment kind of have everything almost got some more food make the plants eat the co2 can we play can we relocate the plants it's a possible for me to like plant all the dirt and get them to do that here's all the tutorials there - I'm okay for all this game you'll be alright every look okay plants until you get punters yeah so they were kind of stuff for at least a little bit Oh berries not looking too good all of a sudden what's wrong with Barry he's got food poisoning are you guys need to pick up the food and put it in the ration box someone cried like that that bit of who's been on the ground for like two days unrefrigerated if someone needs to pick that up while Barry's ok Barry's not looking too good how does everyone else on vitals he's only food poisoning for another day so he'll be alright eventually we'll finish the cop to so we can actually treat him just keep running just keep running you're fine why couldn't it be Sally well Sally is like too busy carrying the entire colony still she's gonna get started on everything over here soon as well fast forward we have a pretty good system going as long as Barry doesn't die z status 77,000 germs on Barry 77,000 germs on Harry was just a tea tree cuz he started in proximity the Barry I know Barry's really sick then like Barry needs a boss or something yeah he Jie did he get rid of some of them let Barry your ass he can take a break whenever he wants oh he's just too into science but just keep it going get back on the wheel very okay I was trying to get more copper ore now - how we doing on the research front we've almost got ventilation cool hopefully get rid of that carbon dioxide that's kind of starting to move towards us I really don't like that pocket girl we're gonna run out of water soon - this is the way we put this need to move the water source over here just keep going Barry you're fine does this guy even do this is a Drecker I don't wild and happy well eventually we'll dig in there [ __ ] only lacks charge dig in skill oh it's obsidian and so we need to research that before we can get out tell us a lead to talk to the space monster well they're not in the same places right now is that we can't wait a little longer Barry's still doing okay I don't want to eat the mush bars and they're going for the rations every time it shouldn't be pulling to death they should be pulling the fresh food before it goes off because the rations I believe just keep like as long as you need them being very wasteful looks like they're cooking like a frozen meal instead of like the fresh fruit and veg we've got out from the bush fires are bad they ain't stored well that's their fault for not putting them in the box [Music] toilet is clean wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa hang on made a mess Oh Sally Jesus Christ Sally okay someone mop all had up all the pieces how much the cheapest clean it all up oh wait yeah how long do you have to be holding it in for like a small River to appear there's so much like a freaking waterfall effect here on the ladder - okay well berries back in the wheel i think berry and hairy are just determined to keep making food and do literally nothing else these berries gonna be healthy again soon okay there you go Sally yep just mop it all up got soggy fish and she's upset by that yeah just just put it all away where's she going oh then they need more dirt because they're making food okay all the shine bugs as well or is that like a terrible idea where the lights just go out see attack poor wild critters oh you can attack them made a mess no Barry [Applause] okay Sally's entering compact oh god we got to clean up here as well they sweep that up just keep going Sally Odie the mush bars are literally in the piss now no guys guys our food is literally being plopped into like a puddle of piss you gotta cook you gotta clean this up you have to clean this up I need everyone on tidy like I I need like all hands on deck how he just doesn't care he's just making more food there we go yeah clean it up clean it up we need someone to fix the toilet too [Music] it's full at the moment pop liquid strapped pipe concert extract pipe contents it's not it I need to make the toilet a priority someone needs to go clean that too there we go yep Sally's on the job because you know she's doing literally everything in the colony still I just work away we need to get all this piss out - there's so many jars of piss let's just sweep it all up get rid of all up its Holly's still gonna be a while they're on the plus they are still like the morale is really starting to drop but they're not dead and they're not sick still Barry's almost better we'll keep those keep them working away there how we doing on research - we've almost got ventilation just fast-forward a little bit again get another colonist where do they get the bottles it's these kind of question what's the one thing they have an infinite supply of ever mind bring him more food me like 50 glass containers in case we need to piss somewhere glass bottles - oh they made the medicine bay - nice I think the research just came true yeah it did okay what else can we do apothecary you can make a skills board to train them with new skills quite the gathering place or duplicants during downtime improves morale we might actually need that we can get some plumbing you can research that for the base tear your deck or ceiling light lamp flower pot that doesn't seem like the most vital of things yeah it's just get like employment get more power management tool we will just will train them in skills just start with that work away up keep going from here oh and we can get a new person [Music] okay so no and no we're getting a person because we just need literally someone else we have sat Sally Barry and Harry this will be Larry [Music] Larry's joined in the Connolly Connolly the colony [ __ ] Larry give the seed now you got you guys don't know what you want we need we need like another person because like Sally is doing literally all of the work right now okay we're gonna get you on we need someone that's Heidi up and we need someone to just dig come on get on it Larry Larry fell asleep what we do actually need to make him a new car let's just get on that make them a car and we'll just we'll just put that over there he lives a bit further out but that's okay girl forgave a nice over 500 bits no I'm not naming him that forced me him now [Music] Larry has no friends he's all alone I mean it's kind of our fault we didn't make him a bed yet oh my god we can protect all these gas pipes now okay so we gotta use the ventilation to try and get out all of the carbon dioxide in here cuz like this is really problematic right now and we just need to get rid of this because this is even like blanketing some of the oxygen in here oh god no it's not yeah we just need to get we need to get that oxygen well that carbon dioxide out fault schedule work insufficient oxygen generation oxygen produced last cycle 77 consumed last cycle 170 okay so we need to get on more oxygen right away maybe we just build down here yeah like we'll just make what just making you pump down here I guess maybe that's what we can do plumbing hit your pump like that and then we just put some more there yeah there we go come on guys just work this way and we can get the pitcher pump in and we can drain some of the co2 as well like right now they're not doing too well because the old carbon dioxide ventilation III just need to get the co2 out but I'm worried I'm gonna like pick out the oxygen too [Music] just build the gas pump here this is a good spot for hey hey just pop it there sure and then we need to this is a this is an intake so we just need to pump it somewhere else ideally just out of sight you need a pipe yeah well get we'll get a pipes in we got it we got to make our way out where are they Larry's just digging away that's fine we need to clean up like the excessive about apisto let's go so much IRA's best character well I mean he's still pretty new yes to prove himself and at the moment he's just going into the carbon dioxide oh no Larry I should be okay believe in you Larry okay fast forward a bit and see if like we can clear some of this out they're so focused on just food production right now and not cleaning up the piss like how germ overlay yeah like this this is really bad cuz like they're just bottles a piss everywhere somebody's are just festering this one's unrefrigerated unless the barrier behind you okay I thought the gate was given out to me for a moment because like geez you haven't put this jar of piss in the fridge your drink is gonna go off get the food production electricity low I mean we could turn it out we need food though is the thing we need more food than before can you drink the piss later or not I don't know I surely to some way to like this in fact the water and like recyclate oh my god I did this wrong that's supposed to be a door that's just supposed to be a joke hey deconstruct that as well Larry whenever you're ready that's not the new a guy to work I'll know any deleted the spaces cut supposed to die Larry [Music] you need a bottle empty or to empty the piss but can I not just collect the piss though okay I'll just collect it and just like pop it in a bin because that's what I was kind of banking on [Music] [Music] we welcome welcome with maybe we can pop it down here build bottle emptier as knock that's not gonna look neat there I mean the co2 down there as well.those like it's okay just hey wait wait no no way we can cancel that cancel that keep it going if I bottle emptier pop that there it's gonna fall currently so we build a little ledge and then as we empty out that that we can just have a little like here okay yeah though they'll get to work on that soon - on a nice Sally's sick what's going on with Sally she's also got food poison that's what's gonna happen if you don't clean up the piss okay high priority we need to deal with the piss I priority people need to get on this get get all this constructed toilet Sally he's not looking too good now and she's been like MVP of the team we're still not producing enough oxygen as well like we're good we're gonna need more I don't know where we're supposed to put the next thing of oxygen though I just pop it here and then we just like wire it up like top space it a bit so it covers the base okay okay they can empty out the bottles now too okay so let's try pick up all of that again no that's mop so we have to move debris into storage there we go look there goes Harry well this way for Larry Cheevers Harry is disgusting you can't just do that there's someone in there's someone in there right now god bad feeling about this is fine have a good capacity we just need him till I kind of fix everything else Sally's getting there they still haven't made this caught - like I feel like we need to do this or Larry's gonna be in trouble with the cops yeah this is what I mean Larry Larry seems to be struggling a bit at the moment he's grimy sore back soggy feet but he had a pleasant Pleasant chitchat oh he's narcoleptic that's right forgot about that where it what is it list not again I forgot Larry's just gonna randomly fall asleep as we go [Music] oh well just get the bass in order make it clean it's you've got you guys got to stop going in the piss pitch you guys need to stop jumping in that I was Sally sick cuz you just up to her neck in piss how is this so much piss to like we've barely cleaned it up oh my god we still have so much to put it I need to make a deeper I need to make a deeper okay someone's gonna have to go in there and give their life deep in the piss pit re suffering from hypothermia because he's just up to his neck and they get Sally know but Sally's like the MVP she's done so much for the colony and like she's currently sick already she's even making Larry's bed yeah we need to make a ladder to like descend into the piss pit they just dump regular water in there Oh cuz I didn't set it these guys are just taking any yeah they're just taking any bottle they find okay sweep only sweep obviously we need to keep the fresh water for ourselves so you got to drink that okay and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go priority this is of the utmost importance priority 9 we probably should have done this before we started to fill in the pit gosh that's just hindsight sure we'll make it work rueful gamer thanks that our five bits call this needs to piss wastewater everywhere people get sick need bigger dump hole dig deeper get sick piss water cycle repeats gotcha thanks 100 yo Daschle board survives when they try to clean drinking water into the cesspit it's not a good sign is it doesn't seem to be the brightest Bunch oh I think Larry's sick now as well that's not a good face to be making is it oh no he just think he just needs to go use the pooper okay he's all right yeah it's just Sally use mostly sick right now you guys aren't doing anything oh they're taking a little break yeah well I can get the skill board so we'll just pop that in here and I can also get a water cooler so they can have some where the children downtime put that over there [Music] and they all got their beds this time no stress yet surprisingly I'm surprised I haven't overworked them but keeping the morale like ever so slightly up I haven't lost the will to live just yet now we were making progress on the research Advanced Research I need to get like a mining technology for the Obsidian don't I Paris - assumes allegheny to produce oxygen to remove some I didn't forget this first [Music] planter boxes oh my god we were supposed to get basic firemen weren't we hey guys we're on a new planet we're setting up a colony what's the first thing we should get well you know we don't need food but employment opportunities and ventilation what was there important you go saying 1 instead of 9 no 9 is not 9 is high-priority most urgent this is the most urgent priority that's how it works you guys are doing the thing where one person says it in chat again the rest here repeated like a hive mind you don't know what you're talking about least urgent is one yeah you guys are doing it again okay yep them to work are we doing on oxygen generation it's still not producing enough so we are going to run out at this right what we can do is we have this tunnel so if I just say we make a ladder up here and we dig out a little bit that means we can access all of this and there's some more like Aqsa light rock here too which helps us out we need so we need someone in the wheel again - okay so that III should be like given each of them like one priority above the others I need to I need to go easy on Sally because Sally has like too much on our hands right now there's less than that a bit tidy I want to be max priority just so the place is actually clean we need to get hurry on cooking again then Barry needs to operate machinery will get Larry doing research and he'll also just help dig in his spare time we'll get Sally on Digg to apply storage yeah that should be fine look at the food we still have food still doing okay we do probably need to clean that soon that food has germs on it it's 48 percent stale oh god the carbon dioxide is coming in here now wait what oh no okay it's starting to get real bad over there and we ran out of water okay um and Larry fell asleep again research now we're gonna need that farm and soon I feel make the co2 pit bigger I don't think making the co2 pit any bigger is gonna help us just build a little wall to keep some of the co2 out so it doesn't just flow freely in here hey Sally still at work in the pit like this is treacherous conditions oh she's so sick amazes just food poisoning cuz here she's got working in like a piss full of hit these guys these guys are actually doing pretty good like we have like someone on power someone on food someone on research like they're carrying the colony unfortunately it's just up to Sally to do literally everything else we need to get another applicant to help her out disinfect with at zero germs now with a set of four thousand it's in fact a little more guys clean the toilet they're gonna clean it Joe it's fine they'll clean it when it gets real although I have to click it they'll clean it soon it's crying don't worry about it they're just deliver more food she's fine in the prime of health these Sally's on the job God love her look how are you just made another bear he's just gonna leave it there now I guess but how many mush bars are there what I seeing this there's like a stack of seven mush bars on the ground that he's made over like a week of like varying degrees of staleness pick it up pick it up there's a food box guys he's just making more Harry Harry okay Harry you're off cooking no more cooking why is it going you need to pick up the food going back into the pits pit I know that that are just like having a chitchat let the ration box probably already higher okay let's just put that up made a mess no Sally oh my god it's everywhere oh it's okay if it gets in there actually because we've already yeah we've already ran out of water I was worried for a second there okay the piss gets into the water pump we're gonna start having trouble okay well just clean this up Robin thanks 100 bits you need to prioritize at least three bathrooms and sinks reads each Jew by five and boxes for food for each troop and Advanced Research ASAP dig down to take care of the co2 we really need that much I thought we had like enough resources there I know we're a bit short on oxygen all right from that we're not doing too bad though we dig into this new cavern like we're gonna have more oxygen to so that we can last longer I just wish they like actually prioritize some of the tests right now like they're just lighting the piss that sit there I got to sign it get out of guys you can't just like settle for this being here that's the food box and there's piss outside it is how germs get spread look at that oh my god it's disgusting all of the food is infectious Oh like seven bits of food here food poisoning food poisoning food poisoning light we got to pick it up you gotta pick it up Oh now Larry's hungry he's gonna pick up the food he's gonna be sick oh we gotta go to get someone new to Larry just don't die on me now he's sick okay right choose a blueprint coal ox alight new new person flatulent we're gonna need some we actually need someone who's German resistant considering the amount of piss okay this will be Callie Brent welcome to the colony as you teleport in face full of piss that's the first thing you want to see when you get here oh no when she's asleep it this is a bad time to teleport in not gonna drown is she she's just build a bed tomorrow oh thank god yeah that she displaced the piss she displaced it were okay [Music] Kali that's disgusting you can't just do that guys just living with us still it's fine the co2 is still piling up to it we haven't even gotten to build the generator like no one wants to do it I feel like we tried to expand too quickly and now the colony is starting to struggle because we haven't completed the piss pit can't even do most of this I want to finish out this little tunnel here prioritize all that [Music] Artie listen to shot like what's chat saying let's chat saying that is like a hive mind at work I mean ever look over is like Artie is that the priority wrong whatever think is priority nothing is I'm not setting everything high-priority though just a couple of bits they lost there's loads of fives D it's fine it's grand put things on lower-priority doesn't think much for high priority gotta hand like I'll set this to a six nonnamous chair thanks four thousand bits thunder bus likes one hundred earlier you name the next person scary emphasize the horrible situation to rien put into hashtag sleeping him piss please fix the toilet I fix in the toilet it's out of order there we go I just been trying to clean up the utter mountain of piss that's about before getting that okay well that's set priority six right low priority at the moment to fix the pit on bottle stuff now with that that's a six that's a six making food is kind of high priority honestly we do need it we do but we need them to pick them up pick up the food to pick up the food make those all sixes I guess this is I mean the co2 is only gonna kill us so just that out to a four okay let's try manage to call me a little bit better fast-forward see how they survived this day trying to keep them alive see they're delivering a bunch of stuff right now they're doing so good that's high priority - I need him to make a bed toilet is disinfected Larry's a bit sick but that's alright it's just cool poisoning again because they don't pick up the food see everything's being cleaned it's Larry going always clearing way for the pipe okay off you go buddy know they'll build this wall soon to set this to a six they're picking up everything that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set all of these back to neutral so that we just work off the numbers a wall and don't compound it okay I'll make it so I'll make it just so like they have one thing that they're a bit specialist in I priority for Harry to cook which is fair Barry we're gonna have operate the machinery and research Larry will say is dig supply storage and build big supply storage build us a leak that's kind of important Kali will say it's on life support and she's just gonna try and clean up and so with Sally okay and we're just gonna make sure everything is cleaned and we got we got Callie's bed tonight - things are looking up already IDOT I like to treat good kills Callie and Sally steed we forgive her for existin what's wrong with Sally is there even thanks sir 100 bits as well happy do a fugly cut a stream harity hey how's it going very well for the distri you have to allow mush bars we do that mush bar don't want to come pasta this should allow all food yeah Oh cooking inedible now there you just don't want to pick up the food which is kind of like the big problem does everyone keep getting food poisoning wait oh my god that actually did it how many kilos of mush is there on the ground how much have they made go Larry it was he just picked up 30 kilos of mush bar it was 30 kilos on the girl oh my god there's so much okay yeah that they finally put that in the box so hopefully now yeah and they're picking it up when it drops to okay unfortunately that's horribly infected now so we need to disinfect the food storage bin because like that that's real bad the place where we get food is like riddled with germs and this pollute the polluted oxygen is starting to come in I could we've we need to we need to build this wall to keep the carbon dioxide out [ __ ] city rises co2 falls if you build a pit with a legate plants at the bottom gonna take care of the co2 but some of the oxygen seems trapped show in the water that's the thing and like the alga is on the Left I can get the moves the carbon dioxide even over a bit God's is starting to get ugly over here just let him stew her try to get the license leather that's horrible then mush bars what do I need for lice love dirt meal lice I don't I don't have lice I like I only have darshan water it's like we have we got to eat mush everything else is like at a premium right now oh my god they need to pick up the piss pick up the pissed please this priority override all other priorities okay yep over I'll just override get them to do the things I need these jars of piss gone you cannot do anything else in the colony until we clean up this piss top priority get out of guys they're all they're all putting in work now always it looking so yellow oh that's cause we're in priority mode of oxygen yeah we're fine disinfect it guys just yep sweep it up sweep it up just taking regular water what's bye are you doing Oh guys get out of the pit you just need to pop stuff in how long does it take for them to finish this come on Henderson they're fine the colony strive and they just need to clean up the chairs of pics I beg you they pick up the piss ladies it's making everyone so sick you can't just leave like three bottles of the stuff they're just getting a bunch of food how's her vitals doing they're fine we're all actually gone up recently too cuz they put the food in the box okay day two hopefully we'll get the jars of pissed IRA needs to quickly use the toilet [Music] day two [Music] everyone just rest up we need to auto harvest those plants again because we can get more food okay get the piss [Music] would it be under tidy you know that do anything else go pick up the piss pick it up all that matters now nothing else matters not Larry fell asleep what one is it under tidy the pump is fine everyone's screaming at me to fix the pump it's grand this isn't broken hey bottle empty air is good [Music] just remove the bladder they can't make anymore piss then I find I guess under liquid I know it's III pot - Papa - sweep only I put it to all they're just picking up regular water I never gonna dump that that's not what I want to do pause the game chat what's going on guys what's going on you guys seemed kind of upset she all right rowdy the error on the pump yeah that arrow you see this arrow that indicates you have selected the pump by the liquid by what liquid liquid liquid liquid next to the word liquid where is the word liquid of this this arrow what didn't you say so I like saying you that's what it was all along I didn't know I love you so I'm like the teacher who's trying to test their class and see if they could solve the problem oh I got a reaiiy gotta fix all the priorities again I got a standard standard standard love of God though guys you need to tidy up after you they're never gonna collect all that piss are they does this still bits of piss her in high alert mode I think Jack and fuzzy die happy now crab legs gonna do 44 dad you like their hunter pits you like the teacher doesn't know how to use detection guys oh I had a PowerPoint presentation prepared but when I go into my Google I just can't find it what do I do oh I had a video on a play but like I opened it in my email and it just says there's no internet I downloaded some internet gosh you can't see the slash look we little fix it from here look they made the skill board it's covered in piss with lettuce look we'll keep it alive alright it's gonna be fine we just need to relocate the entire colony soon because they are they are starting to drown and carbon dioxide down here turn the emergency off they haven't collected all the piss they haven't collected that one bottom oh that's just water okay yeah we're good okay so just assign it back to five the emergency is over over now that fit that's why I so likes John gravid thanks for hundreds oh I love you dude tried so hard that I died laughter that worried all that eat food everyone go everyone go get your mush everyone stock up Ali what's wrong with Callie she's not looking too good doesn't have any diseases maybe she's just tired needs to be drooling Abeche maybe she's just hungry I'll get your mush they're all sick this guy dropped his mush bar because his stomach was in so much pain Jeremy and it's still like one of those infected points of the entire map and colony there's so many germs like I can't just in fact that anymore though it's just cuz the food itself got infected because they left it out for like a week [Music] bankrupt the colony oh we get another a like actually an egg hatches excrete solid to call his waste a baby uncovered by digging up buried opt-out it doesn't seem helpful we'll get MEAP oh is badger resistance cannot perform an errand but okay well we're getting this guy you're a guy can't build re Barry Sally le carré no tally [Music] this one's Mary [Music] we could have done Gary oh it's too late they got married and he's gonna fit up right on in with everyone okay Jesus Palooza took glue dirt and other combustibles down into dirt we should build one of them what else have we got planter box we can start growing plants now guys okay start adding them into the colony [Music] what about Terry well it's gotta be without a and the refound re the re : [Music] there we go yeah just another day look they're not dying as fast now Mary is slightly stressed but he just got here you know it's his first date he's gonna settle right on it what about Sally we have a Sally Oh Larry's real sick a two of them are at the moment rotten mush bar I don't like how that fell out of the Food Box okay someone I've just clean that up when you get a chance everyone else just get to work Larry's keeping the life support going I think the hell just keep stopping IRAs just here to wonder what's gone wrong up until this point you musher on the floor I'll pick him up please pick him up thank you oh he's just yeah you got it you got it Barry is on the job we need to get that one - come on Larry put it all in the box no excuse look he's even harvesting the lice you were getting some new food to put in the box and we got some berries everyone's trying to store food at the moment and the amount of germs and there is going down cleaning the box out Lilly thanks for the 100 bits I love you Pookie no yeah she was headed back to Switzerland tomorrow so probably not gonna see him for a while now that's okay we'll catch him before long Mike that's four five good dicks Larry bill the priority plunge the piss pit what do you mean fix Larry what's wrong with Larry Larry's been doing good work the co2 yeah I'm aware of the co2 problem it started to get real bad tonight pop that there we do need to do something about the co2 because this entire cave is now poisonous prioritize the gas pump okay all right there we go I already set nuttin else is a 9 bar the oxygen pump which you know is fair enough I feel let's get everyone on it shut up the pipes we're gonna get rid of all the co2 plants we have plants there set up there but like we need to get the pipe up first a plan to move the plants in the cave you mean oh we can do that now all you got to do is just ask nicely because no I try to be like yo engage with my chat and listen to everything you guys have to say if your input is off to the value you know it just have to mention it all takes I will get the change we need in the county yeah we're gonna need to dig out some of this too as well cuz otherwise we're not gonna be able to finish the pipe gotta set we got to set everything here like priority nine get all that finish co2 is bad because you guys he keep getting new people but we need the new people cuz you're not getting enough work down in the colony people keep getting sick I'm not putting the mush bars away in the box oh no what is he doing sorry we're all having a good old chat finish everything over here is the important area right now oh no that the priority just included this ham there we go try to keep going through the Highlanders poop fell in the water it's fine it's just a bit of poop I'm in any polluted oxygen so it's fine yeah oh we need we need power for this it's a get that all the way over there and priority [Applause] put that pipe install all that wiring be either get the plant and stuff lots of blossom seeds it's a meal would they're gonna get a bunch of plants in here hi dot thanks for the 100 bits ask nicely we please for Sally to convince stop breeding Oh Sally's and horses captivated 100 bits they lied to us you know we said half of time here just scream an egg at you it's true you do spend a lot of time just screaming random things like that at me for the most part you guys are pretty good keep going fill it at the pipe okay so I think literally everyone the colony is up here now we got into this tunnel too so we're gonna have a bunch more oxygen so that's really good we just have access to all of this now if things get real bad we can just move up here and set up like a second base and just ignore all this stuff down here I'll be honest my base doesn't look that pretty does it it looks kind of hideous oh they're going for mealtime get your mush everyone's favorite snack sorry about the doors in the background too [Music] go look we've almost got the tunnel finished - for this pipe so we'll get rid of all the co2 just a lot of not oxygen in there at the moment which is kind of problematic but they have pockets they can hide - not so much in their sleep everyone go to bed oh we forgot to make a bed for Mary popping you in there [Music] storage is fallen Oh God yep I want someone pissed and oh that's on the wires now and we got to get in there clean that up before we can finish the wires now we can't I think that's real bad for electrics I can't tolerate that there we go there we go guys yeah I needs to redo wires I think it I can just build it over this it should be alright you may need more than one toilet yeah I'm considering getting a second one you can pop one in here come in get like an outhouse in here no that's next to the al-ghaith oh but we're gonna need to fire more of lot first things first let's get rid of this pocket of water that we just keep going into that's getting real annoying isn't it I'll make the new toilet up here so it's on this side and puff the washbasin there there we go yeah the waters leaking a bit but that's alright that'll sort itself out better than having to hop into the puddle every time Road halted illumination all they need lights we build likes do I have that researched I can build a turret a terrarium here as well we should probably get one of these I might help at the old co2 situation the air just looks so polluted down here research we needed lights also interior decoration gonna be useful in the end who knew okay and that means we need like a higher priority on the research station power let's get them in on that sorry about the doors ago actually I'll be two minutes yeah be right back [Music] okay I'm back sorry for that at the game back up all right I tapped out there I paused it - we're good okay alright so the wires are hooked up they're almost hooked up they need to finish a bit of the wire there can I just build the wire somewhere closer yeah because the rest of the wire is already completed just built that because we can actually reach that there we go and we'll just we'll just cancel those finish it this way you pop that in there too they want watching chat get increasingly frustrated it's Goldman today but thanks Josh GAD 4head rip its yeah I mean I I think this is the game where like you guys are definitely backseat gaming I feel well you know if you're interested you want to try it for yourself like you can do like it is actually a very good game even if I'm not the best at it I just wish I just wanting to be killing my people so off but you're definitely screwed I'm gonna be alright like if I can get the carbon dioxide out of here I'm gonna be in business this is starting to remove it like this is helping like lessen it to maybe if I get like another one of these go Harry oh they forgot to build the vent hi hey that's an immediate priority but they just need to get on that guys there's no excuse here you need to finish that vent we're going to be in trouble if you don't they're doing literally everything but the vent wait Barry's here thank God clean up all that too and then once that's built we'll just build a little wall to keep it out and we should be good from there yeah see everything's okay now the gas is starting to be look it's being pumped we just we're just running out of power okay someone in the hamster wheel is now annoying someone get in the hamster wheel and finishing this is a little bit of wall that's also a night please for the love of God there yeah we're getting them in we can give them skills too I shoulda done this earlier just go what's recommended for them Sally wants the farm I don't know if Holly you're gonna firm re also know Plus Harry like for cooking Barry was operating machinery he was also carrying stuff so just give him that just give him that get you in construction and you were kind of doing everything too our diggin we need that okay Mary yet berries now on hard digging we can finally go meet these monsters okay we'll just build that out there come on Mary but where is everyone oh they're going for food okay come on you have your jobs let's get on it we're gonna get the time cards in check the atmosphere I mean it's a bit rough but it's okay we're gonna we're gonna pump it out soon we just need to finish this wolf when they pump out the carbon dioxide from there what I can do too is I can get an oxygen diffuser [Music] maybe if I just do this and we go even some of the carbon dioxide then we'll turn this off for now they're getting at the carbon dioxide it's been it's being pumped over look at that we're getting rid of it almost all gone now into this narrow compact space there we go yeah how is this guy doing you just pissed his pants and left where is he Larry Larry hey you got a dig you got a dig he's intent to research at the moment but we don't need over there producing more food again at least and we need to mop up all of that I think - don't dig what's wrong with the digging we're just gonna say hi to him I want to see what the creatures are like a few of them living in here it's gonna take forever to get over there anyway so like you're fine it's like the one guy who's qualified to dig is like researching at the moment it's reassign his priority check the air in there well yeah there's none but we're not gonna stay in there we're just gonna go adventure you can stay in there for like a moment or two it like it's alright we'll just hop in and then we'll hop back out like it's grant yeah we got rigging rid of most of the carbon dioxide here to still unbreathable barely breathable getting rid of it these were replenished some of the oxygen too which is good okay he said stars him to make his way true he's just gonna be a while where is Mary doc yeah he's making his way over then take him a little bit here we go I'm gonna say hi to the neighbors guys there's no air there but like it's alright we're just hopping in for a moment or two see I all our air will just stay in here hey it's fine we didn't have oxygen down there to begin with but where is he going no matter he okay we got to cancel out I can't keep him on the piste pit didn't have oxygen here to begin with this will keep us safe this is generate new oxygen words you guys are freaking out you thought of me like the end of the world we just opened it up good now we need to make it so that we can get over to them let's just pop this I'll make a high priority again what we can do we can harvest all this get some more food come on Sally we need the clean of that piss - she's working away oh she got hungry get a door yeah we'll get a door we'll get a door it's gonna take a bit of time and we'll get there mush I think the chat is just freaked it out yeah I don't know what's wrong at the moment like I don't think I've done anything wrong I'm just expanding out a little bit but there's some pepper plants in here we can go get them soon it's iron ore there's a lot of piss everywhere dude gotta get that piss again yes sleep through the night Terry your decor is research get meal preparation that sounds important that will mean it lights over here you're like a lamp you pop it will deconstruct this one and it will pop a lamp down there we're gonna hop in here again and everything is fine and there's nothing to freak out about reminder for folks here build our way out do you think it hop over there now and they can say hi what do I want to do with these guys those by harvesting I can capture them let's capture them by that sound that will send some adventurers in soon oh we can get another person too [Music] seed well I like the looks of this guy unconstructive cannot build food benefit plus one sky his name is stinky and he has two negative traits [Music] he's narcoleptic and a yokel but he's a night out and we'll we'll get distinctive keep his name rises welcome to the colony Cooper gave a nice tear 500 bits you got the demo chats talking about airlock vacuum perhaps them you should look into the same but it's fine like it hasn't actually affected us at all that's the thing like this oxygen is still here our oxygen has not been sucked out good we're doing okay look we've even got in here what's wrong with this gas vent overpressure we don't need a pump more air out though we can just disable this now it's fine oh yeah that's what yeah the co2 is like densely packed in here yeah we got rid of it and now we can just like fill all of that and we can breed again we catch him already only likes critter ranch and skill oh where is critter ranching skill diggin construction crop critter engine hey Sally can get it pop it on her improve cooking and will improve supply further improve supply stinky I'll just give him plus stranded let's go catch this thing the door next to the old CEO tupa stopping you from moving oco-2 what do you mean Oh cuz the co2 in here yo just open that up gonna be an open floor plan there we go and that will flood in with oxygen on both sides hey Doc pushing that in - doors with all your mesh doors do work yeah Todd is like hi find again sorry my light bill out there sure is fine yeah uh what I can do is I could just like seal this bit in we don't need this water pump anymore just destroy that and then we'll just box off the co2 [Music] there we go the cult the colony is actually prospering and we still have all of this untapped space like we need supplies we're doing we're doing so good guys had no faith in me we even caught this thing oh no what we do with it from here but we got it attack it but it's already tied up I just put them in storage there's just some rock there is the polluted water no you can't just put him in a box I guess we just attack it and I get some food okay come on folks gear up for war get rid of this thing you got some meat pick all that up killed a defenseless creature I feel good about what we've done today accomplish something yeah we're gonna get like so many more resources now - although that release is a big old co - the pumpkin let's just stop that there this is before we go too far and harvest that all of that the auto harvest when these things need disinfection again guess everything with the disinfect tool we just need to get it in it was like some grimy bits in here this turquoise emptying well we'll get on it I did stuff stored man it's infected stuff probably we did just put a bunch of junk in there we didn't really pay attention we just wanted it off the floor i when I can get the lamp over here - yeah [Music] there we go you guys gotta stop dropping the food on the ground you gotta put it in the box we need to store our food yeah we can just hop in there whenever not try to get some more stuff bunch of iron or hydrogen okay we don't want to go near that some fish monsters off seeing what's about there was like a hive thing down here somewhere we're stuffing their monster oh there's the hive yeah full steam vent lot of hydrogen Hey I imagine hydrogen is bad I imagine as consequences if you start inhaling that [Music] yeah I think we've honestly done pretty good this hasn't gone as badly as I thought it would in all honesty oh we've had to build the bridge when you remove the pump yep all right just box that off [Music] okay I'll disinfect it this is fine this is being excavated so like we're fine on resources for the next while they need to pick up all the food and then I need to start assigning like some of the priorities back sort of like we have always someone on science always someone on food I want people tend into this bit like land here just quite a bit going on there for power we could probably use like a second hamster wheel pop that over there now forgetting that we should probably get some more batteries pop them in there but here seven droops in cycle 17 well we need people in the colony we're trying to expand out of it see now what now they're just putting in work and like they're getting everything done needs doing burnings being disinfected it's being cleaned up bridge is back the bins are still polluted but it's okay oxygen has kind of been restored to the entire colony like I think we're doing pretty good here we let out a bit of co2 but that's alright that wire broken yeah that wires broken we trap that bit of co2 in there and a jar of piss so that's a win-win we have a place to dump our water we just need someone to go down every now and then and just unfortunately dig further into it it's just a song in her lair I want to be the poor sod going down there take all that up we're making food again we have power we're doing we're doing so good don't want any fade we're just fair enough cuz there was appointment here we're literally drowning in their own piss pretty good I think he needs a bed yeah he does [Music] let's give him a bed he can sleep up here I don't think it needs a bed to the same degree as the other ones - he's like he's got the nigel perk so he stays up most the night anyway we always have fading you except when we don't that's fair toilet is clean someone will eventually tend to the plants they got that fixed got rid of most of the co2 in here I could still a little bit but that's okay need someone's it just remove that lift too and what else can we build fashion box where are we on research meal preparation is almost done ranching oh this is if you want to keep the animals yeah oh we could just get agriculture build many of these things have we plumbing communal box base stations mess table we've got to automatically either their sign table when hungry gives one duplicate a place to eat also we can assign like a dining room if we like organize the colony a little better that's the carrot problem if I want to make like a kitchen space like near where the food is processed thank you where do I even start because there's just stuff everywhere let's dig out like a big ol section here now gage takes 100 bits earlier as well please like it airlock say don't kill everyone thanks okay fun cat was just freaking out a little bit in fact look at this we're starting to get the oxygen in here air is becoming better plants are starting to come back to life probably could use that a research station get some science posture furniture we ever make the water cooler we did make a flower plant to to increase morale we could probably use some flower plants in here because this is like really cramped quarters pop a lovely planted like there's no coffee why do people forget out about the lamp again we've already assigned it it's just gonna take a while that's um sorta yeah how you find one guy says it yeah I'll say it I don't know what to tell you this game actually it's pretty fun yeah it is yeah I think I'm always kind of lost whenever I play it but like it's still good fun it's like you can actually like if you're not like me and you actually have like a sense of style and organization you can actually build some very lovely colonies I imagine mine is just like all willy-nilly and doesn't cater to our needs that bub and I keep like getting priorities and things wrong so they're not putting stuff away when they should I think some food went bad again yeah it did insufficient oxygen generation I mean that's just barely off so fine disinfect [ __ ] opening the lovely glowing like that never hear that you need to research the supercomputers do a high higher research let's have a look what do we need our regulation firemen there is this what are we currently researching oh yeah we need like two bars of it now Oh power advanced research that's what we need to kick will gear towards that [Music] and they have enough food there's still 36 kilos in there [Music] I thought a priority six to storm food is important [Music] everyone has a place to sleep [Music] or they just kind of run to whichever bed they can find first [Music] it's it it's our own little home not much but it works for us new construction please just delete but like why do you want me to kill characters I'm not killing any characters the colony is actually doing well it's finally meeting needs Kali enjoys writing poetry and in their downtime dark poetry this Sally is constantly challenging others to fight her regardless of whether or not she can actually take them yeah IRA just wants everyone to be happy just because Harry's are those slow doesn't mean they can't suffer from soul-crushing existential crisis is its price don't know Larry can't do if she sets her mind to it berries have a face only to telling me print imparted love that's cute they all have a little bit of character he's great I don't know why people hate him come on guys calm down stinky is like the new like sleeper hit for the colony no let me see how well he does he's currently just got food poisoning hey I'm tired of them constantly feeling sick I like about the puke I think we've actually made a pretty good colony that's the main problem we have cuz they just won't put the food oh hey Dex co2 co2 is fine I think yeah it's very much contained like there's a little bit in a couple of spots like it's not overwhelming us hey maybe we should actually get more oxygen in the place they're working on we need to get a little more in there oh so this is perfect what if we deconstruct that and then we reroute the vent though that echoes over here and that way they won't die in these cramped quarters oh he stink Oh No falooda doctor it's fine wait no no no it didn't mean the target thought okay well just get it back that's unfortunate well here at the re colony we tried to make the most of our resources that's why we're gonna have to build three different water pumps because we couldn't find a good source the trough roof we should probably build down here soon like we get down here we just have like a complete new source for us to use go just cancel that one there to make it so it's standard plush oh no that'll automatically did all that after the pump yeah yeah yeah we don't need that vent anymore so it's okay if we just do uh give this blood hell nah I'm trying to get a working colony the guys have it in your mind as if I kill everything I touch I try only I strive only for the best when we play these games I don't even want Sally dead still she's put in the most work out of anyone I mean if someone pisses their pants we can give you some more piss it's not quite blushed when you take your head is that acceptable oh we clear that in this space - thank you what I can do is I could I'll set up like an Asian place here there we go seven seven tables and finally finish all up group of gamers I stood her 500 place Sally's oxygen supply with co2 and that would appease the crowd but why they're actually doing well we've almost got the New Avengers built too they just can't okay they can't reach the upper bit so what I can do is I can cancel that bit event you switch it over the app and now they can reach it I mean we'll get more oxygen in this tunnel before it runs out got a little bit in there just never gonna be able to get rid of all that co2 I feel I just vent for a moment the thing is like you can't even like suddenly kill a character in this game because they have minds of their own it's like you're managing an ant colony so even if I wanted to kill one of our characters like I wouldn't be able today I have to wait for them to kill themselves I just have to repeat Debrecen when you put it that way [Music] oh did we get the advanced research we did stations supercomputer will pop this we've popped this okay cat you have canceled some of these we don't mean we need a supercomputer power there we go we'll get all of this junk wired up eventually new food we have an egg cracker converts vibe valuable critter eggs into cooking ingredients fact eggs cannot hatch I mean yeah you you're cracking an egg to eater so you imagine they won't have chapter words specialized skills from the assigned duplicate okay so you have that I guess to casing unit I don't think we do make sure wires just need to be finished more than anything okay there we go we got some power in the batteries wires need connected RT the wires how upsetting would you guys be if I just say I don't want that oxygen supply even though I can quickly undo this before anything happens doesn't that just make you feel uncomfortable when I do that I [Music] blocked off a rebel is annoying me please clear it sure thing let's pick up all of that but I'm gonna set it to Priority One can't actually do that because they'll affect the plants they'll get it eventually oh this guy just sitting here with us strangle him yeah like we've actually done so well food poison is the only problem no one is stress no one is overworked the colonies try even it's just really ugly it says we just have a really ugly face design what the worst thing about it oh god dad we'll fix this in a moment don't worry it will fix all up against that priority for sweeping and sweet menu very handy I just go here all right so I can just yeah I can just do it like that so I get it like it's a higher priority that's neat yeah so I can just make sure they like pick stuff up that's just literally everywhere got it pick it all up place that ladder you've almost made their way down to the pump fast forward Ricky wizard thank you for the 1500 bits beat Sally distinct he deserves the good [ __ ] Sally account of what she did wrong the audacity to exist apparently [Music] honestly very happy and have far woke up well he's the best character shaking my head like she's she's been doing all the work since the start they probably leader of the colony at this point know Barry and how he just like started cooking and went in the hamster wheel didn't actually meet any needs for the colony farm tile grows seed only we need these dogs like we're just planting stuff the one we don't have enough seeds is this taken in the air Oh enable the building again there we go there we go let's make it so they're not so oxygen-starved in that tunnel now because how that was becoming kind of problematic I'll just fill it overtime let me get one more applicant who we gonna go for [Music] four thousand tequila suffice I wrote Rivaldo our ally nice how he's anemic that's pretty good I don't want [ __ ] I don't want four tons of ice guys what do we even do like what do we even do with that much it doesn't do anything I don't think we need another columnist though is the only thing Oh know if I'd like an H colonist is going to improve anything for the colony it might be too much [Music] we're not actually getting the icer [Music] careful Gabriel Exeter 500 I think we're getting the ice we don't need anything else there's enough colonists he's four tons of it to move who needs that much and now we just need more oxygen in general because starting to run out if one generated there we have all up there is fine we ever wire this one up insufficient resources we need to get all the algae there [Music] big you can dig up little bits of it oh god that doesn't look good does it we're near the end anyway what if I just okay boys find an operation type let's just chop our way in here and pick up the algae to go with that so you can get up more took the word near the end anyway let's just see how much damage it causes what's this here security door there there's a base here and we not see this as entire time oh oh here we go oh he's struggling a little bit what's a tough day on the job she doesn't seem to fuss does he like oh no I'm feeling sick even go oh don't worry guys it just drips into our water source it all works out I thought the base was gonna be flooded it all just falls this convenient pocket so we gotta get up to this like I want to see what's up here whenever they can make their way back up might take them a while let's just have it all drain it's tough work they keep keep going yep keep going in that all that the priority nine oh he's looking a bit sick take that they got that one tip submit bioscan what does that mean I just mine into it no I can't - can't take Trula I can't I don't think I can break it wait Larry's here [Music] it's just a better base what the hell is this massive synthetic brain suspended in saline solution see if I can salvage any from the electronics I want to come to my data base okay and you go Larry you discovered it so you do the honors it's climbing up what does I have no idea what this does ari wants food something feels different what is this dumb IRAs braid is still vibrating but they've never felt better Larry acquired the rock crusher trace this duplicate is incredibly strong strength plus 10 Larry just absorbed that brain we got like a new database entry to [Music] I believe we missed up the entire time but that was so near us too there any more of those on the mug it is another one here look at this Oh cause we didn't get fired oh oh no you can get like the above world I don't know maybe were just underground the entire time Oh God we're never gonna get to that one yeah we should have branched out a little more I think the main problem we had and I think we should have done for our base and I'll just indicate this with like council tab for a moment we should have made the base that was like this shape and we should have had like a central passageway with like a ladder and in like wroom wroom wroom wroom of everything and we have like a food generation room a med bay the toilet bedroom like that that's what we should have done because the moment we waste so much time because like they have to go or like over to a freaking marathon just to get to the hamster wheel or like just to get over to check on the plants we want to go to bed they have to go all the way up here and it's like trenched in piss it's like what's the point yeah we should have made like a like yeah like a vault or something we should have built it more on top of itself because I think that was our biggest fault also maybe letting in that lake this passageway ain't feeling so good right now Oh God insufficient oxygen our just barely off we can fix that probably shouldn't have that so much water in the water pump as well you have to go pretty far underwater right now to just get water like angry fish lives in there that's okay I think we're gonna leave it there I think this is a good point to industry eros I and Brady thanks for just 100 bits each right at the end Larry is the most useful columnist now yeah like he put in work he's got like good super brain he's he just ate it I don't know how he does that but okay yeah that's right let's roll the credits and we'll wrap up the stream thank you so much everybody for coming by tonight like I hope you enjoyed it ad again thanks to clay for actually sponsoring this if you're interested in what you saw here and you know let's be honest you can probably do a better job than me a plane if you actually want to experience the game maybe a little better and not like to mess up your colony if you try vaccinations quite oxygen in the chat it'll give you a link to the steam store page you can check it out there I already have it clay is amazing yeah like that they really do make some quality stuff it is yeah I don't been working with him lately so I'm a bit biased but I has been actually lovely working with him a long time fine I don't starve I know it's cool that even offered like hey you won't check out some of our games this is one of them eating the stream for like a quite a while too like we streamed it like I think we streamed it last year at some point and then we haven't really caught up with it since still in early access and I believe it's like finishing up this summer coming along play risk how much is the game RT if you go to this steam store page you can check your regional equivalent it's probably the best way to put it because of various I think just type exclamation point oxygen you can have a look if people are saying risk so I actually have plans for what we're gonna be streaming the rest of the week no hear me out and we need to start talking about me going to eat free soon too because Thursday of next week I'm actually gonna be flying over to the UK I'm meeting up with a particular smelly someone in my life and we're gonna be going over to LA together so like the last streams are gonna be this week and then I'm probably gonna stream on Tuesday of next week and that's probably the last one they'll have to pack Wednesday and it's like on Saturday we're doing the movie night Saturday we were gonna be like we going through the channel watching a bunch of old videos Sunday I was thinking we're gonna play more of plague tale because I got really into that and I'd like to finish that game before I leave too because if we don't get to finish at pori tree I'm not gonna be able to play it for a while I'm thinking we're gonna do with like a long stream on Sunday where we play that but Tuesday of next week I actually have plants vs. zombies garden warfare 2 lined up because I want to check that out haven't enjoyed the first one quite a bit for Thursday or Thursday ok yeah I'm see if I can do this I'm this this is gonna be sick if this actually works so hang on because I I've got something cool I want to show you guys please tell me this will work cuz I've only like messed with the config a little bit it's not fully set up just yet might not have any sound that's okay I think [Music] Thursday I have something very special that I have invested [Music] you guys hear that oh you guys can hear that hang on let me window capture yes it's my volume slider I want to show this right at the end because this is a bit of tech I got for tomorrow this isn't an emulator I now have a crude es capture card and I you know we don't have to emulate or anything we can just play it in real time we don't have to worry about setting up [ __ ] week this place in tennard es games - I was testing it with Pokemon white so and for tomorrow's game let me hang out this is something that has been on my radar since [ __ ] Wii Sports and we can finally do it I bump the mic will be doing Tomodachi life this is one of the most requested games that I have been asked to play and I bought this capture card so we can play this like special thanks to yogscast for actually hooking me up with the capture card because they are a [ __ ] nightmare to actually get a hold of in this day and age like the people who make the treaty has capture cards it did they've been discontinued like they're out of business so we've been jumping through hoops to actually try and get this pit of tech so we can do this and though we a bonus game tomorrow too cuz we'll actually be going a while just to properly test this out I won't say what the bonus game is yes but yeah well believe that that's tomorrow stream they'll be starting at 7:00 for that hope you guys enjoy it because a lot of work has gone into actually getting this thing so we can do it it's pokemon white no but it's a different das game it's one you are probably all familiar with but we're gonna just take a quick old pika cuz I think it'd be funny for today dope thanks so much again for coming folks again thank you to clay for sponsoring this exclamation-point oxygen in the chat if you want to check out oxygen not include it I would recommend and honestly you guys can probably have a much better time with it than myself because I kind of suck at the game but it's still good fun you check it out I'll be back tomorrow we got Tomodachi life then till then take care guys oh well rate rate what's going going sir he's playing a hat in time cup goes hair discerning doctor you later folks you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 76,588
Rating: 4.829699 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-431652815, rtgamecrowd, I was sponsored to not kill my space colony. Type !oxygen to not die and check out the game, Oxygen Not Included, Twitch, Gaming, was, sponsored, to, not, kill, my, space, colony., Type, !oxygen, die, and, check, out, the, game, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream
Id: KGn8NGm8hcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 7sec (10627 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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