RTGame Archive: Raft ft. Unicornowl

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squad stream yes so that's it does that pop up on OBS so does it pop up on it doesn't pop up an hour yes but it should pop up on Twitch for everyone right is there the option should come up okay I've only tried tried this once before right but it should do the job [Music] I'll start the stream as well and then we will see what happens okay okay oh wow you literally just starring a teeny little raft to begin with I know it's great isn't it okay where do i click this thing yeah oh no I tells me to watching I guess you already did it so I'm yeah I don't have to do anything cuz you I believe okay yeah because I clicked on myself now and I said that we were squad streaming so it's epic okay we're good then we're good no how's it going everybody it is myself and kind here the name unicorn Elle we're gonna play some rafts together today and try not to get eaten by this horrible shark like I'm literally just floating in the middle of the ocean right now soon I'll probably spoon right next to you but the thing is can you send me a message because I forgot all right thank you don't read out that part I'll try not to pass was not one to tree no it's not that simple but it's not it's not difficult someone might guess that as we go along that's okay yeah it's the audio okay just on stream end for my thing that doesn't sound like Rihanna it's a friend [Music] yeah I'm just a friend oh there you are you've spawned hello all right well this is this is big I haven't even put it on my my own stream I'm such a great stream and oh there we go Wow people can see what's going on yeah I'm just I'm just adjusting it on my own so it comes out a bit better is that is that better audio voice oh oh [ __ ] oh my god that's a shark here I think we might die he's gonna eat our asses oh it's fine well we need to actually get stuff yes I think I've also [ __ ] up a bit because I have all I have noise going on what never people follow so there's gonna be a lot of I just found the water so don't do that you're gonna actually get yeah it's gonna get me real quick yes yes he is yep sorry I'm just trying to get the audio right because people are saying on my end for some reason you're coming out way too loud Admiral why because he sounds calling to mind but it's it's on my end like you don't need to adjust anything is that really like that I'm sure they love that just scream there for a moment loud as I want yeah I'm doing all the hard labor here okay I mean I'm I'm scared are we just cleaning up the ocean is that how we get started here like just collect trash that was my trash hook slowly we have very few belongings right now okay give me the spot oh I found a beat that's useful a row beat and I heard them catch stuff with the hook because there's like a huge it's it's a skill you need to uh to work on all those like something over there in the distance oh yeah oh it's I think we can its we can steal it okay you'll some of the stuff on it I believe but it will sink so you need to be quick okay right I was gonna say we could just skip this raft and steal that one but I you okay oh how do how do we get it off I don't know no offense oh okay well I mean we still have tree tiles I mean yeah yeah I got it how do I drop this hook yes okay now okay well right now okay what can we build them cuz he's gonna like kill us real quick we don't have a lot of land well we need a we need plank and rope to create like a spear to stab him in the dick rope okay you get that plank I'm gonna but my thing is there we go ASSA cook wooden spear record eight planks and tree ropes okay what do I need I should probably create one - just just - it's the way a double double trouble you know yeah that's probably a good idea yeah mortality thank you very much just there I'll try and keep like the alerts and that oh it's minimum sure cuz you're streaming - I don't want to just talk over you it's fine I'm gonna go get this your luck oh oh oh okay right yeah yeah okay you're okay I can't stop this thing this is thinking real quick yeah I'm your urine I couldn't take anything you're gonna die I'll try and distract well I don't know whether shark is but using those oh you know he's coming for he's got a big toothy grin [Music] okay that's good I I should have a spear soon if I don't I don't know where he's gone I don't know where he's gone right okay well I can stick him in his ass appease thank you around yeah no problem all right I think you've left me alone oh that's good Wow the the barrels usually have a lot of stuff in them so we should eat them out of the water and clean the ocean and make happy get more supplies with them yes so I'm unlike half health already that's not a good start is this know that no I wouldn't say so okay let's check it dude he's so hungry on some wood right now he just really loves that wood he's gonna come back for like a few squares we have like no is great also I'm getting so many followers and I'm so sorry I usually always say every name of every single human being and offals it's gonna be a lot so thank you oh it's okay oh they're they'll forgive you yeah I hope so yes so this is like this is us just cleaning up the ocean oh yeah that's pretty much just being good people really uh can i I can make another bit of rope I have enough rope for this beer I just need six more okay we'll just just be a good human and collect them okay don't try to catch him yeah we also need to um you can see the health bar it's like Minecraft even though I've never played it that's probably really bad to say but your stuff will go down and health basically so we need to make new ones oh okay alright so we need to make sure we get enough supplies here or we're gonna yeah be kind exactly exactly my god I'm missing that well fine whoa-ohh-ohh Sharkboy Sharkboy yeah I think a sense that I fell in we're fine I can stop him my chat is literally only followers is great here we go well Artie has not played this game before it's it shows they're doing great also you can pick up multiple things and one one swoop that's good yeah yeah right but we need to oh I have a potato you want a roll potato of the few precious resources we have the potato is the one thing wait you so you can get the Irish stereotype in its that is the skill of all foods we could find right we also okay we need to have a look cuz we can also make a paddle which you know we could paddle make sense it's also a fishing rod so we can actually get food which is useful that would be handy we gonna just tell you after a while yeah I need a new plastic hook cuz miners miners soon gone oh that's rude mine no it's it's a really pretty game they like the sunset it's super pretty oh yeah and it's coin arts yeah people are telling us to make the raft bigger which we probably should probably five I guess we are yeah just trying to make a spare still need to build honestly genuinely home one I'm doing even though I play this before I don't remember Tarek's just keeps following us like it's Madison yeah cuz he oh oh oh oh get him with the spare yeah I'm stopping him oh I'm just gonna get some planks here oh okay we we we really badly need to make some more just so he doesn't eat all of these ones that we have yeah I don't remember where cuz that's a resource navigation I mean we can't really do that decorations I don't think so hmm we also need water honestly okay we need to we'll need to understand what we're doing right okay well I made a spear okay well that's good we have two spirits now can I poke you with this no that doesn't feel very good I think we need to make a building hammer because that's I think that's how we are able to what the [ __ ] I think that's how yeah to expand on our thingy so what do we need to make what's it gold oh I got a hammer so we could hammer down some planks okay but I need to figure out where I can I can do that sure I'll just keep quatre and some resources for now that stops the petition so ulti feeds to the shock whoa a bit harsh but that's you know we might need that as an option later so don't give away the plan hater ah - star - oh it was a tasty no like no hunger how the [ __ ] [ __ ] do we create more planks to stand on this is something I need to figure out trying to get more barrels okay I'm just gonna keep like fetching resources for the time being and I'm trusting you to expand the raft then boy now water is getting a bit choppy we might [ __ ] die we're gonna capsize I don't know but the thing is I have this [ __ ] hammer but I am I gonna [ __ ] hammer myself with oh my god that's menthol makes sense have you figured it out I figured it out I'm gonna get this playing oh no no no jump jump jump please he went down it's all good right we I can't keep up okay we are creating a masterpiece oh my god we can expand it I know it's space to walk now I know it's mental we did it we did in the end oh [ __ ] I think my guys dying of dehydration right now I don't know oh yeah we need to yes we need a I mean water is good I mean we need empty huh I can fill it with salt water and I can drink it but I don't think that's a good idea we need we need I need more plastic G Holly past me see I I think I have some plastic yep there's five plastic okay thank you cuz what I will what the [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go a a simple purifier I'm gonna get these barrels in No well now we can't thank you very much watering it oh [ __ ] oh sure I'm worried yeah I'm almost at 10 K now what the [ __ ] god oh [ __ ] that's pre mental okay oh wait so we can make a little campfire and then if I take the cup know what salt water water we need to put some we need to get some fire going how do we fire that's a good question we can ask the shop my binos we make fire uses planks as fuel yes that makes sense prank is there we go but why would that make fire the plank is [ __ ] soaking I don't know it's working it's working I need to make myself a cup because I am [ __ ] thirsty there we go why I'm dying I'm also dying like my guys dehydrator I get another cup oh did you did you put on there's one there that I think it's done right right no there's no water in it there's no wood fire thing we're gonna [ __ ] die you need to do everything really quickly I mean that's right so I've tried to fill the cup no like why did I oh my god I'm denser [ __ ] alright I'm [ __ ] meetings and goodbye my friend I don't we can't give up yeah we haven't even made one glass of water there's no we have no fire oh yeah you have to pop planks on it I think but I have planks but there's no option lady's cup of salt water there we go oh dude I'm but I'm concen Heat oh my god get out of here way you already got water we can kill him after all but he comes back like he dies but then he [ __ ] Oh mate then I know I don't think I'm gonna I mean okay I'm [ __ ] gone soon oh my screens starting to go gray yeah I'm down not like nothing that's not good is it this is great this is f did you did you get some water there apparently you dumped a fresh water I wanna see oh no did I that sounds like something I do well unless there's yeah I'm incapacitated uh-oh Oh goodnight I can't carry you I think I'm carrying you this is quite trophy this is just the game for me now like I'm just I'm just standing on you I have to make it bed for you I come I'm gone it's black soon this is this is this is not this is not good but I didn't want to drink now I can I drink that holy God okay right right where's simple bed simple burn okay I need plastic my god I hope the streams enjoying the view right now we're doing we're doing squad Street so they can hop over to see you actually doing [ __ ] and not me just like lying on a bench apparently your bed will make you all Gucci again okay yes right and I should also oh I can just surrender a respawn oh what the [ __ ] oh I just spawn here oh that's fine then and I lose all my materials but that's all right I need to eat my potato okay you eat the potato I'm gonna roll potato I need to get resources okay right now we [ __ ] need to eat planking to plastic eh wish me luck right oh all right yeah good luck we need to rod OH goodbye friend yeah I should probably turn off all our notifications because that's probably annoying in 99% of you can you can you do it without me can you yeah I should be okay I'm just trying to find plastic you have plastic you've probably eaten something considering the state of the oceans these days raaah I where's the next bit this and we're coming near that I'll just wait this house just gonna catch what I can near the raft I fell no no he's covered he'll be more he locked onto you so quick Oh your mics cutting out of it they're kind Oh Mytyl lost her good well I'm dead I'm not dead in game but I'm oh there you go turn off the [ __ ] ain't ya I made a new plastic hook so I can actually help you feel like I'm contributing again Oh kind no she's gone again as love she's God please for the love of the shark in the water can I turn down the Sun oh I can antenna make an attempt epic we need to UM what we do need is always work I am back I'm alive do you have any rope we need rope yeah we need to make it rope I need to make there's some rope oh you'd like that yes yeet it's gonna more grab these things yeah like we may not make any actual progress in the game today but we are just cleaning up the ocean cleaning up the ocean right Oh hungry as [ __ ] do you have any food no well I'm gonna fish okay I don't think I can eat raw fish I think that'll be not good for me maybe not she don't have any way I need okay I need to grab the barrel I'm gonna die of dehydration again so I'm gonna you need to you need to drink ma dude robot anchor I had just you to that water from a fun and then you will be all good and then there's a boy he's coming [ __ ] oh no oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] he wants a drink too am I am i okay to take the water now or like when I take but I need food we need to make a chess we need to make everything just pressing the removes can I please get some [ __ ] food in me oh no that picked up the purifier whoops I got food I got potato sorry about that there we go can we just place the planks again I think you deleted the cup for my god alright well I have one nope no no there we go now with you thank you no problem well you you do you need to make a cup oh I need a cup too yes you need to make one I need plastic oh it's salt water that someone's saying not the shark is cute and I just I have to disagree he wants to ruin my family on the raft I'm not okay with this like he is just trying to kill us I just want a glass of water Oh Phil what freshwater I can drink I it's great isn't it I did it I'm not gonna die hunger instead now it's but I have a fishing rod but we I need to create something simple grill yes I crafted it no way George Foreman going exactly it's epic right now I need to fit you do all the other work and I will fish I'm just gonna try catch it yeah Oh shock your boss underneath us now do i well I get bait now oh [ __ ] I've got a fish got a mackerel Jimmy's we can eat how could I die just yet we are not going to die prolonged it by at least 10 minutes exactly we can do this I believe in us Oh another one all right I'm gonna I'm gonna put some some food on place all mackerel let that cook real good Yates um can you see if you can make a chest or something that we can put our stuff in so when we die when we will eventually probably die again sure can't do I just got a potato as well oh I'm starving how do I give this to you there you go it comes in the box I'm also starving but that's okay you can you can eat the mackerel when it comes around okay thank you no problem everyone saying it telling me I should eat you but I don't know if you'd be I don't know if it works like that no maybe not I don't think you can you can't you just resort the cannibalism in this game Troy I just have a bit of leg there you know just see how it goes bit peckish you know you just eat it that way from me can't believe you've done this - I've tried to help all I'm passing out from hunger how do I eat this fish eat it just pick it up just oh it's not done not done yet no two sides ah small storage right okay so now we can have stuff - yes put it there you can open up and then we'll be storage in there that's that's real epic dude pick it up and eat it eat the cooked mackerel yes there we go what no I ate [ __ ] raw fish good job thirsty we need to keep this cup of water going because we will yeah yeah we just need to have water like literally all times or we die yeah I know we just need to keep fishing keep fishing okay I'll just keep seeing what I can get is this salt water or is this salt water she's not so bad look I like putting salt on my food as is okay like it's no different with water no is it a bit more flavor you know just adds a spice to us I love that love that taste so much so yummy oh my god I'm [ __ ] dying I love it yeah put a blooper in storage because I don't need that drink right there's a fish but I will take it and I will put another one on okay now we'll fish some more you keep eating everything and then sure yes good stuff people are telling me to hydrate or die and also that I don't eat you all die yes how it works oh it's coming back I don't have a stove always coming I have like to stop that got oh oh no he's gonna get my ass oh he's getting my ass I fell in in solidarity right it's ok my ass didn't all get eaten that much just a little this just a little nibble it's okay I do be like that sometimes you know that's just I'm just gonna keep filling up keep keep doing it keep doing I need to uh we need to make it we need to make a fight we need to do a lot of things my friend yeah we get we're getting there we're getting there I'm I'm creating well how many [ __ ] to get that barrel right yes do that um that's that's okay oh there's an island over there well yes there is oh um ooh paddle paddles yeah can we just can we just go over there and live there set up camp would that I wish but that's not we need our full plank six plastic and two rope do you have any plank and plastic oh you can make yourself if you want I think I do it's under tools I don't know I just need one more rope and I've got enough and I think I can make the rope alright good trip you can regain health by eating art II don't know that's how it works okay wait okay you need to paddle towards there yes oh my god technology isn't running oh okay okay that's right okay this is my job for the next hour yes and they'll also go down on health as everything else does in those games okay well quite far away so there in the end Oh Sharky boy is lingering don't mind of everything is there any fish on the grill too because I might tell you the hunger well yes yes yes there's the fish that well I need to finish some more yay thank you and I have a quick snack get back there yes good work I think that's like fruit and stuff there so we are smart we can get some Gucci fruit Oh stave off scurvy yeah can he just swim to shore to be honest like guys very far away and he will nibble on your butt and you won't really like it I'm sorry I'm not like it literally Michael Phelps to be able to reach that Island I don't fancy by chanceless if I end up like stranded in the ocean like this no it's not like right well I'm so many Oh catfish that's great it does not fit he's too thick oh we're gonna need an anchor when we get over here I think to soar the rafters and I think yeah I think that is difficult too I don't throw ball anchor we need stone um could you make a second paddle as well that's okay yes thank you I'm just gonna keep going here but I don't want to like run out of durability and then us to overshoot violins we have an issue have any plastic yeah I do but how do we get how I still not enough I mean one more plastic is back there antenna I'm gonna get as close as I can and then maybe we just have to swim songs that either make an anchor or expand the raft so it gets stuck on the island well good night oh we should actually try and create beds because then we can sleep and it's great sure more help but we need nails we are yeah we need quite a few things right boy oh boy right we just need to keep fishing where is the anchor oh we need rock and we for that we need to be at an island to swim down and get rock from the bottom it's nope okay he's right Jesus Christ I just saw you jump into his mouth that was something that was an experience okay okay well well good-bye Ireland it was nice to see oh my god so we just go back to the current is it yeah Oh oh I'm so oh boy Stallman very upset right now we will get there in the end okay it will be fun that's not gonna be I don't even though is it's gonna be a different no but it's gonna know they're not all identical you wanna put a put fish in here cooked fish so that's the cooked fish in there thank you Oh Oh yo dude don't that's why Oh oh no he wants the fish he was a total smear I don't have a smear I can't okay that's how you die I'm so upset he spaghetti Wendy I need to find I need to I need to get stuff to to make another span cuz I'm upset oh I'm just gonna go back to my life of cleaning up the ocean I guess we could do rice Oh he's [ __ ] he can't oh I hate angry boy so much that's his name he's like right in their tail I know he just moves to make us miserable I think I said don't throw away he's gonna eat again I sweat they already stole our fish I'm gonna need another fish I think I'm gonna be in trouble I need one more plank boy give me a plank I have planks there you go okay all right thank you now I can stab him in this date right wouldn't be cool try me now come wrong keeps telling me to eat you but I don't know they saying that in my chat too well it works I don't know I think we're gonna be very upsetting gonna keep trying to get par beliefs okay someone's telling us not to put important things from the edges which makes sense yeah maybe we should like expand a little bit yes Oh pick up plastic [ __ ] I need more plastic floating into the more garbage that's good that's what it's actually good that you pollute the oceans like this because otherwise like we'd be dead much sooner if the we know this wait yeah that's not like you next time you're finished with like you know like soda can or something just chuck it in the ocean please be be considerate you know there could be someone stranded in the Atlantic - exactly I need to I need to cook more fish as well cuz I know you're gonna die cuz I don't oh yeah I've almost dead not long to live no I am I'm not I don't want you to I need to fish some more I'm gonna try to make a hammer so I can put that more planks oh I need more planks for it I need okay two ropes and then three more planks yes alright OOP I'll get planks Wow our raft is really beautiful isn't it it's so awful lovely way to loom this is our home now I don't think I'm not tasty oh [ __ ] I'm done die I need this fish I need you need more planks oh you think you can catch another fish er cook away another one in time yeah I have another fish ready to go okay pop it on the hob real quick that yes I could just be incapacitated can you know just just pick up the pick it up oh wow you did you ate it did I yes I didn't get any hunger for it although that's an issue then where the fish go you put some prank on it or the fish go I don't know you picked it up maybe you throw in the water I don't know what you did with it but do you have any plan to put it I put oh I could but I put down a roll fish and it disappeared did you eat raw fish no I got it okay I ate the cooked fish I found it okay great okay okay well I'm [ __ ] dying soon you might might see me laying on the floor in a minute yeah that's fine just have a nap yeah that's cool oh I'm [ __ ] thirsty boy right right now we change barrel oh I found a raw potato good Oh what's on the grill oh there's there's a fish there okay well you have that fish but I think I know I'm fine that well not great but I'm yeah yeah I have like 30% so I'll be okay for a little while okay cool yeah I need to oh I don't have a home okay cool I need to make another fishing rod I'll plant the potato but we don't have any means for that like at all but we can but in Sudan we could plant stuff hopefully if we make these to plan things and it's great bad in the raft Yeah right um there say oh I need more rope right now dude don't even try me oh hey buddy how's it going gonna [ __ ] come in oh no no no no well we got here this is a receiver you okay there yeah no I just I wanted to taste it a bit yeah good shout I need to make a spear to I think to help fight him off oh we need to research I don't know six more planks right just get a fish alone yeah yeah if you all just keep getting resources if you just want to keep fishing so we don't ya die yeah we'll just keep hopping water into trap beneath you I don't think many people like me holy God they're just like they mean well they're just bad at show they just they just want you to say our life do you have any potatoes I think you can plant them in this little thing I've made yeah I do actually have them right that's a big I got two potatoes Oh oh my god do anything you can to kill her wow really nice okay like her it's great yeah Jesus you must feel welcome yeah it's lovely it's great I'm gonna get this Barrow watch this wow I really missed that one I'm just fishing well I got a chunky boy in my inventory but we don't know what the [ __ ] I'm offended - all right whose job yeah it just decided to push me off the edge so order fresh water so she is a gamer girl we need her bathwater oh yeah I need to start messing in that kind of stuff apparently that's like at the new America's honestly yeah it's it's a great idea I'm gonna like Sarah saving up my own bath water now and so on Matt - I think that would sell good yeah definitely that's a barrel here you need to catch shot oh he's comin oh I feel him oh so jump on his head he's just [ __ ] smiling at us he's got a toothy grin right I need to put as can i oh yeah there you go Sani water there's some boil at the moment yeah needs fresh what we need to put when i drink this the next round we need to put water on the potatoes oh they need water too oh yeah that makes sense yeah but it doesn't make sense yeah they are plants that's how you grow plants exactly a one [ __ ] catch more oh so many barrels missed it I'm so paranoid about oh wow okay I'm so paranoid about accidentally drinking a salt water that it takes me seven minutes to read what button to click because I don't want to drink the spicy salt water that you enjoy so much understandable fair yes oh I forgot to post an announcement in my own discord about this stream that is also very oh you might want to do that yes yes I just I'm starving oh I think there's another island coming up I don't know if we're gonna have enough resources for it maybe not there we go now I can sorry [ __ ] off little [ __ ] oh he's after our potatoes oh [ __ ] I mean I'm I accidentally went into third person perspective and this is [ __ ] over I don't know how the RAF was about the capsized because they were certain to get real funky how the [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna press every button I have on my keyboard right now I remember to water the crops doing Hamer's help me how to get out of this what do I do the gamers no one else no I think I oh my god this is incredibly awful look and controls but that requires me to look in the controls which is something I don't wanna do right gotten real good at catching the barrels I'm impressed thank you that's great dude am I blind I mean I don't have my glasses on some pretty much but sorry but don't know get off it excites I make my spear yeah literally I'm gonna [ __ ] shoot myself okay I'm slowly making a spit I honestly I'm gonna [ __ ] in and kill myself how do I do I'll just pair that bub I won't pass it twice it's the that effect no that's not oh I need to eat I did it Thank You gamers thank you all the ammo boys I can help me there we go nom nom okay so I need to make at least two paddles then if we're to make it to an island next time alright I need to make at least two paddles if we want to make it to an island so I'm gonna just stop our resources I look at what look at this beautiful decoration I put them for us oh how much of our valuables are that costs I don't know I think you gave it to me but I don't know how you I picked up something I don't how did I find that like I I mean I am I don't know okay well you probably did it we don't have like beds or like sustainable food yet but we have a lucky cat so you know that's the exactly and that's all that we need porns right there consume her and use the potatoes as season huh yes I think the potatoes will really like me Oh I just eat a lot away from me oh my god skylord Howard Sai SEF real-life friends are watching me right now that's pretty epic I got an achievement for getting a hundred things are you proud of me I'm incredibly proud of you you got to write that on your CV I'm going to I'm gonna update it yeah right now right now I'm gonna I'm gonna eat that fish too yeah yeah I think I keep pressing M for menu but like it's not and I'm upset I can't change it but I requires effort do you have any no we have wood does require effort yeah I also need to make a new hook cuz my hook is as long bones in also should we make we need a research table we need 14 plan for a research table okay I'm also starving can you do that I think that's just how you get new crafting things yeah you get new things to find the raft yeah make your raft at home exactly well I mean what [ __ ] stuck here we gotta make it nice somehow do you have any raw potatoes or anything I have a raw potato I lied to you it's fine I'm not gonna die I haven't I've got a rock that's it oh how about how did you get rock did you get in a barrel I must have yeah I think we have to find it around you okay down there yes I just decided to take a swim okay yeah it's pretty chill are you refreshing I need water oh hey am i okay to eat this I don't know I think what the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah eat it thank you a barrel thanks oh there's another potato that's oh I can't oh right there there we go now what I'm so thirsty right now I just use the fresh water I just use the fresh water too oh yeah on the potato I didn't know you were dying of dehydration sorry it's okay I Will Survive also have another drinking have no drinking days I need to water the crops potato it's great do I have any more fish yes I do I need to I need to constantly make sure we're okay with food dude can this can I please thank you now we get you there we go oh my god I got a donation that was very loud and scared oh yeah I think I hear it on my end too that's great yeah a double double trouble it's good stuff thank you I appreciate it oh now I'm hungry your birthday this is just the world after climate change probably probably honestly good we're prepared we have very good at taking care of ourselves we got a hook I mean yeah and we got the polluted water sighs we're all good don't make the same mistake I did and drink the salt water so lagers bad Oh in harvesting potatoes oh my god we will never be hungry again you know just plant more fishies we need more things should we try and get like a bed or something yes we should I'm gonna start making some potatoes open the gourd yeah good stuff I mean we are constantly dehydrated or starving to death so that's fine but I'm pretty sure when you sleep I think I read like charges everything like you you go fine like you sleep and then you're not hungry anymore actually that might be a lie I might I might a don't lie to you that oh did he just try steal the potato what yes I need to turn down every audio thighs from stream lives kisser oh whoa wait I'm inside of him but can I can you know give me anything um do we need to hook up no I think I need to stab in more yeah I need to stop a bit more okay [ __ ] [ __ ] the road I got a Rorschach me and shot a shark head okay cool right you are literally just you don't want to be with me anymore that's one covered I see y'all comin back right so we have some I mean shot me which is Oh potato it all looks tasty I'm gonna take it thank you hey so we can make shark me now that's good yeah I'm gonna see if I can yeah oh that's a look at that chunky ball oh good how many yeah yeah I got four of them so now I'm three left really good yeah thanks good stuff right we need to keep filling the water remember Oh yep simple bed palm ten palm leaf and three nails I got it a stone there from the barrel so yeah you can get little scrap for a little bit okay oh my god that's so [ __ ] loud and I need to do something about it thank you notifications too loud yeah the thing is I'm not used to this so I need to fix it right um what is this I've just skipped some stuff every time right okay [ __ ] it's gonna literally destroy that what do you know right now okay I'll give you a moment oh thank you and thank you for all the the bits I do appreciate it wait why why is everyone putting effing that in your chat what's gone did the stream die oh no it streams good I think it's cuz he said your audio was gonna go the just bit premature and I thought you were dead as soon as I go into my browser and my whole existence just gets wiped so that's how it works you know you don't look at the moon it's not real that's exactly I'm so you know which there's the moon I'm gonna just some more water on you gotta take care of us right now cuz I need a I need a mother I need a I need a moment what shirk me I'm a my disabled okay I'll keep things moving thank you Oh more potato service right I did save but is it it's a chair different from bit it's not is it it's the same thing yeah the same thing but I have a down at Cerrone sound volume hmm I should just remove the Audion Oh am i dying I am dying all right slice F and Howard I appreciate the donations but we're gonna celebrate my birthday on Wednesday so if you can save your money for the head thank you thanks to the donations wrong day though you know come back cuz I'm gonna tell all your viewers basically I went to a festival this weekend in Norway and I got very drunk a lot and so I went around screaming to everyone no just strangers that I turn 20 on Friday and had a great time and people probably thought I was insane just having fun like that's great it's not fair they didn't mind there was a light there ya know I'm not all shocked me is a is a good meet it's the good could you pop someone cuz I might get some soon thank you have rocks I have potatoes got some beats there too I got a lot of plastic that's good we need to make another chest was it might be handy yeah I was just do you have any palm leaf I need five to make one bin I uh need won't need ten oh yeah I got thank you right so now we have one bed so now one of us can sleep okay that's useful um I mean we need to I'm just gonna hoses sides there we go I've made a storage bin that we can put a few extra things in right um slowly moving up in the water arty using the wrong Mike and discord because he sounds real bad on your end I don't think so he sounds good for me my head's it might be my audio that's terrible though I think it sounds fun definitely sound fun like the stream from my side Oh some completely fun for me maybe I might just mute myself actually just real quick hang on okay I'll be right back okay [Music] freakin sword with the 50 quid I'm running low this month but it's either using the money on you or potatoes so here you go by the way community named the shark brexit please call a road to 10 dude don't even [ __ ] touch me again alright now you sound a bit different but oh I just I think you do something on your end well no I did nothing I mean yeah I did nothing go to sleep promise he won't eat you I'm not gonna eat ya I don't know why they keep thinking they don't trust you I mean I don't trust me either so it's fair I really not shark meat to come along or I'm gonna be in trouble oh [ __ ] we can create like whoa this is mental the call and the shark brexit in my chat now oh that's great we can create walls and stuff my god never real like house I need to I need to repair how dope that's how I repair this is great doesn't need the shark beat well let's cook him just keep playing potatoes yeah like constantly keep that filled water yeah we do we can maybe if we get a researched table we can get more advanced stuff well and we can also create like bottles so we don't have a cup but we have a bottle which has more water in it oh that would be really good yeah yeah cuz right now we're like taking our sweet time exactly okay it takes a bad time to like get everything started cuz you need to do so much oh I ate a raw potato whoops it's such a freaking noise it's like when you eat even if you eat like fish or like anything just crunches crunchy potatoes oh no oh my god [ __ ] I don't know I said will you season me was [ __ ] salt if I am pretty sure justice breaks it they're really upset that we keep hurting this boy oh you can take it trying to eat us you know it's like we're gonna eat him first we have a well we're living in a mansion right now pretty premium raft if you ask me yeah honestly it's great my own he's luck and it he just once he won't sleep Tomas I think think you might can't fall asleep during daytime all players must be sleeping okay but we need to make a second bed do it you know we do need to make a second bed okay yeah yeah maybe we should make another water think to have to running at the same time simple purifier I need one more thing of plastic plastic sorry right there thank you make another one at ease how do I follow on mobile it shouldn't be too difficult to follow just click the heart I believe sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice there are such lovely people and if you don't chat don't mind them it's fine they doing this to me - you know of course they do why wouldn't they they love you it's debatable puss they'd like to watch me suffer yeah I mean in the skirt oh dude what can I do with this shark head oh oh my god okay dude I have the greatest thing I need to show and done right now and I Oh what OH do you like my look sorry about that oh wow beautiful it's brexit dead I take it yeah yeah I'm wearing brexit oh god it's yeah I think I'm beautiful will repress it he's not looking too good it's a good look thanks a great look it suits you thank you that's a nice yeah it's nice oh dude the dress he's really trying to get our potatoes like honestly can we kill the seagull with the spear oh we can I'm pretty sure oh I got another thank God for that okay I'm gonna go I need to fix my audio okay Thank You Swapnil thank you for 15 months of yep I'm just getting more water and I'm doing this up a bit play some planks for food baked potato we're doing good I'm doing great yeah sorry about hopping off there just uh Breanna was just leaving for the shop so I was just quickly talking to her he's doing good I'm back oh yeah I need to fix audio I I feel like I've just saw this dream I mean I've done this since 2015 like I know I [ __ ] Oh get out of here I need to make a news fair that's what show coz mine just broke also I'm dying which is also epic whoo I'm currently dying of hunger yeah no you know oh I drank salt water again I got to stop doing that that's not no so thirsty there's so much kool-aid here right we need to what are we doing actually we need to reset the table yeah we need we need a research table and I think I do have Planck yep there we go i popping them on the fires wait oh wait you need it for the research tape I'll get some more Planck tree Planck and there's some under the raft right now house it's not quite a house okay I mean I think this is a lovely home I like it I have some charm to it oh please for the love of Jesus I feel he wanted a nibble I think you did you really saying just build a plane and get out of there it's like guys we have hooks like planks and a bit of plastic yes it's not great yeah the big ask fly out of there you know yeah just just take off I'm sure Ryan Air Service is here calm up please appreciate it why are a lotto tickets or else Ryanair just make a car like oh yeah sorry let's just drive to safety exactly I mean yeah we're definitely not stuck in the middle of nowhere that's great need more plank plank is useful yep I have 89 curly okay yes we just need to get keep getting some yeah no mine trying to work together but at the same time [ __ ] you boy exactly mine No we could be like a coordinating this and we bolt cattle resources and not compete for the same I'm earning the bread for this family my right we need it I think we need a second grill honestly because yeah yeah support keep being hungry people keep saying that you sound we di you don't sound weird to me I don't know he'll just be my normal voice like I do sound quite weird maybe that's what's going on yeah the music's back for me that's nice yeah it's back for me too you guys can hear the in-game audio too as well just to make sure yeah wait there's an island there's an island I have two paddles oh the audio got a bit weird there but there's an island yeah I'm gonna try it yeah apparently you're a bit quiet I do try and pick myself Oh No kind sighing okay eat the cooked potato it's a beat on it where is this located the real discord what's the server for it it's just much it's just my server at the bottom yeah like what what's the you know oh it's a Western Europe right yeah it should be fine I don't know mine is red on the school that I don't know what's going on oh that's not good he sounds like he's on an Xbox oh he sounds completely fine to me I don't know what boom we eaten my xbox live Oh get out of here I'm gonna start piling over yeah do that can you make us an anchor uh-oh I can try okay wait we should do that before we sail out of reach of all the resources yeah yeah I made an anchor oh they do yeah Oh perfect I'm not a barrel just before we go oh do you mind excuse me we're trying to get to an island right now yeah I'm also like dying oh me too I need like both water and food we do have plenty of food of those only I mean you can eat the shark if you want I'm eating some raw potatoes I will take the shark yep that should sustain me for a while yeah I'm gonna take some fresh water put some more on yeah let's go island time yes oh okay cool oh oh I see Sharky boy oh he's about to eat me oh that's fine we're alive sounds like auntie is streaming from a bathroom I don't know why cuz he sounds fine to me and I'm extremely sorry I'm like my my crowd isn't reporting anything - it's like it's I think it's that's fine I rent I don't know why I don't know why it sounds weird because in my mic you know when I I hear you you think I might have really [ __ ] hearing and that might be why you're going to us fine on this friend ya shall make their research table sure yeah I might actually need some help have them because I'm struggling to reach this island right paddle paddle paddle I need wait two seconds Aaron's getting kind of strong we need an anchor a real quick - I gotta keep everything I gotta keep paddling yeah we're gonna get don't worry it's just discord giving some hiccups jutice brexit it's fine don't worry about it yeah something like that Brax it directly affects discord I'm pretty sure I can wait yeah definitely we might need to oh um create like a ladder cuz we can do that it's a is there no way up ah well we need to climb we might be able to should I just okay yeah trow the anchor here throw the anchor we need to eat closer yeah try the anchor how oh oh throw the anchor it's showing red it's red I'm running out of poggle oh right right right right right away don't worry about it let's relax it's okay are we anchored not yet but I want to get closer oh my god I like a weird angle maybe here it's um here cuz we can climb up here look okay I'm not it's okay oh we can also go down there's some stuff in the water like a bunch of coral okay we're good this will do thank you for the bit I thought I turned off the bits but apparently I did not turn off the audio for it that's that's right bit precarious that's as close as I can get well we just got a [ __ ] swim and jump in oh wait red floor come on wave goodbye blue flower white flower my god oh this island straw I got pineapples we need to help each other here teamwork stuff in my head go on I'm right underneath you thank you yeah I don't know how I help you up now though no I am left on my own oh there's like a crate it was a bunch of stuff in it my inventory is full I got white seeds the best day of our lives that paddle is done anyway so I'll just toss that I have some my paddle some chopped down the tree for prank but we how can we top that I was spin I can try and don't think that'll be very usefull fine who I have a hinge whoa dude we're rich now I'm gonna eat this beach so I couldn't carry some more the mountain make an axe Oh careful the Sharks coming for the raft were away oh right don't worry I'm here is there anything at the very top of the rock like if we go all that way up uh there could be as a possibility oh I'm [ __ ] dying on watermelon trying to see what I could chuck I buy inventory is so full yeah maybe you can take another trip and I'll help you up again if that's what you want right you might have to do that yeah yeah that's fine yeah yeah red flowers - [ __ ] off I'm coming back down hello yeah also we have this thing so but I'm gonna try organize this a bit yeah do that I might just [ __ ] right well see if I I'm I'm I'd be there oh but that's okay he might eat my ass right now Oh No are you the seagull just ate the potatoes I'm upset yeah I'm gonna just cook some potatoes I need to put down their research table okay oh my god this is a boy no I'm just gonna drink of it oh it's all water fill that up raw potato harvest harvest right epic look now we have a thingy plant a watermelon but I think we need bigger we need a bigger yeah we need to research something I think um I need to make another storage bin I think do you have any scrap um don't think I do yes I do I have that scrap please yes yes yes they thank you right we don't way to go it's try underneath you got my cup what what are you doing I don't I don't know could you pass me the scrap again I have so little space yeah also uh three you come do you have I'll make some no just my god right we have a lot of blueprints can we research blueprints I guess that's what you research right Oh any any other item oh thank you seeds flowers I'm not calling the [ __ ] Siegel article 13 oh my god invoice great okay I got a bit more storage in there trying to organize it even vaguely at the moment I got a hidden just goo there's black flowers to see we can make that's great that's fantastic that's amazing can we make an axe or something to like don't ask yeah I don't know how I think I I just need some planks and I can do it I because we do actually have enough stones for it oh I need food the potato plank rope scrap bolt do we need to place all those items into but they want my stupid only black stone and rope you can have a look at it thing I'll have a look at it now I'm good 21 months that's pretty crazy so how does this work for place item in slot 2 research oh yeah but look at--look scroll down until you find the ax thing and a so different we need to put a blueprint in their place I am in slot 2 research yeah well you can place like any item in their parents like ok we do have some blueprints so we can yeah we do but I don't know if they're useful right now are those blueprints I'm not sure we could just try and yeah I mean I do actually have the means to make the stone ax I need 6 plank at the moment and then I'm good you have any plank I am no plank no oh right like this there won't be any yeah most likely not be any earth thanks for us to catch but they're scrap down on the on the floor here okay oh just oh that's where he was cool yeah I didn't see you though uh got to make sure we don't [ __ ] die Kylene as a reading chat so I'm sure she won't notice this Oh Oh I'll be back in just one sec - right well I'm about to die well to get my [ __ ] do you mind I'm just trying to live here like what the [ __ ] this guy has no life yeah well is everything dying I mean he's fine he should be fine right dan is okay I'm soothing you guys with brexit you guys can look at brexit it's fine don't you worry he will be back it's okay just since four bricks exactly guys do you think I should just uh he's back boys don't worry that's good don't be alarmed the Sharks back - good because I'm busy oh he got a thing you got a deal with it oh he's all I can see him in my corner of my eye all he's about to eat yeah yeah he's coming for you he's coming for me gonna get back to making these potatoes I think taters we can roast a pineapple too and things like that I don't know if that's we should save them I don't know if we can get seeds or something Wow clay that's cool it's my cup gun today I I think I have your cup okay I just made another cup thank you two cups oh my god I'm so close to 10k which is terrifying and then say no dude dad they want our stuff I can see in their eyes are there's two of them there's article 30 and and wah we need another name there's probably like knowing that was gonna be a brexit to electric Boogaloo oh that sounds like a great name like did what thing in the blueprint oh I'm dying as well don't die then right not I might have the raw potatoes sounds good we're not gonna be able to harvest anything from the island because we can't get an axe in time there's like a tree up there too with apples on it yeah I can see that oh okay maybe if we go back up and you try to give me a boost and then right yeah we can do that yeah yeah oh I fell in oh my god eat her all right I don't think you get done haha is there any struggling no I can't make the jump yikes Artie living like his ancestors we go whose belt oh there we go oh I give you uh thank you oh I'm hungry I'm gonna leave you I can't pick these thank you I have to hit her with a spear that's quite clearly food I have to cut the tree down apparently yeah we have an issue but we don't have any wood do you have any food I have a potato I need the potato okay I think we need to leave this island now yeah I think we don't cuz we don't have any uh yeah anything to okay if you want to raise the anchor yeah yep potato in a cardboard box I love those my favorite right yeah when yeah okay we're on our way now Oh article 13 is back oh that's not how you know wait right okay got it I need to get and go fishing again I think I think we both need to go fishing yeah we're kind of in trouble right now yeah we'd literally have nothing we do we don't have any plank cider to cook anything no we need to make a sail so we can like go faster one thirsty we need planks for that I can make it if we have planks we do not I need a single plank even to make a plastic hook it's great I mean now we can now with this stuff ahead of us so the shark meats just sitting there we can't even cook it right now you know I know there's someone ahead of us some someone oh thank god I'm really hungry both in this game and in person me too I can release have some almonds next to me I think I'll munch on them oh that sounds healthy I asked hurry out of the pickup jelly babies for me not so healthy but no oh well it's fine some nutrients there you know like there's a lot there's a lot of nutrients and a baby you know especially if you turn it into jelly that's true num-num oh oh we lose that one I'm a fool I also need oh no I need to have I got wait wait wait there was some I have to we can eat the watermelon or the potatoes in here I'm gonna try eat a watermelon what's with all the apps in chat every source so little I'm the dream I'm about to eat as two uses all right I can't run because I'm me to get out of here we have potatoes okay I'm just gonna keep planting new ones and eat them raw potato here okay and we just need to kind of keep cooking and what we've got I'm just resupply if you eat kind you're gonna also eat part of brexit good idea you person Francis I have his head on me which part of Rex's is the tastiest hmm probably not the head please let me eat where do we have potatoes potatoes oh I'm home we haven't we have one more watermelon yeah I ate one cuz I was starving dude do you need these potatoes no no I have cooked shark we're getting we're getting near barrels again - so that's good well I don't have it I need to make another placer cook right we Gucci know what's what's this house is going what happened here in the thing I don't know what happened in the research thing do you know what happened to it no I have no idea like I haven't even been looking at it I think if now I can it shows us in the make another bed I'll make another bed so we can actually sleep on night that's one I'm just gonna keep like a restocking on supplies here right where's [ __ ] off I'm gonna goddamn seagull yeah ffs again we will kill the seagull one day it's fine they're like worse than rats in my opinion like they're just [ __ ] everywhere and they're just like such a nuisance yeah I don't know anyone who's like actually like seagulls I mean the sound of them is kind of like reminds me of summer but I don't know they are [ __ ] annoying well yeah the music stops again what's upsetting I don't know why it doesn't constantly play this barrel they tell me they say sorry to break so I'm gonna kill brexit next chance I get what that's rude now if we kill them again can we like make another shark ass yeah if you kill them there will be another one probably nice I'll go over here but yeah brexit me is good me so I need to kill another one yep the one thing brexit is good for yeah coal Peter oh I'm dyin Oh nine times yes yeah it just has researched you put it in there there's a cook potato if you need one yeah I'll have this one keep popping more potatoes on I actually I'm wolfish okay we have a catfish was it which is a very big chunga's and we need a bigger oh yeah we need to like actually research that kind of thing we do yeah we were just been like barely survived in the entire time it's great our homes not looking too good nope our day a new life you know how I multitask by going on my phone and streaming at the same time yeah I gotta do that right now and it's difficult when I have to make sure I survive so playing with my life right now playing with your life as well yeah you're kind of are there you know God speed boat for both our sakes here oh yeah we need yes we need to build more I think cuz I don't want our bed to be heated yeah that's fair this is all just like bunched up and weed on layout was great all right don't even touch me like that oh oh is that good where are you get him that's not I'm getting him he only gave me two did you get anything from him yeah I got a head bag no where are we the raft is this a wait what way that's right dude okay I see I see I see it's getting stormy I'm coming yeah I got I got the shark yes people are happy I'm dying how do I equip like it's like a thing you just hold it too you know it's like there's a bar where it says some clothing or something it should be that you just drag into it he's eating all [ __ ] stuff again oh no get out of here I didn't have my spare oh wait that's cos my spear broke yeah 13 you can get sweet me mace from that yep but the thing is is that if we walk near he's gonna fly away so you need to be like away from us we don't really have a big big area right now I don't know we don't yeah we do you need to keep cooking as well yeah right do you want to sleep because now it's night oh sure does that restore hunger and stuff for I I'm not sure I guess we'll just sit where's the other bed on the other side oh my god no that does not restore hunger and I think yeah maybe I don't know what it does to be honest it does something have this cooked Heron got some more potatoes you flatten it with freshwater potatoes don't need water hello everyone that saying hello to me in Japan how are you doing potato potato oh no I'm swimmin again oh wait right rise brexit tree right like disappear disappointing jar spin-off series that is just breakfast yeah it says that we have research the antenna so I guess we have we can make it then that's what I'm assuming okay yeah but we need to I can make a sale once we get just more planks yeah that'd be great ing need pine how much you need oh five seven there you go close that's one right here got it did you yeah yeah we need to pop this like in the center do we um I mean you can have a light thanks yeah yeah that's great good stuff oh yeah now we can we can sail in the wind if that pulls down somehow why isn't it coming down I need to press open and then we can rotate in what direction we want to so whenever we see an island or something we can rotate to that perfect yeah the raft is coming along it's great doesn't look at [ __ ] now it's beautiful oh yeah great home I love it it's a lovely little place get this blanket I need to make a fishing rod again don't have enough stuff though what should we actually do I can make a stone axe if I have six plank and two rope I kind of want to go to another Island whenever we find one like that was class but we just we just need to like I'm to keep stockpile and resources awhile I think because we're kind of like desperate measures right now yeah I have an axe now okay which is so that means we can get a bunch of water to the next time we stop off Wieland yes yes we can people are telling us to make Nets make a what an S okay wait where's net how do we do I don't know Robo anchor shelf on the rope wet brick okay it's a lot to go to understand and uh yeah just so much to this game isn't that the research table oh and that will cap stuff for you oh yeah election now automatically caches items that flow into it yes I mean the only capture stuff that flows directly into it but it's still good so I have a nail I can research the nail you can make know you can make them bounce with strap like in in resources where the Rope is and wet for it yeah but can you research with that well like how does that work not sure people tell me to start on game sounds game sounds are on you you guys can hear it yeah mine are on research oh I swear to God I will [ __ ] kill you I'm clay rope oh there's a paddle in storage right is there by you've most likely put the yes oh I had no idea well now you know I need a plank do you have them I have Cyril plank okay we need one plank then where around us boy he's going on what is this there's no resources here it unlocks the nails for all the blueprint pots right one she just threatened you don't eat her oh that's blank got it Thank You Boris okay I can learned how to make an app epic oh yeah I came up with like notified me that you did that thanks ropes nails yes okay ah yay I want a barrel was a bit far there's an island over there too but I don't I don't know if that's even a good idea because we're so like oh well we have a we can get some plank cuz I have an axe okay try oh it's because it's over the plans oh you can't rotate it well it's just cuz it's closed so like I'm trying to interact with potatoes and then it's I'm having a sale oh boys hungry oh oh alright I see it and I Austin I think what going towards that hike maybe maybe we'll make it over well we will see we will see how it goes do I have any yes I need to play some fish down okay bacon yep no I don't have one I don't have one either up here get out of here [ __ ] [ __ ] we have an issue we don't because we don't have any uh weed over details to fight him I need a plan can rope there's some barrels over here we can might be able to get just enough we're gonna need to catch everything here that's a tiny island hopefully we get something out of it at the barrel I got a plank from that we don't have we don't have a anchor no no I it up before I thought oh no but I think it's a one-time-use oh yeah it is okay yeah all right that's good to know yeah that's great I got some shark meat also to cook still yeah that's good we go oh I need I need mate boys hungry also again kind of hungry here gonna eat a baked potato don't die I have a roll potato come on cook fish cook get some pizza guys we don't have pizza that's a luxury we cannot afford yes how do you think how the [ __ ] are we supposed to get cheese out here why do we ever get milk that's a good question we get research a permanent anchor how did you do the research all right wait you have to put all those things in it and then you can learn it [Music] people if they just called ubereats i mean we could try but I don't think that would I always think they they serve out here it's gonna be a hell of a fee when in metal ingot and hinge right to stationery Anka my god this is a lot you have the ax oh yeah yeah okay so we're gonna have some more wood soon at least paddle paddle paddle make a phone to call the pizza place yeah just trying to get a few planks here while we go past yeah well there's a little beach I don't like jump off then I'm [ __ ] dying well we're almost there so just don't die yet try not to if you give me here give me the paddle and I'll paddle and Utrecht focus on getting yourself food oh my god that's loud Beks it can deliver pizza okay Bex I love Bexar Beck says those name now we've changed from brexit to the back someone roll back there is let's go let's go they'll have the paddle in the storage it's fine thank you for once oh my god yeh toh like oh you can't have those no um how do we get up here well we need to use them you say we can make ladder yeah yes we can make a letter might have to need for plank and two nails I have planks do we have nails wait wait wait hold I don't have any plank it will here's the plank there you go get good at rock-climbing don't think that's gonna help these guys I mean I need to make yeat up you got up how okay it's up to you get everything okay okay oh I got coconut you leaving me I didn't read it I put up the sail so it wouldn't catch the wind I'm just go quick just go quick so go there's still trees the cut down you have the eye the trees right there oh my god we gonna get back it's fine anchor where's the anchor oh my things are so loud we're gonna get there it's okay I need two planks do you have any planks yes yes yes yes yes yes take it take it all take my stuff thank you it's the UH it's the whoa we can probably get some help from this can we not let's get into position you have to put deployed a cell for a moment we'll get in here to the island again and I'll drop anchor what my guys getting real hungry too you need to eat yeah oh I don't oh my god I'm gonna cry I don't have any [ __ ] you gonna have any playing at home stab him he's gonna eat our stuff do you have any um Hey anchor deploy oh whoa whoa no what's we're not even close to right that's right the anchor working hang on Oh any I need to truck it off oh yes yes you do I'm trynna I'm climbing inside of me you need to maneuver this thing if the anchor is down but i wiII be able to get on top of it how did you manage that with that short of a ladder because I am incredible gives me the paddles give me the powder and I'll get it into position we can we can we can do this worse okay there we go but I'm now inside of the rock okay that makes it difficult oh I'm about to collapse I need is there food do something nope okay we need to we need to eat no no we can get planks we just gotta get up Oh what fresh water see I'm fine yeah that's good glad to hear this ladder is inside of the decide if we OH if we could get over here yeah i think cuz it's very steep it I'm [ __ ] dying want me to oh I can eat coconut I have a few planks but I'm worried cuz we need some planks to get to the other planks up there oh there's the supply of planks I have can I eat this shark meat raw I don't think so you try yeah umm if you see over here it's a shorter thing I could probably gallant we could probably get both on top and then jump on their job okay does that mean I have to get rid of the anchor uh no no you don't you can paddle okay I got a very lovely message in chat Thank You Nico that's lovely I think you can paddle well I'm trying to I I don't think I can well we have to get rid of the anchor we're [ __ ] okay we can make this work I'm gonna remove the anchor it's gone yeah oh my god go over here oh we're moving need to get it so the UH thing is and I can you know side over here that you can get it on - can I move this thing the ladder yeah oh oh it's coming back whoa you're on I need her oh I need you here [Music] come on [ __ ] get yeah I'm here I'm here oh oh oh okay get everything yes is that where's the anchor where's the anchor thanks I don't know don't I don't okay I'd really used it yeah I don't have enough materials for that her anchor so I just gotta like keep us paddled here it's up to you on the island it's fine I'm doing the best I can Oh nuts cook tighter the thing is it's impossible for me to get up here without you know okay gotten some play but not that much okay alright I think I'm so badly injured I got Oh take care of yourself loaded I believe come on I believe in you come on leave they won't need to abandon me here oh I'm dying I've tried I do we can get this if we get the planks there we could solve all our problems exactly God just I believe in you just just jump your life I know the puddle broke no shoulder I never in a puddle I gave I gave you another puddle I gave you two paddles have you used both there ah I can make one quick oh I get it no you Phil I got the pot oh no he's on it [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh no this is a mess Oh do this okay let's go again let's go again we need to go right now he's eating our [ __ ] potatoes oh [ __ ] you right I believe I believe I believe come on come on come on yay I got him you got a jump you got a jump I believe in you oh you can do it you can jump oh I'm so badly injured oh oh you can get it now you can get it you can get it yes okay quickly quickly I need to boost you I need to boost you up there no I need to boost you I need to boost you I need to get back on the go Yeah right okay jump up as well can you jump I swear I almost okay okay okay jump jump okay good right okay oh my god I got the raft let's Christ get all the wood get all the resources Oh My Jesus Christ we did it oh my god know what harmony throw it on the sail Oh get rid of stupid seeds I don't want the seeds oh my god eat some raw potatoes get the potatoes Oh fresh water it's okay boys it's okay I think I've got it all okay let's make your way back yeah I see I see a watermelon get everything you can okay kkkk I'm coming I'm coming coming coming I'm far I can eaten out of it okay [ __ ] Jesus what we [ __ ] this that was a the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life I think okay so what'd you get how many thanks I will I twenty two planks that's a lot that's pretty good it's a lot well we have three mangoes we also have watermelon seeds yeah it's a it's a good time to be alive I think oh I'm so happy now oh my god oh what a journey boys what a journey my heart is racing oh we did it one dying Oh is there any meat it does shark me if you use the planks to cook it there's a second one there too all right I can I can eat a mango um I'm just relieved that was uh it's so stressful that was stressful ah you so stone for an oven to bake pizza my god the pizza baking is real we need a smelter we made so much [ __ ] I know it's mental wet break we need sand and clay we should have there's so much we're going back we're going back oh we gone behind Simon clay [Laughter] this is uh this is a fight for life this is pretty pretty extreme I'll keep the RAF study ok this don't mind the shark he's more scared of you than you are of him which is saying something because you're [ __ ] terrified let's [ __ ] go good job good luck oh he's on my ass good luck cut him off me yes I got once and I got clay can't wait you can I'm trying oh stop eating me I'm not tasting okay leave everything I'm gonna I need to put away my stuff I'm gonna put away 15 plank that was a terrifying experience right oh my god do you have any space in your I don't wanna if I'm gonna go you know gonna go dive and almost kill myself can you take some of my stuff sure okay right take the precious sand of me please take how wet the bed sorry I'm struggling to pick up the sand it keeps making me go to bed no I did I didn't get it do you have the Sun yes take the sand it's behind you wait [ __ ] where the island go well it's right here we don't have a paddle I got a paddle okay alright Idid I need oh we need it uh coach Eric oh [ __ ] me now right well I need the wood oh my god he's doing it again I know I know he is jesus take the wheel no no coming back no can you pick up this wooden spoon please where is it it's right here don't go to bed yeah we have some we need more storage we do oh my god your raft also once layout than your city that's harsh I mean it's I think it has charm to it did you put the collection net down I didn't you make one you just like just looked at it we never had the resources I need six planks eight rope and two nails any plastic I do some plastic yet yeah cuz I want to make another storage there you go thank you oh for [ __ ] Christ can you pick up some of my stuff just pick up my raw fish you know I'm just tried I've tried to get it stuck with your raw fish right right Rauf catfish yes but we're too poor to make that thing right okay I'm gonna put my [ __ ] sand my precious sand wait if we make another anchor we could like stop some of this badness but we need to planks I have tree soda we do one stone oh wait I got a stone I got a stove okay I just need I just need two planks I can make in the UK okay okay do planks I also need to make myself a wooden span because I think the paddle broke the paddle broke do we have enough we don't have nothing for battles we are honestly such a [ __ ] mess Oh why you jumping right into a shark what are you doing I can't do it anymore come back I got uh oh no I don't wanna die you got creamed but he's gonna know all [ __ ] know article 13 you're gonna get eaten by Joe where are you hello I can't do that can't do it they'll always come for me no no God do it the [ __ ] that's a hard breakfast oh no no no I can't Phil I've aged 40 years stress is killaby I also think I might have to hop off soon anyway so Belle's a journey yeah we did our best we did our best on our little raft fine the final stream because they died like oh yeah this is it the experiment is complete I'm oh wow well that was a that was a test on a lot of different things stressful Oh God those good fun good flying with you yeah I had fun we had some challenges the entire stream [Music] I might just clap wrap up the stream here I'll just talk to you in the future I'll just have to outrun the credits then what now yeah yeah see you later hey soon bye there we go ha I stressed as [ __ ] right oh my god how's it going folks thank you for coming with a stream please do go follow kinds channel uh you record I'll she is she's a good friend and because it's a squad stream you could literally just like hop over to it and like change perspectives yeah go follow her she's close to 10k followers please do support her uh we're gonna yeah we're wrapping up the stream there I gotta hop off soon how do I follow her our channel is unicorn L it should come up because it's a squad stream you should be able to like have an option to just flick between the channels I believe that's how it works yes like RT game is squad streaming what unicorn out and there's a button for washing squad mode if you click that button it that's you hot between perspectives that's all you do please do go follow her I think she thinks you greatly appreciate it which is good friend short stream yeah all the streams they were just short the next well pop in part because the computer are long a little fun tidbit in blue screen like two minutes before I was supposed to go alive that's why we were kind of late today like I have to have a look and see what was actually going on i think it's overheating so I'm kind of just conscious of that because I don't want the stream to die or at the blue screen like while we're alive cuz you know that causes all kinds of [ __ ] problems are you gonna play some more of raft yeah baby I have to start new save file probably straight what kind again soon it's like you know we're friends Oh God yeah thank you for all the donations and bits and subs and whatever came in there like mom will take for 20 quid first time we ever the catch a stream just wanna thank you for making such great videos thank you very much TK lots as well 500 III know I always missed a bits and donations to that one more wit someone it's just the way of it like you know I I don't want to talk over every like 10 minutes but if anyone wants to send me a message like you know DMS are open Twitter on discord you can get ahold of me like quite easily how you guys doing though yeah we can just chat for a moment TK so anyway as lady k yeah he sucked give us more kind that's fair yeah but go follow her you can watch someone who doesn't suck as much this keyword is as much pumpkin that's harsh Oh God thanks for coming folks uh let me see who's caring we're gonna leave you in what's going uh you know [ __ ] it she she's still wrapping up her stream I don't know how this works cuz we're squad streamin um there you go [ __ ] follow her too it's gonna be the most pointless right in history because I think she's gonna probably gonna wrap up streaming soon - well we'll just leave you in her care I don't know how that works sure look I'll see you all on Tuesday anyway thanks for coming and I'll talk to y'all soon take care guys
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 49,026
Rating: 4.7097793 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-452657353, rtgamecrowd, Trying not to get eaten by sharks ft. Unicornowl, Raft, Twitch, Gaming, Trying, not, to, get, eaten, by, sharks, ft., Unicornowl, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: xJTrayOSFk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 41sec (7541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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