RTGame Archive: Minecraft - 100 city plots

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heyo everybody can you hear me okay can you hear the background audio okay how's it going guys oh thanks for bearing with me Larry Lots this is just staff signup you're all very welcome to stream can you hear like music okay can you hear me okay in relation to it we're gonna dive on into this one because we've got a special one it's all okay cool audio good Oh God glad you could make it says my own admin oh god how is it going folks let me just hop on a few things and explain what's going on before we set up for this one first of all welcome to our beautiful Plaza we have a city look at this this is the final bills for quite some time but to kind of end on a bang what we are doing is one of the most requested kind of premises for a build we are building a city everyone's going to be assigned a lot to make their own building there is like a very tall height limit you're gonna be able to fill up built-ins next to each other for the first time - so like for these blocks here like the border on each plot is along this line here you can make like walkways between shops so we're like we're letting people kind of work together on that we have an interesting thing in the middle here to this bit patch of land this is no man's land anyone can build whatever they like in the middle of every building so build your own selves your own back out lease if you want we got that there we got our own road network all the signs are kind of laid out you can choose if you want a corner or a kind of in-between building yeah we're gonna we're gonna do a city so to go over the ground rules for this stream number one to join the server you must be subscribed on Twitch that's how we've always done it and that's how we're doing it for this one - you do do not all need to type the command for this at once exclamation point server in the chat nightbot will post a login information you need only one of you needs to do it you're right you just got to follow it second of all there is a queue there's a lot of people trying to join the server not everyone's gonna get in if you can't get in for this session you're welcome to join the server whenever you're like after the build session there's always other stuff happening on in this community around the server ground rules for the build itself it's kind of like the basics no obnoxious floating text we always rule that out now you can still do text but you have to kind of attach to your build and then ask to look like it's not gonna fall over yeah no obnoxious floating text though your building has to be solid you want to build it so it's like a building remember this is a city so you don't want it to look like it's gonna fall over if it looks like it's gonna fall over it will fall over we will we will just tear it down so make sure you have a sturdy foundation don't just build up into the sky and build a house up there and the other thing is try make it new there's a lot of things that we have seen on past builds we want to see new things brought to the table I think we've already seen before we've seen Tesco's we've seen sans kind of mean we've seen while the ouija joked about we want new stuff so try reinvent it do something new that we haven't seen surprised us a bit okay if we catch your building your temple the sands that's cool it won't be featured in the highlights and that's the rule we have for that so do stuff that's new especially if you want to make it to the YouTube highlights basically because we're just not gonna spend much time in it are the mods all good to go I just on the server for I'm looking at the in-game server chat just to make sure I'll get the discord chat open now to give me like one moment here okay I got the minecraft chat open - there we go should be good to go cool okay um if people are good to go uh let them on in the server please go ahead I need a bathroom break father catch that out please don't explode lockdown it's been deactivated yeah it's the last build for a while we're doing a city people have been requesting this one for god knows how long it's probably like one of the best uses for plots we're gonna have because you actually can organize the region with the plots another thing for people actually coming into the city try start off by building close to the spawn if you can and move your way out we want people moving in together and building alongside each other so don't just go off into the distance cuz we may not even see your build if you go off too far start from the middle and spread out from there yeah start letting people in how many players slots do we have on the server for today to the sign of curiosity 190 okay so with fare a few more than 100 basically 200 so hope you can get in or use the slash falling-block command which is the opposite of what our RT just said oh no does the Jim 190 to start with it'll go if it can okay now we're gonna try and get as many people in as we can it will go up if they can cool alrighty yeah we're just gonna give people a chance to get started everyone here on the server is creative I was everyone doing in chat I think we're gonna be going a while remember if you can't get in for the session today you can join the server any other time you can still tour the build at a different point in time everyone's doing good that's good to hear y'all having a nice week y'all y'all keep it safe it's good to hear very excited how am i doing I'm doing pretty good I'm doing a lot then keep them busy yeah it's kind of like it's a bit weird he's kind of like acknowledges one is one of the final ones we're doing for a while cuz I because I was thinking about the other day and it's like we've done a lot of Minecraft build slightly normally the way thing is normally we only do like one every like a month or two months or so just the last while though it's been like every week or every other week jessica's has been the mood for it more than anything but there's other stuff am i right our name so this this will be the last one for a good few months I reckon but it's not the rule Mountain future it's just I want a bit of a break if that's okay you know it's like City skylines it's like Sims and that honey ice hop over to other things but yeah the server is still gonna be open 24/7 you guys can still play on that and do stuff with that god people are just already like outlined their high parameters to I think what this one gives in the size of the plots is gonna take a bit longer until people get going so I I'm just gonna talk for a moment or two before we even start turn jockbox I've towards them nah I'm gonna play whatever I feel like playing online if you want to leave suggestions there is one in the discord for subscribers the reason is only for subs is because there's too many suggestions otherwise and it's all either I can let a few people suggest something or I can let no one suggest it because it's too many but there is a filter for that in the discord server now I would recommend hanging out there if you're a fan of the channel and you want to get involved with the community what's the song this is from mario odyssey is a new dog city unfortunately it's like a 30-minute loop and the way i've got it set up i can't tap out and we're now slave to like wherever autoplay takes us so we might be on this on a while that's okay it's it's it's bustling jazz oh dear God yeah it'll be fine we'll survive it's it's upbeat jazz it's not too loud or anything oh dear okay I'm just giving people a chance like most people are just making like the foundations on their homes right now render distance for me is 32 chunks Jesus I can't even go out more if I tried but you can kind of get a scope of like this scale of this place - I believe in total there's about like 380 lofts or something ridiculous like I isn't there Jim there is a good few and then they get like the world just kind of ends over here 384 ok so it's quite an expense to say it at least like just look at it it's really cool to even look at when it's like this because I like this just you can see like just everything I'm looking forward to being able to navigate the streets we have actual street lamps too to show this off like they've got these little like kind of I think and rods these actually light up when we turn the city tonight I think at the end of the stream something we're gonna try and do is we are gonna change the time of day state I'm obviously just for ease of building but we're gonna make it dark to try and see what the city looks like at night so something that maybe is suggested for your build is to actually play around with lamps enlighten because we are going to see it so you may want to consider how most people are still just working out like their build size I like uh some people have just gone for like the complete maximum space it's like we're just gonna have like an office block put some of these other people meanwhile I've just kind of completely reworked or dimensions like this guys decided that the only wants half of it I mean if you want to have like a bit of a garden or like a playa on your lot that's probably what you need to do like this guy's already blended here's with the road see how's it going Sept yeah it's like that makes for like a nice little Plaza space right there again you can tear out the initial ground you've got you can tear out the colored bit of wool - just so people know because I don't think people actually realize that you do not need to keep this border in your lot intact okay let me just do one thing real quick but see it's funky if I tap out for any reason there we go it does break the stream temporarily cos Minecrafts a bit finicky it's okay b:g thank you for 500 bits I doubt I'm not alone this quarantine but I've really enjoyed having a content to keep me company thank you for all you do thank you very much Ramon yeah thank you everyone giving bits and subscribing as ever Oh God again Robert like this middle bit it's no man's land like anyone can just build in that what I would recommend is maybe making like a little garden or kind of like fountain Plaza or just something nice in the middle there's no claim for it you're all just welcome to work away there high rises is under way that's like a bit of a skyline being defined which is already quite cool to see everyone is just kind of moving in next to each other again I something else on the server to make sure that you build them on your lot if you just touring about and we found you like miles away from your lot or something like that we will just boot you off to the servers in high priority we want people who are on the server to be building because we know it's in high demand shitty sky oh no that's terrible what do we name our city actually we do need a name for this entire place someone's just built someone's building like a little mound or something over here that's interesting our tea town hell [Music] spurred white shits berg not virginia now we gotta do better than virginia czar ohio can't be an actual city named ohio is taken it's just a troit you dink city it's not quite dunk caliber it's just dink well what's like it looks like a pathetic city's like a city named abigail for new plink city you clink city new new Ohio you Ohio why is it always oh hi oh uh new new Alaska grid city Jake Pavel I think we can roll that one out Ohio - okay alright it's new Ohio alright I don't I don't know why you guys want it to be that but new Ohio I don't even know anything about Ohio like people are just saying our teófilo sigh I like the idea of that last self-aggrandizing know better newer Ohio originally the premise for today's build was we were gonna do like Vegas and we're gonna have people build casinos but then we turned into a city [Music] uh there Florida - no I'm good I'm good okay I'm just gonna go for new Ohio all right let's see all the wonders of this fantastic city new Ohio that's the final name right there mister thank you for 100 bits thank you everyone's given bits ok the watermelon house is taken form we've someone who's just really working on their foundation lavender town pokémon tower coming soon oh good man yourself people just get into work we've like a nether fortress tower we've a building that looks like it's just gonna be ice at the front this building's just purple this this buildings just sponges okay this is always gonna be a gallery or something like that it's gonna got like these big heavy suspended pits Oz Ogden thank you for 2,000 bits I'm from Ohio home of the Miami Indians / Native Americans and I'm stuck in my home with Cova 19 get-well-soon my mine I'll use you're not stuck in new Ohio always a silver line okay this guy's working on like a sand palace a big green building this guy he's got like a building that's just shrunk in the wash somewhat it's fine people were just still working on foundations along with the stream beat about two hours I'm trying to give you about two hours to build whatever oh dear okay someone's going for like a medieval castle for their corner of the city I'm working on like a brick store little fortress keep going out this building looks like it's already got quite a sturdy foundation oh no it's a cardboard cutout right now never mind I think I think this one's gonna take a little bit longer that compared the most votes for people to get going because we do have quite a sizable lot to fill for each each plot most people I'd seem determined to like get the Mack someone height to sew is just gonna take a while someone is building like a temple over here what does this say the BBC Television Centre the RT film centre work in progress oh okay I'm taking over IRT Am I we have a little Plaza here to it like little farm spaces it was bashed I don't know what that means let me he just I I gotta see if I can change this music to like a mix there's that one go it's more Mario Odyssey soundtrack there we go white white people spamming in chat to do I do I need to try on sub mode already were just spamming that okay yeah alright well I'm I'm get people are just screaming there we go okay what music is this now I'm sure I'm just trying to find some good Mario music I don't know why it's such a struggle sometimes what to look like this is to relax and this is like gonna put me to sleep this is like Zoras domain caliber music III won't be able to stay awake if this is plane doom no I'm not doing doom you Mario Galaxy music we admire your Galaxy before Mario Odyssey has some good music though there's just no good playlist for us which is quite sad we can try this one yeah maybe this one might work we might getting your dog city in it again but we'll give it a go okay I'm trying [Music] now someone's just building like a little house here look at this like a teeny ol thing I totally film like half the lot so far what does the sign say oh it's tough it's still I have this Lego set it's the modular bookshelf I kind of recognize it now it's got the little Plaza bit that's why it's half of it - he's gonna pop they're like town house next to it that's pretty cool this is as de Tosh he says Betty oh my god no people are having like a very similar idea with some of the builds here this is this is the Frisian restaurant I'd recognise that like kind of lay out like a restaurant yep everyone's thinking along similar lines less fire that's cool to see the stone tower over here oh we got to watch out for the traffic lights someone is just making the Lego store presumably it's a house made of Lego bricks someone's just making a massive rainbow across the sky this looks like less of a building and more of a science experiment white it's a sponge coaster you could build anything in your city why wouldn't it be this okay this shop is coming along really nicely so far that's looking pretty cool sandy thank you for five good thank you very much don't ever stress about donating it's completely okay it's ours coming along got a nice little brick house there seem to just be in the central area right now I don't know if people have gone much further he was like a nutter how were their I don't know why people are spamming doof guys like what's up you keep spamming that relentlessly Doofenshmirtz it's the tower okay right we'll check back with it later [Music] ah complete please no it's fine laughs it's a bit much we got a bank it's very clearly signposted there's nothing whatsoever inside at the moment but that's okay it's a work in progress 30 you don't know what doof is no I do but like there's like a thousand people spamming it it's uh it just stresses me but just look it over at the Chad and me and freaked out someone someone just building a skeleton you've been rogered rogered what does that even mean just it's just a pair of bones but like those legs oh no it's the Droid Roger Roger okay all right yep that's power of a city the Ops fabulous tower under construction Kate Thanks another beautiful looking framework there for a house someone is building I think a hospital of hat I guess nope it's like here never mind just the haters I thought it might have been Oh someone's building a giant Toblerone I never thought I'd see it again oh that's so cool it's back the only building we need the ones just made like massive cloud pixel artifact the guests from final fantasy someone's going for a real funky building layout it's like an art installation at the moment well when is this Opelousas city in pokemon black oh okay yeah I know this yeah this is the city at changes in William black it's like the futuristic version even rainbow the gay club corporation you will be gay so help so help our shareholders oh dear okay we have something green might take a while before that comes along someone's baking like a little library that's actually kind of cool to see what else have you got and and oh it's gonna be Nintendo isn't it yes it is it was nen okay there we go I was making a Nintendo you should have named it our topia also this is my first time donating Oh crickey thanks mountain trip it's I kind of like the idea of our topia I've actually notified city name although that is kind of self-aggrandizing our topia like the shittiest place on earth are we renaming it from new Ohio hired tow Peter okay alright we're gonna stick with that one then new Ohio is dead rip Ohio Oh God someone's making the house from up yes they're just gonna be in the sky and there's just like an empty lot here below wait no this guy's making the house her up too but it's like on the ground still the two houses from up here's the house from up and here's the house from upper uh dear ones making a sound like a sandbox I think someone's making like a flying kara if I have to guess oh my god wait so someone's just converted they're a lot into like a park this is beautiful yeah like if you don't want to make a building you can just make a public park for the city like we're gonna be sorely in need of those we've kind of converted this space back here into it - that's really cool-looking I mean this guy's just made like a giant chicken what is this a memorial to the cluckums family uh awful I properly got upset when the cluckums died it was very emotional for me okay that that is cute to see yeah you can make statues yep the end the coolest thing with this is it's gonna be it's all gonna look very compact to come the end you want to make sure more than anything that like you close off the form of your building if that makes sense like you don't want to just be some hollow structure you want everything to have that sense of completeness like if you can only build one thing and like suppose you don't have time for the interior or something like that just build the shell of a bill even just do that you don't have to fill every floor to the height limit oh here's the pizza I think they're missing a Z now we're at a tizzy oh no that just looks like poor space planning bagel what have you done still a work in progress the Pisa here's the hilux threw up once again I you're gonna be seeing a lot of the hives from up I think like ten people have had the same idea on the server that's okay that's okay it's a good idea oh he's making a donut shop nice one just make it like a dirt Tower good to see your high-rise skyscrapers [Music] really cool-looking exteriors at the moment it's gonna be this fire was the dirt spire I think it's someone making like a stock market graph or they're trying to make something else there I just don't see it yeah oh Faden thank you for the five thousand bits as well that may not show up for a while but thank you very much I was logging thanks in our mm long live the home of new aviation you Ohio alley thank you for a thousand bits this whole thing blows over can you do some chessboxing with the Lance also name the town bean at chess boxing could be cool I do want to play chess with people at me and I don't want to do that a while back what we just haven't been able to find the time love chess Oh something to mention actually for the emote front - um so twitch actually has a policy against one letter remotes so we actually have to remove a few of ours so like the Q the CMO and the f-bomb are gone but what I did because we've lost those is I brought us back some of the old retired emotes in their place so we have a few of the old ones we have the tombstone for Ross Bob rip we have a son emotion and we have the bed um out back so I brought I brought some of like the retired ones like back out up because we lost a few yeah it's just which policy unfortunately so like I have to actually remove them that's okay you know like we do have other remotes but we'll survive not the F and Q it's just so people don't spell stuff out basically oh good god these guys are working together that because there is like nine will there's eight lots here but like all of these guys are trying to combine their lots right now and go for like a super build this is gonna actually be a really cool structure I come the end of it yeah they save like a much bigger build site I guess we still have like the lot sharing system on the server don't we so that people can actually do stuff like that in coordinate I guess all those people came on the server like would have planned to hook up okay we have a nice-looking store here we have a big red Tower oh wow someone's going up like a Hilux famine this is actually really cool looking things like this are gonna like stand out so much and just beat is really cool like decorative pieces in contrast to everything else we have a construction site oh I love this yeah like this reminds me like actual Lego city builds because like when you never share what to do with space you just get like a few diggers and you just like set them all down like some plank tiles and some loose bricks that's so cool yeah so it's a work in progress over there let's get incorporated chuckles monument and we have this lovely park space someone's making like a River Amsterdam if you wanted Amsterdam if you wanted to know Artie oh they're trying to like make a little cityscape and there's like a canal Amsterdam that's actually pretty cool-looking so this is gonna be like a mini city inside the city I like that I don't know if it's possible for when the lobsters be like a massive map of the entire area to see you can see everything some really nice looking homes too oh and then there's the bone Palace what is this the guy's just missing in action it's no longer there we have a KFC that's in progress I think that's supposed to be Colonel Sanders it's kind of hard to tell someone's identified another box and a purple plaza someone's just making like a rocket to leave this city they don't like living in our topia I mean who complain move honestly it's pretty cool again stuff like this I think is gonna stand out more than just like all the buildings because it's gonna be like at a very interesting contrast next everything should mention as well if you think you're finished you're build do please I just hop off the server give the slot to someone else I think people would appreciate that these two guys are working together on like a build as well this is pretty cool to see I think they're gonna like a private mansion they have like a gate out the front cobwebs are nice touching that yeah they really are yeah what does this say Club Penguin okay go to use of the space oh we have a lovely looking shop front someone still just laying that framework this is a funky looking temple ancient city temple in progress okay I'm looking forward to seeing that rainbows is still coming along the bits are heavily backlogged but thank you again to everyone has been given bits ain't the start in the ketchup taking their time though the San Marino embassy okay I don't know what that normally looks like but be interesting to see oh god I think we have a particular embassy here welcome to the English embassy in our topia it's just completely empty the bailer it's too loud today as well thank you again fate from the five thousand you know that took like a good like fifteen minutes five to come out not too loud okay just a bit I'll turn them down ever so slightly look real funky doctor do anything with this there you go I have to compensate with the audio on the maryada see there we go okay that should be a lot better now put the max place to 300 that's not how the server works for mine because we yo we're trying to get everyone the one space we can't just up it Oh someone's making like it Donkey Kong I think oh that's gonna look so cool come the end yeah it's like they've even got the ladders laid out I love it someone's made the Doge meme those pixel art by Dogma and/or beautiful okay Doofenshmirtz is looking pretty good I said that they've done a very good job of recreating it here if the balcony space and everything we just need this feel like things that look like computers kind of fill it up fantastic work though it's really cool Kermit coat incorporated oh god I wonder what this big green building was gonna turn into I'm much like the Muppets themselves it's full of holes that's that sounds like they've died doesn't sound right oh no little karma got shot wishing him a speedy recovery the Muppets got into a Kangol Oh No the Swedish Chef was tired of people making fun of him he's like finally snapped more nice looking houses just taking shape tall buildings this guy's just repaved all into grass I think it's gonna work on one big bill that kind of goes into all the space in a glass building this building has a heart outside it it's very cute looking dude like [Music] oh god someone making like jaffa cakes incorporate her or something because III know assignment lame and I see one only always guys fan I need you incorporate it aah growl hiss some people would Jesus Christ is this this from Doctor Strange it's not the sanctum sanctorium eventually yeah it is you've got like the big kind of window glass here she's fair play for representing Latin minecraft like this minecraft does not do angles that well [Music] that's quite impressive flow you can kind of tell what it is even now sandy thanks for 2 quid cash money thanks for 5 good thank you very much guys thank you everyone's giving bits apologies again for missing so many today gonna do the best I can but there is a lot akia is coming along quite nicely [Music] what is this one tired the towel but it's like a big old space I don't know how much you manage to actually shut that door right now okay so there anyone on the outskirts that's gone further around can't check these ones as often might as well see someone's building a lovely little cottage looks cranny nice winos cranny actually updated today in New Horizons I got a bigger shop and I'm very happy with it I decided to hop on was the first time in a while because of the new update I'm very excited to be like kind of working on my town some more now I think I'm gonna be playing out a lot more of my off time kinda just like got me back into it like almost immediately if someone's making think it's spongebob but very cursed if the bank is looking quite nice this has come along a lot it's incredibly dark inside oh no remember guys we will we will be lighting up the city come the end so you want to experiment with lights on this bill we may have to give people a bit of extra time on this one just to try and finish your constructions because I don't know if two hours will be enough but we're saying two hours for now just so people don't go like overboard I would say the main thing to prioritize is like making the frame and exterior of your building first and then if you have time afterwards work in the interior I would say because I do it there is a lot here it's even a struggle just to kind of see it it's gonna be cool to explore just from like ground level when it's all done so you're not gonna be able to see as much of like this the skyline what is this began to max Geralt on in progress oh god because he transforms into like a skyscraper when he you can to maximize an idea I'm excited to see that huh here's the green store and just they just sell green apparently oh good god what is going on with this one welcome to the human Zoo and not a slave market oh and you see a specimen asking to feed just shoot him hehehe oh no so this is like the Mad Max kind of city remember everyone is equal but some people are more equal than others oh Jesus I don't like that message oh no I feel I feel like that's from The Simpsons or something okay that's when clothes I'm not gonna dwell too long on that trying to take our mind off the outside world Toblerone is coming along it's so difficult to set to see it but it does actually say Toblerone there Toblerone is a Toblerone a a Toblerone it's animal farm from what I can tell is an animal farm okay yeah I can see that from being from animal farm I have another issue read that one I do need to all the grime of play are coming soon okay in progress Toblerone a without the e at the end just there just Toblerone okay had a nice looking building here someone's gone with like it more like desert kind of skyscraper it's like from Abu Dhabi or something I've had to guess breezy breezy Beach Breezies Beach high-rise resource okay [Music] and still there's still like a fair few unclaimed Lots in the middle to I just unused empty space people can just make that what they want whatever they want [Music] starting to take shape it's getting cooler tail you explore yeah it's a different Doofenshmirtz yeah yeah this is - they're they're in the bulletin view rival corporations my spacefill of all things oh no no that they're aware though yeah there's a lot of cobwebs on it welcome to my space HQ work-in-progress please buy ads with us believe me they need the apps the apps the ads they need the apps while a space is not in good shape what that works both ways Oh someone's making like a little market square here - in the heart Lissa that's actually very cute it's gonna look nice okay now people working away with the bricks the stone the jungle temple is coming along really well this looks like I know it's an ancient city temple but this looks like a cult Church or something like that that you would find in the heart of the city because it's always the really weird shape build nests occult right there you guys can't hear this siren that's blaring outside - it's quite loud at the moment hey the Lego house is looking really good at the moment exterior walls just coming along this guy's missing his first floor but we start work on the second floor okay the cool structure here oh my god nice yeah this this family home is coming along well - oh we got like a beehive okay sterling a city gym oh my god yes this is the one where you walk through the walls let's cool the people are just recreating pokémon gyms on that in the city yeah oh come on cities are being recreated it oh this is bog horses back school of it's so hard to read acts so what does it say it's so it's so hard to Rita is it accountant and law why why is Bob horses school of account now I thought they did magic it's just gotten with the times now and like adjusted it's like people didn't want like levitating objects anymore they need their taxes filed a sadder more realistic Hogwarts we have an end portal shrine here or something have a game logo there we have the up house all someone's done it I can't believe this a man has fallen in a river it's lego city oh you mad man you just need like a massive sign that says like hey or something behind it ah genius Freddie thanks for to a good Jake thanks true and rip its smitten links to 100 bits thank you very much everybody someone's got a big office block here cool looking so what what is this thing I keep looking at it and I'm just not sure like an evil goblin oh no it's it's demonic Shrek onions have layers I don't like Shrek would teach that doesn't look right especially when like these teeth are so much lower than these other ones I don't you T don't move with your mouth like that or your lips your tea always staying like the same spa it's just how much of them are visible changes because like this implies that this tube goes all the way back up to like his nose it's very cursed there's like a mini Shrek too our team prefers this Shrek bullets Oh No oh Jesus this massive building is coming along pretty well like Fairplay to all the guys coordinating here this is gonna be very impressive from the end I imagine I'm gonna try and get people as much time as I can maybe we'll go longer today just to let people finish cuz like we are an hour into the build already I want people that I have to cut their things short today I think this is the poop cane oh and there's like a sewage pipe pumping up the sewage city s it is Oh No if they adhere to like City skylines logic even here let's keep going I think this is a blockbuster yes it is can't wait to see this close down shop in our city someone's making a layer cake which is actually just pretty cool maybe like a chocolate version of the Minecraft cake even that a little store that's kind of coming along here this looks quite nice very peaceful he's stabbed your favorite coffee joint Starbucks up to play earlier please are already halfway through I can't there's only so many players the server could physically fit if you can't go in for this session the server is open beyond the streams so you can just join it another time and you'll still be able to tour these like worlds you can still kind of build your own buildings on the survival world there's a creative power of the server to where you can build whatever you like well we can't physically increase it anymore though his house is coming along it's how this is just on fire what what happened here the TNT and fire shop yeah I mean no kiddin this hopes is ventilation in here somewhere that looks incredibly dangerous imagine that the mushroom blocks of TNT right there avner look Oh someone's making like a filings but like they're on top of each other that's really sweet filing stock that's really cool I think yes people are doing the clap here again in Ireland if you just will just take a moment sure I'll just zoom up here yeah people are doing that I think this madness has been a clap every Thursday well as well both for medical workers and essential workers I joined the times we live in it's good to see people are just kind of gearing up here I can kind of hear them all it's kind of funny at the start because it's just like there's like a few people just all doing it in time and then it kind of like turns into applause it's good to see get in a few claps of our own there yeah we'll just take a minute how many countries is that like become accustomed now in because I like Ireland and the UK are definitely doing like the Thursday a PM clap I imagine it's like equivalents and maybe different times in other places we don't do it in America that's a awful shame here in LA oh okay well maybe parts of America do it he should all be doing that honestly it's the least you can Doug it's just a gesture least something you know outside that I do be you know a social distancing you know it's very real the scary time we live in but you know if everyone does to Park we're gonna be okay and we just have to keep working towards that Zach thanks for 200 bits thank you very much in Georgia that that's a damn shame we scream at doctors in the US of A yeah I've seen some pictures of that unfortunately it's very upsetting people who do not believe in science thinking they have the right to say anything when it comes to science oh dear give your local a doctor a handshake as a thank-you no don't give them a handshake that's a little that's the last thing you should do Jesus I mean I'm thankful I'm not in the States right now considering how rough things seem to be over there in particular do stay safe anyone who is from there it seems boy worse than a lot of places now Ireland has actually been doing a really good job our curve is actually already flattened like quite considerably like I think we've had like 16,000 cases total here although 16k I think it's like 9k of recovered which is like an astounding like I kind of turn around right and our hospitals haven't been overwhelmed or anything yet which which is just really good we're down to I think we only got like still like we're not quite at the peak just yet but we're getting there but even at the moment it looks like our peak is gonna be somewhere near like 500 cases a day or something it's about 700 around about that that's so pretty good though is like we've cracked down there quite early the u.s. is supposedly flatten the curve no I haven't no they haven't there's no way right there yeah because I cause it takes takes time from when like you know you go full lockdown basically that's what I actually happen not trying to like plumbing up the chatter and then we're just talking about a miniature because we had the clap there it's propaganda yeah it probably is propaganda unfortunately the u.s. is better win and we have most cases Jesus Christ oh this is pretty cool we got a cherry blossom tree we got some nice park space going again it's just always nice someone's making an office block here now this is the lavender town tower you can kind of see it now it's gonna look really nice right there Ohio is doing okay I hope so wood six for 200 pits you guys have been practicing self-isolation for years because of the rain it's true the head starting it we've just had shite wet or all our lives like yeah we haven't stay inside a while longer fine I wasn't gonna go outside anyway have a hotel that's coming along here this looks really classy I like this like a super slick and modern design you even got like a bit of an outdoorsy bit in it I like it oh dear the ones I think it's just making a lighthouse if I had to guess I don't think we need to worry about ships cuz we're in the middle of a city but yo it's the salt accounts it's this rod is a rod trying to swallow rock rock it's just rock I don't know that's supposed to be a particular building is it gonna be the Hard Rock Cafe maybe no it's no way I think it's just rock this is like a concert hall I think you made a drum kit fair fight over actually making a drum kit considering like you know the limitations of this game it's actually pretty impressive looking it's a concert yeah it's Rock City it's pretty good you know hi oh they do not clap because corn does not have any why is Ohio just corn I still I still don't understand there has to be something else there it just is nope it's just corn corn hi oh well maybe a beehive here too that's pretty cool corn is all they see but why definitely it's all of Ohio oh my god Hamlet we got to go see this someone has made King Kong but when Mario and Donkey Kong that's actually so cool he's just like jumping up is like it's Paulina is it I always forget our name that's pretty cool looking though it's just very dark and inside as well at the moment Pauline Pauline it's how they've been this but the English embassy is like looking quite impressive right now reception the info desk they have offices remember if we find you building the signs you'll sell your kidneys liver mise entery and your spleen on the black market so don't do it just don't I was all acting thanks 100 thousand bits if Ohioans grow any more corn we would have more than two here's courtyard access embassy does look pretty nice appreciate Modern Art or I snap your ear bones Oh God no longer empty he's like an American space has come along elitism incorporator I stall is one block larger I think it actually is opening sue and procrastination incorporate all okay it's very clever Agni oh me beholder egg coke company know they have a few stalls I really like that it's the cool little American someone's just made a cube means to be seen him what else will happen with this one the outside of this one is looking phenomenal like I'm so excited to see how this one actually comes along every time I see it it's just like more and more detailed this looks cool oh it's YouTube studios and they're on fire and there's not much of note inside the YouTube HQ the employees here act and look like freaking zombies clap stay to YouTube in 2020 colorized oh dear [Music] keep on scrolling around if someone's making a funky looking tower here art is this one some of the architecture on these like it's just actually quite cool you can step back and look at it starting to get quite a high with the city - oh my God look at this these guys have made like a little Nature Reserve or something you have like sometimes gets parable like Tokyo Skytree here - I really like that yeah it's just a little peaceful shrine they got a duck in the pond - it's just a shame but this leads into the river I believe may be part of LEGO City mine has fallen into the river yeah no it does Sweden Cafe jackbox incorporated move from the Animal Crossing new horizons island medics office big brain school JoJo's bizarre shop the rock mr. beans bean poor him empty game subscriber shop use twitch Prime you know it's free to enter this shop but there's not enough note inside Oh keep exploring little Hut over here oh here's feed Tower this is lowercase or cuz they ran out of space oh it breaks my heart every time I see just like someone trying to spell something out and like they just run out of the characters every single time it happens all those little Park space and it's clearly labeled Park - so you can find it that's very nice in between all this max of high-rise a little heart embassy here - which is quite cute people making the United Nations yes they are they're trying to add as many flags as they can he's is fair play to you man that must take a while to do you know a nation is right next to this just like giant Tower of dirt that's on fire oh this is utter systems of politics I guess the pulque no good - good to have you here ah God honey do you incorporate it as come along quite nicely this is this over here one slip from sit from poop lake is 25 cents poop lake what what is this to our way wife why yes Ellen poop like it's not chocolate it's touch' Oh they add it on like um oh no this is the destroyed house from up it's being knocked down no longer up house it got knocked down the WIC McDonald's is moving in his balloons were not strong enough oh no oh that's quite distressing to see Carl didn't make it he died of a broken heart [Music] we know our food tastes where you're cooking does 2tm welcome to the pizza shop you'll be back because we've got fifty of these chips the torna a Sorento special a plane ticket disoriented I got risotto panna cotta doppio expresso a bottle of liqueur the Leaning Tower of Pisa done at some gelato gelato deluxe do a lot of a collector's edition by July 30 haven't get 10 for each elute parks his lasagna cost you soul John Italian truffles shrimp pizza pineapple on pizza only cost you dignity it's about right enjoy your food or fack off only slightly better than Papa job wait this is like a shop in the same style the Nugget Pisa but better everyone this shop just isn't finished why is there a door here that's so upsetting for some reason this door has no function whatsoever what's going on with the music it's just a mario odyssey mix i think it was just on a weird one for a moment we got why think is a police station have to guess still being fleshed out a bit more oh I made a mistake here ya go is the music okay now I just wanted something a bit different so I thought I tried to marry you Odyssey soundtrack it's good now okay oh the Droid has come along Roger the Droid actually you've made his gun too and like have the iron sights on them that's pretty cute I got a little signpost or something down here from this guy's just turned his lot in the trees this guy's had an interest in use for the free space like how it says no with these end rods - I'm just putting this here as a placeholder feel free to remove is this Lego train Cafe Bill's not my best version but I tried oh it's actually kind of nice how's it going our t bux he's got a bit of a Plaza going this one's coming along really well - is this gonna be the lumiose city tower because I think it is prism tower yes that's a really impressive looking yeah like I saw the pokeball flags I was wondering for a moment this is not flix and white you Oh God this is like just online entertainment floor directory Lobby you Dumbo buy tubed watch Netflix why Tube employees our Lord and our Lord and our t game Kimi jimil Monday morning dead sergeant glitters will sir ash non-tech no gun Jesus Christ some of these names not flicks has no shows he's the soggy zone oh it's an elevator how do I get back down there we go yeah very colorful looking store honey do you incorporate is coming along what is this this is a train station dustbowl 214 Caucus Mafia Town neder the end hell flavortown fortnight an island all your favorite destinations scan ticket Oh they've made it so it's like nether portals too that's an interesting way of like tackling it because obviously you know you have to be able to do a working train line in the city is he restricted by plots but it kind of makes sense what are you doing here go away you're gonna tell you the train will kill you staff only was this nothing here nope okay button there [Music] can tell people to leave if they're done I've already said it my man I can't I can't do anything more than that I can't go in tonight server the open 24/7 beyond the build streams you can join it another time it's okay you have some nice apartment blocks is IKEA too now welcome to Ikea you missed a chance to make that like the number two all they made a parking lot for the IKEA that's very cute yeah we do need to address those concerns in the city think sis the Lego palace cinema dot movie yes I think it is kind of recognize like some of it well we got a little theater here what's going on I just wouldn't make it guitar oh no it's it's another concert okay he's made his own drums too thank you okay Toblerone Plaza has come along so well this is arguably like one of the coolest looking things in the entire server right now and it's just a Toblerone I've actually got a surprising amount of texture on it so cool you're missing five percent of your chocolate and Joey there's like a thundercloud striking this building - yes there is it's got a lightning rod on it that's pretty neat yeah we got Final Fantasy pixel art it's cloud those arish and Safie and there's a chocolate boat oh dear I don't fantasy 7 I think I'm gonna be just played out on Saturday I might do like a big old stream of it then I want to only get back to finish in that game what do we got in here oh it's got a little portal to the Netherlands it's just an unsuspecting like office building oh yeah as a porter of the hell in this one I don't mind that we're on the second floor we do insurance it's not a cloud it's the bat-signal is it oh my god I see it now yeah you look at it from below it's just kind of going up that's pretty cool oh I like this too is an interesting use like the top floor it's the nice little garden Oh God we know why is the building just staircases it's it's all just staircases yes they sell staircases there you budget apartment starting from three million pounds it's still cheaper than Dublin yeah no you're probably right Dublin is like one of the most expensive cities in the world like you start with rent goes and property it's actually apollon liebe oh right there that was a gay club doing little work in progress wait until you meet London no Dublin's more expensive than London like having compared rent between the two doubles it doesn't even have that much like I'm in Dublin cuz I love like you know being around the Irish more than anything but uh yeah find a place to live here it can be rough very thankful to a fan one there's someone who's contained in tendo they've got like when their characters like in a box haha any supposed to represent their franchises they smash there's Animal Crossing who's - that's starfox that's a narrowing there what is this supposed to represent this is the only one I can't tell they've got like a red cape fire emblem is it oh yeah I think it's Marsh yeah I think so because it's like the blue the blue hair and like the red cape that's really cool yeah I like other new in this Nintendo bill it's very creative you just add more modules - did I gradually represent more and more oh there's a guy from assassination classroom Trek still not looking too good he's got his little shack now though this is Bobby's home he has to live with this Oh Oh No this build is really coming along and it's just very impressive I think this is like this is the loot lelou prisoner in Paris it's like the triangular pit there I recognize that's really cool a fair play to the lads for coordinating this how's it going something's in here the prequel museum hello general Kenobi now this is podracing yep signed Anakin didn't like of course a head on upstairs see what else we've got this room is just treason chief Palpatine it's treason then here's all favourite characters see the background the chorus off there the high ground this is all your fees famous moments represent us it's great Thank You general Kenobi I appreciate the lovely Museum you have here incredible it's so simple but it just works hey the outside things they're just lightsabers if you look at that what's this cube the Jedi holocron hey some toxic fumes coming out of the poop Kano those made a helicopter on top of this building don't fall we can't afford insurance yeah we're gonna have so much a height come the end of this build too but something else to know cuz everyone's just building up of course they are you know it's the city you want to be tall I'm carrying some people gonna try make bridges between some of their buildings because it's very possible like you have the power to connect everything here it's not much of a boundary at all something that I will request for most of the bills is just if you're unless you're like incorporating the border as part of your build I would remove the default colored border that comes with your home because I think it will just look a bit nicer like this house that's like some pink on the edge of it a Nintendo one seems to be using the red so that's okay but that's something I recommend for everyone's home the Hilux park is looking really nice too very cozy area a man has fallen to the fountain in lego city hotel no sympathy for this man Chloe thanks for hundred bits is right and double not bad I was considering moving there next year once I've submitted my PhD thesis thinks or the lasting creativity oh thank you very much well I mean don't don't let me put you off it but it can be hard unfortunately to find like a good place in Dublin it's not impossible you know I've got my own place in Dublin and I I'm very happy with it eventually get everything I wanted in the end with it but it can take a lot of time I got very lucky when I was looking for mine I just kind of put in an offer and iknow kind of set up the next well what he doesn't live with his mom no I'm out I've got my own place I've been building like my own nerd cave the last coil building of gradual Legos that's just to like decorate the place what's this sign say accidentally made a tree above build limit can't break it would you manage that this build is just a tree it's the one of a build limit I don't know what the build limit even is oh this is really cool looking it's just like a tower and there's like a snake coiling it I love that it's not on the interior but it's still a really cool design I love when people do this like is this the same guy you may like it was a planet with a snake coiled on it before whatever it's the same lad love these kind of builds like it's just so impressive the look at this is hard to do curves well in Minecraft have you seen the animal cross enough that yes I have it's really cool unlock the ability to make hedges today it's not a snake it's a dragon oh sorry uh he does look kind of snake-like at the moment in fairness this is this building oh it's aperture what is in here a random test chamber follow the red line it's the prison at the moment they're all just cells work in progress [Music] there we go coffee thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much we go pop out that way yeah again so a lot of these border lines too unless it's part of your build you'll want to remove that bit it'll look nicer and I do fill it in with something else too just so you don't have like a gap of space you know even if it's like grass or something I think it'll make the city like flash outline the tower is looking really cool here I like this one I got like some lamps up all the way up here too now again for the build you want to make sure that it's not just floating like this is what we meant to start where it has to look support it this because like that we might not we might knock this down nightmare flame yeah you got it you got to fill in that space my mind or like add supports to it you can't just have that high up means more support it relaxed is this the relaxation zone have a look standard prices and booked on the left okay no book just yet it just seems like a very peaceful home just relax here cozy little plies the set up under building that's kind of coming along oh this is the gym yeah they're kind of finishing it up we could see it from above before but now it's like you have to go true it see and use the trapdoors to navigate push you down it's very nicely done coming door actually replicates the gym oh um we have a naked guy hello IRL began to mix cupcake but cursed a very curse yeah well why is cupcake a person now I don't understand all the Larry cake is come along really nicely to this cake a pancake art RTB take Olaf cake filled caramel loves you and so do the ragtag ride art team but karma plus plus oh yeah like thank you to everyone that made this for my birthday to like that was such a cool gift people didn't see this on my Twitter there was like a collaboration wish like of like 20 or so artists and they made they represent they made a giant layer cake and every layer like represents like a different gamer series from the channel and so like the kind of layer and the cakes again here it's like it's just really cool to see I do really like that our was 34 artists was us that was really impressive like thank you to everyone who made stuff for my birthday to is some very kind things that people produced you didn't have to do anything SCP pedestrian entrance SCP facility save entrance were these stupid entrance his stuck here forever he's trying to get out I'm gonna just change the animal crossing music for a while fortunately the mario odyssey music playlist seems like a very mixed bag right now it's not it's not quite up to standard oh it's like with the animal crossing one when I pop it on like I know there's like two hours or so you can just go with this playlist there we go pop that on I'm gonna try open up the chat again to give you guys a chance cuz I do like everyone being able to talk it's got to be on your best behavior line okay don't don't just needlessly spam I do mean that you know looks like I know you guys are a good bunch just sometimes you get a bit rowdy because there's too many people let's try open it up they took the tape off ah dear I know store coming along in terms of time for the build I'm gonna say that from here we're gonna give people an hour to do what they can I think that should be enough time for people to finish up the rules they say you got an hour from this point in time make the best thing you can well go go wow we may even just do some chill chat or something in the stream as we tour we're kind of just waiting disease I have things come along this building looks lovely yeah it's a very nice for exterior it's a Canadian Embassy is this oh my god as the best they can do for a maple leaf rock is doing pretty well they got a hot air balloon now oh here's the Eye of Sauron yeah this is an important landmark for I city I'm glad this is here cabbage thanks for 100 bits let's keep tor more garden space no the water Plaza what does it say in it oh all these signs say fish okay they can't spawn actual fish they're doing their best guy never built nice looking building come along there oh gods a very grand entrance for like a Cathedral or something here like a that looks oh so only a matter of time before someone built a graveyard don't know don't know who any of these people are a sh t thank you for five gift subs thank you very much keep on exploring I got a little found Plaza not a building there a little assortment of buildings here it's kind of cute generic suburban storefront complex the Emerald City shop I've along comics and games dr. Jake is Feli it's just a bunch of little residences when is the meteor every time I see a weird building like this it just reminds me of a cult I feel like this should be a cult in here too I don't know what it is really cool-looking office complex here my god well they got like an interior bit too cozy place up down up is this way is it and down is that way oh it's lovely I've never been able to understand how the elevators work it's like that wouldn't properly pulled me down I don't know how people make them is this like it's like a sword or something here no I think it's like a little Lighthouse there's this place check it out welcome to hell watering cubes it's a rocket it's that I'm just trying to have a look it's like a cozy bedroom I like how they made the bed I would just standard wool blocks we do have beds in Minecraft apparently I wasn't blocky enough I want to see what this is rocket dot exe has topped work this is like you know people have like these large elaborate objects in their homes I just just kind of show like just try and brighten up the room whatever reason don't do anything they have no practical function just affluence it was only a matter of time I have to be at least one co-op this is my local co-op I tried my best to enjoy our tea out-of-date Easter eggs never bought well it's too real it's too real it's like an ATM and to get out we just got a punch a quick hole what is this lovely building lasagna oh no it's Garfield temple of Gareth Oh sacrifices at 7:00 we got a crying emoji next to him this this oh there's a spooky mansion it's at Luigi's Mansion Mario yes it is hey man how's it going oh he's actually recreating a snippet of it yeah this is like the main entrance way when you go in that's really cute this is a teeny mansion for Luigi well he bought the home without inspecting at first didn't say well sighs it was from the pictures just looked bigger his sushi store just go is good to see God look oh we got a little ice rink this is cute ice skates here petite puns ice rink I live in Florida though we might be home until December so have this in the meantime oh I mean this is very sweet I like this okay this is like really different to like what everyone else has come up with I think it's this one Spyder Park aka disappointment land this is the worst theme park I've ever seen it's just spiders and as a brown spot is a poisonous I'm pretty sure oh no oh that's so cool looking they're just made a castle in the middle of the city amber thank you for five thousand bits haunted always brings a smile to my face thank you for providing us with chill and entertained screams during these difficult times in the world mr. wonderful person down we truly appreciate all you do all the exits trains our videos are lovely please take care of yourself as well please don't let those screwy and check it to your head we love you nerd thank you for existin amber thank you very much that's very kind of you hey don't worry I'm trying to do better at that III I think one of the reasons why like this is gonna be the last minecraft build for a while too is just to kind of like clear my head space a bit because one of the games I noticed that people scream at me to play sometimes is just play minecraft and like some people are just unhappy unless I'm playing this game so you know like this is the last time I'm playing it for a while cuz I'm just gonna do different things III think that's gonna help too I'll feel a bit less pressured the Higa she she Casa family house from Jojo Leon will play pepper ring that's a hell of a name I don't know what this is from but it's cool I like the look of it play what you want Artie Thanks no I'm trying to get better at that it's just sometimes like you know there's literally hundreds of people screaming out you have to play certain games it just kind of gets to you you know where's the way yeah I don't normally let it get to me but it just sometimes it does I'm getting better it's from Jojo is it okay well they made air vents in this house it's actually kind of cool it's like a modern library I like it a bunch of books oh god what is this house no idea what that's supposed to be destiny tower its destiny tower from God that's a complicated struck look how much time that must have taken oh good lord like the actual amount of detail on that thing is like astounding most are taking so long to plan out properly yeah it's so impressive it's like a little like weird dome tower thing it's just like a massive sort this is the goddess sword from Skyward Sword yeah at the guess it's not the master sword because this is a different color oh and here's able sisters - I've got a little shop set up the tower is from destiny is it okay I just made like a bit is this a bit of bikini bottom it's the fishes homes from SpongeBob yes it is wondering for a sec you made paint tryin interesting you can play watch whatever you want we would still watch because it's you thanks NYX no III I get I get bad I like kind of bear on that in mind sometimes it just kind of gets into my head it's just from people screaming but you know I'm like you're like like if you do anything pública it's like 50 people like 50 people might say something nice about you but then there's one guy who says something bad and it's that one guy you said something bad that dwells in your mind that's all it ever is and you know I I just got to get better at like kind of filtering that our brains are Sally hired wire to focus on the bad stuff oh god speaking of the bad stuff why has someone of all things made the Church of Scientology in our city Scientology building in progress smiley face what why is there a smiley face no can this just be like you go inside and it's just like the two massive rods that people hold nothing else let's give them a try they vibrate sometimes oh dear Tom Cruise slow baby livin thanks 400 bits organizing the cake collaboration was on the best things that happened to me it's about so my coolest friends there thank you see you and your amazing community I felt better than I've ever been Thank You Daniel Oh baby loom thank you very much um God that was fun to work on honestly I thank you again for like the wonderful birthday present Pikachu client base oh this is very cute I like it Stuart thanks for trying to bits thank you very much Silvo thanks for hunters I'll play what you want a lot of people also scream that internally to you the streams I am happiest the catch are the ones you choose to - oh thanks Sylva no I'm gonna that's what I'm gonna be doing I think for like the summer I'm gonna be like stepping away from some of the stuff I feel like I've just been doing a bit too much lately I'd say it's just I think it's just minecraft honestly that's the one that I just want to like step away from all because I feel pressured when I play this game in particular you know as much as I love it you do need a break from time to time I've been loving playing The Sims 2 game lately like that one's been a really fun it's a jelly shop twitch prime to it why is it just say twitch prime you know it's free it's still a work in progress it's low he's only your terraria it's a terraria is another one to the f2 is of course the other one well you know I've moved on from that game just don't like it when people scrammed me he gets me down they're not a fancy-looking like structure here's just SpongeBob's house yeah that's very cute this is in the middle there's a giant City Oh someone actually is making a casino - that's actually cool yeah he's like the original premise like we were thinking of where this dream was to make specifically Vegas but then we opened it up to just be like a city in general we thought that'll be more fun it's cool to see one still make it in hopes Park and weekdays at $1 an hour weekend's $3 an hour 24 hours is one rule ooh oh no Jill just trying to explore shop is this it's a library Oh Shakespeare Star Wars war it was cool the one that called everyone gay just kiddin rollin Patterson all the classics you can need rape thanks we're under bits IOT I love your channel thank you very much Stuart thank you for only 100 days you've Airy much now Kevin's a good bean oh god someone's making mr. Resetti he's like standing up no it's a hotdog stand what looks a bit like mr. Resetti with the anger eat each one's make it like a just shrine the Jim Pickens pretty cool oh this is pretty cool this is like the Swiss Embassy have a lot of embassies taking shape it's a real funky design for the building yeah by the way I'm from Ohio and I can confirm we are all made of corn goddamnit but there's no one saying the contrary like I'm gonna have to just believe them at this point snark thanks for a thousand bits working from home makes me feel a little lonely and depressed this current time listen to your live stream / youtube videos makes everything feel better thanks for being there for us and don't let them scream risk at you thanks snark no a very kind um God God I can help even a little it's an RT cage I heard you like arcade so I put an arcade into your arcade I love it so we got a very retro color scheme to it oh I know yeah this is the cabinet okay insert coin here that's really cool Oh God just trying to explore and see what I can go a lovely-looking cafe here what's this Gabe I'm a memorial disaster show sir well what why the Gabe I'm a memorial oh is this a nuclear bomb - this will explode at the end of the stream biggest cliffhanger ever Oh No just like collided with the ground the city's fuel supplies don't mind the safety problems all here's Big Ben - that's actually pretty cool you know excuse me it's supposed to be on digital time now no this is like the future like we're past the days of analog I'm kidding it looks lovely just the way it is I got a nice little found area Oh know what this is supposed to be energy or a Goku the Kamehameha energy blasts cell okay so games coming soon so games I hear now it's an abstract right and different oh this is pretty cool looking this is like a police station if hat the Gus this is like they like the Lego ones I kind of like cut away a bit more yeah it looks really cool all the palace cinema is looking really good too I really like that they've even got like the cinema level in hang on where's our Lord and Savior dump no less you stop that scale is a bit different of course yeah see an old timey cinema that's really cool we go down here yet we have like the the stands even in the Lego set got the red base plate I put this away too big yes I am Lego I like it Gabi thank you for 200 pits thank you very much I've earnest thanks for treating trip it's thanks for coming by the relaxation zone RT so glad I managed to catch this since my first build screaming so glad you like my built well-being swing buy it again when it's done oh thank you very much glad you're having fun the server my man oh good God look at this like this the construction is just massive every time I come back at this is look at this it's impressive hope they're able to finish it in time maybe to hammer home like you might have time left in the server could we get it so does like a timer for an hour from now go for an hour from now we're gonna go like a full three hours for this build just to properly give people time but if that's possible could we get that unlike the server strap yourselves in thank you oK you've got an hour left we're giving people the full three hours for this one it's a bit longer than we usually go but it's because we don't want to see anything like I'm like half finished I want everyone to be able to finish your build this is a lot of cool stuff here I got another like Big Boy tower here don't even know what it's supposed to be but it looks cool and we have a shop that just sells corn come try our core and it will sacrifice your newborn it's just corn employees employees the only number of sacrificed weight please help us we're trapped here that's a good way of doing the tables yeah it's like the piston I like that actually looks kind of neat Dan thank you for 1,500 bits hi Dan try not to underestimate the amount you and your content mean to all of us we value like a good pizza oh thank you very much that's a very sweet compliment we value you like a good pizza it's very sweet like he is coming along too well I'm like like the Tesco brand pizza or something you just pop in the oven that's too high price Pizza ain't sweet sorry you know what I mean [Music] em and and and what is this this is the M&M world oh my god find your name Eminem name tags minecraft mmm dirty game mm oh no and I have a store for this in London I'm not sure why it exists of all things it was like an odd one for merchandise 2020 Eminem's priceless New York M&M shop Rd thanks for hundred bits thank you very much Luke thank you for a hundred bits deets thanks for 200 it's from Ohio to I'm a hundred percent corn lady's everyone from Ohio keeps saying that I stole my dad's Amazon account for this oh no oh I feel about that couple of the homes in here hello neighbor hello how are you having a little moment there Lucy thanks for hundred bits we can do a stream where you look at Ohio on Google Maps to confirm it's just corn also we love you Daniel thank you for everything you do thank you very much Lucy Oh [Music] aya sarang's looking pretty good okay we have like a tree house spilled here this is actually kind of impressive I like this one it's just like it's pretty pretty barren down here but there's something cool up the top it's nice it's very different gods like an egg or something that's being contained I don't like that at all deep nest oh it's hollow night is a the abyss they're making all the different layers okay that makes sense oh so that's what this one was up here then this is where you stir and that's the well where you jump down now I get it okay I'm glad you made the supports there man yeah sorry about earlier it's just like yeah we do it we keep an eye on just things we're like they're too tall and kind of see where you're going with it now we've got a nice little park area here to bet this is very simple as far as the builds go but I like it you know that the city needs like a good few spaces like this just to like adds a bit more color among the buildings it's very cute I imply it's nice 200 bits I think I actually plan my bill but thank you you made me cry happy to hear it's official thank you for a hundred bits as well Elina thanks for 100 bits now Hayden thank you for 500 bits I don't know why everybody's focused on Ohio have a nothing can we take a minute to look at New Mexico for a second I had to go on plenty of road trips through there and it's a barren wasteland oh no oh it's a nice looking place it's a pub or something here's a pub the pub hop on in oh is this lovely yeah no if you want to watch football go next to her oh that that second store is just story is just painted on okay what is this oh my god someone's trying to do a little stadium Jesus fair place here that's uh that's not easy to recreate but like you can actually see it if ever like we're doing the Nets too it's considering the amount of space you have to work with I like this little Plaza that's in the no-man's-land - these guys like really worked together on this one that's quite cute is this shift shift Ecch shift Technic skiff I don't know cool-looking build up inside a moment tuna thanks for a thousand bits hey Artie I really want to show my appreciation for giving everyone some content to watching these trying times and no problem thank you very much Luke thank you for hundred bits as well Wyoming doesn't even exist what's so special about Ohio mayority was excited to catch my first build stream in a while however when I decided to attempt to join what I wanted to make sure I had a unique build my original plan was to build a smaller boat loads of redstone contraptions you should understandable restrictions on the usable blocks what they can do I've cut down and serve like I couldn't so I'm building my best building yet hope you'll like it I mean it's very impressive looking honestly I don't know I don't know what it's supposed to say it's the only thing like is it skiff Technic I don't know what that I don't know that means Ohio I don't think it says Ohio I have some the Lego bricks tour coming along here too so just the exterior but it looks really cool super go thank you for a thousand bits I know this is my first dream but your videos will really help me right now thank you had no problem super go thank you very much levy thank you found your bits as well streams I helped me and I'm sure a lot of others are going through this hard time can't thank you enough art you keep doing what you love thank you very much blob thanks 400 bits as well there for one year like seven days ago and your streams have been a highlight all thank you very much oh we got glass incorporated it's just one massive window we sell glass you know purchase from us we should sell your spleen deaf oh not a coast here's the bathroom oh no we need a glass we also worship style of course you do you'll be on the black market if you leave it's just a glass all these are some cool looking ones let's have a look at these very cool interior where's this lead up to hope we go yeah that's real pretty looking oh and it is yeah you can go into the other building from here see this is like a joint build and you got a map of the world on this like a little earth what's in here got oh we got a lot of leaks apparently it's an art gallery and you got a little indoor garden here you have a little aquarium it's pretty neat I like it no man thank you for a thousand bits it's out in the building that's green letters spife tech oh maybe it's spiff no no that's a see that's not a peek something different but no man thank you for the thousand bits my man that's a cool little joint build hey pretty god the city it's really starting to take shape they add it luigi onto this building - I love it this is the light this building stands out enter at the top you know those buildings in the city way you just have to fly to be able to access them there we go oh god that's very colorful very trippy if you just twirl fresh water thank you for 1,500 bits as well please look up field of corn in Dublin Ohio it's basically the spire spiritual twin of monuments oh no I will give that a look my man thank you very much oh look at this lovely place that's a cool design four chairs like that that is straight up a chair you can just identify it how's it going got like a funky kind of marble like deco floor this is awesome how's it going Lance you don't you don't all need to follow me if that's okay dudu stick to your own respective bills have you finished your bill I'm gonna just politely ask that you leave the server to let someone else on oh here's the twitch office twitch HQ u2's factory reach accounted for big chunk Asst so when you're all holding out for right we got ads Add button plays 60-second ad no one likes it but press it I can make a real meta joke and press this on in the game I didn't also run an ad but I won't put you guys through that ubereats random character Network show gamer supplements G fuel do it but no guy I can't I can't actually run an ad guys I can it's gonna disrupt the stream do it do it you coward do it for YouTube it won't even record for YouTube cuz it's on Twitch if I press this but how long does it last I don't even know I've never had chat demands that I'm being pressured to run an advertisement I see yeah press it there how does this actually work even as the meme do you guys really want this there's a button for run a 60-second ad break no I'm not doing that no no it's 60 seconds no the ban jail twitchcon prep room media share queue Amazon Prime connection for whom Peter Griffin link Amazon Prime Peter Griffin now his twitch Prime oh no cowards cowards I never thought I'd be criticized for not running an adverse on my channel oh trying to keep the stream like unobtrusive always is all just Family Guy what room is this hang on I was the media shark you okay is the staffroom all purple beds the banhammer as it should be emote room just pogchamp slow mode status all twitch staff chats famine pogchamp only there's so many meta jokes we could do right now oh my good boy this is gonna work [Music] no the button didn't work I had it on my stream deck I was gonna do it you were just spamming pogchamp time entirety well it's cuz i have to tie its tab out it doesn't work bills a tommy ninjas free room yeah if you arty game crowd will worse up my room painting of cupcake well it's very chill home home this is lovely I like the torch HQ minecraft seeds oh it's beautiful this is really cold okay let's let's pop out of here I need to get my alerts back too because I tabs out there never thought we screamed that for not rolling the red bag thanks for $2 thank you very much well on top of the state's us Wisconsinites I mean entirely out of cheese okay thank money run an ad no no no we don't really don't need to because they even if I do it for the joke at this point people are gonna see as we just egging them on to like get this weird scenario I just play it I don't want to run ads don't okay hang on well I'll run an ad hang give me two minutes [Music] give me one moment god no I tried searching for like give you guys an ad that you can get behind okay two seconds this is a lot of setup for this all right let's run an ad on stream all right it's the wrong display this kitchen is so hard to clean if only there was an easier way hi I'm Derek Baum say goodbye to daily stains and dirty surfaces with new kitchen gun this sink is filthy but just three shots from kitchen gun it's like new look how it cleans this greasy hob scrubby tiles rusty taps you can even use it on the washing up they're all clean again new kitchen gun now with laser sights a night vision for after dark cleaning beautiful okay there's your ID there's your ID we got one in kitchen gun order today oh dear Gouri thanks for 500 bits I'm gonna clear the air my building says prevent sleep loss will say shift tech incorporated okay thank you very much lo thank you for a thousand bits take your I driver yeah thank you very much II do thank you for five ten bits as well wow thank you very much everyone okay Tesla rich people only that sounds about right twenty thousand dollars per day suck it you filthy casuals Model S aka the one your uncle bought model TLC fifty billion dollars hope you ain't too proud to beg go for a test drive Oh they've used the empty space for this epic twitch laptop you were watching RT game just say I may be laughing but inside I'm dying send help Family Guy funny no you stop that that's a cool use of that space ah keep on explore some lovely homes that are in between everything oh here's a tank that's parked char b1 this heavy tank why is this here it feels a little underwhelming welcome please check inside what is this this is a replica of my IRL room oh that's very sweet furniture showcase don't tell IKEA to bang in the dishes come Danny thanks for hundred bits marina thanks for 100 as well blu-ray thanks for hundred my first builds here I'm able to participate and thank you for stopping by my able sister's shop hope you like it all is very cool than that thank you very much Icarus thank you for 500 as well that would be the lego city I but this is even better thanks to the laughs no problem oh oh this is a different palace cinema there's two of them on the server oh god this personally combine them yeah so they like the Parisien restaurant and a pile of cinema that's really cool they have like a little extra thing here too just like a little cottage yeah it's like part of like the bookshop if I'm right god what is this building it's big and blue arty enterprises this is my office apparently much like my office the doors Co know where doors are just painted on hazel thanks 400 bits only in the prestigious RIT game channel you bullied into advertising the people by your ID by the people you're advertising to oh thank you very much hazel oh the boys have come along look at this they've got their own stack I love seeing filings just making it into the bill it's like this it's so cute and look you can even like hop down there insights the boys are doing well out there Fez de no tree of JK our company is god bless this dumpster this is mine carts everywhere Bethesda's game reception fallout 76 we could fix it I swear doom eternal what happened to our DRM its software Wolfenstein Wolfenstein T percent of Bethesda elderscrolls blades loot boxes pay Todd's bills in the creation Club why is it still exist me right now welcome to Bethesda Oh Ohio please leave your well-being JK please come on in Todd wants a chess competitor Todd where's obsidians royal sees doom Slayer can't save you now - ha I have fallout shirts to get a canvas bag welcome to Bethesda gift shop even the gift shops on fire Todd's shelter there's just there's bones in here countryroads recital every Thursday prayer every day memorial to our credibility every Friday you guys remember we have Skyrim fallout 76 kitchen gun DLC oh this is a lovely build my man thank you very much I really like this one remember guys we make Skyrim Bethesda's legacy these things oh the modular bookshop has come along even says books now I've let the prerequisite stat before this was being a good builder oh no no it looks lovely there's like the birch tree you got the bookshop you got like the layout of the book store to get the pendulum clock I only finished making this the other night it's really pretty and yeah you you also have like the smaller like home next to it - I'm gonna be making this one I think this week or this weekend even I've made the bookshop pyre I have to make the little house that's really nicely done god there's a lot over here I don't think we've seen there's a theatre use the British spelling shut up it's the better spell it now showing the worst movie ever made but it's got James Dean in it so it's all right I guess please buy your tickets here staff only off we mean it should they fight about the long turn scheme oh no wow there's a large apartment no why do you think Oh is larger that's what happened to the Lego streams odd life was just very busy last year so I have to put them on hold I didn't want to do them again at some point Theatre food you'll need to reward your house to pay for it oh and here's the cinema it was actually very nicely done it's like pitch black it's kind of eerie I like that one Oh God Amsterdam has come a long way along - look at this actually so cool it's very we have the river just suddenly ends I guess as you blend it with the land the Bob family household Georges abode oh it's lovely gooey jeez mansion I won't die residence trying to get inside think all the houses are just cut out but it's still really cool Jesus this one looks impressive to this apartment block that's lovely I've just been do enough to I like the outside like exterior first it still looks really good we have to pit we saw that we have the pumpkin house complete with the pumpkin helicopter why the sign it wasn't wrong this is still just a roof watch out the winds can be strong at times if club green this is the green building we saw earlier welcome to club green oh wow it's nice it's an actual like club yes I really do like green thank you for visiting it's just green and in a bunch of drinks nice even at a store here this is the BBC Television Centre welcome to the RIT television Center editorial department Studio One okay this just leads out here VT department we we see Christmas tape 1979 a dressing room new ideas please repair screen advertisements do not press I gotta play kitchen gun again production department the podcast the control center podcast studio videotape okay hang on let me find another ad hang on give me a moment [Music] [Music] okay there actually is a follow-up this is perfect you this kitchen is so hard to clean if only there was an easier way hi I'm Derek Baum say goodbye to daily stains and dirty services with you know this is kitchen gun again hang on no III meant to click a different one where is it toilet grenade there we go this toilet is so hard to clean there must be an easier way hi i'm derek bomb and i'm declaring war on toilets with new toilet grenade just pull the pin pop it in the bowl put the lid down and that toilet grenade do the rest and the lime scales gone toilet grenade bang and the germs are gone and now new travel toilet grenade for foreign limescale there you go we planned that our ad don't forget your travel toilet it you can't take it on the plane with you oh no no do not take toilet grenade on the plane oh no podcast room oh no Rumble tumbles office all there's a lot of blood in here this is quite true to my office you cult started to connect pieces pod the Nugget shop is that war word Pisa shop if I don't like a billboards of their establishment piece of a better chance with diamonds to bribe you just say we're better than Pisa I'ma be honest we don't sell anything but at least our building is better than the piece dear that's great his piece again from up oh god it's been properly destroyed now Seoul to wake models oh no poor cow Duryodhana's come along as well my god look at him it's actually really cool looking and we got we got this building as well this can't belong this looks like it's a grand train station or something really cool I kind of designed there a sign that explains that I build a space on the Hippodrome casino oh okay fair play to you man someone just made pac-man let's the arcade they merged two died they merge two together they got pac-man and Donkey Kong now the markets come along the sponge roller coaster we saw off the start has been developed somewhat look in the sponge land gosh and spicy whoa oh no you gotta be gotta be accustomed to the taste might burn yeah five out of five gift shop was nice one out of five what the two out of five sponge goes to a disappointing instant Oh God parity incorporate that is the palace cinema the Parisian restaurant its Bethesda as the bookshop there's Amsterdam it's the melon house there's like a cool office building is Doofenshmirtz got a lovely parked area there's so much to see the clock OHS memorial as well as but they got like a full-on like floor here please wait to be seated oh it's a family restaurant now did I serve chicken miss mrs. cockles eggs egg do not step reserved for call me Kevin and like the Opelousas cities come along gay incorporate it the construction site has been improved massively like Jesus Christ I got a full-on crane people have developed a bit more into the poop Kano like a little sky island that's an office block oh it's starting to look like an actual city look at it when you start to go up it's starting to look really good yeah I just wander a bit you got 25 minutes left to keep working I love this apartment design that we've done it's like they have like modern apartments but then they also have like some garden space it's just really snazzy looking all right next to Ikea - got another Donkey Kong on a tower like I would specifically Donkey Kong and not King Kong no one cares about King Kong anymore Big Ben we got only like helix kind of thing Jim Pickens shrine and just a field of wish bit whirring mr. Resetti I thought I'd stand in progress owned by that thing oh you selling hot dogs yeah why is the hot dog sentient though I don't know got a little octopus it just says drugged bronze fire Missy please don't Ord if you do if you ask to put some back that's appropriate now I guys on the server - please don't just be following me around - I very much appreciate that if you don't your bill ever so politely leave the server I would say just um so we can get one or two more people in maybe someone might be able to kind of hop on even have a chance to build a park in 20 minutes believe something nooks cranny lovely old restaurant there Oh the arcade machine that they fall undone pac-man in it now I love that the art the art TK does come along I was so cool you got pac-man a rave claw machine you only win GUI geez Smash Bros one dollar per life animal crossing 24 cents a minute that DDT are all they've even use the arrow tells as it's genius it's actually a DDR machine and they've just got like some standard cabinets here bunch of colorful things and now prizes to just a pickle for ten coins slightly more pickles for eight coins a candle upside-down candle a sponge a moist sponge cursed book a whole bookshelf of arty quotes I like oh that's the least valuable no more plots left okay well if you're on the server I would say add some finishing touches to your build just don't follow me around the server please yeah what is this entrance is here this is like an abandoned shop off limits what is it special deal entire Shack for a stack oh they've McDonald's McDonald's fries oh they're selling drugs here we should probably should welcome to the crack shack admit to our match or I'll eat your head oh that explains why it looks so rundown okay and no Hagrid I have an establishment here that's pretty nice just some outdoor dining and the lovely tree nuts on fire tree sponsored by the Mercedes GLA I hash another graveyard always good to see you'll help me we you all know it's too real taken before its time minecraft build and streams tell tale Shrek call me Kevin I can't believe Kevin's dead if we're minecraft building speed in the graveyard I probably will revisit them at some point down the road I just want to take a bit of a break dough if that makes sense you know because I even last year like I could may not even remember but like I think we did like one for bog warts in April right the next build stream after bog warts wasn't until like July when we did climate change and I even when we stopped with like it like the I replace one like team freeze in November I want to say of last year first one after that wasn't until we did like the Netherlands which was a whole two months later now just take breaks from time to time and I just want to take a substantial break again because I feel like it's becoming a bit of an expectation for me just to do one of these like every other week yeah I want to take time off to pursue other things the spire scale 100 to 1 that's cute stores this look mascot looks like it's an agony pretend this is the Mercedes symbol Oh your money is appreciated you are not capitalism in a nutshell Mercedes logo not peace symbol we don't support peace as the GLA for sale dear sponsored by RT game it's beautiful if you require assistance don't I love it [Music] we have a lovely pharmacy to our tea office Memorial Hospital big thanks and love to all the medical professionals that's good to see [Music] if someone's made like a silo we got like a different world here mall melon super rare melon pile this is the melon shop he's the melon store one slice of melon one melon all profit goes to helping those in need and by which we mean melons oh they made a Cthulhu ask horror in their free space Jesus Christ that's a lot of tea that's absolutely terrifying it 20 minutes left on the server 200 we got a little snow scape too little penguin at the back I love a good cosmic car this warms my heart to see as little SpongeBob's set up a little dirt hut place Gary Indiana please end our pain mucus please the Burgman residents Gary Indiana theatre the canal also the town's water source has fallen to the canal in Gary City the rich guys house this one's cut door oh kitchen gun the mayor's mansion not owned by a dark corporation [Music] there's so much yeah but please do get your finishing touches in them now it's the time for the meeting point for the photo we're gonna meet up at the spawn point which is like the shrine and we will be turning creative mode off soon after the timer hits zero so you want to make your way over there when you got about a minute left [Music] got a little Hut here just got some nice grass lines just cool to see so I made a little baseball field that's pretty cute the nothing store what do they sell here there is no store there is no shop this is not in any of the frames I don't know what I expected oh we got it till we got a toad house that's actually very cute stop here for like an item we got a giant cactus oh that's a house - that's really cool-looking cactus Corp employees only violators will be prickled cactus core for family and needles come together oh no Roger pay our head of security birch software oh the receptionist oh I love it this is so much charm water fountain but it's empty because there cactus yeah they don't need it it just absorbed it all already family and needles come together said he knows humans do not respond well to force what cacti hugs we can use this to take that our only competition Pisa and kitchen cut no but that's really cool I like that build God got pride got a little meta fortress oh we got two penguins and love oh no heteros loud inside oh this is the cold gay club I believe it is I can't remember the order of the pie flight colors I'm a disgrace oh no I'm sure your grand it's game oh it was actually just a game let game or restaurant oh yeah we also sell games only the best game in food to enhance your gaming for a true gamer workout of trier gamer grease bone in pizza boneless pizza G fuel Pepsi fuel pizza Obama milkshake the jomama miju's ask about our game and gasoline premium all-purpose fuel welcome to our game selection we sell only Wii U game since Sega Dreamcast alright that's a pretty good selection honestly it's probably the future of game isn't it comes less and less of like a game store and just like a nerd culture shop this is a lovely looking house wandering in this is very cozy no no dude don't be follow me around that's okay thank you be hopping in there I'll be gone at a little water Plaza that's a nice little looking one we got a little airport we got no nukes cranny I'm gonna see oh we got the Danish Embassy I think I got like a little medieval tower here welcome to the yonk our the Danish one with all the Danish a nomemes welcoming a board and guard debt scow I don't know what the saying stop you're scaring him it means he is afraid of our letters what does that mean I am NOT Danish plan to take back skein rip written oh no got beer as cash that's pretty cute wasn't the time to serve we're gonna be set tonight at some point yes we were doing that at the end don't worry now me thanks for hundred bits hey is the links for hundreds all per vial of his chassis might've in Jos new challenger be perceived as like one big in joke meme well thank you very much yeah it's weird sweeter we just kind of come up with our own like humor I guess it seems to happen oh the FBI are here manager's office very cozy doesn't seem to be anything inconspicuous here oh there's the dark room in the FBI we don't mind them I go down a brick house oh this is amazing looking yeah they made like a full-on pagoda I think I really hope I really like this they got the tatami floor to using wheat that's awesome I like I do like rooms everywhere here two little kitchen area badge room yeah this this is a really cool looking house I really like this one I'm a sucker for this kind of style I can't hide it everyone that's following me around pleat pleat please don't if that's okay I will tell the mods to kick you if you keep doing it and I mean it you should be at your own build much less nice it is to have you you just use happy doing them what's this tower from mass fusion recreation from fallout 4 oh yeah it's like the top of the tower that's pretty sweet what does it say up here oh it's just screams mass fusion okay as a pizza guy got a little shop here lopsided science world exotic flowers ring for science they made an endless circle hell no well they actually got it so that it flows up somehow at the end I actually don't know how that works [Music] the spiderland he's just a pizza guy he's just chillin here's the ice rink I love some of the park space people have come up with more construction another Plaza I'm trying to just make sure I see it like almost everything the store store all they sell stores here ads buildings in different shapes and sizes you see you can see like all the miniature doors oh god what's going on here there's a bunch of dragons don't know what that wasn't said here be dragons yeah they're all just sitting here it's not a cool looking building yeah this isn't that a like store there's so many cool ones it's an SCP is it licit um yeah we did have a rule against a noxious float in Texas that's okay as much as we appreciate the sentiment if the malls just want to crack down on that one now there's a sudden huge billboard it'd be okay Scotland's Pub Welsh and Irish Ally would England oh Jesus it's just a lovely pub space do not enter remember the water the weave plants Thanks oh no he's oh he loves [Music] rolling some spicy lettuce in there [Music] right there there's a miniature build of the plots this is before everything was built I wanted my own section instead of a plot so I did I should add kitchen gun also hashtag toilet grenade that's really cool yeah it's like the miniature scale oh god there's so many people are like really going all out with the gravy right Stu I think this is the graveyard from ocarina of time yes it is or a family tomb shadow temple main entrance the graveyard here please do not build a trump tower that's it's not long as Nintendo [Music] Teno coming soon [Music] why now cuz we don't do politics on these streams we don't want it holy shrine at the end or Dragon and see it's keep looking trying to our one true God sans lawa fused into one terrifying power before you ask yes it was where all the time making this you've beaten the signs of Ouija jokes debt so I made another and now we must repent for our sins the miles just crack down on that one just remove it from the server if that's okay or just repurpose it or something I want it this is wick Manos I think oh my god it's a miniature scale it's like the jungle gym there's the lava welcome to whack Manos Magnus is burnin yeah guys please don't be following me around to please the mods will kick you please give me some space [Music] isn't our tea shop our topia headquarters it's really cool got a spooky pumpkin over here too Oh [Music] got a little shack was this brought the Protestant church our tea if you're reading this you late also a try and slow visa for it all here got our out last we've Irish followers to you only play mouth you change it to rip chirp I'll break your kneecaps oh no yeah we got some lovely accepting bills here good to see over to the Cave of whispers here you can find voices of past streams by the way you cannot trust all the voices priority for Queen so we can be immortal the last Jedi is the best of the Star Wars the earth is flash - fall in the river in lego city help of uh Skyrim six different times Jesus [Music] hello thank you for a thousand bits the louvers been completed feel free to come and buy one last time whenever possible I will do my mat thank you very much I'm just trying to do a round half sweep you always got seven minutes left please don't be following me I will just tell the mods to buy him the next person it will they kick the next person off it was just like flies in the sight like that it's clearly following so just just please don't it makes it very difficult to spectate just been warned oh god all this high-rise stuff here - we have like the needle we have the the the serpent dragon here is roping around the lighthouse has come along the tree houses there's another snake here - oh I think these ones are just so cool this guy's got a talent for just making these things like twist around it's Starbucks it's the curse whoo whoo there's a donkey or a King Kong on the spire oh good god people may like a military compound - oh oh no it's just it's just a what no yeah it's a military base Oh God secure contain protect well this this has to be SCP no entry that's really impressive looking better played everyone to collaborate on that knocks thanks for five gift subs as well thank you very much on Nintendo ones come along - what is this one that I think that's Tetris no that's Rainbow Road actually it's Kirby there's a Pikachu intend to switch Pokemon egg link sword Yoshi head close enough and they even got like the classic like Donkey Kong level there - this one's really cool III like how they've done the exhibits on this Lyonne thank you for a thousand bits thank you very much apologies not going inside that spooky pumpkin I'm just trying to see what I can it's just quite a bit here thank you to everyone for all the wonderful bills in the server though ever flat what does that mean go around this way I scream but it gets me no I pull my strenght into being afraid of the limits that just keep on closing in reality is merciless is this some sort of reference I don't understand mods if you see anyone just spout in politics and shy at this point just ban them outright like for the love of God guys no politics I don't care don't do it I lack the bollocks it's not welcome here [Music] I think this is the loof Oh oh my God look at it it's actually so impressed of how this build has come together Fairplay that everyone that was involved with this like it looks astounded as you're such a cool stuff you got a little bit of an interior to comedy exhibit we ran out of jokes want to hear a funny joke me oh no I arson build exhibit where's my pizza boy DaVinci mom says miter on the xbox by Picasso the Train stream the mall build the animal crossing stream the Netherlands the Lego fills the Louvre made by Jonas load festive deer show band Alania sand bagel city Bill's like fair play to everyone involved in this one like it looks astounding I like I even had a bit of space to do it's like a small interior thank you for the puffer fish yeah that's a that's a really cool Oh someone made just a giant chess set - in the city this is just crash landed between everything like it some sky things you have to shake a No Opelousas city so many cool high-rises isn't there freezing restaurant well no it's not freezing restaurant palace cinema that's looking so cool lovely a home next to it Big Ben there's more bombs that have been added they've all been stacked three minutes guys three minutes I'm just trying to see what I can I think from a distance this one just looks astounding though yeah it actually it's a colorful city you know it's a bit of like a mess as it always is with the builds you know it's never gonna be perfectly corn ain't it but it's a city I know it's identifiably a city oh yeah this reminds me of like the end of like the lego movie or something where like they're just building things in tandem and in harmony like everything's next to each other it's our wonderful mess and I couldn't be happier with it like it I actually looks just so cool everything is awesome at Wan thank you for the to quit apologies are not being able to check the interior thank you for the kind word so I want to thank you I wanted to show my appreciation of all the hard work that RIT and the mods - thanks for moderate and making sure everyone has a good time thank you very much Ron very kind we have like that we have like a downtown area to it like the buildings are a little smaller and you can kind of see that and you have some of the more high raisins and the Halal I build like I finished you and it was all the layers [Music] I'm just trying to tour one max render distance - this is an FYI I go around full 32 chunks right now it's just just just a lot to see scale of that one like Jesus as high-rise buildings with pools at the top - I'm just trying to take it all in okay there's a minute left everyone just make their way to spawn and we'll get the group photo and then we'll do a flyby of the city at night [Music] I'm really happy we're out of this one one this is one of the most requested builds for a very long time too and you know I'm glad a guy we got to do it I think this would be a good send-off for the time be like oh oh my god is like a we like spire thing there the Manya my feel like I've constantly just spotting new things as everyone wants to tour this as well for anyone who like has access to the server if you some twitch you're welcome to tour it to your heart's content after the stream server is open 24/7 there was an archive of every build stored on the server now you can just hop on and explore the city yeah a like because this last one for a while - can we get like yo just I ran a higher - something for the mods and like the admins for like all their work on the server like literally none of this is ever possible if it wasn't for those guys honestly is that I just come in and point the camera at the end of the day but like all the setup that goes on behind the scenes like you know they're responsible for a lot you know thank you to everyone involved there thanks months okay I think if we turn off creative mode now and we get everyone to just come to the bottom of the shrine and I'm gonna take a picture you want to be on the ground - you don't want to be like on top of the thing we're gonna get the group photo momentarily [Music] you just pop creative mode off there we go might take a moment if some people fell from a high place you did have a chance you did have a chance how many players did we get off to in the end I would have curiosity cause like there I feel like there's more there's way more than 100 here well even 190 330 players Jesus Christ this is the most you've ever had the group photo will be taken from here [Music] 300 330 players is a 330 tree or treater tea tree 30 is still very good we got on as many people as we could the server is gonna chug hired when we're all gathered in one spot like this but thank you everyone for taking part in the bill today again if you want to get in the group photo this is the angle I'm looking at so if you check the stream you can see if you're in it if you're up in the rafters you're probably not gonna be in it though you want you want to drop on down oh right there yeah seriously thank you everyone for taking part in the bill today hope you all enjoyed it I hope you've been enjoying the billed streams the last well it's been a pleasure as ever hosting I am gonna be taking a bit of a break from build streams for the next while just cuz there's other stuff I want to play doesn't mean I'm never gonna return to them it just means there's a lot of stuff my writer you know III wanna finish final fantasy I want to do sorcery and there's some games that people have been requesting for a long time to I wanna I want to work my way around to bad things gonna be good as one final thing I was about to ask for one final view of the city we're gonna see it at night and this is where the street lamps come in because it's all lit up [Music] look at this welcome to our topia you guys made this see streetlights working exactly as we want them to like it's gorgeous it's so pretty it feels like an actual city I really really like it you need that IRT X and minecraft I think RIT X is only working in single-player at the moment as far as I understand I can't use it here just yet [Music] it's really cool though it's so pretty oh yeah just because we didn't we didn't look back at this one the the Doctor Strange sanctum look at that he fill in the glass and everything we just get like a city view I wonder if it'd be possible to like convert this since like a Hunger Games map or something like that just like using all of this region like who your foot could be a fun space to play on I don't know if it's practical or optimized for it whatsoever I don't know if we possible we did try Hunger Games back in the past it's just the value but gives me we're like the open space a lot of interior so cool just walking between it you just get the sense of scale that's street lights everywhere too so we made an aquarium exhibit to like I'm countin still catching stuff that I did not see cuz like there is so much just packed into the space [Music] doofenshmirtz Doofenshmirtz indoor park isn't like this weird structure here like it looks just really cool Church of Scientology now is aliens abducting people does this say don't know Kermit colt amber thank you for thousand bits thank you for all the quality content love your mods well thank you very much amber bonk thanks 400 as well thank you very much guys I'm just actually in awe like normally I would restrain by now but I just like looking at this it's so pretty like it feels like an actual minecraft town like someone made a theatre as well like do we even see this I don't think we did there's so much Romeo where are you here no fade and thank you for 5000 but it's hell there's an amazing Bill's been an awesome scream thanks for providing us with this content hope things continue going well for you man thank you mods we're making something like this possible Hayden thank you very much there's a PET SHOP pet shop I think is no it's just one bill thought it was to applaud for a moment the pineapple [Music] there's so much actually love Explorer in this one let's say Bunnings isn't it's not a bank or something I don't know what this is the snag shack what's a snag it's a hardware store is it ok we don't have is is that Australia that has Bowman's I've never heard of it it's being q in Australia okay what the rocket launch site looks amazing I'm just taken aback by how pretty at all this it's really easy to navigate to know like you just follow the roads to get about very easy to explore here's Ohio and they have a shrine Australia in New Zealand okay I was from up in the sky I was from up that's not up it's just I defy construction so much hello and thanks for five good I made the pagoda earlier thanks for the awesome stream no problem a man who are you gonna write I'll write someone in a moment I just wanna I just I just want to sit back and just take some more of it in I'm constantly seeing new stuff that I haven't seen too [Music] III did not see this kind of like a jungle like tree I started like this flying island it's Ultron oh my god it's all the Avengers protected like the beacon and like that film there's Ultron like the things people represented here is just class like this actually so much this bill is I get my friend Blake and to Gil's guild a guy for his lovely animations Oh an Oscar party that's very sweet alright a little bird - that's very cute [Music] anonymous chair thank you for a thousand bits James thank you for a hundred bits thank you for the kind words sorry you couldn't get any momentum you'll feel fear the explored server like after the build stream population will leaves up Skype HQ somehow people still don't use us in court you know that's that that says a lot about Skype when people are like all mass migrating to like a new video call platform at the very time in humanity when like almost everyone needs like a video conference call program they're not doing well there [Music] Skype oof I'm a discord man myself famous weeks actually a kind of alright very simple but it does a job just dirt alrighty gamer fuel 25 bits per gallon oh it's a petrol station that's what the sign is yeah fortnight cosplay staff only I swear to God days without caring attacks oh god please help us know I've seen a lot of people complaining about the term care in these days calling it like a new slur of our time I imagine the people dislike a comedian who like has a good routine on it it just hammers the point home where it's like if you're comparing like a not offensive slur to another slur and suppose you can only offer to utter slur by its first letter then like you've did the other ones just not a slur you know like a lot of people saying Karen but they don't say the k-word you know Jesus like it's not offensive obviously the other one is very offensive it should not be said honest to god do not do that but it's like because people did that with boomer - I like boomer it's like like it's damn in our generation you know III feel discriminated against to be called a boomer it's like you're saying Boomer though you know it's not that bad Jesus George Arthur that's that's an offensive one all right we don't we don't say the charger can't just say our line there I keep seeing people being very upset about being called Karen these days it's like okay all right so cuz the term only refers to people who are just quite hateful more than anything maybe just don't be squid 'full and you should be okay okay Karen my mom's name is Cara that makes me sad ah no Fame yeah it's a bad time to be named Karen I would say the same way it was bad time to be named Daniel before when everyone's saying damn Daniel oh it just happens every now and then I do not care about being asked about my vans or being back again it was a dark time please don't follow me around that's okay I'm just trying the tour some people are just like trying to jump from the camera my name is Molly how do you think I felt in high school was the one from Molly what was the association with Molly being named Alexa oh no I I imagine that one's a bit rough these days too yeah drugs with Molly is it okay I've never heard that one kid named Alexa god I know your name's Alexa or something just on tinder it's like how many like awful pick-up line so you're gonna receive how many times like you just be hoping with someone to say something different ah Molly Eagles marijuana apparently okay I didn't know that maybe that's just more of an American thing because we have never heard it called Diane Ireland oh dear oh my is Molly it's something different people are saying okay apparently it's something different I only act I didn't know either I was just reading with chat said okay all right oh dear okay it's that one right I'm gonna what's what's the tallest building I feel like this one here as well god this is like a very much an exterior like architecture build but still insanely impressive just like you know it's a simple restaurant inside we're just gonna go to the top it's getting overhead view my god look at it dire little world look at that so cool you can just kind of explore from here see block by block better than the planet built maybe yeah i-i-i-i've hugely enjoyed this one I normally I'd I should have wrapped up the stream by now but I'm just like in all like I'm just trying to take it all in I still love the planet bill for its idea in like the creativity in that but there's something just so satisfying about seeing a city like this like it's just a joy to kind of look at it's a good it's a good note to end on I'll take a break on it's a wonderful city yeah I think so too I can see why people like we're requesting like to do this for so long [Music] good eye it is just so cool you could we just Chuck a meteor at this one I really like it okay I think we gotta wrap up the stream at some point but I think we're gonna Park it there but thank you everyone for coming along the stream tonight I hope you all enjoy it I hope you had a good time I very much enjoyed it myself thank you to everyone I gave bits like you to everyone for all your generous subscriptions if you do want to check out the city for yourself the server is open 24/7 you could be able to I kind of connected a server a different time if you're something twitch and you can tour it to your heart's content you know it's like yeah I definitely miss some stuff like when I was exploring this one so you know I hop on yourself if you want to see it all tried to show off as much as I could I'm gonna be taking like a bit of a break from the minecraft builds for the next while so again just so people know we're gonna just take a bit of time away doesn't mean I'll never do them again but you know I want to like take some time off like we've been doing I'm like kind of every week or every other week the last wall and I want to let some new ideas stew before we visit it I'm honestly very happy with all the builds we've done lately like there's been so many cool premises thank us everything the mods thank you of course it's like okay Jim in particular like this hurts like special mention like he's like the admin for the server he doesn't lot to set these things up thank you guys though I'll be back tomorrow evening um because I'm gonna be playing gonna be playing games that a friend so we about about I think 7 o'clock it should be good fun we're gonna be doing some extra streams this next week yeah thank you for coming I'm gonna see who I can rage to give me one moment I'm gonna leave you all in someone's care who is life [Music] beware screaming cabin well you're right Kevin quite often though so I'm trying to see if anyone else is going that's okay would you write Kevin alone James has something that's just called let's change the world and I'm curious what that is I'm gonna leave you in James's care okay say hey the James man deserves it James was the previous server admin when we were doing like on the servitor he's a good lad - and he's done a lot for us because they are the James thank know what he's doing yeah I'll see you all tomorrow night thanks again for coming folks have a good evening you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 64,695
Rating: 4.8108482 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-600416320, rtgamecrowd, Let's build an entire city with 100 players. Type !server for login info, Minecraft, Twitch, Gaming, Let's, build, an, entire, city, with, 100, players., Type, !server, for, login, info, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: omqdxXwMBtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 30sec (11670 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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