RTGame Archive: Oxygen Not Included [PART 2]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody [Music] hey y'all doing can you hear me just to the oldest gourd tank up hey folks see here beat mine up okay - that's why I think we're good we did everything get this up we are playing some Oxford not included again because the game is actually set to release some early access in like what day is it state two days July thirtieth and clay has ever have actually sponsored us to be playing it again this videos again sponsored by clay they made don't starve as well so you may see some similarities in the art style space colony management game and it's pretty cute and things regularly go wrong and they suck at it I tend to just drown my collar own piss but you know thanks for sponsoring our second time plate if you interested in trying it for yourself you type exclamation point oxygen you can get redirected to the steam page and you can check out some more info on it there yourself I'm not good at this game you're gonna say that right off the bat but it's still pretty fun and I do like playing it [Music] okay we're gonna start a new game - because it's a this is basically launch build that we have we just have it like a day or two early so we're gonna a new game instead of resume game with the old guys I want to do no sweat because it looks easier but I think I think we have to do survival one slip-up could bring your colony crashing down okay we get to choose a location now - its terror Oceania rhyme for Dante what he's I wonder which one you guys are gonna want me to play on I mean there are other ones but yeah okay this planet is called volcania Jesus I wonder what's on this one it's the rival chance moderate ideal this is probable well these are the survival chances slim if you go over them oppressively hot temperatures a desolate location of the casual life-sustaining water trap need the surface okay no we will do volcanoes okay start him here we go we're gonna die this is no way about it okay let's get our collins together where dude whose treat implicants I don't does anyone have a resistance to lava as a Trish we just go with these guys we can re-roll them to our hearts content no taste increases food morale but bottomless stomach that's a bad combination he's just gonna eat anything okay well we'll keep him cannot do researching narcoleptic will get Burt he's buff and we'll go with Lindsey early-bird though they're all slow learners its air consumption tweet it wait I on let me just see can we get narcoleptic had it their narcoleptic I passed it okay there we go welcome to the sleepy colors icky everyone is an act is narcoleptic grease air consumption rate increase athletics decreased air consumption right these are some good traits okay that's in back I mean there's there's no live of the start but it's oh this is good well got the location with my colonization efforts have already hit a hitch missile on the planet's surface what became trapped many miles underground instead the conditions are not ideal it's in paradise tops your colony here and begin my own efforts to escape okay let's pause the game first and foremost let's see what we have we actually have some caverns with oxygen that's the surface I've never once seen the surface in this girl okay we gotta go up there we could set up like on the top of the planet okay so that's the goal then okay so some things I need to do then before I like muck everything up already I need to establish a place where it's going to be the poop hole because I'm really bad I just getting this right some oxygen there let's say now we need we need all of that or okay this is just dead wall we don't really want to expand here so I'm gonna say make is this the pool Pole but you actually know so we can't we can expand this out a little bit get some initial resources if we expand this IO thing that means we can pop down things like beds and we can just take this as like a central living room eunice level thank you for the ten give subs like Jesus Christ man it's 50 quid thank you very much very kind okay we're gonna yeah we'll make this like a central room to live in well my now is that too so we make it even and then we can make I mean the goal is to get up here oh let's just get digging we'll make a different passageway down there soon - okay I've assigned a way too much stuff haven't I can you guys do like literally everything turn off pause though they're going [Music] taste bomb thank you for q10 give subs as well Jesus Christ that's been very generous with the gifts ups today thank you very much unbelievably kind okay let's pop that down there so we just have access to this farmland and then we'll just pop a regular block there we'll just get them started and we'll get like a colony foundation this is the bit where I always go wrong at the start Oh jacksepticeye ten give subs but actually Sean how's it going man might actually be him supporting the photo lads yeah how's it going man thank you very much that's very kind Oh God Almighty this baby too many yeah might be I'll have to filter some EW and just revoke yourself he owns the only way now the only solution we have Oh God okay well it's everyone that's hopping in you're very welcome to the stream we're trying not to die in space every time I played this game I've died in space so fingers crossed we're gonna see if we can just not do it this time like the main thing that kills me is because I put the toilet in a bad place and did they infect the food supply and then everyone dies and it's just cuz the guys don't wash their hands so like I need to like work out like a pool pole like right off the bat so that we we just don't contaminate the colony because this has been like a death sentence every single time let's see so what have we got what the outhouse over here and then do I have a thing to wash hands washbasin it we'll put that there we've got a toilet we got a sink hopefully that helps and I just hope they use it this time because they never wants to and she's kind of stuck if I can get you just mine and all that precious resources there and the eventual end goal is to get to space are you imagine we're gonna have to invest in some oxygen supplies that is just a literal vacuum at the moment but we'll work our way up just we're just making the return oh there you need air what we have we have air at the moment where is my overlays button oxygen yes I like the oxygen is like kind of flowing in here they might you know they might need a little more oxygen actually let's just make that there and then we'll power it will get a hamster wheel it's gonna be tough going until they get that working but like they can just hold the brush a while I mean it's not that bad it's just no awesome should be fine kill them all we're trying to survive I know if we just kill them now is it like what's the point you know ten minutes into the stream just kill like end there and their existence it's like that that you know over water stream like a few hours today let me be kind of lame just immediately die we need to get them making food to mostly build an occupied space I mean once that's all set up it should be okay though we'll just put that in the pocket of no oxygen for now we'll power look they gotta work for their food okay let's see okay so the building that I I need someone to be in the hamster wheel like ASAP because that's gonna cause trouble uncivil thank you for another two gift subs as well Jesus Christ man you've been very generous today I've I think they've ran out of resources Oh No can you guys just dig these I wish like they can't finish the wiring at the moment I think they need like a box to put it all in - so let's see you make two storage bins just up there for the time again we really need to get the hamster wheel online because they have no oxygen in this one part of the compound well maybe we shouldn't have put the food processor in here you like perfectly good space up here I need you guys to power that wheel big the or in the middle of the room where's the or in the okay that's some there is some there they can reach that or they should take it oh this or here as well yeah you're right okay just just keep slaving away guys and pick up everything there if you can Derek Laura think of our 110 bits I have some Nintendo sandwiches and try not to drop into poop oh no promises Jake shop that's for 500 bits good afternoon our teeth on the colony of streams watching you murder everyone it's increasingly bizarre way helping me recharge I love you well thanks very much man it's taking mine off life a while and let's watch some other people suffer that's what we strive in this channel thank you very much man you're very welcome to the stream oh Jesus calm down there man it's not a contest he just gave another ten bloody hell man you're very kind thank you very much the eatin rations already it's given there dude I would just stop - now what would your mommy say if she found out about this you wouldn't approve Oh seriously thank you very much man I don't want to say at this point curly generous hey are they gonna oh I have to designate these with storage all let's just put it all in organic Robert it ok wait Rob mineral can go in organic will say and Chris your eggs let's just leave them out cuz that means that we won't put food in there right but that's kind of important I forgot to make beds - this is a bad start literally just a sleeping okay well mean he's next to the toilet it's fine [Music] facepalm thank you for another five gift subs Jesus Christ jst nights are 200 it's hello from New Zealand thanks to the laughs thank you very much kiss ups is this thank you for a hundred and shuttles thank you for hundred this is the first dream I'm watching yours don't screw it up no promises can tell you new here oh we need to get water still um yeah I I forgot hang on okay okay oh that's pop that there right and then we make a Ledge make a ledge over to it we have to dig out this passageway and then I need also a ladder but I can access it okay they have a lot of responsibility at the moment at the very least they're starting to generate oxygen it's just a shame that the guy in the wheel doesn't have oxygen right now so you know he's working under some pretty tough conditions chorus girl thank you for tree gifts ups as well Eunice it was like thank you again for another one there I really should have put his hamster wheel in a place I had oxygen I do this every time the very least eventually like we'll get him we'll get him some cuffs see we need to get him a research station just pop that in there and then furniture one cop to cop shriek ah okay let's just fast forward a bit and see how much they can clear up where's the batteries I I didn't make batteries I that's a mistake because now he's generating power and it's not actually going anywhere if he stops running then the oxygen cuts okay we'll make some batteries and let's dig up those plants too so we can pop down some more batteries they're starting to clear out the upstairs they actually have cots for the night know to set direction wind Pass and set the duplicants to a washroom pass and buy from left to right that's right yeah so that means like they use the toilet and then they wash their hands or is it no yeah it's that way yeah so that's when they use it that means they'll have to wash their hands before using the toilet it's fine now you're going to poop anyway wash after see what we got we still need to get water that's unfortunate that we don't have that at the moment I mean they can survive a while without it there's still fallen asleep because they all have narcolepsy where is one of my guys tool in there oh no she's in here okay she's building the battery how she's falling asleep as well okay we need to work out something to get rid of this carbon dioxide - I think because at the moment like we're just diffuse in there - is it possible to make like a vent so we can just take out the co2 because at the moment they're still suffocating just dig a hole oh yeah because it's more dense isn't it yeah that actually makes sense okay we'll just make this the gas fish this is this is where we push the bad air Oh we'll get them and get them started on that let's fast-forward it just had it as priority oh there we go see it's oh yeah it's starting to fall down you can already see it that should help the problem is when the diggin that's out there's going to be no oxygen because the co2 is so dense but we'll sort it out as they need to dig deeper we'll save that water supply for later - yep just take some breaths then go back dig deeper okay she fell asleep perfect all right that's fine we need some more batteries as well insufficient resources we don't even have any I mean we can we can just mine up some of that sure well look at it it is an RT Games dream hey James how's it goin man good to see ya okay just stood there working the way down a lot of the gas is now contained in that pit that's that's pretty good now we can just seal it off actually yeah so if I if I cancel this and then we just get them to deconstruct the ladder and then just build a tile there okay yeah go go use the toilet first it's fine we'll just seal that pit now that the gas has been contained so hopefully we don't have to worry about it again I do need to set like priority like nine for making food as well I need to set so we're making mush fire forever insufficient resources were waiting for materials what do I need from mush bars don't close the carbon dioxide pit but like we don't we don't want the carbon dioxide coming out again what do we need for do we just need water for mush bar oh that means we got a set priority high for all this okay let's get him on that and everyone get to bed insufficient resources here they don't even have water for washing their hands right now okay so we really need to get the water next because we're just gonna be in trouble I'm really good pockets of water - and this spawn I thought this is supposed to be a volcano Matt um these are pressure plates oh no I mean we can dig out all of this here because like there's a bunch of algae here so like we probably want to do that will eventually clear out that space let's see what's going on over here there's or down there hydrogen okay so we don't want to dig in some fat or okay but we need to get the water first so come on let's please for the love of God go up there I think he's getting back to I know he's delivering the resources for the mush bar yeah okay pretty good and they are starting to make their way over here to is just incredibly important right now they're an easier water source for us to get like maybe that one if we kept digging down I think this is the best one Oaks it's kind of like safe access to it and we still have a lot of oxygen don't need to worry about running out time question his only knee base too close too close through the rooms for airflow yeah we'll get some more airflow like here I think we'll probably get like a vent or something to take air up oh no no we need to research that we haven't even got like a research station yet I kind of need to get on that so just make that a nine to the water it's finally accessible good just get some more mush he's asleep cool everything is that knowing nothing is I'm fully aware we've only set foods to nine at the moment so it's up we should be okay Oh awful I kind of just expand in the colony yeah we have oxygen we have food being prepared we just need to power up this now power just run a long wire I guess that means we need to power anything up here then it's connect it you have it all in the grid make the other batteries a 9 yeah we probably should shouldn't we let's make it become an 8 I want him to get on that soon if I can but I do want him to keep making food too because like the food is just incredibly important and the problem we have before is like for whatever reason they wouldn't pick up the food so I'm gonna make it so do they do that hanging it's yep cooking ingredient and edible you need to pick up the food this time okay portal print and pod rentable is available choose the blue print colonies um all right good Norman you just click on this and it gives you oh there we go yeah it's just choose the blue print well I can get a bunch of nutrient bars nourish and nutrient paste sandwich between tin wafer layers it's a lovely pink wafers or we can get a person I mean none of these guys have narcolepsy so I don't know if we want him they don't need food uh this guy can do science real well we just can't do building errands we could just get him on science forever let's print that not sure you're the resident scientist now he's gonna just clean up some bits and then we're gonna wait for someone else to build the line let's make that all a nine Nina Mona oh they're all hungry guys there's a lot of mush fires just on the ground you need to put them away yeah they go on for lunch we've plenty of batteries I was supplying the oxygen you actually have a chance doing the best I can he's like there's 100 bits praise the pitch now the pits doing a really good job like it just keeps the air in there see seeping out occasionally it was very little co2 in there and we're well stocked on water now as well we just have to like clean that out from time to time I didn't make him a bad did I will make him a bed for tomorrow sure I make it so that like each cop is assigned yeah I can [Music] okay well we'll make that Rowan's cot then that way you can just sleep and research science for the rest of his life should be fine I think that's a healthy like work-life balance [Music] [Music] now yeah [Music] not leaking out of the pits your jeeps are producing co2 it's fine we can filter it later okay still need to get over to this tunnel you can just go here and then make it ladder [Music] and that'll give us a lot of resources for oxygen - okay yeah they're actually picking up the food my god I never thought I'd see the day we just need people to like you know keep doing that okay let's build the power line next if we can or do they want to do that yeah they're building their cool what's that hideous little monster thing he just lives there he's in there somewhere I've wondered about don't mind them so much okay they're gonna pick up everything here then get back to food and power we're gonna be splitting the Claire unplug the gasping put food box in there and designate food by clicking on and clicking a box why would I do that they just died I don't want to send them in there that's supposed to be like contained it's poisonous trying to get my people killed it's not catching distributors will watch the quite a while I keep doing the things you do thank you very much Jojo hope you're enjoying it man we just need so close to power on this thing okay it's a research is food this power I think we should get food cuz like I always do I always meant go for something else first but this just you know this just seems important and we can like even grow plants and stuff let's get food first okay they're just clearing up the rest of it what's their priority on at the moment the storage bins are currently like okay put them down to fives I don't need to be nine and I want them to just get back to food and priorities for Rowan I want him to just constantly research if he can where he's in the wheel okay close enough you're practically doing science ft does a glittery you feel your vase with poison gas you're calling his own need oxygen anymore it doesn't sound like a glitch that's just sounds like it sounds like how that situation will go see he's asleep making food again keep him there fast-forward a little bit let me just make some progress is he nice for 245 bits you just tell me all right just have to check something that I just came up research till you die in my head I mean he's powering the research station in a way like he is helping with the research process alright something's just come up came up in the background sorry about this a bit distracted smart guys written because he prefers a bigger booty instead of a bigger pray Jesus I just wants to be a like peak physical condition not generating enough oxygen apparently as well going up on he ate food on the ground Ashida goose man no he hasn't made his bed yet as well like four guys supposed to be doing research it's not very smart terrible nice for 100 bits wrapped in your guy in the pit he is in the sleeper it's for the best Jesus Christ Batman doesn't have narcolepsy just like end his life it's is that just what we do like you if you want to be part of this colony you have to have narcolepsy so help me God hey he's useless because likes extra trio too though triage of its road is no anecca left if he must die Daniel Ellison gives a hundred pesos as of doing research into internship at the MoMA and I can confirm that support and research consist solely of running a wheel oh there we go it's confirmed bro and loves to sleep on the floor mat and just let him it just doesn't seem that healthy I think he'd sleep better an egg like a crib I'm thankful this guy is friendly too like he just kind of comes out every night isn't really bother us it sleeps under the toilet right well ii sat further O'Day she's just gonna build Rowan's bed because he's too lazy to do it himself he's just back in the wheel his back sort like dude you're not even supposed to be in here he's doing the love of God okay he loves that wheel too much so we're just gonna let him do it he's not the brightest boy but he's our boy and we need to continue that ladder up so we can keep climbing here we need to get the hard digging skill to make it to the surface to where is hard digging hard digging all that material liquids gases exosuits rocketry hard hard digging I don't see it maybe that's a skill I have to obtain Andrews research it not research it's just a skill is it oh yeah here we go Rowan has a skill point at the moment where it's hard digging proof firemen how he's supposed to be scientists anyone see it are diggin here it is Oh nobody can't I didn't mean to like that cuz he can't build well no way he can dig he can dig all right practically doing science okay well Rowan's gonna get started on that anyway he's just gonna go to the surface maybe that's how we'll just kill him he'll just open a vacuum to space sure why not well what will like put a door or something so the air actually stays inside and they don't just kill like the entire colony and him Artie this is Christ get a science until he dies really is Gossman okay no she's falling asleep okay oh my god he's doing his job I never thought I'd see the day and him now but he's the only one who can break true the planet's surface so we gotta we gotta use him for a while you will be first to die okay in the meantime some other stuff we can do let's see so that's a priority of six so like we kind of need power to keep the colony going ideally at all times we want one person in the wheel and we want one person on food duty someone needs to pick up that food we want one person researching so once we get another colonists what we can do is we can start digging out here to see what's in there for the time being like Gausman is just kind of doing everything what I can do as well is I can pop down some more storage bins because we're just going to need these yeah so if I get one more columnist and like we should be should be doing good oxygen produced we're not producing enough oxygen no one's putting the food in the ration box Gausman you meet you need to like pick that up when you walk by it delivering dirt I'm he's falling asleep again all the batteries seem to lose power so quickly insufficient resources we're not oh okay yeah so we're running out so I actually do need to set this as like a higher priority then okay so let's make that daga six captain thanks for treats hearty 5 bits terrible nice another hundred make him beg for life for those last brat it's for the best Jesus Christ you guys are very mean to Rowan he's actually doing science now to know like he's doing his best we need to make that was a higher priority to guess so we can actually store more stuff is there a better source of power we can make for the time to know why we actually finished his research like and time electric grill mess table egg cracker okay let's get meal preparation next and we'll work away up to agriculture and get a refrigerator hydroponic farm a park sign get them on research he's just gonna keep going to get some water for the time being I'm gonna make these even higher priority just to see if we can get anyone on them kind of important I just wish they'd pick up the food they're doing a slightly better job of it this time in fairness it's still not great you need to make that those rations last [Music] okay let's do it all and in organic seed critter egg was the other one I turned off yeah you can store more stuff still needed to get started on here because we're running but still don't have enough oxygen generation you just keep running the wheel nan I'm getting hungry let some food there when you finish okay fast-forward a bit Rowan's actually doing his job now I'm very proud of him put Rowan on the grill I ungrown Duty or cook them the rations will last longer if you end with him okay calm down poor Rowan all the hardest work to do man just wants to be a scientist [Music] and they're just taking shifts that's I keep falling asleep I think this is the most food I've ever produced in like a colony like we still actually have some of our rations saved in here I believe I haven't run out of food yet so like that in itself is like a positive RT this is off topic but you should make a youtube figurine of yourself or I won't die also cook Rowan for the colony game galosh and thank you very much for the 420 bits I don't know about something people be interested and honestly I've never thought about that I haven't I won't die amiibo because my friend wolf made one for me you guys want an action figure of like our terrible me yes yes Oh God okay well maybe that's something to look into in future Jesus Christ only one person said no arrest that man oh no someone piss their pants not again okay mop that all up where can I put like piss we can put it in the co2 pic oh my god wait no this is actually perfect so cancel those dig out all this space and then plumbing bottle emptier and we're gonna put one here and so this will just be like the poison pit bull look like unbreathable gasps and like it co - can't believe he pissed his pants already we have a working toilet - there's no excuse Rowan is the only one keeping your colonists alive is your only hope let's be honest here tell me nine tails thanks for number five thanks for the five quid cats thanks for tree hugger pits you told me a year ago paying an Irishman to play 2d space minecraft I wouldn't have believed it yet here we are cute with a good work fo all kisses I'm not Kevin okay missus I love you the street see like a great guy always dad to her and keeping it fun you rocked up my steam wish that's quite a bit yeah I always clicking the twitch notification all the best to you and Rihanna thank you very much Daniel thanks for 100 will destroy anything sir than 100 terrible thanks from you know hundra thank you for all the bed space Jesus someone else piss their pants this guy's getting hypothermia because there's piss everywhere like guys you gotta you gotta get on this priorities is mopping an option well what would like cleaning up his fall under is it tidying oh is the toilet break no choirs emptying okay uh priority nine someone needs to get on that we gotta fix the toilet this too and it's too much piss ever like Lehrer is not having a good day just the wheels like trudging through the pits like splashing it everywhere Oh No Rowan's still doing his research child at least okay yep mop mop it all up gotta get rid of it there's food that's been in the piss - someone put that away before it gets infected please which is not safe to have all these batteries like covered in piss like oh right there Blair is sick she might be she does have hypothermia and sake fees that's not a good combination but she made a new friend and she's starting to run out of oxygen oh really starting to run out of oxygen [Music] what do we do we we could really use some of this I didn't realize the oxygen situation had gotten so bad keep making food you stay on the wheel what you do oh she got a skill point um what are we gonna give you is there improved sweeping up hiss uh what do we need improve strength I mean that could be kind of useful it's saying here we should make her a doctor okay I'm gonna make everyone strong there we go [Applause] make everyone stronger so they can clean up like all of this piss and we need to also assign like priority we need to get this bottle empty you're done because otherwise like their chars a piss they're just gonna be left here they level up again we didn't just having a good day okay get them building this up so we can just clear out some of this the oxygen I'm very well aware of the oxygen like we're trying to get the generator going it's a weight and algae at priority knowing as well we need that colonists you got a few jobs today like those are five how are still important food is still important not as important as what's going on here yeah quick quickly guys like we need this pronto or we're gonna run out of there but geez they are just tunnelling proof okay all this one of these brain machines again but there is a lot of stuff in the way duplicant we need the brain go people go we have a bottle empty or two it'll fall into the pit there's enough there oxygen is starting to run low so we need to get that air coming quick we're all destroying techs with 900 Pitts once Rowan has outlived use for this you should accidentally kill him I'm just trying to keep the colony alive for now mimicry thanks for 200 bits terrible nice 100 urine isn't the only thing you should put in your co2 pit RT and gyms no oh dear God it's piss on the left - we'll get it will mop it up okay look one problem at a time we need to get that brain we need to clean up the piss we need to produce oxygen and we need to we need a print a new person how to cook and Aaron's cannot do attack they're immune to food poisoning is good because especially been a bunch of food laying about in the piss welcome aboard okay so that's that's your dinner that's been down there okay meet the team and I need I need him to not doing anything oh no they were just having like an awesome and still need to make him that a cop too well I need to make an extra one Apple that just guy just eat the mush bar no no make an Iowa die funkopop gave kalashnikova 160 bits you've heard the board meeting Artie Road must be offers oh he must be offed sorry [Music] yeah well let's uh get another bed for him anyway I give him messed tables reduces blue dirt and outer compatibles down into dirt I can make an electric grill I should probably make one of these so this seems pretty good I would probably move it away from like this thing electric grill where do I put it I got a dig up all this I'm hoping someone decides to like get everything here to clean and please please remove the pits oxygen is starting to come back in at least bottle emptier sweep own sweet bone oh no I have to I have to make it all four start wit I think don't put the water in there Area C thanks encourage if it's two years of seven oh my god feel feels like yesterday honestly it's been a in a while two years only contaminated water can I set the contaminated water I can't pollute it water thank you okay get the polluted water out of here yeah they're starting to deliver it okay we'll just fill up that pit for now we're starting to bring it back it's oxygen in this no we're gonna need some more oxygen generation okay let's let's do this properly if we destroy this right and then make one of these we'll make this priority nine I can be priority five again so this is much more efficient let's destroy that first and then we'll make a new one they still have a bit of oxygens not gonna like die instantly they just gotta build up this new one by quite quickly see they're already on it thanks for doing it we thought up I need to make another top pop one up there okay wait and delivery though I need I need to make this like a fairly high priority yes so we have oxygen being produced there just delivering but what they doing oh my god they're moving the resource guys no guys it's fine in that storage bin you don't need to put it in the new box I know it's new but it does for God's sake they just moved everything from this bin and put it in this bin you're kidding me don't have a lot of time right now world destroyed thanks for the thousands of bits if you kill row and won't people will stop asking you to kill the chat - he consumes less resources than candy but don't they're just going up now no guys no we're not ready to keep fighting there we we need oxygen we need another one of these priority give it give it a seven we need more oxygen getting real bad in this tunnel in general now eldritch gala thanks for children Fitz parity has industry but I see what a gold experience we are struggling to actually have our colonists survived because they keep trying to dig up outside of that we're doing pretty good god I kind of I'll build a ladder there anyway for later but they shouldn't be prioritizing that they're running straight forward aren't they yeah they're more ladder boss - you got it [Music] someone's gonna need to clean that sink soon falooda to disinfect that we can [Music] and no one's making food right now either let's see we can make the new electric grill let's get that set up [Music] this needs to be repaired although I just need more power I put the hamster wheel on nine again someone get in there the guys are still just digging up this does not eat they're just opening oh no um pause the game okay alright so yeah we're generating a quarter of the amount of oxygen we need I think we we need to get where oxygen pockets get one here open that up then [Music] carbon dioxide in there okay well there's a second one here let's just let's just go dig in a while that'll get some more air in and then we should also open up that pocket there there we go okay hopefully this saves this let's find out we're generating more oxygen we're gonna open up new pockets get some more flooding in oh they all got to go for lunch real quick someone better clean that sink soon a polluted bitter deride I don't even know why that's there in the toilet they all build zakat - don't go to bed doc don't get sick Ellie what's going on oh she's okay yeah oxygen is number one priority tomorrow this starting to take damage Oh No okay uh priorities nine nine down great that we're gonna be in trouble soon we need we need to get air in I've never seen them actually get injured from the lack of oxygen like it's never gotten that bad so quickly and the sad thing is I kind of know what I'm doing this time like I you've learned since the past times I've played this game okay what else have we got for oxygen tools nothing we don't have ventilation unlocked I need to make this I need to make this pit deeper but we're gonna actually have to make that annoying too oxygen is starting to flood in a bit there we're gonna drain this cavern dry and we probably shouldn't have opened that now you get someone to someone go use the chair you're working in this part of the map cuz it's oxygen here I don't want to be on duty anywhere else sir Sir Alex thanks for two hundred bits earlier the oxygen is starting to come in not as precarious it's pretty bad though this part is doing great and we should clean up all axes a lot of alligator our that weekend we can use we should make like a little bit of tile there just to make the walk easier we shouldn't put one there though you guys pick that up we need to get more of the co2 out it's all gonna start falling in there eventually plants aren't making oxygen the consuming carbon dioxide they are emitting oxygen it's just not a lot we're gonna need a lot more [Music] gonna need a lot more of this and we're gonna need to like routinely space them too people are giving me conflicted advice at the moment put plants in the pits oh you're right hang on yeah cuz if I put one down there then it's like yeah you're actually right it'll replace it and then the oxygen will rise up oh so this this piss pit is gonna like save our lives I already nine we need them all on that we'll keep those two just to kind of filter a little bit no they they need a ladder house I had one well priority nine there - they'll reach it they'll work it out they're all trying to get to the brain one of them will go for it eventually living hope they call me blacks grilling skill fine okay I gotta do that too you can get some tasteful memorials built I don't think we're quite at that stage yet make a cop there for later in case we need to treat them there we go into the piss pit lights we need fresh oxygen we'll make a little bit of ladder there so these are use up some of the co2 how we do on the oxygen situation it's starting to get a bit better I should get in some air in deadly vacuum of space is still over here that's just like a pocket to abyssal ice it's a bunch of obsidian something else over there too it's like probably like a second brain or something we want to get that while we're here hey insufficient resources they need water okay well oxygen situations kind of dire so get on those first get them on that unrelated food insufficient oxygen the awesome situation is starting to get better though it's now down to just barely breathe both still better than unbreathable the like I'll take it why they dropped the water in the north of water I don't understand what a waste it's 75 kilos though they could have just taken oh there we go yeah that's starting to produce some more oxygen to wreaking havoc with the gas here we need to like mine out that so we can get some co2 down you need much more plants what will get plants [Music] but more of them that I'm there I need to put like an oxygen diffuser up here because like we simply don't have enough in this power [Music] that's that up there okay come on guys don't need to die today there we go okay so that's gonna that bit of co2 is gonna move down here now and be converted into oxygen so we clear the air flow we just need to get more oxygen up here we don't need that cop we need to get the air coming in just delete that space there we go because the oxygen rises up and the co2 goes down oxygen goes down or the oxygen rises is enough I'm fairly sure that certain the oxygen rises cuz the co2 is denser co2 goes down okay yes that's starting to come up a bit more be gonna make this situation to attract them Oh guys yo he's built that block there please they don't have resources someone we have two men one of them's asleep thank you you need to research yeah I'm fully aware okay we need we need ventilation need ventilation so we can like pump some into that part of the colony co2 situation is getting so much better someone neat I want someone to go over here and I can use the thing so they can just get like a free skill if they do that you kind of skills we got one here we'll get you hard digging too okay so this is all supplied don't mind the piss down there fine Emil wood we can harvest that might as well looks tasty yeah how we doing on power - I don't think we have enough power power is plus 400 and is minus 240 minus 60 so we're gonna need like a better source of power the very least we've kind of solved the air situation nowhere near as bad now Rowan is sick he's okay we need to replace her bed and refrigerated food I'm working on it caught their the germs materials temperature Durham overlay oh no they got in the ration box again no you need to disinfect sooner it's scalding what do you mean scalding my god oh my god it's really hot over there okay so they can't go in that part of the tunnel oh Jesus Christ yes we'll be careful going in there guys getting some meal lice goose man it's okay oh we got someone new from the portal we've irritable bowel mouth breeder or pacifist we get some hatchling eggs I don't know how to do those people want Abe's oh you want Abe or the eggs I don't know if we can realistically afford sustain Abe well I don't know how to use the eggs like I have no idea please get the eggs and we're just gonna get the eggs because we can't get anything else okay wait how do I take care of these things this is the next question what do I need to do under food Ranchin just cook them but guy is like if we make like chickens we can get more eggs a cracker is there nothing else we get we don't have anything else unlocked yeah that's get an egg crack this is so sad okay let's get someone on that we're gonna make we're gonna make an omelet Oh someone someone please pick those up someone else piss themselves now just drop it down there we don't need to worry about it okay so oxygen situation is stabilized for now it's a bit rough here that's all right Rowan's gonna do some more research on ventilation for us let's see if we can get anyone building the egg cracker there we go egg cracker let's crack the eggs well they pick them up looking ingredients actually next here we go no wait so she's getting she's getting ready for it just needs some more materials incubate the eggs I have no idea how we did it you got scrambled eggs okay there there's some there's some food for later there we go we do have an electric omelette please make the omelette they're doing it good loading it up I think they're just grabbing some more egg for that they need some more resources there's the last egg will they make it no they won't although colony likes grilling skilled oh no we've the eggs are just sitting in the oven now wait did you just did you just level up no fast forward we need to get grilling give us more oxygen for now Kevin must be so proud clays gonna look at us real weird after like this and the don't star of sponsorship like yeah here you go Daniel you know just have some fun playing our games I cook children I'm sorry I cook children like across there games that's all were doing now I officially hate Artie oh wow well it's lovely to have you here man thanks for counting as a like viewer for this to its channel and boost in the channel I appreciate it [Music] we will get the grill in skill this is important her to her I get Rowan to just like be assigned to dig an operation into the Obsidian unrefrigerated food haven't cleaned up everything yet probably going down to these as well is all the water is kind of on top of it so they get their feet soggy every time they go down if sitting is a thousand degrees if I just say like dig Oh he's doing it how long can he keep it up oh he's he's injured oh no I think he's dead my god no cancel cancel cancel oh no get away from there yeah we I didn't expect him to die so fast where are they putting him where is Rowand being brought back to the car no he's not quite dead oh he's barely alive he lives he's not dead how does someone how do we get someone to do medicine so we build that memorial we might need it soon priority nine oh god no several people are now injured in the colony - after that expedition into the heat Goss mines injured in the wheel get rowing some grains if you know what I mean hashtag brains for a row and nineteen Telus likes with a fight another five quid terrible nice 100 bits a get a row and stew there we go she's she's trying to tend to his wounds we can save him yet everyone else is danger just filled in a grave for a big listen Rowan like we're doing the best we can but this procedure might not go well we need to prepare for like the inevitable they're also badly hurt did we even get any obsidian we didn't even pick it up it's like left there we're good we're gonna need more cuts my god I got a dig some of this out we can actually build oh she's not looking to a good I eat her vitals how were they doing oh damn no diseases they're actually doing pretty good not much stress he's there all injured but they seem to be fine that was the germ situation doing how does the food box always get infected okay well we need some more research medicine this is Madison might be handy work or die people are washing their hands before they handle the food buffs oh my god you're right oh no so when they all clean up the piss and it was lunchtime they just stuck their hands and all that makes so much more sense we still have any skill points to grill the eggs - they're just sitting in the oven right now I need to get another skill point no I think you're actually right because I think they just spread the germs to the food because they're touching it because even if you look at where like the germs are it's like this supply box to it they've been using well this one here yeah I think that might be it clean the algae the oxygen problem is coming back well I'm trying to but they don't want to hey wait okay row it just put that down for five Rowan's back to his normal self don't need egg cracker high anymore [Music] but that is six I want them to use the big brain machine and need him to mr. Owen just about fight to bed he's it a lot of pain he's just gonna spend the night here made a mess okay they pissed in the piss pit though I think it's not like concerned how much oxygen we're almost producing enough we just need like a little bit more this is really help and I think oh and we need to continue the path to the surface hang in there Rowan oh god they do not have good looks in their face it's okay that will spill into the piss pit just keep making the it's fine yeah just yeah just leave that there leave that there it let's let's just go up toilets broken okay we'll make that actually does need to be priority nine oh my god and they pissed everywhere doesn't matter if you wash your hands now if you're just walking true not much piss Rowan's almost fully recovered guys I know you're all concerned for his well-being he's kept out of reach of the piste because he's in the car right now hope the toilet is fixed I'm starting to run out of water too great didn't need to go down here soon the toilet is broken I know the toilet is broken I'm trying there is a high priority to fix it I'm trying to get them to do it please clean the toilet there you go we roll the story that's where five with your pits we need to fund the expeditions to the brain but they just won't go I think I get a free perk if they just walk over there like new people here to I think there's a there's a base here but I want them to get to oh my god no someone please get that piss yeah and they're all getting food poisoning it's like they're just eating it off the ground someone else just [Music] it's toilet work and again please Rowan's back in bed just guys please please like a priority nine suite probably already nine sweep just clean it up we can't live like this thank you and move debris priority nine I want all of this picked up I don't care how badly injured you are in the colony right now this is your job get it all in the pit should make it two toilets well it's struggling what won't assays but yeah sure [Music] off a second I would house there in a washbasin there priority 9 please just clean up the place and we could print something new but I don't know if we want another person he's German resistant should we just get Hassan she's help at the colony print a guy throwing dead no I think he's made a full recovery yeah yes okay second toilet is being built everything is like mostly cleaned up they're just getting the last bits of it now colonies actually going to be cleaned please dig that a priority nine then just finish sweeping and we need to get those eggshells to [Music] skills no and I get you on grilling duty and super hard digging okay grill duty we need to make those eggs so still in there where's the Sun get out and bud everything's almost returned to normal as far as the eggs survive the piss see me too honestly good they're just gonna keep building up there it sounds cooked he just made them there we missed it oh no he just grilled the eggs we built up for that moment he just made of them like a blink of an eye you need more oxygen how we doing oh okay yeah we're starting to have a deficit oxygen I can make more of these to just convert the co2 that will inevitably fill this pit there we go another day done Gossman is not looking too good still we should probably get her on the stretcher this is projected to fall we might it'll make it fall Bop it down one I move that debris into storage still no one's going to brave the brain this like this door was blocking us before it has since run out of power in the battery like all they have to do is walk over and sit in the chair and they can get it oh wait no I have two son who isn't dying there you go I wish someone said that sooner the pain I'm so sorry if you making the trip like right away yeah she is okay so what are the buttons do we're gonna find out I mean the place is ran out of power oh you're supposed to get like tree duplicants to stand on it to open it initially but we just waited for her to run out of power well I mean this works too [Music] see what we got these duplicates had the genetic makeup and modified complete neural process leras brain is still vibrating but they've never felt better be quite the sunny disposition trait Oh like negative stress for cycle hasn't been Waverley positive outlook on life that's pretty good oh they they can recharge it but we ran out of power we can use that machine again if we want I kind of want to see what's up here I just sign that [Music] and so that oh the water I'll just there we go pop a block there okay look he's making the eggs again oh we've caught him in the act this time as our injured duplicate walks but you're doing a good job my arms in pain go back to work you go there's an omelet on the ground so it needs to be disinfected though and the eggs were in there too long okay well if she's still gonna take it though so we did something her honey okay I think for like when we after the rapid stream we're just gonna dig into the vacuum and see what happens because we might as well this is just space exposure well wait a little bit before we get there the love of God just pick everything up I'm just so sick of stuff being on the ground always need to clean up after yourselves Rowand slashes usual self - he's doing science again I think Rivaldo just got a skill point I sure plumbing each room that I will give you roof carrion get some new abilities from I think all of the omelets have gone bad the fresh this is the oven I need to disinfect it every time it seems a bit whirring beans thanks for for 20 bits you very much money she fell asleep piss pits still fine it's too much happiness evidently can just dig out a little more there to drain some more for this someone needs to get that block so this just comes down to yeah we'll just do that okay old it's starting to get over here - lets see priority nine let's get him up let's get him over here be what's in the cold space space here okay fast-forward a while there they go yep begin to work on it feel quite badly injured but that's okay don't line it guys rip the water we're gonna put a block there like if we put the water down here as well it's not the war's the end of the world the water will fall first with a nut build it for what do you know okay guys yep just plug that I mean we were finished with the brain room anyway oh it's fine it's not a lot of oxygen in there unfortunately though of insufficient generation but like it seems okay if the co2 is being pushed down there at the moment which is what we should put in some of these down here yes that is SMERSH because that way then this diffuses it and then it just pumps out oxygen again everyone's in bed for the night well they're getting close to break and true here too and there we go yep disinfect it was a good thing we set that to low because like they seem to actually be on top of it now they have a second our house they just haven't built sink for it yeah oh wait no they can't put the sink there cuz it'll fall washbasin there we go okay so are they going to go up there I set these all lower-priority come on guys yep there we go a man rowing is on the scene then there oh that's just more carbon dioxide polluted oxygen a bit more whirring hey I'll make it so hang on just so we don't crack in yeah accidentally well we just have that tunnel ready for the end that chlorine gas just polluted oxygen it does look really bad oh this is chlorine gas yes oh this is chlorine gas um [Music] slow down there look they can if they breed in a little it's not gonna affect him that badly he she's so happy they can breathe in a little okay I need them yeah this stuff in here priority oh I just get him over here maybe I already nine I want him to see what's there yep they're heading back come on guys the ladder you go oh the door is lost I can't go in oh submit bioscan do I need to get them over there will they just do it sound gonna do it come on Hassan oh he stronger over to sophisticated genetic clock you gonna do it bioscan if 50-100 of our eyes see all the chlorine please yeah I probably should there we go set that pretty high priority because you know it's chlorine gas that might cause some trouble if that gets out there's an alien let's see in unfortunately submit bio scan we have to just wait and just destroy it unfortunately it's everyone ups and down as well where are they off to having lunch [Music] we will destroy tanks in our 420 don't need to breed just get there look if I brute-force it hard enough it'll do this thing I want how an ant colony works you just scream at them until they build the tunnel you want is there actually something behind the door people keep saying there is I don't like there is hey there buddy wow it is area 51 okay we found it I don't know how we open this door though he'll the aliens if I build a tile next to the door will that do it and then they can like submit the BIOS kind is that what it's waiting for [Music] let's see let's see if they'll run over to it I need I need just one person to go there we go okay admit bioscan they don't want to do it still you need a research what research do I need make the door now I will do that someone said I need a research for it no just need high enough priority on the door okay mind will someone go to the door oh it's going here we go okay besides taking a bold step for man oh there we go it's a morgue oh my god they have a huge set up here I think he's friendly sign let's get you in the chair computer looks pristine on the outside but it's corrupted internally still I managed to find one corrupted file and I've added to my database I reckon this is both of them yeah Pete Sierra's some follows up with my interest database you die the base entry yeah we already took everything that we can okay it sounds him to go in the chair this guy this guy seems fine okay whatever you're already hassan yo the soup lagoons got muscles on their muscles strength plus ten you quiet the beefsteak tres it's pretty good I guess he just lives here now that's falling oh he creates polluted oxygen kill it please please kill that thing anyone gonna go do it yep she's skipping to battle here we go it's fluid I know more polluted oxygen [Music] insulated tiles it's all made of obsidian there water and everything why doesn't our colony look like - it looks rubbish in comparison okay let's gear up for the end then priority 9 Oh what can we print narcoleptic welcome our new sleepy colonists we have too many people now we don't need more people we run out of water well we're gonna hit space soon so it's fine Rowan's gonna take one for the team [Music] let's gear up for the end because we're gonna be wrapping up the streams to it anyway let's just break into space we I'm happy at least we figured out the oxygen system at last like with these it's a really good setup it's like the carbon dioxide just drops you build these the bottom and that kind of refreshes it and you don't run out of oxygen oh we broke into space doesn't seem the kilim instantly the oxygen escapes this was break true let's go alert surface breach should be careful the region's extremely inhospitable to could easily lose resources the vacuum of space by [Music] so I guess basically if it's space and like no matter how you can't pump oxygen in that's just how it works it doesn't seem to affect like anything else like [Music] it all seems fine oh wait no you know it's draining the oxygen at a rapid rate you can just see it goin okay yeah it's functioning like a vacuum here we go this is the let's see how long they last polluted oxygen wait wait priority nine break the seal there we go I'll go for a nice space dig get digging there don't piss their pants it's fine let's see how long this lasts let's sit back and watch so how you guys doing Philip thanks for two quid and must live crossed out Dottie oh dear captain thanks 100 bits well maybe do an IRL cooking stream I got a grilled cheese or something I don't have the setup for cooking stream at the moment honestly it's the main thing maybe when I move into a new place you might be able to do stuff like that like more IRL stuff anyway please Oh cook again what's wrong it like cooking get the duplicates out here out they go keep digging I already know hey keep going man priority for everything else one you dig now until the end see how long they last the oxygen is starting starting to dwindle still a fair amount in the tunnels I think it's because we have like generators for that I hasn't gone completely only a matter of time [Music] are you trying to kill them well I mean we're wrapping up the streams might as well have them all die grant them release on the painting of existence vacuum takes a lot longer to see all the oxygen I thought it would yeah it honestly does doesn't seem to instantly punish you like it's getting there the oxygen is getting much worse I see you it like a solution for like the co2 is just working so efficiently at the moment not like that's why it's surviving longer feel like we actually have like really good generators like look like this place is completely cleared up this place was like processing all the co2 down here like gradually replacing it like you can even see it here like more of the rides like going away send them out till they die that's just teleport creatures they dead yet surprisingly not still deliver an alga priorities let's just make digging very high just a we haven't seen any of them die yet like Rowan almost did let's see if we can get one dead now guys come and say hello maybe he'll attack them Danny thanks for the gifts up keep going boys yeah it's not running out cuz this is efficient generation there's a lot of power that's been built up to like they're not even on the wheel but they're surviving oh this let's got buried that's fine you can disable the terrariums to stop oxygen let's go just push him to the brink turn it all off sable sable boom they're all going offline this will willfully turning them off turn off the toilets to see how long they last turn it just turn it all off sable the ration box they're just gonna quickly grab one before it goes is that your last meal yeah everyone to bed we dig more in the more Jesus Christ they're digging really far up just keep it up keep digging like your life depends on it because it does here they go [Music] they just torture in these poor souls as the oxygen situation going insufficient generation and making a mess box them in you can't box them in like that because they need to go back and get our crap resources very hard to just seal them in like that we have made things infinitely worse though they're just a hole in pain I'm just cleaning up the piss and not looking too good one and I'm pushing to the brink I just want to see if we can do it cuz her vitals doing stress stress is actually starting to rise 15% on traval dough I know what to do to make that we can make things worse maybe oh wait they stopped digging because they ran out there we go I was thinking if we get them to mop up the piss and then empty the piss and just keep doing that that might do a number on their health print some water it's like oh my god you can refuel the sink there you go keep digging lads still taking its sweet time oxygen situation is getting worse it's like there's still a bit there this pocket over here so we need to see all that tunnel food shortage that's fine every what happened when they mined the Obsidian oh my god forget the lack of oxygen skull and temperatures is where it's at genius why didn't I think of that sooner hey lads okay they might not last long here keep working Scholten I can't mine it oh they need super hard digging skill you'd only get hard digging I can get like two of them on it oh that's tragic okay well we brutally injure them so you know I'll take it I can live with us I think we're gonna wrap up the stream there because I'm still gonna be I'm still gonna be live so we're doing something a bit different tonight we're gonna wrap up the stream I'm gonna send you to a different channel and I'm then going to be on that channel my friends are doing a charity event and for the next two hours they're actually gonna be playing minecraft and so I said I'd help them out so I'm gonna leave you in their care in a moment or two if we're a charity event to raise money for special effect and my friends at a YouTube group known as plaque ature very silly name just flap my we're gonna go rate them the raising money for special effect and I believe that as a donation incentive for like the next two hours that if you donate like two special effects and they're gonna do horrible stuff to me that's the incentive for the next one I'm gonna leave you in their care anyway we're gonna just wrap things up here let me just save this thank you again to clay for sponsoring this if you're interested in oxygen don't include it you like what you see type exclamation when oxygen you can pick up the game on Steam it releases in two days from early access combined today you can already play the early access but full release is in two days to live xxx is a pretty good game I would recommend it not a lot of fun wait wait there we go wrong card okay so we'll just roll this for a moment and then we'll do the raid and then we're gonna be playing Minecraft with my friends for charity in the next two hours no I just got here but don't worry cuz we're still going we're gonna be live like with Minecraft for another two hours and my friends are going to torture me so it should be good it's in the name of charity at Baden and just at the very end I thank you for the five gifts herbs thank you very much you seriously think that everyone actually gave gifts of smite a constrictor were a lot very much appreciated we do have a new remote that's actually coming soon as well we're retiring what the Lola mo and we're gonna get one of I want die laughing instead so we're gonna update it currently it's Leslie Nielsen but we've had that a while we're gonna update it and make it a bit more relevant to channel Oh get your Leslie's in while while he's still here he's gonna be retiring soon toss on the man's from Sweden second horse dying I I don't watch the man at all I just hear like little tidbits [Music] every yeah yeah well we doing what we doing Minecraft next well John soaked he did I was very kind of him to just drop some gifts nubs like that and actually was him he's a lovely guy what time is it now right now it's currently 10 past 5:00 [Music] who shut jacksepticeye actual name Shawn so not even Jack but yeah we'll still be going with minecraft burner to our so if people just want to like sit tight a moment and I'll do the rage we just got to get the subs up and screen sure hope you have seen my first live stream I hope you enjoyed it man what server is it from minecraft it will be on a private server for it I believe I don't think it's open to the public that's okay [Music] if his name is not Jack what's the chances of him being Irish what's real anymore the charity going to leggo no it's going to special effect they're a wonderful organization they've been involved but a lot of tf2 stuff like hugs TF of anyone knows that group they always do a special effect who we plan what we're gonna be playing with a bunch of like my just friends I could run the charity event previous years I was the one I kind of run it but I just been swamped I'm just trying to do what I can to still support them it's like I ran at the last two years and I have to step down for this year because just no free time unfortunately I'm hoping to do more charity stuff in future like I do actually want to get back into it I want to have like at least like one charity thing like you know even like every half year or something we get to out because summer thing in the Christmas thing you know it's important I think it's there on the platform we've got like you know something we should do raise money for environmental charities cuz you know that all climate change ain't slowing down okay so I'm gonna pass you guys on to the essentials TF I'm gonna be I'm gonna be on that channel in like literally two minutes I'm gonna be playing minecraft my friends so just hop over there sit tight two minutes we're gonna be doing like two hours of Minecraft I believe they're gonna be torturing me so it should be good craic again thanks to clay for sponsoring my own stream very much appreciate it do check out oxygen don't include it I'll see you guys in like two minutes [Music] you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 37,071
Rating: 4.8104267 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-459127888, rtgamecrowd, I've been sponsored to be terrible to my colonists. Type !oxygen for more info, Oxygen Not Included, Twitch, Gaming, I've, been, sponsored, to, be, terrible, my, colonists., Type, !oxygen, for, more, info, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream
Id: yimcpmQU3V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 58sec (8158 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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