RTGame Archive: This was a mistake

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you [Music] you [Music] [Music] hello how's it going folks so I I turns out I couldn't wait until the weekend to play this one because I got too excited when I thought about it last night how is a girl one folks oh Jesus a lot of people here what why are you all here to watch this game this this one's terrible Oh God can you guys hear me okay can you hear the Nintendo Wii Menu okay this is one of the games I really wanted to do when I got back home from Maryland I just need like a to Mon this set up or it just wouldn't work you can hear me okay cool just a reminder for the new mods I still need to actually mod YES on the stream I think I saw Sierra's name like flash by and like quickly like disappear just a tidal wave a chat remind me just to give you guys like a ping or something tomorrow when I'm not streaming or something and I can magis I'm gonna Besser ah God oh yeah I'm trying to get you see our hand I see it I see it I see it okay I can get you now it's like fuzzy pears in there too and [Music] few other folks are okay well I'll catch him on a lighter uh how's it going on though folks I gotta use like freaking it's like the setup for this one is really weird because I gotta use like the Wiimote and like motion controls and so I'm like really fired back in like in my chair right now just so the thing like actually picks it up on my monitor like normally that the monitors like right in front of my face so I don't know how this game is gonna go because this one like you need to be quite precise but we are going to give it a go I've got quite a few Nintendo Wii games I do want to play over the course of the next month and I thought this will be a very good one to start things off I will probably gonna do we sports at some point because I think that just sounds [ __ ] class it's a two and a half thousand people here for this scale I could what's wrong with you people do not have anything better the two tonight I don't even know what time zone is is set to as well like it's not even lined up by our like nowhere in the world right now is 10 to 2 you know I there's a couple places where it might be too oh no no it's like why it's 10 minutes off no we have nothing better to do oh Jesus I'm trying something different as well because I noticed this when I was added in city skylines just earlier today I've muted the sub alert specifically because that little jingle that plays every single time I think is getting a bit much I'm open for suggestions for like a new server looks like we need to do something consider any kind of commissioning someone so we can revamp all the channels alerts at some point we're not just using stock footage in that but yeah like I've done that kind of spare you guys the jingle it's 2:00 p.m. in the East Coast yeah but it's not like tenders here though you know like it's 10 minutes off what it should be yeah I'm aware that it's close to 2:00 in some parts of the world this specific time dough like literally no [ __ ] on the planet is the temp ass to this is by our you know it's not ten pastor like anytime well attend to in any part of the world [Music] because I'm like really far back as well like it's difficult to even see like chat as well this time and even like twitch alerts like I'll do my best to kind of check you up with it if any PMS get lost in the stream we're gonna certainly go to save again send me a p.m. on discord and like like just say how much he gave in that I'm like I can recatch a message afterwards I actually replied here because I can see stuff coming in but like it's too far away from me now because I got a sit like real fire back to play this because otherwise the Wiimote is like doesn't pick up like if I even go like a little closer like like I'm not I'm not even moving my hand right now and like it just starts to get like real finicky though I got I got a sit back otherwise check I don't know what's going wrong with it that was asking for submode oh okay all right I didn't know we were at that point already exists a chat as much this stream so you know I guess it's not the end of the world if we have it this time and I gotta get one I just couldn't get one quick window open so I keep track of the frame as well just hang on one moment okay all right Street hasn't people there for some reason let's go we're gonna go to a meet shadow this is probably going to be too loud okay no license hang on well if you still have your hearing um let's just see if that's any better why is this one so much louder okay let's go this game got a 7 out of 10 on IGN I just want to stress that going in 7 out of 10 and a lot of the critics gave it a 7.5 there was like I think only one review is I gave a 6 that just said this game sucks but like this thing is almost on power were like Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire according to IGN standards I just want to like mention that before we go in this is almost as good as like the gentry remake of Pokemon oh good god I hope you guys are quite on the stream as well it's like really pixelated on my monitor I don't know what's going on there we does not support HD or HDMI cable as well I'm playing this true my Wii U so I can use what my capture card um so of the picture quality isn't shy sheesh it press a the love of God will keep flashing it unless you press it okay let's get all the plot details its gear on it got in nostalgia isn't a nice 2007 I want to say there's not much of a plot and you guys are going to want to murder everyone in this town by the end of it I already wanna murder them you know so we're on the same page if you think about it Oh am i okay you guys can't hear that I like my Wii U is making like a violent noises right now wait there's gonna be use it I have a nunchuck okay my Wii U is chugging it does not like this game okay well let's create a save file I hope you guys can't hear that it's like it's the best I describe it's like we're gonna earn like sound in the background like I think it's in trouble okay huh let's go to a new game okay choose a slot empty slot please name your town okay guys what are we gonna call it yeah Wow my town okay that's a [ __ ] shite come on I want to see some names murdertown I think that's too obvious I think our town mechatopia what is this Carvey Kevin people are just saying Blackpool but I don't want to destroy black folks black ball is actually utopia you know like Blackpool is actually great I don't I don't want to I don't want to do that you please let's just say in the UK now we're not going with dead babies okay this is an accurate recreation of the United Kingdom I'm so sorry okay okay hi there I'm mayor Rosalyn P Marshall I have to tell you the story of my town if you'd spare a minute I was a lot like to do it a minute it's a pretty unique time to tell you the truth we're leaving the trade union in the near future this is how the UK who's to be full of life personality and happy Sims you know they were brighterdayz everything in the town was so unique and suited the many different interests of the Sims who lived there you know you could be like a foreigner it's not being discovered I'm sorry oh god we're gonna go for the breakfast oh I apologize yo geeks it's a nigga's first I could relate to this so much okay many different interests of the Sims who lived here this is all thanks to a special resident who had the power to use essences to build all sorts of great things but one day the famous builder of the UK mysteriously left nobody knows where he went but the town began to change Wales lost all funding and Scotland started to disassociate itself from the United Kingdom and some sane ordinarily didn't even exist Sims started to move away though yeah yeah you don't say oh Jesus this one's gonna be bad guys we shouldn't call that the UK [Music] but from what I hear there's somebody else has the ability to build with essences I don't know what the how this fits into the UK's grand ski but okay we're [ __ ] wizard apparently they're coming here to the UK to help us out I can't wait I hear there might even be company on the next train who wonder what they look like III apologize for the brexit jokes guys we shouldn't have called the UK I'm really sorry we shouldn't have done this I guess I already I've said enough folks on the city skyline strips okay let's get the controls game froze pointing your seumas hair face or close and press the AVA and the change or they look okay pressing the B button cycles backwards for your choices use the control stick to rotate your sim and resume the camera in an animal okay so let's change this Muppet okay maybe we should just go at random and see who we get might be a good starting point [Music] let's roll at a few times we'll know when we've got the guy maybe oh no I just want to roll the dice a few more times I don't know about this one oh god this guy does not want to be here he's main protagonist of an anime of some kind I just want to keep keep rolling this we just have a guy who looks like he doesn't want to be here I think this is perfect this guy just looks upset to even be playing in this game right now like he was promised like a ps4 for his birthday and his parents got him [ __ ] my Sims it's perfect he's even got the hair so he looks like he's kind of like part of the Bob family household okay we're gonna call him this is gonna be sad Bob [Music] okay we got sad Bob you can customize select voice oh god I don't want to fiddle with this Oh God so we can choose helium or puberty hit him like a truck that's like the voice of fact they give to like the demons in horror films so that's perfect and we can change his glasses if we want as well what glasses options do we have I don't know if you want any of these [Music] change face paint [Music] he does not look happy if we put on any of these he looks miserable people like people are screaming for the monocle okay give him the monocle like we can give them face pay everyone I think it's okay with just the monocle turn our face pain there we go there perfect on the back of his shirt a cow being abducted okay let's go [Music] the butterfly no give him a Harry Potter scatter oh god okay haven't played this game in a while I'm gonna be a bit rusty welcome to the UK let's go to town hall let me ruslan know that you are here I do not have control of my character okay well that's just good camera work you know I enjoyed those like three seconds of music didn't want it didn't want too much you know the game is chugging I know it's actually not the stream running it's like physically like on the Wii U this game is chugging hard right now I don't know why O'Brian thank you for the five gifted subs there as well I twitch Allah it's not showing up right now they should show up and I think I fixed it yeah there we go okay sorry about that yeah I'm gonna miss a lot of alerts firearms early show up on stream sorry yeah Chloe pointed out there dutchy thanks for the 1500 they're late this game when I was younger I remember it being better Oh Oh God under like replacement sub that's a really big picture of Harry's face I'm gonna need to fix that that's I didn't know that would be so big okay let's keep going this is Town Hall you can use your fun there Rosalyn let's go say hi already thanks for five give the subs there as well and yeah it's cuz the way that the audio is set up with the capture card like I have to adjust the true OBS so it comes out really quiet it's kind of just a problem we have whenever we play console stuff like I I don't know if there's a way to fix it I'll see if I can work out something maybe I can like set up a different preset we're gonna on the capture car because I want to do more we stuff the next month okay move around your scene with the control stick press a to interact use control pad to move the camera talks in America try talks in America having some trouble well if it isn't sad Bob welcome to the UK are you so glad you decided to come here and help rebuild the town have you filled out that resident registration form yet I'm going to need to file it before we move you in okay there's multiple interactions let's give the forms here my residency papers fantastic delightful paperwork oh I love paperwork so much this looks great I'm gonna place my bet now and say this is their one character trait and that's it I really can't wait for you to help rebuilt the town I've heard you're great at that sort of thing first things first I'm sure you're tired let's get you settled into your new home follow me lead the way well this is the UK as you can see it's a little bit rundown and there aren't too many people live in here oh no that's where you come in I know you've yet building it back up and do its former glory and no tie let's go check out your house oh I can't move again okay okay we got to fix the UK is he okay but why is he standing there political commentary for the win yeah there's gonna be a writ like we shouldn't have called the UK I'm not gonna be able to control myself oh no there's no house here how embarrassing a bunch of cowboy builders oh you're a good builder so let's try building it now okay I'm gonna give what we up to on the stream as well 4,500 Jesus Christ I hope every guy cause I dislike to start off like the Wii game like gauntlet we're gonna be doing over the next couple of weeks so I hope you guys are prepared for that probably gonna have at least one a week the next well okay this is your workspace for your house you can stack blocks here up to two stories high point the block you want and press the a button to pick it up move to the workspace and press the a button to put it down okay paint allows you to paint the things you build you can change your color when you don't your house press the done button don't forget to add a door building needs the door on the first floor okay good home I just want to see if it will let me be wow that's quite a house you really are a talented builder know what any be so patronizing mayor Rosalyn okay I hear your real talent is these in essences though not just anybody could do that essence is a proud all over the world and could be used to build things like seems like you let's go check out the town garden and see essences in action oh I don't have control of my character again let's meet the neighbors okay talk to them let it its challenges in the new UK Oh fire things have fallen here are some red apple essences you can plant them in the ground to make more red apple trees round of ten red apples then come meet me back at Town Hall I've got some an excitin store for you next yeah we need to get some apples use the Wii Remote to shake apples from the trees why not to treat and press and hold the B button the Wiimote grab it and give the tree a good shake okay so I actually have to like use the motion controls here let's find some new essences - I remember this but there we go tasty cool okay and that's water the treat it's just like animal Karlsson you know the cloud thank you for five which were pissed escaped was my child or would have lasted the past but if we said this game is deceptively hard actually yeah I don't think I ever finish it honestly I think I got stuck as a kid and you know who can blame me I shake the treat it's nothing in this one I can chop them down like right away but I don't know if I should do a lot I feel that might be a mistake god no he's too many trees try planting another garden or chop down a tree and scout and get more space sure let's get rid of this one yeah let's just get rid of this stump get another apple tree I appreciate the eerie silence as I'm kind of working in the garden here you know the kind of going for like a brush of the wild field like reserved sounds for moments of tension do I have now or okay oh so the number it displays is how many I have go do I have two wireless again to get it all the way up oh my god I think I do I can see a crowing right now what I think I just have to stand here and wait for this to grow then what was the quest I had it was like get 10 apples but where'd it go now that gave me no warning I was I was trying to like look at my journal this delete at the tree press pull huh I was trying to go for my backpack hey my task book let's have a look take your time game it's okay no tasks but I thought she wanted apples okay you know we'll just come back later I'm sure it's fine yeah we can get rid of like kind of all these ones get a bunch of dead wood it's on two more apples stardew valley looks different what what is this the funny thing with that joke is everyone used to always say that in relation the Team Fortress 2 if I play any other FPS game how the times have changed hey snap them trees yeah I'm just kind of like planting as much as I can I love you could just stop the stopa to the ground yeah that's pretty cute I can go I can go fishing if I want stuff and fish for essences in this area okay probably should have read the controls there cuz I haven't played this game we need oh I should have read the controls yeah good tip I understand you're fishing right now and enjoying yourself but all have too much fun you know mara needs those apples thanks game you just scared the fish away they're gone there's one oh god I have to actually use the motion control I have to pull on the remote whenever they come there okay well let's just let's just drain the tampons dry old B and pull up quickly yeah that's what I'm doing say it's not following the pointer now whenever I go into the fishing mode though which is weird like yeah it's picking up the Wiimote in like a different direction my guy okay it looks like it's about to fall in yeah let's just get a bunch of clownfish then I'm gonna stock up now so hopefully I don't have to get any of these resources later drain the puns like if Linus I don't know if I can do that oh I got some tires that's neat [Music] so if I had a request or something to build some of my tires do I have to like just go fishing for doesn't sound right yeah like we need tires you just can't have to go fishing in the pond get more tires actually I'm kind of losing the will to continue here I have how do i how do I get back out there we go okay let's just leave there this is Patrick's house remodel okay games trusting me a lot here I don't haven't met Patrick but sure it's just just give him a makeover you know like one of those home improvement shows it was 60-minute makeover or something there we go how many stories tall can I make this I'm gonna put the door on in there [Music] and I just want I want to block it as much as I can I want to make it so that he can't go inside all that day do a different base block school all builds need to have a science of the UK Sims will know where everything is oh okay because because that's the current problem with the building how are you guys we put the sign on it I hope Patrick enjoys his life of solitary confinement okay here's my house in case we like forget where we live we're in the shed it's sad Bob's home oh my god so like we can just do this to every building in the town can't we all the hotel actually looks nice this was a mistake [Music] seal the entrance with fountains give me this narrow block I'd like just seal them in there we go I'm just gonna use like Lego bricks and just ruin everything in this town just why would it give you like this much control over I got that's why I just don't get they really trust you yeah well I'm gonna create the perfect village we need some more roof I fit in the more dome no I can't warmer I don't have too many blocks I can use oh I can stick this one everywhere apparently your way to like quickly place a load of these I wonder anyone know who's played this game gonna shove stuff on the hotel old ambi when you put things down oh yeah so is that okay oh this speeds it up greatly there we go that's gonna make the process a lot easier didn't need that window anyway come on give me the columns okay I think we're done good here arty I love this game let them be well we improved the hotel like a roof top you can go to the the UK hotel it's never looked better oh it's a flower shop here [Music] I'm having a great time are you all guys all having a great time cuz I'm having a lot of fun hey what's the smallest block we can pop a door on would it would it just meet the arch okay oh we need to weed the flower shop sign there we go hey you okay he's never looked better okay got our 10 red apples and bring her to me Rosalyn oh my god so we have to actually go with the apples okay all right let me go back to the garden it's even pick up some of the apples that are here you monster I'm improving the town okay they asked for a masterbuilder and they shall receive one I collected all the apples cool stock up on resources while we're here all the game is chugging that's cuz it's just getting dark okay Wow game does not like the night day cycle it's put into the game good to know rock man thanks for the 1,500 there I said apartment for a few minutes and just to find this heresy what are you talking about I'm having like a blast with this oh god almighty father not approve no wonder sack Bob was excel to the UK I will keep the Town Hall fine you know I might actually need to do stuff there okay go talk to the mayor no cheese's my own how much for town huh you just be mean to her if you want oh wow oh she gives you a scences for okay we gotta be mean more often I can literally like use this to like make stuff lighter widow tears I'm just gonna I'm just gonna grind for a moment or two I'm just gonna stock up do it she's not taking kindly to this somebody stuff him guys I want the sad essence okay this is sad Bob like this is going to be like his prime build material if you think about it like we need as much sad assets as we can get because like we're gonna have to paint everything with this so we're just gonna grind here we please devote every Thursday stream to awful Sims brand games I mean depending on how this one goes I might I might play more of this you'll see don't forget to go see the mayor when you're done collecting red apples in the garden kill your map if you're having trouble finding the town hall it don't worry I'll get around to seeing her soon I'm just kind of collecting her tears putting them in a jar you know it's 21 side I think we need at least 30 so let's just keep pushing her around a bit we're gonna need it we need a runny supply like a Warcraft like on a grind you know we're just trying to get some months there we go after this we should be okay there we got her she slapped us yeah that was kind of deserved ok let's talk to the Mac ok how's it going there Krrish 10 tasty red apples I've got just the plan for these essences we'll use some later to build something for the Town Hall did you know we we built you a workshop where you can go to your handiwork I'll go show it to you follow me okay we got a workshop I swear to God if the workshops not Bill's there'll be blood like I swear to God if this is like just like a pile of LEGO bricks god dammit mare you had one job oh dear not again looks like we get to build a workshop - ha ha mayor Rosalyn I'm suing I was promised more benefits than this time to build your workshop don't forget to add a workshop sign before you finish okay let's go for like the fancy blocks first of all because we can fit more stuff in here yeah it's good to get like a little command center oh god we got some zoom tools difficult to position any of these because I have to use like the Wemo disappointed I can't make them more than 2 stories tall so much more I could do I just wasn't restricted like this yeah yeah well just put that appendage share that's fine I think it has to be on the first floor so only we could pop that one up there it's pop a door on it [Music] let's get some decorative blocks get a dome top and see all from up there put those in there I put down the wet arraign anywhere put the wetter rain on the ground get some columns it's nice to just have games that let you express yourself on how like your creativity you know but does dr. Sutton more relaxing just being able to play with bricks well I can get gnomes alright I took I just accidentally jettisoned a window that's fine I can put the gnomes on the columns [Music] oh this is gonna be the best build in the law okay I just need a workshop sign somewhere so people know it's a workshop there we go easily identifiable that's what minecraft is for how exciting I can't wait to see the things you're making a workshop like glass I have kind of curious to Aveiro slit I got an itchy figure right now let's make something simple to get you started everyone needs a comfy chair price is this basically carpenter Sims okay this is your workspace to build an object fill in the ghost image of the object with building blocks on the ground up pointing the block press a to pick it up and move it press a to put it down you carrying your block you don't need any more press B okay so B is canceled when you're finished click the done button to put the object in your backpack and return to town okay so do we have like sight this one looks pretty standard if you look at it and you know it even all auto locks into position pick up these blocks see like it's actually really straightforward you know but now we can just make some changes as you know that you can't just make a simple chair this game is all about expressing creativity so let's get that ascendant arty will hey hey look I'm just playing with building blocks okay oh hi does it let me put this airplane to the game for like still Auto slotting these on [Music] okay can i is there any way to get it higher yeah and we need to fill in this little space here Jordan no one will be upset by not being slightly uneven how is that balancing like I don't know okay I can just keep stay is there a limit to the amount I can do here okay yeah well every chair needs wings oh we didn't need that there anyway okay there is actually a border that's good to know let's put this back on okay I think we're doing like we're off to a good start here now I just want to take some inspiration I had a saw and I want to make like a blaze that comes down here in the middle I don't think I can let's add some planks so far I can I let's just extend this a little bit this is the kind of chair when you desperately don't want anyone to sit next to you and you have to crawl to get it how are you going to fit this into people's houses um I mean we'll just sell any other furniture that I have you know I think we're doing pretty good here game is chugging a little bit when I turn the chair because I've added so many blocks at this point I can't paint it which is upsetting add just a few more blocks at least the music is very happy about all this it was like that that's something that lower that block of it done Artie I just like to say I play this game for countless hours as a kid you built way better stuff than I ever cooked good to know Thanks takes her the 200 bits there well done let's just go drop it off in your hat well I thought this was chair was for you I actually would have [ __ ] tried if I knew this was my chair ah goddamnit Maris I was gonna put this in her house oh we just got out play [Music] god I thought a place to move furniture to your house just rest of the decorate my house but can I not place this like will the game advance if I don't place this chair as our home looking as well we have a little bed a dresser you have an empty toilet okay and Oh kind of don't even have a fridge or anything like Jesus so I I have to fit this abomination later on you'll be I had to throw away objects in your backpack but for now don't forget to put this chair down in decorate mode okay let's go to decorate mo host pick up and drop objects by pressing the a button I'll hold an object you can put it in your backpack by pressing the P button okay let's put the chair at our dining room tables all the game is chuck it oh no it doesn't like this well come on there we go you see it looks like it's just a big boy chair cuz that's where you sit but this actual chair is hidden inside wait I can choose an essence flare to place I can I can just put the tires in my home they give me tires decorative we have a framed window and that's a what why is that undoing now because I want a place I want to place more of them I have to hold be why isn't it let me do that this is this hold be to place more but be is also the back button okay well we got some new windows let's just put down a piece of dead wood spooky the game is trying to stop our team brilliant that's how you redecorate your house yeah well played mayor I'm gonna find out where you live next just your weight you want to make a new object in your workshop you need have its blueprint first here are a few blueprints to get you started feel free to wander around town and say hi to everyone come find me at the town hall later I may have a job for you it marries giving you some new blueprints they have available in your workshop that will be a good time to save your game rest - click Save the game yeah we don't wanna lose our progress you know I don't have to make that chair again I'd be sad - sad bub I'd be sad too lives in the town hall I think dad oh no because I can't destroy town hall because it actually looks like an important building I destroy it then I may like lock myself out of stuff in the game I make our way over I don't whole again see what else she has for us mystery brought to you by IKEA yeah it's weird this is like a Sims game because this is like you're just a carpenter you know that's what this game is you just building stuff like why is it Sims I don't even look like Sims they were taking notes good conversation well we got thanks for coming I really need a podium so I can practice my important speeches here's the blueprint for need a podium with four red apples okay we got our first task gotta make a podium let's go to the workshop is there an end game secret so you just trashed a vapid it says you destroyed the you okay I apologize for just all the brexit memes in that IIIi do want to stress like even when we're doing this cuz like the name of this town is the UK like like I don't actually mean any of it in it will you know III Joe it's something that I we just joke about you know like I haven't actually got anything against the UK like that needs to be kind of like made clear I feel as we go it's just so like it's just like an Irish thing to actually just joke about the relationship there because you know it's a pretty dodgy history I think it's actually hilarious is all a good fun you know I just want to make it clear though cuz like I know like some folk because like when I made the city Scotland video theatre day where I put the jump in the UK like some people were really upset about touch and I got some rather angry comments so like I just want to make it clear like dates it's only in good humour you know it'd be pretty hypocritical because you'd be joking about your own country or epi hanger that was unnecessary therapy well place a Brian B as well thanks know Ted could this is the hardest I've laughed at a long time truly this is Irish oh thanks Brian hope you're doing well okay let's go to the workshop we're gonna work on a task the mayor it needs red apple podium when building you can use essences in two ways you can enter paint mode to add color or patterns to your creation or you can grab them from your backpack to use them like blocks oh okay so so I can just place them at red apple turn that on wait can I I want to get this right it's the only requirement is that I cover that one block I just do this that's actually kind of cool don't forget you can change your block selection yeah yeah sure thing good I'm actually really happy with that podium that looks in it that looks nice top done just one extra detail okay I can pay what essences or colors I just want to paint a Twitter tears there we go and we just we just need two more apples I believe I got okay we'll make a separate table that's part of the construction oh this is just going to be all part of the podium and this is just where they have the apples this is the interesting by adding apples to the podium you made it's tastier seems that like tasty things would like the object and what you're gonna try eat it like okay a tasty podium I mean I guess the fake apples so they're gonna just try you the apples okay we can eat the podium let me just use more of our tears to paint these blocks - there we go now we just need to add more to the podium cuz you know like things may get rough sometimes like being the mayor in this town so you need a podium that kind of operates like you know how like the popemobile protects the Pope when he's out and about well we need like a podium equivalent it's like safety is our utmost concern for the mayor [Music] let's just work our way in here Cass thanks for 500 bits I only caught a stray to keep up the good stuff thanks Cass [Music] let's just keep building you might say get violently assaulted by residents just an imaginary situation you know we don't know how life's gonna be in the UK in this small little town you know so like you can't be too careful we have to protect people can I just put this here oh no it's not even I know a game you're killing me I fit a block in here please tell me I can it's so difficult to be precise ER because I have to use like I'll have to use the Wiimote okay now I can't place it there all right build it up oh my god at least I know for this one she's not just gonna say race try putting that in your home you know this is actually for Town Hall Oh Mike there get that puck in okay now we just need to finish by sealing the bunker there the mayor will be safe when she gives her speeches won't get this in it's in air okay and we're gonna paint it all with her tears this is why we've like farmed earlier see like I knew what I was doing the entire time I know we'll get a different color with our tears this time some nice decoration enter the sadness queue and it's beautiful and looks you want the apples so we'll just do like a bit of Apple and then you know more of your tears okay now the last thing we need is just a thin old layer as you know we really want to make sure she's safe a bulletproof glass I'm gonna see if I can like make this transparent the answer is no no we don't have anything for transparent essence flares okay good enough that'll keep her safe it's beautiful [Music] critical of perfection at absolute beauty as sad Bob's really done it this time go give the podium I was worried about the pose of that I kind of statue that I thought it was dabbing for a moment hey mayor I've got something good for you give stuff since you have some essence let's try decorate with them then the paint Road I come to decorate the walls and floor use in essences oh thanks for the tip game so we can paint wood an essence so let's use the dead wood [Music] like I wouldn't have even known about this at the game hadn't made a point of them okay thanks game let's put down the podium Oh sad Bob it's perfect now I can practice all of my important speeches here take my personal chair blueprint as a token of thanks for a job well done he's giving you a special chair blueprint of hers sometime soon as we reward you with special blueprints when you make things from also for completing all my tasks I like to give you a present here it's a potted plant all you guys are gonna be happy easy to decorate the inside of your home if you like it better if you help other tenants oh yeah that'll give you presents too got a plant you're like we were like plan this all along though cuz like notice you just get a really personal speech see that was the intention now you just up close and personal with the mayor okay we're done here Oh ad all right we'll get out we're gonna go see use the plants in a moment it's such a great job with that sad Bob why don't you check on papi and see if she needs any help in the flower shop okay papi needs help in the flower shop but we got to go back to our I was first I want to get the potted plants up oh yeah I forgot the doors over here uh we go okay our beautiful home let's redecorate yeah I don't know why it does that whenever I place it it's like puts it away I just want to like be able to quickly place these I guess we can't like I got I got a do this all by hand I mean I I think the game like wanted us to use this room as like a bathroom with some kind but we can just fill it with pot of plants too you know I think it's okay this is the plant storage cupboard [Music] let's get into clutter we cannot contain any more decorative objects what can I remove the windows okay I can take off all the windows to get more plants cool [Music] like ever there's always a solution to a problem okay we don't we didn't need Windows anyway I'm just trying to keep the highways like consistent with the outside of static or you know there we go [Music] we're gonna have it so the plants are like kind of spilling out of the room a bit for flavor they're gradually starting to take over the home yeah perfect Hank our homes looking pretty good got a planner - stairs people said kind of review I like to hear does it make me want to play Animal Crossing which definitely isn't what they were playin yeah probably not this is probably a competitor for animal Carlsen I can't wait for animal cross and switch like we're gonna put through not so much that's gonna be great okay poppy in the flower shop needed some help let's go say hi to the poppy hiding in here hey poppy how does it go out this place actually looks lovely he's a lovely little home here and they got little flowers and they like kind of didn't think the counters and the essence blocks okay poppy what do you need I'm gonna I'm gonna help she's very upset can you make me a flower stand I'm running out of room for my pretty flowers now you can go like happy essences just by being nicer to Sims isn't that awesome that'd be nice then go for the hug yeah you only a little bit of happy that's all the happiness you got I'm actually running a bit low on tears so thank you cease guys we need the tears to paint everything it's like sad Bob's signature like at the end of all his creations I ingest ik beard says DJ candy was the only person I cared about in this game I have no idea who that is I'm sorry that I last played this game like a decade ago I don't remember any of it barge is like making like dumb stuff in the workshop it work on tasks we're gonna make a flower stand with two happy essences okay I mean I mean this one looks pretty straightforward this is just like basic blocks we put that one there put it back in in there put that in there and we got a flower stand and you know we're gonna do our favor in case she has like more flowers [Music] we're just gonna extend the flowers time so I actually can fit more on it get that seek like now she doesn't need like she never has to come to us asking for a flower stand again because like you know we we've sorted her skip that in there I think y'all I think we can make this a little taller we're smart about this we can get an extra shelf on for the flowers do evil man stuff Artie like guys I'm just doing her a favor I'm eight I'd like good she never has to worry about like running out of space to put her flowers now I fulfilled the request and she she wanted a flower stand I like now she can set up like a department store of flowers a few wants okay and she wanted to happy essences put that up there [Music] we just did her a favor guys like so now she doesn't have to worry about like running out of space let's go back into the arch okay where's poppy hey poppy I got a present for you a flower stand game is chugging oh she cleared a nice space for her we just have to get rid of her potted plants oh she likes game is chugging now my flowers have a happy house to live in thanks so much you have the table blueprint see she loves it like I wouldn't do this if the Sims were complaining you know I'm not a monster as long as they're happy I'm happy let's see she might need a few a few more flowers but you know she's got space when she gets little plenty of room to put him down you know it just looks like there was a big sale and you know like she's running out of stock for the day constantly maybe she doesn't have enough stock look guys it's fun your rat wake her up doctor yeah hey so you do it it's tried the stuff you like chugging okay now she wants a bed covered in pretty flowers that would be the best papi we're gonna help ya we're gonna fulfill all of your dreams here harvest some yellow blossom essence is to go up my bed awesome in the gerund sure thing papi sure thing good guys I'll never force anything upon them you know like my days are like making the Sims unhappy is over are over you know if they object to what I'm doing I'll stop so far like like papi was like delight us head on over here stop Hersh and papi she's fine I haven't done yeah yeah now you just passive-aggressively know he's comin thank you for the 500 pits how long you gonna strain for today um what time is it now at least another two hours I'd say I'm are I'm like already having a lot more fun with this compared to soups for that's at least something okay we gotta go to the workshop how many people are here actually I feel like a study for K Wow we too polite to say no who go to the workshop work on tasks to make a lovely flower bed yeah I probably should have listened to that that's fine we're gonna make a bed of flowers for her to lie on you know like we actually have access flowers there's like I can do something really cool you know I need to cure these oh my god the motion controls [Music] one two three four five sit up now and slightly off [Music] did it she can see she has a beautiful bed of flowers now to lie on it's exactly what she wanted okay that's a mattress okay like it's good for her back you know you don't want it digging into you too much so I have like this like calculated gap here so like your back doesn't like kind of sink into it too hard you know you want to keep a good posture I didn't you get to put your feet up job done for a mattress she has a mattress okay I'm gonna take this bed to her and if she can't sleep in it I'll go back and I'll redesign him okay I got a problem is I gotta make a promise he is right there if she's not happy with this mattress I will take it back I'll completely redo it beaver likes them 245 bits just let's say I'm having a blast watching your streams which we'll be able to catch the weekend ones as I'm working but sure I'm sure to catch the vod's okay weekend Daniel and everyone watching all the best beaver have a good weekend he liked it look it look it fits the aesthetics so well I can't wait to go to sleep surrounded by such cute flowers I feel tired already she loves it he gave you a me a flower stand blueprint that's covered in flowers yeah you guys all I kind of freaking out about it and I'm even gonna give her look poppies doggy even the dog likes it and even ER like it did you only adopt a dog likes it and even the dog that just kind of straight in from the street likes it no shits gonna be a big happy family and one of them got up on the Shelf oh my good that day they just shouldn't let you do this why is she so happy every time I place one of these she has to feed all these guys likes getting too cluttered can I get rid of it get rid of it you know dog papi there we go [Music] what if she's actually a cat person look it's a bit late to be asking that okay look congratulations your town has reached star level one hey Rosalyn has authorized you to use a crowbar now you know or trust it if you like Jimmy open windows in the town and no one's gonna bat an eye now just given us a crowbar oh no it's where the boarded up Mary is he find around town okay sad Bob did you hear the uk's been raided a one-star town by the town's star right he's in sport isn't that exciting you know the UK's fallen hard times when one star is annexation right hire a star little red gets the board people ought to move here I bet if you work really hard you can make the UK a five-star town again actually should check with buddy at the hotel and see we have any visitors you can use your map to find a hotel if you don't know where it is yeah let's go to the hotel they just can't see your vision these creations should be worshipped thank you Suzanne thank you for the 200 bits as well I'm glad someone understands my like artistry at work now unfortunately I seem to have locked myself out of the UK hotel so I need to completely remodel you can't place any more blocks good to know fixed it is that the takeaway that bit that is not connected to the hotel anymore but that's fine I'm a like remnant of a time gone by let's go to the UK hotel hate the UK great again how's it going buddy what is a chef here oh this guy's name is gonna be like chef Gino or something you can already tell gonna like hello I'm Italian I'm here to open a pizzeria let's go let's see he looks too tech stereotypical I've not played this game in 10 years check if you build me a restaurant I can bring my will famous pizza to your town Oh God okay come on magnifico always here while you build me an Italian restaurant god damn it god damn I'm disappointed there's a walking stereotype okay okay that's moving next to papi then okay collage chef Gino Oh would you like to move in after you know Gino Chris rubbish all villains need to have a sign to the UK soon as we'll know where everything is gotcha okay let's build a lovely pizzeria [Music] Regina I call it pizzeria the sign is spaghetti like make up your mind which way are we going no pizza there are only these lights are tasty so there anything else we can place that we're good pizza spaghetti tomato tomato oh and it's got the music and everything congratulations the UK has already started growing chef Gino is sure to have tasks for you to improve his restaurant happy you make the residents of your town the closer the UK will get to the next star level and you know if we get enough stars for the UK we might just make a European flag I'm sorry Oh No hey we got the Italian music let's head on in okay we can dance with Gino come on show you move sad Bob he's not so sad now this is the definition of what will happen after her dresses who was this guy Patrick well I mean he's having fun you know what the sad part is there's no Irish guy in this game I say if there's an Irish guy in this game like I'll make his life living hell just a put him out of his misery I'll try to kill because this is what the doing today Italians I don't want to like even try comprehend what they do to the Irish I don't think he knows how to sit yeah he's very confused [Music] dance with me Patrick now Poppy's confused like what's going on that's not how you sit in the chair guys let's talk to Gino well you're gonna owe my pizza ovens broken you know chayo sad Bob the restaurant is wonderful I can't wait to get cook okay what do you need well it's how you need do you have in your life right now oh just add me now yeah sure yeah sure sure sure thing you let me just make a canal I'd like to run a gondola turret like while you're here uh you know you you need me to make a chair in the shape of a mustache come on okay there's too many trees I'll try to get rid of this one yeah it's just plaid a tree we get some more apples in the Tash there we go okay oh and it's becoming night again so naturally the entire world lags alrighty so where do we go for concrete things that's the material he knew it yeah BASC book I need a pizza oven wood atrides apples and four stones we need stone this is stone [Music] you can't go true yet maybe when you have the right tool okay I mean we'll just prospect certain areas of the world you can go prospect for essences once you begin prospecting walk around and follow the vibrations and sonar pings until they are very strong Oh as the Wiimote gonna shake Oh No when the dig action becomes available slice it clean you bury treasure oh god it's vibrating well that's gonna be fun we found some purple crowns okay be honest like I was expecting stone we found two meatballs well Barry sits am I on a landfill is this the dump from City skylines are there some stone yeah we got it we just did we're just digging in a landfill and just see what we could find [Music] this is the stuff just buried everywhere okay we have enough stone I'll thank God okay let's go to the workshop and make the pizza oven go to our workshop oh geez loving this I'm glad to hear that okay world famous pizza like that's that's like physically the game chugging it's that's not even the stream like the game is like the my Wii U is making like grinding noises behind my monitor thankfully it's far enough away from the mic that's not being picked up okay let's make Gino a pizza oven make him happy [Music] you know it's pretty straightforward to build a pizza I thought it would I need a more than just blocks of wood but you know there we are I got a cool idea what we can do with the legs using the stone [Music] okay then [Music] you listen closely you can hear me dying inside oh gee okay we got the stones I think this will look nice there we go okay and we just need apples for some reason like I don't know why we need apples it it's pizza you know I would need like tomato or something [Music] stick of on like apple on pizza isn't a thing anywhere is it well I don't think it is [Music] [Music] there we go beautiful with school hardhat accident his color look the bricks will keep it upright okay it's fine we still have some extra tears there we go that's a beautiful pizza oven let's go [Music] Greg thanks for 200 bits can you make something bad a name at Manchester no like sort of to interprets though and Mad Dog thank you for 500 bits billion just to say it is a game called my Sims racing which is the Sims version of Mario Kart same characters music and stars ah okay well I guess I'll look I'll look on eBay yeah okay you can't just mention that like there's a Mario Kart version of this and just ignore it it's on the Wii I'll look that up then oh gee play all of the verity how many my Sims games out I thought it was just like this one do they make more of them I thought this was a flop look up my sims agents it's like five they all come out in the we is my sims agents kingdom racing my Sims Kingdom oh gee ok right there's actually quite a lot of these kings there's like a franchise they tried my sims Kingdom was bombed as my same scheme I'm just the same as this for like a kingdom let's give him a pizza oven [Music] there you go Gino Fantastico like it was made by the finest ovens myths from the Golden Age of oven Crafton I don't think this guy diet can these people ever met an Italian chef Gino has given you a bed blueprint it's covered in a delicious marinara sauce well I'm calling the [ __ ] police cuz I I do not want sauce on his bed no no game you can't just do that [Music] okay what do you need a next year what are you next I'm not making that bad for the life of me like no way he knows back in business elite have seen four always hungry customers okay a table in a chair that's doable you know I can actually take my chair from my home and just paint it up with some apples and we'll give it to him perfect Oh King shame [ __ ] no I just don't understand why the Italians have to be portrayed this way you know sure it's just offensive Ito deserves better [Music] okay that's this pickup like the big chair and we're gonna just paint it with some apples yep sure put that away and yeah we can be real lazy here cuz like we also have a table like we don't need this let's just pawn it off the Jean you know this is realist the town drunk is Irish like I like I swear to God if it's like an Irish guy who runs a pub I'm not gonna put it yucky wind-like rule that I hope for this game I swear to god let's go to Geno's my sims raisin is available for we I'll have a look then there's like a Deal or No Deal game falutin and for the Wii as well I really want to play because I think that like that would like that just be so good you know I want to get like a bunch of quiz games for us to play like like the Wii has so many games made for it I'm gonna like place a big shipment in the next month or so and get a whole bunch of yet buzz was buzzed on the way buzzes ps2 wasn't I don't actually have a ps2 they're all yeah two quid there's also a my sims fighter pilot when you build a fighter plane and shoot down planes and people that's a weird one yeah that seems a bit out there my sims military combat sim okay and flash extra quid I'm not reading that no politics or fear that's of 200 pits my sims Kingdom for the win doctor shadow 100 bit screw tf2 Sim City skylines my sims only channel all the way I mean I feel if we did like it'd be a radical departure but you know when I think everyone could get behind or What did he say there I wasn't listening oh I forgot to do the thing but do you want it where do some green apples in that garden too guess I should have mentioned that for [ __ ] sake Gino it has going they're having pizza yeah let's go to my workshop we need to head on over and we need to do some decorating yeah edit an item we're gonna edit the chair I wouldn t wan the chair oh no I thought we'd have like the little blog talk hang on okay let me go back home and see if we can just check because I I don't remember which is which like which one had need the green apples and which will need a red apples [Music] ask look looks so uncomfortable my character ok the chair needs five green apples and in this needs four of each coat over five green apples on the chair edit okay let's not even try [Music] there you go Gino one two three four five one down and the table needs four of each okay well he said he wanted to die like a dining room table I'm just gonna like pop all the apples up oh wow I can't he says a big surface able to area for the table they actually thought about this yeah I'm gonna get a pop them all under the table in one to treat - I was only four of each whoops how'd you get that one for free Gino one two did it but we're a cowboy builder okay like I I'm doc I'm just doing this with a check in the mail you know they're happy I don't mind he's juggling Tomatoes because of course he is hurts me and give stuff okay there's a space for the new table we just have to rotate it once the game stops lagging we got it down it fits right in with the other chairs you know good craftsmanship you never notice that it was bought by from a different supplier excellent tea SMO dinner is much better on the table rounded on the floor yes which oaks on you I put those apples on the floor Dino has given you a refrigerator blueprint from the Golden Age of refrigerator refrigerator crafting antastic Oh God damaging health [Music] can we like we vote to like deleted you know from existence oh look I can eat at this let me just have some delicious pizza don't ask where the pizza comes from always get out there we go get you know you have any more requests he's my friend at the moment I'm not your friend Gino okay what else does he need I need a kitchen for simmering my world-famous sauce in Washington my world-famous hat yeah okay Gino so we need an oven a fridge and a sink do God to his entire kitchen we need 15 apples and we need nine concrete Gino needs a lot of stuff like how was he in business without like you know a fridge it's kind of like a basic I feel you'd need if you were running a restaurant you know other things like how much you can get by without but maybe not the fridge okay well we need to get some more concrete fires hands world-famous well the users of the makest world-famous marinara apparently and that just sounds wrong no matter how you think about it oh no I wait for this to be shut tell us it's are these oh I just stopped prospecting I thought I had it there done thanks for 500 bits lime icing Sammy's kingdoms next well let's just see how we get on with this one the racin ones got my interest cuz like I don't even want to imagine like a knockoff Mario Kart games like that could be brutal but in a good way [Music] after glad that we stopped playing Sims for the play this instead I'm actually having a lot of fun playing this despite it may be for the wrong reasons but what are you guys thinking you don't enjoy myself more with this in comparison to the sims 4 I tend to the place let's stream doubt if I could fight it emulator for us oh my god let's get the my sims category on Twitch go on it doesn't even have an icon on Twitch because like prop like probably no one has ever stream this game you know it's like derelict and abandoned it physically hurts watching this just wait till we play Wii Sports Resort that's gonna be fun I have the Wii MotionPlus for like in we have enough stone so we just need apples we might as well just harvest everything while we're here you violently shaking the trees when are you playing Mario Kart Wii Mario Kart on switch like the better Mario care don't need to go back in time for that one when did servants become Harvest Moon yeah it's like it's weird it's like this is like this is clearly their take on that genre of life sim you know I just don't understand what I has to do with the Sims because you're just a carpenter and you know if you don't like make building stuff like you're gonna hate this game like the next gameplay challenge is to just make the arranged blocks like three times though Gino can get his world-famous sauce from his world-famous hands you're gonna hate this game if you're just looking for a regular life sim I wanna like interact with folks this is like a Lego game but refrigerator framed sure don't talk about on characters that no that's not what I mean let's see if we can build literally all of these were just the big block okay we can write well there's the fridge stone so we need five apples and two cinder blocks [Music] yeah we'll paint them with apples you only have enough blocks to paint with the apples there we go this is Italian somehow now CENTAC Italian refrigerator you know like you always hear these stories about how like ubisoft like you know for making old Assassin's Creed games like basing like older periods like they'll go research Egypt you know they like do research on the Egyptians and the pyramids beyond location and I kind of taking notes for this like the devs watched an episode of the Super Mario Brothers Super Show and [ __ ] call it a day and like that's what Italians do [Music] bit of a difference hey gene we got we got us fridge we need to sink as an Italian I can confirm that is 95 percent Italian needs more apples like why is it apples as well cuz like it doesn't even make sense jokes are going for the Italian stereotype you know like that they should be like kind of places like paintings like meatballs or like tomato and cheese you know not apples apples for like cider and stuff like that you know that's why I don't get cuz like they seem confused - what stereotypes they're actually going for I'm sorry clear they had a particular stereotype in mind [Music] yeah we got a sink [Music] we need like tree concrete so we're just we're just paint a stone sink it's kind of stylish and now we just need to put in the apples please need to wash your hands [Music] give apples are plenty job done basically it's because they don't have the right materials for you need tasty essences and all they give you at this point is apples it's just kind of weird though because like maybe they should have gone for a different person right off the bat you know maybe they should have given you some different materials it's just a bit of a dissonance you know like the Italian chef just wants apples you know like we have like weight even if they were even trying to go for that like surely even cuz there's like a fishing ponds they could have made like a sushi chef or something you know you get fish he's like I'd understand going for the stereotype you doing like you know goes like okay you just get fish from the pond but it kind of makes a little bit more sense but like this is just like it was showering [Music] there is a sushi chef by 2i oh great okay well I can't wait to see how they portray the Japanese because oh boy you know that's what they're gonna do there yeah there's the oven we'll also paint this with concrete it's some appleson I think this is just one of those things where your movies isn't game from your childhood and you just realized what's actually happening cuz I remember having a lot of fun just gonna build and stuff in this I don't remember I like any of the specific details like I remember it being in the workshop mode and just putting stuff together the music driving anyone else crazy the chef's name is chef he saw what Tana Hey okay proper name so he's juggling tomatoes again give him stuff [Music] the young Artie not see the racial stereotypes at the time probably not no this is like a very long time ago like I just mustn't have realized it I didn't think it like I have fond memories with this game you know I remember playing this but I just don't remember like I I guess it's good skill I play games a little bit differently now or like I just try to push the limits of stuff whereas like as a kid I probably would've played everything like a lot more seriously [Music] don't remember being this bad I'm moving that column so much easier editor now that's a kitchen worthy of a master chef you do excellent work my friend house side Bob you've been incredible I can't ask you for anything more thank you Jeff Gino has given you a pizza decorative it's the finest and all of the UK when decorating your house check out your decorative in your trunk to see this the best Italian pizza made in the UK call Youm oh sorry cake yeah I always pronounce that when rolling sorry I did as a kid : Gollum Gollum as when those one I get he just got words like that he just pranced wrong for so long that you forget to correct yourself to call you my son [Music] okay well we finish the pizza place we're halfway to eject two stars so we're gonna get that today then let's go to the hotel and see like which walking stereotype wants to move into the town next who's there was actually no one here at the moment my god only hotel guests are allowed upstairs okay well I call you return from the war okay let's just sleep on the park bench until day sure maybe this is why it's considered the Sims because you can still do this you have anyone news living here Artie please talk to buddy oh I have to talk to buddy do I know there's a guy well he looks scary hey you a vampire greetings I am sir Vincent skull finder I am an academic a scholar and a lover of all things deceased stranger danger asked to move in an interesting proposal which I graciously accept I'll be here while you're building my museum okay let's go make a museum for that doesn't have bad undertones there anything low I love things especially when they're dead like oh boy the town over here we haven't even have a look but another tree while we're here put that in here build me have used the a wordy of skull finder I love an evil villain name yeah we really gotta plant the trees town is in shambles right now you're rid of the stump you to everyone trying to make you talk to buddy you should totally be mean to him why do people want me to talk to buddy at the moment like it seemed kind of intense oh she's having a picnic going the book party oh it's not a picnic he's just trying to make conversation to us like leave me be I want to read nerdy thing we just pick up those apples violently shake the tree yep multitasking you know those apples yeah I guess well that was fun for about 10 seconds I'll leave you to it they're all the best it's gonna run out of town there's a log here okay I can go this way hanka true maybe when you have the right tool ah we got a crowbar can like I do anything with that this is like rocks and there's like a log we're gonna put the museum to from the big log here eat it this isn't even Sims this is just not animal crossing you can be Gordon Freeman right you can open the cave with a crowbar okay yes I just haven't found that area out okay let's make this guy like a big old Museum there's no way to actually Center that is there on the grid they've given me I can make these bigger actually I don't know I don't know if I want to do that now I make can i scale everything no not everything let's get those in [Music] make it look creepy there get a door on it bill that bill this side with the smaller window fill up here with the smaller window add some coals okay we did it because of you Z but secretly it's actually a mausoleum what was that did he just hit us now let's go inside okay well it's a lot smaller on the inside well I just started has a t-rex let's talk to him a lot of exhibits here at the moment Richard for the past welcome to my museum what jobs you got for me c8 a release Sims 5 I need some exhibits for a museum perhaps you could Forge me some what this guy is like a criminal he doesn't want like an authentic Museum dead wood sculpture stone sculpture what is this which is enter the criminal underworld of like counterfeits there's our police officer in this town he's not an authentic museum owner and I'm kind of worried where this is gonna go from this point what do we have at the moment I think we had yeah we have enough of each of those we're just to make two sculptures Vincent is just a discount well where does that Morka bus what's a more Kobus my sims greater than any other game you know it's the cult classic I I'm gonna be honest in all my years of doing like I know YouTube and twitch I never thought I could claim like this of all game for like an audience of like close to three and a half thousand people okay some folks have come to their senses and they've left us the streams we going on can't really blame yeah it's make some sculptures like of all things I've done it's definitely not what I thought what happened well that's not much of a requirement for this I just okay so when he says sculpture he literally means just like do anything [Music] that done oh no this is the water pot yeah well that's done anyway we can just make the other one now Livie thank you for the hundred bits okay Lee as well thanks 400 bits - it's the first part of the stream because of school but I'm here now because like we so happy love you oh thanks Kelly hope school went well we're making counter fish artifacts for the museum I can just make a pile for both of these my god the dead wood is pretty pretty big Oh God knees don't snap into place Oh God they don't snap I'm desperately trying to like keep this centered it's very hard when you have like a shaky Wemo there we go [Music] there we go I'm never gonna be able to get this one [Music] come on let's make a rival tower beautiful to be more precise that you're building here than you do in the actual safe make a bad skeleton I mean like I wouldn't say what I'm a is a good skeleton so I kind of do that it's my apples I'll be really careful not to hit the mic whenever I shake this as well okay well let's see what like the criminal underworld quest line goes we're just making artifacts here for him don't don't talk to him just give him stuff okay so he won't he wants them like here as a display fantastic a sculptures of old gruesome an authentic looking guy I'm a I made your forgeries hope you're happy the Vince has given you a new chair blueprint it's covered in dirt I'll take dirt over like the bed covered in marinara sauce that's a step up hey Teddy how's it going look Artie hey Artie love your stuff keep being awesome thanks for reselling Teddy very welcome to the stream flash 100 bits must feel spooky columns at living with 500 pits my phone connected to the speaker now my family's insistent on watching the stream help me I'm sure this is wholesome family content you know we're just making forgeries for like a museum and this guy's screaming that there's no chair he really wants to sit down and we've placed out of them somehow like what he's in a trance now Benson are you okay see he's having a little trouble there hey well let's just talk to him again what do you need this time Vincent what like what forgeries you're looking for you shouldn't need an office to continue my gruesome studies a haunted office a lot of dead wood gave a self-aware you heard you caught the mouse okay uh let's see how much dad would we have for currently I mean I assume we have to chop down trees I'm just gonna go over the garden is easier to replant them look at those apples let's chop down the tree well that gives us Lightwood how do I get that one before I got that what actually from chopping down the dead trees yeah so I need some more dead trees in the time but I've already harvested Oh fertilize the trees until they die fertilize the tree wait the tree drop a burst of acid also damages the tree Oh God so I just have to kill him now that's light wood again I did that one wrong hang on that's more green apple hydrate reminder thanks guys I'm do actually doing okay at the moment I had a drink like literally before I started I had some dinner that's some meatballs today which is really good okay so I need to kill these treasom and I fertilize it again yeah I can I give this fertilizer twice hey and now it's dead okay we just have to kill nature cool we get a lot of dead wood for that I think I only need one more and I love you cut did have a nice day oh thanks all the best here arty is a murder this is why I subscribed just so I can make sure my arty is water I mean that is the main reason to subscribe like literally so I don't die on stream cuz like because otherwise like you know things may get ugly [Music] fertilize this one again there we go or Deadwood yeah we should be good now I think we have enough arty kills UK true retriever doesn't listen the chat dies and stream of dehydration apparently someone pointed this out to me on on Twitter in like a p.m. there's like a popular meme that's actually making the rounds now call and like basically the meme is just like it's a news headline and it says like twitch streamer dies on dies on air chat does nothing to help but spam Zef and chat is it's like something like that it's been making the rounds and apparently according to like one of the ridden original sources of it like the guy made it because he would like it was a big joke we made on air like why would his life like we made that joke like a week back it's just kind of weird you like a few people point that out it's like hey this guy you've like made this cuz based on a joke you made oh it's that always had a meme yeah like it's been kind of making the rounds now and like apparently the guy only made it like cuz we made it just a joke about at the other week but that wasn't long ago oh god I would save the game to ashes I don't want to go through that again holy [ __ ] I thought you were referencing the mean when you said that but you're right it came after that stream yeah like it actually that's what people were saying and it was like a little writer tried to like the author of it or like whoever kind of made it just said it's like it was based on like something I said oh we did that guys we like we spawned a meme we did it no I can just retire now going on here no he is oh wait no I have to actually make the stuff for a month I was just gonna deliver the wood oops flying your whole channel hasn't been turned into a meme FairPoint cat Oh God said as if we don't regularly spike spawn memes here yeah it's true you guys are like pretty great up finding them you want some pretty great it could drag driving them into the ground before they even have a chance at the amount of strings we have or like a meme is like I couldn't seems like live during the stream and then dice before the streams out it's kind of ridiculous our memes have a very short shelf life couple of them get turned into a moat sometime most of them aren't so lucky I just put a block here let me just be the most awkward thing oh no because if we put it there then it's still gonna look right hang on okay good teeny one one come on oh my god motion controls are not designed for this it's fine we can pick up the extra ones you place that looks comfortable literally sitting on a Lego block did it what are your plans when you hit 1 million subs on YouTube oh god like I'm gonna be honest like I have not given that much thought and I know it seems kind of crazy cuz that's like such a monumental thing and consider how the channel has been this past year you know like that dry actually is a very real possibility of it happening like soon we're almost at 900k now as well probably gonna get that like in a week or so things just keep him as event III have like one or two ideas but like I've not even like kind of had time to like act on anything or a lot honestly I'm gonna be honest like I I still can't believe like what like what kind of like a crazy here's been you know cuz like by the time we get to Christmas like if you even think about it's like oh hey hey hey 100k subs this year and also hit a million you know like that's [ __ ] insane you know IIIi don't think it's really dawned on me cuz like what I'm doing is still like I'm like you know the same thing and I kind of got overwhelmed with the animal specials to when I was in Japan that I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do at this point you may have noticed that like I stopped doing those aye captain to 600k one cuz I just I just ran out of ideas first no I realized like oh god I'm gonna have to do like another one of these in like a week which more or less it happen cuz then we hit like 700k like a week after at least slow it down so you're not getting 100k a week yeah slow down a little bit now like last month's been a lot calmer it's starting to pick up again though like last two weeks well that's the last two weeks like we were on about 800 K two weeks ago well you know like that thought that in the self is pretty mad I forgot to make the second thing in the workshop I was wandering about we demand a George cam I'm gonna get the camera yeah like there's some other stuff I just need to sort first before I actually get it it's before I was just waiting on it but then I realized that I'm gonna have to weigh a bit longer like trying to get some of the important things kind of set up for the channel since moving back to Ireland you know you gotta let like the government people like that know that you're doing this no there's always been like a small thing where it's like a hobby all these years but now like this is what I do so you know there's like a lot of like kind of admin stuff and yeah I've just been focusing on that first I'll get there though yeah we'll get the camera on that before long does he use a normal camera and have a George Steele Joe stream but coaches do like a talking stream where we just hang out with George for a day he sleeps in my bed a lot of the time no so like yeah he'd be on board for it we need a block that was really easy you don't even need to put this one on if we don't wanna give George pets no I will don't worry mostly thanks for 200 bits greetings from inside hurricane Michael stay safe man how's it sound good instead of doing a setup tour just do a George tour like I think I don't even really want to do a setup torch like just yet because another thing another thing I've been trying to do like the last two weeks Madeline I'm actually back in Ireland and you know like living at home for the first time in oil I'm trying to like convert my room into like a proper studio so like I have like a bit of a better setup it's currently like God like I have like my desk setup I have like my monitors in that but like I bought some sound foam and stuff and like I'm trying to get that like all installed at the moment I need to like redo like the wallpaper and everything's like it's a bit of a nightmare in here so like even more a setup tour video like that could be kind of cool but like yeah it's still gonna be a ways away because I need to do that as well you know and it's it's been a mad dash to just try and catch up on everything since coming back from Japan as you know I always had a lack into like on a normal life here also a just like kind of like doing this on top of that life I was kind of like a weird thing in Japan because that was a like all by myself you know I could just do things whenever needs be but now I'm like back home my folks so you know it's like I want to help out around the house and I can't just like I don't know like disappeared about room for like 12 hours to edit and like stream and all that because you know the sort of stuff like I need to do I need to see friends again to which is like something I just like simply couldn't do when I was all the way abroad every day is so much better I haven't heard one day inside and depressed which I've struggled for a long time I just want to thank you for making me laugh every time you stream well thanks very much soft light like I really don't know what to say I'm glad I could help though like you're always very welcome to the stream scene maybe the main reason I do this is make people laugh oh god I got a writing up folks face I'm me building shoddy furniture in like a freaking 2007 like I kind of era game I probably should have been sound fired by now it's the way to do it and apply that game while the chair doesn't need to actually read you hit the desk put it there good good a man could fit a lot of schools in that desk exceptional work sad Bob like okay Vincent I just want my Commission price I don't want to know about the bodies are hiding in your closet the Vincent unearthed a desk blueprint in one of his recent excavations it's now yours please don't kill me it just seems so cliche that are your set up for 1 million though yeah like it if I could like I would do something like on a big bold in there and the the dream milestone that if we're ever gonna do like the craziest thing I could think of that it would legit just be lunch with Harry Hill or like something insane like that we just go like like go down to a chipper right Harry today that would be the dream no that would be like the best mother I could ever possibly do that would be so perfect oh jeez it's quite a few donations that came in there too I'm just gonna catch up with them beaky thanks for five dollars I love your video since my first day I was able to cash keep it up thank you very much beaky I hope you're enjoying it Dino spear thanks for 1 eight nine here's my last trow away bits for now well thank you very much donors really take it now GZ round it off like 30k there you know so okay oh he's even a lot of bits the last wild man thank you very much and con as well thanks for 500 bits sorry for cheering again but I want to say that you and call me Kevin and my favorite youtubers like streamers right now your common in student voices unlike other youtubers have you ever thought about playing rim world well come like that I thank you very much I can't go wrong with Kevin as well you know but friend rim world I've seen italic string rim rolled it just looks a bit too complicated for me there's like way too much going on and think of be overwhelmed but I have definitely heard the demands to play that particular game people are always suggesting it re Hill for a million IIIi don't think I'm gonna be able to make it happen but that would be the dream no wait curses the movers say they lost my spooky sarcophagus that was my favorite exhibit you want me to make a sarcophagus Hey you can't just do this Vincent you can't just keep making counterfeits man is breaking the law like you just doesn't care what's a sarcophagus now therein has a playroom world beforehand and stream it once you get the hang of it harder difficulty but you see that's the kind of game I feel that you need like a solid 20 hours and before you even understand what you're doing you know like I watched italic stream it because he spent a lot of time on that game you know like he really understands his systems but I just think it's one of those things right I don't think I'll be able to find the time you know you'll be able to understand that game let me see as well what we need okay we don't have any blocks so we got to get more of them and then we need the ghosts I don't know where we get ghosts we can go excavate in verse II bran thank you for 100 bits as well we do anyway killing experience I only like very recently started watching killing an experience because a couple of folks say that's well said that like my new stuff kind of reminded them of him as videos very like really great I definitely kind of like up my alley haven't actually talked to the guy though like I I don't really know I won't even make a sarcophagus and I want you to put put yourself in it just for a moment I'll you have it afterwards trust me a stranger danger Vincent is not a man you want to trust [Music] eagle I thank you for the 500 bits there thank you very much yeah my manager will be amazing yeah I always get I was given a copy of that a while back a sub did send it to me I do have it sitting about some reason in my head though like I've now in this phase where I just want to play like we are games like I really want to do we sports Rizzo and I don't know why it's fricking Wii Sports you know how good that's gonna be I have like the Simpsons video game on Wii as well like I have like a bunch of them adorable cockroach Inc 4,000 bits hello it's been a while it's good to see you again man thank you very much I come as well 500 bits Rimmer old is actually pretty easy I don't easily get to know it while streaming I'm a noob and games like rim rolled but I already have over 500 30 hours and after six months and I love it Wow I see I haven't really kind of heard like that it's easy cuz I've only heard that it's incredibly difficult it's just one of those games I'm not sure IIIi just don't know I'll be able to do it oh is this where I can use the crowbar Oh Breaking and Entering let's go oh okay we can prospect in the cave now okay have you strange smash bros no I haven't main reason is there's a particular switch we might be streaming it in the relatively near future to test a particular end of your project I want to do I have a big idea for like someone I want to do what smash bros on switch and we may do a preliminary thing on the way you want it works on both I'm gonna find ghosts here as well I don't know what I'm supposed to look for ghosts this is like the only new place I've seen it's just given me game boys in here or people watching you play my sims and watching the new spider-man Jesus Christ wait so yeah if you go into like game categories and twitch does this just like show up and it's just like know why he called and like people just like what the hell is that doing there I didn't even think about that [Music] just answer just that's the one I want to do as well that would cause it'd be such a funny stream I actually not bad just an sob you know I'd hold my own [Music] under which character RT maintenance macros a mixture of like a villager and Corrin I like both of them villager is my favorite character because I love just being able to plant the tree and just kill them with a guy I don't get the ghosts are here so we need to look somewhere different like this is just a game voice really they have to help us what is it specifically is this the Wii U my sims I don't think there's a Wii U one of this oh it's scary essence it's not ghosts okay so he probably gets scary from like talking to Vincent he looks scary go talk to him then yeah where are you buddy durable cockroach thank you for another size and bits kill your enemies with the power of nature herself what's that a B mean I need scary essence no that's that's angry be nice okay he just blew us like I mean that's pretty scary yeah now there we go I'd be scared too if this guy started blowing kisses you know that's when you get out oh no we got a grind he he planned this we need 20 he knew exactly what he was doing here oh you're a sick man Vincent but as he did we sports like the absolutely creepiest shy like man it's amazing dig Wii Sports is likes like such a classic I want to play the resort's one cuz like there's so many more games than that there's just a bunch of like Wii games that were made I just think would be a good fit to play on the channel I like things like freakin we music like he's so stupid you know I think I gotta have fun with those yeah we got the scary essence this Resort is better yeah that's like well I have different ones you know I don't think all the games in the original Wii Sports are in resort I need to make a sarcophagus think it's number 34 now oh Jesus that's not too far down from the top oh god we're getting my sims they work on tasks well I will just confuse people on twitch like over the next coming weeks so I playing stuff like this [Music] Wii Sports bowling is the only game I've ever been good at that also developed braking hit oh my god this thing is scary okay we got to make a big sarcophagus oh wait never mind all that is kind of optional fluff that's the only bit we need yeah just two blocks of wood you know just bang it together instant sarcophagus I will fill this one out go on just this once game I'll build the thing you want me to build I need the stone it's dead wood get that stone there we go that's all the stone we need I got a pile of skulls just getting goes our tea too much power you must be stopped I'm gonna say as well just guys we're kind of getting on with the stream at the moment and it's getting a bit later and I think things like things are pretty calm at the moment can we try open up the chat again I'm always gonna try like in the hopes that things aren't like terrible when we do that at all I don't like keeping a lock and I do mean that oh gosh no guys it might be okay it's a little calmer today one of the mods just wants to open it there thanks girly it'll be ready for a moment or two but like yeah it'll subtle trust in you guys we weren't able to do it last night maybe my sims is okay I need to paint with the scary essence paint it what scares there we go I have 12 more of these to use so I guess I'll just pop them um I don't really sure I'll keep going for Deadwood oh yeah like that that looks absolutely terrifying yep we're gonna make like a click I could clickbait cover for the sarcophagus there we go you won't believe what's inside this tomb will shock you there we go beaver nice to know 250 bits is now your responsibility play the most obscure games you can find you you can to get them to high on the twitch games list and confuse everyone my new job in life yeah I can't wait for the Deal or No Deal III find a place actually sells copies of that like second and I'm gonna pick it up gonna have a deal or no deal stream I want to get like all the quiz games in we so good your lies my hopes and dreams thank you for that 100 bits adorable cockroach yeah we have the sarcophagus the game is chugging cheese I don't understand the performance drops for this like the game can't be that intense you know like early arrow II don't like a smoother time I like xenoblade chronicles and this that game's huge like that's a game that just shouldn't be on the weak [Music] they've saved saved all right it's been saved yeah it gives stuff the game just doesn't like you yeah akafuku s-- let's put it right there yeah brilliant I can't tell it from the original and neater with my patrons yeah but Vincent I just got one question where'd you get the dead body that's now inside that cuz I didn't put a dead body and I slapped some blocks of wood together I think someone's going to jail school finer Museum is finally complete thanks to you sad Bob the rinses given you an Aztec statue Jay decorative he's not quite sure where the inspected by number fourteen sticker came from not rook is that a reference I don't know what that means don't ask questions that you don't want answer here eggs adorable cockroach and then 100 and cut as well for that 100 bits I have tree hundred mouth installed in rim world and it works better in this game you also ever take half an hour to start up every time yeah it sounds a bit intense I don't know what I'll be able to lob oh my god UK is two stars congratulation your town has reached a level 2 Rosalind's authorize you to use the saw now you're gonna hack your way through those pesky giant logs I was almost a bunch of new blocks and blueprints in your workshop we can get weak we can cut down that tree on the passion well let's go have a look right away okay if this is like the UK then I'm gonna guess that the main town is England so by raising the stare Asian we've now unlocked Wales so let's just hop in here let's hope it's on YouTube yeah I've had a lot of fun with this I'll probably I'll be able to make some highlights even if it's just me like [ __ ] about Regina she'll be good it's harvest the flowers to one organic that is houses in here this lot is empty if only there's someone who can move in okay I can just have a move in you're like the middle of the forest okay oh yeah there's loads of house Lots up here and what secrets they don't want you to know about is that there's nothing on this tree I can pluck it I don't want more apple trees we have so many young boy discovers Wales like long sought abandoned no one's been here in a long time it's the UK left the EU gotten a lot lost for dead but left for dead Oh RIT they're gonna still chuck some rocks at me though echo ever oh yeah in a different tool over here there I'm blossom oh we got some roses okay we complying you kinds of trees then let's find a rose let's get more of these water that is this maplestory 2 pretty much bad Bob is too sad to climb over rocks apparently I'm pros rocks don't seem to be too much of an obstacle like I'm pretty sure you get over that you could just like step by at the side there it's a bit of space you could climb her over that you know gonna be like you need a pickaxe to destroy him or something and I say like it's not that much of an obstacle oh and of course Vincent's out here at not surprised there's more rocks what's this this is also a locked I need like a lockpick or something can't go inside the tree for being white restricted here here's a prospect place it like dude why is there just a locked door here it's just like a bit of Hill you know what's back there it's all the locks yeah like apparently I can't do that that's not a tree I can interact with - it looks like it was oh I think I can just jump in the water - okay good to know more rocks like jeez I can't go anywhere because I don't have the pickaxe or whatever it wants to give me I can like prospect over here instead that's kind of what we got terracotta this is gonna be the new resource I have to paint everything right I guess I'm a viewer would you ever play the Little Big Planet series I've never played it no III don't have a ps4 or anything yet I'm going to get one because there is some games and that I would like extreme I'm just kind of waiting to sort out some other things first hopefully before the year is that well ps4 when you play some games on that I'll be good [Music] like Here I am what's it I'm gonna lose everything right I've seen the road what game is this my sims don't why I just stopped prospecting there - I found it why are you playing this it looks kind of boring oh I've been I've had a lot of fun playing it so you get to just like make stuff and like for whatever reason the Sims are always happy no matter what this bit is like a snail's pace where you're just like trying to gather some resources with actually kind of fun just like putting the blocks together and like design and stuff I like games like this and we'll cross in Pocket ken is such a chill stream yeah I just meant a lot calmer than the one yesterday I think III definitely had a lot more fun playing this today than I did with sims 4 yesterday I I just think that's like not the Sims game for me it's just a weird one I want to do I was gonna do with this on the weekend originally I I my original plan for today I'll probably still do it before the month is out but I have Resident Evil 4 on Wii and you have to like use the freaking motion controls because it's a horror game and you get scared like if you jump or anything your aim just goes like a mile a minute there's like the Wemo gets all waggly there's nothing be like it's like the perfect horror game you know yeah do it do it yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna string that one before the months I like I do want to play it that's why I was originally gonna do today and I was gonna save this for the weekend but like I bumped this one up cuz like I was excited by the idea like for the weekend like I have some other stuff I'm still gonna playing probably gonna finish oblivion on Sunday at least I'm hoping I'm gonna go for hour-long one on Sunday ISTJ so been awesome to listen to it while I'm working I really appreciate all the videos and contents thanks for being such a chill dude oh thanks easier a sure Latium will come with glad house thank you very much what works going well yeah we have to good I'll get one more from here so it's stocked up a bit and then I'll go to the other prospect zone mr. P o box tonight thank you for the $5 hey a while back you made a joke about content influencers but a few streams later you showed your president how to tat open the tab open the tree black dot alpha content influencing company anything to say about not to be creepy but you know how to ask no okay no so I can actually talk about that yeah like I I I'm not someone who really likes the idea of her and I refer to myself as an influence or anything no I I'm not that they have that they have it I kind of like a YouTube network thing no similar to like curse and machinima and all those places so something I've actually done like kind of like very recently is I signed up with them because they offer like kind of like a lot of services basically yeah like fair play to you for actually spot on that yeah I was gonna mention on stream at some point but yeah like I have like a new YouTube network and like it just kind of like enable some cool things in future and gives opportunities for things which is nice all right cherry blossoms III I don't think I'm the influence or type myself I'll be honest with ya but they do offer YouTube network things and that and you know sorry that's pretty good closest to a union you'll come by I mean I get what you're doing like stuff on YouTube like yeah probably you know I have any problems without like I can always like just gonna contact them and like that that that's really handy if in Japan I thought you were playing The Sims though this is my sims there's a difference where is he out of prospect zone it was like in the back I'll go back to it hydrate hydrate I'm okay guys I'm okay play victory I was sure drug of the Atlantic wait oh I'm sorry I'll get a drink soon I get one one a wrap oh yeah here's the other place okay well yeah like that that's what that was about like on with the network and like that's one of the new things I've been trying to do since getting getting back to Ireland now as I'm strolling we're doing the same thing like I'm gonna be doing like the same thing as always because you know I live stream on Twitch and like I'm just like kind of making highlight videos from that and I did as far as I know there's no networks that do even do this stuff on Twitch it's not really a thing [Music] but it's just one of those things that way it's just like kind of more opportunities for cool stuff you know [Music] Bevan thank you for 10 quid RT you are the best I crashed my motorcycle a few months back the same time and discovered the extremes and they've been making my days a lot easier you're hilarious and play my favorite games keep on keeping on from Canada evenly thank you very much I hope you're doing okay like Jesus hope you feel I could doing a lot better that must have been like awful okay thank you again I'm glad you're enjoying the streams man just get a drink please I'll get a drink later like you guys aren't my mom although you like you know don't need the crotch out on me I'll get a drink later don't worry so why am I like prospecting for gingerbread man I've been kind of in a trance the last well I'm probably streaming this again I think so you know it's actually perfectly the best we stock up a bit I think I think there's more stuff we can build with this and just like gotta push the limit how much the town can take oh no it doesn't we're good [Music] berries the gingerbread man I don't know not really sure eat your drink and drink your food you got he's like panic when I haven't had a drink in a while it's a weekend pretty intense I'm not gonna lie Rachel the watch feels good man the good work thanks flex now I think this game was like kind of quite nice cuz maybe he just has a stream game like this actually kind of works quite well just thinking about it because it's like I get to build a bunch of stuff and have fun but there actually is like I'm like some column you know so let's not all go it's like right now it's kind of nice if I can just talk to chat I'll be like a big thing I've been worrying about a lot lately because so many streams have just been all go like I don't get a chance to talk at all every time every time we do City skylines it's just it stuff it's just happening you know I poked my head in now and then and that's it why don't you just keep water nearby like I do just a thought so you don't forget up and get something yeah it's a fair points clearly how much I might just get a flask or something I made things easier I don't drink a lot anyway we're just kind of like a thing I know a good few hours between them which I wouldn't recommend I yeah it's probably not a good thing to say that but I just know what I'm like I will get a big drink after the stream that's like don't worry we're only gonna be going a little longer can they were close to the end save yourself from being like this hydrate hydrate durable cockroach thanks for that asylums I frankly welcome the chill overlords thank you very much man oh yeah we just were just digging for gingerbread man you know got some cake I think we're good there let's head back and see like what's next we'll probably play this again next week like III did good bit of fun just have a look see I finished my midterm early just looking catch the rest of your stream love your content man keep on keepin on thanks dr. oysters FBI open open up he needs to hydrate oh Jesus you gotta go easy with the hydrate guys I don't know what to say a bit disturbed by how much food you find the Grand Yahoo keeps burying it yeah let's see if there's a noose and I can move him without a video of all the time to chat reminding you recommend to you to hydrate let's make a video of me drinking a glass of water no quality content right there that's what we'll do it for a million yeah it's just me drinking water hydrate it that's it when we got another million oh like I'll have a second glass on a moment before then you guys would like me working against the clock you have like four days make like a million fake accounts or like I'll actually die hey pal guess what you've done such a good job setting all these great businesses that more people want to move into the UK rejoin the ear counties will start appearing in the hotel now townies will want you to build their house and decorate in her favorite style you'll meet spooky townies geeky townies and odorous okay movin in Tiny's gives you points for the next are level also if you give them lots of stuff in this style then we come your best friends and give you special rewards hey it's egoraptor who's by the name ray in this game that's the move in come on Aaron will be well get solve anything bears do fine even sounds like him yeah he's gonna move in oh god and who are you oh no this is the scary lady miss Nicole oh hello darling my name was miss Nicole I'm considering opening a boutique in this little town but I'm not quite sure if it's fashionable enough for my taste I dress like a peacock yeah sure yeah sure move in oh wait no we have to choose so - miss Nicole or egoraptor okay guys which one we going for there can only be one we move in miss Nicole or Erin Hansen's oh wow yeah people are really okay yeah people are really bad your iron okay yeah it's probably for the best come on Aaron I'll go build you at home leave them both moving no one you can move them both in just one at a time oh okay all right yeah we can probably do both then we'll move in Aaron to end this dream that we can move into Cole the next room come on guy come on buddy get you in Aaron wants a spooky home I [Music] really just want to put one of these blocks huh let's make a very spooky home [Music] put those in arch I can't make this one any bigger [Music] we'll just split us house in two because why not just go on that way bestie tipo I can't place that one there I don't even see that block in the back I'm trying to go there we go door in there he wants it spooky though it a bunch of domes oh why they don't even try to cover the space with these domes that just doesn't look good [Music] that's just bad [Music] and we'll get the pizza real windows but only on one side of the house oh and apparently a few in there okay good windows and then for the love of God make sure we place the sign where is it sign we must know a dead spooky a single chimney how much is this game I have no idea this game is old thanks EJ thanks for to quit he says hydrate ek at drummers likes for 400 bits forget hydration doesn't all this buried food make you hungry Darrin I 300 pits go get some whiskey draw yeah thanks for two quid returns to UK and taking our jobs there are another two quid its Nicola Erin who's gonna move in there's only one way to find out yeah hey that's perfect well we don't get many paint options yeah we just start clicking on it and like we picked the one we want now let's go for like a lovely that one [Music] thank God it saves it between them otherwise have like cycling paint a lot there we go I change the windows I can yeah it's not blotter with that one that's the ones gonna take a while at the door [Music] perfect you find stream to fall at 76 beta I still have to pre-order actually I keep me in the dude up there we go Aaron's home it's actually got two balloons he's kind of lucked out of it we don't know what's in the second one cuz I assume if we go in here it's just gonna be like the one half and nothing in the other one oh wow he's got a really spooky couch that's his sofa like there's no back on it they're just tickling its he got a haunted bash my god he does how's the water stay in you can see it on the bottom there's like nothing keeping that in the tub and I'm just going it I got stuck for a moment okay well I mean this is probably the best place to end it then save the game I think we're gonna wrap up the stream there for tonight folks but thank you everyone for coming by like I hope you enjoyed it Dericks rx100 bits right at the end all those purple signs make it looks like there are 40 tree taco bills in that one building that's about right yeah we're gonna do it subs and then we're gonna do the right oh we Jesus okay we hit the next sub milestone again I'm Brian thanks for the five gifted subs there too yeah we hit of 5400 okay that's another slot I do we have like six empty ones now so I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to see what I can do at this point like I don't need that good I only have ideas for like I think two emotes at the moment to fill those slots Jesus Christ yeah we'll have like I think we're I think we're up to like how many we only get four more slots so I think we're up to like 48 once we have all those on so so that's kind of nuts there's only 50 like Max I think per channel price yeah I can I can adjust the audio again now but at the alerts actually produce sound because we doing constant stuff today yeah but thank you again everyone for all the bits and donations tonight we're going to read the subs and then we're gonna wrap on up let me just adjust the speed sentence Dyan oblivion knows and most of the Douro cockroach ah baby maybe we are getting a c1 from oblivion I think that's the best one to come from those dreams like SEO motors on the way let's see how fast this goes they do right yeah this is good okay oh thank you to ecstasy random guy we gotta sing gyro fixture manly chimp Chris Maggie Jami your tur Lu Lao rolls to astonish is else a cowboy na a Burke Batou Stormrage Lil B P Jones vex rain cake poor clown snow pea patch inc Benjamin neck ache dusty Zayn Tehran transformers Atika Bob joke Jonathan by fatum wig fire claw ninja ashen Andy glass Smee Tomino Bob Mackie refresher pantaloons a windy inferno low giggle ttan Joe wolf Illuminati fuzzy and meal hanwen Shaun squiddy NASA cystic elf soft chickens Russ pedia Ted's involved loopy the very evil platypus bub Mac aloo Elka Terrace calf soul rock hey as aid nicholae howl howl even cares foster a do rabbit George pan sunset epic sharp is a fanny oh gee chaotix jaylee sid polite smarty dinya axle babe nope league right Raven uh Clark Oh Safari harmony prom nevus rotor cherry bombs kitty cat a 16-bit potato debt donut townie jock dog sky strike sweetie wrong Otsuka foggy frenzied man DEXA little hobo Eddie baby Michael taught Trez starve a salad or Iron Gym epic mr. bias banana lop youngin rabbitfish pixel Maddow Mad Dog T she's witty sir will Mon how Quran master mr. a shade Ken Charlie Galactica Barry mr. Z Apple teddy Omar drew fly master back Dirk Rosaline rosianna akka mr. t kz Spock blank goobie share jamás dead Lupo jae-young dark IRA Bianca : i select zero cynical toaster flake eric happy supreme Saxo jørgen worm and ask are laid man Oh it's not easy he's reading the souls of the death yes that's exactly what that list is apologies again if I got like several of those wrong and oh I just got an alert from my Sims that communications the Wiimote have been interrupted desperate times no I hope ever enjoyed the stream tonight though folks I'm just good fun playing my sims I'll probably do that again because I think there's more stuff we can make and you know it's kind of just fun to smash like obliques yeah licks bricks together we're gonna just go see who's also streaming at the moment - dude - do oh okay so yeah we're gonna write someone a bit different - Nani this is that this is a streamer and kind of like a youtube person that I really enjoy their content and I think you guys might enjoy it - it seems to be a kind of a good time to go over and say hi to him the stream in Silent Hill 2 as their second day of playing it is the first time playing at their blind it's a fellow by the name of Joseph Anderson he's done my kind of like a lot of big play throughs of games such as like persona unlike dangan ronpa back in the day and he does some like really good kind of like critical like kind of gaming videos on youtube like he did like a two hour one where like he tore into mario odyssey and literally everything in mario odyssey and he did one for god of war - and like other things like that I kind of make sure I got the name right yeah that's him yeah so his name's Joseph Anderson so go say hi to him hey screw him silent hill I saw health too and he's I really enjoy his streams I'll be back oh yeah one last little thing before we go stream on Saturday it's gonna be a bit different I'm gonna stream in the evening oh I'll pop lucky little notice up I won't be streaming the afternoon on Saturday it'll be at like same time we started today or Saturday I have a thing that kind of came up there meant to mention a little bit earlier but that's okay yeah thanks for coming though folks I'll see you all on Saturday evening take care guys have a good night
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 36,081
Rating: 4.8738737 out of 5
Id: k1RYzIb-aww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 25sec (11905 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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