RTGame Archive: We're forcing an old man to do everything and not die

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[Music] hey I think I think we're good how's it going can you guys hear me okay we have a slightly different audio setup for tonight I've done a thing well Kevin showed me a thing even that makes it a lot better for YouTube quality Hey okay you can all hear me okay how's it going folks yes I remove it late today I was tweaking with some sessions that make things a hell of a lot easier because basically the way to record at night no one cares about this but I'm a nerd for technical things some of you might care if you use OBS but basically when the when the stream to record it it's normally all goes into one standard audio truck but Kevin showed me a tool cool thing that separates them so I can actually like it just like audio levels independently now when it comes to the highlights for YouTube it's such a nerdy technical thing but it makes my life so much easier so do you know like I just wanted to make sure I got it right because it can have it can have this awkward effect where it like doubles my voice so I just want to make sure that wasn't gonna happen like spook everyone in the stream pretty good oh god no is it going everybody though I got you can hear me okay let me just get at the little alerts I'm sorry I'm a little light it just goes like I was trying to make sure that was okay you know I'd freaking miss the alert for even my oblivion video I went up tonight I have to download it okay there's the ping on discord there is the YouTube notification it should be good from here close down background school currently at school Leonard you're paying attention young man I'm just kidding I'm not your mom not your teacher I assume you're on your lunch break I [Music] was a goner okay [Music] hope everything's good do what other plans we're gonna be playing Sims 4 again I'm just kind of getting a set up in the background there we go oh hey it's there we're gonna be continuing the mob family house all tonight and do you know this could be a very anti anti climatic episode of the Bob family household because we're gonna make a man out of us Bob or we're gonna [ __ ] kill him trying to because I don't like this version of a minor you know handsome George Clooney Ross Bob is not the old man we fell in love with in the previous series so we're gonna make him realize all his dreams or we're literally going to kill him because he was the best character and I don't want like a Netflix version of Ross Bob okay because that's what we're currently dealing let's go gee I wonder which house is ours okay let's go in here Artie it still says you live in Japan I'll go back Jesus just in case you weren't awake well Wow ironically Ross Bob just went to bed without really loud noise and we got an achievement for that you know so we're doing something right we did it yes we exercise of its OMG hi how's it going oh wise a lot of people here already as well Oh God Raymond thanks for the three quid name is Charlie boss boss Rob also treat Reese okay yeah I hope this comes out okay like string quality-wise like let me know if there's any issues cuz I'm streaming at a higher bitrate too I want to see if I can do it or some better quality picture Sims 4 is a little bit choppy as far as like the game is concerned can you move that camera let's drop a little I'm gonna see if I can even adjust anything now the most exciting of starts I'm sure has we fiddle with graphics sliders yeah I'll turn it down if that's any better because I don't know how much of a difference that's going to make yeah like that doesn't even affect anything see does it doesn't matter if I do what happened so I just put on potato low you like yeah it's pretty much the same even on potato you know you have to restart the game for this to take effect Oh okay right well let's just okay two minutes guys good start I start up the game again Oh God now hopefully as well because I know last night was kind of crazy with City skylines but hopefully if the stream spam is contained we can keep the chat open for everybody just just just a heads up just so you guys know provided stream spam doesn't get bad if you do start spam and shite it's gone just as an FYI and if we if it goes off this time as well we're not gonna like do the back and forth debate of opening it up it'll be locked for good so you got one life guys be on your best behavior Dennis has gone as well good see [Music] okay the premise submode yes as one of my mods I love how everyone's now spamming no spam but god damn it guys oh we gotta lock this already so this is how this is going tonight ducky likes of tier two tier ones the tier two for two months workers kept me away I'm glad I can make this sword lucky you're very welcome here how's it going okay let's go give you guys like five minutes of training wheels and then we're gonna we're gonna go with the one chance let's do this Jesus Christ yeah that that's really not any better we got the introvert achievement again that hasn't made a difference I'm like it's slightly like I know worse looking oh yeah I don't know what I don't know guys loud yeah like I'm gonna address that you know what even is that I guess it's just a sound effect and even telcos like there's no sign plane doesn't do it for anything okay let's just go welcome back to the Bob family have sold East Room in a police car and he really needs to pee Bob Bob's currently at work frayed Bob yet he's just very afraid because he knows what's going to happen to the family if things don't go well tonight I mean last left off Bob Bob made a beautiful painting of the hall something looks like it just caught fire and we were able to afford food for afraid you know moving up in the world oMG that's me it's trash oh and it looks like something caught fire guys like come on that's not just trash that's not just a bag it's like you're like a rubble and debris it's like a brick in it it's not just garbage happy like what are they freaking putting in the bin if that's just like ordinary rubbish your rubbish is like like wrappers and plastic in that you know oh we're all so unlike super fast forward because we're all swabs sleeping Bob loves that work what bad image okay what's already going on one day above was part time art magazine job she notices a band reference image just in LA as an option or she could just replace the image with her own work we're gonna just say that Bob Bob like is just really proud of her art and every single chance we have like even if she's not qualified she's gonna replace that her art the editor cannot stop laughing about the preschool level painting on page 10 the image was placed with an ad for disc and tempera paints watching before anyone realized it was Bob's work oh poor Bob Bob that's pretty tragic she just wants to be an artist apparently it's a preschooler there goes her career well you know she had a good run Ross Bob's immediately very uncomfortable cuz he desperately needs to be okay come on Ross Bob oh you need to replace the toilet and just go use it Ross Bob what are you doing oh he has to put out the trash okay that's fine hey you know just just go pee Ross Bob it's gonna be okay I don't want him to die like already he's he's happy and now he's uncomfortable pleasant surroundings oh maybe it's cuz afraid bombs pooping if T's happened make up your mind Ross Bob but is he happy it he's happy in this room of the house fine here and as he get uncomfortable when he goes to the toilet ah Bob's home now he's happy I think Ross Bob's having mood swings because like he's just going mile a minute here hey where you off to Ross Bob got okay he's just putting books away okay Ross Bob we need to take you somewhere no that's a screenshot captured yeah butts this let's travel let's travel somewhere else you haven't got many places in this town let's go visit the Spencer Kim Lewis sure go say hi to the neighbors it looked like they have like a pretty big house compared to our own and we'll go with the cat alright hasn't cried [Music] go over there [Music] it was the other up wild rice ball trying to blend Reliance are we fine okay so let's see who is this guy oh you just have an option for a rude introduction like if you don't even want to give him a chance yeah how's it going like I know you like let me kind of walk up to your nose boonie I hate good start Ross Bob okay go knock on the door gonna be in with a in wrong time then we turn down the game a little bit to come on they haven't in the house while they go to lap you okay come on Ross Bob oh come on in they say we're in there oh look at their art okay so like what what can we sabotage he's happy again like Jesus Christ Ross Bob he is going a mile a minute we can just upgrade the yeah you can just walk into their homes and like upgrade their TV if you have enough skill that's kind of weird like not even like kind of asked to do anything you know I don't mind me I'm gonna hire a mixologist sure but that's just hire people to their house whether they like it or not I have a fun day in these people's homes well and in this family's home without their consent yeah that's just it can we upgrade the oven let's just serve like at the big smart make fish tacos yeah come on Ross Bob we're gonna spread some joy to this family's life and the only way Ross Bob knows how he's gonna hurt you he's gonna hire someone to make drinks gonna make a lovely dinner for them you know like it's kind of like mrs. Doubtfire and like he's just gonna being dropped into their lives and he's just gonna make everything magical and also slice off his thumb apparently okay and slice off yo we didn't need thumbs he didn't need some okay come on Ross Bob yep top that looks ready for sure suddenly a fish taco okay you did it right thanks for five quid why does Ross um I've always do that weird ham thing cuz we said his walk to the wrong walk and Mira as well thanks for five dollars you always tree what I'm going to work also where's the expansion's boy everyone knows in order to enjoy the Sims you got to pay $800 I currently only have like the pad expansion and that's literally it oh okay well I'd look they're excellent quality at least you know afraid it's gonna be happy we're gonna even Styles tonight bring some mattress at our home Ross Bob like they don't appear to be home there's the kind of weird thing at the moment where are they how do I go upstairs yeah like where are they in the home there anyone here there's a guy during the back room apparently well I have I could office space set up that's really weird okay no he's just playing Tetris that's not really office he and some kind of social media what she's browsing forums okay she's looking up the sims 4 forums right cache it up with the latest news to see if anything he was gonna be added to her life I guess really meta I was afraid doing ok afraid's going up play with them that's fine I was Ross Bob doing okay he struck up a conversation with a small child he's made a friend you know even if we can make one person being this family Judah it's a result you know we're not trying to be evil or anything here we're just trying to bring some magic to this family's life okay so let's get a rude introduction no let's get a friendly introduction friendly introduction come on Ross Bob we've just paid this bartender to literally just stand here and not do anything yeah talk about marble Moochie peachy ask for a drink Swain org oh yeah order drink hey what are we gonna get and get a juice on the rocks sweet and spicy just a glass of water finest I think Ross Bob's too sweet to actually drink you know it's not his type just swap stools that's fine one water talked about baseball this guy really looks like he doesn't want to be here okay you got this Ross Bob bringing magic to the family again let's see it shower take brisk shower take steamy shower yeah I guess awful shower okay so many options to upgrade stuff I wish it was like just a little more of a handyman here that'd be kind of cool and so much he could do here only he knew how tacos are still there as well so like that's pretty good they can eat them later I'll just make some more food we'll make sure they're well yeah pan-fried don't even know what that is off you go Ross Bob have some fun cookin oh great thanks no to quit I will not kill the cat okay eat the tacos tacos are there like afraid it's already having them let's his snack he's gonna make some more food why are people so against the kid kill the kid kill the kid think what's wrong with you guys that's not Ross Bob oh she's very upset we're here okay just go over here yep leave the stove sure we'll get back to the cooking later okay what what's in this house well in this room go through their stuff and see if there's anything we can do to help come on Ross Bob oh it's okay you don't need to walk like that here guys I'm not doing anything to the kid this is Rosco that's not what he's like he's a kind old dude who spreads magic the families he's not a murderer you guys are confused after you have x45 a trip it's as well sleepy thanks 400 bits dude do we need to go sub mode like you guys are just okay do we need to do this I think I think we might need to once it's on it's on for good okay then you guys gotta go easy with the spam you guys gotta go easy oh it's too late I'm out dinner sorry folks you had one chance it's not coming off now I'm sorry I don't want to do this on off thing anymore we're just gonna go so boat you last it 15 minutes so good job I'm sorry guy like yeah I don't like having to do that but like if you literally just scream it like murder a child on the stream you know and won't stop spamming it after 10 minutes happens you record buggers okay like spreading joy to the family or not just playing Tetris also how many inputs do you need for Tetris I'll finally broke the game okay let's have a friendly introduction the family here that don't get off the second computer they're trying to sleep in there might be a bit awkward oh you know maybe what we can do is actually we can help them sleep better you gotta get off the computer so you keep going on Goosen thank you for the flight for the five gifts up there as well that might take a moment to go true already up 50 100 subs [Music] heirless thank you very much man now we're gonna try play like a gentle like serenade for this guy sleep in here but can I just get in the bed yeah Ross I'll put down the guitar can you just get in oh this doesn't look good no he got up okay okay I just no good they don't mind me you know I'm just yeah let me just stripped out of I undies I'm gonna sleep in your bed now I know we literally just met oh it's okay it's okay you can leave it use the patch - it's all right there's enough space it's a double bed no don't don't don't leave you get back in the bed rostov it's okay go have a nap yes just get in the other side he's asking you to go home but he just means you're already at home you know we're gonna thank you for the five gifted subs as well thank you very much probably kind yeah I'm sorry again we have to go submode it's just it's it's just too much otherwise you know I there's a lot of people here already yeah this guy is gonna keep coming back he just needs to have a nap he's given up he's not gonna like fight it anymore honor that now she's fine everybody's happy so it's okay and that there's no there's no need to leave raus Bob hang on I was sold put afraid up for adoption maybe not maybe not yeah hang on just go to the toilet we're gonna make their lives better oh let's just brush your teeth [Music] got to make yourself at home you know we're the new caretaker living with them he's confident now after he brush his teeth okay and yeah get off the computer we're gonna apply some beautiful music for the family want to improve their lives you know we don't know how to play the piano but we're a quick learner and you know they have like a picture of a piano on the wall it's like that's gonna help what you got this mary had a little lamb come on Ross Bob [Music] feeling confident afraid's here too you know and we find average thanks are to quit a half as well thanks go to hood going with spam it tastes amazing I'm just gonna practice a while I need a full that Ross five album I mean he's pretty good not gonna lie baby what are your skills at the moment ESMA cooking oh look piano skill on the rise afraid needs to poop that don't worry afraid of the toilet over there okay let's just keep practicing the piano get the skill up this guy doesn't look too happy it's okay yeah just scare him away was like a lovely serenade that's fine eat plane with living this man's dreams so confident right now the minty freshness and he's nicely decorated for the home is nicely decorated you make foxes you know really I'm me down a level two you can now rhapsodize about pianist and honest to utter Sims it's doing better a fret and afraid singing along [Music] it's couldn't be going better okay let's take a break there cuz needs are kind of in the pooper yeah just just sit in the chair you know is there is there a different bed yeah it's go for this bed over here yep I just have have enough haven't I if we're afraid only need at the pee but like that's fine you can catch that later after your nap go get some rest Ross Bob there we go oh he's going for the cuddle can't change his mind just just have a good rest Ross Bob afraid we'll be okay that's doing pretty good goose and then thanking for another ten gifted subs Jesus Christ man like 75 quid where the subs already like thank you very much man 5000 subs oh wow yeah the numbers like you're buying on the dot is this tier is that like an offset a little because like there were take different amount of points okay Dan ross bob up you just need some more energy so you know like whenever your Sat Ross Bob freights doing okay he's having the time of his life right now I've fallen thanks for 2 quid try to watching your videos when you started playing The Sims you've grown so much since then I love you all things cat oh yeah it's been a wild ride last last couple of months we're back here for more simps you know you're in the series that started a little now go get some rest Ross pop you know yay you're not gonna be able to bring joy to the family you're tired all the time and they seem to have given up about like worrying about this room in particular I think you're in the guest room we're just gonna live in this family's home or my afraid's doing fine he's having a snooze on the porch that access the food cause like we can make fish tacos and you know you can just drink out of the sink they've like like they have two sinks in that bathroom anyway okay like one of those is further cat the only explanation is why you need to in the same room what about Bob Bob Bob Bob is fine she's just living her career as an artist at home right now we don't own any businesses if she really wants me to buy a vet clinic that option keeps like highlighting every now and then I don't know why who thinks what luxury bob bob is sad she's not oh she is sad rejected and replaced oh she's upset about the magazine yeah well guess what we'll catch up with Bob Bob soon she gets like she'll be okay gonna work on some where's Ross Bob needs to have a snooze here okay there we I think that's like kind of well like rested enough ah yeah let's go let's go open the fridge whenever you're done napping Ross Bob oh no that's the small child he's happy again the Ross Bob's having fun family he's like I'm gonna have so much fun to sneak your way about you know their house is so big they may not even know that he's here if you think about it really he's uncomfortable after getting a hamburger and he's immediately happy after eating a mirror I think that's just most of us when we eat a hamburger now he's fun what's with his moods today like he's like hopping between the mile a minute and also did where is he pulling that second hamburger from when he takes a bite out of a hamburger he picks up a dish it's just the game should have this many mood swings surely it's like every like second moving quite quick here dang kitty thanks for the 500 bits it's being such a chill streamer for me to have and study with it's like hanging on a friend oh thanks kitty custodians going well a prettiest unicorn as well thanks Roger bits I'm new here but your videos make me laugh so hard thanks you in a corn I'm glad you're enjoying them half as well things are too good my cinematography assessment is due tomorrow and Here I am wastin my loan on spam bones well hafnium is wasting her money I just realized that's the full using them thank you very much in George as well thanks for hold your bits finally I catch winning your streams when I'm at work oh well love your content even if live across the pond makes her a time conflict thanks very much George and I guy I do the best I can I know it's not always gonna work folks but what is gonna work that will well rest it we're gonna keep practicing the piano here now we gotta leave Bob Bob in peace as we practice and we also don't have enough money for you know a piano just work away here cat needs food the cat's fine isn't cats in the grain great Rob's having a burger see the family have accepted him as one over their own like a freights doing great this is a fried when he said sound hey oh hi Ross Bob they're gonna love you you just got to get the skill up first it's gonna take a while Rob the piano I don't think I can get only hire a pianist - Bobby thanks Roger bits Ross Bob will become a piano Chako I said 500 bits as well good stuff I ever watching the early tf2 videos well thanks choco you've been here a while then they keep practicing is there a way to make time go even faster than we already have or as is max I think this may be a max I just want to see even get like level 10 piano just while living like in this house he's embarrassed musical insecurity I Ross won't let him get here oh it's fine he's uncomfortable oh he needs a shower and a poo okay hopefully not at the same time okay well let's go that let's for have the pool first and then I'm gonna take a bubble bath yeah I'm sure they won't mind very uncomfortable oh my god okay Ross Bob just living in the home and look at those afraid's doing better now he had to pee he's doing good [Music] s1x 100 bits right in a national essay well swatch it RT force an old man to play the piano sounds about right just play the piano and force them to have a bash - you know I'm what kind of benevolent God I do nice things for him - it's having a bubble bath as well I'm I'm currently in here don't Ross Bob don't take that I know she's naked and she's just like under screaming at you but you do not take that now you you heart you finish your bath oh yeah yeah you'll get back in there now freights gonna join you - happy again I think super sleep never gonna kick us out of this house because it's what Ross spots been here a while now he's been living here for two days just wit afraid I wish it was a way to like buy stuff for this house it's not only edible for the world okay if I save with Ross Bob in here can I add stuff to this house by over the world because we could set off like a facility for afraid yeah in my defense the cow has been survivor just like peeing on the floor and eating hammers you know no you can't okay well we'll be alright pray it's gonna be okay go to go have a nap afraid we'll like it just has to work it out of his system you know we'll make some more burgers for him soon that's gonna be fine guys you know like it's a balanced diet we just feed them burgers Ross Bob can make them dime a dozen you know it's food for days and doctor just go to the other bed Rasta you can't stop you every time sneak your way back in okay wait a Billis meant deliver to you at male boss you owe $500 in 48 hours to pay before we shut your utilities off one by one you can pay using your phone computer or the mailbox okay we should probably get up and pay the bills then because that sounds bad Wow look see afraid just having a nap on the bed as well okay so just don't leave actions one group and I don't use the phone no there's no need to leave Ross Bob yep just get on the computer I didn't even tell them to do with that huh do these guys have a phone I could use to pay my bills it's by the house button own is bottom ah perfect household cables I see this works really well we don't even have to go home bills taken care of just like that okay and he's getting kind of hungry and I think afraid is too [Music] those burgers are looking a bit bad so we're just gonna make some new burgers oh do you know we're gonna live in style let's make pancakes it'll bring joy to this family come on afraid we're gonna make yep like he even knows right now see he knows the food's being made it's just like an actual cat where they come up to you while you're preparing the dish and they rub all against your legs and that atfal and thanks for to quit don't happy that you notice me I want to send you a message before you get 60 million subscribers you can't read any of the messages also you should breed afraid pop I think afraid is afraid of that notion what Rasta oh no Ross Bob oh it's fine it's what they're gonna love it the salt that counts okay like don't don't worry about too much buddy wasn't even break he's making pancakes he shouldn't have glass like what slit okay there we go yeah afraid go help yourself to some pancakes okay we've made extra just for you Ross Bob's happy now on a lovely conversation Ross I was just thinking of himself an afraid Bob is just bigoted of pooping this looks like almost like to set up for like a talk show just me what smells like a tract like like the host I'm afraid is like the guest on for the evening I'll write the table on the way listen he's got my face about him it's tight with Jay Leno okay just eat your pancakes afraid it's fine you can clean on you on the floor you know just look it's okay buddy [Music] what's wrong what's wrong pal what's up afraid go poop on the lawn Oh poop on the patio they're not gonna mind Oh Ross Bob's really upset now not looking too good about this we may we may need to take afraid home then because we need we need we'll come back to this home we just need to take them to the toilet pick up start stop playing on like the how many computers this family have I'll plan on like their fourth computer let's take a frayed Bob home how do I actually take them home what's the button for that the phone chat babble oh no I click on the sim come on we're gonna take afraid pop to the toilet or Ross Bob I think you're forgetting some fun Ross haha he's gone [Music] well okay I hope afraid yeah he followed us okay thank you that was kind of working for a moment s boy takes my hundred bits could you burn this person's hot house create a fire or something now Ross Bob's gonna improve the family's life like that's his job now let's get them home for afraid gonna meet oak oh god that litter box okay I like a pop pop you gotta help us out of here oh Jesus that's like a battleground yeah there we go god I wish cleaning up the litter box was that easy just boom bag don't put it in the kitchen again oh there was a lot of poo there Bob of oh no that's the best idea yeah we go saw the painting to the collector Ross Bob's having a nap again so we're gonna make a realistic painting look away Bob Bob afraid's having a big ol poo oh my god you did good afraid he's happy now Oh mostly happy I don't know what's wrong with him today he just needs to play it but he'll be okay in time his life Ross Bob oh he's on his way to work immediately okay are we talking that really well but once we finish up the day job we can send Ross ball back to that family's home improve their lives more looks so unsure of himself it's see you later afraid's going to get some food yeah afraid it's doing fine he sounds like he's dyin no that's just the noise afraid Bob makes because we installed the like raccoon voice pack animal you know there's nothing to actually fear here he just sounds like a raccoon okay afraid needs offspring we don't we don't have another cat no guys you only have the one thank you so adorable you know I don't know if afraid would ever like get along with a fellow older than that a person if rates happy by himself you know bit of a rival like look at him going that counter we want mini afraid's I don't know what a phrase kittens would look like I have hope that transfer the paint could you imagine that okay well you know we're gonna do that alright we're gonna see if we're gonna adopt them to captain oh look at that lovely sunflower a height of realism why we use crayons yeah let's get a phone what do we need why if like why is by a vet clinic always an option I don't want to do that I our service the gonna adopt a cat you may pick up the tree pets wow you can just adopt a lot of these in one go [Music] how do you tell like what gender there are you HOT you hover which one we gotta go for guys snugs oh no guys snugs is spayed hang on neutered but it's spades the one I think of this or is it neuters that we worry about is Spade okay what's Spade again I forget what that means the same thing no yeah okay yep that's for the females right yep okay all right um I don't think like yeah they're all neutered and spayed I don't know what to tell you guys we can't have like kittens I don't know if that's something you can just undo you know but it's a reversible sims 4 has unstained how does that work you just don't do it do ya you reconnect everything afternoon flex - no - cleared company for a photography job so I can report the train again pretty cool photographers job sounds like really interesting and cat links too good as well look what I started now everyone's afraid kittens you just go to the vet and you can unspayed God okay well let's get snugs alright don't worry afraid Bob we're gonna get you a friend you can start a family how did you even manage that at a man afraid Bob not very grateful about this is he a small capsule or scrub and then some exhaust runs in the shuttle brought some ice a small capsule stuck in the inside it looks like it came from out of space I'll open it when Ross opens the capsule a tiny puff of shimmery dust floats out which he immediately inhales it's probably not good a few minutes later Ross feels extremely ill oh no uh-oh I mean that he's still doing okay he's having a talk with his boss wait who are you oh you're the adoption I didn't even hear you come in like you just scared me Oh oh snap okay that Bob Bob you might want to talk to the agent friendly although did run in an evaluation oh god we got to make sure the home is like fit to them so we got to win him over scribing you idea talk about dreams conversation there's snugs oh just adopt okay come on snugs part of the family now I mean if a frayed Bob is like Ross Bob's cat and snugs very much looks like Bob bobs cat but like that Francey I kind of Art Deco junket [Music] first name snugs last name Bob [Music] part of the family look afraid it's got a friend and now we can't control either of them so snugs Bob oh she's a bit anxious oh and look they've made friends already they're both sitting on the table and not talking but his case is like okay I got I gotta get out of here my work is done Dalton is leaving your adoption evaluation appointment is ending he just flipped into the letter okay he's gone I died for snugs snugs jumps on the table - they're gonna get along so well look at snugs go give a big treat afraid you got to go say hi to your new friend I know you're pretty anxious looking at the moment you know you're kind of wondering what's going on here you treat the snugs bob just became friends with snugs and we can give a regular treat to praise yeah you take the book don't destroy that let's sit there Bob yeah we'll take snugs to the vet soon you have to keep an eye on the cats you know you can't just like run off like immediately oh no oh yeah guys we can't go to the vet right now cuz you know we can't leave the cats unattended like what am I talking about you bring the cat you know it's not automatic it's gonna register for my license you know she's okay the do it again oh but she did just fall asleep okay well once Bob Bob wakes up we'll take the cat to the vet sure things down you need some coffee yeah it's been a long day sorry [Music] it's been a busy one okay we'll get traveling with the cat soon I think they're both asleep Oh leapin in separate parts of the tower I mean I'm glad there's room for both of them here you know cool little home they have Emeril takes 400 bits I should be doing my university course work right now but this is more important oh thanks that rose good luck with the Uni work I would die for them we have a second cat in the household snugs is very cute with the jacket like I must admit okay Bob levelled up with cooking Bob Bob you means like a freaking enormous omelet that looks oh no it's mac and cheese okay never mind the globba mac you guys have okay on the hydration front I'll get a drink later like when we get into two hour mark that's a good time for a quick little break I think each string we'll hold off of it we're okay for now he's gonna die we need a streamer a dike it dies on air I'm oh Sh I don't even know how that would look but all the times everyone to like panics and like worries about me what's going on what the hell was that I love you okay it looks pretty pleased with herself after eating the mac and cheese she just just needs a minute yep time is messed up is it no we were yeah I don't know what that sound was like everything appears to be fine okay well we're gonna get going to the vet then go back to world select Brin Alton Bay Cavalier Cove we gotta go there later that was cool oh Jesus Christ [Music] all right Kevin is better how's it going thank you for another hundred [ __ ] quid my last big donation for a while got a focus on school I love you arty and Ross Bob oh thank you very much Kevin as matter that's incredibly generous of you like Jesus Christ man it's [ __ ] yesterday I hope the school where it goes well man I thank you very much incredibly generous Ali is well thanks for five quid there the mod cult selectable path allows you control the pet are they recommend if you want to get baby afraid's running around now I might look into that I go on a triangle base game first before we get any mullets cuz we never really dabbled in malls before for Simms maybe down the road though thank you very much though Jesus Christ guys let's get him to the vet a sable square was it hounds head that's the vet now yeah Brendon Hospital is there another vet available because that sickening names we go somewhere else okay let's take the cats let's take the agent to fun for like everyone yep family friend that's the only that okay he's just with us now he's a friend he came with snugs signing for space lash neuter so am I doing this right like we just buy it again oh no no no no we don't know we don't know we don't know no stop stop stop you do it you don't sign for that oh god no they're gonna spit they're gonna space smokes twice no hang on oh no wasn't even gonna do to the cat like no she's she's already spayed what what do we do go home there's a social event go how do I cancel top left and the visit early oh thank god there are no illegible pets to sign in but oh I thought snows were spayed snugs not sure about attacking yeah we might need to do that one it was used the restroom a lot yeah I really do though Electra snugs about attacking people because that's not good is he not spayed then because I saw like it's Eames I said she was [Music] snugs has learned to not attack good skill to learn play with the laser pointer oh Jesus Christ Kevin I'll match yesterday but this is this you've made my life happier with your videos Kevin thank you very much like the combining like 400 [ __ ] quid now with this right like Jesus Christ that's so much in like two days like like thank you so much I don't know what to say that's a lot of [ __ ] money man thank you very much is it actually calling me Kevin or someone who loves that know it it's a different Kevin guys but this there's more than one yeah I don't think it's this our YouTube buddy Kevin thank you so much Matt God enjoy the videos like you're always very welcome to the streams I hope that I hope the like kind of school work goes well s boy as well as the to quit he says have my lunch money thanks s boy still very kind Ashley him as well a for three hours taking photos in Canary Wharf John and a half an hour yeah just just have a nap at the vet it's been a busy day been a busy day nice of the territory okay she isn't very receptive to strangers will change her attitude yet hang on more choices let's be friendly will give the cat a hug all bob is now playful she's still asleep but she's playful her traits are to you how do I check the cat's traits I don't actually know if the cat ugh okay down your go let's just turn off the lights for the goldfish sure go for a low rent no just make it right cool press R and hover here okay yeah there's the traits no no stop doing that for a moment I don't female clever territorial and a bit of a glutton Ray's playful talkative curious and Dalton we don't know anything about but you know he's here for the ride stops currently in space apparently ot I love your vids sauce thanks Luna wolf thank you very much we said hover not click she's not spayed oh wait does it say out there did it say not spayed I'm hovering over it did it toggle where are you guys getting that she's not spayed so I guess if we can't afford the treat we'll get the treatment for her oh the icon isn't there also it shows up if this wait okay yeah well we just gotta keep the cats together then I guess we need to get Bob Bob home too because like you know like she is falling asleep right now go home make the cat's we don't need to do anything then so like we just need to keep the cats together um you know I'll kind of do the rest from there run on home Bob that's we'll find you [Music] you have to encourage them to mate really it's kind of weird yeah well first things first I got to get some new pet stuff if we're doing anything like this cat pet toys we got to get some new stuff from you have a little bit of money too oh my god well that's a big tunnel for the pets I don't know if we can get that one in the home [Music] we just leave like a pipe outside this is correct that's absolutely massive we'll get em yeah well a mystery cheese chest of Wonders you're gonna get some new toys from we have the cat condo we don't need anything like that but decals is that a boob and snoop statue oh we gotta get the boob in snoops but can we put this weight that we need boob and snoops guys three hundred dollars are well spent look at that we got butter that's been sculpt it and [Music] like we have the rest of it always self-cleaning litter box you thought actually be really handy then we don't have to worry about it that one just takes care of itself it's a big pet station those are just pet feeders yeah we're good for all that I just joined what's happening we're trying to get kittens at the moment it's a current goal we're trying to get kittens so afraid Bob's life is complete and then from there we need Bob Bob to become a famous artist and we need Ross Bob to live his dreams to becoming an astronaut and also spread and joy to the world will they like it or not Ross Bob's home as well it's very tense right now go play with the cat Pet commonly oh yeah just relax a little bit Ross Bob hello yes wave at the cat there you go who's a good flew Ross just became friends with snugs look at that getting along already that's only used the pipe thing why is the pipe laying under cats then oh my god this jazz like Riva what happened because we're in submerge ends oh good do we had too much spam at the start so we just to bump it on it's gonna be on the rest of the stream because I don't even want to chance it I'm gonna have to beg like a behavior of motion just to calm focus to him he's uncomfortable cuz he's hungry right though what I need to do then to encode nothing hurts them to mate is this pet care friendly don't wanna do mean this yellow dome you know what choice is what's that do I have to go to snugs at pickup more choices friendly pamper pamper pamper her friendship needs to be higher oh so we got to make friends with the cat do the cats have to be friends with each other to like do they have to get along really well okay so yeah we need to get like higher friendship then okay I'd yeah we can level we can get like Bob Bob and smokers real close yeah there's a freight Bob it's like is Ross Bob's baby snugs will be Bob pups that seems like we're really doable okay but before we get to there see how he's doing I know he's going the bed okay go get some rest arras Bob I was gonna say we should go out to the club I guess not at least the cats are getting along well together I was going off with a frayed Bob's leg but apart from that seems kind of possessed and he asked me yeah you go just morning routine Bob Bob yep resume the chips on afraid Bob you got to start stop doing this road out away this is the glutton pets noise likes to eat a lot very mess Lee oh it's okay oh if afraid of kids I feel like it's only fair of the day what after Kevin after all he's donated ridiculous about everybody at this point Oh we'll see what we'll see what we'll do when we get there where our ways off yet can't really promise anything in advance you know for all I know like afraid maybe like too scared to have kids oh and I've meant to pick that up well oh no he's feeling flirty as well oh okay hang out okay invite to hang out a current law get her over you may be in your undies right now Ross Bob not gonna stop you bring joy to the world joy to our life chips Bob were tired and NAPA she wept to go to work you know oh no you need to let her or him okay Ross Bob you gotta stop eating the chips no Ross Bob okay she let herself in we're good yeah but she looks really tired she's just going on the computer she's not having a good day okay Ross Bob stinking up [Music] friendly enterprise like talk to they get all of them on Ross Bob whoops okay Ross Bob sexy pose come on you got this we'll make friends with the cat some more in a moment he's in a flirty mood bunny slippers on his undies as she's just on the computer oh wow she's impressed all for a rose [Music] come on Ross Bob you got this don't ask where you pulled it from it's okay it's working it's working we're gonna go for all the romantic options that happen he's happy now good job Ross Bob you did it okay don't he's off to work okay it was a good effort there Ross Bob you probably should have invited it over when you had like you know longer than 30 minutes to actually talk to her well you know someone's got to look after the cat's and she doesn't seem like she's gonna leave right Bob is happy right now we're snugs the cat cats are just having the time of their lives I've always worked there you guys don't need to keep reminding me to Hydra as well like come on we got to cut that spam down a bit come on lads I've been ignoring it because it's been used too much like come on you got you got a pike doubt of it I'll get it I'll get the hydrate hydrate point is when we take a break during the stream and that's gonna be when a top of this hour do I bind the cipa motor has to endure my balls I don't think we go that far but that do we care about you hydrate do we got a nucleus a moat from orbit is this this is the next stage h2o is bad Oh Baba's back don't you got a little hot good job Bob Bob playful yeah let's sell another pain get back to work three tears nice 200 players had a guitar with the story but I have to go bye all the best take care or make a playful pain oh this is perfect she's in the mood to make that right now yeah cats are doing well we need to make friends with snugs as well we'll make the playful pain first time I drain paint these do go easy on the hydrate stuff guys come on it's for being it it's a bit much thank you okay get the Bosch we just need to become like friends with the cat as fast as we can but we get more cats to be friends but this tip has been snapped drinking water is now illegal yep banned water all we need is coca-cola zero of course no very uncomfortable to just okay Bob you you're gonna be alright that you just make him dinner it's just we resumed the eggs or just start again I guess cuz afraid's decided is having that for dinner today Oh we can still resume it yeah that's fine I mean he only ate like half of it you know you didn't want that BLT anyway a poor quality BLT they're not kiddin like a BLT looks like it's been dragged through the mud it's not even gone bad it just looks dirty like I don't understand how can you make a bad BLT like it's literally just bacon lettuce tomato like what do you got to do to mess it up I just just stock up here Bob Bob really uncomfortable for some reason probably cuz the cat keeps like kind of pouring at the trash anyways where's the other cat I play with the laser pointer yeah we got a win like win over snugs we're getting there in the friendship meter I'm gonna try to max this out as fast as we can by Oh the Rader thousand bits funny videos a little while ago only just started watching the streams you're absolutely hilarious I'm glad to see your channels are getting more and more popular good work and drink some damn water I'll buy oh thank you very much don't worry I'll get some water soon I'll be okay thank you very much so I'm glad you've been enjoying everything I think things are a little more chill tonight compared to the other ones maybe just cuz of the game we're playing you know Sims 4 is very much a lot tamer compared to Sims tree Oh family family doesn't move as fast this time I sure hope everyone's enjoying it all the same Miniver roses well thanks for hundred bits watching with my cat which is also called George Oh always good to see another George that's very cute I wish my cat would watch stuff with me he kind of just wants to sleep more don't really interested in it and going on the computer yeah oh no we need to win friends with the cat oh no wait perfect okay Ross was very playful play with the laser pointer yep come on Ross Bob more choices friendly encouraged to mate with it's already up and Ross was very uncomfortable with this option oh no I don't know if Ross Bob Cruz might also wish because you know he's a bit hungry I needs to poo what's this gonna look like oh she is off what what is happening right now [Music] well what was that they just use magic hey mom what a babies come from oh Jesus they scream that he shudder you know I'm not sure what happened but okay I guess we just have to wait and see from this point you know I guess can could Ross Bob just and do it again that Kara friendly lecture lecture of lecture play what laser pointer but he only do that cuz like he was feeling playful or is it just cuz it's a female cat so it's just recently met made it wait a day to see if they were successful just a day Wow but snugs is expected there's gonna be some new little pause around the house how many minutes have passed that was pretty quick I'm gonna wow it really is just magic I guess well the more you know hey mom how long does it take for babies to be born just learn the facts of life tonight against educational stream you know oh Jesus Dino sphere-like four thousand bits yay work X thank you very much Dino dot creations as well thanks retreat with a very dark place right now video so kept me going i already subbed for the first time but here's the only one i can give it out eat into my gas money thank you also drink some water Donald I'm glad I'm glad I could help like even if in a little way all right don't worry about having the donut you know if like you're cutting it close you know like if you could choose like between like even lunch I paid money to a twitch.tv streamer you know you're better [ __ ] give me your money cuz I swear to God like no like it's okay like look out for yourself first man it's correct don't worry you don't have to apologize for I think you never have to feel bad if you can't do that it's okay thank you very much you're very kind the love of God arty your kitchen counter by the sink is absolutely disgusting it looks like a little London back alley please clean it what do you know about the state of my kitchen oh you mean this kitchen yeah okay that's a lot of mold okay Bob Bob she's in a happy mood it's time to end lash I suppose whenever you're ready Bob yep just finish your swim yeah he was in the pool in the time of her life you know goodbye the happy mood like house snugs doing your sleeping quite a bit which makes sense you're uncomfortable okay Bob Bob oh she's happy again I call all over the place like mile-a-minute Dreiser's thank you for the 27 quid hey arty I only got twenty seven dollars to get me true to my next paycheck in two weeks but I don't mind going a bit hungry to help keep your Lambos and Porsches fuel and your bloody well right riser you know they need a lot of petrol they use diesel the price of [ __ ] diesel these days know Dreiser thank you very much for the 27 good I got a stop yelling like if you will give me money this hurdle abuse have you quit I go [ __ ] yourself you know I got a stuff doing lap hey Oregon dude terry sub yeah piss off thank you very much hello for the tears oh gotta stop Yellin abuse a true kiwi thanks was a treat good this is the second screw years of boob I just love the general atmosphere of your stream so far just wonder if you're one for concerts and if you haven't you want to go to I've actually never been to a concert Kiwi honestly like I'm gonna be just a freaking nerd like if I went to a concert or be like cell to Symphony Orchestra or something like that you know I'm not really listening like a low like kind of modern bands or anything like that so be something more lines of that I don't know some youtubers who do like kind of concert stuff to maybe I go to something like that don't know if anyone knows like a violin tie he's really cool and she does tours go to the friend's house yeah I will soon Ross Bob's just got to work himself up for it you know he's gonna go get some lunch okay come on Ross Bob yeah well we'll take the cats to the house to its Noakes is pregnant right now but that means that doesn't mean she can have some fun ok let's go over huh spot we're just gonna extract them from the bath right now [Music] a jar thanks 400 bits loopy guys well thanks for seven quid hey Artie I'm on a budget but I want to be yelled at as well thank you very much loopy okay we're gonna we're gonna go to this family and we're gonna take you're gonna take snugs and we're gonna take afraid Pub the cat family is coming to a trance Bob we're gonna brighten up their day but the magic of kitchens all you need is a towel exactly right stuffy yeah we'll just borrow one from their place I'm sure they won't mind just set up a space in the kitchen table all gonna be okay you know and see look like this guy's already like so endearing towards them [Music] tough crowd of oh right come on in Ross Bob go say hey to the neighbors Sandra's likes for 320 bits they only have trick tree 20 bits to pay my water bill for the next one to it okay just take a can just take a quick shower of it rains yeah you know and that's called being smart Sandra's no you didn't need my water bill anyone and you know if you think about it you just pee in their toilet anyway so like why even need water piece of wood liquid yeah also flush oh thank you very much at Dino Speer electrified rip it's as well guarantee I go Holly said I thought of wasting here instead of my holiday so yeah Titus we're having a fantastic holiday mokey makes it a seven quid as well he says I'm 70 pounds overdrawn but fine you can have the rest until the end of the month well don't worry mokey it's only the 10th of October Oh [Music] and lost hope as well with a thousand bits he says yell more Artie did you guys just like masochist at this point but hey what's going on here and Ross Bob you got to get off the computer you're supposed to be making burgers for the cats on Sarah frunch silly gummy bear pancakes hurt all we got to make this come on Ross Bob that sounds too good like it's not even a thing people make gummy bear pancakes steam jazz dice with 200 pits Papo as well that's 101 you know Ross Bob you're not going to work are you okay oh he's just taking his time again Jarrah thanks 100 man hates money so much he yells at anyone who gives the money I can thanks for 200 I'm a UT student who's running out of money to eat but it's fine I could eat out of the trash right IRT is greater than education any day you know I'm the only education you need I went to a very prestigious college has nothing to do with how it turned out in life but I just like to rub it in people's face only kid the joke that was in some great Ross Bob why do you have class again what are you even doing [Music] Lauren thanks for five quid I get paid on Friday so I'll have enough money to live for the next couple of days love you streams but thanks for all the laughs well I study cuz I would go crazy without the Box Lauren thank you very much studies go well he's very kind a real though like jokes aside it's okay if you can't do that you know put yourself first oh geez people are just like trickling lament constantly now like I got mochi thank streak would my parents convinced me by screaming at each other I get hungry I can just eat the freshly deceased oh good god pink marbles thanks for trying to quit but 300 quid 300 bits 300 [ __ ] bucks you know that's how it translates a dollar per bish breaking the frickin bank there dink they say oh we have $10 to my bank account but here yell at me please that's very much - oh god I'm dying now shouldn't be yelling people flats fear thanks for five quid my dog needs x-rays but she can hold off a few for weeks oh Jesus Christ didn't want to miss out in your Yash payment this week thanks flats fear the RO slice ruled 50 as well ASMR Yellin but people find this therapeutic they're like a screaming at people for donating have I been doing it wrong all this time god damn it Ross Bob you didn't you shouldn't have gone to work you shouldn't have gone to work okay well you know we still look up holy [ __ ] my name is Kevin better like 500 [ __ ] dollars in like one go I sucked and got yelled at and I felt hurt but I love you so much charity this is my last donation I had no more to give by do i I'm oricon tude Jesus Christ Kevin I got yelled at they felled hearse okay I named one of the kick the kittens Kevin I think at this point it might be up thank you very much like that's a lot of [ __ ] money oh my god like there's one go you know god there's a lot more stuff coming in - I got a catch up in all of this not to be outdone though I kill a big momma here with two quid says kill the kids thanks kill Big Mama oh gee we should breathe ice with two I gotta just catch up with us for a moment and we'll get back to it and we'll go a little over it's like there's so much just coming at the moment geez Doug mission bringing thanks to quit says hey I'm running low would anyone the chat like to hire my services I'm not gay but 5-pound just for I don't think marbles thanks for 200 bits didn't yell at me so here's more bits cherish is there a hundred if you choose the public menace aspiration when the achieve is the watch is sitting die but to know he's are getting dark as we go along potato he salad likes a 200 haven't wrote surgery seen the stream as the only thing keeping me from being a big ol big girl anxious crying mess and sort of great content and always making me laugh Oh potato I can hope it goes well for you be thinking about you like can we get like can we get like some hearts or something in the chat for that potato we saw yeah I could hope that goes well I'm back to a safely k god you're enjoying the stream we're all here for you emerald as well like tree fifty up flying over to Ireland next week and should probably be saving my money but here you go safe lie to you true Ricky five quid that G these are just coming in I got it oh okay okay we got to do them up we're gonna get on top of us true it true kiwi five quid I need five year to save my little unionists brought her from a certain Republican Army but I feel like you can use the money for more valuable calls oh good god black guy thanks which adequate to take my lunch well ERT I didn't need it anyways I can go in little week mix thanks 100 bits is Kevin paid for your summer home can my rent money go to your sky watch though guys Irene with a hundred can Ross Bob hump afraid Bob the answer is no hafnium thanks to to could almost accidentally donate two thousand pounds that would have been interesting title with 500 it's it's the accident the hilarity I swear from Canada would love Dan Kitty with a thousand oh we got to pick up the phone we're finally friends with the agent or come on over down kitty with sizes take the break from study to get yelled up by the glorious arty thank you very much be out at a hundred rad girly with a hunter as well this is gonna be like the new Alaska bike crash tree with ten minutes you read and alerts no I'm kind of on top of them now and cancel but a hundred at the end they say hey oh we good of course I'm crazy five go at the end you never fail to make me happy when are watching your streams or YouTube it's keep with the good [ __ ] and do what makes you happy you're a brilliant [ __ ] crazy thank you very much it's spiky as well hello mr. IT gave a guy how do you be famous on the twitch hey spikey how's it going man I'm getting a bit overwhelmed right now Harry's been [ __ ] nuked from orbit as well he's gone missing even brought all of those alerts okay I think we're good I think that caught up the sweet okay I'm gonna have to like read the rest at the end now cuz like it's getting a bit much smokes is in labor yeah we're gonna miss like the birth of this child but not child kitchen there's a difference smokes child she ain't given birth to a person that will be a bit weird Jesus Christ guys with the donations matter and Goossens and thank you both no food this week hi Ashley lunch money oops is that my protection money is due but you were more important to my kneecaps right cabbage worth thousand aren't you just want to say I love you and your streams and please play some more spore thank you very much oh hang on though okay someone needs to be awake hang on Ross Bob I know you're uncomfortable right now but we need to calm down snugs genic doing too good [Music] oh yeah Ross Papa you're gonna need to get a bit more enthusiasm than that right now snugs is going into labor afraid is here and he does not know what to do you know he's living up to his name's like more choices pet care okay what's wrong what's wrong snugs we've gotta be out there for the cat today Jesus Christ with the bits though guys they'll know what five quid you got me to a tough time I'm not working for two months but take my money love you thank you very much hope things are going better for you now taco guy with 200 have more lunch money on my fiancee adores your videos please say hi to her so please say hi to her hi to her there we go I said it said exactly what you asked thank you very much mr. Kirby nice 100 bits Stokes needs to hide right yeah don't we got to look out for Stokes Stephen nice with 200 bits and well off and five don't worry about how it started by free buddy thank you very much Stephen okay snug has gone outside he's doing okay you're just having a sit down you know afraid you got to be like a strapping husband here you know I know your name sink is literally afraid right now but like you got to be there for snugs she needs you right now come on buddy sitting out all by our lonesome right now it's now just gave her to where's the kitten but [Music] what a surprise kitten just appeared we didn't even see it okay first of all first name Kevin last name Bob then I have Kevin Bob spikey like for five quid is a very good problem to have too many definition like spikey Oh oh my god okay what there's two kittens okay who's the second kitten oh Jesus I actually you mean Archie thank you for ten quid I'm not broke but my neighbors are so I called in a - and took their last ten bucks it's all buying dragon that looks like fun Oh No thank you for the 10 quid already timid Bob yep that sounds like an appropriate name for a child of afraid [Music] wait people have a fragrance Oh No what kind of genetics are at work so that phrase is like a trace of them Oh No are the freaking adorable but like oh that is mildly terrifying we're not gonna be able to tell them apart oh the kittens are afraid he's afraid Bob like like he doesn't know what he's doing he just became a father he's freakin terrified right now snugs is a bit confused like she doesn't know what happened it kind of just popped into existence [Music] cheese is quite Brian B thank you for the 20 quid message you last week about about genetic heart issues if we go to bed a lot of time for your streams to keep me in a really good place and I appreciate that so much I need this money so he gets surgery but here take it and I'm high Brian don't go that far okay for realsies don't don't don't go that I hope you doing okay don't say things like that though come on hope you're doing all right feed the cat yet we'll feed the cats will feed the cats my stream is lagging is the stream lagging for anyone else well the S is having some trouble red cabbage thanks to tier 2 I'm sorry just become the alert stream like I've just been trying to catch him then some haratz their greens fine okay they were like in Toronto okay might just be that person okay well we got a new water feature for the kittens anyway oh look they're playing snugs it's just taken on like her newfound mothership look at that Kevin's having the time of his life ain't taught how to be afraid what genders are they Kevin's a male Oh and Tim it's all okay oh Jesus poor snugs cool boys come on afraid you got it you gotta be there for your kids now you're fodder now you know stakes have been raised I have insurance and all that no worries okay I'm glad to hear that Brian yeah you just gave me a bit of a scare there that's good to hear though it's actually a cat fountain it is who's Nancy as well Ross Bob like when you meet this person have no idea who she is Caroline thank you for the tier two grade bob is hydration yes oh my god well there's never gonna be a quiet day in the Bob family household now because it was working like kittens running amok I can't believe like they also say afraid like that's just the dumbest thing we gotta like get to know the new newest members of the family yet to know pick up the cat bless his poor little heart he's so teeny and oh look oh my god afraid taking his son fishing I'm having a father/son moment and he just ran away because of Spooks of god dammit afraid he lived up to his name father-son bonding or not just like my dad oh god dammit afraid you just have to take him fishing do one job as a father okay terrorize have been a little bit more sure Ross Bob is very uncomfortable like he desperately needs to poop oh god Ross Bob's not doing too good yeah that's used to turn [Music] everyone's saying just like my dad no Kiwi thanks order to quit follow people right into you I genuinely hope that your fancy and get true the bad times would feel happier someday soon right you don't made that my reason I do this entertaining all you guys you know like it's honestly I kind of incredible like I'm doing a job where like you know I'm just helping people laugh and like I try and just take their mind off life you know that's like that's a privilege to have as a position you know I'll always do the very best I can please you know I ain't even saying it's a penis I uh Socrates Johnson ten quid I just want to see Ross Bobby Nolan thanks Socrates bit of a dissonance there smooth follow off you know oh I'll wear the kit the kittens are asleep oh my god they're just floof de bout on the floor God love them hey come on afraid mob you got to be like a responsible father now they go on the play in the puddle oh he's going on the counter okay it's thinking of a cake you said you would hide right I'm gonna go a while longer because we like we'd like became the bit alert scream for a while there Ivana I'm gonna go top in the next hour and then I'll take a proper break I'm probably gonna be wrapping over at 10 o'clock tonight anyway it's not gonna be as long because I have a favorite of that like fair few things I need to do with it behind am i editing Bob Bob is gonna have a bash oh man for that sink huh yeah whenever you're done in the past go fix the sink dogged oked you know you could have finished first but that's okay too Ross Bob's Havanese morning nap also known as sleeping oh look at little timid Bob go Lauren thanks for the $5 I have to go to work and there was definitely a hurricane barreling toward me right now here's my last five dollars just in case the hurricane snaps me well good luck to you hurt it sounds a little bit intense a safe are you allergic to water it caught me entire time you've all been asked me to hydrate I can't drink water I could only it'd take drink it like intake sweet sugary taste of coca-cola zero sorry guys get the new cats of bed can they're not sleep in the cat tower you aren't do I need another own I mean we can get another one the pets comfort of miscellaneous oh it's immediately gone where is the pet or like allegory is there one just for pets that's pet bowls bedroom Oh Packard's yeah like that that is a bed I believe but maybe we need in like another one I like to point out that in pet beds the litter tray comes up I don't know who hurt that developer in da but I just want to think about that did you want your like boxes you know there's nothing here that really screams it's in I went out of the pet sleep station a bigger popper on [ __ ] kitty and the desired enormous space bone which should sleep rest and Jeremy lays about in big and pet sleeps ashes perfect it's such peace for legs and fur required yeah well we'll just get some sleepy time Pat Pat's set them up here there we go and Ross ball can just immediately pick it up if he so pleases okay a Bob Bob you should finish that paintin soon too or maybe you should just eat breakfast eggs and toast classic Kiwi thanks to the to quit thank you very much at miss Tilly put a five hundred bits as well and then one that messed you by teaching in Japan college apps have been stressful but thanks to you and I know what I want to do thank you for helping me and being an inspiration Oh mister I'm glad I could help it's very best of luck to you you know like I know it's like kind of a scary time I'm gonna true of myself I hope it works out though squidly thanks for 200 bits make my last bits don't know if you saw earlier but I have to go to work early today and I'm kind of in a low mood about it I forgot sleeping in now that I know this will be a short stream I was good they have a good day at work yeah I'm sorry about that maybe should have given some notice I can't go as long today just got added like I was already late the start because I was fiddling with some things have a good day at work those squiggly like take care don't want don't worry about sleeping it no it's fine you gotta get rest Bob Bob's not having a good day okay wait so we fulfilled okay afraid Bob is living the truth Bob Bob is in distress right now but like we'll get working on her we now we need to fulfill all of Ross Bob streams though just resume to BLT on the floor yep you're gonna make a floor sandwich fine we got to work on fulfilling the rest of their dreams because like afraid Bob is now living the dream he has his family he always wants us and he's never looked more anxious it's kind of private actually adopted wealthy lifestyle how do you cut yourself I'm gonna be on a TV you don't even need a couple edits just put it in okay it's a BLT buddy cut come on no it's not the most complicated thing now chop the tomato a lot of tomato you're putting in one sandwich instant BLT he did it yep no need to ask about the process good job Ross Bob this would look like he's enjoying it that much look side why is he so upset oh it doesn't like the garbage oh my god that's that's afraid Bob's fault if Bob Bob's happy pick up the garbage cabbage thanks 400 bits glass I have for today in water is only for afraid Bob's just drink some good ol coca-cola no the best way to stay hydrated sugar I've been doing pretty good he's still uncomfortable but like oh it's cuz of the sink we kind of need to fix that like like I'm worried about the kittens you know like now just have a big puddle on the floor he's happy again so we'll get her doing some housework got it we got a tents two cats because like a freaking everywhere now yeah went all over the place gotta feel a lot soon to run low on food [Music] okay we're gonna Ross Bob we're getting you to like the gym again he's uncomfortable we're gonna take a bath leave the kittens alone they know what they're doing it's tense now oh you're not going to work today yep Ross well we need to live your hopes and dreams okay I don't you want to be an astronaut but like you got to work your way up there so you know you need to like be your like peak physical condition take a BA get the hygena yeah it keeps running away whenever he's there because he's not having enough fun yeah okay take a second back yep do it in two goes you know efficient use of water what is that that's sound hey well Ross Bob we're gonna go a little Jim someone's call on the phone that's fine oh my god look at the family yeah you know it's gonna be a family day out we're taking the law gonna take the kittens and just show them about the place come on Bob Bob let's go [Music] watch the laser poop trail was the poop trade freaking out okay it's no safer place to bring small animals than the exercise building let's go on in come on Ross boat you're gonna have fun in no time work out together and family bonding Bob Bob looks a bit tense too wrong in our walk at the moment miss Tilly thanks for not 100 bits I say that best of luck with the future mr. Lee I'm glad I could help you learn in like a little bit Oregon do it as well 100 bits air tea please name the next kitten Cyrus my name my name isn't Kevin whatever you say Kevin thanks for 100 pets so sorry we're gonna get Ross Bob peak physical condition look the cats are having fun look afraid and timid around in and snoke's is just kind of standing there go pet snacks or Ogawa to the hundred bits RT use control-c they're all having fun and I'm just like waltzing about what characteristics do the kittens have Tim it is frisky curious and talkative Kevin is playful talkative and curious they both got the curious trait the both talkative and ones playful and ones frisky oh you're okay Ross Bob da da way the kid the kittens not on the way so yeah just just be mindful as you go here you know thank you that's afraid not Kevin no afraid to - afraid some afraid afraid doing what afraid does best I'm just kind of liking it he's panicking a little bit cuz his new phones fatherhood that's okay Luna's keep an eye on the kids oh wait that was afraid straights oh that's what you meant sorry so Kevin oh there's timid yeah no frisky cure risky curious talkative playful talk of it okay so yeah Kevin's was missing a tray yeah I got all right all right everyone has a full bladder do they see like Ross but Ross Bob's fine problems just having a shower you know grant cats need to use the toilet too dogs is coming to say hey okay Ross Bob he's running late for work that's fine it's going on the TV but he's fired too uncomfortable to do this he's dangerously tired again oh can you do this one no it's not even letting me this time oh my god they stood 100 not sure if I love our hate captain doing well playin wit his brother I can look at them go like look at these like high-speed chase oh no timid fell over Kevin looks a little bigger than timid to maybe that's why Tim into so timid slightly bigger cat I love how they just like I know like they're learning to walk still not the most graceful but they get in there like everyone else in the Jay must be owned well is going on why just so many cats here and Ross barber you okay I think he just needs to rest what does he want to do he wants to buy a squeaky toy and love love cooking okay well we'll take it home soon Ross Bob while bob is busy at the moment and snugs is just cheering her on old family is here to support her that's a trainer okay I thought she was in trouble she's got two trainers like she's doing pretty well she's happy now Ross ba just looks like he's lost the will to live Ross Bob what's the matter bub you know all your needs are met or gotten at a hundred bits I should easily take David's I set up my name is Kevin is better it's too late now Erica I would say say thank you again for everything thank you jokes aside he wants the jock but can I make him jock a disciplined group let's just send him to work now yeah maybe I'll perk him up come on Ross buff it gonna be an astronaut in no time also big confused if you're going to the gym like on a dress you know everyone else is here like sweats than that she looks like she was out of the party or something it's just the chin you know [Applause] that's like me going I like God was like a shirt and tight the desert of raspado ever five have to want us to live those Phoenix Oregon 100 100 bits well plane that legally changed my name to Kevin Ross Bob's at work he's doing well Bob Bob is just like having the time of her life out of the cat's doing freight spending some time with Kevin trying to be there for each other Jose loves two hours ago I was up to cheer my cats I guess a valid reason for missing work as an astronaut crazy thanks Roger as well maybe you can help Ross pal become an astronaut in Kerbal space program I was across Bob with last long was just having a sleep here come on afraid be there for the kids the cats are just circling Bob Bob like they won't leave her aside they don't know what's going on here just see a bunch of people are running and they're just curious as to why de not heading anywhere they're very confusing [Applause] well you know I think we're doing good so far we're getting all the dreams there okay Bob Bob we're gonna take you home take all the cats and we're gonna do some pain send them to the International Space Station I mean dick will try but you know he's an old man now please dad to give Bob Bob a girlfriend no but got like afraid like we've done the relationship you know like afraid gays in the relationship with Snooks how'd that happened Bob Bob wants to be an artist so that's what we're gonna work towards and in Ross Bob the goal is that I kind of make him an Astra and bring joy to others lives we need to go visit the family again and a brighten up their day oh come on Bob Bob go home [Music] budget Baba had a bob haircut when she it does the Bob Ross Erica okay the cats are home you can all cue up for the lip trick and she's confident now that sell that one to inherit calorie where'd she get he's about to get into bed okay now she's uncomfortable right oh this has gone downhill fast let's make a surreal pain that was a good time cuz you're uncomfortable you know it's just like push this a bit hey look Ross Bob still a lot of full day's pay despite not showing up until like after lunch I think that's pretty good and he's flirty and he's a bit hungry okay well I think I'm gonna go for a night on the town come on Ross Bob and go blue velvet [Music] just just travel by yourself this time [Music] you'll be round two at the club he'll and flirty you watched a romantic comedy and it just feels flirty in general guy just yeah make a special drink Cupid juice I don't know what's in that drink well okay let's try it we're gonna spread some joy to the world Ross pop that's pop you gotta go do this thing okay go inside first that's Lebar hell of a crowd here tonight look at this we have tree people dancing I having a wild time the people that are there they just walk in it and join the dance what are they even dancing to cuz they've all got a different style you got a little wave it's a real big arm swinging got the dad dance I'm Brent Hagan we have Brent Hawkins clone who thinks he's playing just dance on the Nintendo Wii right now and like like thinks he has to do all the motions but people are starting to show up for the kill Mike this place is filling up fast and then here's Ross Bob in the of course he's eating chips I'll cut you're supposed to get a drink yeah just just ten the bar come on Ross Bob actually like somewhat of a turnout it looks really awkward in this room it's not anything like a dance floor I think it's not like a nightclub Oh make some drinks stop eating the chips broken come on practice making drinks no you can't do it and do it cuz the other guys here although we can do we can play a song [Music] let's play oh my darlin come on that'll get him in the mood come on Ross Bob we're gonna steal the club yet there are two arches there as well or like what's the point loud arch and he's happy come on Ross Bob [Music] and take the club Iost or can we turn off this racket it's interrupting them only we can oh here we go it's your time to shine Ross Bob come on they're still tense awesome freakin Tchaikovsky on the awesome real banger tonight guys oh [Music] that's so stupid dream is hella laggy is it oh it might be the bit right I'm gonna see if I can toggle that then because I was testing new sentence with a stream I was trying to stream in 5k yeah OBS is giving me a warning light then you chug um OH it's next level chug right now oh no Ross Bob gave up he's happy though he spread some magic now we can poo video is chugging audio is fine okay I can't change it on the fly that is active or I I might crash the stream if I do this they'll be my only concern okay sorry about that guys I was experimenting new sentence tonight I'm gonna lower the stream bit right next time I'll do that it's good now okay that's good a PC is a bit toasty but my beer as well do it crash the stream do it as you don't want me to crash the stream do is owed you want that like just endless yeah we're on the bench yeah I think the stream bitrate is just a bit too high so I shouldn't stream in 5k I don't know hey well Ross Bob you did your best at the nightclub they're all having fun he's just asleep outside in the bench he tried you crashed you good hydration how old is Ross Bob anyway he's an old man all the cats are apparently in distress back home as is Bob Bob so I don't know what's going on over there I think we're just gonna stick with Ross Bob a while though he's gonna rest up and hit the club again have a good night's rest on the park bench look he's getting a senator geo he can just eat some chips again in the morning it's not that big a deal not the story Verity cat guy said a lot of crash if I like changing the bit right midstream I know I know it's kind of wrong now from like what people have been saying these be okay for some folks Phoenix thanks for 200 bits free him meteor of the bar and I've got we can't just meet here everything Pina you have a crash the stream they're like you're gonna have to go even shorter than I originally applied for today like I'm only got half an hour left like come on guys gotta go a bit further III really don't know that sims 4 then cuz I just think there's more stuff we can mess around with in sims tree and like there's a certain kind of janky nasai don't know I think it was just incredibly entertained like this game has a lot more polish but I don't know if he won't that you know they just seem to have mood swings all the time I'm like that's the main thing these things too but it doesn't seem to be as exciting you know like there's no like a wild stuff happening you only try engineer the situations like yeah like it is kind of tame like we had kittens on this room say you know anymore expansion of assumes where my crossbow of a vampire yeah but you could do that in same street as an expansion file alrighty that's the thing like you know like how different would that really be I don't want to just make him a vampire you know is that in itself is kind of tame because like you don't really fiddling with the creation tools you know what I like doing is like I like building stuff and I like trying to engineer just like scenarios and just see what happens from there but the problem I feel with this one is like we try to engineer the scenarios but the game is much more controlling like I can't even push Rost ball that much because he just gets too uncomfortable if I try to do anything you know it's less I'm trying to watch - yeah like like cars I'm kind of feeling with myself well I don't think I'm having as much fun with this one and you know I I'm not gonna force anything out like when it comes to playing this because I want to stream it again cuz I thought maybe like at the end of the last one things got very interested you know I things really picked up at the end the last one I don't know like maybe this just isn't the Sims game for me cuz I feel like I'm just kind of going through the motions if you get me you know my crossbow movie started with the new app in November oh it's new expansion coming in so I could be kind of cool at the same time no like exams tree like there was so much in the base game you know like we got to do so much maybe it is just a case where it's a bit like loss - right at the expansions I just don't know how much better would be with the expansions you know like sims tree I'll be happy with getting more stuff for it because you know what we played in sims trees been [ __ ] class ship it's definitely one of those things where you have to make things happen so I think like for me when it comes to playing these things like I like just having a concept I like trying to see if I can realize it like even in the street blast that we drained the frickin Atlantic Ocean you know city Scholar that was incredible I love doing that kind of stuff because it's just a big experiment where is this one like the goal just very much seems to be like the game has a lot more control over what's going on I can make Rosco an astronaut you know I can make a kind of silly house but you know I can't take that farm it smells like a more interesting stuff like maybe that is the thing maybe I just do need some mods for it and like maybe that was kind of liven things up you've been complaining about what seems fans have been complaining about free here is really yeah like I just don't know about for so like I think I think what we might do okay I think what we need is a real simcha and I think I have an idea let me check my schedule okay I have an idea for something for something new we could try we're not gonna be able to do on this stream cuz we've gone on a bit late tonight yeah I think we're just gonna talk for the rain under this stream this is a good point some folks know why like season two with the Bob's might be a bit short because I got because I I'm not enjoying myself as much here like I'm just gonna straight up a minute also she looks just like Bob but it's a bit crazy no it's not seems to I'm gonna keep it a surprise as to what it is but I do have an idea of something I could and the only clue I'll give these I can only play it because I'm back I know what I'm gonna do is one of the streams over this weekend not sure which yet but we will give it a go I think we did we didn't know stuff a session I said I'm probably gonna do some highlights like the stuff at the Khitans was funny it just kind of petered off of you know hey just got that point where it's like yeah that was just kittens no well kind of trapped in the house like even forcing Rob to learn the piano like I thought like it wouldn't even move it faster that's the other thing like things take a lot of time in this one and you know for like someone really I I think just coming from the background of Sims tree I just I just kind of a bit impatient because you know I like the instant results I want all how Kevin knows it he still exists in videos very entertaining and you know I probably have a bit more fun with Sims 4 if I started to look into some things like even Kevin does but you know like I don't just want to like kind of recreate Jim Pickens you know that's not kind of character I want to do Ross Fogg was like he's just the kindest man alive who lives a really cool life but yeah I I'm gonna try something different this weekend I'm gonna like leave Sims for their loving the street of Archie's Sims for amazing as always thanks iris three hundred bits [Music] it helps you out cut I own a lot of the bore infill apart so I'm already gonna do after the videos you know I won't leave any like a waiting around bits in yeah I just probably got to do like much wilder things when it came to sim Street dive you got to be like to Hunger Games I don't even know if Hunger Games that work that well there just be more of the same here they probably get uncomfortable leave no you can't just be as cruel which is kind of tragic you have less control you can't drink eh then surrounding seems like an interesting Holly videos are less interesting streams let's let you talk to chat though yeah it does yeah that's kind of nice it's gonna like an interesting contrast the cities because like the cities videos I like it they're incredibly difficult for me to make because the city's videos are all go and like this stuff just happened like the last two strings we deal with the art map like the first one what was like like painful for me to edit because there was so much good stuff and you know I'm trying to keep a concise and I'm trying to chop it down that video could have been like twice the length if I wanted it to be I know I would have still been very happy with it like whenever I get to that point I just kind of try to get like the best of the best and keep chopping it down you know [Music] you can use emotions to kill Sims and Sims 4 you know that sounds a bit weird actually interest in the game if you're actually interested the game is this lackluster because it was supposed to be an online only game but was scrapped and rebuilt not long before release really is that true either because that is an interesting bit of trivia that's the case I know that's not what SimCity and not the one I always got it other one didn't work out emerald tanks are two quid all the supporters that you're enjoying yourself when you're happy it comes across and stream and that's when you dreams very most entertain thank you for making streams for us thanks very much general yeah I just feel that I like my own standard it's like I get we might as well just keep talking like this is gonna be the rest of the stream at this point I think I think even by my own standards like I can feel myself like this isn't as wild or like you know I'm not having as much fun cuz I just wanna kind of like chuck a wrench into this and like spice things up but even working the Ross Bob like he resists so much whereas like the previous Ross Bob like he just do crazy she'll talk I'm like it was so interesting because like you lose control quite quickly this one you have to be much more control I think it'd be different it was my first time playing the same experiment with this one I think that like does play into it depends on where your starting point was and I think maybe because like I had so much control in Sims 3 it's just a bit different if you don't have a problem why not switch games I mean Musco at this point like there's so little after the stream that there's not really much point you know cuz I was gonna rap over I kind of go anyway we got an explosion and we doing a Q&A now yeah kind of I just want to talk about why I might not be playing Sims 4 again because I because like you were looking forward to this season of it as well you know sure oh my guy was like I really want to bring back like the Bob family I also like a big bang you know keeping that one in my pocket for awhile I was doing all the experiments and things I thought this be the best way to do it but I just think I'm wrong this time I do have a back-up plan and like we're gonna try the back-up plan this weekend I think we're gonna be able to have a lot more fun so I'm gonna follow the since for development closely because I'm a serious love of the series it was to be a lot more online okay that's interesting then Phoenix yeah I can definitely see that we're like the way that lots are structured yeah if the town is like chopped into pieces well I don't know why I've done that the graphical upgrade but like I wouldn't think it's to that extent be long didn't read Artie wants to play as a merciless gal but since we're won't play into his power of fantasy basically dynasty oh thanks 4,000 bits as well I gotta go to sleep now and hope you have a good day even night Artie you're awesome all the best join us feel I thank you again for everything take care go get some rest playing keep talking nobody explodes with a friend perhaps Kevin and maybe although I quite like the version with twitch chat we played before I have an idea for another stream which is it just talking here that's gonna be like a very interactive one I don't want to give away we're gonna do it's very much going to be a train wreck they won like last time we tried something like this there was two streams I did one where I did a speedrun a fall at four that was very much a skip and then we did like an interactive bingo night that was like me literally on mspaint drawn at free tree and I was [ __ ] class I have an idea for another stream in that vein we might try it's very much going to be a high-energy gamer stream and if I try that one soon too like that one's gonna be I wanna be quite interactive I don't know about doing keep talking a guys I don't know if it gonna be we using twitch chat was like that was just like you [ __ ] insane okay down it's definitely not the usual sort of thing you're into thanks queerly oh yeah yeah don't get me wrong when I'm talking about like oh Jesus he hates the sims 4 but I can see why people like this game you have a lot more control over your characters you know and if you're someone who really kind of wants to play about with a family you know and I'm gonna like work in their relationships yeah and I'm jobs like this game has a lot of polish put into it you know you gotta have a [ __ ] great time with this game for me though like I I don't want to have that much control like I'm kind of just like I want to chuck a bunch of things in the box I want to shake it I don't want to see what happens you know like I don't I can I don't want to be I have that much hands-on I want things to kind of like run themselves cuz that's kind of like a joy of it for me when stuff just happens eating in the camp for Ross Bob just went home okay you got sick of us talking [Music] my name is Kevin it's better by RT of going to school that's not Oregon though is that different guy I'm confused now thank you very much all of us that's so quiet now we can open up try again yeah we're in the end bits of the stream we can take it off submode that's fine everybody in chat chillin what does the air map using the stream yesterday um if you just search like for the earth map on Steam Workshop it does come up Oh Oregon changed his name ah okay which I not I've done this is this gonna oh yeah the chills been killed okay now popping back on popping back out sorry guys that's too much we'll pop it back we'll pop it off at the very end this is already gone so sorry guys mistakes are made this takes roomate sorry that yeah Childress died there sorry about that too much too much yeah I'm sorry that just gets like that escalates too much too quickly every time we do that I'm sorry oh you play Minecraft again uh I got something I want to do in Minecraft again the Minecraft streams is very much like I have an idea for something I want to build or something I think will be fun you know I god I never want to kind of force anything or like say like one minecraft stream a week you know cuz cuz I'll just suck the fun out of it you know I don't know who will learn first the chat or - yeah I'm just giving them a chance you know cause like not fun having sub only mode on you know you want to be able like Yelp TV you want to say hey it is quite sure right now those like maybe we shouldn't be arty I've now broke love you well they Kevin all the best man like thanks again give me a quick close to a thousand bucks over the last few days last two days even thank you very much and Phoenix thanks for our 300 bits last thing about this version of Sims the amount of greed by EA and breaking up expansion packs and stuff packs so much for the same amount of money I don't really agree with how they've done that with the DLC - I would have a problem with that cuz I think of you about it something in like sims tree is an expansion you shouldn't just chop it off and sell it again you know that should be like a feature you should incorporate that is you know that if since five comes out you just have to buy the pad expansion again you know is that gone so I don't really agree with that like civilization kind of does it well like if you look at like save 6 compared to save 5 save 6 actually offers a lot of stuff off the bat and like a lot of it taken from expansions or CID 5 and yeah that's that's a better way to go about it you can't get everything in because of course you can't you know you're always much development time well I I don't like chop off cats and dogs you know uh-huh that's a bit mad when they sell DLC for the pet expand I was so annoyed I guess DLC for a DLC a whole new level yeah I just don't agree with that because like you're buying it twice basically it's like a fee for where you have to start all over again nobody has a problem with it apparently that's why I don't play fifa yeah they do it in that game too I think they pissed me off the most of the fact that released cats and dogs then release another pet stuff fact I would only work if you had cats and dogs oh god yeah cuz I if we even look at like let's just like kind of cool like we're not even like kind of following the family at the moment let's just save it casually gonna be fun making highlights out of this one I'll tell you something there are still some in here we had some good moments like I still had some fun in this room this is kind of like a point where you hit where it's like okay you know I can't really do much else like let's just look here and like while we're talking about it like like look at this unlike how in-your-face it is even as well you know I think I'm not owned not owned I'm missing like the stamp collection and I'm just being taunted I don't even appreciate that like all of those I like 30 bucks a piece all of those are 20 bucks like all of those are 10 10 bucks you know like and there's those free stuff at the end thrown in you know I don't know I I definitely prefer the sims tree well we may even do is we may go back to sims tree at some point if I figure out a new experiment or something I want to do no problem with that and it still expansions there too that might be fun and there's a lot there and like they actually go on sale and stuff do you know it's not something cuz they're being expects to another two hundred bits why but won't buy it unless it's cheap lost stop nice for 500 it's in the end it doesn't even matter it's for you we go the rains know like we're so close to the ends of stream that's why we're just talking like we are gonna wrap up and do the subs in a moment yeah there's a bit of a weird stream tonight because I go just not feeling the game and like we're a bit short on time God look what we base we have to do challenges and set my own goals because just taking care of my families over and over again gets repetitive yeah I had a look at your streams clearly like I love like good cuz like you're making like a spooky mansion and you're trying to collect one of every ghost like that that's really cool you like that sounds really fun like I just want to have the patience for lot I was like that's not that's not how I'd play a game I can completely understand why people like this one cuz I it's really well polished you know game looks gorgeous compared to same Street very rough around the edges the previous one but like it's just not for me like I'd like to rolling the Spiner and you know I like because I like just seeing what happens the chaos of it and whereas this is much more controlled like this game was focused on caring for your sims they actually got to look after them and feed them and stuff here you know it's not for me I wanna have to feed them enable thanks wonder 500 Sims time you watch my streams I've hopped in now and then squiggly yeah I pop them on sometimes while amendment I only get to see little bits I do pop in and say hey every now and then well just like just to see [Music] if you do the astronaut career it actually gets extremely chaotic like do you get to go to space in there I feel like that's a very like kind of long haul payoff if you do actually get to do that hey that sounds cool if you can go to space but yeah like that like that's a long like that's a long con you know and like I don't want to have to go to like 20 hours to get there it is a lot slower pace like even get like from wife seen from Sims 3 we can just get promotions with time it doesn't I kind of marital on your way through a career if you want my name is Kevin it's Betty she told me join you and Kevin or a game I'll be outnumbered by the kevin's there's a mod out that lets you play multiplayer with another simmer maybe a future stream could be with a certain code um I mean maybe like like I mean that is interesting if there actually is a multiplayer mod that like works you know like that could be kind of cool I'm kind of actually sad in a way that they didn't go to multiplayer right like how much fun would this be if like we just had a neighborhood and we had like 50 people in the stream all control in the family and we just see what the [ __ ] happens that would be so cool because then it makes sense to look after your own individual sim and I try to manage everything because you would have that complete clash like that would be like so chaotic and so interesting I would love that that would actually be really cool if they went that direction I never shame I say they have a charm to it but I feel be better as a spin off riding a mainline Sims game yeah true true you know but that is a fair point to be very different game like I'll fall at 76 it's like kind of a spin off compared to main series fallout you know the same as main series but it's AIT's a spin-off you know it's quite a radical departure yeah if this had like a huge multiplayer maps multiplayer mode that would be [ __ ] class I would love that hey Ellie thanks 400 bits we rarely get to make a stream due to school / work so I watch the saves later I want to say thanks for making me smile during the hard times okay Lee thank you very much it's very sweet iya thought I could help there was the sims online but I never got a chance to play it what's there O'Brien B thanks for 5 gifted subs as well thank you very much oh okay it's astronauts doing it - okay write x a stirred up good to see you here once again just another day you know thank you very much like that's incredibly generous you've done so much at this point I own ironically like the black bull song now great good day here what a common time again where you join you join sub a voice chat after streams I don't want to confirm an experiment currently in my life at the moment is I'm trying to keep on out on top of the channel lie I kind of get back to set settle in Ireland again so cuz like it's weird coming back to Ireland like from Japan because like that is like a lot of official stuff I gotta do too you know and I'm trying to like kind of manage like that side of the channel because because it's such a much bigger thing that I kind of have to you know you gotta tell like the government that like oh hey I'm doing this or you get in trouble and I'm trying to manage all that side of things now I'm here so I've been very pressed for time so I like I don't want to say anything on that front IO on a sudden expectation was yeah it's the best way to do business well part of Ireland e from Dublin [Music] basically prioritizing channel over discord interaction like you say just good interaction is such like I'll manufacturer way like you know here's my like a like social discourse for to saying you know regulate a 15 minutes of time spent with my loyal fans and then I'll hop off into the void again like okay guys you're a lot of time slot is now complete talk to you all later and the next scheduled appointment but now I'm just trying to like kind of like sort stuff out you know like this is like a fair bit on my plate since getting back to Ireland I'm trying to keep on tabs of it all I still have like I'm in the discord every day like I hop in there all the time I'll always be in the text chat and I'll look a lot at the moment just in life I'm trying to like manage things and it's very busy I reckon it's gonna be another month yet before things settle but gonna do the best I can egg bought thanks 100 bits free s oh is the multiplayer since by the way cool thanks I'll lock that up Irene thank 400 bits as well have you been to the US I have no and the Canada looks great well thanks are the two quid know how many friends I was bullet ride school not much goes right for me you however I met someone who also watches the channel and befriended them you've given me a friend man and I thank you for all content is just amazing d'etre well that's that's great to hear us that's so sweet I'm great to hear that I can hope the perio enjoying the video is that's so harsh woman what to say to that it's [ __ ] great though man I'm happy for you is that let me say hey to I asked I believe 100 plates as well I gotta go and I know you're interested I'm super happy offender channel on YouTube and a plan on solving soon content is something I always look forward to thank you Artie thank you very much take care talk to you again soon poops out as well with 100 bits is Kevin our newest app - Gavin's a cool guy pretty great this is pretty good and all you days up there [Music] we need some more mods from the server of Minecraft I'm okay without mods on that server we had a bought at minecraft server before and everyone just lost interest honestly haven't vanilla I think it's kind of refreshing in a way because I feel so many community minecraft servers going like the deep end of months and it just gets overwhelming so quickly like people just get alienated because the game gets too complicated you know like actually having it vanilla is kind of nice in a way cuz I feel I just like it so many servers go the other direction and it's too much Archie and Kevin need to make a baby well slow down there Katie but several things for hung there [Music] draw yet so so knock tre whoa sorry like draw yeah all right no no two quid always man I'll definitely let mark know he said hi once again man thanks for really waking my days with your videos thank you very much man like seriously and I'm sorry because of the way that was phrase I did you brought this on yourself oh hi mark I'm so sorry it's just the way you phrased it oh my god okay shall we read the subs shall we wrap up for tonight I think I think that would be a good point hopefully I'll be able to go a little bit longer tomorrow I have something like freaking weird for tomorrow stream I'm gonna save like the alternative I had four Sims until the weekend like tomorrow's game I was talking to a friend about this and I just remember that something I really want to do when I got back to Ireland we were gonna be playing a horror game but it's a horror game for the wrong reasons and it's not the big one I have planned for Halloween that is a frickin story mode for a particular game that rhymes with rhyme craft it's a different game but it's pretty spooky we're gonna play that tomorrow it's gonna be a really weird stream because of that yeah okay we'll wrap up today let's get the subs in cheese how many subs is depends what oh my god okay you know how we hit 5000 subs yesterday yeah Ron 5,000 was 5,000 sub-points yesterday even down 5,000 263 sub-points so Jesus Christ this might take a while [Music] let's gear up the credits card the picture of George disappeared well I'm there okay what have we got instead oh okay this is perfect [Music] Katie made this incentive to be on Twitter it's Edie from the park asaurus we'll stick that in there for today he hungers we'll stick that there because that does just frickin awesome Iggy hungers perfect okay let's hear the credits yeah sorry I like this is kind of like a weed stream as well yeah I guess so we're not just if we're just not feeling what the game you know we're just not feeling it there's still be some highlights from the stream because like you know freaking afraid afraid fishing with like his son and then running away is like the stupidest thing like that moment was magical took his son fishing and was afraid and the fact that freaking kids had afraid like um [Music] you know I was dosed to perfect like there would still be some highlights I'll make it to YouTube I think I can make this one a little faster today let me just see [Music] give me one moment live action's what's the speed of this okay this is dual okay so thank you to everyone that's up to nice thank you too Grizz Burke antique on expire champ Aquarian the evil burger get something glorious potato Adriana it is Adriana hey Trina Adriana a Rosie the nerd trooper burnt alive Andy looking beaver ducky Jensen super wintered smart mistaken Achilles hyper Luna Ritsu I'm a boss s very fine me daddy Oh No von Adler chicken it's burial and we remove this Veatch viv tree Landy dr. Blair Inquisitor are shady sir beetles hon tree [Music] aren't you meet programmer uracil Lugano Adam haha phone inna 13 tests Madrazo hide lamp the true Kiwi big space cat Robert Wow Nikki Shrek Shrek Stephen Voss Lumi mr. waffles Maddy - sparkles Mufti Stefan the risky rebel jolly so Jimmy D cocoa entry V I knew Deepam unicorn the ironic huh the Aronica cabbage wizard new bear mix crown Isabelle Caro panda pixel G escape the outlaw purple smudge Jay Rosen a barn boar key s point emo kid blown Templar bondage llama that's a worry Emma Irish Bob emerald soldier your ass trumpet man Kona this time Sandeep Chas Banky the real where's friars biggest Johnny but ox god avec f Nash weep scrub Wow pineapple dierker's Zeit Albert Illuminati milk melam mix vegetables not Gabby spin ICT tree Zorich cat ninja de lijn hell's a PO King zero Selma bagels I'm Batman's bomo he Brend shadow storm rogue trooper squid in the loose tidal length Oregon dude hey Kevin dragon lady korok the real femur lovely Leon V Trev um DJ DJ doe mod drank yell tea bowl troll head side noodle or C SIGGRAPH red cabbage JK banana gun terraria Caroline be tree captain ritand arrow right Roger righto Greg's Fae and be games and heavy juice mega train volte Kenzi Apple Joey Ozzy funky funky Lizzy Wallace Luke it's the juice I think you don't matter Prower cake areum cool show Cassie riced Tim ricke veal bin a Jew a do tiny pigeon Jeremy fail to nickel antihero stray lost actual Emily thunder Nicole Artemis newbie Josh matrix hold on II personal heroes unleashed a modulus splits 99 doves and mr. Luigi [Music] we got him all boys but random guy at the end random guy thank you very much never say I'm a bad streamer he messed up my name so about yob summary I'm never gonna pronounce him honey I'll do my best I do apologize to every name I butchered during that process for the raid I'm just gonna see if like who will be streaming okay uh woman is streaming hallo night perfect woman leaplet go say hi the woollen folks i cuz i watch for coming everybody I'll be back tonight tomorrow with something weird take care guys
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 13,191
Rating: 4.9852943 out of 5
Id: pG7PqzEDSwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 4sec (10864 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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