RTGame Archive: Big Brain Academy

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okay ish don't be live how's it going folks and you hear me okay hey you're early wait reward minutes please oh sorry oh I'll head on home give more minutes we just can't have the stream notices [Music] Jesus Christ I go to tag ever in the discord now it's like warning 18,000 people will receive this note notice it is up significantly me just closed down a bunch of background stuff 54 a moment or two of the haha and over is it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream and stuff closed shad open he is again hello hello there we go yeah can you guys hear me okay can you hear the we okay is that different of sound test doesn't kill your ears does it hey like the standard we have to go for sounds good cool okay that's fine we'll give people just a minute then and we will get going the music damn it's beautiful or hang guys you wanna hear something better than the we the me ciao music classic this is the loops I think no it does my gut all the other ones just play once in the gun slammer bang thanks for tier two it it's so good isn't it it this one plays and it's gone it's like I deal elevator music oh God how is it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream we are playing Big Brain Academy and again that advertises itself by saying flex your brain the fun way with family and friends because you know there's no better way to spend time with your family in flexing on them about how high your IQ is and that's what this game is all about Picon in thank you for the 150 bits thank you very much it's a big brain Academy for we say file yes I don't think I've played this one oh there's only two Me's here once a regular Joe the other yeah start our class thank you most heartily for choosing our Academy of big brains you know you don't need to actually go to college like you Nintendo's got you covered if you can't afford the scholarship fees let me introduce myself I'm dr. lobe the headmaster what's my role to help you master what's in your head of course so if you want the biggest brain around get ready to work your mental muscle strictly speaking we do not measure the size of brains anymore yeah all right that's how it works strictly speaking if you're measuring someone's brain and you take it out of our heads like there might be dead but you'll never hear me yell no pain no brain that's for lunkheads you focused purely on fun our rooms are filled with mind-boggling activities really makes our Academy spring to life is you and all your friends who will have the biggest brain of all I wonder I'm playing the solo again Oh God so the slogan will flex your brain or the fun way of family and friends that doesn't apply to me knows this because I've done just playing this by myself again this keeps happening I thought this one was single-player now apparently you can play with two players okay all right well I'm very lonely so let's just go ahead Ken thank you for the five gift subs there my god sue P thanks for 200 pets weasel thanks for Andre enjoy your solo courses and group competitions let your training begin you've arrived just in time to enjoy a new feature of our Academy it's our cutting-edge remote coach approach we take the Wii Remote are you holding your hand and then God is in the game that's all let's try this again oh I see you we're out speakers turned all the way - oh there's mr. volume hang up okay let's turn that on okay that's too bad no I fixed it we just launched our new remote coach approach the remote coach gives you the encouragement you need to succeed the view light to hear at an action simply turn off your Wii Remote speaker I'm gonna put this on max then on I don't here this gonna try to line it up with the mic you guys hear that you can hear it okay okay so I'll try and keep the remote near the mic so we can pick up the remote couch because this is important I feel so are we remote is gonna just yell words of encouragement at us that exactly what I want this heads the office and get you officially registered get set up complete the student registration process here you should fill out your name and choose a photo for your records it's a me for your student photo there's only one for me house master thing for the tank would be my money and making me smart arty thank you very much Kaylee thank you for one tree nine bits as well I'm watching the stream I'll do my calculus homework I hope it helps it's hoping is the music too loud by the way just mentioning now is the music okay it's not it's not overbearing it's not 2018 don't don't mind the date don't [Music] the music is fine okay down a bit okay I'm gonna I'm gonna turn that ever so slightly just just a touch just a touch yeah other dates close enough guys like same thing dinner roll splendid your student registration is complete officially welcomed into Big Brain Academy here's your very own student record book I won't die that's most people when they realize they're going to have a student record all of our students track how big their brains are with these records in the pages of this student record you'll find all the metals you've earned in practice sessions I also check your latest test results I like a Barry record other students records Davos at the office to examine everyone's record postings I can't do that because there's no one to compare my records to I also compete against mine sprint challenges furthermore you can send your student record to your we friends that way they can compare and compete at their academies give it a try it would if I could this may seem sudden but I like to see how big your brain is going me down the hall to the left and enter the test or some advice before you do the test scan the rules for the test activities that way we'll get the purest first results possible see you there okay we're gonna we're gonna do a test okay solo all I need oh look he's just wandering the hull test okay oh we're completely untested all of the divisions of intelligence are identifying memorize analyze compute and visualize let's go oh you guys hear that did you guys hear that okay barely alright yeah the Weaver row is talking to me okay let's go what's the instructions what's that one okay so you either try and line them up doesn't have a tail we just gotta do it as fast as we can smallest it's a strawberry what Oh doesn't lay eggs well yeah probably like a Boeing 747 doesn't lay eggs I'm feeling the pressure it's a living thing yeah maybe it's the lion the moon isn't alive the remote is seriously gonna talk to me for all this okay I need to turn on the game a little I think it's slightly three live still there we go okay let's go from ever ice memorize keep tracking the birds I don't like how does two of them okay watch closely hello yeah a Steketee looks like he hadn't slept in weeks from bit symbol guitar watch closely that kid I'm already lost I have okay I had no idea scissors chainsaw hammer hammer free to go that was straightforward because two of them in move one to go watch closely I don't know what's going on in that it's over okay we did good there we did good there visualize okay which is different but the train to the exit I don't know what that key one was different Allen I just get the Train there's no time limit which is handy enough oh my god is it this one no I couldn't see it guys one of them song a different direction on the first one this one there we go want to go okay we did pretty good there we did pretty good next is compute thank you we remote lady I should probably read the rules first what pop from lowest to highest one two three four five oh we lucked out okay that's what you're supposed to do on that one okay one blue two blue tree blue yeah there's a lot of blue lowest to highest more blue tree to go lowest to highest speeding up with speeding up we're speeding up red [Music] we went too fast I think it was actually equals okay identified keep forgetting to read the rules what are the most of the worry and donkeys get the most what is this Steve from minecraft B's now what is this turner ladybugs what is this ready to go still the most ladybugs we go let me go what if we got the dog oh we did it okay our initial test we go we're gonna find out how big our brain is I'm gonna give like a measurement like in meters now centimeters that millimeters 900 gave our IQ hope you enjoyed your first test big fun big brain as we say never heard anyone say that at our academy measure results by the weight of your brain measure your exams and grams bigger is better keep that in mind add master you don't know what you're saying right now not the size that counts listen headmaster there's a bunch of kids in this school you can't just be trolling that around oh Jesus my own brain about 1.97 seven grams I'm almost off the scale that's about two kilos how much is the average brain weigh what is the weight of the average brain it's a thick brain is 1.93 pounds 14 kilos he has not it's not 14 kilos that's that's a bit much about 1.5 okay so this prints brain is just slightly heavier than average okay oh no he okay right you guys can stop guessing we have the answer my brain is beyond big it's true we have great faith in you first-timers often gets 750 great crimes under how you weighed in let's find out now of heavy as our brain the average that's not bad these how you put us down for 750 it's not terrible is it above average after evaluating your test results I award a grade of a c-plus plus I don't know that I feel real great I think it's just c-plus but I'll take it hope is to raise your grade I'll a harshly recommend daily practice and let's study your results first of all the time you excelled in them this time you've excelled in the memorize activities I bet you remember everything about your fellow students don't you how doesn't sound creepy in addition do number crunchers of compute activities you'll build muscles fast perta more put more oomph into your pace their score go up even more oh it's not to go faster okay in conclusion growing some excellent results but don't rest on your laurels a big brain with that brain of yours you may reign supreme with more practice and closing let me present your final evaluation what's the exact size and shape of your brain let's see the summary there we go okay so like memorize is fine compute and visualize is kind of I look I can remember things pretty well that's something this brain is an icosahedron let's go back to the hallway okay thank you for 500 bits yellow hair they say 100 ideas BBE big brain energy so I can't eat there's no point even going to this side because this is all four groups what do I do from here you look at student scores no it it's literally just me and go back to the office I've already enrolled and send it to my we friends oh the wiiconnect24 shut down like I think five years ago okay that's not gonna work okay just leave you want to leave like you can just drop out like I just passed the entrance exam I'm doing pretty well like I'm gonna just completely disappear okay well though we'll stay for now we're not dropping out of college just yet we only just got here so I can do the test or I can just practice these are my only two options let's do compute sure oh it's literally only the games we plays that we can do again yeah let's do hard come on mass let's go give me your all says the Weaver my lady such that our twenty tree already oh no we got it keep going come on route 9 damn it do another one oh this isn't going this is not going well one of them you just need to work out how much it adds up to quickly and then just subtract Jesus I'm getting there Oh God that wasn't bad but we have to go through all of the results sir ceremony you every single time a bit of bulk I won't die well done now try for even more good work keep it up your brain way across the hundred grams threshold making a big step toward building up your brain you gave us a medal got a bronze medal oh they're really keen on this whole remote coach thing aren't they accent nice tree clear you play the group game solo okay I'll try them bark is there hydrate you rock our team decided to check out you twitch you have to have an watch with you I was like you comes out in YouTube oh thanks very much man you're very welcome here like a man likes 100 of the wall now we go for 200 crap we can get 200 on I'm in the top rankings play again huh we can get this I'll warn dad let's go we're doing some more mats come on 15 I'm lost no no I'm not god damn it good just just get me like a non-existent brain caffeine tonic just give me a brain that has no weight [Music] oh my goodness what happened John hunt hi if before miss is falling compared to past results you did your best says that we remove gotta your thoughts and try again take a look at the rankings did it that's what happens when you just have like an anxiety attack or something and you go have to have a test on the day you just don't didn't study okay let's try the Group one there doesn't seem to be much here honestly I don't know how much we're gonna be able to do let's do mine sprint race against records this is just me against my student record we offer a mix how many activities well start with 12 okay so it's on plying against my own records you wait so this is just how I did before like I've literally sat like a ghost in like a time trial but no my rep my records I've never done these ones though oh my records playing okay it must just be based on like some kind of stats cuz they have different games as a fish copy the top pattern if I write my records catchin up still eating one more come on what is this eight the pony close finish and here's our winner in a battle of me versus myself I have one good show snatching my victory away from your competitor this is just sad like I've no one to play this with it's literally just me it seems like a great matchup for your talent so sprint again let's take a closer look i ranked go back to the hallway are they all gonna be like this why you only play against myself mental marathon this supports up to 8 players Jesus Christ that's it's too hard yeah sure let's go I have no idea what I'm doing yet that's six legs wait what oh there's several oh you have to keep going till you're going or hung hey don't don't make any assumptions here okay I just enjoy a late start to the day you know I feel like dick you're not my mom Jesus I'm back in high school I don't need this I won't die your greatest challenges lie ahead of you extend that record and then extend it again take a look at the rankings I ranked oh let's do that one again okay so this is you keep going till you get one wrong let's try again ready to go don't make mistakes up from lowest lowest to highest as wings what the plot that what Mary oh no I was thinking because he had the fly in power up he was fly I thought because it was the P wing power up oh we got we got one further that time but and there it is you broke the record the trick is just keep the bar really low and then everything's an improvement from that point on wait a shot of your own record I thought the height and let us not forget each new record exists only to be broken no play again alright we're doing the Maris ready to begin ready to pick yeah I'm ready stay in the game good one I got it [Music] no I got it wrong I thought the bomb was the 7-1 power with the record it was so close to most or even greater focus to break the record sorry I popped the mic play again no we're going with this one until we break the record all warmed up ready they're equal I you must enjoy basket in the warm Sun on a peaceful day because that's how you just played Roos yourself try again what doesn't even compare man oh and you're so close to he's just taunting me at this point let's go back to the hallway III think we might have to play another game on tonight's stream because I really don't know if there's enough here all of the games seem to be like this same games again and again like we'll do one final test I think soon but like this is this is not a long game let's through the brain quiz we might do hitman 2 again because we were playing at the other day [Music] I do hit mine too what's going on oh look it's the same 12 minigames we've already played what's this one though order IO what is this mean this is actually different press a to take the order okay there we go there's the order here's some more orders free calzones tree raviolis and I had like three calzones and a calzone please okay oh oh no I got the order wrong it was two french fries okay well at least that was a different minigame let's that's through this one because this is actually something different push yourself what's the point of view new looking from there oh so you have to work out the angle that it's looking at okay right oh my god there we go no I panicked because I was really tricky you got to work at the perspective okay good see see I imagine by his friends they would pick some of the carrots too but since he's just me oh yeah we don't even get to take turns I just literally pick all the cards crash counting four thousand bits dudes like I want eyes the reason people drop out of school hidden thank you for five hundred as well you're very much jury change the batteries arty get yourself with you sub thanks for making me happy inside times keep up the good work thank you very much Jerry killer vodka has five hundred bits so I playing two players that one sort of we were in each hand I mean we could try that hey we'll go we'll do this one cuz this is the last new one and then we'll go back brain filler okay well let me get a second wait vote no I got to give me like a minute to change the batteries they're ready to begin how could it be ready any faster if you keep asking me ready to go ready to begin hangout notice back ah no the hangout we may not be able to use us I pop the mic to sorry we may not be able to use a second mic these remotes are so old and they've been like abandoned there's old batteries in them and there's now battery acid in the remotes so I have one that I can use and I gotta go like wash all these other Wii remotes later and I gotta go wash my hands too cuz I might have got some of it on me my god okay I I'll be right out just so she shuts up I'm gonna go wash my hands I don't know what am I supposed to put these other batteries I gotta put these two I just took out back in because I've nowhere to put them right now in the garbage yeah I get they'll get to the garbage but I can't deal with it right now let me go wash my house I mean I can sue you you okay guys okay so so I can't use I'd any of my other Wii remotes now like they have to be like properly cleaned unlike those batteries like disposed of did you delight no no don't worry okay and to make sure I've cleaned a both service you you she'll be alright now yeah so we're not gonna be able to do like the funny let's play with our like with two controllers joke that's not going to work your hands now slowly going to dissolve basically how it works yep ready to go away we're gonna do one final test dart test versus compute [Music] red blue-blue gonna go as fast as we can 9 summon up lowest to highest it was two of each and there's only one of red so there's more blue there we go Louis the highest oh I didn't see minus 20 there you two some enough we got it Louis the highest we're good killer of all thanks for thousand bits do you think you have a good idea of accidentally caused our team to be assaulted by Isis oh it's not your fault bad yeah I should I did another batteries in those and I haven't used those remotes in like years it's like well before I left for Japan I'll clean them properly after this stream I'll get rid of them the batteries the roads themselves should be fine they're just need to clean in thank you for than 100 thank me mum thanks 100 bits as well jury thank you for $100 Tia to draw you the change of batteries of my command apologies okay I eat spare electrode result that's what I was I don't wear the wristband you get a soda by like battery acid analyzed let's have a tail as fast as we can a six legs it's a fish I lost that one two three to go what the vehicle neck is not a vehicle good memorize Apple readers hundred bits so that's me right now I'm undergoing a neuropsych testing to figure out why I'm such a mess I own this game strongly reminds me the tests have taken I'm sure your ones are actually ground in science mine thank you - thanks reward 40 bits as well memorize I'm good at this one I had the biggest memorized brain keep going watch closely doing good what is wrong with those children's tap I thought I was sure there hello hello yeah we should be in the Claire it's over we just need to see if like actually playing the games result in any improvement with our brain this game seems so lackluster in regards to the features it has now it's like there's really not a lot here it's just like play the same 15 minigames again and again that's it is that why they're so insistent like share your results with your friends to like pad out the content somewhat that's what the brain games that I do it just seems so unfortunate there's like nothing here we played the entire game like probably twice over and we're not even an hour in this game is as well as my brain if forget about it like having big brains and size being everything surprisingly small isn't it okay probably a squirrel oh thank you for the tear or two I'm failing hard cuz that distracted me huh vain thank you very much man pigeon didn't I didn't even sit yeah what is it thought the elephant because I think it's a different picture it's a sheep we finished the test okay we studied hard since the last test here we go we we have tree grams heavier than the average brain weighs three grams we're in the top 50% smarter than half of all people and not smart and just under half compared to results of your last test your scores improved a good job probably new testicles I ward you a grade of we got a B but these test results I can award you a higher grade we got an honor we got a first first of all this time you excelled in the memorized activities I bet you remember everything about your fellow students don't you I remember you saying this that's so good I have a memorize in addition I see great potential for you in the visualize category so train hard and just look at I guess you know like I give your eyes some practice oh look at the color blue oh I'll I'll do wonders for you faretta more put more oomph into your pace your score will go up even more so in conclusion you are in some excellent results but don't rest on your laurels that brain of yours you may reign supreme with more practice if I just play this game like one more time true that I could have like the biggest brain like an hour the exact size and shape your brain let's see the summary look at that we rounded of those it looks more like a brain now it's five jagged points and that's literally the entire game there's there's actually nothing else here we've done all the groups the stairs but you can't go up and just go back into offices it's just us you get to look at all their stats we got one medal because we did that one on its own okay I think I'm done with uni now I'm gonna I'm just gonna leave because you know let's stay any longer here I'm gonna have to pay tuition fees what if she's like what a disappointing game that's it that's actually it like there's nothing else here this game not like critically-acclaimed or something back in the day like I remember everyone talking about this as like one of the fun games to play on Wii oh Jesus kits in a game or thank you for the ten gift subs worse than Deal or No Deal well no not that bad my Deal or No Deal is like a complete different level you're already in debt it literally said enroll what did you expect you know why is it is enroll misspelled like we just see this is important enroll or I've never seen it spelled with one L I just want to see looking up I don't only says enroll oh no okay okay people do use it one L outside of America I've never seen that spelt Whannell oh oh Jesus Sammy thank you for the thousand bits big brains get big bits thank you very much fun this game got seven point six on aged IGN of course it did uh yeah of course it did could he explain how to give like anything that's not a seven on IGN they're held at gunpoint if they'd have the audacity to give everything six or like someone gets fired if they give a gay man eight cuz that's too much price that's reserved for the only the highest of masterpieces that is the annual call of duty okay well we're gonna leave that we're gonna switch over to hit night we're gonna play a little bit more of that because the rib there really isn't much we can actually do there me one moment okay let's turn that off yeah we're gonna we're gonna play a hit mine I don't feel like playing GTA tonight so I'm just gonna do what I want there we go you I'll be a minute or two just to get this adjusted again she'll be okay again thank you for 500 bits these cities skylines now I feel like playing hitman honestly I was having so much fun with it the other day I want to play it again a man too we have a big brain and a bigger fish I think that's like an apt summary of what happens in him [Music] we do some came out in one level yeah maybe your rotisserie like we'll see what challenges we have well of a look kill Santa part two but we kind of thoroughly murdered Santa before there's not much left of them now be honest we're just take like a little bit to set up yeah I'm I'm surprised that was so short like I was thinking I might have done two games tonight if this one was only like two hours long but I didn't expect this one to only be like an hour you know like that's not much at all that's okay we'll just hop on over okay so hitman two I feel like playing this one is there a Valentine's Day theme trap I don't know does hit my newfound stay is that one of their special events I'll be awesome if it's the case games IDs a designer you play for 30 minutes a day of every single day best way to train your brain IRL oh ok killer walk so it's one of those games where it's claiming to be like a service hang out hang out I don't know could you guys even hear that it's coming out of the wrong monitor give me two minutes you could hear it okay I'm gonna I'm gonna just see if I can rewrite it to the other monitor real quick certain yeah okay oh yeah okay that's better yes it broke my ears Oh No well it should be okay now oh there's an elusive target okay let's try this right away this guy's gonna be gone soon oh we're gonna be back in Hokkaido if we do this though we were just there we do have some escalations - someone said the Elwin argument like that Elwin one is something I might want to do let's just see if it comes up again so I can click it will do the elusive target - we probably have time for like two missions that's there if this one's okay yep so this is why people are recommending this one this is an escalation mission that revolves around having a fish retrieve the fish is the objective and you just have to pacify someone like this is the fish mission you can't to change your disguise you literally just have a fish [Music] like this this is perfect for us let's go 1,400 and tree gram fish it's perfect fish it weighs as much as our brain we care we start this one in prison let's stop blending in you guys here the game is there any audio yeah there is oh sorry you didn't see uh I was just testing the sound don't get out okay let's just let's just leave there and we're in the freezer he's just in the cell now okay turn on the ice machine go on the freezer someone coming to investigate okay don't don't look behind you don't look behind you good start up in there I need to adjust the audio on my an slightly cuz I can barely hear up there we go naturally fine now don't look this way me not Apple sure let's take the key to the fish has to be about here somewhere where is it we just have to get the chef where we're actually is the fish out there not to think you can't puncture that it's the red plate is it not is it oh it is let me open the freezer okay what an apple we got it that was surprisingly straight from her but Apple of us would like be really strong and it's just that simple we just have to get out now oh my god this is a really straightforward mission except well though we did I don't know how to leave yet like a Buffon's disappoints me I mean yeah hey we have a fish oh my me don't mind me okay we're pretty close to the exit we just have a little further to go these guys seem fairly blind oh why me just gonna go for a run there's the exit where's the exit yeah dog fully aware why is this so where is the exit what why is it so far away okay there must have been a different way to go down I got you refused to believe it's that far off Olivia thank you for the thousand bits is there blueberry muffin mission I don't think so unfortunately but you know like the hitman guys have reached out to the community like four missions already like apparently the one we did the other week was designed by a youtuber called big Mooney and that's why it was called like the big Mooney operation or whatever it was so I'm just saying to the devs a hitman if you want to do anything with blueberry muffins like call me I'm just putting that offer there because I would very much be on board for something like that and we had one of the devs like in the stream before like the guy who made this map in particular has actually come by the stream as I said the vision was pretty straightforward well it seemed it's a me but there's no I didn't know where the accidents let's just do it again give me the Apple come on you you did it before Apple there we go oh yeah that's just hide so our cover isn't blown do me a favor go check that out I think we can still lose them are they he's looking right at us they don't know where we are okay this is gonna make the mission considerably more difficult if they're all literally just stand-in here but still searching they haven't found me yet I know guys I'm not in here there is nothing to see okay we're gonna have through this I hurt gotta come back here Finley you gotta come back here for to see thank you very much Finley I appreciate it gotta get out we got it all this is a bad room this is the oh no we reckon that's a lot of great flex 100 bits follow the big a nice reward 5 that mitosis for their 100 - Apple free things 400 that actually I alive with those last bits but if you kill everyone I love the girl except the contestant something neat will happen oh Jesus hang on a moment though talk environment with the 20 gift subs Jesus Christ man like that's a hundred quid were two subs thank you very much that's incredibly generous of you it's very kind just go grab the Apple let me just let's get him can we go out this way oh the framerate did not like that room oh so here's the way out [Music] that's considerably easier I mean no problems whatsoever Argonia six five quid no 2 Peggle 2 is 9 out of 10 according to IGN this is higher than Kingdom higher to score an eight point seven out of ten oh Jesus go on here next we got tree stereos for that like Jesus I that might be the highest mission score we've actually gone I mean the mission does center around a fish pacify five civilians with the fish this is like this is perfect that's what I do anyway let's go again like God Almighty we did this mission of Miami the other day it would have been perfect I don't even care if they see me just give me the fish oh I'm getting away with this come on No don't you come back here [Music] okay perfect run the best we've ever done like all objectives complete higher score than even before by a thousand points do not drop the fish and pacify ten civilians with the fish Oh perfect I didn't drop the fish there anyway so now we just have to fish even more of them let's see if we I'm gonna see if I can get Silent Assassin on this one because I feel this is one where I would want Silent Assassin like it is any mission that we're gonna seriously try on it's the fish mission we cannot drop the fish so that means well now do we have it with stuck with the fish okay we're still being sneaky back here back here I'm sure she's okay okay there are several unconscious witnesses that is fine we just have to find a key to get to the other ones leave them all here Polly thanks for 10 good the fish give it and the fish take it to them all glory to our master the fish pretty magical where was the key it was it was here he obtained there was one on the other side of the cell am I supposed to get this one is it possible to get this one it's the right key use me lady I need to fish you a question know what you you physically can't oh you can still drop it no I don't want to do how do I get to her then at Archangel II with the tree hundreds earlier air tea is my birthday on Valentine's Day and I was wondering wish me Luck's about a rough one your amazing videos have have really helped me I do I keep up the good work and murder as many people as possible oh happy early birthday Dark Angel I hope you have a good one isn't she a guard oh okay so she doesn't count right sorry it has to be specifically the civilians let's go I need two more civilians oh good that other ones running towards me oh this is perfect wait no no no stop stop stop gotta get out oh Jesus Christ target talking Maura mush thank you for another twenty gifts ups oh my god that is a lot of subs that's forty in like five minutes thank you very much I only caught that now because people were shooting at me st. Big Brain Academy well Big Brain Academy turns I've only had like 20 minutes of content you're not supposed to play it that long yeah we have obtained the fish we need a way to stealthily take these guys out and give them to potentially separate those oh no no no the handy thing right now they're all just a little bit separated okay let's just go there's no time for subtlety just like just slap him he's fine she only got slapped with a fish not as bad as it sounds oh there's a stray civilian here ok let's go back how many people have we got with the fish we need two more that door is locked into here there was there was two hidden off at the side right just slap them and run just slap them on run let's go we got enough just got to dodge the bullets lose the guards the best we can good evening officers don't mind me as I climb down this pole [Music] perfect run we did the we did the entire escalation mission in like 20 minutes the perfect mission for us you did it you slap people at a fish and I'm bloody proud can we check the leaderboards for this one I doubt I'll always be whoop I only James has done this one very globally I mean we're only like number 4257 the couple of places after third but yeah like that that's pretty good when the top 5,000 globally or competing that completing that mission there was no recordings no noticed kills somehow although I didn't kill anyone objective complete I was compromised there were bodies no one target kill penalty to it honor that that's that's not even a thing in this one cuz yeah you're not killing anyone top 5,000 Wow exactly I think like that's pretty impressive or that's 256 people beat the guy with a fish better than you could yeah but I got to break a display case hood nap hey look we get a little syringe we're completing that nice main menu Ainge a stream game I already did you have to refresh the stream for the take effect sometimes it is hip on to let me open a window a little more here and I have time for a few missions here I think okay the fugitive good morning 47 let's go your target is arrived at the gamma facility in Hokkaido for facial reconstruction surgery this gives us the window to engage with the very nature of the surgery we're making difficult to identify the clients are cooperating to gather information to identify the target and I will relay this to you as I receive it we ready to improvise however the clock is ticking 47 good luck hey we have 48 minutes to find who it is and also five days so we need to check find Hospital Records oh my god we can't even bring equipment we can't smuggle anything in and we start in this room okay wait wait and they give us one luxury yeah this this contract is elusive target and plain and elusive target the following rules apply you must begin the contract before the countdown expires if you die you may not retry once you have completed the contract successfully exit you may not retry the contract once you have begun to complete objectives we no longer restart the contract plan accordingly we have one shot Oh dine welcome to Hokkaido 47 several facial reconstruction patients are on site okay I suggest you locate them and await additional information as I receive it Annabeth I also wish to examine hospital records to discover more we just can't afford to mess anything up there anything in here that helps us a pair of scissors that might be handy I'm in our clown costume God so even if you look on like the map like theirs it's not giving you anything you have to properly work out like oh who he is this guy did not try and stop me I literally just barged into his room does he have anything of note examine the patient Journal make some cigarettes sure the ins recovered finding in his toilet not a pair of scissors no he doesn't know I would just make life hell for him when he gets back head on up here why would you try to find out who the target is you could simply kill everybody because I've only got one life I don't know if the kill everyone strap will work you can try the I had a challenge to who just no resets this time I don't know that's a good idea though we need to get into like the gamma power for the facility so I think we need like a guard outfit or something and set off a fire alarm is this a toilet no it's just a toilet is there anyone in here oh it's the guy from before is just poopin this is taking okay oh it's good to see you man our old friend oh wait is the other guy here then hang on go in here is he back our favorite security officer sorry sir can't pass through here oh he's more polite now [Music] ditzy I don't think that was in [Music] I can't go in there I need to find some way to get a guards outfit I don't know what the best way to go about this is though just grab a hammer might be important we can climb down here hostile area it's okay are they gonna give me some Intel don't line the climb outside your window hope that guy doesn't look over here I don't do they have anything hop in true here now trespass and cool a neuro chip remote control does this do patient is out of range yeah well apparently that is useful for something I don't know wash but I have it he disguises the staff I go into the canteen record it that's okay that's okay he didn't see us walk on true no datsuk that's a cupboard I thought that was the door this is gonna be good okay so that that door is open now so we can loop back around Amrish is watching us run around in circles if I could get this guy's outfit IV in business but there's cameras everywhere what do I have yet the cameras recording me hey did you hear that hammer Dam Bi I think there's a hammer over here really I talked did you hear lock okay if we disguise fast enough we'll be okay did she jump okay know that okay so the guards I thought I didn't think they'd be that fast just restart the mission I thought I'd have a bit more time because I knew the camera was gonna see me I was gonna disguise the other guy in and walk out instruction patients are on site I suggest you locate them and await additional information as I receive it you may also wish to examine hospital records to discover more good let's just try this again grab the scissors case we get stuck wouldn't have happened to be out of fish probably not know be a lot more people dead if I had a fish okay so there was a sushi place I need to get like the staff disguise again keep thinking that's the toilet for some reason it's not there's like a straight staff member go on in there good maybe be someone in here what are you doing you've gotta leave right now I'm sorry I'm I'm just looking for some pants don't won't have any clothes here I like clothes lay left outside on away the storm them but down as a patient exactly help me would you notice if I just strangle this person any clothes there's gotta be like a cloakroom or something where they're all keeping okay they didn't just walk over there naked did they it has to be something wait you look like the guy drinking disco it might not be the exact color but they just showed someone with bandages you are invading my personal space sir you didn't see me oh no no that's not him hunter he killed welcome to Hokkaido 47 several facial reconstruction patients are on suppose to follow the visiting dad but if I just kill anyone who has bandages on one of them has to be him the shoot first ask questions later you know cuz if I get the right guy it's gonna come up with a little problem just like hey you killed him right but there's a logic there let's go back up and around here Phil Everett one simple solution it's randomized every time so if I hey don't mind me how many we just keep doing I'll eventually get the guy yeah I don't think it's the worst strategy oh don't see me there was an option to attack my slide onto that I want to get this guy just hang over here walk a little closer to the ledge I need your disguise just gotta wait what attack yeah it doesn't help me get his disguise yeah let's just carry on let's take this switch again this is out of range so but maybe this might just kill the guy for lucky no one you have no one says anything you've never just holding this so it's fine here's what we messed up last time I need to be a little more careful get that door open so we have a new option so arranged just turn that off gonna be able to strangle him there it was this guy buddy Oh every yeah I'm just gonna take your wrench and create an oil leak Wow poison the coffee I don't think I want to do that [Music] that person is on to me Thank You overstretched okay this needs to be an escape route if anything she's expressing tent I have two hammers so I can probably get both of these guys I want that guard uniform is anyone over here going to notice they're all kind of looking the other way but maybe maybe they'll split up a little Carrie Oh God okay so we gotta keep an eye out for those guys say if you can't save an elusive target mission okay so we need those guys to be gone easier to get these guys out there God don't mind me okay yep this has to be the window go go go oh there's a camera right there good how's it going man don't mind my hammer could wouldn't you open the door again I forgot the code it's just guys I need what are you to go back in I'll just wait here yes there's a window below is there I can't drop down no no no shoot oh I gotta get up they didn't this is another day on the job let's hide in here I think we're in the clear can I use this interest rub procedure no that doesn't help that's just a guy being operated on good luck finding that guy clear no I haven't seen him anymore [Music] oh hello doctor hey how's it going you mind if I destroy the camera evidence this guy he's an easy picking you're in my space sorry sorry hey do you want to look turn around again and there's a cupboard here too okay we still need to find more information examine the notes oh we have to examine enough of these I think it to discern something that's what's going on this is my dream job to disguise the dead motors not this guy is this him he I can just hide here nothing to see here I'm dead that was a good nap bodyguard whereas the cupboard hey stop it just stop follow hunt it hunt it where's my silenced pistol oh my god I don't have one okay I can take out this floor I can take out this floor oh no how did I get I can take them out from here okay there's a fair few guards coming I just got I got to watch the entrances I can do this I can do this without reload this is high-stakes right now cuz I've only got one life get him on a stairwell okay I'm almost out of bullets well can't blend in home I don't I got one shot at this can't wait I should a disguise this motorcycle guy oh my god there's so many I need his gun down where's that guy's gun the only way I can pause the game is by going here where is that guy's gun oh he shot me too quick that's it that's it we failed I never get to do it again we were so close to being the clear - if I just found his goddamn gun I could have lived that we were so close we almost had that [Music] you know we're near close we always eliminated every security guard in the compound excuse me we're so nearly there it would've been like no Garrett's left uh-oh like performance-wise that was a solid now he out of ten no I was a pretty good run oh my god my phone's going crazy okay that's all right all right let's try another mission then let's try another one we never did sniper assassin is the one we're like this is like the potential multiplayer where you just take in shots just go single-player for an app we have tree targets the objective is to eliminate as many bodyguards as possible okay let's go Orion galava and someone else I didn't have time to read the name sorry if I missed any bits there to decorate five good I just want to make sure you can survive the winter here's a fiver thank you very much Guillaume is or has been on site all day preparing the wedding details and entertaining guests I expect he will also attend the ceremony Doris Lee is on route via helicopter and should be arriving any minute now my Intel suggests she will not be watching the bride and groom exchange vows but do keep a lookout anyway okay we are working within a limited window of opportunity here 40 70 we expect the targets to stay for no longer than 15 minutes maybe a quick one okay than that as many bodyguards as possible where are they in the compound well they look like blue suit red scarf and kind of like that kind of power on the jacket okay if they're just fine them that's no that's a different blue suit guy likes a bit whenever I go down the sights because it's so much rendered here this is the chef this is like playing Where's Wally at the moment that is Gil Mazal the Kingfisher Oh perfect agent and the owner of the mansion confirms que la maison 47 the situation is about to get out of hands oh no there's a guy there leaving the area you must act now Lee needs to be taken care of she's running for an exit 47 Dorian Lange is attempting in evacuate Barretts there he is oh come on No Hey how did he turn the limo or iron so fast good afternoon 47 the wedding ceremony is about to begin with where's wally 18 plus efficient it is basically what this is we found one of them how long that is Gil Mason the Kingfisher form Interpol agent immune for dismissal is confirmed killed okay that was those that was pretty good because Toho ha me where's the next guy amazed like he didn't notice the other guy who just like fly into him in time Where's Wally does anyone see him a random guy yeah okay there's one of the targets that is Doris Lee aka the Goldfinch former Hollywood stunt woman of shy Anderson Lee has been eliminated I gotta get that chef I gotta get that chef oh you god damn we have a couple of shots oh we got a first try wait to steal another guy gotta get the escaping bodyguards we go I don't know why they all glitch out I gotta keep track of the amount of bullets in here up he goes anyone else the shooting at me but like they're never gonna hit me from here there's one guy left come outside buddy come on come on we caught him get it no he hasn't done anything wrong we probably shouldn't kill him I just shoot the cake it was excessive Oh mission accomplished the cake is no more like that that was the true target in that mission it's perfect enemy eliminated and it's surprisingly well there I think I got I got a lot of guards oh there were so many challenges like 91,000 there's no there's no score got an extended magazine and sniper rifle how old think that's bad we play out one more time hanging out and just cause as much chaos as we possibly can good afternoon 40 what happens we just shoot the cake first like what were these people think they they don't care they just they just don't care I was oh shoot this guy come on get the thing of wine oh they're evacuated oh I need to reload reload reload reload mission is agreeable you good afternoon 47 what other things either here that like I thought our of interest that we should shoot so we can shoot the cake and no one cares we shoot that wineglass okay this guy's good at you you need to stop drinking the wine glass buddy the blood of Christ so far so good I wish you get the mission out of the way to just cause a random explosion they're waiting to get this guy where'd he go I know he's hiding in that room the clock no you didn't see you didn't see oh no good the art I gotta stop him come on gone come on got to got tree doing good water things out it I I read the duck where's the duck I was trying not to like mess it up the food oh that's a civilian I shouldn't kill him where is the duck kill the duck like everyone wants to duck dead hey that guy that guy's run why that guy stopped after like he just narrowly Tallaght a bullet down the statues head oh there got the duck oh but that's a pigeon don't do that come on pigeon lifts guys we're not monsters let's just kill anymore guards here particularly those with families there we go people are just like yelling different objects for me the shoe like fire extinguisher let's get this guy know he's just kind of scared give him a real scare down off the sprinkler no like this man shoot the chest curve the bullish oh there's the pride he's pretty spooks the guy's just running huh and then we're gonna top our score from the first time guys shoot the chandelier oh my god I can that's nice it's you all the plant pots - cata pretty much everything can be sharp get your target well no we already got all the targets we're like in the clear shooting them bra no chair now I'll laugh is immune to cuz one left oh here he is shop the shop he got away well just enjoy the view you have tree kinds of ammo all I do how do I switch I didn't realize I was just using body piercing this entire time here's the last guy he's just getting into a helicopter for pilot didn't get to go with him use his left there dentists thanks for five quid says you're literally the worst agent I've ever seen that's why I love you streams the misery and failure thanks for support when I do dentists a couple aches for five girls oh you can swap the wall of hairs and bullets and use your instinct to shoot them through walls oh okay but - no it's me OHS you think your phone goes off I don't even know how much I'd donate it what's the conversion to u.s. dollars five euros about six seven dollars honestly Jake thanks for hundred bits thank you for making phoning and quality content thank you very much Aventis thanks for 200 bits you have amazing personality give up the awesome streams thank you very much we got some achievement they're giving the bride a big spook shoot your monitor eyes that's me oh look at friends scores I I missed it oh wait no I didn't Oh only sounds meets play this already okay the Texas is a menu I said like I'm still doing good I think I kind of want to keep lying you want to see what other missions we have do we just look at destinations we have any fur here I done big Mooney there's the treasonous mimicry still don't have anything for Wilton Creek which makes me very sad because that's my favorite one [Music] the marine a low motivation we can go back to Miami and try the trees in his mimicry leave that's any different Big Brain Academy please he already played a Big Brain Academy he already did it like where is we we already played it we ran out like the game was like 30 minutes long like we're done how are you you joined the stream late but we've done it I never actually did it at Colorado who knows playing the bass game to Bangkok yeah it's like cuz I remember some of these levels we tried to do but we were on my portable PC so they simply didn't load like we did Paris we did Sapienza and we did hokkaido of the original ones we never did these three levels did we we did a Bangkok like briefly like a tiny bit of it do we do one of these Morocco like island or the USA will do Morocco people are saying Colorado is bad but other people are saying do Colorado okay we'll try Colorado we'll just do freedom-fighters ice is the story counterpart and experience all preceding content yet we're just jumping into the plot the first game HAP's have traced the anonymous date received by our clients to activist and suspect in a dozen cases of cyber vandalism using Onion Routing was state-of-the-art encryption Paul went to a lot of trouble to stay untraceable she is good I'll her out it was like all hostile a regular mission yeah it does it's not the reason we will play it series of public bombings near the scene of Thomas cross is kidnapping which of it's all hasta I'm not really interested in it honestly doesn't sound as fun I don't like your hostile infiltrate the farm and eliminate Shawn Rose along with three other prominent militia members Ezra Berg this map is all carrots is this all guards actually yeah okay we're not doing this one no okay no that sounds like it sucks we're going to Morocco instead we'll do a house built on sand good afternoon 47 your destination is Marrakech Morocco that almost sounds like it sucks it's just a yard construction and Matsu mandola chief architect at work wings biggest go over here in thermal tune low mandola plans to double-cross his employer and leak non disclosable company documents to 12 quang including the confidential offer okay for a multi-billion dollar real estate project in response Hamilton Lowe has requested that we eliminate both men and send their competition a clear message cuz that like that one's great and eliminate them and reclaim the documents kill these two fellows oh we can bring our snow festival soosh anyone for me we get the chrome pistol fish briefcase I can't put another fish in it yeah well okay we'll put the first fish in the briefcase and we'll just keep a lock pick on us lock big things Biondi there we go let's go so doggone thanks 100 bits like Avis his saw bigger fish very much fun welcome to Marrakesh 47 mandola has just arrived he is unaware of Kong's secret meeting location but we know that Kong is hosting a lavish party at the shisha cafe and we suspect the meeting will take place nearby good luck 47 just blended in right now the way our iPad I need to take out my fish back in business this is more like where is he oh he's right here [Music] blend in with the crowd just one of the guys area discovered that's about that carry on you're gonna hurt someone got to find a way inside oh he's got a lot of cards you know I'm just gonna go in here I had that that wasn't gonna work welcome to Marrakech that is matyoo Mandela it's so tempting to knock him out like he's literally right in front of you at the stairs okay he's right here hello I've been sent to kill you [Music] there's only like two guys that would notice hey you want to investigate that fish you want to investigate that suitcase sorry III drop my suitcase hey listen do you want to go investigate this other suitcase do you hear that I don't know if you heard that man [Music] oh gosh okay one dad no one knows we did it even they've no idea yeah we're gonna leave on the ground hold it something over here hang on vision story revealing give me a mission story according to Intel mr. Kong is hosting a private party behind those walls invite-only of course though I'm sure one of the guests could be persuaded to part with their ticket okay we follow him and we can get into the party god he's right there too I just come in okay sorry I just have to get this guy now let's see what we got what we got what we got there's a toilet here for the box here next to the toilet hey did you hear something no he's on the phone I'm gonna get my fish back at that that's not gonna work twice let's save here too about you know you need to poop please go poo hey did you did you hear something did you hear that no he does here he's not investigating he's air pots in of course he got her here now we need to wait for this guy to break off from the pocket well don't find me if it wasn't for this guy just follow and also be in the clear oh and maybe that military officer my sis guy coming with us buddy you need to get out of here okay there's only two of them here no I think he's out celebrating his granddaughter's 10th birthday but maybe that person will notice you'll pay for this Oh No it is jut we can still get out of us [Music] there they're shooting us through the box okay I'm gonna die Elise let me stay out stand up straight thank you let's try that again I mean I can either require the invitation or I could just try and lock the Kasai door and get in that way have a look because there was one here people might not notice doesn't mean we gotta hide quick Oh No well okay there's only one there's only one guy he just I groped everyone on the map okay here we go [Music] what if we're real cheeky get out of here they haven't spotted me they have it no I'm pretty sure they've spotted me let's just find the guy get them down okay no one shoot for a minute give me an ample chance to fish a whole view tap okay if I just get that one guy looking at the door then I should be in the clear like that that's not too hard to do make your way back over it's just this one guy here hey buddy you're like a fish [Music] would you like a suitcase it is just [Music] come in they're coming I'd in the box hey are you alright you've been attacked by an alien he's okay and we can go get the fish in the briefcase in a minute you gotta get that guy's outfit Oh No [Music] there's own there's only two guards there we just happen to be might just be in here awhile that's okay oh no I had the fish in the briefcase these bones too it was an icon for it on the map so now we're just in trouble now that I gotta take the chance all we have it you didn't see me shot he's looking right this way does anyone here have some clothes I could take your poison the pipes it doesn't help me not the fish guys yeah we're gonna have to go fish list there's no way about it it is sad but you know there's no way to get a pack this is the skies in the room is there and overload the sink where's the disguise there's a wire [Music] they return my briefcase we're not out yet guys oh and here's the disguise he's perfect oh that's why everyone's yelling Locker I thought you guys wanted me to just stand in a locker for some reason I was confused oh thank god okay we're uh mostly in the clear now not me this is give me I am but a humble clown okay pakkun we go to people have never been beaten up in this room Oh God but doing good after to get this guy and we're now be a hunter that's fine that's okay it's back in the box not even he's on full alert now I think that they have no idea where I am and they're all back turn on the electrical outlet expose a liar I don't know what we're doing here oh we can overflow the sink what does this actually help us accomplish Oh an idiot I did I didn't think it would work like I don't know why we disconnected for the hit bad service I do I was worried the stream went down for a moment we still seem to be here it's like please stop like age of 47 suffered enough answer is go back in you gotta kill my hair I'm trapped oh we're back here now we can just get the waiter disguise and he's returning my briefcase hang on let's hide in the box and we'll get that back come on buddy there we go oh thanks then a package courtesy of UPS is our friendly like delivery man and what a nice guy I'm so tempted just to open the door and shoot him it's that one waiter it's all we have to worry about he's the only guy who knows oh we can't just walk in that but yeah okay just just quickly reload like should I just open the door and be like oh god he's not dead oh oh they know I'm in here okay let's take the shot again that [Music] it wasn't me I'm just a waiter I'm just so waiter let me hide in here just looking at me he's just going back to reading the other guy's fortune but if he knows I'm in here the other they both saw me they're just gonna carry on they don't care hey dude only he sees through my disguise this other guy doesn't what have I got I have one briefcase I won't get in trouble if this guy looks at me but I can't walk out cuz this utter guy knows can you just leave does this guy doesn't know I'm here anymore what am I supposed to do this if I got anything to work with you can just go please don't do that don't tell him I'm here [Music] go back undercover we're eventually gonna get out of here oh my god where else could I have gone they they legit don't know I'm here they're gone I didn't even like bother to revive the guys I knocked out I'm gonna just quickly come out of here oh no that one guy okay what where I got to go on the map I gotta get over there Oh on the run good so I know a safe spot it's okay [Music] they're never gonna find us here oh is this working every time like without fail where did he go he went into the room didn't come out I'm gonna complete this mission everyone at the party he's still like freaking out cuz like they just saw her like a clown come in and shoot a guy it's so close to making this work well why me [Music] this choir those documents yeah I'm gonna get them we're gonna look we'll get in the clear soon there's a lot of people trying to kill me right now it's stressing me out a little okay the dust is settled the skies as the Clutton know they already died already committed some crimes as the clown climbing actually ain't gonna help me here oh no like currently like in there like list of suspects there is a waiter a clown and a fortune teller you crowbar a fortune teller seems to aggravate less people but there's one right there okay well we're gonna have to run wait no we actually have some we can create a distraction in the box [Music] aren't they evacuating [Music] all right couple guys there was an actual fire right now you'd all be dying in a blaze you can't just stand in the spot like this this is how people get hurt there's nothing else here turn off the lights here's a new he's a new person they're gonna go investigate well come investigate I need some new disguises we've already disguised as a waiter so that's not gonna help two waiters I'm gonna I'm gonna have to be real quick hello [Music] go go go stop dude you didn't hear me oh no I can't this guy's sir hey just put her in there you got the cafe so this hasn't helped us at all and that is just like someone else in the Box now great I just got to go quick hello how's it going lose them in the market I just need to get the documents almost in the clear the documents are in this truck apparently they were on the ground I just forgot to pick him up [Music] oh I just need to get out of here now pitches left from their escape into the market we did it the escape route right there it's a maximum range oh it's about here [Music] run faster do something else over [Music] cool entrance [Music] yeah let's get out of here [Music] well currently we need the crowbar for that finish right the cop both of them look how many achievements we accomplished like there was so many we got two stars in that raid on that mission it's pretty damn good that's so many silent takedowns only kill the targets that's pretty good yeah where James place about games hasn't even played it hasn't even tried I'm the only person out of everyone my friends is to even be able to beat this mission to go to video games sorry and I popped a bike accident Oh God okay should we leave is there folks or should we go one more [Music] one more one more ok we'll do one more oh this is pretty unanimous ok thanks for watching folks I'll head off now no go we'll go one more ok that was Morocco will do yeah but who's Thailand good morning 47 your destination we tried this one way back in the day but we never finished it just outside Bangkok your main target is Jordan cross the lead singer of the class a renowned indie rock outfit recording their highly anticipated sophomore Oscar but this millennial poster boy harbors a dark secret one year ago promising young actress Hannah hi when were brain academy no Anitha was Brain Academy again New York oh jesus the police miss High Moore's death was a tragic accident but her parents remain unconvinced they firmly believe that cross murdered Hannah and only escaped justice due to the power and influence of his father billionaire media mogul Thomas cross a secondary target oh my game tree have another no this will be the last one for real hey I should mention as well just for the folks here that my stream schedule is gonna be a bit weird this week good of a time dimensions any I'm gonna be hopping over to the states so because of that my schedule is gonna be a bit up in the air so what I'm doing because of that is I'm just gonna be trying to do a few extra streams this week in particular so I'm gonna be streaming tomorrow and then I'm gonna be streaming I just Thursday or Friday so but it's I'm not really sure which of those days I'll be streaming because it's a special thing and you'll see why it's a special thing when I actually get the stream but yeah so my schedule was just like all over the place this week and it's probably gonna be all over the place next week as well like I won't be streaming next Tuesday because like that's what I'm gonna be flying probably won't be streaming like next week Thursday either cuz you know like I'll just have got there probably jet lag or anything but yeah just some people know I'll be streaming tomorrow and it will just go day by day this week and I'll let you know when I'm streaming I'll be streaming Saturday and Sunday this week's that's at least something this or the weekdays it's a bit up in the air is the work getting the game which I buy and then a day Nick like for hit man yeah it's totally worms okay mines really good yeah I'm going over to the states next week so just so people know gonna see a particular special someone in my life and span it's gonna be there about three weeks I'll be story man for it from there like when when it when I get over it's just gonna take a while to get set up you know how it is you're going to West Virginia no no I am NOT yeah we're just gonna keep a shotgun in the briefcase again that seems to be a good plan passional difficulty no professional sure you hopefully it's no hero be gone if you come well I reckon I'll still be smelly ken Morgan has booked the Queen suite but has yet to check him you will find him in and around the rest are you gonna see in the States smelly someone's that may or may not be real recording studio in the Emperor's suite on the third floor private security around cross and his entourage is highly capable still I'm sure you can find your way into his inner circle after all today is Jordan processed 11th birthday the age when rock stars died he said it's so casually I'm just gonna leave a shotgun in the briefcase now we'll just take it out in case we need it later oh no wait wait no if cuz if I take it out it's on my back and he's gonna notice maybe I shouldn't do that well there's no one else here oh yeah it turns out they noticed welcome to Bangkok 47 Ken Morgan has all that people know what the new stream times are - it should be mostly the same honestly - affecting the weekend in stream times probably gonna just be 7:00 p.m. UTC let people know election of what's happening just giving a heads up now that someone's coming up the age so I'm gonna be trying to just stream as much as I can this week get some videos prepared for you a lot Gil Rock thank you for thousand bits the other Boston area noisy please let me buy you a drink while Sarah and I already said she's going to the States oh yeah and it's currently in the States I'm going to steer thank you very much go Arak UTC I think it's like it's was a universal standard time or something unwise UTC that comes up as Universal Time Central maybe that's what stands for quite remember I just use it because it's not affected by time zones around me give us video slave oh you're in luck that is Ken always right here lawyer and corporate fixer Hey okay I need a disguise your duel buddy Oh Oh come I barely trespassed I took a wrong turn what's going on here the one of those rock stars Universal x co-ordinate if that's thanks gardener yeah scram buddy don't mind me guys I'm just listening do you mind five minutes oh sorry that's just a little further back both of them right now anyway desilva's filling in okay Thunder in Jordan crosses band who quit yesterday the record label flew in this seems normal interesting the class is regular drummer unexpectedly quit the band and the record label has flown in a replacement I've coming indie drummer abled a silver who is currently waiting in the restaurant lounge oh yes perfect let's go get the guy in the restaurant oh they're not gonna let us in [Music] oh it's okay though cuz he's just gonna waltz on out perfect let's just go wait for him to poop oh I'm sorry I'm here investigating no he's going back in is there another way I need a key that was his drink but I don't have poison Andy in here I could use urn off the sound system go on the freezer he didn't see me he didn't see me oh no I think he did see me you're unconscious how could you call for help [Music] he didn't see me we're in the collider oh it's a dead end how does he not see me and now I'm just like hiding here as this guy is just watching oh it's completely safe no one suspects a thing I know hipster fanatics they insist that the Safa college I go in here now I left a tip leave me alone they're gonna let me in yeah they're just gonna let me in now perfect they're expecting a muffin not a fish you were take the kitchen knife anything that looks like poison you stock poison in here like a thing of fertilizer on the balcony that I could take putting someone's drink okay here he is Hey Oh buddy yeah yeah come with me come with me I got some real important to tell you mr. Garrett could you just I think I heard something over there I I think I heard something I did dirt look a hand if there's no one looking at him okay he's going there come on orchestrate this don't look this way oh my god we got away with it you didn't hear gunshots [Music] Oh No okay I'm everything is under control I'm here on the scene hang on don't worry there's nothing the fair guys I'm gonna check out the situation now okay I'm glad you guys called oh my god [Music] master of disguise the problem is I needed to disguise the other guy the neither drummer is wanted I need to disguise okay guys I'm here to investigate the scene there's nothing to fear I came as soon as I heard like how are we getting away with this right now we're just going in circles and no one suspect anything I'm in the wrong part of the no I'm not no no okay yeah you you run that way no this is just taking me back I'm I'm a flora Oh God okay the snake through the kitchen the snake through the kitchen no I'm still in the restaurant I need to get over how do I keep going back into the restaurant this is where I need to be I come in thank you okay what we're in they don't suspect a thing perfect yeah we gotta go talk to the guy yeah like that took a while to work out but we seem to be doing okay now can't believe it worked me neither honestly okay that is Jordan cross revered and reviled in equal hey how's it going man thanks for coming let's go man I have the played the drums for him okay I think coaches knock him out here there doesn't seem to be anyone about okay go play the drums instead yeah I should save the game after surviving huh huh they'll play the drums Thank You 47 know how to play the drums seed I've trained for literally everything oh we're gonna be part of the band terrorists I want it going guys I have to go so what do you say man get behind the kid show us what you made up my technique is to hit the fish against weight but he doesn't want to do it anymore I thought you needed some vase so I brought a boss oh forgot the snaps neck I see a lot of guys oh this is bad goodbye briefcase oh Jesus and here we go making our getaway hey we still got the fish how's it going guys Oh Oh someone saw me someone sees me no I'm not here I'm oh no into the laundry basket it just works far too well he's completely forgotten I exist gonna make my way out oh my god it's locked again go go go go go okay I got it let's just go in the restaurant for a moment again the next target is there I just got to find him oh he remembers me no you know no you don't I need your disguise you didn't see anything he's in the kid oh he's right here I lost him too we lost him where is he guys Oh No good oh god killer sake and all the fat I miss like five thousand bits Jesus I was so caught up in the moment he says that pun if I had a million Vince never hears that monstrosity of a pony just releasing this poor world oh thank you very much man yeah gee I didn't even notice that cuz I was so caught up I popped a mic again I'm sorry I'm really sorry okay let's go play the drums again quite a bit back we can still salvage this we're right back to before playing the drums just don't trow the fish down because that really pissed him off in a place if again and I seen the changes asking what's on your mind oh yeah spectrum the new expansion comes out this week so you can expect a stream of it soon okay let's try play the drum again I didn't just totally kill a bunch of people in there all right I have to put the fish away why 1947 many talents I think he's husband material guys after you maybe it's gonna be husband material oh damn beginning in one-eighth nine out of ten I've seen mother eigen does about me a killer he can defy everything he basically is the dream man I think no matter the role matter than the job he is capable and it's quite charming it's fine where are we going going to the roof as we go downstairs I see here but he just couldn't become a musician gotta gotta get you a guide I can do both play the drums and murder everything you want look at this there's only one guard here as a gardener - no he's probably not a gardeners probably just police oh there's no one here all of a sudden climbing the cultural ladder I see good work for tea center style it's very tight very new way you are you should talk to Dec see when we get back to me you know toss him down here small agency very low-profile you wouldn't have heard him Oh buddies from school huh okay come on in age 47 you can secure the bonds deal that's pretty traumatic oh you guys didn't see that next up ah that wasn't I gotta go she did not alert it but like how how did they not see that a terrible accident on these guys are just drunk an opportunity in here let's see what's going on yeah I should say hangout sorry everyone I feel like I'm giving everyone anxiety whenever I just go like even like 15 minutes without saving the game that's freaking out I guess that's why we have to save ammo exactly why we need it Dexy Barrett sends a message to the occupant to the Queen sweet aka Ken Morgan this must be the reason for Morgan's surprise visit sounds promising clearly Barrett doesn't want her client Jordan message or whatever business that you have they're likely to do it in secret I suggest you intercept that message 47 could be a chance to catch Morgan off guard sounds good to me fired a note for Kent this guy has the note though I just oh I just need to get it off him then my manager I actually have something I say for this moment thank you [Music] oh no not there's no laundry bin with the pool of all they don't know I'm here they don't know I'm here recorded by security camera no one's going to question that oh I'm just delivering a message why me don't mind me don't mind me yeah oh come on the guy at the reception can see true me what am I supposed to do now David here buddy do you like pool balls I think I just saw me trow it in so I could fun of me and didn't quit kinda ting quick I haven't no I need you to turn around hi exe banjo it's for the gentlemen staying at the Queen suite of course don't question why I'm crouched behind the counter that worked surprisingly well not suspicious Oh yeah come on cam I'm just admiring the plants gosh Canada 200 beds hit by a professional driver and he'll then that edited husband he's just the ideal man it's actually perfect and he looks good in anything Ron Morgan organ where are you here he is oh don't don't why me just hide here Morgan any messages for me there we go there is a note in the tray finally and now we hit him with the briefcase they spent living around well done 47 Morgan is on the move and we know exactly where he is headed the linen sex wait where is the linen crew that way sorry we can't have you technicians running around here god no door their room is in the basement yeah but I need to get in there yeah yeah I'm here with the crew oh okay we need to save it Koen lose now guys we drop the shock Oh don't blow my cover scuse me how do I get down to the basement the fire axe there I don't know that's gonna help me I need a new disguise okay I can I can take out all these people all right I just need one [Music] perfect you gotta get downstairs still Faceman access keep your head up working man oh there's someone who would spot me there okay staff room anyone have some spare clothes I could change into oh mine me he's just dude he's just standing in here mr. cross know what you're doing can put him in the cover target's down now head towards an exit oh we found some rat poison let's get out of here oh why did I come in I know this next up right over here well yeah it's a V let's just leave here perfect or huntin absolutely flawless and we dis can actually rub the Hitman Network again he's be having some trouble tonight oh gosh how many people do we murder isn't that foot I can feel like that room with the shotgun had the most amount of people though he we got we got zero points for that because that one room yeah we we killed eight people with the shotgun that was probably a bit much perfect run do you everywhere none of my friends have even played this I think the reason the scores aren't showing up is because I'm playing isn't him on to but it's like the legacy content but the records aren't is up to date but people probably had these records in hitman 1 but because it's now a new client that plate that you play ball hit man's on and a reset and it's time they're doing a third season of hitman like in a few years so that'll probably carry like they'll probably reset again at that time James lost we just beat him oh God August fell thing with the tree quid and any oberus machete cool that's a mission stories and we'll just skip that you me James though easily as score was deleted oh okay it's like the story picking up from this point but we honestly don't need to see that this leads into the Colorado on Oh God okay thank you for the five gifts ups there as well it's very kind of you hope you enjoyed the stream because I think we're probably gonna wrap up there I'm gonna be streaming again tomorrow guys so I don't want to go too late so I think this is just a good point to leave it that was really fun though i-i-i-i've I freaking love this game so much and like it's nice being able to run it I like mac settings - I know my PC before really struggled with this game whereas now it just comes out really well I'm gonna gonna we're gonna roll the subs we're gonna Park it there for today font like reset itself for a moment there that was kind of weird yeah thanks so much for coming on folks I'll be back again tomorrow 7 p.m. UTC I think we're doing something a bit different I say what we're doing tomorrow I guess I'll say yeah I might as well cuz like it's gonna be a smile most about hopping off now kind of tease it we're gonna be trying to do something on the minecraft server again we're gonna like the server tour hopefully no I'm gonna say what it is well it's too late we're gonna try to do a server tour though and just kind of like a look at everything there because we tried to do that last week and then the server had issues yeah that's gonna be tomorrow now because I because the nature of the tour and because we've had some difficulty doing this kind of stuff in the server already we might just do is lock down the server but this might be the rare stream with on minecraft where no one can join this is an FYI it's something we're considering doing at the moment we're gonna see but like just what it takes to make it work just so you guys have a heads up but it'll be Minecraft we'll be looking at the server I can add some of the stuff people the bills living ones me not for a while yeah so it's gonna be it's just gonna be a bit different more GTA in future I do want to do it again I mean I'm trying to like I'm trying to like balance will pick and choose my games right now because I know it since I'm gonna be in the States I'm not gonna have like my home PC again I'm gonna be back in the portable one I had in Japan and that one's pretty good but it doesn't run everything like that one's not capable like run and say hit man you know some like you probably isn't capable of doing GTA so I'm trying to just get in when I can like this week in particular before I head off your American quick question no I'm not happened to be Canadian though which is pretty handy for getting over there is right of my Canadian passport pretty snazzy come you go into the states I'm going to see Rihanna I hope you don't know that's my girlfriend he's over there at the moment how about at me about mafia I really want to do that again but yeah that's one that I'm not gonna be able to do for a while because I'll be in the States like I'm gonna be gone best part of three weeks there'll be a little bit again it'll be some down time down time next week because I'll be working out and like working out like a schedule and whatnot trying to get like kind of a bit settled again just taking some general time off to you know but I will be streaming from there once I'm set up I'm bringing my portable PC with me so it's handy enough what happened to CSI it's just kind of been buried Ali I want to get back to it because III still have to edit the footage from the first CSI stream I don't know if I even have it anymore cuz that would have been saved in the portable PC probably floating about it somewhere actually I could dig it up cuz I'll be on the portable PC again soon till I get the plan out though it's like like when I head over I'm gonna have like my portable PC I'll have a ps4 over there and I'm gonna be bringing my switch and I got some new games for switch to that we're probably going to do some streams own me and Rihanna are probably gonna stream do some joint streams again well there cuz it's been a while I can you say you're an Irish guy you're Canadian and dual citizenship I'm Irish Canadian got a passport for both places it's pretty handy you it's qo2 name for that thanks ty yeah like timewise it'll be mostly be the same because where I'm going it's like I think at the time difference is seven hours behind so well I'm just gonna do most days I'm just gonna like stream at midday so it works out fine it'll just be a bit more scattered because you know I'll be over there and like me and Rihanna will be going off to do stuff too but I'll still be streaming so like it should be fine and I do still be videos going up in the channel to like I think I'm tonight alone and honestly like want to say it a guest is probably gonna be like tree videos going up if Big Brain Academy is like its own thing hit man is a zone and I have like five minutes of hit man from the previous state day the Hokkaido bit that we've recorded that like I want to get up and like I have that edit I was just waiting to flesh it out a little bit more so like they'll be plenty of videos you know even though I'll be missing a few streams so should be okay you know we're basically doing an extra stream this week two between because of the special thing later this week and screaming tomorrow did you stream twice today no just one stream we just went from big brain to hit man at james time to record tea okay yeah like I'd like to see James even try let me see wolf is streaming the lego movie videogame sure that sounds fun goes ahead of all folks thanks again for coming tonight hope you all enjoyed the stream and I will see you all tomorrow at the same time it's tonight take care guys no no please that's wrong with the lego movie stream I think it's the first one it's a like a movie video game that's what it says always every word freaking out about that I'm sure it's fine guys it's Lego okay take care guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 21,652
Rating: 4.8625431 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-379571171, rtgamecrowd, You need a very high IQ to watch this stream, Big Brain Academy, Twitch, Gaming, You, need, very, high, IQ, to, watch, this, stream, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 38sec (13058 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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