RTGame Archive: Minecraft [PART 4]

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hello everybody that was it going can you hear me okay can you hear the elevator music in the background yeah someone just said this music hey how's it going folks it's been a while since we play minecraft that's what I thought I thought we'd do another build dated a very special idea a Christmas one of course very very constructive this week you know if bleh my freakin Legos yesterday I'm a bit shattered today as well I should actually mention not going in I kind of just tired from coming off yesterday and just put a lot of time with the family today it's been like all go have had really a moment to myself in a few days now what what else is new or though hey though folks how is it going it's good see you all here oh very welcome to the stream we'll just wait a minute or two before we get going here but you know we're gonna uh you know I'm actually gonna stop the yellow very music I'm gonna hop on because it's gonna be a minute or two once we get in here anyway hang on so let me just carry this up alerts have gone up cool seem to be good they're capitalism I know okay so let me just do this minecraft is a bit funky when you tap out of it okay yeah it's working here we go okay so we're gonna be a while setting up here anyway so I might as well hop in the server and explain what's going on we are playing a server we have not visited and just a little while now the RT minecraft server people are just kind of hopping in at the moment don't know Easter I don't know if there's in game volume yet we'll have to check in a moment let me just break a branch oh yeah there is a bit of in game volume okay you guys can hear that okay yeah I'm not too loud am I my mic says I'm peeking let me just see what's going on here I was pop that down a little there we go maybe it might have been a little too high there we go yeah it was a little loud little loud okay we're good now all right so let's see so we have all the mods on hand I've already like primed them for tonight so they know what's going on already the server listed is completely breaking here can one of the mods just teleport me the spawn are you guys there at the moment because it's gonna take a moment or two for us to get everything set up on the server what we're doing we are going to be doing another build a style event the last one we made is Luigi's Hotel was new mansion thanks out uh I see spawn has gotten infinitely worse since the last time we saw it yeah that's how that sounds about right with the suffer and the crying emoji what does that say over there God Haven there's a lot of snow this one just says help now there's a giant Buddhist Oh God okay so to join the server for folks wondering if you type exclamation point server in chat nightbot will give you the server IP and the link for the white list for the minecraft server just so we have a bit of a filter on the folks on the server so it's not complete anarchy cuz if we even look at the amount of folks here in twitch chat it's 2,500 at the moment just so we have a bit of a filter we do it so that you have to be subbed on Twitch its how the whitelist works basically means like it's just not complete chaos and you know it kind of cracks down and things like griefing and that too because if you can just join willy-nilly yo the everything dies and gets destroyed you don't all need to type the command - just FYI you don't all need to type it you'll see nightbot type it in the chat you don't all need to do it what so just for a minute so that people can see the IP a bit better yeah Bob on sub mode for literally just 10 minutes or so and they will pop it off again because I want to keep trying to open because some folks may not be able to join on the server you know so we got to give them some I just do that yep just sub mode for a moment so people can see the server information just a little bit better and then we'll buff it off in a minute so people are already joining so we're just gonna give them a sec to get in we'll wait about ten minutes here before we make a move it's been a while since we've been on the server like the last one literally was the Halloween stream this is new nothing to see here well what is this supposed to be okay well that's apparently like the Dark Portal from World of Warcraft that that's just sitting there now like okay that's fine we won't question it that was the portal to the 2017 world oh okay axillary port literally just broke as soon as the stream started a little give all commanders give all dist radius of people around you so James how would I type that out as a command can you like can you like PM me the format so I can then copy and paste it so I want to make sure so it's give all and then how do I because this is an important command it's like maintenance for our side of things we ever just joined the server and hang out just upstream for the heck of it once things and said yes I will squiggly it's just because things have been so busy I haven't had a chance lately come January come like past my holiday things they're going to settle quite a bit we're gonna be doing a lot more streams to it don't necessarily make it to YouTube from January it's just at this week is busy and then it settles you give all this radius oh and the item is the one in your hand cool okay yes that's gonna that's gonna freeze momentarily so if I just do that and if I set the radius to a hundred please put an item in your hand I just I just want to make sure this works what's my inventory II though if I give everyone say like I will say give them some grass blocks and then the radius I'm gonna just say a hundred and error occurs while attempting to perform this command Oh No without the brackets ah okay successfully gave everyone one in a thousand blocks grass block yep so everyone just received a grass block now for stacks and that does it work the same way like if I just take like a stack of 64 will that give everyone a stack at 64 is there a way to do quantity James let me just you know top out again I need to load this command because it is actually quite important this yep so if I do it with just a set yeah exactly that okay that's that's perfect I just want to make sure that like I understand what I'm doing here Gaines freezing a moment just cuz I'm to have an out minecraft a bit funky with that that's alright okay oh hey it's an Amazon build a I'll give more wood mister opportunity auto we're gonna give him like a pallet but like this makes it so much easier cuz you know in all previous build days we've had these things where we have to dispense the blocks by hand and just like like give you a few people creative and Chuck's and my folks well with this method what we can actually do is we can just give them the set block and it it sends it to literally everyone so I'm gonna just see at the at the moment I'm gonna take like a different block cuz like like one of them that are probably gonna use is say well it's Amazon so we need like a family friendly style block that best represents them hello to all the twitch staff that may have to review this video as the night goes on let's get some course tersh course tersh 64 so if I then do give all dist so everyone should does everyone have a stack of 64 choristers that's what I'm making sure you for all the bits are coming into my twitch alerts I'm moving a mile a minute tonight Jesus Christ Spanish I think you for 400 cabbage tanks 400 it's a server full it shouldn't be this should still be some space over a few error messages here and there but rest assured everything's working fine I programmed it fairly urgently so I wasn't able to clear out all the big red messages that's fine that's fine yeah does everyone have 64 yeah yeah yes yes yes okay perfect so something we can do actually right away so that we don't have the freaking epidemic on our hand at we do every time here's some goddamn cooked pork chops so you don't have to worry about dying anymore as you built the workers are finally gonna have like food there you go guys yes that that's your packed lunch for the day make some pork chops you can actually feed them it's not everyone's going to die this just makes it so much easier to decide like how like what we're going to use for the palette and to spend some blocks because basically what we can do now is we have eight bullets nine blocks to choose from and we basically just dispense them all am i right in saying that like it replaces the block in the set inventory slot or does it just go into your general inventory when I use that command there are a lot of people cannot joined you to an unknown host error any idea what that might be James people are still joining I believe did the server max out is there still like a server slot limit oh well I got a message leave that there yeah they've got spaces at the end of the IP that's all ah okay dumb idea yeah so just make sure it's not a space and that you cut off the IP when your copy pasted on it it might just be a format thing because of the way nightbot shares it yes space apparently I believe there is some kind of limit on the server so but just do your best to get in we have a lot of people here if you can't get in tonight like don't worry too much because this server is 24/7 you can join it whenever you can find a plot align we have things like land claims set up you know you guys are welcome to make this server your own III hop on it from time to time but this is something that's just mostly for you folks just give to sub-county yes it does the lag alrighty I have Optifine installed so hopefully it doesn't like too much can we turn off the wetter rain is not gonna help our cause I like how there's been a run at above sands - welcome to hell what pickle Rick is still here let's just scare anyone who looks at like the twitch stream preview by just like sitting over this for the next minute or so so that comes up when you hover over the streams what is the Minecraft version I believe it's one point three point two I want to say I believe that's this hover over this a minute fatal error code - thanks for 500 bits December lagging online or my network to so many people and I don't know it's probably a combination of both there's a lot of people on the server so it does chug a little the inputs do all register that's the important thing to bear in mind it might just look a little funky like when we get to play some blocks you'll actually see it come up like pretty reliably it's just under heavy load cuz again there's a lot of people here my name isn't come up on the user list I think you can see people still connecting to whenever like James's name like flicks down for a moment see that's someone new joining the server but so many people on it that like the roster list and he's completely broken it only goes to Jay at the moment kids kill me is there a way to see how many players we have on it now what are like almost 4,000 people on the stream Jesus Christ been nice for 500 bits you're hot you very much as of it this is a bit warmer in here not gonna lie /g list little players online 171 Jesus okay well it's filling up okay so we're gonna gonna wait three more minutes and then we're gonna make a move we're gonna find the plot of land so you want to try and get in before then well I'll display coordinates once we find the plot that we're on but then we're gonna be in build mode we're gonna try go to ten o'clock tonight too so a bit of a speedier build well basically I have two hours to build Santa's workshop he's in the finest elf light labor money cannon slave foodweb after everyone joins I mean at this stage there's enough rations and pork chops about I think you'll be fine you guys can share and yes REI missing a lot of bit messages tonight because like there's so many coming in like to which alerts is going crazy because people are just seven thank you thank you very much guys like Ben fatal error Gd like thank you Thank You Olga and twitch alerts is struggling a little bit RT notice me for free reflux what is sharing Sharon's when you just high all the food for yourself you know make sure everyone else dies what is this UHC 1v1 what's UHC the Ultra Hardcore thing again or is this something James is currently working on I don't remember those noticeboard being here stole my mom's credit card to my sub okay she said it's chill okay please don't actually steal your parents money I might get in trouble if I encourage that okay we're gonna be in that a minute and then we're gonna make a start how many players that we up to 179 okay so we actually are near like peak capacity I think because I hasn't gotten up to much more more people are trying to join but I could they may just be disconnected shudder I'm not sure yes it you should still be able to get in later so don't worry too much oh Jesus I Callisto that's gonna take like a while to come up because the alerts are so backlogged we must thin the crowd / spread players thank you very much for the 5000 bits that's gonna take a while before that even shows up because it alerts are just so backlogged but thank you very much spot it there I'll be out a very Merry Christmas that'll go towards the next Lego set you know that's gonna happen now okay I think okay I think we're good workers I don't know how to connect my account if you follow the link it's fairly straightforward you just kind of click on it and I ask you to link it up like it does like a check thing on twitch and you enter like a Minecraft username your rations are busted I'm sure it's fine there it is I actually thought that properly took a moment thank you again Callisto well like I said do you have your eye on next after assembly square the diner because that one just looks really cool and it comes with like a sweet little car thing so I think it's probably gonna be that one there's a bunch of really cool ones like the pet shop looks really nice I love the detectives office the Parisian restaurant looks amazing and I'm kind of getting hopelessly addicted still I go at this point like we may just become a lego channel next year I'm gonna be honest with you doing assembly square has awakened something in me it's not the worst thing that happened Ninjago city is awesome I've seen that one yeah that one looks insane oh Jesus thank you for the territory cell that's in there ring thank you very much she's the alert so backlogged tonight but thank you again everyone I really do mean it okay like Oh Channel our teen Lego is going to be the new spin-off one I know I'm probably gonna do is I like the end of next year I'll do like a compilation video of all the LEGO sets together and like I'll show them all because I think that's the best way to do it because because I was trying to look at the footage from last night to see if there's any way I could edit it I can't because this is no way to make it work because it's too long of a stream I don't know where to start oh jesus Colleary the dealers are so goddamn backlogged Colleary thank you for your leavens and 500 bits that's also gonna take a minute to show up Jesus Christ but that's another Lego set you just yep that's just straight-up a Lego set so there's how we measure things now how many LEGO sets this is by URT babes thank you very much oh my god the server is chugging as well hang on 2:02 players online Oh God did it die I think it died I didn't disconnected I know I'm still going I think the surfer was killed though it's still it's to live there's just there's just too many people we need to snap to serve her already what is the current player cap James do we need to do a snap the game itself is lagging that's Colleary Jesus Christ the alerts are backlogged thank you again for that he is Christ it's 400 players oh god why is my pc dying oh I think it's cuz flux is trying to oh no oh okay we're all right we're all right okay one of the monsters to teleport all what's going on keep it safe work please all all messages written our logs everyone's going back in the portal does it work can we use the portal to get home we're good yeah someone said something happened with sugarcane I'm not I'm not really sure what's going on I think we're okay I'm gonna wait for everyone just show up here here and then we're gonna get going right away as we we've given like a fair bit of air at a time now together the world is broke our tea sugar cane is gone okay that's good some idiots broke my super-tall sugarcanes okay right well if we captured in doing that in future we can just give him a boot from the server that should be alright that should hopefully stop the lag then now we gotta wait for everyone to come back here before we moved two more minutes and we can go this server issue is purely because the amount of people I did a bowl I think the sugar cane pushed it over the edge there's too many fallen blocks Oh God okay we're gonna open up the chat in a moment - on stream so everyone can talk once we go live here you can just open it up might be a bit bit priority we'll do our best what kind of jerk takes someone's tall sugarcane he'snot guys will be okay it'll be okay I give you on like a slower chat experience like just go to the discord is that there's like a livestream one set up there that that one's actually readable will be okay okay is everyone out of that spawn room are we are we good from here now can't see who is that oh that's Jay Jay he's just dispensing cookies from above is everyone out of that like little spawn room I think have you all made it back yes yes one can't eat that's fine I'm not worried about that so matters if you can making ie pants for Timmy that's that's that's what Christmas is all about these days why this needs to update it takes a moment takes a moment it'll go trip in reality actually a lot more people they're just invisible on your end for some reason because of the spike really Oh shine disconnect and reconnect without help let's find out you okay you okay now they're all gone okay so so there is like there is an army of people here they're just they're just having some trouble getting through the cracks in reality that's fine we can we can work with this okay you can open up twitch chat then we're gonna open it up to everyone if it gets if it gets too bad we'll just pop it on sub mode again but we're gonna try let's open up the chat again so for whatever reason the visible amount of people on the server got snapped on my end they're actually our more people here but they're kinda just blip in true reality at the moment they're in like a different pocket dimension I can some of them still like tossing stuff up above there's like some pork chops fall in a moment ago there and I'm going to assume that that camp is still with me and that we'll be fine I does invisible people just breaking blocks over here you can kind of see and punch in the snow I just can't see the people doing the punch so welcome everyone including all the invisible people who got snapped back to the minecraft server we're gonna do a Christmas special so we're gonna start we have to travel quite a bit so if ever wants to just follow me in this direction and I got a grass block at the moment I'm just flying about over here we're gonna start by going off this direction fire to the what I assume is north it's snow that way I assume it's correct oh they can't see me though can they and kadai can they see me okay the game is that you Oh doing a quick fix okay thanks James yeah we can't see you no more people are popping into existence okay I think I think can you guys see me now oh Jesus Christ fatal arrow thanks 4000 rip all those dead Internet's and computers and servers awesome if I hadn't liked to take good as well.you RIT was it C an impression of my dad no thanks I had one earlier okay I think they can see me now oh god we got teleported again oh okay the the mods who's doing the teleport is that James I don't think the teleport helps cuz I think that just blips more people out of reality you need to teleport us all like onto the world itself because we're stuck here some people can't escape because I can't get back true then but I'm stuck here now let me disconnect teleport all others anomaly good idea one sec dad okay uh we're waiting in here a moment I knew everyone just sit tight don't do what I did don't don't do what I did cuz now I'm stuck in this hell well we there was an attempt tonight Dule you did no that's not what I said connected reconnected see if that fixes you I died that's fine okay James let us know when the server is back then because we're all kind of just waiting at the mall I'll give it a few more minutes before we have to make it a decision I guess I'll get this working hopefully like that we can't go through that portal we need to be teleported into the world okay we're back in her back have we survived well no we're near spawn but there's no one here oh it's idiot revisit comes from this is going to be none accessories because we stuck in limbo I don't know what James is done okay just maybe just let it saddle James because I seem to have been like relatively okay before and then stuff started going wrong you okay let's get everyone back can you guys all see me ins on the server again can you see me can you see me over here it's very difficult to tell right now because this is such a delay oh yes yes apparently okay all right okay so let's meet up let's go back to spawn let's go back to spawn and we'll try this again everyone back to spawn send everyone back over here to write about the prophecy baby I haven't forgot for haven't forgot everyone back to spawn everyone come back over my god they're just zipping across the landscape you can see like all their feet just pot going up and down just snap the server already no we're not gonna snap it we should be okay it'll be fine okay yeah I think we're good I think the mob of people is here it's currently been a bit bumpy just to get set up is 220 players huh fine last with HAMP and I know ten good thank you very much but I do love you this is a true story and help me through this tough time I Love You Man good work thanks very much man god you're drawing the screams I can mine off like a wall okay all right so if everyone just sticks with me then we're gonna go we're gonna go this way instead there's less of a mountain to climb everyone just kind of follow me as I glide off this way trying to keep up best you can because it's very difficult to tell if people are actually able to follow me or like even see where I am this time we've reached like a new level of server lag where I can't even tell might help if you have the stream open or something like that because then you can see what's going on just just come this way gonna go down here I think yeah I think they're still following yep there once we get to the actual building we should be okay until that it's just gonna be like a bit bumpy to Shepherd these people across the world if you can't see me then just make sure that you can see the other people on the server and follow them we got it we got to keep going this way yep article is here too which is just keep coming with me okay server is currently in Christmas mode so there is snow literally everywhere we just have to find like a nice a nice plot of land to build yeah just just stick with me just stick with me I'm going over it's like someone's got an island home over here over this way but you just have to find like even a slight clearing where we can set up camp coordinates when you reach your destination yeah but there's no point in sharing up until then okay hang on okay so guys guys go back to the steps go back to the steps over here and we go across the ice don't mind the despedido that's been mirrored don't mind the giant pixel art of Magnus but you know what we could just tear this down and build here okay that let's just leave him there for the time being we're gonna like I'm gonna we can add like a Christmas hat to him or something like if we add no it's been claimed okay well hang on okay override we okay we're gonna keep Magnus there can we build in proximity to him okay so we we need to like make a perimeter around Magnus cuz apparently we can't touch him yeah so this is where like the claim perimeter is no so guys yeah we have to keep him here I'm just gonna set the border cuz this plot of land outside of this abomination it's pretty good and most of the character that's the abomination not so much depicts a lot because I was fine yeah so just keep him there you pimp there we go okay so that seems to be like the land claim from Magnus people are just trying to chip away at his feet but he stands strong somehow he's got a chicken on his trousers I don't even know how that's standing there but okay we won't question it feed them you buffoon which I already gave up workshop so we fine okay so the idea is we're gonna make Santa's Amazon Prime or house specifically Amazon Prime you know like the premium customers first and then we'll get like the a standard Amazon one maybe afterwards so what we're gonna need to devise like a palace a friendly blocks the use for Santa's workshop now him and Jeff basically control the Christmas economy these days okay so I'm gonna need snow Oh what kind of stone have we got to choose from I want this to be like a frickin palace chiseled stone we'll get some stone bricks I heard my cat there we're gonna need that we're gonna yeah we're gonna get some regular brick stone break regular brick here did you guys hear the cat you did I think he just right outside the door and just let out a big meow like he wants to get in maybe we can get him in later it's a brick stone I need coal blocks we're gonna need it wouldn't need a lot of coal it's like only the finest fossil fuels for the way I house and then we're gonna need let's see dark oak logs because we're gonna make oak planks so we'll give it the dark oak logs so you have more to work with and then we're gonna need a lot of minecart stuff later but I think this will be good for the foundation we need like a fence block to know that those are the gates dark oak fence at the dam cat in RT he's fine he's fine he's roaming the hall I can't let him in cuz they don't want to get back out you know what cats are like oh yeah iron virus yep those are important we're getting like our color palette start with here and you know for a bit of color and contrast we're gonna have some carved pumpkins there we go okay so this should be the initial pilot so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna give everyone a stack of 64 to start working with now people are already in 2 min magnets okay yeah you guys know you let me give you guys better materials to work with than dirt okay you guys gotta make a pretty prison for this guy but it can't be made out of dirt dirt dirt won't do like tear down this wall that's initially like being used here but we're gonna do that redo that would like stone or something like okay okay so everyone just chopped down the wall that's being formed here and then we'll build it back up a proper stone I really do mean that that down you go yeah so I will do different ones for that so if the mods on hand wanted to spend some of these blocks to that so that everyone is kind of well supplied if you the command I believe is just give all I need you just set a radius if you type like a hundred or something it should do the job so I just gave everyone's stone bricks let's give everyone some of them let's give the coal if the iron bars and we'll give some snow there we go so people have a lot of blocks to start work with we can get some like nice chimney effects with like the different combinations of bricks too that should be nice now for if your bank using fodder blocks just like maybe not I try use a bucket of water or something that you can remove cuz we don't want any dirt like kind of raised up like this so already like yet chiseled stone for the Magnus prison is fine if you guys want to use not but like this kind of like granite thing here I was it going but oh that that's not gonna fly so you'll want to make sure that you're following the palette or we will just kill you you know like this is Amazon okay the working conditions aren't exactly great here hi each to our Amazon overlords as well because they do own twitch Jeff it's great to hear from UK I only gave one stone I thought I gave a whole stack yeah there we go yes it's back that gave a whole bunch of stone the mods can use these commands to just to resupply people cuz we're gonna be working with this pallet for a little bit here just to get icon to have a starch so Magnus is being in prison so that's it that's good already and then we'll get everything else set up down here Julis thank you for the 11 quid hope you have a lovely new year Dan thank you very much I'm very excited for new years I'll be back in the UK to see a very special someone in my life and I really can't frickin wait okay so people are setting up the initial warehouse here to with the stone brick now it's family friendly this is a really good start it's gonna be a large warehouse - there's like already a perimeter kind of setup there's like potential for maybe like a big open door here if I pop some of this out you could set like an entranceway here now we'll need to replace some of the ice as we work a good thing to try and do just for balance is to try and like contrast it best you can so like for here for instance maybe instead of using brick fill floor use some lovely wooden logs maybe do something like that so that kind of gives us like an entryway into there a special job I'm gonna give for someone right now and if one of the mods this might be better suited for one of the mods cuz I think it'll need creative we're gonna need like a big Amazon sign on the side of the factory like I'm thinking if we if I just indicate it with coal here if it's like up here or something assuming this to be the front forward face of it or maybe even have on the Magnus prison actually we'll get some more colors for that a little later but that's gonna be like a task for down the road now some of the elves have already started spelling out feed us with the bricks they actually mean eat us so I don't mind them we are there's a reason they don't have a union already trying to just rise up they're just getting a bit rowdy if Magnus is being successfully imprisoned I love like the patched Bower effect that's going on here we do need to remove a lot of the fodder blocks though just as an FYI guys we don't we don't want all this here well that's just like under trim this Magnus prison is like a very good starting point just to lock him away pedo yep so if someone wants to take it upon themselves just to like kind of clean some of this some of the mods that are here too if you want to pop creative on some of the regulars we can still do that like do you know like the usual folks like if James is here like freedom planet James you can pop it on him like dying in a few others but you know the usual crowd you want to pop creative on a few folks just like and they can just work away the mods will know better than me cuz like they're on the server a bit more than me okay so let's just op this down with the prison okay so he's kind of busting out a little bit cuz I've accidentally broken a few blocks but that's okay I delete a sign there we can only wish he had a more painful days oh I accidentally popped a sign there if someone wants to rehab that sorry about that okay I'm just gonna remove someone died there I'm just gonna remove some of the face of this okay so Magnus is locked away the Amazon warehouse back here is coming along nicely this is Santa's workshop it's doing pretty good people are the coal seems to actually be a very lovely build material I've really liked the kind of coal tree there's assembled here someone like named Sam was actually breaking this by the fact she looks really nice it looks like a weird old tree says God on it apparently I I think this actually looks lovely Sam I will I wouldn't delete this connecting bit it's like an industrial tree so that's give people a little bit more coal to work with because I think the coal is a very lovely build material here oh there you go here's some more coal blocks where's the Yelp gift shop I mean someone can set that up as we go along but we need to get the essentials first that's why I'm giving everyone a lot more coal give all distances I was in there if the mods just want to pop off the wetter again any time it comes on - that would be appreciated Oh something we can do with the magnet shrine I just thought of this cuz we are using the bricks here if we actually extend this out we can make it so that he's like in a chimney but locked inside and it just kind of pretends that easy to be like smoked alive like there's a great roar and fire under him I actually really like that idea so if we extend that across and I will make it so that like it's alright down here we'll put magnets inside the chimney and just pretend he's burning alive in there I'll I really like that idea that'll be really nice a pays respects the character in a way he would have wanted you need to be careful with the fall block man I'm just gonna pop some more of these off cuz we need to shelter that I get anyone like for all the mods on the server just be very liberal like to spend some blocks on the palette like just kind of give people to top up and refresher as we go along well add some new blocks later like the wool nut and some additional ones for making things like tables but for now we're just trying to get a foundation end me is via nourishing over there it looks like end mister at the moment it's people are already coming along with like additional tidbits - what's this farm goes here please food for elves please contribute to farm ok yeah so it's only a small farm though don't give them any notions don't make it any bigger than that we don't want them to think that they're gonna have a feast it's like we got to pay for that keep them down and I want to make sure this room is very dark like if we can't just like get a layer of coal and just blot out the Sun don't give them any notion of hope I think that's very important do we just extend that across there how we looking over here the entranceway is coming along I have a bit of a job here for landscapers if you want to just remove that Hill and just like flatten out this bit of land I think that would look a bit nicer so that way we don't have all this like honest stuff in front of the warehouse entrance of any of the landscapers want to get on that like just work away some people have built up like other little houses near the warehouse we actually will need these because we'll need like homes for all the elves to live I thought our employed by Amazon so if some people want to get on that just and this space over here we're gonna say try to keep it in one spot so like this half of the map you're like back to where the hills go don't go further than that keep it on the ice I'm not use I got kind of just like stick to this like a little sectioned off bit if you make like some more like little shanty homes over there I think that would be good okay we're gonna need some more I think people are saying like we need some more oak dark oak oh that's just dispense matter one of those here we go Oh clogs so you can turn that into wood Oh the end me has been developed but what the hell is this all I want for Christmas this is the pain to stop all I want for Christmas is the paid to stuff all I want for Christmas is the pain to stop oh no I think bagel smiling but I think he's in agony oh Jesus and dashi but thank you for the ten gift subs that's very generous thank you very much hope you're enjoying the stream anyone receive one of those feel free to join us on the server might be a little laggy but you're more than welcome okay the Amazon factory is getting kind of high already wait why does this say I think we need a new name for the door oh no okay so warehouse is coming along this is streamlined it's so much just being able to give people more blocks by the way now work for the landscapers as well because there's quite a like this is an important job there's quite a lot of things saying feed us on the like that give this vague notion that the workers here have rights if people could just tear those down that would be greatly appreciated and yet make more watchtowers like this a cage is for the Nagios oh yeah let me just uh is this is just for the Nadia hosts oh no no BAM bolt babble babble no bambo why'd you go in BAM bono oh my turns out he was an audio I didn't even mean to kill that man whoops yeah we've no more watchtowers and they're like a proof if we can make this like a prison block that would actually be really good for all the naughty else I feel like that's something we'll need and I'll give you guys no don't listen here ue bollocks you'll you'll go in yeah yeah you were the naughty elf okay so what I'll do there I just put those in there now and we just shut the door so the naughty elves go into the laughs or all no naughty elves go into the lava room we just need to plug the holes so people want to get to work in that and the landscapers as well just clean up the place like like everyone who's spelling out words here just tear all that down the end me can stay cuz this is actual effort put into it the KCF like someone that's like knockoff KFC like we don't want that we only want an authentic Colonel Sanders there what is this KCF they tear it down that's Kentucky when it's been chicken-fried whatever that means the state of Kentucky's has been boiled in the deep fat fryer you where they all rest in peace a finger licking good Ireland and real smithy thank you for 100 bits each thank you very much guys what does the server name he's type exclamation point server in chat oh no that didn't update yeah type server to join there we go okay I've updated that for twitch now so that I don't know show exclamation point server and you can join okay what's this over here it's like a little always this a delivery truck what's it say here lies my hopes and dreams destroy your king I think they made like a little Amazon vine so okay so if we make like a little parking lot out here that could be kind of cool let me give you like a like a stack of smooth stone out to everyone over here and what I want you to do with the smooth stone is just replace the ice and make a parking lot I'm gonna give you a smooth I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a white concrete so white concrete and I'm gonna give you some black concrete too okay so that's just give all distance 100 there you go okay so everyone in this vicinity over here just make like a little carpark this is such a cool idea so I'll have all the delivery vans here the license plate is egged me can I join yeah everyone's welcome to join we do filler here just for the twitch subs because it's too much people on the server otherwise like there's four thousand five hundred people here at the moment if we let everyone in it would be anarchy this is like how we vaguely control stay at the server yes oh you guys over here just get to work in the carpark if you need more blocks just mention it and like like there should be enough mods on hand that we can just dispense some more like here let me let me get like another stack of each just so you guys are like loaded up for a while there we go there we go okay so you guys are sorted for the car park so I'll let you get to work on that you can use like so maybe some let's see you can maybe use like just the regular stone brick I guess to add little details to it you like it like you use like the black tarmac in that fir'd like the base and like the white lines to indicate parking spots if I give you regular stone break than you can partly you can also use that for little details like lampposts on that so let me just give that out there there we go yeah Sierra is there too oh yeah we have like mods about do you guys get to work in the car park the warehouse is looking pretty good already like Jesus Christ what's going on in here there is just a lot of floors in it's very claustrophobic this is what I call HOF just saying a coal I don't even know how we're supposed to get to the farm now secret gotta be sneaky okay let's just pop that back in there it's a bit difficult to navigate at the moment cuz it's all just twisting all over the place I think this is supposed to be like a conveyor belt is it no it's like a little walkway what's over here elf poor in studio always remember elves have no rights thank you that sounds really bad next to that sign I'm gonna be hot as to it let's just pop that one over that sounds bad doesn't this 1000 10 friendly naked staff very helpful okay it's just a wooden table apparently that's it okay well that's just it's purge this from existence I will let them find him look for this house elf prison your mom gay yeah well there's the elf prison that's fine ah let's see what is this he goes amazing Amazon bunker ok eagle this eagle is currently working on that that's fine see how that goes you guys gotta stop breaking the prison oh my god guys we can't have this much lava we're working with a lot of ice at the moment this is really bad and could cause problems got it we got it we got a patch that up can't have that leakin there we go elves bye bye yeah the fire has been kind of contained there there Oh someone made a candy cane - oh no ok yeah we're gonna add some red so what block is that that's just red wool and white wool yeah we're gonna that's white concrete okay I'm gonna we're gonna add some candy cane box yeah look we have to do that but that's like a no-brainer so let me just dispense a bunch of each of these there you go make some candy canes and just dot them about the landscape cuz you know it's Christmas that's the look now it has to be Christmassy and let me just give some more coal to while I'm here yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna do a refresher for the warehouse of all the breaks we're currently using so that's the coal we don't need stone for that one we need stone brick we need it we were using dark oak give him the log so people can just like mold as they see fit and what wouldn't we definitely need some more snow let me I'm just gonna do a quick little refresher here top you all up wait a few blocks oh that's so much easier to dispense them there you go folks yep so just keep working there looking good this is an L an Elvin apartment it sounds a bit more exotic when it's Elvin spelt like that like eat meat you're thinking about like Lord of the Rings and whatnot heck yeah well that's that's under construction - I think the end me sign has evolved a bit oh who could hahaha they go though okay that that's we cut like mildly terrifying just how that's coming about again the candy canes are being erected now someone's gone for a big boy candy cane I think we need to knock this guy out he doesn't have flight clearance okay well teas in for a rude awakening this is what happens when you exceed the height limit you build into the sky like this you will be first to die there he goes coffee Dave I don't think he's going to survive oh my god and here's the Amazon logo Maira is working on this the moment we know is it Amazon or sans hang on hey is the tick is there but that's a son so far okay here Myra Myra yeah don't don't spell that sounds I'm gonna give you some cool blocks to work with okay hang on if you don't spell out signs I will give you some cooler stuff to work with okay make a deal you're going to need orange concrete white concrete you can do black concrete too so if we work with like orange yellow black and white this should hopefully work so I'm gonna give you like a bunch of this I'm just gonna drag it by hand okay oh here you go take the orange take the yellow and take the white you'll need a fair bit more white because I imagine it's gonna be like the like you need to fill in the letters color black concrete to a little more orange a little more yellow yeah there you go I'm gonna I'm gonna put you in charge if you do like Santa's grotto but make it the Amazon colors but that's kind of like I think that would work really well oh it's Santa yeah you're on for Santa not sans thank God I was very scared for a moment it's not just undertale again yeah if you do I like Santa's grotto but yeah like with the Amazon logo I think that would be amazing so I'm gonna leave you to that if you need more blocks just give like one of the mods a poke we're gonna trust you up here with that there's a couple more people about here too that might be able to help you hammy is here as well so he eat currently a severed disembodied head might be able to help you the prison has evolved somewhat from Magnus there's now like a grand staircase he knows what he's done in the crimes he is committed okay the enemy song looks spectacular over there we have more candy canes just being littered about we have like the elf shantytown like the slums life is pain I think is being created here I seems to be kind of abandoned at the moment so let me just and I think they ran out of blocks let me just add a border so that life is and a shot off this is like an unholy candy cane made out of Neda rock and snow the Cairo Park is coming along there's been a second car made which is really cool then a similar to the first design as well needs a couple more finishing touches but it's nearly there now people are just setting this up over here hey isn't that a candy cane sweat candy cane for sweats only what does that even mean oh we got another little farm set up too for the elves my Bottega shows coming along yeah so we need like a Christmassy entrance to the grotto so let me see Oh people are using here they using red wool and white concrete so I'm gonna give more red wool and white concrete if people over here would like to do like a striped walkway soda it's like you know just just kind of out like this and it's like it's like a carpet I'm gonna now give those blocks so there you go red okay I keep doing it wrong whenever I go to type the command and there we go there's the Reg - okay yep so you guys do like a grand walkway up I'm gonna give you a lot of coal - what what what I'd like to do with the coal is to kind of create like a big like burning open fire either side of the entrance the mate just makes the place look even more family friendly but like I suppose it's like this but there's just a bunch of lava in an open pit here so I'm gonna give like a stack of coal out to everyone over here okay so there we go there we go so there's some coal if you can make some like fiery structures here be vision of Santa's Amazon where I have it start what that would be good uh the the sign seems to have disappeared I don't know what's going on there oh no it's being moved over here okay Val Val is kind of taking the helm and I think okay good luck Val oh we have like a chimney as well yes so we're gonna need the smoke stacks I think now I don't want to use cobblestone cuz I thought looks like it's not really an intimidating material chiseled stone for this for the for the smoke stacks I'm gonna get gonna get a few of these if we can get a few chiseled stone and just make a bunch of smokestacks and kind of make it like a factory floor but all this give them give them give them dispense them all and you have a lot of chiseled stone so replace all that cobble with just chiseled stone it will look a lot nicer rter give him one at a time it was stacked I was given stacks there though do I have to type 64 I only have ten have I been doing around give all okay I thought it I okay was i doing it wrong the entire time okay some people got more than one you let me see hey James I doing that wrong oh I'm doing my best the monsters been covered for me this entire time cuz they've been too embarrassed the point I thought I've been doing it wrong it's like ah Jesus don't tell Artie he thinks he's helping he's just getting on an age no he's starting to go senile he's hit 75 recently he should have retired years ago if you were just too embarrassed to point it out and I've been doing it wrong this entire time No okay I'm sure they would screw it at you but you didn't notice oh god damn it okay so if I so how do I give all do I need the item IDs it all gives everyone the items in your hand did that all work back here 64 1 again okay hang on so okay so let me get a check I gotta fix this at least I tried yeah give all 64 now how do I set quantity James can you can you DM me on disco cuz it's actually as important I got I got this go to open now so I can see you know cuz people have been getting more than just one all the staff to deliver it that that's what I'm doing I'm holding the stack I have a stack in my hand these games thought you gotta talk to me about where are you oh no I all of my mop all of the bots are silent guys guys like I need to check mods mods anyone Bueller if Oh they've all gone quiet I'm literally looking at both boys chat holy like one of his type you like they've abandoned me apparently like none of them are here but where are any names can't hear you I'm his translator for you okay oh my god thank you hammy okay the only given one item at a time but so how have we got more than one then if I do that sector not allowed sector not alive deck minecraft chat give out all bed one can a moderator remove this claim yeah the moderators can override at all claims that's fine check minecraft chat I'm not in minecraft chat this is not native minecraft chat games gave you chiseled stone bricks now I can't copy paste that so that doesn't mean anything it was in minecraft chat check it up you know you guys aren't help but I did it I think okay I think James fixed it let's see does that fix it more than one now that Cyrus doing the spam command we've already tried that it's just a standard give all this to 100 okay we're trying to sort this so that we don't rely on materials but no because I think what I'm doing has worked to a degree because how if people got so many blocks if that hasn't been working that's what I'm wondering so I think you guys tell me why reporting as just one but I think that the people may be also be pulling my leg a bit because we do have materials gee fix it that work we aren't pulling your leg issue am I in sorry okay James rice did we get to go now let's try again some people are still only getting one apparently but it's so it's so difficult to tell I gave out some more they're bricks welcome elves don't destroy this Thanks oh god we've hit like an igloo or something any luck Myra thanks for 600 bits I was building the sign giving creative got kicked and died back to it I guess oh no I was wondering where you went went after thank you for the 600 bits I hope you can get back in I got a delete this guy up here I think so watchtower but James on our this okay that that tower is kind of big but we'll just ignore that I think you were given 64 bits dividing it between people oh okay so everyone takes it it's like our place at the moment where everyone has a single tile and you have to make it count that's a bit unfortunate this is organized chaos well this is how it always goes we are still getting there despite everything candy cane arches are looking great this huh a candy cane seen better days I feel you okay so that's Cece yeah like what's going on in the build now because like there's so much stuff just literally everywhere like what is this hi James so what are you doing oh he's just gonna stack the chest with Aria is to know it away for the give all come under work James dude an account alone that I don't know if this or if I just pick up all the stone I guess and then do a give all will that help me just was this how we have to do it so we can give all but like we have to be very careful if I go over here and do give all now no cuz it's still just the item in my hand I mean the stack seems to be a lot cleaner getting one getting one how you guys done this enough times to know what you're doing oh yeah we have but server issues happen we're just having a technical hiccup and needs a server restart to work and that's restart it James as you know it because if we restart it then we might lose everyone let's just make two we're gonna do with the traditional light that's just a dispensed blocks like I don't know how it's broken then because like everyone got those resources up and start for sure like people have had loads of materials like what pointed a Popoff that's what I don't understand I subscribe just apply on this well don't worry like the server will still be open after the stream so even if this is a bit messy you can still join and hop on later we're doing give our block name nine and nine for each block but that doesn't know that down here I don't think you're the mod here like I thought that doesn't work that's just a random suggestion I'm sorry i I'm gum don't want like the mods that tell me here because there's too much information flying like I basically have like a hotline for James and that's all I can really read at the moment Zack ov lawyers perhaps coding command is complicated it where is the goddamn build it's here what's all this this is the build he have his own warehouse with a harsh we have drugs free drugs green Mario's matched out worse FPS big cool place look up guerrilla Johnny warehouse big gate over guerrilla after condemned Helton savory I will find you can't jail me I miss my dad your dad isn't coming back for Christmas he went to get milk though oh good lord okay well don't read the signs I guess anymore because they've gotten out of hand very quickly burn that down people have gone too far with the signs already where's the server Artie see the title of the stream you can find the server and fur there make chess little blocks maybe I would take too long to set up though although hasn't stopped some folks I think J although James is figured how to do one I think he's like copy-paste of this one okay let's not restart the server as well because we reset the server will lose every one here baby I better to just keep going we'll make do we're going to do it the old-fashioned way where we just dispense blocks and just chuck them don't know how it's not working now because I dispensed all this and like this actually did go true did you you can see it regardless here's some red wool and then we're gonna get some white concrete can you mute minecraft like in-game chap I actually wouldn't mind doing that because most of the time does not really much of value there I'm gonna be honest and you just turn off chat that sentence up there we go okay this is no J you can't be doing that hang on no J the focus of the build is over here you got a dial this back I'm sorry pull back the other way bogus of the build is over here J there we go okay we're doing pretty good still despite everything the keropok has come along people just have to get a bit creative with the blocks because resources are tight we do all being used just to make ie pots for Christmas this year so we have to use a glass for the cars instead a funky end looks like script or something I think he ran it there we go I mean every air Santa you it's pretty good there these things fall apart every build is always there just experience the thing is it's still vaguely working because like there's like a coherent structure still here and like people are still getting blocks dispensed they just don't seem to be working all the time or consistently give all commands did work because otherwise none of this would exist that much is certain we just have to like it's all just the fodder box basically they just need to be cleaned up as we go along is it this is oh it's elf has a knife go for a hoof this is elf Co the rebel elf base not her Santa oh no not again why is there always rebel you know what we do the rebels okay I have to show the chat that your claim is meaningless I'll burn this entire place to the ground and I'll have fun doing it commands only /ignore claims not send why can't I why isn't Oregon I - ignore claims oh hi guys nice rebel base you had here it was really cute I loved it funny joke you know reoccurring gag good name oh hi let me die see you found a safe spot there let me just put another bucket of lava on your head there we go good rival vice as well we do the rebels don't Union Annie's not even a good meme that's what you get oh hey this guy this guy's trying to escape underground that's cute that's that's real cute I am are you going buddy yeah there we go well you get no sympathy no sympathy whatsoever big dad's propelled things that's more like it the meme has been killed like I mind you watch your step on the way up oh Jesus Christ this is the pit underneath every bad Ted needs air-conditioning too hot Kentucky Fried else is kfe there's always this it's these ones that need to be purged more than anything didn't even see what that said but now I'm just gonna tear it down there's so many stray just random towers look at this some poor elves in the workshop could I use these bricks to make iPads these are a premium resources and so one guy made just a massive tower what see what's he even doing up there and and we he died up here apparently okay well let's just tear it down this he spells out our T and then died there's some resource blocks for the below world have fun a hope it was but as you're dead now no no you died God Almighty and the Magnus is still behind bars he's just like locked in there good like people have built this up really far and then like abandoned the prison project I feel like there should be some more stuff here and now people are just working up here for some reason I don't even know what they're trying to build Santa's grotto sign is coming along let's keep looking what else have we got on the server ketchup mobster is making like a are you lovely chimney over here KFC now is to KFC signs if you read it from the top down it's now KFC F I know it's kfe again oh no he just he just pop okay he just put that in good job this is in the end we all all I want for Christmas is the pain to start is for the pain to stop is coming along really well you might have effort this must be taken to actually type easy you can copy paste it line by line I think we faster just type each and every time you - fortunately his ADHD use the white list just click the link kind of authorized your account twitch and yada minecraft using it pretty much how it works it's fairly straightforward I know we're doing the server exclamation point server all the details you need are there welcome to new New Orleans I think this is what was here before so we'll just leave that be elf town is just kind of been set up over here in hell this is swamp Street or what remains of it swamp streets actually fine cuz like we're just often this someone's like starting working a massive Amazon logo they just made the a and gave up let me let me finish their work here just fill fill in this space so that the AE is complete pop all of us in who's firing arrows at me they don't don't do anything I got okay now it's my turn oh there they're just a life Oh is your fire resist okay huh you win this round you Oh Oh No well they survived the bucket of lava I'm not traveling supposed to kill them this just says help here tell the farmers been imprisoned they must we have bled too much already we lasted or season help I'm trapped I have to know leaves are us the elves are we we disobey the bus hits us we aren't here by choice this way for L farm help I'm trapped oh gods a lot of elves in distress coal tree Santa doesn't care better workshop IRT we'll find out this will be over in seconds hundred had less slavery than Santa's workshop ten mom he said oh sorry I didn't mean to break the door up sorry I was trying to read the sign hi please don't break this I have kids on an elf life okay let me just fix your door with iron bars go Merry Christmas ah God when is it attract Oh a back unsub mode as well like did I say to pop pop it back on I thought we were okay I don't I didn't say to pop back on sub mode that second time I don't think so I thought we had it off again now you open up the chat again I don't think we ever took it off okay just open up the chat again then for less chaotic shot see the discord oh here's all the guys who died drowned and misery they will not be missed - whatever let's shout out to Neil you know anyway she had a more painful - Magnus he will not be pissed there we go now keep try keep chat open I like having the open checks I like people being able to talk even if it is chaos this is like a more organized chat in the discord this perfectly summarizes the state of twitch chat right now oh no no nothis and also just A's ah I can't believe you've touched this you Ireland is no let's ride out of her get rid of that we have a bunch of fodder blocks here that we just need to strip away let's just polish up the sides of the warehouse so how we doing on blocks then I want just found out Tesla this isn't as little this is an eBay guys this is Santa's grotto he's partnered with Amazon this year like what is all this Artie shall not divide us heck yeah dude it would you didn't have clearance for this I need to like remove that because that was like blocking the view too much there we go just Whittle this away hey Sierra we've been messages please many including me have cheered sorry rod did the alerts have just been too many like thank you for all the bits if I do miss a messages just send me a p.m. on discord or Twitter and I like rest assured I will catch it eventually it's just that there's way too many tonight and the stream would be me just literally reading the bit messages if I did that and so I got like I don't want that to be the case thank you very much so like I have seen them clean this up okay Santa's grotto someone just like grief with KFC guys hang on no it's not it's not Kate it's not kfe it's Santa's grotto kfe out of here pop that away and there's a snow golem that's trapped apparently he's Jeff Almighty he can stay be mindful low-flying drones oh my god that's what these are Amazon delivery in action and there's the helicopter pad where they launch from oh that's that's pretty clever I really like that and so we have the drones Jeff is sending out to the world as the new a it's actually incredible how that's done we need a lot of like boxes as well in the warehouse of just like stuff going out for delivery so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna get like literally just dozens upon dozens of chests and try dispense them all I want people to take these chests and just fill the warehouse with them though those boxes everywhere take these and just put them like down all over the warehouse maybe not the end or chess you up those all end if the person who made those droves of promotion yeah like that one's really cool we need more drums oh it's weird coming from a mine it was trapped at Gatwick Airport because of drones apparently may not have existed now because the search continues but we do need some more here because it's such a nice touch winning that the sky to be covered in the drones everywhere I get such a simple design - you literally just need iron bars a brick and a chest as the end me sign doing as well a bike I think it's all covered we did this all manually we both want to tie Wow like that that that is actually impressive I took a lot of work Builders right next to my house absurd you've lower my lad value oh no Jerry are you saying like this doesn't like it astronomically raised the value of your lines like you're next to like a famous location now the Amazon warehouse where Santo works out of if anything I give you a favor you might like your mortgages weren't like double now that's wrong your property values we're more about your mortgage place your signs here IRT needs to stop oppressing ourselves I disagree this one off I'm gonna get some glass we'll get some lime do something a little bit different we go the server is whitelist it yep but you can add yourself to the whitelist from the link at night pop provides you check it outside the main building yep I've been going in there I'll go in again soon got with drones taking over seven suresh i reacts Messire to you love you thundergirls coal see i cannot die he said to I don't like this is supposed to be out of ideas is this shanty house we're selling is place anything well alrighty then what's this these notices our tea senpai the whole bars barren workers hospital of depression Oh No yeah well that that that's still in progress we'll leave that leave that be anymore Yelp reviews I mean we're getting them over time I would be too worried about the Yelp reviews as I said a squad doing and a lovely I mean them again soon okay why is eBay here I just I don't understand this is like Amazon's competitor of anything al Xpress Aliexpress I'm not sure what that's supposed to be and there's still like a bunch of shanty homes over here some of them have yet to be finished this guy's still working on his that's okay Oh me like a little Church in here for the elves Evangelic of the church even better CH of the elves oh god it's like a subreddit where there's signs like that don't open dead inside Sawney bug thank you for a thousand bits hope you're enjoying the stream I'm bread cabbage as well thanks for a thousand hey arty is the owner of the day Magnus I feel very offended the hate that tell-tale have made so I firstly want to change that by donating you two you into charity I should I could make Magnus courageous against all red cabbage thank you very much in a thousand bits don't worry like the name is fine just this guy's a bastard okay they do his eye he's always gazed into his eyes gazes kind of judgmental someone barked out his eye sockets that's not that's a scary thing here he's just dead inside oh no yeah I'm pretty sure you supposed to have some like white spots there I'm afraid the no safety spoke adverse not don't dead open inside Oh no safety smoking first it's like one of those sub brightest doesn't name like that we're just like gored up like word Goren signs cause it didn't space the Kirk correctly Oh God here's some rather large Rufus oh my god there's more of them what is this even supposed to be the Lark have no idea like this just says food I still don't know why Tesla's on the side of the Amazon warehouse oh my god it looks great from this side honestly there's a couple of bits are a bit jank like like this this part here I don't know what's going on magic elf strip cage please give me iron bars in class I think I think I'm I think I'm good I'm just gonna gonna delete the past I don't want to support that I'm sorry I I'm okay you see all the charity adverts on for Christmas time but that is not one you want to see there we go like this entire ledge can she just be removed honestly not really doing anything okay so that's just Bop all this away now who's sitting this holiday season now look you got to make room for Jesus don't be I thought now like where is he gonna sleep in your bed the question y'all got to ask this holiday season okay let's just finish the prison bars there we go I need to yep but then they're back Tyler thinks of 200 mystic thanks 400 I just treated the stream what kind of monstrosity am I looking at it's fine we're just making Santa's grotto elf Park and ID were white concrete I think that sounds so old now that I have no idea who actually needs it yeah well let's just pop down maybe it's this guy who knows white concrete Merry Christmas you and then we're gonna get some black concrete to here we go people keep making zones with a sinus yeah like we'll just tear this kind of stuff down if you go over the sign like we'll just pop it away like none of this now yeah if you if you build straight across in front of the sign you will be buffed I don't know what to tell you I'm sorry you gotta keep this space clear Santa's grotto take the baby chicken who lives inside of Magnus he's been there a while now oh my god is the runway for Santa now I've had very festive run away I know Ted - probably involved this is where he takes off why it has of a very useful air control also prison cool oh that's amazing fix this little bit up here that's not it's not even I think they they struggle with the bricks there we go okay that's kind of fixed now oh that's I really like that it's such a nice little detail this guy would do we need to delete this or like what's he doing here this is thing he got to keep the runway clear now you got you guys are just gotten to start and work on it he was making a oh no he was making a drone sorry sorry okay I'm let them eat that all outta drone so for making the drones it was all of that up there brick and then a chest there we go yep there's a drone drones are evil bunker is evil surgery you have a basket no I'm gonna like pop down on the ground and just walk in and see how we're doing renovator elf rebel base you cannot suppress desire T we must rebuild elves hello you I was a geek how's it going folks hello time would escape again oh and they they hid down here did they new elf Union how are you Christmas rich boy thanks for the tier tree for her for months now you very much that's a that's a real shame with the renovated elf base boy I'm excited to see what they come up with next you can suppress his arty holdings like you dropped items of the Dead say otherwise I don't know why people try with the rebel stuff as well it's a dead meme wasn't good when I was introduced not good today all the enemy sign is getting like a festive spin on it all done up for Christmas and it's like a viewing deck oh my god it's like a proper holiday sign that's-that's-that's are so cute Merry Christmas end me I'm gonna go inside the warehouse now and see what's going on because this place has been under construction a while now Tesla's gets got changed you're like the elderscrolls v apparently so which makes sense because the someone's gonna be buying Skyrim for their kids it keeps coming out every other year there's a lot of shite just in front of the door I think this this place needs to go cuz like this is like right in front of the arch all hail Santa yeah they let's just clear this little space here we're gonna just flatten out the land I want to keep this space like nice and clear like thick they can still be down there if they want but I'm gonna keep the land flat I'm gonna cook checking the sign too could we say that the daytime if that's possible I'm going to do this so we can kind of see a bit more to it we all have to worry about anything else Santa's grotto like Artie's theme song is burn it down by Linkin Park is that the real IRT from the Yogscast whole snap you do we have do we have daytime nice offer a moment though the light is coming back in the world or last as torches oh my God look at the big drone over here I'll Sierra that is amazing it's just a giant drone if that's Jeff's presence in case you're wondering there we go it's like a nighttime potion it'll do is injure bread man under construction apparently his leg got kinda eaten maybe it fell off I want to get in the good I love that sign so much and me the runway is coming along as well there's like some extra touches being added to it someone's making like a pixel out of something presumably Santa it's kind of hard to tell at the moment find out soon yeah they got the guys just spelling food we just get rid of that you see like dirt texts justjust delete I promise I'm gonna make my way inside I'm just spotting stuff I just want to clean up you should give everyone a night in motion I just want to be set the date I'm like I mean can we turn off the rain too a date like flush clear not all claims that did I do it last time that day toggle downfall is it no it's not toggle downfall guys waiter clear couldn't the moms just turn it off because it's just a bit hard to look at stuff when it's raining thank you okay well first things first before we go inside let's just pop down the iron bars because we currently can't get in you don't need that okay only this host Cafe Le Toux toesies cafe obeys Santa here you want me to move that oh there we go there's more seating upstairs as well so now you can obey Santa with a view Oh father and it's looking pretty good in here loads of signs the production line is upstairs someone might want to correct that there's just a typo on the sign this is the sector condemned I did nothing wrong please free me yeah this looks like Amazon here's the boxes gonna just fly it's just carefully flies I don't need this tail me what why is everyone's farm and that one mean cook guys we have so many means to choose from be more original okay we don't we don't need to resort to like 9gag level memes that's not that that's who use our 9gag level I didn't think I have to say that hey guys you have a cheeseburger can can I have his hands cheeseburger Jesus wait a comedy Oh Hamid I love your voice that's the level that's a hey guys do you remember Gangnam style oh how many girl you can do better you can do better croissant guy exactly that's a fresh meme hot off the block croissant guy like dick porn an anti club like the Dyke come on guys you don't need this straight polo very impressive but you're better than this you took the kiss I've heard of it a lot of stairs Alvin grotto knows we only serve cold stuff little cafe yeah and there's like a little kitchen space the just right it's lava the bad boy special two corpses 500 ghosts crimes that go oh no cold chocolate hot chocolate the mints corpse no oh no hint of heaven add 1 liter of bleach and enjoy you guys are better than this be so much more I've been hurt by rté I am not funny let's pop that out of existence you out of 8 snowman isn't very nice wouldn't recommend let's see you kitchen is this way barred up overthrow the mods that not eatin candy cane tastes horrible join the resistance nice try discomfort furnace complies at all zero elf safety laws elf goes here elf goes here oh no this is this is where the elves go we're running short on coal for fuel just the elves themselves that go in I guess yes or both that go in the vault it's a guy he's just like jumping in front of me - if he is just like go do something else maybe and I hired the walk around Workers Union inside the Zetas we've blocked you to article RT it's more like it okay here's all here's like another store room signs just get out of hand like every single build now this is the Yelp luncheon see Kurt Magnus pornstache going in here is a synth this is an empty tunnel or okay it has an elf sleigh so obey obey now guys don't do that shrine dedicated to those who actually obey the rule set how do I have been locked off okay you using invisibility how do I actually talk invisibility can I do that so people just have a bit more trouble finding me because it's just a couple of folks just keep jumping in front of me I'm just trying to get away from and we all of these these are the reindeer oh no watch game mode spectator thanks I'll go so now we don't have to worry about that because his stream delight they won't find it me for a while it's got a happy fat smile if they say ever that's envy from this paid on the back of his head oh no God health we need blocks or garage we know the we need blocks I don't have any blocks here the drones are still taken off over here the sign is coming along really well Santa's grotto oh my god just look at that this frickin drone over here is like incredible III love this one so much it's the giant present oh my god yeah even added some like texture to it like the ribbon carpet looks so cool Sierra there's a big-boy drone he's carrying a lot of weight that says hop o house-elf Kodu and hang on you must be bill Adele's attention base has been moved to below the restaurant Santa is a Normie Santa is a discount call me Kevin okay well whilst we'll destroy that house again don't you don't worry about that where's the restaurant we'll destroy that next girls don't even read this just get out you're not welcome you don't live here feel free to leave hey buddy this house is just a stops not at the moment so how far it's difficult to tell like what's in the warehouse like like what way the pots are all connected like Jesus Christ was like look when we go into it for a moment okay there's this stuff just everywhere in here anymore chests here apparently and like it's all multi-level like oh my god our room is this rest is for the weak you're one of us you must work how you fulfill forget your friends work is your new friend all union reps will be shot on the side work harder not smarter if your family is at risk if you do not hit your quota amazon is your new family Papa pesos will provide for you Oh No should help you play to it please press this for the week say there's a quitters Easley window virus intact a SOHO jumper Oh God sickbay is a Miss OH oh good lord Amazon employee break room not a mine control center for the Naga fly Jesus Christ workshop everybody capitalism cannot be stopped Oh package in row upstairs bar upstairs go left or Detroit your poop all elves in the illegal room the illegal sweatshop Department report upstairs stop stop building a gas chamber oh my god what am I done whoa whoa whoa whoa what I've locked on to this guy how do I Jesus Christ yeah apparently not somebody can just do inspected oh I'm not used to the controls shift apparently to get out thanks for next time that scared me a little okay yeah keep looking and see what else is in made this floor some guy you seen what's in the Amazon warehouse Jesus Christ this is what happens to bad elves no guys we're not having a gas chamber No you know I'm going on creative I'm not not doing that one this is my lava bucket no I mean let me just like obsidian brick this one up you you want to get out buddy mister this room is just sealed no longer need us don't don't joke about that kind of stuff guys like come on cry thank you for 5 quid IRT via video YouTube shadows would help me a lot true tough time Holly made this dream thanks for being you thank you very much Marin thanks for your seven quid as well have fun my Christmas money minute Merry Christmas Mitch thank you very much hey thanks sir I call the bits in that donations I have been coming in like this is just one of those streams that is so much happening that it's just very difficult to stay on top of but if you did said some send something and you want me to catch your message like send me a PM on disc or send me a PM on Twitter like I'll actually have a chance to reply to you because it's just got it's moving very quickly tonight so I don't want us to have the whole stream just me reading the donations because you know that's not that's not why we're all here amazed the amazin scp-106 stay back very dangerous wouldn't be funny if he escaped and you feel it can you feel it in the air hello apparently he lives in there that's fine there's like some 12 year old kid who ordered that for Christmas he saw a funny video rydych a potato needs our human buyers amazing Abbas on packaging station elf elf human elf the only son like the house you ever see Oh God what floor are we on I thought we were towards the top of the place oh no we are okay we've come out on here prime sub praise be to our Lord and Lord and prime Savior Jeff besos Jeff is our one and only Jeff out of ten I love Jeff he so hurt me Jeff I have a family every time why am I yell from my own offer tribute to our Lord and prime Savior I tribute I mean Yelp reviews these all just say Jeff my god and here's like a bunch of Amazon like packages ready to ship oh good lord they're the stray bit of dirt okay what I'm gonna say is we're gonna try and wrap up the build so like in about 20 minutes and so we're gonna finish things up so now it's the time check you have a bit of a creation it's kind of just been left unfinished you you want to like wrap it up and just like clean it up best you can I'm gonna get rid of this cage because someone's been abandoned I'm just gonna do my best to just add some finishing touches we're gonna go about like 15 20 more minutes before you wrap up very important thing teleport me to me if you can teleport me to you radical might be easier let me let me finish this first and then teleport me again once this thing is removed we do not need elf porn cages ever thought I have to say that but here we are in a while dear there we go yeah yep teleport me whenever radical you are you sure you aarti the Wolves gonna catch on fire fire spreads disabled on the server oh my god this is vault 76 we're just after the warehouse hang on radiation is good welcome to your new home vault 76 oh well to be out in the patch 7.01 uh yep no that's that's fallen 76 in a nutshell completely broken nothing there that's beautiful let me just add touch just works there we go Oh God it turns out the real disaster countryroads was the game it came from because Jesus Christ that game is a mess I can never stream because I might be ddosed I just straight up can't they haven't fixed that it's still a problem how long has it been yeah that's what the fall of 76 videos right in case people were wondering like I'll be detoxed if i stream likes it doesn't protect your info and God knows what else will happen cuz like that game is just a broken mess you remember when I was streaming for 10,000 people and I came uninstall itself that was launched like that that was like the first beta it the way today uninstalled itself live on stream it makes me so sad Ickes I was really excited for it the whole country rose meme thing kind of came about because I was just hype for playing it God we were still able to make it our own if I ever do make a video I'm Paul at 76 now it's literally gonna be like Paul at 76 as a flawless masterpiece with no flaws whatsoever and just shows what a broken mess of a game of this like that'll be it I had to delete the highlights I had with Kehoe cuz it was just so all over the place the game was trying to protect itself you God okay so I am has now been written here there's still a little bit of time left if you want to finish it off and write Amazon but you're gonna have to be real quick you use Prime delivery you might get there in time why do we have to subscribe because there's currently 4,000 people here if literally everyone was able to connect to the server we wouldn't have a server we have to have a filter it makes it so there's a bit of an obstacle to entry which means that you can actually play on the server and enjoy yourself that's why you he's either like just a sub server or no server we can't we can't have a public one it's too much you don't have the manpower for that you and we take abused elves eBay No we steal your money how could we help you today hang on a moment the reviews well it's currently blank food for the poor this hasn't been fully renovated the base that the HQ itself appears to be secondhand but still furnishing it used ipod making sewage is there some kind of redstone here it's like a flickering on the switch on eBay is not finished yet okay in production yeah even though we're finishing up soon as well don't worry you can still play on the server whenever like this thing's open 24/7 so you can get put a part in the build that you can still hop on the server and play about and we'll probably be doing more build days in the new year too on it try to space them out so they're just like like every now and then so we do something new basically whatever I've got a new idea but it is there like you guys can just plan it to your heart's content you'll probably run a bit smoother as well because there won't be so many people and we go there we go but it's supposed to be actually I Watchtower write us on Yelp 7 or 10 would watch again lovely this this whole place runs on coal save the environment coal is a very clean renewable resource no.1 sustainable that's why everyone's investing it that's why I like you know it like who needs solar panels invest in that climate change isn't real Oh all in the cleanest resources of course so bad why we've been using for so long take that scientists this is Oh God some filter on only one Ustream no for the server it's always on cuz because we that filter needs to be there because I do I like come on could you or a random account grief and just run away we can't have that basically by having it so it's sub only as a bit of consequence because if someone griefs a he lose five quid basically like you kind of access it anymore if you slept with a server like you lost that how it kind of works I keep writing signs RT will notice me all he's still on am I don't think he's gonna make it in time was this supposed to be it's like a ring they're trying to do like a different Amazon logo here oh this one's a deli bird as well that's cute on the signs as hungry Santa's on Kerra park is looking pretty good still a couple of like straight ex signs that just need to be flipped out of existence let's just shear this away this is a long car ticket for penis character Lia care another penis oh god dammit guys the car is too long it's so unrealistic row to a better place just the pit the Oh God I was I was not fast enough to deliver this on time apparently not yeah well the coordinates the grotto uh X's minus 2 to 7 Oh like - 200 - 300 and you'll be close enough to it - 200 - 300 why doesn't matter sacred hanging pillar you there's like the candy cane this league running a bit thin at the end it's like spiked someone was trying to build something here and it just kind of like fell true now hire Santa join rebels oh this isn't your rabble base don't wonder it's like shanty and rundown that explains so much new rebel bikes look at that I've even got a sealant we join us after the server just gonna hop off done I'll see I might be able to hop on for a little bit squiggly oh here's a different Amazon logo it's more retro we got that up at least that looks nice please livestream Kahoot Sybok thanks 400 bits I've never played Kahoot like we don't really have it here in Ireland are you Tim Allen yes you caught me this is like the beyblade spinning top house this vish eatery this is lovely no our loon looks really nice you oh I won't disturb you here I think you know what you're doing at a pressure plot for the door as well more City skylines play Kahoot SHhhh yeah bitten did that was yellow what came to play our team ix are all unsub Tesla rooftop solar right now at 100 percent more : 100 percent less Sun it's more like a clean sustainable energy now Suns gonna run out someday but good clean coal it's gonna be here all forever time forever confuse himself present of disappointment no.10 contain more disappointment to my parents Oh No oh and life is a life is P okay and someone made a fidget spinner I've come on come on hammy that's a very poor color choice as well because the way you position this it yeah it looks bad I'm not gonna lie come on hammy what's in here Oh someone made a Bitcoin sign that's what that is I'll penthouse made of just chiseled stone bricks because we poor so don't judge hello it's had wood stone again instead it's dark in this room there's the elf penthouse go and sigh pots real sigh pots again thank you all for the bits aarti play ex meme game have you heard of this sink new a meme game fortnightly final Royale don't worry guys like any game requests you want me to do I I'll do it I'm not I'm not gonna hide away you know so some streams are cowards and you know they don't respond to like that 7405 game requests they received daily I'm gonna do a while right after fortnight Battle Royale because once we become a fortnight battle royale channel I'm stream only for at night every day become the next ninja that I'll do all the games people asked me to do that's all it takes all it takes I'm just gonna stream exclusively fortnight from now on jeez what if items in a chat I'm so sorry moths I'm so sorry he's down your hearse and myself and Riata just message me as well if you play for at night I'll divorce you that's fair that's fair elven reindeer slaughter so caution it's slippery up here Minds the blood on the craft Oh No and or drones coming out of here too honestly guys we're gonna go any direction with the channel we're gonna become like a lego channel because goddamn I want a straight more Lego I bought some new things to help us with the next Lego stream too I'm gonna mention it now cuz it like to mine as well cuz I it's probably gonna arrive in like a week or so I bought like a ring light so we have like a proper spotlight it's like clear white light I know you can position it so much better so we don't feel worried about like an awkward shine the bricks and I bought a swivel I am specifically for my webcam so the next time we do it we don't have to worry about the camera angle so much I basically bought like a second like mic stand that I can attach my camera to so that's gonna hopefully make it a lot better like about over l.i quality like those dreams basically X I wanted to improve it for the next time we do it because I know like we had a lot of trouble with the camera the shoulder cam did work best because it was like first person but I said this will be a lot easier because I can adjust it a lot more more camera issues basically yeah but that's why I did it like okay because is that something that we do again like I want to make sure to like you know streams with decent quality it'll save us a lot of time are you married me and Harry Hill have been going steady for a few years now doesn't my calls my calls but I love him all the same after Santa hashtag agnostic right what's going on here gay and James Amazon Hotel oh that's what this is okay that's massive that's bigger than the workshop itself and all the drones flying out of it oh my god it'll be the most professional I goes free wherever that's the plan for 2019 and become a lego channel the only lego streams the release in like a freaking garage set in 2019 that I really want it looks so good like I want the diner next I gotta find space for all these things too but my room is already quite small when I move out I'm get I'm gonna get a leg a room there's no way about it just like Oh sets and a MIMO get her at last Lego builder 9th for the win you're gonna be we do a big guys for all your Legos well I'm gonna move out eventually I do want to I'm living at home at the moment but like the main reason means just only recently back from Japan I know in future my own place for that ah God okay I think we're gonna gather everyone to get it in for the group photo I not sure where would be the best spot for this if we got her on top of the Amazon sign and no one builds any more blocks here keep you out like just stand on top of it that might be best Oh God it's for this radical welcome tell this is a by J&J what the is this place yeah awaits the ten minutes of my life this is the only room make it a top place a sign saying you did it Jay beep afraid to get down that is gorgeous that is that's beautiful that was worse these like two hours it took to build that structure alone you did that Jay okay so yeah me on top of the Amazon sign and we're gonna take the group photo here gonna be a bit more of a zoomed out shot this time because I have to stand back to get everyone in but this is where we're gonna take the group photo so everyone just stand on top of it okay on top of the sign to don't don't go up here or anything like that yes on top of the sign don't build out or anything either everyone just make their way up you give them a moment or two good it's gonna take a bit longer to get here because you have to like work your way through the factory so we'll say we're gonna give you until ten past it's currently four minutes past that should be enough time Tadashi's I can hear your rage that all the cool you chew of kids are doing these things EPIK range of game moments what's up guys welcome back to happy wheels part 794 I've lost control of my life is that what you want me to do like welcome back to Super Meat Boy oh my god this game is so hard oh I hate my life now hey who dress copy-paste is 49 in there and backwards come on now Saturday Nass Santa didn't want VBox in his sleigh this year Kerala Oh No and asks are you having a breakdown yes I am Oh yep everyone stay there a lot of snowballs we guys ease up with the snowballs it's gonna be real difficult to take the picture guys ok I go game mode spectator ha ha now you guys don't know where I am they still think I'm there and a pretty snowball is just be illiterate everywhere the time they realized I've moved and they reposition themselves I'm just gonna move again if we could turn the rain off - that's okay it's for a cleaner shop she could we turn snow on and you just toggle snow I'm everyone just stay there a moment I'm very happy with how this turned out it's a bit messy at the top and like this is a bit patchy er than some of the bills we've done but with the freakin drones and just like the adverts ever I think I think it's kind of cool I love the end me sign really brings out Silas grata and you know the freaking imprisoned magnets as well yeah it always turns out a bit messy and it's not like perfect or precise but it's a lot of fun to do these some reason we have a slight wall assembled around like the warehouse I'm not sure what's going on there presumably that's to keep the workers inside so don't try and escape okay everyone just start jumping up and down - I'm gonna get the photo so start jumping up and down the sign you need to make sure you're jumping so that I get you're a bit more visible as I'm further away this time everyone just jump there we go Jesus Christ all the happy elves now to get to go back to work for the next 12 hours like okay guys you built the factory get back to work it never ends ah now instead of surprising their self-esteem we suppress their elf esteem hang on [Music] had that good to go this is why I need a soundboard I'm ooh real thanks for the 100 bits I just want to say I'm so glad I found your channel I've had such a rough year and you've helped me through a lot of it thank you for always making me laugh whenever I'm down thank you very much real now I'm glad you've been enjoying everything I'm glad I could help as well like 400 before this lost my money and I get kicked out of my uni digs but it's worse ish best of luck TSI paths thank you very much thank you for all the bits and not to came in tonight thank you for like the ludicrous amount of subs I'd ever watching the stream if you want to play on the server it's open 24/7 like you can join this another time and can we kill this man no he's going down already he knows you can play in this server whenever it's always open feel free to play away you can claim land and stuff like that so you don't worry about griefing yeah so do feel free to hop on it and we'll probably be doing another build day on it at some point in the future too but for now thank you so much for watching everybody let me roll the credits hey I want to see who I'm gonna raid today because someone mentioned that germ is live tonight so German is gonna be live tonight so we're gonna gear up into a massive German raid he's just my favorite creator just hands-down I love everything the man does so if you want to stick around for like the big boy right trying to get as many people as we can and we'll send you all his direction that that would be great just go to the credits first wait it's already over yeah it is I want um about two and a half hours tonight took a while to get started because we have to sort out like block distribution and server load but yeah we made Santa's grotto I just got here and it's over I don't know what to tell you Oh God I'll be back on Saturday I'm not sure what I'm gonna be playing just yet I not then sign between two Germa is the only streamer there's literally no one else yep no one else streams anymore just me and him and we pass our viewers between each other that's it why don't you reading them out loud look how many there are I can't do it i wet this weird point that the childhood is just so many people here that it's impossible thank you so much to everyone who subbed like Jesus Christ look how many there are but yeah it's impossible to read them all I will be here all night I used to read them all like as fast as I could and he just killed my voice at the end of every stream like I was dying at the end of them nearly only streamers there are tea there's no one else bring yourself reading the whole B movie script please I think I'm okay let Georgian he's not a bad at the moment unfortunately I can wait I am let me open the door is he here all right not guys sometimes he's out in the hall I don't have my camera plugged in anyway in OBS a bit funky if you plug it in midstream Ninja is just like Australia non-existent it's true Oh God you should stream sell them at low viewers to make their day I do try to do that res just die I try to do like a bit of a mix like game depending like we'll just kind of see who else is going tonight I see Jeremy I'm gonna write in hey sometimes the case now as well I'm a bit worried where if I rate the smaller streamer it's a bit too overwhelming because like they get like bogged down with the countryroads fans and things like that and either that is something like I got a bear in mind I get have to like bear might like a bit of responsibility that comes with streaming because I don't want to destroy someone's channel because there's like too many people in the handle into shortest amount of time it's crazy back to save time that it can cause problems so it's something like I do bear in mind as well quackety I don't know that is I'm writing German so there you go folks yeah thanks for coming again I will be back on Saturday hopefully I'll have some highlights from this stream up for tomorrow night I'm gonna aim doop and hope you're all continuing to have a very Merry Christmas I drew most here still on holidays that pics that Perry bit is struggling come on folks and I will see you all soon have a good night you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 16,562
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-355045319, rtgamecrowd, We're building Santa's Workshop in all its Capitalist Glory, Minecraft, Twitch, Gaming, We're, building, Santa's, Workshop, in, all, its, Capitalist, Glory, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 0sec (9720 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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