RTGame Archive: Minecraft [PART 5]

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yeah everybody oh I need to set up a little thing in the title for the server some people have the command let me just add that now summation point server yeah that that's working cool how is it going everybody good to see you all here yo very well from the stream we'll just give people a moment to hop in here there might be some background who netted noises I think this is a next to a portal right now I should be okay 1080p oh we at 1080p dream video yeah alright Brad 1080p someone had a question mark with that I was worried for a moment hey how's it going okay we'll give everyone a chance - come on in yeah I'm at 1080p at least yeah I think it's fine it's actually gonna be and I'm playing at 4k now like it's great I test nothing you monitor I hope my PC doesn't die this is definitely gonna be a test so we're gonna see God even now it's feeling kind of toasty inside I wish I was where the check attempts when like I've got it on I mean let me just okay this is something I should have done before I should have done this last night I can open up ms:i I maybe get a temp check and turn up the fan at least do that now they're programs you install to check that yeah I think like MSI has one usage GPU temperature is fine it's 55% clocks are fine what's the CPU temp CPU temperature is 60 little toasty but that's okay I think it's like AMD cards supposed to run a little higher but Jesus Christ like [ __ ] everyone just subs thanks guys oh god how's it going you're all very welcome to the stream let me just open this on up I'll close MSI it seems to be ok this is gonna be like the ultimate stress test for the new PC I was bagel severed head welcome back to the minecraft server different here it's already chugging a little bit by sets just cause it's minecraft and because there's a lot here I set up the render distance too high just so you guys can see what we're dealing with today we're gonna be trapping everyone inside this box there's currently a teleporter that takes you back to the outside world but it's a one-way portal already is it the I've I am I already stuck here this portal is currently not ready Oh No if one of the mods could give me a teleport to the spawn that might be handy because we got a direct everyone to this portal first this is gonna be a one-way trip like we're gonna get everyone in here you're gonna be stuck here for good is that what bedrock looks like basically yeah it's very grainy thank you very much yeah this is when a bunch of stuff happen on the server since I was here last time why we have like floating map panels and like loads of blocks of diamond signs are still here and they've added a crying emoji was this a God Haven thought that might have always been there there's some other character I assume that's Delta rune or something the gold Esposito is still here - oh god max thanks for 500 bits when I saw you yesterday I was like I was like I walked up thank you very much tell you thanks for two quid my minecraft girlfriend broke up with me one half equals one time Eddie thanks for eight quid as well first stream so glad finally able to catch on so I see lots of shenanigans thank you very much Eddie yeah so for everyone wondering for joining the server because we're gonna we're gonna wait like a few minutes before we start first and foremost can you hear me okay what gage got now before we kick things off I'm gonna give the server login I'm gonna say pop it in submode for just a moment so that the chat is a bit clearer especially because the F wave is like out of control right now Audio is good cool we just pop it in submode for two minutes so to get the login for the server type exclamation point exclamation point server in in the chat that is the command you can see nightbot will kind of pop it up and it'll provide you with the IP that you need and a whitelist link click the whitelist link you can add yourself to the whitelist and then you should be able to join takes a moment or two to go true but it does work like we've done this many time before and it works pretty much like not quite instantly but like a minute after the fact no it gets there so if everyone one for the login that's how you get it so we have a bit of a bottleneck on people soda it's not absolute anarchy we do restrict it just to twitch subs because otherwise it's like literally two like thousands trying to get in and you know we're DDoS on the server at that point and like it's bad even at the moment there's like we're already up to 2500 people and we haven't even done anything yet so that would be a mistake to have all that mean so it's kind of like something that we do is just like a control thing it also means the server moderation you know like people can't just create like alt cants and then just login with Lily stuff like that what's the bottleneck the server can barely handle a few hundred people it's true yeah like it's probably already chugging I may have to like downgrade someone like the graphics things I've put up here like smooth light and let's just turn that off I think yeah we don't need that oh god I kind of don't want to restrict the framerate because it looks so buttery on my end at the moment put it down into four 144 should hopefully be okay how do I put the IP in um when you go to multiplayer in the main menu just IP it's like join any multi person just copy-paste it bundling IP doesn't work IP does work everyone else is here do we have a note is that a rogue IP is that an old on I don't think it's changed since the last time god I wish you guys could see what I'm seeing now like I have to still stream it like 60 FPS and that cuz you know twitch standards but I got 144 Hertz monitor now and this is like the real stress test for us we're gonna see if it can play minecraft at 4k and stream @ 1080p unknown host error oh it's cuz people are put in a space after the IP yeah okay pop out the space that's probably what this yeah some people reported that thanks for the heads up there okay so we'll just give people a chance to come in how many players allocated god almighty is a lot of stuff there because CPU like time 16 AMD risin 27 and on genetics display is like 4k its RT x 28 et I make and this is of course the ultimate stress test force just see if minecraft runs /gu list thanks James I forget that command every single time okay we're only up to 126 players at the moment that's okay could be worse right now let's give it a moment or two we're gonna wait until a quarter past and then we're gonna gear up to the box once you go in the box you can't get out so it's something to bear in mind but we're gonna be in this one for the long haul and we'll dispense materials and that in just a moment where is the teleport region for the Box actually because this is like a portal or something isn't there is it this portal here let me know when to open this oh okay yeah so it's this like this gate here leads to hellfire peninsula that's not so we're gonna go in okay yeah I people able to join now yeah a hundred and thirty six yes and more people are joining yep so when you copy paste the IP just make sure there's not space at the end you should be able to get in white let's not work and I entered two days ago just try Oh unless you're soaked right now because then it might pop you off it you could try click the link again just make sure you're at it it should be working fine well game version is it I believe it's the latest one I've been on about the space after the IP for years yet no one listens yeah I probably should just rewrite the command that's like that's my fault if anything it's not air for like okay how could you be like as a prophet like not spread your word to enough people you know shame on you no I I need to fix that I'll get all night pot in a moment yes everyone is just popping in this bond you got three more minutes if you want to join the server the portal will still be open if you join late just do bear in mind this is gonna be a one-way portal like once you go in that's it like we'll rescue everyone come the end of the stream but for the streams sake like once you're in you're in for good there is no way out you were literally encased in bedrock so don't worry about too much data keeps the server a little less full okay oh God way this is case-sensitive yes it is I think so anyway okay everyone just make their way in you got two more minutes and then we're gonna open the gate I think these effects are cool like quite like it like a move and pixel art I imagine James set that up someone had to build the logo though I guess that's the crazy thing or is that related to the beacon actually that's something you can do in game I know you can't do two spinning signs in game that's just James this is epic what's behind the gate hell James made that not related to the beacon okay yeah that's really cool a massive banner in case you're wondering where you were oh I like how the Run has been added to I don't know if that was always there what does this one say oh that's pootis if a KC efforts I've been found on the hill to I feel when you have to drown yourself to get the spawn Oh No you first open spaces after this is just natural selection to be honest Oh No yeah you got it got a pop out the space when you copy paste the IP the binge watch or YouTube have about three hours and now I'm here well you're very welcome Zed's how's it going as our team visible in game I don't know if I am right now I just think I think I saw people walking up to me before yeah that guy just came right over how is it safe for the whitelist update yeah usually just like a minute or two like it doesn't take long okay so G list 170 tree that's pretty good okay with the extra fines as well the PCs doing a lot better though they were just kind of gentle before well music do you like arty I like a lot of soundtracks I click on the whitelist Lincoln nothing's happening well you have to you click on it you get to add basically your minecraft username through the whitelist and then you have to join it in-game it should work Javid like people here I've gotten and already people have been doing it just keep trying it if like if you can't get in right away oh wait this is the Minecraft username yeah it does work like some people here have already like kinda just hopped their way in feed us this time ask you then work for me I'm Oh Alba got my computer and it's fine there you go oh yeah I don't worry the gates gonna be open so if you just if you join the session late just come into the portal and you can join the build like it's literally next to spawn so just make your way over okay James I think we're ready to open the gate may God have mercy on all the construction workers we're coming with us into the voice you can come in hell there we go Oh God they just did like pour in oh god it's gonna take a while for the teleports to work cuz they're all on the ground again that didn't even get me true people are just like clipping in and out of existence oh there we go oh my gosh okay well the chunks have to load this is the Stars and bitter lines we have everyone just make their way in we have a lot of turtles here apparently so that's good let's see if we can get the chunks to load like it it might be a bit slow here because literally everyone's using the teleporter yeah here we go so let's just fill these in so welcome the bill hooked just fill in the walls the presents like looming over us you get all these chunks loaded but we do have like quite a sizable plot align for this that's something you can fit a lot in here the clouds I'm still making their way in because it's so tall like I believe there is like a thin layer of glass at the top or like an invisible block but something we're gonna do just to get us started so it's a bit more realistic James could you just crown the bedrock and put the final layer in place this will take a moment cuz stream delay hey the portal is one way like once you're in you're stuck okay we got it we gotta wait a moment cuz James has to use the command it might chug a minute is it on have we have we been encased rip light and updates hopeless God everything looks fine oh my as James done it Oh incoming there's the other okay yeah it's happening Oh God here we go the roof is being set okay we get we gotta last that like the server is still working literally everyone is typing if someone wants to plan that one man here I'm gonna have to turn off chat command we have to wait like that this will work we hope by the only one moving everyone is in their own end you now we wait Oh Oh what happened Oh hi I know we're in the elevator world I don't know if we should be here it does assert that the world - hi you're disconnected but it's still loading okay well we're back in the elevator get chat sentence commands only you can kicked a main reason server closed as commands only not only display commands I have to hide it it wrote right that's doesn't seem to be working ever got snapped if you see anywhere action the bollocks and Cha Cha's banned permanently I like the mods here you know what a particular thing that they won them did ok we got our just wait for the world to come true even on these doing the MC Mel it's about bad people ok well we just have to wait for the world to load again until then you're all like we have like 216 people in the elevator that's like there's a crowded elevator Oh would it help to disconnect I'm looking at twitch at the moment just see if there's any word from James hi this is also one the reason we restrict the server if it just sub mode because you know that we have a filter so if we bind someone the Cantrell's rejoined it okay you're gonna get there we just gotta wait for the world to load again and then we can start oh we're back well this is outside the box an ogre wait I don't know I think yeah I think we're on the wrong side because there's the corner oh now everyone's going to escape we need to be inside that thing I just like punch a little hole in oh my god how thick is this no I don't think I can like oh no I'm stuck in here now hey James oh just another minecraft stream I guess I know what happened and why did the teleport fail James you can just make a new box to trap us inside maybe that'll work or if you just teleport us all back inside by hand the server is like misaligned the box somehow like we do we've like moved over worldedit goof okey odd well shout out to the four thousand people that are watching the stream break at the moment you're all very welcome ahead to the minecraft server lmao I spawned inside wait James filled the entire thing with bed rockets now solid Oh No oh my god no either there's people just in there whatever this chunk is just missing what Oh God reality is collapsing around us it's a wet no we're in a different box now we're inside the box but there's another box in there that's where the ocean just cuts off you and in the world just like kind of blips out again like was that supposed to be the seal in James oh my god I guess just it's all just like a hodgepodge like stuff has just been dropped everywhere the chunks are loaded oh my god okay the world is going dark it set min it still hasn't loaded correctly it's like in partial darkness right now there's like a window here where it just hasn't gone true and the new worlds now just like it's okay you because you up there and there and there's a solid bet her anybody how dare you you okay well we're just waiting for it to load this is the hires IPC has ever had to work for minecraft mine - this is like the stress test 20 atti oh there we go there goes the sky the darkness is starting to set in it might take a little while hard to tell what's actually Lotus like a gap here you go in this and what's like a small little indent you can go over here too we've found plenty of iron though that's something a kilobyte PC right now should be good to go in a moment okay James we live in hope darkness is settin end okay I can only see silhouettes of people now I can't move there goes like another column of life all those chunks are just gone like well we haven't even started to spend some blocks to write it I like it's already hell when is the big governmental bedrock thick in the middle that's just keep it there James it's fine it that's okay we just have to wait you're gonna last about god like we're just gonna trap every with computers inside this box that's the true nightmare of this stream but never mind playing Minecraft on it you might get a nice PowerPoint presentation if you're lucky Oh narrator thanks to hundred bits harity subscriber over chat is still on I think we might need to keep it on because I think chat would be a bit too wild tonight because there's a lot of people here hope that's understandable is just one in those days because I the alerts are already moving mile a minute and already difficult enough to catch at we just have to wait at some point maybe I can see people walking without like we live in hope I grab diseases six gigabytes of RAM how much does use at my machine ok 30% memory is in use at the moment on my computer considering like I've got 32 gigabytes of memory that's about like but that's about 9 gigs being used that's a fair bit ok well we just got we just gotta wait for it to load at James is there anything that we could do to help speed up the process like a quick restart of the world without even help or that just make things worse I'm not sure cuz I don't know if we can even start just yet because I don't know what's registering like if I pop down a sign does that actually stay input well does that stay put I guess here's the test could everyone just on the walkway just cannibalize the walkway like just punch it out just destroy like a little bit of scaffold and we have we don't have anything else to work with right now so we have to just destroy that you should have set this up before starting the street we tried to load X there we had it working fine but then the moment we popped the final layer of bedrock on in the world kind of broke oh they can't destroy it no but Val yeah could you just punch a few blocks well they can't destroy that I think that's like it's claimed or something like that okay yeah so val is val is actually doing stuff there okay all right so we can dispense blocks in i we're actually good to start the licen is just gonna be real funky for a while but that's okay so welcome to our new world now we have to count a lot colonize this so we're gonna need to get the basics of life we're going to need a bunch of grass blocks a bunch of dirt blocks and we're gonna need some oak saplings and here I can if I do it like that now i believe what i can do is because I think the give all command is actually it's working this time as far as I'm or so if I give us if I do that and then give all give all give all I would only give one again you know yeah even highlights it you gave everyone one grass give all 64 yep all working says James oh wait oh no I thought we have that sorted yeah that's okay we're gonna get there is this just how every minecraft stream starts like there's always like some kind of tech problem that we gotta solve we'll get there yet it's fine I'm gonna open a window because it's kind of warm in here it needs a snack okay well let me try with a snack then James that's how I did do that give all okay so let's just give all on its own that's what it is so it's it's not a distance give all gave everyone 64 grass give all okay and then it kind of disappears from my inventory when I do that that's fine okay so start to spend some dirt grass and sockets because those are the resource blocks we need right now so give all it gave everyone 64 dirt perfect there they go yep so it's actually worked this time yeah we need to set up life and you so let me get the oak saplings let there be trees yeah so everyone everyone just fill in the land a little bit here and then you know we're gonna add more tools or more blocks to work with so let's get started with something with rocks sixty-four stone there you go oh when it gives me one - that's interesting Oh so I can like dispense these quite quickly by hopping between okay some people are just going crazy with the saplings Jesus Christ I feel like we're gonna need some kind of light block so I'm gonna give redstone torches because I think we have regular torches it's gonna be way too much so give all have a redstone torch everybody okay people are just lighting up the cave now this is where the hermit lives or something this is the cave of true Sh you go for revelations Oh God and these are just like fully consumed like grass blocks that's like all blended together and this is like cuz the way it's a new install of Minecraft in this PC I normally turn that off looks a little funky if the ground has been eaten if someone is still trying to make it up to the sky like now he just jumped I don't think he died he just he just jumped off someone's up here hello don't you even get up okay you use all the stone on that okay you're gonna set up life up here I guess have fun just making stairs around the perimeter like people are just going to like the fire corners okay we're gonna we're gonna just increase the pilot because this one's really interesting because give all combines and I'm actually working if we just dispense enough blocks everyone can do their own take on what how life should look in this new world what does this say oh that's cute okay so uncooked what's the worst kind of food I could give cookies perfect hey guys don't die that's all the food you get I should have given them rotten flesh yeah okay hang on no you're right okay well make sure they have some options because the cookies will run out there you go raw flesh and cookies together at last we're gonna put in the pallet they have the means to grow wood so we don't actually need to dispense any of the wood blocks like there should be okay for that if they mined down I believe there is still or at the bottom of the ocean they just have to work for it like it sounded like the quarry over here this section is all yeah like it should go straight down to the rock cuz the water was cut away it's like a little hollow space in the bedrock here to the ones building up a home what I'll do is I'll give a different type of sapling so you have a bit of variety for wood you know basically we're controlling creation itself in this world and we get to decide the materials that are dispensed and like that's all the race you'll have the occasional person might introduce like an outside build block but for the most part we just get to put what we want in this world there's no sunlight for trees to grow oh I didn't think about that and the Lord says let there be bones there you go okay work away yeah and then it's now suddenly all the trees are coming up if people just go ham with bone meal Oh God okay well we have a forest now this is lovely and there's a potion being dispensed I don't know about those and god it looks like civilization has been like destroyed in this world now I like just like reclaimed by Nature how do the tests difficut get in here oh and those are like potions of night view Oh actually wait that's that's a good idea hang on so we can populate the world with people hang on so test if again on there called villagers yeah you you wait is this a mistake to give them the eggs before I hit enter hey baby I shouldn't maybe if I just like start chucking them in okay I'll I'll I'll get the first colonists in just thinking about it considering the volume of people here that maybe too many testificandum in there we go okay let there be villagers mocks thanks four thousand bits hit enter he'll be [ __ ] okay we're all right I won't give you testificandum gonna give everyone a single spider to have fun just the one though yeah thank you to everyone that's given pitch to like Rocky Mountain 500 there I someone you knew this child would end up here with IOT claiming to be good thank you to everyone is like Southern and given bits cuz like this is way too many too nice I can't possibly keep up with them all but just thank you very much okay so we now have nature being introduced into the world we have the jungle set up one is use like a light block over there what other build blocks do we need to give them they have trees they have stone like what can they not get that I kind of have to spawn I mean it might be kind of funny to see what happens if I just give them a bunch of mining car tracks is it rail give all okay you all have some minecart track now wool yeah that's that's one that they can't get okay well no what we can do actually is we can just spawn sheep there we go Oh Oh No uh that's a that's a lot of [ __ ] oh it begins oh good god oh Jesus Christ no the service immediately showing up no I know James we need you like a kill all we need to kill the Sheep oh god what have I done I'm I'm so sorry oh god the licen is flickering as well the night vision is trying to wear off but not quite you know it's supposed to it's ran out potion night vision all God - everything's flashes what happens if I do slash kill kill off oh I'm so sorry yeah I may have killed the server so [ __ ] many sheep the DS wants to just fall into their - like they spawned up here there we go the night vision potion works did we just snap all the sheep are we in the clear now I think we got some of them that there's a lot less sheep people are spawning new ones so if we just snap the Sheep a few times over the next couple of minutes and we should be able to suppress them yeah it's just like an infection or something you got to take pills like a couple of times it's not gonna be solved after like the first time you take your meds regular treatment in our case it just so happens to be a lot of sheep yes it just just snap snap the server a few times the next while cuz I'm sure people still have a lot of sheep in their inventory right kill all entities that does not sound like a good idea Oh will how's it going as well you fool you feel a bit of too much power that we up Rises the protests next that is if the server survives I need to try and give you VIP will oh god the night vision potion the world is flashing again okay there we go okay yeah wore off normally looks like unless you drink the night vision potion so yeah we're gonna need a lot of potions and night-vision okay I don't think there's any way about that why can I only take one all they don't stack okay let's drink that kill the Shi chickens - I'm sure it's be okay we have bone settlements cropping up wait dad hi dad hi okay if people still haven't like touched the ocean too much like you can just like see all the way down here people can build that direction if they want they seem to have just taken to building their own little islands more than anything options video settings brightness max your baked non night-vision a bit nicer thanks James oh wait so options video settings there we go and it's a bit bright right that's okay you oh god there's some of the sheep that well pigs that died apparently I didn't give you a pig sir okay well that's we should do that I'm gonna just one everyone gets a pet pig yes died for dramatic effect glass we can give sound instead because then you have a bit more freedom and what to do well what's he use it on so give all so you all get a thing a sound people can mine from it for minerals like you can dig down like some people here have like set up quarries I think some people are just digging down there if you only I get normal tert torches you have to work for them otherwise you're making do a tried stone tree of life to not break its symbolizes hope and it's already broken there's like nothing left of it but people are escaping through a hole in the wall is there a hole the people get out be Bree thanks for the hundred they're mentioning that I give out give out flowers when the flower blocks Carlton they all have names gonna give out puppies red rose okay where is the hole in the world actually don't see it some people have escaped apparently hope not it's supposed to be encased CP to be there's a whole but one that lets you have oh no James there's no hole okay I think we might be okay on someone drew a dick with the minecart tracks come on guys I don't think they didn't even make it like a it was just like a short one to like well like basics 101 like do I have to lay it out for you come on kid that's a smiley face didn't look like a smiley face oh there's like a tunnel in the bedrock here that's kind of cute yeah I guess some of the people creative motor just like dug into it a little hey oh please don't steal duck juice oh there's pet pigs doc juices house so work in progress it's very lovely you it was a smiley hit face it was in my hole no okay one of people spelled with the torches oh that says nuts okay Wow okay everyone sure guys think that was supposed to say help within someone build stairs help us that's what it says in the red oh it's kind of difficult to see won't come you and someone set up over here Islander yeah I'm gonna try this again with the Sheep just the one though so give all everyone take an egg so now you all have sheep so you can get some wool in the world yes it's like an ecosystem we just have to introduce things to it we don't want to like put in too many of one thing because then everyone's gonna die just take your time we should be okay I have 64 you probably have them from before then I can't stop you okay oh here's like another passageway through the bedrock it's quite a few of these now thank you again for all the bits like this so many thank you very much everybody people are getting to LA well treat yourself I guess maybe it's adding one to me first and then it's dispenser to everyone else and then I suddenly have to I could be my sheeps here oh wait no I'm still in creative so there we go there I don't know what that's supposed to say it's nice they like the bedrock has been hollowed out a little just by the folks in creative adds a little more to the world it's like little secret caves be surprised if no mobs fall in the darkness I got honestly surprised too because I I think you would have liked salt with all the trees that we stuff spawn under them but the redstone torches seem to be keeping everything at bay like everything's actually quite low al ish just a couple of patches - is a sweet sweet inevitability all someone spelled out our tea there okay what new blocks should we introduce to the system I wanna try find more that they can't get access to Horus plants chorus flower given them TNT is a mistake okay you know what get reading is important open up some libraries folks there you go give them bedrock I feel that might cause problems now I'm not giving out bedrock because if someone keeping holds onto the bedrock in their inventory like they might just use it later instead I'm gonna give let's see will be a fun block this turtle eggs one of these bucket of tropical fish bucket of Cod bucket of salmon but look at a puffer fish oh you can like get a goldfish now I guess it's kinda neat there's loads of in china books we're gonna give everyone a free boat as about end portal frame yet somehow I don't think that's gonna be a good idea yeah people have bookcases now this guy just uses bookcases the fodder block but that's okay yes that suspense books to the world so we can set up a mighty library or you know a diving board good use of guys oh this guy is some sheep in here I guess I thought you guys would build a library like look at this and generosity it's being wasted upon this world nobody will be grateful even to read and Oh God what is this I think this might still be under construction I'll check that out in a little bit you can use the driver - it could cook I mean you're not wrong it's just you're gonna have to like take the book with you before you fell it's the only thing okay we're gonna try a more controlled version of like spawn people here so let me get on up the eggs there's a villager egg and then you get two more there we go it's a manageable amount of villagers now everyone gets like we're probably going to colonize the place can set up a little family give them sliding blocks now Boyd and stuff like that because that might be too much Oh someone died here dropped a lot of bonemeal if everybody a Witter see no problem with this it is still a lot of sheep just making the rounds in the world it's someone with her pet pig although had a mighty tree for himself Jesus Christ is big oh you can grow like super trees have you put like four next to each I thought that was just jungle tree let's go name this place after the town from story mode what was the town in story mode cold can't even remember or you gave six wheeler drags that's okay you just invite all your friends around for a house party help us guys I was working on his home but he could use some friends there we go this is that is where the test if it gets lift live now you got some friends in the world buddy pop them down there called hell redstone eeeh oh god it kinda is actually redstone here because of all the torches redstone II if it was encased in a box give them mine carts we will dispense a single minecart use as you will there you go okay and we might need to top him off unlike dersh and stuff too because it's been a while since I had that so we'll give everyone like a thing a stone your grass missing udders stone dirt and you know I have some extra dirt you're in the original block you should really go ahead check the real world oh Jesus that's an eye-catching design hey sans how's it going oh good god the sheep are still like spilling out here get the judges just like a jungle here and then people have set up a couple of homes hey Ben how's it going give me a push yeah I bet I can I I'm gonna make something cool for you hang on I take one of these oh I replace this thing I meant to keep yeah there we go Ben come on yep he's struggling oh man look at what funnies heaven oh he's given us and and how you just make it more powerful a little more power there we go you think it would go a little faster but it's the server can only process so much and you know actually yep so people can experiment cuz you already have the torches here you go powered rails there you go make some rollercoasters guys okay now we kind of just sit back and watch you have to see what people come up with because you know we don't want to like spoil them too much with looks like someone's just saying lava buckets like come on I know exactly what you're gonna do if it's like give you a lot of a buckets it's gonna be a turkey fish I like the basis of a society in here you know so first we're not a hamster wheel so I think the service is chugging cuz there's so many people here there you go people are gonna set up like a go-cart track or something other people are just gonna pop them literally ever and I can and I'm not sure what to do with them that's fine too we built a theme park one of these days so that's what I want to do squiggly yeah I just said I think we just need more of like a basis what we're gonna put in it before we start that one because I think that one's gonna get complicated very quickly you have one guy who building a roller coaster and someone else built into his roller coaster you know wait dive into instantly die when you use resolution is to die terrible jump again oh it's it's just a pit how many people jump down this so what's in like a tiny little cave in here are your way in here how does someone over there those need to have bought minecraft to plan the server right yes you do karma Joe's has so many cool things please no kill rule is no killed oh break no sexism a library cool men or women only Ted hello Ted no sexism oh hello there's the trap villagers and is all like how many people are in there that's we got worse let's get some parrots there we go that's more like it hey you know we do actually we do need some more birds here in this world we can we just bought a bunch of parrots like everywhere I like chickens we need more life I'll just keep placing these if I just hold right click forever as like I'm walking around now we will eventually have the entire world populated by pirates it's a lot of rainbow chickens basically yeah there's a bunch of them over here now they'll populate themselves past this point the cookies he gave them before it can kill the parrots really is that thing that does not sound good yeah what else have we got that we can spawn which is the Vindicator villagers of X we can have more Turtles in the world turtle right yep way that turtle just eat the parrot oh God let me test again turtle no I didn't I think someone just hit the parrot they could also just hit the Pirates you don't do cookies it's true so a lot of things I could kill these poor animals a turtle is an absolute path ahead he just killed a guy or a parrot even let's check on the state of the world you it's like someone set up like a lovely little home for themselves over here oh this space if occupy like a little corner Tascha they have like a library set up hey how's it going but who's minding their own business they have their villagers living there Islanders fans up here too everyone is just scattered I kind of want to leave like the box for like a day or so and just see how far people will go or like if society breaks down like basically it just reenact like Stephen King's like like the dome so what's in it it's not name of the book isn't actually the dome is it someone with the dome spawned some more Turtles you you oh it's under the dome is it The Simpsons movie no it's not the simpsons movie since this movie is based on Stephen King's one it's the one with the dome okay give give some final top ups and then pass this you're on your own guys I've done all I can there you go I will trow in some cent you no they were given some extra side Scoob yep just give him a little more there we go that's one that we don't really have much of in the world you we only got one or two of each no they shoot it's that it gave everyone 64 should be working it has been working might just be some people you should give you a resources oh honey use right they could live forever down here it's happens on a stone generator maybe I mean they can make it stone generator because it's already water they just need to find some lava which they can mine for they demand more sand we all got like eight signed really all the plugin break halfway show yeah but we're just the cameraman just looking in Jim Carrey's out there somewhere it'd have been gravel or in an obsidian well Santa can only fit so much in his sleigh this here Jay Oh what to tell you dragon eggs yeah that won't go wrong give me mail I have a turtle [Music] desks or Gibson why not creeper eggs yeah what could possibly go wrong I'll give everyone a melon and you can use that to grow more melon oh that's sick that's a lot of Mel okay yeah just enjoy your melons folks that worked okay let me try with the ders again then why didn't it work before now it's working this time because like even I'm getting them this time there we go [Music] okay now we're gonna get a little crazy okay so what do we go how many bosses can't eat him the server can support at once if we're a dissolved inside here his thing is if we spawn a boss like it has to be false you can't just run away there's literally nowhere to run if I spawn a boss can it clip true like the walls or is it stuck in here too this looks like someone had a farm or a greenhouse here and got torn down bad book quality good for burnin it's a yearly Pumpkin Fest okay maybe I'll do hands a spawn okay if all the mods and people were creative mode just want to spawn a bunch of Enderman let's see how long the world lasts let's shake things up a little bit because you know people had a good start oh sorry everyone just wants bruh get the early Enderman settlers coming in hey these guys will sip around the place - we gotta introduce some monsters the system can I'll just be like cute parrots and turtles they seem to be broken so you guys are gonna be fine but not even like steel in any box these like I don't know why everyone was panicking have another turtle like the parrots are you even friends with them now not even about the place timba didn't do anything yeah they're just gonna stay there you know people complain a lot yeah me neither and get out ender pearls okay yeah you can only teleport to a place you can see what an ender pearl I believe what does this say Oh kill us okay oh here's the sheep pen the slaughterhouse this testificandum and in his home I think the end of it are starting to make the rounds a little more the spreading out on the red cheapest kids that's cute you here's someone with a house going on here shop is it now what I say I don't know a lot supposed to read no-ho-ho oh my god why is there so many sheep over here this is just a dog file people keep writing dad in various places - I don't know what's going on there don't wrote Amazon you UK equals just got to stay calm don't let it get to you don't show any signs of weakness I want all that's a flow now Erica it's also Spain that's cute we got like a skull yeah what's in here it's in our testificandum were box I guess just redstone ever they got us out me to spawn so that so mobs do actually appear it is dark enough for him I was wondering if they would because there's just so many torches I found one are we the only zombie here I've seen one's got a house in here but they've been Oh by Enderman they've claimed this house oh god please kill the animals the lag is unbearable dudu we need to snap the animals onto so many and like they're really cute look at these parrots just like flying fluttered on the spot look at all these sheep skids all the little lambs they could do we have to snap them like there's so many kids my pigs will die because I think people have like friends on the server already like some people have like villagers living with them and their animals what right do we have I beg you to sacrifice them I'm a vegetarian I want him dead I'll rock down thanks for a thousand servers you say he showed it crashes this isn't kind stream oh thank you very much of a thousand rock man look at all these sheep that will die there's like a family in here and a family testificandum and with them maybe I shouldn't have spawned so many I'm not a vegetarian and I also on the bed aquarium and the very upset about that Ireland's looking good all they just spelt it again are these and melons this time hey there we go a floating plantation tower snap them always plantation tower car track all the way up here guy he's using melons to build yeah whatever this is supposed to be we're just we're just starting to run out of space inside here now sky society you what happens if I just like Bop a single hole oh no you can't yeah James thought about this yeah I know the moths can even go rogue it's like it's like set up so you can't destroy it interesting a lovely little home just kill the buyer - with a diamond sword even that would take Ohio I have to kill a lot of people is this mrs. only say 1776 this is an arrow pointing her there's some more tests if Achatz kill the people not the animals it is a secret society under the water Oh God people have actually started building under here it saloons underwater house thing rock man thanks for nerds 2,000 bits he says take the blade thank you very much the 20 quid a rock man I don't know if I should and I'd like a couple of people setting up camp here this it's not quite underwater like low bone homes oh here's something hello you guys see you have a tunnel down here you're just setting up shop at the moment stir anything else this guy got an Enderman in his boat didn't even know that was possible he looks like he's having fun and if some Hobbs spawn and under the water like here was a zombie down here I was building the melon home down here as I said before - sweet sweet inevitability there for the animals of us tell he snapped oh yeah let's try a radical thing we haven't looked here in a while unfinished radical okay he's still working on it we'll come back later these love bits coming in again thanks guys what's the server IPM news twitching I've already donated a bit that means yeah thank you again for the hundred bits if you talk x-men joint server it pops up I'm just having a look around I'm trying to avoid spawning too many blocks welcome to the zoo for underprivileged children this is the best it gets this is just a bunch of villagers down here please end me do not touch the animals the sheep are being sheared now someone's got a lot of wool Arty's library for kids that don't read good tear test with library again mercy Jackson the Whiteman teef is in here the Great Gatsby Lord of the Rings Hunger Games Warren peace make an actual library in here except you know it's packed I'm not abandoned as you crying chains like so many it was like poor libraries like that now even though ones in Trinity it was like barely any people around sometimes well there cuz you know uni students I didn't say no still just Amazon how does one enter the cube of despair there is a portal that leads in at spawn also but like a lovely tree garden up here I work at a library that's too true it's always dead that's kind of a shame because it's a lot of books and like libraries and not to simply don't have like PDF equivalent even an e-book that you can get I chill in the one and like trendy in Dublin a lot just the way life's gone I guess Oh today thank you for the fight not 5/8 gift subs I almost caught me there thank you very much you're going to total 100 tene apparently took Jesus that's a lot of subs oh no and who spelled four oh they didn't that was one of the mods you can't even escape that like it follows you Oh No I can't put lava over this already didn't even try stop it let me try something here game mode spectator well there's the fortnight oh my god there's a gap how long has happened there I just want to see what it looks like from the outside because it's been some weird stuff happening the gap just sealed itself how long was that open late could people have actually got out it doesn't seem to be any escape two seconds shush oh he literally just made that gap okay that's how file got out then I guess because he wasn't using spectator that makes a bit of sense oh god no who teleported me I'll know why did you do that well we're in the dark world again why did they teleport me who did that you gotta be careful with that kind of thing Sidewinder course a hundred twenty Keats herbs guilty and then eight so 112 plus eight equals 180 GG twitch oh there we go we're above the build thing oh I won't complain about nothing it's just as the ceiling is much lower right well sorry about that I thought I thought I'd been teleported that sort of looked like you okay we're back we're back inside one of the walls is missing but that's okay you someone said yeesh that's very upsetting Oh a little of - Val Val appreciation library so work in progress unfinished you will be banned radical always walled it off with obsidian now he's like working hard down there even looking about uh-oh is Rihanna lurkin hey Rihanna didn't see you oh you did send me a message okay I'll get on that soon I don't see at the moment or if someone else got it Yorgi either way hey there you go ah check on the end of it you never - oh no okay well the end of it have just spread themselves out like it's are we going well this is where we start it more densely packed now secret rebellion sheep facility I'm not even gonna give them the time of day let's just move on Rockman thanks 4000 bits should flood the whole place unexpected Bioshock would it be possible would a server command that just like replace the top layer with water games one down from where the bedrock is I never considered that as I kind of like a truly monstrous thing to do because we flood here like that's it oh no he's contemplating is it possible to just completely flood the box know that we're in it get high well you kind of get high enough cuz it's bedrock you're inside a dough I think manually would work better come out and probably kill everything okay well maybe instead of that then we'll just get a bunch of TNT and like will actually reenact the simpsons movie maybe that might be a better idea be creative TNT oh we know explosions are disabled on the server aren't they that won't work either I made a mistake open up the ceilin now but there's no water up there that's the thing ent only explodes above water level by the way ah okay so people live a below water level okay yes people would survive that then damn that's a shame is all the sheep still there just chillin I haven't seen anyone know like litany new in quite some time I imagine everyone's just off in their own little corner of the world slash waiting for more blocks Oh welcome to the bone zone that's it don't feed the villagers this I won't die I won't die volume to end me please you currently making somebody like come over to me bagel I don't know where you are though I'm worried if I teleport is it like break everything host melon melon there give everyone creeper eggs [Music] see I have to be worried about giving eggs some people might just hold onto them and god only knows his own leash on the server later honestly so he thanks for thousand bits a lot of people have mining fatigue that we get some milk oh so you I think you folks out earlier - I might have just missed it now someone else mentioned the milk iron Squier that Thank You 400 bits there as well I sure let's get a lovely glass of milk give all and currently at the most western wall we check my map I can't tell where I am on the map Oh we were flipping in is this way north over here somewhere they see dad Oh God what is this supposed to be this is untextured zero way in ah which is ace oh no not again the pain never ends well have fun with that bagel I'll see you later can't seal it up cuz it's too many people someone didn't download CSS basically okay so is there any side effects to me spawn in an ender dragon I just want to ask before I do this like that they can't get out and then gonna villager vex spider there's death and while I destroy things on the server if I spawn some ender dragons with it and they can actually the winner will be better okay James the Witter it is skeleton it's fun there's an egg for the Widder isn't well what's lacking a lot all of a sudden ocelot slime which Vindicator villager where's the winner we have to make them oh god how do you build the Widder again then nobody tell them just build one how do I build one I'll spawn it don't worry though thanks James if you can spawn like five or so we'll just go from there but the Enderman have really traveled fire in the box do like they're everywhere now I can't remember how to build one how did I ever do iron golem what with tree skills I'll build an iron golem I need like iron and in skulls but hey whitter skull so like this like that I think I've done that wrong there's one I don't seem that big and scary honestly the kind of teeny oh soul scent okay let's try again there we go oh we got an achievement for that this is apparently our won and he has like an aura thing on him okay so let me just on you these books would come in handy they're the power of learning now we get to spawn a whole bunch of these relative ease I've done it wrong however learning not very well apparently it's just liven things up a bit I only have to pop on the school last there we go there we go I don't seem to be doing much so I think it's okay [Music] Trin tonin thanks for a thousand bits what a mad lives thank you very much I'm just trying to unleash these upon everyone in the box but they don't seem to interest it my ones don't seem as strong as like the big one they're a different color these are all in blue rock man thanks 4000 as well thank you very much I don't think there's any effective way to just destroy the dome as I drop of a hat I I think the society is just kind of built up here everyone's just in their own little corners I won't just fall SN there it's quite a lovely little place people have actually built considering the circumstances and the weird unorthodox build materials like little bits of bone just littered everywhere Quarry is like a mess there's just stuff everywhere I'd love something like the hollowed-out bits like you go true it's quite pretty Oh can contact with them again it's fine hey end me is also spelt out now PG stream' that's that's inappropriate still unfinished apparently okay I'm probably gonna gear up to wrap well - I'm probably gonna wrap up the stream about in 15 minutes or so I'm only gonna go for a short one tonight because I'll be on all day on Saturday and I have a bit of editing that I want to try and tackle later tonight Oh everyone just got the achievement what has happened well the winners are flying about now at least flag is to grace you know let's just let's just die at the hands of chickens why not it's an anti climatic way for the server to die there you go everyone have some chickens let there be chicken it begins sky of stuff get plenty of rest a little like a stream basically basically it's goodly is that I'm gonna be going like so long this weekend - I don't want to go too long tonight and I'm already kind of shattered because I've been working so much like literally every day this week okay here come the chickens huh let's just end life in the box the only way we know how gross incompetence hello as the legen stream gonna be we're gonna finish it on Saturday like I'm starting a 2:00 p.m. GMT I'm starting an hour early we're gonna go till it's done I reckon we will get it done like we're over halfway with Travis what does that even mean ladies lemon ice for 500 bits okay yep here's the apocalypse who signed up for there you go we just wait for them to claim us you did say you're gonna get done the first time as well yeah but this time I mean it and we'd already show you with like the lights or the camera actually I actually got the spotlights set up today and like it's actually great it's like clear white light so we're not gonna have any issues with it came on like a massive tripod KFC tried to prevent the his Colonel Sanders was right that helped sign is new also really lovely I really believe it brings out the place whatsoever more explosive Endon yeah well apparently the TNT doesn't work so what you're gonna do I could start spawning some lava buckets on the ceiling but it's gonna take a while before it claims everything you the only issue you you 1.5 TPS out of 20 oh boy it doesn't sound good James I feel like if I pop down a bucket of lava I don't think this is even gonna work because the server is like really chugging right now let's just have like a kerschen we just fill in the bits I missed like it's not even falling there's like two like we've made like a biscuit out of this we see hang on get some wool basically a Jaffa Cake now spilling out a little bit but let's play like morning yep probably I'm really not helping by spoiling all the laugh of this time I mean today was less of a build day and more of just the kind of an experiment to see what would happen if we put everyone in the confined space again at least we got the test out like the give commands and like distributing resources evenly like for the most part we just have to like just Chuck stuff into the mob as this time ever I had the same materials to work with and well least a few of them try to create something beautiful in short all that means is that normally the server come it takes 20 times a second but at the moment gonna do 1.5 is second Oh God it's pretty rough Jesus base like Jay think the 20 quid as well let me have wrapping up soon but I just want to say thanks for all you do I had a package stolen today and he was just catching the end cheered me up keep doing you oh thank you very much base RJ I'm sorry to hear that that that [ __ ] sucks like that that is never a fun experience to have I hope you're able to get it replaced like we have too much worry thank you for the 20 quid though glad you've been enjoying the stream the thing is done okay we'll wrap up we'll check it out the thing radical for the group photo if we can all just meet where the portal is big if there we might not be able to the chickens are kind of killing the server I'm trying to make my way over oh my god there's only chickens bolts something wait for Artie all right Artie you can break this it's true convenient box of diamonds oh my god maybe we should have this sealed radical in case someone else tries to come in there's a lot of diamonds here am I the only one that can come in here no this is the guy here this is just this just other people coming in but we radical we gotta get rid of these you're gonna break the service economy no someone's already took them all sure we might have to clear out your inventories there's other people making their way down they know the diamond so here yo James you're gonna have to snap you okay insert five diamonds I'm gonna try to if there's a lot of time lists other people are starting to make their way down like they're realizing what's up I'm just gonna do this is a preventative measure I'm so sorry I have to vandalize the place radical if they'll die if they come down now yep they're like we already killed a guy there we go they put enough in the hopper look so many people just jump into there - but the difference yeah let's just make our way forward it's a paywall oh that's the vault Oh the game has died I think that was the snap I know that's this it's the paywall here I don't do we can go anywhere else I minecraft thank you no problem hang on article is pretty cool I loved the entrance to it I'd almost taken a long time to do the chickens haven't been snapped yet interestingly seems to be more chickens than before some huh buttload of people had their game like outright crash so oh that's what they were trying to spell out snap there's a bunch of chickens Amish my god I mean at least we found a way to kill everyone inside the dome there's not the way we hope for less screaming hold cries for help as the game Chuck's yeah and you vandalize it RT shaking my head well sorry let's see cuz how are we doing memory is pretty high at the moment like we're using like 50% we're going up to it a lot we have like a 20 atti and the like everything is chugging sleeeeep the true benchmark for any new PC just see if you can run minecraft it's too much somebody wants a whole dad's father the group phone I'm sorry I'm coming back let's get the group photo and go it's kid the group photo I get out of here before things go again I'm trying to make it over guys okay oh my god we're all gathered there's chickens like literally everywhere okay you'll be a stream delight I don't know if this is gonna go true cuz the server is under heavy load right now now we'll give people just a minute to get here minute more and it will do a cam cam oh the experiment is now complete the conclusion is this was a mistake could have gone better I feel it's just he got less of a specific bill just like a social experiment see how things go he was gonna be frozen in place by like a very big mistake is there a command to like just delete this space James could we just like snap the dome I'll be a very fit and end or did that just destroy the server if we were to delete literally everything here and just replace it with air okay three two one everyone jump stream delay it's gonna take a moment here everyone jump do that okay I mean we could try it we could just try to leet the dome and see if it works to end this nightmare like everyone's got vitamin D deficiency because we haven't had sunlight and God knows how long oh look some Enderman even came over for the photo too that's just lovely okay James and you want I tried to leet the dome then let's just see try snap it snap the dome and you snap the surfer we're just gonna see if it works the right team to do is to snap them all that will destroy the buildings built in the bedrock oh okay maybe nothing but yeah maybe we shouldn't some people have actually built in the bedrock that would cause a lot of destruction okay all right what we should do then we should carve a path to the outside people can leave everyone come over here next to the vowel sign I'm gonna bust us out you gonna make a door but the way for them to come over because it's so laggy what if we don't want to leave that's too bad ain't it you'll probably quite literally die well you probably die if you stay here just resently at the other side of the dome before I can snap no no James don't snap the dome no James we're good we're gonna just dig a hole in the wall you don't you don't need to snap it any more I don't know if James could hear me be still in like the process of doing it the way over okay those Steph thanks través TP everyone RT that know that that won't help if we TP everyone then like let's just like out okay here we are somehow lined it up with the melon wall as they actually a marker oh my god everyone just floods through the door like I is just racing away oh they all kept their boats that they had in our inventory they go go be free let us let's never speak of the dome again I mean let me just let me just seal that back on up there we go oh I still can't do that apparently okay this hole is just forever here then let's find somehow this is the best ending for any minecraft build we will just escape I think there's not even like a bill to celebrate it's like people just want out someone's like making their way to the top I hope the winners can't get out for a tiny little should I paint the sides of this or something should be all like colourful I did but that would take forever to do the better ended in half-life 2 oh the chickens got out to a lot of the chickens got out oh no people just spawn the chickens again Oh with strugglin it's the game still alive no we're good the server is really chugging oh no there's still people locked in the Doherty well let's just pretend this didn't happen Ryan dude I can't put the ball I can't I can't seal it now there we go okay they're out kill the chickens please I think we're gonna have to it's too many chickens server odds to go to bed LBT be off I don't know what that does vow to love disabled oh that means I can just place them okay I'm trying to have a big lag we'd slow removal of chickens okay James we may just need to clean up I guess a little bit later oh no why did fortnight make it out tonight's build in a nutshell this could also be like part of the group photo it's beautiful yeah good good bill of guys you really outdid yourselves god damn it fortnight is immortal I can never die oh good okay I think we're gonna leave it there folks I'm honestly kind of wrecked and can we go to wrap up the stream before I just like fall asleep on stream I'm just shattered like I've been working every day this week but thank you so much everybody for coming by the streams not like I hope you all enjoyed us I know it's a bit choppy kind of getting things set up but it's still fun when we actually got inside part of the experience how do we get to spawn would it be possible to set up the teleporter so it's not too way James because I think that we'll probably the best way to do it if we make it so people can actually get out in time oh good yeah I'm gonna be back on Saturday next we're gonna be doing the Lego stream then we're gonna be finishing off assembly square it started an hour earlier though to be MGMT I'm at looking forward to it and there may be a cheeky extra notice at the end of the stream to something happen in the future get got a little surprise in the wings for folks I'll let you know at the end of the Lego stream on Saturday I hope people enjoyed this one too I know I'm just kind of a bit shattered it was a bit messier than usual but I still kinda had fun now we get to play with actual legos tf2 again no it's not tf2 again sorry JM marriage yeah things are moving real fast me and Harry Hill are moving in together it's in the cube yeah we're just gonna we're just gonna do like the box again that that's a surprise when are you going to go back to Sullivan murders I really want to rock man I haven't forgotten about that like there's just just I'm still working through like a backlog of games and I just don't think it's a good time to get invested like another narrative game because like those wonder which game rock man's talking about it's CSI they're like the tell-tale woman we it was actually surprisingly good like much better game in minecraft story mode I want to get back to at some point but I just because if I do that I have to do like five streams of just playing that game so I want to try and find like a good window of time for it I just haven't got that yet because you know I'm still getting things like back into the groove over things has a new year getting stuff set up smashing Evo's haven't forgotten about that Eider it's gonna be more stuff with amiibo soon do it stream every single day you see I would but that would be no videos on YouTube that's the only thing Stan's I'm pretty much doing like I do a stream or a video every day and in his one day where I do a stream on video this week's been kind of intense because I've been catching up a bit so it's video stream and then a bunch of channel work on top of that oh god forgot to drink this drink it now I see you I got my amiibos to our nice melody I hope you have fun with them which ones did you get stream 24/7 that's the obvious solution here just don't stop streaming retire them wherever you don't have to put something out every single day yeah I know squiggly I'm just doing my best so that is something either like a video or a stream you do a three where we all play to hire you please I don't think I can because I don't know if you have the tools for that still well so there's a weird noise there I don't know what that was now what's happening on the server well people like bill a monument hand what is this ulis just hop back in for a moment people are just freaking out with like the blocks they have they're going into the sky there's all the bookcases again and no one's covered up for at night that's still here sad day now thanks for coming everybody I hope you enjoyed this one to do a stream by the streams or guy dark fox is a and and one more I forgot his name that's a cool mixer baladi I'll be have fun with them the meet ones are really cool you just get the Saviour on fighter by RT sleep well yeah um I have like a bit more work do I want to get done tonight but yeah I think I'm gonna have to force myself the rest because otherwise I'm gonna be dead tomorrow I can feel it Oh okay uh let's see we're gonna pass the radon - I think it's Ernie going tonight we can write certainty he is yeah he is he's playing counter-strike go say this Ernie it's been a while since we said hey to him I'll get some rest and I'll hopefully be alive come the Legos dream so I'm gonna have to do so I don't die good idea yeah thanks for coming folks I will see you all over the weekend in 2 p.m. GMT for Lego it's gonna be a good one and thank you for all the bits again I'm so sorry I missed so many got to get that it like Dark Angel 5 could just at the end first ever sphere actually got involved with my dad recently had a stroke we even cheered me up all on the way thank you so much for all the laughs I'm sorry to hear that Dark Angel I'm glad I could help right at the end sorry I missed so many messages we're doing okay yeah thanks for coming folks dr. Elson
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 13,480
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-361826251, rtgamecrowd, Trapping the entire server inside a massive box of bedrock, Minecraft, Twitch, Gaming, Trapping, the, entire, server, inside, massive, box, of, bedrock, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: td3LENyAzKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 5sec (7925 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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