RTGame Archive: Cities: Skylines (21/08/2018)

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okay Oh how is it going folks think we're finally good to go just give me a heads up and people can actually hear me it always does this thing where blips in like halfway in a sentence you hey there we go how's it going folks hey okay sorry about the delay there reason the stream is late today is I was just trying to get the cheer mode set up because we had a bit of an issue where the image preview for them wasn't showing up on the stream and epi gov love about to do a bunch of rendering but we now have them sorted so I'm just gonna pop out the stream notifications sorry to keep everyone waiting let me just divvy these on out it's just go attack hello hello how's it going folks all our notifications are live now and we should be good from here yeah so how's it going folks thank you for bearing with me on the stream thank you to everyone that subs like while we were like just getting set up ask is the lightest one there was like quite a few people who came in there a sir a boy Dory spa honey better chicken like you do thank you very much guys thank you everyone I was testing the bits - dang just put 40:55 in there they freaking went a mile a minute so I haven't changed the alert system just yet and part of the reason why I haven't done it is I was waiting for these new cheer modes to be live what I'm gonna try and do is I'm gonna set up the new alert so that it's the sandwiches on screen so that we have something maybe a little less disruptive whenever it's dreaming but yeah we have we have new cheer emotes guys where the story was made by Eppie you can now send literal subs and the cool thing will amaze we have sandwich ends - oh you like pile them together nice oh Jesus Quigley thanks for a thousand bits that's a meatball sub right there I could it why not you deserve a sandwich props - epic really awesome emotes seems good thank you very much that's quickly soju prett and Nui as well thank you for the hundred bits each lamely pink thanks Evan how's it going but yeah I'm gonna change up some of the alerts with the new key remotes that we have we're gonna like kind of polish it up a bit so it's like today is I mean of her realsies today's the last stream that we're gonna go without like the big credit system because I'm gonna get that in for the end of the stream too so we don't have to worry about missing subs or anything cause it's kind of out of my enjoy beats even happen chicken Slayer do be like thank thanks for subscribing guys yeah - after today stream I'm gonna set up the credit system so that we never have to deal with missed alerts anymore we'll have it all logged we'll go true it all at the end they'll play little jingles and that jur in the stream and I could just poke some play in the game I need someone I'm not like stopped every 10 minutes but yeah it is gonna happen I didn't have time last night unfortunately gonna be a bit to the next stream should mention it now as well it's actually no stream tomorrow morning tomorrow at this time I gotta head out so this is gonna be the last stream until Saturday everyone care everyone can hear me okay yeah oh nice the Chi remotes do pop in the cup and then they keep like making the sandwich as they fall it's interesting yes es yes okay all right you can all hear me right dawg thanks for summer how's it going okay all right we're gonna not waste any more time then dive on into the game PC jamesy thank you for the given sub very kind okay make sure the game is coming out okay let's just flash it out a few times yep I've turned off the ingame music for while we're playing this because the in-game music like we've talked about this before in the previous city Scotland's ones where it like gets really loud for no reason so I've just popped it off for this one cosmic thanks to the 7 as well how's it going something I need to do actually hang out night pot is cracking down on people for making sandwiches okay hi lovely let me fix that just real quick I'm sorry about the delayed start we'll go we'll go a little longer let me just get 90 pots set up Peter bride thank you for the 500 bits let me just change nightbot a bit you think it's cause of the excess emot-- tab it's cutting people off because they're not counting this cheer amounts or counting as like custom emotes okay I've upped out to 12 so you can now make a footlong should be good titin thank you for the skyvan fuzzy pear soup thanks for 200 holy bless these animations thank you very much that Eppie may then we worked hard there's been many months in the making dragon man and Jacobs as well seven how's it going guys I mean tank as well thanks to subscribe okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right we're good we are going let's start the stream okay up in that emot-- treshold was a colossal mistake if Chah if that gets bad we ready to pop on sub-only mode again you guys got to be on your behavior okay people just want to make their footlongs of course it was a mistake Artie change it back a change yeah yeah yeah we're gonna need a I'm gonna just change that pack you can pop it on sub-only road for a little bit there well just to eliminate okay yep six is the max we can do can't even do a footlong the guys can't even be trusted with sandwiches across Saron cat overloads thanks of seven pounds down guys okay well when we last left off West Virginia we finally got the poop volcano like kind of all populated up here which is just pretty nice we managed to set up these new roads I clip into the side of the mountain they're good and we have every crater filled now yes a little just thought I destroyed this at the end of the last video I did back up the safe though because I want us to play this again very the destruction of West Virginia will be whenever the poop volcano fills up completely so we got to get a lot more poop in there so our plan for today is just to produce as much sewage as possible until we eventually get the volcano to erupt and to help us with that cause we are going to set up some new land we're gonna start populating this half of the city and we'll get some more craters going before we get there we need to sort out the power problems currently plaguing us so let's just pop that in there and then we just need to zone some residential all over the shop we'll get some residential in there too yeah that looks safe Kate marbles my name Jeff ceiling fan thank you all for subscribing how's it going guys Artie what do you have against West Virginia I don't have anything against West Virginia but apparently Todd Howard like wants to destroy the place 76 times over but but don't look at me as if I'm the monster okay Todd Howard the real monster madman I would love to live in this town it is it is quite pretty not gonna lie it is a problem whenever there's like a bit of rainfall because it's the first land of flood it is pretty nice though you miss myself how could you oh sorry pi squared thank you for seven yeah again I'm gonna have the credit system out up after this stream because I think the streams are just too big now I'm gonna go it out it like how many people are here 3,000 people and like I haven't even started playing the game thank ya the credit system is going to be set up for the next stream and then from then on we're gonna read all the sub alerts and that at the end of the stream the only exception will be big donations that happen live because they'll have like a sound effect that plays and I'm gonna spot if someone gives me 50 quid you know yeah we're gonna get that set up okay the West Virginia currently the water problem water seems fine garbage seems relatively okay there's a one guy up here it was like complaining cuz his beam was avoided he probably support something dodging there what we can do not even making that a dump but we already have like a good few dumps I don't I don't really want to pop down another one of these okay but go on well we'll get one more dump put that in there is it's far enough away from the houses that it shouldn't be a problem that's fine okay and what we need to do more than anything now is we need to meet this residential demand and like commercials grown as well so we need to expand the city so we're gonna do it the only way we know how I have to be real careful with this because like unlike last time where we have like a blank canvas we do actually have a bunch of road here and if I'm not careful I'm going to destroy all of this so we need to do a controlled meteor magnitude 9.9 we're gonna pop one here pop one here and pop one here we need some controlled meteor strikes pop one there too now what we're gonna do to get some more land going is we're gonna put in some sinkholes we're gonna get these holes going here so we're just terraforming a bit we're getting ready for to expand West Virginia the only way we know how we just have to be very precise I think Luigi thank you for eight months Burr lined thank you for subscribing floppy memes Rachel bail thank you all for subscribing how's it going apologies if I miss anything today we will have the credit system before the next stream simply didn't have time to set it up yesterday remember Conor to subscribe and I hope everyone enjoys the like footlong sandwiches that we now have Rock marriage thank you for the 450 bits thank you very much okay so we just need to fast forward a bit new piece of line available to purchase take a look let's take a look at a moment I need my meters zero and schwifty felon in the city in the near future okay here we go devastating meteor will strike oh that was lame hey magnitude 25 geologists predicted that a sinkhole could strike it although these are so lame we need more than this sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city she's way too loud as with any information there we go Sports Direct Cup think of it eight quid you fell over you big time okay we need to make this a bit bigger a sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city stay out of those new sinkholes there we go the sinkholes ain't really doing it for us we need some more meteors split him here it's firing up Hawaii Raven thanks for - good na te si T remember we plane - yup - again soon also how to eat your name Artie games yeah right thank you again from the donation it's very kind on the tf2 front I'll play it again when I feel like it I'm not obligated to play any one game now and honestly I felt very trapped when I only have to play do you have to that's why it's I'm just not doing it lately oh there we go perfect okay we got the crater there we go oh geez helpful siren thank you for thousand bits dabs thank you very much Excel the helix and waffle bro and I even as well thank you all for 7b array on the on the under the tf2 front I just don't feel like playing it and I don't feel like I have to make a tf2 video every now and then now dude there's no one set game that I play above others now alright that even goes for the new stuff you know I'm just gonna play what I feel like I feel like playing City skylines a lot I'll play City skylines well because I can some people were screaming at me now and demand that I should upload at least one tf2 video a month or I've quitted those guys it's basically my answer cuz I'm gonna do what I want you know like I'd I understand like people I kind of miss some of the tf2 so because I used to only do it but the problem with that crowd I feel is that they only want to you have to and while I'm talking about this is just great time don't know to the highways just being completely roasters um but yeah those guys only want to have to and they don't really care about anything else so you know that's not why I want to make videos I just I want to do whatever I want to do let's my stance on it honestly how badly did we ruin the river buddy they get back to the game Jesus Christ yeah thanks 4000 you know the chat loses whatever I think happened did you decide to do the city every three seconds away wait why were you get bankrupt now hang on okay now I got to pay attention oh yeah alerts are distracting me hang on wait whoa whoa whoa whoa why we losing so what the happened is everyone dead you and which is going to reload the save ah that are a beautiful day in West Virginia nothing out of the ordinary here no siree okay so I think the problem was we accidentally destroyed the only source of water so what we're gonna do this time is we're gonna buy this plot of land can't afford it are you telling me I can't like just rain meteors down on this bit of land because they can't go a day without putting the kettle on come on guys they got that you just fill the bathtub for like a week you'll have plenty of water I really instill much of a concern the water source dies okay Wow we'll just all right well we can get a little bit of City set up in here I guess this is kind of lame though is like Bobby's and crater all because of Molly Molly has nothing to do with this hey what we're gonna go with severity ten meteor strike let's get some there it's far enough away from the wall to come but it should be fine let's just try it again to actually play the game now I know just end me now you know yeah we'll make a little intersection there for these guys you're gonna have houses and what would do okay we don't have enough money all right okay we're having a lot of trouble can I take out a loan let me alone I'm gonna set up a new stretch of City in here there we go okay now we're gonna need to how do i position this correctly distance too short oh this is gonna be messy no to know who okay we're gonna get some smooth curves in this bit of the city only gonna have the finest angles look at the smooth circle hello safe okay that that's a that's a beautiful intersection it's okay that's test immediate right that's more control okay controlled meteor strikes these shouldn't wipe out all life yep here they come okay it's just so lame like that's mine it's so pathetic you know I can't make a city in this I need I need a bigger meat here okay well we're just gonna keep upping it find that you 12 this one's further away it's such a sad little crater blackouts are cool uh Beck thank you all for subscribing I thank you everyone it's given bits to sorry I'm gonna miss stuff again today we're gonna have the system fixed for the next stream dreams are just too big now okay we need to get some houses get all this in fill that in a bit we need to meet some commercial demand oh yeah that looks good and we can just put any important villains like in the middle as a centerpiece that should be fine I wonder if I am put the road up can i they pulled up here kinda okay there's like a little blip of land if we do this okay I mean we can fit in some extra Rosa housing as well go for it okay this is good this is gonna look real messy come on there we go and now we can fit in unlike some small dwellings here let's get them living on the cliff astrologist report media is still coming in that's fine I do thanks around right my mom's credit card okay oh I hope you asked for her permission he's terraforming tools Artie we are using the terraforming tools they called meteors there we go there we go water pump is fine a meteor strike has occurred yep water is completely fine yeah we have a bit of a landmass form in here so we just need to get some more meteors in here and we should be okay we need to round out this bit of crater now let's just keep terraforming a little a big boy okay so foreman here now these guys are complaining them because they don't have any water okay we'll just hook them up there we go you know power source as well I don't know if I can transfer all the power from over here it's gonna be a lot of pylons let's see it's gonna look very like pretty much like an eyesore on the land but that's okay now to get these people their electricity there we go yeah yeah a vacation six to five hundred bits I robbed a bank so I could donate I hope you had the bank's permission Arizona's well thanks for 100 bits doctor Kania a photon thank you both for subscribing yeah I said thank you again everyone loved the sub some bits I again apologize I'm gonna miss stuff there's simple like we just need a new alert system I'm gonna keep missing stuff until then but I'll have it for the next stream I actually have time to set it up okay with those meteors arrived yet yeah we'll just to be safe it was setting up life in this new little crater here we need to get a population to 7500 before we can get high-density we're gonna need a lot of high-density haven't even moved in here I'm reasoned why don't they want us like our land no one's even settled on the cliff edge on fajn Street I understand why no one wants to move in here up the tubes overload my co Photo Fix and one deco thank you all for subscribing okay let's fast forward a bit astrologist report here we go get those meteors in okay so the first ones did Q cool well now that's too deep that's so lowdown how are we supposed to have a move in here now this is just a freaking of this avoid the impact site and head to shelter if any is available why is the Twitter bird red I don't know why is the Twitter bird red does this just means something's trended on Twitter the Twitter has changed thanks for to quit the mods you might like well thanks Michael B I'm ok for the time being oh Jesus SB gunner with the 20 gifted subs - how's it going hope everyone likes that alert sound Jesus Christ man you just did this the other day - well we just hit 2,000 subs with that the freakin hot stay hydrated mo like isn't even finished we now have two extra slots Jesus Christ well thank you very much man it's incredibly kind with dedicate this beautiful section of wrote Eve the SB motorway that leads into the abyss and now we can set up the homes get some lovely people living at the bottom there we go gonna move them all in prime real estate right here yeah we just have some in the tribe just be very cheeky and just extend it out as much as we can and go yep that road looks good okay apparently we need some more industry so I guess we can have that set it up in a moment he's a scoot sook satellites for 500 bits the moon thanks for 400 here we go thanks for a quid that's gonna come in a little bit arty wearing irony from I'm from Dublin in an operation King onyx JC remember Connor King nook at dog games thank you all for subscribing Jesus Christ that's a lot of notifications now we need a bit more Road in here that looks safe just got to fit in this industry where we can find space you know we gotta meet the demand get that in there and factory set up in this land like we're not interested in that has to be down the pit we can give these guys their own power source so they don't have to worry about anything put a wind turbine and another wind turbine and they should link up to everything we have windy Pitts Purple's Ferro thanks for seven head splatter as well thanks Evan BAM thanks to seven - hope you all enjoy the stream lobster soul as well thank you very much yeah this is why we're gonna have to do the credit system because there's too many people there and there's too many others I grew up - we're up to 5,000 people again watching Jesus enjoy in the stream by OCD hurts make it stuff that is you ask too much yeah we're gonna get a water tower the next these factories that some water get that get that pipe in there that's all pipe already and we just need to connect them to we connect them back to this main pipe then all the sewage can go that way there we go I should be good as well a dozen thank you as well his Christ chat is back and fast yeah well there's like five thousand people here it's a bit of a big one you know screw it I'll splash out epi thanks 100 bits I got I'll hope everyone's enjoying the new Qi remotes like Epis worked hired knows for many months they're really cool you can make sandwiches and just send them with emotes now we'll send em as bits as the poop volcano doing we still have a long way to go so we need to increase sewage production we need to get as many pipes possible just siphon and pooping because we're gonna be a here I like quite some time as it currently stands the main difficulty is actually just placed in the pipe like these things are so finicky to lock on come on come on I think we may be at max capacity for pipes we can actually fit on the side of the volcano I'm trying to get this up it shows promise oh we got one we've got another piping perfect hopefully that turns on soon currently have troops we currently have tree pipes over there also pour in sewage inand like there's only so much these guys can generate but we need to up production yeah perfect okay that's putting some more in yeah it's only like up to about here right now like only about there so like we have a lot of capacity still we need to have it erupt disconnected those on the pack Piper it goes directly in the road yep don't don't question that I'm sure it's fine you just drive around that on Richardson Street if they have bigger problems okay like a pipe in the middle of the road is the least of their concerns now we have industry pit setup good down their garments limit it decided to build up here and it's literally just a tower and some boxes doesn't seem like the best place but okay we won't question him and there's a couple of poor sods in here too it's covering the entire pit with those two turbines though that's pretty good so we just we just need to keep improving the city as much as we can but on fast-forward make some money drive up the demand for more people to live here we're losing population all of a sudden why you people leaving to be moving in if anything hila we have crime in the new pit okay we're gonna need a police station then all this one problem at a time let's put in a new FIFA police doesn't want to go anywhere on these sides bit of a shame we could save some space I'll put it in here there we go work in police station and it only covers half of Washington Street you know I think that looks good don't mind the fence you just got to go fast you'll be ok HK likes 400 okay but like for real how about it would be done have to smell bark pepsi taking 400 bits each to guess thanks for 7 d HZ squared thanks for 7 to and apologies for missing the alerts today there's too many people crime is being dealt with the populations on the rise again apparently crime was the biggest issue we have a bunch of tiny little homes and shacks that up here the cars are almost as wide as the house as well I quality living only the best for my citizens which is why we're gonna cram in some more of them there we go got a nice little neat coal to sack in here there we go everyone just build in there noop it looks like one the town and some Pokemon times well this one I was like the mind of one or borough whatever you call it okay we just need to raise the population enough now it's affecting the population grow like what why is it low people are moving out people are sick understand why we're losing 60 per tick now as room for them to move in to a crime is just rampant in the pit again God we're gonna need another police station for this bit of the pit - hidden me why is this so much crime in our pit okay well this police station is going to cover this half - another one FCS takes 100 not enough terahertz [Music] - it checks for seven as well police stations are not doing wellness and I don't understand why oh god we gotta meet all of their demands every single time miss Atkins okay just just get some power from the top of the pit I'm amazed that works apparently it does now I'm watching your video you were very welcome here Grimm's how's it going we need high-density citizens are sick our citizens sick we have one clinic however in the entire place like out I can't get this until I get a population of 5,000 Clinic would okay so apparently people are just dying because our all my god yeah okay you can look at the reach they're all they're all sick all over the place we need like a clinic and every one of these craters are you kidding me oh my god we can't even afford the graveyard you sort this one here's the asset thanks for seven Black Raven as well thanks to seven okay so we need a bunch of clinics then but that's gonna cost us so much money and then apparently crime is high in this pit - oh my jobs we have so many craters and they're all unhappy sook so thanks for the oven 50 sauces there better snap this time with the poop volcano in his honor I think we may have to just like it kill them because they're dying I'll find themselves at the moment we're starting to lose money we already went bankrupt sue I have a national debt to repay now all the craters are like being plagued by disease the tap water stink we gotta have showers go to the stench the sewage is fine the sewage is contained what do people complain it about you I was still losing money okay all right or that police station you guys are just gonna have to make to a crime inside a crime where we go bankrupt earn those off they don't need two of these of power budget cutbacks and we need to pipe in there too see that selves it okay we can keep the population steady but like some of them will die off but more people will move in that's okay we just have to destroy their homes whenever they die we can't afford a graveyard but we should probably save up for the medical clinic yeah we'll get one in here next we doesn't we just hang on a moment they're dropping like flies from disease oh my god the poop isn't even the thing that's gonna kill him up that's right get us enough for the medical Clinton's that there's too many people dying we're not making enough money we need to keep all the pipes going that's the one thing we can't turn off what do I do loan I can't take out any more loans okay well we're just got to have a nice ol plague so we know some of the population you know you gotta be Hardy they live here in West Virginia no you catch a cold and died in the crater that's your own fault Shirley moves to the crater you knew you again into you knew what you signed up for this is not working we're just Lu okay we can't afford the new credit we can't afford them I'm sorry I'm sorry too many people are dying we can't afford those new citizens it's too expensive I'm sorry guys I wanted to set up a new life for you here Virginia - but it's national - is Verizon you know we have to make some cutbacks so we're just gonna remove the poor people from the budget you know it's the only way I'm sorry that should help a meteor strike has occurred that should help no the Flint the plague the plague is still spreading oh my god a half of these houses are just abandoned we're never going to see this volcano erupt because people are just dying of disease like what do we do half the city's now dead we're losing so much money and it's not it despite our best efforts it's just dropping okay we're gonna reload again when the Groundhog Day to West Virginia okay just another peaceful day in West Virginia all right we're not gonna expand the city because that was a mistake first thing we have to do in every variant of the timeline is set up power we have water that's fine we need the new housing district to move in here I'm not cheating no I'm not doing it I'd ride a prematurely launched a media into the poof okay no and cheap and that will kill freaking everyone like a hospital well you can yeah so but we have to be conscious of the plague that's going to sweep West Virginia soon so the first thing we need is to get that Hospital because we're back in time we can take out that loan we need to get the population up fast enough to get there I think we need to make a small clinic before we even get you get the hospital because otherwise they die too fast yep just just get that in there this will keep this up this half of the crater safe but they won't die out from the plague now they're all kinda in the green now good guys up here want one as well okay well we can't do that just yet mean a new graveyard as well get this down loke too steep I'll just build the graveyard guys wipe out that block of housing but Papa graveyard in there need some more housing in here whatever we can find space right now put that a little more forward H on it thanks though - could you sound like calming cabinet I get that a lot Anabelle thanks for 200 as well I thank you again to everyone at 7:00 I got apologies I'm missing them there's just so many Jesus Souter 1150 please read this poem and the message cuts off thank you for the 11:56 I'm not sure what the poem was supposed to be but I appreciate it okay we have good coverage there high school is getting some coverage we need more school we need more school build up here if yet to move in here there's so much housing demand I don't know why they won't move into this area it's right here we're starting to make money we need we need another school one over here problem don't know how much of this stuff we can afford get another school there okay land value we need it we need to keep them happy too have a park here put another Park in there put a park in there well in little packs there and we'll get one in here too and I put it on the cliff edge I really want to build a park up here it's not letting me know it put that one in there right there move the water tower which water tower while it is currently fine oh they finally moved in here perfect right some pylons there we go we can probably do is maybe extend out the road over here anarchy put this here yeah okay we can fit in a few more houses over here look at that look at that we have some people living on the very edge of the crater these people up here are gonna have such a beautiful view you like all set up connection okay I'll fix that in a moment there we go you have pool water water pollution there is water pollution where there's no water pollution that pipe doesn't really do anything because there's no pump watertower what are you guys talking about move the water tower [Music] okay Sookie thank you for an another 1150 quick tell me to stop donating Jesus Christ man given a lot today now you'll have had enough pollution as the pollution is fine it's contained be that's a pollution pit that's also pollution like those are the areas that are supposed to be polluted it's fine you guys are freaking out about nothing move the pipes and the poop thing they don't do anything but fine that makes literally no difference okay move doesn't matter doesn't make a difference you guys keep scrappy to move the hose pipes I'll move those please I'll put a pump down there next if you don't careful don't underestimate me now you're broke it's okay we're making it back that was a worthwhile expense we have clinics so people are like healthy these people over here don't have water it's okay we could extend out this pipe we go you guys realize he's not gonna listen to your wife right I will just make things worse I I don't care if these people die I really don't care okay I'd kill him twice if I had to offer so if you guys want to provoke me do your worst you know and let's just feel build an invisible pile on there that looks good I will put a pump down there next time someone says that there's more water pollution and I'll start pumping the sewage into people's homes don't try me let's just save up for the hospital indeed we still need the hospital on these people the garbage collection put this okay it's tie it's time to build it up here we were saving this land there we go that's a really good tunnel wait what's even the point of that one okay well we'll keep that there let's see if we can build the jump up here you can't afford adjust yet we need some more money okay we'll get a little more money it was mr. Blakey nice we trade your bits Anna bear and Queen Totoro as well thanks 400 bits each I teased you just challenged your fan base to do the worst Challenge implies that they have a chance of winning but our ID put the dump down somewhere you okay well we'll just build more houses here oh my god let me place the dump somewhere it's too steep it's too steep the bird is really angry I just need to get this down you I'm trying trying I'm just neither dump we just need a dump somewhere that has cover to the side and put it anywhere I don't want to put it like next to these guys I already have one over there but apparently doesn't have reach her over here [Music] definitely not sook sir thanks to the 4:35 I'm not okay I am the earth is flat apparently population is very good yeah it's on the rise I just wish why can't I put the dump there wrong with it the dump no one carries this stuff falls off the mountain you know My dear where Dwight [Music] put another one there maybe this will work nope too steep it's still complaining about the bins okay who's complaining about the bins anyone else know all the garbage problem you and just if we can just fix it that way we'll just tear down the home so anyone who has a bin problem or you reload to save put a water tower in an industry area and there's new credits that grates heavy pollution so he will stick everything is fine now hey I put a water tower what do you mean I put a water tower in an industry area where there's no water tower in the industry areas boo plus yes I don't know you're talking about there's no water tower there people keep the people keep putting there's a final water tower it's gone in the past timeline but you guys didn't say that it's fine anyway okay we need to get another firehouse over it they're having crime problems in this half of the city - oh my god firehouse for this half of the city let's forget them covered you [Music] the lease is fine the real only caught me thanks for five good feel there's a lack in a pool crater no we're okay for the old poodle craters right now problem isn't we make another crater then population tends to go like tank megabeth thanks to the six year or ninety how many videos in the Simpson have a laugh out higher than a video in a while thought you deserve a little something for that love your videos keep up the awesome work thank you very much it's very kind people are just screaming now pollution pollution people are you just Yellin okay I put put it inside the only mode you know just we got to control the chat I'm sorry guys this is no other way love only area it's the only way because people are just screaming about pollution when there's none our city is flawless right now I'm gonna just keep playing I'm gonna have to ignore chat awhile because people are just screaming at me silver Kerbal doubler zap thank you all for subscribing to relax as well thanks of summon how's it going guys how these guys complained about not enough water yeah well we can make a water tower here we go err get water into the house your road place and it scared me they're gooses suitor has to show off for another five good I'm eastern ocean compared to sook so thank you again man yeah we have rise in industry if commercial problem is we just physically don't have more space for housing right now we set up some space here all of that moved in yet okay let's get some people living up here you you and the pipe there we go you we'll need to get power up there in a moment - we already have some pylons nearby for that'sthat's good I don't know why it keeps let me place the pylons on the roads so I don't know what the point of Peters tunnel is this goes up into a void Oh no our fingers lift at people why is everyone snapping III got an Outlook of chat today I'm sorry it's just the best I'm just I'm just gonna yeah I'm just gonna play its TOEFL I'm sorry guys sticking it that here we can get a little more housing I just got a fine little blip so we can get the population ever since deadly up oh my god is the crime problem in this crater now Anabelle thanks for the tier 2 sub in there thank you again to everyone at 7 brain is blended good night happy take care man Anna bear thanks again for lot very kind oh we can build in here now let's set up a little yeah let that up in there squeeze in a little more commercial here that River seems to have just drained itself over time pretty handy these two houses are missing water a busy town we can make a new bunch of new roads new policies industry a bunch of new buildings yet we need at the hospital we need a Police Headquarters we need a fire station pretty much knee to all those buildings so let's see what power like what things we can get here spoken by an recycling only electricity for heat builds are forbidden to use heating and only use electricity just make everyone unhappy you that's recovery no rebuilding I don't think we want any of these cyclin like the reduce income okay we don't want recycling we need that money make a medical helicopter Depot cool Oh God like I just want to get my hospital I don't do we need helicopters is that how a helicopter Depot could help because it'll reach someone like the higher up places why is it just let me build that over the graveyard though I also helicopters oh yeah we'll just operate out I'll the cemetery you know that seems fine why is that wait why is it let me build over the parks it's specifically the parks look at this it's as if that doesn't exist right now I pulled over the clinic how is that even gonna look what am I supposed to do it's the fine road anarchy okay well turn that off cuz cuz that's costing like havoc here okay yeah there we go road anarchy then so apparently wrote anarchy just lets you build over anything that's just nuts oh we may need that now because I can't build this anywhere let's just save up for the hospital first we'll get that in here Jesus Christ up to five 700 people again so what he wrote is watching me like struggle to build a hospital Artie don't read your name Daniel just saying your name for coverage Oh until you city with Connors and just replicate the rudimentary stuff really they fit a thousand bits meatball sub right there lion turtle as well you can only avoid chap so long I'm doing my best okay gonna keep trying I given we need to make the hospital somewhere where do we put this we need we need good coverage for this bill pop it you can pop it in here we have a hospital there we go that that's so that should cover most of the curve like this thing people there we can move this clinic so that it covers the people over here there we go the chat is a mess every time I look over people just keep snapping thank you were going to everyone it's something like I'm sorry I can't read them out there's just too many today I do appreciate it shall not silence us oh now these people have complained about the bins again okay you know what I'm gonna do you guys have so much issue with the bins and I just built a dump over your homes you I just make like a massive landfill like where you're living hope I can jeez I don't even know who did the tear tree sub cuz there's so many alerts my god my twitch alerts is broken this is moving too fast thank you whoever did that I'm sorry everything is like crashing and burning stream my twitch lives is dead I can't see anything anymore a night BOTS apparently having a field day I just want to build a dump over these guys houses okay you know we're gonna do there we go build it on the school will do that I should be fine little Timmy just needs to like walk over the rubbish you know you don't need every class anyway some of them are a bit rubbish you we'll just put that in there and it's fine yeah we're still making money so let's pay back our loans so we make more on average it's alerts yeah I honestly can't see any of my alerts right now I'm trying to toggle it so that I can freakin like see like one other over than another I can't right now like it's completely broken so I'm just gonna miss every alert now I'll catch occasional bits in like twitch chat or like even a certain like a notification sound place I know people are subbing right now but I can't see them my laptop's pooping itself okay let's get some more money in that more people want to live here but still complain about crime oh my god like this this crater is never going to be happy all I want to do is ear up the poop volcano and kill them that's too much to ask for what are these people complaining about not enough educated workers we need educated workers for there's only factories we need this high-density we just need to get all like high density everything astrologist report that a devastating meteor that wasn't me oh no where's the meteor coming in that one wasn't me oh this could set us back we're just gonna land oh my god is coming right for us oh thank god it hit the volcano that could have been so much worse we're okay it hit the tree and the tree protected us fine these guys are now without power oh my god it's like my worst nightmare everything that can go wrong is going wrong they build that buildup generator there just get some more power that's the tree about a gorilla likes us of it as well yeah thank you very much salad I'm sorry I'm missing so much stuff oh wait there we go I fix my notifications now so that it doesn't display some of it slow modes on now as well Jesus okay well city's going well finally got everything off the ground of garbage is piling up I I'm just annoyed with West Virginia now I don't know I don't know how much longer I want to continue this city it's just testing my patience every time I try sell of something there's another problem is there a mod where I can just zone houses on the side of the volcano you know how we have like rode anarchy and we just can just do this is there another mod that will let me build housing next to that road does anyone know what it's called you I want to no there's not a mod damn it yeah we already have rode anarchy no graves only poop Oh we'll get in the poop field yep now put it on sub mode again no that's going too fast guys I can't keep this yep just put it back on the even about pollution again okay garbage is piled up in the Aspen residence Briar Rose residents care which is also piled up let's just deal with those a chronic case of 500 bits ah God I'm just so fed up with the city because like not enough people will move in and now to be in right right Thunder strikes and in the complaint about crime like all the time I just need to get high-density high density we're fine but the price all right I didn't want to come to this I'm building outside the crater I'm doing it just the a high density we can destroy all this land afterwards I didn't want it to come to this but I have no choice writer fields I've disappointed everyone get that in this meter demand because I we just have to do something and the current plan is not working because everyone's just given out get that grid covered making my head we're gonna get them but we have to build out like freakin the crater field here this will be the first area to be hit by the meteors half we have to do this because there's just not enough room in the crater we just need we desperately need more people and the powers linked up at least that's fine I get them all in here that's forward a bit look of a barrow full of glowing goo my backyard who should I call not me I want to hear about it I don't Lee there's still more crime under way on the side of the crater that's just gonna be the slums okay we have some crime there ah God Almighty I just build that up so you gots two of the same house you know what really counts I want a garbage collection service Jeremy if I find you you'll be first to die so help me God do nothing but complain on Twitter yeah Jeremy the kind of guy whenever does a disaster in the world that is using like the hashtag pray thoughts and prayers that's who Jeremy is you need to activist Jeremy you need to achieve actual change in the world in our society you let's just build up these homes Jeremy its here to write discord direct messages I'll check them later impossible to do it you're on the string or you have the building multiple e oh okay we can get that soon now okay let's just set up this quarter and then we'll get the building mod and we'll build inside the volcano as you know we can just let that run right by itself we're just generating so much more money now oh Jesus flying sir well thank you for the heap of sandwiches he burrow like slaves are unhappy and can't leave thank you for the mega sub big foot long you're ranked 23 on twitch Global Jesus why this dream is just me getting stressed about like freakin West Virginia I'd like my chat just be it out of control how would we like one of the most popular people a twitch right now areas garbage collection don't worry we will with first chance we get don't worry we can build a fire station now put that in there all our covers Hermey is the new chase sentences Rickon Jeremy he knows what he did when he made his tweet buried nap no there is screw this guy this is where he lives apparently he's working in the quiet corner shop hang on let's just control this it's working in the shop right now we're gonna do it organized sinkhole see if this works that's what that this is what happens when we use those hashtags on Twitter don't be like Jeremy forget eaten by the ground hope the sinkhole works destroy chair just kill Jeremy guys a terrible accident has occurred of Jeremy if we could all go on social media just type hashtag pray for Jeremy yeah that's build the new shop that's what Jeremy gets set up a pennies Dawson prayers go out to Jeremy you know we just died in that tragic think'll thoughts and prayers you Miney we need more water apparently it was connected to the grid wait what do you mean the water tower needs electricity why isn't the water reached now yeah now it's going okay there we go I believe Jerry we got replaced by Penny's close with her Jeremy's - oh thank you very much dr. Kenya very kind okay we're gonna get the building mod now you know it's time to build on the side of the volcano I'm gonna pause the game for a moment we're gonna take out bolt loans we're gonna build on the side give me one moment here I gotta get this installed okay buildin anarchy right now how are you linked a couple of them oh that that's a key on a prop and Triana key okay we only need build manner key so let's subscribe to lap okay we're gonna save the game Virginia Moo okay we're going to quit the main menu you okay and options content manager mounts build an anarchy it's claimer yeah that's fine okay we're gonna get this on let's load up the game we can now build on the side of the volcano why's it subs only currently for chat because it's it's just anarchy every time we try open it up the people just like it moves too fast and they just start spamming wish we could have it open but it's just it seems impossible right now so we've had to restrict it Bree is going to be even more glorious let's just see if this works pine road anarchy the real question is how do I eat now okay is build an anarchy on I still can't build in some of these roads should have a I've wrote an archaeon for sure it's not letting me build up there why isn't it let me do that did I not turn it on properly building on Aki they've to add a save game file I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here you you the killings what's special buildings police fire oh so it doesn't no it doesn't seem to be doing that either I think this is now working because I can just hop this anywhere just have a look Oh not quite why isn't built an anarchy working we're making more money which is good I wanted to like gonna cover the incomplete sides of the volcano it was awful some KRL hey al now neither of those is doing anything every restart the game yeah let me try restart it desktop and thank you to everyone and subscribe and help you enjoin the stream trying to work out how to build buildings on our volcano made a poop these guidelines you yeah the thing is currently with the chat like it's out of sub mode and some people can talk or we open it to everyone and no one can talk like it it's just pretty bad and I hope people understand that so we are gonna have to do that first today it only works for buildings is there no way to zone houses on the side then it doesn't seem to even be working for buildings you they like it doesn't appear to actually be working outside roadside shoreline on water on ground on surface okay that you see that doesn't really help us though is that that's not connected to the roads very pretty parks placement roadside plat cider ground or line aground on terrain like there is now just a bouncy castle park but I don't I can't really connect it that's just there now you I tell I just want a filled stuff on the volcano okay but what we can just do is let's just keep the game in full fast-forward for a while and get even more money what we can do is if we just increase the population astronomically we can make it so that enough sewage gets in there and it floods so we're just gonna like kind of cater to our whims like kind of as quick as we can put a dump there we're going to need a police station sure over here get that in there we have a hospital already yeah we have one hospital there we're gonna make a second Hospital I'm just gonna make it I'm just gonna try and like speedrun this with this hospital down over here okay get us even more housing build it up as fast as we can I want to as much power as possible it's disconnected right now the houses will build out so that's okay and you add more fire I think we're okay yeah it's just set up here they need power now as well can't quite afford to pull coal power plant at the moment we can almost get one you fast-forward and I just wanted like a skyrocket my population as fast as I can you get more people gonna make the biggest city we can plant will that in there you address any power concerns you have police we have a hospital we have a fire station here bill that population up we're almost on high density we just need to keep going we're making a lots of money a big town okay we got a bunch of stuff now so what I can do taxation we can raise taxes here services he can pop on to there was some really good ones where you just made more money if I remember yeah it was like the business benefactor ones so those are the ones I really want to go okay so that's pretty good so we can now get high density so now we're gonna see if we can try and replace some of the people in the crater um we're high density let's just move all them out for a moment and we're gonna fill it in high density demolish those homes we're going to lose a bit in the population in the short run the long run or people are gonna move in let's build those up destroy Godsey we aren't dead yet how's it going Rock man yeah we're barely hanging in then it's been a bit bumpy you know things sister things that start on the side on it finally got high-density in the crater I'm gonna do the same for here identity commercial just change all of this as fast as we can I want to explode the population we are going to lose a bit of money in the short run but it will all build it back up Oh bollocks there's no house and demand right now okay well let's just put some offices in here oh no I may have ruined everything there's absolutely no demand for people right now you stroy the outside build we can't yet so let's keep it afloat god were sinking into the power there's now having problems we have like one or two new houses being set up and they're not gonna have electricity everything is just so scattered okay there's starting to recover in here that's good let's fast-forward we still a 50 grand you and raise this immediately 13% is the magic number you okay populations is now is now increasing that's pretty good we still have no electricity for this valley because they decided to build our houses just willy-nilly oh I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here little pylon build another pylon okay that's half the valley service and the other half is fine now as well okay ah Jesus vivillon up or commercial equals more houses yeah well we're trying to get more commercial but it's just not a lot of demand right now we are getting like the hi pop hi density buildings in which is good population is increasing despite the low demand by new land apparently yeah on this all these little patches as well that like aren't filled in really bothering me okay that's all right these guys are complaining about the lack of power still but they have power oh no this pylon decided like no I'm not gonna connect and now pylons oh my god wait why is it doing there we go you got it in the end you know fix is power to behind meteors that I feel we've already used meteors a lot to solve our problems today I feel we need to go a little easy on the old BT ER front look we're in the green again we're making money they were doing good identity building up will keep this little Hamlet as this alright we won't even touch these ones cuz it might destroy everything we can fit even more people in the crater now no that's good watchtowers we don't need those incineration plant now we might need this op that in there okay this is 67% full let's empty that then we can fit more in there make your temple for the poof cut I think we're okay currently okay traffic is getting to be a bit of a problem now oh god how do we even filter these guys there's so many people coming in this one road a lot of cars well hopefully that will sort itself we don't really have time to deal with it right now it's gonna be a video hopefully it depends like that not everything I stream like makes its own video it depends on how the stream actually goes and particularly messy streams I sometimes just scrap this one's kind of an all over the place so like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make a video out of it hasn't gone the way I want it because we've had so many problems with West Virginia like we're two hours in and like I feel like I said we haven't even filled this like oh like much we still need to put in here only I like it's still up to here and we're on Macs fast-forward to at least the high-density will be able to get more pooping but you know it's still going to take forever you [Music] I never plot a line to produce more poo I'm trying to but like currently we don't have enough demand for the things as well that's another issue we have the offices set up that's kind of neat um okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna expand even more here and there you go make another Street of offices put these all in here some precarious offices there that's fine office office office office there we go hey we need to extend this out there we go hopefully this makes us even more money we'll just extend this out very quickly I'll pile on here siphon some power from the hospital you will that business you can play this game off light just to fill up the tree of poop I want the poop volcano to erupt today but I don't think we're gonna come even close is there like a super fast-forward mode that makes the game go even faster little more poop pipes of war pipes that should feel faster now we're already I'm kind of like I can't fit anymore at the moment is the problem we already have a lot of poo pipes going in we did lose one from the Ries I believe I can fit in one new pool pipe the it'll be a struggle to get in though it's just it's just difficult to fit these on now and look that hasn't caused any issue by the way I like to remind folks no issue whatsoever from all those pipes down there yeah I can't place any more poo pipes good start putting some fresh water into it but only uh it's not really something we want her to the tree is the max we're going to have and what we can maybe try do let's see okay just say goodbye to those houses for a moment and we go we lose a little bit of money and I need to destroy this pipe as well to pause the same if I'm destroying the pipe there we go oh wait I can use the build matter key stuff oh here we go okay boys I have to increase the means of production you earn on those pipes might take a moment there we go okay we just increase leave the sheer volume of poop we're now producing we're losing a lot more money so we're gonna need to like meet commercial demand and that when it comes in the office block is going pretty well it's giving us a lot more income the pool pipes and are the most expensive thing in our entire city identities going well up in some more high-density Luise them where we can awesome times 100 bits he stress for two hours that he could have built all those pipes well I couldn't before that's that's when we got build an anarchy everything changed and now now we're doing pretty good it's still going to take forever the fill though it's like it's so big we're going to need even more pipes like the end of this stream we have an hour lag we have to fill this pipe because that's what that's what we're all here to see we want to see like just this volcano of poo it's flood the entire city we're starting to make some more money so let's just like have the money trickle in for a bit - I like making like a serious amount of Bank we can just mala SH more homes and setup more pipes slowly increasing it's still just gonna take a while they in fast-forward get more people in the still erection homes over here how we doing like on services for everything else what's this a sauna we don't really need a sauna huh it's a bit extravagant okay these guys here need a firehouse firehouse there though finally they want another okay well there we go get that in only an hour left you say just leave the gate road midstream oh I'm pretty sure we will watch this pillar of poo price yeah we gotta get it Fortis three events if we look closely let's leave it let's leave our mouse cursor here for a moment and let's just see it takes now that there are waves it's starting to develop like a tidal system in the volcano because we've been filling them with poop for so long you I think over time I think it is gradually rise and it's starting to spend more time like above the mountain below the eye when it waves up it seems to be a bit higher we are getting that it's just taken like an extraordinary long amount of time you okay we have hot we have high industrial demand again let's just build these out nope you this will hopefully it's like get us more money faster go keep it in fast-forward even more money so just keep making industry about to plan a coaster too sometimes I really do I've been missing planet coaster I want to try to make a work in theme park at some point because we never really did that we just affect about roller coasters most of the time the speed up times 99 mod the problem is if we do that we might go bankrupt we'll just see how far we get if we need and if we need to resort to that we may get high enough they they're complaining about power we're going to make an oil power plant you there we go now that was like a bad spot to build it because that's not connected to the grid there we go volcano is naughty well I was lied to yeah more holes in the middle volcano and add poo pipes we're gonna add more poop pipe soon we're just trying to make more money and to make more money we need to just expand the city and will naturally get there once we get to 11 K we get some new policies that really increase the amount of money the problem is this freaking Road but like we can't improve this road we can't make it like a bigger road I don't think but maybe maybe an upgrade road okay we can but if we just have to demolish a lot okay well that kind of helps we just need to get a bit more and then pop this down here it still creates a bottleneck it's the problem you we just need to get those policies so just stay of get that population steadily up keep filling the poop kano getting there money it's been smelling stuff it's starting to go up now just gotta keep upgrading it will link up the bottleneck soon we're almost there we got one more okay so we moved the bottleneck into there now at least you know that that's something [Music] don't we got to move you now let's just put you in what you in here not enough money okay no is the david arrival the sharknado small city this is what we want it okay small business enthusiast big business doubles the amount of produce of goods produced by industry put that on and high tech high tussen I think is worthless think try it now look at that look how much more money we're making just have to get an app I gave is a huge economic boost so what we can do now is relook at this with that in there the orchard residents that's that's fine we don't care about that guys home if to move the firestation why isn't this one connecting to the road you that was a bit weird we upgrade this okay there we go we can now get even more people into the city I hope we still have this awful bottleneck here but that's okay better than what it was we're making money yeah we're getting even more industrial demand so let's just make even more question is where do I put it that type it's not I'm trying to do okay more offices doing our best for some proper urban city planning you know build this out get us even more offices there we go all these offices will produce more poop - that's why we do it so we are gonna get more money for pipes yeah we are gonna get more pipes like don't worry but we just need to build the city as much as we can because the more people we have in here the more poop we can produce trying to work out the logistics of the amount of poop it takes to fill this volcano we will get there we're gonna destroy all of these houses up here as time goes on its didn't gonna be nothing but poop but we need to get that I could address the demands as we go there we go there's a bunch of offices well we need to get the university next take that loan by a uni put this in here I think do we have physically have space Trump Trichy I thank you for the 500 bits so that's a lovely line of sandwiches very much man that we can plate we can place the Uni here I guess and what we can do here is we can tear down some of these homes - and get like freaking high density stuff soon - once the demand goes that way we're currently just building out more offices or more poop user demand master ball dance team it gives you dumb find easy that just like puts demand on high for everything oh it's a bit late for that we're just gonna we're just gonna like do it our way here okay we'll get it working and now I'm going to save up try and get to like 100k and then we're gonna build all the poo pipes by the in-game people who complained about trash because they're a bunch of wusses perhaps we should empty the dump just hear me out tornado in the poop okay no it's badger I don't think it'll go well I don't know I just said poop all over the city if that's the answer okay cities being ground to a halt was starting to lose some money I think the problem is garbage we need another incineration plant problem is I can all I can't put these near everything garbage reserves yep that's fine once almost empty if that one's being emptied out too you we just we just need more dumps if we know what they have a dump right here that's like fine now you will go into the budget we need more spent on garbage there we go okay days are passing but the Sun never sets land of eternal day lunch island we gotta get the poop nado explode although the poop Kano on a poop NATO different kind of disaster yeah we just need more money so like I'm just waiting for the bands to go up I'm building more stuff and then we're just getting like in the green as much as we possibly can pay back that loan means we pay less in interest but about a cinco we're okay we're okay for sinkholes we have offices all over the place still complain about garbage these guys can walk to the dump if they want Oh making 6k an hour keep going crepitus Oh No oh it's it's it's my Obama West Virginia like you again ever that subdiver all the bits I'm sorry I missed so much I'm gonna set up the credit system for the next stream we won't miss any other sin we'll be able to read them all off at the end of the stream don't know so how many people here is like it's their first time watching the stream I don't know how far back in slow mode we are in chat now if at all I don't know if I'll get an answer that or well me me me okay Wow okay so it's a load of people it's your first time watching the stream I hope you guys have been enjoying I'm sorry today's been kind of messy between us getting frustrated with just like West Virginia and just chat kind of explode the streams I have aren't normally this big like this is the second string we've ever done let's hit like 5k people we may have got the most amount of people at one point in this stream that we've ever had okay pause here electricity problem hang on what's this hydropower plant you how do we build this so the water goes down this way we pump some of it out I just put like oh my god you that's really cool so we can just build like a great Dam yeah the v8 power then hydropower plant yeah we'll get so we'll get some water we'll get some more electricity that way I should be fine our teachers to agitated like how I supposed to study for exams Oh watching you instead I'll good luck at the freakin exams more viewers than Joel from vine sauce Jesus that's insane two months ago I had like a hundred average on every stream where I was those days that's bloody insane of those that many people are we need more office or office this guy's complain about crime but we'll just tear down his house with the road there we go we can put some office in the crater okay fill this out the office block the dam is facing the wrong way well the dam is being flooded right now can I make this higher I don't have enough money the dams being flooded this costs salt just to turn it off for now okay we'll just get real just invest more in oil okay what was that why did so much in a population die they're without power okay we need we need to address the power concern like pronto I just delete this money back for us a power power power power power we need power how do we get it you have to make the damn work it take out a loan so we can reposition it why can't I relocate it I have to turn that back on it won't let me relocate this one but it's just flooded under the water damn is facing the wrong way well I can't do anything about that oh my god the population is nosedived where's the affected areas it's cuz of a power let's demolish it okay that's a good investment yeah we'll just get Cole coal's clean there we go clean sustainable energy peace in our time you do the reload again we haven't saved in a while a population's starting to come back yep the power caused a lot of people to leave oh it's okay we're recovering you and we need to get more water over here let's just build this out there we go got water there connected to the poop Network I'm guessing this many viewers for the it and it's insane for ninety K followers we've been honestly exploded lately I didn't even realize we hit ninety K was about 20k two months ago seventy thousand followers in the span of two months you know like this is just mad and say that's just the twitch front to like the YouTube channel similarly explode it won't like of the 550 K now already or like halfway to 600 it's literally just been days since I did like the 500 K you notice already in her 50,000 people have subscribed it recovered too strong Artie yeah we should save again new Virginia to West Virginia oh wait there's an error you buildin anarchy is causing an error we can't save it we can't save okay well this stream ends when the volcano goes and that's gonna be it for West Virginia sarnax thanks to the four quid i was your channel exploding man love and how your channel is exploded my keep with the good content thank you very much very kind it's it's completely transformed my life like I just do with this now I used to be quite anxious about like getting a real job if you get me and how long I'll be able to keep the channel up for that's cuz you know like YouTube isn't the most secure I know means I'd like work doing life same with twitch as much as I love it fluctuates wildly because of the like ridiculous amount of support I've received at this point like I just don't have that problem anymore and I can just do this and I'm fine but they're good for a stable future and not that but that just boggles my mind it's completely on you guys it really has transformed my life like I'm a lot less stressed to just because of that you know I give that that is something everyone stresses over you know oh hey what you gonna do with your life now do you finish uni like oh it takes time to work out cheese's gustaff thanks for the 40 quit a bit late but a gift for your 500k subs on you too thank you very much man that's a lot of money is Christ thank you very much and I'm getting reports the city's on fire what do you mean the city's on fire mix of fires where's the fire I don't see any fires I just see like people complain about garbage no seriously go stuffed thank you very much oh that's so much that's like stupid amount of money to give thank you very much I thank you again everyone itself and I'm sorry I can't read them out that's just too many today oh here's where the city's on fire okay yeah we should probably do something about that I am to build a firehouse inside the office there we go hey they clip true a bit but it's okay thank you baby you should turn off anarchy it will save let me see no the error is just getting worse now though there's no way we can save so we're going all in yeah well let's speed it up I can't even leave to install mods now because if I do that then the game will end we have had our final save for West Virginia just roll in some money and we're gonna invest it all in pipes in a moment didn't turn off panicky turned it back on a moment after I'm there oh you mean build an anarchy turn that off I do that from here hey Atlanta's officer makes all changes global ie buildings will load your customized settings on all cities maybe I can try that okay that did it alright there's something going on there okay well you know what time it is it's the lightning strikes I think we're gonna get some more pipes okay so we're gonna have to just tear down a good chunk of this get rid of that [Applause] I'm gonna get the pipes in boys I need to get rid of these so they don't auto snap wait I don't think I should have got rid of that one can I undo Oh the main pipe connection we can find a way to fix that you without that that one's not right hang on we gotta get a position nice our non-road on our key you on surface there we go yet those pipes go on voice you we have more sewage pipes there let's just scare this on up I think we can use a little music here yeah one moment - [Music] get those pipes why are they in the sky okay we can still connect them it's still connecting we go where is this one this one oh that that's the Falls pipe girl ow okay let's turn them on but we got one still we need to connect them to down below - we go [Music] are those pipes connecting yes they are here we go [Music] yeah we just need to connect up this one this pipe does not want to connect didn't need that one let's see how this goes it's not going any faster after all we have so many pipes [Music] we're gonna be here a while my pipe is for Decker this connect to power grid that's fine [Music] yeah we're still gonna be here a while we were half stop the music no we were too premature we ain't going home just yet anymore poop got to work towards West Virginia when the apocalypse unfolds that's what we play until then at times daddy died speed but if we do 99 speed like the city could just die in like we were not looking that's the problem oh these guys aren't on the grid - there you go lads heed mod speed ball speed okay I on West Virginia newest new you knew okay let's get that speed mod then wherewhere is that a tour is linked to me violation speed options as mod adds to faster simulation Suites times 6 and times 9 okay we can go times 9-speed then that means to be the Maximus so let's go back the main menu we're not doing toto no not doing toto it's a forced meme I'll have none of it I'll put the recorder version of toto on again you I'll only do the recorder one which is awful people left the stream the last time I play at that I'm not doing toto nope it's not happening guys kick its grieve all you want rogue streamer denies his chest Oh so actually kill it kicking puppies actually a monster this goes times nine you slightly faster than before it's still it's still taken a long time feel there's only so much sewage we can produce you times nine is max oh that's times 99 yeah we got we got to be real careful with this one because if we leave this on too long we'll have problems we're like a city need will go unaddressed and then everyone will die my name's 99 the speed right now the water is rising and you can kind of see it now we just got to get this full by the end of the stream garbage is piling up okay we we need where's Garrett welling up we need more dumps I was going to complain every time I make one of these dumps but we do need them I was this dump doing how many dumped so he come to knees to address the rubbish okay let's make sure they're like we're fine with everything else before we just do the time-warp again we need another little firehouse over here there we go coverage police yeah we're pretty pretty okay for police actually education is good too you guys just like you guys are just like rotating between every meme song you're like clutching at straws hey we'll play cello maybe you play Africa oh that maybe we'll play our ocean mine come on guys in twitch chat we get the hashtag ocean man going but that's you guys you're like clutching at straws I see people post and all-star now cuz of that you're only getting the duck song and everyone hates the duck song I'd I warned you guys I'd rather died and listen to this I'd rather die than have to listen to this awful song that's like a celebrated part of YouTube culture or god knows what reason that's all you get people are screaming in agony and shush let's make it worse hang on let's make it worse hang on just leave our city in times 99 speed for a bit well maybe not yet I a city needs more water there we go hang on let's just set up the water concern before we do any more fast forward stuff you guys evaluate the clutchin I'd like 2006 era memes or just to get some kind of music client okay here we go [Music] this is the muse gig at now we need more incinerators [Music] there we go this is what you want it I'm sorry nine this song is four minutes long this is perfect I got a dump big city got a crematorium [Music] alright let's just make it the best the best best four minutes of my life I want to give all are going to leave the stream before this song finishes that's the real question how many people are like hovering over I'm just thinking like Jesus who the hell is this guy why is like six thousand people watching how long can we go before people leave we're not even halfway we're not even halfway you guys think the pain might be over soon we are not even halfway we are getting into issues people are joining the stream to watch this what's wrong with you I don't understand the views have improved since popping this on and we're just waiting for the volcano the film yeah we sorted all the garbage garbage is being addressed we have new dumps give the new slums making more money times 99 speed we're not even making a dent in the volcano we hit 6k is that this moment is now the single most you think I've ever done this is the best you could say look at freaking 6k Oh God Java uh hello everyone a series of the stream who cries themselves an only the best quality content I subscribe to tell you the stuff so don't worry there's only like another minute the poop kano is taken so long to rise this is it paid you really make it a stronger we're in the Claire I'm turn the music off oh god the amount of people that just sub there as well like Jesus like what's wrong with you what is so heavy will sup just for a lot turn it back that was the best for the love of God never do that again since Quigley 10 our version we require punishment we just made it like an art installation stream or just like doing like a social experiment see how many who will chew it in for just was 24 live our live stream of just the best 1 times 99 speed and like that the poop kano isn't even halfway Oh might be actually it's getting kinda high basically I don't think there's more sewage that we can produce at this point garbage is piling up okay hang on whoa okay let's just get rid of all that that's kind of odd just like guys thanks for closing because they did I got our cheaper to see you making the spaceship very girl last year inside a big fat I just like to do it I just like to you to know you're not getting anywhere for his face thank you very much with a bit spot how's it going good to see you again we lost like all of our jobs just left while we were singing that okay we have like a lot of issues in the city so like we need to take a moment or two and address this like a graveyard next to the hospital for dead bodies we have dumps you already have like a good firehouse we'll make it we'll make a new firehouse up that there okay and we'll get a more office space in as people that just yelled the name of songs now what is this song request apparently is enabled on the stream I don't remember turning it on but apparently that's what's going on bolson thanks before quit he says hurt turn it back on I got there in it when we turn on that song we lost like most of the population of the city so many people just abandon to their homes what's wrong with these guys citizens are sick i just opened a hospital they need another hospital put that there we're losing citizens to keep the existing citizens like happy and not dying of the plague well this dream is gonna keep going until the volcano fills by the way I'm I'm I don't care how long this takes we're nearly at time for the day stream I don't have to worry about internet regulations I can keep streaming for another six hours past this point I am gonna keep going until the poop kano destroys West Virginia this is an FYI guys times 99 we'll go all night if needs be we have to keep going don't gone to this yes bye hey I have school I don't care if you have school this is more important I'll fail you if you don't make it to the end of this stream this is a single most viewed stream we've ever done you're gonna miss a part of history of you mr. poop Kano okay you will leave my tribe you would leave my twitch.tv chat while I'm in the middle of live stream oh yourself no of course they do is it yeah if you have to go it's okay [Music] don't worry if you have to leave it's okay no one holds it against you it's understandable I'm just joking just jokin oh the game the game is chugging when we're all 99 speed I need to slow it down for a moment turn it back up to six for a little bit we have to keep going to the poop kennels you lost a thousand people you [Music] I'll blame you have to keep going okay I'm gonna keep zoning more stuff than we have so much money we're making 17 K there's no demand for any buildings as the problem put in some water there everything's on the water grade water grade is fine we just have that address needs as they arise and we have so much money to do it it's really not an issue these guys up here died somehow I did they spat out by dr. pepper well if they I have a bit of a weird promotion going on here in Japan considering dr. pepper I don't know if anyone watches steins gate but a drink of choice of one the main characters is dr. pepper so like they've actually taken that on board and it's in the world of marketing so you see like dr. pepper brand advertising for steins gate all over Japan are you actually really cool it was in a restaurant last night and they she had like a bit of like an exhibit set up first it was just complete random chance when I got there like they're just roaming Stein's gay but it's like a kind of funny little thing they have here the drink of science okay how do I why can't I build a fire station air roadside bill that get a fire station in there moment we bowled those I'm just the new house takes its place I'll say conquer daddy I have to sleep please no we're not going until the volcano explodes I'm gonna keep streaming it's early in Japan I will keep streaming times 9 yeah I need I need more industry I require even more let's just make it like a nice snaky track here Oh to me all of our demands world's most efficient Road you there we go start sewing and those in yeah they're gonna they're gonna need water patchwork job it's already occupied having helped keep Cohen ID he has given up a building craters every time I try to build craters like freaking City just like plunges in the chaos I would do it but everyone dies oil plant there make an even more money and get some shops into there we go meet those demands people are dying again hang on we need another cemetery like how many like people are going to be dead by the end of this stream we've lost so many apparently that's a good spot for one we need crematoriums we can't fit everyone in the cemetery yet these are acted all over the place we just need it we'll put one next to the offices if someone dies at work it makes them happy Oh now apparently a lot more people are dying all right hang on and that our plague just swept the nation highlights from rampant crime does that happen build a police station people have eaten like apparently murdered in this street so many who will just died let's keep going and hit by a debt waiver to speak repertory it was to write it out a generation just passed away but crying in here is so bad though okay we'll get a crematorium - maybe we can burn the criminals that's how we cracked out of crime [Music] efficiency cravat aureum for the dead and the criminals in our society now you got to double them up you know can't afford a graveyard in the dump dump the bodies in the graveyard oh that's the wrong way up the body's in the dump up the rubbish in the graveyard you need more healthcare we have so much healthcare though there's like three hospitals for this little town peanuts still sick there's another clinic we've so much help or an off sub only mode and see what happens I feel that maybe a mistake we could try it but you got to be on your best behavior guys okay best behavior remember what the man said in the song to be the best hey is there anything else we can get he just raised taxes for industry don't know if we want to do that though we're already making like a fair bit of money garbage is still piling up how many incinerators do we need with so many dumps we've won in the school as well I can't select the one in the school Hey empty that out that one's fine that one's good I'm do that one out building is empty education need it okay alright we'll get some education let's slow it down again and we'll get some education we bike out that I could sleep please oh my god go to bed thank you for the bits and apologies for all the bits I've missed today okay we need more universities apparently this is going to solve all of our problems we already have a university there like where else do I put these I have to delete so many homes to put this down like that we could build a university but it cost us a neighborhood we put one here like this entire just destroyed that entire block but at college I hope it was worse he less than 15 K to use times 99 oh why doesn't it work for more population that yeah oh just put on x 9 then you we gotta keep going to the poop Cana blows we're getting there production has definitely increased the new Trinity College and it cost us was a neighborhood are we doing on the slope count as well oh Jesus Christ we're halfway to another remote after unlocking the 1/4 mm only today Ron 2108 subs he's I don't even know what the next remotes are gonna be I may be able to bring back some of the retired emotes we used to have more of like the Hat mounts on this twitch channel and we kind of swapped them out because we were short on space I could actually bring them back now that we have the space again um if you're embar the neckwear headwear emotes that we have on this channel we got like a neutral expression one I mean one that was for tilt or whenever I'm tells us poop kainoa moai I feel we already have a lot of emotion expressed disaster quite well I feel we have like the Infinity Gauntlet the blender at the bin I don't think we need another disaster remote in a snorkeled amo we do have a like a hydra hydra amount that's coming soon poop kainoa vote would be nice just like a volcano erupting with poop that would look so disgusting oh you have money you should use it yeah dump dump do my best my god need a helicopter depo yet there's money in there we go with so many hospitals we don't need more humph and services for floods interesting Oh pop one here I guess you like that there we go we can make a road utility thing probably get one of these what can we put it [Music] it doesn't like us building in a lot of these locations now there we go road utility Cole the population I don't want to call the population I'm happy with the population okay we'll get some more parks that they seem to be craving some of these well has to be built in the short line shoreline okay as a fish in Ireland that makes sense there we go get some Parkson literally all over the city drawing so many homes to build these parks but you know hopefully it's worth you go there we go that's so many Gardens a rossbach moat we have a Ross bubble note you like what other ideas are there for remotes I'm really not sure because we've been locked so many so quickly so happy with the snap like that that's such a good amount it's time for more poo pipes don't work we're about halfway we just got to keep it in times nine we also have the Chi remotes now you hotdog SATA somehow I don't know I don't know if I want that getting into building he needs more pipes yeah we have a lot of pipes boom on the pipe front end another police station over here keep this under control with so much police now like we are fine go to school old not a school yet the people educated schools for days they already have a school there no we already have our awesome of the like rest in peace mo is Ross Bob Wednesdays poop volcano gotta go well I mean it's getting higher we're getting there need to build more high density industrial I can only build office zones not high-density industrial anything though okay let's skip that in we can meet some of the residue to demand to and just pop them in there get more people their garbage is still piling up how many dumps am I gonna need like Jesus Christ and we have so many incinerators now as well second incinerator garbages is a constant issue fraid Bob we have you guys has just suggested emotes we already have an apple we have an afraid bottom I hope you guys got a look at the votes we currently have we have those words who Kato is getting there like in real progress if high industrial yep no that's why we built more offices meeting that demand buildings are doing well a lot of customers I will get more customers in noir you live in Tokyo yeah I do at a dive moat we have a table of moat we already have one you guys you got to see the corona boats we have we do actually have both of those ones that are being suggested we definitely have a doubt I don't know what's like a long stunted joke that like is worthy of animo but I may just bring back some of the old ones that we lost if we can't decide out of low ammo we have a low of a foosh yeah we got off the hook you I'll give it some thought ah there Connor ammo easy the thing about the Connor remote is I don't know how that would look I don't know what that could be it's like someone ever sound nice in theory but it's like what what's the point of it you know because most of our remotes do actually have some sort of like point where it's like hey you can use this for this scenario that we develop jokes over time a Connor remote is one that I just don't know when we actually use it a Ryo mo I don't want that I'll give her some sauce people want to suggest ideas in the discord later fire away I think with the time being I might just bring back the old emotes because we do have some that are good to go the SIP mode should be finished by the weekend Chloe's almost domina your chugga mode we're getting a set of moe you GUP knose almost there got to keep going what time is it it's currently 12 normally I'd end the stream about now about gotta fill that Kano it's your traffic mate well I I would but I don't know where to start yeah these roads are pretty bad Oh God III don't know how I fix the traffic problem I'm gonna just hope that if I do this it maybe that'll help Artie please I have school tomorrow that's too bad it was thought about that before you decided to come right into this stream today I'm not going till the poop candle fills we get solar power plants now well let's get one of those right away must be placed along roadside there we go come on there we go it has even more electricity of great roads the problem is if I upgrade the roads like like the single pot roads currently it doesn't really make a difference if I upgraded to one of these because it's the same kind of speed if I upgrade the roads we lose all the houses feet like that I'm like that will just destroy like all of the people live in Eric think we're just gonna have to like deal with gridlock city they're okay they're not in the crater anyway so we don't really care about him those are highway yeah but it's the same with any road look we have that problem you need dump trucks not just dumps but I already have it in the budget that like we're getting big that it's max you that should get the most about a dump trucks you if you kill the 15k you can get 99 that's that's a lot of people to kill the dump trucks are all in traffic well though don't get there only a couple of fires at the moment okay we'll build a fire station on like the remains of one of these there we go no more fires because if the roads are more like a grid instead of a bunch of horizontal lines I feel at this point there's no point in doing that because that's going to take so much work to get back levon times nine it's so much time to spend just like kind of tinkering with the roads and I just don't think it's worse I pay back all my loans now again I can take out a 200 grand loan from pyramid Capital great yeah yeah keep gettin more offices make more money and the story right before the poop we just the tough oh he's so cruel we are almost there like it is risen astronomically since we installed the new pipes I reckon it should only be about another half hour or so before it explodes at least I live in hope I just want it to go life in the crater is finally going well - we've dealt with most of the problems building fire houses like literally everywhere now in an end to all fires except if you live in this half of the city but one here there we go these just blow it up already I'm tired we have to wait for the pipes I can't speed it up anymore run back speed I'm sorry there's nothing I can do [Music] we're already odd banks building at a hospital I'm gonna make it a utopian society before it all falls you know what build a university next to the hospital I'm Sonya is the max but times 99 apparently doesn't do anything look I'm okay let me just get it up so times nine times 99 see it doesn't change you should be expecting a natural disaster anytime soon well as long as it doesn't hit the poop okay no we're okay just need to wait we're so close like it's it's gone up so much this dream $4.99 no I'm not doing it we need money for services yeah we'll get the disaster shelters in advance before the poop kano strikes bases covered so in case of poop Kano Zeek your nearest emergency shelter rain our people only for the worst circumstances you know it's important you have to be ready there it goes you know you don't think you don't take the poop Kay no seriously that's how you first to die in the poop Kano there we have emergency shelters set up all over the city they've save save save okay all right mom okay you want to be on the case I'll save the game mom if it is I can freakin hivemind whatever that like comes up one person says save it that everyone just says like safe safe safe oh gosh and the bouncy castles okay - we're almost good to go thank you son so close it's been emotional journey rah was at the point where the water that's being poop like dumped into the tree actually going to connect the water in the tree oh you know we're making real progress shelter at the top of a crater I mean dirt okay I mean they're gonna die anyway you be real we'll make the disaster response building to there we go thank you again everyone's suffering the gift of subs like it's very kind of I'll sorry again I can't read it all out there's just too many we're gonna get the credit thing set up for this weekend and then I shouldn't miss any again all the industry okay that wow that just had some trouble there apparently the dirt pit just shut down for business in the dirt pit what a great city I would think I'm dreaming if I didn't know otherwise I don't hurry Kathleen I'm sure we're gonna have a big way foot wake up call soon don't you worry but tsunami voice in the volcano you at the bottom I hope they come up here they are God you know you got a sewage problem when you need one of these what you need radio towers toward the people okay all right we'll get a radio tower oh we got one here oh okay that that covers most of the entire region in one go Jesus we just need one more now but here no spot here that doesn't destroy pylons apparently not okay we have the zone mostly covered couple of guys in here I earned in the zone let's see if we can just put a small Tower there we go that is no excuse that people die completely on you guys if you don't make it to the shelter in time so close is this live yes welcome twitch how much longer well whatever the poop kano fills up we're almost there on Times 9-speed not really much I can do to make it go faster than this it'll doubt even more he thought I was in demand while we go glad everyone's joining us for this monumental moment though bit weird to think that like my biggest dream is now just us waiting for a volcano of poop who literally just kill everyone but you know my mom know I'm gonna be proud if she knew and that's all that matters really I save ammo because we will keep scream and say me that could that could be a good one just have it like the little floppy disk icon or something you buy Oh times that we're just playing these games that people just screw at me to save it's not a bad one it's actually not a bad idea there was it's so close we just need to keep going soon Westridge it will about mama will erupt [Music] you piece of light available I'm okay I I don't need any of that Hey not enough buyers for products in the fishstick factory Oh No disaster okay well we'll get so we'll get recycling on - it's probably about time that we get that you it's some power reduction as well okay power reduction that's expensive this is not turn on that one get recycling is costing a lot but that's okay important one cause having so many rubbish problems okay no tied without there yet like the lake is almost full I think this is going to be the view that we want we're gonna have to have like a beauty shop that like ends up as the potential some nail if this makes it the YouTube anyway I think this is the shot right here all of the pipes together in the city in the distance first yeah we're filling her up it wouldn't meet here you'd be character poo pipe that poo pipe is causing a lot of difficulty some reason like I I've tried to connect it having none of it I don't even get rid of it anymore ember mental so it we just have that one for decoration get more pipes at this point I don't know how much it matters to be honest okay all right we can get a few more let me go has to destroy a bit of Richardson Street a pipe pipe pipe pipe pipe pipe the last pipe oh wait room for one more you right apparently the space is already occupied and we can't connect these ones always some temperamental coupe pipes look at this they're refusing to connect I won't connect it think so okay yeah we add just one more temperamental oh we need to connect those guys to water as well hang on we may have just killed some people there we go you water takes a little bit to flow in waters taken its sweet time to come in let me see if I can help them a different way yeah okay we got there in the end we're almost there 30,000 people with no idea what's about ahead of him Aaron thanks four thousand nine bits and we ever do a real City skylines they saw those are real city skylines what are you talking about we made a beautiful city you know like it just incurred a tragic natural disaster this was the real player of city skylines well back to 6k you as the skyrocketed says it's getting close I mean we've been waiting so long for this poop Kano to erupt every need is catered for in the city I'll save it again when we're closed there's no need yet off my case mom a grown man now 14 month I want to control my life anymore maybe border up so yeah I'm going to but like it's not going to erupt for like 20 minutes still has the thing there were 6,000 people there for the mountain of that's gonna destroy city we've waited so long graduates to us at Mayer just announced that our beautiful city won the most attractive city over heart well that's great news Anna that's great news imagine the smell of only these guys in the upper atmosphere after worry about and smell everyone else is fine you heard of the tragedy of West Virginia Oh No you if I activates all shelters into evacuation mode citizens who travel the shelves for protection and stay until released okay so we can evacuate them when they gets close so we can then rebuild West Virginia we're gonna go into the vaults it's still going to be quite some time but it looks very close it's still gonna be waiting here a little bit I'm gonna play countryroads of course I'll play countryroads when we get there we just have to hug it there a little longer Jesus Christ up to 6200 euros about 212 2130 subs those are 200 this stream alone is kind of nuts hope everyone's been enjoying the stream we wait for the volcano the biggest thing I've ever done the previous record was yesterday which was the biggest stream I'd ever done but Simpson it's kind of nuts that we're all just sitting there like waiting for a volcano to erupt this is a bit fun I'm glad you've enjoyed it yeah I hope everyone has like I know it's been a very bumpy stream I'm just I'm still not used to doing streams of this size no you know it's gonna be a bit of a transition period the big thing I'm gonna do for the next dream is gonna have like a credit system so that we have all the subs list at the end because there's just no way to do it as it currently stands now I give I write out every like seven bit like in real time like I just read reading ourselves and bits you know and as kind as it is as much as I appreciate it I always want the focus to be the game kids in a gamer thank you the five gift itself I can spot that in chat at least there's a big earlier at that place without thank you very much that's incredibly kind yeah cheese there's been a lot of subs to everyone that is like kind of like a new sub if you want to join the arty discord you get like a little rank there - we have a minecraft server that's specifically for this the twitch subs to play on I do streaming at one occasion I'll probably be streaming on next week just to make sure you check that out you know it's a little thing we have for you guys we're in the top 10 on Twitch are we actually we can't be top 10 we were saying top two any earlier but where's the list of that no he isn't yeah okay I don't think we are I don't think we are yes so what's that no we aren't ninja probably one we're 14th apparently okay we're pretty close Jesus was us waiting for volcano of poop to her hoof we're 14 on twitch Jesus Christ that's so insane a shout out to the streams two months ago you know under people Astrium now one the top story was that the entire site who woulda thunk it never wanna see skylines I mean III don't doubt that at this point I'm saying in a way to like to my own horn but I doubt just like cricket like ninja or someone Surrey with city skylines waiting for the poof gay no come on I'll because a good contents that's YouTube's recommendations all thanks very much oh yeah it is properly insane like this is just my job now do stream make videos change like 70,000 followers in Twitter in the last two months and Rickon close to half a million subs on YouTube in two months now as well disguise the seventh hats viewers about 6,000 forager of those are right here Jesus you we're 10th are we making the top ten number nine now number nine on to itch Jesus Christ Oh went over ten know people are saying different things ninth 10th which one is that oh look the water is Caprona pipes savegame where all of us there we're 13 again okay yeah people that report like different numbers everyone's got different stats apparently for it I just want to see the volcano erupt please some people are saying the c10 now capital city you can set up a harbor and a cargo however wage can I please tell me there's a way to build this in here on water no I don't think there is I was wanted to set up a heifer yes good as Levi can set up like a Porsche in the poof lake we can't though we can't at the shame ah God they exploit 6k viewers you ever go on your disk or di mana every day every day the water is now connected with the pipes here we go it's gonna be in the next five minutes we're so close you're losing population Caravela evacuate we can't evacuate yet in game time there's still like weeks until the volcano blows you know you got it you gotta give it some time evacuation is gonna be like the last thing we do when it's like close to like the very tip so what I live for Oh guys there's no point in evacuating yet they'll run out of food supplies if we evacuate now we got away population is having some trouble down below couple of empty homes no why yeah I don't know how does eruptions gonna go as well because someone just pointed out I like that when this floods it's going to destroy all the homes so what happens to the poop production man because surely that means like we're gonna run out of a source of poop we may just end up with a very full bull depended on how this comes we're going to try you sometime and make a floating restaurant where's the tourism tab III honestly which tablet is school I wish I could make the harbor oh wait [Music] I can make the fish an island it's given me I love some Islands you can now go fishing they are already so much oh my gosh okay all right it's time to safe okay whereas we're very close now end is nigh [Music] okay and we're gonna gear it on up get it right up to the top right on up okay any minute now the volcano's going to blow the first things we do activate every shelf sir and now we get the music to play no that's that's the wrong tab okay right you're just just involve more okay [Music] here we go it's time for the end bout my Ma's gonna erupt here we go someone is building a new home the bossy man here we go we filled the volcano people are reporting flooding down below it's hard to see there's no flooding down below yet there's a little bit down here it's trickling it's building up keep filling it [Music] stranger to hey let's give it some time let's give it a hand here [Music] hello eruption going [Music] [Music] there we go no pipes the pipes way to the roof [Music] oh my god I use my other views like it did it a bit we do more videos give us more videos we have to get the water out let's get some on the sites spill the volcano we need to get it on the side so we damage it there we go okay this works we can tip it [Music] here we go I think we got it breaking open the volcano oh my god we just punched a hole on the side of it oh yeah that's Ranger oh my god it's got a help we've destroyed not even the land in the craters it's just flooded it's completely direct like look this is all sewage population is giant widespread destruction the river is now gonna be over now pumping sewage into those homes [Music] can we break it anymore volcano is completely erupted [Music] keep launching more get the flood going [Music] half that is four thousand people left this is a population of 30,000 the sinkholes are actually catching some of the sewage but not enough it would seem I think we've done good here today guys this is the best we're gonna do [Music] welcome to West Virginia pipeline problems check out water pipes reach all necessary areas if you have multiple water networks you can connect the network to benefit from their combined capacity yeah Dolph don't worry I'll fix those pipes later yeah I think there's a backlog toilet in like SiO crater I think that's the problem and I was time for the poop now me [Music] guys I hope you enjoyed the poop Kano that that took a little bit to get going but that was absolutely beautiful we're bankrupt laughs that was amazing we paid at 7,000 viewers to watch like literally a volcano of just a rough to destroy West Virginia I hope everyone enjoyed the stream today we're gonna wait for the poop now and we just come in to see if I has any effect on the land I don't know if it will I think most people are dead now most people are alive seem to be complaining about crime aren't very quickly dying in these slums Oh 30,000 people just used to live here what is they're all complaining about not enough workers Jesus capitalism at work oh no the lines been destroyed I was my employee he's gonna show up for their 9:00 to 5:00 though that's the real concern I'd say oh it is history we're just waiting for the poop now me the kind of approach there's no sign of it like the tsunami takes like its sweet time you got here what is it the waterworks shower a bottle of water is getting a bit expensive don't worry just go for a swim I think you'll be okay the guys on top of the volcano I feel sorry for Dave's has been like wiped off the planet wisely still some plumbing left like snorkel day here comes the tsunami I think this is gonna mix the poop though like I don't know if this is going to do anything more big tsunami mind you yes that's just going into the craters tsunami-like tenant starts so far back as well always over from that side even really approach over here oh it's still gonna catch off some of these homes population is actually growing despite everything that's a weird thing all right there it goes a tsunami has struck yeah tsunami doesn't really do it thought we got a poop now me going sadly we cannot but you know we still destroyed the vast majority of life in West Virginia that in itself is a result I'm so proud a West Virginia look at this they're still building homes that won't just went up a hick who moves in 600 grand in the hole besides like this is where I want to set up my shop it's the second tsunami Wow who's gonna make a difference okay I'm not sure you know folks we're gonna end this room in a hi thank you so much everybody for coming by the stream I hope you all enjoyed us we'll just cut her off hope everyone enjoyed the stream there's a single biggest dream I've ever done apparently we made it into the top ten and twitch at some point there what was like the final top thing we got because like you know it's not it's not every day you get that many people does anyone know thank you so much show everybody like I hope you all enjoyed the stream that was so much fun I'll be streaming again this weekend we'll be doing some more for the EU stream we made it to ten okay 7.2 K was the peak in terms of viewers intent Oh eight people are saying okay well we'll say top ten because the people people see very divided on it midnight insane okay well we're gonna do the biggest thing we can do at the end of every stream and that is of course pass on the raid as you know this is gonna be a pretty big boy right I feel so let me see who was going who do I know I want to see if I can get this for a friend or like someone I know that's like it's not every day you have this many people what kind of the tf2 crowd that they already have folks got we gotta get it cuz this is gonna be like the Ray to end all race most people like this is so many we're gonna destroy like this poor souls twitch at whoever we go on right okay there's someone who simply says hello I'm potato follow my Twitter moon underscore potato he currently has six people watching so you know this this may be a step up Oh centers of love guys go easy on like please like it's she for the love of all that's holy she's playing City skylines she looks like she knows what she's doing please go easy on her cuz it's a lot of people I mean it she's got six people watching alright thanks for coming folks hey everybody I'll see you on the weekend
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 16,316
Rating: 4.6836157 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303178154, rtgamecrowd, We're erupting a poop volcano, Cities: Skylines, Twitch, Gaming, We're, erupting, poop, volcano, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: AyOKTBO6fg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 6sec (12966 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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