Mumbo K Jumbo being the opposite of Peace Love and Plants

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so now i'm sure you're all wondering why i'm wearing this rather glorious outfit well for hermitcraft season 8 the suit has been left in the wardrobe and i am going in for peace love and plants last season you know i did a lot of killing okay i killed a lot of things and there was a lot of harm look there's harm going on right now i don't want to be a part of it so for this season i'm going to be all about the good energy the good vibes i'm going to be all about the peace the love the plants and i'm going to try my best to not harm anything i'm hearing the weirdest noise can you hear that is this it's a it's a pair of glue squid i wasn't expecting this i can't kill them i could however wait for this one to die naturally i mean this guy he's dying for me he knows he knows i wanted to die and he sacrificed himself so that i wouldn't have to kill him how how generous i mean if i nudge him up onto the side is that still i'm still technically not killing him but this is this is fine this is absolutely fine after a tiny bit of coercion i believe this guy is dying for me as well yeah totally of his own accord he he wanted this to happen there was absolutely no convincing on my part let's quickly remove all the dirt blocks that i just placed sweet we now have six ethically harvested glowing sacks peace love and plants baby peace love and plants glow squids don't voluntarily kill themselves very often you know i'm all about the peace-loving plants i need to consider this guy's feelings should i see um did you like the village that you just came from okay so are you unhappy about leaving that's good and you you totally don't mind being in my industrial potato farm for the rest of your life but that doesn't bother you fantastic absolutely fantastic peace love and plants baby peace love and plants now you might be wondering how i got these item frames well it's it's quite simple i was the good person and i didn't go out and kill the cows instead i stole it from green's base he is thriving he's driving he's right behind you we might be able to get this i think he's fishing the clown fishes oh oh oh i i told you we should unload the chunk yeah we should have unloaded the chunk i mean look at this thing does this look like a killing chamber to you it certainly doesn't feel like a killing chamber to me i mean let's be real though phantoms deserve to die like if any mob is allowed to be killed it's phantoms and i can't set fire to squid or should i say squid don't voluntarily walk into my flames thankfully though green is online and he's just gone off to try and find some squid to kill on my behalf which i think still satisfies the conditions of peace and plants is this how we're getting around this now [Laughter] i mean this is one way to do it dude this is one way to do it i don't know why i'm helping you with your work around my god i think they can volunteer themselves into the flames maybe volunteer oh yes yes nice hopefully we'll just pass away in a happy that's what i call a humane death mumbo that was humane that was incredibly humane more importantly though your your score is unaffected i know yeah that's the most important thing that's all that matters at this point in time there you go i've got some more ink for you but i just thought there you go there's a there's a there's a method of doing it wait how many how many squid did you massacre only like five i've got looting you see that's something that you can't enjoy yeah no you are right i wonder if i can get it with my flint and steel so when they volunteer themselves into my flames i'd get more drops that would be nice why do animals just keep catching fire around me i don't know and after absolutely not harming any animals if mumbo is a potato and mumbo eats potato is mumbo a cannibal if a potato eats another potato is he cannibalizing the potato do potatoes even have feelings i'm a potato do i have feelings it doesn't even matter if the thing that you're eating has feelings can you be a cannibal if you have no feelings but the thing that you eat has no feelings i mean i certainly don't feel bad about this situation how do the potatoes feel okay i'm going to choose to ignore that now obviously that type of farm favors killing the enemy by hand which obviously i can't do so i need to kill them with spikes because that's considerably more humane i mean it definitely feels like this goes against the peace level plants thing this definitely feels like the most death that i could possibly create this is a it's a lot of death it's an it's an awful lot of death i mean we are already overflowing whether the pearls i don't even think you can hear me right now i can't it myself these loving plants baby the statistics are the only things that matter is uh yeah mumbo kills a lot jumbo that's the nickname that your parents gave you straight away they knew they knew they saw this face now deaths can definitely occur around me for example enderman falling onto drip stone that's fine gas travelling through nether portals and suffocating in nether portal blocks absolutely okay and blaze being mauled to death by angry dogs fine by me i'm happy for those sorts of things happen in fact i actively encourage them but in terms of me killing things and causing harm at my own hand of course not i'm not a monster my hands are clean of blood and my conscience is clear and then the suffocation starts on the next set of blazes but it's all incredibly humane you know peace love and plants tell me where your friends are i hate to say it buddy you're maybe not gonna have the best life dogs are pretty stupid i mean your life is not the best of lives okay this is it from from this point forth so much death so much pain ah and we are now kitted out with my new weapon let's go and kill some things hello cows it's nice to see you today don't mind me i'm just going to place this piece of obsidian place this and see ya what about you guys you got a bit of a lucky escape i'm just gonna sit here and bye you see remember when mobs were voluntarily walking into my flames to kill themselves well unfortunately that just wasn't a particularly fast way for things to kill themselves around me which is why i wanted to get some of these things so now i can very quickly have mobs voluntarily walk into end crystal explosion oh oh that is successful oh that is that is something i mean can you believe it here's me just testing out doing some exploding event crystals and all these things just keep walking into my explosions that squid is genuinely killing himself for me though i mean i i genuinely had no part to play in this situation right here he's done it all by himself and you can see it in his eyes he's filled with regret but i am i am very welcoming of of the ink sacks though cheers dude i told you just things just keep killing themselves around me this is this is the existence that i have look my statistics they don't lie i haven't killed anything on the hermitcraft server everything just dies around me and i mean that's incredibly efficient yes take that and the tree got some as well consider it cleared god [Laughter] [Laughter] nothing within a certain block radius of me is safe [Laughter] honestly your pain gives me pleasure speaking of pleasure from pain i would love to kill this guy just because i sell the end crystals doesn't mean i'm responsible for what people do with them they will be reduced to a pink mist as my end crystal just passes through them like their batter peace love and plants baby peace love and plants peace loving plants so with all of those drowns mysteriously self-immolating also i have absolutely no idea what the peace love implant protocol is for taking all of the leaves off of a stump but then not removing the stump i mean technically the tree's still here so i don't have to replant it by my definition deforestation is absolutely fine as long as you leave the stumps if you take away the stumps you're a monster if i make the decision to kill something i want to make the decision to kill something and i'm going to enjoy it it'll be like a cheat day but instead of eating i'm killing [Music]
Channel: PonZieGuy
Views: 240,186
Rating: 4.9566374 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo Jumbo killing, peace love and plants, indirectly killing, grian killing, hermitcraft 8 killing, he is killing himself for me, mumbo being the opposite of peace love and plants, squid, glow squid mysteriously disappears, harmless animals, harmless harvest, death so much death, mumbo being mumbo, grian helping mumbo kill a squid, squid boy, pearl, impulse, tango, bdubs, fifi, mega base, hermitcraft season 8, best parts of season 8, Hermitcraft 8: Episode 15 - CHEST MONSTROSITY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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