RTGame Archive: Poly Bridge (31/07/2018)

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[Music] hello everybody how's it going [Music] I've never actually played this game and there's one noseless always been recommended to me it's something I might be right up my alley we're playing freaking Polly Burch today Bali Burch is a game of how crossing a river with triangles from physics so yeah you know that sounds really good fun and doesn't she lovely music - this is a really nice soundtrack I've never played it so I'm gonna give it a go mister I could manage to me after I did portal a while back home channel so hope you like triangles hope you like physics we're gonna be gearing up for it you guys can hear me okay yeah in relation to the music that's all okay San Jose thanks for passing the host sir how's it going play the portal version I believe yeah I did play the portal version like this is very similar from what I know but I haven't played this one and it's like the original clowns good sounds good he builds so fast I'd like only hexagons for off this is a triangle stream again DJ nice 100 bits and I gotta read you today oh you said physics yeah I will write address my phone okay I love you dad says someone whose okay probably shouldn't have read that at home okay let's get on up with the stream okay so I think we got to do a quick tutorial for the game gives us the all-clear here already well good Avast marriage-building there's nice to finally have a helping hand I have days left to live for some reason on the life doing this voice roars oh it's jump right in earth craft thanks for subscribing not much forward so let's jump right in first thing we need to build a road over the water a little road by connecting to stat you seem very knowledgeable looking good name the start simulation okay yeah so it's pretty much like portal bridge constructor the idea is you're trying to get them across the bridge every time rather than a specific level the music is a little too loud okay as that is that better Val thank you for Oh 12 months there whoa hang on a moment I would write something about the school one-year anniversary like how much I love you as a person the constant you're making your community but instead I'll give potato a sub because he counts of himself good as holiday low thanks Val for 12 months oh yeah it's kind of crazy I thank you for to give this over to potato as well that that just came true too thank you very much music is good now cool okay let's keep going more meat a calculative one peg that's it yeah Hey next up first ones I've hurt first few or just pretty easy they're just trying to get you introduced to the game add some support select would support a bridge joint hello a motorbike okay so build a road connecting out here then we build some sports simple bridge structure yeah so if you've seen me play portal bridge constructor this is like very very similar and its premise don't you okay I thought it wanted me to do a lot but it's trying to teach me that I can remove position blocks [Music] by going drag to select highlighted area [Music] and delete the selection arch bridge is what we need okay all right Ryan arch bridge and set gotta go true the basics it wants the show meanness there we go arch bridge people are just screaming triangles triangles driving don't miss over budge Artie you can't write a mystery when you're on a road schism on mobile right now let it be known you and your fans and nerds somebody behind that person a banks earthy kind of crazy you were doing this a year now what about a year ago you just started like doing more screens that got partnered twitch I just end up my job those carries this is just what I do in life like I don't have anything else I just stream and make videos oh and there is a purge going on in chat okay auto-tuned Doritos cuz triangles okay let's connect a bridge God though they're much less forgiving with a budget in this one to this budget limited right now by imagine we're gonna have budgets later on deserter thank you for subscribing and Callisto thanks 100 bits that's the next emoji a triangle well night BOTS having a field day with it right now yeah well you know any they're more trials ok so right click and drag I'll be the whole thing press C flip the bridge by pressing F oh my god then flip it vertical Otis there's two ridges bezels going on [Music] okay so we had a twofer that I was wondering I wonder why I was telling me to do that cuz I thought it was just the one car like this seems like very excessive I dare let's keep going as with a suspension bridge Oh first things first build cross like the tracing tool and connect indicates static joints tracing tool select cable trace and fill oh my god you can do this automatically whoa okay and then you just connect the rope okay that that's pretty cool there's like some more dedicated options you can do which means that you know I'm gonna get this wrong at some point like I think that's just a given [Music] find a built a drawbridge okay hopefully we're almost through this tutorial the right outline the middle shows you where the ship will be going true that's so currently ship is going to destroy everything elect wood yep I hope this gives me an option to make the drawbridge and this is gonna teach me by error as the ship just before I was true to this and we're gonna find out it's hydraulic right the hydraulic guides for 50 percent expansion okay there you go double-click on the indicated static joint to create a split joint okay you can zoom in with mass wheel click on each of the highlight circles to match the greenside that's too okay I think we have it oh so that's how it's working it's pushing the bridge up okay that's a tight fit guys I see circles and said triangles it is Leo level complete when I see materials a bunch of luminously you must build a ramp oh and now you're talking my language game build a ramp like the wood this is what I want to do can I just make it so like it's a jump every single time well I trope but why did its help okay that was intended why don't you tell me the tulip tutorial complete okay no just keep in mind a comprehensive manuals available in the top left menu you can repose the Torah at any time from the level select screen and get stuck you can skip this level and try out or don't forget the second okay level one one it's just like Mario oh it's now time to get funky winner this is the moment I've been waiting for give me give me free form and see what I can do but all our training to the test [Music] let's just see if it works with the triangle strategy [Music] it's up to some dicey looking triangles in here but we can just add more supports then that one's not a triangle we're out of money yeah that could have gone better [Music] a bridge has struck the city well you just kill a little whole family hey ash how's it go [Music] okay well let's yeah let's remove all the pieces okay we can we can still make this Park Oh like we just we just need some wood okay what do we do this what do we make it like a standard like that yeah we're gonna go for the Enbridge the Enbridge need to move oh that oh look at that structurally sound of the everyone in the world I am position of a 160,000 that's a cheeky ad if I ever saw one how did this guy do on $72 set like $72 that's like a piece of plywood my god no how much is that how much does he spend in materials budget that's already $400 how'd he do 72 are you telling me his bridge was just like that that's not gonna work a jump maybe but he spent 70 like this is the best jump you're gonna get from $72 this is the problem I'm already over budget with this bit of bridge like that that's all you get for the jump okay well I already finish this level how do I go just go to the next one crazy simulation speed [Music] you're a lot more to use that I didn't come back here and use them maybe it begins at an age and ends with spend less money problem stuff okay well how do I jump to the next level I've done this one do I just go we go to the menu yeah I do I just I just hop back to the menu okay input poly bridge a 10-meter simple bridge [Music] connect that to there and we get a couple of triangles sad thing is I was actually trying there I was actually trying to get that to work I wasn't even messing around oh it's whoo girls I forgot that bit there okay and that explains I forgot a support fee okay let's try it again there we go everything's fine 12 meters simple bridge let's build that out in triangles we trust [Music] put that there put that there was that there okay and we just go for triangles again I love how it's got some little guide markers too so you can try and like blind enough I go there's like a marker here to indicate height so if I want to get it in relation to the other one really nice okay that looks good it's pretty good to me not a bridge down Rockman nice 100 bits replacing calling me as a good to music her intense bill detection I would do that even as a joke but music is actually so calm it's so chill already like it [Music] okay we need a slope now they're giving us a lot less space to work with here okay well let's start by getting the triangles [Music] so we'll move that shift try this oh that actually works structurally sound ok the two part bridge okay so first bit of this we know exactly what to do we just recreate structure we had cuz that was out I was fine there we go that works on the first bit this is going to what the triangle strat is actually working here maybe it was just portal that was throwing us off okay now okay we may need to get funky with this bit we only have the one support oh [Music] that this is though this is gonna like they're way too much load hang on oh I gotta well please tell me there's something I can do here this is this is way too much for that warden support that one has to hold the entire bridge [Music] yeah we're gonna get add some more triangles and see oh okay this this may be the first dangerous let's see if that stands I don't like to look a lot I'd like to look at that one bit oh it's swaying wait I got stuck all the bridge was fine it was the freakin blip ah here it's just the saddest thing oh now it's all ruined oh god damn it I know that one change destroy your bridge [Music] but just god damn it don't we fix this now okay hopefully that holds come on okay it's structurally sound we got it max joint stress oh that got very high at the end yeah ninety eight point eight percent at the very end yes that's four that's pretty intense and that final blip okay 1/6 over preach Oh God ok now we have a ship ok I gotta I gotta remember our train in here it's the first things first let's just make a structurally sound bridge with a lot of triangles remember your training [Music] this is why we eat I'm an engineering college didn't actually what I was considering it but a little tidbit or I got into English [Music] and see okay that's not great so far mainly cuz the ship goes first apparently okay well that's good to know okay so we need to instigate a drawbridge why don't I have the hydraulics on them [Music] they're not giving me jump traffic or bridge oh just make an arch oh we could do that yeah okay yeah okay hang on so that's that's clear this bit of the bridge coaches make an iron there we go we just support over two more triangles I need a little more support [Music] carolallan connect that one there [Music] that one there this is horrifying the angle needs to be better I think the ankle is fine there we go see now it's holding up we got it but now we just have the car I come across you might need more triangles [Music] okay I think okay I think this half is fine at least I think I got this bit right it's just this other bit here with the angle that's awful right now [Music] but let's make this like a very close arch um yeah thanks 100 bits more triangles sentiment I feel we can all get behind never have enough like in triangle we trust okay if I stretch these out a bit more there we go that's a much nicer angle it's and I get this over area let's test it the ramp is much more gradual there we go Mac's joyed stressed 95.7% we are cutting it very close every time okay next level a simple jump [Music] okay that that that should be good I'm gonna go over the square formation here [Music] then we'll get some cheeky triangles in syrtis fill that out [Music] here we go Oh almost we almost got it there hang on I just need a little more Road and a few more triangles how is that okay that Kara does not want to make it alright well that's just come on Kara the bit flimsy at the end [Music] Oh goddamnit little lines rap no oh my god yeah okay we know we can build a ramp here oh I didn't know that I can build on this site it is perfect can't create any more Road Oh screw you farmer man [Music] okay [Music] yeah well let's just get the one bit of road then that's all we need is that it gonna even stay up no he's so close I just need I just need this bit to stay up oh there's a sport here I can see that okay well let's just delete that [Music] come on no no don't don't don't copy it delete that oh yeah so that I'll catch him [Music] oh that works it works you know he crossed the bridge let's just hope he doesn't need to go back for anything [Music] yeah an overpass we now have steel [Music] didn't tell me what to do its steel before and they drive on steel or another driving Road I'm guessing I have to use the steel so like really keep this supported okay well okay we need a better angle okay it's just strong wood okay we're gonna make this load-bearing [Music] that should we join with that gonna need a little more this one may take a while to figure out when are you going to name reveal what do you mean my name is Daniel I it's kind of public information [Music] your rope - yeah that's tie it all down [Music] thought his parents named emeriti a considered a as a close contender I should probably connect this steel bit stay here as well oh we're already over budget okay I got I got a rethink this so there is a particular path I want this to follow I don't have a hydraulic system [Music] and in that one is there okay so that's the part I need the road to follow obviously that's not going to work currently so we need to add as much support as we can we get a criminal record for free hopeful the axe mood all I can use the trace tool oh you're right [Music] that's the wrong way lovely undo sound [Music] how do i how do i flip the lip curve okay alright so that's what we're supposed to build and then we have to trace it hard to line this up I'm doing it uneasy being an engineer a gamer hey gamer hey game or nine I think it was a subprime how's it going [Music] use the fill tool you too but I just undo that and then into the filter oh you can okay that's much easier okay now we just need to build a structurally sound bridge [Music] they're gonna we do like a steel beam we do like a steel beam here and here and then we can live like trying power of triangles [Music] over 1,000 people I want you to what build a bridge in the game yeah that's kind of mad you not sleep I live in Japan people are always amazed by that but I think times those timezone it's like half 9:00 in the morning for me I just get up and I stream rope like this oh okay so yeah here's what I can do so if I now make it so this is all connected with rope and then we just weigh down these two supports [Music] okay so I need that bit of wood there [Music] there we go oh it's gonna be a bit of pressure on that bit of wood on each side but this should hopefully work look at this I was so confident in that one I was so sure of myself oh that was so close as well yeah we did it we did a try maybe that was supportive hang on it's just a middle that's having trouble yeah it's it's right when they get to the middle [Music] okay we need more triangles we're over budget [Music] what do we do we're over budget immediately when we do oh wait no we don't we don't connect the rope here we connect this to that beam it's so much better game and dragon 42 nice subscribe well connect is a hair because that's much more secure you like the flimsy Tower oh my god we are really close on this [Music] it's just that goddamn bit in the middle [Music] keep it up I'm hey hello [Music] and I could I can fix this it's not the way to fix it what am I doing wrong and delete those break if I hired Artie it's failing because there's no triangles okay well [Music] Oh a farmer man only you condescending too far away we're a little over budget but it's fine [Music] only the best for my bridges it's all I can afford God [Music] come on oh my god we've done it okay please tell me that the other car can now make it this is the moment of truth come on please just make this [Music] oh you're breaking my heart game it's so close [Music] use rope to connect the two sides I died there's nowhere else I can put rope but you mean like this oh yeah that's gonna hold it you know a bit bit of ropes gonna snap by the ship let's see if that one bit of rope makes all the difference the ship's gonna cut this bit off there we go still not working making suspension bridge two large beams on the sides of ropes connecting them and ropes coming down from the main rope it's two connecting all the ropes to the sides wait so you mean like the steel tower thing [Music] you know let's just up those a bit to [Music] connect ropes to wood oh you're saying connected to these triangles instead of like the way it's currently connected [Music] okay hang on [Music] so instead of connecting it to the bottom of the bridge we connect it to the triangles here here we go it's a bit bumpy but now the real test begins come on come on oh my god that did it Oh [Music] 95.8% stress that's just the measure of my stress IRL like nevermind the bridge look I was steadily that Rises [Music] next-level paddleboat drawbridge we have hydraulics this time oh boy okay so we basically just need to construct the drawbridge we were prepared for this [Music] okay so make the triangles Alex even [Music] okay and we just kind of move that back so it's a bit more structurally sound okay so currently let's just see if that holds yes I holds fine [Music] now we just need to use the hydraulics [Music] look wait my question is where do I put the hydraulics on this bridge like that's kind of like the only spot for [Music] but like that's gonna oh I make it so it raises at both sides of course yeah okay um I I kind of need to like a point in the road here so I got it I actually ought to redo this middle bit there we go and now we connect that that's looking good that's looking good can't cry anymore Road oh we've poorly spaced this is someone okay let's work out what's going on air maybe do a letter there just put hydraulics like here and here let's try it the road has to be like that like this there's no way this is your first time playing yes this okay we don't connect it in the middle and because that was gonna cause a big problem kind of make it more like this and then we just push these out yeah yeah that's good Oh [Music] okay that could have gone back hangout okay we need us a split joint people their television chat how do I make a split droid how do i freak how do I make a joint here oh no don't it's adding more hydraulics let the middle road but okay so I have to okay so are you telling me it's like this I'm gonna have a slight gap like that [Music] [Music] okay it's not like that stop it's not like that at all is it okay oh God okay we can fix this okay so zoom in on uh splitjoin to adjustment we decided beats connected - oh okay so now it's split there we go okay let's go we have a split joint oh my god it works okay hydraulic pushes too much yeah we need a lesson that there's nothing to expect as far my god let's try that again expand alas though it was - okay what [Music] what even happened it lowered the percent okay expand only 20% only 10% let's try this again we have the bridge plan down we just need like the hydraulics to work and not destroy everything area just a gentle elevation which God why does it just why does it just jump the bridge every time it just destroys it it's supposed to be much gentler than that let's add some more triangles when in doubt triangle it out [Music] Oh goddamnit okay oh yeah okay this one's the problem child because it's like yeah we need it so it moves with the bridge that one can't be on a fixed with a bit point right that it's it time to make a ramp yet how is that worse hey Joe I don't understand where I'm going wrong here I thought at first it was just a hydraulics but there's something going on with the support like we're missing something here rock bags a hundred bits head engineer Artie says he got it right this time it's doesn't drown in the base background or this Soviet step [Music] this merch will never work too much wait move the hydraulics to the center I the hydraulics won't go any further they can't reach that bit [Music] enter the hydraulics meet up with the bridge no but I can't I only have six weeks of the road that's the problem the road has to be where it is because that's the max lint the only alternative is that we make a ramp we it's either the hydraulics or the ramp you don't have to use hydraulics on a fixed joint really wait say I'm just probably say I'm willing to it yeah okay no III have I have to insert them oh ok so yeah so I can put it there no I can at now it has to be on a joint hey someone's just wrong about that okay we're building the ramp we're just gonna jump it just good [Music] [Music] okay let's just get like a I wanted the rhymes gonna work guys I draw like crap I don't think a hydraulic ram is gonna work like that that sounds insane then in the convoy okay let's go back to the hydraulics we have to work this out there's a split here for one and two [Music] this bit needs to go here and this bit needs to go here can use one hydraulic to move 3/4 of the bridge I don't think that'll help that I think it'll just like kind of fall if I do [Music] but the hydraulics on a support under the bridge but so you mean like if I do this and you want me to connect the hydraulic to this but I don't think that's gonna work at all that looks so flimsy but we can try it you keep telling me to try this let's just test it no II didn't even support a properly more triangles we're gonna triangle our way out of this eventually okay it up it's fine at a hydraulics um that's one way to lower bridge you know a full-ride car he's never gonna make it get rid of the hydraulics don't ever go into engineer for the sake of our planet establish the support from the red points that he can connect hydraulics to the other joint what you mean hang on hang on the you mean do is this but like this [Music] make them extend we almost had it the very first time we did this we like the bridge fell over on itself this is no guys this one's much worse this just destroys the bridge at the hydraulics to the yellow dots above the split what y'all dots hang on i.t put hydraulic to extend that they are extending hydraulics on top in middle this is gonna tear the bridge apart [Music] ain't no know what people are saying [Music] I don't know dad we miss national avocado day was on July 31st oh hey Peter is this frustration people are screamin at me hydraulics to only move the middle to Road how do I do that how do I only make a move the middle - I don't know what you're asking right everybody's just yelling at me Exeter have ID that cringer boats getting good youth today make the hydraulic to trot to moving too fast give the Buffett extra helpings replace the middle to woods with hydraulics well like this [Music] Zoe you mean yes but no that's actually what people mean sure hi not that's what I need to do how is that going to work do you tell me if I just support the rest of the bridge now like it's just gonna work well like this I don't see this but all right let's try it [Music] okay give it a go oh my god it was that simple that is witchcraft Oh God Oh Oh as second car is killing me more reinforced I don't know how much more reinforcement we can get that's the problem I can't put any supports there because the ship will break them always a price to pay for which just more triangles oh you mean like just support this but I I can't do that cuz it's a hydraulic there it was so done near thanks for subscribing the ports above the hydraulics like this I'm just gonna make it too heavy you guys you guys really just want me to triangle this one out [Music] always gonna work well we're so close it's just this freakin second car that's just ruining everything right now it's like right in the middle is oh wait I got an idea hang on what is cuz that's gonna go up I [Music] need to move that a block closer I need to move this one a lot closer to [Music] what if I do that [Music] and then we just had a few more triangles for the stability let's go moment of truth come on the bridge has been raised here comes the ship can the second car make it come on come on [Music] Oh first try 140 a joint stress 200% for his chance Oh God so loves allow you to go to checkpoints before you can click the flag a regular checkpoint is stopped check to check mine will make the vehicle stop a reverse checkpoint when to be able to stop and reverse in the direction Oh God okay so we have to go through the checkpoint at the taxi [Music] okay this one looks straightforward enough we just need a bunch of triangles [Music] there we go there we go there we go [Music] we just need to drive through that a little bit there this one that this doesn't seem too hard [Music] find that center point there okay let's go some doesn't seem too hard I'm just glad that we have such like chill lovely music for this I imagine ordeal everyone is going true like people probably gonna have PTSD after this stream just something about the way it's gone kind of suggesting that to me it could be a very traumatic one [Music] out of money oh maybe I'll hold oh you are come on I don't I don't even know how to fix this [Music] there we go yeah we don't we know it doesn't really matter on the other side there you go come here for that support nap now let's go that's just one support yeah it doesn't even matter at low budget Bridge all right dumpster truck okay [Music] all right well lowest budget we can do is just straight across and if you want probably just wants like some simple triangles okay at that end and then we're gonna have to only be able to support the middle here we're not gonna be able to afford anything else spent too much in the budget okay what if I just like put all these in the underside let's see put it all here go oh that's actually what I wanted me to do okay high stress but we made it no all frustrated anyone here has the option abuse the street would go to a different tab for a breeder I'm sure dad needs one too I'm just stressed out of I bind right Evert a little dear no I've had a lot of fun playing this okay double-decker that's a lot of materials Oh God we have two steel beams as well [Music] good use of the steel [Music] okay this hmm I feel this one's going to be messy double hearth can we do a double wrap oh my god I I just want to see if that's possible slingshot both of these cars Hawaii but for science you know like we have to do this [Music] does that hold up the top one I just want to see no I don't know that that top one ain't gonna okay this one's gonna be dicey with the ramp we have to see if it's possible we're gonna need a lot of support for this one I don't care about the bottom care for now I just want to see okay so we got some in the couch in here [Music] we have a really supported steel beam [Music] like maybe like this Otis I wrote that but in theory it should work not like the work I think every human life I want to see if I if I can make the ramp double ramp like come on we have to see it as possible okay so we make a sturdy enough bridge the cash that one it should work [Music] let's see if that one holds that up no that one doesn't though this needs to be joined to this one we put some more triangles on there okay now they're both support it okay that the car is having a lot of trouble with the ramp I think this one's too steep [Music] see if that works any better no the carries just tipping over how do I fix the car bottom to bottom top the top we need the rap we need the ramp okay I'm sorry Daggett I don't often say things like this so I just have to draw the line as like what's important in life you know and this is one of those things that's incredibly important we have to have the rabbit just got trying a little share of this more triangles okay so the bottom care is fine the problem is this guy like cannon fell into the swimming pool and like destroy everything autumn was fine so we just we just need to sort out is that hot oh yeah okay maybe we can just triangle the hell out of this thing don't we just go all in with the triangles we have to make an intricate web and somehow not go over budget this is gonna be impossible [Music] okay how's that looking [Music] look everywhere trying [Music] your movie air teeth left you far away okay farmer okay okay let's go get is this blip we can't have that one coming off the ground we made it we actually did it stress spikes at the end what we did it everybody knows rush will Richard sir eternity okay through my nose the checkpoints against a regular checkpoint is staff checkpoint and a reverse checkpoint a double down oh god we need to get we need to go real low where's the what that's in the water [Music] okay well we're gonna need the trace tool work out where the road goes there fill that in God how is this supposed to work we have two steel beams I imagine these are going to be for right bill that straight up does it just fall no it doesn't okay no we don't have rope oh I was gonna use them for rope okay hasn't helped all right get that bit support it [Music] and we just triangle across this one over here good doing real good yeah we were so folks okay so this little okay well let's use a steel support here just get that bit secure what why is it than that what a steel supporter the steel has made it worse I thought this will make him what secure if anything what am I supposed to do you can do better than this masses [Music] connect the top with the steel of this oh I got an idea what we do this and then we might kind of like a web of triangles or even just that cuz we run low on budget no that just causes more harm build underwater now but where do I put it underwater [Music] like I don't know I'm supposed to connect here I can put that there but that that doesn't help the bridge actually an option which is he which part of the bridge is most stressed where's that [Music] you get your together I could do this maybe but no lots of mate that just makes it worse the best one we've had so far was just this bridge this one almost doesn't and just the stresses a little too much at the end that's the weight thing with a line true it rest visibility on oh okay so when it goes dredge that's when you know what's gone wrong okay let's let's try reduce the weight [Music] that was a mistake let's try increase the support that was also a mystery all triangles in the middle short on the ends more support at the end not the front okay okay well that fits fine then oh maybe we just use the deal [Music] Oh more steel oh my god that actually works redeeming point if if we were even slightly off on our triangles even an inch it would have proof that bridge is very unbelievably nerdy knowing point I can't believe that actually is the box we could have got away with okay check points again oh there and back you get wood hydraulic my rope oh my god we gotta get this stupid ice-cream van back oh this looks so complicated and we don't have a lot of money [Music] there's gonna be a stupid one now what are those anchor points okay those those are stone arches okay [Music] you see the same thing you did in that level I don't ok I can try that [Music] we just test with structurally sound and go [Music] I don't know where we're gonna complete this one guys I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest I don't see this one going well how's that that's a lot of pressure already okay the entire bridge item hydraulics you only have two that's the problem [Music] we do have these okay that does support the ice cream vans the hydraulics are wrong yeah okay yeah the hydraulic service enough there's some tension I mean if it wasn't for this guy needing to go back we would have made it I have to put the hydraulics somewhere else let's see put them there oh and then we you know we replace these ones with hydraulics isn't it wasn't it wasn't it these ones that we had before and when we just expanded up fine 20 9:20 in fact my laptop just actually pooped itself so I can actually can't see anything let me just get twit shot up here [Music] now that doesn't struggle in line on the line I'm gonna bring up it open to my monitors that's alright I can see it again [Music] while people are just saying no I've already got something wrong ok that needs to be raised more max expand [Music] it still needs to be raised more that's up max maybe I can tract it [Music] I'm trying to contract and tracks 50% we don't need that pillar anyway that no that just creates more of a barrier so it destroys more at the hydraulics is what's going wrong the bridge is fine Oh [Music] what if we do this because we have this lovely stone pillar then we have that contract [Music] okay he's just gotta make it back okay that's not right hang on [Music] wrong spot I think it works Froome it's pair of titties what where do I put this hydraulic then I think that was right you're the ones right in the middle or these ones again [Music] you mean this again that's not gonna work though cause like that's not enough [Music] I won't work your top ones this one how was that my process of elimination we'll find out which one user refer into no no [Music] wait no people saying yes let's try it thank you thank you 350 we need some rope [Music] okay let's try this looking good so we need this too Oh expand 50 [Music] juicy know us expand 50 try the other direction [Music] No okay expanded is fine explanting is not the solution contract but what do I need I'm already over budget is the problem [Music] but the hydrous was the long rope is I already tried that it didn't work this one is closed [Music] contract more in words like 25 like this know what that does not work Oh God by making the middle tooth - wood things rope Elise that's not good no rope rope isn't gonna do anything move the wood pieces out of the way of the red boat in the background then replace it with pulley IO how to do [Music] well energy you can do better than this to make it arch the ice cream trucks won't go up that's the problem happy too much too much contraction fine-tuning it would make it work so 40 oh it's almost there like we almost have this I'd like move these back maybe okay what is that one that we just dropped ah I'm so lost III don't know how to do this one I'm trying we can get the ice cream why does that one just drop spin fire thanks to chip its pull the bridge upwards I'm trying to I'm trying to pull it upwards the numbers on the slip joint oh that's a one [Music] it's still not high enough hey the contraction longer I've done 50% it doesn't work look I'll show you it's not high enough the ship's too big oh nice the wood in the middle at police but I don't know what a pulley is we don't we don't we only have hydraulics [Music] 30% contraction or that nope [Music] people are just screaming pull the entire bridge upwards how that's what I don't know I I have tried to do a hydraulic onto that it doesn't work but I thought initially oh just be like yo just pull them yeah pull them up like that one doesn't reach can only reach to there if you want hydraulics that hold the bridge [Music] hold them on the bottom Hey way way way way way way away what about that what if we make this as flat as we can oh yeah okay move middle points anymore thanks me I'm trying [Music] [Music] oh I'm so close we're so now we're so close on this there's the charity I'd ride over you Virgil 30 days legs walk about it's fine 40% we're so close we're gonna just come on [Music] do it come on [Music] oh my god I worked it out earth try oh oh no an easy elevator [Music] music [Music] Oh I don't I don't even want to attempt that one we will be there the rest of our lives if I try to they call it an easy elevator it's not easy that's it yeah we're close to the end time anyway thank you so much everyone for coming by the streams that I hope he's joy I was only gonna be going on over 15 minutes anyway I think it is a good point to leave okay we can do one thing is there like a sandbox mode in Pali bridge hang on hang on is there like a sandbox let's boot it up one more time is there a sign but for box version with like no budget sandbox yeah perfect level oh good [Music] okay now you got a oh you got at we call this [Music] odhh okay well now we're not gonna be able to do I don't I don't know how to work the sandbox this is gonna take up too much time to figure out these just you make a level in someone else plays it ships I mean there's airplanes you [Music] let's just try this let's see what we can do [Music] why is there no limit only merits every time they give me like there's like a game mode like this that we discovered why doesn't anyone just try to regulate it [Music] some double-decker buses [Music] there's no vehicles [Music] now I test it now places Roger unlimited theme [Music] how do I test it where is the start button edit Oh [Music] we did it [Music] that's a level just you've got to make any anchor points you just start at all the buses just die [Music] like it's a masterpiece you're gonna be - they're gonna be talking about this and like the poly bridge like community like how was this possible how did he make this years of engineering at work an absolute genius a pioneer and they make them go all at once I wish I could I wish it was some way the trigger oh you can I got [Music] this might take a while are you sure you will be awareness oh my god there's so many of these [Music] okay is there a way to drag to all of these I need to like line all of these up it's like a I'm doing like a delicate job right now [Music] I have to pop all of these in this column Ben 5500 bits stop your violet little huh pop these in slowly Mason man thanks for subscribe this is if we go that's a good level those buses don't look too good German air raid 1916 colorized come down and save him we have a few minutes - should I like this is the last one of world one do we give this a brief attempt like I don't want to do this this one's just gonna be so messy now let's try it we can just make a password enough triangles to make this work it's as simple elevator but I don't think we need that I'm just gonna test this bridge down here that okay we need to do something about that car alrighty then if we have that drop down there there they stop there oh it's just the fact that he falls over but this one doesn't look bad at all we just need to ease him into the angle a bit more [Music] this need to ease them is the angle of it [Music] but they popped out there popped out there pop out there I don't think you even need to make an elevator here we just this guy just falling over is the problem wait to find a way that he doesn't just like go all the way down [Music] we're gonna just the angle even more [Music] oh come on okay though he made it why is he stopped I don't know he fixed the top guy what's wrong with this guy there we go [Music] oh and I need to hit the checkpoints oops okay can they just barely hit him there we go [Music] that checkpoint is killing this guy top guy is having so much difficulty [Music] curve up like that [Music] how far are we talking with this curve [Music] come on Oh okay this one has some more support we are close on this we you asked just fall onto the bridge here oh my god he made it max joyed stress a hundred and forty tree he point eight percent but the bridge is still stat we did it we completed the first zone and now we're in the desert we did it your you and your hydraulics we're gonna have to leave it there folks I have to wrap up now that's top of the hour thanks so much everyone for coming my just rave I hope you enjoyed it I added a lot of fun playing that we may do some more poly version Future III thoroughly enjoyed that I'm gonna see who's streaming okay I can leave you in the care of let me have a look oh they go yeah oh it's a streaming poly bridge is there anyone who is doing poly birch Wow there is a few people there's us oh yeah let's see who's this it's gonna be talking unfortunately ok well I'll do is I will host Jimmy's going again yeah will host Jimmy no wasn't Jimmy a lot he just seems to be streaming a lot whenever I'm streaming so go say hey to Jimmy Dane Dane has enough people then doesn't need a few we always try to raid smaller streamers [Music] thanks for coming though folks hope you enjoyed this I probably won't go have the video for this up tonight I'm gonna be heading there today probably tomorrow left I'm gonna get a Kraken take care guys have a good rest today [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 20,919
Rating: 4.9005523 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303174056, rtgamecrowd, A Simple Bridge, Poly Bridge, Twitch, Gaming, Simple, Bridge, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: urJkmToOpFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 48sec (7368 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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