Building AUTOMATIC FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore (#52)

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I've built a lot of pointless things in this world so today instead I thought I'd build a ton of Automatic Farms that you could easily build in your own Minecraft world to get unlimited items also we're quickly closing in on 4 million subscribers so if you do enjoy this video and you're one of those people who aren't already subscribed please consider pressing that subscribe button it's literally free and so simple to help me Reach This goal anyway enjoy the video in the last episode I built this villager Marketplace so I thought it was a good idea to make some farms for items I could then trade for emeralds and first Farm up is some automatic crop farms wheat parrots potatoes and beetroot I've already got some of these Farms but this world is too old for me to still be farming crops by hand so first Farms I'm gonna make are gonna be right next door to my villager trading center here so first things first let's clear out the area foreign can compute there's four different Farms I want to put in this area carrots potatoes wheat and beetroot in order for me to automate these wheat and carrot Farms I'm gonna need some more Villages and I don't want to mess around with the ones I trapped in here in the last episode So the plan was to go get some more villagers alright well I preferably need guys that don't already have jobs yeah you perfect perfect yes yes yes yes okay perfect come on guy getting the thing yes all right that's it Go Go Villages yes over them giant melon farm keep it going and just like that I've now got two more villagers need more bread need more bread there we go you two there's plenty of bread now you guys uh you guys get a little busy make make me some babies okay and while we wait for these villagers to uh you know repopulate I'm gonna start actually working on our Farms that we're gonna have over here so first off I need to go collect all the blocks we're gonna need for this all right first thing we need a ton more rails we're also gonna need a lot more powered rails as well so now that I had a ton of rails and Redstone pieces it was time to build a collection system [Music] all right now here I need to set up a chest collection system and a bit of a system with some comparators so now as you can see as the minecart reaches the end of the track when it's over the hopper it uh gets switched off as it's depositing the items in as soon as it's got no more items to give it moves away right so now that we've made one collection track now we've just got to do three more for the three other types of farms [Music] foreign [Music] by the way for every episode of Hardcore Minecraft I plant another 200 melons to this melon farm so if you want to see this melon bomb slowly consume my entire world make sure to subscribe now all I have to do is build on top of these things with some dirt and then put my farms and my villagers on top of this but speaking of villages let's check in and see how they are doing we have eight of these guys which means we're pretty much there to having all the villages we need and I think we can go ahead and Fast Track building these Farms I didn't need anything too special to finish these Farms but one thing I did want was glass and a lot of it so you know what that means and of course we're back at the desert because I want some more sand and while I was satisfying my daily need to completely destroy this entire desert biome something extremely unexpected happened wait what what what well that's one way to accidentally find buried treasure there's definitely some sort of meme to be made here like when you can't find the buried treasure or something and then you dig up all the you know it's a work in progress memes aside it was now time to start building all right and then we just need to separate this into three different nine by nine areas of dirt all right now we just fill all this in with some dirt let's make sure we've got our Hopper Minecart moving before we uh before we cover everything up all right and then quite simply all I have to do is find the middle spot place a stare down put water there what are there now just to put some composters on top and a lighting block and now I can go right ahead and start building up some stained glass walls but for now let's work on actually getting some villages in here because we have all the villages we're going to need [Music] one quarter of the Farms it was time to speed things up [Music] foreign [Music] so I've done a pretty sweet job of building all these Farms now we need to move these stupid villagers from here over into these Farms so yeah this this bit's gonna be fun all right what if I just break this where will you go you're not going all no please don't tell me you're going all the way back to the bed no [Music] oh that's not good oh that's not good okay I have learned something today foreign get in get in with most the villagers now in place the Farms were pretty much done but in order for the Farms to work properly you need to fill The Village's inventory so that any crops they harvest get left on the ground for the hopper to pick them up and this meant I had to grind for a lot of idols [Music] I've now successfully built all of these automatic crop farms and I have the most scuffed storage system here down the bottom Lake built into this hill but yeah now I have an infinite source of wheat carrots potatoes and even beetroot now I've found it's a little scuffed with the uh the wheat and beetroot Villages because if these guys have any beetroot in their inventories they will continuously put it in the composter in the middle and turn it into uh into bone meal so that's kind of why you need to make sure these guys have their inventory full of seeds instead of Wheat and the next Farm is going to be an automatic sugarcane farm once again I've relied on getting all my sugar cane and paper in this world by hand but it's about time all that changed so with just a few resources like the ones I've gathered here you can quite easily make a sugar cane Farm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but the great thing about this sugarcane farm is it's just so simple and you can quite easily just replicate it and build as many layers as you want in fact two of these sugar can Farms side by side but the best thing is I can keep expanding thank you [Music] and as you can see I have been hard at work at first I just had I guess four sugarcane farms at the front here but now I have extended it all the way back I'm not even done here because I can still go bigger than this so you bet I'm gonna go bigger but before I can keep expanding this thing I need to go on a bit of a grind for a lot of materials I need everything I need glass I need Redstone even Cobblestone to make the Pistons and observers and after three and a half hours of grinding for materials I had a lot of blocks and I was ready to make this sugar cane Farm seriously big and this is where things get a little different because we're gonna have to put some water up here so to keep it neat I've got these stairs which we can put some water in and that keeps it real neat foreign [Applause] [Music] here are the last observers for this lot and this is gonna be probably the final layer I add to this farm for this video right right woodsy right wait wait where are you going what's he where are you going all right I maybe spent the last six hours grinding to get another 12 stacks of Pistons 12 stacks of observers and just a ridiculous amount of glass the whole plan is I want to make this thing twice as tall as it already is foreign [Music] I'm done building the sugarcane farm now I swear this is it eight stories of Glory I've taken a lot of time to go around and like decorate this thing put a roof on it and everything and I've even made the collection area look all nice and stuff and I've even added a space under here for me to AFK if I ever want to get just a ton of paper for some reason but now it was time to see if the last day and a half I spent building this Farm was worth it let's see how much sugar cane this produces in just one hour and while I was waiting I decided to quickly check in with my other Farms oh and the carrots are going crazy as well look at all these carrots give me those sweet sweet emeralds and business must have been going well because it seems I have a lot of employees working on this Farm hey get back to work no breaks all right one hour is up let's see how much sugar cane I've managed to generate from this sugarcane farm okay so like a full single chest that's only for one half I imagine it's gonna be the same on the other side yeah so that's like 53 packs of sugarcane in just one hour and for the final form of this video I'm going to build an automatic squid farm for unlimited ink sacks no I swear this isn't unnecessary I've built a lot of things using black guy in this world I mean for one this dragon and whenever I need black dye I need to actually go around and kill squids manually which I mean ill gross having to do work so for the longest time I've wanted to actually just make a squid Farm to just get unlimited Black Ink the issue is I'm limited to building it in rivers so I need to find like the perfect River to build I want to try this place out this looks nice I'm actually going to Mark out the area where this is actually River biome that may not make sense right now but everything within this dirt boundary I've just built now is all River biome that means I can build the farm as long as it's in within this boundary it'll be able to spawn squids and the farm will work as intended so step one here I need to find the most Central Point within this uh boundary I think this point works as a nice Central Point and this this whole area needs to be in the river biome and then I just need to create 25 holes all right so far so good and then I just need to create a three block wide border around this whole shape right and now using some Sponge I need to eliminate all water underneath here all right and now is where the fun begins because now I need to dig everywhere underneath this glass all the way down to y equals 45. [Music] all right and this should be the final layer all right now that I'm at this layer what I need to do is place a trapdoor underneath every hole in the glass that's above me [Music] [Applause] now we need to dig all the way down to y29 which is a fair way so let's get to work and it really is just a simple Farm all I got to do now is build the collection area down the bottom here and this is the bit where I probably could have easily made just another rail collection system but I'm getting kind of lazy and now to begin the farm all I got to do is just Place water in each of these holes that I've got in the glass here and this is where the squids are gonna spawn in this water but in order to make this Farm actually work I would need to remove every other bit of water in a 128 block radius I should have thought about this earlier [Music] I'm realizing now that I have bitten off way more than I can chew oh this is draining out an ocean Monument all over again foreign [Music] [Applause] all this water this was definitely too much work just for a squid bump oh yeah they're they're coming now oh they're really starting to fall and that means besides decorating and like fixing up our collection area that means our squid Farm is done so as a final touch I made a quick collection room and then I went AFK for one hour to test how good this squid Farm really was so let's take a look at how many ink sacks we've managed to get in the last hour whoa whoa okay okay that that's kind of a lot this is gonna make more black dye than I will ever need this is actually perfect make sure to let me know what Farms I should automate next and also don't forget to subscribe cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: WadZee
Views: 5,955,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building AUTOMATIC FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore, I Built Automatic Farms in Minecraft, Automatic Farms to make in hardcore minecraft, WadZee, Minecraft, WadZee Minecraft, WadZee hardcore Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore, WadZee Automatic farms, Minecraft Squid farm, Minecraft sugarcane farm, Minecraft wheat farm, Minecraft carrot farm, Automatic sugarcane farm, automatic wheat farm, minecraft survival
Id: asasI0kxZrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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