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What happened about the dinosaur thing?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Enough_Change4287 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/minec2006 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to episode three of last life currently i am on two lives because of an incredibly chaotic previous episode it was a nightmare somehow i managed to die twice to lava losing all of my stuff which is pretty ridiculous and now the boogeyman is about to be chosen and i am incredibly scared because us southerners you know there's five of us and so far none of us have been the boogeyman yet but the probabilities they're stacking up against us [Music] i'm not the boogeyman again i mean this is good but it's also bad i mean it's great it's great that i don't have to kill anyone i feel very good about that but i'm definitely scared of my friends at this point and i'm scared of that i don't like that anyway in case you're wondering what i'm up to right now i'm currently gathering up obsidian so i can actually make a portal because in this episode of last life i really want to start making some traps i really want to start getting my redstone going i want to start securing my bunker a little bit and that involves going to the nether to gather up some quartz martin whoa hello what are you doing up there i'm making one of those slime rooms yeah yeah i'm just gathering up some obsidian so i could make a portal that's actually in a sensible location you know hey our portal is in a very sensible location where are you at i'm come say hello are you the boogeyman by the way just to check no no are you the boogeyman no i'm not i can tell you that i'm not you know you're making a slime chunk that's pretty cool that's pretty technical i'm going to be making some traps and things for other people obviously oh wow oh that's a weird word to use there hold on no no no but we have to defend our base easy that's it oh steady on i don't want to go losing that now do we somebody will be very angry right i feel like this do you think you could stop him from doing it go look if you kill me as the boogie man this this spyglass gets it you could hold basically the spyglass hostage because she really doesn't have very many like crystals left five left it's running low i might accidentally exile myself from the group which would be quite upsetting i am so totally lost i don't know where i'm going this is the issue with me and grian just endlessly and pointlessly mining all over the place is that it is impossible to find your way i think i've just found my way out wow this is looking really really pretty already although i can't help but notice that i've been completely excluded from the group i know that my building isn't made of cobblestone and it isn't exactly towering but still this is ridiculous i mean look at this i've been completely shut out uh so i've got some obsidian and i can make a nether portal is there a place that we should put it that's smart because obviously yeah maybe we should just put it outside that would work just outside the castle that would work okay should we should we trap the portal and then when it's not being used by us a recipe for someone very innocent to die probably timmy probably so shall we do it okay nice and easy just a little bit of this action it has been so long since i've built a portal i almost forgot how to do it and boom whoa oh i was about to say clearly people have been here before and i thought maybe i'd be able to go back through and access their base but i just realized this is where we were last time and i've just remembered i need gold stuff don't i oh excellent oh green you're making noises like a pokemon would you scared it was the enderman it just zipped next to me and i thought i was gonna die oh and then yusuf next to me and i thought i was gonna die mumbo why is your door on the outside of the castle you're the one building the the wall right yeah okay fine okay i'll sort that out i'm not responsible for the battery don't worry don't worry i'll sort this this this doesn't feel like a sword this doesn't feel like a sword look if you're gonna place your door in a silly place you're gonna get a silly wall i guess i could put it on i guess i could put it on this side to be fair you literally could i didn't actually think about that hold on look turn away divert your eyes divert your eyes very right he just vested you just walked in he just bested your wall mate all right okay all right you're making me dizzy [Music] all right i forgot my wheel so this is a floating magical wheelbarrow and welcome to wizards mobile enchants hi so i've got some things for sale here if you guys just want to take a moment to peruse the stock and everybody's stealing my things here so we've got so can you put that back right now mister you put that back you put whatever that was i don't remember what no jump in here and see all the beautiful crystals and things that you can use to your advantage in this series when there becomes a battle and you need to escape we've got the houdini escape crystal the dodge and weave crystal think about all the magic that will benefit are any of these are life i would like a life uh yes we're currently selling two souls ah that's quite good talking you're talking to two of the two lives on this server fella what do you want you know what i don't quite have a price for it actually but okay i will start off by sweetening the deal with this okay and that is that is a goodwill gesture so you can just you can just go ahead and you can keep that that's fine anyway can i sell you guys some magical crystals i would like a soul crystal please i would also like a soul crystal i just don't have a price for those they're there their thing is they're there well does that mean that we can what about just taking out you've stolen you've you're still in the magical crystal now they're both magical crystals what's more valuable than a life i don't know what could it be friendship allies diamonds full set of diamond gear what if what if mumbo and i become your secret allies i'm happy to become a secret ally secret team secret team you say i'll kill myself yeah i will betray them in a heartbeat for this okay i will think about it i will think about it it sounds like a very good offer but i don't know if i can trust you now what can i sell you also i mean i could sell you how about this i could sell you each two crystals two crystals that you can use in battle or in negotiations for green shoes i'm happy to buy a cactus for green shoes no rotten mumbo the cat i don't know why we would need cactus but it is really valuable there is no desert here there we go the deal has been struggling all right pop your shoes off wait wait he just traded my shoes i didn't meet you thanks what have you done i didn't meet you agreed a proper offer for the soul crystals you come back we have a proper offer a secret alliance you've given me so much chunk a betrayal a betrayal of sorts but also not i i i will be determined if that's the case right your lives are on pre-order if you sell them to someone else i'm going to come after you oh you're going to go listen i won't do that we've got these we've got the crystals yeah i'm keeping just remember these crystals are still the property of the north and i can take them back at any time but you are the only ones with them okay i feel like i don't know if we got any good deals there but i did get some sweet cactus i've you you traded my shoes did you not see the rotten flesh go into the thing i thought that was clear enough i didn't realize that i was shaking hands on your shoes no i got poor man shoes i'm wearing the same shoes oh no i'm not i'm not really got shiny gold [Laughter] oh my goodness the whole squad i did some deals yeah yeah yeah and you didn't give them the that's my glass because you knew that i would i would be annoyed that would be incorrect sir don't i i look scar popped over he was selling a bunch of rubbish okay he was selling a bunch of rubbish stuff but as a goodwill gesture i gave him my mouse oh my mumbo you need to stop this i'm running out impulse come over here um brian so the real reason i brought them back is that we had a joint mission where i would i would um basically get them to follow me and then impulse and go in their base and steal all the sugarcane that's why they're here oh you got it he's got he's got it that's why they're here so sorry for just bringing them randomly back and you guys were like hey what's going on but that was the plan that's why they're here so um yeah when they go back they'll notice that it's all gone and that way that's amazing with our spy glasses quickly just yes no idea we're laughing at them but they don't know actually no that seemed like it was going to descend into violence so i thought i'd gather some quartz and because i am far too scared to gather quartz in the conventional manner i unfortunately am strip mining yes i hate myself as well oh oh i really hate myself but i still have every intention of building up some redstone contraptions in today's last live episode so originally to gather up this stuff finally this was almost becoming the diamond thing oh and it is a good vein it is a good vein of nether quartz now my goal is to get one full stack which i think might actually take longer than i expected and i think there's a chance i might just have to be a little bit brave this definitely feels like a stupid idea but there is a whole ton of nether quartz up here so it seems worth it and to be fair if i do manage to attract a ghost then that will allow me to get a ghast tear which could then mean that i would get an end crystal okay i've got 48 bits of quartz do i risk it for this i mean it's not over lava i do think it's safe and there also doesn't seem to be any gas spawning because i don't think i'm in the right biome for it i'm up to 53 am i happy with 53 kind of committed to the full stack now haven't i oh oh is that a boogeyman kill so wait lizzy was the boogeyman she was the she was the boogie gosh i've just thought should i be getting these bone blocks i feel like actually bone meal in these sorts of quantities is probably very valuable okay i've managed to get myself one full stack of nether quartz and although i'm not necessarily certain that these are actually valuable items i'm taking them anyway and now i return home a victor and a survivor oh here we go home sweet home for this little fella enjoy him he's yours now you're a father why do you want this baby this baby zombie to be in my bed you look like you need him cause he's our friend lovely there you go enjoy mumbo there you go see what is fatherhood will this baby zombie pick up a spyglass i wonder if we can quickly find a zombie that will actually accept my spyglass this is a race against time will he take it please no ah looks good oh surely i think this is worthless look wait no i'm not going to attach you to anything because you could steal it mumbo i have something better i have something better i have something better look at this look at that mumbo just grab it up take it take it in your he's very vocal about the lack of them as far as magical engraved writing magically engraved writing you understand nothing then look at the magically engraved writing oh so how is magic mountain nowadays like are you just there by your lonely self you're talking about two wizards but weren't you supposed to cut all ties with a bearded one um he lives he lives at the bottom he lives at the bottom and uh i if i need to speak with him we we stand on a bridge and we break the bridge in front of us as a severed our bonds if you will and yeah yeah it's really actually quite tragic to be honest with you we had a lot of plans and a lot of plans that went up in a poof of green smoke i'm crouching so you can hear me right now be on guard be on guard if we need to in a moment's notice i'm going to do the uh give life command to you just so you don't go down to red okay like if you're about to go down i will transfer this life in fact i'm gonna copy paste it hold on is this what friendship feels like this is what being married feels like is that what just happened we've skipped a step yeah yeah nothing to worry about up we go i feel like if someone prefaces something with nothing to worry about there's stuff to worry about you can never know with scar quite honestly scar could tell me that i'm about to burn and like feel the heat of a thousand suns and he's probably just got a hair dryer pointing at me like it's it really can be the extreme or totally fine i've been raided guys oh back it up if there's a pressure plate hold on hold on hold on hold on we may have a major major issue why what's happened nevermind everything's fine everything's fine oh great everything's all good great oh yeah fantastic wonderful yeah somebody uh raided the house could if you guys didn't have to have any dirt on you maybe you could just yeah i'm helping out i've been here before i've helped renovate it wait a minute oh no no no no no no no no no that's personal effects perspective what do you mean personal effects what's going on here what's happening what's going on in this chest mumbo have a little nosy in that tell me what you see i'm embarrassed what's going on here i'm gonna give you guys a free enchant by the way just because i appreciate you thanks man i'm gonna have to ask you guys to get into the pet with the chickens into the pan into the pan into the pan and i will bring the enchanter over right okay hold up the chicken here you go i'll be right back i gotta get the enchanter scar i've accidentally released all your chickens you're good you'll get hot away wait wait wait wait step back oh oh geez oh all right this is fine i'm a professional i do this every day please stand back professional work professional work oh that's right it's fine there's eggs we'll just respond a few of them and it'll be good there we go look this is fine i do this regularly look there you go you would never know just get off the scenes okay i'm back you've been way too smart about this being done for once what happened to my chickens okay let's hold on hold on let's let's play let's play the truth game right now who let them all out in the first place that was me your [Laughter] there was no stopping himself oh you actually have it he's actually gone wake up there's some enchanting right i've been waiting so long you just remember this is a peace offering from the north okay does all everyone agree nope the crafting bench is closed it is closed guys what if there's a big drop off over here hey this was a hey now now everybody this was a peaceful gesture from the north to the south this was a peaceful gesturing of no cost by the way that you're now drowning me that this is dark in here by the way it's just very dark hello everybody i can't seem to get out there is a big ginormous butt in my way mumbo he's not noticing keep going keep going oh my goodness he's not noticed let's go let's bounce let's bounce let's go see you later see you later don't take goodbye just leave well that's more suspicious this is fantastic oh oh he's he's spotted yeah oh there we go now you run now you run get back to the base this is the slowest how am i still in audible range of you oh no well i kind of wasn't planning on taking his horse but now i have his horse and i guess this is what i live with now i wonder if there's any chance that i can get back to the little southern village and set up some form of device that will allow us to hold this horse hostage and give us enough time to hopefully get the enchanting table off the scar i'm just gonna do a little bit more nothing before i go what oh mumbo what are you doing oh my goodness just don't like me you're hang on a minute i gotta go get my friends i feel like some shady things have happened i was in your base waiting for some of you and joel wandered in he's very scary guys hey joe's in our base yeah he's he's sort of in there it's the red boogie man whatever joel look at this yes you recognize this horse okay do you recognize it yellow snow yep ah what have you taken what have you taken from our base and i may be able to trade i've actually only taken one piece of sugar cane it's all i could find that was my one piece of sugarcane wasn't it oh that's unfortunate for you um yeah i was you don't have many doors so i couldn't really do anything anyway korea knows what i mean goodbye i'm the only one with the door as well uh he's definitely set something up well judging by his track record we shouldn't be that that scared we should we should be a little bit worried maybe we could suspend his horse above lava into using the lead and then and then use that to bath for an enchanting table where where do you want to do this we hang them like from outside the castle wall yeah that's better oh so that's a good idea that's a good idea yeah just right out right over the front door get him on there just give him okay all right you want some water on the ground useless and pointless so let me just get this straight for a second scott let us use the enchanting table free of charge and this is what we do in return this was a bit unjustified i don't know what message we're sending i really really want someone random just to come over that hill over there and see the horse it's a threat it really is a threat oh my gosh i have something i have a little bit of insider information that i feel like oh i should share to those of you who are in the southern crew but this cannot get out of the southern crew okay okay because i potentially am holding one of the most valuable items do you this is important stuff and we need to make sure that nobody actually witnesses this because this this could be a bit of a game changer okay yeah this is a very awkward meeting place look it's kind of difficult all right i'm working on the fly a little bit here okay well wait wait how are we doing i need you come up as well what are you doing this does not go where i thought it did but uh it's important that we do this all right okay is everyone watching up there okay no no i'll come down oh you want to see oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] who can get this journalist i can't break any you can't break anything right okay can you please you can't place boats okay okay i'm on five hearts no come on no we guys oh my god it's a shame you can't like put a sign there because we could put a sign as proof of like distance travelers oh yeah whose item goes the furthest wait oh hold on a minute in chat whatever tango where did you run off to i'll get you next time hmm i was still wearing there was a double boogie and tango's been super sus this week i'm not tango uh etho has been really weird yeah don't let if i find you guys on the other side of that wall i mean how far can you go oh you're breaking blocks guys we could go all the way around yeah how far can we go oh my god what if we go all the way around and just sneak back into scott so what is our goal should we should should we should we get them back in so that in case scar comes over um i don't know because i mean that horse oh yeah because the horse is still hanging in the back yeah yeah we don't want to lose that keep keep keep all right oh i see he's basically like making him not look okay have him back into it turn around no yeah yeah yeah no come on silly goose what's going on here this is my car this is my setup what do you think of our new decoration dude you know i was never really into those horses at the um at you know the grocery store that like you sat on it for a quarter and it just like bobbed up and down like the little rocket thing personally as a child i i often question the sanity of the kids that thought that was fun look scar okay this is not one of those stains on their shirts i was like why why have you done this to yourself this is far more sinister than that because you see you see green up there he's holding an axe one little swing on that axe and yellow snow goes into the lava look there's a lava pit right here oh yeah yeah oh spring will begin my friend all the snow is going to be gone so so scar do you have the injury oh you got you got two options here scar you can either cash in on mine and mumbo's generous offer earlier with these soul crystals and you can you can have yellow snow back or you can give us the enchanting table hmm the other option of course is the yellow snow gets gets uh gets a hot meal becomes orange snow i'm very hungry here's here's the here's the issue it was never my horse what oh what wait wait what why hold on what did he just run off it was my horse a horse he's dropping you i lost it so early on i didn't care i had this horse for about two seconds he cares oh my gosh you got there before i did you what a waste of time yeah man did anything come of the border border patrol or no no oh my gosh this whole episode has been a worthless this whole episode has been a waste of time i built myself spawner out of the wrong positions it's like on the border of a bunch of chunks i'm like martin you put it in the wrong place it's in the right place i checked several times yeah i did i took the coordinates of each corner and then check them downstairs i don't get it i told you to do it so after a lot of faffing around my new plan of action is to build an entrance for our castle that just looks confusing and makes it difficult to get in which is good because that means that we can easily defend our entrance so i have a handful of hoppers that will make the little hopper clock and then with my nether quartz i should also be able to make some comparators by the looks of things jordan actually find my little bunker which i guess is one of the many benefits of not having a massive tower so all of my valuable items have been completely untouched we got going on here yeah i'm trying to make a thing that will make it more difficult for people to come into our base oh okay it kind of like slows people down a little bit i guess so this line of pistons right here will then be powered by this line of repeaters which will all be connected to our redstone flop now this definitely isn't going to be award-winning redstone but is going to do the job so if i wrap all of the hoppers around like this that should do it perfect okay this is this is exactly what i wanted it to be right so if i place in the rest of the blocks and get myself some stone bricks this right here will be our entrance wall and that means to come over the top you have to wait there we go okay so yeah this is actually this is working it's like a ride yeah it's basically listen it's a way to just hold people up a little bit and make it more difficult for them to get in so that means that we can like attack them from up here or do whatever and uh they they can struggle i will be the enemy okay yeah and you you keep me from getting in ready okay okay oh nope okay i can't get up oh nope can't get over oh punch you back though i'd say this one yeah this actually works i can knock it in i can't do it oh there we go yeah that's because that's because i i i relaxed on you i i let you through a little bad does it just keep going yeah oh my god wait for it you're a clever man aren't you it's about as simple as it gets but the idea the idea is jimmy if we do an enactment i'm just gonna have an empty fist is that you nice you shouldn't be able to punch them off so yeah that's amazing dude have you ever thought about doing tutorials well it's a little bit embarrassing that you know like i've made a bunch of videos about secure bunkers and things but then in this series you know i know actually i'm going to put those things slightly to the test debunked every episode you've done you're just gonna have to put debunks on it now oh my word ready and up it comes oh i is the mean this is the point of it martin did you see that guys you did it have you noticed that the castle's on fire guys guys i just felt a secure my secure entrance see i see i see but but but what if i what if i do this that's an issue then you get slaughtered that's usually the way it goes break a wall get ready to fall i mean if that was such a good image for me walking in you guys are all patting each other yourselves on the back like the amount of friends so silly when you can't jump over it we were looking forward to seeing how you would deal with this incredibly secure entrance this impenetrable entrance that we had oh a bunch of nerds how are you not all dead yet it is a wonder i was trying to push you in but i got your crap small what do you mean why is this so small look look he really did me in because he built the castle wall over my bunker yeah and he didn't build a tower he instead built a bunker when the mo was tower yeah but i mean really it's your own fault it really was thank you but now it looks a lot it looks small oh look all right it's just the lighting or something i mean it is it's just the light it was taking it so that is a wrap on this episode of last life honestly i don't know what to make of this one a lot of things have happened i'm not entirely sure where i stand or what i managed to achieve but it was fun regardless and i'll catch you in the next one see ya and i think one thing that i've definitely learned is that having a plan is definitely smart having a direction of what you want to do is a good move but in last life anything can shift uh a minute's notice i mean you really think i planned on taking scar's horse i didn't even have motive to i just took it because it seemed fun and then here we are
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,365,465
Rating: 4.9781451 out of 5
Keywords: LAST LIFE: Episode 3 - BEYOND THE BORDER, LAST LIFE, 3rd life, Third Life, Minecraft survival Hardcore, Minecraft survival, Minecraft, survival Hardcore series, Hardcore series, Minecraft hardcore, Mumbo Jumbo, how to get past a Minecraft world boarder, Minecraft world boarder, redstone traps, GoodTimesWithScar
Id: XC4kdUM8KSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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