RTGame Archive: Minecraft [PART 28] ft. CallmeKevin and Jacksepticeye

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that we're fine I can't even seem like my stream notice Channel I'm good to me so far maybe it's just on my end okay tweet is popped out chat is screaming at me violently hey folks and I think we should be good I think we have everything up wait are we live yeah we're live okay hi yeah there's no real intro or anything we're just here top of the morning to ya oh come on every Irish person says that no you timed our nation but everyone's over here now build the biggest top of the mornin in Minecraft that's our goal for today get back on in there while you're there I mean the mods have beat us to that actually yeah there's a giant leprechaun with the tiny pint of Guinness in his hand oh that's very cute I was wondering what this tower was in the background it's double inspire oh that's why it looks shite yeah basically the spire already right I did it yeah I was playing it's on a different server it looked like this cuz I don't know how you actually build the spire because it's so plain you just vomit and in a tower and it's more or less it and then in taxpayers pay four million a year to maintain it see this is you know it's a bad monument because the three Irishmen here took ages to figure out what this was I fixed it I put someone on the top as a Jim say it's chip I bet there there's a potato on Oh grace yeah let's get the stereotypes like just rage and while we're here figured it out we figured it out go so just for just for everyone in the stream here cuz chats were moving a [ __ ] mile a minute how's it going everybody you're all very welcome to the stream I am joined today by call me Kevin and Jack said oh ye oh ye we got the Irish gang together because I finally I think yeah I think this has been like hugely requested for all has to come together and do something yeah well now I think we're breaking your server are we or is it a hearty day like people haven't even started connecting yet it's the most cursed thing I've ever seen got to like the build is just Jim Pickens totally the spire is disintegration the dream is collapsing this is like a perfect example of like entropy you just have an organization at the start and then it just devolves into nothing the thing is we haven't even got people on the server yet like when the floodgates open there's gonna be like about a hundred people here Jesus these these are they're organized people is it these are the mods these are the people are socially responsible here oh it's the most cursed fountain ever basically he's just spewing at the top of this fire so fire foam what we're gonna open the floodgates in a moment for all my crowd here you guys already know what the story is we're doing a Minecraft build day we're gonna have people on the server you're gonna have creative mode the theme for today is both Ireland and Irish YouTube so you can talk smack about the other two fellas here we're all on the same call yeah the hand we're gonna kind of like just kind of hop in in a moment and just kind of get to work and kind of see how things go I don't know who did it but I saw one of my head's in the middle of this where oh god he deleted it the Dave how do I upload that like quite quickly or something yeah how did you get in my head who did that who just found it somewhere I could have to put all the mods in a firing line and call someone else who is it what's getting fired today Jesus I thank you as well to all the mods that are on hand we have a lot on hand I just wanted a stream because we know like just even from judging from the [ __ ] twitch at like it's moving a mile a minute people are just screaming how I just out like out of curiosity because I can't see the count myself how many people are already here oh okay five thigh wasn't already right we great yeah we haven't done anything yet that's the thing like people are making their way I've done something what have you done Kevin tell us I don't want to talk about it so if you guys want to join me for a moment here I'm gonna show you where the portal is it's in this lovely pint of Guinness Oh God I found my heads oh god here here it is I only know what your head looks like because you have that Jonas is that you did you do that the mods have been like like chopping our splicing our names together so we have call RTI RTF Devon game ok so if you just jump into like the little puddle of water here this will like teleport you Oh Harry Potter do thank you sir they sure do they say I can Ellie and then they go in oh yeah yeah and upon the water I remember I've seen a great video online where it's someone actually run into the wall at platform 9 3 quarters and just like falling over can't get the Hogwarts this is very pretty Daniel yeah I mean you say that like we're gonna open the floodgates in the mo the dodo do you mean the tree yeah oh yeah here so don't we come up into the treehouse with that that's that's the mods they've built this spend some time alone here at least he sensors Oh have to use your imagination for the rest which makes it all week okay I give him a potato everyone sacrificed potatoes to the topless Luigi Wallace I'm gonna give him a poisonous potato because I think that's what he deserves there we go strive on poison this was a mistake potatoes to make it one oh he Jie like five minutes in my hotbar is just my own head and Jim Pickens that's all you need so what I'm gonna say for the mods and the admins here you are welcome to open the floodgates let people join the server this is always like a magical moment too if you just keep an eye on the gate like it's like people spill basically at the bottom is a tree is it at the bottom of the tree yes like they'll start coming in their common hmm for like the mods that are keeping an eye on twitch at if you need to pop it in slow mode I don't blame you because it's a file a minute oh here they come how to hope people understand here they come yeah people are an welcome lads you're all very welcome this is New Ireland so when we're actually building yeah do do people build whatever or do we get to be separated into teams no one's gonna want to build for me so if you want we can gather people in the teams like right now and have like a little camps or something well I think I think what's going to actually happen realistically as people just spam to share our gem pick and heads and just pop hits already I had a thought there but it was just quickly interrupted whatever works for you I don't want to cause if you know me I mean I think they get people started will just say the same is Ireland and Irish YouTube and we're kind of I think people will like kind of divvy out into factions as time goes on and like will very quickly be able to work out who's building what okay so that that that just goes wherever on the server theme is Ireland Irish YouTube yeah build each of us right now build a monument to us build a monument of each youtuber and we will judge you harshly what she's and I won't mind massive and then just the tiny Jim Pickens head I want mine to be the topless Waluigi recreated Kevin's head on top interesting if someone's already gotten like to work on pixel art just like immediately that's the thing it takes a few minutes for like stuff to get going because people are just like kind of letting out foundations and what they want to do but it is kind of fascinated I give it like 10-15 minutes and you'll start yeah people are doing train cows over here building something orange and oh it's orange and it's white and I'm little bear green is gonna go in there eventually there we have a lot of flags hmm I always get it wrong have we got the right way right round or is that the Ivory Coast again because like that happens a lot of people well just stand the other way perfect yeah we can represent both answer every flag is another country from a different perspective oh I think I know what this is what's this thing here I see there's a little Basin that look looks like an ashtray or something that's coming along happy man I don't even know her you air yeah it's hard to keep track of where you guys said I see it I see jack yeah you can't you kind of just roam about and you'll you'll just just you see stuff as we go sure yeah yeah we have a lot of flies it's a crock of gold actually that's being built there already so we have like the IE stereotypes coming in I'm amazed so like the entire landscape hasn't just been pillaged and like potatoes planted everywhere where is everyone did we crash your server we have all the mods are we at max capacity already I feel like we can get more people in because I people are all here I just need to you the mods might need to use twitch chat to talk to me because discord is really struggling discord is being dodgy people can't link today apparently right so that's what's going on yeah broke advice dip discord discord is just breaking a little bit today that's unfortunate this is really interesting to see where people are lured with this I'm just watching the build I'm trying to figure it out it's like a little puzzle some sceptic I is but I'm not sure I mean I think that's a massive one yes guy that's like taking shape here I think this is a derrick one right here trying to have a look around we have someone who's just building like an Irish flag for a house hammies just working away it's just like completely loop and like all the walls are Ireland oh there's a leprechaun oh yeah I mean it's kind of unavoidable yeah or it could be either of the three of us so I don't know we're gonna just have like carols represented by the end of the stream this is just built a pit of fire he's just sitting in it but hates in it this isn't at all was very Irish yes like the piss of fire we keep in like like Antrim you know yeah store that there where's the where's the shittiest county in Ireland where could you keep the pit of fire Oh careful now you're gonna upset someone with this dolt that's my goal as long as I can upset somebody i I think Roscommon because I'm not even sure it's real I've never met anyone from it I think neutrons is the base of a meme actually is it I think it is yeah the fact that you're saying two counties of which I know where most counties are but those ones I'm like I think they're here yeah yeah yeah that really plays some so that's that says a lot that says everything you need to know yeah what's wrong with you guys go always gorgeous waste cause best course like you know impress your American friends yeah you like this is worth the read this is what the rest of Ireland looks like you're [ __ ] yeah it's like it's so idyllic just like don't go too far into the Ring of Kerry yeah who down the Atlantic way but not too far cousin you're [ __ ] Jesus Leitrim is a me Mia some people actually saying that tell you by the name of an Irish flair this Irish flag has a ring of fire around it I like to find something that I can vaguely connect to me because I've seen stuff for you guys must be something for me I mean you've got a ring of fire if there's a country road I'm going to claim laughs first thing I saw was Jim Pickens head so and most people are wearing Jim Pickens head so it's true that the cult is here oh I can see a grognak actually like GTA character really nice not a vest hopping everything oh this one here yeah yeah find a cute Jesus someone's building a 3d septic eye oh it was all unless she really impressive yeah yeah how are you mapping this out this was it yeah I feel like this person like it's three minutes but earlier sage-like just came in with a plan I like it I appreciate it yeah that's how that's gonna look [ __ ] class come the end we have a lot of spires going on we do yeah I mean the spire is a bit of a meme on my channel because I've hyped it up as like Ireland's worst tourist attraction just by far right because the only cool thing I've ever seen him do with it is like whatever does new Star Wars film they stick like a lightsaber base on the bottom and they have some lights that go all the way up so it looks like a massive lightsaber but that's literally ish like that's it that's the only time I've thought like oh that's actually kind of cool the rest of the times like why is this here yeah what could it what else could it be it's just it's just a pole I'll let you look at like the Eiffel Tower and you look at like a Statue of Liberty yes like Irish government we need a spike yeah hang some clothes from it get a second one get a clothesline going between between Dublin in Leitrim Shannon's connectors another spire in Galway and put a sheet between it and then just sail Ireland across can we go somewhere warmer please people are building a castle over here I saw a castle taking shape already my god like to so many just little creations just cropping up we can give them a bit more direction if we see them I kind of going a particular way like if you want like we can instruct them even like pillage a bit a gram for potatoes on that like okay it's whatever takes your fancy like if we gather people together on a spot and like we see one idea and want to roll with it like I'm gonna I'm gonna say over here just where I am on the stream like we have a lot of spires if some people want to add some more spires so we can get like a bit of a metropolis going that might be cool there's my support on over here oh yes actually we do have one says beer just not even Guiness or anything just alcohol yeah just beer but this could be mistaken with the Germans for all we know like it's not necessarily ireland doodler I respect your a septic guy that you built here I'm very flattered thank you dan does fire not work it doesn't spread because that would that would cause problems I feel you go quiet for five minutes then this fire next question does TNT work we have a lot of people popping up beacons I love how some of these are like intercepting the eye in the sky so it's gonna be like it's actually like there's actually a lot of height to the build already between like the eye unlike the spires this is wild okay let's see if I can do something here myself after I asked mod teleported to me like no it's just a Minecraft face but he looks so disappointed just trying to burn down a village just at the edge of the building oh yeah just at the border I think like I don't think we can hop in so that will actually no it's just outside the build zone but it'll burn forever okay I've built a tower of Jack heads with TNT at the top Oh gray or is it it's very safe its motley Ireland's been represented beautifully you're a bit of an interior designer I'd say are you [Laughter] Jesus I actually forgot I think I have a texture pack on because the TNT is wait does it work I hope so oh yes explosion so so we can just terrify it's what I want to scare everyone down below now it's 1% as loud as I am we can't spawn animals - I was trying to see if we can get some like the sheep in the server I believe that actually just we've tried that before and I think we like literally destroyed it it's like it was down for maintenance for hours so we got a boost yeah just an army of sheep because like sometimes like we give out the eggs and in like people just spawn them everywhere and when it's like 100 people spawn the Sheep every second it very quickly gets out of hand yeah I could see that all right now someone's like made like in like a YouTube play button was the Irish flag that's actually kind of cute where is it oh yeah I see it's near there like tree spires the eye and the leprechaun okay hit the fire pit at the paint again this you've gone too far Jesus like like taxi driver directions or something when you're out in the come here is okay I just go past the pub and in those two sheep fields now you take the second left you go onto a dirt road now yeah just a couple of stones over there yeah when you see the river you've gone too far I hate that direction because it's what's the point telling me when I've gone too far like tell me when I'm just before it like this road when you see gone too fast turn off before that directions like the why God like I was in carry with a few friends like a little holiday in Dingle once and I carry accent it's it's kind of thick as you guys I'm sure you can contesta yeah thick wood foursie's dude okay like we had a taxi driver it was like kind of trying to give us back to her home and like we hopped in the taxi and just like without missing a beat just like right off the bat he was like are you where he had no I'm sorry it's like we tried to give him it like an address I was like and he was like I was at my role that was a passable don't please please slow down I don't know what you're saying you haven't is broke even Irish people don't get it half the time no you just smile and nod and hope he takes you to the right place and if he doesn't thank him politely and just get out the time the only reason we got home that day is because one of my friends was actually from Carrie and somehow he just started speaking the accent and it sounded like he was speak in a different language all of a sudden really does and like we couldn't understand what he was saying Eider and he started having a chat with the taxi driver the entire time as like me and my other friends just they're just not what the [ __ ] is going on and I someone just wrote potato famine in the sky lovely it's back and you and you I could smell blight I knew there were so many something with that fire me like the potato field over here is going to be swiftly destroyed but I just know the terrorists out enemies I'll bring the fire oh no I shouldn't this guy's worth hair dye how if you just take a bucket or water I've got oh god yeah no that destroys it real quick okay just make straight to fire did you stray the fire the potatoes the potatoes it's all away yeah see the Minecraft pro I know that auto potato farms use water to wash them with Wow you can build auto farms no can you you've come a long way only if someone on YouTube is showing me how do I just look up the wiki is too complicated and I've watched someone else do it like my knowledge is like minecraft ended in about like 2015 I kept playing the game since then but everything that's been added since then I have no idea what it is and I constantly forget and I just kind of uncover something new like every other day it's a nice touch here I like that oh there's a sheep I got some more crocs the gold come here sheep there's like funny few homes I think Oh someone's making in my like horrible me character I think that's all i want died there his face hasn't been filled in looks like he's in pain that's brought the Sheep inside sheep has a house now all you guys are over here hey well I'll caught this like this what part actually looks kinda peaceful like this is quite rustic and like actually looks nice comparison arrow what are you naming this sheep Oh better name the Sheep something amazing Oh dinner he's dinner bone oh okay right I forgot that there's someone building a beer in Higgins and I just came over and replaced the pupils with like smaller Jim Pickens heads and he just turned around and nodded at me thank you yeah I appreciate your contribution was this red and black thing the its massive the bit the big pixel art kind of thing yeah that's I want I that's that's my beloved me character who they see they're constantly in pain name yeah he just longs for the end the alternative name was end me but likes felt like the Wii me is a good name James over here has built a lovely number for us a 330 tree Oh fantastic I don't know where I haven't seen you in so long dad it's heard to it 330 seen it heard yeah just just keep keep getting them in here 333333 point tree tree yeah 333 million Jesus Christ why is it village on fire oh sorry yeah that's that look down stay warm forever nice guy yeah warm for the their lives inside the border you can't just do that Kevin why are they putting you hit the fire oh it's you I'm putting it out very trying to save the poor little village I might be doing more damage because I destroyed the roof I know they're gonna die damn it you know what this so far all these all these buildings they look like Ireland but the rain yet there's no rain I we could turn on rain and liked was worse than the experience for everyone here well that is Ireland someone just said something terrible in chat that Kevin just set fire to Northern Ireland because this is just outside the Billboard er I just want to make that joke not to say it you're ok we joke about that kind of stuff here okay you're all right it's all the internet joke about it it's a good question like Kevin you can't just do that to the Norse look I burn everyone I don't do it because there's a North I do it because iemon why are you like this he doesn't discriminate he burns every country it's nice and I'm just gonna go inside like a little uh is it as warm inside as it is in the lava yeah it's very cozy like there's a nice view on the balcony here you better enjoy it while the balcony still here that's quickly disintegrating oh that's some lava I think I like that that doesn't actually burn down cuz it'll be here forever now like no one can fix it cuz it's it's just outside the outskirts that's a lot of thunder and lightning going on yeah God is angry at me most of the time the dark day for Ireland's God hates the Irish we were notoriously Catholic like speaking of which is someone I thought he should build a church I thought someone was building the church for the moment I think someone's actually building the GPO we're just near I want died and the potato field gray structure if you compare the directions are starting to make sense yes we gotta work off like Irish directions I feel yeah so they're in about an hour we have to recreate the 1916 rising oh Jesus I can't wait wants to build a battleship in the Liffey just over there mad a few bullet holes into the columns we should we should start building the history of Ireland from Lake the spawn area across I had the great history of Ireland that is like the potato famine the famines here to get independence by aggression it's the great septic eye in the sky came to kill us all and then the British came with this flag Oh someone actually built the Union Jack oh that's illegal you know I'll do that well I'm getting the fire out oh that's not gonna look controversial tree Irish a troopers burn Union Jack live on stairs you there's your title I just got delish I'm sorry I I burned it all I know this prior work celebrating our independence oh no it might be better if I actually knew the history of Ireland better hmm I feel like it would be easier to learn if they taught you through like a minecraft server when we were in school yeah they taught you like this I mean you talk about that but like that's actually like would be fantastic if you think about yeah what a loved it I think they should teach thermodynamics in Minecraft no just like even like circuitry like today we're just playing what rights don't you know yeah yeah that gets quite advanced it's late oh yeah it kind of makes sense to a degree it's like you're like kind of going into architecture or something to actually use the game as the tool to get like a general outline yeah oh this is a lovely septic I up next to Jim it's snowing up here which is hills oh the one on the mountain is this that's lovely Oh a little hurt that's really cute that's ripped from its enemy I would have seen spam someone has died get that hurt I mean someone had it looks awesome though the Jim Pickens the I like that the head its pupils are our Jim pickin yes building all of us to sculpt shoes is that what they're doing I mean I mean it's the sculpture started about like you know what he's not a yeah Jim Pickens is like the three of us together I think my skin's like it's like supposed to be like a fable tree character or something from way back in the day we're just kind of kept it ever since this is Noah's lovely it's very look straight up toward the illusion dies Jesus I love how people are getting like the beacons in like the Irish flag now as well yeah the rifle like the spire town that's been for this is amazingly organized like I thought this would go into chaos a lot faster that's a surprising thing like haven't done a lot of these build sessions like like people are actually are like you know like that they want to build something cool and like people even work together on a lot of these things it's honestly just very cool to see because because I know and I started doing this like the fear was like someone places a block someone else just deletes that block real quick yeah but no people work together you know just down for it you know we got a very real community here I don't use a light ray a what a light truck oh yeah the wind Cape thing oh you think if you press space when you're falling I don't know if it matters cuz we're in creative mode yeah I mean you can turn creative mode off yourself if you want to I see how that goes yeah I probably just die you know what I'll save it for the real game I don't want to I don't want to spoil it for myself Jesus so nice Shamrock here clover I even from when we were like thinking about the stream like before cuz I mentioned the idea that I thought it would devolve into factions and basically people fighting each other but everyone's just kind of chill no they're all just working together it's actually quite impression they are you're sure notorious for being nice and friendly that's true but also lazy so I didn't expect it to be we built half of America and then we were like well [ __ ] I'm not gonna build Ireland now that's a fair point Jesus Livie Bella what are you building she said is that a part of shoe I mean as I think there's a couple of crocks of gold that are about the place the people of the building someone's building like our big old structure on the water so yeah I saw that it looks like a mess of ship or something like Noah's Ark is being assembled or something yeah what's going on here looks mighty impressive this few people working on this one - I think two lads hear somebody say a ship master apparently someone even built like a home under the water I think or like a little one like a little cottage oh but that guy's flooded and terribly it this must be a metaphor for climate change if I have to guess so woke Jesus someone else has got a windmill that's actually really lovely the delightful the Dutch are invading its building that's lovely to the doctor invading yeah I think this is actually supposed to be a pub if I have to guess there's a lot of Bruins stands in like a lot of tables and chairs set up I don't know it's next so it's next to the windmill which is next to the oh yeah this is nice ship construction pub yeah yeah that's very cozy looking Sean's bar oh do they have a sign name that yourself for her to be named it no I just I have Sean's buyer my minecraft server so oh okay oh this pub in the world apparently is it yeah it's in Westmeath I've been to the tallest pub in Ireland like well tallest not the tallest but at the highest point apparently that's all it was dairy this tool is just like seven foot off the ground yeah lumber on to know what was up in this like open this really tall hill and carry up this really narrow back road and I finally got up there it looked closed and like a woman opened the curtains and like instead of waving me in beside just left because it freaked me out really scary Oh someone's built a little in here juries in if I have to guess Dublin City we must burn this forest for more food oh Jesus Ireland Ireland yeah you're over that like moment in Irish history where we just torched the West yeah sorry guys climate change our bad oh Jesus the trees would like to have a word with you you'd never find a more greener place I don't even live there anymore I'm I'm a foreign invader now whenever I come back Oh God I mean I can't talk I was living in the UK for a good bit this year only true loyal Irishmen % Irish at all took a deal wait name your favorite potato Needham say you're a hundred percent Irish it yes so like it's like it's probably incest if you could I'm only 64 percent yeah I looked up your results immediately like actually in the video I did the DNA test I looked up your one that foul as well have you actually both done it already I think they I think they changed their statistics no well there's ancestry and there's 23andme yeah I didn't bold I think 23andme changed it so now it's it like merges the British Isles all together so you can't see Ireland on its own oh I think boys still said Ireland on that one but one said a hundred percent I think that was ancestry and then 23andme and he said like 99.3% Irish and I the UK I think um but it was fine that like table comment was like Kevin is the only guy who pay $150 to get two different DNA tests to find out he's why I'm very exotic I have a bit of a British in me Wow no oh I think all Ireland had a bit of British in the just how it goes I mean I was gonna say for my own background my mom is Canadian so I know that like very split there Oh get out of Ireland yeah not a real Irish man ah this gosh dang this is costing I was gonna say if you go back to the towards the tree near spawn as someone's built like a very lovely creation where it's like it's the septic eye and like a like a half that like my character is worn in the past used to be my old channel icon which is very same in the white pillars in the white pillars yeah that's what that was yeah that's amazing where's my Christmassy top hat like used to be the icon for my channel here Kevin here's your parrot thank you the fire destruction blazes me perfectly I think James working on that that is really cool though it is oh I think you'll be cooler it at a gym pagan site or something but you know whatever under the potato famine now as well of like the irt and then keV and in on seconds wait what are you in what do you in keV don't stop he'll are you talking about okay looks like it says key in yeah yeah just Qian Qian call me Qian Qing haha that's his name isn't it guys I need more support they're bullying me stupid the secret to YouTube success is to just be louder than the others just tell people exactly what you want and you'll get it out what if you don't know what you want % guys all over me oh why is he getting further away I filled in a box if he has a bell I was actually I think someone's making the Vikings oh [ __ ] yeah yeah we're bein invaders can we get can we pillage other countries we will rewrite history Ireland fights back we fight back do you repel them I love how they all have like a sad Steve face to like they're very upset they've landed here they've kind of realized the weather's choice yeah well that's that that's what Ireland is people like like the weather shite and some people like [ __ ] this and other people just an ad grant yeah has grant but that's like historically like why some people didn't invade us isn't it like they say the Liam didn't invade us because we weren't worth to say just didn't want the landless [ __ ] yeah we're all sound uh Waluigi Gees back Oh is he he's undecided the building next to key-in next Akane oh there he is yep good centre them too soon I'm widely censored yeah cuz like his nipples on display is just worrying for like anything that goes to YouTube I feel yeah I like looking at me though number one cause of financial loss this past year for me is probably why Louie's nipples gotta be careful burnin I was England on fire again it is Oh God they're really highlights a Union Jack's that's terrible she's Christ Kevin I know you're a hundred percent Irish nah but this is it taking the piss so so we burned two Union Jack's now and Northern Ireland's been set on fire and I just like to say it's all Kevin doing it it's all kids doing me this is a flaming flag tell your location okay I'm gonna okay I'm gonna forward bars think of this no it returns me messages anyway I've been trying to collab with him on a mine how do you feel about a hard breakfast let's talk about let me tell you what are your thoughts on gun control no I the number one thing I do if it ever gets political to react derail it instantly do you think pineapples belong on pizza oh you said that and the most amount of thunder ever happened that's like a sign of things to come I love pineapple on pizza and I went to the death okay well we'll fight me I'm getting a sword like that's it you're not invited here anymore Pete's is like a fine canvas okay you wouldn't tell Michelangelo what to paint yeah but Michelangelo didn't take a [ __ ] on the canvas when he was putting them together I feel you don't know that you don't know what Michael made before a big blue thing Kevin how do you feel about pineapples on pizza I'm pretty neutral I only have margaritas I'm not that's true actually yeah you don't have yes so I can referee the fight if you want fine be neutral I forget ksi versus Logan Paul this is like the show yeah I am 100% Irish I have to stay neutral so you guys do whatever you want sir as you know your pizza's pineapples on it right now no I did someone else take the pineapples off like it's an abomination replace it and then the other person keep putting the back on and whatever is on it at the end wins wait do we have a flat bit of land can we like gather people together for this hang on yes can we build your own pizza we need someone to build a pizza we gotta saddle this good use of a Saturday night virtual Lego I love it I could have ordered an actual pizza with this time well you gotta have to something for reference so I'm trying to see if anyone like gets to work on this like make a pizza in the sky that's a bad idea it's free real estate go out pick a pizza pie Oh someone's got another pint of Guinness in tow Honda boys I don't know how you guys feel about Guinness I think it kind of tastes like showed myself I thought that until I turned like 27 and then I thought it was delicious okay which is really weird is the same what red wine but the minute you turned yeah I was like give it to me lads let me try it this time now that I'm a Boomer yeah now that I have a beer it is a bit of a Boomer drink though isn't it the Guiness like that's yeah I restrict to be fair I like it as well but I can only have one pint of it because it's just so damn heavy it's bread yeah it's making ridiculous I don't know how people can sit at the barre drinking it all night yeah I just feel full like because I most I've had is half a pint and it's like that was enough yeah just couldn't stomach anymore um are they building the pizza think so is this you want a pizza no this is a sky potato firm ok quite a pizza someone's building like another GPO I think but like a larger scale one oh Jesus yeah if you look near Northern Ireland and like the sheep farm and they like tree ^ God knows how many trees at this point team tree team tree I like how it has all our heads on it as well except you Daniel you don't have a head assassin in sauce I'm not sure I met you when I thought you had a head boy maybe I'm wrong I was just a hamster in the machine pilot in the controls yeah these people are saying it's a conspiracy in the chest the billion people someone is if someone actually brought in the pizza person on us I can't find it should we build our own does a cleaver the spire if that it's near this fire which is fire one of them latitudes you'll see it's floating in the sky Oh as I said you found it yeah so we'll see I don't know what tiny team he's on he's not specified if it's gonna be pineapple or not but honestly the piece can be made at least yeah already oh so here's the base okay mm-hmm all right so we need some red wool my god what is this castle they're building over here this is insane over by the statues or yeah I saw this earlier what the head of front door before Oh God pretty impressive oh the minecraft had so completely edges really really cool there and yeah they're getting like a flag in behind them as well oh I'll give him a hand real quick I think it's just materials this Oh concrete ah going for the stronger stuff yeah there's no stronger thing than wool just for the mods on hand hit the surface choking a little if we could maybe turn off the wetter just so that eases up yes yeah it's kind of hard to see anything yeah oh my god there's a big Jim Pickens being made we're next to the near the pizza castle between the pizza and the castle I'm so sad that this is actually taking up space in my brain like the direction he is ripped look at him look at six-pack yeah he should turn his six-pack into a secret doorway yes his nipples opens up and you step inside I'm sure I'm at a nightmare like that before Jesus Oh they've actually added your feature on to like the eye with the hat Kevin like there's just a bucket full of lava at the bottom or fantastic yep so just - and destruction that I knew they'd feel bad for me and build something out of pity that's very sweet it is really cool some people are given bits to say how many bits would it take for you to say pineapple on pizza it's good it's like how much do I have to pay you to say this yeah you know it's genuine if you to pay someone to do it I want an answer hey I was sponsored to support pineapples on pizza Oh someone got the Irish flag directions wrong it's like green on the top white in the middle and orange on the bottom thank you no I can understand getting it like mixed up with the Ivory Coast with like that I've never seen anyone do it this way you just mistaken oh my god the trees keep going oh that's cool a little bell oh we have a pizza we have a couple of pizzas oh we're I'm gonna TP over to you I think you guys have the TP commands as well if you just hope TP and then your username a type of bit of impressed tab and then type the other person's user name and press tab you can like quickly whip around the people all we do have one here yeah is this pineapple and there's another mini one behind it let's just pineapple on it so let me just this is lovely I'm just gonna start swapping out the pineapple here just keep putting in just some like pink like well it's just ham I guess oh just get this in we need some green carpet that can just represent like some green peppers I'm sure let's just pop that on trying to make something actually like actually edible here yeah you're swapping it back it's going it's going well can we settle for like a Domino's half-and-half cuz like we're not gonna get anywhere here okay I choose the bigger you stay in your half and I'll stay on my half what is my half guys just just a little cover no pepper like peppers now Kevin you get the third half okay thank you having you garlic bread on the side that's what the hell is wrong with my map take no he shite oh they pop a map in your inventory can you put them on the wall no so if you press while you while you looking at the map if you press F you can pop it in your other hand so that means the bit of waluigi you can just kind of keep on the screen forever right how do we get his nipples on the map someone put Jim Pickens on this pizza all my favorite someone's just putting like purple on the pizza now right now it's just like it's going off like these cheese toppings have been like molding for a week now yeah gross just like built a cup of water no sorry ah the gunk office clean up its get some fairy liquid on that now I'll come right off give it a good scrub yeah well no it looks like a play-doh pizza yeah lady does all someone's got in there PMA here that's very sweet as their pizza yeah thank you oh and someone made it someone made like the Pokemon Wu Liu but with Irish flag colors that's very cute oh that's what that is oh that's cute for any of the subs in the channel we actually do have a wool moat now I I'm currently like trying to find a shiny one in Pokemon sword and shield and for whatever reason to find a shiny one you just have to kill them repeatedly so tree hundred sheep died like earlier this week Wow me trying to find one and apparently it can take upwards of like 3,000 to get their [ __ ] help so a lot of sheep are gonna die but this I hope you're eating them as well otherwise it's a waste of meat it's gonna be a lot of mutton for sale oh is this the European Union flag I found the nipple guys oh it is yeah to get in the end that's lovely come together yeah I mean Ireland we would be lost without the EU honestly Kevin where are you where'd you find a nipple I think it's my treasure map I'm not telling you I'm sure of it someone built a nipple on the ground oh no I just found the nipple [Music] there's more sky pizzas coming in unfortunately a lot of them of pineapple chunks on them but you know no one's perfect oh Jesus someone else has got someone but I think the treaty septic eye is now complete like it actually looks gorgeous I'm amazed like how like round it off it is honestly to him I'm helping a ad rich to complete your I want die oh he needs a little orange help I have to I would fire ant experts and it's so bad like I want die and then you go oh it's hilarious cuz like sometimes I have to get like a reference picture of I want die so I just like popping into Google and Google like it gives me like a reference number for the samaritans tweet that one time I said yeah I think I tweeted at that once like that's happened a few times now I'd like I just every time it's like oh no like I feel terrible now yeah oh I want died is complete there we go he's also have his left okay although I have his left as well oh we need to write the other nipples are complete to map it I just have his eye is her way of turning off the chat so I can see the nipples and the I press f1 everything goes away and it's a good question stream just row for a moment I just want to say thank you to our loon that that's very generous I just gave a lot of bits I'll catch a lot of the bits and subs at the end of the stream Lots it's just cuz you know I don't want to talk over the lads they're very like Kevin shut the [ __ ] up someone gave me a dollar I have I have both the nipples it's amazing I had one of the nipples but I lost it is very aggressive I'm just doing maps I'm not looking where I'm going I'm just walking along with his page oh god no I've got like half of while we his face and in one nipple now I got I got the right nipple I think I was like right if you're looking at waluigi if he's standing in front of yes maybe his left emil did you build all of this septic guy yourself this is very impressive I'm very flattered thank you it's actually like crazy impressive what people just do on the server yeah all built in how long has it even been going like we've leave an hour just under an hour that's the thing and like look how much has already been built Jesus yeah like where there's about the halfway point you know for like the build itself and like there's already so much there's so much power to have someone just wrote the word tubelight on the potato fire they did it's above beer yeah that's like a lazy famine I feel yeah like out of crop will fail we'll let it sort itself out building above that Jesus oh he's getting rid of it very quick Joe game has a bell there someone's got hash i-team treason yeah please please do go support flash if you have not already somebody say they're building an American flag how dare you how dare you acknowledge the historically a good relationship we Irish have had with the Americans yeah how are they wearing that one you tell them Daniel how no no that's good this is actually going to upset some people oh no we don't burn now I don't even know where it is well it's on fire itself oh no no way from that one people are saying war it is no God do not build soup Jesus Christ the tree so many pieces that have formed now something is starting to build like the goose from goose game oh yeah I see it actually yeah they like the bottom half of it is there that a tyre is half a Pont au costume and they're just gonna like call it a day soon that could be me that looks like my legs it's possible just like yes this is mine Dennis you sorta you can be like the bottom half of the goose goose is a hearse Irish flag hot-air balloon we're always near the boat near the boat giant shamrock yeah the boat near the boat oh my god yeah I see us that's really well done that's cool yeah like it's hollow structure next to it - I don't think that one's been finished yet oh and I can't believe I'm saying this but how do I get rid of waluigi's nipples like I have it I would like I can get rid of it in the right hand but I can't get rid of it in my left remove all the weed you sniffles it's just swapping my hands then yeah well then use a press Q and drop it ah you guys are so smart I'm vomiting Waluigi maps of people Jesus Christ while the wages and nipples cannot be stuffed someone has actually built a Catholic Church er it's in the sky next to the hairy guy I see it it's got Jim Pickens head on the altar maybe not the course anyway he wants to be in the cult come on in I'm just gonna I'm just gonna add like a bunch more torches so it just looks almost like satanic today we're reading and bombing the whole place stop it the coal needs a place to gather my torches down looks perfectly natural Jesus some people are saying because the discord died that they're saying is the Irish discord famine guys core blight the discord blight because yeah I think I think discord is really struggling tonight so I don't even know if like the stream notice that I puff that or even my top but fair play to everyone it actually made their way onto the server you're all very welcome here yeah I'm just trying to see yeah goose is coming along well someone started working like a new massive pixel art someone drew or someone's making a big lad with a sheep stick in his hand you're the the big GPO the big GPO oh yeah I know the one you're talking about someone I think actually made things political again the EU flag now has like a big red line runnin true ish no I don't know what that's even supposed to suggest I think they actually are doing what you said they're re-enacting the 1916 rising there's a load of Jim Pickens in green inside of it and there's people with the Union later by what looks like jacksepticeye wait where is this I'll go to the GPO afferent its the hundred percent Therese inside you know we're being assaulted by the what was it 68 percent errs Oh a this might be a different GPO there's there's two GPO is on the server now okay well there's a bigger GPO over there oh my god they're actually re-enacting it how was the minecraft stream tonight well we enacted the 1916 rising several minecraft craft players were executors following the rebellion that's all right yeah it was a happy ending I mean we get we got independence in the end you know yeah there's just my floating head here so I'm assuming I died and the the rising noble cause Bernie it was frayed the 64 percent of me wasn't enough yes I needed a small bit more like who do you want to role play as of the 1916 rising Patrick Pearse we got James Connelly and you got spud I see quite Michael Collins is a he yells just as much but he just he has a lot of shade the gay club under the grognak shrine is open for business all right yeah that's a build a tradition historically has always been a gay club in most of the builds how progressive how do we get into it oh here there's like a little hatch how do we I think as we're all stuck in it there we go it's because we're not gay [Laughter] wow this is late fall you must be gay to enter the narrow passage down into the gay club Jesus this is great music we have no Union Jack great why is it everywhere yeah does it always have to be with the plague I don't know Oh God why did he do it to poor Steve over here he's waving at you he's dancin he's going my little game Steve go away girl just came always dead shouldn't apply go away girl oh no he's got three heads okay let's just hop out of there I thought that that's like a tradition on every build a stream we have basically lovely I love it let's see I'm just kind of roaming about seeing what else we've got castles coming along like the walls of truth the wall of trees is just getting higher and higher somebody made an Irish Sands holding up the Union Jack over by the statue heads Jesus Christ it's a suit that's absolutely cursed can we get an Irish jig megalovania I'm gonna I'm gonna do a quick Google search hang on I watched I wanna see if this is a thing I'm like stopping like the stream feed just so like we can see if this exists hang on it's important Toby needs to make it fast Irish jig megalovania come on please exist I'm waiting on bated breath for some reason edge shearing Galway girl just comes up like the actual video this year and have enough [ __ ] off as [ __ ] Jesus he's got a monopoly on just the Irish music yeah he's not even Irish it's not well you guys haven't really even like compared to me I'm just saying okay Kevin like I just felt it had to be primo I'm the only one here with an actual Irish name it's true it's not us there and I sound the least Irish I think we've een oh hey it's the T into you Daniel Donal don't know him ah makes a lot of sense that was gonna be like Daniel or something oh just like a bunch of [ __ ] on Dan Oster then hushed oh someone's just got a French flag in now I think people are confused as to like the Irish flag I think they're trying to sneak representation for themselves in and how dare you get cultural diversity in this stream yeah I don't like that did we oh we lost track oh he's gone for the flag he saw the French flag and he just rage quit the stream see what you've done oh he's God you shouldn't have mentioned the French guys you know that's a sensitive subject for him he's still in the server maybe his internet went down or something I don't know no man he's just intolerant she's just racist now I must be discord is crashing apparently okay Jack you still with us I need to go to the bathroom can you hold down the fort I'm gone and make sure they don't make any like soup or she'll just posted a stream for a moment we'll hopefully get back back okay I'll be right back I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna just open my Twitter or DM z-- just real quick just to see if I can get ahold man how you all doing though folks discord dyin yeah and I'm just gonna say me and Kevin still here I hope everyone's enjoying the stream I know I haven't really had much of a chance to talk that the chat just goes you know we're all on call and I don't want to talk over the guys but have you been enjoying it even having a good time just checking it on yes thank you everyone for like the ridiculous amount of bits and subs and like you know all the coming messages so yeah I'm sorry I can't catch them just while we're streaming tonight just because they're so you know like you know we're in a call together in the so [ __ ] many no I'm glad we can actually do with the Stokes I know it hasn't been one of like the heavily requested things the past year just to get the Irish gang together and I thank you the Kevin and Jack of course for I kind of coming along for us and like it all agree into it very enjoyable that's good to hear yeah so Jax discards fact he's just restart Enosh yeah I think this court in general is just having a lot of trouble tonight like people have been saying that there's been problems with the server we'll see if we can get them back in um [Music] if not I guess we can try you Skype with me music maybe angry how's it going man what's happening so we're still trust trying to get Jack back in okay just chords fact I'm just in like a case what did they lock me in okay let's just walk and speak oh just to address one thing that someone called SAR and just gave like five-tier tree gift subs thank you man yeah like those a $25 a piece like that's very nice guy says API era slash latency at Kevin do you think would be able to hop on your team speech maybe uh yes yes we did because that might be a good backup I I'm just gonna tell them kevin has a teamspeak kind of try hop onto it now do you want to give me like just DM me the info on discord so I can Indiana at the jack and we'll get them back on I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put this to stream starting soon carrot for a moment on the stream because like I've been tabbed out this entire time we're just gonna get Jack back and then we'll like go a while longer with the stream am I good to DMT or send it to your discord yeah I have the IP up or anything so I don't know if there's even I'll actually need the info because I need to install team so you again I'm on a different computer this time okay so I'm sending T now is that good yeah okay okay I in 64-bit wait why is this not okay yeah which is we'll just be a few moments guys I just this discourse for basically having some trouble I think he just got really offended it must have been something you said immediately shift blame him he's gone yet if you have that info I'm gonna give that I send it to you on discord but it's in red so I'm not sure it's int I'm okay DM it to me on Twitter then yeah discord I think is just dyin tonight okay oh yeah that so the official disc or Twitter I actually put out a notice discord is still experiencing a major downtime related to Google's ongoing issues in GCP so they actually made a statement about it yeah so it's not just us that's affect us so yeah that's just like we'll get over to teamspeak and we can keep going from there why can I not find you what's your name on Twitter actually game crush do you not follow me on Twitter anymore I see how it is it must have been something you said no I'm fine oh is it because we've never happy never messaged each other on Twitter before sure like each other surely we have oh we have yeah it just wasn't you I'm just gonna let message shack and guessing the login now I'd sent it up on bing you tended to speak yeah I said I sensed him on Twitter oh my brain work e yeah I'll just send it on here as well you think that's the password as well I hope that's the password discord so useless okay I have to oh my god do I I'm gonna just create a new account real quick for teamspeak you shouldn't have to I don't think you just make an account maybe you did I don't okay I continue without logging in maybe yeah yeah who's the nickname okay all right connections connect server nickname or address I'm just gonna get that info now yeah sorry about this folks this is just discord having trouble okay current security level 8 requested security level 20 Oh might have just a little timer or something it's the timer long improving security level oh yeah so that's worked ok ok our ice dream no there's two of me okay so I'm gonna hang up on this cord now please no there we go hey Kevin you still there hello ok so I need to I need to just adjust it again I need to I need to bump Kevin up yeah sorry about this this is like kind of unfortunately affecting us Kevin can you speak for a moment there hi everyone speak again hello hello everyone nice weather hello there we go I think I think we should be good cool oh it's okay was it okay there do I know it may be just quiet on my end for some reason hang on I think my mic is quite quiet in general go I'm gonna I'm gonna just pop it up again he alerts maybe a little louder unfortunately because of that did you send it to yo if you right-click on me you can change my volume as well Oh perfect click and effect do something do it change volume you get there there we go okay I think I'm at a pattern that was moved to your channel hello hello teamspeak user have you got your back am i there yay how's it going yeah so so discord actually put out a statement there yeah you link that to me why am I telling you yeah yes EJ discord said sown on Twitter Oh Boober I am to turn you guys up in this yeah right a change volume yeah I'm trying to get the volumes right I just have to kind of standardize it again sorry for like the delay to the stream and that for everyone the stream side of things just not much we can really do unfortunate yeah it's just kept like connecting and disconnecting over and over and over again I thought was happening for everybody okay I can you can you guys here Jack okay on the stream hello hello hello we're just gonna go bit by bit yeah you can hear Jack at Kevin can you just weak for a moment hello hi I think Kevin needs to be a bit louder yeah yeah my mic is super lower usually so okay okay so you can hear Kevin speaking on that Kevin hello nice weather we're having soup why do you hate soup I don't I don't like like wet foods and it's the wettest of foods really and I just I don't get it I don't like it alright I was going to shade all over you but I was gonna shoot all over that's logic okay I don't like wet food OOP is the wettest there this wasn't as heated as the pineapple on pizza it's true we can someone build soup no stop oh so people have actually built quite a bit in the downtime because like they've still all been working away on the server oh my god I noticed it's like a massive pixel art of just like another whoo whoo so we got another sheep representives yeah don't accelerate happening near the bike farm the Wafaa white firm the blight farm will be deployed Hey oh god yeah I saw this earlier I don't know what this is yeah well I mean this will probably be finished by the end of the stream so we'll get to see what it is is it Jim picking so sorry I think it might be my sorry Jim Pickens I forgot to change the screen back so people couldn't see it for a moment apologies for that I had like the intermission card I was just talking about the pics like jeez that's fantastic ain't it that's wonderful look at that stars that is a cool wool ooh yeah the rulers are very sweet it's just such a like a simple Pokemon but like it's so cute it's just the Sheep that's it it's all needs to be and there's another picked as a pixel art waluigi in the works now - where is that it is nirvash and where the english Iron Maiden if he has clothes on I'll be very disappointed well I mean he doesn't have a body currently so there's still hope that his nipples will be exposed at boy stop with the nipples you can keep going the picture leaves too much to the imagination I have two pictures in my hand that I know it's the front of him but it looks like tiny butt cheeks looks like I just have two tiny irises on my screen and I like the way you what what someone spelled out something massive here above the I want die oh yeah I saw that too I meant to bring it up away Oh God so someone spelled out pineapple belongs on pizza and then someone crossed out a bit of it and said it doesn't the war continues hey you can't destroy the block so you have to somehow turn this back into a positive pineapple on pizza man yep like a double negative or something yeah doesn't have fun with your semantics the tree wall is kind of getting out of hand it's now almost the height of all the other spires it appears to heavens I really like behind I want die this Irish flag of Bin's of what it's Irish flag behind I want die I think team speaks in a bit weird it's cutting off the first set bit you're saying I don't know if it's like a noise gate or something setup there could be a continuous transmission if you prefer how do I do that Kevin you'd have to go to tools options up the top tools options and then capture and you can say push-to-talk continuous transmission or voice activation okay here we go I'm gonna change it to continuous I just did that as well there's no there's no background noise on my end is there nope nope okay perfect are saying the beacons behind I want dial up nice yeah they do all the beacons yeah they do at a certain angle they all align perfectly into a nice solid color oh you gotta go a lot quite far back after that I think there's gold go ahead angle yeah yeah on the side oh yeah I see what you mean it all kind of starts to merge yeah you have the beam there we go that's lovely no that's grand oh the goose has a sword in his mouth in a floppy banana next to him Ireland Ireland has been represented and all its accuracy I like to have some people just ignored the brief I come to the end of the pills like so how was Ireland ooh it's like well we got a goose and pizza is exactly what looks like they building McDonald's over near the Bell Ahana Jose I think it's range and it has the golden arches above it it's not even Super Max you can't just do that oh man oh god there is a bell up here Jesus says ding ding ding ding ding you better hit that notification bell and smashed out like oh god you heard him make sure they use the twitch prime sub oh ha ha ha the Irish are coming via phrase yeah that's one thing I miss about Ireland with Supermax I miss having a mighty arm there Supermax like chicken nuggets like they're so good yeah there's nothing like them the garlic sauce that they have in Supermax is the best garlic sauce I've ever had oh I do wet for my liking just corn flakes with no milk you just like you iced tea because you don't want a glass of water yes you just freeze it first ice just straight up I love my solid water great eat the bell there's a bunch of flags but they keep getting painted over by another flag oh yeah oh I wonder why that was coming off the wall of this there's four layers of flags oh Jesus no identity crisis yeah so I think Asia Lee is in there France is gone Ireland is gone now as well is that it's Romania is it sure sure then people keep throwing soup at me I don't know what to do I just just take the soup Kevin it's not no I will not recipt the soup throw the soup back Kevin we can't fight all your battles Kevin what is it about wet foods that you don't like the really way hey Wow that explains us I mean ask a stupid question get a there's like a Jim Pickens like snowman here with like like my top hot icon oh yeah I've got another crossover happened oh and someone's got like the little keV Oh kind of like corner logo that you have oh yes very good thank you very clever thumbnails in ice I still prefer key-in honestly I prefer key [Laughter] got a server filled up so fast I know right like it is it's honestly insane just how quickly things move how many people are written here building I think I think the cap is about a hundred and fifty Jesus yeah so it's fairly busy I don't know four at camp for today's stream if the mods wanna just kind of confirm how many people are currently on 90 - is it 90 - okay yeah all right so I think it's like we've got a bit of a captain just because we don't want the server to be under too much load I also like over by the GPO or the 16 risin happened they jacksepticeye with a septic guy an RT game with a low card but there's no sign of Kevin representers they're makin another line this is hope yet for you account it's gonna be soup call me soup wasn't that actually a thing though didn't the British like you know you'd sip the soup they give you soup but you had to like get rid of the oil in your name I'm pretty sure that was a thing what yeah let me google it I'm gonna give you all the history get rid of the O so it's up is it yes drink this up the set I don't know what this pineapple belongs in Pizza is supposed to be now I don't think the 3d is translating very well oh is that the one by the water I saw that earlier yeah so we were taking pineapple on pizzas just a bit too far like SpongeBob's house on the pizza and this tower of trees is gigantic oh the castle actually is looking gorgeous they've built another septic I kind of like in one of the towers Oh someone's just like has written out ban as well as getting like a ban hammer remote that we have oh no oh my god from bird's-eye view this place is magnificent I'm trying to say so much color people are now hanging flags on the spires - I didn't actually realize that yeah it I took I mean I guess that's a more practical application of the spire if it's a flagpole but yeah okay guys I've got it this is why you should hate soup so apparently the expression was used by families who converted to Protestant and also agreed with the landlords and the British occupation of Ireland often those who dropped the Oh in O'Conner O'Connell and O'Callahan for example were referred to as they must have taken the soup well actually this guy taken the soap but I assume he's Mateus they had a bash and that's why we should all hate soup we should come together on this take in the soup okay I've never heard of that I've heard you to sip to the soup that's what I do the expression is yes so if you've sipped the soup you've done what exactly you basically because there was during the famine you took the soup from the British but you'd have to convert to Protestant you have to drop the O in your name and agree with their like occupation that's Burt Irish people to British people by giving them soup yeah so we should all hate soup Reedy here's what I'm saying I don't think I'll ever drink soup again tank apparently that's just a colonial thing now you'll drop the O in your name right it's like yes ie a hundred percent promise that I will and you just take the soup and run away then use your first name build like a mound of dirt that's it oh it's good to see I have beetroot soup somebody just threw beetroot soup at me you know don't ya hi I have beetroot soup as well I don't I'm just rolling the ocean that that's the act of like resistance against the British now yes soup is now political if your hair I'm so glad my movement is gaining traction also please let me keep my house please don't make me move Oh God the wall of flags being built over is like it's getting really far now we're up to eight flags no seven cards this is Norway that's going in now yep it's Norway's time to shine I have a good friend from Norway she'd be very happy to see this it's quite cool that they're all like even taking their turns like they don't start just building with the other person's you say it's like a white flag like he's not building into his flag if you get me like I guess he's still oppressing him but in kind of a nice way oh God so we're representing Ireland on the server today I just press e shudder oh don't drink soup don't drink soup thank you burn everything that Jesus reenact the 1916 horizon this is a very nice leprechaun thanks to Qian I'm amazed we haven't seen like just recently slipped upon a representation of like Jerry Adams or something the meme he is is he a mean - I'm so out of the loop with either but he's a bit of a meme have you seen his Twitter before have you seen I guess he does have a Twitter as it's a gem like just some of the stuff that like he comes out with sometimes what like in the jokey way or is it like an art very awkward it's like your dad just learned what the internet is like boomer a humor yeah except a little heater in our country cool someone flooded the pizza oh no none of us can have it Kevin you like wet pizza right wait that means you shouldn't like pizza because that's why you're ordering with light sauce and you get it nice and crispy you know like you ha God Kevin Kevin why don't you just let me order and we read like yeah what's wrong with brave an Irish stew is like the only thing we have it's like the only national code we have yeah it sucks oh my god I mean that's what the pizzas kind of become the Irish soup Oh God pineapple belongs in Stu continental Irish soup okay this is just how we do cuisine though like you know we take a can country's customs and we butcher it like we had the idea from the French where's like to have baguettes you're beautiful I kind of like crispy bread and we decided we're gonna put a fall cooked breakfast in that like it's a bad thing it's not a bad thing but I'm just saying like that's not what the French signed up for I feel you know what there's some people who invent things and then there are others who perfect things jumping off the spire to see if it'll kill me no I very disappointed I looked over to the chat and there was something about either of you and in the middle there was just I think Kevin's a war criminal [Laughter] context pretty much you're about as criminal as an Irish person can get I guess yeah which is not very much no I think a man with a large stick could still take me there okay so I guess he around the neck is like oh no well the part that we are they did right Kevin but they wrote it above party game jacksepticeye unhappy wheels number 109 did you do that many episodes of happy wheels no I did a hundred and that was already too many oh did you actually do a hundred in the end yeah oh Jesus I think you gotta do nine more now I got to like 70 something of them and I was like well I have to go to a hundred now I can end here I've got to finish the series yeah well the trees all finish I think they hit the sky limit oh my god that's a good look saying oh Jesus like how many trees have we got if we run the Matt's on this and offer a small forest oh I see it did there you can see where this guy's so successful 800 that they've missed a row of it okay there's a lot there there's a lot that's the that's the amount there yeah they've been building this since this start is like since time began Wow if you look over from the other side it's just e it's like your version of 7-inch people won't know why it's here or how it got here but it's there but we'd all pay money to go look at it yes how much do you think we should charge people to come and see this Ireland a lot we charge a lot for most of our tourist attractions as is yeah come look at the spike the spike is free that's that's the only one you get we have great taxes and a spike it was the Ireland I'm actually amazed so I was looking around there's no representation of mr. tato at the moment like we had him out in like the spawn hub and there's no Michael D Higgins there's no Mickey T yeah like we have Dobby the house-elf for a president they're drawing Peter Griffin now but he's not why are they drawing Peter Griffin he's not Irish they're drawing an Irish Peter Griffin we're coloring him in where is Daniel O'Donnell please read Daniel where's father Ted it's not here and we don't we don't craggy Island should we like that's an island over here do you want to cop over here and like we'll just claim us and build like a little hush on this version of craggy Island yeah I'm gonna just start work here I get some cobble cuz that one that's like an ugly build material I'm hearing music where's that coming from there we go I added an oar to the start of that statue so they were just as free it's just a massive ree massive triggered sign yes okay I'm just popping this down I'm gonna work get to work on craggy Island where's Craig yeah so if you go past the the second GPO and yeah by the ship there's like a little island Jesus what was that oh I don't even know did we just summon Jesus himself I she says Christ and anyways I just opened Jesus's are you sure sure a little ads he's used to cycle to Mass on a Sunday it always spot him down at the pub I like that bastard the bar will be closed but somehow he brings out the wine and all the stops I can't find you I'm lost no hassle [ __ ] Bulls passing to the right of the ship way way past that okay yeah I got to thank you there we go the mods are trying to help at the moment did the mods know what they're doing I hope so because I don't this looks so bad I tried to get I was the theme song of fathers head in my head but for some reason I got Glenn Roe instead started singing that different show altogether I remember when I was younger Glenn roll would finish at 9 o'clock at night on Sunday and that would mean bedtime God that team song was just drilled into my head for doom I'm trying to think like what I casual Irish television like I've watched like I mean of course I watch the toy show you know it's like that's like a staple you got to see that every year yeah hey the vicar's they asked me to be on it this year and then to change their mind last minute really they were like oh do you want to be on it like two months ago I was like [ __ ] yeah I do who wouldn't yeah and then a couple of weeks ago they're like well the kids we picked don't really actually know who he is so I'm so sorry to hear that yeah who would turn that down you know it's the [ __ ] toy show I know yeah so kids these days sorry I'm not ninja so Jesus there's just a lot of people here who don't know what that may not know what the toy show is I just to fill you guys in Ireland's most watched television broadcast every year is called The Late Late Show which is a variation episode of The Late Late Show same talk show as in this basically but Irish host Ryan Tapp the longest-running talk show in the world it is the longest-running talk show in the world as well yeah yep ancient thing but every year in the run-up to Christmas they do a toy show where they get a bunch of kids in a bunch of toys and they basically hook up the host with a bunch of cocaine before he goes on and he's just like an exciter so I kind of thirty year old man interacting with a bunch of kids and just showing off a bunch of toys and it's great it's so good like we play drinking games when we watch it and everything it's clock yeah it's it's a bit cringe it's a bit wholesome but it's a tradition and a staple yeah yeah you gotta watch it every year cuz like it's important I haven't actually seen it this year myself just yet but I'm watching it on Monday yeah I watched it I didn't watch it out of protest I think that's fair honestly no I I just didn't actually tune into it family all watched it though no I mean I that's fair enough you know I've watched in a few years you gotta go around to it eventually like watch it at new year's Kevin if needs be yeah everyone's counting down it's just like like [ __ ] off like Ryan tougher he's like that's like a track toy here why did I say Shrek toy oh I love my try Hulk I meant to say Hulk DreamWorks Hulk no I think they're making a Shrek 5 you know how they actually sure they're yeah Dead Yet I thought that was just a mean no I think they actually are making it I mean I mean they're making an avatar to still like that's been in limbo for god knows how long yeah kind of insane basically blue Shrek to be here myself a lot of team the other side of the craggy Island host there's just waluigi snibbles wait we're and i'll put those away too it looks like tear them down why do go Duggal it'd be sad Oh some reason I can't place the Jim Pickens head it's given me like a sad face instead why are there like effigies of us all around it Scott it's kind of creepy they're all staring in different directions they're all point towards a treasure somewhere oh no I just saw the Peter Griffin about treasures inside is he done no but you can see them from like a fire distance because of the way they've done it Taylor Manson Oh mr. Taylor Syria is oh no could he say tato man Xena VZ didn't like added the smash bros tato man for smash that's the character we need you just throw bags of cheese in on you nature Jesus where's Peter Griffin I can't find him you say keppo and key yeah he's filled in with the Irish flag there's also just a sign that says soup in the water oh that there is where's the soup I got distracted by the Irish Peter Griffin which is the most blessed thing I've ever seen it's terrifying the soup is further over the soup yeah so there's a pizza with a pineapple on it and then soup is next to that you're already feeling it laughs I good or is that the soup I don't know I just makes it wetter it's yeah signify how bad it is though I'm trying to show you away lava is actually your enemy yeah I want to sacrifice Waluigi nipples to the zoo so it's gonna explode oh god wait I just threw away an item it's that for use for the Northern Irish Board or what does that even mean earlier but it was blocked off my chat I yeah I don't know what that was I just tossed it in the laughs of my mistake oh it says United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland passport for use at the Northern Irish border I'm gonna see what this does I'm gonna go I'm gonna hop over wish me luck I'm going up the Sainsbury's it's the chief Peter why are you just staring at the sky with two crossbows it's terrifying me he needs to be ready as it plowed hit me shooby enter book title okay got the pie you missed how'd she never find me again if you take a shot at the Irishman you better not is our someone's building like a Pokemon Farish I believe but like it's going goose wait wait what says his name young goose young goose a little angry ferret yeah oh yeah that's the one that's the one from Sun and Moon yeah sorry no this is the one from like a Hoenn like generation tree like a ruby and sapphire wow yeah I remember that one's name I think it is just Faris first sorry first for it very clever they ended the flag war I didn't think they'd ended but they found a good way of ending it know that I have to go oh no the building over it never - Francis just eliminated now I think you should just come to your gym pickins face the statues faces they've done something to yours it's the clothesline we were looking for earlier hang your brain it's come full circle it's just going man still building I reckon just in terms of time if you guys are okay for it that we go say another half hour just cuz we had the disk or trouble earlier yeah yeah but that's fine with me cool yeah so it's hard to notice for everyone on the server as well you got about a half an hour left so you if you want it you want to think about finishing up what you're building on get your shrine to Kevin finished yeah please he needs us there's an Irish dab over by the GPO which GPO that 1916 rising [Laughter] yeah I see it honk wrong next to the goose it needs to be honk honk honk honk am goose wait there's this new thing what's this next to the GPO like some people enjoy saying reenact the Civil War as a finishing stream that's a good end oh Jesus reenact the first Thanksgiving the stream ends when Michael Collins is dead go ahead No Oh someone made a pub for you Jack they did they did yeah if you here I'm gonna TP you over to me oh god I always hate this yeah motion sick oh I was just here I was like right next to you oh that's a pump for you that's really cute angry when I see blokes soup above your head what oh you've soup stuck your head now [Laughter] no you can't even kill him anymore is this a civil war started you're just Kevin Connell no no the Oh is gone it's gone was taken over by a droids weight loss oh my god the robots took over first okay I even have our own jobs anymore yeah George Lucas got in here somehow oh no I like this alternate history it's good it's really interesting Star Wars but it's the 1960 telling you we can recreate it you can put them all outside with three of us inside and see how long we can hold out hard Jesus I think we got one thing like actually into Star Wars they like great like Jedi Library scenes they're all kind of modeled after the library in Trinity College really they are yeah it's like it so because it's a library we're like really tall bookcases and it's like two stories where it goes up and up and up it's actually modeled after that so aerelon just represented in the prequels guys we did it it was cool until you said that Jesus why is this fish everywhere somebody dropping knows somebody build a nether portal it's as Dutch people but people only the Netherlands I appreciate this oh I got it maybe that oh that's a few might be a future build idea just build the Catalans but in the neder yeah I I might steal that that actually could work really well that's why I have a giant windmill my girlfriend's Dutch so I built a giant windmill in my world oh and the nether is the Netherlands and it's right next to Ireland oh that's very sweet soup for Kevin is written in the sky yes I'm trying to focus on this other soup now that I found I'm trying to burn it soup more like oh what's it say I can't if the clouds are cooking that I have an idea what it might say Oh someone's got a sign in for the IRA just as an FYI it was only a matter of time god damn it lads non job beautiful job oh my god these septic eyes at around though I'm feeling very represented thank you they're actually really cool I got that Treaty one at the start is actually like it just look so good yeah as I typically what I do for like the highlights is I try to find like a good screenshot that kind of like encompass everything for the thumbnail and I'm very well might just take the septic I honestly and just kind of like line up a shot with that because a lot of like Irish flag colors in the background you don't want Peter Griffin yes lovely he is actually a video actually there may be a very good alternative a she's actually the face the head banner that actually is very sweet they're all with the three of them yeah with the tree of us that that actually might just make lots of nice colors going on in this server yeah now people are really very good with the pallets but like we used to do in survival mode and we have to actually give them the blocks as we went which was like kind of like an ordeal but like even when we give them creative though like people kind of like still try and stick to a theme best they can dude lookit Jim Pickens pollster he's making it out of so many different materials so yeah what my god you to it it's amazing since you've got like already like the Jim Pickens poster the Jim Pickens poster that you paint it are you going to add this one too like the Jim Pickens poster like y'all keep them until they get worse and worse it's just different variances if one pixel at the gym pixel oh you're a genius oh my god he could actually do that now Jim Dickens minecraft that's the next one Jim pick up pixel or does it go just drown in the river - is that the Shannon I mean it could be the Shannon I was thinking sorry the Shatner the Liffey we can say it's the Shannon this is Galway then if he's just Dublin it's true yeah that's not much of a room you need to represent Ireland okay we'll give this to the Shannon and we already have like the for Dublin spires yeah there's a little Draenor here there's a Penda the mods might be being cheeky and spawning some entities I don't know if they should be doing that yeah they made a muscle if they're not careful I like the four-leaf clover yeah there's still like the fiery Irish flag cuz I thought actually looks really nice the blaze really brings it out I'm committing murder and I love it all this like we're just gonna gloss over that just someone it's not important some management of power not gonna question this this is like like that reddit thing what was it called the room or something the room and our place our place our place our place yeah or place sorry Jesus so we actually we actually did that for like a previous minecraft dream and like tried to reenact it and it was actually like fascinating to watch like we did like a Travis dream and we made it so you could only place a block like every ten seconds that is awesome our place was crazy oh that was so cool when it was happening cuz like I had a teeny-tiny septic eye on that and then I got paved over who is giving me soup there's no one around me is this a GPO or Alize this era son of Toronto I'm actually wondering the second GPO it could hate this is the president's houses where Mickey D is quasi in there good hey the golden arches above them it's kinda hard to tell because of the architecture which one it's supposed to be this is insane yeah I popped it this building's gorgeous like inside I didn't realize they were like doing the inside I thought they were just doing the outside good lord give me four hours and I'd never get this built nope that's the thing like we would you're only coming up to two hours now and I like it so much it's like they're just coordinated this like that's the thing it's always a blows my mind because like it's not just one person who worked on this like several did and like they like they don't really have communication outside of the stream so it can bloom on a battlefield hawkster why do they come back outside and you're standing there cost was facing the sky again and I even get me again scary you gotta be prepared stop giving me soup yeah the soup I'm not taking it I love the flower here that's kind of like I think it's like the Tower crest or something but it's a kind of like as the swirls basically in the petals yeah it's really nice you see that emotion oh sorry this is the orange and green one yeah yeah it's like it's like near Arras a neutron is someone just like put Delta Airlines in as well what's going on there ah that's not there and when Delta would get the representation not even Aer Lingus like what's going on Irish material to work quick guys like that yeah X next we're gonna get like United hair and somebody somebody just swept all of my hotbar mushroom stew I'm so sorry that would be the mods they do that sometimes let me leave me to my own devices amazing a wall of fire yeah I either have beetroot soup mushroom stew our notes that say stuff like soup is magic and soup is eternal and there's so many like hashtag soups just everywhere whose melting my glorious fire wall Oh they built a wiki Arnold's restaurant inverse McDonald's good to see you guys still not super max but we'll take it will we maybe you will maybe have ever yours I don't owe the building a hair I think I'm in the city next unlike Tuesday and I actually really want to go to Supermax now yeah I think that's what we're gonna do that's the pop in the Dublin them is it only in Dublin or is it everywhere I know yeah it will be down there in Cork Kevin play it's Kevin I've never been to one you gotta go Department wet or dry is there food like on average I like to imagine using everything like but it's raining or something you just have to see you on your home someone drew or made a seat onto mug near here Kevin that doesn't sound very advertiser friendly if a certain angles make sense it's okay I have an emag and a B itch mug and a see aunt mug really yeah it just says unties yeah that's just a handle yeah little Timmy you six years old he can watch you know and then if little Timmy wants an unmarked for Christmas like you know you should get him one yeah Hong Kong everyone who this castle is not the castle on the hill yeah it comes along like so much as well like a proper like arch and like entrance tentacles and smoke yeah sure if it was a tentacle or smoke looks incredible though yeah it was amazing we can just say that's Dublin Castle like malahide castle or something but the Blarney stones in there oh is it yeah that's what it looks like guys oh my god this is actually really cool look a fountain that's a clever idea for building I can say Tower of the eye oh don't septic ah he's coming out of it oh so yeah so that day I mean this tower has an eye in it and then the other one is like it's the Tower of the fiery ring I see yeah more I realize oh gee this leprechaun is and he's absolutely terrifying he's next to the castle he's like giving like a thumbs up yeah he's he's delightful yeah I'm gonna make a slight modification I just want to see if I could just I need to extend his hand no you say no he's given a thumbs down no he's given the middle finger well this fight his thumb is down and his fingers up oh no we got to get rid of that one there you go there we go wait where are you guys not a hexagon next to Peter Griffin yes we're just below Peter oh the the EU flag got restored but someone else is just written out Boris Boris wouldn't with kind of British flags on the inside oh Jesus what is that oh yeah but there's a beautiful I was like flying high above it yeah ah there's nice rainbow colors over here next to the wool ooh and the PMA that's delightful over here is our ass good to see you love to see it lads the spire has been claimed it has purpose now stop second useless oh my god yeah so just again for folks on the server I think we got about 15 minutes left so you really want to start wrapping up haven't got a lot of time left Jim Pickens I was about to say yeah hopefully you can finish that in time yeah so we even got a timer on the oh my god range server dies when this ends don't pineapple belongs not on pizza wait if they'd just been added into the text they didn't ND cross that out and then you try to make it better again but now oh that's an abomination I love it as just Irish flag stuck in it as well and I was like yeah it's still Irish at some point themes being met Oh God oh yeah now I see the Delta Oh some people have added to like the sign we're like happy wheels 109 they've set written out septic tail and arty craft above that that's very sweet guys oh I poke a ball getting things represented here that's very sweet see that's far less of a war in the end like yeah it's pretty peace everyone's kinda like coexisted which is actually nice to see who knew the Irish don't like to go to war it's like God forbid like you know like you try and support all three of us on this platform like you yeah you can only pick one you know like if ring of Fire's in your playlist like you cannot put country roads in it so works and if you play happy wheels no one else is allowed to yes that's how it works oh god Oh someone just wrote I love Kevin above the goose oh I bet it's sarcastic I love Kevin and the goose is holding a knife I love Kevin honk I love Kevin I feel like it's me threatening them and you better say you love me oh the gyms almost complete I've been just staring at it I'm kind of entranced yeah I'm just fascinated but how good they are at building yeah I actually use like a huge variety of blocks yeah let's still tell it's Jim Pickens yeah so there's something about the mouth it's all in the mouth yeah it's like odd spots of purple it's like you notice like modern art exhibits where like if you go real close up and it's like trash that's kind of like all I kind of stack together but then you like you take a step back and you kind of see what it's supposed to be yeah yeah Kevin you're Jim Pickens looks like trash people ask me to change my texture pack I would but that means I have to Oh I've I don't want to chance this too risky what do you risky I oh no even opening the menu was a mistake I'm good I'm good III got a texture pack in some mods installed who's actually playing in my off time with a friend oh oh oh very nice wait you play video games not on stream I know rakesh a car though like and not for money god forbid I have an interest in the media someone built a D monetization logo oh I might need that for the view for the highlights thanks the unde mug has been featured quite a bit at this point actually Jack like it did do you find the time even to do that cuz you know like compared to us like you know you did you're working all the time I don't know about that now I mean you say that but like then like you know you're playing video games and like [ __ ] like interview on the rock and like Karen Gillian and all them yeah it's pretty full you know like yeah I mean I Dark Souls 3 up my girlfriend in her off time that's very sweet you gotta have it I still like I still like video games mmm I find that what a bunch of my friends who played games for like videos and stuff they don't play them in their off time anymore which is kind of sad yeah yeah no I yeah it kind of becomes just like too much associated wit work yeah and it's a bit of a shame just trying to find the games that I wouldn't play for videos no no those may often yes fair yeah I actually do play Dark Souls trade quite a bit in my off time too it's actually a really good one yeah I I didn't really like it when he came out at first and then we went back and played it again cuz we want to do blood-borne together but she's recording that for her channel okay but we'd settle in Dark Souls 3 then it's [ __ ] great hmm I I just think it's like it's like it's got a lot of polish I think compared to the other ones someone someone built my Irish castle from my minecraft series with the flag on top under Peter Griffin under plays everything around Peter Griffin that's lovely thank you it took me like four hours to put some was just done in like 20 minutes like this it was leavin here before hey Jesus let's just say the impressive yeah I came over to see it and they just slam the door in my face Oh someone's a dancer like the soup and the water it says now it's Kevin Love soup with a Harris oh yes why he like they're not lying you you like a meat bully's here before we actually started the stream and the recording Kevin was like guys I [ __ ] love soup they were just trying to like taste their audio and everything someone's just right now Ashley but it's Aisha and then Lee over two lines getting that diversity in oh the mister Tytos got like a little flag next to him now as well but it's a sign on him mr. tato says break out your wallets or I'll break your legs there's also a [ __ ] up teeth version of him at the back of the septa guy on the hill yeah okay I'm gonna TP to you real quick this seems important he looks like he's ready to just like eat your toes off you got a lot of have like utter Chris Brown's to do Jesus Christ Jim's done he is look at him oh he's done you need to go back fair to see the actual like proper proper act behind this no I don't have my glasses on and plain half [ __ ] why did you mention it I don't my glasses on either I don't know I can see you you're playing I'm actually supposed to be wearing no my screen gets very upset if I'm not wearing them really yeah if we added animo to the channel just so people remind me though where my [ __ ] glasses because I forget so often and they're suppose to like to like prevent your I use I'm reading my eyesight is fine it's like reading glasses but like to have like a tinted lens and like they're specifically for when I'm at my computer that I'm supposed to be using them when you trying to you can see where they are the class so you're actively going blind right now yes we have that my chat is trying to save me and I just keep ignoring them well you know how you can save him is by using twitch Prime that's like um Daniels going to need like laser eye surgery at this race smash the twitch prime the hustle quicksand bits LASIK oh [ __ ] someone actually sent this it's really fun that's the laser eye surgery nice thanks man i laser eye surgery would freak me out I did like a game on it yeah and it didn't realize they like peel part of your eye back yeah yeah yeah and they get like a little vacuum and like suck on your eyeballs so it can move out of position and they like to tape your Ollie's open it's like something in the horror movie it's really fun honestly I got my eyes tested recently and they did like the drops yeah I used to normal just to like push on them to make sure there's like no stigmatism or anything yeah and it was horrible honestly that is worse than laser eye surgery and I'm not even lying because you're so desensitized from all the stuff they give you you you can't even feel anything it's just like it's not even intense like you're just looking into a little light and that's getting it yeah like one of my close friends had it done and then like for like a few weeks afterwards like just have to kind of keep a close eye on her ah he's basically cuz I do water and all the time and laughs yeah like special eye drops and all that Jesus yeah I like only two or three days afterwards I got in the habit of wearing sunglasses all the time for the first few days because you're supposed to like avoid bright light but I was wearing them all day and I kind of forgot and this guy like walking in the street stopped me didn't know who he was he just grabbed my shoulder went who the [ __ ] wears sunglasses at night I'm so sorry to interrupt you guys but pixel Waluigi complete with nipples is complete well he's near the boat and like one of the original mr. Tay toes and the airship were like the hot-air balloon next to aspire Dominus fishing my god yes there we go that is beautiful Waluigi Wow Irish bod you know just hasty lanky man no hell yes I don't like the nipples this is why he was taken out a smash he's too controversial they can't Adam when are we gonna get like a GTA style game but waluigi as the star cuz like that would just be perfect yeah put an a k in his hand and let him go to town like our asus what like waluigi okay i like this sexy jazz music is playing as well i don't have that so jazz music playing a mute the end game audio i guess you don't like the full minecraft experience no it's inside this big i don't know what this ever ended up being beside the arab ship thing i like the hollowed-out thing is that it was hollow no it's just yeah that was just a big brown block guys with the fishing rod please don't do that the mods will intervene if you do not let go thank you we have that happened a few times because it sound like the camera so like it's hard to see for the stream yes about that yeah this guy keeps trying that you'll just you'll be kicked you get one warning district' tesco it's behind the boarders out of the building this is what i cant green a I dropped my passport oh no is soup a passport so I can get through I'm amazed we don't have like a little unlike kinds of Dutch gold for sale like 15 16 cans in the field we all did it Dutch gold [ __ ] that's good it doesn't taste good when you get you drunk for cheap here that's why you buy it and then you'll forget what your father's face look like I got a lady okay yeah about 20 minutes but there's a Tesco but there's no super value or laundries yeah we're missing a couple of the staples they're spare where's Dunn's hot done stores use go shopping there every Friday what my mother it's all right it's super Quinton still open or that one close I can't remember that's gone I'm sure I think that might be gone yeah yeah I think Tesco bought the moon oh really okay so just so people know for the group photo a minute after we get to the rapid up timer is down we're gonna meet up at the spawn portal for the build zone and we're gonna get a group photo just to finish things off so that's where you want to make your way back to once you finish your build you've only got two and a half minutes left so I'll stand in the back because I'm super tall sounds good you know we always get a group photo at the end just like everyone worked on the server and the build I didn't like I stick it it at the very end of the video like the end card to roll than that this is a little something extra yeah like you just want to make your way back there and that's where we're gonna take the photo so I'll be back there in like a few minutes I'm going to take a final lap just to take it all in weekender I got to see the 1916 rising I want to see how that panned oh no oh no the church is an upside down cross on it the Church of Satan no it was the Jim Pickens it's others that don't design Oh someone started spelling out feed in front of like the GPO at the 1916 rise and they've done this before feed feed if you just go back into the 1916 horizon GPO and just look at the sky it's all it's as high as the trees there it is what what does it mean for some reason this is like a very popular phrase for the chat there just a man that I feed them ah okay we're considering getting remote for it at some point how you know it seems yeah transcon the hell as well because I mentioned it like that's completely that's all it's all feed now yep even with slow vote like it doesn't help I gotta find this church before it ends take a last look at the gym Pickens dude ah there's the church there's a cross at the back of it that's upside down take a look oh yes now I own esteem people have done a really good job cuz this is awesome yeah it's actually so cool to see like there's a lot of different builds here it's cute to see all the era like the Irish stuff basically mixed with like channel references and that yeah I just actually next site like impressive castle on the hill there's like an Irish septic alley there now as well yeah I just took a saw 'some yeah it's actually really well cool drawing a jacksepticeye thing thank you it's very flattering I appreciated and of course the massive shadow goes that Irish sands holding the burn in UK flag and for everyone who didn't make soup massive shout-out to you really a pretty big thanks to whoever made Tesco oh Jesus timers up yeah we're coming back we're going for the group photo everyone you hope you it will give you another minute August are still looking at the sky I'm gonna I'm gonna stand up with here first and now he's looking at me yet Hawks are why what okay so y'all want to is it's possible some odd sir I kind of just pop everyone's survival for a quick moment just so they're on the ground again I'm not flying because it's kind of hard to take yeah stop being feckers it's not being fakirs get on the ground there we go yeah everyone everyone just came down there perfect okay I'm gonna just pop myself back into creative who's taking the picture I'll be taking it but you will have to be in it I know I always take the picture like it's got high Jesus okay I could well Jack is just completely buried I can see you hey I'm here can you see me your mom's just got a chunk I'm here Oh God thank you taller come on Vito okay I'm in the front there we go oh thank you so much everybody for taking part in the build day yeah this was awesome yeah thanks for having us yeah yeah thanks guys for coming you know I know even want to do something for a while now but it's kind of cool that like you know we've actually gone and done and got the gang together yeah Irish YouTube history basically the most ambitious crossover oh Jesus I'm just gonna do like do some stream side things which is just I'm just gonna roll the credits in that I'm just like thank subs is there anyone like I either of you want me to rage just like to pass on the audience I don't know how many thousand people are still here at the moment I don't know I'm whose dream it is guy up streaming at the moment oh no my editor is yeah we can raid your editor what's is what's the switch name pixel pit pixel pit is that all P IXL underscore pit is that pit with just one T yeah go okay uh yeah ain't Pokemon okay yeah I'll pass on the Ray to him sure that's very sweet of you thank you I no worries oh wow so the like there's just shy of 7,000 people here still oh god how how many people are on his channel at the moment oh is it for Matt oh Jesus yeah but seriously though guys like thanks for coming out for this you know I this is really good fun yeah this is awesome yes doing something like this again yeah we should I mean I was thinking like if like if if you're about for Saint Patrick's Day or something I was thinking that might be a no-brainer to kind of get us together for something there yeah I think as far as you know I know Kevin drinks it do you drink Jack yep okay because I think as far as you know on Twitter you can drink but like as long as you don't get like shit-faced drunk but if we do a Patrick say or something we can maybe do a drinking game stream or something like a because I'll be really fun yeah I thought could be class okay I should be deadly buddies oh yeah sure be deadly but okay okay I'm gonna did the rage work for the raid come and work on braid pixel underscore pit the chat is moving so fast yeah it's how I can't even oh no it's not work and hang on I think this is slightly because twitch like they change their - yeah I'm a socks no oh it's awful I don't know why they did it and I remember even talking to someone knows that twitchcon San Diego about that way it's like maybe don't change that it's not letting me rate the man I don't know why I'm I think it might be broken it's not just doing anything all right okay well sure [ __ ] it I'm gonna see if the command works for someone else but this may be a bit much on the man at my cousin actually streams no no all that working for some reason IG okay guys there was three people in his chat before go easy on the map oh no okay go easy on the man all right he's name is James he's lovely he's family please be kind to spread the word about soup and our movement please no God okay thank you all for coming guys take care bye bye bye bye okay
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 118,476
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-518403319, rtgamecrowd, We're building Ireland in Minecraft ft. CallmeKevin and Jacksepticeye, Minecraft, Twitch, Gaming, We're, building, Ireland, in, ft., CallmeKevin, and, Jacksepticeye, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: UodE_xUf-NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 19sec (7999 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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