Game of Thrones vs Avengers Endgame - #539 | RT Podcast
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Channel: Rooster Teeth
Views: 310,170
Rating: 4.8998089 out of 5
Keywords: Rooster Teeth, RT, animation, television, filmmaking, games, video games, comics, austin, texas, production, movies, web series, RT Podcast, podcast, live, Rooster Teeth Podcast, trivia, science, fun facts, studio, japan, singapore, game of thrones, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, red dead redemption 2, kick starters, critical role, marvel, amazing race, green cards, american flags, union jack, stuber, gus sorola, gavin free, barbara dunkelman, burnie burns, dave bautista, kumail nanjiani
Id: T7ozsYG-fdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 57sec (6177 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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I can't help but be amused at Burnie saying he needs to watch Critical Role. The first campaign is 447 hours long, and the second is half that (and it's still going). He needs recaps and highlight reels, or to take several months off of work to get through the 27.5 full days of run-time.
I thought they said they were keeping the podcast numbers in the description
Anyone got a link to the guy shooting his hand?
Home Depot closes the aisles sometimes when they have to basically redesign the layout of the product with new planograms. That way workers can get it done quickly without being distracted by customers.
I think Game of Thrones is gonna be way more predictable than Avengers. The showrunners have been playing it really safe ever since they passed the books. Season 7 had no surprises for me whatsoever.
Barb with the classic gun conversation loud sigh.
I feel like if Gus made any effort at segue's for the ad reads they'd go a lot better. I've been skipping past them for so long because he just reads them in such a disruptive way, completely disregarding the conversation just to get to it.
I wish I had Gavinβs shirt from this episode
I know he mentioned that it was wind assisted, but does that mean Gus's plane went past mach 1? Wouldn't everyone in the plane be very aware of the plane breaking the sound barrier?