RTGame Archive: Surviving Mars

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone can you hear me okay her team that's right it's me famous car manufacturer of the mercedes gla that's a lie please don't sue mercedes how's it going can you hear me all right can you hear the music okay this is some damn good music i just kind of want to make sure you guys can hear it of course it's going to stop playing the moment i start asking can you hear it uh maybe it'll come back but how's it going though folks uh you're all very welcome to the saturday stream we're gonna be going just over two hours today uh we're playing this game's been requested a very long time for me to try out uh and i kept meaning to and it's gone on to the extent that paradox even came and said hey you should probably play this uh and so i thought this would be a good opportunity to finally check it out uh today we're going to be playing if it if it shows up there we go survive in mars uh they got a new dlc i believe that came out below and beyond i've been sponsored to give it a go uh if you like what you see here you can type exclamation point mars uh thanks again the paradox for doing that hey they've been they've supported us a good old while on this channel space communism or else see i don't know what that means in the context of this game i've heard so many stories like space communism like what is that sees the means of what like we don't really have much production at the moment on mars i'll be honest with you it's the red planet okay you got him there i suppose [Music] oh god no i'm excited to try this out i did some of the tutorials just earlier today um i want to keep this mostly a blind experience and to kind of learn with you chat while i play you get to see me experience the game for the first time if someone doesn't know what they're doing um i hope there's some people here who have played because i fee i fear i may need help as we go along here anyone thank you for the 10 gift subs jesus christ thank you for the hype train there guys i never i i i still haven't done anything [Music] i know i say this a lot at the start of the stream you guys are like giving me bits and so's but like i haven't done anything to deserve this i could just turn the stream off two minutes from them yo you're going out on a limb here but you've showed up in the restaurant placed your order and demanded the receipt immediately before you've even had it i know that's like how fast food and that operates but like you know like you're just going out on a limb here i see we love you arty and then another guy said hey rt you by the way oh no the duality of man it's tough love oh god i think they meant that as a joke i think we're good amber thank you for the five gift subs ah god almighty okay uh we're gonna dive on into this because we've only got uh just over two hours uh stream wise as well just to mention it too uh we're streaming today it's a short old one tomorrow i will not be streaming there's no sunday stream this weekend monday monday will be continuing metopia and it'll be from the middle of the afternoon and we'll be doing a good old stream there okay so monday is more metopia just to mention that because i know people are asking yeah so content schedule the next one the metopia highlights from the last session the first parts of that will be up tomorrow so you can catch up if you didn't if you missed that stream but yeah just giving you a big old heads up rope okay let's shelf that for now we got to get mars focused we need to survive on another planet i can't survive my own kitchen for long so i don't i don't know how this is gonna go uh okay new game here we go i've done some of the basic tutorials i think i'm ready to go to mars uh we get to name the colony what are we gonna call ourselves gamer land that's very upsetting for mars feed doesn't work as a name guys [Music] muscle i don't like that name no i don't like that [Music] i want marius to die dublin too i don't know if that works [Music] how about red ireland does that work ireland but it's red let me try to establish it i think we've had new dublin before so i don't think i can do i could do new like new dublin or new ireland i think we've done those they burned to the ground killer thank you for the thousand bits good to see you back i hope you've been doing well over summer i'm sorry they hear that i'm ready for dome city 2. thank you very much wait yeah it's because no because this game you build eco dumps maybe it should be dome city dome depot too i think that's i think that works dome depot but the second one uh mission sponsor uh you can be sponsored by paradox which makes the difficulty hard that's a bit unfortunate i'm actually being sponsored by them today but i don't know what this actually fares well for my own like financial well-being this is like oddly meta okay i'm being sponsored by paradox today to play this game so they're going to sponsor the mission to mars all right that makes it incredibly difficult apparently to play [Music] they don't they don't have a lot of budget compared to like even russia oh no oh daddy everything everything is low rockets require more fuel to launch what's going on paradox okay all right hardest difficulty in the game colony logo i don't like the look of that alien we can have the european union space fleet spacey for some okay that doesn't make me think like lunar program that makes me think like you know kevin uh blue sun corporation church of the new york [Music] don't panic yeah that's probably best uh we can choose a random mystery game rules oh my god there's a lot here winter is coming there's a twister inflation armageddon meteorite and set to new to a new max level for all okay oh this is going to be a short playthrough turn on all of them chaos theory tech fields are fully rounded but no i'm gonna just turn on meteors as if i turn on too many of these like it's gonna be disaster you can't import food from earth oh no okay armageddon is enabled all right uh paradox is sponsoring us which sets to the hardest difficulty in the game for some reason um okay next you select our payload for the don't panic spaceship [Music] uh this seems to all be default settings here i think we should maybe just keep it default settings and see how we get on keep in mind i've only done a basic tutorial for this game as far as my knowledge goes zero food well you don't have any colonists to start with so we you actually don't need food when you land you need metal more than anything harvest metal polymers machine parts electronics okay [Music] uh select a landing spot [Music] uh there's a spot there oh god this actually affects everything here [Music] you can have flat relatively flat steep adrenaline thank you for the 5 000 bits jesus christ he said he doesn't deserve all these bits and subs we're too bad you're getting them anyways that's like aggressive love there hey you here's 50 quid oh you bastard thank you very much i don't know what to say go to the polls i no no the poll is a bad idea mean temperature is 27 degrees of minus 27 minus 86 is going to be the hardest like this is going to be the hardest mission in the entire game you pick there does this mean it recommends here [Music] we're gonna go with the recommended this is cymeria alpha oh no there's more beta elysium beta oh jesus christ general thank uh thank you for the 20 gift subs i haven't done yet you're being way too kind the marinara's alpha uh you know what we try that one the temperature doesn't look too bad here go in the volcano where's the volcano guys i haven't done things stop giving me money cashmere thank you for the dango subs i haven't done anything i don't deserve this stop that okay let's go here land on the sun it's called surviving mars not surviving the sun it's a different game welcome to mars okay everyone at mission control is impatient to see the rocket touching down on loden's precious cargo our remotely controlled eyes and hands on the red planet the drones and rovers our goal is to secure a foothold for humanity by building the first martian dome the staunton endeavor will allow the brave pioneers the founders to settle on mars and prove that the colony is sustainable then we have to make sure the colony has enough construction resources water oxygen and power sponsored by paradox okay oh this is not good topography and cool thank you for the 10 gift subs you guys are too generous yeah we need to designate a land in sight for the rep for the rocket uh i think we need to be somewhere that's flat wait where do we like the looks of this sector has some concrete and metal it's the only one with concrete and metal right so this is where we land [Music] [Music] oh yeah i can use my orbital probe to scan a sector that's right okay [Music] it's an anomaly there i think i like this area here i think this is probably the best one like unless we want to go like over here there's literally water here oh god but we kind of need that concrete oh we kind of need that concrete there is water there we'll find we'll find water elsewhere maybe i chance for there was one here that said water wasn't there high chance the sector contains water if we don't we don't need water for now all right look there's good there's gonna be no it's just the robot boys for the time being landing here all right okay let's set down base camp our blue shuttle has landed okay hammer controls wasd build construction okay so building construction from doing the tutorial there's like a few things that we need first we need production we need a concrete extractor and we need to get as much of this as we can uh we also need a power source we have a stereo one sterling generator that we get for free i believe uh so we just want to pop this down probably just want to pop it down like here for now we can cable out afterwards [Music] look at the first robots making landfall look at them go groan one this this is the glitter hoof one that slanders yeah they're they're all working away uh i am going to need storage i need a universal depot put that there uh we'll need a dump inside the waste rock from the concrete put that there and then i think i need but the universal one will store will store metal as well won't it i can make a specific concrete depot it'll store a little yeah okay let let's make like a specific concrete depot as well there you go okay set them all and fast forward they're going to just work away so we need concrete production i think to start in this game so we can actually build stuff and then we need some metal supply there we go that's looking good already that's going to start like ironing out the land here uh research we we need to pick something that we want here he's unlocked benefits for the colony uh i think like the one i remember seeing recommend it oh it's not here the mo it was one day it's like the rocket gets more supplies [Music] build an elevator decommission protocol drones and rovers move faster that seems kind of good receive a one-time grant of a thousand dollars [Music] doesn't doesn't seem too much i'll be honest how about how far does a grand go oh sorry a thousand million dollars okay that's a bit more all right uh we do need to survive though i let's see what do we need an outdoor building that produces food this is already 30 of the way researched i don't know if we have to worry about food just yet i think we need to make them move faster and then we can go back and get that we can worry about the elevator later oh it comes with a quote from oscar wilde good to know oh my god amitos thank you for 5 000 bits stop giving me money rt like you have a choice in the matter love your dad oh taking everyone the pizza hut after this i stream that's important uh okay we need to orders are given with the buttons on the info panel using right click okay can i is that metal can the rover get that what can the rover do again salvage move interact the rover can investigate this i think select a sector to scan [Music] uh we need there was one here that had water we we need to actually make sure that one has water because like we can't get up those hills yet uh we're gonna be in trouble do you like magnum ice cream what an interesting question we need to know this is when the ice cream man comes later isn't it i can send the glitter hoof back to uh gather more supplies but i think right now the drones are collecting stuff from it uh i can make another concrete machine is there any metal deposits here this requires a deposit suggested building the drone hub oh yeah we need this for a command center uh polymer factory where's the drone hub okay we'll get we'll just position this next to the generator put everything next to each other you don't need this much concrete damn well look we're getting some concrete [Music] they're gathering the metal there's not a lot of metal here like there's a little bit more over there it's gone dark here he's gonna oh scan the anomaly what does this mean he's going to work away your own prototypes wait what's going on uh alpenglow robotics cutting edge techno tech company specialized military medical automation are pushing to expand their resume robotics as well as it means to propel their ambitions in the new field they have made a drone prototype similar to the ones we use here on mars what better location to showcase the feasibility of their drones than the surface of another planet we accept their offer they provide us with a free batch of eight drones delivered via supply pot if i'm an oligarch twice the drones double the game i can press them uh you know give us the free [Music] give us do we like freak here you land there more drones uh we need to salvage that at some point too look at them go they're gonna get so many materials for us look at them like hammer away [Music] the anomaly was analyzed too the rc explorer investigating the anomaly accidentally released a pocket of high pressure gas oh no wait the carbon dioxide erupted damaging the rover and lifting tons of fine dust into the atmosphere forming a dust devil okay right that's unfortunate go get this other anomaly instead that can't be good we're still scanning that sector we should probably scan the sectors that are closer to us from q scan the ones in our immediate vicinity because we can actually access those ones [Music] music is so good for this are you already blowing things up it wasn't my fault uh hints it's telling me that those anomalies uh what else do i need to build i have i have a lot of metal a lot of concrete how did that get destroyed okay salvage that drone all right that's fine we got another anomaly we've made a thorough scan of the anomaly site but couldn't find anything i found nothing [Music] okay uh [Music] there's something way over here can he even get to that [Music] okay uh we should build a sensor tower now as well it's saying oh okay you go over there uh sensor tower sensor tower production what's it under yeah we just gotta keep it all close to the grid for the time being pop that there and then we can cable it i can build tunnels but i don't think i want those yet i gotta learn how to survive here and fast status all clear but it's like a big scary red exclamation point okay and this is an update this is my first time playing the game so i don't know what the update will actually do i think we're doing well so far i mean i seem to have like systems i can get some more power if we need it uh currently don't seem to have like a net loss on power or anything like that we yeah it's like exactly even uh we can we can just build like these set them down build menu and then power cables sector scan connect them up there we go uh and what i can also build oh wait no that's a that's more cable i can build a power accumulator which is basically a battery okay drone prototypes our drones have begun malfunction all around at a pace far from normal we suspect the bad software from alpine globe's robotics drones have propagated through all our drone controllers alpenglow as robotics has dropped their usual smug attitude and apologizing profusely they sure as they are so they are fast at work to remedy this if i was an inventor i could be i know what to do unfortunately i'm not this is really bad okay uh we can get what we can start water production as well we should we should probably start producing water i mean we because we need to get a colony here still uh it's life support so we can build one of these uh we'll just set this down like inside we can just set it down here next to everything else and then we gotta cable this we go [Music] uh what else what else do we need to build i'm looking at chat for this to see who's familiar with this game recharge station will be a good one this recharges drones we need more water we'll get more water don't worry uh we can build a landing pad for the rockets in future uh do we want this to go back and get some supplies we do have 1.5 million i can send them back to earth like some of the drones are still heading back to it oh it needs fuel yeah it does uh metals extractor [Music] a fuel refinery produces fuel from water okay let's pop that down there [Music] and then we power cable [Music] and then we're gonna make a pipe this is quite a sad looking pipe but it does the job we need we need more power as well yeah we're already running out of power oh it's because we're using solar panels and it's night of course okay uh let's invest in a wind turbine uh i'll need i'll probably need two of them because they only produce five there we go the piping is set up uh the power shortage is now affecting everything hopefully the drones have enough battery left to actually fix this uh how's our drone doing okay he's gotten a bit stuck uh let me go back and examine this anomaly like a wreckage here uh and in the meanwhile let's just start we gotta keep scanning the local area here you make your way back i is he okay on his battery or anything you're gonna be f i hope to god he's okay the drone needs help but is too shy to ask i don't wanna be a botter no like the mission depends on your drone yeah we can we got another drone that died okay cannibalize them for parts uh the power crisis has been fixed we're now producing water water production one okay so life support i can make a water tower uh so that seems good getting real hard to tell which pipe goes where so we'll just link them all up with a daisy chain that should be fine okay that's telling me about priority that's fine uh now we're gonna start getting fuel aren't we uh status refuel in one of 80. we're going to be able to send the rocket back soon pick up some more supplies maybe i should have made this closer to the rocket why is it so far i'll i'll land the rocket here next time all right here and just on that note here's what we're gonna do landing pad here's where the rocket will come in next time okay the oxygen can be controlled from the atmosphere by a moxie okay so we need we need to produce air uh so life support hypes hydroponic farm farm oxygen tank a moxie okay this is also going to need some piping uh but this is i think different piping because this is just for oxygen if we're gonna pop down the colony anyway it'll probably be about here actually no here here is probably the bit that makes the most sense so let's pop this down here he's scanning the anomaly how many drones are going to die salvage another drone we're losing so many the power is being generated we're going to have oxygen soon oxygen is now being produced uh always as long as we plug it in first here we go [Music] dan you don't need to separate pipes for water and air do i not because i thought we'd be pumping different stuff there like if you turn on the tap and it's just air that's gonna be problematic you don't okay all right i'll take your word for it uh so it needs to be connected to an oxygen consumer all right i think it's time for the first dome research site research site all research will be boosted by fifteen percent oh okay that seems good okay the first step let's start hooking this up the probes drill had hit 100 meters before it detected a spike oh no the data tells us it was ignited magnesium compounds wait no this is a good thing we're still waiting for confirmation but the preliminary results are clear there are signs of chemical burning into getting a combustible material in contact with the probe the mechanical friction of the drill in head must have ignited the magnesium what a great discovery reduces the cost of robotic text by ten 10 that's pretty good i thought that was a strictly bad thing for a moment but no we're fine oh and let's hook up the oxygen uh we need to hook up cabling uh i just do like that daisy chain the cables uh for what else in life support can we do oxygen tank this seems important in case anything goes wrong we probably want that [Music] we go connect that up the refinery needs oxygen does it it says here it only needs water i could make i could make another one of these oh we need prefab parts for this we can't build it yet oh the moxie needs water oh i get you now uh can i just link it onto the pipe network here will that work does that transport at all as intended okay because i guess to me this looks like i'm mixing up water like oil and oxygen all together and like you're just asking for trouble here we lost another cannibalism [Music] how's this guy doing uh this has all been scanned [Music] a rover really can't do much else the rc explorer [Music] drones are not alive yeah but they're all dying like it's concerning types of extra pipes in them wait if a drone dies you don't need to salvage them another drone will come and repair them oh okay right that's good to know oh we could have a lot more drones than couldn't we i think he already got cannibalized [Music] that's fine [Music] a water extractor is there any water deposits in this zone i don't think there is a concrete deposit research site underground rare metals production rare metals extractor it's too far from the dome oh no okay we'll build another i'll build a second dome to get it [Music] pension is required patch is ready to be downloaded from alvin glow's robotic servers carrying with the promise of fixing the mess it brought upon us with the previous version of the drone software [Music] i can get an rc commander instead of drones if i want it we want eight drones or an rc i don't know and we might have enough drones [Music] do we have an rc commander we even like i don't think we do let's find out okay uh land in sight we can have him just come down here oh look at this fella the ic commander serves the mobile base for your drones it can be relocated by the move interact button info panel so i i can pick up the drones with this guy if i need him and he came with three drones as well look how cute they are just look at them building this colony on mars they're adorable uh there's more underground metal here rc explorer cannot we're waiting for stuff to be scanned basically he can't do much right now uh how's the rocket looking it needs a lot more fuel still we only have like one water uh so i i can't build more of these oh we got a lot of technology being researched grown swarm explorer ai water reclamation [Music] that lets you recycle drone hub extenders self-sufficient lighting probes are cheaper and can deep scan [Music] i could just get money crowdfunding suggests it's like a kickstarter but for mars and that's kind of funny okay uh we need we need more concrete for this uh i can build another concrete hub i might as well let's get even more oh there's probably someone who's going to be screaming at this action like what have you done there's a small kickstarter for a billion dollars that's all it is with all the dumplings the waste rock uh let me i'll assign another waste site there we go we should be we should be fine there for a good old while i i desperately need to get more water but i simply can't right now is this not connected oh no that's just a water tower that doesn't do anything yeah just plug it in there i'll do it i don't even understand how this works yeah we're getting more concrete okay this this is operating that too so we can double our production of concrete we need polymers how do we is polymers the one thing i'm gonna have to go back for [Music] i'm gonna have to buy them from earth yeah uh so we we really just need to wait for the rocket to have enough feel there's not much more i can actually do right now uh we're also having troubles with power production again sector scan so let me just pop these in the new anomaly uh the explorer it's your time to shine yeah i gotta build more solar panels too i think i can can i shift build these yeah i can't it doesn't look too pretty but like everything you need is here rock thank you for a thousand bits earlier my summer has a happy ending i saved enough money to move abroad for a bit to dublin let's inspire your trip to tokyo so thank you oh i'm delighted for you man have an amazing time build another accumulator as well uh yeah more more battery seems like a good call uh let's just shove it in there we're low on a resource we're low on metal oh no the readings told us it was a vein rich with ore but the data turned out to be incorrect under those fine red sands lay the intact hull of a rover oh we found curiosity [Music] oh wait what year are we based on a stark find that stretches hand in a welcoming gesture to the years back to the first missions of the red planet it belonged in a museum but on the other hand was an opportunity to gain more pirates that we could rarely get our hands on it was a tough decision we can display it as a monument or send it back to earth [Music] cops a lot to send it back to earth who's the cost of social text [Music] oh we get that money if we send it back we get 500 million i mean i don't know that's a lot of money but we do have 1.5 billion do we get to see it in like the base if we take it and display it as a monument [Music] sadly not oh it needs to be a workshop mod for that yeah okay we're gonna we're gonna proudly display curiosity for everyone here [Music] we're gonna keep it we're not just going to sell it back to the the other planet like as far as the drones are concerned this is like uncovering an ancient egyptian tomb they've uncovered like the pharaoh of their drone society so you know they need to honor them like we don't even care if we don't get people on this planet this is a drone planet now proudly displayed in the non-existent museum in your unfinished dope look we're working on it we just need polymers we're getting the fuel oh no we need polymers for a lot of it we're out of metal oh we're out of metal i do is there more metal that's metal [Music] it's 46 there okay uh this is time for the drone commander everyone on board okay come aboard gang sector and we're gonna take him over here okay deploy the drones and you guys gather this why aren't they taking it pile of process resources oh they need somewhere to put it nearby don't they uh okay storage uh i can just make a universal depot be fine yeah there might be other stuff around here okay get going boys [Music] can we transport those resources back now building's not working and i need to scan places too uh [Music] here we go [Music] all right a lot of buildings aren't working anymore it's building this malfunction drones can repair it with a metal we need to get this metal back the dust is getting them how do i transport this resources are low pick up the metal gang we need to transport rc what what why is the sides flashing red resupply okay yeah we we we we need to send we need to go over to resupply order a new rocket or supply pad with resources uh where is the resupply on okay uh asteroids lander we don't need that one right now i can get a cargo rocket we need a lot of polymers we we need some metal that costs a lot to ship the metal 200 million [Music] yeah i i already have a rocket actually yeah just oh supply pod can take it off okay oh thank god for that but that is max capacity it can't hold nearly as much the metal is so heavy it can deliver the polymers though that'll cost a billion dollars this these polymers cost a billion ah like at least this one costs like oh no that's how much i have left okay gotcha okay let's just get the polymers is there no way for me to get these drones home [Music] like with that metal [Music] we call the drony boys [Music] i agree i really need to get that a transport rc okay how do i get a transport rc we desperately need it can i just pick up the metal oh yeah can i just like hang on deploy the drones [Music] load up the metal i'll get them back in a mo i can mandatory upgrades mission hq earth has declared the effectiveness of a resource extraction as a main priority oh that means they're worried about me doesn't it they're not happy with how it's going uh supply pod with more drones and 60 polymers yes oh that's fantastic oh should we clear that runway okay oh that they conveniently pack into each other that's that's all good we don't have to worry about that okay dronie boys load up on metal they're just leaving it achieved okay uh bring it back home the liver oh there's like some overlay here we built the dump oh hang on get the medals [Music] i'll get back to the dome in a moment the liver we can bring it all home uh we really need to salvage these oh we don't have enough water all of a sudden too [Music] sector scanned have we found any water yet this one needs to be scanned next there's water all the way over here we really need water here [Music] blocking objects they they need to they need to gather those polymers i need to get to work on the dome too there's no colonists yet uh should i order a transport hub over this one's still not fueled you guys need to pick up this don't bring people yet but we need people in the dome oh we don't have enough water for the people yet do we [Music] metal concrete food have polymers research is going well we have negative one water you know it's not quite on the landing pad but just just bring it down there it's close enough we need the extra supplies oh the dome is taking the water uh yeah just turn it off yeah we don't there's no there's no one living there yet anyway oh it should be fine salvage that now have these have these drones over here like they're really struggling to pick that up just you know what just recall them for now i'll get that other rc and i'll go pick up the supplies then okay get the work boys so many drones build more depots do i need more depots no i need to prefab parts i need to research this i don't have a lot of abilities [Music] i can get another scanner does this help we we desperately need more water like this is the problem right now we just don't have a lot of water i i need this to finish so we can go back and resupply low resources water i'll please find some here we're gonna have to build a mighty pipeline if we find it [Music] you know i can call in another car like another rocket and we can get like a transport on this use it to establish permanent supply routes or gather resources from surface deposits i mean that sounds good [Music] can i just order water no it doesn't survive this takes taurus on a safari i don't think we need that yet i don't think we're quite there we have an explorer we have a commander we only really need the rc transport i just that's the entire payload all right launch it my new special project launched the seti satellite okay sure wait no that that uses my rocket though the rocket the rocket needs to go somewhere else we found some planetary anomalies dome depot 2 project spring project flamingo [Music] uh if i send off anything here is it gonna be like you need to use your rocket yeah i only have the one rocket just please find water come on come on okay [Music] all right we desperately need this uh the drone commander recall you boys we need to get over here and uh in the meanwhile as well just keep scanning sectors [Music] get that down here uh they really need to clear that that landing pad let's just put another one in there i hope that doesn't do anything i'm sure it's fine the transport can just pick all this up oh that is so handy okay uh build menu storage depot uh one specifically for polymers unload put all that down okay storage we need one for metal uh we're just gonna send this guy to pick this up how's the commander doing he's over here [Music] deploy the drones [Music] life support [Music] how are we gonna get that [Music] do we need we need to use the transporter don't we we need concrete and machine parts out here all right uh here the transport is gonna be doing a lot of work here okay pick up some concrete he picked up way too much concrete uh machine parts those are all that's the last of the machine parts we have okay [Music] oh we need a long pipe for this all right go deliver it uh the explorer [Music] i was a meteor okay right go scan the anomaly i'm sure it's fine [Music] the rocket is ready to go home uh okay i'm returning this to earth i take it yeah to get some supplies like what else what do i need to get if i send this home [Music] ask for the stair gate okay just just get going home get going home can that can that one get people as well too or at least what's left of it oh god we're finding a lot of wreckage over the years over two-thirds of the mission sent to mars end in disaster tragic course of revenge attribute to bad luck human error simply the to the inevitability of shooting blind in the dark had created a dark humor revolving around the great galactic ghoul beat the next exploration probes in the mystery of the martian triangle oh no okay so we lost beagle begin analysis okay they were able to build this oh we gotta plug it in uh [Music] this is this is gonna need its own wind turbine i think all right and then we need to get the pipe [Music] we need to get the pipe in back home okay it's pumping water what do we need for pipe we need a lot of metal okay uh where is my transport uh perfect go and get that explore go get that and the commander needs to stay out here with these guys [Music] and we're gonna build all of this up oh wait they can they can get metal here can they build it [Music] i think they might just be in range okay that that commander probably doesn't need keep the metal there anomaly analyzed the transport we can do this just completely with this but we need we need to continue the pipe all the way back here we go it's so far away new anomaly was found anomaly analyzed the only place we'd thought you could find ice 15 outside of a lab was on an icy planet or a moon and here we find it on mars it's a super dense phase of water ice which is formed in extremely cold and extremely high pressure environments okay we didn't confirm any substantial deposits of water discovery would cause uproar in the scientific communities and draw significant attention to our efforts on the red planet our sponsors immediately provided us with tools to discover more about the effects of martian geology on the formation of underground ice it's quite remarkable considering we're sponsored by paradox i'll be honest with you they're in cahoots with nasa okay head of their time just thought they were a game death uh the transport here let's load up all this and bring it home [Music] get everything back can i just gather like straight from the source here yeah you can it takes so it takes a while longer but it can do that [Music] yeah that's that's really good to know okay drop it back uh meanwhile the pipeline boys okay we need to [Music] we got to get the range here first to go as far as we can press the explorer the explorer has another thing they can scan uh so build height [Music] okay go little drones [Music] this pipeline just to connect the water supply there's going to be so much that can go wrong here we should have started close to the water we should have started way closer [Music] but we're gonna link it get it back i think there's a gap in the pipeline that no it's good it's good it's connected we can turn the dome back on soon uh we gotta start scanning just just keep yourself busy on the scans here we go it's not every day that we have the luxury to choose from what mars has to offer okay the planet constantly reminds me of his old habit to give with one hand and take with the other the rover came across uh coffinite rocks rich in uranium cluster on top of a rich hematite deposit the mineral veins were positioned in such a matter inside the rock that we couldn't blast through without compromising some of them we faced a difficult decision but at the end it was a matter of simple pragmatics uh do we want rich metals or rare metals oh no do we do we have those i don't see those stats fuel exotic minerals as basic metal tell them back for profit rare metals are easy to find yeah so let's get rich then rare metals equals money oh wait no so wait oh so that's regular metals sorry yeah we have regular metal i need rare metal okay another building isn't working uh drones can repair it but will they repair it do we have any machine parts i don't know if we can repair that easily so while i'm here i'm just going to like make a bunch of storages because like we have like so much concrete make like a dumping site just specifically there uh we're gonna need like another metal storage just you know make another universal depot just keep supplies littered about the place yeah there we go now they're all springing to life look at them go they were waiting for that opportunity and salvage that too how goes the pipeline oh they don't have any metal here okay over here drones [Music] you can do it now [Music] they keep needing metal deposits near them so they can actually build up the pipe there we go you got you guys got any more the gap i need to move over slightly maybe that's enough one of them's going for it [Music] well i'll let him let him be enough gotta finish the pipeline there we go okay we're almost home okay there build life support uneven terrain all right so we gotta loop around a bit it's so close it's home [Music] pipeline because like if something goes wrong over here like we're in a lot of trouble we're in so much trouble i need prefab parts oh that's what the prefab parts are for yeah i should i should definitely get some of them everything is starting to break can i resupply i i got a rocket that's gone at the mo glitter hoof one we can get some pirates here what do what do we need i i need machine parts don't i i should bring them we we needed a lot of machine parts uh we're running we don't have much electronics this would cost all my money to buy oh jeez i still need to get colonists here too [Music] i want a drone hub i think because i build a drone hub and that means i can take care of that little like water station [Music] okay uh half in the budget there we really need to save on money is that enough a drone hub of 20 electronics 20 machine parts the colin we still haven't got any colonists on this planet i gotta spend all my money i'm not gonna be able to afford another rocket get a machine pirates factory that's perfect this will cost literally all my money this requires people as well all right this is a bit of a gamble i don't have enough i need 3 000 million oh no wait launch there we go oh okay thank god it's coming back soon we actually have water and we have enough that we can probably turn on the domes malfunctioned drones really need to repair that one drones also need to repair this one all the power is starting to go offline we're gonna just keep scatting for now okay uh for the meanwhile we're just gonna keep the droney boys out of here oh actually yeah i'll uh unassign some of them [Music] go ploy drones uh how do i reassign these [Music] i just want i want to let them off here click on the drone hub [Music] i think he's got his drones now he's only got three yeah all right you guys keep track watch over there they're unpacked now okay the dog we might get people in this dome yet i'm trying boris discovered that rc commander is here rc transport research research complete he's got concrete on him can i can i load the concrete [Music] here we go uh what where do we want him to go [Music] the crowdfunding came through we have money again kickstarter it's triumphed oh we actually have money we can learn to build a drone hub now at research oh god what do we want to get here there's so much technology [Music] we do need to start getting food at some point drone hub extender self-sufficient lighting low tunnel [Music] what research do we want sensor towers no longer require power and maintenance that seems kind of good our reduction increased by 33 percent do we just want to go all in for like word drone society just get drunks [Music] and we should probably get that too the rocket is ready to come back in as well we can relocate it this time you can get fungus farms well dreamy thank you for a thousand bits here's some more crowdfunding thank you very much oh look at the drones go everything is repaired oh we're actually doing kinda good there's so much concrete uh okay so i i need to build things inside the dome do i i can build a micro dome i don't i don't know if i want that a barrel dome do we need more domes i don't think we do just yet we're running low on water [Music] okay we've had an issue uh would it be in my best interest to make a power line that goes all the way back to sector scanned what do i need for this just metal [Music] maybe i can get the range so that it reaches [Music] that there come on guys we'll make we'll make a battery out here too put it right next to the water [Music] you gather that oh guys you need to pick it up the liver why aren't they doing it themselves why aren't they building it [Music] this guy's got a block of metal still [Music] there we go [Music] we need concrete and polymers he's outside the range [Music] i mean it's pumping again [Music] okay keep him there i need to get the transport what do you mean there's a meteor incoming we gonna be fine think we'll be fine all right what do i need here uh i need it control click load five uh i needed some polymers load five right click okay go drop that round there doesn't seem to be any meteors like it looks fine here i didn't see anything the dome is working there's still no people here i want to get people in the stone how do i do that i want to get actually get the first colonists now i think we're ready we've had so much preparation homes we need a living complex do we need to build inside the domes uh okay let's let's build a nice dome make a school there's a research lab research lab sounds cool dome services a diner infirmary open-air gym the casino cup we need a casino you need grow sir [Music] sector scanned uh we need we need to research that who was that that was that that was there you for research okay we got we got to get through a lot of other stuff first these buildings still need people the casino will be my it's just a casino on apartments that's pretty much all you can do right now when you can invite the first colonist to mars launch a passenger rocket from earth and land it near one of your domes rocket will carry some food supplies but you'll have to secure power oxygen water and live in space in advance i mean we're fine for all of that uh this can go off home it's refueled can i send it home again food daddy food we're working on food we're gonna like guys i'm wondering about this particular aspect of the rocket and where i should send it next for its destination shat screaming and flailing that's a completely different issue i didn't mention food you can starve i don't care for these people this is drone society we're not going to pizza hut you all don't bike down i'll turn this car around we're gonna go home and have your icky mudders cooking and you're gonna hate it no i beg you uh so do i return the rocket to earth do i return it to errors or do i send out on one of the other missions yes okay off you go a rocket uh how do i deploy it in the passenger hub passenger rocket oh my god passenger rocket will deliver colonists in a minimal food supply to mars highlight an applicant to inspect applicant to inspect their traits pinstripe thanks a thousand bits drone society for the win so these are the ones that were selected as a botanist [Music] there's so many traits this man's a glutton no you don't get to come [Music] loner rugged st why do they all eat double rations okay if anyone's a glutton you're not allowed [Music] oh he's a gamer too so no no no gamers uh gambler yes i built a casino trait sexy greatly increased burst rate ah i don't know that's how that works all right uh [Music] uh we'll get a botanist who's also a nerd no gluttons vegan don't worry they'll tell you sounds about right there's so many gluttons like fit but he's an alcoholic oh no what's like the worst bunch we can send hang on let's just make it so they die glutton glossing [Music] [Music] looking for anyone who's a gambler or a glutton glutton vegan get them in i'm kidding uh any gambler glutton hey these ones are gamers glutton glutton alcoholic gamer there we go okay launch the rocket there's a botanist in there so they should be okay specialists on board this doesn't look good launch it glitter hoof is going home for supplies we're gonna have our first colonists [Music] how do we make food we we really need to do that give him a playground but how do we how do we make food is it not possible to make inside the dome where's like matt damon when you need him [Music] there's nursery playground school research lab space bar i can make a nice diner there's a grosser already i don't see like a farm which concerns me it's in the life support tab sector scan produces food thank you bungle farm we can make these outside as well okay fungal farm link up the pipes [Music] oh dome society is almost ready the sixth building's not working we still haven't been able to repair they ran out of water okay we need to fix that before the columnists get here [Music] uh how do we repair these we need metal okay uh go get some metal [Music] colonists aren't here yet so it's gonna be okay there's only six buildings that aren't working everything inside the dome no one's here yet resources are low okay i i know we're running out of water okay uh unload resources [Music] put down the metal okay they repair this what part do they need it needs that right uh unload concrete polyverse all right just dump it all down here you know what we'll just uh storage universal depot okay what what parts do they need over there any machine parts yeah the colonists aren't landing yet they're fine they're ready to land they'll die if the rocket doesn't land in 106 105 hours right we got to fix this quick oh that's not good all right pirates are loaded get on back unload resource just a shadow it's fine [Music] we can get him in the dome continue scanning uh explore go see what's going on there they repair this now oh thank god power is restored okay keep him back at base because his sole job now is to run supplies we're missing a lot of electricity oh what broke [Music] the drone hub broke does that mean none of the drones work i've got 92 hours uh how do i fix it how do i fix it [Music] oh uh okay this guy is still working what does this need to be repaired it needs that green one do i not have that we don't have any electronics okay resupply cargo rocket electronics budget let's get more here we need this in order some more machine pirates too order some food because i'm a little scared honestly you know just stock up on a lot of food launch the rocket okay how long would this take to fly to mars it'd do it in faster than 90 hours oh [Music] [Music] it broke did it break again no it's still pumping [Music] hey fast forward we can repair this we just gotta convert oh we gotta be quick breakthrough discovered anomaly analysis and you'll find it's anything but barren we found another treasure in the form of a small deposit of a germanium-rich mineral we got we got rare metals okay we found germanium and a breakthrough was discovered we'll fix these buildings the rocket's on its way it's gonna be a speedy landing for the passengers okay uh build menu did i get one of these drone hubs as well i did i mean the drone commander is like we can save that for now [Music] uh explorer can he scan that can he find a way up i don't think he can we'll try these are both the glitter huff one uh let's build a second landing pad because we're gonna have to come in like fast here oh there's no drone activity right now we don't have the drones it's almost there they still have 70 hours i know it's ready to land but like we need to fix the base first like everything is like shutting down there's no electricity anymore probably doesn't help that the casino is siphoning most of the remaining electricity it should probably be turned off awesome 3am thank you for a thousand bits i guess they say necessity is the mother of invention invent fast and we still have 60 hours rocket one's coming in if the drones don't have power how do they even repair this no one's going to pick it up all right uh rc commander [Music] he's got three drones [Music] 60 apps it's all up to these survivors can the transport do much here transport is oh no they just they they figured it out never mind oh yeah because this guy came in vicinity okay it's working the base is back online send them back all right still 55 hours what do you mean there's blocking objects oh it's because he was he was hovering over it can i just hey who cries probably shouldn't do that there's colonists have arrived we've populated mars no edible food has been okay right we're working on it um life support build more farms for the love of god and select more crops [Music] get a bit of everything grown a new beginning determination the first founders have set foot on the red planet next 10 souls will be full of difficulties and dangers but also with great promise and opportunities is now to us to prove that mars can be adored of greater riches the future of human civilization even the most epic adventures begin with a single step so arrival of additional colonists temporarily spent until the colony proves able to sustain human life they must survive for 10 souls if we evaluate it positively before the period ends in the event the first human is born on mars fuel you're up to a challenge try constructing a medical build and raise the comfort of the founders as much as possible with service builds but we gotta have a kid in 10 days right uh did i give them an infirmary i think i did i can give them a space bar too sector scanned arriving colonies crop failure we don't have much power founder stage okay we we need electricity electricity seems to be the problem here because we're mainly like based on solar panels [Music] we do we even have enough from the batteries store yeah we have enough isn't don't we there's stored electricity so it's gonna be fine we can survive i think [Music] holy uh small chibi thank you for the 100 gift subs that is incredibly generous jesus thank you so much i don't know what to say that's that's a lot to give in one go you've already supported me a lot too thank you very much incredibly kind but we need to read this has to be renamed uh this will be glitter hoof too we do have two rockets here now can we can we start where can we send these off to we we can just use both of these can't we rocket's unavailable oh i have no money oh no oh no no no no uh i okay the rockets are stuck how how do i get like the mars view to send him somewhere can i do that where was the missions [Music] two breakthrough technologies wait there's been objectives this entire time [Music] oh no we should have been trying to achieve these okay milestones planetary view uh send expedition [Music] send had enough fuel yeah uh okay wait how do i stop that actually that's not quite enough it's not gonna go if it doesn't have enough fuel yeah okay i was worried it would just take off building's not working it's just the food supply it's okay wrong workplace specialization the casino seems to be going well at least oh that's a little closer comfort that wasn't fair as long as they don't hit the fragile water line we'll be okay [Music] uh storage i could dump in sight there just pick up all the rock hypothermia suffering from hypothermia oh no okay view or traveling the two cold uh they they need more power all right don't let them die hypothermia uh just build like a bunch of wind turbines there we go more spinny boys we can't turn off the casino the casino is still going strong as like everyone is freezing to death in this place domes without life support okay hang on there's a design flaw with all the wind turbines well that's a disaster a major flaw oh my god it's minus 45 power okay we have to address this major flaw in our turbine wind turbine design is now apparent they're working this happened by the gradual accumulation of fine marsh and dust as inevitability on mars as a result all wind turbines are producing less power than we expected mission control suspended the further construction of wind turbines until we managed to come up with a lighter design and better mechanism oh we have to try fix them try fix all wind turbines oh please be enough there's nothing left in the batteries how else can we get power there's not enough power turn off the casino desperate to turn off the the bar [Music] and the rockets resupply resources are low we don't we're running out of machine parts what do we do what do we do what do we do i can make solar panels but like these aren't going to help in time no not another one all right get build as many solar panels as we can this is the day we train for men uh the sterling generator i can open it up it leaves it vulnerable the dust we we need to we need as much power as we can okay we have so much concrete turn that off turn that off oh we're so close what else can i turn off you know we need water [Music] all right the mcdonald's it's gotta go all right they they don't need health care [Music] there's no one working in this food supply anyway not my mickey d's my happy guys we're really literally running out of oxygen supply we've had a second crop failure oh god damn it if we get more fuel we can get one of these ships gone [Music] i can't deploy another passenger rocket paradox interact with us to make sure the colony is sustainable for allow more colonists to come to varus while they're clamping down on us i'm not [Music] we're in a lot of trouble right now the rc commander is still here okay that's all fine there that's all like that's all managing can i make it so there's another water supply in here life support can i make a second one will this produce more water oh yes okay we gotta gotta make sure we have as much as we do as much as we can here oh this is gonna really look upsetting that's an upsetting pipe okay uh what do they need for this metal concrete and machine parts we don't have a lot of machine parts what happened to all our metal did we use all of it there's no anomalies left to research i can't get up there we've so much power all turned back on the casino turn back on the diner we've so many solar panels oh this better be charging all the batteries uh we stopped harvesting metal oh god you're right uh there's rare metals here's regular metal underground metal uh we we need this so it's like closer to home don't we that would be the closest one okay if i position this strategically here between them position it about here the drones will be able to like kind of get it and then the transport in the meanwhile uh here you go you got her all that metal where is the transport there he goes the column is doing okay average sanity is 75 average camphor comfort is 50. morale is 59 satisfaction is zero they're not comfortable okay uh we can make a gym it won't fit i gave him a grocer i give him an art store that's that's the dome full i can make a second dome we can make a second dome here okay would that work for a passage [Music] the drones are coming for the dome okay we need we need cabling i think it's connected for cabling uh we need water okay and then this guy needs to be a little more in range little more a production metal extractor too far from domes sector scanned oh okay how do i cancel this dome this cancel construction do i get those supplies back i hope so okay we we need this one to be closer crop failure reported oh my god you gotta stop having crap failure all right we we need a small maybe it's a smaller dome here hang on a micro dome that'll work okay get the work drones we need more food we are producing food now yeah we do have food we have power we just need another a smaller pocket dome just concrete and metal uh where is the command the transport i can get this to just uh drop off concrete unload resource load resource concrete i feel like i'm doing this a very inefficient way that's okay storage universal depot they're really handy load he transported 30 concrete yeah so i can get more mission control back home is very confused i'm just like we need more domes we need the domes [Music] can we get them to survive 10 days i'll keep it in fast forward from now on come on building's not working i'll get them working again no it's all right oh it's all right it's just a concrete extractor we didn't need it anyway oh thank god it dodged the universal depot i thought that would do more damage okay rebuild rebuild that was a close one that could have been way worse oh we're running out of power again uh just just unload it all here yeah you go you go get some more con well metal they they want a garden i was just doing our best to live we have six more days to survive how long can we survive without water wait that dome is complete go go go they need that one needs plugging in just gotta make a power cable [Music] that that should connect it oh i'll build a garden in the new dome all right we need to get that back online they they never got to finish this one too building a new home on an alien world that takes guts to say the least wait uh so what is this since right on mars solomon lundberg's enthusiasm has proven to be above average even my founder norms the prodigious productivity display could be boiled down to one simple explanation solomon lundberg really loves doing what salomon lundberg loves doing okay you're doing great salmon maintain a good health you need to provide them with water oxygen food we're working on it this one doesn't have life support we'll plug it in soon [Music] uh domes resources are low it must be placed under a functioning dome under a dome is it they must start an empty hex inside the dome okay i get it [Music] [Music] no dome i'm i'm gonna connect it it's just a too long a walk under a functioning dome oh it's not plugged in research complete okay uh drone commander back to here that's fine there's no one there haven't been any anomalies in a while keep scanning if power is back we can turn on these during the day transportation problem right that's fine i'll get water buildings destroyed uh rebuild that one that meteor really didn't cause much harm how's the colonists doing the condition is deteriorating that's not great and i need 28 more jobs they have a lot of vacancies at the moment you gathering concrete there i just i just want this one colony to live okay wait it it's connected right no it still needs a pipe hang on resources are low i know they're low [Music] where are they going they're getting fresh metal to finish the pipe come on we could we can build something beautiful they could survive every time i play these games it ends in death and despair just once let everyone live back to scanned the pleated deposit oh they ran out of concrete all right salvage it it's not working all right draw commander okay the dome is set up uh this one is fueled return to earth okay what supplies do we need i have no money i still have no money why'd i send it to earth failure reported oh my god don't let it discourage you we have food we have food that pipe go what did they oh that was for the barrel dome that was for the barrel when we were gonna build why are these just sitting out here uh mr transport hey you go drop stuff off resources are low i know we're low on water i'm working on it load resource wait no wait what did i need what do i need uh they need a computer part uh okay transport that's what you got to save the colony load resource uh load all and exit just take all the parts once we get funded we need to get more oh get out of the build menu transport unload drop it off [Music] with a factory prefab yeah but the dome's been like under attack the entire time with no water right now we don't have enough oxygen [Music] the colonists are on the brink of dehydration i know to figure out something i know i'm working on it there we go look bear grylls survive drinking his own piss a while you'll be fine okay they don't have enough oxygen oh how do i make more of that i can close that keep it safe uh i need another moxie sector scanned vector scanned this anomalies get on in a mo this is like a cable and nightmare oh just just set it up there okay uh the explorer scan that magnifying glass see if it does anything good okay water has been fixed we're now out of electricity [Music] but that'll come back once the solar panels turn on batteries keep us safe during the night two more days so close we got a rocket that went home that we just can't get back a while we didn't think about that build another battery well now we have we have two these ones seem to last a night they're full on power see that's why we should build another battery okay battery depot established there we go so they'll they'll all gather power now two days we're low on water if we find another source of water anywhere is that the only one we never built this extra generator wait breakthrough discovered the problem here is i didn't i didn't settle next to water oh god what's happened now life here on can't mars for addiction they're addicted despite the great lengths we go through to make it seem safe as possible close to home one's mind is never too far away from the dangers of the privilege of being an interplanetary pioneer carries we all find our own ways to cope with this pressure i'll under gustaf and finds it in the bottle [Music] okay all right guys because we invited so many alcoholics here we probably shouldn't have opened the space bar considering it's it's literally a colony of alcoholics [Music] we probably could have prevented this oh no you know come to think of it the the fast food diner considering there's like four gluttons in this colony is probably not a good call either and there's no gym oh god we've just found beagle 2 or at least what's left of it i thought we found beagle 2 already ok analyze it yeah we need we need a drone commander here to build this we need concrete and machine parts we have no machine parts anymore we have too much concrete what's not working now oh there's just no people yeah i really need money i should have harvested the rare metal there's like so many better places i could have settled there's so many better places at least no one's died the comfort is decreasing where's that rocket going i didn't even tell that one to take off okay well rc transport it can carry more don't have pirates one day they're booking it back home what's wrong with my colony sector scanned wait did they find water there's another source but the grade of this water is also very low research no active research hang on today to choose from what mars has to offer uh i need rare medals to sell them don't i research this breakthrough this is based on what happened uncover extremely rich underground water deposits yes [Music] they can work extractors can work without crews at 50 performance get it [Music] uh just just get everything we can to survive one more day water reclamation will be the new building we can build soon but can we build it now and we can't build it now oh 20 hours the rc come on where's my drones resources are low did i lose the drones i just make this so it settles like no it's got no drones on it go pick up some more where did this rocket go what did this get it brought something what did i order i don't i don't know what this parcel is [Music] you're low on food just order pizza reported fine we have food building has malfunctioned yeah we have so much concrete anyway that it doesn't even bother me the fungal farms not looking too good this is like covered in dust that must me just like delete the domes sometimes if you turn it off with people inside [Music] our colonists are suffocating we only have a few hours to get them more oxygen before they run out it's very troubling very troubling i don't know how that could have happened [Music] just i want to see what happens if you just like have let an entire colony die look we're gonna make it anyway they have enough oxygen [Music] building's not working the door towards the stairs this will go down in history the long time dream of the human civilization as a whole to settle another world has come true be among the people who made this happen makes me feel enthusiastic and proud we are already so over applications for relocation on mars the wanderlust and enthusiasm of these people makes me proud to be a human being the red planet continues to be in the inhospitable and even dangerous we as a species have have always displayed the ability to adapt and improve the adverse conditions will only make us try harder so i say bring it on colony has been evaluated positively additional colonists can be called from earth looks like we got a serious adventure ahead of us [Music] it did it it's not work like is it going to be like another a follow-up memo like two hours later a tragedy as we fall in mankind they're getting hurt sick [Music] you have stuff here oh these meters aren't doing their health is still good the bomb an unbelievable amount of unencountered foods have suddenly appeared in our accounts who are currently kept frozen this comes shortly after we received the following cryptic message set requires permission to test the bomb at a safe distance from the american company these funds should cover inconvenience what yes an enormous blast of detective measure mind-boggling 500 megatons of tnt how did he get a hold of this oh this isn't good this just set off a lot of bad conditions the pipeline anomaly found why are they in the stone why are they in this dome wait when did they get here no no no no no get the drones where's the drones why is everything offline turn it back on there's so many bad things happening ah there's a dust storm set to hit the colony zoo it'll cause damage to pipes and cables uh moxie's moisture vaporizers and solar panels outside of domes there's a meteor storm too uh you some good practices may minimize the damage potential such as not clustering vital buildings next to each other [Music] oh no [Music] uh the rc commander no america's kaufman he's reached critically low sanity okay it's troubling [Music] uh okay we need four guys here i think the colonists died in this dome deploy the drones there's a fracture there's a leak there's no water support currently because the pipe broke too [Music] 24 buildings are currently not working [Music] how are is that just because of the dust i think that's just the solar panels i don't think it's as bad as it looks as long as we have oxygen oh no resources are low i know like the domes on now too and i don't think i can help them hell is starting the tip this in service gambling because the casino is closed now they're not doing as well morale is dropping hard to even see there's been another leak all right can we repair these leaks get on it gang colonist has died oh no to bid we're here farewell to one of our finest liam johansson is dead he died from suffocation oh no okay thank you fellow colonists okay come out we get we gotta fix the pipeline it's also broken over here because of course it is quickly a colonist has died we just lost another one he didn't get a eulogy apparently no one cared about him there's still nine left [Music] we can restore the water we can restore the water [Music] the power's back oh the dust settled okay oxygen online anomaly found and these guys like fix everything a mission in jeopardy are a worrisome trend which cannot be ignored oh no while the applicants who killed the bears were aware of the buddy wrists the near criminal neglect from our side is something different we cannot keep this information from the public and opinions this way in the direction our colony is a dead trap oh no we can fix it is this back online yet a colonist has died no there's only five left sanity has reached a terminal state for the four surviving colonists i i don't know if i can fix them dismantle the rocket they die here oh my god okay this is getting the lives and the dreams of our colonists are lost okay it's over washed away fear and grief oh no i'll call this rider died or left mars game over but don't give up um well we did it we survived oh no i mean we got the last the 10 days it's just a shame they died immediately after that okay and on that note folks we are going to wrap up the stream there for tonight thank you so much everyone who came by the stream yeah i'm not thankful for three good subs just towards the end there killer vac thank you for a thousand bits thank you very much we were applying that in the hardest difficulty as well [Music] which apparently means like you're being sponsored by paradox like that's how it was that you've got it rough oh dear on a more literal and serious note thank you paradox for the sponsor oh no uh if you like what you saw here you can check out survivor mars for yourself by typing exclamation point mars in the chat we get a handy link to it uh there is new dlc for it two coming out that is below and beyond i really enjoyed that sponsorship difficulty [Music] you were sponsored by mars no don't get it twisted that's not quite right oh god i thoroughly enjoyed that go rock thank you for another thousand my flight leaves in a few hours you have any tips for dublin restaurants arcades shops etc um i mean i'm trying to think it's the first time in ireland can't go wrong with stuff like temple bear uh go see trinity go see the gpo uh jameson distillery there's there's loads of pubs go to an irish pub uh go out to bray if you can braise a good spot dublin zoo is fantastic uh just make the most of it you see something cool let's looks interesting go see it you only live once you only yolo once have an amazing time [Music] oh god [Music] okay let me see who else is streaming i'm gonna leave you guys in someone's care who was going who was going who was going uh oh i mean i guess julie's streaming in the next room over from me uh go wish her a happy birthday it wasn't her birthday yesterday but it is today go say hey to julie okay thanks for coming folks uh there is no stream tomorrow i will see you all monday from utopia we're gonna do more of that then thanks for coming guys have a good weekend take care you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 8,805
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Keywords: 1138801879, Colonize, Gaming, I've, I've been Sponsored to Colonize Mars - !mars, Irish, Mars, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Sponsored, Surviving Mars, Twitch, been, callmekevin, comedy, die, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, to, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: I2xwC5gQsQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 15sec (9495 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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