RTGame Archive: The Vale

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hello everyone can you hear me okay how's it going hello hello i see people have found the new jefferson emote in twitch chat thank you again the cat uh for making that we have a host of new emotes coming to the channel i believe mint is coming next can you hear me all right i'm not too loud am i ear cam stream yeah this so this one is a wild concept i can't remember if this was like one that popped in the suggestion box or if it's just something i saw like post it online somewhere um this is one i've been wanting to play for a good old while and i was originally planned to actually play pokemon unite with dahi tonight but he he's busy um so i thought you're [ __ ] it let's set up for this i've made a couple of changes on the stream just because the nature of this game i'm wearing headphones it's important to clarify that and all of the alerts i have muted um this game boasts the claim and i i've never seen another game do this fully blind accessible you do not need sight to be able to play this game it is completely an audio based rpg and it talks you through everything you do and i tested this even earlier when you open up the main menu and it's actually quite something um we can even test this and i'm i'm happy and willing to turn off my monitor as we play this so i cannot see a thing i just think that's i love when games do cool concepts like this um play it blindfold it down but but that's the thing like apparently you can you don't need to be able to see to play this one um and that just strikes me as a really cool concept so i was like sure [ __ ] it we gotta check that out yeah all the alerts are muted um because and it recommends that you play this game with headphones because it's all to do with surround sound and stuff like that um i hope the alerts are muted i have gone through them their apologies if one place uh we're going to give this a shot and you'll you'll see even what i mean with some of the accessibility when i even start this up okay so this is an audio adventure you guys will have something to look at don't worry if you want i believe it oh it'll open up like windows now so show the menu but you don't need to be able to see it okay let's open let's go [Music] falling squirrel and creative bites studios presents the veil press the start button or spacebar to begin so it talks push down on the left stick to cycle through the main menu options start new game game option game credit quit game game start new game deselect starting difficulty push casual setting normal setting hard setting we're going to be having a lot of narration use less normal setting press the right trigger to select this option game is set to normal let's go the king is dead it was not a hero's death i got to be very quiet the slow death of an old man but it gave him time to plot and fuss about his affairs enough time in fact to spare a rare thought towards his second born what to do with me the blind girl he hid away in the keep would i be allowed to stand at my brother's side as he took his place on the throne no even from the grave my father would not allow me to burden the family no less than 500 miles of baron heath and twisting veil would keep me from doing that and now here i am on the approach to my new home on the outskirts of the kingdom you can hear her move where are we uncle can i move we're crossing now you alex are officially home describe it for me i would think the smell of sheep would provide all you need to know you could have said something nice made something up honesty is the greatest gift princess would receive then you spoil me uncle why would it be my father's dying wish to send me to the borderlands your brother is king your father wanted you to have something of your own that's honesty even in death father wanted his sightless daughter as far away as possible i wanted you to have something of your own from one second born to another it's not an easy thing being in someone's shadow i like the shadows you hit game options one second stick to cycle menu options thank you i'd strongly recommend if you have a pair of headphones i'm gonna just say give people like two minutes if you have headphones and you haven't got them on put them on because there's some really cool audio design stuff that's going on here like you can actually hear things moving around you i'm actually gonna we're actually gonna give people a chance just to get headphones if they if they have some handy before we go you got you got like a minute or two because it does add a lot um i don't know if there's subtitles considering that this is a game that you you don't have to be able to see i will have a look but like i can't be sound setting like master volume headset options game game games options push down on the left stick to cycle menu options press left trigger to return to pre game i don't i don't think there's subtitles here push down on the list menu options resume game press the right trigger to select an option thank you use the left stick to cycle through options oh god okay has everyone got their headphones does anyone still need a minute before we go i'm gonna have to be quite quiet as we go here or i'm gonna like miss a cue i have to really pay attention here has everyone got their headphones you're good to go okay perfect all right let's go share more honesty there you will make a wise lady even out here in the borderlands i'll make some chieftain son a disappointing wife you'll be just fine as long as you can tell the difference between the men and the sheep hold up what is it oh dead in riders from the northwest how many an army can we make the castle no they're on us now that's not good wait here alex uncle uncle oh the controller's moving we're moving in the carriage the controller is vibrating a lot alex are you okay who's that it's your brother theo theo yes uh what happened we were playing blind seeker he fell down the stairs of the loft this always happens to me doesn't it because you're the only one who can't cheat everyone else peeks under the blindfold no oh god rolf tricked me he led me to the edge of the stairs well the little ted is hiding by the mill wheel right now i won't say anything to father if you were to be careless with your cane as you searched there use the left stick to walk in any direction use right stick to turn on the spot oh we have movement now all right so this is a flashback we're we're playing he's by the mill wheel by the millwheel mealwheels on my left side ahead it's right there go ahead swing push the right stick in the direction you wish to swing i got him alex it's uncle this game is over keep hitting them ralph will be wanted back in the kitchens yes my lord you may go too phil yes uncle hit him again sorry alex i see you've found a new use for your cane what is my punishment if anyone should be punished it's me the things i should have taught you years ago like what i stand directly in front of you and i want you to swing your cane at me you want me to hit you yes my punishment your first lesson push the right stick in the direction you wish to swing doesn't sound like much of a punishment i'm i'm happy to just attack everyone here with my cane excellent now when i move your head will remain facing forward as to conceal your level of awareness from your enemy my enemy listen now swing at me again he's kind of diagonal left very good now i'm moving to standard from here again i want you to swing as many times as you can as fast as you can faster that's good know your limit you want to be selective with your strikes you will be limited to only a few consecutive strikes before you must pause to catch your breath okay an exhausted fighter is a dead fighter we have that what do you think is the first rule of combat don't die precisely pretty to the point hello uncle ah oh now we're back in the present it must have overturned it's night how long have i been out oh god i'll have to get to the river i can hear a river uncle hello don't be stupid alex let's just say you'll find a friendly answer oh wolves that's not good that's reassuring i feel so vulnerable right now oh a body soldier oh god tunic he's not one of ours perhaps uncle made it out okay let's see here yes a sword rusted broken better than nothing and a scabbard you'll have to do for now you have gained a tier 1 sword the back or select button will bring up the character menu where you can review equipment coin and travel options okay character menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu options equipment coin and salvage equipment okay we can review everything use left stick to cycle equipment broken sword press right trigger to review item travelling clothes say traveling clothes press broken sword traveling clothes broken sword character menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu options i think i think we're good i think we just want to keep our equipment right now all right we need to find the water that doesn't sound good ah yes no no we found it we tripped it i think i've ever been so thirsty but it's the river who's there uncle that's not good not uncle you like sticks go get it [Music] i've got a heavy one here now fair warning you're getting this one in the muzzle oh i thought this is terrifying this is terrifying [Music] fighting off wolves are we safe well oh thank god i won't be sleeping tonight what do i do uncle what would theo do i suppose a king wouldn't find himself alone 500 miles from his home 500 miles i suppose i stopped walking that's a long way the walk [Music] oh my god all roads lead east they say unless you're walking in the exact wrong direction talking to yourself who's there our friend hang on game options menu push down on the self stick to cycle menu up so here's a little tidbit on just the setup front oh here's a little tidbit on the setup front up until this point i've actually had my monitor off uh after we got past the main menu but i realized turning it off might actually be bad in case something happens to the stream that i don't notice so i'm actually turning my monitor back on now but i've actually not had it uh since we started fun little tidbit um i just need to make sure that it's still all working okay because i don't want a chance of going wrong yeah because i i i realize that like having the monitor off if something does happen i won't [ __ ] know and i just had like that kind of like anxious realization there um but i was the monitor was off up until that point though which is which is interesting to know um and we've actually been able to navigate it fine okay so i've got i've got it back now just game difficulty setting games game difficulty setting games quick resume game are you with your dead no i have no money i'm not out to rob you you're limping you're injured you're blind but perceptive closer friend or foe you're highborn you're not from the borderlands and you a shepherd where's your flock in the bellies of barbarians we are not foes then it would appear not i hear men approaching are they the king's guard afraid not girl this is where we part-wise good luck wait thanks well what do we have here looks like a shiny prize to me don't suppose she's the one the general is looking for okay stay calm think alex you wanted to see me uncle you haven't got to learn how to use a sword today my father wants me to learn how to use a sword in truth no he does not however a princess and future protector of the realm need first be able to protect herself wouldn't that be my brother's job protector of the realm firstborns get killed every day girl you're going to learn this here take this sword grip it firmly you know i've never cared that you're blind and our enemies will not care about that either when they set out to kill you now i want you to swing your sword at me don't worry the blade is not sharp push the right stick in the direction you wish to swing oh god we're hitting uncle again excellent as you can hear your attacks are easy for me to parry as long as i'm not trying to do something else something else like what like hitting you oh that hurt now if you don't want that to happen again you're going to have to hit me first and if you're quick enough i won't be able to parry are you ready okay i suppose i gotta i gotta stretch the lead into my swing my armor the shift of my weight and swing the second you hear it okay very good one more time excellent now shall we play a little game no strike me three times and you win all right oh and i'm going to move around this time he's behind me too late walking around i missed got a very good behind me on my right i missed you slow i'm all right excellent we got him dead ahead very good that's three for you niece well done i know you think you don't need to learn this but our enemies are unyielding and they show no mercy not for the young nor the old nor the blind i want you to be strong even stronger than your brother because no one knows what the future might hold for you all right uncle what if he tries something oh back to the present what's wrong with you girl i don't like this you're staring at me stay back or i'll start swinging where's the other half of your sword what are you waiting for i think she is blind and that should make it easy for you bottom off oh i missed get him i missed got him oh you gotta be precise with the thumbstick [Music] not looking too good damn it [Music] let's try it again it's hard stay back or i'll start swinging where's the other half of your sword what are you waiting for i think she is blind and that should make it easy for you oh she got you good [Music] hella do to myself got him you don't even know to use that thing do you army on my left in front of me we got him girl is that the shepherd yes take my hand before more arrive where are you taking me safety i have a camp nearby we're in the clear we killed two men sorry girl for running off what's the lame shepherd going yeah you left me for debs i suppose i should thank you for coming back i suppose you're welcome i need to get back to the capital to my brother the capital what are you doing out here merchant family my family is very wealthy there would be a reward if i was escorted back safely escort a blind girl 500 miles down a treacherous valley in the wake of an invading horde yes not sure what reward would be worth that what would you do with me then did you do 10 sheep get your pretty hands dirty you could buy a thousand sheep with the reward my family could provide a thousand must be some family you have or you don't know the price of sheep do you have a name alex alex um i am abdel rashid call me shepherd if you like okay shepherd getting you home alex will depend on where the odedn are headed how well i can heal up and who we can find to help us on the way my uncle and i were traveling with the guard when we were attacked they may still be around if that horde set upon them they would have been killed game options one second every time i look over and chat to cycle menu options there's someone who's saying is he ever going to notice the screen is black for us do you not understand the concept of this game almost every time i look over it's like why is the screen black do you literally not understand the concept of the game let's make this clear all right oh god people don't read titles yeah ironically that's the one thing they're not seeing and the subtitles no this is an audio game there's no subtitles you have to listen i just gotta stress that because i keep looking over at the chat it's like does he realize it's just like particles jesus is not much to look at literally the point of the game is you are blind and yeah once again i would advise if you just join the stream get headphones it makes it so much better game game control sound setting quit game and return to main menu resume game i'm still here then you were not worth the trouble get some best it will be safer to travel later at night i suppose you're indifferent to the dark thank you shepard don't thank me yet sheep the valley home is long and winding it conceals more than just barbarians [Music] imagine not being a native english speaker i know i know but it is an audio adventure there's nothing we can do alex pay attention yes uncle now as a blind fighter you will be well served to have a shield here take it here with your left hand it's heavy as it should be now this time when i swing at you i want you to raise your shield hold the left stick in the direction of your target to block are you ready sure raise your shield there you go [Music] excellent and block him now right after you block my attack you'll have a split second to counter attack it's a more defensive way to fight give it a try block my attack and immediately counter attack use the left stick to block your target then release left stick and immediately counter attack using the right stick okay good another game then defeat me any way you want attack as i swing or block and counter attack on guard girl front i think i'm actually hurting him oh i missed ah he's like left but down again well done nice okay we're good alex wake up what is it they've set up camp on the ridge above us we have to get moving follow me this way can this guy fight as well or is it just me over here this way over here [Music] okay no it's a raiding party they supply the horde as it moves i'm afraid this won't be the last one we run into what do you see about 10 warriors in small groups around the clearing no room to get around can't take tara there's no central fire they probably don't like each other much i'll need a shield what are you going to do with that use it if i have to for now i'll try to draw them away you stay here wait i'll come back for you my uncle promised me the same thing i'm a cunning shepherd i won't get caught son of a dog what was that what do we have here oh no no what fortune shines upon us it's the royal brat we have our orders kill her and bring her to the general no [Music] that's not good alex are you listening what you were off somewhere i said i'll throw them away you wait here no but do i have a shield yet how would you know that i just do it's too dark we'll move together i'll lead all right we'll need to get to the river there's a time loop not this way not this way okay i gotta go around the camp don't i because here it just seems to be like there's a barrier oh i don't want to go forward into this hey look what i found what is this the shield you requested perfect is this a barrel lid it suits you now keep moving you have gained a tier 1 shield i'll take it sneaking around the but i camp no idea where i'm going they yes i think we're clear of the camp oh jesus patrol hey you there who are you stay calm alex let me talk look at me my sister and i were just returning home from treating lepers outside baltimore lepers you say bring the torch bring the torch sorry alex we'll have to run or fight we're fighting he's the missing princess i'll tell the others and share the glory i don't think so give up girl being attacked from two two of them on sides all right god they're not talking on us you really know how to use a barrel lid i have my uncle to thank for that we have to keep moving down river i need to find a settlement somewhere to heal up lead the way shepherd okay we keep going oh do you know this village it's called braga but that's all i know safe spa i've never been this far east describe it for me well looks like a village too small and out of the way for the horde to bother with there's a smith sellers and in [Music] your leg you're going to be all right not without clean dressings and herbals i don't have any money you'll have to sell something your clothes maybe my clothes your fancy cloak must be worth something and you'll draw less attention without it have a look around i'll be at home here with the animals [Music] okay what do we want [Music] it's a few things essentials [Music] please [Music] can i help you i'm looking for healing supplies just horseshoes or a blade if you're expecting trouble no trouble yet well i would ask at the mill next door the miller's wife is a healer she sells bread out front is there a place where i could sell a few things what are you selling um some clothing some fine things by the looks of you there's been a foreign merchant set up by the tavern he may be interested i'll be going now thank you always welcome okay so to the ladies on the bread and there's someone by the tavern who can help us too [Music] potentials [Music] over here [Music] you looking for something child i'm looking for healing supplies dressings for a wound and something for infection are you hurt no it's for my friend can you bring him in i can have it look i'll just take the supplies it will be 10 copper for the bandages and poultice i'll be back with the coin take care child 10 copper i need to go fresh bread back to shepherd i don't know if i want to go near that other guy i don't trust the guy on the right i don't trust fine silks man okay all right north us out [Music] here's a young woman who knows a thing or two about finer things i know a merchant from the capital when i see one i can give you an excellent price on the first we'll find pelts this warm west of riverton actually i'm looking to sell my cloak times is hard for me too not sure what i could afford a hundred copper oh i mistook you for a fellow marcher i see now that you're a highway robber why don't you just take my entire car while you're at it i could also throw in what's left of my teeth if you like what do you want then 10 copper final offer now here's the thief whoa whoa whoa well now now now that i see the cloak from the back is very nice 15 copper truly my final offer 20. done that's 15. your final offer is poured nice doing business with you [ __ ] you we have you coming north to south better off going east or west [Music] still need those supplies girl yes i do here you are thank you child and this is everything you'll need thank you [Music] he's got to stop yelling [Music] over here i have the supplies thank you do you need help with the dressing i know what i'm doing not my first blade wound i've spent more time in pastures fending off bandits than wolves i suppose you're not used to sleeping with livestock thankfully no no game options menu i just want to push down on the left stick to cycle menu options i just want to acknowledge something in chat i have to pause it if i'm going to acknowledge anything in chat for this just the nature of it uh problem you have no one who can do art solution don't make art for your game i mean he's not wrong oh god no ain't no problems fine silks at least i'll need a couple days before i can travel but it will give us time to collect a few things we'll need a bow for hunting and money don't suppose you know a trade i'd like to find a better weapon perhaps some armor a sheep involves clothing i suppose it will make bandits on the road think twice get some sleep alex [Music] arresting for the night this game vr compatible i don't know it'd be very cool we should head for the inn and ask about work won't get anywhere without going just follow the music essentials tonight my god fine silk is gone [Music] here we are the wandering goat i'll assume it's an inn and not a stable shall we enter press right trigger to enter left trigger to leave okay it's pretty empty in here but i guess it won't hurt to ask around push down on the left stick to cycle through interactions of interest press left trigger to leave i'm too old to be wandering around the wilderness but i've heard there is a stolen strong box in a cave north of here thieves are gone but the box is still there apparently why would they abandon it i don't know it's just what i've heard and the account was very detailed they hid the box behind a waterfall at the back of the cave what do you think shepard i think it's a good way to get ambushed by a cave full of thieves press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass okay it's a cave it's hidden behind the waterfall on the back of the cave we can try it [Music] side quest i think i don't know this is the most relevant one waterfall does sound yeah it sounds suspicious if the waterfall's too loud i'm gonna be in trouble i won't be able to hear [Music] but we can try it let's just see what happens please go back for fine silks [Music] we could at least see if the cave exists at the first sign of trouble we turn back all right what do i know see what happens you know what i mean well the old man was right i can see the opening what do you see it looks wet and dark i don't see any footprints in the mud perhaps we are safe to enter it's very dark i can hear the water follow me i'm going you're gonna get me to lead the way into the cave water distance to the right there's an old fire and deer bones everywhere these thieves were a bunch of pigs don't like this another way then deeper into the cave tamp silks i see the box i think i know why the thieves left what is it a very angry looking bear it will chase us down if we try to run i try to distract it you hit it all right over here [Music] hey you now on it hey hey you hit it now [Music] shepard did we get it you're right yes oh let's see if this was worth it ah it's empty the chest itself might be worth a few copper well it's something at least we did it you have gained 30 copper in coin and salvage cool pretty good you want bear for dinner we have a little coin so let's see about getting that ball we should head for this myth [Music] you want me to use a boat that's a tall order [Music] um okay who would have the bow would it be the essentials [Music] i guess shepard could take it yeah herbals essentials tonics bombs and ointments greetings how's your friend and did that poultice do the trick you can ask me yourself much better thank you you're caring for someone uh it's the husband the grist is in his lungs again if you're looking for a little work i need more honey for a brew to clear his chest he is usually the one i sent to fetch it there are a number of hives along the road just outside town another question 15 copper if you collect for me press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass we just want to gather as much money as we can we want more money i mean we got 30 for the bear so this is like half a bear i would hope in terms of difficulty sounds easy enough here's the bucket we'll head out right now then and don't tarry too long or you'll come back full of fingers we need the fine silks [Music] we should keep some honey for our own use on the road i've never considered honey for more than sweetening cakes you easterners my father would sing to the bees and thanks every time i got a cold i couldn't think of coughing without dodging her mouth full of honey my father never paid me much mind whether i was ill or well i hear the bees i don't see them just ignored me they must be off the path somewhere follow me then i gotta chase the beast this is asking for trouble oh all right they're up in the tree you hold out the bucket i'll go up and cut them down right my injuries are making this hard son of a ghost they definitely sting one's coming ah down have to move fast they're on to us i'll lead us to the next so high bee is now chasing us that was in a lot of pain why aren't we i see it a nice question [Music] here you go we'll need a few more to fill the bucket lead the way hurry why aren't this thing in you you're okay shepard i'm going as fast as i can sheep i don't feel so good shepherd oh no he might be allergic we have to find the hives fast i think you might be allergic to bee stings what would make you think that nothing let's just keep moving there is some like weird time travel mechanic in this which is interesting all right they're up in the tree you hold out the bucket i'll go up and cut them down are you all right my injuries are making this hard ah son of a court they definitely sting one's coming down we have to move fast they're on to us i'll lead us to the next high don't quit i think they're over here next time i see it [Music] where's the last one i i we'll need a few more to fill the bucket lead the way hurry think there's more over to the left ah [Music] here is another one more should do it there it is [Music] we have enough let's go let's get out of here try to keep up before shepard succumbs to his thing or stings apparently we're just immune to the beast here's the honey you need men surprised and 15 coppers as promised did you get stung not me i don't want to talk about it nature is both hostile and healing as are we all be sure to take out the stingers and then dub each with a bit of honey to help take away the pain thank you hila farewell you have gained 15 copper in coin and salvage pretty good we have a little coin so let's see about getting that ball we should head for this myth all right let's admit over here on our immediate left can i help you we need a bow and perhaps a little steel for the road east you know that the horde is on the march well aware thank you i haven't done much in weapons since the local garrison left years back but i have a couple of salvage pieces laying around push down on the left stick to cycle through items of interest press left trigger to leave i have this sturdy sword for 30 copper press the right trigger to consider purchase i have this old hunting ball for 15. press the right trigger to consider i think this padded armor and bracers might fit you you can have it for 50. press the right trigger this oak shield should serve you better than that barrel lid you're carrying we'll say 20 copper press the back the ball okay i've got to try this is the right trigger to consider purchase we have to get the bow use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other items item quality tier 1 bow critical chance bonus 20 okay critical damage multiplier three reload speed slow coin value 15 copper press right trigger to buy item can i press left trigger to consider something else i have like do i have 45 copper i have a little bit safe don't i this item will cost 15 copper your current coin amount is 55 copper a 50 slight trigger to confirm purchase press left trigger to consider other options uh okay we want a bow good luck with that if you're headed east you will need it push down on the left stick to cycle through the blade press the right trigger to consider what the outer prices so i had 55 i have 40 copper left i can't afford that that was 50. press the right trigger to consider purchase gotta make sure i shuffle in my chair a lot when i play games right and then i turn my head a lot but it's actually very important that i face forward playing this because otherwise the directions all shift uh do we want a sword do we want a shield the blade use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger consider other items i know i know she'll read it out i'm just looking at the screen for this one item quality tier 2 sword your current item is tier 1 sword critical chance bonus 20 your current item is 10 heavy attack critical chance bonus 30 your current item is twenty percent press right trigger this is just the best trigger to consider other options this is better in general um than the current sword we have the blade the shield use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item item quality tier 2 shield your current item is tier 1 shield okay press right trigger to buy item press left trigger to consider other options this will be a tier 2 shield so this is also just going to be stronger across the board this one costs 20 copper i think i probably want to get do i want the sword or noise break chance reduction twenty percent your current item is zero percent great press right trigger to buy item guard break damage reduction thirty percent your current item is zero percent zero percent that's right trigger to buy my field is real bad to consider other options it might be of benefit to half the shield block speed medium your current item is slow press right trigger to buy items my current shield really start to consider other options okay this item will cost 20 copper after salvage of old item your current coin amount is 40 copper press right trigger to confirm purchase press left trigger to consider other options uh let's get this one and then if we find or come into more copper we'll get the sword as well to find peace take good care of it push down on the left stick to cycle through items i'll be going now okay thank you always welcome well we have our bow we can move on now unless you want to find better equipment for the journey when you are ready to travel press the back or select button to bring up the character menu and select the travel map okay so when i'm ready to move on and leave the town i i open the menu is there anything else in town i can get i say hi to the chicken i can chase him [Music] it's on my right he's in front of me now i scared him away and the more fine silks of the tavern i don't think so you can follow the music see if something new there here's the end should you enter press right trigger to enter left trigger to leave cavern might have another quest push down on the left stick to cycle through interactions of interest press left trigger to leave okay so i can cycle i was supposed to meet my cousin here i have a shipment of silks for him while you'd be trying to sell silk out here is beyond me i spoke with your cousin he was selling just outside i've been told he ran afoul with the local fur traders he's negotiating with him at their camp i was hoping to find someone to accompany me there do we look like bodyguards no but you're obviously not from the village so i can trust you would be reliable witnesses on my behalf should something go wrong i could pay you 50 copper assuming i make it back here safely press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass do we would you want to check on fine silks man 50 copper is a lot that's enough for the armor i think we want to chance it we'll do it i kind of liked your cousin well you'd be the first wine silks gotta make sure he's okay you two can wait here that's close enough gentlemen cousin hello byron tell them our offer they want me to give them all my money and all my wares and head home with you never to return here again in exchange for me life what they failed to understand is that my life ain't worth a third of that on the open market it seems to make us and that you don't have much of a bargaining position here on the contrary you see i hid the pills and if they kill me they will never find them and if you tell them where they are then he'll probably kill me anyway good luck cousin no wait cousin we should leave now no oh please help me help me you can have your cloak back stand aside let's go alex i said stand aside no oh here we go he stays with us the hell with you [Music] left again it's not worth it we got him those three of them that was reckless alex we couldn't just leave him and why not how could i ever thank you how about giving us the 50 copper your cousin promised us oh all right i was about 35 you thirsty they're gonna give us fine silks you have gained 50 copper in coin and salvage where to now the point we should think about okay um let's go to the blacksmith again buy another piece of equipment okay another way then front of me can i help you i'd like to see your weapons and armor push down on the left stick to cycle through items of interest i have this sturdy sword for 30 copper i think this padded armor and bracelets might fit you you can have it for 50. i'm hoping there's one more quest take the armor defense is a good offense it is true yeah okay use the left stick to cycle item stats left trigger to consider other items item quality tier 1 light armor your current item is tier 0 light armor press right trigger to buy item press left trigger to consider other options take critical damage chance 45 percent your current item is 70 oh it's less that's right trigger to buy item press damage reduction against blade zero percent your current item is zero percent press right trigger to buy item press left trigger to consider other options so just looking here the only thing this armor seems to give me is the crit chance is less everything else seems the same i think i should take the sword first and then we'll see if we can get the armor because yeah it doesn't sound too good honestly the only thing is a less crit chance and you know it's 25 less which is nice but the sword will actually do more damage and means we might be able to kill more [ __ ] so yeah let's uh let's go back push down on the blade press the right trick use the left stick to cycle items down yeah i i think we want that that's right trick this item will cost 30 copper after salvage of old item your current coin amount is 70 copper we only need 10 more we get the armor here you are girl don't cut yourself push down on the left stick to cycle i'll be going now thank you always welcome okay let's go back to the end see if there's one more quest for us and then if there is we can get the armor as well probably on how much you think you'll be hit on one to the side probably yeah i do have the shield which will help me there the armor is like a last resort thornton shield are probably a priority here's the end should we enter press right trigger let's go push down on the left stick to cycle through interactions of interest press left trigger to leave can i bring you some wine tea bread and cheese anything would do us both good i might pass on a cheese just saw a huge it's over there beneath the table by your feet alex hold on got it now i didn't need the sun there a cup of iron on me if only you could do that a few dozen more times i might get rid of them perhaps we could do just that do you pay in copper or just wine if you're serious i'd be happy to pay i had been my child last night been coming up from the cellar since the last storm has 20 coppers you want to go that hunting press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass do we want to fight rats we already killed remy you know be ashamed to leave his family alive grieving better to take them all out i say it's plague tale all over again there's a new play tail this year isn't there i [ __ ] love playing that game i have one in development i don't know if it's this here specifically we gotta play that one again oh it's like that that fight against rat pope was incredible it reminds me of a game i used to play as a child you played a game with rats in a seller shows to the seller in keep i'll teach you how to play yes to the cellar [Music] there is a shovel by the door might suit you better for the job i've got it oh no no no it's it's better in the dark the light will just send the rats into hiding rats in the cellar catch them in the dark be done before the morning light alex it's blackest [ __ ] down here i don't think i'll be of much use nonsense we'll play as a team all you do is move around quietly and listen and when you find a rat you hit it that's not a game alex that is hunting rat in the dark but it was a game and one that i was particularly good at our cook would open up the cellar for us when we were playing in the kitchens i think i hear one oh my god follow me they shouldn't have that many rats in the cellar up here it's right here in front of us i think i missed here hand me the shovel i'll show you how it's done rats in the cellar hear them squeak three dirty rats to get your sweet i don't like this hey god damn she's making a sport out of this i've got one here i keep perfectly still and swing in the direction of the rat gotcha [Music] so if you collected three rats cook would give you a sweet now the other rule was if you accidentally hit another child you would have to give them one of your rats so your cook would send spoiled children into a dark cellar to catch rats and keep them out of the kitchen i didn't think of it that way it was still one of my favorite games i nearly always won this way my god alex no there's something quite menacing about all this not this way nope nope oh that's a wall otter way another way then all right not this way not this way i'm having a bit of trouble nope they sound like they're in front of me another way then okay but then nope might be behind yeah this is just as fun as when i was a kid oh my god alex golf in the cellar quiet as some mouse catch the rats she's so sadistic yeah isn't she i don't like this at all ricky is dead hey alex you wanna buy a pic what are you doing with that shovel rats in the cell stay right where you are you are very good at this i think we nearly have them all oh over there one more one more on my left front okay behind in front and behind a harder to detect it right there cook would be proud he was in front of that's it well played if i do so so myself let's go fetch our reward from cook i mean uh the innkeeper oh god almighty [Music] your cellar is rat free good woman oh blessings blessings on you here's the 20 copper as promised we have enough for the armor your cloak is soaked hang it by the fire and i'll get you some tea i'm fine it will dry soon enough anytime you folks want a drink it's on the house you've gained 20 copper in coin and salvage there's nothing for us here let's go okay we did everything in the end we feast tonight brothers yeah the servant wrath down at the end had a sudden influx [Music] [Music] can i help you i'd like to see your weapons and armor push down on the list i think this padded armor and bracers might fit you use the left stick to cycle item stack we just want to buy it this item will cost 50 copper after salvage of old item your current coin amount is 60 copper right trigger it's a fine piece take care of it there are no items for sale better than what you already own i'll be going now thank you always welcome okay we're decked out we got everything is there any need for travel rations i don't know uh was the lady i don't remember i don't know where she is because she's not talking it was kind of like forward last time not this way not this way am i knocking on her door i don't know okay i think we move on i don't know where the lady is game options menu push down on the left no that's the wrong one it was back character menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu option travel map press the right trigger to select an option use the left stick to cycle through options we are here in braga river town has four days journey from here press right trigger to proceed left trigger to remain at this location uh right trigger the receipt let's go i think if you can't hear them then you can't go to i mean that makes sense from a game design standpoint yeah what is it just changing my dressings how's your leg better it's my hand i'm worried about your hand my fighting hand what did they do to you it's why you wear the cloak that is just there i had more fingers before the order then arrived my uncle would go on about the savagery of the odedn i never knew how much to believe the odetn are not savages they are nomads traitors i've traded with them why would they be attacking shepherds i was simply in their past warriors are savage when they need to be you may need to be savage one day too whoa the hostile world we live in another flashback i'm not supposed to be outside of the key what if we get caught father's not even in the city what about uncle he has you swinging a sword why not shooting a bow i suppose what am i shooting there are pigs that come around here looking for scraps in the evening i don't want to kill anything the arrows are blunted i doubt they would go through parchment there's one now do you hear it yes let's move in slowly to set up the shot use the left stick to move in on your target push only part way on the stick to move quietly we should move closer kind of in front of me easy does it hear the pig we should move closer okay all right there perfect he's frozen he knows we're here any closer and he'll run off center your target by pushing side to side on the right stick pull the right trigger to draw your bow and release to fire okay [Music] [Music] i did oh there's a nice fat one do you hear it it's peeing on that tree it's close enough you can shoot from here peeing on the tree this poor pig another way then stop paying okay another way then ah hey who did that [Laughter] roll honest mistake rolf she mistook you for a pig i could spit in your food you know that wasn't nice oh my god what if he tries something to get back at me he won't you know uncle and i will always protect you even when you're busy being king especially when i'm busy being king i thought i messed it up i was like wait that's not a pig like oh no but no that's why he was playing a prank alex what now i hear an animal wolves no i think it's a ball our provisions will only last so long this could mean food for weeks what do you need me to do stop snoring i snore it's right there i have a clear shot my hand it's the weak here give me the bow what i used to hunt with my brother you're a hunter now too not really but i can shoot a bow oh here we go i'll try to get closer i think i recall an old adage about never hunting with a blind woman at a lesson off to the right okay that's a bush forward i think it's directly in front of me cross aim a bit to the right thank you shepard great shot feels ready alex you did it i'll be damned suppose you don't know how to butcher it i'll leave that to you i've got the pretty hands took down a boar [Music] what do i get to be hit with today uncle oh you sound almost happy to be here oh no just glad to be out of my room well i'm sure i can put an end to that draw your sword marvelous now i want to teach you something that will allow you to take the fight to the enemy a heavy overhead swing has the possibility to break through the enemy's guard you will no longer be limited to waiting for the enemy to attack first i want you to give it a try raise your weapon over your head to execute a heavy attack pull back on the right stick and hold until wind-up sound is complete then push in the direction you wish to swing so hold back and then push excellent now try again as i move very good okay now when you break my guard you should be able to press your advantage right away when an enemy's guard is broken you will have a window in which you can freely strike break my guard and continue to attack okay excellent got his beat uncle now in the field you won't always be able to break an enemy's guard continued attacks will expose yourself to my counter-attack if a heavy attack is parried you should raise shield in preparation for counter-attack listen carefully to whether or not you break my guard be prepared for my counter-attack okay again very good blocked it okay now these attacks take time and energy and can be turned away by shields you won't always be able to use them heavy attacks are most effective when fighting in single combat or against hesitant enemies without shields in addition impact weapons such as hammers axes and maces are favored to swords when using heavy attacks the important thing to remember is that the warrior with the most options will more often win the day so you've met manny o'deadon a few yes what are they like when they're not trying to kill you they come from tribes across the northern plain some are farmers and herders some are nomads hunting or raiding or trading with the great cities in the far west some have olive skin some are darker some are pale as milk what they look like means very little to me ah yes though it means a great deal to some people that's why their warriors brand their skin and they dust themselves with chalk before battle it makes them feel like one an avalanche of white crashing down on the enemies i wonder alex wait i see tracks ahead where the path narrows what's happening [Music] we're under attack [Music] out from the left [Music] back from the right [Music] who is laughing we're in trouble one more got him [Music] defeat it we're good well done alex but we stick to the woods from now on that's so intense when so intense that's so good game options let's pause the moment push down on the left the [ __ ] sound design in this game is incredible it's so unbelievably good you know which i guess like you'd hope for that considering there's no real visual component uh but it's actually so cool just how like you can pick up where everything is coming from like you definitely need to be listening to this in headphones or like you're missing half the experience are you all doing good in chat because i know i have to concentrate quite a bit when i'm playing this yeah like this this is [ __ ] class this is a really unique experience like i'm just like doing inputs on the controller and listening thoroughly enjoying it i'm glad thank you to everyone itself thank you for the bits earlier too gore man and noon thank you very much guys i hope you guys are enjoying the stream we're entertaining ourselves i mean this is the perfect stream to just listen to some people say they always pop it out like me on for background oh god yeah it's just so unique i've never played something like this fantastic we had two blind people join and say hello did we actually that's kind of incredible more murder i've copied out uni notes and listening i hope you're having a good night let's go these flies are murderous not what you are used to backing glades we have flies but everything out here bites oh no wolves are they close yes i see them a pack larger than i've ever seen they're closing in we'll need to fight them back before they overwhelm us [Music] [Music] coming in from all sides [Music] good i've never seen wolves that aggressive we may have been better off on the road we should find the village before nightfall like i was blocking with the shield there they were going for like double attacks on that i took quite a bit of damage there i don't think i could help it i don't know how this game works but helps so what is the life of a shepherd like in the borderlands quiet sometimes peaceful sometimes dangerous with spring floods or raiders speaking through the veil it's mostly lonely do sheep make poor companions then that's the subject of too many jokes in the borderlands i smell smoke there's the village beyond the tree line what's happening i think there's a fire follow me oh god looks like raiders came through stables and manor houses are abrasive you in the hood don't stand there docking grab a bucket and run it down to the river what's wrong with you grab a bucket can we help them wait here alex see what i can do hello there's someone trapped in the stable you're not going to send me into the building oh my god i feel like this job should be left for a firefighter over here hazards in front of me hazards in front of me over here i'm i'm doing my best sir like jesus over here over here oh my god where are you i'm right here could you be a little more specific come with me take my hand thank you what are you doing not this way doing my best about my left over here this way over here this way i leave you for what two minutes and you run into a birthday building she saved my life who did this to your village only a handful but they took the chief's daughter hostage we were helpless as they looted our stores they said they'd release her on the road as long as we didn't follow we're sending a small part here together we'll come with you safety and numbers right i don't think it was alex they will have killed the girl by now are you coming we're better off on our own if you want my help you have to trust me you'd best go on without us we'd only slow you down i'm gonna trust shepard okay oh yeah i don't i don't know about that scenario so you think they'll kill the hostile game options menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu options i feel like in that scenario like because i'm literally blind i'm going into a building on fire surely the guy would recognize that and then he would lead me or something like that like that seems like a tall order like i burned myself quite badly there i don't know about that one hey alex go right yeah that would have helped alex there's a big beam of fire on your left don't walk into that he was blinded by the smoke making his eyes water oh okay right we couldn't see anyway no my right oh god that's just a dangerous situation jesus fair play to alex she's absolutely badass but my my god that was dangerous most likely those villagers have little to offer them in ransom and you would still defend their savagery it's not a matter of defending it i understand its purpose one brutal statement sends a clear message discourages the resistance which only leads to more bloodshed why are they doing this invading the borderlands that is a good question the odetn have little interest in flaming hand that's something for you easterners perhaps theo doesn't want to remind blades that the borderlands don't belong to anyone you have no love for the kingdom do i love castles and garrisons and taxes no what about burning villages and killing hostages there are many things i'm sure you'll find unpleasant outside the fancy carriages and castles i hear voices by the river i'm telling you it's been 10 miles you're not following us i don't think it's safe to kill her we're not going to free her how long do you think she will last up to be doing her a favor she's still alive hold on there are at least five warriors we're not charging in there i'll use my bow take out a few before they see us that is a terrible idea alex you're going to let them kill that girl no i'm going to keep you from getting yourself this way alex leave them this way alex don't be stupid alex can i go into the camp alex let's go where are you going i need to get him in front of me might be the last chance to get for a while where are they this way i found them that one right left right stronger [Music] another one coming you are pathetic right left again i don't want that i don't want that shepherd i'm here alex we got him i'll feed the girl wait here thank you oh your disregard for your own life is wearing off on me god damn alex she took on five of them and she won i can't thank you enough for saving my daughter please take this gold band it was my wife's i used to think it was my most important keepsake of her i know now it means very little compared to the daughter you've returned to me we can't accept this nonsense don't hesitate to sell it what you might need on your journey east thank you then it will surely help you get a reward i'd send you on with an escort but we need to rebuild and i couldn't spare the men and women we travel light and quiet we'll be just fine and be wary on your way in and out of rivertown your bandits and pirates have laid siege to the place we win pretty good you have gained 100 copper in coin and salvage you can get something snazzy when we get to the next town guard up theo you need to protect your head if you were quick enough to hit me i might consider it ah alex please join us theo is in need of a good smack in the face i'd like to see her try yeah take your sword all for it are you sure about this uncle i'll go easy on you sister you'll do no such thing theo you must first defeat your enemy before granting quarter and here is your shield do i get a shield too it's only fair would you also like a blindfold uncle you know he won't let me win i'm counting on it you need to teach him a lesson theo is quick but predictable he'll come at you with a flurry of swings block them all before you counter attack you must wait until combo attacks end before safely counter attacking all right go to it [Music] damn it you're quick okay there's three attacks we can get him twice you need to vary your attacks theo alternate between the heavy overhead swing and the quick slashes all right alex you should be able to hear his heavy attack a mile away you can counter that right after you block it you will be able to hear the difference between a heavy single swing and quick combo swings recognizing the difference will allow you to time your counter attacks okay so big grunt got him enough alex thanks so much next time she fights without the shield next time you'll keep your guard up when i tell you to i shouldn't have upset him he needs to learn humility every good king does game options menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu options i love how he's like yeah well it's unfair you know because she has a shield i'm literally blind you know but like that that's what he has to resort to oh it's one of the traits i fear he lacks i suppose i was born with humility you alex were born with a great many gifts don't you ever forget that is that what if he tries something my father stay close alex we are at the gorge i can see rivers down in the distance oh describe it for me it's a steep climb down to the ferry dock but the river will be our best hope of getting ahead of the horde no describe the view the view i suppose it's nice go on the sun is setting beyond the town the sky is red i can't picture colors the sky is like fire it warms the clouds piled up like wool on the horizon yes however the light on the river has turned it into a riding serpent burning its way through the forest that is our path thank you shepherd you're quite the poet in her best life perhaps [Music] oh and he didn't even know it you look woody she i don't like boats not to worry then this is more of a makeshift draft nearly drowned as a child slipped into the castle reservoir my brother was there to pull me out there was always there when i needed him well do you have the best time to fall in i can't swim fairy men how much farther to rivertown my name is kadir you always go around calling people by their occupation will we be on the water much longer to death not long now oh no this is now they know i don't ferry anything valuable no offense pirates to boats if you have steel on hand i'd flash it now they'll dump you in the river as soon as rob you you don't sound that worried killing the ferryman is bad for business hey watch it with the arrows get behind my shield all right right side i'm coming aboard great i can hear the coin on you run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right hand over the coin gone is that the last of them yes a lot where amateurs the pirates downstream won't be so easy it's so intense in fights like that oh my god here we are they were coming from all sides how will we find you when we are ready to leave i ring the bell when i'm heading out i gather you intend to travel east that is the plan yes i don't take travelers past the october how far is that about five miles how much do you want to take us all the way to the kings road how much we are not haggling here i don't go past the oxbow any thoughts on how we get back to the kingdom become a pirate good luck let's have a look around see if we can find the way east okay new town there's a smith here [Music] if you're looking for veils i only have some materials for fish hooks until the iron comes in how long will that be your guess is as good as mine oh damn fear my supplier met his bandits on the road what would you pay us if we were to uncover the fate of the supplier very little if the iron's gone you can have your choice affairs if you can recover the shipment what do you say press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass i think we're just doing every quest we can like they're really fun i think we just say [ __ ] it let's go we're in beautiful i'll be here waiting making smaller and smaller facials money is good yeah we have a lot of money too because we got the the necklace thing wait alex gold brown i see something what is it blood a few days old keep a hand on your steel cart tracks head off the road here whoever was bleeding was dragged off in the other direction this is not a good situation alex we should cut our losses and head back we came all this way fine which way do you want to go push down on the left stick to cycle options or poor shepard is like overruled every single time like alex we should we should keep going it's not safe here how's i can think about i'm gonna kill everyone follow the blood press right trigger to select you or the card press right trigger to select use the left stick to consider another option water cash the blood press right trigger to select use the left stick to consider another option what are we thinking blood or cat we get two choices here we need the loot not the blood what if what if there's people there what if someone's still alive somehow blood is clearly an invitation we can take whatever it is in a fight the court the blood press right trigger to some morbid thought but our body will have more to tell us won't it all right here we go stay close we can murder him how far have we been walking too far this is a long way to drag a body and there's something else what i've yet to see a footprint or an animal track just drag marks in blood hold on i hear something just ahead follow me bash foreign can't use my bow i see them what is it wolves feeding on a horse wolves drag a horse not possible something else must have directed here the wolves came later we need to go now i have to agree they're coming for us ready your weapon here we go [Music] [Applause] ugh [Applause] [Music] what's gotten into them we need to get out of these woods we'll take a quick look for the cart on the way out fine oh we we shouldn't have followed the blood then it seems i smell a fire there's a cleaning ahead looks like bandits four of them i can see the cart and the body of the merchant they murdered him we should let the blacksmith come and get it himself there's something out there they know we're here we could walk out there try to talk with them where i start losing arrows your call i follow your lead can you see what that is i think we know my lead is here is it the militia or whatever slaughtered that horse don't move or i'll let loose again easy now the iron merchant why did you murder him he was said when we found him honestly there's not a scratch on him look shepherd he looks untouched why did you take the wagon we wanted to sell it but we were afraid that the dead merchant would bring you here bring us here the local militia wait a minute you're not the militia it's just the two of you out here oh no the others have followed the blood trail they'll be back shortly i don't believe you this is for the arrows oh [Music] not evil why are you out here we were sent by the smith we're taking the iron cart how are we going to do that without a horse good point look we don't want to stay out here you saw the blood on the road whatever attack the wagon drag the horse into the woods and kill the driver without touching it we'll bring the iron into town with you if you tell the militia we didn't kill the merchant right you have a deal they're still they're still attacking me yes that sounds reasonable let us agree to those terms who are your friends woodsman at the camp near where we found the cart no need to say more bird travels fast around here sorry you had to seize a nasty business did you know the driver i didn't actually he was sent by the smelter it just buzzes me then someone comes into miss fortune villain my service thinking i did now i should have ordered earlier or risked it downriver ah anyhow sephora just fired up tell you about it takes this bit of silver if you come back here it will buy you any of the weapons i make thank you we'll stop by before leaving you have gained 50 copper in coin and salvage pretty good even more money now he's got the has he got the irony [Music] shall come back if you're willing to return my silver i can fashion you a weapon verse twice that what can you make me i specialize in heavier arms push down on the left to cycle through items of interest left trigger to leave how about a hammer heavy yet compact about the four arms length should do you press the right trigger to consider purchase use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other items this has a very strong heavy attack from what i can see um the stats in general seem to be better across the board i imagine the trade-off is a hammer is slower yeah attack speed slow current speed is medium uh coin value is 50 copper as well is that i could make a battle axe it's a pig spike to punch through mail press the right trick use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other items in general the axe is still better than what we have for what i can see um i think i want to check the sword though as well i kind of like the sword i'm happy to just keep going my blades are on the heaviest side but can still be filled in position press use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other items attack speed's actually slow on the sword so it's not strictly better uh current speed of our current weapon is medium so i think i want the accident i kind of like the speed because i can get like two quick attacks in push down is that x press the right trigger to consider pert use the left stick to cycle items press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other right can you use the axe with a shield bill we'll help that blind old woman in a moment i don't know if i can use a shield with this axe you have to toss me trust me uh let's try it this item will cost 20 copper after salvage of old item your current coin amount is 100 90 copper press right trigger to confirm a lot of money press left trigger to consider other options i have a lot of money i'm gonna try the axe excellent i'll get started work [Music] get one of these give it a good swing feels right good weight it is a fine looking piece may it serve you then thank you push down on the is it happening if you're here for protection i could work some plate pieces for you nothing fancy use the left stick to cycle item stats press right trigger to buy item left trigger to consider other items so this is heavy armor it'll make more noise when we move and it also has an attack speed reduction oh i don't know if i like that i don't know if i like that it does protect us a little more there's a straight up damage reduction but i don't like the idea of getting hit in the first place push down on the left stick to cycle through items of interest i'll be going now thank you what do you mean by princess i call all little girls princess i'm hardly a little girl insults will not get you covered you think i'm here for copper old maggie is just here to help so i'm going to give you three simple rules for getting by in riverton rule one stay out of the swamp rule two keep two hands on the tiller rule three everything makes its way downstream one way or another words to live by i'm sure okay let's go alex don't go little swamp two hands on the tiller everything makes its way downstream [Music] [Music] oh it's her again good day to you princess i'm trying to find my way to the music not much to spend it on around here here we're at the inn it is busy a lot of people passing through rivertown press right trigger to enter left trigger to leave uh let's go in if you want to move anything on the water you'll have to get in with the pirates well they accept coin for passage they're not about to accept coin that they already take freely you need to plead your case with the washer the washerwoman her entire family is in with the pirates she sends them signals down the river with the way she hangs the clothes you'll find her down with the dogs sunrise to sunset thank you we should talk to a few more people before heading to the docks push down on the left stick to cycle through interactions of interest left trick there's a lot of optional objectives of seams in each town there's more stuff here if you want it what is it child i'm traveling with my father and brother they've gone missing missing here in town no my brother and i were playing by the maya hugo got lost and my father went in to look for him they haven't come out and no one here will help me alex we don't have time for this press right trigger to take up this quest they're in the swamp trigger to pass that's the swamp [Music] we were told not to go there don't trust them they're french it's a bit harsh [Music] we're told not to go to the swamp you do will do nicely we're looking for travelers unknown to the locals with odette and on the road east bandits have turned to the river merchants downstream will pay us big to end their pirating what would you need of us hardly nothing we load you up send you down when the pirates show up we'll do the rest sounds dangerous we've 10x soldiers from braga garrison pirates won't touch you what would you pay us 100 copper each sure each press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass a lot of money all right we'll do it 200 copper and we may be able to get the ferry east if they can break the blockade [Music] let's try it [Music] do you see anything nothing yet can you see our escort they're set back in the woods now i can only hope they're still watching us perhaps we'll drift all the way home wait i see movement on the left bank pirates where is our escort i see our escort now on the right they've put in upstream what are they doing 10 men on one raft watch the rocks watch the rocks oh no fools they've capsized we're on our own looks like the locals thought they would have a bit of fun with us ah they have both ready your shields here they come we can lighten the load for you [Music] front from the front come on [Music] i like to attack twice there i didn't fall into it oh and i'm gone you're still with me shepherd yes i'll take us to shore we're alive well that didn't go as planned you think worked there in the end didn't it what kate is done with our payment when we collect from the merchants you'll be giving us our payment now or you'll be floating downstream with those pirates no need for threats i only have a hundred but it's yours if you're not willing to wait we'll take it now suit yourself it's something at least we'll take half you have gained 100 copper in coin and salvage a lot of copper which is not enough to spend it on [Music] it sounds like the ferryman's heading out we should see if he'll take us east now that the pirates are thinned out a little bit i don't really want anything at the blacksmith here do i not this way [Music] [Music] [Music] selling [Music] me don't suppose you like fish i don't mind it well i hate fish have all my life sell it born into fish mongering you can't you can't choose your parents can you no you can't it puts food on the table mostly fish of course but we used to get regular shipments of venison and salt pork before the pirates took to the river i could pay decent if you were to put that ball to work what do you consider decent five cup of rabbit 15 for ball or deer you won't find a fairer price in town i'm also the only butcher he must be desperate alex that's a very good price press right trigger to take up this quest i'll let you know what the wood has to offer good honey fish guy five beloved he's not quite fine silks but he'll do white i see something it's that habit got a lesson ah she's gone there's another one using the bow is not my strong point ah just missed aim a bit to the right alex come on she's gone wait there's another one over there tearing away all the rabbits it's tough i'm trying you have to line it up so it's between your ears right here come on good shot it's down we should beg one more before leaving only got one rabbit so far here you hit it it's down well done oh i think that's all for today [Music] fluffy goodness very nice the best snap it get a crack at it you have gained ten couple where two annex from the river this morning [Music] a lot of noises [Music] does the blind lady have ending humorous good day to you friends sir [Music] you try go to the end again and then after the end we'll go to the belt [Music] [Music] of interest press left trigger to leave will you help me find my father and brother press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger don't go to the swamp we were given clear instructions i've done it again the stable master is going to kill me what have you done girl a horse i was watering got away it belongs to a rich patron i came in here hoping that someone might be able to try it's up in the middle above town but i can't corral it by myself what can you offer us for help nothing but my thanks that's the problem isn't it press right trigger to take up this quest you know what we can help what are you doing we need to focus on getting you home how's this going to help us it will help me sleep better give me free equipment we'll go now i'm hoping they will find a stray sword or something like that [Music] there she is in the center of the pasture you're the shepherd what do we do we'll spread out and move in on it slowly in the center just to double check i'm not shooting this am i we're saving a horse right now i just wanna nice and slow alex come on right here and hear it munching on the grass easy girl you did it thank you you're quite welcome horse is just having some kellogg's [Music] what now [Music] uh do you want to go to the belt i'm keeping an eye on the time i don't know how much longer i'm going to be able to finish it [Music] i'm curious how long this game actually is well [Music] i'm wondering i don't know how far i have to go i'm wondering if i do like a two-parter on this or something i have other stuff i need to stream tomorrow i wouldn't be able to finish this game until after the break probably [Music] steam says five hours of gameplay we're about two and a half odd in [Music] yeah i i i think this might be one where it's like um because i would feel bad concluding this and never finishing it i think this is gonna be one where we get to a certain point tonight we just shelf it but we definitely come back to it um because i i don't feel right leaving this one on the tone i feel like this should be one of them where you play all the way through um you know like how many games out of like this you know [Music] are you controlling this i have a controller um and it kind of just tells you the inputs the main ones are triggers in the thumbsticks [Music] go to the bell see what's going on there you're proud of yourselves taking on the river rats you're not happy the river's clear you don't think other would-be pirates will take their place over time sure until then will you take us i don't take travelers past the oxbow now what i guess we go see the washerwoman [Music] she's up ahead what do you want i'm full up today if you're looking for laundry we were told that you could help us get past the pirate blockade well you were told wrong i wash i dry i charge two copper basket can we help you then hang these up put that down you'll get it all wrong there is a militia in town a rough bunch in need of washing we could bring them down easy shepherd we were told you work for the pirates and i need to get down the river to see my family i have little to offer or steal for that matter but i have little choice but to rely on the kindness of strangers like yourself oh careful now that's not a good policy surely anyone can understand what it is to be in need perhaps you will do me a kindness in exchange france what do you need my daughters and eldest son joined the pirates after my husband left with the garrison my youngest boy alphonse is still with me but his sisters will come for him and he too will be lost to the river what can we do take himself to my brother he is a good man a tradesman he can offer him more than i can here would you do this press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger to pass let's do it we'll help you for safe passage on the river yes safe passage for safe passage you have my word keep going [Music] kidnapping someone sounds awesome do you know your uncle well never mind your mother says he's a good man my mother also said i could join my sisters after the winter what's wrong with your eyes what's wrong with your manners it's okay shepard i'm blind how do you get around like that with practice and patience with the help of a stick with the help of my friend here with the help of a weapon if need be we all need help sometimes you don't think your uncle could help you help you find an honest life i want my own life my mother sends me off of a blind woman in a [ __ ] we'll get you to your uncle safely not if i can help it good luck finding me alphonse wait why can't that be easy we'll get him back let's go where'd he go i can hear him just ahead careful alex you're going to kill yourself ah i'm going to kill myself he's under attack oh not again ugh [Music] let's block a bit back right hey are you okay boy don't touch me i just want to be with my family with my sisters can't you see that i can i wanted to be with my brother and i was forced to leave him i'm stuck out here hundreds of miles from home because of a choice that was made for me what do you want to do alex push down on the left stick to cycle options let's see take him to his uncle to his sisters to his uncle to his sisters what are we thinking press right trigger to select use the left stick to consider another option um [Music] to the wolves that's not an option to his uncle to his sisters take him to the sisters [Music] press right trigger to select use the left stick to i can't force you i won't force you choice is yours my sisters can help you get down the river to your family thank you he's an ict he doesn't know what's good from yeah but we can't like we're just intervened in his life we can't really decide what happened wolves i fought them off we fought the moth alex here is blind but she can fight she looks it are you here to become pirates regrettably no we're looking to take the river east it's not safe for us to travel that far the merchants down east are raising militias if you give this coin to ferryman in rivertown he will take you there anyone with this coin has our blessing thank you our little brother is where he belongs your mother she worries about you out here mothers worry it's all they can do once their babies fled but you'll be careful won't you we'll run this i constantly worry we have nothing to fear and take this for your trouble it looks better than the boy you're carrying like i'm a 26 year old man but like a military bow your old bow is worth 15 copper and will be added to your coin total sweet game options then you pause push down on the left stick to cycle menu options it's like i like i'm a 26 year old man at this point right i'm pretty safe to assume that you know i'm i'm living my own life at this point um but if i'm still like kind of hopping off somewhere even if it's like somewhere else in ireland or just another country like you know i've got to call my mom he's got to know because as it's not so for my own well-being it's for hers you got to let them know moms always worry doesn't matter how old you get their your their baby in their eyes 31 here i do the same thing like there you go yeah it doesn't change it doesn't matter how old you are it's like they will be anxious if they don't know where you are you tell them where they are for their sake more so than yours dads too oh yeah no for sure ah mama always wants her baby safe it pretty much yeah it doesn't matter how old you get you're still a baby in their eyes i feel like there's a difference between just going out by themselves becoming a pirate yeah fair point um this is just general life i suppose specific case i i i guess are you the youngest child i am um so you know i'll always like get like a a big dose of it my brother will like [ __ ] off sometimes for like uni and that and it's like yeah just text us make sure you're alive i'll do the same it's like oh god i hope he's okay just how it is i don't mind it it sounds like the ferryman's heading out we can go see what this special coins [Music] you try the boat again hello again we'd like you to take us to the kings road we have payment i told you i don't wait where did you get that we were told it did not matter right you are climb aboard when you're ready we should think about setting out when you are ready to try there we go press the back or select button to bring up the character menu and select the travel map should we hop on the boat and see where it goes we don't want to go to the swamp it means we can't help that child in the end we were told not to go there we had specific instructions that was the one thing we weren't supposed to do we're gonna get on the boat you ready now then we should think about setting out when you are ready to travel press the back or select button to bring up the character menu and select the travel map oh this is pretty definite we're gonna we're gonna leave this phone okay all right we gotta go to the swamp i'm not gonna be able to sleep at night not knowing what's there [Music] [Music] good day to you princess [Music] press right trigger to enter left trigger to leave push down on the left stick to cycle through interactions of interest press left trigger to leave will you help me find my father and brother press right trigger to take up this quest left trigger nothing else left in the end it's just her as well can you show us where your father entered the maya yes thank you let's go i don't like this one bit this is where we last saw hugo honestly alex it looks like a place where murderers come to victims game options menu but push down on the left stick to cycle menu i'm sure it's just a coincidence but i can't help but be so reminded of a plague tale um because the kid in that was hugo as well she does sound kind of similar to even the protagonist there is it actually the same voice actor is it this is a small like can we check that i'm kinda curious hang on uh wikipedia the vail game no list of valve games what's the full title of this game just the veil doesn't have a wikipedia page that's kind of unfortunate i can't get a cast lump hype the veil shadow of the crown uh it doesn't have a cast list unfortunately that's a real shame i would love to know who's all in this because the voice acting is really [ __ ] good imdb i don't see an imdb it's a thing ah there actually isn't one normally there is this game's been out a month as well there's wait there's the crown with a shadow but that's a movie not the shadow of the crown not quite excuse me fine silks yeah we need we need to see who he is that's the real question yeah someone else can investigate that let's just go in a ways [Music] wait up what's your name again robin stay with us robin her name wasn't robert in the flagpole we know that i see them why are they in a tree this way alex over here coming this way over here robin don't come any closer we're here to help you are you hurt there's something in the water robin stay next to me oh no don't move they're coming who are coming describe it i don't know if i can read your weapon alex where is it what am i fighting [Music] i'm under the water i'm all right is it still there i think so not again [Music] enough of this i think you killed it we need to leave this place now yes please we shouldn't have gone to the swamp like it could have been a crocodile but we don't know for certain it sounded a bit nice crocodile yet i have looked at you pirates made off with the tea we were selling you owe us nothing i'm just glad to be of service yes you have the art of one who serves you wouldn't happen to be heading east on the river no we will be taking the road west but i will make sure that stories of your bravery travel with us goodbye alex and thank you shepherd maybe that takes some [Music] website under credits thank you have a look at that later then yeah the vote factors in this are really good they're very varied [Music] it makes sense because uh like voice acting is like half the game [Music] you want to go all out [Music] i got nothing to say to you you young people break my heart oh this is good his sisters said word this morning wanted me to know he's safe it was his choice maybe that's for the best if you ever have children of your own you'll know what you did here now get out of my sight see you later washer lady you ready now then we should think about setting out when you are ready to travel press the back or select button to bring up the character menu and select the travel map character menu push down on the left stick to cycle menu travel map travel map let's go we are here in rivertown the mountain pass is a five-day journey from where the ferry meets the king's road press right trigger to proceed left trigger to remain at this location let's go you will remember that oh no look we we helped the kid at least this is it the king's road is just up the bank i have to warn you the gentle parts of the veil are behind you now the mountain pass heading into winter isn't for the faint of heart we'll keep that in mind if you did you wouldn't take another step so long looks like the road is clear here take my hand i'll help you up the bank hello princess oh you startled me what's she doing you're the blind woman from the market i prefer to be called maggie and you're the travelers have been making all the fuss taking on pirates reuniting families finding lost horses running iron how did you make it i walked that's not possible sure it is you put one foot in front of the other and repeat i mean you're blind and there was no land route to get here there are plenty of routes if you know what you're doing where are you headed why would that be business of yours you might need my help there's safety in numbers you know you might be safer i don't think it would be slower don't flatter yourselves there's no substitute for life experience we're headed east i have a place along the king's road you can spend a night there break up the trip a little what kind of place it's your standard oval but better than the last infested ends along the way noah dead and we'll be snooping around i can promise you that we'll be fine on our own thank you let's get moving okay goodbye maggie it's the harmon escorting her back to her hobble we can't have her slowing us down we need to get ahead of the horde i can hear her following us then we happen to be shedding the road until wolves take her unkind regardless we are not waiting for her really hates her you can die [Music] i've always loved travel at night it's cooler quieter less busy when you're in a city and walking there's no way you can't go on foot wagons need roads boats need rivers did you know that section of river you were on meanders for 20 miles i walked less than 10. she can move for an old crow damn right i can move been moving most my life is sit still and you shrivel up you keep moving and you find things discover things some things you can't explain so you move on to discover other things that explain those things i've covered more ground in the past few days than i have in all my years living in both of you don't you dare take another step what is it the woods do you smell it pine trees not the pine trees you duck lloyd i smell ash fire brimstone look to the woods something is moving something down oh no wolves not like i've ever seen run now take my hand yes lead the way horrible oh [Music] it's like firewolves now no no no on rockfish we're trapped get behind me what is she doing you wouldn't believe it if i told you your weapon it's on fire i know you can use the damn thing that swinging girl ugh oh we took too much damage [Music] badass blind witch terrible wolves you've foreseen them yes take my hand yes lead the way i'll fend them all oh no no no on rockpiece they're easier behind me what is she doing you wouldn't believe it if i told you alex your weapon it's on fire i know you can use the damn thing that swinging girl go [Music] okay going on are they gone yes for now how far is your shelter not far we'll be safe there follow me i don't like that at all i don't i don't know what version of wolf i'm even fighting i'll start the fight so unnerving what was that never wolves spawned by the fair no doubt no what you did in the woods back there you've never seen a blind woman throw fire around before no one sees that oh there's much sighted folk don't see you know it princess you see it don't you glimpses of the future tell your friend i do i see misfortune before it happens and flashes from the past when needed yes you are a seer like me like a rare view throughout the world it's a power we draw from the fey realm the same power that that brings the fire and all manner of magic so i could do what you do with fire perhaps but not like me princess why must you keep calling me princess it's your title by birth you don't think much of old maggie if you don't think i could see who you are even your friend here was able to figure that out eh as silence tells you all you need to know the point is it hardly matters we are all in grave danger these wolves the horde none of this is by chance you two are going to help me get to the bottom of it all we're headed home to glades to my brother you may not have a lot to say about where you're going you're not likely to get through the past without our help there are more of you i have a husband who takes up residence in the mountain village of crow it's near the pass you'll shelter us while we figure out how to get you home thank you maggie you were right there is safety in numbers you two should try to get some rest i'll keep watch tonight heroic alex oh what a witch but i'm just having good eminence gold just alex don't call me that you're a witch is it morning already it is noon we should head out we have three days journey to crawl i have russians but we may have to hunt along the way we'll get started then hold on there are things to consider the road ahead is notorious for bandits and other nerdy wells may be better to wait for nightfall i would rather run into bandits than more of those creatures what does our princess think push down on the left stick to cycle options what do we think we'll set out now then with the daylight we'll wait for nightfall oh i'll press the right trigger to select if i go overnight it's going to be to consider another option there's no way it won't be wolves when you like meet in the middle i will go in the early evening a nice stroll at sunset sit out now i think we're gonna start out now we'll head out now bandits will be a welcome change after last night let's go so what do these nether wolves want to kill to feed their minions of unsavory characters from the fair realm shades and the light shades your mother never told you that shades would drag you away into the night if we didn't go to bed my mother died when i was young the only thing my brother and i feared was our father oh and according to my uncle the endless list of enemies that were coming to murder our family i suppose now is shades are just as real they rarely stray from the fae realm but they can possess creatures from our world like wolves and set them about doing their work good dare to you ladies and gentlemen i have to assume we don't want trouble lad you won't be any trouble at all put those away boys the old woman is not to be trifled with this old pet trust me you'll be playing with fire was that supposed to mean something this is the part where you bring the fire which the powers of the fear not at your back and call but it would be helpful no draw your weapon alex here we go jesus [Music] right [Music] [Music] left why wouldn't you use your magic the princess's steel was impressive enough we can't have stories about saucer as following us into the mountains i'm gonna lie low you better help this later 60 copper in coin and salvage got money game options menu okay go down on the left stick to cycle menu i think that's where we're gonna park it for tonight i'm assuming that if i click the main menu to main menu press the right trigger to select an option use the left stick to cycle through options that's what the menu will try main menu push down on the left stick to cycle through the main menu options we're gonna pack it there um we won't get to finish this one for a while but we will come back and finish it uh we'll try to get it at some point cause i'll i'll be on break from this weekend and it's like saturday we're doing mitopia tomorrow we're we're doing stuff with friends uh because we got like some group streams organized there [Music] yeah so we will we will revisit this at some point uh we'll hold off and until then yeah that that was great oh it's such a unique concept like i really enjoyed that it's so unnerving there's like an odd horror element to it when you're in a fight and all you have to rely on is like just hearing you can't see anything i didn't even notice in umoh yeah jefferson is here to stay we got a new remote he's the second animated emote too because we have the slots there still we're very tight in remote space yeah thank you for coming though folks i do hope you you've enjoyed it tonight let me just roll the credits [Music] and we got we stream fish game again if i feel like it we got a lot of games the next while it's just kind of hard to do everything there's like so much stuff that just comes out the next wall it's actually crazy [Music] but we'll keep doing our best main thing for me is i just want to play more miitopia that's that's the one i'm going to press on with and we'll be doing a long long session of that on saturday before i officially leave from a break what do you hope to see in the direct tomorrow uh phoenix wright confirmed for smash bros and waluigi that's my bet i think it's gonna be a twofer i i think it's like a last surprise we can dream as if yeah we don't know never know but that's that's my prediction i think waluigi will come eventually but i think it'll be him and one other person oh wait and see it's gonna be goku bet oh god finally character i've been waiting for uh let me just see who else is streaming so i can leave you in the care was going who was going who was going [Music] uh point crow is doing breast of the wild but he teleports to a random location every five minutes that sounds horrific so i'm gonna leave you in his care go say hello there thanks for coming folks i will be back oh yes so stream time tomorrow it's slightly earlier uh because we're playing with kevin and anna tomorrow uh we're starting at five o'clock we're playing with two groups of folks uh we'll be getting like a fair few games in but we're playing with the two of them tomorrow yeah 5 p.m bst so it's two hours earlier than than today i'll post a little reminder of that in the discord so you keep track sorry i meant to say that sooner thanks for coming folks i'll see you then have a good night
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 12,684
Rating: 4.9642057 out of 5
Keywords: 1156171470, An, An Audio RPG for the Blind, Audio, Blind, Gaming, Irish, RPG, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, The Vale, Twitch, animal crossing, callmekevin, comedy, die, for, forza, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, my sims, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, the, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: vOvc_KPu2Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 21sec (11061 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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