RTGame Archive: Cooking Simulator [3]

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey oh folks can you hear me okay how's it going let's do a sound check because we got a different setup today hello your dad promised your pizza hut we don't need no pizza hut i'm gonna make my own homemade pizza for you today we got like a very strong dad theme going on the channel lately i don't know why like the last few games we've played i've just been your father um this is some really weird role play but we're making pizza we're making dinner give us a frosty no you give me the cold frosty that's how it works can you hear me okay in relation to the to the audio it's not too loud or anything this is as loud as it will possibly get so i want to do a check audio is fine okay uh i am in vr for this game here i'll show you what i can see hang on it means i gotta oh i forgot to assign a button for this on my stream deck so i gotta precariously move the mouse hey i'm in vr there's you guys can you see me okay can you see the chat okay i got alerts on this hand too so i can have a look at this i read my watch that's me talking to you guys sadly please hide the chat forever oh whoa i'm on tv your dad's pulling all the stops this dad twitch channel oh yeah uh cooking some vr came out uh i've wanted to check this out since it was released uh it just felt like a good time to do it i wanted to get try and get it in this week if i can uh let's gear up thank you everyone who's given bits and subs again i haven't i haven't [ __ ] done anything again this isn't deserved the audio cut out with that last one too i don't know what happened there thank you for the tier two man thank you everyone who's donating hello rumble tumble gaming [Music] because we love you dad please dad we want something other than your cooking you take that back i'm gonna slave away in this kitchen you're gonna enjoy my pizza how [ __ ] dare you this is homemade marinara okay let me stop yelling at you guys uh start a new game uh [Music] where do we want to start we can do oh no i gotta go to cooking school it won't let me proceed i gotta learn how to cook again oh god we've done this before all right okay let's learn it again uh for me being in vr by the way i want to just tell you guys the precarious situation i'm in so i've got it so there's like a window there uh i've got like a door down there that's open and there's a hall but to get airflow in because it gets so [ __ ] warm when i'm in the air um i have to open the bathroom door which is right there uh so there's a chance i might just walk out of the room and this wouldn't normally be so much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that i've got a put away green screen that's there so if i walk too far this way like here i'll literally trip and fall flat in my face but i have to play it that way specifically so i have air flow because i have to shut the curtains when i play vr2 because otherwise the windows reflect the light and because it's all sensor based it like [ __ ] up the air there's no camera because it's actually very dark in my room i have to kind of keep it dark for vr otherwise there's way too much light in it yeah so there's a chance i might fall into the bash can you guys still hear the audio okay what happened to that oven that wasn't me was it audio is fine do i need to turn it up at all or anything like that i know there's some radio uh where is that radio this this is the radio here this is good that feels so weird just to be able to pick that up i'm gonna turn it okay i'm gonna turn it up ever so slightly give me one sec there we go you get more jamming tunes with your dad now okay uh i gotta be in cooking school do i have a job i need to do here's the pc and mouse here you can manage your work in your kitchen grab a mouse and go through every menu oh my god i'm in vr using a computer oh that's a weird way of doing it why can't i just point at this okay well restaurant tab uh there's information about a restaurant manage recipes gonna cook at this check this window for every available dish uh there's perks spend your skill points design your kitchen as you wish okay so i have another computer inside my computer i finished that tutorial so i got to just go to all these stations the tablet is like a supermarket you can take with you everywhere purchases we uh delivered straight to your hands grab the tablet okay learn about the tablet interface and buy a small pot all right uh there are buttons to help you find anything tap trigger to continue and the main section is a list of items to buy tap trigger let's try to buy a small pot go to utensils oh this is so weird controlling this it's just in my hand all right let's pop that down okay we've completed that tutorial that's magic so like if i just like hang on like give me a sponge uh and what's like the biggest thing i can buy like the biggest thing here i just buy like 20 pumpkins no it's like one at a time and it hands them to you okay that's wild oh i gotta remember to put that back down sorry me let me pick up my precious technology okay i finished that tutorial there's a few other about here take the phone choose a repair company use the thumbstick touchpad oh wait is this going uh rap pair but they took out the rip and they put an a they misspelled it uh but all right let me put the phone back uh just like that we're good oh god i have an actual watch on but i can't see it because uh because i've got chat there do you see that i have to i hope that doesn't relay any important information uh liquid shen take a bottle of honey or olive add okay i need to learn how to prepare this so 300 milliliters of honey uh 100 millimeters of olive okay take the pot add some water in order to taste the mixture put your open hand in the pot and then move it to your mouth have i actually got it like this looks like piss by the way i have i actually got it just like yeah it tastes like watered-down honey can i just like start chugging it that's good oh i've made a mess all right i can do that apparently why is there so much broke oh no that's that was my fault um i forgot where i threw it ah there are three types of seasoning liquids herbs and dry spices let's try to add some flavor to our meats so use five grams of salt the season the trout you really gotta shake it okay uh we need some time oh you're gonna be seeing the overlays a lot in this one aren't you 10 millimeters abilities of clarified butter it's a bit much that's fine don't do it okay use five grams of pepper there we go uh 3 grams of cilantro leaves and then 15 milliliters of sunflower oil okay right we got it we got it done all right uh next station a knife and slice a lemon all right uh oh my god i don't like having this like this is actually in my hand this time could hurt a man with this okay slice 11 to four equal parts it's actually so much easier to be more accurate with this uh compared to like like um regular cooking sim okay put it on a plate it's a delicious meal right there okay uh what is left prepare meat we want to fry meat on both sides you can turn it around using a spatula or tongs try it out turn on the grill turn over the steaks using the grill tons of spatula wait until the steaks are ready can i just i gotta turn it over uh let me come on come on all right let me try use the tongs hang on got this like chat in the way oh that's so much easier okay we're just going to use these we don't need a spatula there we go steaks are done we can just leave them there i'm sure all right uh last tutorial uh if you need something to cook you can buy it from shelves baskets or fridge find anything you want and get it but be careful everything has its price take a plate from the stack put a potato and an onion onto the plate oh that's where my table is i gotta move back i've completely lost track of where i am in the room okay uh let me get a potato here we go and then what was it an onion uh it comes peeled that's like she's very handy open the fridge and put one salmon piece on the plate okay let's open that uh wait where's the salmon that salmon let's try out sausage man's never seen salmon in his life pork shoulder tenderloin tuna sam oh that's the dinner right there what happened oh i no i beat the tutorial that scared me i thought i failed was all a dream okay we we've unlocked all game modes now uh how do i get out of this back to menu okay tough on back thank you as ever with everyone who's stubborn appreciate it guys good to have you all here okay now we can start cooking we passed cooking school do we want to do sandbox mode the leaderboard challenge proving the best chef around or career mode transform a diner do i get to choose what other kitchens yet or is it only the one kitchen at the mo kitchen classic [Music] it's only this kitchen for now okay that's a shame because there actually is a pizza level i was planning to do i was thinking i can make you you guys some pizza we do sandbox a career it seems we've seen those two i just ate pizza well be [ __ ] grateful then you're getting more pizza so wait what's the difference again sandbox the sandbox this is single-handly turned a lousy nose start down until it looks luxury five-star restaurant okay that sounds stressful yeah okay maybe let's just try sandbox okay sandbox it is welcome to the world of cooking okay i'm i'm back here uh do i do i get orders or anything like that even in sandbox mode can i fiddle with these do i have any orders to do or do i just [ __ ] around in this you don't get orders oh then we're doing the other one we have to do the other one yeah what was that why can't i slow down time with my left hand um i need to test this how am i doing that did you see that i don't know why i have that ability that's just like the my thumb that slows down my hand movement too that slows down everything okay that that's strange uh let's go back to the main menu we're gonna do career because we've done sandbox before and if they're not giving us orders since like what what can we do career mode i think we're ready oh we've done the tutorial okay let me move this chair okay within an hour be open for business use that time to get ready for work uh so i have three minutes to get the place together okay uh let's uh try get things easily accessible i have a knife i don't i don't have much stock there's not a lot of food that's available there's plates there's herbs is there meat in the fridge it's not looking too good uh how do i how do i order uh ordering was done by the tablet wasn't it if i if i need to get something i can just kind of order it in and i have like a very limited palette for the moment and get a barrel of dark beer how much money do i have how much money do i have [ __ ] what do i do with 10 liters of this all right put that down there i still have a minute how do i check how much money i own is it on here somewhere let me let me use the computer recipe manager these are the only recipes i know i'm steak and boiled potato i'm out of soup and baked trout i have no perks i have no skill i cannot afford any decorations right now you can get flags major autumn festival twilight that doesn't seem safe for cooking let's buy it nate there's a lot of flammable objects in this kitchen now like like these paper lanterns like these are a debt trap for having in the kitchen i feel like this one's way too close to an open flame oh no it's a cool aesthetic but i'm i'm gonna burn the place down with that uh change the bricks i can change the ceiling oh we're open we're open uh jim thank you for the 10 gift subs thank you very much okay tomato soup how do i make it okay add to a pot right uh get the pot okay i need chicken broth uh do i have do i have chicken broth that's sunflower oil sour cream chicken broth oh come on slam the door okay what else do i need uh salt 12 grams my spices are over here i think i needed salt and pepper i'll pour out the chicken broth in a mold we can just start adding in the meanwhile i need 12 grams of each there we go okay uh cayenne pepper powder six grams so i need another i need another herb come with me come on there we go okay i need to actually get the chicken brought in don't drop the pot don't drop don't drop the pop okay move that in from the edge there we go i need 700 milliliters i also need to take the cap off 700 there we go oh we're gonna make the best tomato soup we can uh tomatoes i need 960 grams onion 120 grams uh how many grams it's 120 i need was it 960 only one onion all right let's uh let's get a let's get a deep plate there we go that's the onion it's one tomato two tomato three four five six seven it's one more right eight we have the correct amount yeah okay and then we pop it all in do we not need to slice it up i guess not okay just put that in we just let that boil for 60 seconds uh i i i'm amazed i don't need to slice it or anything like that is that the right hub making sure okay uh i need to i i need to work out how long 60 seconds is okay well i mean it's probably been about that now it's been 10 seconds already i need to boil it for 60 seconds and blend can i use this well i shouldn't be holding this like this okay let's give all that a blend uh and add sour cream 150 milliliters uh you work this out go into my fridge i've prepared my stock i'm actually making soup this is more involved cooking than i actually do irl uh 150 milliliters i'll be with you in a moment there we go uh then pour the liquid into a deep plate serve hot is it supposed to look like that that looks kind of brown well serve hot i suppose oh god there's liquid physics oh uh how do i how do i serve it oh is that it i i think i lost a bit of soup hang on no no i put extra in uh tomato soup there you go enjoy your brown soup he loved it why didn't that look right like that soup looked like it had gone off or something like that he tipped seven dollars the guest is pleased i got fame for that okay next order salmon steak and boiled potatoes your dad's making a wonderful dinner tonight sam's taking bold potato okay so we need salmon fillet season with salt and black pepper uh salmon what's that noise that the light that is the light okay i come on close all right pop that down there salt black pepper and then a little bit more there we go uh add to the pan sunflower oil and the sunfl and the fillet so i need a pan thankfully i kept the oven on so i can avail of that do i have a pen does anyone see a frying pan i think i have to order that okay let me use my a magic iphone you can get a bucket uh i take it it's a regular pan and not a paella pan there we go magic iphone check your cupboards oh is the one in the cupboard i didn't check hang on me trying to go searching i don't know if i have one but it'd be good to know for future reference if i do they'll they'll close themselves maybe i don't think i have one that phone is huge it's it it i mean it's not really a phone it's an ipad i guess well you know the modern smartphone it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger until it physically can't fit in your pocket like that that's the idea this is it's like getting to a point where it's like well we know you basically want a tablet at this point um but this is a different product that's basically what they are these days a sunflower oil 10 milliliters easy does it so much easier to cook when it's actually in vr like this like compared to the base games like if i was doing that in the base game i'll be like let me just pour it let me just it wouldn't work but it's like because of the setup here it's like all so much ease it's so much easier okay uh so we gotta we gotta fry the salmon no jesus it's stuck to the oh [ __ ] ah just just dust it off just dust it off okay and then i need i need to set a timer uh for boiled potatoes add to a pot water a liter potatoes 300 grams okay that's two potatoes just grab them in our hands uh we use this pot for the tomato no that's still tomato soup uh let me pop that there uh i need i need salt come on okay there's like 10 grams on the potato and 10 in the pot so that's a cumulative 20. uh so that's fine and i need water i i also need to turn this over osh it's fine i did it okay i wash my hands before i started cooking that's fine i'll go i'll wash them a bit more now too see like you don't have to worry about hygiene unless you're eating the potatoes we go turn that on uh boil for 120 seconds you know that that's a minute 20. there we go and at the minute mark we take the fish off the pan that looks burnt already i i don't know if there's anything i can do that looks horribly burnt let me let me shut the cupboards as well it looks like i got robbed here i hurt myself i don't know what i pressed okay these are supposed to go back in the fridge i think i'll get that in a moat it's not on okay pop them i don't want to spill it i don't it's okay like that we go uh oh the fish is done i didn't need that oil uh where's the plate uh just just a regular plate there we go no okay okay put the salmon down oh these are hot oh my hands okay i need to get some more water we just we just gotta boil it again wake up you just gotta boil it again okay you stop uh we'll keep this nice and toasty we'll keep the plate here all right have i still got time off it's in the red it's wrong okay right we just have to serve it get out get out the plate all right just there you go you're simon and potatoes i know i don't want to keep them waiting there you go oh he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't return the plate but he didn't leave a tip guess complaints too much salt wait oh [ __ ] goldilocks here with his potatoes one was too salty one wasn't enough it was heating mistakes the salmon went cold i left it on a frying pan how could it be cold once you finish we're closing down for the night no more new orders uh how is there like too much salt and then not enough salt in his potatoes like spread it around you got a salt shaker on the table use that i don't know i get three minutes for a cleaning phase uh i can use that to order some new stuff in the restaurant i think uh i should probably like replace some of the fish in that maybe oh no no this is this is when i'm buying stuff this is another way to buy it okay uh well liquids we use up a lot the chicken broth so we'll just uh just get another one of those to put away go i can buy i can buy water is this any different to the what stuff from the tap i can this looks more like wine or something like that okay well leave that there keep tablet central uh i still have two minutes is there any other utensils that i might need i can buy uh mab krug is the map krug the tanker that i need do i need this to yes i do okay hang on i guess we'll uh treat ourselves after work eh get a nice glass are they on the job you know you can buy recipes oh hang on okay okay well let me let me just keep this in the fridge oh i [ __ ] hate this fridge save that cold frosty for later do i like can i keep this soup till tomorrow somehow i can i can just reheat this they won't know there we go because that was the best soup he ever had we got the order flawless we'll reheat that tomorrow uh i need to need to pick up my spices uh do i need to do i need to clean the countertops or anything like that like a bit of dirt there but i can just uh just put that there no one needs to know okay i think we're good once he finished with closing down for the night total income was negative why my expense is so high oh [ __ ] cause i bought the beer i forgot i bought i bought a full tanker to beer um by accident okay oh but i got a skill point i get to choose a perk okay press left thumbstick to walk faster i'm not going to do that because i'll make me motion sick unbreakable plates that seems really handy unbreakable bottles time slows down when you cut ingredients that's a magic wand that removes all stains and shirts we set the timer of an active order uh i think plates will never break that that sounds kind of good i'm not cuz i might make a mistake although the time rewind stuff also sounds kind of fancy thermal vision does sound quite fancy too yeah learn the temperature of ingredients in a closed oven i can just see them i can bank my points too get additional points instead of unlocking a perk teddy hands is what they recommend i'm gonna get immortal plates okay and skill points available uh guest pay more yes absolutely absolutely doesn't matter what the other ones are i'm earning more money i just i just raise my prices now i can serve my legendary tomato soup the oven's still on as well this makes it easier there's not fuel costs or anything is there actually hang on one second guys i'm gonna quickly use the loo i got i got two and a half minutes i'll be okay i'll be right back it'll be fine have time i'll give you guys a nice view of the counter oh let me put down my hand somewhere else okay i'll be right back is no more so is guys i'm back you still have time it's fine it's just make tomato soup i left that in the fridge we got loads of time you're freaking out i wash my hands as well don't worry we open that door again for airflow hang on one sec guys we're fine for time the restaurant's open like all i gotta do is be like here's something i prepared earlier and we just heat it up you know give it give it like a little mix around and now we just get a bowl and surf see it's completely fine that's nice and hot soup they don't need to know that we made it yesterday there we go perfect score i'm sorry perfect score and everyone was telling me it's like well then you can't do that because it's not freshly made you know they're going to know if if you just recycle the soup they don't have a [ __ ] clue this guy tipped more than the last sucker perfect score i'm just gonna i'm gonna use that super can tomorrow [Laughter] let me pop it back in eternal soup stockpile you're getting enough cooking points to unlock a new recipe gordon ramsay himself has come to congratulate me all right and now we have even more time to make the salmon i know exactly what i'm doing i can cook better in this game than i can in real life okay uh five grams of each is it is it on the salmon this isn't licensed music is it i just realized that oh it's been fun it's much sadder in this kitchen now thanks twitch terms of service no my jams silence my favorite song there we go okay so 10 of that uh pick this up and then we need a timer for a minute okay i need two potatoes it's less lighthearted without the like funky music does anyone know if that's licensed or not or what the policy is someone else has streamed this game i i don't know myself caroline is going off now it's spooky it kind of is isn't it okay the the salt needs to be oh no the way the potatoes are boiling uh salt needs to go in first there we go and then we need some water we need a leader i'll be with you in a moment just a second the carolina's going off again let me just scald my hand real quick there we go uh boil two minutes i should really do with the potatoes first as you know they take the same amount of time don't they i shouldn't cook them until they're both ready i'm not good at cooking in unison is the sound glitching out for anyone else is the sound okay sound is fine yeah i want to turn back on the radio but i don't know if this is safe classic radio cooking piano [Music] like is this one okay [Music] you think it's copyrighted music okay i can go over tchaikovsky maybe would that be okay because it's classical turn it down for now classical is safe okay you guys hear it oh the salmon's done where's my plate where's my plate that car alarm is still going however i manage okay we'll keep it like that potatoes are almost done um i take it i'm not i'm supposed to drain the water somehow i mean like yeah it works and we'll sir make it avant in its presentation don't fall off oh oh it's going to be like okay just just send it out send it out he liked it more this time the taste was kind of shy too much salt it was too much sunflower oil eaten mistakes heating mistakes but the temperature was perfect like were you just not happy with the process it was hot enough but i still have a problem with the caribbean emissions that you you this restaurant projects that's not my problem all right this music's a bit too dramatic like let me let me just make some big trout da da da da da like i'm just going to the fridge it's not that exciting i'm just i'm just holding the trout game doing more than holding the trap the entire fight the universe depends on this the kitchen's on fire everything's exploding no no everything's actually kind of fine right now game you gotta calm down okay uh let me get my other spice i need dill and thyme so intense that's the thing like i'm not doing much at the mo like it's freaking out okay uh five of each i like how it's just like little splotches on the fish like i know this has just been spiced but the way the game renders it it looks like it's sick okay i have to bake for 90 seconds uh do i have a tray i don't think i do no pan only fish is there one on the counter oh there's one over there yeah we'll keep this beer here for later okay come on here here we go and we come on and we set that for 90. i think we have enough time to get the order out too we still we still have three minutes we're doing so good i am running a restaurant the oven doesn't look clean how do i we'll just uh get some water do i just uh try scrub that down no uh i don't know how to fix that but i'm gonna assume it's okay so proud thank you like i am running this place oh i'm supposed to get a lemon cut a lemon in the corners and put it on the plate you're doing amazing watch me just slice and dice this you ready gonna go quick look at that look at that perfect quarters it's that easy and this is done let me just uh pick it up out of the oven this is excruciatingly painful oh come on come on get on the plate look at that job done now we pick up the lemon we pick up the lemon and then we season it with horseradish there's like one gram off but like come on who's gonna who's gonna notice let me just precariously how am i holding that order up perfect wait did he complain about the [ __ ] horseradish wait there's no parsley wait wait when did the rest of me call for paris lee that wasn't in the recipe the stove blew up the stove is fine just a little messy [Music] let me let me turn off these knobs too [Music] when did he ask for parsley it was there i like who [ __ ] cares hey like he had his lemon didn't he he's not even gonna notice there's a bit of spiced herb in this dish that's off i won't tip a dollar cares customer is always right then well he [ __ ] isn't i'll go can i go out and have a word with him you little [ __ ] you tipped ten dollars when my paris lee's not good enough for you oh you'll you'll never eat here again let me let me see if i can find out where he lives let me go on the computer it's got to be a way to just check like his personal facebook or something run a background checking this guy customer is over party i can get some more decorations i think uh not owned no i i can't buy any of these abandoned house why would i want that i can make the floor like a temple uh prefab it's got the abandoned house wallpaper beautiful that dartboard is most certainly painted on okay well we still got a minute so you know it was time for the cold frosty from yesterday uh they look we've kept it gotta make sure i close the fridge can i like make this ferment or something if i just like pop it in a pot can i do anything with this can i boil it i'm gonna i'm gonna boil the next bit of potatoes in this here let me let me pop it in the fridge that light every time sounds like it breaks okay i'm ready to go home day two i'm i'm doing pretty good my fame has leveled up i am growing more and more skillful give me more money oh i could have made stuff cheaper i probably would have said like everything cost less that actually would have been probably better um i can make the tips okay that's what we do next better tips better tips everything is money focused you can lower expectations i don't know that's a good thing yeah it's an okay place it's not the most amazing food you'll have it's kind of just like average really you lose less fame that's a worrying one i think we should expand our menu look at the dishes below and pick your favorite simple ukrainian borscht can't pronounce that or pork chop with baked potato uh which we feel my jewish ass needs this what does that mean is that the bush how do you pronounce it borks it's more soup for the fridge i do like that logic we'll just make like an array of soups that people can choose from we go you can need new ingredients that recipe you can find them in the store in the latter okay okay uh so what what's the new recipe let's start making it now chicken broth salt black pepper okay uh we're gonna need another pot because there's one pot that has the beer in it now and there's another pot that has the tomato soup from two days ago uh that pot should work it's not as big but it'll do the job the music is too intense like i i just got to work i haven't no nothing dramatic is happening i need a thousand of this what good are you like i'm i'm just ordering chicken broth right now i i'm it's not that exciting here what is the chicken brought from the general store and his ipad appliance that's going to be delivered straight from the store to the restaurant oh my god this man is insane look i'm just i'm just pouring chicken broth how could this how could he do this this is an unsolved move in the history of cooking in restaurants oh [ __ ] i poured too much extra help in a chicken broth that's fine stress the drama let me let me add some salt and pepper now you gotta calm down with that one game you know let me just turn around come on i need 20 grams there we go how much you're in it how you doing chat i'm having real trouble getting the salt out there we go uh what else do i need 600 grams of beet root 120 grams of onion 70 grams of carrot okay you guys remember that i'll i'll make your salmon and steak potatoes in a moment two three four five i need some carrot how many carrots was it was it 70 just one okay what was the other ingredient do i need to slice surrounding uh an onion like that doesn't feel right to me but okay uh beetroot onion carrot parsley root 80 gram like this still has bits of root on it i i gotta peel this or something [Music] but you're telling me i just boil this now well i i feel like i should at least like blend it down there was too much chicken broth anyway get rid of some of that there we go and then we cook that for two minutes don't forget the parsley was the parsley oh it was parsley root we already got parsley i gotta cook the oh this guy ordered his food too he's still waiting for me the food critic should be here in about four hours oh no uh i got i gotta make salmon again i don't know if i got five and a half minutes [Music] okay uh salmon go go as fast as we can i'm prepared for the other food that someone hasn't ordered like someone's gonna get real rapid service it's just not this guy here we go come on there we go add to the pan the sunflower oil do i ever have to clean this like is that okay uh i'm gonna need another timer there we go that's gonna really start stressing me after a while uh i need i need another pot for the potato all right i can i can pour this back in the glass and we can use this [Music] uh i can't remember that's that means you're done yeah just just keep that there uh i need potatoes [Music] and then we have to add water come on just a minute all right get that cooking salmon needs turning uh the potatoes need salt okay and i need another timer for uh two minutes close enough and then i need one for a minute that's fine i still have two and a half minutes i can get it all together oh i'm so stressed these are indestructible now yeah yes they are let me just pick that up should still be good i don't know what to do with the beer still let's just keep it in there for safekeeping okay timer is up there's the plate it doesn't soup shouldn't be soup should just be water water and salt is not soup right you burnt your hands my hands are fine it is soup what qualifies for soup like just surely if you put like i don't i don't boil pasta in soup i boil it in water with a bit of salt thrown in give it a bit of kick water is not soup i gotta clean up sometime oh i forgot that's the pause button i was adjusting my height i got another uh little command thing on this can hold that and just become taller if i please tandy soup is soup [Music] what's the definition of soup cereal is soup i don't think cereal soup uh the potatoes are done ah we can save that water for later next time we have to make potatoes i order up oh [ __ ] you there's no pleas in you thank you for the tip eating mistakes eating mistakes but the temperature is perfect you can't have it both ways there was not too much salt i measured that exactly there wasn't too much sunflower oil tomato soup oh reliable let me just turn off all these different parts of the oven and we're just looking to reheat it here's some i made earlier i get to do like the restaurant trick where like you're trying to follow the well you're trying to follow the cooking program along at home and it's like so if you just leave this for an hour it's like oh okay so like let me just like put put all this in the oven and here it is done it's like oh but i just put mine in the oven now we're gonna add the spices but mine's still cooking and if you just and i've done all this earlier too like wait about you haven't even showed me the spices now we're going to make the dessert uh it's going to be a nice banana splish obviously you have to have your bananas pre-frozen the night before but like wait no i haven't done that yet i get to be that guy now oh [ __ ] does that all the soup gone what are you even for i'll make more tomato soup dang i can there was a little extra in it but he needs to have the right quantity we'll just pour that out don't make him wait too long he's a respected food critic his soup is good to go why is it working why is that working that's that's tomato soup did i do something wrong that's the borscht okay i i i can make it again there's no pleasing this man all right uh chicken broth okay great it had to be with the food quick that the tomato soup plan fails he gets a little extra that's fine uh assault there you go uh black pepper i have three and a half minutes i want black pepper at 12. now i'm stressed out of my mind because he doesn't like my other tomato soup uh the pepper and then tomato and onion quickly quickly i can't keep them waiting why is the chicken broth up here okay i don't have time to question it uh it's four five uh six seven and then it's eight there we go uh boil for 60 seconds and blend it there we go i need to add sour cream afterwards okay let me get let me get another dish my the kitchen's looking real bad i need to clean this i forgot to set my timer uh 40 seconds let me just just mop that up can i can i mop up the oven bits i don't think i can it's so janky okay put that back uh okay i add sour cream i need 150 okay i can finish this one and then 50 from this there we go that's good that's good sour cream i 40 seconds get out of here how much have i poured 300 milliliters i think that's enough quickly wait how much there's still enough serve it oh we don't need you he loved it guest is pleased every time we make tomato soup is especially flavors it's too much sour cream well screw you too buddy the exam was passed and someone wants the borscht okay perfect i've already there's one i made earlier pop it on are you all impressed by my cooking abilities i'm passing every single test here i passed the critic it looks disgusting but that that that was a food critic who praised my meal you guys just have purely uh inferior taste like clearly you know i don't want to insult your taste buds but clearly you you don't know what anything good actually tastes like you know your pizza hut diets [Music] watch a master at work skillfully porn [Music] it is 300 isn't it yeah why does it all look really bad i feel like i'm just serving like dirty brown water there's my trophy i won i got an award why why isn't this one working [Music] i made it [Music] oh there's not enough okay let me pour some more let me there's your soup why won't he take it like excuse me i made it it's not maybe it's not hot enough yeah okay let's boil it for longer uh this kitchen's getting worse and worse i'm gonna sit down as well because the heat's actually getting to me just a little hang on oh it's too toasty in this kitchen here i'm gonna raise my height here we go very warm kitchen unfortunately i haven't streamed vr in a while okay uh is that on i guess i just sit tight i did make it i thought it was supposed to be cold it says boil burner isn't on the burner's on like i don't know what i can do like i can add ingredients but i feel like i'm gonna [ __ ] it up i thought i had it perfect [Music] is there anything else i can get here halloween candle only that helps me oh hang on let's pour this he got extra he lost the extra oh now he takes it now he takes it but that's not enough so let me just uh pour some of this in simple ukrainian bush he loved it why didn't he accept it the first time in this guy had no no no he did wrong amount of product small thank you for the 7 000 bits jesus christ it's unfortunate you call me that thank you very much wrong amount of things but he loved it i should probably clean up the kitchen oh not no portion in the cloth in the bush you are now an honorary jew is i i imagine that's a jewish like meal or something like that is this because people have said that a few times now i'm not familiar with it myself it is okay because you blended it why was i not supposed to blend it he loved it this isn't vr it is uh unfortunately i'm getting a bit motion sick i don't know why uh because i'm normally pretty good for vr stuff i'll be honest with you but this game is actually kind of doing it to me i might have to do a super short stream today because i don't feel too good yeah i think i think i might have to do a super short stream today apologies for that because normally i'm pretty good at vr stuff like um like i i i have friends and we meet up like every week to like watch movies and chill in vr and sometimes when we have those nights like i can go like six hours and i'm fine this music is needlessly dramatic i've got i can last so much longer in vr and i have no difficulty whatsoever it's unbelievable that this happened unprecedented like i can't can i kick it i gotta wait for that strap i can't i can't think straight i feel like i'm being chased you're done there come on don't you don't drag this out any longer than you have to thank you as i was saying yeah normal normally i'm actually really good in vr uh and i don't have much trouble but it's it's really just gotten to me today and i think i'm gonna have to wrap up yeah i only went an hour and a half didn't i yeah apologies for that could be the heat yeah it's probably because it's so warm because i'm streaming this because i haven't streamed in vr in a while you know that that's exactly what i think it is yeah i think maybe it's just too warm and the combination of streaming with the heat is just kind of doing a number on me yeah so i think i think i'm just going to leave it there i think that's a good point to call it uh but that was fun i enjoyed that it's so much more in-depth now it's in vr like that's just fun continue with irl cooking here let me i'm gonna take off the vr headset hang on oh oh oh wait no if i take it off my mic is tied to the vr headset i need to like hold it up and dangle it and dinner was delicious no problem oh yeah i think i think the heat i think the heat is the main problem i got to work out cooling in this room better uh before i do more vr stuff because that that's a bit much i can feel it now i thought i've got the headset off i mean review a chat oh god yeah apologies about that yeah we're gonna we're gonna go a shorter stream today just because of it uh thank you that everyone is still came right here hang on one sec i gotta i've lost control of my mouse i can't click the button to play the sub credits i got i gotta go back in a mo hang on hang on hang on uh exit game there we go i think i fix it oh okay yeah we're good i can i can get it now yeah thanks for coming though folks yeah apologies for that shorter stream today uh i just got i felt quite motion sick about all that um well we'll be back tomorrow i'm going to get some rest we'll be back tomorrow we'll do minecraft championships then that should be good fun and i'll uh i'll i'll rest up really quiet yeah that's cause i'm not wearing the headset at the mo that's that's because i don't have it on my head and it's a headset mic so i'm like holding the headset to me wrapping up anyway it's okay yeah i'm going to take a break let me see who else is streaming leave you in there care who is going uh who is actually going uh chloe is streaming something called writer's republic i don't know what game that is uh but go say hey i'll leave you in a care thanks again for coming folks yes sorry about the shorter streams today that wasn't the plan i was hoping to go for like at least another hour or so but just can't handle it uh what you gonna do i'm gonna rest up i'll see you all tomorrow stream tomorrow is at 8 pm bst it's later in the evening because minecraft championships see y'all then have a good one guys take care
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 18,366
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: 1131225729, Cooking Simulator, Gaming, Irish, Papa, RT Game, RT game, RT's, RTGame, Twitch, Welcome, Welcome to Papa RT's, animal crossing, callmekevin, comedy, die, fable, forza, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, my sims, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, to, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: JJ2VAE0Focc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 4sec (6184 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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