PRISON TYCOON - FIRST LOOK New Prison Builder is GOOD | Prison Tycoon: Under New Management Gameplay

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[Music] now we got one in this room [Music] [Music] so [Music] five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] jesus get ready [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yeah that's some uh pretty good music i'd say hey guys welcome back happy saturday to you and uh happy pre-fourth of july to all of you americans as well a lot of people this weekend because fourth of july is tomorrow probably out with family doing some barbecuing going to the lake make sure you're safe now and uh you behave now don't want to end up in prison my dream prison prison tycoon welcome guys prison tycoon is is good this this is a good game welcome back good to see you all here i enjoyed this game when we played it on the channel a couple of days ago i did like kind of a first look video and damn this is like a delightfully surprisingly wonderful game that i thought would be kind of like a mobile game you can kind of tell by the loading screen here and by the music that it seems like but actually it's it's quite decent this youtuber needs to go to jail true cops are on the way guys don't worry if you like two point hospital you'll know what this game is all about then it's it's kind of kooky it's it's kind of more about setting it up for um you know like it's a little it's a little different but it works the same it's just right on the point where it seems like it'd be disinteresting the cartoony characters are about the only thing i don't really prefer however it doesn't completely kill the experience because usually this is just the the loading screen art everything's kind of different when we get into the prison ah good to see you all back yes if you guys haven't smashed joy make sure you do i see we've still got our old giveaway goal up there but today later today i'm doing three giveaways of uh well actually it'll be like kind of six giveaways of call to arms gate to hell both games but you'll see a little bit later but anyway as a side note for perks for members uh giveaways and playing along with me which we'll do a live stream i'm sorry that live stream's tomorrow uh the sims sim city sorry is tonight and that'll be with members too so tonight we're doing a member stream with more members as they joined and also yesterday or sorry tomorrow we'll play call to arms as yesterday we played simcity and we'll be wrapping that up today cool well welcome to prison everybody good to see you all here what's up jonathan nice to have you here oh so many nice compliments from chat chat is the best let's get some ones and chat for the number one community you're part of it if you're a sub you guys are a part of this community so thanks for helping us grow it's a nice relieving thing here to play games look look at that this this menu is actually pretty i like this game man little wind blowing through the trees and some uh gorgeous clouts in the background this game's like i keep feeling like this game's not great but it's actually it's it's it's great like i like it like i feel like there's something that i wouldn't like about this game but i don't know it just keeps just keeps getting better i guess however i have yet to do a full playthrough so let's start that thanks guys for smashing like by the way to support the channel welcome to all the new subs subbing for free liking for free you guys like free stuff that's why you guys become members and jump on the discord or subscribe and jump on the discord for free giveaways all good stuff all right i need to know from you guys something what do you think would be the coolest region to build in let's see tiger is the perfect place to start a prison for the first time the air is fresh and pure uh sunny with pleasant summers while winter is covered with snow so we could build in like a kind of the plains the snow the desert the swamp or like a tropical island what do you guys think is cool [Music] i played in the desert before the desert is pretty cool we did that in the video i'm thinking tropical is what i'm thinking although they they actually have a little bit more than just the background like the music is different but they all have different playing parameters like for example the tropical one uh because we're on an island food supplies are more expensive and the banks uh have a big commission so like loans are a little harder to get so there actually is a difference between these three areas plus or rather five areas but just like in two point hospital we also have to worry about like warmth and colds so if we pick the tundra we'll have to heat the prison if we pick the desert eventually we'll have to cool the the prison down so you guys want to have like a tundra prison are you sure okay is this like prison architect yeah in many ways it is i kind of want to see the swamp too and also wait what is the swamps parameters a cursed swamp are you sure you want to open your prison here anyway if you decide to do it you'll enjoy a cheaper water supply the downside is that place makes people get sick more easily and food is expensive because the delivery service does not dare come here oh okay so they all have their own unique parameters so let's see what's tundra snow covered step landscapes offer better conditions for preserving food and making supplies cheaper on the other hand energy is more expensive and your prisoners may catch cold more often ah so we got to worry about keeping everybody's uh healthy okay well we can go building the tundra i kind of want to see them all so it's basically like farmland snowy fields desert swamp and uh prison island oh the prison island's gorgeous but okay chad wants tundra we'll take a look if we don't like it we can always choose raptor is my name now raptor [Music] kitchen staff will be able to produce food supplies if they have a kitchen awesome oh yes we're in russia now the music is different per each um for each little uh oh boy now we're gonna have to hear the tetris song for the next five hours wonderful okay hold on first things first first things first we have to record a message for new prisoners arriving [Music] welcome to prison don't forget to click or tap the join button and become a member today and take advantage of all those jail-like goodnesses that you can't find in the commissary all right welcome to prison welcome to prison don't forget to click the join button to become a member today and take advantage of all those jail-like goodness that's a keeper all right let's see start of the day hey good morning don't forget to click that subscribe button and smash that like button to greatly appreciate that support hey link and bio down below in the description join the discord good morning and welcome to another day in frozen the discord hello morning and welcome to another day oh well whatever you get it whoa whoa whoa whoa is someone trying to escape there is no escape from this channel there is no unsubbing there is no escape activate the algorithm kill on site okay cool whoa whoa whoa whoa is someone trying to escape there is no escape from this channel there is no unsubbing there is no [Music] okay good night uh make sure you tuck in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items and with the owner of a black beauty now i'm just kidding you guys don't own cars you're in jail okay good night uh make sure you tuck in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items and with the owner of a black now okay all right cool let's go ahead and begin our uh prezinski wow there's like no escape from this place it's it's frozen tundra oh i don't know i like the music but i hate the map it just reminds me of where i live okay let's see create building let's make our prison y'all [Music] all right we gotta make a door and we gotta connect to the power grid [Music] and let's edit and add a little bit more space cool be skipping most of the tips a lot of it is early game stuff cops are on the way guys yeah we're cool welcome to prison don't forget to click or tap the join button to become a member today and take advantage of all those jail-like goodnesses that you can't find in the commissary all right [Music] welcome to jail scott thanks for the five dude appreciate that yeah the tropical map is beautiful i've seen that and i've seen the desert map that's pretty cool too all right we got our first prisoner arriving luckily we kind of have a pre-built like holding cell for them and then eventually we'll expand on it [Music] all right cool all right let's get cracking let's start making some let's make some jails y'all so the game wants us to make two prison cells maybe we should make our door over here don't escape or the raptors will eat you you record that oh don't okay that might be a good one all right i'll do personal recordings for uh for five dollars this is prison and we need money so uh every five dollar super chat i'll uh i'll go ahead and make a recording for you for a personalized prison recording of your choice okay let's make a couple more cells i don't know if this i still haven't been able to find if this game has a way to copy or paste there's there should be i just haven't found it i'm pretty sure there is one though you guys know if there's a like a way to like copy and paste prison cells that would make things way easier [Music] well yeah we have extreme budget cuts didn't you guys see the guards like there's they're literally cardboard cutouts like these are these are just cardboard cutouts you guys probably fell for it didn't you all right well we have two jail cells now so that's good let's assign who's our who's our prisoner here let's see austin age 55 guilty of uh alcoholic disorder or wait what is that his crime wait that that doesn't seem criminal he needs medical help not a crime prisoners want to the prison with a certain personality disorder all right oh let's get you in the cell there there we go [Music] all right so basically our goal is kind of like in two point hospitals not necessarily just to like keep people in prison for no reason we want to rehabilitate them so they can actually become productive members of society aka taxpayers so uh let's see we need to uh make some therapy rooms here this is another to buy [Music] i always found find the weirdest games you mean that in a good way that's true it is you're not wrong okay let's spend some money on some more prison cells here just to just so we're ready to go [Music] okay we'll make like four cells here [Music] there we go then i think we could probably make like four more and then maybe make like uh like a showers or something behind why do we have italian music in the tundra have you not heard like russian folk songs before tetris is full of them there's tons of russian music and traditional folk music and uh well and just russia in general [Music] all right i'm going to keep making rooms for a little bit we're going to make like we'll probably make four more cells so we'll have a total of eight and then we will uh start making some of the other stuff we just like in uh prison architect this game has um grants so those are goals in order to get money so we're just going to basically make a few more cells and then we'll start with the rehab part of the game which is going to be interesting we also need to make like a cafeteria and [Music] we have therapy rooms too okay all right this will be our last jail cell for a little while eight cells is quite a lot so that's a good start [Music] okay cool all right and then we should be able to build like something back here [Music] soviet folk music well a lot of that was based on traditional russian music but yeah i guess you're right okay what's the next thing we need increase population to two build a therapy building and rehab uh hire a rehab specialist i think we'll do rehab at the opposite side of the prison so let's do uh therapy room devon therapy most basic of therapy treats all types of disorders equally but not highly effective okay so this is a basic start yeah we'll do we'll do uh four more cells here i think and then we'll uh put we'll probably put like showers and the cafeteria and stuff here but i'm just gonna put it over over here can they escape well i guess we have we have we have to find that out actually we'll just put a therapy room here put a therapist's desk here and a little couch there perfect all right let's assign our man some therapy first let's hire a therapist uh let's see with a high efficiency hello and let's get you into therapy sir there we go all right cool now we're making some money hey amen brother all right cool [Music] raptor guards on duty there's some guards in chat making sure chad's behaving making sure everybody smash the like button or whatnot [Music] we have some pretty good guards here i think we actually have to pay for these cells if we're not using them too [Music] like i think we have to pay for power for them but it's not that much although in this map it is a little bit more welcome to prison don't forget to click the join and take advantage of button those jail-like goodnesses that's true yeah yeah i'd listen to that guy sounds pretty smart i certainly would love to become a member if i could prestige level you've reached prestige level two you've unlocked the following a gym a library art therapy reading virtual reality sensory deprivation uh tabletop games therapy gardening therapy polygraph zero gravity dancing and a tesla therapy so just like in two point hospital they're like kind of goofy cures to like goofy thingies you didn't recognize that's me yeah you can actually record your own uh voice in this game for a thing more games need that i don't know why i guess i don't understand why there would be other pa announcements but they just need to come up with excuses to have it sounds dumb and it is and that's why i love it that's why you guys are subbed to the channel okay so let's go with another okay we'll go with one more i think we actually have to build a solitary cell but we can always just convert some of these to solitary if we need to because i don't know if we'll end up getting prisoners that need that but i think i just want to fill in the space because it's certainly a lot of fun in this game to fill things in [Music] okay so we've got uh let's see oh boy we got a lot of trash going on we'll just do what they say in the up in the upper right corner so we have somebody build a restroom let's let's follow the order plus we get money for doing it so we may as well do it that order um so let's see central room is a restroom people come here to make important decisions while sitting down and relieving their inner needs wow it's kind of weird though the prison did the prisoners need i mean they all have toilets so it's like why do we need a like a restroom is that for the staff question mark but anyway let's build it here and we'll build the shower on the other side i think the shower is a four by four two or two by two whereas the game calls it eight by eight because the blocks but each block of four is one so it's like two i don't know if that made sense probably not is there an underground build i don't know i don't know if you can build a second floor i haven't gone that far yet but i guess that's why we're continuing our first look at the uh at the game i mean i kind of already took my first look at it but i'm i'm doing another second first look because i never really got too far only like 30 minutes in so it was like only enough to build a few things [Music] build a trash can nice all right so now build one dining room build one let's do the shower let's build a shower i want there to be more games like this this is so satisfying organizing things there needs to be you know what there needs to be is an office building game where you can build like a hundred floors like this could you imagine like project high-rise but like two-point hospital where you're managing a hundred different floors like the first couple of floors could be like the lobby in the atrium and like a public mall space that'd be crazy it's beautiful it what a prison yeah bob ross would be lo he would love this prison if he were in chat right now he'd be smiling to chat he'd be like oh chad is the best you know how bob is okay let's build another door there so the showers are just cubicles so we can just build like four of those and we'll connect here so we'll just build four cubicles for the shower we're definitely gonna have to go back to two point hospital before two point university comes out that game is just awesome super good okay so the bathroom is done now they want us to hire a guard all right let's do that anybody in shadow guard does anyone have any guard duty skills that's that's a mean face right there 494 salary ooh i kind of want to save money though uh let's see 480 that's a little better 45 what [Music] wow this guy wants low money and is super efficient okay let's go with this guy hi hi all right place three trash cans if we place one more trash can we have earned ourselves some free money [Music] at least the music is good i don't mind this yet but three hours in i'll probably be going mad [Music] okay i wouldn't bench [Music] we could put a clock out here let's do that maybe maybe a potted plant a water phone oh this would be good as a school simulator too there just needs to be more games like this i don't care who makes them or how many there are i just i love these games man these like 2 000 2000 like 2005 building games just need to keep being remade over and over you can't call it a heavy prison without a thousand guards oh really well we've got one so we're one one thousandth of the way there it's gonna be a long stream all right we need to build a dining room and hire maintenance staff let's do the maintenance that's easy uh let's see 327 that sounds good uh build a staff room in a dining room okay they want us to build a dining room let's do that so we got to build a dining room and then we also have to build a kitchen to associate with that [Music] i guess if we need to we can build another cell block eventually we can buy more areas of the prison too so like we can buy areas around us so the prison can get a lot bigger so it's not just this so how big does the canteen have to be or the uh hey what's up chad good to see so many people joining welcome aboard [Music] let's make our kitchen here and then i'll make a uh i mean our dining room here and then i'll add a kitchen to it because we need to be able to cook the food too so staff room it's kind of weird how they don't connect oh yeah you don't you don't get a kitchen until you get prestige three so you can't even like feed your people until you get to a next prestige you have to unlock it it's weird it all works out i guess in the end [Music] okay let's do a little food thing there a couple picnic tables maybe for eating long dining tables [Music] um this is required too so this is the you stack your trays up there on the way out we can decorate these rooms too they're really empty and boring but eventually we'll unlock more stuff okay we want to build a staff room and an infirmary i guess we'll build a staff room over here we'll build it in between two we'll build another rehab thing here soon [Music] there's a build your own titanic game on mobile and the end goal is to sink it oh wow oops let's go ahead and put our couch here a little table there all this room needs by the way but of course the more things you decorate with it increases your prestige go with a tv [Music] there we go we'll keep it basic for now money eventually will get low well there goes an airplane american bomber [Music] mall tycoon yeah i want i want more tycoon games like we recently played casino tycoon and that was that game's amazing sim casino i should say sim casino is insane like you can build on forever in a certain direction you can build four floors i mean that's incredible that's incredible it's an incredible uh let's see going to fulfill a maintenance request something broken okay uh let's see hire one medical staff and build an infirmary next okay i think eventually we'll move our therapy rooms to a different section of the prison uh let's see yeah i'd like to see a school simulator like i want i just want all stuff like all types of um public services to be in this format like a hospital you know we got two point hospital i don't care what it is i just want more [Music] okay let's add our little bed there connect with the electricity here higher medical staff [Music] 19 what this guy has medical training at 19. all right uh let's see we'll grab our other prisoner [Music] okay so now we need to rehab one prisoner that's just gonna take time by a thousand water and a thousand power thousand power oh power is expensive 100 water is what we're buying [Music] okay uh buy one pack of food and supplies medical supplies okay food mcronald's [Music] and medicine plus seven all right there we go all right build an amenities room increase the population to ten prisoners oh boy yep this definitely reminds me of two point hospital as well that's a good thing dude that game is so i thought two-point hospital would be like kind of a uh i don't know kind of a weird game but no it turned out wonderful it is a weird game but it turned out wonderful i think what i also want i like two point hospital evil genius two this game they're all in this style that i just love like i don't i'm already biased yeah two point hospital by the way has a sequel coming what kind of a sequel it's called two point campus so it'll probably be in a lot of the same style so if you like this game check out two point hospital and check out two point campus which is coming soon that one but i'm biased like i love those games already oh i can tell this music is gonna get bad uh let's see [Music] uh welcome to prison um wait ah so you're new here welcome to prison hi owner and operator youtuber raptor here and i'd like to welcome you to our horrible prison of pinto bless welcome ah so you're new here welcome to prison hi owner and operator youtuber raptor here and i'd like to welcome you to our horrible prison [Music] i like it [Music] all right what else do we need to do yeah uh amenities room is that where the are there aren't those little sea creatures sea amenities oh aren't they cute and cuddly none of what you just said youtuber is true and we can do an amenities room here oh boy i hope that doesn't block our kitchen i think i could build a kitchen here though oh no it's probably gonna have to be a two by oh well we'll probably move this door then we'll move this door and that'll work out it'll be fine it'll be fine chad calm down no need to spam pinto blast all right uh i don't get the amenities room either it's like one is the staff room for staff and one is like a staff room but for prisoners like that room's really weird to me like a couch and a poster for who what what is this is it for prisoners like [Music] i mean i know i know it's for prisoners but it's like really oh it's night time we're going into lockdown i will just leave it for now we're gonna have to save some cash [Music] all right next goals are to re rehab one prisoner waiting on that uh waiting on new prisoners rehab pris one prisoner disorder we have one prisoner oh wow all right we got a lot of money incoming you hope i'm doing well and enjoy my fourth of july thanks andrew same to you dude appreciate that support me pinto bless you a rec room for prisoners yeah but it's just a couch and like a poster of a ufo like that doesn't sound very fun like how about a ping pong table or like uh i don't know a workout thing or something some of the things have to be unlocked though [Music] loki me going to like the wendy's in january because i don't want to cook it's cold out and i don't want to go outside but the calling of a wendy's burger is too much is this prison architect but with sims 4 building ah it's more like two-point hospital [Music] all right so i think we just got to play the waiting game for a little while uh where's the speed control [Applause] well that's totally not going to get annoying at all do we really need to hear the vhs tape rewinding okay good night uh make sure you tuck in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items and with the owner of a black mutant i'm just kidding that guy sounds familiar all right uh let's see now it's time for lockdown pinto blast is actually in chat too extending the lease on his emote for yet another couple of weeks pinto place hard to get you invite the guy out to a navy seal event all expenses paid vacation and it's a no can do interesting [Music] so we can build a prison and oh look at that snow that looks so good i love how that looks that looks so cool wait is this guy like cleaning this guy's cell while he's in there oh just oh yeah he what are you doing that person's trying to sleep go home don't you have family ma'am it's almost midnight get out of here get out of here sweeping up while a guy's sleeping get out of here uh can we put lights in our prison seems a little dark in the hallways there must be a way to light the hallways [Music] wait what these are like not prison lamps at all [Music] oh these don't look like oh these look like nice indoor lighting [Music] is there not a way to like that's too nice it sounded like me yeah i don't know maybe [Music] that's we i i like the lighting but that's too nice dude yeah that's too nice also not having light saves us money so you know [Music] uh let's see [Music] there's really nothing to do at night this needs to change though this this great scratching vhs rewinding noise just needs to be like toned down a little bit uh let's see in the panel you could tear do you dare to record something yes i will wait what was this one hey good morning oh yeah that's the youtuber morning [Music] good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile thanks good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile thanks yeah i'm like i'm like i'm like handsome steve from borderlands 4 or whatever that guy's name was oh it's a soviet prison because it's a 1985 it's july but yet it's snowing okay so now oh prisoners are gonna wake up soon get ready for my recorded message dude that is the coolest feature ever i can't get enough of that recorded message like that more games need that handsome jack no no i'm i'm handsome not not jack okay yeah oop sorry sir i didn't mean to oh my bad i meant to put the door over here i'm sorry it's funny how they told me to build a dining room but like we don't need a kitchen yet none of the prisoners are hungry we can set all this stuff up but it's just gonna cost money until they want have i played landlord super i saw ptsd from building that roof oh my god setting up that damn scaffolding oh the game's a lot like um my summer car though it feels like that's the closest thing i can think of air guard's patrolling the outside it's like literally wait 30 fahrenheit okay so it's below so it's like one below celsius and this guy's like strutting around in like a t-shirt essentially and that's a guard by the way shouldn't he have like the big ushenka on carrying the ak-47 [Music] harry pog [Music] yeah we bought a food uh pack of food i think it has to be prepared though doesn't it like i don't think it just magically ends up in the uh serving counter does it i think food still has to be prepared we purchased raw food but look at how good the prisoners are eating there's like steaks that good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile that never gets old dude i feel like i could change that message every 10 minutes last nos to ronald mcdonald wow rob knows what's up it's funny what people know about uh glass gnost and stuff it's like the last ditch effort to try to keep the soviet union by being like no we're cool come on in mcdonald's you guys like coca-cola come on in oh my god that's brilliant with your voice yeah dude uh you can record your own messages for all sorts of things so it's like uh chat harry pog in chat harry pog in chat thank you for your cooperation in these matters [Music] thank you appreciated your cooperation with these matters appreciated and etc etc [Music] what's up sir hero welcome back dude good to see you in the channel it never gets old dude i love that dude buy this game the game is free but you have to pay like 20 or 30 bucks for the pa feature totally worth it totally worth it handsome jack borderlands 2 voice oh wow i should do other voices yeah i don't know why that's the first game to have a pa system but i feel like there could be more games to have that like if there was a game where you built like a train station or like a mall you could say like it or maybe planet zoo like attention you know guess the zoo will be closing in 10 minutes please make your way to the exits you know that type of thing all right let's see we got to finish up uh giving these guys therapy oh i guess there's it's a little little full in there i guess i'm kind of running out of room for stuff though i build another uh rehab office it's only going to cost us money doing two for ones over here all right i think we'll uh yeah the mu okay at this point i knew the music would be a little repetitive so all right two things uh in sound the pa system is a thousand out of ten like that's genius uh don't like the uh the scratching noise i i wish it would play that noise and then kind of like uh fade that sound effect and then just kind of like just put some sort of thing on this like make the border of the screen yellow or something like that so people know they're playing at like a faster speed all right austin williams has been rehabilitated you receive 1426 plus we get a little bit from the bond too i think build an isolation cell wonderful [Music] oh we have to assign somebody to isolation wow for what just to do it ah so you're new here [Music] oh good well i guess we'll assign this guy to solitary obviously the type of guy who wouldn't click or tap the like button that's the type of criminal we're dealing with here all right well let's delete this cell and see if we can build an isolation cell here instead so cell and we will build a new one yeah i i like that a lot too harry i don't know i don't know why it's fun to just record something new every every time a new prisoner comes in or something another thing i want in this game too is the ability to lower walls a little bit i don't know if that's here but it would be nice to be able to just pop down a wall or something okay let's put this guy in isolation just to do it and let's put them back in a regular cell [Music] hire five staff members increase the population i guess we'll just hold off for a little while i will get some more um let's get some more therapists in here because that is our goal after all uh what's this guy's crime [Music] uh psycho oh sociopath disorder okay [Music] we could do something for sociopaths but let's just do like three basic rooms first they take a little longer but that's okay [Music] uh the music reminds me of a polish wedding i went to impul oh really you went to poland for a wedding damn that sounds cool [Music] yeah we can expand the prison it's pretty expensive though it's 20 000 to do that so before we do it i'm gonna we gotta have a lot more money we gotta like maximize the use of all of our space [Music] so now we need a therapist [Music] and then get this guy assigned wait he's still in the isolation so i thought i moved you [Music] i don't know i don't know if we have to uh click or drag that uh whose face is this oh it's uh harry's face he sent me like a video a picture once and i was like oh my god that's a perfect pog emote actually i have another picture of harry holding a duck that he found like i think when he was out working it's even better although he looks more like the uh a sid from toy story in that picture although harry actually has hair i don't know if that kid did isn't uh sid from toy story bald in the first movie like he's got very short hair harry does too but not that short remember all social paths are not psychopath or our cycle paths oh my god [Music] well you know all of our long-term members get emotes pinto's got one harry's got one it's really like it's kind of like when you get a gold watch for retiring the boys have been through so many recordings with me that they they get an emote and pinto's actually gone into like prestige mode now he had this crappy emote that i made by just photoshopping a picture and then i eventually got an artist to like redo it like at the fresco on the sistine chapel okay well i guess all we got to do now is wait is there a way to get more prisoners like i've been skipping through the there's been so much information but like now i need help is there like a their way to get more prisoners library hours staff [Music] hours of operation meal time lockdown hours okay there you go guy goes in there to take a seat on the couch and watch some tv she get a pic of you oh that's true zero you gotta be around though a little more we gotta get you into some more games tandemberg was fun although the weirdest thing ever was literally we were playing trains sim world 2. i was driving on a train line in the simulator game that zero hero was like on in real life and while i was streaming he was like sending pictures at the same time of like pretty much being in the same places at the same time it was it was freaky [Music] actually don't i want to put the kitchen here so we should probably put the door there we'll put the kitchen here oh wait i won't be able to do that i think we'll have to move this is there a way to move a room i hope there's a way to just pick up a room and move it oh sorry sorry ma'am oh my god sorry sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean that my bad all right now we gotta wait a bit so i guess i'll just speed up time until we get 10 prisoners and more people in rehab all right another thing i want to see from this game is the ability to just quickly and easily move rooms and copy rooms i don't know if those are a thing if you get do you guys know if there's a way to copy a room or save a blueprint or something because that'd be awfully helpful to be able to uh because some of these designs are so basic it doesn't matter it's like literally a desk and a chair which apparently is absolutely filthy oh there we go prisoners health no they're prisoners ma'am ah so you're new here welcome to prison hi owner and operator youtuber raptor here and i'd like to welcome you to our horrible prison [Music] [Music] now yeah we're gonna be overwhelmed with therapy rooms uh okay chat name a random decent steam game i need to test out um good good that's a good call um try out going medieval if you like building games that's actually a really cool game where you make a uh like a castle if you want to oh yeah this is definitely two point hospital yeah this game shares a lot with that although at this point now the music has driven me nuts [Music] i think that's another thing they could do too is add like a little more little little more songs a few more songs i think would be nice just generic songs you know oh what's wrong with this guy low health you're in prison comrade also why are you in isolation didn't we assign you this cell over here [Music] you can go over here [Music] also we have an infirmary don't we why don't you go see the doctor or do i have to literally bring him there wait they won't go automatically oh no this is from a different developer than evil genius but it kind of has the same feel to it [Music] there there might be a way to make that automatic i'm not sure it's russian law no this is an attack this is the coliseum prison town this is where you are [Music] literally the coliseum right now all right let's hire one more staff member so we can get a new goal let's hire another maintenance man actually is maintenance the same as janitorial gardener what the i think we can actually grow food in this game and have the prisoners eat their own uh right like the stuff that they grow promote one staff how do we do that uh let's promote our maintenance man okay good night uh make sure you check in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items uh we'll we'll promote our security guard grant three paroles oh yeah we can do that for people who've been rehabilitated i guess rehabilitated okay let's parole you then again we make more money from that and money is what it's all about good [Music] i wonder i think the longer we hold onto them the better [Music] yeah i already i already want to move some of these rooms around is this guy going to die he seems to be getting healed oh wow he was like almost ready to he's going to die to death oh look at how dirty some of these rooms are jeez [Music] thomas says it is possible to press escape and then on options audio you can change the music tracks and volume oh thank you wait what [Music] i don't see that let's switch that to celsius oh [Music] this music is awesome and it's totally not irritating at all [Music] yep yep uh it said that in the forums well that's okay i mean it was a good [Music] idea i i don't mind the the music actually but i want more options wait why are these guys tired go home would you live at the prison wait what what do i do about sleepy staff [Music] oh they go home oh they go to the parking garage to leave or they go in there to hide oh there they go [Music] wow it's like we're in a c-130 right now you open up with a 130 millimeter music is part of the therapy okay well tan is the next one going to prison then oh there we go indoctrination therapy that's what it's like to click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member click or tap join and become a member it's pretty much every stream anyway [Music] oh i forgot to post a photo to uh instagram this morning i was totally gonna post a photo and i totally forgot to i should do that now although i don't know if i posted this one before but i found it it reminded me of japan [Music] a monthly report good wait so a day equals a month okay you're going to like the photo now good good uh we're missing a prisoner also this cell's unassigned so [Music] all right so we need to grant three patro uh paroles we have to rehab two more dudes but we have to have uh people at the prison i guess working hours [Music] if i expand though we're only going to have like 38 000 left and that's not a lot of money let's build another rehab thing though oh oh that's right we got somebody in the infirmary totally unattended and could be faking it for all we know [Music] [Music] oh good everyone's coming to work [Music] [Music] uh let's build another therapy room build the basic [Music] actually let's do this let's get rid of this room [Music] let's try this let's sell this room wait if we click edit can we move it oh no you can only expand it okay there's got to be a way to move those rooms let's see we'll do therapy room here [Music] i want to add a kitchen here right so if i add a kitchen here that's gonna oh [Music] boy [Music] well we could make it so that way you have to walk through the uh canteen to get to other areas that could be can you add stairs for an upstairs i don't know if you can have a second story also i think we need a higher prestige to build the kitchen oh yeah we still need prestige three hmm [Music] well all right we'll we'll do the two therapy rooms then to get to that level but we'll replace what we deleted oops [Music] [Music] let's hire another therapist what's going on [Music] oh there we go okay so now we got three therapists that's good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile thanks that timing though jojo perk more okay thanks you got it thank you viewer for continuing to view this content your support is appreciated okay thanks more okay thanks this guy uh healed up yet time to start therapy okay [Music] okay i think we're gonna have to put on our own tunes otherwise chad's gonna be driven nuts myself included good song though but i wish it was like maybe three or four tracks per custom zone and then maybe like uh just generic music okay this music here is just from uh youtube basically [Music] sounds good yeah every game needs to install that voice thing i just want there to be excuses to have your voice in more of them more and more people are having mics so why not it looks like the maintenance staff are really busy they're always doing stuff can we decorate these rooms for more prestige let's do that let's put up a group therapy sign let's make our prison actually look nice we want a nice prison we may as well spend our money on nice decorations we want to we want a happy little prison chat don't you guys want a happy little prison oh yeah let's definitely work on a staff break room let's put a drink machine over here and a uh snack machine trash can nice maybe a little potted plant by the door let's put a magazine rack over here maybe some nice chairs there we go now we've unlocked some stuff yeah that's what we want to do is decorate in order to raise prestige just like dew point so now we can actually put more stuff here including the kitchen although we don't have to oh pinto bless prison prison toe bless oh we can't click on him till he's here there we go oh did that not work well let's keep decorating now i guess now that we've got our basic prison set up it'll be nice to well it sucks the prisoners really their amenities room sucks if i were that might be rioting right now give them a trash can [Music] i guess reading's a good thing maybe a tv do something different here with a couple arm chairs no carpets though there we go decorate a therapy room [Music] put a turn wow look at how that desk is absolutely fill we need like 25 uh maintenance men just to like continuously clean things yeah we have a fancy prison this is a prisons by google the algorithm will decide your sentence it knows the crime you will commit before you commit it and you'll be punished before you're born you want us to make an awesome prison i think so too i think we should really take some time to make this nice apparently we need 5000 xp to unlock something else prison resources oh yeah we better check out our resources uh we are out of power oh oh prisoners rehabilitated though let's buy another thousand power there we go so i guess every once in a while we just need to uh free crime yeah there's a lot of actual information about that like you know algorithms and such now can just basically take data about you and know what you're going to do or what you're going to be interested in before you even know it we'll be to a point soon where amazon will just deliver things to your home before you even knew you wanted it or you didn't want it and they'll just bash down the door and deliver it the algorithm will decide no need for independent thought when we have corporations who care about us [Music] law yeah i think we need some more maintenance staff me i mean uh cleaning is like crazy in this prison hi hi okay we'll get some more janitors keep the trash can cans emptied and keep everything nice and clean [Music] okay let's do a nice little plan i don't understand why we are putting plants and stuff in a prison like maybe in like a visitor room like the visitation room or something like that but you know maybe in the lobby or like this like the staff office and stuff like that or the infirmary maybe look at that truck that's a cool truck maybe this is sweden a nice prison yeah okay yeah it's snowing so it must be sweden [Music] all right we've rehabilitated four out of ten prisoners oh wait no we've increased the population to four out of ten we've rehabilitated two and we can give a few of them like we can release a few i guess for rehab or for parole because they're rehabbed oh wait they have to be we can't parole them until a certain time though i think yeah all right let's get you assigned to uh [Music] therapist okay so some time has to pass before we can do that all right well that makes sense so it seems like you have to manually do things in this game i don't know if there's a way around that but you have to manually assign them a cell which kind of makes sense i guess like you're in charge of putting them into the prison but you're also in charge of like manually putting them into therapy manually putting them into the infirmary but they'll go eat if they need to automatically or go shower or use the restroom so it's kind of like weird hands-on hands-off i kind of want a full hands-off experience where once i set up the prison they do things automatically [Music] staff stamina that's based on the [Music] the rest oh we need some more uh rooms for the employees [Music] i think we should put some more couches [Music] down there we go snow equals prison i guess so but we can actually uh build our prison in like three or four different biomes wait what [Music] okay yeah i think we can actually grow our own food in this game like we can hire a gardener so i guess that means wait a minute don't tell me the potted plants actually have to be watered the potted plants actually have to be watered you got to be kidding me we actually have to hire a gardener come on man i thought it was like somebody to take care of plants like that we could grow food because in this game we can also we can generate our own power and our own water by like having like a solar plant or like a generator at the prison and we can also have our own water for storage that's crazy that's crazy dude that's crazy oh we should probably decorate for night time then okay well let's make our prison look nicer then we'll be we'll be proud of our fine prison i always feel chats in prison because they have to hang out with me no one else is going to do it you guys have to they're like a double wide light or anything oh yeah oh no these lights are so weird it's like lighting in an applebee's like i want prison lighting wait why did the door open halfway oh someone's coming out okay sewell from the netherlands again it's sunny there oh that's good we have a garden street light we can actually make a yard in this game too and have them go outside we'll have to get there though i think with the speed of time until we unlock more like we just need more prisoners to have more money we have an escape attempt wait what happened i think someone tried to escape but then they gave up uh can prisoners escape by trying to climb through vents i'm not sure i think somebody just tried to go for the door but then i'm not sure okay we got a new prisoner let's assign them let's get them into therapy we got what three therapy offices and five prisoners that should be fine [Music] prisoner billy complains about the hot pockets oh boy i wonder if we use more power at night time from the lighting also i haven't seen any sort of like a need to keep things warm like i don't know if we have to keep our prison warm or cold yet but maybe soon ones in chat if you'd like to come to my prison smash like for prison and don't forget to subscribe if you like incarceration and prisons oh there we go look at that the lighting actually looks nice that looks nice we have a lovely bob ross prison [Music] we're totally gonna end up moving all these rooms i think [Music] it would be nice just to put a light by every door this is the shanking hallway right here named after uh officer bob shankin who who retired a few years ago good guy everyone loves them i don't know what you were thinking okay let's add a nice prison couch or i guess a bench i wonder if prisoners will like line up to wait here if they have an appointment but it's full raptor do you ever sleep yes i do i certainly do wow look at this shadow wow there's actually decent shadow effects though oh well there was until the lights went out all the way man power's expensive seven thousand jeez okay good night uh make sure you check in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items and with the owner of a black mutant i'm just kidding you guys don't know if you're in jail oh you guys are not so many nice comments on instagram from you guys well thank you for following me i would think but my strength for like the last two weeks stream deck hasn't like worked with youtube for whatever reason i can't like link the the join button anymore and tell you guys to click or tap join to become a member for only 99 pennies which comes down to seven cents every 24 hours in order to get access to tons of giveaways and such or use the pin message at the top i just can't do it anymore unfortunately welcome to jail yeah we got to make more money i'm gonna speed up time seven thousand dollars every time we go to pay the power bill that's incredibly expensive we can build our own power facility but we're also out of space which requires twenty thousand dollars are you listening to an ipod man man that is like so so old what john c welcome aboard is raptorian haters in jail no offense no they're already living miserable lives they don't have to uh they don't need to be in jail they lit they live in their own prison and i live rent free in their minds so i don't i don't really think anybody hates me they just don't prefer me i don't know not my problem good morning digital j1m how you doing well it's not morning yet it will be soon though except incoming prisoners yes i want to be able to like accept more prisoners though but i guess we can't like i guess we can't force people to commit crimes oh we're out of power again you gotta be kidding me dude i can't believe this i guess we're drawing all this extra electricity from these jail cells but they are filling up so well that object really does need cleaning we got to address the power situation um resource production small electric generator let's put that in the hallway uh i need to i need to put it somewhere what outside maybe oh you can put it outside okay but how does that work a small electric generator produces a small amount of energy maintained but oh okay it'll actually produce stuff over time oh we can have a kitchen now oh yeah because we hit level three okay well i'm gonna buy a generator because it's better than getting screwed every time by the uh oh we could actually put it over here [Music] so maintenance man has to maintain that i wonder if uh prisoners can sabotage that oh no that's right blake wait what did someone say about blake what did blake say endless labor oh yeah well i i hope that's the thing in this game um prison architect recently had a dlc that allows you to make more money from your prisoners by having like uh a restaurant and a bakery where you can sell goods back i think there's other ways in prison architect to make money like i think you can tell them to make furniture and stuff like that but anyway some of these what would you call them organizations or establishments or institutions that's the word i'm looking for can be self-sufficient or at least try to be by growing their own food and stuff like that probably a good thing for the prisoners to at least be doing something phys physical and of mind and body i guess good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile i think we had an escape attempt earlier and then the guy was like nah he's thinking about escape and the alarm it was like the i'm thinking about escape alarm and it was like hey i think i think i don't like it here nah never mind i'll stay and then that was it [Music] uh yep yeah the pa system is the best thing i've ever seen in the game it's the absolute best dude why is no one cleaning this desk this desk is absolutely destroyed i hired so many more cleaners we have uh four people cleaning this place it's still not enough wait is there like an emergency can i call an emergency cleaning oh yeah you can okay well we just need more cleaning stuff i wonder if they have to clean everything in the prison like every poster every potted plant has to you know how it is guys you know you buy a potted plant you have to dust it vacuum it water it every once in a while you get out some windex and have to like spray it down and you know make sure you don't get any streaks you know okay if any of these prisoners hit parole yet uh send to rest oh that's the other one okay we're getting there uh three months left on their sentence so this must be another month maybe because we can parole them early a lot of these people have been fine they they didn't need prison they just needed like a like just somebody to talk to they just need to go to a therapist really yeah we need to water the poster what's up flippers hey i heard some people were watching your stream today about uh i think you're playing horizon zero dawn now i don't want to sound rude or anything like that don't take this the wrong way but i i think i like somebody linked something i clicked on it and i had it on in the background and i was like damn who's this like it was a it sounded like a real professional stream and by that i mean it sounded like you were getting real confident with things it sounded just like somebody who streams and does it all the time not just a you know a casual like me you actually sounded like you knew what you were doing it was good [Applause] [Music] all right another prisoner rehabilitated anyway good for you flippers you're you're starting to fill in your own uh thing i i miss playing with you we haven't played since valheim remember you're invited to every single stream invite yourself please do me a favor for me i need you for me for me right now for me thank you all right let's build ourselves a kitchen i guess oh we're actually producing electricity now monthly generation is 1400 monthly consumption is 700. can we sell back to the grid question mark oh damn the kitchen has to be oh yeah yeah i remember what i was gonna do with the kitchen damn i forgot i was gonna make the kitchen um or no i was gonna make the uh the what do they call this again the cafeteria where they call it oh dining room yeah i was going to make the dining room walk through oh that would block the amenities room okay this game needs a there if there's not a way to move rooms around it needs it because that would make things so much easier expansion time well we've only got twenty thousand dollars that's how much it takes to expand i gotta make more money we need more money chat we need more uh the therapy rooms don't need to be that big uh i think they have to be uh let's see their p room needs to be [Music] uh eight by eight so yeah they they have to be they have to be that big yeah that's eight by eight right there unfortunately you're playing horizon uh because of your streams a stream of horizon two vid never heard before that oh because uh we covered it on uh e3 yeah i'm gonna i haven't played it yet either so when uh when i get a chance i'm gonna play horizon zero down on pc before the new one comes out but i gotta get a ps5 and that's more rare than finding somebody upgrading to a raptor ultimate member now by clicking the tapping enjoy button i got him most of the time i just say that because i just want to get chat when they least suspect it i love doing that i love dropping the join thing on you guys it's hilarious it's a it's like my the streams have now become how many times can i like like slip it into something that you wouldn't expect that's all it is now you guys don't have to become members but you do have to put up with me saying click or tap join you don't have to totally don't if you don't want to what is this song right now the song is just like here i'll sing along wait sounds like harry's uncle listen to this song no this isn't in game music i had to mute it because it became annoying but honestly with many games i've muted the soundtrack before just to listen to my own soundtrack uh reaper thanks for upgrading to a raptor hatchling appreciate that all right we've almost got 10 prisoners i think we should probably not parole anybody until we hit 10 first so let's just hold on to everybody i forgot about you sir and let's get you into that sounds like every scottish guy talking no sometimes harry is harder to understand than you are zero hero is you don't get excited you you're pretty calm when you speak but harry when he gets excited he'll start using british terms that i've never heard of uh earl thanks for upgrading to a raptor hatchling as well i see a lot of people breaking out of their shell a lot of prison breaks all right the only thing is now we got we got to make some more money we've kind of hit a wall in the game now until we we're like at the mercy of time i guess actually now now we've got even more prisoners okay now now things are rocking man we're actually doing well we're doing well in the cell also it's hard to tell how many people you have already assigned to a certain therapy room is it a pay wall you mean the wall around the prison yeah well no this is keeping the members in i don't want them getting out i want them to play games with me i want them to i want to keep them inside oh wait a minute oh we're out of water now oh water's not too bad [Music] uh we're not i still don't think we're being profitable though even though it says income well to be fair i was building like crazy i guess we we just kind of have to wait at this point we just gotta wait for enough money to be made [Applause] we're getting more prisoners all right well it seems like we're getting as many prisoners as we are getting new members so that's good welcome to our members prison didn't i buy new water or did i buy power again i also bought something else must been energy who would ever dream of escaping some of you some of you in chat may try to escape but surprise there's no escape all the lights coming on lol i hope we don't get charged for the lighting that would be irritating wow we actually get charged for the lighting that's irritating wow i thought it was just decorative like if it doesn't play a factor in the gameplay then no oh man but who wants to look at a dark prison like at nighttime there's nothing to well that's oh well it doesn't matter we're still producing more electricity than we need wait a minute what okay good night uh make sure you check in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen how is this number going down we're producing 2600 we're consuming 1971. [Music] does the generation also count for how much we're buying what the hell wow now this prison's using a hell of a lot of resources [Music] uh now we're just bleeding money yeah the voice record feature needs to be in more games i can't believe there's not more games that do that one i want to decorate all the offices with nice lamps and stuff but you kind of get punished for doing that is there like a spreadsheet i can look at for how many resources we're using and stuff because this just doesn't seem accurate like how the hell can that number be going down if we're if if you make if you're if you have one thousand dollars and you're making one dollar every 10 minutes and then the money's going to that doesn't make sense how much is this producing plus 120 an hour oh it works like an item it's not a constant production it's like it charges to 120 and then it's stored like a battery electric generator that produces a moderate amount of energy so it's not a constant supply of electricity it's like a battery that gets collected and then added to your total so what the hell i'm gonna have like a huge part of the prison being like a giant like solar i'm gonna it's like i'm so bad within like i built five light bulbs so i need something the size of like rhode island in order to have a giant solar array in order to bring in the 1.21 gigawatts that i need ah this is becoming so tedious now to buy all this stuff i just want to expand my prison and design stuff not like continuously order mcdonald's via ubereats for everybody i need more batters you mean batteries batter that'd be on the chicken brother amen fried chicken brother [Music] would it be more efficient to like build our own energy for now like what's the running cost of the electricity do we have to pay for fuel uh like what's the running cost of this thing does it just produce energy for free you just have the initial purchase price and that's it boy imagine that in real life if you could buy a car with no expenses for like fueling it or anything that's a good deal yeah eventually we'll need to build security there's got to be a way to have our own [Music] oh we can actually get windmills dutch breathing intensifies wow that's ten thousand dollars for our own power and water that seems a little bit better than buying it ourselves honestly [Music] [Music] um sounds like a uh sounds like a uh lightsaber uh distribution simulation game where you arrange trucks and ships and planes to deliver around the world or something like that get a little airport to port with a base they do have a game like that called uh transport fever is a fantastic game also open transport tycoon deluxe otherwise known as open ttd well this is interesting like is our prison gonna fail well we got eight out of ten prisoners at least with that we'll get four thousand dollars but that's not enough man i need i need money i gotta call jg wentworth 877 cash eventually i think we're actually producing enough power okay we just got money from something what's up chad how you doing dude and welcome rachel good to see you here too all right well the prison seems to be like making money question mark but there's got to be a finance screen where oh there it is economy oh okay so yeah we're making 4 000 minus expenses and apparently we can take out a loan but good morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile the music is lit yeah all right so i guess what we'll do is because we're waiting for more prisoners we can't really i could build a giant prison but it would be a waste of money unless we had anybody to put in it so that's something to consider wait why are the prisoner wait they're all lining up for the drinking fountain okay wait that's where they get their water wow i can't believe that there's like a line in the morning for the drinking fountain like is that the only source of water in the whole prison okay now we've got more drinking fountains is this like prison architect but better uh it's different it has its flaws i can tell but i think i mean the words at the bottom of early access do certainly show that the community and the people who play this like me can give some feedback i love the pa system thing that's so cool uh but there's some things that i think i have to learn first in order to know like there's a difference between it being broken or not complete versus me just being dumb brain right now i'm done brain because it's my first play through so i got a lot to learn about the game and then i can give more proper feedback but i like this game i think it's cool [Music] we need more prisoners though [Music] bum oh well at least there's a little bit of waiting in the game like you can set things up and kind of just watch it function a little bit kind of nice uh you've been playing planet zoo still finding it hard to get used to the camera yeah that's true some of these builder games have cameras that are a little manic to deal with but ah so you're new here welcome to prisons any suggestions for new recordings on what we should save for welcoming our prisoners what do you guys think we should say also i think i'm going to have to take care of water and power because that's getting expensive at least we're generating more power than we need and we could get a water tank in here yeah you can you can record your own voice in the game i think people can walk by on the [Music] outside i wish there was a way to store some of these things inside we can also paint the ground too like we we can put uh like concrete paths and stuff inside the prison like between the facilities i just like to make one giant building because it just just seems easier but you can make everything like an individual building if you want that should be fine and that's nice uh welcome to jail if you were that smart you wouldn't be here that's true wow that's a maintenance person who just walked by the literal trash on the ground they're dusting the lights bro not everything has to be like dusted down like that damn that's a little excessive also why are the two why are the showers out of water we have 25. uh welcome to pinto bless enjoy your uncomfortable stay all right let's go with that one all right if you guys drop super chats i'll change the messages welcome to prisoner bless actually wait a minute welcome to prisoner bless if you were smart you wouldn't be here enjoy your uncomfortable stay enjoy you uncomfortable stay if you were smart you wouldn't be here okay that's a very good one good job chad good not their area to clean i think they clean wherever i don't know if you can set up an area but this prison is so small that it's like just go clean whatever i don't know i don't think i want to assign somebody to an area i think i'll just like flood it with people and hope things get clean all right this is our 10th prisoner i think oh it counts if they're in the jail not just in a cell oh yeah that would be wait wait a minute this is four eight oh we have 11 cells and then one isolation oh we gotta buy water again bro breath [Music] what's up a big snail how you doing welcome aboard the speaker is cool let's see if a chat can follow along wendy's emote in chat wendy's emote in chat thank you the members listen pretty good [Music] wow there's a line for the bench too don't you guys have like a nice room you can go sit down and with couches and stuff our prisoners are like going to drinking fountains and like sitting on wooden benches when they could go to the uh [Music] the amenities room and actually take advantage of some nice we have nice amenities that print prison toe blasts or they could go sit down in the cafeteria i guess they can't unless they uh are called or hours of operation all right no more lines okay so benches and uh water fountains are big in this place i guess i also need to build a kitchen but i'm out of uh my modest space brother amen like an american rocket of freedom out to space bruh place one small electric generator we'll get two thousand dollars for doing it but it costs five oh well now the game tells us to place generators and we can sell it later uh build a visitor center grant three paroles we should be able to start doing that well let's wait until the uh let's focus first on our 10 out of 10 goal and then if we're going to build a prisoner oh here we go [Music] it's actually pretty good chat's almost to 400 likes congratulations to everybody supporting before we hit the big four hundo appreciate it uh where's the workout section yeah we we we need space before we build that i think we can build a yard in which my milkshake brings all the boys too i think wait what okay let's go for the uh there we go and perfect place five trees what trees what the hell this is prison i don't have space for this [Applause] oh my god all right or her name is rose pot that's funny uh build a visitor center we'll have to hold off on that trees okay we'll do the paroles thing now uh where's our prisoner list [Music] uh parole one redundancy penalty what the hell is that wait what wait rescindency penalty what the hell he scammed old people using fraudulent contracts he's a cultural altered person who will want to have access to a lot of books what the hell is a residency what does that word mean [Music] well i actually have to tab out [Music] not even a word [Music] i assume it's a penalty for is like rescindency is that like we're ending that like an early cancellation penalty wait what the hell wait am i going to lose out on like a couple hundred bucks here question mark yeah rescind to revoke cancel or repeal yeah so it's a it's a parole what do you mean them oh that's if we deny [Music] oh okay wait where's that other guy then goodbye to our first prisoner but why would you get i don't know oh i s oh okay so if he comes back to prison we lose money oh okay them okay well they get their own okay apparently the prisoners get their own car what the hell what about oh my god i should have been charging them for the for the rental fee of the of the damn parking garage what the hell they just walked to the parking garage wait no they should have a taxi pick them up or something or a relative or a bus [Music] okay all right i guess they live in the parking garage now okay [Music] uh build a visitor center oh request staff to water 10 plants okay this game has crazy goals uh let's see one this is irrigating i really don't want to do this i'm so annoyed super irrigated all right let's try uh two three two three uh where else oh god oh speaking of irrigation [Music] where else do i have plants oh there's one in the corner [Music] uh we'll get there eventually we're out of food now okay well now that we've gotten some of the goals out of the way we can now i think expand the prison we'll only have six fifteen thousand dollars though uh could you fit a visitor center in the front of the building and make a holding cell smaller since there's one m8 coming in at a time uh we could but i think we'll expand our prison finally pinto blast boom nice okay we're gonna worry about the irrigation section now because i need water let's take care of that spend another 5k there all right let's build a visitor center we couldn't there's actually a hallway here so we could build it here i think we should connect it together i think we can do that actually i think if we edit this room we can actually add a section on now to the back the hell did that just throw whoa that threw everybody out what the hell okay sorry people do you guys come back to jail please [Music] i didn't know adding on a hallway would do that my bad oops my bad all right visitor what was that romantic visit center welcome to prison we just want a regular visitor center i guess [Music] yeah this game is very similar to two-point hospital in many ways and also a little similar to prison architect this game actually has been around a long time the prison tycoon formula has been around a very long time about as long as theme hospital too i think this game goes back to like oh i think it's been around since like oh like o2 so it's like the newest game in there in their installment i guess i guess now we can have visitors at the prison you love the channel thanks gus appreciate you having a uh being here as a member man thank you for the support i appreciate your mandatory support [Music] i don't know why you'd want tvs but okay get a coffee machine here a little a little garbage can oh we can place those trees now harry pog we can plant trees all right probably end up taking these down is little john gonna come out and say what to this song what okay what okay that should be five there we go i do like how the parole goals kind of or the i mean the prison grant goals kind of set you in the right direction of parole and visitor center and stuff i'll request staff to maintain 10 objects okay like clean that seems like it'll be automatic we'll see how it works uh build a guard tower oh boy now we're getting into security level stuff outdoor watch tower yeah we got to make sure the members don't try to escape damn this music though we'll put that down there we'll put a yard down there eventually build a kitchen there we go i don't want to build it attached here but we kind of maybe i can build it over here kind of seems weird to not have it connected but i guess we're at the mercy of the game like i don't know why you'd want to separate buildings anyway and have wasted space between them like just make one giant facility but that's just me i guess all right build a kitchen okay good night uh make sure you tuck in and all that we're not responsible for lost or stolen items and with the uh owner of a black mute now i'm just kidding you guys don't know if you're in jail indeed they are all right a kitchen let's go for the stove ice rack and power that's all we need in the kitchen and we'll add to it later make it grandiose build a pharmacy okay this is why i wish i could move things now because it makes sense to like build the pharmacy next to the uh to the infirmary and so now that we've got somebody making food constantly we might not have to worry about payments for that and same here for the pharmacy then so pharmacies under what staff and we got a little lab table there not enough money oh wow we're broke chat we need money we just need staff to maintain stuff it's so weird like your your prison is like the weird thing about this game is that like our employees are literally working in the dark but building them a lamp would be like too it'd be too much it would shut down the whole power crazy ooh chats on their way to 430 likes i don't want i don't want to see one more like though i don't want to see more than one more like though when i look over i better not see like 435 likes or something don't do a chat better not see 440 or 445 don't do it oh now we got money good we just need a laboratory counter okay and a medicine cabinet cool and connect to the grid there we go and let's see room needs a doctor oh yes oh yes okay uh let's see so the staff to water plants will be automatic 150 medical supplies will be automatic increase the prisoner population to 20 oh my god see at this point this is where i want to like i want to reorganize the prison by clicking and dragging rooms [Music] but i guess we could do that down here it's just kind of weird like it's not really like a prison at all it's kind of more like a high security hotel where the guests just aren't allowed to leave until they're rehabilitated so there's that sorry sorry i forgot about you we'll get you into therapy why do you go to bed for now all right yeah you kind of got to do one thing at a time like sometimes you're building a cell sometimes you're building up sometimes you're moving prisoners around you know how it is in these games you gotta do one thing at a time november 1985. this one marty mcfly came back he had to get back to the future [Music] good music bro getting good thank you oh good that's wonderful yeah we got new peeps here yeah don't be afraid to say hi what's up bp how you doing good to see you all right so we're going to increase our population now from 10 to 20 well we're close to 10. uh parole results oh great everybody came back great so now we're literally bankrupt the trouble here is that the game only allows you to do uh a couple of things at a time like there's only a few more goals remaining so that way this kind of this tutorial right like to hire a certain number of people wait a minute though that means that they're coming back to prison so we do have a chance to uh uh you don't have the money well don't give me the penalty for uh people coming back to jail then bro you're the one who wanted me to parole them uh let's see let's borrow the city's money all right so we'll get some plants watered actually literally have to hire another gardener no we're i've never heard of a prison have a gardener before there a recording for breakfast lunch and dinner uh just the uh mcdonald's burger king morning and welcome to yet another day in prison it's great to have you here and remember escape is futile there we go that's all i wanted we also have to increase our prestige i guess to unlock more things that will help the prison to make more money really what we're trying to do is just cut expenses by like getting rid of the food and pharmacy problem that like bankrupted us to also those people like out on patrol were a problem parole i mean parole yeah yeah i don't know why we can't get one of the prisoners to do the gardening you'd think that would be somewhat uh therapeutic okay let's try lighting again i think it also increases our prisons prestige so that's good well let's add something to the let's make the kitchen look nice i mean the um uh the diner snack machine drink machine coffee machine recycling bin [Music] these plants just seem too small these look like they could go on somebody's desk what's up sheldon how you doing yeah the canteen the game calls it the diner [Music] wow so the kitchen this guy just constantly stands on the stove and that's it like he's just continuously generating food so he doesn't even like have to transport food there or anything and the plants edible anything is edible if you try hard enough chat you know the rules [Music] prisoner rehabilitated oh good okay well now i feel like i can't let anybody out on parole wow look at all the prisoners in the same room here go over there [Music] or those four coming back nope just one [Music] muhammad age 37 he's a liar and a sociopath wow [Music] [Music] i think we need better therapy rooms but we'll worry about efficiency after we're actually making money can't believe how many staff we need to clean things so produce 150 medical supplies so there we go that's going we need another plant to be watered grant 15 paroles i don't even i don't want to grant parole anymore it's too risky to my bottom line i feel too nervous to uh i feel too nervous to um extend the prison pinto bless wall in chat pinto bless wall and chat oh wait pinto bless pinto bless pinto bless pinto bless there we go i kind of want to go build a prison in some of the other maps too see what they look like oh we're out of food again [Music] yeah the uh the pa system is the best yeah this is gulag simulator right now not to be confused with goulash simulator which is right here we're making goulash right over there uh we need a new recording yeah we can uh we can get some some in drop drop your suggestions wait we still have food i spot more i swear we did yeah we'll buy 200 wow that's a that's a lot of staff in the break room bro a lot of people on break is anybody actually doing any sort of security well we do have one one security guard then i'm just gonna fit chairs and stuff everywhere ah there's our officers don't we have some officers in chat i think we have some deputies in chat don't we we got a couple deputy dinos in chat clear clock there we go ah there we go there's our officers very nice okay let's assign a prisoner now we definitely need some more uh therapy too but money is money's tight and by the way does no one know how to throw anything in the trash it's literally right there things get incredibly dirty in this wow what they're going to clean the x-ray machine oh come on now we got a wounded prisoner better get another bed just in case [Music] yeah i don't know if there's a way for us to grow our own food but we can make our own food i think we're going to need a bigger kitchen then i'd rather do that than continuously pay mcdonald's for big macs but we need 3 000 to hire all right so we're gonna need a bunch of new money there we go hey yeah this is on pc well at least the power problem is solved we don't have to worry about power water's okay and food we're gonna need more of gus you love the channel well thank you very much for the 10. dude now i'm just kidding you guys don't know you're in jail i think the only way for us to make real good money at this moment is just to do grants but it just takes a while love your channel bro best game on youtube thanks brett appreciate it uh no room assigned what is what is he in right now a drive-through he's literally in the bed in his room all right i like this map i want to see another map though let's do a speed run on a new map i'm going to save this game here i want to go see a new map too i just want to see what they look like it's going to take a long time to play this game though that's good though if that's what you want where'd you get the hair dye okay let's go to a new game let's go to we've seen the desert and the tundra before i think we'll go to the tropical map now fingers slipped oops there we go fortnite dances all right let's start fresh and see what a new map looks like and to hear new music although now this song started playing i like it all right let's begin again [Music] looks like this is set up the same so we can pretty much do the same plan but we can change things a little bit that's like music for an 80s instructional video [Music] so you've decided to work at wendy's [Music] well let's change our prison up a little bit learn from our previous designs uh how am i spending my weekend i'm probably gonna be gaming actually it's pretty warm out um i'll be i don't know just having some regular dinner maybe maybe go catch some fireworks but ah i don't know if it's worth you know going out like finding a parking spot and biting everybody in traffic hey one thing one thing we learned last time is that we gotta we gotta organize our prison a little differently based on that we need more spots for uh therapy rooms [Music] also unfortunately i don't think we can build um we can't build jail cells for more than one person at a time like they i don't think we can do like two people to a cell or anything how many cells is that two two four six so we'll have eight on this side the bus full of new prisoners is here guys i want you to be welcoming oops this would be good for the well well actually we could put the we can put the canteen here these are things we're eventually gonna have to build i guess the order doesn't matter too much because if we complete it we'll still get the money for it when the game chooses for that the money is still gonna have to be spent oh yeah it has to be a 12x12 perfect actually works out [Laughter] we're gonna have to figure out a way to fit like 20 cells in here i want to try to maximize our space without uh [Music] that's gonna be interesting oh yeah we gotta we we should probably have at least like three or four therapy rooms too therapy is gonna be like really important we should also have like an extra hallway here so they can get through around to the other side incarcerated carne asada wow oh look at that we're already level two prestige and all i've done is built blank rooms that don't actually function yet at least getting to that level's easy [Music] okay so we're gonna be up to [Music] how many rooms two four six eight two four six eight be at 17 and then we can build on the back side uh we're gonna we're gonna be missing out on rooms though oh they're also gonna want me to build a solitary confinement cell too let's work on some of the other things that we know we'll need we definitely need therapy [Music] um [Music] well we're gonna have to go with these initial cells and then expand later otherwise we'll be out of space can we do like one big we can't do like a big therapy room now it has to be individual be nice if we could make one big room and then somehow separate the room with into other rooms like partition it a bit now the problem with this pre-set up too is that it costs a lot of money when you're not making a lot of money why do we want the door on this side geez i think the goal is to like never let there be more than once open tile but some of the room size requirements are just going to have to be that way all right well we'll build two cell blocks we'll leave the other ones incomplete because if they're not complete they don't lead to the power source and that will save us money because i don't think we i don't think we owe money on something unless it's connected to the power source i don't even think these rooms use water unless they use the restroom [Music] [Music] okay [Music] uh energy network oh okay well that's a good start all right let's unpause oh look at the pretty coastal beach oh there's like a tugboat out there and a lighthouse oh i can't believe you crazy people wanted to go building the tundra all right let's listen to the in-game music for a bit i want to i want to hear the in-game song sound song theme whatever they have let's see how it goes yeah let's build a therapy room [Music] hi [Music] okay assign one prisoner to therapy okay we gotta have him assigned to a cell oh [Music] there we go and now we just gotta wait for more prisoners [Music] yeah there by the way uh there's another for whatever reason i just thought of this another sims like game it's called like alter life or something coming soon but it's like from payway hopefully we get more game the sims is weak now they've become weak ea is just concerned more about money than actually being creative so it now is a good time for other developers to come around and make new games [Music] yeah a pair of lives and there's uh something else too this music is nice this reminds me more of two point hospital than anything else yeah i like this music i think everything's okay in our prisons has just arrived [Music] thank you very much for becoming a raptor egg again welcome back [Music] yep everything's fine in our prison if it weren't there'd be like symbols over every room and things would be flashing red but we're fine as you can tell [Music] everything's totally fine i guess we could put windows in our prison ask our prisoners not to escape [Music] this game's a little challenging because you have to manage both uh prestige and also space at the same time so like you know you want to try to make sure you use everything every little thing oh you know what i could do is we could make jail cells [Music] i got it we'll put isolation cells here and here and here we'll put them sideways [Music] yeah this feels more like a two-point hospital than anything [Music] all right we got to build a shower and a restroom that's got to be a 2x2 though essential is a shower you know i never even saw anybody use the restroom or the shower in our previous prison like it was required but nobody actually used it like we had to build it okay let's do restroom here wait this is the shower that's fine do one shower [Music] and one restroom we'll try to keep these rooms cheap i don't know if that affects anybody's happiness [Music] welcome to prison population you i don't know if i want to try this out or go to tennis which one would i suggest um this is cool and all but i think i like i like this game for its challenges of managing space and whatnot but uh if you're more of us let's say this if you like the sims a lot go for the tenants if you like two point hospital or theme hospital or um what's the other game i am reminded of when i play this maybe a little bit this kind of also feels a little bit like um architect i guess if you like those games play this but the tenants is all about like managing people this seems to be even though you're dealing with people here this seems to be more about money and space management the people are just kind of like the way to make the money all right let's see rehab prison oh we got to build a dining room now [Music] okay [Music] is the dining room not done oh we need this okay i regard [Music] sunglasses nice i approved place three trash cans and air maintenance staff [Music] [Applause] and we're gonna need a lot of maintenance staff how long until the music drives you crazy this seems a little more chill the other music was like don't forget you're in prison and this was like don't forget you're in prison like there's a difference there's prison and then there's prison there's the truth and then there's the truth [Music] yeah yeah i forgot all about that completely yeah if you played prison architect before yeah this is if you if you like that this will probably be a little bit better for you than uh the tenants but i would say possibly both because they could both be on sale [Music] [Music] yeah both prison architects probably on sale in this game because it just came out so not as good as the tropico music that's true although that's a copyright nightmare all right oh a staff room yep [Music] geez again this this is not this is not a prison builder this is like a staff management game or not um [Music] you have to man like you're you put so much effort into managing the people it's crazy [Music] you know like when people come to this prison all the thing you spend a little bit of space on their prison cell but you spend all the space on like their uh the diner the bathroom the shower the uh therapy room crazy [Music] okay well one thing we learned last time is that the prisoners really seem to like a bench [Music] even though this says outdoor [Music] now it's just become two boy in hospital like [Music] it's kind of weird like you think oh okay this person must be waiting for an appointment then you get confused from the jail cells i guess these are the people who couldn't uh pay at a north american hospital they still have to get treated but there's no escape wow the indoor thanks for the uh the 20 there bud appreciate the support [Music] you were not expecting this music when you clicked on the stream yeah this music seems to be themed for each area so there's five different biomes there's a you know like a kind of a european biome tundra russia desert swamp and then tropical they all kind of have their own uh soundtrack however it seems like there's only one song that plays that drives me insane so it'd be nice if there was a a way to play any song in the game or b more more songs okay let's get another guy in jail you're going to jail guy okay there you go welcome to jail and welcome to therapy all right we gotta build an infirmary and a uh oh uh rehab one prisoner okay let's get rid of this last room this the infirmary [Music] [Music] um well that's probably essential yep [Music] and doctor [Music] looks like tennis is 20 off at 12 39 not sure in dollars uh probably about about 15 i'll probably be a good one for you i i i think the attendance is great if you have any questions about the tenants i do have some streams and videos up on it otherwise there is a demo for it otherwise if you buy it you always have two hours to return a game on steam so if you buy a game and you can't run it or if there's an issue or you're just not feeling it after a while you can always return it and there's usually a no questions asked policy with steam as long as it's under two hours or you can write in there like what you felt about it okay let's uh do a resource purchase of this [Music] definitely gonna need more power soon [Music] oh seven thousand dollars for medicine is this america rehab one prison disorder we just gotta wait for that build an amenities room oh man i need these therapy rooms too once things start rocking all right well let's just extend our prison already maybe that was the mistake i made before trying to cram too many things into one [Music] place [Music] there we go that's not that expensive to explain wow that's way cheaper than i thought [Music] these rooms here give all sorts of therapy these rooms deal with all types they just deal with it slower uh it says the most basic of therapies treats all types of disorders equally but not highly effective if you build these specific rooms they deal with those types of um disorders better so you can heal them a lot more permanently and faster that way but for now this is probably good again your the game is all about limited space limited budget if you came in here with unlimited money you could build a prison in five minutes and then just solve the world's problems but the balance the game mode is all about balance smiley face bob ross it's all about happy little happy little rehabs [Music] uh so we want leisure rooms oh yeah that's it [Music] yeah the prisoners can come in here and look at a ufo poster all right so expand early i guess that'll save you a lot of time [Music] that's another thing too then i guess is that if somebody has like for example kleptomaniac disorder you got when you click on them you gotta make sure you put them into the right room if not the just the original uh like the basic rehab [Music] okay so now we just need prisoners to be delivered here how many spaces do we [Music] have four six eight [Music] wait is that eight one two wait one two three four five six seven eight ah okay [Music] we have 15 16 [Music] i think we could do about 18 rooms here well we could probably just continue the cell block all the way all the way to the back yeah all the prisoners are pretty nice yeah [Music] okay well we'll just wait until we get more prisoners pump [Music] all right on to a new one oh the janitor wait is this a guard oh that's a guard we're gonna have to hire more maintenance that's driving me nuts trash just on the floor [Music] hello hello okay there we go nice yeah this is the backseaters prison yeah oh if we put the back seaters in a prison they'd never escape because if they ever found a way out they would then backseat the prison design um you know there's a fatal flaw with your prison um actually you don't have any guards okay we'll hire guards and you don't have any walls okay what else do we need well i think a a death drone that hovers over the prison and fires lightning and anybody who thinks about escaping would be good obviously [Music] they would never escape oh sir welcome to the prison we gotta get you all organized now with the room let's get your bed set up now get you tucked in [Music] there you go oh you're backseating you don't have a bed there you go [Music] budget cut prison we need to save a little outdoor area for all the power and water and stuff we'll probably save that over here so let's do something we haven't done before let's do a little pavement we do some concrete here we'll install like power generators and stuff while the room's blinking red that just means everything's okay and they're set up correctly with no improvement room for improvement at all [Music] looks like we can also build paths though [Music] nice then we'll put our power units out here and water [Music] and then we'll continue the rest of the prison down here [Music] there we go okay [Music] yeah basically what this means is that the room's just incomplete required object missing so it's it's the room is built but it can't function without what it requires in other words it's like building a bathroom without any toilets it the room exists but [Music] well all we gotta do is just wait [Music] wow [Music] you find it funny how they use a prison bus or a school bus for prison transport yeah that is pretty funny [Music] all right too many of you guys are in the same thingy here let's get a therapist tired [Music] there we go all right [Music] the prison looks cool though i like i like this biome i think it's nice be also cool if there was like a parking lot out in front of the prison you could see people coming and going but i guess technically there is a underground parking garage so it's like okay fair enough you win this round game all right four out of ten we got a rehab one prison disorder and prisoner [Music] i guess we can speed the process up [Music] ah leslie thank you for the 4.99 thank you very much very nice [Music] leslie with the 4.99 thank you very much for the support appreciate the good job fox emote or possibly pug dog available via youtube super stickers thanks again leslie with the 4.99 thank you very much for the support appreciate the good job foxy available via youtube super stickers thanks again wow very nice [Music] do [Music] all right so now we should be able to split these prisoners up [Music] a line for the water fountain again they certainly like that water fountain put one there if we can put one inside the cow we can't it'll be nice to be able to put it inside one of the other rooms oh we can put in their own cells seems a little weird oh well okay let's see [Music] going for a little lunch huh [Music] don't blame me brother amen [Music] oh it's got to speed up time now so this seems to be a much better winning formulas to get a little expansion of the prison early and not worry so much about the achievement of the goals until a little bit later or at least know what's coming down the pipe you don't remain you like my choice in games holly well thank you and we just need time to pass in order to house the prisoners i mean at least for the the game to summon prisoners [Music] yeah we'll put it up against the wall we're going to be punished ooh prisoner health yeah i forgot that that's not automatic in this game i wish it were or that we'd get a warning beforehand oh well well we have a new prisoner yay and we'll get you a sign down there [Music] oh he's just being sent to a hospital but he still is here though 5 out of 10. now power is definitely going to be needed please proceed to yourselves and we need prestige three [Music] seems like the windows add prestige oh yeah [Music] hey here we go prestige very important here so resource production of a large power generator [Music] okay now hopefully we won't have to worry about power as much for now hmm yeah the booking area is kind of kind of dead yeah there's it's just basically literally cardboard cutouts but i mean it would just be like an animation it would be nice to see but i mean it's like it's it's okay just to to see them going through actually they don't even go through this area do they well they do but nothing happens yeah wow all that trash man even when we put down trash cans they don't use it okay let's get another jail cell ready [Music] i'll go with two good morning time there we go a good idea to have all these uh therapy things oh wow the staff will actually use them well that's cool there's actually animations for staff members uh going through files and things very nice yeah we have a prison guard they are needed but you don't need too many of them kind of like a european prison i guess everybody's on their best behavior prisoner rehabilitated good oh nice build one isolation cell yeah maybe we could do that here i feel like we could build it and then delete it because it really doesn't do anything a cell for troublesome prisoners i feel like we can just build this and delete it i've never seen troublesome prisoners before that's fine all right oh i was supposed to assign a prisoner to a darn it oh well i don't know why we do that though it's like a sign of prisoner to isolation but they didn't do anything wrong it's like that's like a kind of an unfair thing you just assign a prisoner to it for no reason i guess we'll assign this new guy to it then we'll reassign them again there we go did i put the toilet out in the middle of the oh yeah oh wait first let's unassign you to this actually i don't need to one side deleted [Music] boom there we go all right how are we doing on food food's a little low but considering our prisoners were good [Applause] i'm thinking to myself if this is an early access game and they put out these cardboard cutouts i bet these guards will be animated in the future i bet i bet they'll do something because why even put these guys here like it's kind of comedic on one end but since it's early access i wouldn't be surprised if they showed like a guard opening the door and patting people down and running security i'm sure there'll be something like that [Music] all right let's promote our security guard that's another thing i gotta do too is promote more staff so they can do things faster okay so now the next goals are basically just reach 10 population rehab two more people and then grant paroles but i'm nervous about that yeah animated cardboard cutouts exactly all right let's do the most important thing in the prison let's do the fun thing hi and welcome to prison enjoy your stay in one of our many luxurious cells complete with concrete and additional walls and bars welcome hi and welcome to prison enjoy your stay in one of our many luxurious cells complete with concrete and additional walls and bars welcome i'm pretty good at that [Music] good morning prison that's right you have your choice of taking a shower walking around and going repeatedly to the drinking fountain enjoy your day and your stay oh let's go with that [Music] good morning and enjoy your day and your stay here at the luxurious prison make your way over to the drinking fountain repeatedly and nothing else good morning and enjoy your day and your stay here at the luxurious prison make your way over to the drinking fountain repeatedly and nothing else that's a keeper [Music] perimeter breach algorithm alert demonetize all channels do all for the susan she has spoken destroy eradicate algorithm alert demonetize all channels [Music] she has spoken destroy oh that's lame uh hi we've noticed you're trying to escape if you could go ahead and for me right now not do that okay for me sir i'm getting back down from the wall okay for me right now okay you're not ronald reagan step down uh all right we've noticed you're trying to escape if you can go ahead for me right now not do that okay for me you can't back down from the wall okay for me right now okay you're not ronald reagan step down okay wait oh that's the lockdown one oops my bad uh oops uh lockdown initiate sleep k bye that's good and then finally the escape alarm [Music] you fool no one has ever escaped one of my prisons before mostly because i have control over loading a quick save law uh keck w emote no one has ever escaped one of my presents before [Music] all right that works and now we just wait for the money to slowly roll in [Music] and well you know what i like about this game is that the maintenance staff and like the cleaning staff are the same like they'll clean and do repairs so you just need more of them hi and welcome to prison enjoy your stay in one of our many luxurious cells complete with concrete that sounds oddly like when someone clicks or tap join and becomes a member right now i forgot what that button looks like though i can never remember memory's so foggy and hazy [Music] [Music] a million dollar voice i say why thank you future the future of yesterday thank you for your support the future of yesterday greatly appreciated and thank you very much for your 19.99 that's one penny short from 20. thank you thank you for your support the future of yesterday greatly appreciated and thank you very much for your 19.99 that's one penny short for 20. thank you thank you thanks again all right time for you to go to the infirmary there you go i don't know why they don't go there automatically like it's one thing for me to like assign them maybe therapy i guess because there's different options for it that makes sense but like if you're sick you only got one option you can only go to the infirmary or die i guess that's the other option is to die to death [Music] let's do a little thingy over here they're not like a coffee table oh there's a foosball table bobby [Music] a million dollar voice i say thank you [Music] i think we're just going to put a bunch of seating because typically what happens is people just go into this room to sit around and that's it [Music] it's almost like seating at the airport gate [Music] i guess they're gonna be doing a lot of reading in here [Music] there we go all right let's do some of the cells i haven't even seen decorations for the cells maybe we'll give them a desk oh wait wow they take up a lot of space all that stuff well here we have a radio [Music] all right everybody gets a radio [Music] initiate sleep okay bye [Music] this prison is going much better but i don't know why it's not like the other one was bad it was just taking time okay let's give them trash cans [Music] new member welcome now thanks mark again for the support appreciate it um how do i add more oh there it is i like how we can give them a water fountain in their cells it seems so weird [Music] i think what we're gonna play in a few days is uh hotel magnet too i'm gonna do a live stream on that one even though that game's not released it's just fun like making rooms i really wish there was a way to blueprint it out though and maybe not even blueprint but just like copy be nice to make one cell deck it out and then copy and paste it a few times i don't mind doing this manually either but it's nice to have options [Music] do yeah these rooms are starting to get on the level like best western i get a bathroom sink too wow but then what's the point of the restroom like i could understand building the restroom for this it must be for the prison uh staff [Music] and then the uh showers are for the prisoners although we only have one of those oh sorry sorry my bad sir you can go to you can go back to bed my bad all right yeah there needs to be like the common area with like uh majean going on or like chess or checkers or we need like a mail room for things to be uh sent out i remember if we light up our prison and i mean to be fair it is lights out so there should be nothing but darkness [Music] now let's see yeah this is the in-game music see i don't mind this song as much that russian was driving me crazy i don't know why ooh 225 pretty [Music] these seem to only fit in these rooms here [Music] i guess we'll put one in the infirmary guys gonna stay in there overnight [Music] yeah this game is available right now on steam it is in early access so there there's a few things that don't seem finished or whatnot but it's not like game breaking or annoying but i'd like to see if they actually change some of the things i guess we will see while the prisoners have it better than the staff let's work on the staff room [Music] let's do this move the tv into the middle [Music] yeah with the table to the end [Music] there we go [Music] too bad we can't like put the potted plants on the table i don't think we can do that oh okay would have been nice i guess [Music] on to a new month yeah it's the uh early access so the game is like fully out but you know in early it's it's so hard to like label videos sometimes because you got your betas your alphas your early access your full releases the game could be in the game could be out for like three years and then when i do a video on it because it finally comes out and i say newly released someone's like this thing this is not new it's like no it you're right it's not new but it it is new it's new to bit yeah or when a game is on epic game store for a million years and people don't really consider it to be released until it's out on steam so then i'm like hey this game's new and it's like no it's not new it's on epic it's like oh well nobody goes to epic unless they use the code raptoria checkout put a table in one of the cell blocks oh thank you scott appreciate that wow thank you appreciate it [Music] ladies and gentlemen scott bennett thank you scott appreciate the support on the uh table back seat there that was awesome dude that that's that's some front seat back seating right there thank you ladies and gentlemen pretty good thank you appreciate the support on the table that was awesome right there thank you thank you yeah wow i'm impressed [Music] wow look at all this trash bro [Music] the problem with the trash cans is that the staff have to end up like sweeping the they have to clean the trash can not empty the trash but they have to like clean it i guess we need more trash bins everywhere i can't believe how littering everybody is yeah we're gonna have to definitely add more trash cans to every nook and cranny of the prison [Music] i really enjoy that feature i certainly do game of the year you imagine this game winning game of the year for having the pa system and the nominees are or actually like let's say it fully releases like uh sometime next year and god of war and stuff comes out like and the winner is prison tycoon game of the year [Music] accepting the award for game of the year is mediocre youtuber oh no oh yes look at this line for the drinking fountain i don't get that [Music] good morning and enjoy your day and your stay here at the luxurious prison make your way over to the drinking fountain repeatedly and nothing else yep [Music] they did exactly what i said like look at that [Music] everybody just feeding on the drinking [Music] fountain like why is the drinking fountain a thing like [Music] i mean you think it would just be kind of a general decoration thing but it's like can our prisoners die from dehydration like is that a thing like maybe the water actually increases their health or something without having to get like maybe once their health gets too low they have to go to the infirmary that's the only way to get the health up then i don't know thank god i built three thousand water fountains all right keep in mind that should be like a required item because if you build one of those outside there's gonna be a line around the block and no one's ever gonna go to rehab or anything it's their only entertainment that's for maybe they're making bubbles [Music] all right well the infirmary is going i think we should build another bed oh sorry sir apple a day deal okay [Music] physical activity poster law [Music] jam pack this thing full of stuff let's add the scale [Music] too bad we can't add a window above the food hall okay i like that idea although we don't really have enough pro oh maybe we should decorate it with just a maze of trash cans uh let's see oh yeah let's do a snack machine drinking machine [Music] and coffee oh we have a dessert counter too [Music] oh yeah a water fountain yeah [Music] well here we can put this here move this over here [Music] wait [Music] can they walk around that i'll move it over one yeah it looks like they can get around the back yeah okay [Music] oh doesn't look like they can [Music] wow look at how those are completely off yet how their squares work what the hell wow [Music] all right well i guess we'll put dessert first and then these things wow that is [Music] absolutely anger-inducing hi and welcome to prison enjoy your stay in one of our many luxurious cells complete with concrete and additional walls and bars welcome actually quite good that recording i'm proud of that i made this well i guess we can have windows right like what are they going to do there's just like a fence there all right we got a new prisoner welcome aboard god this youtuber needs to go to jail cops are on the way guys don't worry cops are on the way [Music] ah the problem with this blueprint thing is that you gotta every time you get a new prison you gotta design a whole new [Music] oh yeah garbage can uh youtube always seems to default to uh 144p for a lot of people you'll just have to you'll just have to turn it up manually i don't know what that is but it's really annoying even i get that sometimes on videos like i'm connected to my internet my internet's good you know i know i can handle 1080p plus no problem and youtube's like 144p hope you enjoy the one pixel on the screen [Music] okay so all we gotta do is have one more prisoner and we've completed our goal oh they want us to place a small electric generator too ah the russian map we were buying like power every 10 seconds i guess the mistake was that i went too quickly with putting up literally just lights and that took a lot of power i cells guess with concrete and additional walls and bars welcome [Music] i feel like i could do one of the vendors if they ever make another bioshock game i'll just i'll be one of the vendors at one of the little uh one of the little kiosks where you can go buy ammo what was that thing called like uh [Music] the circus of value oh wait the sink is next to the toilet and then across from that's the drinking fountain [Music] and the recycling bin there we go yeah you can change it manually but uh there should be a way youtube should just i don't they used to be smart i don't know the last month youtube's done this like big uh jihad against tiktok and they're trying to take like every dollar on the internet and it's like hey could you guys just stop and like start providing features and stuff for your partners and people who watch no profit and money money and profit and money and youtube's kind of like the government when it comes to like taxes and stuff where it's like hey hey hey hey what's going on over there are you making a little bit of money i'm gonna need some of that uh could you stay out of this that money over there is actually mine and i need it go make your own money no youtube won't add new features or anything unless there's a unless they want to take somebody else's money look at this here this is crazy why is there all this garbage in here oh it's chat i'm kidding it's just the cells have we played pr cryofall since the last time i played uh i mean i don't know i played it a couple times i don't know if you've seen it since then i guess you'll just have to kind of check the channel to see what i've done even i don't remember what i do oh we're low on money i was just kidding chat you guys are lovely trash you guys are recyclable it's good some of your glass and plastic and alloy and metal for our simcity stream for tonight that's good that's good stuff you guys are usable and reusable it's good you don't pollute as much all right we need to grant three oh we have to build a visitor center now too oh and a small water deposit too although water is definitely not a problem unlike power i don't have money for this stuff i ended up like giving our people too much stuff i was too generous [Music] uh you have to hire a kitchen staff in order to produce food but you can buy it from the world menu [Music] if you buy a kitchen staff though you got to build you got to build the kitchen then you have to put appliances in it then you get to hire somebody and there's usually an upfront hiring cost to like several thousand dollars and it's like oh my god uh when is it gonna be the next stream with you walking around outside eating nuggets probably a while it's pretty it's pretty it's pretty hot out prison actually your stay in one of our many luxurious cells complete with concrete and additional walls welcome welcome cool so now we've got yet another jail cell hey that makes for 10 though doesn't it oh we already had 10. i don't understand how there could be trash in rooms that people shouldn't be going i guess just by default rooms get dirty by just existing [Music] i guess seems a little strange if nobody's going in there [Music] i mean you think about like some uh back closet in your house doesn't get that dirty it certainly gets dusty [Music] oh boy i have nothing now oh i like when the lights come on that's cool i need to take out a loan if you don't pay it back it'll be forever alone like me [Music] okay we gotta buy additional power let's buy food and water [Music] and medicine is fine [Music] okay get all of our money back in order [Music] now [Music] i swear there's got to be a copy feature in this game and i just haven't seen it like i i feel like they should have put that in and i just don't see it [Music] it'd be so nice to be able to copy and paste a cell design especially since they're so small and you need so many of them they're pretty easy to put together hot black silver thanks for the five oh do i prefer it with a keyboard mouse or probably keyboard mouse that game although i think it's cool that you can have a controller but for me i'm more comfortable with the keyboard i meant to ask this yesterday but do you prefer hard space ship breakers with keyboard and mouse or controller yeah definitely keyboard and mouse [Music] that's a great game heartspace shipbreaker is awesome and funny and and i don't i just haven't felt like i've had enough time to play all the games i've wanted to lately even though we're doing like uh three hour streams or so of each but i got other stuff i gotta do too like eat cry then eat while crying it takes time and it's that good cry too like at the end of uh at the end of casino when you're watching joe pesci [Music] or no more like that uh the new movie what is it the italian [Music] what is that new movie is it the italian or what was it the uh and uh at the end robert de niro's like the only guy alive and his daughters won't talk to him because they know he was into crime it was called the italian what was that called it was a weird weird name the italian guy oh the irishman yeah that's it yeah the italian guy yes i enjoyed the italian guy not the irishman i i don't think that was the title chat yes the italian guy there was a guy he was italian it was the italian guy maybe i was thinking of the uh the italian job and the irishman but i didn't want to call it as the the guy the irish guy irish spring soap um a zest you're not fully clean until your zest fully clean [Music] dude how come i have no money bro i guess we got to get i got we got to finish this rehab it's the only way all right so we can get some cash by building the water deposit thing now but first let's buy wait we don't need that let's buy water i want not to mention loans are brutal but we need them food and water taken care of let's build the water thing again [Music] the italian guy i was thinking of star wars yeah [Music] i don't know what i was thinking but it was you know me none of us know what i'm thinking not even me i could think of anything at any moment oh just like that wow can't believe i'd think about that [Music] now let's get the big water tank i'm tired of paying these prices for water and power [Music] uh cacti and cells cannot let your plant die well yeah i suppose a cactus would just need a little bit of water and some light i'm pretty sure like even artificial light would probably be fine maybe i don't know cactuses don't seem as picky as everything else anybody here nope [Music] game's cool [Music] i want i wanted to uh i wonder how they're there the way i guess to get money after the grant section has got to be rehabilitating people and then releasing them on parole and you seem to get about maybe like a couple thousand for the rehabilitation in a couple like double that for the the rehab and release but you lose all that money if they ever come back to prison so like if they reoffend this is fine this is totally fine i'm on it [Music] wait can i grant any parole oh god i can still hear it in the background okay nobody escape will i figure this out go go drink your oh if we could charge the prisoners several thousand dollars for drinking fountain usage i think that's where i went wrong i just i'm giving everybody too much uh stuff at least we have power back online all right i like this game i even after all this time playing i still want to play this more and like like actually build a bigger prison and stuff i think honestly i think we're still fine like we just the problem now is just we got to get people releasing but that just takes so much time because the biggest drawback in this is like you have to wait you get like one prisoner a year and once they um like it's all just it's like a u-haul storage once you've rehabilitated somebody you still need to wait for them to uh you know be rehabilitated to get the money from them so like that's the goal it's like get 20 people and then like you release like two or three at a time so then it's like you get eight thousand and ten thousand it just takes a little time to set up unfortunately though we're out of time for now so we'll come on back with this one sometime soon i like this game a lot i think there's a few things that are missing it's early access so i'm hoping they'll be included later which i hope they will and feel that they would be but this is a pretty solid experience and i like what i see here and there there's quite a few different ways to build things you don't have to just like have the small prison you can have the big one but anyway i'll see you guys in about 30 minutes for sim city and we will build ourselves a city and see if we can uh continue to build the rocket ship i think that we decided on or whatever whatever we decided on in our region anyway this game's cool i want to play it some more appreciate you guys being here thanks for all the super chats welcome to all the new members if you have not smashed join you're missing out on all the giveaways and stuff on the discord make sure you do we got a lovely uh community on the discord and of course many more things to go tomorrow i'll be doing some giveaways for call to arms and call to arms get to hell we'll uh do some giveaways tomorrow evening as they gave us quite a few keys for you guys all right i'll see you all in a few for simcity more building games to come on the channel very soon but this one i like i like this a lot i i want to play this more but i gotta go [Music] oh well thank you guys for watching have a fantastic afternoon good evening and good night and don't forget to leave a like on your way out not liking will be mandatory prison sentence thank you guys for watching have a fantastic afternoon good evening and good night and don't forget to leave a like on your way out not like you would be mandatory [Music] you
Channel: Raptor
Views: 116,712
Rating: 4.8287106 out of 5
Id: M38J4GdFeiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 25sec (12925 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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