r/AmITheA**hole She Mocked a Widow About Her Dead Baby 😱

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welcome to our slash am i the butthole where someone mocks a grieving mother at the funeral of her dead husband and children am i the butthole for going to the parents of the girl my stepsister has been bullying my 17 year old stepsister has been bullying this girl in our grade mia mia is a very shy person we were never friends but we were friendly until the bullying started and then mia withdrew from everyone i found out about the bullying over a month ago people described it as not real bullying but my stepsister called her names and told her that she doesn't deserve friends i found a note from my stepsister telling me of this i was pissed my stepsister and i never had a good relationship because we're always fighting but i never figured that she was an actual bully just someone who got on my freaking nerves i ended up going to mia's parents with what i knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it's been brought up with the school and mia's parents want my step-sister expelled my dad is pissed he said that it was so unbelievably petty and mean-spirited to go to the girl's parents over sibling issues i told my dad that nothing between me and my step-sister would ever be sibling issues because we are not siblings and that my actual siblings my younger brother and sister would never do that to another person my stepsister's been suspended and it looks like she'll be expelled on thursday when the big meeting happens my dad's wife is freaking out and so are my step brothers with the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think that i'm wrong for doing what i did for at least not talking to my step-sister first i feel like going to me as parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even just calling someone names can cut a person really deep but i never expected this kind of reaction life at home is very awkward right now am i the butthole wait hold on so it's petty and mean-spirited to stand up to a bully but it's not petty and mean-spirited to be a bully what are your parents talking about opie and what's more people saying that it's not real bullying well in that case what's fake bullying look like uh there's no such thing because it's all just bullying op you definitely did the right thing here i mean yeah someone could make the argument that you should have gone to your stepsister first but realistically how would that have gone hey stepsister i see that you're bullying mia and i would really appreciate if you stop oh my bad i recognize the errors of my ways and i totally understand that i'm in the wrong here my apologies i'll stop op you get a solid 0 out of 5 buttholes your stepsister gets 3.5 out of 5 buttholes and your parents get 3 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for telling a mom the truth about why her son wasn't invited to a sleepover party my son just turned 10 and for his birthday he wanted to do a superhero themed slumber party we did something similar on the last two years and they all had a blast the party started around three and we did pizzas movie popcorn and design superhero masks my son is friends with a boy named james from his class he came to the last two sleepover parties and while he was well behaved it was his parents who i felt were the problem when we send out the invites we tell the parents when the party is and what time to pick the kids up the next day for the last two parties james was always the last one to be picked up for my son's eighth birthday we specifically stated that all kids should be picked up by 11 am we had plans to go to my in-laws for my kid's birthday party which was on his actual birthday we had five boys including our son at the party and three of them were picked up by 11am at 11 30 i texted james mom and asked if she was coming to get him and she said that she was on her way i assumed that she ran an errand it was just running behind no big deal by 12 30 she still hadn't shown up so i texted her again and reminded her that i had somewhere to be and she had to get here as soon as possible she responded that she was eating lunch and she would be there soon by 2pm i texted her again and let her know that she has to pick her son up asap that we're getting ready to leave in an hour and that her son was not invited to come with us i had assumed that this would prompt her to come get him by 4 pm my husband left with our kids to my in-laws and i called james's mother i left her a voicemail and told her that if she wasn't at my house in 30 minutes to pick up her son i was calling the police to inform them that he was an abandoned child she showed up within 15 minutes to get him she gave some half-hearted apology about how she was busy with errands and running your other kids to their activities today i received a text message from her asking why james wasn't invited to the sleepover party apparently one of the other moms was talking about how much fun the kids had at the party and she wanted to know why her son wasn't invited so i told her the truth that her son wasn't invited because i wasn't sure if she would come get him in a timely manner without disrupting our plans for the rest of the day i explained that anytime her son is at my house she's always late to pick him up and i was tired of catering to her schedule she called me an uppity b word and has since blocked me in social media and her phone am i the butthole for telling her why her son wasn't invited no way opie you are not the butthole here you were being completely reasonable you communicated your schedule and gave her a lot of chances to come pick up her kid but instead she was treating you like a free daycare and worst of all she's allowing her 10 year old son to suffer the consequences of her screw-up op it looks like we've got a classic case of an entitled parent on our hands you get 0 out of 5 buttholes she gets 2 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for making my father rebook my wedding venue and nearly triple the original cost after my stepsister cancelled my original booking my stepsister impersonated me and canceled my wedding venue reservation she's 18 years old and a jealous cow i got the reservation for a steal because i booked early and coveted made things uncertain well now demand for wedding venues has skyrocketed the venue is now asking nearly triple the original cost for the same date they say that they'll honor the original reservation if i show proof that my stepsister committed fraud in the form of a police report my father has begged me not to involve the police so i told him he'll need to cover the new cost then all of it except for my original deposit because i'm super aggravated my father is going to have to sell some property to do this he's put down the additional deposit for the venue already though i know that my father isn't to blame here but that witch is living under his roof and by asking me not to report her fraud i can only assume that he's taken responsibility for her actions am i the butthole i do feel guilty because my fiance and i are much more financially well-off than my father but i just feel like this isn't my problem to fix my father did find an alternative venue that was pretty nice and wasn't that expensive but i just said that it had to be the original venue i'm just incredibly pissed off nah op you said it yourself you wrote i can only assume that my father took responsibility for her actions and yeah that's exactly what's happening here you deserve recompense and that should come from your stepsister but your father saying no so instead that falls on his shoulders seems pretty reasonable if you ask me and it's true your dad didn't do anything wrong here but if he's willing to pay for your step-sister's sins then that's on him opie you get zero out of five buttholes what you're doing is completely reasonable honestly i think i'd also give your father 0 out of 5 buttholes i would definitely agree that the stepsister deserves some sort of punishment but still it's completely normal for a father to want to protect his daughter so i think that's reasonable he's paying you to make it up to you and he's protecting his stepdaughter from legal repercussions so yeah it's a noble thing he's doing zero out of five buttholes i will add though that if your father just covers your stepsister's crime and gives her no punishment then i think it'd have to go up to one out of five buttholes for him in that case your dad would be acting like an irresponsible father who is not raising his daughter to be a good woman speaking of not being a good woman your stepsister gets 2.5 out of 5 bud holes am i the butthole for telling my sister-in-law that no one cares that she's pregnant backstory my 33 year old cousin mary lost her husband and two of her three kids in a car accident last week mary and her five-year-old daughter are as devastated as you would expect it's just heartbreaking well today was the funeral and my brother's wife who's 26 announced her pregnancy the second she arrived at our house this morning we were like okay congratulations but please keep it on the download for today well when we arrived at the church she kept making gagging sounds and rubbing her stomach saying as a mom i can't imagine what she's going through they don't have any kids so people would look at her funny and then she'd tell them that she was pregnant afterwards at my aunt's house my sister-in-law kept making everything about her like someone would be in the bathroom and my sister-in-law would loudly say pregnant lady needs to pee she literally told my cousin's sister to give her her seat so the lady with the baby could rest her feet i ignored her until she came up to mary stuck out her flat belly and said my husband and i just found out that i was pregnant and honestly we're beside ourselves thinking that what happened to you could happen to us mary broke down i snapped and said who says that to a woman who just literally lost two babies no one gives an f that you're pregnant look around it's not just one but two babies funerals not to mention the love of mary's life i knew that you were an attention seeker but for f's sake you took the pregnancy test four days ago just leave she left in tears and my brother called me a fat bitter b word i've gotten phone calls from my brother and my sister-in-law's family calling me a world of names because i made a pregnant woman cry if i'm being honest even though mary and my aunt thanked me because it was all making mary upset i feel worse about making a scene please put me in my place if i'm wrong all right ops so this is one of those stories where you read the title am i the butthole for telling my sister-in-law that no one cares that she's pregnant and you think to yourself man this person's totally going to be the butthole here how rude what situation could possibly exist on planet earth where that would not make op the butthole but yeah i would say this situation fits that bill quite perfectly op you are completely not the butthole in this situation what your sister-in-law did was extremely rude like first of all i can't even imagine coming to a funeral and saying something like that in front of the widow and the mother of the dead babies i mean geez lady i get that you're happy and you're excited about the baby and everything but timing matters maybe don't parade your pregnancy in front of the woman who just lost her two babies oh my god that's a shame about your dead babies but the good news is that i'm having a baby isn't that fantastic oh my god like even just me sitting in my basement recording this video speaking of my stupid karen voice i felt cringy and bad just saying that to an imaginary person online and this person's rubbing it in the face of a literal crying widow like oh my god op you're not the butthole here okay can we just all agree hope he's not the butthole here this woman completely deserved to be put in her place absolutely she should have been kicked out way earlier than that if you ask me also i'd like to point out that my wife just had a baby and she did not talk like that coming through pregnantly needs to pee oh i'm so hungry because i'm pregnant ah just let me put my feet up because the pregnant lady needs to rest her feet no the only reason why you talk like that is because you want people to know that you're pregnant op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes your sister-in-law gets 4.5 out of 5 buttholes i genuinely want to give her more but i try to reserve 5 out of 5 for like literal child abusers and people like that am i the butthole for kicking my sister out to the streets because she can't take my effing violin playing i'm a 30 year old woman who's a musician i'm playing gigs at an orchestra as a violinist rehearsals just resumed so the orchestra is my main source of income at the moment my sister who's 26 is a social worker who works three days a week so she makes minimal income but she adores her job i live in a small two bedroom apartment using the second room as a practice room and storage for my instruments three violins two guitars a digital piano and a small drum kit four months ago my sister broke up with her boyfriend and i temporarily offered her my spare room i moved most of my stuff to the living room so i could fit a small bit in there my sister moved in but she asked me to move more stuff to the living room i moved pretty much everything except the piano to the point where the living room became uninhabitable then my sister started complaining about my violin playing saying that it gave her headaches i told her that i couldn't stop my daily practice without risking my only steady income but the arguments got worse she told me to play only when she wasn't home but with her work schedule i couldn't afford that i tried switching to an electric violin but even that can be pretty loud so it didn't help several times i reminded her that this was only a temporary arrangement but she didn't seem to hear me two weeks ago i arrived home to find my piano in the bathroom near water and humidity because my sister needed the space for her new double bed when i told her that she can't seriously expect me to store my piano there she said yeah you'll just have to sell it i guess i got so mad that i told her she had seven days to leave but she didn't take me seriously for a week i only talked to her to remind her how much time she had left but she always laughed it off and told me to stop acting like a crazy person when the deadline came i boxed up all her stuff while she was at work booked an airbnb bid sit close by and drove her stuff there she was livid but she couldn't do anything except take her new keys and stay there the following week she kept calling me with an increasingly apologetic tone saying that she shouldn't have moved my piano or bought a bed she promised she would put more effort into finding a new place and by the end of the week i considered most of her issues to be at least addressed so i drove to help her move back in but while i was carrying the first box back into my apartment she said i do hope that you'll at least stop with the violin this time i absolutely refuse to take more of that effing violin i dropped the box wished her good luck and left now two days later on one hand it feels like a huge overreaction to leave my own sister literally homeless because of an argument about a violin but on the other hand i have no plans to allow her back here because i feel like she would just continue crossing boundaries and never leave man this episode feels like the day of evil sisters opie you were doing your sister a huge favor she was down on her luck so you basically gave her a place to stay for free and the only requirement you have for giving her free room and board was to just respect your stuff and respect your violin practice time your sister for some reason could do neither there's that phrase my house my rules well yeah opie it's your house it's your rules op you get zero out of five buttholes your sister gets 2.5 out of five buttholes that was our slash in my the butthole and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 368,159
Rating: 4.9544683 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: Re9nbrJmcg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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