r/ProRevenge - I Get a NIGHTMARE Contractor Jailed for 15 YEARS! [My Revenge]

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hello my friends I hope you're doing well today and welcome back to our slash Pro revenge where a lot of you come to get your daily dose of satisfaction by listening to others getting what they deserve guys in today's episode there's gonna be three stories the first story is about a grandpa sending a sleazy contractor to jail the second story is how a landscaper deals with a client who won't pay up and we'll finish up with a shady mechanic story guys I hope you stay for the stories today because they're absolutely incredible and hit that subscribe button for future revenge stories this first story is titled contractor procrastinates for profit gets prison so this is something that happened to my grandfather to understand him he was a quality control engineer for a pretty major marketing firm and he was a master of aggressively renegotiating deals he was and is a strict taskmaster not entitled or unreasonable but if something went wrong there would be hell to pay so he decided that he wanted to renovate his home take the moderately big two-story house and add two new bedrooms and a master bath he brings in a contractor and gets a quote and they say as part of the work they'll need to completely refinish the front - my grandfather agrees and they start work it's a serious effort and winds up carving open the whole front of the house and all sorts of madness things go well at first the destruction goes smoothly then starts construction at first things were just slow going sluggish delivery from all sources slow permits from the city you get the idea and then things get silly it took them over three months to start and finish the plumbing four months for the insulation my grandfather is paying for a lot of time and not a lot of work done he's irritated about the speed but besides making some noise there's not really much to be done about it and bit by bit the house starts to come together as they're putting on the weather proofing an inspector comes in and puts a stop to the whole affair the contractor had improperly filed the plans now my grandfather is pretty furious by this point but he keeps a cool enough head and starts asking what's gonna be done about it with the contractor the thinking was that they redraft the plans and send them out for rhea prove all the contractor says he'll do it and five months go by the house is just sitting there fancy new framework is still hanging in the breeze and then all of a sudden the contractor says he's pulling out he had no idea the hell he just unleashed my grandfather didn't just jump straight into suing him oh no sir he took his time before even getting a lawyer he did his homework track down every single client the guy's had for the last three years and did a deep dive on the books to figure out what the hell happened it turns out that this wasn't an isolated incident just the most egregious as it happens this contractor had a penchant for screwing people over turning minor renovation jobs into complete dumpster fires his modus operandi was to file the changes with a city make a private second set of plans start making things based off the second set intentionally let the city halt the construction then restart the project on a third draft after talking to some other customers he and 8 other victims collectively filed charges against him they annihilated the guy they took every cent he had liquidated his company and sent him to something like 15 years in prison for fraud and got the state to help recoup expenses two months later a new contracting company blitzed my grandfather's renovations and he was able to drink in his master suite to toast his revenge now this is a good revenge a lot of people may have just called it a day after the contractor pulled out but the grandpa wasn't willing to deal with the sleazy contractors shenanigans you can only mess with so many people be or one person takes a stand this next story is titled don't want to pay for the work done have a dead yard quick back story to keep it from being too boring I had recently lost my job and like most people at the time I was having to do odd jobs on Craigslist just to get by I recruited a friend to help me do the various odd jobs since he was in a similar situation we pooled our resources and cobbled together enough equipment to do landscaping work we were both young like early 20s and didn't really know when we were getting scammed or fooled so we got a call from one of our ads to do some landscaping work for a guy who happened to live about a mile away awesome we wouldn't have to spend too much on gas but we'd have to sacrifice our Labor Day weekend to do the job since it was a large job the guy asked us to put in a raised bed that essentially wrapped around his entire house imagine a house in a newly built subdivision that has a smallish yard and a few trees he wanted the bed to be built with landscaping bricks and wanted us to copy a style that his neighbor has done cool no problem we try to discuss the payment but he keeps giving us the runaround and because we were in a desperate situation we get fooled into doing the work with no agreed-upon labor fee and this was our mistake and one that we never made again we were just happy to have some work we spent two full days working our asses off in the middle of summer not really knowing what we were getting paid we were using our tools truck and time grinding away but we kept wondering why this guy was acting so shady finally on day three near the end of the day I'm fed up with a runaround and knock on the door and confront the guy about payment he starts getting all aggressive and starts threatening us with non payments which immediately escalates the situation I grab my friend and bring him into the argument after about 30 minutes of arguing the guy decides he will pay us 70 dollars for the work yeah $70 to split between us after three days of labor we loaded up our truck with tools then waited for the guy come up with our cash this guy comes out with a huge wad of cash but proceeds to only count $70 in front of us we collect our money and grab our last item a tarp we had been using a really large tarp to put the weeds grass and extra dirt on to make our lives easier since we didn't have a wheelbarrow at the time the accumulated mound on this thing must have been four feet high we drag it into the middle of his front yard and dump the tarp this is the first screw you we load up and peel out because you know we're angry youngsters and now for the pro revenge part so my friend's mom was a real landscaper she heard her story and offered up some excellent revenge advice she told us to take the backpack sprayers we had fill them with a warm salt water mix and then ride over and spray his yard we had planned to do this about two months later when the time came we executed that plan at night around 2 a.m. we parked down at the pool parking lot walked down to his house and absolutely bombed this dudes yard we came back about a month later and everything was dead or dying flowers grass small trees all of it guys I don't know much about landscaping or grass and do correct me if I'm wrong but if the ground is salted there's no chance in recovery right like you'd have to dig everything up and put down new grass I've always heard that salting the earth pretty much kills everything and nothing can ever grow again this last toys titled my car is unsafe to drive and you can't release it to me enjoy your arrest I'm a chick nursing student I'm also 30 a military vet and have always always done 90% of the work on my vehicles the only things I can't do are balance tires which I don't have the tools for and some of the large work that requires things like cherry pickers and whatnot so like any good vehicle owner whose vehicle has sat for a long period of time without being driven after getting back from a six-month mobilize a that left my truck sitting in dry storage I went through and did maintenance I checked and replaced the fan belts air filters spark plugs oil and fuel filters did an oil change and radiator flush check the battery and connections checked my brake pads and alignment swapped out my winter tires for summer tires cleaned out my truck and replaced my winter survival gear with summer survival gear and last but not least I added injector treatment to my fuel tank filled my tank and took my truck to have the tires balanced by a lush wob tire place now because of the other errands I had and because I just spent six months in unpleasant sandy areas in uniform I dressed up heels dress slacks silk blouse well tailored jackets and hair up in a bun just like that I dropped my truck off agreed that I needed the tires balanced and that was it and was told that it would be about an hour awesome I was about to walk off to my other errands down the block when I noticed through a big glass window the lush wob tire place was already pulling my truck into the bay so I decided to wait and being the interested person I am I watch as two guys started to pull the tires off my truck and a third the man who had taken my keys and agreed that I was only asking for my tires to be balanced sat in the driver seat joning down notes on a little notepad after about 10 minutes the third guy with the notepad came back inside and walked over to me and explained that during his free assessment of my vehicle he found a lot of safety issues that needed to be corrected I asked him like what he responded well it's like this and proceeded to rattle off a list of ten or twelve items from his notepad that he had noticed in his free assessment he told me the fan belt needs to be replaced it's overdue for an oil change and radiator flush the fuel and oil filters are shot and have to be replaced the brake pads are shots and have to be replaced and the alignment is totally out of whack and ruined my tires which also now have to be replaced instead of just balanced everything on his list were things that I had checked or replaced and he ended with this I'm really sorry miss but your vehicle is one big safety problem I can't release it to you to drive in the condition that it's currently in keep in mind that not only had I just done all the work but he never once opened the hood of my truck you can't look at the majority of what I've listed here without opening the hood of the vehicle after a moment of consideration I asked him how much he thought it would take to make it quote unquote Road worthy he screwed up his face and did some math in his little notebook he says a a rough estimate about $3,700 but it could cost more because your vehicle is technically an import and the parts can be hard to find I then asked to speak with the manager and was told that the manager was out for the day I then responded with so you're telling me that unless I get thirty seven hundred dollars worth of work done on my vehicle you can't release the vehicle to me the rightful owner because it isn't safe or roadworthy he says yes he continued on with his Babel of apologies and explanations in a sly fakely apologetic and condescending tone and asked if there was anyone to give me a ride home I asked him to give me a couple of minutes I walked out into the parking lot and got on my phone out of earshot from him or his mechanics who were still balancing my tires and promptly got on the phone with the Sheriff's Department when I explained everything to the officer he promised to be out in fifteen minutes to help me clear the matter up I walked back inside and told the mechanic with the sweetest smile that I could conjure that I would have someone here presently to help me with the matter I also asked him for the list of repairs needed along with his quote so I could discuss it with my friend who would be arriving shortly he happily handed me the evidence to his arrest and even signed his name on it for me so I could quote get in contact with him if I needed more than today to consider the repairs and costs the cherry on top of the whole thing was the absent manager walked in just in time to see the employee get handcuffed and I got a free tire balance service because of what the now former employee tried to pull some mechanic shops are super sleazy and it totally sounds like the mechanic was trying to upsell to get a hefty Commission a lot of shops prey on people who look like they have no clue about their vehicles and it's sad to say but it's a lot of the times it's women or the elderly I don't think they can legally hold your vehicle though and force you to do repairs the reason I say this is I have a friend at Honda who worked on a car with balding tires that were unsafe to drive and the customer refused to replace the tires because you know he didn't have any money so basically what Honda gets you to do is to sign a waiver form that basically said they inspected the tires deemed it unsafe to drive on and the customer was the one who refused to change so yeah I don't know I don't know what kind of shady mechanic shop this is that tried to hold the vehicle from her I don't think you can legally do that and that's it for this episode of our slash pro revenge if you didn't catch the last episode of our slash Pro revenge opiez boss slams her leg in a door and she decides to take down his business it's a really good tale so if you haven't heard it click the video right now I hope you guys got your revenge fix for the day and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 120,491
Rating: 4.9340768 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, contractor, bad contractors caught, bad contractor stories, horrible contractor, contractor nightmare, worst contractors
Id: jEL2Kp8tq0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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