Driveway so long it took over 8 years to complete!

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[Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name's matt currently loaded up in my international 10-ton dump truck here pulling into the stone quarry if you've been watching the channel for any amount of time you'll know that i have some property and i've been putting a driveway on it for the better part of a year and a half now because the driveway is just so long it's uh very expensive to complete so when i have the time and the money and the stars all align i usually work on it but the big exciting news today is i'm finishing this thing finally i've decided screw it i'm just busting it out dig deep in those tight pockets of mine and uh finish this driveway out the good news for you guys about that is after i have this thing in completely all the way back to my shipping container shop that means i'll have easier access to work on the auto car project which is the reason a lot of you are here if you haven't seen the auto car project i have a 1957 auto car that i'm trying to restore one of these days and there's several videos on the channel on it i'll put a little card up here or whatever side it's on and if you don't see it just check the channel page you won't miss it there's a whole playlist on it anyways to finally finish this project out we've got a couple trees to take down we've got a bunch of topsoil to strip we've got a bunch of fabric to lay out and a bunch of stone to haul so let's get to it good morning guys up early today up before the sun fixing to hop into the dump truck here and we're going to be uh hauling rock all day go ahead and check the fluids what do you think buddy what is it early yeah are we gonna wake the neighbors up with the dump truck probably that's fine they need to get up earlier come on right on the full mark couldn't be better well the quarry opens at seven and it's 701 and it appears i'm the first one here i beat the employees so i think they're still having some sort of safety meeting so hopefully they get reloaded soon so [Applause] so [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] all right so this big wheel loader uh it's well suited to quickly push off these piles makes quick work of it for sure but i can't do as nice and neat a job with it as i can the skid steer so i'm just going to knock the piles down with this thing and then i'll come back with a skid steer and fine tune it up see like i got rock spilling over the edges both places there so i can take the skid steer and pull that back up and spread it out a little bit nicer that thing is good for like a final back drag and make sure it's all nice and smooth uh i could pull those edges back with that big machine but what i'd end up doing is just tearing up everything around it so in the spirit of not trying to make a bigger mess i'm gonna use the skid steer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now if you've been watching the channel for a long time you'll know that i've built this entire driveway just using the skid steer there that's what spread all this rock out i did well i did use the dozer a little bit i guess in the beginning and i have the same problem with the dozer as i do with this big wheel loader the bucket or the blade on the dozer is so wide that when you start pushing a pile like this it spills over both sides and goes off the edges of our road fabric here and with the the clay the way it is here on my property you might as well say that any rock that isn't on top of that fabric is pretty much wasted i mean it'll pack in and eventually you know you could build up a base on it but really i'm just trying to keep the rock on the fabric so to be the most economical i'm going to switch back to using just the skid steer because i can control it better and keep it on the fabric [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay as you guys have seen it's been less than ideal conditions i'm laying rock down on top of it's kind of kind of wet you know so uh the rock's kind of pumpy and lumpy and i'm gonna try to get it to lay down flat using the uh the roller here i'm going to static roll it it's called which is basically just dead weight no vibration so i'm not even running the roller [Music] the reason you don't want to vibrate right now in wet conditions is because it's just like when you vibrate concrete you start vibrating which does pack the rock good but it also brings all the water to the surface which will just make more mud underneath of our rock so we don't want to do that we'll just take take our time do some more passes with the roller and pack it in good with just some dead weight [Music] all right that looks a lot better let me get down low here so you guys can hopefully tell that roller really did a good job it flattened everything out he was able to use the tractor wheel on this side to kind of create a little bit of a ditch there and hopefully that'll help water run this way and not lay underneath the driveway so as i was driving the tractor on there i could still see the whole driveway is still pumping uh if you're not familiar with that term it means like uh if you watch somebody drive across a soft area with rock on it the whole area around them will kind of move a little bit it's kind of like a bowl full of jell-o in the construction industry that's called pumping and unfortunately in my case there's not really anything i could do about that right now in a big job like building highways or something they'd cut all this out down to good hard dirt and then uh put rock back on top of it but that is not feasible with my budget time has finally come after over a year of me slowly chipping away at this expansive driveway project of mine this tree has been the end point for the straight part of the driveway for the entire project and the reason i picked it is because it was just kind of the general area where i wanted my future house and garage to be and it's a big dead tree and i didn't mind taking it out and now we're at that stage so it's kind of sketchy because the limbs up there are pretty pretty much toast so one good whack and that big limbs could shear off and come down and hit you undecided whether i want to try to push it over with the big loader or dig around it and push it over at the excavator i have better control with the excavator but i'm a little more vulnerable in the excavator too if that limb would come down it's going to damage the machine a lot more than it would that loader anyways enough john let's do something and hope we don't get dead so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it's the next morning i got two more loads of stone here one on the truck one on the ground and we have got enough material to bring us down here and make the turn um but we need to get the dozer out real quick and start cutting all the topsoil off of this [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys well witnessed by the state of this road i am not the world's best dozer hand i kind of feel embarrassed every time i get on the thing on camera because uh i can do better on a more modern dozer but you know my own personal dozer kind of wore out it's got the old controls a little harder to control i've got way more time in a modern dozer but uh still not the greatest there either i'm more of an excavator guy but anyway it started to rain i know you probably can't tell on camera so i hurried up and took the roller and tried to seal everything up it's definitely got some lumps and bumps in it you still but i just wanted to hurry up and get it sealed up before the water got to it but it's not too bad i'll uh probably touch up just a few little spots of the skid steer and call it done all the topsoil on the uphill side there i'm gonna go ahead and pile it up with the skid steer and i'll stay off of this grade too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it has been literally years in the making to get this driveway to this point and i've just tied in the last section we're right here at the ship and container shop and it feels really nice to have a way in and out of here if if it's raining because my ground is such that if it's wet you're just gonna get stuck it's a mud hole in the middle of the summer maybe you can get by with running on it a little bit if it's been raining but any other time of year forget it the crane truck was kind of in the way or i would have graded this stone down a little bit further and when i get the truck out of the way i'll get some more loads and make this whole area rock right here and eventually all these trees right here will be coming out and i'll have a nice big lay down yard here the carburetor's off the truck right now that's why i can't move it but look at that beautiful ribbon of limestone guys oh it's been a long time coming let me tell you that long time coming this section right here there was some stump holes that were pumping pretty bad i'm confident that i'm going to have to readdress that area a couple times as the year goes on here i still have to top coat the entire thing i'd like to find asphalt millings if at all possible but i want to wait to top coat it until all this new rock that i've put in here is really packed in and all the stump holes settle out of it and low spots show themselves so i can fix all that before i put the top coat on so i'm about to go get my measuring wheel and i'm going to measure from the road all the way down to the shipping container shop and you guys got to tell me down in the comments how many feet you think it is it's one long driveway i can tell you that much well guys it's the next day no i'm not lying it's it's the next day yesterday was like uh mid 60s during the day and today it's it's snowing yeah welcome to pennsylvania weather anyway got my fancy dancy measuring wheel here we're gonna start up the road right now and we're gonna walk all the way down to the container shop and see exactly how long this driveway is i'm uh curious for my own sake i really i got an idea but i'm not sure so let's get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that was a long haul had to switch hands three times where are we at right there looks like 1847 feet man well when i have kids and i tell them they have to shovel the driveway they're not going to be happy anyways guys i think that's about the last you're going to see in the driveway for a little while anyways once we get uh old christine my motorgrader put back together then i'll be bringing in some material and we'll do a nice top coat with some finer material on top that'll help lock everything together better as well as uh make it a lot smoother to ride on but anyways if you like the video if you like extreme swings and pennsylvania weather conditions go ahead and click the like button and uh if you haven't already hit the subscribe so i can see you on the next video as always guys thanks for watching i'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 485,703
Rating: 4.9715853 out of 5
Keywords: bobcat, heavy, equipment, loader, road, building, grading, bulldozer, skidsteer, skidloader, skid, steer, diesel, kubota, forest, homestead, farm, woods
Id: WzdbnxrJuhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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