r/EntitledPeople - Smug Idiot REFUSES to Move His Truck! Learns an EXPENSIVE LESSON!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who truly believe they can do whatever they want just by being themselves guys before we dive into the stories today take a look at this entitled woman who freaking sits down in a grocery store on some bread guys she's using loaves of bread to pad her butt it's just so ridiculous how the heck did she think it's all right to just sit on loaves of bread okay one more guys this person says this luxury of having kids you can use them as an excuse for anything you guys see that you see what she wrote i have two kids sorry no tip oh my goodness guys leaving zero tip is pretty bad but acting like she's all proud of it by using her kids to avoid leaving a three dollar tip is just crappy she was better off not writing anything at all because that's a slap in the face guys if you think those two were absurd wait until you hear the stories in this one so the first story opie tells a tale about an entitled karen in a hardware store the second story a neighbor gets upset over a tree house the third a sneaky woman tries to tell opie he's not allowed video games and we'll finish off with a lovely story where a business owner gets what he deserves my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future entitled people stories let's dive in so i've been off work for a couple of weeks i've been sick and injured and i'm getting super bored cooped up at home all the time so i decided to go visit my friend at a hardware store so at the store they have a pretty distinctive uniform consisting of blue jeans steel-toed boots and a company-issued red polo shirt now before i go on the shirt i wore is technically red but it's like deep burgundy so i head into the store and wander around for a bit trying to find him i see him with a customer and he sees me and says hi sir i'll just finish with this customer and then i'll come help you which is obviously sneaky code for give me a minute dude and then we can hang out so i head down the back of the store and start fiddling with some socket stats debating if i should buy one since i've lost my old set and just killing some time until my friend comes to find me and then i hear a sharp hem from behind me i turn around and see this woman maybe mid 50s staring right at me thinking she wants something from the rack i'm standing in front of i say oh i'm sorry and then step out of the way now she just looks at me for a second and then says i need three bags of mulch and i want them taken to my car now i'm standing there quiet trying to process what's going on and she heaves this enormous sigh and goes hello are you deaf or something i said i need three bags of mulch and i want them taken to my car and this is where i realize oh crap she thinks i work here and i swear i must have lit up like a christmas tree because i've always always wanted to either deal with a karen or have something like this happen so i have a chance to give them a taste of their own medicine so i say okay well first of all the gardening section is down there at the other end of the warehouse so i don't know what help you're expecting to get here karen then says listen i just want you to do your job and get me three bags of mulch now my mind is racing trying to think of all the sick burns i've seen people on the sub use until i hit on a good combination i told her look you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat staff when they go shopping it's clear from this interaction that you're a person who thinks they can treat people like slaves furthermore it's company policy here not to tolerate people who treat staff members poorly so i'm afraid i'm gonna have to ask you to leave she practically hisses at me and says who do you think you are you can't talk to a customer like that i'm gonna go get your manager right now consider your job done she stares daggers at me for a few seconds and i honestly think she's gonna try to hit me or something and then she swings around and storms out of the aisle i go back to trying to decide which socket to get a minute later my friend finds me in the aisle and is like hey man what's up and i explained what just happened word for word and i say she's gone to get the manager so you should probably bail if you don't want to get caught up in it a couple of minutes later she swings around the corner with who i assume is the manager in tow and as she's talking down the aisle she points at me and says that one that's the one who was rude to me the manager says he'll deal with this and is terribly sorry for the inconvenience and turns to my friend and says hey can i talk to you for a second over karen interrupts and says no not him i don't give a crap about him this one and she points at me the manager just stops and looks at me for like a solid five seconds visibly confused and says i think there must be a mistake here ma'am she responds what mistake this rude employee refused to help me now all three of us just look at each other them in their blue jeans and bright red shirts and me in my dark burgundy top the manager says i assure you he he doesn't work here karen responds then why is he in the uniform i told her ma'am my shirt is clearly a different shade you know an eye doctor would be able to do a test for color blindness if you just karen interrupts and says he's being so rude to me are you gonna let him talk to me like that manager says i mean he's not staff ma'am i i can't really tell him what to do now at this point karen is squawking and says this is ridiculous you are just trying to cover for him so you don't have to do paperwork the manager says ma'am really i'm sorry that he was rude to you but he's not staff meanwhile my friend is walked off because he's getting a hernia trying not to laugh and i'm standing there just laughing at this whole ridiculous situation the lady goes ballistic and lumbers over to him shoving him and screeching she then says i will get you all fired i'm gonna call your head office and tell them about the disgraceful treatments i've received so the manager is trying to keep it together at this point reiterates that clearly i don't work there and if she needs assistance he'll gladly have a real employee help her the lady goes even redder she stamps her foot and screams and then turns around and stomps away the manager looks at me and goes just another day what can you do i'm pretty sure my friend genuinely pissed himself laughing i explained to the manager about my previous interactions with her and that i absolutely did provoke her but she was being a total entitled idiot so she deserved it i apologize to the manager for any inconvenience this might have caused him and he jokingly asked me not to wear a shirt that's even remotely read to the store anymore just in case something like this happens again i agreed and he offers me a 25 off coupon for the inconvenience and we all walked away happy my friends i love how op was ready for this encounter and was actually looking forward to meeting a karen in real life unfortunately there are people out there like this who try to push around employees and i'm so glad she came to op first and got absolutely wrecked that colorblind comment was superb oof absolutely savage op so i like to consider myself a pretty handy person i can build stuff really well because my niece is back in school full time and my sister works she often comes over to my house for a couple of hours after school lately she's been talking about wanting a tree house and how she's really sad she can't have one at her home since she lives in an apartment i told her i had two very nice trees in my backyard that we could use you should have seen her face light up it was like christmas for her so we worked away and by the end of the first day we have a very nice floor and a rope ladder up the second day right after school my niece is helping me saw some wood planks for a ladder when we hear it my next door neighbor whom i've rarely spoken to comes out and says hey i asked can we help you now i should point out that me and my neighbors share a fence the tall kind and you can't see through it unless you were smushing your face up against it the neighbor says you can't have that i'm i'm sorry you can't have a tree house in your yard i said um and why not is there a particular reason we can't have our treehouse and i kid you not karen says because if my son sees it he'll want one too now i'm speechless at this point and continue on with my work telling my niece to go grab the paint cans in the garage niece and i continue with our work with me sawing and her painting her wood we work for another 15 minutes until we hear an ungodly shriek her kid comes out and shouts mine i wanna play on it this kid can't be older than eight but he's throwing a fit trying to climb over the fence he says i want a tree house i want a tree house karen then drags him by the arm into the house and stares daggers at me and i'm not sure how to feel about this imagine that having a neighbor telling you that you can't have a tree house in your yard because their kid will want it it's called telling your kids they can't have everything they want it's good parenting the next thing you know the neighbor's gonna be letting her kid into op's backyard when he's not home my friends i've read enough of these stories to know exactly how this is gonna go down [Music] so this story happened earlier this week to preface this ever since the lockdown around the world my church has been meeting online via live stream this is extended to small groups now which are done through zoom meetings this particular week was much like the others in terms of small groups bible talk cracking jokes and discussing pop culture however joining us this week was my friend's aunt from out of town the entitled mother of the story who from what i've heard had a tendency to have a holier than thou demeanor at one point of the chat we got to the topic of hobbies i took a moment to discuss my hobby of gaming which is my big mistake of the story i talked about my gaming collection of different gaming consoles super nintendo nintendo 64 gamecube playstations etc etc and the games i've collected over the years which my friends found to be super fascinating so about 40 minutes in i get a phone call from my friend's phone number i picked it up only to be greeted by his aunt she says hello i said hey what a surprise and she responded well i want to talk to you about something you mentioned that you had a collection of video games and video game systems i asked her yeah what about them and she responded well you see it's just that a strong christian man like you shouldn't be wasting time playing video games you should be dedicating your time towards getting married starting a family and teaching them the ways of god and the bible now i'm dumbfounded and said wait what remember the bible tells men to put away childish things and video games are definitely under that category you should donate it to a child in need better yet my son loves video games and his birthday's coming up so you should just give it to him i'm sure he'd be grateful now i'm starting to get real angry and i said i'm not sure i'd feel comfortable doing that and she responded i'll tell you what i'm in town till wednesday i can call you back tomorrow this gives you plenty of time to pray about it hopefully god will convince you to man up and put away childish things good night now i sat there for a good 15 minutes with anger stewing in my mind over the audacity of this woman i wanted to call her back and curse her out until a light bulb went off in my head at that moment an evil grinch grin crept across my face my mind had just formulated a perfect response to the entitled mother's request so the next day i spent the day waiting for my friend's aunt to call me in the evening the moment came i saw my friend's number ringing on the phone and an evil grinch grin came back to my face i said why hello there how are you today she said she's doing well and have i thought about the conversation from yesterday i told her why yes i have and she asked well what did you decide i said well i prayed long and hard about what you said and i spent some time reading the bible she asked and i told her well growing boys are very pivotal to the future of the kingdom of god and building a relationship with jesus is very important to their upbringing in all honesty video games are just going to be a distraction to him and time spent playing them is better dedicated to learning about the bible the entitled mom went silent at this point and i kept going and said remember the book of proverbs tells us to start children off on the way they should go and tells us to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord so unfortunately i will have to pass on gifting your son my gaming collection however i will gladly send a children's study bible and a dvd collection of veggie tales to him i turn off my phone after that to make sure she couldn't call me back later that night my friend sends me a message on facebook apologizing for his aunt's behavior and at the end of the day i still have my collection and my hobby guys this is the perfect example of an uno reverse card at play you're too old for video games give them to my kid the bible tells men to put away childish things nice try lady i see what you're doing there trying to be all sneaky bringing religion into this so this story happened about 15 years ago give or take at the time i worked for a small industrial railroad in my city that served about 20 different industries along the docks to get to the docks from the yard where i would pick up the inbound cars we had a mile of street trackage that ran right down the middle of a small street numerous pubs lined the street on one side with a river on the other side now because of city regulations we were only allowed to operate along that span of track between specific hours typically eleven o'clock at night to about five in the morning however since the bars were open at that time it also meant that we had to trundle along at a crawl every night that i went down that street there would typically be two or three people who had parked too close to the tracks prompting me to have to get people to move their cars now that wasn't a major problem it was just an annoyance except for this one guy this one entitled guy it seemed that every single night i would have to stop about halfway down because this guy would always park his truck at an angle in the street as opposed to parallel parking now his truck was also very long it stuck out about halfway onto the street and every single night i'd have to head into the bar this guy owned and bugged the guy to get him to move his truck most of the time it would take him a good 30 minutes to an hour to drag himself out and move the thing this meant of course that i was losing time i needed to get my job done after months of this i finally decided that i had enough so i decided to have the guy towed and yeah that didn't work out as well as i hoped so it turned out the guy also had some job with the city or the mayor's office or some friend in either so no one would dare come out until his truck i think i waited there a good hour before he eventually came out and moved it having the gall to flip me the bird as he left now at that point i decided that not only was i totally done with the guy but if the chance arose i was gonna teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget nothing physical per se just a hard learned lesson so a couple days later i found myself heading down the track with half a dozen heavy cars with machinery bound for the docks as i rounded the curve and near the place where the guy always parked i gently applied the independent brakes on the locomotive this would slow the heavy train but it wasn't enough to stop it outright at least not quickly i waited until the very last minute laying on the horn and applying full breaks bringing everything to a screeching halt right in the middle of the street as i felt the brakes began to hold there was this loud thunk and screeching and tearing of metal as the train simply punted the truck out of the way tearing the bed clean off it in the process now obviously this did not go unnoticed as a crowd started to gather out in front of the bar where they heard the train coming i stay in the cab calling back to dispatch and informing them that i had struck a parked car and they needed to get police and a tow truck to my location all the while i could hear this guy screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was going to have me thrown in jail sue the company and all manner of things locking the doors i opted to just wait in the cab for the boys in blue to arrive eventually they pop around and start taking statements i explained the problem noting that i couldn't have simply slammed on the brakes due to cargo i was carrying and that the only reason i hit the truck was because it was improperly parked i added that the gentleman had been warned in the past that something like this could happen and he ignored the warnings the man for his part was simply livid he was hopping around he was yelling at me he was yelling at the cops and just beside himself in the end he was ticketed for his bad parking obstruction of passage of a train and his truck was totaled and he ended up on the hook for paying for it it took about two hours to clean up the mess and i was suspended for a week during company investigation but honestly it was worth it and i did not have any problems with him from that point forward either play dumb games win dumb prizes guys the owner was told multiple times not to park his car like that and he still did who the heck angled parks when every other car in the street parallel park sir he definitely definitely deserved it and i'd almost pay money to see his car get mowed down by a freaking locomotive guys and that brings us to another end of our slash entitle people we survived we survived if you guys missed the last episode of our slash entitled people i'll link it right here a crazy crazy woman demands to buy op's little brother it's absolutely absurd check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 330,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, best revenge stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, entitled customer stories, entitled neighbor stories, nightmare neighbor, nightmare neighbor stories
Id: Ls0ibLuFk-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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