r/ProRevenge - My Angry Boss SLAMS a Door on My Leg! Worst Mistake of His Life! [My Revenge]

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hello my friends welcome back to our slash Pro revenge today's episode has two stories you'll hear how an owner makes a huge mistake after losing his temper the second story is why you should never threaten to fire an employee because you never know who you're messing with guys buckle yourself in today and I hope you're hungry because you're about to get served some satisfaction I hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories let's get into it this story is titled boss slammed me in a door so I killed his business this happened about 7 to 8 years ago I was working in a small cafe which was owned by a young woman in her mid-20s she was a lot of fun to work with and I put my best foot forward and it had a great sense of community almost every customer was a regular it was in a small town near a lot of car and boat repair shops and directly next to us was a family owned business they were very religious and very kind I love the environment here and the customers it was a regular thing to be given flowers and little things like that anyways my boss didn't really have a dinner to run the cafe business was great but it took up a lot of her time and she was young and didn't want to be tethered to it she sold it pretty easily and a new owner a big guy who will call Albert was gregarious and laughed a lot and told jokes he wanted me to stay on as I knew how to run the place and how to make all the sandwiches and so forth I thought this would be great even if I would miss my old boss the first day with Albert he was immediately impatient with me I couldn't do anything fast enough and he hated the way I prepared food usually one person ran the till and took orders and the other prepared said orders it was a fast process with me and my old boss but with Albert he messed up every time and blamed my way of writing out orders I started writing everything out chicken on focaccia tomato lettuce sun-dried pesto spread which he would still manage to screw up he accused me of rising him and finally of sabotaging him during close-up he would berate me further I started dreading coming to work which was too bad because he had me working everyday but one his wife was frequently there helping out and she was always friendly and funny and liked me Albert didn't treat me any better when she was around he snapped at me a lot in front of our customers and a few customers had even pulled me aside to talk to me about it one day maybe after a month of this I couldn't take it anymore he called me a dumb [ __ ] for some reason or another and the why wasn't what mattered to me up until this point he talked to me like I was an idiot but hadn't actually called me a name after he called me a dumb [ __ ] I said I'm not your wife you don't get to talk to me like that and he flipped out he grabbed me by the apron and dragged me towards the back door yelling at me to get out who do you think you are etc I shouted for him to get his hands off of me and while I was struggling to get my apron off he shoved me outside he still had a hold of the apron then let go just as he stepped back and tried to slam the steel door my leg was still inside and the minute he realized that he slammed it on me and my leg was caught and I screamed and fell back he knew he had gone too far I was shaking with adrenaline and crying some but more than anything else I was pissed I got up from the ground and the father of the family business next door had heard me shout and met me as I circled around to the front I wasn't really that badly hurt at the time because I was crying and shaking and full of adrenaline but he immediately assumed it was much worse than it was he put his arms around me and wanted me to come into a store and I saw Albert watching us through the front window of the cafe I laid it on thick I cried harder I told the dad what happened in big gulping sobs I held my leg I told the owner that Albert was a horrible boss who treated us like scum and him slamming the door in my leg only the tip of the iceberg it was overall pretty pathetic but Albert saw the whole thing after that performance I went right home I contacted my old boss before anything else she still had to deal with this guy and I didn't want to cause trouble for her she had pretty much finished up her business with him save for a few details and told me that he had gotten belligerent with her on one occasion in a way that put her hackles up she didn't like the idea of me contacting the cops but since I didn't see away then it would impact her at this point that's exactly what I did the cops gave me a few courses of action I could press charges and I was pretty young and now unemployed so I didn't really want to do that or the cops would go have a long heart-to-heart with him I thought that was a pretty good start they took pictures of the bruising on my leg i bruise easily and it looked like a mess for maybe a month or so a couple of days later Albert starts texting me like mad he wants to meet me to give me my last check I told him he can mail it he refused and kept insisting that I come to the cafe in the morning before opening so we could talk this back and forth went on way too long so I cut him off and told him to mail it to me or I come by with the cops during rush to get it after I got my check I decided that I wanted my record of employment - there was no reason I needed it at the time but I just wanted it I dog him for days until he sent me one it had correction fluid on it and that's not allowed I dogged him yet again until I got the replacement I had already had another job at this point and just wanted to needle him two weeks after the dance in the doorway I go back to the neighborhood and stop by the garages and shops to say hello to everyone they're glad to see me and they wondered where I went and how I'm doing as Albert told them I quit to go work elsewhere they mentioned the cafe has been pretty slow lately and it turns out the dad from the business next door had mentioned what happened to a few people already so I share my side of the story with everyone I told the story and really dragged it out making them feel bad for me again it's pathetic I know I stopped in each shop to say hello and asked if they heard the story of what Albert did and asked if they wanted to see the sick bruise on my leg I told him a story about how Big Bad Albert was hurting employees on the job maybe six months later I take a wander to check on the cafe and say hi to the guys it was always tucked back away from the main road so nobody driving by would notice it and think to come in the local businesses around it were its lifeblood without that Albert had to close the cafe down pretty fast as everyone had stopped going in a small way it was sad to see it was closed and dark and empty I had a lot of fun there and closing the cafe and moving on to another job basically meant I lost contact with all of the guys I think if I hadn't lit the fire Albert would have eventually ended up killing the place anyway guys Opie could have easily turned this revenge into a nuclear one I know in the post that Opie said he didn't want to press charges due to being young and had no money but all I can say is if my child went to work and his or her boss slammed their leg in that door causing that massive bruising and the cops involved guys it's time to grab a lawyer guys I'm taking everything that man has because I'm Savage this story's titled you threatened my job I take yours this happened last year I was about six months into a foodservice job at the time I worked in my University's cafeteria prepping and serving food to the students after closing I took about 45 minutes to finish cleaning out my station and took another ten to finish up one of my coworker sections that she needed a bit of help with my supervisor had just left after closing to god-knows-where leaving the rest of us to our devices as he usually did he was the more watchin rural type after I finished I took a quick 5-minute trip to the bathroom as I usually did around this time every day as I happily walked back to assisting and helping others to finish so we could leave I hear a cough behind me the sound of the calm before the storm I ignore it thinking nothing of it and going on my way and then I hear a more abrupt and I stop and turn on my heel to meet the shift supervisors cold gates his hands were crossed over his puff chest in his regal stance I gave him a questioning look as he looks on expecting me to read his mind the supervisor says a half an hour he asked calmly but with a sour tinge to his tone and me confused chuckling says Oh what this was apparently the worst thing I could have done the supervisor says you were in the bathroom for half an hour I was taken aback as he has never come at me with a sideways tone before I thought we were cool but I should have known better seeing how he treats my coworkers I was so shocked that I just did they're staring at him like he grew three horns I didn't feel the need to defend myself in the moment as I knew the words he was spitting my way was pure BS I was only in there for 10 minutes max he then says do you do you like your job I did not in fact like my job I had trouble holding back my smile at this thought as he yelled some more things that I don't remember as my ears had gone numb to his screeching at this point I knew he had no power to fire me and I hadn't even seen his mug for the past hour I knew his words had no consequence I had nothing to say to his tantrum and as soon as he realized that he dismissed me I have a big problem with egging people on when they're being so irrational so generally I try to stay quiet at the workplace as to not cause any more problems I quickly went back to my work and started scheming about how I could get back at this man over the next week I compiled photo evidence of him slacking on the job serving undercooked food and statements from my co-workers about their individual experiences where he ridiculed them or threatened them and took it straight to my boss that Friday I laid out all my evidence and my personal encounter which they would be able to check the cameras and identify both of our whereabouts that day and could truly see who was off-duty for half an hour I didn't think much would come as I was relatively a new worker and honestly I didn't care about anything that happened to that hellhole and I let it slip from my mind for the weekend the next Monday I come in before most and start setting up after a while the general manager comes out the back with the supervisor following her like a puppy staring at his feet he walks sheepishly up to me and invites me to sit down with him at one of the tables in the cafeteria where he admits to me that he was in the wrong he shouldn't have yelled at me like that and he should be a better leader and is super duper sorry all that yada yada i sat there with the biggest grin on my face as he practically grovelled at my feet begging for forgiveness as his boss watched on this man that SATs so high on his horse for the past six months has been broken down I watched on in celebration as he then apologized to each of my co-workers individually not but a week later he was demoted to a backroom cook and I had been given the role of shift supervisor as I had prior experience before we never had a problem after that and he was generally an okay guy I hope he really did learn his lesson and didn't say all those things just to get it over with either way this was the sweetest revenge of my life I have since quit that job and worked for a company with people who actually know how to respect others as individuals whether their position is below or above their own opiez boss is a great person you guys know how many managers or people higher up out there don't take employee complaints very seriously and especially from a new employee good on her for realizing that the supervisor was on a mad power trip and not doing their job properly and stepping in before it gets out of hand also how the heck did the supervisor keep getting away with serving undercooked food what kind of place is this and that's it for this episode of our slash Pro revenge guys if you didn't catch my last episode of pro revenge Opie destroys her supervisors career by exposing him as a thief and it's an incredible tale so if you haven't heard it go listen to it right now if you aren't subscribed be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future revenge stories and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 164,863
Rating: 4.9419389 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, angry boss, worst mistakes, work fails funny, work fail, leg caught
Id: hFfzAJx1vfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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