r/ProRevenge - Dumb Tenants THREATENED My Dad! He's THEIR Landlord!

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hello my friends I hope you're having an amazing day today and welcome back to another episode of our slash Pro revenge where you come to get your daily dose of satisfaction by listening to other people get what they deserve guys in this episode there's gonna be two stories the first is a pro revenge that ends in an eviction over a parking spot the second one is a little bit longer that involves Opie getting sweet sweet revenge on behalf of her sister it's an incredible story I hope you stay for the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future videos this first story is by user CTB underscore of underscore fast and it's titled yell at us for parking in a reserved space get arrested and evict 'add last winter around January me my family and close friends were staying at our condo in Vermont for New Year's to celebrate my dad owns the eighth unit complex our condos in and all but one had people up for the holidays there's a decent amount of area for parking but when there's a lot of people all there at once it can get tight so one night after returning from the mountain we parked in the spot closest to the stairs to unload everything easier our parking lots isn't one with actual spots or anything because it's just gravel and dirt so it's really just I doubt and first-come first-serve a few hours later my brother went to the car to get something from the car where there was a cardboard sign left on the car the sign read reserved parking for units 8 had he capped on both sides and yes they forgot the N in handicapped on both sides as well like I said there's no specific spots for anyone unit 8 was one of the smaller units on the ground level about half the size of the rest the couple that rented there was sketchy to say the least they had to be in their mid-20s but we never saw them much and we didn't know too much about them let's call them Rick and Tara another 20 minutes later I go down to the car to get some forgotten gloves as I unlock the car the lights alert them that someone's at the car and through the window Rick starts yelling at me telling me I have to move the car by morning or they'd have it towed at this point I can also realize that Rick is off of something so I subsequently ignore him grab my things and head back up I get into the condo and explain to my dad the experience I just had with Rick at this point he'd had enough and decided that he was gonna go down there himself and handle things himself so he goes down there to talk to them my dad was really the only person that I'd met them before but it was briefly during their leasing of their unit he knocks on the door and it's about thirty seconds until Rick angrily answers the door he crankily asked what do you want and my dad politely explains that no spots are reserved and it's first-come first-serve Rick instantly starts freaking out saying that it's a handicap spot and that they're gonna call the landlord they had a little experience with my dad when they leased the place about a year before and in that time he was diagnosed with cancer and he lost a lot of weight with that his appearance changed drastically Rick didn't realize he was speaking to the landlord and kept his rent going as my dad was gonna lay it out for him he noticed on the table in the living area that there was a pipe of sorts paired with the behavior and appearance of Rick at the time my dad concluded it was a pipe of sorts for drugs he back pedaled out of the conversation and returned back up to her condo when he got back in he called the cops explaining the situation and what he saw 30 minutes later the cops pull up and start talking to Rick going off what my dad told them about the pipe one of the cops noticed it but this time out in the open with a bag next to it at that point it was revealed that they were both smoking crack and they were both arrested along with that my dad also evicted them from the property for violating terms obviously we ended up renovating the whole place afterwards because who knows how long they'd been smoking that inside the upside is that the cardboard sign still hangs in the living room window and gives us a laugh each time we pass well doesn't that suck yelling at someone for parking in a reserved spot and in the end getting arrested and evicted from the place he live in too bad Opie's dad didn't pull the I am the landlord card and watch Rick's face morph into a surprised Pikachu face oh that would have been amazing to see his face this next story is my user Angel guide indie and it's titled he ruined my sister's only birth experience so I made sure he'd never forget her kind of my revenge kind of my sister's both of us really proud when I was 14 my oldest sister Sarah was 22 and we found out that she was pregnant with Paul her boyfriend of four years they immediately got engaged and they were really happy for a time Sarah had a horrible pregnancy about 16 to 18 weeks in the wonder of creating a human life evaporated within her she developed really bad morning sickness she was constantly in pain developed gestational diabetes and just all-around hated the experience around this time Paul the then fiancee started getting sick of the complaining I believe the argument was your body is built to do this it can't be that bad Sarah was due around Valentine's Day and Paul's parents mr. and mrs. doe were very excited both about the grandkid and the fact that he could be born on a holiday she was very against that and really really hoped that her son wouldn't be born on a holiday because it might make him feel that his day isn't very much about him well mrs. doe says something like well if you name him Valentine or Valentino then that'll make the day even more special for him again my sister hated that idea she thought it was tacky that he'd be bullied for it and just really didn't like the name Valentino Paul loved it but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared fast forward to February and she was ready to get this over with Sarah had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking her blood pressure took unexpected spikes and dips I look back now and goodness do I feel bad for her she was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine's Day because again she didn't want him to be born on a holiday unfortunately births happen when they happen and that baby was gonna come on Valentine's Day whether she wanted him to or not I remember waiting on in the waiting room with my dad brothers and Paul who couldn't stand to be in the delivery room because it was gross I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn't because he thought my sister was gross while giving birth whereas I had to stay outside because I was too young to go in with my mom and other sister dad went home with the youngest two brothers while the oldest Zeke stayed to watch me because I refused to leave 16 hours after Sara went into labor my little nephew was officially a part of the family on the evening of Valentine's Day unfortunately Sara was not okay she had to have an emergency c-section and while doing the operation discovered that the back of her uterus had a very large and very severe non cancerous tumor when I say large I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus the doctors were shocked and didn't understand why nobody had noticed it on the ultrasound it accounted for her severe back pain and blood pressure issues the doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy this meant that my nephew would be Sarah's only child now while Sarah was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby related to make sure his son was okay in my 14 year old selfs memory I remember him being suitably distraught but I didn't really pay much mind and spend my time in the waiting room with my mother and other sister Zeke however wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay he found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own and in my brother's words like he had not a single worry in his mind Zeke asked why Paul didn't wait for Sarah to fill out the paperwork as she should have been out of surgery within the hour and Paul said that he just wanted her to rest and heal that checked out with Zeke as he was 16 and didn't know any better at the time now I know what you're probably thinking no he wouldn't he knows how much she hates that name and still she'd need to sign the paperwork too well my fellow peoples of reddit's I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sarah's signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over my sweet nephew that was Boren Valentine's Day was named Valentino on his first official birth certificate I still to this day don't know why Paul and his family were so insistent about that name he had even picked out a different one with my sister and before you ask no he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were quote-unquote witnesses to her signing the papers even though they only got there at the last minute so Sarah dumped him and got her son's name changed a month later she was willing to do split custody with him because that's her son's father and she wanted that kid to know him but Paul vanished and she never heard anything back which seemed weirdly out of character to us until a mutual friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures six months later Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she was pregnant Sarah was livid but there wasn't much she could do so she filed for child support and continued to live her best life until six years later and this is where the revenge starts my friends so Sarah has been a single mother for the past six years and has been amazing at it at this point in my career I've been a hairdresser for about eight months at our local great clips I'm working one day and who is seated before me but Jane Paul's wife herself I take her back for a trim and she clearly has no idea who I am that adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn't know a thing no idea about Sarah that she was the other woman or that Paul actually has a kid that he's been paying child support for she's in the dark on at all and has no idea I told myself not to be an ass and treat her like a normal customer which I did now at this point Jane was heavily pregnant so a lot of our conversation was about that she loved being pregnant but it was hard and said her husband was so unsympathetic and that she was due in 10 weeks and they still hadn't picked out a name for their baby girl ladies and gentle people's this was my chance I asked what kind of name she was looking for and she said I want something unique and unusual but not ridiculous like you know the ones I'm talking about and Paul had suggested so many already and she didn't like any of them so I the conniving little weasel I am sad what about Sarah my sister's name isn't actually Sarah she was named after an older family member that passed not long after she was born but there was no female equivalent for his name so our parents created that one it's a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for she loved it she's stuck by it and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that was their daughter's name now Paul has a daughter with his exes name to remind him every day about her and to also remind him to pay his child support little nephew is 10 years old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father though we still sometimes do call him Val as a family nickname he likes it but doesn't want to bring it to school so it's staying a family nickname Sarah pretends to hate when we call him that in a joking way as long as he likes it and doesn't have a problem with it and she's seeing a new guy who's really great and like a father to Val what a great Pro revenge guys imagine having a child whom you're so in love with and would do anything for but their name is your ex's name guys I love this revenge so much because it'll haunt him for the rest of his stupid fricking life well Don Opie executed a perfect fro revenge for your sister and that my friends wraps up today's episode of our slash pro revenge if you aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button so you don't miss future stories and see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 123,999
Rating: 4.9217167 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, fail, landlord, landlord stories, tenants from hell, bad tenants, tentant, tenant evicted, eviction stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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