r/ProRevenge - My Boss HATES Me...Good Thing He's a Thief! [My Revenge]

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hello my friends I hope you're doing well today and welcome back to our slash Pro revenge where in today's episode you'll hear one story about how Opie takes down her shift supervisor who treats her and many other employees like garbage and guys I love this story I don't want to give away too much so all I have to say is it's a pretty long story so make sure you got some time to listen to the whole thing I hope you stay for the story today and be sure to hit that subscribe button guys for future revenge stories let's get into it I work as a computer technician now but when I was in college I worked part-time at a well-known chain cafe let's call it Seattle's finest other than babysitting or under the table work helping at a friend's booth at Renaissance Fairs it was my first job the manager Eliza had aspirations for rising in the company at a corporate level so she was obsessed about making our store the finest Seattle's finest at the same time though she wasn't an especially effective manager at the store level she didn't really know how to make all the drinks and had to constantly refer to the recipe cards even though she was supposed to be an expert on everything and the leader of our store she also didn't really care to learn which meant that during a particularly busy rush she could never step in to help us out in making drink orders she would basically just hide in her office in the back near the kitchen however she had a college degree and our company's policy at least at the time was that only college degree holders could be the full manager of a store she left the day-to-day running of the store to Stephen the lead shift supervisor who had been working at that location for 25 years since he was 16 who always said that the only reason he's not manager and not running the store is that he doesn't have a college degree he would always remind all the workers that the store would run into the ground if he wasn't around Stephen didn't really have to do much other than delegate others to do things and make sure orders were sent out to suppliers and to sign those orders when they arrived our store followed the standard company practice so a fixed amount of supplies was usually ordered in every day with only slight variations to account for a particular stores needs for example we might order 60 chocolate muffins a day while the company average is a hundred because our store is next to a yoga studio and the ladies who came in ordered less of the fattening junk items Steve also wrote the schedule every week when I was hired on Eliza was the one who interviewed me and she assured me that I'd get at least 20 hours a week for our shifts to coincide with my school schedule and I only worked Saturdays on the weekend not Sundays during my two-week training period she kept her word I'd hover around 18 to 22 hours a week for four and a half hours at a time after that however since I was fully trained she passed me over to Steven Steven followed Eliza's pattern for a week or so but soon he began trying to schedule me in the mornings which I couldn't do because of school he'd pretend to get really angry and disappointed and talk about how in my 25 years with the company one of the first things you learn to be is a team player well Steven I do want to be a team player but I'm not gonna drop my schooling that'll lead to a career to work part-time at a coffee shop that's great but I still couldn't work in the mornings so he'd grumble and say I'll have to talk to Eliza to see what we can do about you Eliza would only occasionally show up at the store usually she was there mid morning and left well before closing and Steve would always open the store and of course he'd say things like I've been opening the store for more than 20 years blah blah blah Steven would also try to suck up to customers at the same time and condescend us in front of them saying things like forgive her she's new and you see what I have to work with raw recruits ah sometimes he'd outright call us dumbasses if we couldn't clean things up fast enough or make drinks quickly enough like he'd be hanging out in the back counting boxes meanwhile it's 12 p.m. on a Saturday and I'm running the register making all the drinks and our line is 10 p.m. deep and he sent his other worker off to lunch and he refuses to help saying you've got to have your baptism of fire everybody needs to learn to work under pressure he took himself way too seriously he thought he was special because he spoke fluent Spanish since he worked in the morning a lot of people who had early morning jobs would come in and many of them spoke Spanish only and he thought it was his specialty that he could communicate with them well my father's from Spain and I happen to speak fluent Spanish myself so one Saturday when I opened the store with him I started speaking Spanish to one of the customers and the customer complimented me on how well I spoke the language Steve looked like he was ready to murder me whenever customers would come in who spoke Spanish rather than letting me communicate with them Steve would get off his butt and say I'll handle this as time went on Steve would only schedule me for eight hours a week and the worst shifts possible like closing Friday night and immediately opening Saturday morning I thought whatever I'll just start applying to other jobs but I didn't tell him that though I knew he was giving all the hours to his favorites which were usually the young women who he tried to flirt with I know this because he tried the same thing with me at first he said he could give me more hours but I had to play ball nothing that I could actually prove in courts but he was hinting that if I go out with him he would give me more hours like no thanks man you're gross old and married well Eliza was up for promotion to district manager which meant she would oversee five or six of Seattle's finest coffee shops instead of just one however in a whole team meeting one special Sunday she said that our store consistently was losing product she warned us to stop giving discounts to friends stop giving away free cookies or snacks to friends etc and she also said that if we plan to have some of the pastries ourselves which we were allowed to do during our shifts we had to make sure to write it down on the store use board at least during the hours I worked I've never witness anyone giving away free product and I certainly wasn't using any of it myself no one gave stuff away other than Steve Steve got a bonus every time the store use board was below a certain threshold and he would always accuse us of stealing or giving away things in fact he said so at the meeting and I quote shrinkage is caused by these rookies who think a company runs on a hundred percent profit it's a business based on cold money and we're bleeding it when we steal products or give it away you guys need to stop doing that meanwhile I always notice Steve giving free discounts to certain customers and giving things away one of those rules for thee not me type of things another worker actually asked him about it and he said managers have certain privileges like dude you're not a manager you make $3 more an hour than me and you've spent your whole life here Steve also resented the fact that most of us who worked in the store were college students who would eventually move on someday to something hopefully more financially profitable Steve would do this working class hero bit where he would talk about how college people were snobs didn't know how to do real work we're lazy and privileged and contribute nothing to society he also mocked me for majoring in computing as a female and accused me of just trying to get my mrs. degree he acted like he was kidding but he was still really slimy then he went back to him and how business people's whole day would collapse without people like him to get them started the right way with coffee saying I am as indispensable to a large corporation as the CEO people need their coffee and they can't start their day without a good cup of coffee meanwhile we're all thinking calm down Steve you're a shift supervisor at a suburban coffee shop and you wear an apron with your name embroidered on it you're not curing cancer but anyway Eliza's promotion depended on our store reducing its shrinkage on a date a few days from our Sunday meeting company bigwigs would come to the store and check out how well Eliza ran things we were told to look sharp the bigwigs would be in the dining room cutting with Aliza while the rest of us who were scheduled that day tried to look our best Steve didn't really have an incentive to make Eliza look good because as long as he kept overall shrinkage beneath a certain number he would still get his bonus but that threshold was too high for Eliza to earn her promotion also it wasn't as if Steve would become manager if Eliza got promoted the company would simply get a new manager as an outside hire informally we'd call Steve assistant manager but the company did not officially recognize him in this capacity since he was a longtime worker and worked full-time he did get health benefits and a two-week vacation the rest of us lowly part-timers just got a store discount and some free food or drink while working we got paid every two weeks and we got tips every single week if you've ever worked at a coffee shop like Seattle's finest customers would throw money into a jar at the register if they felt like being generous the tips would be emptied out every night and eventually at the end of the week all the money would be parceled out to the workers depending on the hours they worked since I only worked a few hours my tips were small but at least it paid for laundry my school starts a couple of hours after the store opens and since I wasn't burning too much energy working I'd get up nice and early every day the store was close to my apartment and I always walked there it was the time of the year where the moon was still out early in the morning I decided that I'd walked to the store and get my tips for the week my walk to work has me approaching in the direction of the alley entrance but I intended to enter through the front store policy was that you could only enter the back way if you were scheduled to work as usual at that hour our daily supply truck was pulling out of the alley and there was a huge stack of daily supplies in crates outside the back door Steve propped open the back door with a trash can and was carrying one crate at a time into the stores backroom my first instinct was to help him but then I remembered I wasn't being paid that day and besides I don't like Steve I was fascinated watching him as he worked because usually he's so lazy I was behind cars and trees so he couldn't see me he stopped working but the still a crate left at the back door it was filled with what looked like to be desserts bags of coffee and random boxes of granola bars in the addition of coffees and pastries our store also sold third-party nutrition bars the kind where you can buy a box of six for four dollars at the grocery store but we charge you two dollars and 99 cents for one he was still talking on his cell phone and only a minute or two later a beat-up car pulls into the alley the driver pops the trunk and Steve puts the crate into the car and the car speeds off Steve then goes back into the store at first I tried to rationalize what I'd seen maybe it was just a work-related thing that I didn't understand because I wasn't a shift supervisor maybe the person in the car was from another store and our store was supposed to be sending those items to them I decided to forget my tips for the time being and walked back home by the time I got there I realized it was most likely that Steve was a thief I went to school and forgot about it for a few hours but every now and then in the day I think about it again the next morning I woke up and made sure I had my cell phone ready I waited outside really early even before the supply truck came when it did come sure enough Steve did the same song and dance as the day before he left one crate outside called his accomplice on the phone and the same car arrived and it pulled away after Steve packed its trunk with stolen goodies I actually worked that day because it was a Saturday Steve was his usual douche wall itself but hearing him banter with customers it reminded me of other pieces of conversation that I overheard from him over the past many weeks Steve had a side business or at least his wife did selling snacks outside of clubs and sporting events I put two and two together and realized that if Steve stole even one crate and sold off its items at a massive discount he'd still make a pretty penny and all of it was profit and he'd stolen a crate two days in a row who knows how many more crates he'd stolen in the past I realized that if I told eliza that she wouldn't believe me and Steve would deny it I had to catch him repeatedly doing it over and over again to make my case that it wasn't a one-time thing which Steve would most likely try to argue I decided to record Steve for multiple days to make sure my suspicions were correct before I accused him of anything and that was precisely what I did staking out Steve stealing became my morning ritual for a week out of the four days he stole the crate three times and each time I had him recorded now all I needed to do was show allies on my phone and I'd nail this bastard I was just about to call her but then I remembered that big company meeting regarding Eliza's promotion was coming up that Monday afternoon just a couple of days later I wasn't scheduled to work but I knew I could talk my way into the back room with an excuse that I needed my check our back room has a computer where we clock in and out it's just one window on the screen if you click out of it you have access to the rest of the computers functions one thing the computer always has running in the background is what we call store TV it was basically just a series of short infomercials about how wonderful Seattle's finest coffee was how our beans are from plantations where workers are treated humanely how we donate to underprivileged communities things like that the file was stored as a dot WMV file and the store just played it on a continuous loop and every so often Eliza would obtain a new set of infomercials and we'd loop those out our store had one big screen mounted from the ceiling which faced out into the store away from the registers my plan obviously was to upload my video of Steve stealing onto the store computer and playing it on the TV I had the files which I combined at home into one big file of three occasions where you could clearly see his face and the face of the woman driving the car who I assume is his wife and how they're clearly stealing the product from the store Eliza and the big bosses were already there at the restaurant so the sensible thing to do would be for me to say excuse me Eliza and then brazenly interrupt your meeting with my cell phone video held up to her face but I love a bit of drama and Steve had this coming so I see Eliza with her colleagues sitting at a table near the registers where Steve is standing with a giant kiss-ass grin on his face the store isn't really crowded Eliza sees me when I come in and in full I love my staff mode says Oh everyone here's Opie one of our newest and best she's going to college for computing followed by a bunch of nods and boos and aahs pretending to give a rat's ass I smile and mouth with the words I'm just here to get my tips oh oh of course Opie and Steve looks like he wants to slap me but too bad I'm going into the back room you jerk wad our tips are placed in little baggies labeled with the amounts in our cubbies in the back room with an honor system not to go grabbing anyone else's tips I grab my tips which is $11.50 which is not bad but I go straight for the computer I have my phone's USB cable and I plug it into the USB port of the store computer I upload the file as planned I unclick the propaganda channel for Seattle's finest and switch it to Steve the thief and set the video for a continuous loop I came out into the restaurant and as usual no one really cares about the TV I go to Steve and order a hot latte Steve looks like he doesn't want me there at all but he still has a grin on his face because the bosses are there he doesn't know that just a few feet above his head there's a continuous loop of him and his wife stealing product in the alley every morning I had made sure to include a time and date stamp on the videos when editing he already had some hot milk ready and all he had to do was put two espresso shots I had my drink in 30 seconds I pulled out my wallet but uncharacteristically he smiled at me and waved me off he Liza saw me and nodded in approval then I sat at a table not far from where the bosses were sitting above Steve's head his video was playing silently i sat and watched my master creation like it was a big movie premiere starring Steve with a giant grin on my face it didn't take long until one of the bosses said Eliza that isn't our company video playing on the TV what's that Eliza looks at the video everyone else looks at the video mouths a gape only Steve is still standing at the register smiling and grinning like a ninny he hasn't turned around to look at the TV above his head yet finally Eliza says Steve can you explain what's going on here Steve looks at the video and looked for a second like he was going to implode he didn't say or do anything other than go into the back room seconds later the video stopped and a few moments later it began playing again huh Steve I got you again see I deleted the correct video on the computer and made a duplicate of your video and renamed it as if it were the original video so everyone in the dining room was once again treated to a loop of Steve and his wife stealing and entire crates of designer granola bars and pastries repeatedly one of the bosses said he Liza let's close the store right now we need to deal with this he pointed me to the door and Who am I to argue sir I happily walked home with $11.50 but but it felt like a million bucks a couple of days later I get a call from corporate thanking me for the information about Steve and anyways as thanks a week later I received $200 in store credit a few days later I come in to find neither Eliza nor Steve at the restaurant one of my co-workers told me that she heard that Steve was arrested for theft and charged on top of being immediately fired Eliza got her promotion because it was proven that the only reason her store had moderately high shrinkage was because Steve was stealing however because she was supposed to be keeping a close eye on Steve she he's being watched carefully to ensure she's actually a good employee well that's fair she wasn't a thief but she should have kept a closer watch on her store as for me the new manager got my final check because I quit as time went on and I graduated school I did eventually learn that Steve was not only stealing product but he was also embezzling tips and tampering with the time clock to reduce people's hours and to give himself more he went to jail for six years but his wife got a suspended sentence because they had two children under the age of 13 I learned this because the company I worked for did tech service for Seattle's finest corporate office where Eliza now works she remembered me and over the finest coffee in all Seattle she told me the whole story I absolutely loved this story Opie did a great job of getting evidence leading to the downfall of her crappy boss and I literally spit water out of my mouth and when I read that part where Opie replaced the original video file on the computer with the one of Steve stealing so it would play a second time it was a good laugh Opie's a freaking genius but I do have a question can you actually go to jail for that long though six years does seem excessive for somebody just stealing granola bars desserts and coffee from a business let me know what you guys think and that wraps up another episode of our slash pro revenge if you guys enjoyed that story hit the thumbs up if you aren't subscribed be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future revenge stories and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 250,701
Rating: 4.9261155 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, boss fired, boss thief, boss caught on tape, boss caught stealing, thieving boss, boss caught on camera
Id: X7yyir3z2W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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