r/PettyRevenge - Enjoy Your "VEGAN" Meal Karen! [My Revenge]

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hello my friends I hope you're doing well today and welcome to our slash petty revenge where my two favorite things in life come together a good laugh and a good revenge on people who deserve it there's some great stories in this one so you might want to buckle up for the ride because things are about to get petty I hope you guys stay for the stories today have a good laugh and do hit that subscribe button for future stories this one's titled be a condescending dickish vegan trying to order carryout enjoy a decidedly non vegan meal when you get home I never really believed in the stereotype of the condescending holier-than-thou vegan I figured it was an invention of the omnivores that liked to make fun of vegans and project some kind of judgmental attitude on them and then I met her she came into this really solid Asian fusion restaurant that does carryout she was talking to her friend and the gist of the conversation was she was appalled that she was even in the restaurant as the food didn't even count as vegan since they also served meat in fact for the ten minutes that I knew her she basically had nothing nice to say about anyone or anything it was pretty spectacular listening to one person managed to say nothing nice for about ten minutes she could win gold in the ass Olympics I'd been standing in line patiently waiting to place an order with one person in front of me as she walked in the person finished ordering at which point she breezed by me like I didn't exist and she said I'd like a tofu lo mein the woman behind the counter looked at me and I coughed politely and said I'm sorry I was here first this elicited the biggest most how dare you waste my time I roll I've ever seen as she wordlessly stepped back with an O I ordered my chicken fried rice then she ordered her tofu lo mein and we stepped back to wait for the food ten minutes later the first order popped up at which point this woman mindlessly chatting with her friend about how much someone they both knew is a total [ __ ] and waste of a life swiped the order without even thinking and with how to thank you and stormed for the door I'm pretty sure she was in a desperate hurry to ruin other people's evenings elsewhere my first thought was isn't it likely that my order finished before yours and I almost said it and then I realized she was storming out with the meal that she really really didn't want the next meal popped up about two minutes later I grabbed it knowing there was a solid chance it was tofu I thanked the nice woman behind the counter and left without stopping to open it afraid that if I wasted a second time that angry shrew might have stormed back and corrected her oversight I triumphantly ate a tofu lo mein back at home that night well I ate the lo mein and then picked around the tofu I don't know if that harpy returned to Manning her correct meal or if she just got home realized it was chicken fried rice and threw it away dejectedly I just hope that she felt some level of the misery that she seemed to enjoy forcing on everyone around her the sad thing about this post is that Karin at one point probably opened the box and realized that the employee at the restaurant gave her the wrong food and she probably went back to raise hell on that poor employee in the restaurant cuz she's a Karin this next story is titled never piss off the photographer I am NOT a professional photographer but friends and family asked me to take photos for them all the time I love portrait photography and I'm happy to do the favor but sometimes people are really awful and annoying and then it really grates that I'm spending my evening and weekend shooting and then processing photos for free a few years ago I had a really really bad client a colleague asked me to do a family shoot on Mother's Day I knew I'd have the morning to play with before I go see my own mom so I accepted it was going to be at a winery in the country and my colleague offered to pay for me to join them for brunch bonus we carpooled and it wasn't until we got there that I realized that it wasn't just gonna be me and my colleague her husband and her kids it was my colleagues husband's entire family brothers sisters aunts uncles parents and even both grandma 27 people I'm immediately panicking about how long it's gonna take to do the shoot and I mentioned to my colleague and her husband that I have to leave in three hours to get back from my family's Mother's Day her husband says it'll be fine I don't really have a choice as we carpooled so I try to relax and have some fun brunch goes on forever and then we're finished and we only have an hour for photos I figured that I should be fine if cutting it close and I asked for the husband's help in keeping his family organized and moving I plan out the normal shots with them everyone together family groups kids and then the husband starts asking for couple photos as well then sibling photos I text my family and I tell them I'll be a little late but hoping it won't be too bad because the husband will keep people moving an hour and a half later and everyone's having a bad time the kids are crying it's taking forever to get any shots at all and why because the husband is yelling at people hurling commands and orders barking and foaming at the mouth it's incredibly awful the winery people come over a few times and ask us to keep it down the husband yells at them too and I'm praying that they kick us out I try telling the husband that I have to leave and that we can try for photos another time the family tries to leave and were stopped he says no we must endure when he tells his son that he's gonna knock the snot out of him if he doesn't stop crying something snaps in me I stopped trying to cheer people up get fun photos happy smiles and I just take the photos we need so we can all go home when I eventually get home I do what I can with these miserable photos I combine different frames to get group shots where everyone looks happy where that doesn't work I touch-up facial expressions so people look less upset I steal bits of candid shots from earlier in the day these are impossible masterpieces when I'm through with them I spend hours and hours making sure these pictures are gonna hang in living rooms forever then I go through every single photo featuring the dad absolutely everyone and just enough to be slightly noticeable and just enough to look weird and awkward I enlarge his head in every photo this is why you don't do things for free people end up taking advantage of the situation and in the end it upsets both sides I'd really love to see the pictures of these slightly enlarged heads though it sounds hilarious this one's titled calling her fake quitting bluff this happened years ago and it still makes me smile I started working in a corporate office in a secretarial position for my first job after college there were two older ladies who were also secretaries working in the office one of them was just fine but I spent most of my time sitting beside and working with Agnes Agnes was quickly approaching retirement age but wasn't going anywhere without a big push this was in the days where we just started getting computers and she was absolutely hopeless she'd pull stuff like I can't answer the phone I'm on the computer and multitasking was not in this woman's repertoire she was super fussy and annoying if I ever came back from lunch five minutes late she would loudly exclaim oh my god there you are I was wondering what happened to you making sure the whole office knew that I was late meanwhile she was usually late coming in the morning and often left early for various appointments if I made a typo in a document she would be sure the rest of the staff knew about it loudly she tended to pout when things didn't go her way and she would quit quote unquote her job when someone pissed her off and then the boss's boss would talk her into staying I'd heard about the tactic of hers one day our boss did something that annoyed her and she quote unquote quit again my boss's boss was away that day so I had my chance I quickly advertised and planned a big retirement party for her it was a done deal by the end of the day people were dropping by and congratulating her and everyone looked forward to the party at that point I guess she figured it was too late to pull her usual shenanigans and she actually retired this one's titled it's for security of the building as a door - driver you'll run into many different types of people today as I was making a delivery to a local hotel I see a man smoking right outside of a side door holding his room key card I approached him and asked if he would be so kind to let me through the door he refused telling me that they locked the door for the security of the building you'll have to go through the front to talk with the front desk staff I told him that I was a door - driver and was there to deliver some food and he was like nope gotta go through the front after going around and finishing the delivery I see the same man trying to open the door with his key to no avail he sees me on the other side and knocks and waves to obviously let him in I politely wave back and turn the corner I exit through a door maybe fifty feet down the hallway and he catches me on my way to the car and says why didn't you let me in I waved at you in my smuggest face and most sarcastic voice I told him sorry they lock those doors for the security of the building I'm afraid you'll have to speak with the front desk I proceeded to leave after receiving a few choice words from the fine gentleman it does pose as a security risk with random people that aren't staying in hotels to be in hotels with that said very well played petty revenge Opie this story's titled making a trip to the bathroom sexual featuring Karen I was about 18 or 19 at the time and babysat our neighbor's three-year-old boy he loved animals and it was the middle of spring and it was nice and warm so I decided to ask his mother if it would be fine to take him to a petting zoo in the city everybody was excited me included so he went we had a ton of fun and he got a large amount of animal feed so we can enjoy himself nothing was weird up until this point nobody was staring and I felt it was pretty obvious that I wasn't in fact his mother but rather just babysitting him now came the time the little guy needed to pee not a problem I thought to myself so I took him to the toilets there was a large line in front of the woman's bathroom but since I had to accompany him because he was too young to use the adult toilets himself we couldn't just go into the men's bathroom which was empty I figured waiting in line for a minute or two was not going to be an issue and then enter Karen Karen says hi excuse me tapping me on the shoulder I replied yes I thought since she had a little girl with her that she might have wanted to skip ahead in line but she said is this your child I replied oh no this is my neighbor's child I'm just babysitting today why are you taking him into the bathroom then at this point she got very aggressive straight away I replied excuse me he needs to use the restroom and is clearly too young to do so by himself so obviously I'm accompanying him what am I supposed to do just let him pee his pants Karen then said to me this is highly inappropriate only his parent should accompany him to the restroom he's a boy and on top of that he's not even your child God knows what you might do in there with him okay so now I'm getting kind of pissed at that point in my life I dealt with a lot of crap from people since I was a nurse and people in the hospital tend to be entitled as hell when they don't get their way I was absolutely capable of defending myself with words and I'd already lost my temper with her being so rude so I said very loudly you think that I would look at his penis in there you what the hell why do you have to make a bathroom trip with a small child so inappropriate like this do you think about that when you take your little girl to the bathroom oh my god you're disgusting that's disgusting now I said all of these things kind of very sarcastically as it was just meant to scare her off but obviously I said it loud enough for a lot of people to hear and to give her glares now everybody's looking at her disgusted and whispered or even chimed in with me that's teller that thinking stuff like that was disgusting and that she should leave me alone Karen looked mortified at this point and just backed away and left I guess that's one way to defuse that situation just make it equally as awkward for the person who's making it awkward for you silly Karen and that's it for this episode of our slash petty revenge guys if you enjoyed it and aren't subscribed do hit that subscribe button for future videos as I upload every day for your pleasure and I do mean that in the most inappropriate way by the way because I'm freakin disgusting see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 49,210
Rating: 4.9585671 out of 5
Keywords: r/pettyrevenge, pettyrevenge, pettyrevengestories, petty revenge stories, best petty revenge stories, petty, revenge, r/, r//, r///, reddit petty revenge, reddit, reddit top posts, reddit funny posts, darkfluff petty revenge, darkfluff revenge, best of reddit, petty revenge, reddit top post, karen, revenge on karen, funny karen, funny karen videos, funny karen moments, karen fail, petty revenge karen, vegan, vegan fails, fake vegan, vegan stories, funny vegan stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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